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2019年英语中级翻译资格考试笔译冲刺练习题(7) What Is an American ? (by Michel-Guillaume de Crevecoeur)

Michel-Guillaume de Crevecoeur (1735-1813) was born in France and came to the American colonies as a military in the French army. He became a naturalized American and settled

down to farming. Between 1765 and 1780 he wrote on American life. He returned to France in 1780, came back to America in 1783, and became French consul in New York. In 1790 he went back to France where he lived the rest of his life.

I wish I could be acquainted with the feelings and

thought which must agitate the heart and present themselves

to the mind of an enlightened Englishman, when he first lands on this continent. He must greatly rejoice, that he lived at

a time to see this fair country discovered and settled; he must necessarily feel a share of national pride, when he

views the chain of settlements which embellishes these extended shores. When he says to himself, this is the work of my countrymen who, when convulsed by factions, afflicted by a variety of miseries and wants, restless and impatient, took refuge here. They brought along with them their national genius, to which they principally owe what liberty they enjoy, and what substance they possess. Here he sees the industry of his native country, displayed in a new manner, and traces in their works the embryos of all the arts, sciences, and ingenuity which flourish in Europe. Here he beholds fair cities, substantial villages, extensive fields, an immense country filled with decent houses, good roads, orchards, meadows, and bridges, where a hundred years ago all was wild, woody, and uncultivated !

. . . . . .

After a foreigner from any part of Europe is arrived,

and become a citizen; let him devoutly listen to the voice of our great parent, which says to him, “Welcome to my shores, distressed European; bless the hour in which thou didst see

my verdant fields, my fair navigable rivers, and my green mountains ! - If thou wilt work, I have bread for thee; if

thou wilt be honest, sober and industrious, I have greater rewards to confer on thee - ease and independence. I will

give thee fields to feed and clothe thee; a comfortable fire-side to sit by, and tell thy children by what means thou hast prospered; and a decent bed to repose on. I shall endow thee, beside, with the immunities of a freeman. If thou wilt

carefully educate thy children, teach them gratitude to God, and reverence to that government, that philanthropic government, which has collected here so many men and made

them happy, I will also provide for thy progeny: and to

every good man this ought to be the most holy, the most powerful, the most earnest wish he can possibly form, as well as the most consolatory prospect when he dies. Go thou, and work and till; thou shalt prosper, provided thou be just, grateful and industrious.”


settle, (移民)定居,安家;agitate使激动,刺激;enlightened, 开明的;fair, 美丽的;embellish,装饰,装点;factions: (宗教)的

派系;thou=you, thy= your, thee为you的宾语。-st为动词词尾(现

代英语中已不用);navigable, 可通航的;immunities (豁免)特权。



























2019考研英语一真题翻译参考答案及解析 考研历年真题一定要用好,研究好。结合大纲和真题来选择辅导用书是最明智的。本文带大家回顾2019考研英语一真题翻译参考答案及解析: Part C Directions: Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Your translation should be written neatly on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) It was only after I started to write a weekly column about the medical journals, and began to read scientific papers from beginning to end, that I realised just how bad much of the medical literature frequently was. I came to recognise various signs of a bad paper: the kind of paper that purports to show that people who eat more than one kilo of broccoli a week were 1.17 times more likely than those who eat less to suffer late in life from pernicious anaemia. (46) There is a great deal of this kind of nonsense in the medical journals which, when taken up by broadcasters and the lay press, generates both health scares and short-lived dietary enthusiasms. Why is so much bad science published? A recent paper, titled “The Natural Selection of Bad Science”, published on the Royal Society’s open science website, attempts to answer this intriguing and important question. It says that the problem is not merely that people do bad science, but that our current system of career advancement positively encourages it. What is important is not truth, but publication, which has become almost an end in itself. There has been a kind of inflationary process at work: (47) nowadays anyone applying for a research post has to have published twice the number of papers that would have been required for the same post only 10 years ago. Never mind the quality, then, count the number. (48) Attempts have been made to curb this tendency, for example, by trying to incorporate some measure of quality as well as quantity int o the assessment of an applicant’s papers. This is the famed citation index, that is to say the number of times a paper has been quoted elsewhere in the scientific literature, the assumption being that an important paper will be cited more often than one of small account. (49) This would be reasonable if it were not for the fact that scientists can easily arrange to cite themselves in their future publications, or get associates to do so for them in return for similar favours. Boiling down an individual’s o utput to simple metrics, such as number of publications or journal impacts, entails considerable savings in time, energy and ambiguity. Unfortunately, the long-term costs of using simple quantitative metrics to assess researcher merit are likely to be quite great. (50) If we are serious about ensuring that our science is both meaningful and reproducible, we must ensure that our institutions encourage that kind of science. 46-50参考答案及解析:


