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Dynamic Feature Generation for Relational Learning

Dynamic Feature Generation for Relational Learning

Alexandrin Popescul and Lyle H.Ungar

Department of Computer and Information Science

University of Pennsylvania



Abstract.We provide a methodology which integrates dynamic feature gener-

ation from relational databases with statistical feature selection and modeling.

Unlike the standard breadth-or depth-?rst search of a re?nement graph,the or-

der in which we generate features and test them for inclusion in the model is

dynamically determined based on which features are found to be predictive.This

best-?rst search often reduces the number of computationally expensive feature

evaluations.Multiple feature streams are created based on the syntactic structure

of the feature expressions;for example,based on the type of aggregate operator

used to generate the feature.At each iteration,the next feature to be evaluated

is taken from the stream which has been producing better features.Experiments

show that dynamic feature generation and selection produces more accurate mod-

els per feature generated than its static alternative.


We provide a statistical relational learning method which integrates dynamic feature generation with statistical modeling and feature selection.Dynamic feature generation can lead to the discovery of predictive features with less computation than generating all features in advance.Dynamic feature generation decides the order in which features are evaluated based on run-time feature selection feedback.

We implement dynamic feature generation within Structural Generalized Linear Re-gression(SGLR)framework[5,6].SGLR integrates generation of feature candidates from relational data with their selection using statistical model selection criteria.Re-lational feature generation is cast as a search in the space of queries to a relational database.This search covers the space of queries involving one or more relation in-stances;query evaluations produce numeric values which are candidate features.At each search node,candidate features are considered for inclusion in a discriminative statistical model such as linear or logistic regression.The result is a statistical model where each selected feature is the evaluation of a database query encoding a predictive data pattern.

The SGLR framework allows us to control the order in which features are generated and tested for inclusion in the model.Feature generation in SGLR consists of two steps: query expression generation,which is cheap as it involves only syntactic operations on

query strings,and query evaluation,which is computationally demanding.Prior to be-ing evaluated,query expressions are assigned into multiple streams.At each iteration, one of the streams is chosen to generate the next potential feature,based on the value of the features that stream has provided relative the other streams(Figure1).Multi-stream feature selection is motivated by the fact that not all feature candidates are equally use-ful.It is often possible to heuristically classify features into different streams re?ecting the expectation of a modeler of how likely a stream is to produce better features,or how


expensive the features are to

In general,the split of features into multiple streams need not be a disjoint partition. For example,some streams can be formed based on the types of aggregate operators in query expressions,as done below,and other streams can be formed based on the type relations joined in a query,for example,based on whether a query contains a cluster-derived relation or a relation based of the same type as the target concept.A query would be enqueued on to one stream based on its aggregate operator,and on to a different stream based on the type of its relation instances.The method,if used with a check to avoid evaluating a query which has been evaluated previously in a different stream,will not incur signi?cant increase in computational cost.

The need for aggregates in relational learning comes from the fact that the central type of relational representation is a table(set);aggregation summarizes information in a table into a scalar value which can be included in a statistical model.Aggregate-based feature generation often produces more accurate predictive models from relational data than pure logic-based features[4].While rich types of aggregates can be included into feature generation,not all of them are expected to be equally useful,suggesting using the aggregate type as a heuristic for stream assignment in dynamic feature generation.

First-order expressions are treated as database queries resulting in a table of all satisfying solutions,rather than a single boolean value.The following is an example of an aggregate feature useful in link prediction;here the target concept is binary and the feature(right-hand side of the expression)is a database query about both target documents and:

is the number of documents that both and cite.

We report below an experiment where features are queued for evaluation into two streams according to the type of aggregate operator in the query expression.We com-pare two-stream dynamic with one-stream static feature generation.In both cases,query expressions are generated by breadth-?rst search.The base-line,static,strategy evalu-ates queries in the same order that the expressions appear in the search queue,while the alternative,dynamic strategy,enqueues queries into two separate streams based on a syntactic criterion,here the type of aggregation,at the time its expression is generated, but chooses the next feature to be evaluated from the stream which has been producing “better”features.

We use data from CiteSeer(a.k.a.ResearchIndex),an online digital library of com-puter science papers[2](https://www.doczj.com/doc/872945087.html,/).CiteSeer contains a rich set of data,including text of papers,citation information,author names and af?liations,and conference or journal names.We represent CiteSeer as a relational database.For ex-ample,citation information is represented as a binary relation between citing and cited documents.Document authorship,publication venues and word occurrence are also re-lations:





The next section describes the experiment testing a two-stream dynamic strategy against the static one-stream alternative.

2Experimental Set-up

Feature generation in the SGLR framework consists of two steps:query expression generation,and query evaluation.The former is cheap as it involves only syntactic op-erations on query strings;the latter is computationally demanding.The experiment is set up to test two strategies which differ in the order in which queries are evaluated.In both strategies,query expressions are generated by breadth-?rst search.The base-line, static,strategy evaluates queries in the same order the expressions appear in the search queue,while the alternative,dynamic strategy,enqueues queries into separate streams at the time its expression is generated,but chooses the next feature to be evaluated from the stream with the highest ratio:

where is the number of features selected for addition to the model, and is the total number of features tried by feature selection in this substream.Many other ranking methods could be used;this one has the virtue of being simple and,for the realistic situation in which the density of predictive features tends to decrease as one goes far into a stream,complete.

A query expression is assigned into one of two streams based on the type of aggre-gate operator it uses:

–Stream1:queries with aggregates exists and count over entire table.

–Stream2:other aggregates.Here,these are the counts of unique elements in indi-vidual columns.

We compare test set accuracies with dynamic and static feature generation in two scenarios:i)difference in accuracies against the number of features generated and ii) difference in accuracies against time.1

2.1Data Sets

The experiments are performed for two tasks using CiteSeer data:classifying docu-ments into their publication venues,conferences or journals,and predicting the exis-tence of a citation between two documents.The target concept pair in the two tasks are andrespectively.In the case of venue prediction,the value of the response variable is one if the pair’s venue is a true publication venue of the corresponding document and zero otherwise.Similarly,in link prediction,value of the response variable is one if there exists a citation between two documents and zero otherwise.In both tasks,the search space contains queries based on several relations about documents and publication venues,such as citation information, authorship and word content of the documents.

