当前位置:文档之家› 2016重庆高职单招英语试题知识点:单词拼写







【小题1】The number of people________(感染)with H1N1 is becoming larger and larger.

【小题2】We a11 admire him for his_________(勇敢).

【小题3】I’ll have you watch the opening___________ (仪式)of the Olympic Games.

【小题4】The man was _________ (控告)of stealing.

【小题5】He broke the vase __________ (故意地).

【小题6】He made his points with_________(值得赞扬的)clarity.

【小题7】The criminal admitted he was________(有罪的).

【小题8】You should_________(集中)all your efforts on your study.

【小题9】We should _________ (团结)to fight poverty and diseases.

【小题10】The committee__________(由……组成)of ten members.



He ______ ______ a number of journals before he started the research project.


The teacher ______ ______the examination papers when the bell rang. 【小题3】她跑来跑去,试图把火扑灭。

She was rushing around, trying to______ ______ the fire.


The meeting ______ ______ with the singing of Auld Lang Syne.


China has now______ ______ to take part again in world politics.


In - class study and after - class study _____ _____ _____ each other and improve each other.


The government ______ ______ to deal with unemployment.



My brother's ship _____ _____ _____ a storm but he came to no harm. 【小题9】他在英语方面逐渐取得进步.

He ______ ______ in English bit by hit.


People both in China and abroad _____ _____ _____ this problem.



Grandfather, father and sons belong to three different (辈).


After supper many people go to the Central Square just for e (娱乐).


---Tom, look at your papers. How did you do your homework?

--Sorry, sir. You have c me with my twin brother. I’m Jim


Yesterday was our open day. Many children came into our school looking around (好奇).


Don’t be in such a hurry; you’d better eat a few m_____ of food before you go shopping.


I saw some girls were talking about something in w . But when I got closer they all ran away.


The painting in the flag of our class r unity, strength and effort.


As the teacher (走近) the dormitory of his students, the rooms became quiet.


If bright sunlight is (聚焦) on dry wood with a glass, it will start burning.


The sports reporter was watching the football match, (评论) all the time.



【小题1】Mike often makes mistakes in spelling, so his teacher often helps h_______.

【小题2】I was a ____ to talk with foreigners because I am so shy.

【小题3】The cake smells awful, you’d better t_____ it away.

【小题4】What is the c________ way to travel? I don’t want to spend too much money?

【小题5】I’m buying it as a birthday p_______, so please wrap it up nicely. 【小题6】A__________ is the fourth month of the year.

【小题7】He h________ his leg and couldn’t move for several days.

【小题8】Do you know any differences b_________ British English and American English?

【小题9】Chinese is s______ by the largest number of people in the world. 【小题10】 ----Have you finished r__________ today’s newspaper? ----Not yet.


【小题1】They went (直接) home without stopping at the gas station, for it was too late.

【小题2】It was (基于) more on German than the English we speak at present.

【小题3】The thundering clouds held me (完全地) in their power.

【小题4】You will (忽视) the bell and go somewhere quiet to calm your friend down.

【小题5】I am fond of my sister but she has one serious (缺点)

【小题6】After g from college, we finally got the chance to take a bike trip.

【小题7】You’ll tell your friend that you are c about him.

【小题8】His mother p him to give up smoking at last.

【小题9】The boy’s serious a towards his study made him one of the top students in the class.

【小题10】When people use words and e different from the “standard language”, it is called a dialect.


【小题1】She spoke English with a strong Scottish a_______.


【小题2】I am ___________(决心)to do better than anyone in our class. 【小题3】Paris has lost some of its ________(魅力) for me over the years. 【小题4】The bank has b_______ all over the world.

【小题5】We had a really __________(令人放松的) evening.

【小题6】We are planning a birthday c___________ for our mother.

【小题7】Yao Ming _______(得分)as soon as the first minute had passed. 【小题8】This book gives the ___________(背景)of the Civil War.

【小题9】His life __________ (与……相似) the lives of the characters in his novels.

【小题10】The trouble with Bill was that he never had a _________ (具体的) aim in life.

【小题11】She took up painting after ____________(退休).

【小题12】She recognized that he was not__________ (合格的)for the post. 【小题13】The two friends were ___________(竞争者) for the class presidency.

【小题14】The doctor will see you again next week. __________(同时), you must rest as much as possible.

【小题15】There is always beautiful scenery in nature __________ (保护区).



【小题1】_________(别管) the bell and go somewhere quiet to have a rest. 【小题2】I got injured In the car accident, but I am r__________ now. 【小题3】My best friend can understand what I am going t________ and give me advice.

【小题4】We are going to have an _________(户外的) party tomorrow. 【小题5】As a __________(青少年), I try to help my family with housework. 【小题6】He tried to keep _______ (镇定), but his trembling hands gave him away.

【小题7】It is no pleasure ________ (have) nothing to do. It’s fun to have lots to do.

