当前位置:文档之家› (通用版)2017届高三英语二轮复习第二板块题型四阅读七选五专练(一)





(2016·兰州市高三诊断考试)People need homes: children assume their parents' place as home; boarders call school “home” on weekdays; married couples work together to build new homes; and travelers ... have no place to call “home”,at least for a few nights.

__1__?Don't they have the right to a home? Of course they do.

Some regular travelers take their own belongings: like bed sheets, pillowcases and family photos to make them feel like home no matter where they are; some stay for long periods in the same hotel and as a result become very familiar with service and attendants; others may simply put some flowers by the hotel window to make things more homely. __2__!

And how about maintaining relationships while in transit? __3__; some send letters and postcards, or even photos; others may just call and say hi, just to let their friends know that they're still alive and well. __4__. Making friends on the way helps travelers feel more or less at home. Backpackers in youth hostels may become very good friends, even closer than siblings.

Nowadays, fewer people are working in their local towns, so how do they develop a sense of belonging? __5__.Wherever we are, with just a little bit of effort and imagination, we can make the place we stay “home”.

A.Home is the harbor for travelers

B.People find ways to keep in touch

C.Do all people have a comfortable home

D.Some keep contact with their friends via Internet

E.So how about people who have to travel for extended periods of time

F.Whenever we step out of our local boundaries, there is always another “home” waiting to be found

G.Furthermore, driving a camping car during one's travels and sleeping in the vehicle at night is just like home — only mobile



High school can be quite the stressful time for any student. There are numerous stresses to deal with and the pressure can be more intense as you enter your senior year. __1__ The answer is as follows.

__2__ Adjust your approach to your specific situation. For instance, if you're active in your community and your school and have a large family, you may feel depressed by having all these people involved in your life on a daily basis. __3__ You just may need a moment to be alone and collect your thoughts before moving on to the challenges that face you.

__4__ If your stress persists and you can't figure out a way to handle it, you may want to try speaking to your school counselor (顾问). If you don't feel comfortable speaking to your counselor, try getting some other types of counseling.

Realize your limits, and plan around them. Don't take on more than you can handle.

If you take on too many things, you will be spread too thin and won't be able to perform at your best in anything. __5__ You will definitely feel more at ease!

A.Seek professional counseling.

B.Why does the stress come into being?

C.Try thinking of alternative ways to deal with stress.

D.When you feel relieved, you can have a happier life.

E.Taking some time out to be alone may be the best way to handle such stress.

F.But how on earth can you reduce some of the stress?

G.Evaluate what tasks and activities are most important and leave others behind.



True friends are rare to come by these days. Even if you believe you've connected with someone, __1__? And often you will find that someone who you thought you could trust may have let you down. There are ways you can know if a friendship is true and how you can hold onto that friend.

A true friend is someone who will be there for you no matter what happens. Through good times and bad times, __2__. They will accept you for who you are without trying to change you, and they will be there to help you grow in new ways.

Trust is another important aspect. A true friend will keep your secrets. They will be honest and be someone you can depend on. They will listen and be someone you know you can talk things over with, __3__.

Friendship is a two-way street though. To find true friends and keep them, __4__. Be there for them in their hard times and share the good times with them. Be someone your friends can depend on as well and offer them the same things they give to you. A friendship will fall apart fast if only one person is giving and putting

all the effort in. If you are the only one making an effort, be honest.

There will be barriers in the road but that is the test of true friendship. If it can survive those barriers, __5__. St.Thomas Aquinas said, “There is nothing on this earth more prized than friendship” and it holds true.

A.they will stand by you

B.How often does he let you down

C.as if they could offer you great help

D.you must in turn be the same as well

E.it will be stronger and better than ever

F.how do you really know he is a true friend

G.even if they may not have advice to share with you



Every person has a great deal of love to give. __1__ Here is a general guide to loving.

Say it. When you say the words “I love you”, make sure you really mean it and are willing to do anything for that special person.

__2__ If you love someone, you should understand how they feel, where they come from, and who they are. Realize how they could also love you back just as well.

