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To be an effective speaker

Good morning, everybody. I’m Tian Keshun. It’s a great

pleasure to share my opinion about being an effective speaker with you.

A great speech does not just happen, which means it should

be well prepared. In my view, making a good speech is a

process instead of a simple result. Full preparations in your

materials and speaking skills are crucial to making an effective

speech. Firstly, you should be clear about your purpose of speaking, your target audience and your speech. Your paragraphs should be consistent, and your sentences

coherent. Secondly, you should apply the following speaking

skills. Practice as much as you can, because it’s the way to

make perfect. Be confident, relax and calm your nervous, and

these will help you make a good performance. Note non-

verbal communication skills. Pay attention to your posture and

gestures such as establishing eye contact with your audience.

At the right time you can make some communication with your audience.It also can reduce your stress.With good materials, effective skills and more practice, you definitely will become an effective speaker.

These are my personal views. Thank you for listening!


关于时间的英语演讲稿范文 hello, dear teachers and fellow students. it is my honor to be here on this beautiful friday morning to share with you my view on “me- time”. in my opinion,finding me-time is important. with the development of the modern society, we students in china have more and more pressure. we have to spare every minute to study very hard and join various kinds of out-of-class training courses to improve ourselves. so we are really in lack of me-time which is helpful to keep ourselves from being over-stressed、tired and worried. i do not have as much fun as before and i always miss my childhood. three hours of homework and two piano lessons one day make me have hardly any me-time to relax myself. i was once an active basketball player on my school team. but now, basketball, my best friend, i haven’t touched it for almost two months. me- time seems to have bee a luxury. last week, when i heard there was going to be a basketball match between our school and no 1 middle school, i was so excited that i rushed home and told my parents the news. i asked my father, “ dad, may i play basketball after school ? the coach says i am the best guard in our school. if i join the school basketball team, we are sure to beat no 1 middle school this time.” my father showed his dispproval and said, “ of course you can’t . i’m disappointed at you. why do you have such a silly idea? don’t forget to work hard on your schoolwork and piano lessons.” in my parents’ points of view, playing basketball is a waste of time as far as i’m concerned, the school assignment to the junior school students is too heavy. to grow into healthy and well-rounded adults, we should be allowed to have more me-time for relaxation. the pressure put on our students by excessive schoolwork can cause serious stress, which is unhealthy physically and mentally. my dear teachers, i hope you can assign less homework so we students can enjoy a period of me-time. my dear parents, would you please not follow me and remind me of study all the time? please trust me that i will do my best. my dear friends, why not stop for a while from your heavy homework


高考英语作文写作技巧是什么 高考英语作文的写作技巧 一:开头 句子的开头方式,不要一味地都是主语开头,接着是谓语、宾语,最后再加一个状语。可以把状语置于句首,或用分词做状语等。 〔原文〕We met at the school gate and went there together early in the morning. 〔修正〕Early in the morning we met at the school gate and went there together. 〔原文〕The young man couldn’t help crying when he heard the bad news. 〔修正〕Hearing the bad news, the young man couldn’t help crying. 二:经过 2.在整篇文章中,避免只使用一两个句式,要灵活运用诸如倒装句、强调句、主从复合句、分词状语等。 ①强调句 〔原文〕I met him in the street yesterday.

〔修正〕It was in the street that I met him yesterday. It was yesterday that I met him in the street. ②由with或without引导的短语。如: He sat in a chair with a newspaper in the hand. ③分词短语。如: Satisfied with the result,He decided to go on with a new experiment. ④倒装句。如: Only in this way can we achieve our goal. Not only should we study in the college, but also learn how to be a decent person. ⑤省略句。如: If so,victory will be ours. You can make some changes wherever necessary. 3.通过分句和合句,增强句子的连贯性和表现力。 〔原文〕He stopped us half an hour ago. He made us catch the next offender.