Each of the tasks consists of two datasets:one using the original relational repre-sentation and the other using an augmented cluster-based representation.Alternative “cluster-relations”are derived from the attributes in the original database schema and included in the feature generation process.We use clustering to derive new?rst class relational entities re?ecting hidden topics of papers,author communities and word groups.New cluster relations included into the feature generation process in addition to the original relations result in the creation of richer cluster-based features,where clus-ters enter into more complex relationships with existing background relations rather than only provide dimensionality reduction.This approach can result in more accurate models than those built only from the original relational concepts[5].

The following are descriptions of basic relations we use,followed by the description of derived cluster relations we use to augment the search space:

–PublishedIn(doc:Document,vn:Venue).Publication venues are extracted by matching information with the DBLP database2.Publication venues are known for 60,646CiteSeer documents.This is the total number of documents participating in the experiments.All other relations are populated with information about these documents.There are1,560unique conferences and journals.Training and test examples are sampled from this background relation in the venue prediction task.–Author(doc:Document,auth:Person).53,660out of the total of60,646doc-uments have authorship information available;there are26,740unique last names of authors.The number of tuples in this relation is131,582.

–Citation(from:Document,to:Document).There are a total of173,410cita-tions among our“universe”of60,646documents.The relation contains42,749 unique citing documents,31,603unique cited documents,and the total of49,398 documents.Training and test examples are sampled from this background relation in the link prediction task.

–HasWord(doc:Document,word:Word.This is by far the largest relation even for relatively small vocabularies.It is populated by binary word occurrence vectors,

i.e.there is a tuple for each word in the vocabulary if it is contained in a correspond-

ing document.With word data available for56,104documents and vocabulary of size1,000,the total number of tuples in HasWord is6,894,712(the vocabulary con-tains top count words in the entire collection after Porter stemming and stop word removal).

We use-means to derive cluster relations;any other hard clustering algorithm can be used for this purpose.The results of clustering are represented by binary re-lations.Cluster relations are precomputed and added to the relational schema before feature generation phase.The original database schema contains several entities which can be clustered based on a number of alterna-tive criteria.Each many-to-many relation in the original schema presented above can produce two distinct cluster relations.Three out of four relations are many-to-many (with the exception of PublishedIn),this results in six new cluster-relations.Since the PublishedIn relation is not used to produce new clusters,nothing has to be done to ex-clude the attributes of entities in training and test sets from participating in clustering. In the case of link prediction,on the other hand,the relation corresponding to the target concept,Citation,does produce clusters.Clustering is run without the links sampled for training and test sets.The following is the list of these six cluster relations which we add to the relational database schema:


53,660documents are clustered based on the identity of their26,740authors.


26,740authors are clustered based on53,660documents they wrote.


31,603documents are clustered based on42,749documents citing them(the num-bers are slightly lower in link prediction where target concept links do not partici-pate in clustering).


42,749documents are clustered based on31,603documents cited from them(the numbers are slightly lower in link prediction where target concept links do not participate in clustering).


56,104documents are clustered based on the vocabulary of top1,000words they contain.


The vocabulary of1,000words is clustered based on their occurrence in this col-lection of56,104documents.

An important aspect of optimizing cluster utility,in general,and of the use of cluster relations in our setting,in particular,is the choice of,the number of groups into which the entities are clustered.In our case,for each potential value of,we would need to repeat expensive feature generation for all cluster derived features.In the experiments presented here we?x to be equal to100in all cluster relations except for the last one, ClusterWordsByDocuments,where the number of clusters is10.The latter is clustered into fewer groups than the rest of the data to re?ect roughly an order of magnitude smaller number of objects,words,to be clustered:we selected the vocabulary of size 1,000to make the size of HasWord relation manageable.The accuracy of resulting cluster-based models reported below can potentially be improved even further if one is willing to incur the additional cost of optimizing the choice of.

Table1summarizes the sizes of four original relations and the sizes of six derived cluster relations.

Table1.Sizes of the original and cluster-based relations







Table2.Sizes of feature streams set11,5521,948






?1012345# of features considered

(a c c u r a c y D y n a m i c ? a c c u r a c y S t a t i c


Fig.3.Set 2(venue prediction,without cluster relations).Test accuracy difference against the number of features considered.Errors:95%con?dence interval (10-fold cross validation,in each of 10runs and )




02468# of features considered (a c c u r a c y D y n a m i c ? a c c u r a c y S t a t i c


Fig.4.Set 3(link prediction,with cluster relations).Test accuracy difference against the number of features considered.Errors:95%con?dence interval (10-fold cross validation,in each of 10


and )




02468# of features considered (a c c u r a c y D y n a m i c ? a c c u r a c y S t a t i c


Fig.5.Set 4(link prediction,without cluster relations).Test accuracy difference against the num-ber of features considered.Errors:95%con?dence interval (10-fold cross validation,in each of 10runs and )




time (sec) (a c c u r a c y D y n a m i c ? a c c u r a c y S t a t i c


Fig.6.Set 1(venue prediction,with cluster relations).Test accuracy difference against time taken to generate features.Errors:95%con?dence interval (10-fold cross validation,in each of 10runs

and )




time (sec) (a c c u r a c y D y n a m i c ? a c c u r a c y S t a t i c


Fig.7.Set 2(venue prediction,without cluster relations).Test accuracy difference against time taken to generate features.Errors:95%con?dence interval (10-fold cross validation,in each of 10runs and )




?101234time (sec) (a c c u r a c y D y n a m i c ? a c c u r a c y S t a t i c


Fig.8.Set 3(link prediction,with cluster relations).Test accuracy difference against time taken to generate features.Errors:95%con?dence interval (10-fold cross validation,in each of 10runs

and )




01234time (sec) (a c c u r a c y D y n a m i c ? a c c u r a c y S t a t i c


Fig.9.Set 4(link prediction,without cluster relations).Test accuracy difference against time taken to generate features.Errors:95%con?dence interval (10-fold cross validation,in each of


and )Figures 6,7,8and 9present accuracy difference against the time in seconds taken to evaluate features considered for selection for sets 1through 4respectively.These plots show early gains from dynamic feature generation.Gains tend to vanish as all predictive features are exploited.The dynamic feature generation performs signi?cantly better than its static alternative along considerable intervals of the incremental learning process.The dynamic feature generation never performs signi?cantly worse than the static search,based on the pairwise Gaussian 95%con?dence intervals of the accuracy difference.