英语翻译二级笔译实务模拟试题及答案解析(15) (1/1)Section ⅠEnglish-Chinese Translation Translate the following two passages into Chinese. Part A Compulsory Translation 第1题 This week and next, governments, international agencies and nongovernmental organizations are gathering in Mexico City at the World Water Forum to discuss the legacy of global Mulhollandism in water—and to chart a new course. They could hardly have chosen a better location. Water is being pumped out of the aquifer on which Mexico City stands at twice the rate of replenishment. The result: the city is subsiding at the rate of about half a meter every decade. You can see the consequences in the cracked cathedrals, the tilting Palace of Arts and the broken water and sewerage pipes. Every region of the world has its own variant of the water crisis story. The mining of groundwaters for irrigation has lowered the water table in parts of India and Pakistan by 30 meters in the past three decades. As water goes down, the cost of pumping goes up, undermining the livelihoods of poor farmers. What is driving the global water crisis? Physical availability is part of the problem. Unlike oil or coal, water is an infinitely renewable resource, but it is available in a finite quantity. With water use increasing at twice the rate of population growth, the amount available per person is shrinking—especially in some of the poorest countries. Challenging as physical scarcity may be in some countries, the real problems in water go deeper. The 20th-century model for water management was based on a simple idea: that water is an infinitely available free resource to be exploited, dammed or diverted without reference to scarcity or sustainability. Across the world, water-based ecological systems—rivers, lakes and watersheds—have been taken beyond the frontiers of ecological sustainability by policy makers who have turned a blind eye to the consequences of over-exploitation. We need a new model of water management for the 21st century. What does that mean? For starters, we have to stop using water like there's no tomorrow—and that means using it more efficiently at levels that do not destroy our environment. The buzz-phrase at the Mexico Water forum is "integrated water resource management." What it means is that governments need to manage the private demand of different users and manage this precious resource in the public interest. 下一题 (1/1)Section ⅡChinese-English Translation This section consists of two parts, Part A—"Compulsory Translation" and Part B— "Choice of Two Translations" consisting of two sections "Topic 1" and "Topic 2". For the passage in Part A and your choice of passages in Part B, translate the underlined portions, including titles, into English. Above your translation of Part A, write "Compulsory Translation" and above your translation from Part B, write "Topic 1" or "Topic 2". 第2题 能源是人类社会赖以生存和发展的重要物质基础。纵观人类社会发展的历史,人类文明的每一次重大进步都伴随着能源的改进和更替。能源的开发利用极大地推进了世界经济和人类社会的发展。