【小题8】I ________(想知道) when I can work out the problem.

【小题9】A_______ up your score and see how many points you get.

【小题10】I am getting ________ well with my classmates in this new school.



【小题1】Scientists are ________ (调查) into the cause of cancer.

【小题2】To get the job done, one should be ________(精力充沛) and


【小题3】As a ______(奖赏)for passing her exams, she got a new bike from her parents.

【小题4】Dilma Rousseff, who won 56% of the _______ (选票), was elected President of Brazil.

【小题5】The old lady likes (spy) into other people’s affairs.


【小题1】I haven’t been able to be ________(在户外) for so long that

I've grown crazy about everything.

【小题2】I am only able to look at nature through dirty ________(窗帘) hanging before very dusty windows.

【小题3】I would be ________ (感激的) if you could give me some advice. 【小题4】These new settlers enriched the English language and

especially its __________(词汇).

【小题5】The ________(后者) gave a separate identity to American

English spelling.

【小题6】Two years ago she bought an expensive mountain bike and then she __________ (劝说) me to buy one.

【小题7】After ________(毕业) from college, we finally got the chance to take a bike trip.

【小题8】I _________ (辨认出) my friend Tom at once yesterday though we haven’t seen each other for a long time.

【小题9】Although she didn’t know the best way of getting places,she insisted that she ________ (组织) the trip properly.

【小题10】She is very ________ (可靠的) and I knew I didn’t need to encourage her.


【小题1】He bought a new set of (家具)yesterday。

【小题2】There is a lot of (要洗的衣服)in the basket。

【小题3】Before taking the medicine, please read the (说明) on the bottle carefully。


【小题4】She has been (故意)ignoring him all day。

【小题5】He did all he could to rescue the (溺水的)boy, and his effort was not in vain。

【小题6】The man (洗澡),dressed and went downstairs for supper。【小题7】Please read the text quickly and get the (全面的,大体的)idea of each paragraph。

【小题8】Few children show (兴趣) in playing musical instruments。【小题9】Is it made of wood or (金属)?

【小题10】What a surprise! It is his (九十)birthday。


【小题1】Such a good article did he write that he won the _________(奖). 【小题2】He ________(钦佩) his father for the courage and bravery.

【小题3】A __________(均衡的) diet and regular exercise are both important for health.

【小题4】Illness undermined his _________(力量).

【小题5】Swimming __________(有助于) us in training our will and building up our bodies.

【小题6】The next morning, I’d just about given myself up for lost when I was _________(发现) by a ship.

【小题7】Without your teacher’s words, you are not _______ (允许) to go there.

【小题8】On the _______(相反), I don’t like it at all.

【小题9】I felt my heart beating _________ (猛烈地).

【小题10】No two brothers could be more _______(不象) in appearance or character.

【小题11】The question _________(迷惑) him a lot was too difficult for a child of eight.

【小题12】We saw a light in the _________ (远处).

【小题13】Be careful when you are _________(聊天) on the Net.

【小题14】You should take some effective _________(措施) to improve your work.

【小题15】My father _________(使印象深刻) on me the value of hard work. 12:课文填空每空一词


【小题1】Mrs. Chen’s teaching is well _________________ and clear. 【小题2】Now we’re leaving the business district and ________________ the harbour.

【小题3】It is becoming more and more difficult for farmers to make money from their farms. Many villages in western Europe are fighting to ___________________.

【小题4】Steel is used in cars, and iron is used in electrical


【小题5】The Internet is the biggest source of ___________________ in the world..


【小题1】Because of the terrible earthquake, many children became ___ (无家可归的).

【小题2】These materials can be_ (回收) into other packaging products 【小题3】The house_ _(属于)to the old man was built hundreds of years ago.

【小题4】It takes ___ ____(耐心)to educate children.

【小题5】The new __ _(版本)of the novels will come out soon.

【小题6】It is very necessary for people to eat ______(均衡的) diet to keep healthy.

【小题7】The picture on the wall __ _(提醒)me of my childhood. 【小题8】The lovely boat on the river is 16 feet in __ _____(长度).

【小题9】It is Mary rather than you who is to _________(责备)for the accident.

【小题10】Being_ (身体地) examined for free twice a year is what every employee shall be ensured in any company of the state.


【小题1】White has always been a s_________of purity in western cultures.

【小题2】He made every e_________to prevent his son from playing computer games.

【小题3】After g____________from college , she went to a small village. 【小题4】Don’t t_______ that machine! It’s very dangerous.

【小题5】For his whole life ,he was waiting for o___________.


【小题6】He successfully _____________(完成) his task and went home. 【小题7】My brother is _____________(考虑)changing his job.

【小题8】He owed his success to being __________(自信).

【小题9】Nobody is_____________(完美的)

【小题10】I picked some flowers to ___________(装饰)my room.



