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小学英语剧本Revised on November 25, 2020

Scene 1 At the station

A: Hi! Xx, Good morning!

B: Hi! Xx, Good morning!

A: Which bus are you waiting for

B: . What about youV

A: No. 6. Where will you go

B: I will go to swimming. How about you

A: I will go to the Library

B: That’s great!

A: Look! Xx is coming. Hi! xx

C: Hi, guys! Good morning.

B: Good morning! Your new dress is very beautiful.

C: Thank you!

A: Which bus do you waiting for

C: . I will go to cinema.

A and B: Woo! So good!

C: Today is my birthday. This is a present from my Dad and Mom.

A and B: Oh! Happy birthday!

C: Thank you very much! I will have a birthday party tonight in my home. Will you coming

A: Of course! Thank you!

B: The bus is coming. I must to go now. See you!

A and C: See you!

Scene 2 In the classroom

A: Hi! Xx. What are you doing

B: I am doing a questionnaire.

A: So funny. Xx and xx, come on. Let’s do a questionnaire.

C and D: OK!

B: Let me see! No. 1: What nationalities are you

A, C and D: Of course, we are Chinese.

A: : What is you favorite subject

B: Math.

C: English.

D: Chinese

C: : What is you favorite game

D: Here are four choices: hide and seek, hopscotch, tag, marbles.

A: Marbles. B: Hide and seek. C: Me, too. How about you

D: I like playing hide and seek.

A: Oh, that’s great! After we finish the questionnaire, we can play hide and seek. B: That’s a good idea! Let’s continue. What is you favorite food

A: Ice cream. C: Apple. D: Cake.

B: Oh! I like them all.

C: The last one. What is you favorite toy

A: I like robot.

B: I like yo-yos.

D: I like video game.

C: I like doll.

A: How about go out to play hide and seek.

B, C and D:Great!

Scene 3 In a zoo

A:Woo! So happy, we all have a nice day!

B: Yes! Those animals are very interesting.

C: You’re right, which kinds of animal do you like best D: I like monkey, they are so cute!

A: I like elephant, I like their long nose.

B: Oh, I like alligator.

C: I don’t like it. They are so ugly. I like panda.

D: Today is very hot, I am very thirsty.

A: Me, too! Look! There is an ice cream.

B: Great! Let’s go and buy it.

C: I feel better now, how about you, xx

D: very cool! Oh, what’s the time now

A: Let me see! It’s five o’clock!

B: Woo, it’s too late now, we must go home!

C: Ok! Let’s go to the cloakroom and get our bags.

E: Your ticket, please!

D: Here you are!

E: No. 6, these are your bags, here they are!

A,B,C and D: Thank you!

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