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规律的最佳交通问题的潜在功能Regularity of potential functions of the optimal transportation problem

规律的最佳交通问题的潜在功能Regularity of potential functions of the optimal transportation problem
规律的最佳交通问题的潜在功能Regularity of potential functions of the optimal transportation problem

ARMA manuscript No.

(will be inserted by the editor)

Regularity of potential functions

of the optimal transportation problem

Xi-Nan Ma,Neil S.Trudinger,Xu-Jia Wang


The potential function to the optimal transportation problem satis?es a partial di?erential equation of Monge-Amp`e re type.In this paper we introduce the notion of generalized solution, and prove the existence and uniqueness of generalized solutions to the problem.We also prove the solution is smooth under certain structural conditions on the cost function.


The optimal transportation problem,as proposed by Monge in1781[22],is to?nd an optimal mapping from one mass distribution to another such that a cost functional is minimized among all measure preserving mappings.The original cost function of Monge was proportional to the distance moved and surprisingly this problem was only recently completely solved[9,29],see also[2].When the cost function is strictly convex,it was proved[6,15]that a unique optimal mapping can be determined by the potential functions,which are maximizers of Kantorovich’s dual functional.

The potential function satis?es a fully nonlinear equation of Monge-Amp`e re type,subject to a natural boundary condition.When the cost function c is given by c(x,y)=|x?y|2,or equivalently c(x,y)=x·y,the equation can be reduced to the standard Monge-Amp`e re equation

det D2u=h(·,Du),(1.1) and the regularity of solutions was obtained in[7,8,30],and earlier in[12]in dimension2.See also §7.1below.In this paper we study the regularity of potential functions for general cost functions. We establish an a priori interior second order derivative estimate for solutions to the corresponding Monge-Amp`e re equation when the cost function satis?es an additional structural condition,namely the assumption(A3)in Section2.Although condition(A3)depends upon derivatives up to order four of the cost function,it is the natural condition for interior regularity of the associated Monge-Amp`e re type equation.Moreover we do not expect the interior regularity without this or a similar

2Xi-Nan Ma,Neil S.Trudinger,Xu-Jia Wang

condition.To apply the a priori estimate to the potential functions we introduce and develop the notion of generalized solution and prove that a potential function is indeed a generalized solution.The regularity of potential functions then follows by showing that a generalized solution can be approximated locally by smooth ones.

In Section 2we introduce Kantorovich’s dual functional and deduce the Monge-Amp`e re type equation satis?ed by the potential function.We then introduce the appropriate convexity notions relative to the cost function and state the main regularity result of the paper (Theorem 2.1).In Section 3we introduce the generalized solution and show that a generalized solution is a potential function to the optimal transportation problem,from which follows the existence and uniqueness of generalized solutions (Theorem 3.1).In Section 4we establish the a priori second order derivative estimates (Theorem 4.1)under assumption (A3).In Section 5we prove that a generalized solution can be approximated locally by smooth solutions and so complete the proof of Theorem 2.1.

In Section 6we verify the assumption (A3).We show that (A3)is satis?ed by the two important

cost functions [5],c (x,y )= 1?|x ?y |2and c (x,y )= 1+|x ?y |2;and more generally by the

cost function

c (x,y )=(ε+|x ?y |2)p/2


for 1≤p <2,where ε>0is a constant.We also consider the cost function

c (x,y )=|X ?Y |2,(1.3)which is a function of the distance between points on graphs,where X =(x,f (x ))an

d Y =(y,g (y ))ar

e points o

f the graphs of f and

g .We show that condition (A3)is satis?ed if f and g are uniformly convex or concave and their gradients are strictly less than one.The ?nal Section 7contains various remarks.First in §7.1we indicate a simpler proof for the existence and interior regularity of solutions to equation (1.1)subject to the second boundary condition.We then recall in §7.2the re?ector antenna design problem treated in [32,33],whic

h is an optimal transportation problem with cost function satisfying assumption (A3).In §7.3we show that a potential function may not be smooth if the target domain is not convex relative to the cost function,while in §7.4we provide conditions ensuring the convexity property for our examples in §6.We conclude in §7.5with further remarks pertaining to the scope of our conditions.

Our treatment of c -concavity builds upon that in [16]for strictly convex cost functions and in

[32]for the re?ector antenna problem.We are very grateful to Robert McCann for useful discussions about this and other aspects of this paper.

2.Potential functions

Let ?,??be two bounded domains in the Euclidean space R n ,and let f,g be two nonnegative functions de?ned on ?and ??,and satisfying

?f =


Regularity of potential functions3 Let c be a C4smooth function de?ned on R n×R n.The optimal transportation problem concerns the existence of a measure preserving mapping s0:?→??which minimizes the cost functional




among all measure preserving mappings from?to??.A map s is called measure preserving if it is Borel measurable and for any Borel set E∈??,




The above condition is equivalent to that for any continuous function h∈C(??),




To study the existence of optimal mappings to the minimization problem,Kantorovich introduced the dual functional






K={(?,ψ)|?(x)+ψ(y)≤c(x,y),x∈?,y∈??}.(2.5) A fundamental relation between the cost functional C and its dual functional I is the following

inf s∈S C(s)=sup



It is readily shown(under appropriate conditions)that the maximizer to the right hand side always exists,and is unique up to a constant[6,15].Let(u,v)∈K be a maximizer.The component functions u and v are called the potential functions of the optimal transportation problem.In this paper we study their regularity.

We assume the following conditions:

(A1)For any x,z∈R n,there is a unique y∈R n,depending continuously on x,z,such that D x c(x,y)=z,and for any y,z∈R n,there is a unique x∈R n,depending continuously on y,z, such that D y c(x,y)=z.

(A2)For any x,y∈R n,

det D2xy c=0,

where D2xy c is the matrix whose element at the i th row and j th column is?2c(x,y)

?x i?y j


(A3)There exists a constant c0>0such that for any x∈?,y∈??,andξ,η∈R n,ξ⊥η,


(c p,q c ij,p c q,rs?c ij,rs)c r,k c s,lξiξjηkηl≥c0|ξ|2|η|2,

where c i,j(x,y)=?2c(x,y)

i j

,and(c i,j)is the inverse matrix of(c i,j).

4Xi-Nan Ma,Neil S.Trudinger,Xu-Jia Wang

Assumption(A3)will be used in the proof of the regularity of u.For the regularity of v we assume instead

(c p,q c rs,p c q,ij?c rs,ij)c k,r c l,sξiξjηkηl≥c0|ξ|2|η|2.

In Section4we will show that assumption(A3)can be replaced by a slightly di?erent one,see (4.21).

From the proofs in[6,15],the existence and uniqueness,up to constants,of maximizers to (2.4)is readily inferred under conditions(A1)(A2),(although one should note that the stated hypotheses in these papers is stronger).Let(u,v)be the potential functions.It is easy to verify the relation[15],







It follows that u,v are Lipschitz continuous,and their Lipschitz constants are controlled by that of c.For any given x0∈?,let y0∈??such that


u(x)≤c(x,y0)?v(y0)?x∈?.(2.9) Then we have,provided Du and D2u exist at x0,

Du(x0)=D x c(x0,y0),(2.10)

D2u(x0)≤D2x c(x0,y0).(2.11)

By assumption(A1)and(2.10),we obtain a mapping T u,T u(x0)=y0,such that for almost all x∈?,

Du(x)=D x c(x,T u(x)).(2.12)

Similarly there is a mapping T v such that for almost all y∈??,

Dv(y)=D y c(T v(y),y).

From the proof in[6,15],the mapping T u is indeed measure preserving,and is optimal for the transportation problem(2.2).From(2.8)we have T u(x)=y if and only if T v(y)=x.Hence T v is the inverse of T u.From(2.11)we see that if u is C2smooth,then

D2u(x)≤D2x c(x,T u(x))?x∈?,(2.13)

where D2x c is the Hessian matrix of c with respect to the x-variable.Similarly if v is C2smooth, we have

D2v(y)≤D2y c(T v(y),y)?y∈??.

Next we introduce some convexity notions relative to the cost function c.These notions coincide with the classical ones when


First we introduce the c-concavity of functions;see also[16].

Regularity of potential functions5

De?nition2.1.An upper semi-continuous functionφde?ned on?is c-concave if for any point x0∈?,there exists a c-support function at x0.Similarly,an upper semi-continuous functionψde?ned on??is c?-concave if for any point y0∈??,there exists a c?-support function at y0.

A c-support function of?at x0is a function of the form a+c(x,y0),where y0∈R n and a=a(x0,y0)is a constant,such that


?(x)≤c(x,y0)+a?x∈?.(2.15) Similarly one can de?ne c?-support functions by switching x and y,?and??.One can also introduce the notion of c-convex functions by changing the direction of the inequality in(2.15).

As the cost function c is smooth,any c-concave function?is semi-concave,namely there exists a constant C such that?(x)?C|x|2is concave.It follows that a c-concave function is locally Lipschitz continuous in?and twice di?erentiable almost everywhere.If?is twice di?erentiable at x0,then T?is well de?ned at x0and one has D2?(x)≤D2x c(x,T?(x))at x0.It is easy to show that if(?k)is a sequence of c-concave functions and?k→?,then?is c-concave.

In the special case when c(x,y)=x·y,the notion of c-concavity coincides with that of concavity, and the graph of a c-support function is a support hyperplane.

Obviously the potential function u is c-concave and v is c?-concave.Next we derive the equation satis?ed by(u,v).From(2.12)we have

D2u(x)=D2x c(x,T(x))+D2xy c·DT.(2.16) Hence

det(D2x c?D2u)=det(?D2xy c)det DT

=|det(D2xy c)|




Note that det DT could be negative and by(2.13),the matrix(D2x c?D2u)is non-negative.Hence (2.17)is degenerate elliptic if u is c-concave.For the optimal transportation problem we have the natural boundary condition

T u(?)=??.(2.18) For the potential function v,we have,

D2v=D2y c+D2xy c·DT v.(2.19) Hence v satis?es the equation

det(D2y c?D2v)=|det D2xy c|·


f(T v(y))


The corresponding boundary condition is

T v(??)=?.(2.21)

6Xi-Nan Ma,Neil S.Trudinger,Xu-Jia Wang

We remark that equations(2.17)and(2.20)can also be found in[31],and the notion of c-concavity is already in the literature;see for example,[16].

