当前位置:文档之家› 剑桥国际儿童英语playway1(完整版)


剑桥儿童英语PLAYWAY 1

UNIT 1: What’s your name? 第一单元:你叫什么名字?


短句:I’m max.

歌曲:What’s your name?


问候;理解录像中的对话;会询问别人的名字;能够介绍自己的名字;会唱歌曲:What’s your name?





1、儿童用书P2-P3短剧:I’m max

Max: Hello. 你好

Linda and Benny: Hello. 你好

Linda: What’s your name? 你叫什么名字?

Max: Aaaaaaah…M…m…m.

Benny: Martin? 是叫Martin吗?

Max: M…m…m.

Linda: Mike? 是叫Mike吗?

Max: M… m…m

Benny: Max? 是叫Max吗?

Max: Yes. Yes. I’m Max. What’s your name? 是的,我叫Max,你叫什么名字呢?Benny: I’m Benny. 我叫Benny。

Max: And what’s your name? 那么你叫什么名字呢?

Linda: I’m Linda. 我叫Linda。

2、歌曲:what’s your name?

1. What’s your name? What’s your name? I’m Li nda. Hello ,hello, hello. hello. hello. hello to you! Hello. hello. hello. hello. hello. hello to you!Hi!

2. What’s your name? What’s your name? I’m Benny. Hello. hello. hello. hello. hello. hello to you! Hello. hello. hello. hello. hello. hello to you!Hi!

3. What’s your name? What’s your name? I’m Max. Hello. hello. hello. hello. hello. hello to you! Hello. hello. hello. hello. hello. hello to you!Hi!



2.活动用书第2页:找出图片中隐藏的三个人物Linda, Benny, Max;为部分图画补充颜色。

UNIT 2:School 第二单元:学校


生词:book; pencil case; scissors; pencil; schoolbag; glue

行动故事:1. Take your pencil case. 2. Put your book in your schoolbag. 短剧:Benny’s flower


歌曲:School is fun


学习单词的意义和发音;理解一系列的指令(行动故事);理解录像中的对话;会唱一首歌曲(School is fun).




儿童用书p4 单词

book书pencil case文具盒scissors剪刀pencil铅笔schoolbag书包glue胶水

1、儿童用书p5行动故事:Take your pencil case

Take your pencil case. 拿起你的文具盒。Put it in your schoolbag. 把文具盒放进书包里。

Take your schoolbag. 拿起你的书包。Go to school. 去上学。

2、儿童用书p6-p7短剧:Benny’s flower

Benny: Help me. Max. 帮帮我吧,Max。

Max: Okay. 好的。

Benny: The red pencil, please. 请给我红色的铅笔。

Max: Okay. The red pencil. 好的, 红色的铅笔。

Benny: The scissors, please. 请给我剪刀。

Max: Okay. The scissors. 好的,剪刀。

Benny: The glue, please. 请给我胶水。

Max: Okay. The glue. 好的,胶水。

Linda: Benny! Benny过来一下。

Benny: Coming!好的,我来了。

Max: The red pencil, the scissors, the glue. Oooooh noooo!


Linda: Max? Max在干嘛?

Max: Here I cam. 我在这里。

Linda: Oh, Max! 噢,Max!

3、歌曲:School is fun

School is fun, school is fun, yeah. yeah. 上学真有趣。


Put your book in your schoolbag. 把你的书放进你的书包。

Put your pencil case in your schoolbag. 把你的文具盒放进你的书包。

Put your scissors in your schoolbag. 把你的剪刀放进你的书包。

Go to school. 去上学。

5、活动用书p5 听力练习

1. Benny: Max? Max?

Max: Yes, Benny. 好的,Benny。

Benny: The pencil and the glue, please. 请给我铅笔和剪刀。

Max: The pencil and the glue. 铅笔和剪刀。

Benny: Thank you. 谢谢。

2. Linda: Max? Max?

Max: Linda. 好的,Linda。

Linda: The pencil case and the scissors, please. 请给我文具盒和剪刀。

Max: The pencil case and the scissors. 文具盒和剪刀。

Linda: Thank you. 谢谢。

3. Max: Benny? Benny?

Benny: Yes, Max. 好的,Max。

Max: The schoolbag and the book, please. 请给我书包和书。

Benny: The school and the book. 书包和书。

Max: Thank you. 谢谢。


1. 活动用书第3页:把拼图从活动用书41页上半部分剪下来,粘到活动用书第3


2. 将学生用书57页下半部分剪下来,贴在6-7页。

UNIT 3:Fruit 第三单元:水果


生词:apple; banana; plum; pear ;one; two; three; four; five

行动故事:1. Open your schoolbag. 2. Put a pear in your schoolbag.

歌谣:Give me a banana.

听力练习:1.Max? 2. Hello.

故事:Going shopping









Open your schoolbag. 打开你的书包。Take out an apple. 拿出一个苹果。

Bite into it. 咬一口。Yummy! 真好吃。


Give me a banana. Here you are. 给我一个香蕉。给你吧。

Give me an apple. Here you are. 给我一个苹果。给你吧。

Give me a plum. Here you are. 给我一个李子。给你吧。

Give me a pear. It’s over there. 给我一个梨子。它在那边。


Storyteller: Linda and Benny are going shopping. Linda和Benny去购物。Linda: Two apples, please. 请给我两个苹果。

Saleswoman: Here you are. 给你吧。

Benny: Three bananas, please. 请给我三个香蕉。

Saleswoman: Here you are. 给你吧。

Linda: Four pears, please. 请给我四个梨子。

Saleswoman: Here you are. Have a plum. 给你吧。吃一个李子吧。

Linda and Benny: Yummy! 真好吃。

Storyteller: Linda and Benny are at home Oh, here’s Max.


Max: So, what’s in the basket? 那么篮子里有什么呢?

Two apples? No. 两个苹果吗?不。

Three bananas? No. No. 三个香蕉吗?不,不。

Four pears? No. No. No. 四个梨子吗?不,不,不。

No apples, no bananas, no pears. 没有苹果,没有香蕉,没有梨子。

It’s…Max! 是Max。


Put a pear in your schoolbag. 把一个梨子放进书包里。

Go to school. 去上学。Take out the pear. 把梨子拿出来。Bite into it. 咬一口。


1. Benny: Max? Max?

Max: Yes, Benny. 好的,Benny。

Benny: Give me two plums, please. 请给我两个李子。

Max: Tow plums. Here you are. 两个李子,给你。

Benny: Thank you. 谢谢。

2. Linda: Max? Max?

Max: Yes, Linda. 好的,Linda。

Linda: Give me an apple and a banana, please. 请给我一个苹果和一个香蕉。Max: An apple and a banana. Here you are. 一个苹果和一个香蕉,给你。Linda: Thank you. 谢谢。

3. Max: Benny? Benny?

Benny: Yes, Max. 好的,Max。

Max: Two pears and two bananas, please. 请给我两个梨子和两个香蕉。Benny: Here you are, Max. 给你,Max。

Max: Thank you. 谢谢。


1. Max: Hello. 你好。

Shopkeeper: Hello, Max. 你好,Max。

Max: Three apples, please. 请给我三个苹果。

2. Linda: Hello. 你好。

Shopkeeper: Hello, Linda. 你好,Linda。

Linda: Four pears, please. 请给我四个梨子。

3. Benny: Hello. 你好。

Shopkeeper: Hello, Benny. 你好,Benny。

Benny: Two bananas, please. 请给我两个香蕉。


1. 活动用书第6页:让孩子把活动用书41页中的水果图片剪下来,粘到活动用书


2. 儿童用书第8页下半部分:用铅笔将图画中不同数量的水果分别圈起来。

3. 学生用书:将附页中的贴图剪下来,贴在学生用书11页。

UNIT 4: Pets 第四单元:宠物


生词:cat; dog; hamster; mouse; duck; rabbit

歌谣:What’s this?

