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M3U2 Language 复习单


1. consist vi. 组成;构成consistent adj. 始终如一的;一致的反义词:inconsistent 不一致的;

2. represent vt. representation n. representative adj./n. 代表的; 代表

3. pure adj. purity n. 纯度;纯净purify vt.使…变得纯净

4. simple adj. simplify vt. 简化simplified adj. 简化的

5. conclusion n. conclude v. conclusive adj. 决定性的;最后的

6. convenient adj. convenience n. 反义词:inconvenient

7. practice v. practical adj. 反义词(不现实的,不切实际的) impractical

8. gentle adj. gently adv.轻轻的;温柔的绅士gentleman

9. race n. racial adj.种族的10. beat 过去式beat 过去分词beaten

II. 重点短语

1. occupy vt. 占用(时间,空间,面积等);占领;使忙于occupation n.占有;职业;

occupy a position 占据职位occupy sb’s mind/ thoughts/ attention 萦绕(占据)某人的脑海/思想/注意力occupy sb./oneself in doing sth/ with sth 使某人/自己忙于(做)某事

= be occupied in doing sth/ with sth 忙于(做)某事

“忙于(做)某事”的表达法还有: ①be busy with sth. /(in)doing sth. ②be engaged in sth.

③be employed in doing sth. ④be buried in(doing)sth.

2. raise vt.饲养(家畜); 养育, 培养; 提高, 增加; 举起; 筹集(资金); 提及

raise money=collect money 募捐, 筹资raise one’s spirits使振奋; 使鼓起勇气

raise one’s cultural awareness 提高某人的文化意识raise a family 养家

arouse one’s interest/curiosity 由……产生arise from=arise out of

on the rise=on the increase

3. replace v. 代替(某人、某物),替代

1) replace A with/by B 用B替代A 同义词组:substitute A with B/ substitute B for A

2) replace sb 代替某人She replaced Jane as manager. 她接替简做了经理

同义词组:take the place of sb. = take one’s place

in the first place (用于列举理由等时)首先;第一;原先(=firstly)

out of place 不在适当的位置上in place 在适当的位置上

4. convenient adj. 方便的n. convenience adv. conveniently

it is convenient (for sb) to do …if it is convenient to you 如果你方便的话

at one’s convenience 在某人方便的时候for convenience 为了方便起见

5. consist of 由..组成/构成= be made up of = be composed of consist in 在于,存在于

1) Life mainly consists of happiness and sorrow while happiness and sorrow consist in struggle.


2) Workers and peasants make up the majority of our country.

= The majority of our country consists of/ is made up of/is composed of workers and peasants.

6. stand for= represent代表;象征stand by = support 支持,拥护stand out 突出;出色

7. in a broad sense从广义上讲in a sense 在某种意义上

8. distinction between A and B A和B之间的差异distinctive 有特色的;与众不同的

distinguish between … and ……/ distinguish right from wrong区分对错

9. make contributions to/towards …对….作出贡献= contribute to….

contribute to 还可以表示:1)有助于;投稿;导致,是…..的原因之一

contribute to 导致=lead to …=result in=give rise to ….

take the lead 占主要地位,领先lead sb. to do sth. 使某人做某事lead sb. to sp. 带某人去某地

10. press vt. (被)压、挤,推;施加压力n. 报刊;新闻界;出版社

press … against/on…将….压在…..上press a button/switch 按下按钮/开关

hold/give a press conference 召开/举行记者招待会

pressure n.压力;压迫under (the) pressure (of) 在(….)压力下

11. ban sb from doing禁止某人做…. a ban on smoking 关于吸烟的一个禁令

12. concern v.“影响,涉及;与……有关;使某人担心”;n. “关注;担心”。

a speech concerning sth.一个关于……的演讲; concerning =about

people concerned有关的人concerned people担忧的人

be concerned about/for关心,担心show concern for / about…对…表示关心


13. access n.“(使用或见到的)机会,权利”,对人而言,可表示与其会面,对场合而言可表示自由出入。

vt.“存取;进入”,如:an easily accessed system一个容易进入的系统;

approach vt. ①“接近,靠近”,强调动作,相当于draw near;②“着手处理”n.“方法,途径;通道”

an approach to doing sth.=a way of doing/ to do sth.做某事的方法

have / get / gain / obtain access to sth. / sb.有机会利用或接近

词汇拓展:accessible adj. 可进入的; 可使用的; 可接近的; 可理解的be accessible to

available adj. 可得到的; 有效的; 空闲的; 可利用的be available to

Medicine shouldn’t be kept where it i s available to children

= Medicine shouldn’t be kept where children can have access to it.

