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After 21 years of marriage,my wife wanted me to take another woman out to dinner and a movie.She said."I love you but I know the other woman loves you and would love to spend some time with you."

The other woman that my wife wanted me to visit was my mother, who had been a widow(寡妇)for 19 years,but the needs of my work and my three children had made it impossible to visit her regularly.

That night I called to invite her to go out for dinner and a movie."What's wrong? Are you well?" she asked at once.My mother is the type of woman who prefers to think that a late night call or a surprise invitation is a sign of bad news."I think that it will be pleasant to be with you,"I replied."Just two of us."She thought about it for a moment,and then said,"I would like that very much."

That Friday after work.I drove over directly to pick her up.When I arrived at her house,I noticed ▲. She had curled her hair and was wearing a nice dress.Her smile was as bright as an angel's.

We went to a restaurant that.although not elegant(高雅的),was very nice and comfortable.My mother took my arm as if she were the First Lady.After we sat down,I had to read the menu.When I lifted my eyes and saw Morn sitting there looking at me.A nostalgic smile was on her face.She said."It was I who used to read the menu when you were small." "Then it's time that you should relax and let me return the favor(恩惠)."I smiled back.During the dinner, we had an agreeable conversation—nothing special,but catching up on recent happenings in each other's life.We talked so much that we missed the movie.As we arrived at her house later, she said."I'll go out with you again, but only if you let me invite you."I agreed.

A few days later, my mother died of a heart attack.It happened so suddenly that I did not have a chance to do anything for her.Some time later, I received a letter with a short note inside,which said,"You will never know what that night meant for me.I love you,son!" (1)What is the writer's purpose(目的)in writing Paragraph One?

A. To introduce the topic.

B. To get the readers interested.

C. To make a comparison.

D. To tell the background information.

(2)The writer's mother felt at first when she was invited to dinner on the phone.

A. worried

B. sick

C. shameful

D. awful

(3)Which can best fill in the blank( ▲ )in the passage?

A. site was watching TV alone in her living room

B. site had just finished all the housework for today

C. she was busy choosing among her favorite dresses

D. she had already been waiting in the door with her coat on

(4)The underlined word "nostalgic" in Paragraph Five means in Chinese.

A. 慈祥的

B. 关爱的

C. 怀旧的

D. 神秘的(5)What message is mainly passed on to the readers in the last two paragraphs?

A. The mother regretted missing the movie.

B. The mother was satisfied with the night out.

C. The son felt painful for his mother's sudden death.

D. The son had decided to spend more time with his mom.







(1)考核段落大意,从第一段I love you but I know the other woman loves you and would love to spend some time with you可知作者的妻子提议作者邀请”别的女人”去吃饭,目的是激发读者的兴趣。故选B。

(2)细节题,从第三段My mother is the type of woman who prefers to think that a late night call or a surprise invitation is a sign of bad news可知作者妈妈接到电话表示震惊,后文说到深夜给妈妈打电话,意味着不好的事情,所以妈妈表示担心,故选A。

(3)语境理解题,从When I arrived at her house,I noticed ▲. She had curled her hair and was wearing a nice dress.Her smile was as bright as an angel's可知,当作者到达时,妈妈已经等在那里了,表明妈妈当时迫不及待和高兴的心情,故选D。

(4)细节题,从第七段It was I who used to read the menu when you were small." "Then it's time that you should relax and let me return the favor(恩惠)可知,妈妈说到“你小的时候我为你点菜,现在作为回报,你为我点菜”,所以是一种怀旧式的笑,故选C。

(5)综合理解题,从最后两段内容得知,妈妈对儿子的邀请很开心,最后一句You will never know what that night meant for me.I love you,son!表明那一晚对她意义非同一般,故选B。




When I was a kid, my siblings(兄弟姐妹) and I used to have ice cream for dessert. Every day, we would choose which ice cream flavor to have. Then we would happily wolf down our ice

cream as fast as we could.

Once when I was probably about 10 or 11, our grandpa came to visit. Grandpa always had a different view on things. At that time, my sister and I were making bets as to who could finish their ice cream first. With a smile, Grandpa said, “Why would you want to finish first? If you eat slowly, it will last longer. You should have a com petition to see who can finish last.” Even now, I always try to taste my ice cream, but of course this is about more than just dessert.

Too often, kids want to scramble(争夺) for more, whether it's more ice cream, more toys, or more friends. This habit persists into our adult years. We never develop the skill of treasuring what we have. If we learn to recognize this pattern and change it, we will have a happier life.

