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富兰克林的考试Franklin's TEST

富兰克林的考试Franklin's TEST-洪恩小乌龟学美语动画视频第01集

kira86 于2011-04-06发布l 已有5316人浏览我要评论( 1) | 少儿口语| 【字体:小大】| 我要投稿


01 富兰克林的考试Franklin's TEST

well done

very good, goose

wow, look at those

you're doing great

I won't forget

oh, that's a tough word

I'll get a pen next time

but that's not fair Franklin

are you all right?


Franklin could count by twos and tie his shoes. He had won a blue ribbon for swimming and a trophy for playing soccer. But one day, Franklin won something that maybe he

shouldn’t have.



Well done. All right, you all know how to read our new words. Let’s see how many we can spell. Who would like to go first?

I will go first. Me, me, me… I will do it, it’s easy.

Bear, let's see you give it a try. All right Bear. Spell the word “daisy”.


Hmm. Let me just check…

Hey Bear, you can’t peek like that. That’s cheating.

It is?

Well Bear, we are trying to learn to spell from memory. I'll give you a little hint, the next letter is an “I”.

“I”… Oh, yeah! “D”, “A”, “I”, “S”, “Y”,daisy

Absolutely right, Bear! Well done! Now, who’s next?

Very good, goose!


You’re all doing very well with your spelling! I think you are ready for a test! On Thursday, we’ll see how we ll you know the words we’ve learned over the past few weeks. And for those of you who spell all your words correctly, I have

something special. One of these colorful pens!

Wow! Look at those!

Excuse me, Mr. Owl, but since I’m going to get all the words rig ht anyway, could I have my pen now? I’d like to write the test with it.

I’m sorry Beaver, but you’ll have to write the test first. I’m sure if all of you practice spelling your words, you’ll do very well. Pens or no pens.


F-L-O-W-E-R flower W-I-N-D-O-W window

You’re certainly going to be well prepared for that spelling test tomorrow.

Yeah, Bear and I have been practicing really hard.

They must be very fancy pens to go to all this trouble.

Oh, they are. And I’m going to make sure I know my words so I get one.

I can see one word that’s going to take a little more practice. Where? Which one? Show me.

This one. “pencil” is spelled P-E-N-C-I-L.

That’s only one mistake. You are doing great.

But I don’t want to make any mistakes. I want one of those pens.

The important thing is, you’re learning how to spell.

No Dad, the important thing is spelling every word right.


P-E-N uh E-N-C-I-L

Good. I got it right this time, Sam. Tomorrow, I'll spell it just like that.

But what if I don’t? What if I forget? P-E-N-C-I-L… I know it now. I won't forget.

I know… I'll just put it in here for good luck.


Next… spell “kitchen”. And now we come to the very last word on the test. “pencil”.

Now, when you are finished, don’t forget to put your name at the top of the page.

That was a cinch. I got them all right, I know it. Yeah it was easy.

All correct. Very good! Congratulations and enjoy your pen. You’ve earned it.

I did it, Bear. I got a pen.

Nice going, Franklin. Keep your fingers crossed for me.

So far so good, Bear. Oh, dear, I’ve spotted an error. But you still get something for trying your best. A space sticker.


I came this close to winning a pen. I only had one word wrong. “pencil”.

Oh, that’s a tough word.

I’ll never spell it wrong again, that’s for sure. What’s the matter?

You tried your best, and you’re my friend. I should share my pen with you. Here… you borrow it for a while.

Thanks, but I want to win my own pen. That one’s yours. Don’t worry about me, Franklin. I’ll get a pen next time. Come on, let's have some fun.

Hey! Quit it.


I just had it in my hat for good luck.

But did you look at it during the test?

I peeked at one letter, that’s all.

But that’s not fair, Franklin! That’s cheating.


Hi there, son. Well, how did it go? Your test. The one y ou’ve been preparing for the past three days.

Oh, fine. Mr. Owl said I did a good job. I - I’ve got to put my stuff away.

