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2009年考研西医综合 大纲

2009年中医综合考研大纲 I.考查目标 中医综合考试范围为中医基础理论、中医诊断学、中药学、方剂学、中医内科学、针灸六部分。要求考生比较系统地理解和掌握中医药学的基本理论知识,理论联系实际;能够运用中医学的理、法、方、药,对临床常见病证进行辨证论治,有较好的分析和解决问题的能力,以适应攻读中医药学各专业硕士学位课程之需要。 本考试旨在三个层次上测试考生对中医药学基本理论知识掌握的程度和运用能力。三个层次的基本要求分别为: 1.熟悉记忆:根据试题,要求考生联想所熟悉、记忆的有关中医药学基础理论、诊法辨证、常用药物和方剂的效用特点、配伍运用,以及临床常见病证的辨证论治规律等知识,运用科学、明晰的中医学术语,准确地表述其概念和基本原理。 2.分析判断:运用中医药学的基本理论和方法,分析、解释疾病发生、发展及诊治的机理,并对不同的药物、方剂和病证进行鉴别与判断。 3.综合运用:通过对所学中医药学基本理论和方法的综合运用,能阐释有关的理论问题,并对临床常见疾病进行正确的辨证诊断、立法、处方用药及调护。 Ⅱ.考试形式和试卷结构

一、试卷满分及考试时间 本试卷满分为300分,考试时间为180分钟 二、答题方式 答题方式为闭卷、笔试。 三、试卷内容结构 中医基础理论30题 中医诊断学30题 中药学30题 方剂学30题 中医内科学35题 针灸学 25题 四、试卷题型结构 A型题 80小题,每小题1.5分,共120分B型题 40小题,每小题1.5分,共60分X型题 60小题,每小题2分,共120分 Ⅲ.考查范围 一、中医基础理论(一)绪论 1.中医学和中医基础理论的基本概念。


2021考研英语新题型:熟词生义解析(2) 考研英语有许多题目组成,方便大家及时了解,下面为你精心准备了“2021考研英语新题型:熟词生义解析(2)”,持续关注本站将可以持续获取的考试资讯! 2021考研英语新题型:熟词生义解析(2) He visited the casino, lost the $20 and left. On his second visit he lost $800. The casino issued to him, as a good customer, a "Fun Card", which when used in the casino earns points for meals and drinks, and enables the casino to track the user’s gambling activities. For Williams, those activities become what he calls "electronic heroin".(2006,英语一) Issue 的词意较多,常见意思为“发布,发行”,issue 在本句中,译为发布,和一张娱乐卡和赌场这个场所搭配使用,不符合语境和措辞。本句中,issue熟词生义为“发给,供给”,本句句意为“威廉姆作为一名经常光顾的消费者,赌场发给威廉姆一张娱乐卡,此卡可以让威廉姆在赌场积攒积分,换取食物和饮料,同时,赌场也可以用娱乐卡追踪用户的赌博活动。 [F] For example, wholesale food and drink sales come to $268 billion in France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and the United Kingdom in 2000-more than 40 percent of retail sales. Moreover, average overall margins are higher in wholesale than in retail wholesale demand from the food service sector

