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试析受教育权理论发展综述中英文翻译W.k.che man the right to education theory development in both English and Chinese translation


Paper since the current constitution promulgated, the right to education has always been the hot spot of the theory research, the exercise of the right to education refers to the concept of the right to education, essence, legal relationship and a series of problems, summed up the theoretical development venation and the existing problems, and is conducive to differentiate to clarify ideas and perfect the system of rules, is conducive to the solution of the disputes over the right to education.


Paper keywords educational legal relationship right remedy


Since the current constitution promulgated, the right to education has been the hotspot in theory research, scholars with scientific, practical attitude has carried out the discussion of the right to education, explains the concept of the right to education from different angles, essence, legal relationship theory issues such as, there appear a lot of theoretical innovation and academic representative works, the main research results were summarized as follows:


One, the main point of the theory of the right to education


Due to the current constitution, the education law, minors protection law, the administrative reconsideration law involved in the provision of "educational" connotation, no corresponding explanation and legal definition, scholars of educational problems such as definition, essence, content and the relationship between the opinions vary.


(a) the definition of the right to education


About what is "the right to education", scholars have different opinions, different definition. Some place from by the way of education, and to define the learning contents, from national security obligation is defined, some defined from the Angle of promoting the development of people, some combination of people's development and national security obligation is defined, such as gong to and think: "the right to education, refers to the citizens shall have the right requirements of countries actively provide equal education conditions and opportunities, by learning to develop their personality, intelligence and physical and mental abilities, in order to obtain the survival and

development of an equal chance of fundamental rights." Most of the definitions from the Angle of the constitution, from the view of state as the main undertaker of obligation to sum up, while ignoring the citizens' exercise of the right to receive education involving in addition to the obligation the country and education institutions, the guardian and other main body, is this a defect, need to be further perfected. For a variety of disputes over the right to education, in reality there are a lot of is not the educatees and controversy of the country, but by educators and school, the guardian, other organization or individual disputes, according to the definition of the mainstream of academic circles in our country, the right to education is a citizen to the state requires the learning opportunities and conditions, then the disputes cannot be called a dispute over the right to education, it is difficult to justify.


(2) the nature of the right to education


The nature of the right to education is to solve the right to education is a kind of what kind of right, what's the meaning of the realization of the rights of educatees. Japanese scholars understanding of the nature of the right to education has experienced from political rights of citizenship when it comes to life again to the right to learn the evolution of the theory of three, the three theories has been scholars quoted many times in our country, such as gong to and from the Angle of human rights theory to observe the evolution of the nature of the right to education theory, put forward the right to education of the essence of the four kinds of theories: civil rights, right to life, or social rights said, learning right, the right to development.



About the nature of the right to education, citizenship and the right to life by the question is more, two theories too much on the right to education from the perspective of political and economic interpretation, ignore the people's richness and the purpose of the position. At present more popular of the four theories of "the right to development", in fact has been absorbed by "learning right". Since the 1980 s, the study said rights is accepted by the international community. Learning includes the right of free learning, active learning, with the right to education (passive learning). It emphasized the educatee's main body status in the process of education, emphasizes the initiative of subject while enjoying the education rights and freedom, far beyond the meaning of "education", the most close to the nature of the right to education, but also can't in order to study the concept of the right to replace the right to education, because the right to education is part of the learning right, namely, by the help of others to learn.


(3) the right to education legal relationship


Our current constitution prescribed in paragraph 1 of article 46: "citizens of the People's Republic of China the rights and obligations of education". For the current constitution, scholars still have doubt, whether education is a right or obligation, the education of the rights and obligations of the so-called consistency or dualism reflected how? What rights and obligations subject to? The subjects of rights and obligations are the same?



Looked from the structure of the right to education, the right subject is the person who shall have Chinese nationality. Compulsory subject who is it? Whether agree with the scope of the right subject? Because the right to education is a right structure more complex, in the process of Chinese citizens to receive education, except for countries to provide education opportunities and conditions, schools, teachers, parents, etc. The subject will be in a different form of identity or involved, on the education and enjoy certain rights and obligations. Corresponding obligations at the same time, the right to education, including negative not infringing upon the citizen right to education of obligation and positive obligation to guarantee citizens the right to receive education, negative obligation and positive obligation to bear the main body is not consistent, different one. Negative obligation that is not the main body of infringement of citizens' right to education has universality, any citizens, social organizations, enterprises and institutions, state organs are not allowed to infringe upon citizens enjoy and exercise the right to education. So, by the positive obligation of education who is considering? According to the spirit of the constitution, the country is under the obligation of education actively. Obligation to hit from the right to education, therefore, not only including countries, also including education institutions, the guardian and other organizations or individuals in the society. Right to education of the right to object, simply, is education, including all types and all levels of education.