I have the feeling he didn’t do as well on test as he expected.

I have the very same feeling. And I know how much he wanted one of th ose pens. Maybe it’s time to mind Franklin that the value of a good honest try is worth more than a pen. I’ll come with you.

Franklin. Are you all right?

Uh huh.

You may not have gotten all the words right on your spelling test, but your father and I still think…

I did get them all right.

Oh, very good. So you did get a pen? Well, don’t keep us in suspense. Let’s have a look at it.

There it is.

Why did you put it in the garbage? Is there something you want to tell us, Franklin?

I spelled all the words right because I peeked at this.

It doesn’t fell right winning a pen this way, does it?

No, Bear’s right. I didn’t win it fair and square. I cheated. What should I do?

That’s something you should decide. But I think you know inside what will make you feel better.


Good morning, Franklin.

Hi. Uh… I want to give you something. I'll just put it on your desk.

Uh, just a minute, Franklin. Why are you giving me back your pen?

I had one of the spelling words inside my cap and I look at it during the test.

I see.

I know I shouldn’t have done it. It’s just that I really wanted to win one of those pens. But now I think you should have it back.

Hmm. Sometimes we think too much about rewards and not enough about what it takes to earn them.

Like I thought more about getting the pen than learning how to spell.

Exactly. Tell you what - I’ll hold onto this for a while. After all, there will be more tests.

Thanks, Mr. Owl. Next time, I’ll win it fair and square!


富兰克林名言名句大全,富兰克林的简介资料 1、你热爱生命吗?那么别浪费时间,因为时间是组成生命的材料。——富兰克林名言 2、把别人对你的诋毁放在尘土中,而把别人对你的恩惠刻在大理石上。 3、平庸的人最大缺点是常常觉得自己比别人高明。 4、读书是易事,思索是难事,但两者缺一,便全无用处。 5、失足可以很快弥补,失言却可能永远无法补救。 6、二十岁时支配作用的是意志,三十岁时是机智,四十岁时是判断。 7、懒惰象生锈一样,比操劳更能消耗身体;经常用的钥匙,总是亮闪闪的。 8、如果一个人将钱袋倒进他的脑袋里,就没有人能将它偷走。知识的投资常有最好的利润。 9、心胸开阔:不要为令人不快的区区琐事而心烦意乱,悲观失望。 10、如果有什么需要明天做的事,最好现在就开始。 11、绝望毁掉了一些人,而傲慢则毁掉了许多人。 12、骄傲道德导致丰盈,然后导致贫困,最后导致声誉扫地。 13、没有任何动物比蚂蚁更勤奋,然而它却最沉默寡言。 14、须要注意小额费用。一艘大船的沉没,有时是微的裂口所致。

15、挥霍无度的人,等于将自己的前途抵押了出去。 16、钱财并不属于拥有它的人,而只属于享用它的人。 17、缺少谦虚就是缺少见识。 18、最难抑制的情感是骄傲,尽管你设法掩饰,竭力与之斗争,它仍然存在。即使我敢相信已将它完全克服,我很可能又因自己的谦逊而感到骄傲。 19、骄傲者憎恨他人骄傲。 20、傻瓜的心在嘴里,聪明人的嘴在心里。 21、虚荣是骄傲的食物,轻蔑是它的饮料。 22、不劳苦,无所得。 23、读书是我惟一的娱乐,我不把时间浪费于酒店、赌博或任何一种恶劣的游戏。 24、学而不能致用的人是一头背着书的牛马。蠢驴是否知道它背上背着的是一堆书而不是一捆柴? 25、倾囊求知,无人能夺。投资知识,得益最多。 26、我未曾见过一个早起、勤奋、谨慎、诚实的人抱怨命运不好;良好的品格,优良的习惯,坚强的意志,是不会被假设所谓的命运击败的。 27、信奉真理的人,必受天佑。 28、早熟的人凋枯得也早。 29、我们各种习气中再没有一种象克服骄傲那麽难的了。虽极力藏匿它,克服它,消灭它,但无论如何,它在不知不觉之间,仍旧显露。