Equations(2.17)and(2.20)are of Monge-Amp`e re type.If c(x,y)=x·y,then T u(x)=Du(x) and(2.17)is equivalent to the standard Monge-Amp`e re equation

det D2u=h,(2.22) with the boundary condition

Du(?)=??,(2.23) where h=g/f.As remarked earlier,the regularity for the second boundary problem(2.22)(2.23), as originally proposed in[20],was established in[7,8,12,30].

To study the regularity of equation(2.17),we not only need the c-convexity of functions,but also the convexity of domains,as in the case for the standard Monge-Amp`e re equation(2.22). First we introduce a notion of c-segments,which plays a similar role as line segments for the Monge-Amp`e re equation.

De?nition2.2.A c-segment in?with respect to a point y is a solution set{x}to D y c(x,y)=z for z on a line segment in R n.A c?-segment in??with respect to a point x is a solution set{y} to D x c(x,y)=z for z on a line segment in R n.

By assumptions(A1)and(A2),it is easy to check that a c-segment is a smooth curve,and for any two points x0,x1∈R n and any y∈R n,there is a unique c-segment connecting x0and x1 relative to y.

Let h(x)=c(x,y0)+a be a c-support function.Then T h(x)=y0for any x∈?,namely T h maps all points x∈?to the same point y0.Hence we may regard y0as the“focus”of h.Geometrically a c?-segment relative to x0is the set of foci of a family of c-support functions whose gradients at x0lie in a line segment.When c(x,y)=x·y,a c-support function is a hyperplane and the“focus”of a hyperplane is its slope.In this case a c-segment connecting x0and x1is the Euclidean line segment,and the c-convexity of domains introduced below is equivalent to convexity.

De?nition2.3.A set E is c-convex relative to a set E?if for any two points x0,x1∈E and any y∈E?,the c-segment relative to y connecting x0and x1lies in E.Similarly we say E?is c?-convex relative to E if for any two points y0,y1∈E?and any x∈E,the c?-segment relative to x connecting y0and y1lies in E?.

The notion of c-convexity is not equivalent to convexity in the usual sense,rather it is stronger in general.For example,a ball may not be c-convex(relative to another given domain)at arbitrary location.On the other hand,a su?ciently small ball will be c-convex if c is C3smooth.Another way of expressing De?nition2.3is that E is c-convex with respect to E?if for each y∈E?,the image D y c(·,y)(E)is convex in R n and E?is c?-convex with respect to E if for each x∈E, D x c(x,·)(E?)is convex in R n.We will examine this notion further in§7.4in the light of our examples in Section6.

We can now state the main regularity result of the paper.

Regularity of potential functions 7

Theorem 2.1.Suppose f ∈C 2(?),g ∈C 2(??),f,g have positive upper and lower bounds,and (2.1)holds.Suppose the cost function c satis?es assumptions (A1)-(A3).Then if the domain ??is c ?-convex relative to ?,the potential function u is C 3smooth in ?.If ?is c -convex relative to ??,the potential function v is C 3smooth in ??.

We have not studied the regularity near the boundary.In the special case c (x,y )=x ·y ,it has been established in [8,12,30].We also point out that if ??is not c ?-convex (relative to ?),the regularity assertion of Theorem 2.1does not hold in general,see §7.3.

Remark 2.1.Instead of maximizers of Kantorovich’s functional,one can also consider minimizers,namely functions (u,v )satisfying

I (u,v )=

inf (?,ψ)∈K ?I (?,ψ),(2.24)

where K ?={(?,ψ)|?(x )+ψ(y )≥c (x,y ),x ∈?,y ∈??}.

The existence of minimizers to (2.24)can also be proved along the line of [6,15].In this paper we will study maximizers only,but the treatment in the paper also holds for minimizers.In particular Theorem 2.1holds for minimizers if assumption (A3)is replaced by (A3 )There exists a constant c 0>0such that for any x ∈?,y ∈??,and ξ,η∈R n ,ξ⊥η,


(c p,q c ij,p c q,rs ?c ij,rs )c r,k c s,l ξi ξj ηk ηl ≤?c 0|ξ|2|η|2,

Note that (A3)and (A3 )cannot hold simultaneously.

3.Generalized solutions

Let ?be a c -concave function in ?.We de?ne a set-valued mapping T ?:?→R n ,which is an extension of the normal mapping (super-gradient)for concave functions [24].For any x 0∈?,let T ?(x 0)denote the set of points y 0such that c (x,y 0)+a is a c -support function of ?at x 0for some constant a =a (x 0,y 0).For any subset E ??,we denote T ?(E )= x ∈E T ?(x ).

If ?is C 1smooth,then T ?is single valued,and is exactly the mapping given by (2.12).In general,T ?(x )is single valued for almost all x ∈?as ?is semi-concave and so twice di?erentiable almost everywhere.If c (x,y )=x ·y ,T ?is the normal mapping for concave functions.In this paper we call the mapping T ?the c -normal mapping of ?.Similarly one can de?ne the c ?-normal mapping for c ?-concave functions.

Remark 3.1.Since a c -concave function ?is semi-concave,its super-gradient

?+?(x 0)={p ∈R n |u (x )≤u (x 0)+p ·x +o (|x ?x 0|)}

is de?ned everywhere.By (2.12),we see that if y ∈T ?(x 0),then D x c (x 0,y )∈?+?(x 0).However if ?is not C 1at some point x 0,the relation

T ?(x 0)={y ∈R n |D x c (x 0,y )∈?+?(x 0)}

8Xi-Nan Ma,Neil S.Trudinger,Xu-Jia Wang

does not hold in general,where c(x,y)+a(for some constant a)is a c-support function of?at x0.Moreover,the set

E={x∈R n|?(x)=c(x,y)+a}

may be disconnected.See§7.5for further discussion.

By the c-normal mapping we can introduce a measureμ=μ?,g in?,where g∈L1(R n)is a nonnegative measurable function,such that for any Borel set E??,




To prove thatμis a Radon measure,we need to show thatμis countably additive.We will use the following generalized Legendre transform.

De?nition3.1.Let?be an upper semi-continuous function de?ned on?.The c-transform of?is a function??de?ned on R n,given by

??(y)=inf{c(x,y)??(x)|x∈?}.(3.2) Similarly for an upper semi-continuous functionψde?ned on??,the c?-transform ofψis the function


From the de?nition,??is obviously c?-concave andψ?is c-concave.If?is c-concave and c(x,y0)+a is a c-support function of?at x0,then??(y0)=?a and c(x0,y)??(x0)is a c?-support function of??at y0.Hence the c?-transform of??,when restricted to?,is?itself.In particular we see that y∈T?(x)if and only if x∈T??(y).

Lemma3.1.Let?be a c-concave function.Let

Y=Y?={y∈R n|?x1=x2∈?,such that y∈T?(x1)∩T?(x2)}.

Then Y has Lebesgue measure zero.

Proof.Letψbe the c-transform of?.Then?is the c?transform ofψ.Observe that if y∈T?(x1)∩T?(x2),we have x1,x2∈Tψ(y).Henceψis not twice di?erentiable at y.But sinceψis semi-concave,ψis twice di?erentiable almost everywhere.

It follows thatμis countably additive,see[3,10,24].

Lemma3.2.Let?i be a sequence of c-concave functions which converges to?locally uniformly in?.Then for any compact set K??and open set U???,we have

lim i→∞μ?

i ,g


lim i→∞μ?

i ,g


Regularity of potential functions9 Proof.To prove(3.3)it su?ces to prove






To prove(3.5),we suppose x i∈K and y i∈T?

i (x i)such that y i converges to y0.Let h i(x)=

a i+c(x,y i)be a c-support function of?i at x i.Obviously a i is uniformly bounded.Letting i→∞we obtain h i→h0and h0=a+c(x,y0)is a c-support function of?at x0.Hence y0∈T?(x0), and the inclusion(3.5)is proved.

To prove(3.4),we?x(as for example in[10])a compact set K?U.Then for su?ciently large i,we have




so that by Lemma3.1,

μ?,g(U)=sup K?Uμ?,g(K)

≤lim i→∞μ?

i ,g (U).

Corollary3.1.Let{?i}be a sequence of c-concave functions in?.If?i→?,thenμ?

i ,g


weakly as measures in?.

Let P k={p1,···,p k}be arbitrary k points in?and?be a c-concave function.Let

ηk(x)=inf{c(x,y)+a},(3.6) where the in?mum is taken over all a∈R and y∈R n such that c(p i,y)+a≥?(p i)for i=1,···,k

and c(x,y)+a≥?(x)for x∈??.It is easy to see thatμη

k ,g

is a discrete measure,supported on

the set P k.Choosing a proper sequence of{P k}such thatηk→?,by Lemma3.2we see thatμ?,f is a Radon measure.

For the standard Monge-Amp`e re equation(2.22),which corresponds to the cost function c(x,y)=x·y,the above properties of the measureμ?,g can also be found in[10,24]for the case g=1,and in[3]for general positive function g.

De?nition3.2.A c-concave function?is called a generalized solution of(2.17)ifμ?,g=f dx in the sense of measures,that is for any Borel set E??,

E f=



If furthermore?satis?es

???T?(?),|{x∈?|f(x)>0and T?(x)???=?}|=0,(3.8) then?is a generalized solution of(2.17)(2.18).

10Xi-Nan Ma,Neil S.Trudinger,Xu-Jia Wang

For the standard Monge-Amp`e re equation(2.22),namely when c(x,y)=x·y,the above gener-alized solution was introduced by Aleksandrov with g=1and Bakelman for general nonnegative locally integrable function g,see[3].Note that for the boundary condition(3.8),we need to extend g to R n???by letting g=0so that the mass balance condition(2.1)is satis?ed.

Let u be a generalized solution of(2.17)and v its c-transform.Let E u and E v denote respectively the sets on which u and v are not twice di?erentiable.Then|E u|=|E v|=0,and for any x∈T v(E v), there is a point y∈E v such that y∈T u(x).Since T u(x)is a single point for all x∈??E u,we have

T v(E v)f=

E v


The above formula implies that T u is one to one almost everywhere on{x∈?|f(x)>0}.It follows that T u is a measure preserving mapping.Hence if u is a generalized solution of(2.17) (2.18),by condition(3.8)and the mass balance condition(2.1),we have T u(x)∈??for almost all x∈{f>0}.It follows that for any Borel set E????,


T v(E?)


where v is the c-transform of u.Hence we have

Lemma3.3.Let u be a generalized solution of(2.17)(2.18).Let v be the c-transform of u.Then v is a generalized solution of(2.20)(2.21)

The next lemma shows that a c-concave function is a generalized solution if and only if it is a potential function.In particular,if c(x,y)=x·y,then a generalized solution of Aleksandrov-Bakelman(with g=0outside??)is equivalent to a generalized solution of Brenier[4].