【小题2】方法 n. ____________

【小题3】消失 vi. ___________

【小题4】耐心的 adj. ________

【小题5】感激;钦佩 vt. ________

【小题6】沙漠n. ________

【小题7】地方的; 局部的adj. ________

【小题8】有吸引力的adj. ________

【小题9】射杀vt. ________

【小题10】听起来vi. ________















【小题1】be infected with感染......;这里是过去分词短语作后置定语,相当于who

ie infected。故填infected。



【小题4】be accused of被控告,那个人被控告偷东西。故填accused。



【小题7】句意:那个罪犯承认自己有罪。be guilty(of sth)犯有......罪。故填guilty。【小题8】concentrate...on...把......集中在......上,故填concentrate。


【小题10】consist of(某组织)由......组成,of后跟的是成员,consist of不用于被




【小题1】looked through

【小题2】gave/handed out

【小题3】put out

【小题4】ended up

【小题5】made efforts

【小题6】are connected with / have connection with / are related to

【小题7】took measures/steps/action

【小题8】was caught in


【小题9】made progress

【小题10】are concerned about

【小题1】looked through 考查固定短语。Look through 浏览;

【小题2】gave/handed out 考查固定短语。 Give out 分发;

【小题3】put out 考查固定短语。Put out 扑灭;

【小题4】ended up 考查固定短语。End up 结束;

【小题5】made efforts 考查固定短语;make efforts to do 努力做某事;

【小题6】are connected with / have connection with / are related to 考查固定短语。Be connect with 与。。连接;

【小题7】took measures/steps/action 考查固定短语。Take measures to do 采取措


【小题8】was caught in 考查固定短语。Be caught in 遭遇,陷入;

【小题9】made progress 考查固定短语。Make progress 取得进步;

【小题10】are concerned about 考查固定短语。Be concerned about 关心;



























【小题2】考查形容词。本题考查短语be afraid to do害怕做某事。句意:因为我太害羞了,所以我害怕跟外国人交谈。

【小题3】考查动词。本题考查短语throw/take away扔掉。句意:这个蛋糕闻起来太难闻了,你最好把它扔掉。





【小题8】考查介词。考查短语between … and …在……之间。句意:你知道英国英语与美国英语之间有什么不同吗?


【小题10】考查非谓语动词。考查短语finish doing完成做某事。句意:——你读完今天的报纸了吗?——还没有。





【小题2】based , be based on









【小题1】straight 直接地;句意:因为太晚了,他们没有在加油站停留,直接回家了。【小题2】based , be based on建立在...基础上;句意:与英语相比,我们现在讲的


【小题3】entirely副词形式;句意:那轰鸣的雷雨紧紧地把我束缚在他们的力量中。【小题4】ignore 将来时态动词用原形;句意:你会不顾铃声,去一个安静的地方使




【小题7】concerned ,be concerned about担心;句意:你会告诉你的朋友你担心他。【小题8】persuaded 注意用过去时态;句意:他的妈妈最后终于说服了他戒烟。

【小题9】attitude, attitude towards sth对...的态度;句意:这个孩子对学习的严肃态度使他成为班上的一名优等生。

【小题10】expressions,表达的名词形式,and 前后并列的是名词;句意:当人们使用不同于标准语言的表达时,这就叫方言。




















【小题2】考查固定搭配。be determined to do sth下定决心做某事,句意:故填determined。





【小题7】考查动词和时态。句意:姚明一上场就得分了。score动词,得分,根据“had passed”可知,主句用过去时,故填scored。





【小题11】考查名词。句意:她退休以后开始学习画画。take up开始从事,retirement名词,退休,故填retirement。

【小题12】考查形容词。句意:他承认他不适合那个岗位。be qualified for sth适合/胜任......,故填qualified。



【小题15】考查名词。句意:在自然保护区里总能看到美丽的景色。reserve(野生生物)保护区,是可数名词,nature reserves自然保护区,故填reserves。















【小题2】考查时态。句意:我在车祸中受伤了,但是现在我正在恢复当中。recover 恢复,常与from连用,故填recovering。

【小题3】考查动词短语。句意:我最好的朋友能理解我正在经历的事情,并且给我一些建议。Go through经历,经受(艰难时期),翻阅,(法律、协议)被通过,故



【小题4】考查形容词。句意:我们明天要举办一个露天晚会。outdoor户外的,常见短语:outdoor activities户外活动,故填outdoor。


【小题6】考查固定短语。句意:他尽力保持镇定,但是他颤抖的双手露出了马脚。keep calm保持镇定,保持冷静,give sb away出卖某人,露出蛛丝马迹,故填calm。【小题7】考查固定句型。句意:无事可做没有一点乐趣,有许多事情可做乐趣无穷。It is no pleasure doing sth做某事没有乐趣,故填having。


【小题9】考查祈使句。句意:把分数加起来,看你得了多少分。add up加起来,根



【小题10】考查固定短语。句意:我在这所新学校和同学们相处融洽。get on/along well with sb与某人相处融洽,故填along。












【小题3】考查名词。句意:作为通过考试的奖赏,她父母送她了一辆新自行车。reward奖赏,回报,a reward for sth“......的奖赏”。故填reward。