Dispute in the legal relationship of right to education is the content of the right to education, because our country constitution is not clearly the scope and boundaries of the right to education. Some scholars think that content mainly includes three aspects, first is the right of learning. The second is the compulsory education for free. The third is the education equality of opportunity. Gong to and in accordance with the time order, divided into beginning phase of the "right of learning opportunities (including the right of entrance opportunity, education option, right of student), the process stage of right" to "learning conditions (including education conditions for construction, education rights, get the education funding), end stage of the" right "to learning success (including the right of fair evaluation, school, degree certificate), from the point of view of the existing education legislation, the content of the right to education mainly includes three aspects, namely, free compulsory education, education equality of opportunity, as well as the freedom of choice of education. But the freedom of choice of education at compulsory education stage, there is freedom of choice of private schools, public schools are not included in between the freedom of choice, in the stage of compulsory education, including the freedom to choose whether or not to accept education, choose different types of education (such as a vocational education or general education) of freedom, and freedom of choice of what school. In short, the content of the right to education by national law to determine, at the same time, bound by international human rights law, international human rights law of the right to education minimum core content, requires all parties to undertake and implement immediately. As an international human rights law of the contracting states, our country should refer to international human rights law right to education of the core content, in the legislation to determine the scope and boundaries of the right to education in our country.


(4) the right to education disputes involving legal relationship


Educational disputes involving participants including the educatees, education administrative subject, school, the guardian and other social organizations and individuals. A dispute among them, the pedagogue and education administrative subject, its legal relations are relatively pure administrative legal relationship; By educators and parents or other guardians of a dispute due to the education problem, belongs to the civil legal relationship; Educated and of the soc ial organizations or individuals other than education institutions occurred disputes over the right to education, basic belongs to tort disputes between civil main body, can also be classified as civil legal relationship. Only the educatee with schools or other institutions of education disputes over the right to education, the legal relationship of qualitative is debated. Legal science of educatees and the legal relations of the school, roughly said special power relation, general administrative legal relationship, education contract relationship, the guardianship agency relationship and civil and administrative relations with five kinds of theories, but the first four theories cannot cover all the level of education and education type of the educatees, only says both civil and administrative relation is widely used in practice. But this theory itself also has some defects, such as school determined according to the rules "" school students drop out of school and fire and so on, belong to the university autonomy power, without the authorization of national law, in each other's rights and interests cannot get effective relief. Therefore, it is necessary to breakthrough the traditional "authorized administrative subject theory, introduce the concept of" autonomy of administrative

subject ".


Has the right to education for schools and students legal relations involved in the dispute, our country can draw lessons from the practice of Japan and Taiwan area in our country, the "special power relation" to "basic relationship and management". Involves the basic relations of the acquisition, loss and degradation of student decision, belong to actionable administrative action. Other such as clothing, work and rest time for students, dormitory management regulations belong to manage relationships, don't need to follow the principle of law reserve, belongs to administrative behavior is v. Disciplined students may seek relief through appeal ways, such as did not get a relief, can bring administrative reconsideration and administrative lawsuit in accordance with the law.


Second, the problems need to be further defined on the practice and legislation


(a) "near" and "an exemption entrance" standards


Compulsory education phase of the school dispute, main show is in reality school-age children entrance, an exemption to the nearest entrance, refused to send guardian read his ward a lecture on admission, etc.


According to the spirit of the compulsory education law, children and adolescents neighborhood school, is the legal responsibility of the local people's governments at various levels. But in fact, various counties city compulsory education school set up plan, no specific standard, the reasonable layout of primary and secondary schools are sometimes divided government district residents did not take into account the actual living conditions, but too much considering the division of administrative regions, or other factors such as student census register seat, a separated only a wall, but not a district can't go to school. School-age children go to school and some remote areas to nuristan, because far too tired children don't want to go to school to visit his parents. To solve the problems that exist in the reality, in addition to the specific standards for school Settings and school district division, but also changing ideas, make the government perform their duties in the compulsory education. Some place according to local actual, make the local standard operating conditions, such as the basic standard of henan rural compulsory education phase of school running conditions (try out) "regulation:" according to comprehensive factors such as population distribution and population birth rate, more densely populated plains, in principle, each about 05000 people set up a complete primary school, each 2-30000, set a junior high school." "Based on the principle of neighborhood school, elementary school services in plain area is generally not more than 2 km radius (excluding boarding school)." All in all, only the specific standards for neighborhood school, people can tell the government set up the school is reasonable, at the same

time, also can reduce the resulting disputes and dropping out of school.


New 2006 paragraph 1 of article 12 of the compulsory education law "school of school-age children and adolescents an exemption", but in reality, there are some schools, especially focus on elementary school, junior high school entrance test, some of them belong to foreign language school characteristic such as schools, compulsory education school arrangement, relations to the vital interests of the many children and adolescents, and to reduce the contradiction and conflict, in addition to the rules, also asked the government to enforce the law. But to fundamentally solve the disputes "an exemption entrance", requires the government education purpose clear, reform the education system, the implementation of quality education. At the same time, the balance education resources, narrow the differences between different areas, different schools, in the cancel key schools and non-key schools, major work class and the key work in the class.