Lemma3.4.Let(u,v)be a maximizer of the functional I over K.Then u is a generalized solution of(2.17)and(2.18).

Conversely,if u is a generalized solution of(2.17)and(2.18),then(u,v)is a maximizer of the functional I over K,where v is the c-transform of u.

Proof.Let(u,v)be a maximizer.Then by(2.7),u is c-concave and v is c?-concave,and v is the c-transform of u.By[6,15],the mapping T u,as determined by(2.12),is a measure preserving optimal mapping.Hence T u is a one to one mapping from{x∈?|f(x)>0}to{y∈??|g(y)>0} almost everywhere.Hence u is a generalized solution of(2.17).The assumption(2.1)implies that (3.8)holds.

Conversely,if u is a generalized solution of(2.17)and(2.18),then v is a generalized solution of (2.20)and(2.21).Hence T u is a one to one mapping from{x∈?|f(x)>0}to{y∈??|g(y)>0} almost everywhere.By(3.7)we have



h(T u(x))f(x))

Regularity of potential functions11 for any continuous function h∈C(??).It follows that



(u(x)f(x)+v(T u(x))f(x))dx


c(x?T u(x))f(x)dx.(3.11)

Hence(u,v)is a maximizer by(2.6).

The existence and uniqueness of maximizers to the functional I can be found in[6,15],where the cost function is assumed to be of the form c(x,y)=?c(x?y)for some strictly convex or concave function?c.But the argument there applies to general smooth cost functions satisfying(A1).Note that the uniqueness of optimal mappings in[6,15]implies the uniqueness of potential functions (up to a constant).Namely if(u1,v1)and(u2,v2)are two maximizers,then Du1=Du2a.e.on {f>0}.By Lemma3.4we have accordingly the following existence and uniqueness of generalized solutions.

Theorem3.1.Let?and??be two bounded domains in R n.Suppose f and g are two positive, bounded,measurable functions de?ned respectively on?and??,satisfying condition(2.1).Suppose the cost function c(x,y)∈C2(R n×R n)and satis?es assumption(A1).Then there is a unique generalized solution to(2.17)(2.18).

Remark3.2.The existence and uniqueness of generalized solutions can also be proved by the Perron method;see[32]for the treatment of the re?ector antenna design problem,which is a special optimal transportation problem[33].See also Section7.1below.

4.Second derivative estimates

Consider the equation

det w ij=?in?(4.1) where w ij=c ij(x,T(x))?u ij,and?=|det(D2xy c)|f(x)


.Suppose?>0and the matrix{w ij} is positive de?nite.Write(4.1)in the form

log det w ij=ψ,(4.2) whereψ=log?.Then we have,by di?erentiation,

w ij w ij,k=ψk

w ij w ij,kk=ψkk+w is w jt w ij,k w st,k≥ψkk,(4.3)

where(w ij)is the inverse of(w ij).We use the notation w ij,k=?

?x k w ij,c ijk=?

?x k

c ij(x,y),

c ij,k=?

?y k c ij(x,y),T s,k=?

?x k

T s etc.That is

?w ij[u ijk?c ijk?c ij,s T s,k]=ψk,

?w ij[u ijkk?c ijkk?2c ijk,s T s,k?c ij,s T s,kk?c ij,st T s,k T t,k]≥ψkk.(4.4)

12Xi-Nan Ma,Neil S.Trudinger,Xu-Jia Wang



whereηis a cut-o?function,and for a vectorξ∈R n we denote wξξ=

ξiξj w ij.Suppose G

attains a maximum at x0andξ0∈S n?1.By a rotation of the coordinate system we assume ξ0=e1.At x0we have

(log G)i=w11,i






(log G)ij=w11,ij



w11,i w11,j



















w ij(log G)ij=w ij w11,ij+2



w ijηij?6w11w ij




We have

w11,ij=c11ij+c11i,s T s,j+c11j,s T s,i+c11,s T s,ij+c11,st T s,i T t,j?u11ij. It follows that

0≥w ij[c11,s T s,ij+c11,st T s,i T t,j?u11ij]?K,

where we use K to denote a positive constant satisfying



w ii).


?w ij u ij11≥?w ij[c ij,s T s,11+c ij,st T s,1T t,1]?K.

Hence we obtain

0≥?w ij[c ij,s T s,11+c ij,st T s,1T t,1]

+w ij[c11,s T s,ij+c11,st T s,i T t,j]?K.(4.7) Recall that

w ij=c ij?u ij=?c i,k T k,j.(4.8) From the?rst relation,

w ki,j=c kij+c ki,p T p,j?u kij

=w ij,k+c ki,p T p,j?c ij,p T p,k.(4.9) From the second one we have

?w ki,j=c kj,p T p,i+c k,pq T p,i T q,j+c k,p T p,ij.(4.10) Hence

T p,ij=?c p,k w ki,j?c p,k[c kj,s T s,i+c k,st T s,i T t,j]

=?c p,k w ij,k?c p,k[c ki,s T s,j?c ij,s T s,k+c kj,s T s,i+c k,st T s,i T t,j].(4.11)

Regularity of potential functions13 Note that by(4.8),

T k,j=?c k,i w ij.(4.12) We have|T|≤Cw11.Hence

w ij T p,ij=?c p,k w ij w ij,k?c p,k w ij[2c ki,s T s,j?c ij,s T s,k+c k,st T s,i T t,j]

=?c p,k w ij c k,st T s,i T t,j+O(K).(4.13) By(4.12),

w ij T p,i T q,j=c p,s c q,t w ij w si w tj=O(w11).(4.14) Inserting(4.13)(4.14)into(4.7)we obtain

0≥?w ij[c ij,s T s,11+c ij,st T s,1T t,1]?K.(4.15) We have from(4.11)

T s,11=?c s,k w11,k?c s,k[2c k1,p T p,1?c11,p T p,k+c k,pq T p,1T q,1]

=?c s,k c k,pq T p,1T q,1+O(K).

Hence we obtain,by(4.12)

0≥?w ij c ij,st T s,1T t,1+c l,k c k,st c ij,l w ij T s,1T t,1?K

=w ij[c k,l c ij,k c l,st?c ij,st]c s,p c t,q w p1w q1?K,(4.16) where the summation runs over all parameters from1to n.

Let us assume by a rotation of coordinates that the matrix{w ij}is diagonal at x0.Then we obtain

w ii[c k,l c ii,k c l,st?c ii,st]c s,1c t,1w211≤K.

By assumption(A3),we obtain


w ii≤K.

Observing that


i=1w ii≥



w ii≥



w ii







we obtainη2w11≤C,namely G≤C.We have thus proved

Theorem4.1.Let u∈C4(?)be a c-concave solution of(4.1).Suppose assumptions(A1)-(A3) are satis?ed.Then we have the a priori second order derivative estimate

|D2u(x)|≤C,(4.17) where C depends on n,dist(x,??),sup?|u|,ψup to its second derivatives,the cost function c up to its fourth order derivatives,the constant c0in(A3),and a positive lower bound of|det D2xy c|.

14Xi-Nan Ma,Neil S.Trudinger,Xu-Jia Wang

With the estimate (4.17),equation (4.1)becomes a uniformly elliptic equation,and so higher order derivative estimates follows from the elliptic regularity theory [17].

Instead of the auxiliary function G given in (4.5),we can choose the auxiliary function G =η2

w kk =?w .Then by the same computation as above,we have w ij [c k,l c ij,k c l,st ?c ij,st ]c s,p c t,q w pm w qm ≤K.

(4.18)Hence we also need to assume condition (A3).

Remark 4.1.From our preceding argument or by direct calculation we have the formula

A ij,kl

=:?2A ij ?z k ?z l =(c ij,rs ?c p,q c ij,p c q,rs )c r,k c s,l ,(4.19)where

A ij (x,z )=c ij (x,T (x,z )),(4.20)

and T (x,z )is the mapping determined by (2.12),namely D x c (x,T (x,z ))=z .Consequently con-dition (A3)may be written in the form

A ij,kl ξi ξj ηk ηl ≤?c 0|ξ|2|η|2


for all ξ⊥η∈R n .

Moreover our proof of Theorem 4.1extends to Monge-Amp`e re equations of the form

det[A (x,u,Du )?D 2u ]=B (x,u,Du ),(4.22)where A and B are respectively C 2matrix and scalar valued functions on ?×R ×R n with

A ij,kl (x,u,z )=?2A ij ?z k ?z l

(x,u,z )satisfying (4.21)with respect to the gradient variables and B >0.Any elliptic solution u ∈C 4(?)of (4.22)will satisfy an interior estimate of the form (4.17),with constant C depending on n ,dist (x,??),sup ?(|u |+|Du |),A and B .The Heinz-Lewy example [26]shows that there is no C 1regularity for equation (4.22)without some restriction on A .

If D 2x

c is positive de?nite,we can also choose the auxiliary function G =η2 c ij w ij ,(4.23)

where {c ij }is the inverse matrix of {c ij }.The advantage of this function is that it is invariant under linear transformation.Denote H = c ij w ij .Suppose G attains a maximum at x 0.Then we have,at x 0,

0≥H w ij (log G )ij ≥ w ij H ij ?K =w ij c kl w kl,ij ?2c ks c lt (?x i c st )w kl,j ?c ks c lt (?2x i x j c st

)w kl +2c kp c sq c lt (?x i c st )(?x j c pq )w kl ?K.

Regularity of potential functions 15

To control the terms A =w ij ?2c ks c lt (?x i c st )w kl,j +2c kp c sq c lt (?x i c st )(?x j c pq )w kl ,

one observes that G is invariant under linear transformations.Hence one may assume by a linear transformation that {c ij }is the unit matrix and w ij is diagonal.Then

A =2w ii ?(?x i c kl )w kl,j +(?x i c kl )2w kk

≥?12w ii w kk w 2kl,i .Hence A can be controlled by the term w is w jt w ij,k w st,k in (4.3)(note that w ii (?x i c kl )2w kk ≤K by (4.12)-(4.14)).It follows that

w ij c kl w kl,ij ?c ks c lt w kl w ij (?2x i x j c st )≤K.(4.24)

The ?rst term can be estimated in the same way as (4.16)or (4.18).For the second one,we have by (4.12)-(4.14)that

?c ks c lt w kl w ij (?2x i x j c st

)=c ks c lt c st,p c ij,q c p,a c q,b w kl w ab w ij ?K.Hence by (4.18),we obtain

c ab w ij [c k,l c ij,k c l,st ?c ij,st ]c s,p c t,q w pa w qb

+c ks c lt c st,p c ij,q c p,a c q,b w kl w ab w ij ≤K.