【小题5】考查固定搭配。like doing sth喜欢做某事,句意:那个老妇人喜欢打听其他人的私事。故填spying。
















【小题4】its 后面加名词,“词汇”是vocabulary。

【小题5】后者是固定用法the latter,前者是 the former。




【小题9】insist 翻译成“坚持要求”时,后面用should+动词原形,should可以省略,填organize。




















【小题5】句意:他尽全力拯救溺水的孩子,他的努力没有白费。溺水的:drowning 【小题6】句意:这个男子洗澡,穿衣,上楼吃饭。和dressed并列用一般过去式bathed

【小题7】句意:请快速阅读课文掌握每段的大意。形容词:全面的,大体的general 【小题8】句意:每个孩子对演奏乐器都很感兴趣。Show interest in对…感兴趣






























【小题7】考查被动语态。句意:没有老师的许可,你不被允许去那里。permit sb to do sth允许某人做某事,sb is/are permitted to do sth某人被允许做某事,故填permitted。

【小题8】考查固定短语。句意:正相反,我根本不喜欢它。on the contrary正相反,故填contrary。





语,相当于定语从句which/that puzzled him,故填puzzling。

【小题12】考查固定短语。句意:我们看到远处有一道光。in the distance在远处,




【小题14】考查固定短语。句意:你应该采取一些有效措施来提高工作效率。take some measure to do sth采取措施做某事,故填measures。

【小题15】考查动词。句意:我爸爸让我牢记努力工作的价值。impress使印象深刻,使铭记,impress sth on sb使铭记,故填impressed。










【小题1】organized 本句是一个被动语态organize组织,本句表示:陈夫人的教学


【小题2】approaching 动词approach靠近,接近;本句是指我们要离开商业去靠近


【小题3】survive 动词survive表示幸存,存活。很多西欧的人都努力让自己存活


【小题4】equipment 名词设备equipment这是一个不可数名词,没有复数形式。【小题5】information 名词信息information,这是一个不可数名词,也没有复数形式。考点:考察课文填空














【小题1】homeless 根据汉语提示可知此处填形容词homeless。句意:因为这次可怕的地震,很多孩子都无家可归了。

【小题2】recycled根据意思可知此处是被动句,是can be +动词过去分词,所以填recycled。句意:这些材料可以被回收做成包装产品。

【小题3】belonging 根据结构可知此处是分词做定语,belong to 和被修饰词是主动


【小题4】patience 动词take后跟名词做宾语,根据提示可知此处填patience。句意:教育孩子需要耐心。

【小题5】editions 根据结构可知此处填名词作主语,由汉语提示可知此处填editions。句意:这本书的新版本将很快就要出版了。

【小题6】balanced 由汉语提示可知此处填形容词balanced。句意:为了保持健康,


【小题7】reminded/reminds 根据汉语提示可知此处填动词,根据句意判断填reminded/reminds。句意:墙上的画让我想起了童年。

【小题8】length 介词后面用名词,根据提示可知此处填length。句意:河上这艘可


【小题9】blame 固定短语:be to blame“该受责怪”。句意:对于这场意外该受责怪


【小题10】physically 由结构可知此处修饰动词examine,应该用副词physically。句意:每年接受两次免费的体检是任何一家国有公司的员工应该保证的。



III. 试题示例本试卷分第一卷(选择题)和第二卷(非选择题)两部分。第一卷×至××页,第二卷××至××页。满分150分。考试时间120分钟。考试结束,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 第一卷 注意事项:1.考生将自己的姓名、准考证号及所有答案均填写在答题卡上。 2.答题要求见答题卡上的“填涂样例”和“注意事项”。 第一部分语音(共10小题,每小题2分,满分20分) 从下列各组所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,找出其划线部分的读音与其它三个不同的选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 1. A. active B. accept C. advise D. attractive 2. A. honor B. modern C. purpose D. proper 3. A. bean B. defeat C. please D. wealthy 4. A. within B. weather C. healthy D. smooth 5. A. uncle B. balance C. plenty D. sensitive 6. A. hunger B. function C. focus D. funny 7. A. general B. game C. golden D. goal 8. A. question B. tradition C. invention D. attention 9. A. manager B. worker C. master D. average 10. A. near B. hear C. dear D. learn 第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分50分) 第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 从A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 例:It is generally considered unwise to give a child _______ he or she wants. A. whenever B. whatever C. whichever 答案是B。 11. When Mark opened the door, he saw a woman standing there. He her before. A. never saw B. had never seen C. has never seen 12. After a fire broke out in the lab, a lot of equipment . A. is damaged B. damaged C. was damaged 13. It is almost five years we saw each other last time.