高中生青春励志英文演讲稿范文 What would you do if you failed? Many people may choose to give up. However the surest way to suess is to keep your direction and stick to your goal. On your way to suess you must keep your direction. It is just like a lamp guiding you in darkness and helping you overe obstacles on your way. Otherwise you will easily get lost or hesitate to go ahead. Direction means objectives. You can get nowhere without an objective in life. You can try to write your objective on paper and make some plans to achieve it. In this way you will know how to arrange your time and to spend your time properly. And you should also have a belief that you are sure to sueed as long as you keep your direction all the time. 翻译:


论文英语摘要的写作技巧 一、选择正确的句式表达 (一)提出研究目的 1、常用句型 The purpose/aim/objective/goal of present study is to......; The present study is designed/devised/intended to......; This study was performed/conducted/carried out/undertaken to......; 2、常用动词 研究:study, investigate, explore; 评价:evaluate, validate; 确定:determine, confirm, support; 阐明:explain, elucidate, clarify, illustrate; 介绍:describe, present, report; 建立:establish, develop, set out; 寻找:search for, find; 区分:identify, discriminate; 比较:compare; 回顾:review (二)介绍研究方法 1、研究对象选择 纳入研究:were entered in/selected....; 排除研究:be excluded from participation...;

withdrew from the study due to; 2、研究对象分组 were divided/classified/grouped/randomized into... (三)展示研究成果 结果表明:The results showed/demonstrated/revealed/documented that...; 增加:increase, rise, elevate; 增加到:increase from... to...; (四)得出研究结论 1、“支持”或“反对”:The results support or fail to support the idea that...; 2、“确定”或“不确定”: There is no evidence that ...; It is likely/unlikely that...; 二、使用正确的时态和语态 在论文的英文摘要中,目的部分常用一般现在时表示;方法部分是对所做研究的描述,通常用一般过去时表示;结果部分是一篇文章所得的根据,反映最真实的研究数据,一般用过去时表示;结论部分反映的是作者的观点和见解,通常用过去时、现在时或现在完成时表示。 三、使用规范的标点符号 中文句号为“。”,英文为“.”;


2008高考英语写作实用技巧 (一)掌握技巧:(1)注意篇章结构,合理布局开始部分(opening paragraph)——说出文中的要点、核心问题。正文部分(Body paragraphs)——围绕主题开展叙述、讨论。结尾部分(concluding paragraphs)——对全文的总结和概括。要做到全文中心突出、段落之间必须是有机地联系,内容完整、连贯。前后呼应,祛除与主题无关的内容.(2)确定主题句主题句是对全文的概括,是文章的主旨。它能在文章中起到“画龙点睛”的作用。通常主题句出现在一篇文章的开头,而后,全文对主题句所提出的内容进行解释,扩展。写主题句应注意以下几点:①归纳出你要写的文章的几个要点②提炼出一句具有概括性的话③主题句应具有可读性,抓住、吸引读者。(二)巧用连接词要想使文章有整体性、连贯性,就要学会正确使用连接词表示罗列增加First, second, third,First, then / next, after that / next, finallyFor one thing … for another…,On (the) one hand…on the other hand,Be sides / what’s more / in addition / furthermore / moreover / another / also,Especially / In particular,表示时间顺序now, at present, recently,after, afterwards, after that, after a while, in a few days,at first, in the beginning, to begin with,later, next, finally,immEDiately, soon, suddenly, all of a sudden, at that moment, as soon as, the momentform now on, from then on,at the same time, meanwhile,till, not…until, before, after, when, while, as during, 表示解释说明now, in addition, for example, for instance, in this case, moreoverfurthermore, in fact, actually表示转折关系but, however, while, though, or, otherwise, on the contrary, on the otherhand, in contrast, despite, in spite of, even though, except (for), instead, of course, after all,表示并列关系or, and, also, too, not only …but also, as well as, both… and, either …or, neither …nor