We presented a method for dynamic feature generation with statistical modeling and feature selection and showed that dynamic feature generation can lead to the discovery of predictive features with less computation than generating all features in advance.

Dynamic feature generation contrasts with “propositionalization”[1,7],a static re-lational feature generation approach in which features are ?rst constructed from rela-tional representation and then presented to a propositional algorithm.The generation of features with propositionalization is thus fully decoupled from the model used to make predictions,and prematurely incurs full computational cost of feature generation.Better models can be built if one allows native statistical feature selection criteria pro-vide run-time feedback determining the order in which features are generated.Coupling

feature generation to model construction can signi?cantly reduce computational costs. Some inductive logic programming systems also perform dynamic feature generation, in this case when modeling with logic.For example,Progol[3]uses A*-like algorithm to direct its search.

In the experiments reported here,dynamic feature generation performs signi?cantly better than its static alternative along considerable intervals of the incremental learning process.The dynamic feature generation never performs signi?cantly worse than the static search,based on the pairwise Gaussian95%con?dence intervals of the accuracy difference.

One of the two feature streams was a clear winner,i.e.the heuristic used to split features was successful in re?ecting the expectation that one stream is more likely to produce good features.In situations when the choice of a good heuristic is dif?cult,dy-namic feature generation can still be used;in the worst case,when features in different streams are“equally good”,the method will asymptotically lead to the same perfor-mance as the static feature generation by taking features from different streams with equal likelihood.

The two stream approach can be generalized to a multi-stream approach.Also,the split of features into multiple streams does not need to be a disjoint partition.For ex-ample,some streams can be formed based on the types of aggregate operators in query expressions,as we did here,and other streams can be formed based on the type of rela-tions joined in a query,for example,split based on whether a query contains a cluster-derived relation,or a relation of the same type as the target concept.A given query is enqueued into one stream based on its aggregate operator,and into a different stream based on the type of its relation instances.The method,if used with a check to avoid evaluating a query which has been evaluated previously in a different stream,will not incur signi?cant increase in computational cost.

Another approach is to split features into multiple streams according to the sizes of their relation instances,which would serve as an estimate of evaluation time.This can lead to improvements for the following reasons:i)out of two nearly collinear features a cheaper one will likely be evaluated?rst.This will lead to approximately the same accuracy improvement as the second more expensive feature,and ii)there is no obvi-ous correlation between the cost to evaluate a query and its expected predictive power, therefore it can be expected that cheap queries result in good features as likely as more expensive ones.


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5.Alexandrin Popescul and Lyle Ungar.Cluster-based concept invention for statistical relational

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IELTS作文——Generation gap

Generation gap There always has been generation gap since the dawn of civilization. Old people act like a frog in the well. They are fully convinced with their ideas as ultimate and ideal. They ignore certain vital factors that are no longer valid in modern days. There is a great hue and cry raised by the elders and the young both that the communication between them has broken down and they accuse each other for and bemoan this state of affairs. They attribute it to generation gap. Majority in the society carries along with this moroseness and never pauses to think the why and how of the problem. 为什么?? The elders are more critical of the younger generation with a big inventory of complaints against the young and the young mostly tend to ignore the grumbling, mumbling and occasional loud protestations of the older generation. But now and then they do protest. They resent the petting attitude of the elders. It is generally observed that the old behave like a frog in the well. They are fully convinced that the ideas they have had throughout their lives are the ultimate and ideal. They ignore certain vital factors that are no longer valid in the case of the modernity. There always has been generation gap since the dawn of civilization. The young have always deviated from the older standards and it was well that they did or there wouldn’t have been any progress today. The younger generation naturally differs in dress, food, habits etc, as all these were not available to the older generation. These changes are indicative of progress. With the passage of time when the society, right from the basic unit of the family through society and the entire humanity, is changing, how can the new generation be asked to stagnate or move bac kward to the ancestors’ way of life? In the olden days, in the Indian society the arranged marriage took place first and love between husband and the wife were thought to be a natural development. The moral standards differed in consonance with the contemporary situation, as human society is essentially a utilitarian one. The elders couldn’t have visualized what was to come in their lifetime i.e. live-in relationship, one night stand, car key pooling and fishing and things that are yet to come out in the open. It will be generally agreed that most fathers want their offspring to adopt the same profession that they themselves followed without giving due weight to the aptitude of the offspring. This causes tension between the elders and the children. The younger generation is more intellectually evolved than the preceding one. But the ego of the older people does not permit them to accept