故事:1. The mouse

2.Hello, cat








1、儿童用书p13歌谣:what's this?

1. What’s this? What’s this? Miaow, miaow. A cat, a cat. A cat, Miaow.


2. What’s this? What’s this? Woof, woof, woof, woof, A dog, a dog. A dog, Woof, woof.这是什么?这是什么?汪,汪,汪,汪,一只狗,一只狗,一只狗,汪,汪。

3.What’s this? What’s this? Squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, A mouse, a mouse A mouse, Squeak, squeak.


4. What’s this? What’s this? Quack, quack, quack, quack, A duck, a duck. A duck. Quack, quack.


2、儿童用书p14 故事:The mouse

Mouse: Hello, dog. Squeak, squeak, Let’s play. 你好,小狗。吱吱,我们一起玩吧。Dog: No, go away, Woof, woof. 不,走开。汪汪。

Storyteller: The mouse goes away. 老鼠走开了。

Mouse: Hello, cat. Squeak, squeak. Let’s Play. 你好,小猫。吱吱,我们一起玩吧。Cat: No, go away. Miaow. 不,走开。喵。

Storyteller: The mouse is sad. 老鼠难过了。

Mouse: Hello, rabbit, Hello, hamster. Sq ueak. Squeak. Let’s play.


Rabbit and hamster: No, go away. 不,走开。

Storyteller: The mouse is very sad. 老鼠非常的难过。

Mouse: Oh, what’s this? Wonderful! 哇,这是什么啊?太棒了。

Abracadabra, one, two, three. Oooooh! 1, 2, 3. 哇。

Dog: Woof, woof! Let’s go to the show. 汪汪。我们一起去看表演吧。

Hamster and cat: Yes. 好的。

Mouse: Abracadabra, one, two, three. 1, 2, 3.

Dog: A duck. 一只鸭子。

All the animals: Super! 太精彩了。

3、活动用书p12 故事:Hello!cat.

Dog: Hello, cat. Woof, woof. Let’s play. 你好,小猫。汪汪,我们一起玩吧。Cat: OK, great. Miaow. 好的,太棒了。喵。

Dog: Hello, rabbit. Woof, woof. 你好,兔子。汪汪。

Cat: Hello, rabbit. Miaow. Let’s play. 你好,兔子,喵。我们一起玩吧。Rabbit: Ok, Great. 好的,太棒了。

Cat, Rabbit, Dog: Oh, what’s this? Wonderful. 喔,这是什么啊?太棒了。Ghost: Abracadabra, one, two, three. 1, 2, 3.

Cat, Rabbit, Dog: Oooooooooh. A ghost. Oh no. 喔,有鬼。喔,不。

Ghost: Stop. Let’s play. 停下来。我们一起玩吧。






UNIT 5: Toys 第五单元:玩具


生词:teddy bear; train; plane; car; doll; ball; computer game; puzzle; blue; red; green;

yellow; star; pink

歌谣:Listen, listen

韵律诗:My blue train








teddy bear泰迪熊train火车plane飞机car汽车doll洋娃娃

computer game游戏机ball球puzzle拼图


blue蓝色pink粉色green蓝色red红色yellow黄色star星星1、儿童用书p17歌谣:Listen, listen

Listen, Listen; Vroom, vroom, vroom; 听,听。轰轰轰。

A car, a car; Vroom, vroom, vroom. 一辆小汽车,一辆小汽车。轰轰轰。Listen, Listen, Shh, Shh, shh; 听,听。嘘嘘嘘。

A train, a train; shh; shh; shh. 一列火车,一列火车。嘘嘘嘘。

A car, a train and there’s a plane. 一辆小汽车,一列火车,还有一架飞机。Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz……..

2、儿童用书p18韵律诗:My blue train

My blue train; 我的蓝色的火车;My red plane; 我的红色的飞机;

My green ball; 我的绿色的球;My pink car; 我的粉红色的汽车;

My yellow star. 我的黄色的星星。



2.活动用书第13页:让孩子把本页下方框中的玩具涂上颜色,然后将上方的玩具涂上相同的颜色,并在下方每个玩具右侧的方框内填入相应数量的数字。3.活动用书第14页:将第49页上半部分图样剪下来,并把它们粘到14页中相应的位置上。孩子依照连线的引导,找到与图样相连的玩具,再用与图样相同的颜色给相连的玩具涂色。最后提问每种玩具的颜色,例如:What colour is the teddy bear?

4.活动用书第15页上半部分:孩子和家长分别为一个方框内的四个玩具涂色,然后互相提问:What colour is your teddy bear?



UNIT 6: Winter 第六单元:冬天


生词:eyes; mouth; nose; snowman


歌曲:This is my snowman.

听力练习:Number one:

故事:1. The snowman 2.Look

韵律诗:Snow, snow!


理解一系列的指令(行动故事)并按照指令将图画正确标序;唱一首歌(This is my snowman);能理解录像中和老师讲的故事,发现并改正故事内容中的错误,背诵韵律诗Snow,snow!同时指着相应的图画。





eye 眼睛mouth 嘴巴nose 鼻子snowman 雪人



Snow! 下雪了!Let’s make a snowman. 让我们来堆个雪人吧。

Okay. 好的。One, two, three. 一,二,三。

Eyes, mouth, nose. 眼睛,嘴巴,鼻子。Yippee! 好啊!

2、儿童用书p21歌曲:This is my snowman

Eyes and mouth and nose. 眼睛,嘴巴和鼻子。

Eyes and mouth and nose. 眼睛,嘴巴和鼻子。

This is my snowman. 这是我的雪人。This is my snowman. 这是我的雪人。This is my snowman. 这是我的雪人。What a big nose! 多大的一个鼻子啊!

3、儿童用书p22故事:The snowman

Storyteller: Listen. A rabbit. 听,一只兔子。

The rabbit is hungry. 这只兔子饿了。

What’s this? 这是什么啊?

