当前位置:文档之家› [VIP专享]北邮2015春季大学英语2阶段作业3




1. The Great Wall of China is the longest wall in the world. It is more than 6000 kilometers

long, about 7 meters high, 5 to 6 meters wide. It is known to be the only one of the structures

built by men on Earth that can be seen from the moon.

The Potala(布达拉宫)in Tibet, China, is the world’s highest palace. It is over 3 kilometers above the sea level.

The great Pyramid in Egypt is the biggest burial place ever built. It is about 137 meters

high, or about the height of 40-storey building. Each side of the Pyramid is about 230 meters

long, or about as long as 2 city blocks.

The Sears Tower in Chicago, U.S.A., reaches a height of 443 meters. It has 110 storeys

and covers a total floor space of 420,000 square meters. It is the tallest office building in the


1.The Great Wall of China is the longest wall in the world because it is _____.

A.over six thousand kilometers long

B.about two hundred and thirty meters long

C.about as long as two city blocks

D.more than three kilometers above sea-level

2.The biggest burial place that men ever built is in ______.



C.the Potala

D.the Great Wall

3.The Sears Tower is about ____, so it is the tallest office building in the world.

A.seven meters high

B.one hundred and thirty seven meters high

C.four hundred and forty-three meters high

D.four hundred and twenty thousand meters high

4.The only one of the objects built by men on the earth that can been seen from the

moon is _____.

A.the Great Pyramid

B.the Great Wall

C.the Sears Tower

D.the Potala

5.The Potala is in _____.



C.the U.S.A



得分:[5, 5, 5, 5, 5]

提示:[1]A.细节题。本题问“长城是世界上最长的墙,这是因为______。”中心词是“the longest




[2]B.细节题。本题问“人类建造的最大的墓穴是在_____。”中心词就是“the biggest burial place”,



词是“the Sears Tower”,答案在最后一段的第一句,该句大意是“美国芝加哥的希尔斯大楼高达



[4]B.细节题。本题问“从月亮上能看到的地球上的唯一的建筑物是_____。”中心词是“The only

one of the objects”,或者“can been seen from the moon”。答案在第一段的最后一句,该句明



有的同学不知道“the Potala”就是“布达拉宫”,解决办法就是在原文中找到这个词进行定位。


1.Honesty ___________ as an important part of the American character.



C.was took

D.was seen



得分:[5]试题分值: 5.0


be seen as:……被视为/ 被看作……

1. This can be seen as the core of the regulation.这一条可以被理解为新条例的核心理念。

2. Every minute of time you spend should be seen as an investment.你要知道,你花费的每一分钟都是一项重要的投资。


3.Proctors asked each student to ___________ an ID card with an attached photo.







得分:[5]试题分值: 5.0



He produced from his pocket a bunch of keys. 他从口袋里掏出一串钥匙。


5.The Department of Psychology at the University of Maryland ___________ a campaign to stop

one form of cheating.









得分:[5]试题分值: 5.0


launch a campaign:发起一场运动

1. Launch a campaign to stop cheating发起一场制止作弊的运动

2. It is said that they launched a campaign to raise money for a mountain village primary school.据说他们发起一场运动,来为一所山村小学筹集资金。


7.I always took it ___________ granted that I was far more intelligent than he was.







得分:[5]试题分值: 5.0


take sth for granted:认为某事理所当然

1. He took it for granted that the room should belong to him.他认为那间房子属于他是理所当然的。

2. She speaks English so well that I take it for granted that she is English.她英语说得这么好,我想当然地把她当成了英国人。

3. Don’t take it for granted that college graduates can do everything in all aspects



9.The next day I was still a buck private with KP ___________ my highest duty.







得分:[5]试题分值: 5.0



11.Suddenly my ___________ disappeared.







得分:[5]试题分值: 5.0


1. 疲劳;倦怠

Tiredness overcame me. 我累坏了。


13.We usually shrug ___________ the words we are really glad to hear.






学生答案:[C;]标准答案:C;得分:[5]试题分值: 5.0


shrug off:耸肩表示对……不屑理睬(尤指表示怀疑,冷漠等)

1. shrug off the teacher’s words对老师的话不予理睬

2. He seems to shrug off all the mistakes he made.他耸耸肩对其所犯的错误表示不屑理睬。

3. She can shrug off her troubles and keep smiling.她能够不顾困难,保持乐观。


15.The lonely salesman finished ___________ pictures of his family.