翻译理论知识 一、翻译的定义 学习一门新的学科,首先必须有一个科学的定义。翻译是一个包罗万象、博大精深的技艺,至今也没有一个统一规范、举世公认的定义。我们只能综合各种不同的定义来掌握翻译的本质。 1. The Definition of The Oxford English Dictionary To turn from one language into another. 2. The Definition of Webster’s Third New International Dictionary of the English Language To turn into one’s own or another language. 3. A good translation is one which the merit of the original work is so completely transfused into another language as to be as distinctly apprehended and as strongly felt by a native of the country to which that language belongs as it is by those who speak the language of the original work.好的翻译应该是把原作的长处完全地移注到另一种语言,以使译人语所属国家的本地人能明白地领悟、强烈地感受,如同使用原作语言的人所领悟、所感受的一样。(泰特勒,1790) 4. Translation consists in reproducing in receptor language the closest natural equivalence of the source language , first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style.翻译就是在译入语中再现与原语的信息最切近的自然对等物,首先是就意义而言,其次是就文体而言。 (奈达,1974) 5. 翻译是用一种语言把另一种语言所表达的思维内容准确而完整地重新表达出来的语言活动。(张培基,1980) 6. 翻译是把一种语言表达的意义用另一种语言传达出来,以达到沟通思想感情、传播文化知、促进社会文 明,特别是推动译语文化兴旺昌盛的目的。(孙致礼:2003) 7. 翻译是将一种语言文字所蕴含的意思用另一种语言文字表达出来的文化活动。 (王克非,1997) 二、翻译的分类 翻译分不同的类型。就文本而言,随着世界发展的全球化趋势,翻译的范围越来越广,涵盖各个领域,如文学、政治、文化、贸易、科技、传媒等。在这个意义上,翻译可分为文学翻译、科技翻译和实用文体翻译。 1.按语言分类:本族语译成外语、外语译成本族语/ 语内翻译(intralingual translation)、语际翻译(interlingual translation) 2.按活动形式分类:笔译(translation)、口译(oral interpretation) 3按翻译材料的文体分类:应用文体翻译、科技文体翻译、文学作品翻译、政论作品翻译 4按处理方式分类:全译、节译、摘译、编译、译述 三、翻译的标准 翻译标准就是指翻译实践时译者所遵循的原则,也是翻译批评家批评译文时必须遵循的原则。翻译是一种社会活动,翻译标准则是从中产生的。由于社会活动受制于社会条件及译者个人等等因素,因此翻译标准也就打上了深深的社会和译者的烙印。 在我国持这一翻译原则的有玄奘、严复和鲁迅等人。玄奘是唐代著名的佛经翻译家,主张翻译"既须求真又须喻俗"(A good translation should be both faithful to the original and intelligible to the public.),意即译文要"忠实通顺"。严复是我国清末时期的名学者。他在《天演论》(译例言)(1898)中提出了"信达雅"三字标准(faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance)。"信"是"意义不背本文","达"是不拘原文形式,尽译文语音的能事以求原意明显。"信"、"达"互为照应,不可分割开来。"雅"在今天看来是不可取的,因为这个"雅"是用汉以前字法句法,即所谓的上等文言文。鲁迅先生认为:"凡是翻译,必须兼顾两面,一当然力求其易解,一则保存着原作的丰姿。"这就是说,译文既要信又要顺(both faithful to the SL and smooth in expression)。我国当代翻译理论家张培基等人在其《英汉翻译教程》中所提出的"忠实"、"通顺"标准也属此类型。从


一.The North American Translation Workshop(早期北美翻译学派) Development: ①The North American Translation Workshop began to study the human’s brain function in the translation . ②It also put forward the nature and the definition of the translation ③It purposed many questions about epistemology which made a difference in the translation study and practice. ④It also doubt the standard of translation evaluation. ⑤The scholars in NATW subverted many traditional translation school and expressive form. ⑥It believed that translation is a kind of literary criticism. While opening up new perspectives, the general approach as practiced in the North American Translation Workshop might be characterized by a theoretical naive and subjective methodologies that tend to reinforce whatever theoretical values individual translators hold. 1.I. A. Richards Richards is a critic, linguist, poet, founder of New Criticism. He is often labeled as the father of the New Criticism, largely because of the influence of his first two books of critical theory, The Principles of Literary Criticism and Practical Criticism. Richards’s initial premises remain intact: he still believed that the field consists of texts containing a primary body of experience that readers could discern; with the proper training, a consensus could be reached regarding what that experience might be. Richards’s aims were threefold: (1) to introduce a new kind of documentation into contemporary American culture; (2) to provide a new technique for individuals to discover for themselves what they think about poetry; (3) to discover new educational methods. 2. Ezra Pound Ezra Pound’s theory of translation focused upon the precise rendering of details, of individual words and of single or even fragmented images; Pound’s theoretical writing fall into two periods: an early imagist phase that, while departing from traditional forms of logic, still occasionally contained abstract concepts and impressions; and a second late imagist or vorticist phase that was based on words in action and luminous details; Pound's emphasis was less on the "meaning" of the translated text or even on the meaning of specific words. Instead, he emphasized the rhythm, diction, and movement of words; Pound supposes that we can have a creative translation besides literal translation and free translation.