考研英语二完形填空 试卷14

考研英语二(完形填空)-试卷14 (总分:120.00,做题时间:90分钟) 一、 Use of English(总题数:3,分数:120.00) 1.Section I Use of EnglishDirections: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D.(分数:40.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 解析: A candlelit dinner works wonders for romance. Now scientists say it could also be good for your heart. Breathing in candle smoke causes beneficial【C1】______in your heart rhythm, they claim. It is thought that tiny salt particles released when the candle burns are【C2】______the effect The researchers monitored the hearts of 13 men and women as they breathed in air【C3】______into a small chamber. In some【C4】______the air included smoke from candles in a second room. The volunteers didn know which type of air they were breathing, but when it included candle smoke, their heart rate variability【C5】______. Everyones heart rate varies【C6】______all the time, beating a little bit faster when we breathe in than when we breathe out This is perfectly healthy and a sign that the brain is【C7】______and able to regulate the heart But this variation【C8】______as we get older and if we【C9】______heart problems. In the study, it was increased by【C10】______candle smoke. Researcher Christina Isaxon said the concentration of smoke【C11】______during the study was similar to that created by a candlelit dinner. As the volunteers could not see the candles and weren told what they were breathing, the effect could not be explained【C12】______by the calming effect of candlelight. Dr Isaxon believed that tiny particles of the candle smoke could be responsible for the beneficial effects. These particles are【C13】______regulating the hearts rhythm and in sending messages between cells in the body. More salts are produced when a【C14】______is still. The study did not find any【C15】______health effects of the smoke—【C16】______she admitted she did not make a huge effort to find any. Soot, black powder in the smoke, from lit candles has been【C17】______health problems in the past. The American Chemical Society has warned that common wax candles release【C18】______harmful chemicals linked to cancer and other illnessea It recommends using beeswax. Dr Isaxon used candles made of a natural fat in her study. She recommended using candles that are as natural as possible and avoiding【C19】______and dyes as they may give off【C20】______chemicals when burned.(分数:40.00) (1).【C1】(分数:2.00) A.supports B.changes √ C.drives D.spirits 解析:解析:前一句说到烛光晚餐对心脏也有好处,可判断,吸人蜡烛燃烧产生的烟雾能给人们的心率带来有利的影响。B项changes“变化”代入后,搭配beneficial表明烛光晚餐可“改善”心率,呼应下文出现的“心率变异性会增高”的结论。 (2).【C2】(分数:2.00) A.behind √ B.to


1.主旨题 (考察理解文中具体信息和概念性的含义的能力) ?识别:题干中出现:subject,summary,topic,title等表达方式的为主题句?实质:对论点和论题提问 ?解题方法: 寻找主题句,主题句通常出现在文章首段首句,或出现在文章开头的转折处或文章开头结束处 主题句特征:主体句通常是一个概括总结性的结论或者判断 寻找主题词:主题句首段末段或全文中多次出现 解题原则:正确选项不能描述太细节,不能包含无依据的信息,应该包含主题词或同义替换词 优先考虑议论文的标题 2.例子证明题(主要考察区分论点和论据的能力) ?识别:题干中出现example,case,illustrate等词 ?解题思路:例子为观点和结论服务,寻找到例子对应观点和结论,通常往上或往下寻找 ?错误选项特征:就事论事,自我总结 ? 3.推理题 ?识别:题干中出现infer,learn,conclude等词 ?分类 a.细节性的推理题(题干中包含具体的定位信息) 理解文中具体信息和概念性的含义的能力 b.段落性的推理题(题干中包含具体段落) 理解文中单句之间,段落之间关系的能力,进行有关的判断,推断和引申的能力 c.全文性的推理题(题干中包含主体词或无定位信息) 理解文章总体结构的能力 ?常考出题点:段落首末段,主题句,观点句,转折处,强调或递进关系的地方

?实质和解题原则:考研推理题本质上还是一种同义改写,推理通常为正反推理和归纳总结 解题原则重在推理原文依据,特别关注转折,选择答案方面,主体大于细节,观点大于论据(意思就是选择原文中对应的总结性句子,而不是论据) 4.细节题:题干中不包含提起题型特征的题为细节题 (考察理解稳重的具体信息和概念性的能力,理解文章的总体解雇以及单句之间,段落之间的关系能力) ?事实识别:问题中出现文章相关的具体信息,可以用相对明显的本文词汇定位 ?因果关系:问题中除了有相对具体的定位信息词外,还有表示因果关系的词汇,要重点把握 ?观点识别:与观点结论有关,通常有suggest,found等引导的宾语从句 ?which题型:问题中没有具体的定位词只出现which提问 解题思路: a.识别题型 b.定位:寻找题干定位词(具体的定位词,因果词,观点词,比较词,原文词汇的替换词)与包含定位词的句子 c.读取: ?分析线索句主干与其他各项的对比(表达方式不同,意思最为接近的为正确选项) ?必要时需要分析线索句的上一句和下一句(支持句) ?当线索句为段落首末段时,支持句为段落的其他句子 d.注意事项:顺序原则(出题顺序和行文顺序基本一致)段落原则(一个段落通常只出现一个细节题,细节题通常不跨段(除非段落间存在指代或明显的逻辑关系) 5.词汇题 (考察上下文推测词义的能力) a.识别:要求对题干中的某个单词,词组或句子的含义进行推测 b.实质:通过上下文确定单词含义 c.解题流程: ?返回原文确定题干位置 ?根据上下文推测含义 ?代入原文,确定答案