考试的承诺书范文_承诺书 考试的承诺书范文(一) 本人自愿参加学校组织的诚信考试,愿意在考试中自觉遵守各项考试规定,现郑重承诺: 一、严格遵守考试的规定和守则,保证按规定的程序和要求参加考试,如有违反,自愿按学校有关违规违纪处理办法接受惩戒处理。 二、坚决服从巡考教师管理,自觉遵守考试纪律。 1、按时进入考场,不迟到或中途离场。 2、考试学生一定要按座位号就坐,考试中不可交谈,左顾右盼,互借文具(包括计算尺,计算器等)。试题字迹不清,可等待询问巡检教师,但不能要求解释题意。当考试时间已到时,立即停止答卷,把考卷反扣在桌面上,禁止喧哗。由巡考教师将考卷收完后,离开座位。 3、严禁考试违纪,作弊。凡提供,传递,抄袭与考试课程内容有关的信息资料的,或抄袭他人答卷或故意给他人抄袭的,该门课程成绩记为0分;凡考试违纪的学生,成绩记为0分,根据违纪情况,认错态度及造成的影响和危害,在批评教育的同时,将违纪情况记入诚信档案;取消今后诚信考试申请资格。 4、诚信考场,知识和品行的双重考核,相互监督,考验自我,上交一份优秀的品行答卷。 5、我以自己的人格担保,我的考试成绩绝对真实可信。 本人已认真阅读上述考场规则,并保证严格遵守考场纪律,共同维护考试秩序,做一名诚实守信的中学生。如有违反,我愿意接受学校有关规定的处理。 考试的承诺书范文(二) 为了在同学们中考风考纪建设,充分发挥高校进行诚信教育的主导作用,响应学院的号召,提高同学们的诚信意识和诚信素质,努力培养和造就适应社会主义市场经济需要的诚信人才。从我做起,从现在做起,本着公平、公正的原则,在此次考试中我们庄严地做出如下承诺: 一、努力学习,刻苦钻研;考试不违纪、不作弊,不通过不正当的手段改动成绩;按时独立完成试卷,不抄袭、剽窃他人试卷。 二、严格遵守考场纪律,不得携带通讯工具、电子辞典及规定以外的文具、资料等参加考试。 三、凡带有书包、书籍、纸张、文具盒等物品的,都集中存放在监考老师指定的地方,不随身放在座位上。 四、在考场内不交头接耳、互打暗号,喧哗或有其他影响考场秩序的行为,不夹带与考试内容有关材料并有抄袭现象的;不抄袭他人答案的。 五、不交换答案的,不将自己的答案让他人抄袭,不将试卷带出考场的。 六、不扰乱考场秩序,无理取闹、服从监考员老师安排 承诺人: 考试的承诺书范文(三) 期末考试来临,为了圆满完成此次考试,本人承诺做到以下几点: 一、本人已认真阅读《中国传媒大学本、专科考试规则》、《中国传媒大学学生考试违规处理办法》、《中国传媒大学考场规则》。在考试中严格遵守考试纪律,不违纪不作弊; 二、我将会牢记“考试失败还有机会,考试作弊失去诚信”的训诫,考前认