中西方翻译史对比 Western translation history 翻译在西方已有两千多年的历史,出现过5次高潮。 第一个高潮是在公元前3世纪中叶。当时最著名的译作为《希腊文旧约圣经》(Septuagint). 据说该译作由72名学者在72天内从希伯来语译为希腊语,以满足讲希腊语的犹太人学习《圣经》的需要。与此同时,由于希腊丰富的文化遗产吸引着发展中的罗马,罗马文学家将荷马史诗《奥德赛》(Odyssey)和大批希腊戏剧作品译为拉丁语或用拉丁语改编希腊戏剧,打 开了欧洲翻译的局面,使古希腊文学得以传播和继承。 第二个高潮发生于公元4世纪至6世纪之间。它与基督教的发展密切相关。由于《圣经》 是基督教的经典,要传播基督教必须将希伯来语和希腊语写成的《圣经》译为拉丁语才能为罗马人所接受,于是各种译本相序问世,其中杰洛姆(Jerome)翻译的《圣经通用本》(the Vulgate)最具权威性。出于对宗教的狂热和对上帝的敬畏,当时许多译者认为忠实地传达 原文意思必须采用直译的方式,所以他们的译文难懂,而杰洛姆(Jerome)的思想比较开明,他坚持“在不损害意思的前提下,应当使译文符合译语的韵律和各种特征”,因此他的译文流畅自然,易于读者接受。 第三个高潮是11世纪至12世纪之间。由于基督教与穆斯林对彼此的文化深感兴趣,大 批作品从阿拉伯语译成拉丁语,希腊语译成古叙利亚语,西班牙的托莱多因翻译活动的繁荣 成为欧洲的学术中心,这一高潮持续了近一百年。 14-16时机的欧洲文艺复兴运动,是一场深刻的社会变革。思想、文学和艺术的革新,引 起了翻译的第四次高潮,翻译活动的高潮,又推动了思想、文学和艺术等众多领域的发展。 德国宗教改革领袖马丁"路德将《圣经》译为民众喜闻乐见的德语,为现代德语的发展奠定 了基础。路德翻译《圣经》的原则之一是:“译者必须同家庭主妇、街上的儿童和市场上的 普通人谈话,了解他们怎么说话,在此基础上进行翻译,使民众明白并意识到有人在用德语 同他们谈话。”路德的这一原则体现了文艺复兴时期的人文主义精神,是圣经翻译摆脱宗教 思想的禁锢,顺应民意的重大突破。他的人文主义观点,无疑影响了《圣经钦定本》(King James Version)的译者。1611年英王詹姆士一世钦定的这一《圣经》译本,以通俗、优美、


翻译学必读 1语文和诠释学派 二十世纪之前的翻译理论被纽马克(1981)称为翻译研究的‘前语言学时期’,人们围绕‘word-for-word’和‘sense-for-sense’ 展开激烈的讨论,核心是‘忠实’,‘神似’和‘真理’。典型的代表有John Dryden, Tytler等,而Barnard, Steiner等人则是在他们的基础上进一步发展。 2语言学派 Jacobson(1959)提出意义对等的问题,随后的二十多当年,学界围绕这个问题进行了研究。奈达(1969)采取了转换语法模式,运用“科学(奈达语)”的方法来分析他翻译《圣经》过程中的意义处理问题。奈达提出的形式对等说、动态对等说和等效原则都是将注意力集中在受众一方。纽马克信奉的是语义翻译和交际翻译,即重视翻译中的语义和交际方面。 3话语分析Discourse Analysis(critical discourse analysis批评话语分析functional discourse analysis功能语篇分析Discourse analysis theory话语分析理论 Discourse Analysis for Interpreters翻译专业演说分析 Pragmatics & Discourse Analysis语用学positive discourse analysis积极话语分析rhetorical or discourse analysis语篇分析Pragmatics and Discourse Analysis语用学Mediated discourse analysis中介话语分析 二十世纪七十年代到九十年代,作为应用语言学领域的一个分支,话语分析经历了产生和发展壮大的过程,其理论背景来自(韩礼德)的系统功能语法。今天,话语分析的方法已经逐步运用到翻译研究中。House(1997)提出的翻译质量模型就是基于韩礼德的理论,他吸收了其中的语域分析方法;Baker(1992) 则为培养译员提供了话语分析和语用分析的范本;Hatim 和 Mason(1997)将语域研究拓展到语用和符号学角度 4目的学派 目的学派于二十世纪七、八十年代在德国兴起,是从静态的语言学、语言类型学中剥离出来的。其中的代表人物有,Reiss,Vermmer,Nord 等。Reiss(1971,1988,2000)强调的是文本层面的对等,主张文本的类型和翻译策略结合起来; Holz-Manttari(1984)则认为在翻译过程是一个交际、互动的过程,涉及各种各样的角色。Vermmer(2000)继承并发展了Reiss的观点。 5文化学派the Culture School Even-Zohar 在二十世纪七十年代提出将文学翻译视为文化的,文学的和历史的过程或系统。翻译研究的“文化转向”指的是更加注重从文化研究的角度进行翻译研究。其中,Lefevere (1992)逐渐从系统理论转向文化学研究,将翻译看作‘重写’的过程,审视围绕着翻译文本的意识形态冲突等课题。Simon(1996) 和一些女权主义者则重点研究文化学研究中的女性意识。后殖民主义文化学方向的代表人物是Bassnett和Trivedi (1999),他们认为,无论在殖民化的过程中还是在被殖民的社会,翻译都十分活跃。文化学派的研究有着各自的研究任务和各自的侧重点,丰富了翻译研究的内容。 6解构学派 本雅明本人不属于解构学派,但他的著作《译者的任务》通常被看作解构学派对翻译研究的缘起和根据。本雅明率先指出,翻译不可能与原作相等,因为翻译过程已经改变了原作,况且,没有蜕变,也就不会产生‘后起的生命’。本雅明认为,译者的任务不是在目标语中复制原文,而是颠覆原语的体系,把潜藏于原文的精神内容表达出来。德里达则更进一步,在他的著作《巴别通天塔》中,翻译被看作一个不断解构和建构的过程。学界认为德里达将翻译研究对‘忠实’的盲目追求中解放出来(陈德鸿,2000)。 7口译研究