一、单项选择(本题共30题,每题2分, 共60分) 1.She is _____ honest girl . A. an B. a C . the D . \ 2.He won’t go ____ it rains . A. but B. that C. if D. and 3.“___ do you go to the park?’ “ Once a week.” A. How long B. How soon C. How often D. How far 4.---Must I close the window ? ---No, you ________. A.mustn’t B. needn’t C. may not D. can’t 5.He is the man ______ owns the restaurant. A. which B. whose C. whom D. who 6.I don’t think he enjoys ______ at home . A.to stay B. stay C. stays D. staying 7.I’m not used to _______ such a hot food. A.eat B. eating C. eaten D. to be eaten 8.You don’t look ____. You must be ill. A.good B. well C. health D. nicest 9. This is a book _____ by Mark Twain. A.write B. writing C. written D. writes 10.Neither she nor I _____ a teacher. A.is B. are C. am D. be 11. He began to teach _______English last year. A. he B. his C. himself D. he’ s 12. It’s not polite to_______ the others. A. speak to B. help C. laugh at D. talk to 13. —Hello. May I speak to Mike? —____________ . Please call back later. A. Wait a minute B Hold on for a moment C. Speaking D. Sorry, he is out 14. — Miss Ann’s never been to Jingmen before, __________? — Sorry. I’ve no idea. A. is she B. hasn’t she C. isn’t she D. has she 15. There are many trees and flowers on ________side of the street now. A. all B. both C. each D. two 16. He ______ living in the country to the city. A. likes B. prefers C. enjoys D. loves 17. — We’ll go to Qing Yuan Mountain tomorrow. Why_______ join us? —That’s a good idea. A. not B. don’t C. can’t D. didn’t 18. The park is only __________walk from our school. A. ten-minutes B. ten minute’s C. ten minute D. ten minutes’ 19. He often_________ us English stories. A. speaks B. tells C. says D. talks 20. I’m taller than Bill, but I sit_______________ him. A. at the back of B. behind C. in front of D. far from 21. — We’ll have an English exam tomorrow. — . ______________ A. That’s great B. Good luck to you C. Congratulations D. Glad to hear that 22. The box is very ______. I can’t


八校联考高职招考英语试卷 2015/12/17 (满分:150分;考试时间:120分钟) 第一卷 第一部分语音(共10小题,每小题2分,满分20分) 从下列各组所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,找出其划线部分的读音与其它三个不同的选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 ( 1. A.she B.these C.west D.maybe ( 2.A. hate B. woman C.. brave D. awake ( 3.A lot B..above C .wrong D. pot ()4.A foot B .blood C. good D. took ( 5.A.grow B. window C. yellow D. town ( 6 A.the B .than C .breath D. they ( 7.A .needed B.wantedC started D. played ( 8.A.which B. whose C .whole D .whoever ( 9.A.searchB.machine C.cheer D.choice ( 10. A .blind B. exercise C. high D. piano 第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分50分) 第一节:单项填空(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)。

从A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 ( 11. The Changjiang River is ______ in our country. A. longest B. longer C. the longest ( 12. Do you understand ______ the car? A. how to drive B. to how drive C. to drive ( 13. We have lived here _____five years ago. A when B in C since ( 14. Last week, I took a train to London. ____did he. A when B so C neither ( 15. I don’t know the reason________ she didn’t agree us. A that B. which C. why ( 16.Chinese is bigger than ______country in Asia A. any B. any other C. the other ( 17. They didn’t have much time_________. A. to think it over B. to think over it C. could think it over ( 18. After a long way he was very tired and his legs _______. A gave out B gave in C gave off ( 19. Be quick, ____ we'll be late. A. and B. or C. but


四川省2015年高职院校单独招生同样考试文化素质 (中职类)英语试题 一、单项选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题1.5分,共15分) 从A, B, C, D四个选项中,选出最佳选项填入前边的括号内。 ()1.Barack Obama is first black president of the United States. A.an B .a C. the D不填 ()2. ----Where were you last night? I called you five times! ---Sorry, my phone was A. over B. on C. in D. off ()3. the game means everything to him. A. Winning B. To win C. Won D. Win ()4. ---Which one do you prefer, the red or the green? --- Do you have a blue one? A. Neither B. Both C. Either D. None ()5. David is full of secrets. No one knows where A. does he live B. he lives C. he had lived D. is he living ()6. The fact he failed the exam disappointed us all. A. when B . what C . it D. that ()7. That's a _ answer. But can you think of a_ one? A. better; best B. better; good C. good; best D. good; better ()8. He is_ short to get the book on the top. A. too B. so C. very D. such ()9. Please_ your book and turn to page 51. A. take up B. take out C. take off D. take down ()10. ----3:2! We won the game! ---- . A. Yes, please. B. Congratulations! C. I'm sorry. D. Good luck! 二、完形填空题(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B, C, D)中,选出最佳选项填入右边的括号内。 A man was delivering some monkeys to Chelsea zoo when his car broke down. He was standing at the side of the 11 wondering what to do when he saw a farmer driving by. He stopped the farmer and 12 him 500 pounds to take the 13 to the zoo. The farmer14and off he went. Several15 later the man was16waiting for a breakdown truck to come when he saw the farmer coming back, still with the monkeys on his17 . He stopped the farmer again and asked why he hadn't 18 the monkeys to the zoo. "I did." said the farmer. "We had a 19 time and there is still some money20,so I'm taking them to Alton Towers." ()11. A. road B. zoo C. house D. monkey ()12. A. saved B. lent C. bought D. offered ()13. A. car B. monkeys C. farmer D. man ()14. A. agreed B. cried C. died D. fell ()15. A. minutes B. days C. hours D. weeks