A snowman. 是一个雪人。

Rabbit: Mmmmh! 嗯。

What a big nose! 多大的一个鼻子啊!

Got it! 抓住它。

Yummy! 真好吃!

4、儿童用书p22韵律诗(下半部分):snow, snow

Snow, snow; 下雪了,下雪了;Snowmen grow; 雪人长大了;

Oh, the sun; 喔,太阳出来了;Snowman run. 雪人跑开了。


Number One: an apple and a plane. 1号:一个苹果和一架飞机。

Number Two: a snowman and a rabbit. 2号:一个雪人和一只兔子。

Number Three: a hamster and scissors. 3号:一只仓鼠和一把剪刀。

Number Four: a pencil case and a cat. 4号:一个文具盒和一只猫。

One Star: a doll and a ball. 一颗星:一个洋娃娃和一个球。

Two Stars: a nose and eyes. 两颗星:一个鼻子和两只眼睛。

Three Stars: a mouth and a pear. 三颗星:一张嘴巴和一个梨子。

Four Stars: a computer game and a train. 四颗星:一个游戏机和一列火车。


Storyteller: Look .A cat. 看,一只猫。The cat is hungry. 这只猫饿了。

What’s this? 这是什么啊?A mouse. 一只老鼠。

Cat: Ouch! 哎哟!

Mouse: Squeak. Squeak. Squeak. Hee hee hee hee. 吱吱吱,哈哈哈。




UNIT 7: Health 第七单元:健康


行动故事:1.Get out of bed(学生用书p24) 2.Get out of bed(活动用书p18)歌曲:Get out of bed

短剧:A loose tooth


能听懂一系列的指令(行动故事);能听懂儿童用书录音带中的指令,并将图画正确标序;演唱歌曲(Get out of bed);模仿动作,拍手并载歌载舞;理解录像中的对话(短剧);回答有关图画中物品数量的问题;说出数量。




1、儿童用书p24行动故事:Get out of your bed

Get out of bed. 起床Wash your face. 洗脸Clean your teeth. 刷牙Bend your knees. 弯膝盖Jump. 跳Have a glass of milk. 喝一杯牛奶

2、儿童用书p25歌曲:Get out of your bed

1. Get out of bed, wash your face, wash your face, wash your face.

Get out of bed, wash your face, wash your face, wash your face.

And jump, jump. Let’s keep fit and jump, jump.

Let’s keep fit and jump, jump. Let’s keep fit and jump, jump. Let’s keep fit.





2. Get out of bed, clean your teeth, clean your teeth, clean your teeth.

Get out of bed, clean your teeth, clean your teeth, clean your teeth.

And jump, jump. Let’s keep fit and jump, jump.

Let’s keep fit and jump, jump. Let’s keep fit and jump, jump. Let’s keep fit.





3. Get out of bed, bend your knees, bend your knees, bend your keens.

Get out of bed, bend your knees, bend your knees, bend your keens.

And jump, jump. Let’s keep fit and jump, jump.

Let’s keep fit and jump, jump. Let’s keep fit and jump, jump. Let’s keep fit.





3、儿童用书p26-27故事:A loose tooth.

Max: Ooooooh.Benny! Help me. 哦,Benny! 帮帮我。

Benny: Okay. 好的。

Linda: Oh, Max. Oh. Oh. 哦,Max。哦,哦。

Benny: Open your mouth. 张开你的嘴巴。

Linda: Pull! Pull! 拉啊!拉啊!

Max: Try again, please. 请再试一下。

Linda: Okay. Pull! Pull! 好的。拉啊!拉啊!

Max: Look, my tooth. Linda, help me, please. 看,我的牙齿。Linda,请帮帮我。Linda: Okay. Here you are. 好的。给你。

Max: Look. Thank you, Linda. 看。谢谢你,Linda。


Get out of bed. 起床Wash your face. 洗脸Clean your teeth. 刷牙

Sing a song. 唱一首歌Have an apple. 吃一个苹果Run to school. 跑步去上学


1.Speaker1: One 甲:一

Boy: Look, my tooth. 男孩:看,我的牙齿。

Speker2: Two 乙:二

Mother (to son): Open your mouth. 妈妈(给儿子说):张开你的嘴巴。Speaker1: Three 甲:三

Girl: Give the rabbit an apple. 女孩:给兔子一个苹果。

Speaker2: Four. 乙:四

Speaker1: Jump. 甲:跳

2.Speaker2: One star. 乙:一颗星。

Speaker1: Bend your keens. 甲:弯膝盖。

Speaker2: Two stars. 乙:两颗星。

Speaker1: Have a glass of milk. 甲:喝一杯牛奶。

Speaker2: Three stars. 乙:三颗星。

Boy: Listen! 男孩:听!

Speaker1: Four stars. 甲:四颗星。

Children: Pull. Pull. 孩子:拉啊!拉啊!


1.活动用书第19页:上半部分——让孩子在每行的空格内画入相应数量的图形,以完成逻辑排序;下半部分——由孩子自己独立创造一组逻辑序列图画。2.儿童用书第28页:先让孩子说出所看到的每种物品的名称及数量,然后让孩子拿不同颜色的笔画线,将具有相同数量的物品连接起来。在此过程中使用How many……?句型。对孩子进行适当的提问,例如:How many ducks can you find?

UNIT 8: Party 第八单元:晚会


生词:princess; sheriff; ghost; clown; six; seven; eight; nine; ten

歌曲:1. Princess, sheriff 2.A part song

听力练习:1. Five-red 2.Find Maria

短剧:The ghost.


学习生词的发音和意义;齐声或者独演唱歌曲(Princess, sheriff…);

以游戏的方式练习数字1-10;说出图形中所隐藏的角色的数量;唱歌(A party song );说出Benny, Linda和他们的朋友在化妆会上分别化妆成什么角色;理解录像中的短剧;表演一个小对话;在教师的帮助下分角色表演短剧。








Princess, sheriff, ghost and clown, one, two, three, four, five, sit down.


Princess, sheriff, ghost and clown, five, six, seven, eight, sit down.


2、儿童用书p31歌曲:A party song

Clap your hands, stamp your feet, clap your hands, stamp your feet.


Clap your hands, turn around, clap your hands, turn around.


Clap your hands, dance and sing, clap your hands, dance and sing.


Dance and sing, dance and sing, Dance and sing, dance and sing.


3、儿童用书p32-33短剧: The ghost

Linda: Let’s play a game. 我们来做个游戏吧?

Benny: Okay. 好的。

Linda: Let’s play. Close your eyes. Vroom, Vroom. What is it?


Benny: A car. 一辆小汽车。

Linda: Right. Close your eyes. Close your eyes. Miaow, Miaow. What is it?


Benny: A cat. 一只猫。

Linda: Right. 好的。

Benny: Okay, Linda, Now you. Close your eyes.


Max: Oooooh. 喔。

Linda and Benny: A ghost, A ghost. Run, Let’s run. 有鬼,有鬼。跑,我们跑吧。Max: Ooooh. 哦!