得分:[5]试题分值: 5.0


fish out:把鱼钓光;捞出;掏出

1. fish out the keys掏出钥匙

2. He managed to fish out his key in the darkness and unlocked the door.黑暗中,他费了很大的气力才掏出钥匙,打开了房门。


17.The company ________ to criticism and improved its image shortly.







得分:[5]试题分值: 5.0


react to:作出反应

1. How did he react to your suggestion?他如何对待你的建议?

2. Observe carefully how the bacteria react to this stimulus.仔细观察细菌对这一刺激有什么反应。

3. Do children react to kind treatment by becoming more self-confident?对孩子们和善是否会使他们更有自信?


19.He will face criminal __________ for cheating others out of their money.







得分:[5]试题分值: 5.0

提示:该题选A,题目大意是“他将面临诈骗别人钱财的刑事指控。”charge:名词n. 控告,指控

He was arrested on the charge of robbery. 他因被控犯有抢劫罪而被捕。


21.The number of students in our school is ___________.

A.on the rise

B.in the rise

C.at the rise

D.from the rise



得分:[5]试题分值: 5.0


on the rise:increasing在增长;在加剧;(价格)在上涨;(数目)在增加

1. Industrial demand for fuel is on the rise.工业对燃料的需求正在增长。

2. The numbers also demonstrate that intermarriage is on the rise.数据还表明异族婚姻呈上升趋势。


23.He finally __________ to find the reference book that he has been looking for.









得分:[5]试题分值: 5.0

提示:该题选C,题目大意是“他最终找到了他一直在找的那本参考书。”manage指设法成功做到;try to do指尽力去做,不涉及结果;attempt指努力去做,但肯定没有或不能取得成功;run当“经营,管理”讲可与manage互换。


25.The teacher is busy ___________ the exam now.

A.making up for

B.making up

C.making up of

D.making for



得分:[5]试题分值: 5.0


make up:invent, design设计,编出;组成,构成;弥补

1. He made up some ghost stories to amuse us.他编了一些鬼的故事逗我们开心。

2. They made up a plan for smuggling in the cars.他们设计了一个方案,好把那些汽车走私进来。


27.Guilin is quite __________ a visit.


B.worthy to

C.worthy of

D.worth of



得分:[5]试题分值: 5.0


worthy of:deserving值得

1. worthy of answers值得回答

2. She is worthy of all honor.她值得一切的崇敬。

3. This is a good opportunity worthy of trying.这是个好机会,试一下值得。

4. That new art museum is worthy of a visit.那家新开的艺术博物馆值得去参观一下。


29.He didn’t laugh because he did not get the _________.







得分:[5]试题分值: 5.0


joke:名词n. [C]

1. 玩笑,戏谑

You have taken my little joke too much to heart. 你把我的小玩笑太当真了。

2. 笑柄,笑料

He′s the joke of the whole village. 他是全村的笑柄。



一、阅读理解(共1道小题,共25.0分) 1. A pretty, well―dressed young lady stopped a taxi in a big square, and a said to the driver, "Do you see that young man at the other side of the square?" "Yes," said the taxi driver. The young man was standing outside a restaurant and looking impatiently (不耐烦地) at his watch every few seconds. "Take me over there," said the young lady. There were a lot of cars and buses in the square, so the taxi driver asked, "Are you afraid to cross the street?" "Oh, no!" said the young lady. "But I promised that I would meet the young man for lunch at one o' clock, and it is now a quarter to two. If I arrive in a taxi, it will at least seem as if I had tried not to be late." 1.How did the young woman get to the square? A.She arrived in a taxi. B.She drove there in a car. C.She got there by bus. D.The story doesn't tell us. 2.Why did the lady stop the taxi? A.Because she didn't want to be late for her appointment (约会). B.Because she wanted to get out of the taxi. C.Because she wanted to go to the restaurant in it. D.Because she was afraid of walking across the street. 3.The young man at the other side of the square_______. A.had probably been waiting for a long time B.had some problem with his watch C.was probably a waiter of the restaurant D.was someone the young lady didn't want to see 4.The young lady was_______. A.clever at making excuse B.not late at all C.45 minutes earlier D.15 minutes late 5.Had she tried not to be late? A.Yes, she had tried her best. B.No, she was just pretending that she had tried. C.Yes, she had tried but she was still late. D.No, she thought being late was better than being early.