Love unconditionally. Giving unconditional love requires you to love without any expectations. __3__ It seems difficult to only love and not demand anything in return in today's world where everyone is selfish. But even in the world we see many examples of unconditional love, for example the love a mother gives to her child and the love between two life partners. To love unconditionally, you will have to learn to sacrifice (牺牲) yourself and your desires and also realize that someone may have a different way of showing his and her love for you. __4__ Realize it can be lost. If you realize you can lose the one you love, then you have a greater appreciation of what you have. __5__ Don't make idol of the person you love. This will place them under unnecessary pressure and will likely result in you losing them. Never stop loving. Even if you have been hurt before. You should not stop giving love.

A.Try loving just for the sake of love.

B.Put yourself in someone else's shoes.

C.There are many different ways to explain love.

D.Think how lucky you are to have someone to love.

E.Do not expect to be loved back in exactly the same way.

F.It doesn't make you a bad person to desire someone else's love.

G.There are many different ways to love someone (or even yourself).




1.选E 根据上文可知,人们都需要家,那么旅行者呢,他们至少有几个晚上没有家。而下文叙述,他们就没有拥有家的权利吗?他们当然有。E项“那么,那些不得不延长旅行时间的人呢”,符合上下文语境。故选E。

2.选G 本段主要是说对于旅行者来说,出门在外也要有家的感觉。G项“此外,旅行者在旅行期间开着宿营车并在车里睡觉也有家的感觉,只不过它是移动的”符合语境。故选G。

3.选D 空格前一句意为:在旅行过程中如何(与家人、朋友)保持联系?结合下文中一些保持联系的方式可知,D项“一些人通过网络与他们的朋友保持联系”符合语境。故选D。

4.选B 根据上文可知,有些人会寄信件和明信片,甚至是照片,其他人可能只是打电话问候一下,只是想让朋友知道他们还活着并且过得很好。根据下文可知,在路上交朋友也能或多或少地带给旅行者家的感觉。B项“人们会找到很多方法来保持联系”能够联系上下文。故选B。

5.选F 根据上文可知,现在,越来越少的人在他们自己的城市工作,他们要如何培养归属感?而下文又提到,无论我们在哪里,只要用一点点的努力和想象,我们就能使我们待的地方变为“家”。F项“无论何时我们走出自己的城市,总有另一个‘家’等着我们去发现”符合语境。故选F。



1.选F 根据下文“The answer is as follows.”可知,空格处应是提出了一个问题,且根据下文给出的关于如何减压的建议可知,应选F。

2.选C 根据下文可知,要根据具体情况调整方法,由此可知,解决压力时要有备用的方法。C项与下文紧密衔接。故选C。

3.选E 下文主要说的是要给自己一些独处时间来整理思路。E项“处理这类压力的最好方法是一个人待一段时间”与下文衔接,符合语境。故选E。

4.选A 根据下文可知,本段建议如果自己无法应对压力,应去咨询学校顾问或寻求其他咨询帮助。A项能概括本段内容。故选A。

5.选G 根据上文可和,本段提出的建议是:认清自己的极限并以此为基础制订计划,这就要求我们分清轻重缓急;再根据空格后内容“你一定会感到很轻松”可知,G项“评估什么任务和活动最重要,然后舍弃其他不重要的”承接上下文。故选G。



1.选F 空格后句子意为“你常常会发现你原以为能够信任的人也许会让你失望”;结合“And”可知,空格处与该句为并列关系,联系语境可知,F项“你怎么知道对方是否是你真正的朋友呢”符合语境。故选F项。

2.选A 根据第二段可知,真正的朋友无论发生什么事情都会跟你在一起,会无条件接受你的一切。故A项“他们会支持你”符合语境。

3.选G 空格前提到真正的朋友会倾听,是你可以与之倾心交流的人。故G项“即使他们可能不会给你提供建议”符合语境,与上文构成合理的逻辑关系。故选G项。

4.选D 本段第一句提到友谊是一种双向沟通。空格后提到如果只是单方面的付出,友谊很容易破碎。所以为了找到真正的朋友,你对待对方也要像对方对待你一样。故选D


5.选E 根据语境可知,真正的友谊之路是会存在障碍的,但如果能克服这些障碍,那么友谊就会变得更好。E项“它会比以前更强大、更好”符合语境。故选E项。



1.选G 上文提到,每个人都可以给予其他人很多爱。下文提到,这里有一些关爱他人的指导。G项意为“有很多不同的爱他人(甚至是爱自己)的方式”,与上下文紧密相连,符合语境。故选G。