高职英语模拟试卷 (考试时间120分钟,满分150分) 第一部分:基础知识(50分) 第一节:单词辨音(一)、从下列各组中,找出与前面的单词的划线部分读音相同的单词(每小题1分,共计10分): ( )1. salt A. half B. almost C. alcoholic D. postal ( )2. receive A. recent B. rebuild C. recovery D. recitation ( )3. maps A. meals B. hands C. desks D. eyes ( )4. says A. say B. saying C. said D. pays ( )5. brought A. thought B. though C. through D. enough (二)从下列各题的A、B、C、D中选出一个划线部分发音与其他三个不同的选项: ( )6. A. earn B. early C. heard D. heart ( )7. A. think B. with C. thirsty D. worth ( )8. A. climb B. expensive C. arrive D. lifetime ( )9. A. is B. his C. this D. these ( )10. A. Christmas B. church C. French D. charge 第二节:词语解释从下列各题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个与句子中划线部分意思相近的选项(每小题1分,共计15分) ( )11. We have a lot of things to consider before we can decide. A. remember B. think about C. do D. discuss ( )12. I shall call on my English teacher this Saturday morning. A. need B. telephone C. visit D. write a letter to ( )13. Students are required to go home and ask their fathers to give up smoking. A. stop B. offer C. keep doing D. let on ( )14. Don’t worry. The doctor will be here in no time. A. in a little time B. no longer C. in some time D. at once ( )15. It’s too cold to go swimming today; in addition, it’s beginning to rain. A. beside B. besides C. except D. expect ( )16. Thanks to the help of our teacher, we have made great progress in maths. A. For B. As C. Because D. Because of ( )17. My younger brother is no more than seven years old. A. not more than B. not older than C. only D. over ( )18. The last class will be over before long. A. long before B. soon C. not longer D. long ago ( )19. Do you care for black tea, Mr. Smith? A. fond of B. take care of C. look after D. like ( )20. There are a number of students on the playground. A. a lot of B. lots C. much D. the number of


2017年云南省高等职业技术教育招生考试试题(模拟试题) 英语 本试题满分100分,考试时间120分钟。考生必须在答题卡上答题,在试题纸、草稿纸上答题无效。 I、语音(本大题共5小题,每小题1分,共5分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中找出其画线部分与所给单词的画线部分读音相同的 选项,并用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。 1. cat A. take B. made C. have D. same 2. school A. foot B. food C. stood D. wood 3. hear A. dear B. hear C. pear D. earth 4. short A. word B. work C. worst D. worn 5. honor A. house B. hospital C. hour D. hurry Ⅱ、词汇与语法(本大题共25小题,每小题1分,共25分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。 6. There are on the table. A. two glasses of water B. two glass of milks C. a glass of milk D. two glasses of milks 7. I am used to TV in the evening. A. watch B. watched C. watches D. watching 8. Go and before you do your homework. A. has a sleep B. have a sleep C. had a sleep D. slept 9. She has never told a lie, . A. has she B. doesn't she C. hasn’t she D. isn't she 10. There is in the word “hone st”. A. a B. the C. an D. X 11. Mr. Black arrived in Shanghai 12:45 August20,2007. A. at, on B. to C. at, In D. in, on 12. When I passed Mary's house, she the flowers. A. is watering B. was watering C. waters D. watered 13.He here if it tomorrow A. will stay, will rain B. will stay, rain C. stays, rains D. stayed, rained 14. Neither the girls nor the teacher going to visit Nanjing on Sunday. A. are B. be C. were D. is 15. I don’t know I should say. A. what B. where C. be D. are 16. he had cleaned the classroom, he left school. A. Before B. When C. After D. If 17. She asked me whether I up with the others already. A. had held B. was holding C. had caught D. was catching 8. This book is interesting than that one. A. much more B. more much C. many more D. more many 19. You don't have to hurry and there is time. A. few B. a few C. little D. a little 20. It's a n urse’s duty after patients. A. to look B. to looking C. looks D. look 21. Let me congratulate you on the entrance exam. A. you pass B. to pass C. passing D. pass 22.--W hy isn’t he in? --He to the hospital. A. must go B. can go C. must be D. many have gone 23. Any was the girl who they about all the time. A. were talked B. had been talking C. had been talked D. had talked 24. There are days In a year. A. three- hundred-sixth-five B. three hundreds and sixty-five C. three hundreds and sixty- fives D. three hundred and sixty-five 25. How many English words you the end of last term? A. do, learn B. are, learned C. had, learned D. are, learning 26. He told me he forgot all of the . A. telephone numbers B. telephones number C. telephones number D. telephone number 27. September 10th is Day. A. Teacher's B. Teachers’ C. Teacher D. Teachers 28. China is famous her Great Wall. A. as B. to C. for D. of 29. My mother is ill this week, so . A. is my father B. does my father C. has my father D. will my father. 30. The glass by my little dog just now. A. broken B. is broken C. is broken D. was broken Ⅲ.完形填空(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分) 阅读下列短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项,并用2B铅 笔在答题卡上将该项涂黑。