初中英语句子翻译练习 翻译1 1.下次你应该早点儿来这儿。 2.你最好不要单独去游泳。 3.让我们开始讨论这个难题吧。 4.这箱子太重,这小孩搬不动。 5.每天我父亲去上班需要一个半小时。6.瞧!树下有一位老人正在观看孩子们玩游戏。 7.我感到这个问题很难回答。 8.虽然他们个子不太高,人也不太强壮,但他们是一支很好的队伍。 9.你的英语学习情况怎样? 10.当我们到达火车站时,火车已开走了。11.这位老人已当了30多年英语老师了。12.她脸色显得很焦急,因为她妈妈已病了些时候了。 13.中华人民共和国成立于1949年10月1日。 14.如果你不理解这篇课文,可以请教老师。15.这两种语言有什么差异? 16.为了将来更好地为人民服务,我们学习非常刻苦。 17.据说城里又建造了一所医院。 18.据说今天下午开班会,但你最好去证实一下。 19.她宁愿和我们一道去也不愿呆在家里。20.星期天我宁愿看书也不愿玩。21.这颗新星是一位中国科学家发现的。22.他给我们提供了一条有用的信息。23.请立刻给我带两瓶牛奶来吧。24.你们最好不要在大街上踢足球。25.他已被派到西藏(Tibet)工作去了吗? 26.教育上已取得了很大的成绩。27.不要嘲笑那些遇到麻烦的人。28.我把窗户关上你不介意吧? 29.做完作业后,他又接着给父母写了一封信。 30.他用了三周时间看完了这本书。31.不要躺在床上看电视,这对你的眼睛有害。 32.从那以后我不再是个学生了。33.我朋友因唱歌而出了名。 . 34.你吃得越多,长得越胖。 35.他告诉了我,我才知道这件事。36.你能告诉我从上海到北京乘火车需要多长时间吗? 37.从北京到上海的单程票价是多少? 38.我不仅会说英语,而且会说法语39.他给我们讲了那么多有趣的故事,我们都哈哈大笑 40.那城市的变化使他们感到惊奇。41.他们对你们的工作评价很高。42.如今,人们彼此间仍旧做着相同的事。


初中英语翻译题解题技巧: 翻译题在初中英语试题中占15分,题型分为两种,一种是汉译英(11分),它分为部分翻译5个和整句翻译3个,另一种是英译汉(4分)。 汉译英谈谈解题技巧: 可以从时态、语态、固定短语、主谓一致、基本句型等许多方面来考查。 汉译英题的解题步骤如下: 1.通读汉语,了解这个句子所要表达的意思 2.阅读英文,找出其中要考查的内容,揣摩出题人的意图,并分析。 3.观察一下要求翻译的汉语,然 后联想一下相关的词汇、句型,并考虑时态、语态、词形变化、主谓一致等问题。 4.翻译出所缺的英文部分。 5.将翻译好的句子再通读一遍,并从时态、语态、词形、数的一致等方面检查一下。 a.上课做笔记是个好习惯。 It’s a good habbit to _____ in class. 观察后发现考查的内容为一个短语,所以经过联想,想到take notes 这个短语,并注意复数形式。 b.几年来,他拍了几部大片。 ____________________________ 这是一个整句翻译,首先想到“几年来”这个短语over the years,它是固定短语,然后想到它所用到的时态为现在完成时,所以这个句子写成:Over the years, he has made some great movies. c.必须经常浇树。 一看到这个题目,有的同学有些发懵,因为这个句子没有主语,那么就要想到被动语态,而且是含有“必须”这个情态动词,这时就可以联想到含有情态动词的被动语态的构成:主语+情态动词 +be +p.p 所以这个句子写成:

Trees must be watered often. 英译汉解题步骤如下: 1.浏览整段文章,清楚大概内容。 2.分析划线部分的句子含义,遇到不会的生词,要从上下文的内容中来猜测。 3.整理好所思考的句子,注意英汉语言方面的差异,所翻译好的句子必须符合汉语逻辑思维,而且语言 要通顺,意思要明确。 eg. Do dogs wear shoes? Some police dogs in western Germany do. People made special shoes for them. Police say that these shoes can protect the dogs from broken glass. 翻译这句话时,必须把“do”翻译出来,否则意思不明确。根据上下文”do”表示穿鞋, 所以整句翻译为:有些德国西部的警犬穿鞋。 那么,想做好这种类型的题,平时必须多下功夫,必须做到: 1.熟练掌握常用的词汇、短语、习惯用语和固定搭配的用法。 2.掌握各种句型结构。 3.掌握各种时态、语态及主谓一致原则。 4.具有用英语思维的习惯。 5.熟读课文,万变不离其宗,无论怎样变化,考试都离不开教材这个大的考纲。 英语翻译技巧: 英汉两种语言在句法、词汇、修辞等方面均存在着很大的差异,因此在进行英汉互译时必然会遇到很多困难,需要有一定的翻译技巧作指导。