一、阅读理解(共1道小题,共50.0分) 1. Americans with small families own a small car or a large one. If both parents are working, they usually have two cars. When the family is large, one of the cars is sold and they will buy a van(住房汽车) A small car can hold four persons and a large car can hold six persons but it is very crowded. A van hold seven persons easily, so a family with three children could ask their grandparents to go on a holiday travel. They could all travel together. Mr. Hagen and his wife had a third child last year. This made them sell a second car and buy a van. The sixth and seventh seat are used to put other things, for a family of five must carry many suitcases when they travel. Americans call vans motor homes. A motor home is always used for holidays. When a family are traveling to the mountains or to the seaside, they can live in their motor home for a few days or weeks. All the members of a big family can enjoy a happier life when they are traveling together. That is why motor homes have become very popular. In America there are many parks for motor homes. 1. From the passage, a motor home is also called ______. A. a motor car B. a motorbike C. a big truck D. a van 2. A family owns a motor home usually with ______. A. more than two children B. interest in vans C. a baby D. much money 3. Americans with a small family and with two parents working usually have ______. A. a car B. two cars C. two vans D. a van 4. What is the main use of motor homes for Americans? A. to do some shopping with all the family members B. to drive their children to school every day C. to travel with all the family members for holidays


一、完形填空(共1道小题,共50.0分) 1.Once, three fishes lived in a pond. One evening, some ___1___ passed by the pond and saw the fishes. “This pond is full of fish”, they told each other __2___. “We have never fished here before. We must come back tomorrow morning with our ___3___ and catch these fish!” So saying, the fishermen left. When the eldest of the three fishes ___4___ this, he was troubled. He called the other fishes together and said, “Did you hear ___5___ the fishermen said? We must leave this pond at once. The fishermen will return tomorrow and kill us all!” The second of the three fishes agreed. “You are right”, he said. “We must leave the pond.” But the ____6___ fish laughed. “You are worrying without reason”, he said. “We have lived in this pond all our lives, and no fisherman has ever come here. Why should these men return? I am not going ___7____ - my luck will keep me safe.” The eldest of the fishes left the pond that ___8____ evening with his entire family. The second fish saw the fishermen ____9___ in the distance early next morning and left the pond at once with all his family. The third fish refused to leave even then. The fishermen ____10___and caught all the fish left in the pond. The third fish's luck did not help him - he too was caught and killed. (232字) a. A.fishersman B.fisherman C.fishermans D.fishermen 学生答案: D; 标准答 案: D b. A.excitedly B.excited C.excite D.exciting


中国地质大学(武汉)远程与继续教育学院 大学英语3 课程作业1(共 4 次作业) 学习层次:专升本涉及章节:第一单元—第二单元 一、Make a suitable choice for the underlined word or phrase(选择与划线词或词组意思相同的选项) 1. We should not complain about taxes. A) feel unhappy B) say bad things C) care D) praise 2. What were the effects of the decision she made? A) reasons B) results C) causes D) bases 3.People don’t realize how serious this recession has actually been. A) know B) think C) doubt D) remember 4.First editions of certain popular books cannot be obtained for love or money. A) at any place B) at any price C) in any language D) in any country 5. About a quarter of the workers in the United States are employed in factories. A) third B) fourth

C) tenth D) fifteenth 6. In a bullfight, it is movement, not the color, of subjects that arouses the bull. A) confuses B) excites C) scares D) diverts 7. Passenger ships and planes are often equipped with ship-to-shore or air-to-land radio telephones. A) highways B) railroads C) sailboats D) aircraft 8. The firemen acted quickly because lives were at stake. A) in danger B) in despair C) out of condition D) out of danger 9.Mary called me up very late last night. A) shouted at me B) visited me C) telephoned me D) waked me 10. Mary gets up at the same time every morning. A) arises B) raises C) arrives D) stands up 11. Helen will leave immediately. A) far away


1. People have been talking about health for a long time because people know the importance of it. People's understanding of health also becomes deeper with the progress in scientific research. Recently the term "health" has come to have a wider meaning than it used to. It no longer means just the absence of illness. Today, health means the well-being of your body, your mind and your relationship with other people. This new concept of health is closely related to another term----quality of life. Quality of life is the degree of overall satisfaction that a person gets from life. Why has the emphasis of health shifted from the absence of disease to a broader focus on the quality of a person's life?One reason for this has to do with the length and conditions of life that people can now expect. Medical advances have made it possible for people today to live longer, healthier lives. Imagine for a moment that you were born in the year 1900. You could have expected on average to live until about the age of 47. In contrast, if you were born in the year 1999, you could expect to live to the age of 75. 2. 1. ______leads to people's deeper understanding of health. 2. https://www.doczj.com/doc/8512877691.html,mon knowledge 2.Progress in scientific research 3.Better conditions of living 4.Quality of life 3. According to the passage, to people of today, health means______. 4. 1.absence of illness 2. a long life 3.good conditions of living 4.overall satisfaction with life