青春励志英文演讲稿(精选多篇) 尊敬的老师们、同学们: 大家好! 青春是什么,难道是携子之手,浪漫而温馨地漫步于桃红柳绿之中吗难道是把头发染成五颜六色,在大街上旁若无人地大跳千奇百怪的街舞吗难道是无休止地泡吧,疯狂地蹦迪吗有些人一直在成长的十字路口徘徊。但是,我要问:难道青春仅仅就只剩下这些了吗青春可以是远大的志向和崇高的理想;青春还可以是面对峰回路转,霹雳斩棘,举步探索的毅力。 青春不仅仅是一声声的赞美,它更是拥有使命并为之奋斗不息的源泉。因为生命的光环一个个被践踏的躯体赋予

了新的灵魂;因为青春的绚丽,一个个飞舞的思绪会聚成一首悲壮的挽歌。 时光的老人又一次送来了五月,迎来了又一个“五四”青年节。在这阳光灿烂,安宁详和的幸福生活之时,我不禁想起了那些曾为中华民族的民主,科学,独立而抛头颅洒热血的青年们,是他们,在民族遭受屈辱的时刻挺身而出,以力挽狂澜之势救黎民于苦难。在斗争中,青年们敢于直面惨淡的人生,敢于正视淋漓的鲜血,他们以燃烧的激情和鲜血凝聚成精神的火炬,点燃了未来。这种青春是多么绚丽夺目呀,这种使命是多么震撼人心啊! 青春是美好的,没有使命感的青春便是贫血的青春。青年是祖国的未来,是民族的希望。在任何一个时代,青年都是社会上最富有朝气最富有创造性,最富有生命力的群体。我们要怎样才能实践自己肩负的历史使命,怎么样才能使自己的青春光彩照人呢 放眼看吧,在我们社会主义现代化

建设的征途中,涌现出许多新时代青年的楷模。从伟大的共产主义战士雷锋到以服务祖国需要为乐的王杰,从自学成才的张海迪到科技创新的秦文贵……他们在平凡的岗位上,用五四精神诠释了青春的使命!演绎了一幕幕惊天动地的话剧!谱写了一曲曲壮丽雄浑的青春赞歌! 作为新世纪的我们,要树立远大的理想,人的一生只能享受一次青春,当一个人在年轻是就把自己的人生与人民的事业紧紧相连,他所创造的就是永恒的青春。我们要坚持勤奋学习,立志成才。二十一世纪,信息交流日益广泛,知识更新大大加快。形势逼人自强。催人奋进。我们要跟上时代步伐,更好的为现代化建设贡献力量就必须学习学习再学习,打下坚实的知识功底。在学习中,还要善于创新,善于实践,善于把所学的知识运用到改造主观世界客观世界活动中去,不断成才。同时我们应树立正确的世界观,人生观,价值观,努


英语演讲稿范文精选 英语演讲稿范文精选 英语演讲稿范文精选1 Business breakfasts are mon, and can start as early as 7: 00 a.m. On weekends, many people partake in “brunch”,a bination of lunch and breakfast beginning anywhere from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Moreover, business meetings are somet imes held over “brunch.” Business meetings are frequently held over lunch, which begins at 12:00 noon and sometimes lasts until 2:00 p.m. Lunch is usually a lighter meal, since work continues directly afterward. Additionally, an alcoholic beverage such as wine or beer is sometimes ordered. If you are invited out for a business meal, the host will usually pay. If you are invited out, but your host does not offer to pay, you should be prepared to pay for your own meal. When eating out, the cost is sometimes shared with friends or colleagues, a practice often referred to as