全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语(二)考试大 纲(非英语专业)(2020年版) I.考试性质 英语(二)考试主要是为高等院校和科研院所招收专业学位硕士研究生而设置的具有选拔性质的全国统一入学考试科目。其目的是科学、公平、有效地测试考生对英语语言的运用能力,评价的标准是高等学校非英语专业本科毕业生所能达到的及格或及格以上水平,以保证被录取者具有 一定的英语水平,并有利于各高等学校和科研院所在专业上择优选拔。 II .考查内容 考生应掌握下列语言知识和技能: (一)语言知识 1?语法知识 考生应能熟练地运用基本的语法知识,其中包括:

(1)名词、代词的数和格的构成及其用法 (2)动词时态、语态的构成及其用法; (3)形容词与副词的比较级和最高级的构成及其用法; (4)常用连接词的词义及其用法; (5)非谓语动词(不定式、动名词、分词)的构成及其用法; (6)虚拟语气的构成及其用法; (7)各类从句(定语从句、主语从句、表语从句等)及强调句型的结构及其用法; (8)倒装句、插入语的结构及其用法。 2.词汇 考生应能较熟练地掌握 5 500个左右常用英语词汇以及相关常用词组(详见附录相关部分)。考生应能根据具体语境、句子结构或上下文理解一些非常用词的词义。 (二)语言技能 1?阅读 考生应能读懂不同题材和体裁的文字材料。题材包括经济、管理、社会、文化、科普等,体裁包括说明文、议论文和记叙文等。

根据阅读材料,考生应能: (1)理解主旨要义; (2)理解文中的具体信息; (3)理解语篇的结构和上下文的逻辑关系 (4)根据上下文推断重要生词或词组的含义 (5)进行一定的判断和推理; (6)理解作者的意图、观点或态度。 2?写作 考生应能根据所给的提纲、情景或要求完成相应的短文写作。短文应中心思想明确、切中题意、结构清晰、条理清楚、用词恰当、无明显语言错误。 III.考试形式、考试内容与试卷结构 (一)考试形式 考试形式为笔试。考试时间为180分钟。满分为100分试卷包括试题册和1张答题卡。考生应将英语知识运用和阅读理解部 分的答案按要求涂写在答题卡相应题号的选项上,将英译汉和写作部分 的答案书写在答题卡指定位置的边框区域内


初三英语句子翻译精选练习及答案 导读:我根据大家的需要整理了一份关于《初三英语句子翻译精选练习及答案》的内容,具体内容:句子翻译大家可能会有一定的难度,加强练习翻译,找到答题方法很重要。下面我整理了初三英语句子翻译精选练习及答案,希望对你的学习有帮助!初三英语句子翻译:1. 你一到那里请...句子翻译大家可能会有一定的难度,加强练习翻译,找到答题方法很重要。下面我整理了初三英语句子翻译精选练习及答案,希望对你的学习有帮助! 初三英语句子翻译: 1. 你一到那里请就打电话给我。 _______________________________________________________________ _________ 2. 她决定不把这令人震惊的消息告诉他人。 _______________________________________________________________ _________ 3. 将来有一天,我将亲自去看看长城。 _______________________________________________________________ _________

4. 好好休息,你会好些的。 _______________________________________________________________ _________ 5. 整个世界都呈现在我们面前。 _______________________________________________________________ _________ 6. 在我们学校图书馆里有好几千本书。 __________________________________________________________ 7. 扬州园林(Yangzhou Gardens)不仅在中国出名,而且在全世界也很有名。 __________________________________________________________ 8. 谁将应邀主持下周的演出? __________________________________________________________ 9. 在这个公园里,除非你有地图,否则很容易迷路。 __________________________________________________________ 10. 对他们来说,像以前那样经常见到这样的美景不容易了。 __________________________________________________________ 初三英语句子翻译参考答案 1. Please call me as soon as you arrive there. 2. She decided to tell nobody the exciting and amazing news.