III. 重点句子


Even though the Normans spoke French for the entire 250 years when they ruled England,French did not replace English as the first language.


Some people are optimistic and believe that this process is good,while others worry that it may result in language pollution.


While the students found the soldier's idea interesting, the system was too difficult to be of practical use.


The Chinese language differs from many Western languages in that it uses characters which have meanings and can stand alone as words.



However, the Norman conquest did not affect English as much as the Angles and the Saxons’ victory about 600 years earlier, which led to old English replacing Celtic.


上海实验东校二00六学年度第一学期期末质量测试 二年级英语试卷 (考核范围:Oxford English 2AU1~9; Oxford Storyland 1A ) 题号 听力 笔试 总分 等第 应得分 50分 50分 100分 实得分 一、 Listen and choose the correct words (听录音,选出听到的单词,将其 编号填入题前括号内)10% ( ) 1. A. tree B. three ( ) 2. A. coat B. cold ( ) 3. A. tall B. tail ( ) 4. A. short B. shirt ( ) 5. A. wind B. winter ( ) 6. A. slow B. snow ( ) 7. A. bell B. belt ( ) 8. A. red B. read ( ) 9. A. Coke B. cake ( ) 10. A. sleep B. sweep 二、 Tick the correct picture. (听录音,勾出正确的单词) 6% (1) (2) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) (3) (4) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) (5) (6) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) C l a s s __________ C h i n e s e N a m e ___________ E n g l i s h N a m e _________ N u m b e r ________

三、Listen and number (给你听到的句子编号)10% ( ) I’m from Shanghai. ( ) I have got a blues dress. ( ) Christmas is coming. ( ) I can make a snowman with my friends. ( ) Hello, I’m Angela. ( ) It’s short. ( ) I live in Pudong. ( ) Listen to the wind. ( ) I need a new one in winter. ( ) We are very happy. 四、Listen and choose the right sentences. (听录音选出正确的句子)5% ( )(1) A. The pink rubber is very long. B. The pink ruler is very long. ( )(2) A. Say “thank you” to your teacher. B. Say “goodbye” to your teacher. ( )(3) A. The kitten is in the building. B. The kitten is in the bin. ( )(4) A. He is reading a book in the classroom. B. She is reading a book in the classroom. ( )(5) A. I can see a yellow light. Wait! B. I can see a red light. Stop! 五、Listen and fill in the correct words. (听录音,选择正确的词填空)11% (1) Look at the ______ ______. It is very fast. (2) I have got ______ orange and ______ sweets. (3) Put on your new ______ and ______. (4) It is the green ______. You can ______ now. (5) I can see a yellow ______ on the ______. So beautiful. (6) Come and fly a ______ with me. 六、Listen and judge. (听录音,判断下列句子与听到的句子是否一致,相同 的用T,不同用表示F)8% 1. Peter has got a ball. ( ) 2. My brother has my hot dog. ( ) 3. Mary lives in Shanghai. ( ) 4. Sue goes to school by bicycle. ( ) 5. Sam is very thirsty. ( ) 6. Lily’s mother is a beautiful doctor. ( ) 7. Sam has a scarf. It’s blue ( ) 8. The snowman has got big eyes and a short nose. ( )