高考英语作文写作技巧 从每年的考试情况来看,很多同学能完整地按照要求把文章写出来,但得分却较低。实际上,高考英语书面表达是一个分值颇高且易得分的题型,只是很多同学没有掌握得分技巧。下面我们一起看看怎样才能让高考作文“拽”起来。 2.书面表达整篇背诵绝无必要,可以以看读为主,关键是从中汲取一些常用的词汇和表达,并能得体熟练地运用。考场上应变能力很重要! 3.英文写作模仿很重要。有时也很有效。但不能过于牵强,尤其是对一些长难句的刻意模仿使用。 5.“见微知著,一叶知秋”,几个亮点足矣:有道是:浓妆淡抹总相宜,作文写得简洁到位要比长篇大论更显功力。 6.心不为形役。不要身陷逐字逐句“英汉对号”式的字面翻译,要把表达的主动权始终握在自己手里。 历届高考,书面表达考得最多是提示作文,即提供一定的情景内容,要求考生完成100词左右的短文。 从命题方式看,有短文提示、要点提示、图画提示、情景提示以及图表提示等;体裁以应用文为主,记叙文为辅:题材为广大中学生所熟悉的日常生活。从提供要点的情景方面看,历届高考书面表达题均属供料小作文,采用文字供料或文字说明加图画(图表)的方式供料。 备考时,同学们要利用有限的时间把以前背的范文整理一下,从中选出不同体裁、不同题材的范文各一篇(范文以高考真题的高分作文为佳),把它们重新记忆,一定记牢。这样,高考时不管什么样的文章都可套用背诵好的格式。避免考场上因紧张而无章可循。 最后阶段,还要总结一下写作时常用且能出彩的固定句型、句式,比如强调句型、定语从句、名诃性从句等,牢记英语的五个基本句式,背诵平时老师总结的万能句。以不变应万变。 考场答题前,应仔细审题,研究所提供的文字和图画(图表)材料和作文要求。分析、提炼要点,理顺要点,确立基本的写作思路,不要忽略任何一个词。关键的词更不能遗漏,构思好写几个方面,缺一不可。


关于青春励志英文演讲稿 everyone has his ownunderstanding of young,it is a period of time of beauty and wonders,only after you have experienced the sour ,sweet ,bitter and salty can you really become a person of significance.thre time of young is limitted,it may pass by without your attention,and when you discover what has happened ,it is always too late.grasping the young well means a better time is waiting for you in the near future,or the situation may be opposite . having a view on these great men in the history of hunmanbeing,they all made full use of their youth time ,to do things that are useful to society,to the whole mankind,and as a cosquence ,they are remembered by later generations,admired by everyone.so do something in the time of young,although you may not get achievements as these greatmen did ,though not for the whole word,just for youeself,for those around! the young is just like blooming flowers,they are so beautiful when blooming,they make people feel happy,but with time passing by,after they withers ,moet people think they are ugly.and so it is the same with young,we are enthusiastic when we are young,then we may lose our passion when getting older and older.so we must treasure it ,don't let the limitted time pass by ,leaving nothing of significance.


概要写作题型解读与技巧 第一部分概要写作总体介绍 1.题型介绍 ◆选材特点 (1)所需阅读的短文词数在350以内; (2)所选材料体裁没有限制,以说明文、议论文和记叙文为主。 ◆评分参考 阅卷时主要考虑以下内容: (1)对原文要点的理解和呈现情况; (2)应用语法结构和词汇的准确性; (3)上下文的连贯性; (4)对各要点表达的独立性情况。 注意:理解准确,涵盖全部要求,完全使用自己的语言,准确使用相应的语法结构和词汇,得分相应比较高。相反,如果概要写作部分出现两句以上整句抄自原文现象,得分档次将会大大降低;所写内容与所提供内容无关不得分。 2考查能力 概要写作,简言之就是对所读过的文章简要概括,写出文章的中心大意,也可称之为摘要。写概要时,读者要是把文章的具体信息用一些具有概括功能的词和句表述出来,而不是抄袭文章的原句,更不是把细节性信息作为中心,而是要通过对文章中的单词、词组和句子进行合理转换,对文章的具体信息进行概括,再用合适的语言表述出来。这一题型主要考查学生对文章主旨大意的概括和准确获取关键词的能力,同时考查学生用简洁的语言概括文章重要信息的能力以及对文章整体结构的把握能力。因此,概要写作是基于阅读理解和书面表达,是二者的有机结合体,是阅读理解和书面表达的沟通桥梁。 第二部分概要写作步骤和方法 一.概括的写作步骤: 1. 确定主题句。确定阅读文章的主题句,一般在段首。没有主题句的需要自己组合。 2. 寻找关键词。分析主题句意义,确定关键词,关键词一般体现为名词、形容词,关键词的数目决定了概括的信息浓度。 3. 重构主题句。概括的主题句逻辑上要统摄后面所有的支撑句。可以从作者的写作目的逆推,反映写作目的主题句是高度抽象的,它基本决定了概括的质量。