Course: American Literature Instructor: Ma Rui Student Name: Liu Zirui from Mingde college of NWPU Class Number: 082487 Date: Oct.29th, 2011 The Autobiography from Benjamin Franklin The Autobiography was written by the great American writer Benjamin Franklin who was one of the American founders and the leader of the American independence movement, as well as the drafter of Declaration of independence. He was a politician, a scientist, a diplomat, a publisher, a writer and a social industrialist. He was praised as the second Prometheus who stole the fire from heaven to show his intelligent and contributions. He was the father of the modern civilization and a symbol of America. This autobiography was written by Benjamin when he was in his old age according to his experiences which has a great influence to the world. In his autobiography, he wrote thirteen virtues: temperance, silence, order, resolution, frugality, industry, sincerity, justice, moderation, cleanliness, tranquility, chastity and humility which admonished people to try to be the best of yourself. By temperance he told us not to eat too dull and not to drink too much to be clear in mind. By silence he advised us not to say something that is meaningless but could benefit others or yourself. And by order he taught us that we need to take all our things in order so that we could have a tiny place to study, work and live. Resolution showed us what we decide to do need to be done with our consistency. He informed us to have a more comfortable life if we don’t waste our money in those empty and meaningful things by frugality. What’s more, industry showed us not to waste our time. Do something that is significant or good for you. Sincerity told us to be a loyal and honest people who could be trusted by others. And speak with accordingly. Justices informed us not to do things are negative to others and it’s our own duty to do things that are benefit to people. Moderation taught us not to do extreme things. Try to tolerate the injuries from others. And by cleanliness, he taught us to be a tidy person. In addition, he informed us to clam down when we come across some troubles. By chastity, he advised us to do things that could benefit or protect yourself, your family and friends’ reputation. Lastly, try to be humility as much as you can and imitate the great people like Socrates and Jesus. Mostly, his writing is ironic, satire and meaningful. In his autobiography, he used plain but humorous words to tell his life experience and his reflections. He opened up a new autobiography writing style which was very frequently imitated by the latter. I learned a lot from his autobiography not only from his intelligent but also his modesty. The way he treated people and the attitude he had when doing things that he made mind to do taught me to try my best to be the best of myself.


防雷知识系列四-外部防雷系统 外部防雷系统 外部防雷系统由接闪器(避雷针)、引下线、接地地网等有机组成。缺一不可。下面分别对以上三个主要因素的相关技术及安装进行描述。 主要讲本部分的内容是对建筑物外部空气如何截雷,把雷电流向大地中泄放的问题。 本部分的内容提要是: (1)接闪器:避雷针、避雷线、避雷带、避雷网 (2)避雷带和避雷网的结构设计 (3)接闪器的选择和布置 接闪器 直接截受雷击,以及用作接闪的器具、金属构件和金属屋面等,称之为接闪器。功能是把接引来的雷电流,通过引下线和接地装置因如大地中泄放,保护建筑物免受雷害。 从公元1753年,富兰克林发明了避雷针以来,避雷针作为接闪器唯一的形式,延续了上百年的历史,从十九世纪以后,逐渐有出现了避雷线、避雷带和避雷网。其分类如下:避雷针、避雷线、避雷带、避雷网, 下面逐一介绍。 避雷针 尖端放电 由物理学可知,通常物体内部的正电荷和负电荷是相等的,所以从整体来看不显示带电现象。当某一物体所具有的正、负电荷不相等时,这个物体就显示带电的特性。当物体内部的正电荷多于负电荷时,物体带正电,反之带负电。由于电荷都有异性相吸、同性相斥的特性,所以带电物体中的同性电荷总是受到相互排斥电场力的作用。以图中带尖锋的金属球为例,假如金属球上带负电(同样也可以理解带上正电),由于电荷同性相斥的作用,电子总是分布到金属球的最外层表面,并且容易逃离金属球。球的尖锋部分,电子受到同性电荷往外排斥力最强,最容易被排斥离开金属球,这就是通常说的“尖端放电”。 公元1749年4月29日,富兰克林在给约翰·米西尔(John Mitchel)的信中提出了,云层由于不断受到蒸汽摩擦而带电的看法,他认为"当带电的云块飘过田野、掠过高山、巨树、耸立的高塔、尖屋顶、船舶桅杆、烟筒等物的时候,拖曳出电火,正如许多尖导体和突出物产生的现象一样,整个云层就