Dog: Woof, woof. 汪,汪。

Linda and Benny: It’s Max. 是Max。

Dog: Woof, woof. 汪,汪。

Linda and Benny: Max. 是Max。


Speaker1: Five-red 五——红色Speaker2: Six-blue 六——蓝色Speaker3: Seven-green 七——绿色Spearker4:Eight-yellow 八——黄色

Speaker1:Nine-pink 九——粉红色


Speaker1: Fi nd Maria. She’s a clown. 找到Maria。她是小丑。

Speaker2: Find Tom. He’s a sheriff. 找到Tom。他是警察。

Speaker1: Find Sandra. She’s a cat. 找到Sandra。她是猫。

Speaker2: Find Andy. He’s a princess. 找到Andy。他是公主。

Speaker1: Find Karen. She’s a ghost. 找到Karen。她是鬼。

Speaker2: Find Bob. He’s a dog. 找到Bob。他是狗。




3.儿童用书第22页:让孩子从第49页上将图形剪下,然后把其中的一套粘到第22页的空格上,家长可以与孩子做这样的游戏:准备一个骰子,一人扔一次骰子,如显示的数字是3,他可以往前走三步,当他在一幅图片上停住时他要做出图片所表示的动作。如果落到蛇的身上,就得往下走,如果落在梯子上,可以往上走,最先走到星星处的人为胜者。注意:在游戏中,让孩子尽量说英语。可以使用下列短语:It’s your/my turn. (该你/我了。)Throw the dice.(掷骰子。)

Go down/go up.(向下/向上走。)

You’re/I’m the winner.(你/我胜了。)


5.活动用书第23页下半部分:孩子为Linda选择在晚会上的不同装束,并用区线连接,然后向家长提问,例如:What is Benny?该游戏家长还可与孩子互换角色进行。

UNIT 9: Food and drink 第九单元:食物与饮料


生词:pizza, cornflakes, spaghetti, cheese, chips, cake, milk, flower, butter, chicken, plate

歌谣:1. Pizza, pizza. 2. Lots of spaghetti.

短剧:Max’s birthday

听力练习:I like spaghetti







pizza披萨饼cornflakes玉米片spaghetti意大利面cheese奶酪chips 薯条cake蛋糕milk牛奶flower花butter黄油chicken鸡肉plate盘子

1、儿童用书p34歌谣:pizza pizza

A: Pizza, pizza. Yummy, yummy. 披萨饼,披萨饼。真好吃,真好吃。

B: I like pizza. Mmmmmmmmmmmmh. 我喜欢披萨饼。嗯。

A: Cornflakes, cornflakes. Yummy, yummy. 玉米片,玉米片。真好吃,真好吃。B: I like cornflakes. Mmmmmmmmmmmmh. 我喜欢玉米片。嗯。

A: Apples, apples. Yummy, yummy. 苹果,苹果。真好吃,真好吃。

B: I like apples. Mmmmmmmmmmmmh. 我喜欢苹果。嗯。

2、儿童用书p36-37短剧:Max’s Birthday.

Linda: Mmmh. Yummy! 嗯。好吃!

Benny: Mmmh. I like cake. 嗯。我喜欢蛋糕。

Max: I’m not hungry. 我不饿。

Benny: Okay, Max. 好的, Max。

Max: I’m so hungry. Yummy! 我很饿。好吃!

Linda: Close your eyes, Max. 闭上你的眼睛, Max。

Max: Okay. 好的。

Linda: Turn round. 转过来吧。

Max: Okay. 好的。

Linda and Benny: Happy birthday, Max. 生日快乐, Max。

Linda: Ouch! 好痛!

3、儿童用书p38歌谣:Lot’s of spaghetti

Lots of spaghetti on a big, big plate. 许多意大利面在大大的盘子里。

With butter and cheese. 加上黄油和奶酪。

Spaghetti is great. 意大利面真好吃。

Lots of chicken on a big, big plate. 许多鸡肉在大大的盘子里。

With ketchup and chips. 加上番茄酱和薯条。

Chicken is great. 鸡肉真好吃。

4、活动用书p25听力练习:I like spaghetti

Linda: I like spaghetti, cornflakes, pears, apples and milk.


Benny: I like chips, bananas, apples, pizza and spaghetti.



1.儿童用书第35页:让孩子用蜡笔在他喜欢的食物或饮料旁边画一颗心,然后练习用34页歌谣中Pizza, pizza的旋律创造新的歌谣。


UNIT 10: Weather 第十单元:天气


生词:rain, wind, snow, sun, clouds, frog, cap

歌谣:1. A cap on a cat.

2. Rain, rain, rain.

听力练习:1. Number one is blue.

2.Cap number one is orange.

歌曲:It’s raining.

故事:1.The little seed

2.The little caterpillar








1、歌谣:A cap

A cap on a cat. A cap on a dog. 猫带着帽子。狗带着帽子。

A cap on a rabbit. A cap on a frog. 兔子带着帽子。青蛙带着帽子。

Rain, snow or sun. 雨,雪,太阳。Caps are always fun. 帽子真有趣。

3、儿童用书p40歌曲:Rain, rain, rain. Here comes the rain.

It’s raining. It’s raining. Come out and let’s play. 下雨啦。下雨啦。出来玩吧。Run and jump, oh, what a rainy day! 跑啊跳啊,真是个大雨天呀!

4、儿童用书p41故事:The little seed

The little seed is asleep. 小种子正在睡觉。Look at the clouds. 看那些云。

It’s raining. 下雨了。It’s raining and raining. 雨不停的下。

The little seed grows. 小种子长大了。It grows and grows. 它长啊长啊。

The rain stops. 雨停了。Look. 看。Here comes the sun. 太阳出来了。It’s warm. 很温暖。The little seed grows and grows. 小种子长啊长啊。

It grows and grows. Aaaah! 它长啊长啊。啊!

Look at the wonderful flower. 看这朵漂亮的花。

5、儿童用书p42歌谣:It’s raining

Rain, rain, rain. Here comes the rain. 雨雨雨,下雨了。

Snow, snow, snow. Here comes the snow. 雪雪雪,下雪了。

Wind, wind, wind. Here comes the wind. 风风风,刮风了。

Sun, sun, sun. Here comes the sun. 太阳太阳太阳,太阳出来了。

Rain and snow. Wind and sun. 雨和雪。风和太阳。

Rain and snow. Wind and sun. 雨和雪。风和太阳。


Speaker1: Number one is blue. 数字1是蓝色的。

Speaker2: Number two is red. 数字2是红色的

Speaker1: Number three is yellow. 数字3是黄色的。

Speaker2: Number four is green. 数字4是绿色的。

Speaker1: Number five is orange. 数字5是橙色的。

Speaker2: Number six is white. 数字6是白色的。

Speaker1: Number seven is brown. 数字7是棕色的。

Speaker2: Number eight is grey. 数字8是灰色的。

Speaker1: Number nine is black. 数字9是黑色的。

Speaker2: Number ten is pink. 数字10是粉色的。


Speaker1:Cap number one is orange. 一号帽子是橙色的。

Speaker2:Cap number two is black. 二号帽子是黑色的。

Speaker1:Cap number three is green. 三号帽子是绿色的。

Speaker2:Cap number four is brown. 四号帽子是棕色的。


The little caterpillar is asleep. 小毛毛虫在睡觉。

It’s cold. There’s lo ts of snow. 天气很冷。有很多雪。

It’s raining. 下雨啦。

Here comes the sun. 太阳出来了。

Aah, It’s warm. The caterpillar is happy. 天气很暖和。毛毛虫很开心。

Oh, look at the wonderful butterfly!喔,看这只漂亮的蝴蝶!