(4.25)If the matrix {c ij }is negative,we replace the auxiliary function G in (4.23)by G =η2

(?c ij )w ij

and obtain ?c ab w ij [c k,l c ij,k c l,st ?c ij,st ]c s,p c t,q w pa w qb ?c ks c lt c st,p c ij,q c p,a c q,b w kl w ab w ij ≤K.

If {c ij }is not de?nite,we can replace G by G =η2 c ki c jk w ij and obtain similar su?cient


To verify (4.25),one may choose a proper coordinate system such that {c ij }=I is the unit matrix and {c i,j }=?I at x 0,and {w ij }is diagonal,as we will do in Section 6.Then (4.25)can be rewritten as

(?c ii,k c k,jj ?c ii,jj )w 2jj w ii +c kk,l c ii,l w kk w ll w ii

5.Proof of Theorem 2.1

With the a priori estimates established in Section 4,we need only to show that a generalized solution of (2.17)(2.18)can locally be approximated by smooth ones.

We will use the notion of extreme points of convex sets.For a bounded convex set E ?R n ,we say x 0is an extreme point of E if there is a hyperplane P such that P ∩E ={x 0}.It is well known that any point x ∈E can be represented as a linear combination of extreme points of E ,namely there exists extreme points x 1,···,x k and nonnegative constants α1,···,αk with

αi =1such that x = αi x i .

We also need an obvious property of concave functions.That is for any x 0∈?and any extreme point y ∈?+u (x 0),there is a sequence of points {x i }???{x 0}such that u is twice di?erentiable at x i and Du (x i )→y .

16Xi-Nan Ma,Neil S.Trudinger,Xu-Jia Wang

Lemma5.1.Let u be a generalized solution of(2.17).Suppose f>0in?,and??is c?-convex relative to?.Then T u(?)???.

Proof.Let G denote the set of points where u is twice di?erentiable.Then for any x∈G,T u(x) is a single point.Moreover,for any x0∈?and any sequence(x i)?G such that x i→x0and T u(x i)→y0for some y0∈R n,we have y0∈T u(x0).It follows that if there is a point x0∈G such that T u(x0)∈??,then for almost all x∈?,close to x0,we have T u(x)∈??.The mass balance condition implies this is impossible.

Observe that if x i→x0and T u(x i)→y0,then y0∈T u(x0).Hence for any point x0∈??G, if T u(x0)is a single point,then it falls in??.If T u(x0)contains more than one point,then the super-gradient?+u(x0)is a convex set.For every extreme point y∈?+u(x0),let z be the unique solution of y=D x c(x0,z).Then z∈??since there is a sequence(x i)∈G such that T u(x i)→z. Hence T u(x0)???as??is c?-convex and any point z∈?+u(x0)can be represented as a linear combination of extreme points of?+u(x0).

Lemma5.2.(Monotonicity)Let?be a bounded domain in R n and u,v∈C0(?),c-concave functions satisfying u≤v in?and u=v on??.Then T u(?)?T v(?).

Proof.This result follows,as in the Monge-Amp`e re case,by vertical translation upwards of c-support functions for u.

From Lemma5.2follows a simple comparison principle,namely if u,v∈C0(?)are c-concave, u≤v on??,μu,g<μv,g in?,then u≤v in?.For a more general result,based on the Aleksandrov argument[1],see[16].

Proof of Theorem2.1.It su?ces to show that u is smooth in any su?ciently small ball B r???.For this purpose we consider the approximating Dirichlet problems

det(D2x c?D2w)=|det(D2xy c)|



in B r,(5.1)

w=u m on?B r,

where{u m}is a sequence of smooth functions converging uniformly to u.We want to prove that (5.1)has a C3smooth solution w=w m such that the matrix{D2x c?D2w}is positive de?nite.

First we show that if w is a C2solution of(5.1),the cost function c(x,y)satis?es assumption (A3)at any points x∈B r and y∈T w(B r),so that the a priori estimate in§4applies.Indeed we may assume that(A3)holds in??×???,where??and???are respectively c-convex neighborhoods of?and c?-convex neighborhoods of??.By the semi-concavity of u,there exists a constant C such that the function?u=u?C|x|2is concave and|Du|0su?ciently small,we let

?u h(x)=





denote the molli?cation of?u,with respect to a symmetric molli?erρ≥0,∈C∞0(R n),



u m=?u h



Regularity of potential functions17 where h m→0,we then have u m→u uniformly and

D2u m≤C,|Du m|≤C.(5.4) Moreover for su?ciently large k and small r,the functions

v=v m=u m+k(r2?|x|2)(5.5) will be upper barriers for(5.1),that is,writing(5.1)in the form(4.22),we have A(x,Dv)>D2v and

det(A(x,Dv)?D2v)≥B(x,Dv)in B r,(5.6)

v=u m on?B r.

Consequently by the classical comparison principle[17],we have

w m≤v m in B r,


T w

m (?B r)?T v


(B r).

It follows that T w


(B r)???if kr is small.Hence c is well de?ned on B r×T w(B r).

The preceding arguments yield a priori bounds for solutions and their gradients of the Dirichlet problem(5.1).To conclude the existence of globally smooth solutions,we need global second derivative bounds.The argument of the previous section,withη=1,clearly implies a priori bounds for second derivatives in terms of their boundary estimates.The latter can be established similarly to[32],(see also[17,19]),or by directly using the method introduced in[27,28]for the Monge-Amp`e re equation.The key observation again is that functions of the form k(r2?|x|2) provide appropriate barriers for large k and small r.From the interior estimates in Theorem4.1, we?nally infer the existence of locally smooth elliptic solutions w of the Dirichlet problem(5.1) with w=u on?B r.Finally it remains to show that w=u in B r.By perturbation of w,we may suppose that the setωε={x∈B r|w(x)>u(x)+ε}has su?ciently small diameter,with w c-concave a strict supersolution of equation(5.1)inωε,that isμw,g<μu,g inωε.From Lemma 5.2,we thus conclude w≤u in B r and similarly w≥u follows.

Our argument above may also be used to prove interior regularity for the generalized Dirichlet problem,the solvability of which depends upon the existence of barriers.Note that the condition of c-convexity is not directly relevant to the Dirichlet problem.

6.Veri?cation of assumption(A3)

In this section we give some cost functions which satisfy assumption(A3).First we consider cost functions of the form




In general a function of the form(6.1)does not satis?es(A3),see for example§7.5.

18Xi-Nan Ma,Neil S.Trudinger,Xu-Jia Wang

For the cost function(6.1),we have?y

i c=??x


c.We can write c(x,y)as c(x?y).Then(A3)

is equivalent to


(c kl c iik c stl?c iist)c sj c tj≥c0(6.2) for any?xed1≤i,j≤n,i=j,where(c ij)is the inverse matrix of(c ij).

It is hard to verify(6.2)directly,as it involves fourth order derivatives.To verify(6.2),we recall the estimate(4.16),which can be written as

w ij[c kl c ijk c lst?c ijst]c sp c tq w pξw qξ≤K,(4.16) whereξis the unit vector in which the auxiliary function G=η(x)wξξattains its maximum at some point x0.Let y0=T u(x0)and assume by a rotation of coordinates that x0?y0=(r,0,...,0). We?rst make a linear transformation(dilation)such that{c ij}=? I at x0?y0,then make a rotation of coordinates such that{w ij}is diagonal.Then the unit vectorξ=αk e k for some constantsαk,and(4.16) becomes

w ii[c iik c kst?c iist]αsαt w ss w tt≤K,(4.16) where{e k}are the axial directions.After the coordinate transformations,it su?ces to verify

Σk c iik c kjj?c iijj≥c0>0(6.3) for any i=https://www.doczj.com/doc/864492911.html,ly(6.3)implies(A3).

We compute

c i=? r i,

c ij=? δij+? r i r j

where r i=x i?y i.At the point(r,0,...,0),we have

{c ij}=diag(? +r2? ,? ,...,? ).

Suppose that?

? +r2?



x i=?x i,i>1,



? +r2?







{c ij}=? I at?x0=(r



in the coordinates?x,where I is the unit matrix.

Regularity of potential functions19 We make a rotation?x=Ay,where A is an orthogonal matrix.Then



y By),


B=A ?BA,?B=diag(β2,1...,1).

Denote z=By.We have,at the point y0=A ?x0,

|z|2=z ·z=y A ?B2Ay

=?x ?B2?x=β2r2=

? r2

? +r2?


In the y-coordinates,we have

c i=? z i,

c ij=? b ij+? z i z j,

c ijk=? (b ij z k+b ik z j+b jk z i)+? z i z j z k,

c ijkl=? (b ij b kl+b ik b jl+b il b jk)

+? (b ij z k z l+b ik z j z l+b il z j z k+b jk z i z l+b jl z i z k+b kl z i z j)

+? z i z j z k z l.

By(6.4)and since A is orthogonal,we have{c ij}=? I in the y-coordinates.From the above formula for c ij,we obtain

b ij=δij??


z i z j.


c ijk=? (δij z k+δik z j+δjk z i)+(? ?3(? )2


)z i z j z k,

c ijkl=? (δijδkl+δikδjl+δilδjk)

+(? ?(? )2


)(δij z k z l+δik z j z l+δil z j z k+δjk z i z l+δjl z i z k+δkl z i z j)

+[? ?6? ?



(? )3

(? )2

]z i z j z k z l.

Denote F=:Σk c kk c iik c jjk?c iijj.From the above formulae and noting that i=j,we obtain




? (1+2δik)+(? ?3

(? )2



? (1+2δjk)+(? ?3

(? )2



?[? +(? ?

(? )2


)(z2i+z2j)+(? ?6

? ?



(? )3


)z2i z2j].(6.6)

First let us check the cost function



20Xi-Nan Ma,Neil S.Trudinger,Xu-Jia Wang

The corresponding Monge-Amp`e re equation is

det(?D 2u +(1?|Du |2)1/2(δij ?u i u j ))=(1?|Du |2)(n +2)/2f (x )/g (T (x )).(6.8)

The negative sign on the left hand side is due to the c -concavity of u .For the cost function (6.7),we have φ(t )=√1+2t ,and by direct computation,

? ?3(? )2


=0,? ?6? ? ? +3(? )3(? )2=0.(6.9)


F =?? +(? )2?