模块九 Unit 1 opera house歌剧院 skyscraper摩天大楼 maple枫树 wilderness 未开垦之地荒原 centigrade摄氏的,摄氏度 border国界,边界;边疆 countless无数的,数不清的 freezing极冷的,极冷地 recreation娱乐,消遣 cross-country越野 photographer拍照者,摄影师 hunter猎人 rank属于某个等级,将……归为某个等级;排列multicultural 多元文化的,多种文化融合的Portugal葡萄牙 Lebanon黎巴嫩 historic历史上著名的(或重要的),有历史意义的alley小巷,胡同 concrete混凝土;具体的,有形的 dynamic充满活力的;动态的 cuisine菜肴;烹饪 mall 购物中心 waterfall 瀑布 semicircle半圆形 sheet一大片;一张;床单 traveller旅客,游客 frontier国界;边境 westwards向西 seek one’s fortune外出寻找(成功或发财)机会settlement定居点;定居;(问题的)解决 syrup 糖浆 little more than只是……而已,仅仅 merchant商人 cowboy 牛仔 niece侄女,甥女 oral口头的;口腔的 merry欢乐的,愉快的 occasion 场合 teamwork团队合作 empire 帝国 seaside海边的,海滨的 sidewalk人行道 jungle丛林;危险地带 immigration移民,移居 sporting喜爱运动的;有体育风尚的 ambiguous模棱两可的,不明确的,有歧义的absolute绝对的,完全的 compulsory强制的;义务的 canteen食堂 pub酒馆,酒吧 pint品脱(容量单位) grill(置于火上的)烤架;烧烤,炙烤league联赛;联盟 content满意,满足,甘愿 unfit不健康的;不适合的 owe归因于,归功于;欠……债 surfing 冲浪运动 equip装备,配备 dusk黄昏,傍晚 after-school放学后的,课外的 thrill兴奋,激动;使非常兴奋、激动cricket 板球 originally原来,起初 Pakistan巴勒斯坦 Kenya肯尼亚 South Africa南非 considering考虑到,鉴于 Unit2 Colosseum 古罗马斗兽场 classical 古典的,经典的 Angkor Wat 吴哥窟 Cambodia柬埔寨 cathedral大教堂 politics政治 associate联想,联系 flat平的,平淡的,单调的 sacred神圣的 goddess 女神 marble大理石 partly部分地,局部地 Turk土耳其人 warehouse仓库 gunpowder 火药,弹药 theft偷,盗窃 friction争端,分歧;摩擦 autonomous自治的,自主的 clumsy无技巧的,笨拙的 smog烟雾 acid rain酸雨 appoint任命,委任;指定(时间、地点)heritage 遗产 site 地点,现场,网站 mend修理;解决


文档从网络中收集,已重新整理排版.word 版本可编辑.欢迎下载支持. 《牛津小学英语2A 》期末复习题 第一部分 听力 一、 听录音,用(1,2,3……10)给图片标上序号。 二、听录音,选出你所听到的单词,把序号写在括号内。 1. ( ) A. father B. brother 2. ( ) A. sweet B. sweater 3. ( ) A. bed B. bread 4. ( ) A. door B. doll 5. ( ) A. juice B. rice 6. ( ) A. hot dog B. hamburger 三、听录音, 给下列句子标序号。 1. ( ) It ’s hot, take off your sweater. 2. ( ) The gift is for you. Thank you. 3. ( ) Have some rice, Peter. 4. ( ) What are these? They are potatoes. 5. ( ) What ’s your sister? 五、听录音,选出你所听到的句子。 1. ( ) A. Who is he? B. What is he? 2. ( ) A. Clean the door, please. B. Close the door, please. 3. ( ) A. I like rice. B. Rice is nice. 4. ( ) A. A hot dog, please. B. A hamburger, please. 5. ( ) A. Put on your coat. B. Take off your coat. 六、听录音,根据所听内容选择正确的应答,并将其序号填入题前的括号内。 1. ( ) A. He ’s my brother. B. He ’s a worker. 2. ( ) A. It ’s bright. B. Yes, it is. 3. ( ) A. It ’s a carrot. B. They are carrots. 4. ( ) A. Happy New Year! B. Merry Christmas! 5. ( ) A. Here you are. B. I like cakes. 第二部分 笔试 七、根据图片,圈出单词。 八、找出不同类的单词。 1. ( ) A. bright B. window C. table 2. ( ) A. nurse B. cook C. chair 3. ( ) A. bread B brother C. cake 4. ( ) A. gift B. yellow C. bell 5. ( ) A. butterfly B. pie C. sweet 九、从B 栏中选出A 栏相对应的回答,把序号写在括号内。 A B ( ) What’s your father? 1. Oh, it’s like a big balloon. ( ) Clean the desk, please. 2. Merry Christmas! ( ) Look at the moon. 3. OK. Thanks, Dad. ( ) Merry Christmas! 4. All right. ( ) Here you are. 5. He’s a doctor. ▓▓▓ ···································· · 密·························封·······················线····································