It’s blue, red and orange. 它是蓝色,红色和橙色的。


1.活动用书第27页下半部分:孩子先将数字1至10涂上不同的颜色,然后再从中选择三种颜色给房子上的数字涂色,完成后可试着向别人提问:What colour is….?


Unit 11: ANIMALS



lion elephant monkey hippo snake

2、故事The lion is ill (故事录音带10)

The elephant wants to halp 大象想休息一下

Elephant:Lion,listen to me music 狮子,听我的音乐

Lion:Stop it,please 请停下

Storyteller:The hippo wants to halp 河马想休息一下

Hippo: Lion,listen to my music 狮子,听我的音乐

Lion:Stop it,please 请停下

Storyteller:The monkey wants to help 猴子想休息一下

Monkey: Lion,listen to my music 狮子,听我的音乐

Lion:Stop it,please 请停下

Storyteller:The snake wants to help 蛇想休息一下

Snake: Lion,listen to my music 狮子,听我的音乐

Lion:Stop it,please 请停下

Wha’s this

Storyteller:It’s the elephant,the hippo,the monkey,and the snake.

Lion:Oh,thank you for the wonderful music.Thank you.


3、歌曲Listen to the animals (儿童用书录音带45)

Listen to the elephant ,Listen to the hippo,Listen to the monkey ,Listen to the snake ,What a wonderful song One, two, three Come on Sing and dance with me,What a wonderful song One, two, three Come on Sing and dance with me

Listen to the elephant ,Listen to the hippo,Listen to the monkey ,Listen to the snake,What a wonderful song One, two, three Come on Sing and dance with me,What a wonderful song One, two, three Come on Sing and dance with me


4、听力练习OK?Here we go (活动用书录音带17)

Speaker:OK? Here we go: Start at number six. Go from six to ten, go from ten to nine, go from nine to three, go from three to five, go from five to one, go from one to seven, go from seven to four, go from four to eight, and go from eight to two. What is it?

讲演者:好的?我们开始吧,从六号开始,从六到十,从十到九,从九到三,从三到五,从五到一,从一到七,从七到四,从四到八,从八到二,这事怎么回事。Unit 12: HOLIDAYS


1、单词:holiday beach jungle mountains farm city garden


2、行动故事It’s hot!(儿童用书录音带47)

It’s hot, Go to the swimming pool; Look at the sky, It starts raining.

Take off your shoes and socks; Take off your jeans; Take off your T-shirt;

Run home in the rain.


3、行动故事You’re on the beach(活动用书录音带18)

You’re on the beach.. You are hot. Take off your jeans and your shoes. Take off your T-shirt and your socks. You fall asleep. Open your eyes. Run home in the rain.


4、故事Max goes on holiday (故事录音带11)max去度假吧

Storyteller:It’s summer.Max goes on holiday. Is Max on the beach? No.这个夏天max


Is Max in the jungle? No. max在丛林里吗?不

Is Max in the mountains? NO. max在山里吗?不

Is Max on the farm? No. max在农场吗?不

Is Max in the city? No. max在城市里吗?不

So, Wher is the Max? He is not on the beach. He is not in the jungle. He is not in the mountains. He is not on the farm. He is not in the city. So where is he? Look here he is. Max is in his garden.; Yummy!

Storyteller:Max is happy!


5、听力练习Maria is in the mountains

Speaker 1: Maria is in the mountains

Speaker 2: Tom is on the beach.

Speaker 1: Sandra is in the jungle.

Speaker2: Andy is on the farm.

Speaker1: Karen is in the city.

Speaker2: Bob is in his garden.

6、歌曲:Happy happy happy holiday

Happy happy happy holiday, Happy happy happy holiday, Happy happy happy holiday. Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye. Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye.

See you on the farm, see you in the mountains, see you on the beach, hooray, happy holiday.



1、歌曲:A merry, merry Christmas

A merry, merry Christmas 圣诞快乐

A merry, merry Christmas. A merry, merry Christmas to all of you!所有人圣诞快乐

2、故事:Father Christmas

Storyteller: It’s Christmas.Linda, Benny and Max are asleep. Listen.It’s Father Christmas.Look! A book for Linda, a ball for Benny, and a teddybear for Max.

Father Christmas:One, two, three. One, two….Oh, What can Ido? Oooooh, It’s cold.



1、单词:orange black brown grey whit

2、行动故事:Two long ears 两只长耳朵


剑桥少儿英语PLAYWAY 篇一:剑桥国际儿童英语Playway1 剑桥国际儿童英语Playway1 一、内容:《剑桥国际儿童英语1》包括12个单元,每个单元的主题都适合幼儿并可以提高他们的学习兴趣。另外,还有两个关于圣诞节和复活节的补充单元,用来介绍英语国家的风俗。 三,单词量:350个(其中80个必记单词) 四,语法构成:在歌曲,歌谣,故事及行动故事中渗透日常语法知识(包括一般现在时态,正在进行时态),要求孩子理解。 五,基本构成:学生用书共55页,另有一些附页,附页是拼图及贴画的材料。学生用书被设计成作业形式,通常用于课后复习。内容包括:词汇,断句,故事,韵律诗,歌曲,歌谣和行动故事。 六,适合年级:幼儿园小班,中班,大班 篇二:剑桥少儿英语PLAYWAY-2级家庭辅导手册 PLAYWAY-2级家庭辅导手册 UNIT 1: 内容提要 单词:Birds; grapes; nuts; a peach; an orange

歌曲:1. Hello again 2.Don?t play in the street 卡通故事:Don?t play in the street 行动故事:The banana skin 多元智能发展 语言技能 看故事录像和听教师讲故事时能够理解内容;向别人打招呼并问好;唱歌(Hello again)。认知、运动和社交能力 在词汇中仔细听并记住哪些单词被说过;在图画帮助下学习歌曲的歌词;按节奏和曲调唱歌;能跟上故事的叙述;从附页中取下拼图,然后将其放在正确的位置上并粘好;对照正确答案独立检查自己的答案。 教材内容 儿童用书p2歌曲(儿童用书录音带A2 Hello again) One, two , three , four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten . Hello again. Red and pink and brown, princess, sheriff, clown, schoolbag, pencil, glue, orange, white and blue (Come on!)Cornflakes, cheese and cake, lion, hippo snake, rain and wind sun, jump and clap and run. (Come on!) Teddy bear and plane, puzzle, ball and train, dogs and cats and birds, we know lots of words.(Oh yes!) 儿童用书p3听力练习(儿童用书录音带A5What is it?) 1. Boy: Close your eyes. Girl: Ok.