(部编语文)部编语文阅读理解专项习题及答案解析 一、一年级语文下册阅读理解练习 1.阅读下文,回答问题。 三个小伙伴 小野猪、小象和小袋鼠一同上山栽树。 没有锄头挖树坑怎么办?小野猪说:“不要紧,不要紧,我有硬硬的嘴巴。”不一会儿,小野猪就用嘴巴拱出了一个树坑。 没有箩筐运肥料怎么办?小袋鼠说:“不要紧,不要紧,我有一个皮口袋。”不一会儿,小袋鼠就用皮口袋运来了一堆肥料。 三个小伙伴把小树栽进坑里,施上肥料,培上泥土。 没有水桶浇水怎么办?小象说:“不要紧,不要紧,我有长长的鼻子。”小象跑到小河边,用长鼻子吸足了水,把树坑浇得湿湿的。 小树栽好啦!三个小伙伴手拉着手,围着小树又跳又笑。 (1)照样子,写词语。 又跳又笑又________又________ 又________又________ (2)在横线上填上合适的动词。 ________树坑 ________肥料 ________泥土 ________小手 ________课文 ________手工 (3)读短文选一选,填一填。 ①皮口袋②长鼻子③尖嘴巴 小野猪用________拱出树坑,小袋鼠用________运肥料,小象用________给树浇水。(4)用一句话来夸夸三个小伙伴吧。 【答案】(1)高;大;白;胖 (2)挖;运;培;拉;读;做 (3)③;①;② (4)三个小伙伴团结合作,困难就被克服啦,佩服你们! 【解析】 2.阅读下文,回答问题。 花和小草 小花,小花,你有伙伴吗? 小花挨着小草。 小草,小草,你有好朋友吗? 小草偎着小花。 小花和小草,在风雨中手牵手,从春到夏。 香飘大地,绿满天涯。 (1)小花的伙伴是________,小草的好朋友是________。 (2)小花和小草还会交哪些好朋友?


【部编语文】部编语文阅读理解练习题20篇及解析 一、一年级语文下册阅读理解练习 1.阅读下文,回答问题柳树 春天到了,柳树枝条上爆出了嫩芽,随风飘荡。 小芳和小军一起到公园里去玩。小军看到柳条很美丽,就随手折了一根,玩了起来。这时,小芳看见了急忙说:“公园里的花木是园丁伯伯辛辛苦苦栽培出来的,是给大家欣赏的。我们要爱护它,不能损害它。”小军听了很惭愧地说:“以后我再也不乱摘花木了。” (1)这篇短文有________节。 (2)本文写发生在________和________之间的事情。 (3)________折柳枝,________帮助他。________惭愧地说:“________”。 【答案】(1)2 (2)小芳;小军 (3)小军;小芳;小军;以后我再也不乱摘花木了 【解析】 2.阅读下文,回答问题。 爸爸晚上偏要拉我去散步, 原来花草都像白天一样微笑。 从此再黑再黑的夜晚, 我也能看见小鸟怎样在月光下睡觉…… (1)照样子,填上恰当的词语。 例:(再黑再黑)的夜晚 ________的夜晚 ________的夜晚 (2)用波浪线画出花草具有“人”特征的句子。 (3)你喜欢文中的“我”吗?为什么? 【答案】(1)很黑很黑;很静很静 (2)原来花草都像白天一样微笑。 (3)喜欢。因为“我”克服了困难,变得勇敢起来。 【解析】 3.阅读短文,完成练习。初秋的夜晚,凉风习习。小树林里树叶“沙沙”地响,好像和谁在说悄悄话。草丛里,蟋蟀不知疲倦地唱着秋夜的歌。池塘边,一群青蛙忙了一夏,更是欢快地“呱呱呱”地叫个不停,好像在说:“好哇,好哇,吃掉害虫,庄稼长得好哇!” (1)短文共________句话,用“/”标出来。 (2)第4句话写的是谁? (3)短文写的是什么时候的景象?________①初春的夜晚②初夏的夜晚③初秋的夜晚 (4)照样子,连线。树叶________ 呱呱地叫 青蛙________ 叽叽地唱


Generation gap 父母比我们年龄大,所以无论是生理上还是心理上,都要比我们成熟。 父母的经历和经验也比我们丰富,做事也比我们谨慎、周密。所以他们有能力采取适当的措施同子女进行沟通。如果父母没有做到这些而使自己与子女之间产生“代沟”,那么主要的责任在于父母。 从思想上讲 从现代教育上讲 子女所要接受的教育很多,而家庭教育则是子女接受教育中最为重要的教育内容之 一。"在谈及家庭教育必然要谈到父母与子女的关系问题。我们知道,一个良好的家庭环境必然会形成一个和睦而又温暖的家庭。如果家庭中各成员之间产生隔阂,必然会对子女的成长造成一定的影响。父母的言行和品德对子女有很大的影响。从子女一出生,父母就成了子女的启蒙老师,从此他们就担负着培养和教育子女的责任和义务,同时也是他们承担的社会责任。而父母的失职就可能给家庭蒙上一层阴影,造成家庭冷漠不和,以及子女的悲观、消极思想。 Intermsoffamilyeducation,parentsplayanimportantpartintherelationship between parents and children. We know that a good familyenvironmentisboundtoformaharmoniousandwarmfamily.Whatparents say and behave has a great influence on their children Negligenceoftheparentscancausechildren'spessimisticandnegativevalues.This is also one of the factors causing the generation gap. From the above arguments,we can draw a conclution thatthe generationgap is largely due to parents. 1/ 1


人教部编版一年级语文试题课外阅读训练带答案解析 一、部编版一年级下册语文课外阅读理解 1.阅读下文,回答问题。 荷叶圆圆(节选) 荷叶圆圆的,绿绿的。 小水珠说:“荷叶是我的摇篮。”小水珠躺在荷叶上,眨着亮晶晶的眼睛。 小鱼儿说:“荷叶是我的凉伞。”小鱼儿在荷叶下笑嘻嘻地游来游去,捧起一朵朵很美很美的水花。 (1)荷叶的样子是________,颜色是________。 (2)游来游去、________来________去、________来________去 (3)小水珠把荷叶当作________;小鱼儿把荷叶当作________。 (4)想一想:还有谁把荷叶当作什么? 解析:(1)圆圆的;绿绿的 (2)走;走;飞;飞 (3)摇篮;凉伞 (4)青蛙把荷叶当作歌台。 【解析】 2.阅读下文,回答问题。 小树谣 小树 在春风里摇, 绿了嫩芽, 绿了树梢。 小树 在春风里摇, 红了花蕊, 红了树梢。 它召唤来 爱唱歌的小鸟, 对它说: “等我长成大树, 狂风来了 也吹不倒。 你就在 我的枝叶间 筑温暖的巢。” (1)“它召唤来爱唱歌的小鸟,对它说”,第一个“它”指的是________,第二个“它”指的是________。 (2)小树对小鸟说了什么?用“________”在文中画出来。