杰明·富兰克林——十八世纪美国最伟大的科学家,著名的政治家和文学家。他一生最真实的写照是他自己所说过的一句话“诚实和勤勉,应该成为你永久的伴侣。” 富兰克林的十三种品德 1731年5月19日,富兰克林在阅读历史时,得出了以下的感想:“政党推进和影响着世界大事、战争、革命等等;这些政党的观点代表着他们当时的利益或他们认为是的当前利益;这些不同政党的不同观点引起了一切混乱;当一个政党在制定政纲时,党内每一成员都怀有他个人的私利;在政党达到它的大目标后,其每一成员就一心一意争取自己的私利,这些错综复杂的个人利益相互矛盾,造成政党的分裂,引起更大的混乱;无论其口头如何宣称,政界中人之所为很少是纯粹为了国家利益。即使他们的作为确实对国家有益,他们仍然是从个人利益和国家利益分不开这一角度出发的,而并非出于为国尽忠的热忱;在政界中为人类利益服务的人就更少见了。” 因此,他提出“目前很有必要把各国有道德的善良的人组成一个正规的团体,称之为'联合道德党’,党员要服从妥善、适当而明智的党章。和普通人服从法律相比,这些善良、贤明的人定当更为自觉一致地遵守这个党章”。 “假如一个有声望和资历的人来试办这样的党,他必能得到上帝的保佑而有所成功”。 实际上,富兰克林打算自己“在有必要的空闲时,来从事这一工作”。并在当时为这一团体草拟了一份类似于教义要旨的文件,其中包含了当时他认为的“各种教派的精髓,它摒弃了一切足以引起任何教派信徒反对的东西”,它这样写道: “天地间有一个创造万物的上帝。” “他用天道统治着世界。” “他应受到包括崇拜、祈祷和感恩的尊奉。” “但上帝最看重的礼拜是对人行善。” “灵魂不灭。” “不论是在今世或来世,上帝必赏善罚恶。” 这里短短数语的字里行间,反映了富兰克林的宗教观和伦理观。 在宗教方面,富兰克林从小受的是长老会的教养。他把宗教的作用和劝善惩恶联系起来,这就是他所提出的上帝最看重的礼拜莫过于对人行善,善恶皆有报应,或在今生,或在来世。因对牧师布道的失望,后来他再不到教堂去做礼拜,而是在家里使用自编的祈祷书。


学生诚信考试承诺书精选范文自古以来,考场上少不了的二字,便是诚信。“诚信做人,诚信考试”,说出来就像是天经地义一般平常。诚实守信是每个学子所应遵守的准则。下面有整理的学生诚信考试承诺书精选范文,欢迎阅读! 学生诚信考试承诺书精选范文 不携带各种无线电通讯工具(如寻呼机、移动电话)、电子存储记忆录放设备以及除考试规定外的其他任何物品进入考场。 在每科开考前10分钟(英语15分钟)进场按指定座位就坐,中途不得离场,不得提前交卷。考试结束前5分钟,将答题卡准备好,等待监考员收缴,终场信号发出时停止答卷,并等监考员收齐试卷并清点无误后方可离场。 本人自愿参加学校组织的诚信考试,愿意在考试中自学遵守各项考试规定,现郑重承诺: 一、严格遵守考试的规定和守则,保证按规定的程序和要求参加考试,如有违反,自愿按学校有关违规违纪处理办法接受惩戒处理。(扣班级量化分,写XX字说明、感悟书,班级内通报批评。学校将学生诚信考试情况记入成长记录档案。)