2017西医综合考研:生理学要点归纳 第一章绪论 考纲没有变化,重点考察的就是正负反馈调节.自身调节的区别以及相对应的例子.正反馈起加强控制信息的作用,而负反馈起纠正减弱控制信息的作用 ,必须记清楚这些代表性的例子,尤其是正反馈和自身调节的例子.还要注意联系后面章节区分哪些是正反馈哪些是负反馈,举例说明如血液凝固过程.分娩过程. 排尿排便反射等这些都是正反馈,再如减压反射.肺牵张反射.甲亢时 TSH 分泌减少等都是负反馈,同学们应总结出一些例子,在解题时往往起到关键作用.另外需要注意的是在有些生理过程中,既无闭合回路又无调定点的不属于反馈调节。 第二章细胞的基本功能 这一章比较重点,每年都会有本章的考题,大的重点就是物质的交换和动作电位。这将会涉及到今后各个章节的学习,同学们必须深入的理解加以牢固记忆。几种物质的跨膜转运方式如果比较起来记忆在解题时更容易区分。静息电位和动作电位的产生机制要理解去记忆。还需要注意的是一些局部电位的例子,如微终板电位?终板电位?EPSP? IPSP等都是局部电位,同时大家还需要搞清楚的就是局部电位和局部电流的区别,局部电位是指没有达到动作电位水平,而局部电流则是指动作电位的传播方式,要注意区分二者。 第三章血液 主要是对血液成份及功能做了介绍,对今后血液学和呼吸系统做的基础。血量为全身血液的总量,成年人血量占总体重的7%-8%。血浆渗透压包括晶体渗透压和胶体渗透压,注意二者的区别,另外渗透压的高低与溶质的颗粒数成正比,而与颗粒种类及颗粒大小无关,因此血浆渗透压主要是由晶体渗透压决定。要重点注意生理性止血为常考点,其过程包括血管收缩?血小板止血栓形成和血液凝固三个过程。纤维蛋白在纤维蛋白溶解酶的作用下被降解液化的过程为纤维蛋白溶解。生理止血过程中,凝血块形成的血栓会堵塞血管,出血停止血管创伤愈合后,构成血栓的纤维蛋白会被逐渐降解液化,使被堵塞的血管重新畅通。 第四章血液循环 重点内容还是心肌细胞的生物电以及血压调节等部分,本章是生理学的一个大的重点章节,内容繁多,需要全面理解掌握。注意比较心室肌细胞和窦房结细胞动作电位的产生机制,心肌电生理特性这块需记忆:自律细胞的特点是4期自动去极化,窦房结能成为心脏正常起搏点的原因是4期自动去极化速度快,窦房结起搏细胞动作电位的特点是4期自动去极化,心肌不会产生强直收缩的原因是心肌细胞的有效不应期特别长,心室肌细胞动作电位的特点是0期去极化速度快、幅度高、有平台期、有超辐射,房室延搁的生理意义是避免房室的收缩重叠,窦房结自律性?高,心室肌细胞收缩力?强,浦肯野纤维传到速度?快,房室交接处


2018考研英语一、二新题型及完型深度 解析 各位参加2015年考研考试的亲爱学子大家好,这次考试英语顺利的落下了帷幕,大家特别关心今年新题型和完形填空,我用一点时间讲讲新题型和完形填空的情况。 {C}一、{C}新题型考察简单 {C}1、{C}英语一:段落句子填空题 首先完形填空新题型纯粹是波澜不惊,他基本上保持了考研英语命题稳健的基本优点。今年在考试过程中,我们说不管是英语一还是英语二的题型,基本上让广大的考生考出自己的水平。 另外,今年的题型比较简单。比如说在2014年初考试的时候,英语一的新题型考到了培训,而这次新题型考的是常见的段落句子填空题。 这篇文章出题风格和往年不一样,往年往往是五个独立段落,或者是在某一段的最后一段出一道题,比如说42题、43题,都是在我们的段尾出题,但是41、44、45都是段落中间出的题,这一点在降低难度,而不是在提高难度。 这篇文章注意一下来自于马丁所著的一本书《阅读的方法》讲的是高级阅读技巧,这本书的第一单元就是这个。 以下是英语一新题型参考答案: 41题正确答案选的是C。非常简单,只要找到这篇文章只要对一下就全出来了。这里我们说最主要的是这句话,对于这句话我们41题选择的是C,在这里这个词它也可以对应后面的句子。 42题是E。你可以做进一步的推理,关于这个课文的重要。我们之所以选择E,因为E 空前的两句都重复了“推理”这样的字眼。还有E段的最后也提出了读者的推测。所以选择E。 43题是G。这个考点和去年的考点差不多。 44题是B。B选项的意思是因素。 45题是A。A具体描述了许多不同的阅读路径和方式,这是对45空前后的细化。 2、英语二:小标题题 对于英语二的新题型这次考的小标题题,这一点老师们和同学民都预测到了,而今天考的小标题题又是简单的。 这里说一下英语二的新题型。今年考的是要小标题题,这篇文章选自外国网站上的文章。他讲的是能够帮助你渡过困难时刻的一些古老的秘诀,能够帮助你渡过人生比较困难的时刻。 对于这篇文章相对来说比较简单,我们找到了这篇文章在网站上的出处,你会发现我们的命题人越来越中规中矩。我们知道命题人在很大的程度上要和全国160万的考生斗智斗勇,他不能有太多的把柄和错误被广大的考生抓住,所以你会发现今年的这篇文章在报刊上