What my grandpa taught me that day was really that if you take the chance to enjoy what's in front you, the pleasure will last longer. It's a lesson that, I think, has made my adult life happier, as well. These days, when I want something, I wait as long as I can before I allow myself to have it. Then, when I finally get it, I make sure to treasure it as long as possible, because I know that, no matter what it is, it will be gone all too soon.

(1)The writer's grandfather advised her sister and her to________.

A. stop eating ice cream

B. learn something from their way of eating

C. stop the competition between them

D. eat ice cream slowly as possible

(2)Children often want to scramble for more__________.

A. toys, friends or siblings

B. toys, ice cream or friends

C. friends, desserts or ice cream

D. toys, desserts and ice cream

(3)Which of the following best describes the author's grandfather?

A. Humorous

B. Strict

C. Wise

D. Careful

(4)We can infer from the last paragraph that the writer_______.

A. benefits a lot from her grandfather's advice

B. knows how to get the chance to be happy

C. knows nothing will gone all too soon

D. longs for the days when they ate ice cream (5)What is the best title for this passage?

A. Value what you have

B. Keep longing for more

C. Remember my grandpa

D. Save for the future







(1)考查细节理解题。根据Why would you want to finish first? If you eat slowly, it will last longer. You should have a competition to see who can finish last. 为什么你想第一个吃完呢,如果你吃慢点,它会更持久,你应该看看谁最后一个吃完,故选D项。

(2)考查推理判断题。根据Too often, kids want to scramble(争夺) for more, whether it's more ice cream, more toys, or more friends. 经常孩子们想要争夺的更多,不论是更多的冰激


(3)考查细节理解题。What my grandpa taught me that day was really that if you take the chance to enjoy what's in front you, the pleasure will last longer. 我外公所教会我的是如果你享受你眼前的东西,这种快乐就会长久,可见外公是很明智的,故选C。

(3)考查细节理解题。根据What my grandpa taught me that day was really that if you take the chance to enjoy what's in front you, the pleasure will last longer. It's a lesson that, I think, has made my adult life happier, as well. 我爷爷那天教我的是如果你抓紧机会去享受你面前的东西,快乐将会继续的更久我认为是那个教训使我的成年生活也更快乐了。可知他从爷爷那里学到很多东西,故选A。




Fights at school sometimes happen. But how can you keep away from a fight? Here's something you can do.

Be calm(冷静). Sometimes, you feel so angry that you really want to teach somebody a lesson. But being angry can't solve problems. Neither can a fight. Instead, it may bring you more problems. In the school, everyone involved(卷入) in a fight will be punished, no matter who started it. There are winners in a fight.

Shout loudly. If you know someone is coming up behind you to attack, turn toward the person with your hands up in front of your body and loudly say "stop" before walking away. Loud voice can usually make the attacker calm down. If the person doesn't stop, cry for help by calling out the name of a teacher whose office is nearby.

____ Your friend may ask you to join in a fight. Learn to say no. Helping him fight is not really helpful to him. If you really want to give him a hand, try to ask him to give it up. Also, you can tell him if he gets involved in a fight, he may get hurt and be punished. Then, try to learn why he wants a fight and help him find a right way to deal with the problem.

(1)The underlined word "attack" in Paragraph 3 means "____" in Chinese.

A. 拥抱

B. 攻击

C. 阻止

D. 吸引(2)Which of the following sentences can be put in the ____?

A. Face bravely.

B. Join in a fight.

C. Learn to refuse.

D. Talk to someone.(3)The passage is written to ____.

A. help students keep away from fights

B. warn students not to fight

C. advise students to help each other

D. encourage students to work hard

(4)The passage is written in a/an ____ tone(语气).

A. sad

B. angry

C. serious

D. crazy






(1)词义推断题。根据文中语句If you know someone is coming up behind you to attack, turn toward the person with your hands up in front of your body and loudly say "stop" before walking away. 如果你知道背后有人攻击你……理解可知,attack的意思是“攻击”,故选B。(2)细节理解题。根据文中的语句Your friend may ask you to join in a fight. Learn to say no. 理解可知,此段介绍要学会拒绝,故选C。

(3)细节理解题。根据文中的语句Fights at school sometimes happen. But how can you keep away from a fight? Here's something you can do.理解可知,此文主要介绍让学生如何避免打架,故选A。

(4)理解归纳题。由文中语句In the school, everyone involved(卷入) in a fight will be punished, no matter who started it. 理解可知,作者是以严肃的语气来说明这个问题的,故选C。



If you want to check where the nearest coffee shop to your home is, if you want to know how to get to a place in your city, or if you want to see where in the world your foreign pen friend lives, there's now a new free online map you can use.