英语演讲稿格式范文(5篇) 英语演讲稿格式从大的方面看,英语演讲词实际上是属于一种特殊的说明文或议论文,其基本组成部分是: 1)开始时对听众的称呼语最常用的是Ladies and gentlemen,也可根据不同情况,选用Fellow students,Distinguished guests,MrChairman,Honorable Judges(评委)等等。 2)提出论题由于演讲的时间限制,必须开门见山,提出论题。提出论题的方法有各种各样,但最生动,最能引起注意的是用举例法。比如:你要呼吁大家关心贫穷地区的孩子,你可以用亲眼看到的或者收集到的那些贫穷孩子多么需要帮助的实例开始。另外,用具体的统计数据也是一个有效的引出论题的方法,比如:你要谈遵守交通规则的话题,你可以从举一系列有关车辆、车祸等的数据开始。 3)论证对提出的论题,不可主观地妄下结论,而要进行客观的论证。这是演讲中最需要下功夫的部分。关键是要把道理讲清楚。常见的论证方法有举例法、因果法、对比法等等,可参见英语议论文的有关章节。 4)结论结论要简明扼要,以给听众留下深刻印象。 5)结尾结尾要简洁,不要拉拉扯扯,说个没完。特别是不要受汉语影响,说些类似“准备不足,请谅解”,“请批评指正”这样的废话。最普通的结尾就是:Thank you very much for your attention。 英语演讲稿范文篇一good afternoon, teachers! first please allow me to introduce myself briefly.

my name is xie tianyuan. i am 17 years old. my birthday is jan. 1st . it’s just new year’s day. i come from id 13, grade 2 of junan no. 1 senior high school. i am a cheerful teenager,so my hobbies is extensive. in my spare time i like playing table tennis and soccer.after school, i like to surf the internet or listen to music. i also will put into the reading to enrich my knowledge, in order to understand the world. i like reading and i often borrow books from the school library. i enjoy reading books because the books can make me happy and sunny every day. then i will say sth. about my family. there are three people in my family,my mother,father and me. my father is a strict but kind man. he always puts his own heart on his business. my mother is a teacher. she does pretty well. no matter what they do, or how busy they are, they always give me their deep love. i love them, too. as long as you work hard,there will be a harvest. this is my motto. i’ll follow this path and study hard. that’s all. thank you. 英语演讲稿范文篇二Hi everyone, My name is Dongqi Yang from china, I am horror to be here today and I am very happy to receive this award. As you can imagine, as international students in Australia, the biggest challenge is English,