英语翻译二级口译综合能力模拟试题及答案解析(2) (1~5/共25题)Part Ⅲ Listen to the following longer passages and then choose the best answer to each of the questions by blackening the corresponding circle. You may need to scribble a few notes in order to answer the questions satisfactorily. There are 20 questions in this part of the test, two points for each question. Passage One Play00:0002:53 Volume 第1题 Which country exerts most efforts in educational reform? A.America. B.Germany. C.Britain. D.Estonia. 第2题 What has Britain done in its structural reform? A.It has put emphasis on the Charter schools. B.It has gotten rid of the under-performing school. C.It has established a database. D.It has made schools independent of local government. 第3题 Why have academy pupils′ results been improved faster? A.More state-funded schools have the power of autonomy. B.About 4, 000 secondary schools have been set free. C.The academy program gives schools more autonomy. D.Academy schools could design the curriculum on their own. 第4题 What can be inferred from the example of the pass-rate? A.The huge progress has been made in 16 years ago. B.The academies program has yielded great success. C.India and Kenya will follow the step of Britain. D.The ARK academy chain is a variety of the academic program. 第5题 What is the biggest concern of Mr. Gove? A.His working style. B.His staff. C.His election. D.The momentum of the program. 下一题 (6~10/共25题)Part Ⅲ Listen to the following longer passages and then choose the best answer to each of the questions by blackening the corresponding circle. You may need to scribble a few notes in order to answer the questions satisfactorily. There are 20 questions in this part of the test, two points for each


全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语(一) 考试大纲 ( 非英语专业 )(2020年版) I.考试性质 英语 ( 一 ) 考试是为高等学校和科研院所招收硕士研究生而设置的具有选拔性质的全国 统一入学考试科目,其目的是科学、公平、有效地测试考生对英语语言的运用能力,评价的 标准是高等学校非英语专业本科毕业生所能达到的及格或及格以上水平,以保证被录取者具有一定的英语水平,并有利于各高等学校和科研院所在专业上择优选拔。 II.考查目标 考生应掌握下列语言知识和技能: ( 一) 语言知识 1.语法知识 考生应能熟练地运用基本的语法知识。 本大纲没有专门列出对语法知识的具体要求,其目的是鼓励考生用听、说、读、写的实践代替单纯的语法知识学习,以求考生在交际中能更准确、自如地运用语法知识。 2. 词汇 考生应能掌握5500 左右的词汇以及相关附表中的内容( 详见附录1、 2) 。 除掌握词汇的基本含义外,考生还应掌握词汇之间的词义关系,如同义词、近义词、反 义词等 ; 掌握词汇之间的搭配关系,如动词与介词、形容词与介词、形容词与名词等 ; 掌握词汇生成的基本知识,如词源、词根、词缀等。 英语语言的演化是一个世界范围内的动态发展过程,它受到科技发展和社会进步的影响。这意味着需要对本大纲词汇表不断进行研究和定期的修订。 此外,全国硕士研究生入学英语统一考试是为非英语专业考生设置的。考虑到交际的需要, 考生还应自行掌握与本人工作或专业相关的词汇,以及涉及个人好恶、生活习惯和宗教信仰等方面的词汇。 ( 二) 语言技能 1.阅读 考生应能读懂选自各类书籍和报刊的不同类型的文字材料( 生词量不超过所读材料总词汇量的 3%),还应能读懂与本人学习或工作有关的文献资料、技术说明和产品介绍等。对所 选材料,考生应能: 1)理解主旨要义 ; 2)理解文中的具体信息 ; 3)理解文中的概念性含义 ;