Σk (1+2δik )(1+2δjk )z 2k ?2(z 2i +z 2j ) =?? +|z |2(? )2? ≥?? >0.(6.10)

The matrix A in (6.8)is given by

A (x,z )=A (z )=(1?|z |2)1/2(δij ?z i z j )


and our calculations above show that

A ij,kl ξi ξj ηk ηl >0(6.12)for all ξ,η∈R n ,ξ⊥η,|z |<1.The condition (6.12)may also be veri?ed directly from (6.11).We remark that (6.10)and (6.12)are not true for all |z |<1if i =j in (6.3)or ξ=ηin (6.12).

Note also for (6.7)that (A1)only holds for |z |<1.However this does not a?ect our proof on Theorems 2.1and 3.1.

By a linear transformation,(A3)is also satis?ed for

c (x,y )=[1+a ij (x i ?y i )(x j ?y j )]1/2,

where {a ij }is a positive matrix.Note that the graph of the function [1+a ij x i x j ]1/2is a hyperboloid .

Next we verify (A3)for the cost function

c (x,y )= 1?|x ?y |(6.13)

For this cost function,equation (2.17)takes the form

det(?D 2u ?(1+|Du |2)1/2(δij +u i u j ))=(1+|Du |2)(n +2)/2f (x )/g (T (x )).(6.14)

For the cost function (6.13),we have ?(t )=√1?2t .Hence (6.9)holds and similarly to (6.10)we

have F =?? +|z |2(? )2?.


城市轨道交通系统分析 摘要: 首先阐述城市轨道系统的基本概念, 包括系统的要素构成、基本功能、狭义与广 义环境、层次结构等, 并分析城市轨道交通系统的地位与作用, 指出它是城市综合交通系统的核心子系统, 对城市土地的利用和城市形态的演化有着重要的反作用; 其次探讨城市轨道交通系统的基本特性, 包括交通特性、经济特性与社会特性等, 这些特性(特别是经济特性和社会特性) 决定着城市轨道交通系统的管理体制与其经营管理的特殊性; 最后提出城市轨道交通系统的产品概念及其管理的主要内容 , 并初步分析其管理体制与经营管理特点。 关键词: 城市轨道交通; 系统分析; 系统管理 城市轨道交通系统的基本要素包括: (1) 设备。可城市轨道交通系统的环境。狭义地讲, 是指在城市分为两类。一类是固定设施, 如线路、车站、车辆段、环综合交通系统中城市轨道交通子系统与其它交通子系境系统、指挥控制系统(信号、联锁、闭塞系统) 等; 另 一统的相互关系, 包括其在整个系统中的地位以及与其类是移动设施, 如动车组、自动停车装置等。系统为它交通方式的竞争与协作关系。广义地讲, 则是指整个 图1 城市轨道交通系统及其环境 业区的分布、文化娱乐业的分布等。他们是交通需求之“ 源”, 决定着城市人口出行需 求的强度大小与空间分布, 对城市轨道交通系统的网络分布与运输能力提出相应的要求。 城市轨道交通系统的层次结构。就目前城市轨道交通系统的技术发展水平而言, 包含市郊铁路、地下铁道、轻轨交通、有轨电车、高架导轨电车等几种方式。根据其运能大小, 大致可划分为三个层次: 一是大容量的轨道交通方式, 主要是地下铁道和市郊铁路, 适合于市中心区和市郊有大密度客流的地区与方向; 二是中等容量的轨道交通方式, 主要是指轻轨交通, 适合于市郊间、市区次中心之间, 甚至市区(主要是中、小城市) 等有相当客 流量的方向与地区; 三是低容量的轨道交通方式, 主要是指传统的有轨电车和单轨系统等, 适应于较小运量的地区或方向。上述三个层次与常规公交汽、电车互相有机配合, 可高效、快速地完成城市人口的出行需求。 2 城市轨道交通系统的地位与作用 如图2 所示, 从系统的层次性分析, 城市社会经济大系统、城市综合交通系统和城市轨道交通子系统三者之间是递阶包涵的关系。 首先, 城市是相对于乡村的社会、经济大系统, 从某种意义讲, 其本质是时间和空间上的高效率与高效益, 城市必须保持充分的活力和相当的发展空间。 实践证明, 一个城市要做到这一点必须有一个高效率的城市综合交通系统作支撑。这是因为城市交通系统是城市社会、经济大系统中的一个重要子系统。一方面城市土地利用与开发提出相应的交通需求, 需要一个高效的城市交通系统来支持; 另一方面, 城市交通系统


某科学研究院(集团)战略规划报告 第一部分 集团战略定位分析报告 目录 前言................................. 错误!未定义书签。第一章集团总体战略定位................ 错误!未定义书签。 .某院集团愿景............................... 错误!未定义书签。.某院集团使命............................... 错误!未定义书签。.某院集团战略规划的总体目标和阶段目标....... 错误!未定义书签。 第二章集团组织性质定位................ 错误!未定义书签。 .某院集团未来可能发展模式定义............... 错误!未定义书签。.三种不同的发展模式各有优缺点............... 错误!未定义书签。.某院集团未来可能的发展路径分析............. 错误!未定义书签。 第三章集团管控模式定位................... 错误!未定义书签。 .集团管控模式定位........................... 错误!未定义书签。.集团各下属单位分类和定位................... 错误!未定义书签。 第四章集团功能体系定位................ 错误!未定义书签。 .当前各体系关系状况......................... 错误!未定义书签。.各功能体系战略定位......................... 错误!未定义书签。.各功能体系发展定位......................... 错误!未定义书签。.战略分析框架图............................. 错误!未定义书签。


公路交通标志和标线设置规范 第一部分概述 1.1规范设置公路交通标志标线的意义 公路交通标志和标线是公路交通的重要管理手段,它是通过图形、符号、颜色、文字形式传递规范化信息,为公路上行驶的交通流提供了应遵循的交通法律、将交通管理的命令和要求传递给公路使用者,是管理和疏导交通的重要设施。例如:禁令标志明确交通管理中不被允许的交通行为;部分指示标志指示道路使用者应当采取的交通行为;不同形式的交通标线设臵了限制交通流的路权等。这种传递的信息具有法律强制性,是进行执法的法律依据。 交通标志和标线设臵是公路设计、施工、运营和养护管理中,交通工程工作的一个重要组成部分,能否科学合理地设臵交通标志标线,直接决定着向公路使用者传递信息的有效性。正确完善地设臵公路交通标志标线,不仅能体现道路交通法规和相应的控制管理措施的落实,同时能更大程度上提高公路通行率和有效增强交通安全性。 1.2标志标线设置原则 根据《道路交通标志和标线》(GB5768-2009)规定,使用和设臵标志标线应遵循的主要原则如下: 原则一:公路交通标志标线应传递清晰、明确、简洁的信息,以引起公路使用者的注意,并使其具有足够的发现、认读和反应的时间。 原则二:公路交通标志标线不应传递与公路交通无关的信息,如广告信息等。 原则三:公路交通标志和标线传递的信息不应相互矛盾,应互为补充。需要说明的是原则三,在标准的使用中,包括公路使用者和管

理者有误解,认为标志和标线表达含义应完全一致,标志的设臵要体现在标线上,标线的设臵要体现在标志上。一般情况下,这样做最好。但是有些情况下,这样要求可能很难做到或没有必要。如下列一些情况: 情况一:没有设臵条件,做不到。在标志和标线的配合使用上,GB5768-2009是有一些建议的,比如,平面交叉口进行停车让行或减速让行控制的,标志和标线应同时设臵,但是有些支路是砂石路,没有铺装,无法施划标线。 情况二:标准已经明确了,不要求同时设臵。如人行横道,设有信号灯的场所,只设标线。(路面未铺装或积雪等原因,标线设臵管理有困难,只设标志。) 情况三:因为管理复杂,要通过标志标线表达相同的管理意图可能做不到,或者标志标线设得很复杂,反而影响驾驶人的理解和设臵作用的发挥。如专用车道标志,标准规定是统一的,重点在于驾驶人一看就明白某种车辆的专用车道,不需要反映实际路面上的标线。 图片:机动车车道和非机动车道标志 但是,国家标准GB5768-2009 1总则部分明确指出:当道路临时交通组织或维护等原因,标志和标线信息含义不一致时,应以标志传递的信息为主。这一条不属于原则三范畴。 1.3.公路交通标志标线基本内容 1.3.1分类:公路交通标志分为主标志和辅助标志两大类


目录 摘要 (1) Abstract (2) 第一章绪论 (3) 1.1城市支路概念 (3) 1.2支路体系不健全引发的问题 (3) 1.3忽视支路的原因 (5) 1.4 本文的研究内容 (6) 第二章城市道路支路系统的规划设计 (7) 2.1支路发展存在问题分析 (7) 2.2支路的功能分析 (7) 2.3支路规划设计 (8) 第三章干道与多支路T型交叉区域的交通组织 (13) 3.1主干道与支路接驳处渠化设计 (13) 3.2主干道信号协调控制 (14) 第四章应用实例 (16) 4.1铜陵市长江中路概况 (16) 4.2交通调查主要结果 (16) 4.3交通组织方案 (16) 第五章结束语 (20) 参考文献 (21) 致谢 (22)

城市道路支路系统的交通组织 摘要:支路正如人体的毛细血管,在城市交通中起着重要作用。但是目前国内对支路的规划设计一直重视不够。首先总结了支路发展中存在的功能划分、密度和横断面布置等问题,详细分析了支路功能划分,将支路划分为交通性支路、生活性支路和特殊支路,分析了不同支路承担的具体作用和应范围。并针对支路网的密度、红线宽度、车道宽度、分隔设置以及路边停车问题进行了深入分析。 为了对城市主干道与多支路T型交叉区域的交通进行合理的组织,减少主干道与支路T型交叉口的交通流冲实,降低主干道车流的延误,通过对该区域的道路结构形态及交通分布特征的调查分析,提出了主干道与支路接驳处渠化设计和主干道信号协调控制相结合的交通组织方式。 关键词:支路规划、支路设计、支路功能、协调控制