考研英语完型填空练习题及答案(五)Geography is the study of the relationship between people and the land.Geographers compare and contrast 1 places on earth. But they also 2 beyond theindividual places and consider the earth as a 3 . The word Geography 4 from twoGreek words, ge, the Greek word for “earth”andgraphein, 5 means “ to write”. The English word geography means “to describe theearth”. 6 geography books 7 on a small area like a town or city. Otherdeal with a state, a region, a nation, or an 8 continent. Many geography booksdeal with the whole earth. Another 9 to divide the study of 10 is to distinguishbetween physical geography and 11 geography. The former focus on the naturalworld; the 12 starts with human beings and studies 13 human being and theirenvironment act 14 each other. 15 when geography is considered as a singlesubject, 16 branch can neglect the other. A geographer might be described 17 one who observes, records, andexplains the 18 between places. If places were alike, there would be littleneed for geographer. We know, 19 ,that no two places are exactly the same. Geography, 20,is a point of view, a special way of looking at places. 1. A. similarB. distantC. variousD. famous 2. A. passB. go C. reachD. get 3. A. wholeB. untilC. part D. total


全国硕士研究生入学统一考试 西医综合一考试大纲 I 考查目标 目的是科学、公平、有效地测试考生是否具备攻读学术型临床医学或基础医学专业硕士研究生所必须的基本素质、一般能力和培养潜能,以利于选拔具有发展潜力的优秀人才入学,为国家的经济建设培养具有较强分析与解决实际问题能力的高层次、应用型、复合型的医学专业人才。 考试范围为生理学、生物化学与分子生物学、病理学、诊断学和外科学总论。要求考生系统掌握上述医学学科中的基本理论、基本知识和基本技能,能够运用所学的基本理论、基本知识和基本技能综合分析、判断和解决有关理论问题和实际问题,同时适当了解一些本学科的新理论、新进展。 II 考试形式和试卷结构 一、试卷满分及考试时间 试卷满分为300分,考试时间180分钟。 二、答题方式 闭卷、笔试。 三、试卷内容与题型结构 基础医学约60%(其中生理学约20%;生物化学与分子生物学约20%;病理学约20%) 临床医学约40%(其中诊断学约30%;外科学总论约10%) 四、试卷题型结构 A型题第1-60小题,每小题1分,共60分;第61-140小题,每小题1.5分,共120分; X型题第141-200小题,每小题2分,共120分 III 考查内容 一、生理学 (一)绪论 生理学的概念,研究对象,任务和研究的三个水平;生命的基本特征,兴奋、抑制和兴奋性等概念,机体的内环境和稳态,生理功能的调节,体内的控制系统。 (二)细胞的基本功能