翻译二级笔译实务模拟28 (总分:50.00,做题时间:90分钟) 一、Section Ⅰ English-Chinese Translation(总题数:0,分数:0.00) 二、Compulsory Translation(总题数:1,分数:30.00) 1.This week and next, governments, international agencies and nongovernmental organizations are gathering in Mexico City at the World Water Forum to discuss the legacy of global Mulhollandism in water—and to chart a new course. They could hardly have chosen a better location. Water is being pumped out of the aquifer on which Mexico City stands at twice the rate of replenishment. The result: the city is subsiding at the rate of about half a meter every decade. You can see the consequences in the cracked cathedrals, the tilting Palace of Arts and the broken water and sewerage pipes. Every region of the world has its own variant of the water crisis story. The mining of groundwaters for irrigation has lowered the water table in parts of India and Pakistan by 30 meters in the past three decades. As water goes down, the cost of pumping goes up, undermining the livelihoods of poor farmers. What is driving the global water crisis? Physical availability is part of the problem. Unlike oil or coal, water is an infinitely renewable resource, but it is available in a finite quantity. With water use increasing at twice the rate of population growth, the amount available per person is shrinking—especially in some of the poorest countries. Challenging as physical scarcity may be in some countries, the real problems in water go deeper. The 20th-century model for water management was based on a simple idea: that water is an infinitely available free resource to be exploited, dammed or diverted without reference to scarcity or sustainability. Across the world, water-based ecological systems—rivers, lakes and watersheds—have been taken beyond the frontiers of ecological sustainability by policy makers who have turned a blind eye to the consequences of over-exploitation. We need a new model of water management for the 21st century. What does that mean? For starters, we have to stop using water like there"s no tomorrow—and that means using it more efficiently at levels that do not destroy our environment. The buzz-phrase at the Mexico Water forum is "integrated water resource management." What it means is that governments need to manage the private demand of different users and manage this precious resource in the public interest. (分数:30.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:() 解析:本周,世界水论坛在墨西哥城开幕,论坛将一直持续到下周。来自政府、国际机构和非政府组织的代表们齐聚一堂,探讨全球用水遗留问题,共商未来用水大计。 会议选址墨西哥城再合适不过。墨西哥城地下蓄水层的开采速度是地下水补给速度的2倍,由此造成墨西哥城以10年50厘米的速度不断下沉,现在,这里的许多教堂出现裂隙,艺术宫日益倾斜,水管和排污管道开裂。 世界上每个地区都面临水危机,只不过表现形式不同而已。在过去30年间,印度和巴基斯坦的部分地区大肆开采地下水用于农业灌溉,致使水位下降了30米,开采成本随之升高,给当地贫苦农民的生计带来严重影响。 全球水危机的成因是什么?部分原因是实际可用水资源短缺。水不同于石油或煤炭,是一种无限可再生资源,但是可用水资源却十分有限。目前,用水增加速度是人口增速的2倍,人均可用水资源在不断减少,一些最不发达国家尤其如此。