(3)小鸟听了小树的话,会说什么呢? 解析:(1)小树;小鸟 (2)“等我长成大树,狂风来了也吹不倒。你就在我的枝叶间筑温暖的巢。” (3)略 【解析】 3.课外阅读我最棒。 大鱼和小鱼 大鱼非常喜欢夸耀自己。一天,它在海底碰到一条小鱼,它说:“我从岸边游到大海深处,谁见了都尊敬我,怕我,躲得远远的。因为我个儿大,力气大,你们小鱼呢,只有被捉的份儿,永远被人瞧不起。 这时候,一张渔网从它们头上撒下来,大鱼被网住了,小鱼从网洞里钻出来,不慌不忙地游走了。 (1)大鱼认为自己________、________,所以在小鱼面前夸耀自己。 (2)小鱼因为________,所以能从网洞里钻出来。 (3)小鱼看到大鱼被网住,会说________,当小鱼长大后,它会________。 解析:(1)个儿大、力气大;略 (2)个儿小 (3)这就是自以为是的下场。;谦虚,多看别人的 【解析】【分析】(1)由选段第三句话可知,大鱼认为自己个儿大,力气大,,所以在小鱼面前夸耀自己。(2)解答时要带着问题快速浏览短文内容,就能找到答案。(3)人物语言的揣摩是要在细致地了解故事情节,理解人物的处境、性格的基础上来完成得。语言的组织要条理。 故答案为:(1)个儿大、力气大(2)个儿小(3)这就是自以为是的下场。谦虚,多看别人的 长处。 【点评】(1)、(2)此题考查在理解课文的基础上筛选相关信息并加以概括的能力。(3)此题主要考查对人物语言的揣摩能力。 4.阅读儿歌,完成练习。 铃(línɡ)声(shēnɡ)响(xiǎnɡ) ,下(xià)课(kè)了(le)。 操(cāo)场(chǎnɡ)上(shànɡ) ,真(zhēn)热(rè)闹(nào)。 跳(tiào)绳(shénɡ)踢(tī)毽(jiàn)丢(diū)沙(shā)包(bāo) , 天(tiān)天(tiān)锻(duàn)炼(liàn)身(shēn)体(tǐ)好(hǎo)。


(部编语文)一年级上册阅读理解专项练习及解析 一、一年级语文上册阅读理解练习 1.读短文,回答问题。时钟花 小白兔没有钟,不知道时间,它请小山羊帮忙想办法。小山羊送给它三盆花。 太阳出来了,牵牛花开了,张开了小喇叭。中午,午时花开了,张开了笑脸。天黑了,夜来香开了,张开了小嘴轻轻地唱歌。 (1)这篇短文有________段。 (2)小山羊送给小白兔什么花? (3)读了短文,我会连。牵牛花________ 晚上开 午时花________ 早上开 夜来香________ 中午开 【答案】(1)2 (2)牵牛花,午时花,夜来香。 (3)早上开;中午开;晚上开 【考点】语段阅读 【解析】 2.阅读下文,回答问题要下雨了 有一天,蝴蝶在花草边飞翔,看见很多蚂蚁搬着许多食物往树上爬,觉得很奇怪,就问蚂蚁:“你们在干什么?” 蚂蚁笑着说:“我们全都在搬家啊。” 蝴蝶说:“你们为什么要搬家啊?” 蚂蚁说:“因为马上就要下雨了,我们怕雨会把我们的家给淹没了。” 蝴蝶说:“我只有翅膀没有手,帮不了你们,可是我能帮你们找一个安全的地方。” 蚂蚁们说:“那就先谢谢你了。” 不一会儿,就下起雨来了。蝴蝶的翅膀被雨淋湿了,飞不起来了。但是,它还是帮蚂蚁找到了一个淋不到雨的地方。 (1)你能用一个词语来形容吗? ________的蚂蚁 ________的蝴蝶 (2)根据故事内容判断对错。 ①蚂蚁搬家是因为要下雨了。________ ②蚂蚁搬家是因为以前的地方不好,重新找到了新住址。________ (3)小蝴蝶主动帮助小蚂蚁找淋不到雨的地方,说明小蝴蝶具有怎样的好品质呢? 【答案】(1)勤劳;美丽 (2)正确;错误 (3)助人为乐的好品质。 【考点】语段阅读,日月水火 【解析】


(部编语文)部编语文阅读理解专项习题及答案解析及解析 一、一年级语文下册阅读理解练习 1.阅读下文,回答问题 阳光像金子,洒遍田野、高山和小河。 田里的禾苗,因为有了阳光,更绿了。山上的小树,因为有了阳光,更高了。河面闪着阳光,小河就像长长的锦缎了。 早晨,我拉开窗帘,阳光就跳进了我的家。 谁也捉不住阳光,阳光是大家的。 阳光像金子,阳光比金子更宝贵。 (1)数一数,这篇短文一共有________个自然段。 (2)因为有了阳光,________更绿了,________更高了,________更亮了,亮得像长长的锦缎。 (3)阳光像________。我也喜欢阳光,因为________。 【答案】(1)5 (2)田里的禾苗 ;山上的小树 ;河面 (3)金子 ;阳光比金子更宝贵 【解析】 2.阅读短文,完成填空,没学过的字写拼音。 世界多美呀 母鸡蹲(dūn)着孵(fū)小鸡,一蹲蹲了许多天。蛋壳里的小鸡先是睡着的,后来它醒了,看见四周黄乎乎的。小鸡想:整个世界都是黄色的呀! 小鸡用小尖嘴啄蛋壳儿。它啄呀啄呀,啄了很久才啄出一个小小的洞眼。它看见天空蓝湛(zhàn)湛的,树木绿茵茵的,小河是碧澄(chénɡ)澄的。 原来世界(shìjiè)这么美丽呀!小鸡可高兴了。它用翅膀一撑就把蛋壳儿撑破了。它叽叽叽地叫着,慢慢站了起来。 叽叽,叽叽,小鸡是在说:世界多美呀——蓝湛湛的,绿茵茵的,碧澄澄的。 (1)全文共________段,写出文中表示颜色的词________。 (2)照样子从文中找出词语。 黄乎乎、________、________、________ (3)小鸡是怎样诞生的? 【答案】(1)4;黄乎乎、黄色、蓝湛湛、绿茵茵、碧澄澄 (2)蓝湛湛;绿茵茵;碧澄澄 (3)小鸡用小尖嘴啄蛋壳儿。它啄呀啄呀,啄了很久才啄出一个小小的洞眼。