剑桥儿童英语PLAYWAY 1 UNIT 1: What’s your name? 第一单元:你叫什么名字? 内容提要 短句:I’m max. 歌曲:What’s your name? 语言技能: 问候;理解录像中的对话;会询问别人的名字;能够介绍自己的名字;会唱歌曲:What’s your name? 认知、运动和社交能力: 建立基本的课堂常规;能把画片按正常的顺序排列并粘到书上;学习怎样在班级里 进行集体活动;和同伴一起表演对话;按正确的节奏唱歌,拍手。 教材内容 1、儿童用书P2-P3短剧:I’m max Max: Hello. 你好 Linda and Benny: Hello. 你好 Linda: What’s your name? 你叫什么名字? Max: Aaaaaaah…M…m…m. Benny: Martin? 是叫Martin吗? Max: M…m…m. Linda: Mike? 是叫Mike吗? Max: M… m…m Benny: Max? 是叫Max吗? Max: Yes. Yes. I’m Max. What’s your name? 是的,我叫Max,你叫什么名字呢?Benny: I’m Benny. 我叫Benny。 Max: And what’s your name? 那么你叫什么名字呢? Linda: I’m Linda. 我叫Linda。 2、歌曲:what’s your name? 1. What’s your name? What’s your name? I’m Li nda. Hello ,hello, hello. hello. hello. hello to you! Hello. hello. hello. hello. hello. hello to you!Hi! 2. What’s your name? What’s your name? I’m Benny. Hello. hello. hello. hello. hello. hello to you! Hello. hello. hello. hello. hello. hello to you!Hi! 3. What’s your name? What’s your name? I’m Max. Hello. hello. hello. hello. hello. hello to you! Hello. hello. hello. hello. hello. hello to you!Hi! 贴图、涂色作业


Mr Star:Hello. I’m Mr Star. Stella:Hello. I’m Stella Star. This is Marie. Simon:Hello. I’m Simon Star. This is Maskman. Suzy:Hello. I’m Suzy Star. This is Mon ty. Suzy, Stella and Simon: Goodbye. Come alive. Walk and talk. On the count of five, One, two, three, four, five. Marie: Hello. I’m Marie. What’s your name? Maskman: Maskman. What’s your name? Monty: Monty. Meera:Hello, Stella. Hello. What’s your name? Suzy: Suzy. Meera: How old are you? Suzy:I’m three. Simon: How old are you, Meera? Meera:I’m eight, and you? Meera:Hello. I’m Marie. I’m eight. Suzy: Hello. I’m Suzy. I’m three. Orange and purple and blue. I can sing a rainbow. Sing a rainbow,

Monty, boy and girl: Sid snake Monty: Stella, Suzy, Simon, Star I’m …(姓名) How old are you? Come alive. Walk and talk. On the count of five, One, two, three, four, five. Maskman: Hello, Marie. Marie: Hello, Maskman. Close the door, please. Sit down here. Maskman: Listen to my chant, Marie. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 and 10. Marie: Very good, Maskman. Maskman: Yes, good. Maskman: Listen! Look! What …? Aaaagghh! A blue monster! Marie:No, Maskman. It’s a … Maskman: Eeeek! A blue monster! Goodbye, Marie. Marie: Goodbye, Maskman. Close the door, please, Maskman. Thank you. Monty: Hello, Marie. Marie: Hello, Monty. Monty: Look, a blue pencil. Monty: Look, a blue pencil. Marie: Yes, a blue pencil. Maskman: Eeeek! A blue monster! Goodbye, Marie. Maskman: Listen! Look! What …? Aaaagghh! A blue monster! Marie:No, Maskman. It’s a … Marie: Close the door, please, Maskman. Thank you. Maskman: Hello, Marie. Marie: Hello, Maskman. Close the door, please. Sit down here.


Mr Star: Hello。I’m Mr Star。 Stella:Hello. I’m Stella Star。 This is Marie。Simon: Hello。 I'm Simon Star. This is Maskman。Suzy:Hello. I’m Suzy Star. This is Monty。Suzy, Stella and Simon: Goodbye。 Come alive。 Walk and talk. On the count of five, One, two, three, four, five. Marie: Hello. I’m Marie. What’s your name?Maskman: Maskman. What’s your name? Monty:Monty. Meera:Hello, Stella. Hello. What’s your name?Suzy: Suzy. Meera: How old are you? Suzy: I'm three。 Simon:How old are you, Meera? Meera:I’m eight, and you? . Meera: Hello。I'm Marie. I’m eight. Suzy: Hello。I’m Suzy。 I'm three。 。I’m seven。

Red and yellow and pink and green, Orange and purple and blue. I can sing a rainbow. Sing a rainbow, , seven, four, two Monty, boy and girl: Sid snake Monty: Stella, Suzy, Simon, Star , Suzy, Simon, Star I’m …(姓名) How old are you? Come alive。 Walk and talk. On the count of five, One, two, three, four, five。 Maskman: Hello, Marie. Marie: Hello, Maskman。 Close the door, please. Sit down here. Maskman:Listen to my chant, Marie. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 and 10. Marie:Very good, Maskman. Maskman:Yes, good。 Maskman:Listen! Look!What …? Aaaagghh! A blue monster! Marie: No,Maskman. It's a … Maskman: Eeeek! A blue monster! Goodbye, Marie。 Marie: Goodbye, Maskman. Close the door, please, Maskman。 Thank you。Monty:Hello, Marie。 Marie: Hello, Monty。 Monty: Look, a blue pencil. 。 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 and 10。Monty: Look, a blue pencil. Marie:Yes, a blue pencil。

剑桥国际儿童英语 playway 1 故事

剑桥国际儿童英语playway 1 故事 摘要: 一、剑桥国际儿童英语PLAYWAY 1 简介 二、教材内容概述 1.级别定位 2.教材结构 3.教学方法 三、故事情节简介 四、教学与应用建议 五、总结与评价 正文: 一、剑桥国际儿童英语PLAYWAY 1 简介 《剑桥国际儿童英语PLAYWAY 1》是2009年由外语教学与研究出版社和剑桥大学出版社联合出版的一本英语教材,作者是根格罗斯。该教材专为5-12岁的非英语国家儿童设计,以培养他们的英语听、说、读、写技能为目标。 二、教材内容概述 1.级别定位:PLAYWAY 1 是该系列教材的第一级,适合初学英语的孩子。 2.教材结构:学生课本1本,学生用盘CD一张,活动用书一本,活动用盘CD一张,故事DVD一张,故事CD一张,Mini图卡片一盒。 3.教学方法:PLAYWAY 1 采用游戏式教学,以情景会话为主,让孩子在