第1 课绪论--翻译概述(1)

第1 课绪论--翻译概述(1) 一、学科特点 翻译是一种跨越时空的语言活动,是"把一种语言已经表达出来的东西用另 一种语言准确而完整地重新表达出来"(范存忠:"漫谈翻译"《翻译理论与技巧》 中国对外翻译出版公司,1985,p.80), 是"从语义到文体在译入语中用最切近而 又最自然的对等语再现原语的信息"(谭载喜:《奈达论翻译》中国对外翻译出版 公司,1984,p.10)。翻译虽为个体所承作,却是一种社会活动,一门综合性很 强的学科。它既有很强的理论性又有丰富的实践内涵。就前者而言,翻译经过千 百年来各国翻译家的共同努力,已经在语言学、文学、文化、心理学、人类学、 哲学和教育学等学科的基础上初步建立了一套理论体系,并在具体实践中总结出 了一套行之有效的跨文化和语言转换模式。随着科学的日益进步,这种体系和模 式正处在不断地完善之中。就后者而言,翻译是人类社会活动的产物,具有很强

的实践性。翻译理论与实践的关系是辨证的;翻译理论产生于翻译实践,反过来 又指导实践,实践转过来又丰富翻译理论。可以说,没有社会实践就不会有翻译 理论的产生;没有翻译理论作为指导,翻译实践就会难免走弯路。因此,学好翻 译既要重视翻译理论的学习,又要加强翻译实践;理论联系实际,这是我们学好 翻译的必由之路。 二、为什么可能有翻译 翻译是人类社会发展和进步的需要,因为人类社会要发展进步就需要在不同 文化的民族之间进行沟通,而这一全过程都离不开翻译。正如Steiner 和张培基 所说的那样:Translating it is that openeth the window, to let in the light; that breaketh the shell, that we may eat the kernel. (Steiner) 翻译是沟通各族人民的思 想,促进政治、经济、文化、科学、技术交流的重要手段,也是进行国际斗争的 必要武器。翻译是学习好外语的重要手段之一,也是探讨两种语言对应关系的一 门学科。(张培基等)


第一章翻译理论概述一、Definition of Translation二、中国翻译简史三、中国翻译理论四、翻译的基本原则五、翻译工作者的基本素质一、Definition of TranslationDefinitions given by Chinese scholars:● 翻译是把一种语言文字的意义用另一种语言文字表达出来。(现代汉语词典)●翻译是将一种文字之真义全部移至另一种文字而绝不失其风格和神韵。(吴献书,1949)●翻译是用一种语言把另一种语言所表达的思维内容准确而完整地重新表达出来的语言活动。(张培基,1980)●翻译的实质是语际的意义转换。(刘宓庆,1990)●翻译的定义应该是:“将一种语言传达的信息用另一种语言传达出来。” (蔡毅,1995)●翻译是将一种语言所蕴含的意思用另一种语言文字表达出来的文化活动。(王克非,1997)翻译是跨语言、跨文化的交流。(沈苏儒,1998)● 翻译应当把原文的本意,完全正确地介绍给中国读者,使中国读者所得到的概念等于英俄日德法┅┅读者从原文得来的概念。(瞿秋白)Definitions given by Western scholars:● 翻译是翻成本族语言或另一种语言(to turn into one’s own language or another language)美国韦氏新大学词典●好的翻译应该是把原作的长处完全地遗注到另一种语言,以使译入语所属国家的本地人能明白地领悟、强烈地感受,如同使用原作语言的人所领悟、所感受一样。(泰特勒,1790)●翻译就是用一种语言把另一种语言在内容与形式不

