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【预测①】安全教育一直是学校工作的重中之重。某英文报以“Learn to Protect Ourselves”为题,举办中学生征文活动。请你就此写一篇英语短文。内容如下:



Learn to Protect Ourselves

Safety is the most important.Especially as students,learning to protect ourselves is very important.Well,I have some suggestions.

First,we should not accept things offered by strangers or run after each other in public places.Secondly,we should be careful when we make friends,especially on line.We shouldn’t give our exact personal information to them.Thirdly,it’s important for us to eat more healthy food and obey the traffic rules.

I think it is very important for us to learn some ways to protect ourselves from danger.

I hope the suggestions above may be helpful.




To make our school a more civilized school,we students should try our best to do better.Here are my suggestions.

Firstly,we should be honest and be polite to others.Secondly,we are supposed to dress neatly and everyone should study hard and we should develop some good learning and living habits.Also,we are supposed t o be ready to help others if they are in need.

In a word,everyone can do something to make our school more beautiful.So let’s take action to make our school better.



With the development of the society,more and more people would like to travel during their holidays.So we hope everyone can show their good manners while traveling.Here are some things that we need to pay more attention to.

Firstly,before getting on,we should wait in line and get on the bus one by one.When we are on the bus,we should give our seats to the old or the woman with a child.Secondly, don’t speak loudly in public.Thirdly,we mustn’t write or draw on the wall or anywhere else.We should take away the litter and put it into the litter boxes.Fourthly,if there is a sign“No camera”,we should follow the rules and don’t take photos.

If we follow these rules,I’m sure we’ll have a good trip and we’ll be respected by others.



Dear Tony,

I am glad to hear from your e-mail.About the topic“good habits and good life”,I think it’s true.

In our daily life,we ought to keep our body healthy,so it’s necessary to have a healthy diet and do exercise everyday.And we should learn to make good use of our time.In our school life,we should prepare for each lesson.In class,we must listen to the teacher carefully.Besides,it’s important for us to do our homework on our own.Good habits can help us learn things better and improve our skills.

I think good habits are really good for our mind and body,so they’re very important in our daily life.So we need to form a good habit.


Zhang Ming 【预测⑤】近年来,微信成为了我们生活中重要的一部分,甚至和我们的学习生活息息相关。有的老师在微信上给学生布置作业,学生通过微信做作业,交作业。对于在微信上做作业,老师和家长各自持有不同的观点。请你就此写一篇短文谈谈自己的看法。内容如下:1.父母的观点:可以检查作业;家长的观点:会把时间浪费在玩手机上。2.发表自己的看法。

Nowadays,WeChat plays an important role in our life.Especially it is widely used in education.Many teachers now like to let students do homework on WeChat.However, different people have different opinions on it.

Teachers like this new way,because it allows them to check the students’homework at any time.However,some parents are worried that their children will spend too much time on mobile phones,which will influence students’study in a certain way.

As a student,I like this new way and think it is interesting.We are living in an information age.A s long as we use it in a right way,I think it will help us a lot.




Different people have different opinions on details.In my opinion,it’s necessary for us to pay more attention to details.When I was in my primary school,I didn’t got the first place just because I forgot to write my name on paper in my math test.At that time,my teacher told me to be careful.

Firstly,I think details are very important in exams.We have to be careful to avoid making small mistakes in exams.Second,we need to care for details when we do some important work.Because it is like playing chess,if one small step is wrong,the whole game may be over.So sometimes details can decide whether the work can be done successfully or https://www.doczj.com/doc/8310624621.html,stly,we can know more about one thing from details.When we first get to know something new,details may help us find a different side of it.

All in all,paying attention to details is very necessary.So we need to care for details.【预测⑦】随着现代都市生活节奏的加快,许多上班族和学生都会选择外卖,因为相对来说,外卖比较方便和节省时间。请你就此写一篇英语短文发表自己的看法。内容如下:



Nowadays,take-out food has become more popular in our daily life.

Some young people and students always order take-out food because it is convenient and saves a lot of time.Also,it is very delicious.However,there is something bad with it. On the one hand,we don’t know whether the food is healthy or not.On the other hand,

the packaging of take-out food also causes white pollution and waste.

In my opinion,we should cook by ourselves,which is more meaningful.What’s more, we should eat healthy vegetables and fruit rather than order take-out food.In a word,we should enjoy a healthy and environmental lifestyle.