2016版牛津英语(适用于2016年度上高一,高二,高三学生用) 模块九单词表 第1课 1.opoera house 歌剧院 2.skyscraper 摩天大楼 3.maple 枫树 4.centigrade 摄氏的,摄氏度 5.border 国界,边界;边疆 6.countless 无数的,数不清的 7.freezing 极冷的,冰冻的 8.recreation 娱乐,消遣 9.cross-country 越野 10.photographer 拍照者,摄影师 11.hunter 猎人 12.rank 将……归为某个等级;排列 13.Portugal 葡萄牙

14.Lebanon 黎巴嫩 15.historic 历史上着名的(或重要的) 16.alley 小巷,胡同 17.concrete 混凝土;具体的,有形的 18.dynamic 充满活力的;动态的 19.cuisine 菜肴;烹饪 20.semicircle 半圆形 21.sheet 一大片;一张;床单 22.traveler 旅客,游客 23.frontier 国界;边境 24.westwards 向西 25.seek one's fortune 外出寻找(成功或发财)机会 26.settlement 定居点;定居; 27.little more than 只是……而已,仅仅 28.merchant 商人

29.niece 侄女,甥女 30.oral 口头的;口腔的 31.merry 欢乐的,愉快的 32.teamwork 团队合作 33.seaside 海边的,海滨的 34.sidewalk 人行道 35.jungle 丛林;危险地带 36.immigration 移民,移居 37.sporting 喜爱运动的;有体育风尚的 38.ambiguous 模棱两可的,不明确的,有歧义的 39.absolute 绝对的,完全的 https://www.doczj.com/doc/865450101.html,pulsory 强制的;义务的 41.canteen 食堂 42.pub 酒馆,酒吧 43.pint 品脱(容量单位)


2A英语期末复习知识点 班级____________ 姓名_________________ 学号____________ 一、单词: (请家长在家督促孩子自默,必会单词必须过关,加星单词尽量能背出,默写出)Module1: 必会单词:morning, afternoon, evening, night, boy, girl, big, small, seven, eight, nine, ten, apple, bag, cat, dog, elephant 加星单词:one, two, three, four, five, six, snake, goodbye, hello, hi, how, who, what, tall, short, fat, thin, he, she, it, I , you, like, can, can’t, thanks, good, nice. Module2: 必会单词:run, write, swim, fly, young, old, sister, brother, hair, head, face, girl, hand, , jar, kite, lion 加星单词:draw, sing, dance, ride, skip, read, but, super, Giant, gate, fathere, mother, grandfather, grandmother, h’e s,she’s, isn’t, friend, family, eye, mouth, ear, nose, big, small, am, is, are, my, your,insect, Supergirl Module3: 必会单词:slide, swing, seesaw, bag, box, desk, chair, bowl, plate, spoon, chopsticks, mouse, net, pig, rabbit, in, on, see 加星单词:garden, flower, tree, grass, colour, red, green, yellow, blue, brown, pink, purple, white, black, grey, mice, bee, they, you, room, pen, pencil, rubber, ruler, pencil case, table, under, how many, there is, there are, dinner, floor, room,orange, queen Module4: 必会单词:sky, sun, moon, star, fox, hippo, meat, grass, flower, tree, soup, table, box, yellow 加星单词:bright, rain, cloud, look at, round, animal, farm, forest, monkey, lion, tiger, rabbit, cow, sheep, cute, nice, hop, swing, naughty, banana, draw, colour, cut, help, zoo, bee, cry, umbrella, van, window, , zebra 1

高中牛津英语模块五 英译汉

高中牛津英语模块五英译汉Unit 1 1.betray 2.quiz 3.pretend 4.cheerful 5.washroom 6.admit 7.beg 8.swear 9.spy 10.spy on 11.truly 12.forgive 13.sincerely 14.childhood 15.superb 16.focus 17.pace 18.keep pace with 19.manner 20.horrible 21.guilty 22.cruel 23.remark 24.dislike 25.argue 26.awkward 27.apologize 28.quarrel 29.sensitive 30.athletic 31.envy 32.blame 33.gifted 34.disagreement 35.before long 36.mailbox 37.algebra 38.arithmetic 39.Easter 40.amusement 41.amusement park 42.circus 43.identity 44.absurd 45.hopeless 46.overcome 47.get through 48.acquaintance 49.twin 50.apartment 51.topic 52.attitude