轻松愉快的氛围中学习英语。 三、故事情节简介 《剑桥国际儿童英语PLAYWAY 1》中的故事以日常生活为主题,富有情节性和趣味性。故事内容涵盖了剑桥少儿英语考试大纲所有相关的语法结构和词汇,学完本套教材的相关级别即可达到剑桥少儿英语考试的各级水平。 四、教学与应用建议 1.教师可以根据故事情节设计和制作相应的教学活动,如角色扮演、情景对话等,增强学生的参与度和实践能力。 2.家长可以陪伴孩子一起学习,通过互动和提问,引导孩子思考和表达,提高他们的英语实际运用能力。 3.学生可以通过反复听、读故事,熟悉英语发音和语调,增强语感。 五、总结与评价 《剑桥国际儿童英语PLAYWAY 1》是一本寓教于乐的英语教材,通过生动的故事和丰富的活动,激发孩子学习英语的兴趣和自信。

剑桥国际儿童英语4 playway 活动用书

剑桥国际儿童英语4 活动用书 Unit 1 Favorite place ………………………………………………………..P2 Unit 2 What do you collect………………………………………………….P4 Unit 3 Family and friends……………………………………………………P5 Unit 4 The spooky castle……………………………………………………P7 Unit 5 At home……………………………………………………………….P9 Unit 6 Food…………………………………………………………………...P10 Unit 7 Treasure………………………………………………………………P12 Unit 8 Weekend……………………………………………………………...P13 Unit 9 Wild animals………………………………………………………….P14 Unit 10 Magic………………………………………………………………….n/a Extra End of the year quiz…………………………………………………P15 UNIT1:FAVOURITE PLACES 活动用书P2(练习1) Speaker: It’s quarter past twelve. Sue is eating her cheese sandwich. Then she goes to bed. At half past twelve, a mouse comes into the kitchen. It takes the cheese and runs away. At quarter to one, Dad wakes up. He is hungry and goes down into the kitchen. He opens the fridge. There’s no cheese. Then he sees a bit of cheese on the floor. Father: I can’t understand this. A mouse can’t open th e fridge. Speaker: Then he goes back to bed. 答案:8, 2, 1, 5, 11, 10, 9, 3, 6, 4, 7 活动用书P3(练习2) Muriel: Hi, I’m Muriel from Sydney. My favorite place is our swimming pool. Sperker1: This is Brent from San Francisco. His favorite place is his bed. Speaker2: This is Cheryl from London. Her favorite place is the park near her house. Jennifer & Jerry: Hi, we’re Jerry and Jennifer from Cairns, Australia. Our favorite place is the beach. Speaker1: Daniel and Debbie are from Scotland. They love cooking. Their favorite place is the kitchen. 活动用书P3(练习3) His favorite place is his grandpa’s farm. (Mike) Her favorite color is blue. (Sandra)


剑桥国际少儿英语(第一册) Unit 1 Hello! Listen and point. 1. Hello. I'm Mrs Star.Mrs Star: Hello. I'm Mr Star.Mr Star: Hello. I'm Stella Star. This is Marie.Stella: Simon: Hello. I'm Simon Star. This is Maskman. Suzy: Hello. I'm Suzy Star. This is Monty. Goodbye. Suzy, Stella and Simon: Hello. I'm Monty. What's your name?Monty: 2.Listen and repeat. Mrs star, Mr Star, Stella, Simon, Suzy Listen and do the actions. 3. Toys in the toy box. Come alive. Walk and talk. On the count of five, One, two, three, four, five.

Hello. I'm Marie. What's your name?Marie: Maskman: Maskman. What's your name? 1 剑桥国际少儿英语(第一册) Monty. Monty: Goodbye. All: Say the chant. 4.one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine and ten. Listen and point. 5. Hello. Meera. Stella:Hello, Stella. Hello. What's your name?Meera: Suzy. Suzy: How old are you? Meera:I'm three.Suzy: How old are you, Meera? Simon: I'm eight, and you?Meera:I'm six.Simon: Listen, point and repeat. 6. Hello. I'm Simon. I'm six.Simon: Meera:Hello. I'm Marie. I'm eight. Suzy: Hello. I'm Suzy. I'm three. Hello. I'm Stella. I'm seven. Stella: 2 剑桥国际少儿英语(第一册)


playway1第四单元 剑桥国际少儿英语playway to English (1) 家长辅导手册 内容提要 生词:cat; dog; hamster; mouse; duck; rabbit 歌谣:What’s this? 故事:1. The mouse 2.Hello, cat 语言技能: 掌握单词的发音和意义;完成逻辑排序;有节奏的表演歌谣;先理解后复述再表演故事; 表演小对话。 认知、运动和社交能力: 听到小动物的名称指图或用手势表示;和同伴一起作词汇游戏;通过对话完成逻辑排序; 边说歌谣边指图;能够跟得上对话中故事的内容;正确排列智力拼图并粘到书上;意识到复 数s。 教材内容 儿童用书p12单词 cat猫dog狗hamster仓鼠mouse老鼠duck鸭子rabbit

兔子 儿童用书p13歌谣 1. What’s this? What’s this? Miaow, miaow. A cat, a cat. A cat, Miaow. 这是什么?这是什么?喵,喵,一只猫,一只猫,一只猫,喵。 2. What’s this? What’s this? Woof, woof, woof, woof, A dog, a dog. A dog, Woof, woof. 这是什么?这是什么?汪,汪,汪,汪,一只狗,一只狗,一只狗,汪,汪。 3.What’s this? What’s this? Squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, A mouse, a mouse A mouse, Squeak, squeak. 这是什么?这是什么?吱,吱,吱,吱,一只老鼠,一只老鼠,一只老鼠,吱,吱。 4. What’s this? What’s this? Quack, quack, quack, quack, A duck, a duck. A duck. Quack, quack. 这是什么?这是什么?嘎,嘎,嘎,嘎,一只鸭子,一只鸭子,一只鸭子,嘎,嘎。 儿童用书p14 故事 Mouse: Hello, dog. Squeak, squeak, Let’s play. 你好,小狗。



Monty: Hello, everybody. Maskman , Trevor, Marie: Hello, Monty. Monty: Are you flying your helicopter, Maskman? Maskman: No, I’m not. Monty: What are you doing, Maskman? Maskman: I’m flying my plane. Monty: That’s a nice bus, Marie. Where are you driving? Marie: I’m driving to school. Monty: Oh! Are you riding your bike, Trevor. Trevor: Bike! No, I’m not. I’m riding my big red motorbike. Marie: What are you doing, Monty? Monty: Well, I haven’t got a bike, a motorbike, a helicopter or a plane, so … I’m walking! 6.Listen, point and repeat. Marie: I’m driving to school. Trevor: I’m riding my big red motorbike. Maskman: I’m flying my plane. Monty: I’m walking! 7.Sing the song. I’m walking, walking.