形成代沟的原因(The Causes of the Generation Gap)

形成代沟的原因(The Causes of the Generation Gap) Parents say that children do not show them proper respect and obedience, while children complain that their parents do not understand them. This phenomenon is often referred to as the generation gap. What then are the causes of the generation gap?One important cause of the generation gap is the chance that young people have to choose their way of life. In more traditional societies, when children grow up, they are expected to live in the same area as their parents, to marry people that their parents know and agree to, and to continue the family occupation. In modern society, young people often travel a great distance for their education, move out of the family at an early age, marry or live with people whom their parents have never met, and choose occupations different from those of their parents.in the easily changing society, parents often expect their children to do better than they did: to find better jobs, to make more money; and to do all the things that they were unable to do. Often, however, the strong desire that parents have for their children are another cause of the disagreement between them. Often, they discover that they have very little in common with each other. Finally, the speed at which changes take place in modern society is another cause of the gap between the generations. In a traditional culture, elderly people are valued for their wisdom, but in modern society, the knowledge of a lifetime may become out of date overnight. The young and the old seem to live in two very different worlds, separated by different skills and abilities. No doubt, the generation gap will continue to be a future of our life for some time to come. Its causes are rooted in the changes of our society, and in the rapid speed at which society changes.


小学一年级语文阅读题 分析 集团档案编码:[YTTR-YTPT28-YTNTL98-UYTYNN08]

一年级阅读题 阅读方法:1、读短文3遍。2、用序号标段。3、认真读题弄懂题意再做题。4、检查。 建议:孩子每周独立完成2个阅读,对孩子不会认的字家长可以提示,但不要读题。 1.大自然的邮票 春天的树上,长出嫩(nèn)嫩的芽瓣(bàn)。夏天的树上,挂满肥(féi)肥的叶片。秋天的树上,树叶涂(tú)满鲜(xiān)红和金黄。冬天的树下,树叶落地化成土壤(ráng)。落叶是大自然的邮(yóu)票(piào),把一年四季寄(jì)给你,寄(jì)给我,寄(jì)给大家。 (1)这一段话共有()句; (2)填空 : a、一年有( )、( ) 、( ) 、( ) 四个季节。 b、春天的树上,芽瓣是( ) ;夏天的树上,叶片是( );秋天的树叶颜色有( )和( );冬天的树下,满地是( )。 c、大自然的邮票指 ( )。

2、人有两件宝 人有两件宝,双手和大脑(nǎo)。双手会做工,大脑(nǎo)会思考。用手不用脑(nǎo),事情做不好。用脑(nǎo)不用手,啥(shá)也做不好。用手又用脑,才能有创造。一切创造靠(kào)劳动,劳动要用手和脑。 (一)这是一首儿歌,一共有()句话。 (二)填空: (1)人有两件宝是指( )和( )。 做工靠( ),思考靠( )。 (2)做事情要用( )又用( )。这样才能 ( )。 (三)词语搭配: (1)认真地劳动(2)一双手指 辛勤地双手一根手表 勤劳的头脑一只小手 聪明的思考一块手套 3、夏天 初(chū)夏,石榴(liú)花开了。远看,那红色的花朵像一簇(cù)火焰(yàn)。近看,一朵朵石榴(liú)花像一个个小喇叭(lǎba)。


语文一年级下册试题阅读训练专项训练带答案解析 一、部编版一年级下册语文课外阅读理解 1.我会读短文,按要求答题。 太阳和彩虹 ①刚下过雨,太阳出来了,天上出现了一道七色彩虹,人们都赞美彩虹美丽。彩虹听见了,就骄傲起来,说自己比太阳还美丽。 ②太阳对彩虹说:“你美丽,这是真的。不过,要是没有我,也没有你。”彩虹不相信,反而更加骄傲了。 ③太阳摇摇头,躲进云里去了,彩虹立刻消失了。 (1)短文共有________个自然段,第①自然段有________句话。 (2)“你美丽,这是真的。不过,要是没有我,也没有你。”这句话中的“你”指的是________,“我”指的是________。(填序号) ①太阳②云③彩虹④雨 (3)彩虹不见了,是因为________(填序号) ①彩虹到别的地方去了。 ②人们都赞美彩虹。 ③太阳躲进云里去了。 解析:(1)3;2 (2)③;① (3)③ 【解析】 2.阅读下文,回答问题。 小松鼠,修仓库,一(颗棵)松子儿修一处。挖个坑儿,盖点土,修了多少没记数。想吃松子儿找不到,春天来了怪事出。 一(坐座)仓库一(颗棵)苗,山坡长满小松树。 (1)选择括号内正确的字。 一________(颗棵)松子一________(坐座)仓库 一________(颗棵)苗 (2)想一想,小松鼠埋松子的季节应该是________季,找松子的季节应该是________季。(3)山坡上的小松树是哪里来的? 解析:(1)颗;座;棵 (2)秋;冬 (3)山坡上的小松树是小松鼠秋天埋下的松子长出来的。 【解析】 3.课外阅读 我问大自然 请你告诉我,大自然,我怎样才能同你交谈? 我问过小河,可是,派出去的纸船都已沉没(méi mò)。 我问过大山,可是,大山又送回我的呼喊。