中考句子翻译 精选89题

初中英语句子翻译精选 根据所给中文完成句子翻译。 1.下次你应该早点儿来这儿。.2.你最好不要单独去游泳。. 3.让我们开始讨论这个难题吧。. 4.这箱子太重,这小孩搬不动。. 5.每天我父亲去上班需要一个半小时。. 6.瞧!树下有一位老人正在观看孩子们玩游戏。. 7.我感到这个问题很难回答。. 8.虽然他们个子不太高,人也不太强壮,但他们是一支很好的队伍。 . 9.你的英语学习情况怎样? ? 10.当我们到达火车站时,火车已开走了。. 11.这位老人已当了30多年英语老师了。. 12.她脸色显得很焦急,因为她妈妈已病了些时候了。. 13.中华人民共和国成立于1949年10月1日。. 14.如果你不理解这篇课文,可以请教老师。. 15.这两种语言有什么差异? 16.为了将来更好地为人民服务,我们学习非常刻苦。. 17.据说城里又建造了一所医院。. 18.据说今天下午开班会,但你最好去证实一下。. 19.她宁愿和我们一道去也不愿呆在家里。.20.星期天我宁愿看书也不愿玩。. 21.这颗新星是一位中国科学家发现的。.22.他给我们提供了一条有用的信息。. 23.请立刻给我带两瓶牛奶来吧。.24.你们最好不要在大街上踢足球。 25.他已被派到西藏(Tibet)工作去了吗? 26.教育上已取得了很大的成绩。.27.不要嘲笑那些遇到麻烦的人。 28.我把窗户关上你不介意吧?

29.做完作业后,他又接着给父母写了一封信。.30.他用了三周时间看完了这本书。.31.不要躺在床上看电视,这对你的眼睛有害。. 32.从那以后我不再是个学生了。. 33.我朋友因唱歌而出了名。. 34.你吃得越多,长得越胖。 35.他告诉了我,我才知道这件事。.36.你能告诉我从上海到北京乘火车需要多长时间吗? ? 37.从北京到上海的单程票价是多少? 38.我不仅会说英语,而且会说法语。 39.他给我们讲了那么多有趣的故事,我们都哈哈大笑。. 40.那城市的变化使他们感到惊奇。 41.他们对你们的工作评价很高。.42.如今,人们彼此间仍旧做着相同的事。.43.使我吃惊的是,最后他考试及格了。 44.我已经提醒他要提防这个人。.45.球迷们(fan)正忙于看“世界杯”。.46.老师要求我们保持教室内的清洁和安静。.47.孩子们最好不要过多地玩电脑游戏。.48.我们坚信中国明天会更美好。.49.必须采取措施防止这类事故再次发生。 50.这座山没有你想像得那么危险。 51.从今以后,你必须更加小心。.52.我想这是我读过的最好的小说(novel)之一。.53.虽然他已不在人世,但他的精神还继续存在。 54.他关心别人胜过关心自己。.55.他们努力地干,以便尽快完成这项工作。.56.当你离开的时候,务必关掉所有的机器。. 57.那座山上终年积雪。.58.我听说三分之二的工作已完成了。.59.他不知道他妈妈为什么生他的气。.


英语翻译二级笔译综合能力模拟试题及答案解析(7) (1/20)Vocabulary Selection In this part, there are 20 incomplete sentences. Below each sentence, there are 4 choices respectively marked by letters A, B, C and D. Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. There is only ONE right answer. Blacken the corresponding letter as required on your Machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET. 第1题 All the students of this university have free________to the Internet via a broadband connection. A.access B.entrance C.permission D.passageway 下一题 (2/20)Vocabulary Selection In this part, there are 20 incomplete sentences. Below each sentence, there are 4 choices respectively marked by letters A, B, C and D. Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. There is only ONE right answer. Blacken the corresponding letter as required on your Machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET. 第2题 We can find a full______of his political belief in his newly-published books. https://www.doczj.com/doc/857360907.html,position B.exposition C.deposition D.disposition 上一题下一题 (3/20)Vocabulary Selection In this part, there are 20 incomplete sentences. Below each sentence, there are 4 choices respectively marked by letters A, B, C and D. Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. There is only ONE right answer. Blacken the corresponding letter as required on your Machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET. 第3题 He was always finding________with his daughter′s friends. A.blame B.error C.mistake D.fault 上一题下一题 (4/20)Vocabulary Selection In this part, there are 20 incomplete sentences. Below each sentence, there are 4 choices respectively marked by letters A, B, C and D. Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. There is only ONE right answer. Blacken the corresponding letter as required on your Machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET. 第4题 This silk has gone right ________ and we have not sold a single piece of it for weeks.

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