二、坚决服从巡考教师管理,自觉遵守考试纪律。 1、按时进入考场,不迟到或中途离场。 考试是对学习情况的综合检测,不仅是一场文化知识的考试,更是一场道德品质的检测。创造公平、公正的考试环境是我们共同的责任。用实际行动维护考试的公平、公正,是我们每一位考生的义务。而公平、公正的实现,离不开健康、诚信的社会准则。 2、考试学生必须按座位号就坐,考试中不得交谈,左顾右盼,互借文具(包括计算尺,计算器等)。试题字迹不清,可等待询问巡检教师,但不得要求解释题意。当考试时间已到时,立即停止答卷,将考卷反扣在桌面上,禁止喧哗。由监考教师将考卷收完后,离开座位。 3、严禁考试违纪,作弊。凡提供,传递,抄袭与考试课程内容有关的信息资料的,或抄袭他人答卷或故意给他人抄袭的,该门课程成绩记为无效;凡考试违纪的学生,成绩记为无效,根据违纪情况,认错态度及造成的影响和危害,在批评教育的同时,将违纪情况记入诚信档案;取消今后诚信考试申请资格。 4、诚信考场,知识和品行的双重考核,相互监督,考验自我,上交一份优秀的品行答卷。

揭开雷电之谜练习题和课后练习题及答案 编制者 复旦中学 陆增堂

第三单元 导语:步入这五彩缤纷的大千世界.谁不希望成功?成功从何处起步?成功的奥秘在哪里?通过本单元的学习,你将会从华佗、富兰克林、哥伦布……这些中外医学家、科学家的经历中,感受到挫折时的苦闷、失败后的反思以及成功后的喜悦。 在本单元的学习中,只要你用心去读,边读边想,可以对课题、课文内容等提提问题,相信你定能从中得到很多有益的启示和借鉴。 11 揭开雷电之谜 1 美国科学家富兰克林,是18世纪电学史上的一位勇士。他曾冒着生命危险,从天空摄取闪电,揭开了雷电之谜。 2 从前人们一直认为,天空中出现电闪雷鸣,这是大自然在显示神威。可是,富兰克林却大胆地提出,那是大自然的一种“放电现象”。1752年7月的一天,他亲自做了一个吸引雷电的风筝实验。 3 那天,天空乌云密布,雷电交加。富兰克林带着儿子来到费城的郊外。他事先精心制作了一只白色丝绸风筝,风筝上安了一个尖细的铁棒。风筝用麻绳系住,麻绳末端分成两支,分别接上一片铜钥匙和一小段丝线。他手握丝线,将风筝放到天空中。 4 过了没多久,突然,一道明亮的闪电掠过,顿时大雨倾盆而下。富兰克林觉得手有点麻,当他的手指靠近那片铜钥匙时,一朵蓝色的电火花立刻向手指射过来。他感到手臂一阵麻木,差一点儿被击倒。这时,他兴奋地叫了起来:“这就是电,和实验室里的电火花完全一样!” 5 风筝实验轰动了全世界。后来,富兰克林还发明了“避雷针”,使千万幢楼房和高塔免受雷电的袭击。 【预习练习】 一、读准词语. jiē kāi léi diàn yǒng shìdiàn shǎn léi míng xiǎn shì

揭开雷电勇士电闪雷鸣显示 wū yún mì bùqīng pénér xiàxīng fèn hōng dòng 乌云密布倾盆而下兴奋轰动 二、了解词义。 揭开:使某样东西暴露出来揭开宇宙的奥秘。 雷电: 空中带电的云在放电时所发强光与声音。 勇士:勇敢的士兵。后泛指有力气有胆量的人。 电闪雷鸣:闪电飞光,雷声轰鸣。比喻快速有力。也比喻轰轰烈烈。 显示: 明显地表示。 乌云密布: 黑云稠密地排列、分布。 倾盆而下: 把水盆倾斜 兴奋:奋起,激动。 轰动:同时惊动很多人。 三、阅读课文,完成练习。 1、本课可以分成三段,请写出段意。 第一段(1)。第二段(2-4)。 第一层(2)。 第二层(3-4)。第三段(5)。 1、结合课文内容,具体说说课文为什么称富兰克林是一位勇 2、本文运用倒叙的表达顺序,有什么好处?