The traffic organization of the system of city road branch Absract: Local roads play an important role in utban street systems,just like capillaries do in human bodies. However,local roads have not gained sufficient attention thus far in the planning and design process of urban street systems in China .This paper discusses issues on road functional classifications, road network density, and cross-sectional design in local road development, and provides a detailed analysis of local road functionalities. According to road functional classifications typically adopted abroad,the paper classifies local roads into three functionalities, namely, through-traffic,neighbor-hood-specific, and special use, and specifies their typical funcions and application scopes. Finally, the paper fur-ther analyzes local road density,right-of-way,lane-width, separation facilities,and road-side parking issues. In order to rationally organize the traffic in the area of urban arterial road intersected by multi-inferior roads at T-intersection,a traffic organization method with channelized traffic design and signal coordinated control was presented,based on the investigation and analysis of the characteristics of the above. Keywords:local road planning、local road design、local road functionalities、coordination control


道路交通标志规范及统计表 一、道路交通标志设置规范 选用尺寸: 厂区道路:标志外径(D) 80cm ,红边宽度(a) 8cm,红杠宽度(b) 6cm,衬边宽度 (c) 0.6cm 车间大门:标志外径( D) 60cm ,红边宽度(a) 6cm ,红杠宽度(b) 4.5cm,衬边宽 度(c) 0.4cm 安装位置:厂区道路醒目位置。 警告标志 标志颜色:黄底、黑边、黑图案。 标志形状:等边三角形,顶角朝上。 标志尺寸:其边长、边宽的最小值根据道路计算行车速度,按表选取。

选用尺寸:三角形边长(A) 90cm,黑边宽度(B) 6.5cm,黑边圆角半径(R) 4cm,衬底 边宽度(C) 0.6cm 安装位置 选用尺寸:圆形直径()衬边宽度( 辅助标志 标志颜色:为白底、黑字、黑边框。 标志形状:为长方形。其尺寸由字高、字数确定,按字高等 按表的规定执行。如有需要可增加辅助标志板的尺寸。 10cm为下限值。字的间隔、行距

标志安装要求 1、安装位置:厂区道路醒目 位置。 2、标志内边缘距路面或土路 肩边缘不得小于25cm。标志 牌下缘距路面的高度为 100~250cm。(选取第一块标 志下缘距路面的高度为 200cm) 3、在装设时,应尽可能与道 路中线垂直或成一定角度: 为0~45°(选取角度45°) 4、标志立柱选用热浸镀锌钢管, 指示标志 <=> 20cm 5、标志底板材质 采用铝合金板材料制作,其抗拉强度应不小于289.3MPa,屈服点不小于241.2MPa,延伸率不小于4%~10%。应采用牌号为2024, T4状态的硬铝合金板。 标志均应采用反光材料制作标志面,并采用四、五级反光膜 6、辅助标志安装在主标志下面,紧靠主标志下缘。 二、道路交通标志统计表


为贯彻执行国家技术经济政策,规范城市轨道交通的基本功能和技术要求,依据有关法律、法规,制定本规范。 1.0.2 本规范适用于城市轨道交通的建设和运营。本规范不适用于高速磁浮系统的建设和运营。 1.0.3 城市轨道交通的建设和运营应满足安全、卫生、环境保护和资源节约的要求,并应做到以人为本、技术成熟、经济适用。 1.0.4 城市轨道交通应经验收合格后,才可投入使用。 1.0.5 本规范是城市轨道交通建设和运营的基本要求,城市轨道交通的建设和运营,尚应符合法律、法规和有关标准的规定。 2.0.1 城市轨道交通urban rail transit 采用专用轨道导向运行的城市公共客运交通系统,包括地铁系统、轻轨系统、单轨系统、 有轨电车、磁浮系统、自动导向轨道系统、市域快速轨道系统。 2.0.2 建设constru ction 新建、改建和扩建城市轨道交通工程项目的规划、可行性研究、勘察设计、施工安装、 调试验收和试运行,包括车辆和机电设备的采购、制造。 2.0.3 运营opera tion 为实现安全有效运送乘客而有组织开展的各种活动的总称。 3.0.1 城市轨道交通规划应符合城市总体规划和城市综合交通规划。 3.0.2 城市轨道交通规划应明确城市轨道交通的功能定位、与其他交通方式的关系、发展模式和不同规划期的发展目标,提出网络规划布局以及线路和设施等用地的规划控制要 求。 3.0.3 城市轨道交通的建设和运营应以乘客需求为目标,应做到资源共享和方便乘客使用。 3.0.4 城市轨道交通在设计使用年限内,应确保正常使用时的安全性、可靠性、可用性、可维护性的要求。 3.0.5 城市轨道交通应采用质量合格并符合要求的材料与设备。 3.0.6 城市轨道交通应具有消防安全性能,应配备必要的消防设施,应具备乘客和相关人员安全疏散及方便救援的条件。 3.0.7 城市轨道交通应采取有效的防淹、防雪、防滑、防风雨、防雷等防止自然灾害侵害的措施。 3.0.8 车辆和机电设备应满足电磁兼容要求,投入使用前,应经过电磁兼容测试并验收


一、填空题(每空1分,共10分) 1.世界上第一条地铁线路____年建成,线路长____km.(1825,21) 2.城市轨道交通系统从运行功能看大体可以分为三个系统:____、客运服务系统、____。(列车运行系统,检测保障系统) 3.影响轨道交通设计能力的要素主要有两个:____和____。(线路能力,列车能力) 4.常见的组织机构类型有:_____、_____、事业部制等。(直线制,直线职能制) 5.移动闭塞系统列车速度限制主要取决于两列车间的_____和_____。(距离,速度) 二、选择题(每空2分,共20分) 1._的进步是轨道交通发展的原动力。(C) A.轨道技术 B.车辆技术 C.通信信号技术 D.运行调度技术 2.最初涉及到路权问题的城市轨道交通形式是____。(B) A.有轨电车 B.地铁 C.独轨 D.缆车 3.高峰时段每小时运输旅客_的交通系统称为轻轨,且客流量最大的城市交通形式是____(D) A.3-7万,地铁 B.3-8万,轻轨 C.3-7万,轻轨 D.3-8万,地铁 4.符合我国国情的客流预测技术是____。(D) 5.列车交路的变化应该主要考虑____。(A) A.对线路各路段的客流分布情况 B.列车的行车组织 C.列车运营图 D.列车运行状态 6.下面哪个系统具有运行间隔这一重要指标?(ATP系统)ATO ATS A TC 7.闭塞是为了保障列车在区间内运行安全,当列车向区间运行时,需要满足验证区间 空闲,确认对方站没有办理向该区间发车的进路以及____(B) A.自动回复闭塞 B.本站发车信号开放 C.自动确认列车到达 D.邻站接车信号开放 8.信号机布置最重要的目标是_。(D) A.信息 B C..美观 D.安全 9.下面不属于城市轨道交通系统运营指标中数量指标的是____?(B) A.客运量 B.运用车辆数 C.客运密度 D.运营里程 10.在采用_____,其能量之间的转换或变化是有别于其他三种的。(再生制动) 闸瓦制动电阻制动电磁制动再生制动 三、简答题(每题10分,共30分) 1.试述进行车站客运组织应考虑的原则。 城市轨道交通客运工作的特点决定客运组织应以保证客流运送的安全,保持客流运送过程的畅通,尽量减少乘客出行的时间,避免拥挤,便于大客流发生时的及时疏散为目的。 为此,在进行客运组织时应特别考虑下面几个方面的原则。 (1)合理安排售检票位置、出入口、楼梯、行人流动线简单、明确,尽量减少客流交叉、对流。 (2)乘客换乘其他交通工具之间顺利连接。人流与车流的行驶路线严格分开,以保证行人的安全和车辆行驶不受干扰。 (3)完善诱导系统,快速分流,减少客流集聚和过分拥挤现象。 (4)满足换乘客流的方便性、安全性、舒适性等一些基本要求。如:适宜的换乘步行距



需求的角度来看,目前尚不宜采取有力措施限制小汽车的购买和使用。因此,如何科学组织道路交通,充分发挥现有路网的通行效能,显得尤为重要。 道路拥堵早已是一大问题,许多城市并没有特别好的办法,早晚高峰让民警在路面进行管控,随时调节信号灯这是最常见的做法。最近网上还有爆料,一些地方开始让民警红灯时拉绳管理,但这些效果可想而知,即搞疲了警察,还解决不了拥堵问题,对于强闯红灯的行人更是难以管理。所以我基于上诉问题以一问题路口为例,通过借鉴一些他人研究成果,并通过自己调查分析,进行优化,并通过仿真验证,探求在交通管理工作中适合大多路口的优化措施。 目前,全国各地在交叉口交通优化上存在较多的差异,总体而言,普遍存在以下问题: (1)布局不尽合理,缺乏人文特性。地方在交通布局上由于之前没有较好的预见性,没有充分利用当地的地形环境,比如道路宽度、车行道宽度走向不合理,加剧了交通的拥挤,造成交通堵塞。 (2)设施建设不完善。很多地区交通标志欠缺,道路没有中心线,护栏设置也不合理,给驾驶者带来许多不便,也增加了交通隐患。 (3)信号灯设置不合理,难以充分利用每一个相位,难以达到最大流量。 (4)缺乏行人诱导、保护措施,机动车和非机动车混行,行人随意穿插马路,影响交通对自身带来危险。 (5)诱导向标、标线不明确,设置不明显,或相互有冲突,有些

磨损严重易导致交通秩序紊乱,容易发生交通事故。 二、国内外研究现状 围绕信号交叉口,国内外学者研究人员做了深入的研究取得了很多研究成果。下面对国内外研究现状从交叉口渠化、信号灯优化、仿真分析几个方面予以介绍。 1.交叉口渠化 在进行优化过程中,根据影响交通的不同因素确定不同的优化措施。孙斌《城市交通组织优化实践——以太原市为例》通过调整道路交叉口、路段车道宽度,将道路交叉口导向车道宽度进行压缩至,车道数量增加,能提高通行能力。从他的观点可以看到合理压缩车道宽度,能充分利用城市有限的道路资源。 美国的MUTCD(Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices)介绍了各种路口渠化措施及相应设施尺寸、颜色和使用时应注意的问题。 日本的《平面交叉口的规范与设计》对交叉口渠化与设计做了很多论述,认为渠化是很有效的优化措施,渠化措施包括交通岛、导流设施、路障、中心圈等,交通岛可有效保护行人分割车流,导流设施可使车流明确行驶路线,路障阻隔禁止通行车辆,使交通设施为特定服务。 2.信号灯优化 王学军孙志勇商茂华《城市主干道交通组织优化的精细化设计》给予了一种研究思路,以交通调查为基础,确定交通组织优化方案然