Unit 1 Hello ! 四会: 1 blue 蓝色的 2 box 盒子,箱子 3 answer 答案 4 and 和 5 ask 问 6 cross 叉号 7 door 门 8 draw 画画 9 green 绿色的 10 her 她的,她 11 here 在这里 12 hello 你好 13 his 他的,他 14 how old 有---岁 15 I 我(主格) 16 monster 怪物 17 Mr 先生 18 Mrs 夫人 19 nine 九(个) 20 name 名字 21 one 一,一个 22 orange 橙色的 23 pink 粉红色的 24 purple 紫色的 25 rainbow 彩虹 26 red 红色的 27sit 坐 28 stand 站着 29 story 故事 30 walk 走路 31 yellow 黄色的 32 we 我们(主格) 33 you 你(们) 34 your 你(们)的三会: 1 circle 圆圈 2 match 搭配 3 repeat 重复 4 sit down 坐下 5 stand up 起立 6 star 星星 7 sticker 不干胶粘纸 8 tick 勾号,给---打勾Unit 2 My school 四会: 1 a 一(个) 2 an 一(个) 3 another 另外的,另一个 4 bag 包,袋子 5 book 书 6 chair 椅子 7 close 关闭 8close 关闭的 9 colour 颜色,涂颜色 10 eraser 橡皮 11 girl 女孩 12 he 他 13 no 不,不行 14 not 不,没有,不是 15 open 打开的,打开 16 pen 钢笔 17 pencil 铅笔 18 pick up 拾起来,接某人\某物 19 point 指 20 school 学校 21 she 她 22 table 桌子 23 that 那(个) 24 who 谁 25 yes 是,是的 26 yours 你们的 27stick 棍子 28point 指 三会: 1 cut 切割 2 everybody 每个人 3 fold 折叠,折起 4 point to 指向 5 puppet 木偶 6 quiet 安静的 Unit 3 Favourite toys 四会: 1 again 再(一次) 2 ball 球 3 behind 在---后面 4 bike 自行车 5 black 黑色的 6 brown 棕色的 7 car 汽车 8 computer 电脑 9 doll 洋娃娃 10 favourite 最喜欢的 11 grey 灰色的 12 in 在---里 13 it 它 14 next to 紧接着的;次于---的 15 on 在---上 16toy 玩具 17train 火车 18under 在---下面 19white 白色的 三会: 1 this 这(个) 2 tortoise 龟 Unit 4 My family 四会: 1brother 兄弟 2dad(dy) 爸爸 3different 不同的 4family 家庭 5father 父亲 6grandfather 祖父,外祖父 7grandma 奶奶,外婆 8grandmother 祖母,外祖母 9grandpa 爷爷,外公 10me 我(宾格) 11mother 母亲 12 mum(my) 妈妈 13 my 我的 14 nice 美好的,令人愉快的 15 picture 图片 16 sister 姐妹 17 today 今天 18 where 哪里 19 woman (复数women)女人 三会: 1 pop star 流行明星 Unit 5 Our pets 四会: 1 beautiful 漂亮的 2 big 大的 3 bird 鸟 4 but 但是 5 cat 猫 6 clean 干净的,打扫 7 dog 狗 8 fish 鱼 9 horse 马 10 long 长的 11 lovely 可爱的 12 mouse (复数mice) 老鼠 13 old 老的,旧的 14 our 我们的 15 pardon 请再说一遍 16 sad 悲伤的 17short 短的 18 show 表演 19 small 小的 20 too 也;太,非常 21 what 什么 22 young 年轻的 23 happy 快乐的 三会: 1 bingo 宾戈游戏 2 follow 跟随 3 penguin 企鹅 4 pet 宠物 5 ugly 丑陋的 Unit 6 My face 四会: 1 body 身体 2 ear 耳朵 3 eye 眼睛 4 face 面孔,脸 5 funny 滑稽的,有趣的 6 hair 头发 7 have 有 8 head 头 9 mouth 嘴巴 三会: 1 fair 公平的 2 knee 膝盖 3 lovely 可爱的 4 programme 节目 5 toe 脚趾 6 tooth (复数teeth) 牙齿 7 shoulder 肩膀(多用复数) Unit 7 Wild animals 四会: 1 animal 动物 2 arm 手臂 3 body 身体 4 crocodile 鳄鱼 5 elephant 大象 4 foot (复数feet)脚 5 giraffe 长颈鹿 6 hand 手


剑桥国际儿童英语Playway2教程1-3单元 园丁浇灌 2010-08-30 22:05:45 阅读60 评论0 字号:大中小订阅 UNIT1: HELLO AGAIN 内容提要 单词:birds; grapes; nuts; a peach; an orange 卡通故事:Hello again 2. Don’t play in the street 行动故事:The banana skin 教材内容 儿童用书P2歌曲(儿童用书录音带A2Hello again) One , two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Hello again. Red and pink And brow, princess, sheriff, clown, schoolbag, pencil, glue, orange, white and Blue .(Come on!) Cornflakes, cheese and cake, lion hippo snake, rain and Wind and sun, jump and clap and run,(Come on!) Teddy bear and plane, Puzzle, ball and train, dogs and cats and birds, we know lots of words.(Oh yes!) 听力练习(儿童用书录音带A5 What is it ?) 1: Boy: Close your eyes. 2: Boy: Close your eyes. 3: Girl: Close your eyes. Girl: Ok.Girl: Ok.Boy: Ok. Boy: Open your mouth. Boy: Open your mouth. Girl: Open your mouth. Girl: Mmh. Girl: Mmh. Boy: Mmh. Boy: What is it? Boy: what is it? Girl: What is it? Girl: A peach. Girl: A plum. Boy: A plum. Boy: That’s right. Boy: That’s right. Girl: That’s right. 听力迷宫(儿童用书录音带A4 What’s on Max’s plate?) An orange, nuts, grapes, a pear, a peach. What’s on Max’s plate? 卡通故事(故事录音带1Don’t play in the street) Storyteller: It’s morning. Time Max: Apples, apples,I To go to school. Like…ooooh! My Linda: Have an apple, apple! Max. Linda and Benny: Be careful, Max! Max: thanks.One,two, Oh, Max. Three. Apples,Max: Thanks Linda. Apples, I like Thanks Benny. Apples, I likeLinda and Benny: Don’t play in the Apples… street Max! Linda and Benny: Stop it, Max. Max: Ok. 歌曲(儿童用书录音带A6 Don’t play in the street!) Don’t play in the street. Don’t play in the street. Don’t jump Around and fight! Eyes wide open and ears wide open, look Left and right, look left and right, look left and right. Oh yes! Don’t play in the street. Don’t play in the street. Don’t jump Around and fight! Clever boys and clever girls, look left play in

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