富兰克林十三项美德修炼方法及表格年轻时的富兰克林并不十分成功,但却渴望成功。他经过研究,发现成功的关键在于获取完善的人格。经过精心总结,他认为这完善的人格应包括以下13个原则:节制、寡言、秩序、果断、节俭、勤奋、诚恳、公正、适度、清洁、镇静、贞洁、谦逊。 但经过进一步研究后他发现,如果仅仅知道这13项原则并不能使自己成功,只有经过刻苦的锻炼,把这13项原则变成自己的13种习惯,这才是属于自己的。否则,那还是别人的,是书本上的。 知道了这一点,他认真为自己准备了一个本子,每一页打上许多格子。他当时非常清楚,一段时间只专注于一项锻炼,才是最有效的,否则,会适得其反。于是他头一个星期只专注于"节制",每天检 查自己为人处世是否"节制",并在本子上做上记号。 一个星期后,由于天天盯住自己是否"节制",并坚持每天监督,他惊喜地发现,这"节制"慢慢在 他身上生根了。 尝到了甜头,第二个星期他每天盯住第二项--"寡言",并对第一项"节制"复习巩固;第三个星期盯住第三项--" 秩序",再对第一项、第二项复习巩固。没想到13个星期后,他发现自己的举手投足、 为人处世、待人接物发生了根本性的变化。 年轻、认真又有决心的富兰克林生怕这13个星期还不足以使那13项原则完全变成自己的习惯,在一年内他又进行了3次13个星期的轮回锻炼。到一年以后,富兰克林完全变了,这种变化已溶入了他的血液,渗入了他的灵魂,浸透到他每一个细胞,大家想,他能不成功吗? 富兰克林培养习惯的妙方值得我们仿效,其中逐一突破尤其重要,对我们年轻人来说特别值得借鉴。因为从根本上说,任何一个好习惯的培养都不会是轻而易举的。因此我们一定要循序渐进、由浅入深、由近及远、由渐进到突变,尤其开始时我们要宁少勿多、宁简勿繁、宁易勿难。先找一个比较容易做到、做起来有兴趣、很快能尝到甜头、而且能不断受到自己和周围人激励的习惯开始,专攻这一个,其余统统不管。而下的功夫要大些,花的时间长些,这样就容易成功。 第一个习惯养成了,一定使你尝到了甜头。既然是好习惯,它就会在你无意识中自动为你管理、为你服务,而且为你效忠一生。因此你无形中仿佛有了一笔滚滚而来、源源不断、取之不尽、享用终生的财富,这简直是人生最有效率的事。试想世界上还有什么事有这么高的投入产出?你投入的是一个习惯养成的短暂过程,得到的却是终生源源不断而来的物质和精神财富 (1)节制。食不过饱,饮酒不醉; (2)寡言。言必于人于己有益,避免无益的聊天; (3)生活秩序。每一样东西应有一定的安放地方;每件日常事物当有一定的时间去做; (4)决心。当做必做;决心要做的事应坚持不懈; (5)俭朴。用钱必须于人或于己有益,换言之,切戒浪费; (6)勤勉。不浪费时间;每时每刻做些有用的事,戒掉一切不必要的行动; (7)诚恳。不欺骗人;思想要纯洁公正;说话也要如此; (8)公正。不做损人利己的事;不要忘记履行对人有益而又是你应尽的义务;