2.选B 本段主要讲的是如果你爱对方,就应该去理解他们的感受、他们的出身以及他们是谁,也就是说要替对方考虑。B项意为“要站在对方的立场上”,体现了本段的中心,符合语境。故选B。

3.选A 上文提到无条件的爱要求你不要有任何期待地去爱。A项意为“尝试着只是因为爱而爱”,与上文话题照应,符合语境。故选A。

4.选E 上文提到有些人可能用不同的方式表达对你的爱。E项意为“不要期待(别人)用同样的方式爱你”,与上文形成因果关系,符合语境。故选E。

5.选D 上文提到,如果你能意识到你有可能失去你所爱的人,那你就会更加感激你所拥有的。D项意为“想一想你有可以爱的人是多么幸运”,与上文话题紧密相连,符合语境。故选D。


小希老师给同学们总结了2018高考英语真题所有阅读理解的A篇,适合高中各个年级的学生练习及备考使用。 【全国Ⅰ卷】 A Washington, . Bicycle Tours Cherry Blossom Bike Tour in Washington, . Duration: 3 hours This small group bike tour is a fantastic way to see the world-famous cherry trees with beautiful flowers of Washington, . Your guide will provide a history lesson about the trees and the famous monuments where they blossom. Reserve your spot before availability – and the cherry blossoms – disappear! Washington Capital Monuments Bicycle Tour Duration: 3 hours (4 miles) Join a guided bike tour and view some of the most popular monuments in Washington, . Explore the monuments and memorials on the National Mall as your guide shares unique facts and history at each stop. Guided tour includes bike, helmet, cookies and bottled water. Capital City Bike Tour in Washington, . Duration: 3 hours Morning or Afternoon, this bike tour is the perfect tour for . newcomers and locals looking to experience Washington, . in a healthy way with minimum effort. Knowledgeable guides will entertain you with the most interesting stories about Presidents, Congress, memorials, and parks. Comfortable bikes and a smooth tour route (路线) make cycling between the sites fun and relaxing. Washington Capital Sites at Night Bicycle Tour

高三英语课外阅读love is the best legacy

As a young man, A1 was a skilled artist, a potter. He had a wife and two fine sons. One night, his older son developed a severe stomachache. Thinking it was only some common intestinal disorder, neither A1 nor his wife took the condition very seriously. But the malady was actually acute appendicitis and the boy died suddenly that night. Knowing the death could have been prevented if he had only realized the seriousness of the situation, A1‘s emotional health deteriorated under the enormous burden of his guilt. To make matters worse his wife left him a short time later, leaving him alone with his 6-year-old younger son. The hurt and pain of the two situations were more than A1 could handle, and he turned to alcohol to help him cope. In time A1 became an alcoholic. As the alcoholism progressed, A1 began to lose everything he possessed – his home, his land, his art objects, everything. Eventually A1 died alone in a San Francisco motel room. When I heart of A1‘s death, I reacted with the same disdain the world sh ows for one who ends his life with nothing material to show for it. ―What a complete failure!‖ I thought. ―what a totally wasted life!‖ As time went by, I began to re-evaluate my earlier harsh judgment. You see, I knew A1‘s now adult son, Ernie. He is one of the kindest, most caring, most loving men I have ever known. I watched Ernie with his children and saw the free flow of love between them. I knew that kindness and caring had to come from somewhere. I hadn‘t heard Ernie talk much about his father. It is so hard to defend an alcoholic. One day I worked up my courage to ask him. ―I‘m really puzzled by soothing‖, I said. ―I know your father was basically the only one to raise you. What on earth did he do that you became such a special person?‖ Ernie sat qu ietly and reflected for a few moments. Then he said, ―From my earliest memories as a child until I left home at 18, A1 came into my room every night, gave me a kiss and said, ?I love you, son.‘‖ Tears came to my eyes as I realized what a fool I had been to judge A1 as a failure. He had not left any material possession behind. But he had been a kind loving father, and he left one of the finest, most giving men I have ever known. 1. Al's elder son probably died of acute appendicitis due to ________ according to this passage. A. lack of care and nutrition B. the couple's carelessness C. serious stomachache D. too much alcohol 2. What can we know from the second paragraph? A. Given more attention, the boy could be saved. B. Al eventually became an alcoholic without any reason. C. Al's wife was also dead because of her elder son's death. D. The boy's death couldn't be avoided even if he was given more attention. 3. How did the writer evaluate Al's son, Ernie in this passage? A. Kind. B. Caring. C. Loving. D. All above. 4. The purpose of writing this passage for the writer is to show ________. A. we should reevaluate Al's meaning of life B. love is the best heritage in our life C. Ernie is a kind, caring and loving son D. Al's death is a totally wasted life as well