53.anchor 54.be based on 55.cautious 56.eager 57.worldwide 58.adolescent 59.respond 60.pause 61.regardless 62.regardless of 63.security 64.end up 65.waiting room 66.rely 67.rely on 68.trolleybus 69.revision 70.thanks to https://www.doczj.com/doc/865450101.html,mitted 72.mercy 73.apology Unit 2 1.spokeswoman 2.consultant 3.debate 4.open the floor 5.flow 6.duty 7.cut back on 8.production 9.recycle 10.pipe 11.greedy 12.businessman 13.responsibility 14.belief 15.environmental 16.operate 17.credit 18.quantity 19.raw 20.raw material 21.seafood 22.willing 23.tax 24.goods 25.pump https://www.doczj.com/doc/865450101.html,e up 27.run out (of) 28.madam 29.arrival 30.clean up 31.arrest 32.illegally


8B Unit 2期末复习练习 一.选择题。 1.--Have you seen _____ pen? I left it here this morning . --Is it ______ black one ? I think I saw it somewhere. A. a, the B. the , the C. a , a D. the , a 2. I _____ a book from the library last month. I have to return it today because I ______ it for too long. A. borrowed, have borrowed B. borrowed, have kept C. lent, have lent D. lent, have kept 3. --- What’s your hobby, Andy? --- Well, I have many hobbies,______ travelling and singing. A. for example B. as C. such as D. laughed 4. --- What do you think of the film you saw yesterday? --- Wonderful! We couldn’t stop _____ while we were watching it. A. laughing B. to laugh C. to laughing D. laughed 5. Look, _____ high speed the roller coaster _____ ! A. how; is moving B. what; is moving C. how; is moving at D. what; is moving at 6. --- Where is your father? --- He ____ Australia and he ____ Sydney for two weeks. A. has been to; has been in B. has gone to; has been in C. has been in; has been to D. has goon to; has been to 7. I felt so ____ when I heard the ____ news at that moment. A. exciting; excited B. excited; excited C. excited; exciting D. exciting; exciting 8. --- Is your father a teacher? --- Well, he____ . A. used to B. was used to C. used to be D. is used to be 9. _____ great fun it is to fly kites on windy days! ____ great time the children are having! A. What; What a B. How; What C. How; What a D. What a; What 10. --- Would you like a cup of coffee? --- Yes, please. ____ , could you put some sugar in it? A. In some ways B. By the way C. In this way D. On the way 11. The man ____ his hometown three years age, so he ____ for three years. A. left; has been away B. left; has left C. was away; has been away from D. was away; has left 12. ____ many fish in the river, but now we can’t see any. A. There was B. It used to be C. There used to have D. There used to be 13. --- When did you ____ see your old friends? --- About three years ago. A. finally B. before C. end D. last 14. My father has ____ abroad for seven years. A. gone to B. been to C. been in D. been 15. ____ the river there is a house. That’s the farmhouse where Mr. Smith keeps his dog. A. At the end of B. In the end of C. By the end of D. In the end 16. Have you finished your report? --- ____ . But it’s almost done. A. Yes, I have B. Not exactly C. More or less D. Of course I have 17.— What do you think of ________ film Mr Li recommends to us? — Wonderful! What about seeing it with me _______ second time? A. a; the B. the; the C. a; a D. the; a 18.--- ____________ fantastic time we had in Hong Kong Disneyland!--- Oh, I’m glad to hear that. A.What a B. How a C. What D. How 19.—Have you seen Mr. Wang these days?—No, he _____ Beijing for a meeting. He’ll come back in three days. A. has gone to B. has been to C. has gone in D. has been in 20.---Someone is knocking at the door. Who may it be?---It ______ be Tom. He is still at school. A. can’t B. mustn’t C. couldn’t D. may not 21.― Where have you ?The film for half an hour.―Oh, sorry .I’m late because of the heavy rain. A. been;has started B. gone;has been on C. been;has been on D. gone;has started 22.---Thanks for listening to my problem and giving me your advice, Amy. ---_______. That's what friends are for. A. My pleasure B. With pleasure C. Never mind D. It's nice 23.—He’s never been to England, ________ he? — ________. He even had photos taken in front of the Big Ben. A. is; No B. has; Yes C. has; No D. is; Yes 24.--- _________ has he taught in this school?---Since he left college. A. How long B. How often C . How soon D. How far 25.---I have ever seen Alice in Wonderland II(爱丽丝梦游仙境). ---When ________? ---Two weeks ago. A. did you see it B. have you seen it C. do you see it D. will you see it 26. ---Mary, why don’t you go hiking with us?---What a pity! I’m free eve ry day ________ today. A. for B. except C. besides D. among 27. ---How was your exam the day before yesterday? ---Oh, I couldn’t feel ________. I made few mistakes in it. A. worse B. worst C. better D. best