细胞膜的基本结构和物质转运功能,跨膜信号转导的概念、主要方式,细胞的生物电现象,细胞生物电产生的机制,兴奋的传导及传递,神经—肌接头的兴奋传递,骨骼肌的兴奋—收缩耦联及肌丝滑行理论。肌肉收缩的外部表现和力学分析。 (三)血液 血液的基本组成和血量,血浆的化学成分,血液的理化特性,血细胞及其功能,生理性止血,血型与输血原则。 (四)血液循环 心脏的泵血功能、评定、调节(影响心输出量的因素)和储备,心音产生的原理、第一心音和第二心音的特征,心脏的生物电活动。各类血管的功能特点,决定血流量的各种因素,以及它们之间的相互关系。动脉血压的形成原理、影响因素。影响静脉回心血量的因素及测定中心静脉压的临床意义。微循环的组成及其通路。组织液生成的原理及影响因素,淋巴液的生成和回流及影响因素。心血管活动的神经、体液调节,器官循环的生理特点。 (五)呼吸 呼吸的三个环节,肺通气的原理及有关概念,胸内负压的成因及其生理意义。肺换气的动力、过程及影响因素,气体在血液中的运输方式,氧离曲线的定义和影响因素。呼吸节律的形成,呼吸运动的神经调节及化学因素的调节。 (六)消化和吸收 消化和吸收的概念,消化道平滑肌的一般生理特征和电生理特性。消化液分泌的步骤和主要生理作用,消化道的神经支配,胃肠内分泌细胞和胃肠激素的生理作用。唾液的成分、作用及分泌调节,咀嚼和吞咽。胃液的性质、成份、生理作用及分泌的调节。胃运动的主要形式、作用和调节,胃排空及其控制。胰液、胆汁的成分、作用及其分泌的调节。小肠液的作用和分泌的调节。小肠的运动形式。回盲括约肌的功能。大肠内消化。营养物质的吸收,胃肠道吸收营养物质的机制和途径,糖、脂肪和蛋白质的吸收过程。 (七)能量代谢和体温 机体的能量来源、释放、转移、贮存和利用之间的关系,能量代谢测定的方法和原理。影响能量代谢的因素,基础代谢。体温的概念及正常体温的波动,产热和散热过程,体温相对稳定的机理。 (八)尿的生成和排出 排泄的概念和途径。肾脏结构的特征,肾血流的调节。肾脏的泌尿功能和内分泌功能。肾小球的滤过功能及影响因素。肾小管和集合管的重吸收功能及影响因素,肾小管和集合管的分泌和排泄功能,尿液浓缩和稀释,肾脏泌尿功能的调节。血浆清除率的概念、测定方法及其生理意义。尿的排放过程。 (九)感觉器官的功能 感受器和感觉器官的定义、分类和一般生理特征。眼折光系统的折光原理,简约眼的概


2010 Copying Birds May Save Aircraft Fuel Both Boeing and Airbus have trumpeted the efficiency of their newest aircraft. The 787 and 350 respectively . Their clever designs and lightweight composites certainly make a difference . But a group of researchers at Stanford University , led by Ilan Kroo , has suggested that airlines could take a more naturalistic approach to cutting jet-fuel use and it would not require them to buy new aircraft. The answer, says Dr Kroo , lies with birds . Since 1914, scientists have known that birds flying in formation-a V-shape-expend less energy. The air flowing over a bird ’w sings curls upwards behind the wingtips . a phenomenon known as upwash. Other birds flying in the upwash experience reduced drag, and spend less energy propelling themselves . Peter Lissaman, an aeronautics expert who was formerly at Caltech and the University of Southern California ,has suggested that a formation of 25 birds might enjoy a range increase of 71%. When applied to aircraft, the principles are not substantially different . Dr Kroo and his team modeled what would happen if three passenger jets departing from Los Angeles, San Francisco and I as Vegas were to assemble over Utah, assume an inverted V-formation occasionally change places so all could have a turn in the most favourable positions , and proceed to London. They found that the aircraft consumed as much as 15% less fuel (coupled with a reduction in carbon-dioxide output). Nitrogen-oxide emissions during the cruising portions of the flight fell by around a quarter. There are , of course , knots to be worked out . One consideration is safety , or at least the perception of it . Would passengers feel comfortable travelling in companion? Dr Kroo points out that the aircraft could be separated by several nautical miles , and would not be in the intimate groupings favoured by display teams like the Red Arrows , A passenger peering out of the window might not even see the other planes. Whether the separation distances involved would satisfy air-traffic-control regulations is another matter, although a working group at the International Civil Aviation Organisation has included the possibility of formation flying in a blueprint for new operational guidelines. It remains to be seen how weather conditions affect the air flows that make formation flight more efficient. In zones of increased turbulence, the planes ’wakes will decay more quickly and the effect will diminish. Dr Kroo says this is one of the areas his team will investigate further. It might also be hard for airlines to co-ordinate the departure times and destinations of passenger aircraft in a way that would allow them to gain from formation flight. Cargo aircraft, in contrast, might be easier to reschedule, as might routine military flight. As it happens, America ’asrmed forces are on the on case already. Earlier this year the country ’D sefence Advanced Research Projects Agency announced plans to pay Boeing to investigate formation flight, though the programme has yet to begin . There are reports that some