英语书面表达在高考中日益显得重要,高考书面表达已不只局限于把话说清楚,把意思表达完整,而是要给我们的句子润色,让我们的句子靓起来。如何让我们的英语句子靓起来呢?很多人都强调用连词、介词等词汇手段迅速提高语言水平。但这种方法需要一定的积累,也需要一定的基础。而我觉得通过对低级句型的改造,可以迅速达到这一目的。 ◆强调句:可以轻松地将时间、地点、原因、方式等类型的状语从句转变为强调句。 It was not until I arrived home that I realized I had left the bag on the shop counter. It was then that I realized the importance of English. ◆倒装句:只要句中有介词短语或状语从句,便可将其提前,变成倒装句。 Only when I turned right at the crossing did that car crack towards me. Only by this means can he escape from the big fire. ◆with引导的伴随结构:可以将状语从句或并列句中的其中一个分句变成with结构。 With the sun lighting brightly and the birds singing clearly, I went to school in high spirits He always likes to sleep with the windows open. ◆巧妙地使用非谓语动词:可以将状语从句或并列的动词简化为非谓语动词。 Hearing that, the driver’s wife quickly added that her husband often talked nonsense after drinking. (低级形式:When he heard that, ……) ◆恰到好处的被动句:适合应用于较简短的句子,这样显得语言简洁生动,宾语一般是nothing、anything、everything等不定代词。 Searched all my pockets, but nothing was found。 ◆感叹句:通常用于开头结尾活跃文章气氛,凡是“I feel ……”之类表达感情的句子皆可如此改造。 How terrible I felt today! I failed again in the math exam. ◆高级定语从句:若定语从句中的动词带有介词,只需将介词移至先行词后。 We came to a place to which they had never paid a visit before. ◆进行时态:有时会含有一定情绪,尤其要使用always这样的富含感情色彩的副词。 I am always feeling terrible when I take a bus. ◆婉转表达:需要使用幽默的技巧,主要用于漫画型作文题。 I could find nothing but bad luck when I returned the shop after learning that my handbag had been left on the counter. ◆what引导的名词性从句:将动宾结构转化为此结构。 What he gave me, which I knew, were not only a Christmas present but also a heart full of love and a mind of my existence in it. ◆“数词+名词”变为“as many as+数词+名词”。 As many as ten years ago, my hometown used to be covered by forests ◆适当加一些不关痛痒的插入语:一些连词、副词可以放到句子中间充当语气较弱的插入语,如I guess、however、in a way、certainly、in my opinion、probably、briefly, generally speaking, believe it or not, besides, what’s more等,有时可以考虑几个插入语连用,就更像英美人士的文章了。 ◆独立主格:将主从句去掉连词,前句动词变为分词即可。 The weather being fine, a large number of people went to climb the Western Hills. ◆把简单句改成复合句:适当的时候把两个简单句改成“too….to…”或者“so…that…”等高级一点的复合句。例如: I was very tired. I couldn’t keep up with them.我们可以改成:I was so tired that I couldn’t keep up with them.或:I was too tired to keep up with them.


关于青春励志英语演讲稿 青春是我们挥洒汗水的时期,青春是我们追梦的时期。青春无悔,在自己的青春时光要做到不要留下遗憾。以下是WTT小雅为大家整理了有关于青春励志的英语演讲稿3篇,希望对你有帮助。 关于青春励志英语演讲稿篇1 Leading members and judges, young friends: Hello, everybody! My name is XX, and we are pleased to be able to discuss the pursuit of excellence, dedication youth, this topic, I am going to talk about today is “willing to sacrifice, the fire ignited youth.”; Let the fire burn eternal youth, so that life lightning across the horizon, with all the enthusiasm in exchange for time, there is no end to the dream of youth! I really appreciate the “Agni youth,”; these words inside, and has been encouraging with its own study, work and life. I think that youth should be burned, give off light only value! Burning of one's life may also be corrupt, in that case, I do not want to corrupt, not


新高中英语概要写作答题技巧 概要写作要求读懂所给的阅读材料,用自己的语言高度概括文章的主要内容和观点,有三个步骤:1阅读 a.把握文章体裁。概要写作的前提是要理解原文。首先,通读原文,把握文章体裁、中心思想和整体结构,根据文章的体裁特点来决定内容的取舍,可以从以下方面的内容(见下表)入手。 ▲不同体裁文章的要点 b.画出主题句或关键词,主题句一般出现在段首或段尾。在找到主题句后,要分析主题句的意义,进一步确定衬托主题句的一些关键词(组)如动词、名词等。 c.整合概括大意。根据阅读时获取的信息、主题句或关键词(组)等,对相关的内容进行整合,理清各层次、要点之间的关系,用自己的语言把词(组)扩展成句,归纳出各段落的大意,也就是表达的要点。2写作