1 牛津高中英语模块五词汇表 Unit1 betray出卖,背叛 quiz小测验 pretend假装;装扮 cheerful愉快的,高兴的washroom洗手间,厕所 admit承认;允许进入 beg请求,恳求;乞讨 swear发誓;郑重承诺 spy从事间谍活动 spy on暗中监视,窥探 truly真诚地,诚恳的 forgive原谅,宽恕 sincerely真诚地childhood童年,幼年 superb极佳的;卓越的 focus集中注意力于…… pace速度;步伐;节奏 keep pace with(与……)步调一致 manner方式;态度,举止 circus马戏表演;马戏团identity身份 absurd荒唐的,怪诞的hopeless没有好转希望的 overcome克服,解决 get through(用电话)接通acquaintance泛泛之交,熟人twin双胞胎之一的apartment公寓套房 topic话题

attitude态度,看法 anchor扎根于,使基于 be based on以……为基础,以……为根据 cautious小心的,谨慎的eager热切的,急不可待的worldwide全世界的adolescent青春期的respond做出反应,回应pause停顿,暂停 regardless不顾;不管怎样regardless of不管,不顾security平安,安全 end up最终处于 waiting room候车室;等候室 rely依靠,依赖rely on依靠,依赖 trolleybus无轨电车 revision复习;修订 thanks to幸亏;由于 committed尽心尽力的 mercy宽恕;仁慈 apology道歉 Unit2 spokeswoman女发言人 consultant顾问 debate辩论;争论 open the floor自由发言flow流,流动 duty责任,义务 cut back on减少,削减,缩减 production产量;生产


上海牛津英语2A期末复习计划 一、复习目标 1、字母: Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz 2、单词 1)26个字母配套的26个单词 2)Let’s learn中的单词(32个)见英语书目录Vocabulary 3、句型 1)to be 句型(is, am, are的使用) 肯定句:I’m… You’re… He’s… She’s … My eyes are… My nose is … This is … That is … It’s … 一般疑问句:Are you …? Yes, I am. (No, I’m not.) Is he/she…? Yes, he/she is. (No, he/she isn’t.) 特殊疑问句:Who am I? You’re … Who are you? I’m … Who’s he/she? He’s/She’s … What colour is it? It’s … How are you? I’m fine. (Very well.) What’s this? It’s a… 2)含情态动词can的句型 Can you …? Yes, I can. (No, I can’t.) What can you/she/he do? I/She/He can… What can you see? I can see … 3)There be 句型 How many …s? There is one. There are two. 4)祈使句 Put …in/on/under… Give me … Look at …


期末复习(九) Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.This notebook costs twenty-nine and a half __________(便士). 2.In_________(庆祝)of his achievement,we held a celebration for him. 3.We __________(播种) wheat in this part of the field. 4.The scenery was beautiful beyond ___________(表示). 5.The trees are _________(赤裸的)in winter. 6.She__________(强调)her disapproval of the proceedings by walking out. 7.The mountaineer was ___________(砸)on the head by a falling stone. 8.They have promised a _________(彻底的)inquiry into the plane crash. 9.Our holiday plans are rather___________(不明确的). 10.Be careful with those wine glasses—they're very ___________(易破碎).Ⅱ.单句语法填空 1.I'd appreciate _______if you could turn it down. 2.A teacher must have an ___________(understand) of children. 3.No one doubts her ____________(comptent) as a teacher. 4.He is such a good person __________ everyone liked him. 5.David used to hire _______ his car sometimes when he didn't need it himself. 6.He underlined the __________(important) of careful driving. 7.I came here____________(immediate) after having my supper. 8.Either you or I ________(be) not allowed to stay here long. 9.Word came_________ many enemy soldiers were near. 10.We can save two hours by___________(take) the express. Ⅲ.阅读理解 A More than 100 horses and riders leaped the flames of roaring bonfires Thursday in a small Spanish town in a centuries-old festival that has raised the anger of animal rights activists. Smoke and flames filled the night in San Bartolome de Pinares,a central Spanish 1