《大学英语3》第2阶段在线作业试卷要求: 答题要求: 每题只有一个正确的选项。 1(5.0分) _______ these honors he received a sum of money. ?A) Except ? ?B) But ? ?C) Besides ? ?D) Outside ?

解析: 无 2(5.0分) It’s time we _______ the lecture because everybody has arrive d. ?A) will start ? ?B) shall start ? ?C) start ? ?D) started ? 3(5.0分) His salary as a driver is much higher than ______.

a porter ? ?B) is a porter ? ?C) that of a porter ? ?D) as a porter ? 4(5.0分) _______ her and then try to copy what she does. ?A) Mind ? ?B) See ? ?C) Stare at

?D) Watch ? 5(5.0分) The girl is ______ of a film star. ?A) somebody ? ?B) something ? ?C) anybody ? ?D) anyone ?

6(5.0分) The atmosphere ______ certain gases mixed together in definit e proportions. ?A) composes of ? ?B) is made up ? ?C) consists of ? ?D) makes up of ? 7(5.0分)


一、句子改错(共5道小题,共25.0分) 1. This is such a beautiful day that everyone around us feel like going out for a walk. A B C D A. A B. B C. C D. D 2. Neither John and his father was able to wake up early enough to catch the morning train. A B C D A. A B. B C. C D. D

3. He finds it easier to do the cooking himself than teaching his wife to cook. A B C D A. A B. B C. C D. D 4. Despite his old age, he is still very healthful and often works in the field. A B C D A. A B. B C. C D. D

5. The information which she was injured in the accident was given by Liz. A B C D A. A B. B C. C D. D 二、阅读理解(共1道小题,共50.0分)

1. Today, as in every other day of the year, more than 3,000 U.S. adolescents will smoke their first cigarette on their way to becoming regular smokers as adults. During their lifetime, it can be expected that of these 3,000 about 23 will be murdered, 30 will die in traffic accidents, and nearly 750 will be killed by a smoking-related disease. The number of deaths attributed to cigarette smoking outweighs all other factors, whether voluntary or involuntary, as a cause of death. Since the late 1970s, when daily smoking among high school seniors reached 30 percent, smoking rates among youth have declined. While the decline is impressive, several important issues must be raised. First, in the past several years, smoking rates among youth have declined very little. Second, in the late 1970s, smoking among male high school seniors exceeded that among female by nearly 10 percent. The statistic is reversing. Third, several recent studies have indicate high school dropouts have excessively high smoking rates, as much as 75 percent . Finally, though significant declines in adolescent smoking have occurred in the past decade, no definite reasons for the decline exist. Within this context, the National Cancer Institute (NCI) began its current effort to determine the most effective measures to reduce smoking levels among youth. 1. According to the author, the deaths among youth are mainly caused by _____. A. traffic accidents B. smoking-related diseases C. murder D. all of these 2. Every day there are over _____young people who will become regular smoker. A. 75 B. 23 C. 30 D. 3,000 3. By "dropout" (in paragraph 3) the author means______. A. students who failed the examination


北邮大学英语3(新)阶段作业一及答案 一、单项选择题(共10道小题,共100.0分) 1.The doctors________the medicines to the people in the flood area. A.distinguished B.chose C.annoyed D.distributed 2.We took out another________to expand our business. A.lend B.lent C.loan D.load 3.He couldn't________his father that John was telling the truth. A.convince

B.believe C.admit D.display 4.Facing the________situation the sales manager looked________. A.puzzling,puzzled B.puzzling,puzzling C.puzzled,puzzled D.puzzled,puzzling 5.Professor Zhang had two articles published in the_________periodical. A.studying B.learning C.learned D.studied

6.The University________him an honorary degree. A.drained B.awarded C.approached D.glimpsed 7.If you're late again you'll be________from your job. A.referred B.deserted C.omitted D.dismissed 8.They are________as the most promising table-tennis players. A.regarded