英语部分 一、语音辨析题(每小题1分,共5分) 先朗读各个小题中的每个单词,注意划线字母的读音,然后找出划线部分发音不同的选项。( ) 1. A. ask B. past C. was D. fast ( ) 2. A. heart B. ear C. hear D. appear ( ) 3. A. head B. ready C. dead D. heat ( ) 4. A. snow B. allow C. however D. crowd ( ) 5. A. card B. star C. warm D. party 二、单项选择题(每小题1分,共10分) ( ) 6. Jerry knows nothing about the plan _____ his friends told him. A. until B. after C. since D. if ( ) 7. Why don’t you ask him _____ help? A. for B. in C. with D. to ( ) 8. Jack is sleeping. You should turn _____ the music. A. on B. low C. down D. little ( ) 9. If you _____ well _____ English, you’ll easily find a job. A. will do, at B. do, in C. will do, in D. do, at ( ) 10. He invited some classmates to his party, but _____ came. A. a little B. little C. a few D. few ( ) 11. --- _____ do you like best in your free time? --- Playing football. A. What B. Where C. How D. When ( ) 12. --- Can she _____ English or French? --- I don’t know.


呼和浩特职业学院《大学英语2》期末考试试题(A)___________学院(部) 2015 ~2016 学年度第一学期年级专业:姓名:学号:_____________ Ⅰ.Choose the best item to complete each sentence(1分×15) 1. "The fire is in Main Street." John said to the man, "The New Hotel is _________." A. on fire B. in fire C. by fire D. at fire 2. The old man ____________ and missed the train. A. slept over B. slept C. slept in D. slept out 3. Let me give you _________. A. some advice B. advices C. an advice D. the advice [ 4. —Hi, Mary, you look very tired, —Yeah, I _________ for a whole week. A. worked B. had worked C. have worked D. have been working 5. After her marriage, she couldn't devote herself totally _____ music. A. for B. in C. to D. into 6. Your education is bound _____ your world view. A. changing B. to change C. change D. exchange 7 What's the ______ between you and that woman A. relate B. relationship C. wrong D. relating 8. He is _______ she will pass the final exam with good grades. … A. confidence B. confident C. surely D. confidently 9. She was ______ when she heard the good news. A. delighting B. pleasing C. exciting D. delighted 10. He must be from Africa, _______ can be seen from his teeth and skin.


2020年高职招考单招考试英语题库及答案 (80分钟完卷) 亲爱的同学:祝贺你完成了本学期的数学学习,现在是展示你学习成果之时,请认真答卷,尽情的发挥,相信你是最棒的! 《英语》试题题库 一. 单项填空(每小题2分) 根据句意,从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 (一) 1. Are you _________ your winter holiday next week? A. going to have B. will have C. had D. have 2. Do you often ______ from your parents? A. heard B. hears C. to hear D. hear 3. _____ Lucy _________ her homework in her room now? A. Is,doing B. Does,do C. Do,do D. Did,do 4. She dances better than Mary _______. A. is B. has C. does D. dance 5. Mary usually _______ up at five o’clock. A. will get B. got C. get D. gets 6. They ______ four English classes a week last term.

A. has B. have C. had D. are having 7. A bird can ______ but I can’t. A. flies B. flying C. flew D. fly 8. They _______ to see me yesterday evening. A. will come B. comes C. are coming D. came 9. We’re moving to a different town ___________. A. the day before yesterday B. last Sunday C. the day after tomorrow D. a week ago 10. Look! The monkeys _________ the tree. A. climb B. are climbing C. is climbing D. were climbing 11. When _____ you ______ to Australia? ……Next Monday. A. did,fly B. will,fly C. are,fly D. do,fly 12. Which team ________ the next football match? A. wins B. won C. will win D. win 13. I ________ home until I finish my homework. A. won’t go B. will go C. go D. went 14. I don’t know if she _________ tomorrow, if she _______, I’ll call you. A. comes, comes B. will come, will come C. will come, comes D. comes, will come 15. There ________ more people in the next 5 years.