Last month, China started its official online mapping service, Map World. "Through this free online service users can fly over mountains and valleys around the world and search for restaurants and traffic information across the country for free," said Xu Deming, director of the State Bureau of Surveying and Mapping (SBSM). The bureau, which does China's surveying and mapping work, is in charge of the Map World project.

Users can get into Map World through https://www.doczj.com/doc/893090379.html, or https://www.doczj.com/doc/893090379.html, and search for 2- and 3-D images from across the world. The home page shows a view of the Great Wall.

"It took about two years to prepare the service with all the satellite(卫星) images taken from 2006 to 2010," said Jiang Jie, director of the database department(数据库部门) under SBSM.

The technology(技术) and website are still at an early stage. The images from inside China are detailed. Users can see close pictures of roadsides. But the views of places outside China are less clear.

Service providers have more than 80 machines, with the ability to deal with 10 million requests (请求) daily, while Google Earth, Google's mapping service, has thousands of machines, Jiang said. "Our map service can update(更新) data about twice a year, but Google Earth can update its

information every couple of minutes, through satellites," Jiang said.

The bureau said it will continue developing Map World. At the same time, you can have a try for yourself. Some users have given their opinions about the service after trying it. One student in Beijing said that Map World even shows the small bookstore near her school.

(1)What is the main purpose of the first paragraph?

A. To show how valuable the service is.

B. To introduce the new online photo-map of China.

C. To show the importance of the new online photo-map.

D. To tell how popular the new online photo-map is in China.

(2)According to the Bureau, Map World_______.

A. only has images of China

B. will need another two years to complete

C. needs further development

D. begins with the Great Wall

(3)What disadvantages does Map World have, compared with Google Earth?

A. Information is updated much less often.

B. It provided less clear images of places.

C. Its machines are less high technology.

D. It only has black and white images.

(4)What is the passage probably taken from?

A. A notebook

B. A guide book

C. A story book

D. A newspaper






(1)段落大意题。根据there's now a new free online map you can use.可知第一段主要介绍新在线免费地图,故选B。

(2)细节题。根据The technology(技术) and website are still at an early stage. The images from inside China are detailed. Users can see close pictures of roadsides. But the views of places outside China are less clear. The bureau said it will continue developing Map World.可知,世界地图还需要进一步发展,故选C。

(3)细节题。根据Our map service can update(更新) data about twice a year, but Google Earth can update its information every couple of minutes, through satellites,可知,信息更新的频率要低得多。故选A。




By Anna Matteo

28 January, 2019

A 3-year-old boy who was lost in the woods for two days is now safe at home with his family. But Casey Hathaway told his rescuers (救援者) that he was not alone in the rainy, freezing cold woods. He said he was with a friend — a bear.

The child went missing on January 22 while playing with friends near his grandmother's house in North Carolina. When the other children returned but Casey did not, the family searched the area for almost an hour before calling the police.

Police formed a search team to look for the young boy in the nearby woods. But two days went by and—no Casey.

Then on January 24, someone called the police saying he heard a child crying in the woods. Police followed up on the information and found Casey at about 9:30 that night. He was in good health.

Casey told the rescuers he had hung out with a black bear for two days, a bear he called his "friend".

The police officer Chip Hughes spoke with reporters from several news agencies. He said Casey did not say how he could survive in the woods for two days in the cold, rainy weather. "However," the police officer said, "he did say he had a friend in the woods that was a bear with him."

Hundreds of people helped in the search and rescue efforts, including some 600 volunteers, police and members of the army. Doctors at the medical center gave Casey some examination. He was then sent to his family on January 25.

His mother talked with reporters and thanked everyone who joined the search for her son. "We just want to tell everybody that we're very thankful that you took the time out to search for Casey," said his mother. "He is up and talking He's already asked to watch cartoons."

(1)Who stayed with Casey in the woods during the two days?

A. A bear.

B. The police.

C. His mother.

D. The volunteers.(2)The underlined word "survive" in Paragraph 6 probably means " ▲ ".

A. give up

B. get lost

C. fall asleep

D. remain alive

(3)What is the correct order in which these happen?

a. Someone heard a child crying.

b. The family started to look for Casey.

c. Casey played with his friends.

d. The police found Casey was in good health.