一、单项选择题(共9道小题,共90.0分) 1.下面关于 Java 的理解错误的是()。 A.Java 是一个面向对象、平台独立、多线 程、动态的编程环境 B.Java 是一个完整的计算平台,包括完整 的程序开发环境和运行环境 C.Java 是一个通用的编程环境,使用它可 以开发完成各种计算任务的通用程序 D.Java 是一个 Web 程序开发和运行环 境,使用它只能开发 Web 应用程序 知识 点: 阶段作业一 学生答案: [D;] 标准 答案: D 得分: [10] 试题 分值: 10.0 2.(错误) 下面不是包的用途的是( A ) A.规定一组类的对外界面 B.防止命名冲突 C.访问控制

D.方便类的查找和使用 知识 点: 阶段作业一 学生答案: [D;] 标准 答案: A 得分: [0] 试题 分值: 10.0 3.在Java中,用Package语句说明一个包时,该包的层次结构必须是() A.与文件的结构相同 B.与文件目录的层次相同 C.与文件类型相同 D.与文件大小相同 知识 点: 阶段作业一 学生答案: [B;] 标准 答案: B 得分: [10] 试题 分值: 10.0 4.关于Eclipse透视图说法错误的是() A.每个透视图都定义了工作台中各个视图 的初始设置和布局 B.一个工作台窗口包含多个独立的透视 图,但同一时刻只有一个透视图是对用 户可见的 C.每个透视图都有自己的视图和编辑器,

用户可以在各个透视图间切换 D.透视图的布局是可以改变的,但改变多 次后无法再恢复到初始设置 知识 点: 阶段作业一 学生答案: [D;] 标准 答案: D 得分: [10] 试题 分值: 10.0 5.(错误) 关于Eclipse工作空间说法错误的是( C ) A.它是用户计算机磁盘上划出的一块区 域,用来存放用户的工作资料 B.它以项目为单位组织文件和目录 C.它将各种资源组织成树形结构,文件夹 位于树的根部,项目位于树枝位置 D.用户对工作空间的每次操作都能在 Eclipse集成环境中得到同步 知识 点: 阶段作业一 学生答案: [B;] 标准 答案: C 得分: [0] 试题 分值: 10.0


北邮大学英语2答案 【精选】

一、完形填空(共1道小题,共50.0分) 1.(错误) I first saw the baby panda when she was only 10 days old. She looked like a white mouse. We ____1___her Xi Wang. It means “hope”. When Xi Wang was born, she weighed____2___100 grams. Xi Wang drank her mothe r’s milk for as much as 14 hours a day. When she was six months old, she started to eat bamboo shoots (嫩芽) and ____3____. Eight months later, she was not a small baby any more. She grew into a____4___young panda and weighed 35 kilos. When Xi Wang was 20 months old, she had to look after herself _____5___ her mother had another baby. ____6_____, it is very difficult for pandas to live in the wild. Here are some of the _____7____that pandas like Xi Wang may have in the future. If hunters catch a panda, they will kill it for its fur. If farmers____8____trees and forests, pandas will have no place to live in. When mothers leave baby pandas alone, people will often take them away. People think that the baby pandas need ____9_____. If pandas are in danger, we should try our best to protect them. If we do____10_____, soon there will be no more pandas in the world!?? a. A.made B.called C.told D.kept 学生答案: B; 标准答 案: B b. A.quite


A . anyone else B . anything C . some of the things D . anything else A . more larger, all B . much larger, that C . very larger, both D . larger, those

A . flooded B . were flooded C . was flooded D . flood √4. A . being B . C . having D . having A . happened to see B . was happened to see C . happened to be seen D . was happened to be seen

A . rather B . enough C . quite a D . fairly A . the much best B . much the most best C . the very best D . very the best A . will put off

B . will be put off C . will be put D . has put off A . When B . What time C . How often D . How long A . take good care of B . has taken good care of C . took good care of D . are taken good care of