XXX旅游项目功能定位设计分析 目标:集经济、生态、社会效益与一体; 主题:自然、生态、历史文化、地域民俗特色、欢乐、浪漫; 开发:一期重点打造,二期功能提升,三期最早深入;利用湖泊、森林、田园、山村等自然社会条件,遵循“山有气脉,水有源头,路有出入,景有虚实”的自然规律,串联各大功能区块,实现本项目的天人合一。 生态休闲游四季果蔬园,休闲渔业,种植业,农业生产观光(生产温室、花卉基地、苗木基地、室外农业、水上农业); 功能区定位划分: 古镇游 历史文化古村落、购物休闲文化古街、特色餐饮及配套; 养生度假游(名流商汇休闲区)具有餐饮、娱乐、休闲、商务会议、科研教育、艺术创作交流等功能,配备有商务酒店区,养生区,疗养区,健身会所区,烧烤野炊区,可拥温泉、SPA、雪茄吧、红酒吧、艺术创作园等有情调低奢华的享受; 主题公园游拓展训练(真人版CS、攀岩),动感玩乐区,欢乐演艺区,水山游乐区; 主题文化游影视度假基地,婚纱摄影,蜜月休闲,文化科普区,民族风情展览,民俗工坊,酒庄(贵州酒文化,酒特色)。内容可以有欧洲古城堡,日式花园,欧式罗马教堂,荷兰风车,欧式长廊,地中海沙滩,玫瑰园,薰衣草园等; 远古森林奇妙之旅(国家森林公园游)实地考察挖掘当地的山体资源,建庙宇,筑水库,将人文、瀑布、峡谷、奇石等山景串联成景点,增设漂流、登山、当地历史人物雕像等景点,比如可以将中国传统的孝道融入到森林之旅中,设计山下孝道体验区,山上休闲静养区,山顶行愿礼佛区,开发纪念堂、报恩堂、养心斋、放生池、养生殿等建筑景点;



设置交通标志有规律 市交警支队王浩警官介绍,市区单行道、禁止左拐弯完全是遵循一定的前提和规律设置的,只要了解这些情况,再加上平时多留心有针对性地注意观察,完全可以避免误入单行道和拐错弯的情况发生。 王浩警官说,随着近年来市区人口、车辆的大量增加,目前市区道路网络的局限性越来越突出。为了机动车、市民的安全出行,交警部门根据交通流量、人口密集程度、道前使用情况等因素,在特定的路段进行管理,即大家常说的设置单行道和禁止左拐弯等。据了解,市区的单行道主要设置在人流密集、临近学校的次干道上。比如广东街、宜昌路、矿山街等路段。“为了保证市区主干道的畅通,对于次干道进入主干道,或主干道进入次干道,在一些路口实行禁止左拐弯管理。”王浩介绍,这些主干道主要是指士英街、解放路、人民街等。 “作为新手,想要避免误入单行道和拐错弯的情况发生,最好尽量走主干道,不要贪图一时的路近、方便而驶入道路狭窄的次干道。”王浩提醒说,如果必须驶入的话,最好多留点心,观察一下是否有禁止通行的标志。“因为无论是单行道还是禁止拐弯道路,都在路口设置有醒目的标志。” 盘点城区禁左、限行路段 城区有13条单行线 宜昌路(士英街至云飞街段由西向东) 和平路(云飞街至士英街段由东向西) 爱民街(湖北路至北京路段由南向北) 利民街(北京路至湖北路段由北向南) 湖北路(利民街至爱民街段由西向东) 山东街(解放路至延安路段由南向北) 丹东街(延安路至解放路段由北向南) 南宁路(锦华街至中央大街段由西向东) 阜康路(人民街至士英南街段由东向西) 胜昔路(士英南街至汉口街段由西向东) 四合街(宜昌路至上海路段由南向北) 120急救中心门前路(和平路至上海路段由北向南) 防爆支队门前路(锦华街至山西街段由西向东) 这些路段“禁左” 1.士英街 士英街与和平路(由东向南禁左;由东向西禁止直行) 士英街与怀英路(由南向西禁左7:00—9:00、16:00—18:30) 士英街与化工四厂门前路(由南向西禁左7:00—8:00、16:00—18:00;由西向北禁左7:00—8:00、16:00—18:00) 士英街与金缘路(由北向东禁左7:00—8:00、16:00—18:00;由东向南禁左7:00—8:00、16:00—18:00;由东向西禁止直行7:00—8:00、16:00—18:00) 士英街与古塔供电局路口(由西向北禁左7:00—8:00、16:00—18:00;由西向东禁止直行7:00—8:00、16:00—18:00;由南向西禁左7:00—8:00、16:00—18:00) 士英街与士英街加油站南侧巷路(由东向南禁左7:00—8:00、16:00—18:00) 2.解放路 解放路与汉口街(由东向南禁左7:00—19:00) 解放路与锦华街(由东向南禁左7:00—19:30;由西向北禁左7:00—19:30;由南


城市轨道交通读书笔记 13231108 城市轨道交通概念:一般指在市域或都市圈围,以导轨为导向方式的城市公共客运交通系统。(通常以电力为动力) 课外:都市圈:又称城市带、城市圈,指在城市群中出现的以大城市为核心,周边城市共同参与分工、合作,一体化的圈域经济现象。城市群:是在特定的区域围云集相当数量的不同性质、类型和等级规模的城市,以一个或两个(有少数的城市群是多核心的例外)特大城市(小型的城市群为大城市)为中心,依托一定的自然环境和交通条件,城市之间的在联系不断加强,共同构成一个相对完整的城市“集合体”。 区别:1在于城市间的联系紧密程度,都市圈一定是“一日生活圈”,而城市群却是一个资源优化配置、市场区域一体化、有密切生产和经济联系的空间区域。按照国际惯例,以人口指标作为基础,即周围市镇如果有15%的人口和中心城市连在一起,那么这一区域就属于该都市圈。以此确定某个都市圈的围,就意味着交通服务一定存在高频度、峰值等特性。城市群的成员之间虽有相当多的联系,但由于不是“一日生活圈”,所以联系频度要小得多。 2都市圈的中心城市功能强大,其他城市依附中心城市性质强,而城市群各个城市相对独立,具有各自的功能和分工,保持相互之间的影响和联系。 3我国有三大都市圈、七大城市群。

但通常都市圈和城市群概念区分不大。 专业 城市轨道交通系统 相关设施 市郊铁路:是由电气或燃机车牵引,轮轨导向,车辆编组运行在城市中心与市郊,市郊与市郊、市郊与新建城镇间,以地面专用线路为主的大运量快速轨道交通系统。通常其所属权不属于所在的城市政 府,而由铁路部门经营。 课外:卫星城:是指在大城市外围建立的既有就业岗位,又有较完善的住宅和公共设施的城镇,是在大城市郊区或其以外附近地区,为分散中心城市的人口和工业而新建或扩建的具有相对独立性的城镇。因其围绕中心城市像气象卫星一样,故名。旨在控制大城市的过度扩展,疏散过分集中的人口和工业。卫星城虽有一定的独立性,但是在行政管理﹑经济﹑文化以及生活上同它所依托的大城市十分密切的


少年易学老难成,一寸光阴不可轻- 百度文库 目录 摘要 (1) Abstract (2) 城市道路支路系统的交通组织············· - 1 -第一章绪论··················· - 3 -第二章城市道路支路系统的规划设计········· - 7 -第四章应用实例··················- 16 -第五章结束语···················- 20 -

城市道路支路系统的交通组织 摘要:支路正如人体的毛细血管,在城市交通中起着重要作用。但是目前国内对支路的规划设计一直重视不够。首先总结了支路发展中存在的功能划分、密度和横断面布置等问题,详细分析了支路功能划分,将支路划分为交通性支路、生活性支路和特殊支路,分析了不同支路承担的具体作用和应范围。并针对支路网的密度、红线宽度、车道宽度、分隔设置以及路边停车问题进行了深入分析。 为了对城市主干道与多支路T型交叉区域的交通进行合理的组织,减少主干道与支路T型交叉口的交通流冲实,降低主干道车流的延误,通过对该区域的道路结构形态及交通分布特征的调查分析,提出了主干道与支路接驳处渠化设计和主干道信号协调控制相结合的交通组织方式。 关键词:支路规划、支路设计、支路功能、协调控制

The traffic organization of the system of city road branch Absract: Local roads play an important role in utban street systems,just like capillaries do in human bodies. However,local roads have not gained sufficient attention thus far in the planning and design process of urban street systems in China .This paper discusses issues on road functional classifications, road network density, and cross-sectional design in local road development, and provides a detailed analysis of local road functionalities. According to road functional classifications typically adopted abroad,the paper classifies local roads into three functionalities, namely, through-traffic,neighbor-hood-specific, and special use, and specifies their typical funcions and application scopes. Finally, the paper fur-ther analyzes local road density,right-of-way,lane-width, separation facilities,and road-side parking issues. In order to rationally organize the traffic in the area of urban arterial road intersected by multi-inferior roads at T-intersection,a traffic organization method with channelized traffic design and signal coordinated control was presented,based on the investigation and analysis of the characteristics of the above. Keywords:local road planning、local road design、local road functionalities、coordination control


城市道路交通安全设施设置规范The Installation Specification for City Road Traffic Safety Facilities 第1部分交通标志 (征求意见稿)

目次 前言 (1) 1范围 (2) 2规范性引用文件 (2) 3术语和定义 (2) 4标志设置基本原则 (3) 5标志设置要点 (3) 6标志板、支撑方式及安装要求 (8) 7一般道路指路标志的设置 (14) 8城市快速路标志的设置 (20)