2011---2012学年高职单招英语第一次月考考试题 第一卷选择题(80分) 一:单词辨音(5分) 找出划线部分与所给词的划线部分读音相同的选项 ()1. grape A. favorite B. temperature C. narrow D. factor ( ) 2. breakfast A. beach B. break C. great D. ready ( ) 3. stomach A. chicken B. change C. search D. chemistry ( ) 4. breathe A. cloth B. together C. bath D. anything ( ) 5. hear A. nearly B. bear C. heard D. heart 二:词语解释;选出一个与划线部分意思最接近的选项(10分)()1. My mother hasn’t come back, she is at work now. A.planning B. playing C. thinking D. working ( ) 2. Our school is very beautiful with a number of trees in it. A.a lot of B. a little C. much D. only a few ( ) 3. When I picked out his mistakes, he corrected it at once. A. picked up B. pointed out C. took out D. pointed at ( ) 4. The doctor told him to give up smoking, but he wouldn’t listen. A. stop B. admit C. consider D. finish ( ) 5. –Have you met her friend? ---Yes, I have, but I have to say that I don’t care for him. A.notice B. like C. call on D. call at ( ) 6. Tomorrow is my birthday. I am expecting an MP4.


英语期末考试试题 请将答案写在答题纸相应的位置上 Ⅰ.PartⅠ. Vocabulary and Structure. (20%) 1. —Is Sally from America? —No. Sally is an girl, but she’s i n now. A. America, England B. English, America C. American, English D. England, America 2. This is new book. Let have a look. A. you, me B. you, I C. your, I D. your, me 3. —What’s in the reading room? —There a big desk and twenty chairs in it. A. be B. am C. are D. is 4.I have _______ e-dog.________ name is Hobo. A. a, Its B. a, It’s C. an ,Its D. an, It’s 5.Daniel is a very _________ football player and he plays football very _____. A. good ,good B. well, good C .good ,well D .well, well 6.They go to bed________ 9:40 ______Sunday evening. A. in ,at B. on ,in C. at ,on D. from ,on 7.—_________desk is this? —It’s____________. A Who’s , Sandy’s and Simon’s B. Whose,Sandy’s and Simon’s C. Who’s , Sandy and Simon’s D. Whose , Sandy and Simon’s 8.If you can’t _________English. You can _________it in Chinese. A. speak, speak B. say, speak C. speak, say D. say ,talk 9.—Look !There are many apples _______the tree. —Oh ,there are also three birds _____the tree. A .in ,in B .in ,on C .on. in D .on, on 10.—Here are your sports shoes. — ________. A.OK B. Thanks C. That’s right D. That’s all right 11.I often talk ______ my classmates ______ lunchtime . A. to, in B. to, on C. with ,on D. to , at 12 — : ________ ,where’s the bookshop, please? — : ________, I don’t know. A. Excuse me ,Sorry B. Excuse me ,Excuse me C. Sorry, Excuse me D. Sorry, Sorry 13.—Would you like________ with me to the bookshop? —All right .I want ________a comic book. A. go ,to buy B. going, buy C. to go ,to buy D .goes ,to buy 14.—Who __________the house in your family? —My father and mother__________. A. clean, clean B .cleans ,clean C .cleans ,do D. cleans, does 15.Bill Gates(比尔·盖茨) is a famousman from_____________. A.PRC B.UN https://www.doczj.com/doc/8a3696884.html, https://www.doczj.com/doc/8a3696884.html,A 16.Mary doesn't _____her homework after lunch. A. does B. say C. do D.doing 17.--- Is there a poster on the wall?

2019年福建省高职单招质量检查考试--英语试题 有答案

福建省高职单招质量检查考试 英语试卷 (面向中职) (满分:100 分;考试时间:120 分钟) 第一部分基础知识(共三节,满分40 分) 第一节单词辨音(共5 小题,每小题1 分,满分5 分) 从下列各题的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出一个划线部分的读音与其它三个选项中划线部分读音不同的选项,并在答题卡上将相应的选项涂黑。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. A. k i te B. sk y C. pick D. l ike A. w or d B. col or C. doct or D. act or A. c oo k B. l oo k C. f oo d D. f oo t A. h onest B. h our C. h onor D. h ome A. h ear t B. h ear d C. lear n D. ear ly 第二节词汇(共15 小题,每小题1 分,满分15 分) 根据要求从下列各题的A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个最佳选项,并在答题卡上将相应的选项涂黑。 (6-10 小题, 选出一个与句子括号中的中文意思相一致的选项) 6. Lily goes to a ________ (职业)school. A. business B. senior C. vocational 7. It’s very important to keep a healthy ________(饮食). A. exercise B. diet C. sports 8. My sister works as a ________ (秘书) in a company. A. clerk B. receptionist C. secretary 9. ________(全球)warming is a serious problem to which all countries should pay attention. A. Global B. Earth C. World 第1 页共10 页

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