可分割的统一中所业已表达出来的东西准确而完全地表达出来。(费道罗夫,1953)● According to Catford transl ation is “ the replacement of textual material in one language SL by equivalent textual material in another language TL”. (翻译的定义也许可以这样说:把一种语言(SL)中的篇章材料用另一种语言(TL)中的篇章材料来加以代替。)(卡特福德,1965)● ●翻译是把一种语言的言语产物在保持内容方面(也就是意义)不变的情况下改变为另外一种语言的言语产物的过程。(巴尔胡达罗夫,1985中文版)● According to Newmark translation is “ a craft consisting in the attempt to replace a written message and/or statement in one language by the same message and/or statement in another language”2001a:7.美国现代翻译家、语言学会主席尤金奈达(EugeneA Nida)1969年所下的定义:Nida in sists “… translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style” Nida1969: 53。(翻译就是在译入语中再现与原语的信息最切近的自然对等物,首先是就意义而言,其次是就文体而言)Translation Translation in fact has three distinguishable meanings for this word. It can refer to: 1 translating: the process to translate the activity rather than the tangible object 2 a translation: the


浅析中国翻译理论发展状况 摘要:本文先简述当前中国翻译理论的大概内容,然后从翻译研究本身的复杂性以及当前国内翻译理论研究的不足等本体因素和翻译人才的培养机制、翻译领域的功利主义等影响翻译发展的外部因素等方面详细分析了当前中国翻译理论沉 寂的原因。认为要结束沉寂期不仅要加强理论与实践结合、融合中西译论、翻译本体研究与相关学科相结合,而且要改革人才培养机制。 关键字:翻译理论沉寂期内因外因 纵观中国翻译理论,我们很容易找到这些熟悉的字眼“信”、“达”、“雅”、“神似”,还有“化境”等。 “信”“达”“雅” 清末新兴资产阶级启蒙思想家严复在《天演论》中的“译例言”讲到:“译事三难:信、达、雅。求其信已大难矣,顾信矣不达,虽译犹不译也,则达尚焉。”“信”指意义不背原文,即是译文要准确,不歪曲,不遗漏,也不要随意增减意思;“达”指不拘泥于原文形式,译文通顺明白;“雅”则指译文时要文言化。如今“信”“达”“雅”三个字已经被我们说滥了,近代翻译理论近百年,长久被当做翻译界的金科玉律。当然,内容也随着翻译理论的发展适当的做了延伸、关联和改变。如:“信”即产生了后来的“忠实”,“达”对应着“通顺”,而“雅”一词被赋予了新的翻译内涵,不是起初所指的译文要文言化,而指在选用词语时要得体,简明优雅。 “神似”

“ 神似”,亦即“传神”,“传神达意”,“得其精而忘其粗,在其内而忘 其外”,顾名思义,就是传达原文的精神,通过文字把字里行间的意蕴曲达以出。不同语言各有特色,有许多难以互译的地方,而翻译绝不是坐标似的“字当句对”,而是多层次的传神达意。文学翻译尤其如此。傅雷,一位毕生从事文学翻译创作的著名翻译家。他视文学工作为崇高神圣的事业,不但把损害文学精品看作像歪曲真理一样严重,并且将介绍一部文学作品不能还原它本身,也认为难以容忍。他深明文学翻译的甘苦,始终持着严谨、认真负责的翻译态度,他以自己的大量译作为印证,在严复的“信,达,雅”之外,另树一帜,标举“神似”,可谓我国 翻译理论界的一个重大突破。他切中了文学翻译的关键所在,把翻译从字句的推敲提到艺术的锤炼。更难能可贵的是,他把我国传统美学中“传神”这个重要观点,引入翻译理论,把对翻译理论的认识提到美学范畴,从而拓宽了翻译理论的研究领域,为后来翻译美学的建立奠定了基础。所以“神似”翻译观的提出,标志着我国翻译事业的巨大进步,翻译理论由一般化、抽象化走向专业化、具体化的开始。 “化境” 钱钟书在“林纾的翻译”一文中开篇即引许慎《说文解字》有关翻译的训诂:《说文解字》卷十二部第二十六字:“囮,译也。从‘口’,‘化’声。率鸟者系生鸟以来之,名曰‘囮’,读若‘讹’。”南唐以来,小说家都申说“译” 就是“传四夷及鸟兽之语”,好比“鸟媒”对“禽鸟”的“引诱”,“讹”、“化”、和“囮”是同一个字。“译”、“诱”、“媒”、“讹”、“化”这些一脉通连、彼此呼应的意义,组成了研究诗歌语言的人所谓“虚涵数意”


英语专业文献综述 The Standardization Office was revised on the afternoon of December 13, 2020