Generation Gap-代沟(大学英语作文)

Generation Gap-代沟 大学英语作文 The generation gap refers to the difference in attitude toward thing or the lack of understanding between young people and older folks. In families as well as in society, the young and the older may not agree with each other on this and that from time to time. Young people would llke to make as much money as they could and spend as much money as they could earn while older folks are easily satisfied with what they earn and save as much as possible. Young people llke the exciting and deafening pop music while older folks prefer melodious folk-songs or classic music. A boy and a glrl today may fall in love with each other as quick as lightning, while their parents or grand parents might trudge over a long distance before they kissed each other and became lovers when they were young. However, we should not be amazed at the generation gap,for it is quite natural in the development of society. The world is a changing world, in which everything keeps changing, generations of human beings included. And changes lead to progress.


语文一年级试题∶阅读训练(经典版)带答案解析 一、部编版一年级下册语文课外阅读理解 1.读儿歌,完成练习。 春天到了 春天到,春天到,花儿露出了笑脸(liǎn niǎn),小草伸长(cháng zhǎng)了腰。 春天到,春天到,燕子搭新窝,喜鹊喳喳叫。 (1)为划线字选择正确的读音。 笑脸________(liǎn niǎn)伸长________(cháng zhǎng) (2)“花儿露出了笑脸”指________。(①花开了;②花笑了) “小草伸长了腰”指________。(①小草刚睡醒;②小草长高了) (3)儿歌中的燕子,喜鹊在春天里忙着做什么呢?选一选。(填序号) ①搭新窝②喳喳叫 在________,在________。 解析:(1)liǎn;cháng (2)①;② (3)①;② 【解析】 2.阅读短文,完成填空,没学过的字写拼音。 世界多美呀 母鸡蹲(dūn)着孵(fū)小鸡,一蹲蹲了许多天。蛋壳里的小鸡先是睡着的,后来它醒了,看见四周黄乎乎的。小鸡想:整个世界都是黄色的呀! 小鸡用小尖嘴啄蛋壳儿。它啄呀啄呀,啄了很久才啄出一个小小的洞眼。它看见天空蓝湛(zhàn)湛的,树木绿茵茵的,小河是碧澄(chénɡ)澄的。 原来世界(shìjiè)这么美丽呀!小鸡可高兴了。它用翅膀一撑就把蛋壳儿撑破了。它叽叽叽地叫着,慢慢站了起来。 叽叽,叽叽,小鸡是在说:世界多美呀——蓝湛湛的,绿茵茵的,碧澄澄的。 (1)全文共________段,写出文中表示颜色的词________。 (2)照样子从文中找出词语。 黄乎乎、________、________、________ (3)小鸡是怎样诞生的? 解析:(1)4;黄乎乎、黄色、蓝湛湛、绿茵茵、碧澄澄 (2)蓝湛湛;绿茵茵;碧澄澄 (3)小鸡用小尖嘴啄蛋壳儿。它啄呀啄呀,啄了很久才啄出一个小小的洞眼。 【解析】 3.小阅读 晨对暮,

英语作文generation gap

Generation gap Nowadays, the problems of generation gap become more and more serious. The poor relationship between parents and their children is very common. Are these problems caused by the busy parents? Or, do the family rules affect the relationship between parents and children? Firstly, in most of the families in China both of the parents have to go out for work in order to earn more money to provide better environment for their lovely children. Unfortunately, this causes the rare communication between them and their children, since these parents always take rest during leisure time. These parents and children cannot know deeply about each other and friction will appear. Secondly, parents who ask their children to be absolutely obedient is also one of the grave causes of the generation gap between them! They do not try to communicate with their children as their equals. Thus, misinterpretation of them may easily occur. To solve these problems, the busy parents should sacrifice their spare time to communicate with their children actively and friendly to improve their relation. At the same time, they can also observe their children's behavior at the same time in order to understand heir children's personality as it can reduce the quarrel between them. Besides that, the


一年级阅读题 阅读方法:1、读短文3遍。2、用序号标段。3、认真读题弄懂题意再做题。4、检查。 建议:孩子每周独立完成2个阅读,对孩子不会认的字家长可以 提示,但不要读题。 1、大自然的邮票 春天的树上,长出嫩(nèn)嫩的芽瓣(bàn)。夏天的树上,挂满肥(féi)肥的叶片。秋天的树上,树叶涂(tú)满鲜(xiān)红与金黄。冬天的树下,树叶落地化成土壤(ráng)。落叶就是大自然的邮(yóu)票(piào),把一年四季寄(jì)给您,寄(jì)给我,寄(jì)给大家。 (1) 这一段话共有( )句; (2) 填空: a、一年有( ) 、( ) 、( ) 、( ) 四个季节。 b、春天的树上,芽瓣就是 ( ) ;夏天的树上,叶片就是( ) ;秋天的树叶颜色有( ) 与( ) ;冬天的树下,满地就是( ) 。 c、大自然的邮票指( )。 2、人有两件宝 人有两件宝,双手与大脑(nǎo)。双手会做工,大脑(nǎo)会思考。

用手不用脑(nǎo),事情做不好。用脑(nǎo)不用手,啥(shá)也做不好。用手又用脑,才能有创造。一切创造靠(kào)劳动,劳动要用手与脑。 (一)这就是一首儿歌,一共有( )句话。 (二)填空: (1)人有两件宝就是指( ) 与( ) 。 做工靠( ) ,思考靠( ) 。 (2)做事情要用( ) 又用( ) 。这样才能 ( ) 。 (三)词语搭配: (1)认真地劳动(2)一双手指 辛勤地双手一根手表 勤劳的头脑一只小手 聪明的思考一块手套 3、夏天 初(chū)夏,石榴(liú)花开了。远瞧,那红色的花朵像一簇(cù)火焰(yàn)。近瞧,一朵朵石榴(liú)花像一个个小喇叭(lǎba)。 淡(dàn)淡黄色的花蕊(ruǐ)在风中摇动,就像一群仙女在翩翩(piān)起qǐ舞(wǔ)。 1、这段话共有( )句。 2、用横线划出第2、3两个句子。