概要写作不是对原文的简单复述,而是在透彻理解原文的基础上,对原文进行高度的概括。注意以下几点: a.准确。准确理解原文包括对原文中每个要点及与之相关的“一些重要论据,句子的理解等。概要写作必须绝对忠实于原文,既不能遗漏任何要点,也不能随意添加内容。概要写作的时态顺应与原文的时态,顺序一致。由于概要写作是转述别人的事情或观点,所以,不管原文使用何种人称概要写作一般都要用第三人称。 b.客观。在进行概要写作时,要依据原文作者的观点,客观地转述文中的要点,不要把自己个人的观点和看法掺杂进去,不要使用“I think”和“I believe”等主观性的词句。由于概要写作不允许照抄原文中的句子,因此,可采用句型转换、同义词转化、语态互换等手法将原文中的句子进行改头换面,达到“雁过不留痕”的效果。如可用单个词汇替换具有相同语法功能的单词和词组:用determine 代替“make up ones mind”;用therefore和to等表示逻辑意义的连接词代替较长的词组“as a result”和“in order to”等。 c.简洁。由于概要写作的词数有限,所以,可以采取削“枝”去“叶”的方法来减少词数。通常的方法是去掉原文中的一些实例、冗长的说明、描述性的修饰语以及省略或简化图表,删除直接引语的对话。如果必须保留某些重要的对话,可将其改为间接引语的形式,即把对话体变为叙述体;或采用主谓缩写( we are→we're;they will→they'll),句式省略( when he crossed the road= when crossing the road),合并句子,使用简单句、并列句,with的复合结构,适当使用复合句等方法来进行概要写作。 d.连贯。连接词是内容概要的桥梁,它在句与句或段与段之间起铺垫的作用,能够把内容概要有机地串联起来,确保行文流畅,衔接紧凑。因此,概要写作哪怕只有一个段落,也要根据原文的层次结构,在适当的地方添加连接词,如表示顺序关系的“firstly”¨secondly"“finally”;


英语演讲稿范文(3分钟) individuals in the class body, do not neglect your own existence, you are in class every body part. you know, what you say will affect the class, everyone\’s heart. morning, you usually do not change with the same clothes, not a deliberate show, has long been greet others eyes, while she (he) did not show the share of excitement you might expect; noon, you buy the dumplings and not usually eat rice, this time, you certainly will not find other people\’s attention quietly into the hea rt of the harbour; evening, you may have noted that you in the sports arena in robust posture from time to time lead to her (his) eyes appreciation ; lying about the meeting, or you are the central topic of the night. you know, you group everyone in love with you! do not ignore the people around you who care about you?


青春励志英语演讲稿(中英对照) 青春励志英语演讲稿(中英对照)篇1 Leading members and judges, young friends: Hello, everybody! My name is XX, and we are pleased to be able to discuss the pursuit of excellence, dedication youth, this topic, I am going to talk about today is willing to sacrifice, the fire ignited youth. Let the fire burn eternal youth, so that life lightning across the horizon, with all the enthusiasm in exchange for time, there is no end to the dream of youth! I really appreciate the Agni youth, these words inside, and has been encouraging with its own study, work and life. I think that youth should be burned, give off light only value! Burning of one s life may also be corrupt, in that case, I do not want to corrupt, not corrupt, I would like to burn up! Friends present here! You like it? Youth is our most beautiful season of life, she is breeding in early spring of life, demonstrating a warm summer, with autumn s master real hidden, which makes clear the hope of winter, full of poetic passion and not a lack of hard work, fashion, romantic and full of the hard struggle. When a person s youth integrate into an era, a career, so youth will not go away, and this will certainly cause in the years of experience in the reflection of bright light. 各位领导、评委、青年朋友: 大家好,大家好! 我的名字是某某,我们很高兴能够讨论追求卓越,奉献青春,这一主题,我今天要谈的是愿意牺牲,火灾点燃青年。 让火燃烧永恒的青春,让生命的闪电划过天边,用一切的热情换来时间,没有尽头的青春的梦想!我真的很感激烈火青春这句话里面,并一直鼓励自己的学习、工作和生活。我认为,青春应该被烧掉,只给予光的价值!在这种情况下,我不想腐败,

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