Y i b i n U n i v e r s i t y 2015届本科毕业论文文献综述 题目_翻译目的论指导下的英语介词汉译策略研究 二级学院外国语学院 专业英语 学生姓名简汝梦 学号年级 2011级 指导教师徐文英职称讲师 年月日 文献综述 翻译目的论指导下的英语介词汉译策略研究 Study on the Translation Strategies of English Prepositions Based on Skopos Theory 摘要:英语介词使用频率高,搭配能力强,含义灵活,因此在翻译中属于比较难以处理的一种词类。目的论论者认为翻译是有明确的目的和意图,在译者的作用

下,以原文文本为基础的跨文化的人类交际活动。目的论以文本目的为翻译过程的第一准则,目的决定了译者需要采用何种翻译策略和方法。目的论的提出为英语介词的汉译提供了可靠的指导。本文将目的论引入到介词翻译中,认为在目的论原则的指导下,英语介词的汉译可通过加词、减词、分译、转译等策略来达到较好的翻译效果以及更好地实现翻译目的。 关键词:英语介词;翻译;目的论 导言:随着时代的发展,以及中国入世的大好形势的出现,汉语与英语在世界上似乎显得同等重要,所以将这两种语言互相转化是我们越来越重要的任务。在英语中,英语介词数量不多,但其构成的介词短语在英语中的出现频率很高,功能多样且位置灵活,对构成句子具有重要作用,因此对于英语介词的翻译策略问题一直深受广大翻译学者的关注。目的论以文本目的为翻译过程的第一准则,目的论者认为翻译是一种有目的的活动,目的决定了译者需要采用何种翻译策略和方法,即“目的决定论”。目的论的提出为英语介词汉译提供了有效的指导。因此,译者若能熟练掌握翻译目的和翻译方法,则能译出高质量的译文。鉴于此,本文先是阐述各大专家对于英语介词翻译以及翻译目的论的已有研究和探索,并结合笔者自己的观点加以评述;然后以此综述在翻译目的论指导下研究英语介词的汉译策略是个切实可行的手段;最后预测此观点的发展前景一定是光明受欢迎的。 历史发展:对于翻译目的论的发展历程,笔者在总结各前辈的资料中得出:在20世纪70年代,功能主义翻译理论兴起于德国,其四大代表性人物及其理论是: 凯瑟林娜·赖斯(Katharina Reiss)的功能主义翻译批评理论(functional category


当代西方翻译理论 当代西方翻译研究的三大突破,两大转向 三大突破 1)20世纪50年代以来的西方翻译研究开始从一般层面上的对两种语言转换的技术问题 的研究,也即从“怎么译”的问题,深入到了对翻译行为本身的深层探究。提出了语音、语法、语义等一系列的等值问题。当代西方翻译研究中的等值论等研究,虽然有它的局限,但它对翻译所作的微观分析,无疑使人们对翻译的过程和目标,看得更加清楚了,更加透彻了。 2)当代西方的翻译研究不再局限于翻译文本本身的研究,而把目光投射到了译作的发起者、翻译文本的操作者和接受者身上。它借鉴了接受美学、读者反应等理论,跳出了对译文与原文之间一般字面上的忠实与否之类问题的考察,而注意到了译作在新的文化语境里的传播与接受,注意到了翻译作为一种跨文化的传递行为的最终目的和效果,还注意到了译者在这整个的翻译过程中所起的作用。 3)当代翻译研究的最大突破还表现在把翻译放到一个宏大的文化语境中去审视。研究者开始

关注翻译研究中语言学科以外的其他学科的因素。他们一方面认识到翻译研究作为一门独立学科的性质,另一方面又看到了翻译研究这门学科的多学科形式,注意到它不仅与语言学,而且还与文艺学、哲学甚至社会学、心理学等学科都有密不可分的关系。 但是翻译研究最终关注的当然还是文本在跨文化交际和传递中所涉及的一系列文化问题,诸如文化误读、信息增添、信息失落等。 两大转向 1)语言学派的转向 2)从文化层面来审视翻译的转向 当代西方翻译理论 语言学派理论 从20世纪50年代起,西方出现了一批运用现代语言学的结构理论、转换生成理论、功能理论、话语理论、信息论等理论的学者,他们把翻译问题纳入到语言学的研究领域,从比较语言学、应用语言学、社会语言学、语义学、符号学、交际学等角度,提出了相对严谨的翻译理论和方法,开拓出了翻译研究的新领域,给传统的翻译研究注入了新的内容。他们是当代西方翻译史上名副其实的翻译理论家,其中最主要的代表人物有:雅 可布逊(Roman Jakobsor)尤金?奈达(Eugen A. Nida )卡特福特(J.C. Catford )彼得?纽马克(Peter Newmark) 从严格意义上而言,是这批学者对翻译问题的学术探讨,揭开了当代西方翻译史上的理 论层面。