城市道路交通安全设施设置规范第1部分交通标志 1 范围 本部分规定了道路交通标志的结构、尺寸及设置要求。 本部分适用于中心城区内城市道路、各区县政府所在地建成区内城市道路的交通标志设置。 本部分含有相关的术语和定义,规定了基本要求、标志设置要点、标志板、支撑方式及安装要求、一般道路指路标志的设置、城市快速路标志的设置。 2 规范性引用文件 下列文件对于本文件的应用是必不可少的。凡是注日期的引用文件,仅所注日期的版本适用于本文件。凡是不注日期的引用文件,其最新版本(包括所有的修改单)适用于本文件。 GB 5768.2—2009 道路交通标志 GB 50007 建筑地基基础设计规范 GB 50009 建筑结构荷载规范 GB 50017 钢结构设计规范 GB/T 18833—2012 道路交通反光膜 GB/T 23827 道路交通标志板及支撑件 GB51038-2015城市道路交通标志和标线设置规范 DB510100/T 129.1-2013 道路指路标志系统-第1部分-总则 DB510100/T 129.2-2013 道路指路标志系统-第2部分-一般城市道路 DB510100/T 129.3-2013 道路指路标志系统-第3部分-城市快速路 DB510100/T 129.4-2013 道路指路标志系统-第4部分-一般公路 DB510100/T 129.5-2013 道路指路标志系统-第5部分-慢行交通 3 术语和定义 下列术语和定义适用于本文件。 3.1 道路交通标志road traffic signs 在道路上用于交通管理目的并以颜色、形状、字符、图形等向道路使用者传递特定信息的设施。3.2 组合标志 combination signs 两个或两个以上警告、禁令、指示标志布设在同一个版面上的交通标志。 3.3 作业区 work zone 由于道路施工、养护等作业影响交通运行,而进行交通管控的路段。



我国三大均市圈的发展及功能定位分析 壹、从战略视角深刻审视我国区域经济协作趋势 由长江三角洲均市圈、珠江三角洲均市圈、京津唐均市圈的发展所引发的我国区域经济协作正于实践和理论俩个层面同时展开,且且呈不断深化之势。我国目前对区域经济协作的理论研究方面,比较侧重于不同区域经济之间的比较。当然,这壹方法比单个城市之间的比较显得有深度和厚度,可是这种比较仅从区域经济的角度出发,是有缺陷的。 缺陷于于缺乏战略的高度,更没有从经济全球化的背景出发和谋划。我国的区域经济协作如果脱离了经济全球化和国民经济发展战略的大背景,其意义是要大打折扣的,且且对区域经济协作的推进将产生不利的影响。 于区域经济协作过程中,如果缺乏清晰目标的引领,我国刚刚起步的区域经济协作将从壹开始就举步维艰,困难重重。不但区域之间、而且区域内部各城市之间也进行相互抑制性的竞争,且且乐此不疲。其根本原因于于忽视区域经济协作是服务于经济全球化中的国民经济发展战略,而不是仅仅服务于区域经济,更不是服务于区域中的某壹城市。 那么,经济全球化视角下的我国区域经济协作如何推进?以什么目标来引领?壹个越来越清晰的迹象为,于经济全球化势头日益增强的环境下,于不断加大的国内外市场竞争的压力下,我国将改变自改革开放以来各地区的分散化发展倾向,于有效的市场基础上对地区经济资源进行重新整合,走集聚化、规模化、综合性

的发展道路,且加快营造若干具强劲竞争力的区域性经济高地,成为国民经济发展的重要支撑。 于经济全球化背景下,对我国区域经济协作的发展具有若干层次性要求。 第壹层次为区域内的合作。以目前发展比较成熟和先进的城市和地区为核心,于我国搭建若干经济社会文化综合发展的区域性高地,使其不但具有拉动国内经济发展的综合能力,而且应能于经济全球化条件下不断对外拓展,具有较强的综合竞争力。 第二层次为区域间的协作。以若干区域性均市圈为节点,建设和形成功能互补的国民经济结构和布局。其意义于于均市圈和区域经济协作的最终目的是提升国民经济组织水平和竞争能力,是为更大范围的经济协作联动、资源要素组合提供壹个高效率的平台。区域经济协作且不仅仅是区域性的,是于长三角均市圈、珠三角均市圈、京津唐均市圈中各自封闭地进行,而是首先进行这些区域的经济社会整合,然后把这些区域作为壹个整体,以功能建设为导向,再进行更具开放性的经济协作整合。 区域经济协作应是开放性的,而不能封闭性运作。所谓的开放性其含义于于产业结构的动态性调整和组合,区域经济协作为更大范围的经济协作联动、产业组合重构、资源要素优化配置提供平台。区域经济协作的实质性意义是通过集聚和辐射进行要素资源的优化重组:集聚是内敛性的资源要素的优化重组;而辐射是开放性的资源要素的优化重组。区域经济协作、或者是均市圈建设的意义不可能对


交通系统功能分析 大纲 一、交通系统功能定义:(需要自行定义) 二、交通系统功能的分类方法:(列举各种系统功能的分类方法,确定一种方法,给出交通系统功能的组成) 1、分类方法简介 2、系统分类法 三、交通系统功能的组成(各子系统原理、实现途径、例子、子系统所衍生的系统、附属功能) 1、交通系统运输功能 (1)客运功能 (2)货运功能 (3)信息传递功能 2、交通系统服务功能 (1)停靠功能(停车场、飞机场、码头、车站) (2)收费功能(收费站) (3)后勤保障功能(加油站、维修站等) 3、交通系统战备功能 (1)应急起降功能(高速公路、快速路) (2)兵站服务功能(服务区、车站) (3)战储功能(交通枢纽) (4)防空功能(地铁、隧道) 4、交通系统附属功能 (1)美化功能

(2)应急功能 (3)促进功能(经济、科技) (4)引导功能 (5)其他功能 四、交通系统各功能之间的关系以及子系统之间的关系: 1、系统各功能之间的联系 2、子系统各功能之间的联系 3、系统各功能的相互影响 4、子系统各功能的相互影响 五、交通系统功能特性(优势、劣势、其它) 1、交通系统功能的积极方面 2、交通系统功能的消极方面 3、交通系统功能的整体特性 六、交通系统功能需求(智能、未来需求) 1、智能化需求(智能公交、智能交通、智能汽车) 2、物联网技术需求(物联网技术融入交通系统) 3、文化建设需求(长久性、发展性) 4、“绿色交通”需求

正文 一、交通系统功能定义: 通过对文献检索及资料查询,目前针对交通系统功能的定义尚未给出比较明确的概念,只是泛泛的对某一方面的功能给出相关解释。例如交通信息系统的功能是在进行交通信息的收集、传递、储存、加工、维护和使用,辅助交通参与者进行决策,以实现目标。 根据交通、系统功能的定义,结合交通系统的特性,对交通系统功能给出一种解释。交通是指从事旅客和货物运输及语言和图文传递的行业,包括运输和邮电两个方面,在国民经济中属于第三产业。系统功能是泛指系统的整体表现。从控制论的角度来说,系统功能是指系统的“输出”。对无机系统来说,功能是指它们的性能;对生物系统来说是就是机能;而对社会系统应该用功效(功能和效益)更为确切。因此,交通系统功能是指交通系统与外部环境相互联系和相互作用中表现出来的性质、能力、和行为。 二、交通系统功能的分类方法: 交通系统是社会系统的重要组成部分,它承担着物质、能量、信息的转运传输功能,维系着社会生产与消费的平稳运行。针对系统分类的方法很多,目前用的比较多的有决策树法、贝叶斯分类法、模式识别法、神经网络、系统论等分类法。根据交通系统的特性及作用机理,采用系统论的方法对交通系统功能进行分类。 系统论的基本思想方法,就是把所研究和处理的对象,当作一个系统,分析系统的结构和功能,研究系统、要素、环境三者的相互关系和变动的规律性,并优化系统观点看问题,世界上任何事物都可以看成是一个系统,系统是普遍存在的。大至渺茫的宇宙,小至微观的原子,一粒种子、一群蜜蜂、一台机器、一个工厂、一个团体等都是系统,整个世界就是系统的集合。 系统是多种多样的,可以根据不同的原则和情况来划分系统的类型。按人类干预的情况可划分自然系统、人工系统;按学科领域就可分成自然系统、社会系统和思维系统;按范围划分则有宏观系统、微观系统;按与环境的关系划分就有开放系统、封闭系统、孤立系统;按状态划分就有平衡系统、非平衡系统、近平衡系统、远平衡系统等等。此外还有大系统、小系统的相对区别。 总体来讲,系统论是研究系统结构与功能(包括演化、协同和控制)一般规律的科学系统论认为系统是由若干要素以一定结构形式联结构成的具有某种功能的有机整体,系统的功能是反映系统与外部环境关系,表达系统的性质和行为,


第四章项目定位分析 一、影响项目定位的因素 1、土地价值分析 ●项目地块规则 ●利于充分利用 ●易于规划与设计 2、需求分析 ●总需求较乐观 ●高品质住宅需求大 ●需求面积逐渐变小 3、供给与竞争态势 ●区域内供给量较大 ●土地储备丰富,存在开发潜力 ●入市时机较为关键 二、项目市场定位描述 1、本项目主要经济指标 ?总建筑面积: 99215平方米 ?总占地: 1.53公顷 ?绿化率: 30% ?容积率: 4.8 ?地上建筑面积: 73440平方米

?商场: 11750平方米 ?写字楼: 21290 平方米 ?其余为公寓: ?地下建筑面积: 25775平方米 ?地下车位: 333辆 ?地上车位: 63辆 ?自行车: 466辆 2、整体功能布局 建议项目规划为: 一栋写字楼,一栋商业,两栋公寓。 ●整个社区采用围合式建筑方案 ●公寓采用板式高层 ●围合社区中央空间 ●用地西侧从北至南依次摆放商业配套、写字楼的一部 分;用地南侧从西至东依次坐落另一部分写字楼和公寓 1号楼;用地北侧设计为公寓2号楼;社区西侧与东侧 保持完整外立面。 ●社区设计两个出入口,实现人车分流。

商业配套地下可设计为地下停车场,主要满足写字楼的需求;公寓停车场可设计在1号楼和2号楼地下;商业配套北侧小片空地可设计为商业用停车位。围合出的空间可聘请具有实力的景观设计事务所进行布置,达到环境优美、视野明亮、集绿化休闲为一体的场所。从外观上,在西侧与南侧保持完整连接,成为: 劲松商圈地标性建筑。 (具体规划情况见附图)

三、目标客户群体描述 1、写字楼目标客户群体 ●中小型外资企业 ●以CBD内大公司为服务对象的各类公司 ●留学归国人员创办企业 ●投资型买家 2、公寓目标客户群体: ●投资型买家 ●首次置业的白领阶层 ●单身贵族 ●知名企业高层管理人员的工作居所 ●外企置业 ●留学归国人员 注: 21世纪不动产认为项目在推广入市过程中,应赋予产品一个包装概念,但这一包装概念应是在产品已具有鲜明特点之后,才在项目具备一系列竞争点的基础上,通过富有创意概念进行推广包装,而不是在塑造产品之前,毫无理由,且无产品支撑的一种空谈。这一点如有机会,21世纪不动产将会在今后一个阶段协同发展商及广告公司共同

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