装订线unit 24 exhibition—fare 课题:3500词汇复习unit 24exhibition—fare 教学目标: 1.识记并掌握3500词汇unit 24 exhibition—fare中的单词及相关高考必备词组; 2.完成专项训练Test24 exhibition—fare中的相关练习。 教学重难点: 1. 重点:识记并掌握3500词汇24 exhibition—fare中的单词及相关高考必备词组; 2. 难点:通过完成专项训练Test24 exhibition—fare中的相关练习进一步掌握。 教学过程 集体备课部分(学生活动部分)个性备课部分 1.enterprise 2. entertainment 3. entire 7. equal 8. equality 9. equipment 22exchange 23excuse 24excuse 26犯错误 27从…逃脱

1.迅速浏览本单元的单词并把不认识的单的词按顺序记录在单词小 本上 2.记忆未会的单词 3.补充相关重点单词的部分重要词组和相关表达 装订线当堂检测: 1.exhibition 2.existence 3.fantacy 4failure 5 experience 6 expression 7 explorer 8explanation 9 expert 10experiment 11expense 12expectation 13facility 14factor 15faith 16exist 17fall 18fail 19fade 20extend 21express 22export 23explode 24explain 25expect 26expand 27expensive 28explicit 29extraordinary 30fancy 31familiar 32false 33fair 34facia l 35extreme 36就…而言 37对某人来说是熟悉的 38面对困难 39未能完成某事完成专项训练Test24 exhibition—fare中的二,三 答案: 二.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. . 三.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. . 课后作业: 完成专项训练Test24 exhibition—fare中的四,五,六 答案:


2016学年第二学期徐汇区高三模拟考英语试卷2017.4 I. Listening Comprehension Section A Short Conversations Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard. 1. A. He knows who is knocking. B. He is eager to know who it is. C. He doesn’t want to open the door. D. He is ready to open the door. 2. A. By plane. B. By bus. C. By taxi. D. By train. 3. A. $100. B. $200. C. $300. D. $400. 4. A. She went to cinema. B. She went to an exhibition. C. She stayed at home. D. She stayed with her classmates. 5. A. In a doctor’s office. B. In a professor’s office. C. In an operating room. D. In an emergency ward. 6. A. The man paid the tuition for learning physics. B. The man got a lot of money for his hard work. C. His hard work was not rewarding at all. D. His work before the test led to a good result. 7. A. A furnished house. B. A recent book. C. A further study. D. A new record. 8. A. They will go swimming. B. They will climb mountains. C. They will buy some clothes. D. They will forecast the weather conditions. 9. A. He has another lecture to attend. B. He has no interest in the lecture. C. He’s attended the same lecture given by Professor Wilson before. D. He might miss the lecture, if the woman didn’t remind him. 10.A. She fully agrees with the man. B. They are uncertain about the weather. C. She disagrees with the man. D. She thought the man was always late. Section B Directions: In Section B, you will hear several longer conversation(s) and short passage(s), and you will be asked several questions on each of the conversation(s) and the passage(s). The conversation(s) and the passage(s) will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard. Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage. 11. A. People are encouraged to be a craftsman. B. Learning woodworking is not as hard as you think. C. Learning woodworking will help you know more people. D. Taking a class in woodworking will be very helpful. 12. A. Because I am a talent in this art and want to share it with others. B. Because I am interested in it and want to show it to others. C. Because I wonder how to pick materials and how to do it well. 1 / 16