中文2600字 附录 The theory of value chain development supplement (1) the industry value chain theory. The value chain concept is a Harvard Business School professor Michael? Potter proposed in "competitive advantage" in a book. He said, "every enterprise is a collection of various activities to assist its products in the design, production, sales, and the sending of, all these activities can show that value chain." Also refers to the value chain of an enterprise. The industrial chain is a concept in industrial economics, is between the various industries based on the correlation technology economy, and based on the logical relationship and space-time distribution of specific objective formation of chain type relation form. In the Michael? Potter's value chain model based on the new extension, the inter-firm linkages is taken into account, that is known as the industrial value chain. Generally speaking, outside the enterprise internal value chain on the formation of industry value chain. Its forming process is the production of enterprises will be part of the original technology development, manufacturing, marketing, service and so on to design and integration, the resources are concentrated in specific areas, will focus narrowed to the core business, retaining only the key link, is the best part of core functions, and will other aspects of virtualization, which reduce the input or give up some links, with the help of the market by seeking external partners to provide help, these cooperative enterprises have the enterprise temporarily not available or not outstanding ability. This formed through market transaction between the new value chain can be referred to as the industry chain, it can enhance the enterprises and the competitiveness of the whole industry chain rapidly. Not only the enterprise internal value chain, value chain and value chain of an enterprise and other economic units are the same, the value chain of any enterprise can exist in a composed of many value system. However, the enterprise value chain is a vertical structure, top-down control; industry chain is the externalization of the enterprise internal value chain. Research on enterprise value chain is the enterprise activities, and the study of industry chain and industry value chain between enterprise activities. With the division of labor within the industry to continue to develop in depth, the traditional industries of different types of value creation activities gradually by an enterprise as the leading into a plurality of the activities of enterprises, these enterprises constitute the relationship between upstream and downstream, work


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1.1古代翻译 西方翻译史是在公元前三世纪揭开它的第一页的。古罗马时期的翻译活动室西方翻译史上第一次大的翻译高潮,带有明显的文学活动性质。及至进入罗马帝国后期,宗教翻译逐渐成为西方翻译界的主流。 从广义上说,西方最早的译作是公元前三至二世纪之间,七十二名犹太学者在埃及亚历山大城翻译的《圣经.旧约》,即《七十子希腊文本》;从严格的意义上说,西方的第一部译作是在约公元前三世纪中叶安德罗尼柯在罗马用拉丁语翻译的希腊荷马史诗《奥德塞》。 1.2罗马帝国的后期至中世纪初期的宗教翻译 公元四世纪出现了《圣经》的多种拉丁文译本,其中以哲罗姆于382至405年翻译的《通俗拉丁文本圣经》为钦定本,标志着《圣经》翻译取得了与世俗文学翻译分庭抗礼的重要地位。 1.3中世纪西方翻译 公元十一至十二世纪之间,西方翻译家门云集西班牙的托莱多,把大批作品从阿拉伯语译成拉丁语,这是西方翻译史上的第三个高潮。于是,托莱多成为欧洲的学术中心(类似与巴格达的“翻译院”),翻译及学术活动延续达百余年之久,影响是非常深远的。 1.4文艺复兴时期的西方翻译 十四至十六世纪欧洲发生的文艺复兴运动,是一场思想和文学革新的大运动,也是西方

翻译史上的一次大发展。特别是文艺复兴运动在西欧各国普遍展开的十六世纪及尔后一个时期,翻译活动达到了前所未见的高峰。翻译活动深入到思想、政治、哲学、文学、宗教等各个领域,涉及大古代和当代的主要作品,产生了一大批杰出的翻译家和一系列优秀的翻译作品。 在德国,宗教改革家马丁.路德于1522至1534年翻译刊行第一部“民众的圣经”,开创了现代德语发展的新纪元。在法国,文学阿米欧先后用了十七年(1542-1559年)时间,译出了普鲁塔克的《希腊罗马名人比较列传》(简称《名人传》),查普曼1598至1616年译的《伊利亚特》和《奥德赛》,弗罗里欧1603年所译蒙田的《散文集》,乃是英语文学译著中一群灿烂的明星。而1611年《钦定圣经译本》的翻译出版社则标志着英国翻译史上又一次大发展。它以其英语风格的地道、通俗和优美赢得了"英语中最伟大的译著"的盛誉,对现代英语的发展产生了深远的影响。 1.5西方翻译史的第五次高潮 文艺复兴后,从十七世纪下半叶至十二世纪上半叶,西方各国的翻译继续向前发展。虽然就其规模和影响而言,这一时期的翻译比不上文艺复兴时期,但仍然涌现出大量的优秀译著。其最大特点是,翻译家们不仅继续翻译古典著作,而且对近代的和当代的作品也发生了很大的兴趣。塞万提斯、莎士比亚、巴尔扎克、歌德等大文豪的作品都被一再译成各国文字,东方文学的译品也陆续问世。 1.6西方翻译史的第六次高潮 第二次大战后,西方进入相对稳定的时期,生产得到发展,经济逐渐恢复,科学技术

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