A. b-c-a-d

B. b-c-d-a

C. c-b-a-d

D. c-b-d-a

(4)After Casey was sent back home, he was ________.

A. scared

B. nervous

C. relaxed

D. surprised





【解析】【分析】文章大意:文章讲述了三岁的孩子 Casey Hathaway 在丢失之后的神奇的经历。他跟一只大熊游逛了两天。

(1)细节理解题,根据 He said he was with a friend a bear. 可知他跟一只熊在一起,故答案是A。

(2)词义猜测题题,小男孩丢失了,根据in the woods for two days in the cold, rainy weather,这些都是小男孩在森林里遇到的恶劣生存条件,小男孩最后安全回家,可推测该单词的意思是生存,故答案是D。


(4)细节理解题,根据 He is up and talking He's already asked to watch cartoons,可知说明孩子没有问题,很放松,故答案是C。



Meiyu, born in 1995, is from Turkey (土耳其). She is the youngest child of her family. After high school, many people learned English or Japanese, but Meiyu decided to learn Chinese in university. She learned Chinese for four years in Ankara University in Turkey, and got her name Meiyu there.

Meiyu fell in love with Chinese after going to university. She became more interested after she knew more about Chinese history. She graduated (毕业) from Ankara University in 2017. Since then, more Chinese have been visiting Turkey. The trade between the two countries also needs Chinese-speaking people. "Speaking Chinese means more job opportunities" said Meiyu.

Now Meiyu has been in Wuhan, China for about two years.Besides going on studying Chinese, she shows great interest in Chinese kung fu as well, so she spends her free time on kung fu training with her coaches. Not only can kung fu help improve (改善) her health, but she is also interested in the history and culture behind it. Meiyu said, "The more I know about China, the luckier I feel to have been here. But the truth is that fun and pain go together in the process of learning."

In the future, Meiyu decides to go back to Turkey to teach more students to learn Chinese.(1)Where did Meiyu learn Chinese at first?

A. In China.

B. In Turkey.

C. In India.

D. In Australia.

(2)How old was Meuyu when she graduated from Ankara University in 2017?

A. 22

B. 25

C. 27

D. 18

(3)What's probably the meaning of the word "opportunities" in this passage?

A. decisions

B. orders

C. meanings

D. chances

(4)Why does Meiyu spend her free time on kung fu training with her coaches?

A. Because she shows great interest in Chinese kung fu.

B. Because she has to learn kung fu to graduate.

C. Because she wants to teach kung fu in Turkey.

D. Because she wants to take part in kung fu competitions.

(5)What can you learn from the passage?

A. Meiyu is the only child of her family.

B. Meiyu is not interested in Chinese now.

C. Chinese culture has greatly influenced Meiyu.

D. Meiyu decides to stay in China in the future.







(1)细节题。根据 She learned Chinese for four years in Ankara University in Turkey, 可知,他最初是在土耳其大学学习汉语,故选B。

(2)细节题。根据 Meiyu, born in 1995,可知,2017年她22岁,故选A。

(3)词义猜测题。根据The trade between the two countries also needs Chinese-speaking people. "Speaking Chinese means more job opportunities" said Meiyu.可知,两国贸易需要会说汉语的人,说汉语意味着有更多就业机会,推出oportunities意思为机会,故选D。(4)细节题。根据 she shows great interest in Chinese kung fu as well, so she spends her free time on kung fu training with her coaches.可知,因为她喜欢中国功夫,所以才和教练用空闲时间学中国功夫,故选A。



A British man has learned the skills needed to perform Beijing Opera, making the audience (观众) enjoy his lively performance of the Monkey King.

Ghaffar Pourazar, born in Iran, said he has been a big fan of Bruce Lee since he was a child and is full of interest about China. In 1993, he happened to watch Beijing Opera performed in London by professionals from Jingju Theatre Company of Beijing. Ghaffar said he fell in love with the beautiful voices, colorful costumes, excellent shows and so on. So after one year, he arrived in China alone and became a student of Beijing Opera at a Beijing school.

At the age of 32, he had to learn with teenage students every day, starting from the most basic training of the legs and waist. At the time, he was mostly troubled by the dialogue in Beijing Opera. To him, it was the biggest obstacle. But he never gave up.

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