牛津高中英语模块五 Unit 3 Science versus nature Reading –The Perfect Copy(1)教学设计与思考 Ⅰ.Teaching Aims and Demands A. Knowledge 1.Enable the students to get some information about cloning. 2.Enable the students to learn some different opinions on cloning. 3.Help the students to learn how to understand scientific terms and analyze the passage according to the reading strategy. B. Feelings and Attitudes 1.Get the students to form the right attitudes towards the advanced technologies. 2.We should make good use of the advanced technologies to make our life better and better. C. Ability 1.Develop the students’ cooperation spirit. 2.Let students get some reading skills about scientific articles. Ⅱ.Teaching importances and difficulties. 1.Talk about cloning and human cloning. 2.How to describe the advantages and disadvantages of human cloning. Ⅲ.Teaching procedures and ways Step1 Lead-in 1 Ask the students to share the information collected about cloning before class. 2 Brief introduction about cloning and the fierce debates between scientists. (设计目的与意义:让学生对克隆技术有一个大概的了解,培养学生搜集资料、处理信息的能力。同时,通过图片、视频等方式简单介绍背景信息,活跃课堂气氛,并快速进入课堂主题。) Step2 Fast reading 1 Read the passage fast and answer the following questions. 1) Does the article give an anti- or pro-cloning point of view, or both? (Both) 2) What was the name of the first cloned mammal? (Dolly) 2 Read the first and the last paragraphs to answer the following questions . 1) What’s the first paragraph about? 2) What’s the last paragraph about? 3) What’s the passage about? Keys:!)Scientists’ success in cloning caused much debate. 2)China’s achievements on cloning.3)Different opinions about cloning. (设计目的与意义:培养学生快速把握文章脉络,理解文章大意,提高获取信息的能力以及有关阅读科技类文章的技巧。) Step3 Careful reading 1 Read the passage carefully and decide which of the following statements are Tor F. 1) People all over the world are happy about the idea of cloning human beings. 2)Dolly is exactly the same as other sheep. 3) A Scottish doctor created Dolly.


Unit 1 歌剧院 摩天大楼枫树 未开垦之地,荒原摄氏的,摄氏度 国界,边界;边疆无数的,数不清的极冷的,冰冻的 娱乐,消遣 越野 拍照者,摄影师 猎人 属于某个等级,将……归为某个等级;排列多元文化的,多种文化融合的 葡萄牙 黎巴嫩 历史上著名的(或重要的),有历史意义的小巷,胡同 混凝土;具体的,有 形的 充满活力的;动态的 菜肴;烹饪 购物中心 瀑布 半圆形 一大片;一张;床单 旅客,游客 国界;边境 向西 外出寻找(成功或发 财)机会 定居点;定居;(问题 的)解决 糖浆 只是……而已,仅仅 商人 牛仔 侄女,甥女 口头的;口腔的 欢乐的,愉快的 场合 团队合作 帝国 海边的,海滨的 人行道 丛林;危险地带 移民,移居 喜爱运动的;有体育 风尚的 模棱两可的,不明确 的,有歧义的 绝对的,完全的 强制的;义务的 食堂 酒馆,酒吧 品脱(容量单位) (置于火上的)烤架; 烧烤,炙烤 联赛;联盟 满意,满足,甘愿 不健康的;不适合的 归因于,归功于; 欠……债 冲浪运动 装备,配备 黄昏,傍晚 放学后的,课外的 兴奋,激动;使非常 兴奋、激动 板球 原来,起初 巴勒斯坦 肯尼亚 南非 考虑到,鉴于 Unit2 古罗马头兽场 古典的;经典的 吴哥窟 柬埔寨 大教堂 政治 联想,联系 平的,平淡的,单调 的 神圣的 女神 大理石 部分地,局部地 土耳其人 仓库 火药,弹药 偷,盗窃 争端,分歧;摩擦 自治的,自主的 无技巧的,笨拙的 烟雾 酸雨 任命,委任;指定(时 间、地点) 遗产 地点;现场;网站 修理;解决 稳步的,持续的,匀 速的 评估,评价 两周,两星期 晒黑的,晒伤的 灵感;启发灵感的人 (或事物) 离婚;使分离 天主教的 风流韵事;公共事务 被批控犯有……罪 判刑 判处某人死刑 代表某人,代替某人 金字塔 埃及 王室的,皇家的 松树 上边的,上部的 装饰品;装潢 芬芳,芳香的 砖块

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