I watched from a distance as the homeless man quarreled with those who did not leave money for him – the majority. I walked up to him and right on queue he asked me for a quarter. “I’ll give you a quarter if you tell me your story.” He laughed, “You’ll give me a quarter for my story?” I lay the qu front of him and corrected myself –“Nah, here’s the quarter but it would be nice to hear your story.” I followed his eyes to the quarter and for a brief moment I saw a glimmer of reflection. I sat down next to him and waited. I was a sniper(狙击手)and was supposed to shoot down the “I was in the army,” he said. “ carefully to his grizzly voice as he went deeper into the story. enemy from the distance.” I listened He wore dirty old torn clothes and smelled like a dead rat left in a mouse trap. He told me how he used to hunt with his family and was really good at it. He had his own way of respecting animals by not wasting what he killed for food and not killing more than he needed. When the army came knocking on his door, he felt pride and joined up. All those years of polishing his hunting skills could now serve a larger purpose—to defend us from the bad guys. He set out to fight in Iraq. It wasn’t long before he realized his ideals and expectations were just a shadow of the truth. He became disillusioned with the killings, which he felt were of innocent people. “I was a sniper but I never really killed anyone,” he said. “One day I had to do it. They asked me to shoot this lady from the distance. I saw kids near that lady and my hands were on the trigger (扳机). Man, I was tearing up ... I couldn’t do it. She wasn’t doing anything to anyone and she was with the kids—I couldn’t see through my tears. It just didn’t make any sense to me.” The story goes on as he describes eventually being put into prison for 180 days for refusing to follow orders. He told me how he was black listed so that he couldn’t get a job. All the rights we take for granted were taken away from him. Why? Here was a man who was being punished—and for what? For refusing to kill the lady? For being a hero? “I have no regrets,”  anyone the homeless man said. “I may be homeless now, but I never killed that lady. I never killed He in the army. It didn’t feel right. I didn’t go there to do that. I went there to save people.”  okay. But I wouldn’t be able to live with continued, “I can live with being homeless—that’s killing innocent people.” On that lonely Friday night, I met a hero. It just never occurred to me that a hero could be a smelly old man left on streets. 1. It can be learned from the passage that the homeless man_______. () A. never killed animals B. had a strong respect for life C. deserved the punishment he received D. felt guilty about disobeying the order


高三英语专题汇编阅读理解(人生百味)(一)及解析 一、高中英语阅读理解人生百味类 1.阅读理解 Atop almost every Tokyo visitor's must-see list, Harajuku is one of the city's most named-checked neighborhoods. Here's a quick look at some of the highlights every Harajuku visitor should experience. Takeshita Street The first thing you're going to want to do is get sucked into the vortex of Takeshita Street, the best place to try purikuru photo booths and observe the latest cosplay trends - from Cothic Lolita to cyberpunk. WEGO is a popular fashion chain offering the latest trends and a section for vintage clothes. Tutuanna is where you can find interesting socks that will add an ample dose of kawaii to your outfit. Cat Street Cat Street is more relaxing place to stroll and shop, with stores focusing on higher-end brands. RAGTAG is the best place to find second-hand items. Harajuku Chicago boasts a wide variety of vintage clothes, including baseball team happi coats and traditional kimonos. Omotesando Avenue Another famous shopping street Omotesando Avenue is a large, tree-lined thoroughfare that cuts through Harajuku and is filled with hundreds of shops and restaurants. Sukajyan Dept, a tiny souvenir jacket store, is packed with the works of Ken Kakinuma. TOKYU Plaza Omotesando Harajuku is where you'll find that famous mirrored entranceway that so many travelers share on the internet. (1)If you want to buy vintage clothing, where should you go? A.WEGO & Tutuanna. B.Sukajyan Dept & RAGTAG. C.WEGO & Harajuku Chicago. D.RAGTAG & Harajuku Chicago. (2)When visiting Omotesando Avenue, you may . A.buy interesting socks. B.take a relaxing walk. C.try purikura photo booths. D.post the mirrored entranceway online. (3)Which section of the website may the text be chosen from? A.Travel. B.Business. C.Entertainment. D.Fashion. 【答案】(1)C (2)D