本次作业是本门课程本学期的第3次作业,注释如下:大学英语II 第3单元作业题 一、单项选择题(只有一个选项正确,共40道小题) 1. –What time is it? –____________________. (A) My watch keeps good time (B) My watch is five minutes fast (C) My watch says three o’clock (D) I say three o’clock 你选择的答案:[前面作业中已经做正确] [正确] 正确答案:C 解答参考:[第三单元] 本题问句是“现在几点钟”,C项“我的表是三点钟”。A项“我的表走时准确”,B项“我的表快五分钟”,D项“我说是三点钟”都不符合习惯表达法。 2. –Could you tell me the time, please? –____________________. (A) Yes, I can (B) No, I can’t (C) It’s four thirty (D) It’s Friday 你选择的答案:[前面作业中已经做正确] [正确] 正确答案:C 解答参考:[第三单元]C 本题仍是问时间,回答应该直接告诉对方时间,故C项正确。 3. –What day is tomorrow? –Today is Tuesday. So it’s________. (A) Monday (B) Wednesday (C) Thursday (D) Saturday 正确答案:B 解答参考:[第三单元]B 本题问“明天是星期几”,回答“今天是星期二,所以明天是星期三”。 4. –When is your birthday? –____________________. (A) It’s April 18th (B) It’s Sunday (C) It’s August (D) I was born in 1988


阶段作业一 一、单项选择题(共10道小题,共100.0分) 1. All the signs _________ an early resumption of the battle. 2. 1.point at 2.point 3.point out 4.point to 3. In a time of social reform, people's state of mind tends to keep ________ with the rapid changes of society. 4. 1.step 2.progress 3.pace 4.touch 5. After he had been asked the same question many times, his answer became _________ . 6. 1.machine

2.mechanics 3.mechanic 4.mechanical 7. He seems to be _________ enough to climb to the mountain top in an hour. 8. 1.radiant 2.conscientious 3.conspicuous 4.energetic 9. The University ________him an honorary degree. 10. 1.drained 2.awarded 3.approached 4.glimpsed 11.

Copper ________ electricity. 12. 1.cracks 2.equips 3.strikes 4.conducts 13. I'm firm in my________ that he is a good teacher. 14. 1.behaviour 2.believe 3.beloved 4.belief 15. The sting ________ him in his dislike of bee. 16. 1.confirmed 2.firmed 3.formed 4.confused



一、完形填空(共1道小题,共50.0分) 1 Monday is the beginning of the week; it is the day most Americans like worst. The day they ___1___ most is Saturday. Saturday is the ___2___ of the workweek; it is the beginning of the weekend. Life is ___3___ on the weekend; most Americans ___4___ care of their houses, cars and gardens. They sleep ___5___ in the morning. They enjoy the feeling that the time ___6___ to move more slowly. The workweek is for things you ___7___ to do; the weekend is for things you ___8___ to do. Some people may get in a car for a ___9___ in the country. They like to take part in a sports activity out of doors. And on Saturday night they might go to a public eating ___10___ or a film. 1like 1dislike 1spend 1leave 学生答案: A; 标准答 案: A 1middle 1beginning 1end 1day 学生答案: C; 标准答 案: C 1worse 1difficult 1bad 1different 学生答案: D; 标准答 案: D 1make 1take 1look 1pick


一、单项选择题(共10道小题,共100.0分) 1.After running to the bus-stop, I sat down to __________. A.out of breath B.catch breath C.catch my breath D.lose my breath 知识点: 阶段作业一 学生答案: [C;] 标准答 案: C 得分: [10] 试题分 值: 10.0 2.We took out another ________ to expand our business. A.lend B.lent C.loan D.load 知识点: 阶段作业一 学生答案: [C;] 标准答 案: C 得分: [10] 试题分 值: 10.0 3.The intention of lowering interest rates is to ________ the economy and develop industries. A.stimulate B.have effect on C.stick D.give an impulse 知识点: 阶段作业一 学生答案: [A;] 标准答 案: A 得分: [10] 试题分 值: 10.0

4.Bad health ________ him to resign from his job. A.enforced https://www.doczj.com/doc/8512877691.html,pelled C.forced https://www.doczj.com/doc/8512877691.html,peted 知识点: 阶段作业一 学生答案: [B;] 标准答 案: B 得分: [10] 试题分 值: 10.0 5.He was too old to keep _________ with the modern ideas of life, and his son felt a generation gap between them. A.speed B.pace C.pack D.steps 知识点: 阶段作业一 学生答案: [B;] 标准答 案: B 得分: [10] 试题分 值: 10.0 6.After he had been asked the same question many times, his answer became _________ . A.machine B.mechanics C.mechanic D.mechanical 知识点: 阶段作业一 学生答案: [D;] 标准答 案: D 得分: [10] 试题分 值: 10.0 7.Nowadays,people in the city enjoy a _________ of musical life.

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