Recently I’ve had a discussion with my parents about whether teenagers should go out with friends on weekends.We have different opinions.

My parents think that teenagers should stay at home on weekends.They should go over their lessons.And they can have enough time to have a good sleep.They also think teenagers should help parents do some housework on weekends.

In my opinion,we teenagers should be allowed to go out with friends for fun on weekends so that we can relax more.And we can also share ideas with each other.What’s more,we can also take some exercises together to keep fit.But if we have enough time,we should also do some housework to help our parents.

【预测⑨】生活中有许多美好的事情值得回忆。你的美好回忆是什么?它是怎么发生的?请以“My Sweet Memory”为题,写一篇80词左右的英语短文。内容如下:



My Sweet Memory

It was sunny and warm last weekend.My father told me he would teach me how to ride a bike.

I was so happy at first.However,I fell down on the ground in the beginning.I cried loudly and wanted to give up.My father smiled and said,“You should be a person who never give up.”He encouraged me to stand up and continue.After one hour,I could ride the bike without the help of my father.

The memory of learning to ride a bike is so sweet for me.

【预测⑩】在日常的生活与学习中,我们每个人都经历过失败,但并不是每一次的失败对我们来说都是一件坏事。我们可以从失败的经历中得到教训,这就是所谓的“吃一堑,长一智”。请描述自己的一次失败经历,以“What I Learned from Failure”为题写一篇英语短文。内容包括:1.具体的经历;2.这段经历中学到的东西。

What I Learned from Failure

Last term,I took part in an English competition.I thought I was good at English and I would win the competition without doubt.But in fact,I did really bad in the competition.I felt so upset and didn’t want to say anything.My parents were worried about me,and they told me that“Failure is the mother of success”.They gave me great encouragement and made me learn that I shouldn’t give up.

Failure is something that can teach us what may never be taught in other ways.We should learn a lot from failure.

【预测?】每个人对幸福的定义都不同。国家主席习近平说“幸福都是奋斗出来的(Happiness is achieved through hard work.)”。假定你们班要举办一个主题为“Happiness”的班会,请你结合自己的生活经历,写一篇英语短文,分享你的经历。内容包括:



As a student in junior high school,it’s important to get good grades and get into a good senior school.So I will get great happiness by working hard.I didn’t good at English.In Grade9,I knew I have to work harder at English,so I put more efforts.First,I kept watching English movies,and I gradually fell in love with English.Then,I spent at least half an hour listening to tapes every day.What’s more,I joined an English club to have conversations with my friends in English.Gradually I became more outgoing and confident.

I even got an A in the last exam.Both my English teacher and my parents are proud of me.

I was so happy because I made such great progress in English.

So if you set a goal,just work hard.You will not only achieve it,but also get great happiness.【预测?】同学们,初中三年的学习生活即将结束,你还记得那些发生在学校中感动你的瞬间(touching moments)吗?请以“The Touching Moment”为题,写一篇短文,把感动你的一个瞬间记录下来,珍藏在你的毕业纪念册中。内容包括:



The Touching Moment

I believe no matter how time flies,I will always remember the touching moment when Mrs.Wang talked with me and gave me a new life start.

Before Mrs.Wang became our Chinese teacher,I was known as a“problem student”. Both teachers and parents decided to give me up.However,Mrs.Wang didn’t do like them. When I passed the exam for the first time,she had a long talk with me.First,she congratulated me and encouraged me to make progress step by step.Then she asked me if there was anything else she could do for me.The moment we finished our talking,I felt a new life had started.

It was the first time that someone really cared about me and found my strengths.With her help,I gradually overcame my shortcomings and became a better student.And the talk will be in my heart forever.





How time flies!Three years of junior high school life has gone by before we know it. Each time I look back on my school days,I feel regretful,because one of my wishes hasn’t been realized.That is to learn how to play the guitar.

Although I was really interested in playing the instrument,I was busy working at my lessons.Besides,my parents didn’t allow me to spend time on anything that had nothing to do with my study.

The end of junior high school is the beginning of new life.I will try my best to get my parents’permission to learn how to play the guitar.At the same time,I will work harder at all my subjects.In this way,I surely believe I’ll make my dream come true and live a colorful life in the senior high school.

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