一年级语文阅读分析题 一年级语文阅读分析练习题一 一 春天,阳光灿烂,田野里百花盛开。白的梨花,粉红的桃花,还有金黄的油菜花,散 发出一阵阵浓浓的香味。 1、短文共有____________句话,写的是____________季的的景象。 2、春天有灿烂的_________;田野里______________,散发出浓浓的__________。 3、用“—”画出文中表示颜色的词。 4、春天,____________、____________、____________都开花了。除了这些,还有 许多春天开的花,它们是____________________________________。 二 我家院子里有一棵古老而又高又大的枣树。春天,枣树上开满了浅黄色的枣花。夏天,花落了,枣树上结满了小青枣。到了秋天,小青枣慢慢地变红了,变成了红红的大枣。这时,树上好像挂满了圆圆的小灯笼。 1、读短文,找出合适的词填在括号里。 的枣树的枣花 的大枣的小灯笼 2、文中“小灯笼”指的是________________________。 3、想想枣树在不同季节的变化,再填空。 春天,枣树上____________________________________。 夏天,枣树上____________________________________。 秋天,枣树上____________________________________。 三 小鸡们跟着老母鸡跑,就像许多小球在地上滚一样。它们跟着妈妈学着找食物,小小 的嘴到处啄zhuó,有时,就在伙伴们的头上、腿上啄。冷了,老母鸡张开翅膀,那些小鸡就连忙躲到妈妈肚子底下暖和暖和。这些小鸡真可爱。 1、这篇短文共有句话。

英语作文代沟 Generation Gap

Generation Gap No one could have failed to notice that the relationship between parents and children has been a vital public topic https://www.doczj.com/doc/872945087.html,ck of understanding,parents and kids cannot exchange ideas with each other freely sometimes.we called this situation generation gap. Why generation gap exists ?Firstly,in my view,differing from parents,children easily face diverse and various information,they are likely to do things on their own.But parents always think they are not right.So conflict and generation gap occur.Secondly,parents and children are born in different time,and they are grow up in nearly two worlds.Thus,generation gap naturally becomes the obstacle between parents and kids due to time. As far as I am concerned,it is possible that we can build a bridge between parents and kids to span the generation gap.To start with,frequent communication is very important.Maybe the conflict will disappear while they are talk with each other.Additionally,parents could look some similar interest with kids.If kids feel parents like their friends,the gap may be vanished. Everyone knows without the slightest doubt that love is necessary,so let us communicate with your parents or kids more and more for having a better understanding instead of generation gap.


部编语文阅读理解专项习题及答案解析 一、一年级语文上册阅读理解练习 1.读课文,完成练习。 (1)小动物的脚印像什么?请连一连。 (2)照样子,写一写。 例:小狗的脚印像梅花。 ① 梧桐树叶像________。 ② 大象的耳朵像________。 (3)青蛙为什么没有参加?() A. 冬眠 B. 没时间 (4)下列哪些动物肯定也没参加?( )(多选) A. 蛇 B. 乌龟 C. 鹅 D. 羊 【答案】(1) (2)手掌;扇子 (3)A (4)A,B 【考点】课文内容理解 【解析】 2.读短文,完成下面练习。金色的秋天 秋风阵阵吹,白云朵朵飘。天气一天天凉了。 一片片树叶在风中飞舞,好像一只只美丽的蝴蝶。有红的,有黄的,还有半黄半绿的。它们飞呀,飘哇,纷纷向树妈妈告别。 (1)短文有________段。 (2)树叶像什么? (3)树叶都有什么颜色的?

(4)树叶向树妈妈告别会说些什么呢?请你写一写,不会的字可以用拼音。 【答案】(1)2 (2)一片片树叶在风中飞舞,好像一只只美丽的蝴蝶。 (3)有红的,有黄的,还有半黄半绿的。 (4)略 【考点】语段阅读 【解析】 3.写一写。 春天来了,小草儿们慢慢地染绿了大地,柳枝上长出了嫩嫩的绿叶。蓝天上飘浮着淡淡的白云,红红的太阳撒下温暖的阳光。远处一片片野花儿都开了,美丽的蝴蝶在花丛中飞来飞去。春天真美啊!我爱春天。 (1)短文共有________句话,主要是写________(季节)的景色。 (2)短文中写了小草、树枝、________、________、________等,可以看出春天的。【答案】(1)5;春季 (2)阳光;野花儿;蝴蝶 【考点】语段阅读,画 【解析】【分析】这类题目是考查学生的课外阅读理解能力。根据内容,短文一共5句话,主要写了春季的景色。短文写了小草、树枝、阳光、野花儿、蝴蝶等可以看出春天的景物。 【点评】考查学生的课外阅读理解能力,对学生的能力是一定的提升。 4.语段阅读。 江南水乡景色美,有潺潺的流水,美丽的荷花,绿色的荷叶。看水中的鱼儿一会儿在嬉戏,一会儿在吐泡泡,一会儿在摆尾……他们真可爱! (1)这首儿歌共________句话。 (2)江南水乡有________、________、________、________等四种景物。 【答案】(1)2 (2)流水;荷花;荷叶;鱼儿 【考点】语段阅读,江南 【解析】【分析】这类题目是考查学生的课外阅读理解能力。数一数可以发现,这首儿歌共2句话,从歌曲中也可以读出,江南水乡有流水、荷花、荷叶、鱼儿等四种景物。 【点评】考查学生的课外阅读理解能力,对学生的能力是一定的提升。 5.读课文《画》,完成练习。 远看有色,近听无声。 春花还在,人鸟不惊。 (1)在诗中田字格里写出正确的字,把诗句补充完整。 (2)诗中主要写了________、________、________、________四种景物。

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