考研英语二(完形填空)-试卷44 (总分:120.00,做题时间:90分钟) 一、 Use of English(总题数:3,分数:120.00) 1.Section I Use of EnglishDirections: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D.(分数:40.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 解析: In interviews, famous people often say that the key to becoming both happy and successful is to "do what you love." But mastering a skill,【C1】______one that you deeply love, requires a huge 【C2】______of dull practice. Any challenging activity requires【C3】______and concentrated practice. Anyone who wants to master a skill must【C4】______through the cycle of practice, critical feedback, modification, and progressive improvement again, again, and again. Some people seem able to【C5】______practicing an activity like this for years and take【C6】______in their gradual improvement.【C7】______others find this kind of concentrated, time-intensive work to be【C8】______or boring. Why? The difference may turn on the ability to enter into a state of "flow," the feeling of being completely【C9】______what you are doing. A flow state is a special experience. Flow states can happen in the【C10】______of any activity, and they are most common when a task has well-defined goals and is at an appropriate skill level, and where the individual is able to adjust their performance【C11】______clear and immediate feedback. Flow states turn the dull practice into an autotelic activity—that is, one that can be enjoyed for its own sake, rather than as a【C12】______to an end or for attaining some external reward. That raises the question of how we can turn this to our【C13】______: How can we get into a flow state for an activity that we want to master, so that we enjoy both the process of【C14】______skills and the rewards of being a master? Psychologists suggested that those who most readily entered into flow states had an "autotelic personality". For those who aren"t necessarily【C15】______with an autotelic personality, there is evidence that flow states can be【C16】______by environmental factors. While there isn"t yet a pill that can turn dull practice into a【C17】______activity for anyone, it is encouraging that we seem, at least to some degree, to be able to push ourselves toward flow states【C18】______we are given unstructured, open-ended time,【C19】______distractions, and a task set at a【C20】______level of difficulty.(分数:40.00) (1).【C1】(分数:2.00) A.especially B.even √ C.only D.just 解析:解析:句子指出“掌握一门技能需要枯燥练习”。空格后one则指代a skill,结合one thatyou deeply love的语义,推断所需副词旨在强调任何一门技能都遵循着这样的规律。B项even“甚至,即使”可加强语气,能体现句首表转折的But和句子逻辑。 (2).【C2】(分数:2.00) A.part B.variety C.amount √ D.field 解析:解析:所需名词处于a huge…of的表达中,修饰dull practice。参照“熟能生巧”的逻辑,可以推测掌握一门技能需要大量的练习,故C项amount“大量”正确。 (3).【C3】(分数:2.00) A.focused √

2017考研英语一阅读理解Text 4真题及答案解析

Text 4 In a rare unanimous ruling, the US Supreme Court has overturned the corruption?conviction of a former Virginia governor, Robert McDonnell.?But it did so while holding its nose at the ethics of his conduct, which included accepting gifts such as a Rolex watch and a Ferrari automobile from a company seeking access to government. The high court’s decision said the judge in Mr. McDonnell’s trial failed to tell a jury that it must look only at his “official acts,”or the former governor’s decisions on “specific”and “unsettled”issues related to his duties. Merely helping a gift-giver gain access to other officials, unless done with clear intent to pressure those officials, is not corruption, the justices found. The court did suggest that accepting favors in return for opening doors is “distasteful”and “nasty.”But under anti-bribery laws, proof must be made of concrete benefits, such as approval of a contract or regulation. Simply arranging a meeting, making a phone call, or hosting an event is not an “official act”. The court’s ruling is legally sound in defining a kind of favoritism that is not criminal. Elected leaders must be allowed to help supporters deal with bureaucratic problems without fear of prosecution for bribery.”The basic compact underlying representative government,”wrote Chief Justice John Roberts for the court,”assumes that public officials will hear from their constituents and act on their concerns.” But the ruling reinforces the need for citizens and their elected representatives, not the courts, to ensure equality of access to government. Officials must not be allowed to play favorites in providing information or in arranging meetings simply because an individual or

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