美文阅读 1:生命的旅程
Do not undermine your worth by comparing yourself with others. It is because we are different that each of us is special. Do not set your goals by what other people think important. Only you know what is best for you. Do not take for granted the things closest to your heart. Cling to them as you would your life, for without them, life is meaningless. Do not let your life slip through your fingers by living in the past nor for the future. By living your life one day at a time, you live all of the days of your life. Do not give up when you still have something to give. Nothing is really over until the moment you stop trying. It is a fragile thread that binds us to each other. Do not be afraid to encounter risks. It is by taking chances that we learn how to be brave. Do not shut love out of your life by saying it is impossible to find. The quickest way to receive love is to give love. The fastest way to lose love is to hold it too tightly. In addition, the best way to keep love is to give it wings. Do not dismiss your dreams. To be without dreams is to be without hope. To be without hope is to be without purpose. Do not run through life so fast that you forget not only where you have been, but also where you are going. Life is not a race, but a journey to be savored each step of the way.
人生的旅程 不要跟人攀比而妄自菲薄,我们的独特之处正在于与众不同。 不要按别人的 标准设定目标,只有你自己才明白什么最合适。 不要对内心深处的东西漠然视之,对待它们要 像性命一样看重,没有它们生活就没有意义。 不要沉迷往事或者只在意将来而让生命从指缝间 流失。生活要一天天度过,生命的每一天才过充实。 只要还能给予就不要轻易放弃。除非你停 止努力,一切都没有真正终结。靠着脆弱的联系我们才聚在一起。 不怕遭遇风险,正是通过承 担风险我们学会了勇敢。 不要说爱情难觅而拘之门外,得到爱情的最快是奉献爱。失去爱的最 快方法是抓得太紧。 守护爱的最佳方式是给它装上翅膀。 不要摒弃梦想, 没有梦想就没有希望,
没有希望就没有目标。 不要匆匆忙忙过生活,忘记了曾经抵达何处,又举步何处。生活不是一 场赛跑,而是一次时时驻足观赏的旅行
美文阅读 2 :永远的朋友
"A friend walks in when the rest of the world walks out." A Forever Friend Sometimes in life, you find a special friend: someone who changes your life just by being part of it; someone who makes you laugh until you can't stop; someone who makes you believe that there really is good in the world; someone who convinces you that there really is an unlocked door just waiting for you to open it. This is forever friendship. When you're down, and the world seems dark and empty, your forever friend lifts you up in spirits and makes that dark and empty world suddenly seem bright and full. Your forever friend gets you through the hard times, the sad times, and the confused times. If you turn and walk away, your forever friend follows. If you lose your way, your forever friend guides you and cheers you on. Your forever friend holds your hand and tells you that everything is going to be okay. And if you find such a friend, you feel happy and complete. Because you need not worry, you have a forever friend for life, and forever has no end.
“别人都走开的时候,朋友仍与你在一起。” 永远的朋友 有时候在生活中,你会找到一个 特别的朋友:他只是你生活中的一部分内容,却能改变你整个的生活;他会把你逗得开怀大笑; 他会让你相信人间有真情;他会让你确信,真的有一扇不加锁的门,在等待着你去开启。 这就 是永远的友谊。 当你失意,当世界变得黯淡与空虚,你真正的朋友会让你振作起来,原本黯淡、 空虚的世界顿时变得明亮和充实。你真正的朋友会与你一同度过困难、伤心和烦恼的时刻。 你 转身走开时,真正的朋友会紧紧相随。你迷失方向时,真正的朋友会引导你、鼓励你。真正的 朋友会握着你的手,告诉你一切都会好起来的。如果你找到了这样的朋友,你会快乐,觉得人 生完整。因为你无需再忧虑。 你拥有了一个真正的朋友, 永永远远,永无止境。


海淀区高三年级第二学期期末练习 英语 参考答案及评分标准2017.05 第一部分:听力理解(共三节,30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,共7.5分) 1. B 2. A 3. A 4. C 5. C 第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,共15分) 6. B 7. C 8. A 9. B 10. B11. B 12. C 13. A 14. A 15. C 第三节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,共7.5分) ★每小题超过一个词不计分;★拼写错误不计分;★16、18、19题首字母不大写扣0.5分。 16. Medicine 17. 627-549 18. Theatre/Theater 19. Half 20. red 第二部分:知识运用(共两节,45分) 第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,共15分) 21. C 22. A23. A24. C25. B26. B 27. A 28. D 29. D 30. C 31. B 32. B33. D 34. C 35. A 第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,共30分) 36. C 37. D 38. B 39. D 40. A41. D42. A 43. B 44. C 45. C 46. B 47. C 48. A 49. D50. B 51. A52. C53. B54. D 55. A 第三部分:阅读理解(共两节,40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,共30分) 56. C 57. D 58. D 59. A60. D 61. B 62. A 63. B 64. D 65. A 66. C 67. A 68. C 69. C70. B 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,共10分) 71. G 72. A73. B 74. C75. D 第四部分:书面表达(共两节,35分) One possible version: Dear Jim, How is it going? Thank you for your support on my upcoming attendance in the CCTV program The Reader.


(A ) A coal-fire stove(炉灶)provided heating for Zhao Yaoqin's courtyard bungalow in a Beijing hutong all her life. This winter, however, the stove has disappeared from the 66-year-old's life, and an electric radiator takes its place beside her bed, a product of a government to use clean energy in the national capital. With the Olympics to be staged in Beijing next August, the city is determined to eliminate the use of coal within the Third Ring Road that circles the city before the Games. The project to replace the stoves with electric radiators has been part of the effort. When the city's four-month long heating season started on Thursday, coal-fired stoves, known as a big source of pollution in the big city, have disappeared from some 20,000 local households like Zhao's bungalow in the inner city "hutong" -- traditional alleyways(小巷) that date back centuries. "We used to boil water or bake bread on the stove," said Zhao, sounding sentimental(伤感) to the disappearance of the coal furnace from her life. Late in the 1990s, Beijing's air quality monitoring office found that the emissions(排放) of sulphur dioxide and carbon monoxide from the hutong areas have been higher than the city's average in winter, mainly because of the coal stoves. With the project to switch to clean energy for heating launched in 1999, the emission level of the two poisonous substances decreased by 42 percent and 44 percent, respectively, this year from 2001 levels. Zhao said the fee for electrical heat for the entire winter was usually around 2,400 yuan (US$323) per household. With the government's subsidy(补贴), however, she only needed to pay about 500 yuan, nearly the same price as that for coal. 1.Zhao Yaoqin’ example in the passage is to tell us that_______. A.people in Beijing using electric radiators to welcome the Olympics. B.people in Beijing are doing something to protect the environment. C.hutongs in Beijing have a long history. D.People pay more money to use electric radiators than before. 2. The underlined word eliminate probably means________ A. cut down. B. increase. C. get rid of. D. replace 3. We can infer from the passage that ______ A. Zhao Yaoqin has a strong and deep emotion with the use of coal-fire stove. B. The government will pay most of the fee. C. The air of Beijing has been badly polluted since 1990s. D. The people do not use coal eight months in one year. 4. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? A. The clean air is important when the Olympics Games is held in Beijing. B. The success of the Olympics Games depends on the clean air. C. The government spare no effort to make the environment better. D. The emission level of poisonous substances will be low in 2008.

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