★富兰克林13条道德表★ 一【节制】食不过饱;饮不过量。 二【静默】言则于人于己有益,不作无益闲聊。 三【条理】各样东西放在一定地方;做事情有一定时间限制。 四【决断】决定做应该要做的事;决定后坚持到底。 五【俭朴】花钱须于人于己有益,不糟蹋浪费。 六【勤劳】爱惜时间;时刻做有益之事事;不做不必要的行动。 七【诚恳】不欺骗人;思想纯洁公正;说话要出于诚意。 八【正直】不做于人有害的事;做好自己责任内的事。 九【中庸】不走极端;对人少怀怨恨之心;容忍别人对我应有的惩罚。 十【整洁】身体、衣服和住所务必清洁。 十一【宁静】不因琐事或普通而不可避免的事件而烦恼。 十二【贞洁】节欲,不伤害身体,不许损他人的安宁或名誉。 十三【谦虚】效法耶稣和苏格拉底。 他人借鉴 ※I am a great believer in luck, and I find that the harder I work, the more I have of it. —— Thomas Jefferson 我很相信运气,事实上我发现我越努力,我的运气越好。——托马斯杰斐逊 ※把生活计划写下来,时时看的人,有46%改变了;没写下来的,只有4%的人改变了,成功几率足足差了十倍。——台湾《商业周刊》1160期 ※记住,你是对是错,并不取决于别人同意你还是反对你——唯一重要的是你的分心和判断是否正确。——查理芒格 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alice的终身目标: 1.讲一口流利的英语; 2.写一手漂亮的行楷字; 3.生命的意义就是努力成为一名优秀的有意义的人; 4.健康管理:保养、塑性、性格积极明朗; 5.投资理财:为家人的健康、自己的老年生活做好准备。 Alice的10年职业发展目标: 1.进入房地产行业; 2.达到营销企划总监级别,成为一个名有创意的管理者、领导人。 Alice的10年生活目标: 1.考取英语中高级口译证书; 2.阅读1000本书,成为一名有思想有深度的人; 3.成为一名有阅历的人,去8个国家旅游:日本、英国、法国、西班牙、瑞士、希腊、意大利、埃及; 3.在买一套公寓,布置一个舒适温馨的小窝。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 我的黄金3年时间


考试承诺书精选范文 承诺书是承诺人对要约人的要约完全同意的意思,表示以书面形式。下面是本人整理的考试承诺书精选范文,希望对你有所帮助! 诚信考试承诺书(一) 期末将至,为促进学生健康成长,强化学生法纪观念、责任意识与自律意识,加强考场管理,保持一个良好的考场纪律,倡导诚信教育,创建与谐校园,我们全体同学已经认真阅读了《南京师范大学本科学生管理规定(试行)》的有关规定,对其内容已经知晓、认可,并承诺在考试过程中自觉遵守,若有违反考场有关规定者,则自愿接受《南京师范大学本科学生管理规定(试行)》中有关规定的处理。 我郑重承诺: 第一条履约践诺,知行统一;遵从学术规范,恪守学术道德,不作弊,不剽窃。自尊自爱,自省自律。 第二条自觉遵守考场规定,不出现以下违纪情况: (1)不按指定座位入坐或拒不服从监考人员安排。 (2)左顾右盼、交头接耳、互打暗号或者手势的。 (3)考场内大声喧哗。 (4)举起试卷进行检查。 (5)将答完的试卷正面朝上左右摆放。 (6)到点不交卷。

(7)提前拆开试卷。 (8)在试卷上标注记号或将姓名、学号写在试卷装订线以外。 (9)其它违纪行为。 第三条不出现以下考试作弊现象: (1)携带与考试相关物品(如教科书、笔记本、有文字的纸张、可存储电子设备、通讯工具等)进入考场,且未按要求放在指定的位置。 (2)考前要求老师划定重点与题向。 (3)带小抄入场。 (4)抄袭他人答案。 (5)互相研究试题。 (6)事先把答案抄写在桌面或身体某处。 (7)相邻考生出现雷同卷。 (8)传、接试卷答案或者交换试卷、答案、草稿纸的。 第四条不出现以下严重作弊行为: (1)替考。 (2)互相串换试卷。 (3)窃取考题。 (4)使用手机传递考试答案。 第五条若违反学校对考试的有关规定与纪律要求,自愿接受学校的严肃处理或处分。


学生考试承诺书范文 篇一:学生考试承诺书样本 期末考试来临,为了圆满完成此次考试,本人承诺做到以下几点: 一、本人已认真阅读《河北科技师范学院课程考核管理规定》、《河北科技师范学院学生违纪处分暂行规定》、《河北科技师范学院学士学位实施细则》,在考试中严格遵守考试纪律,不违纪不作弊; 二、认真复习好每一门课程,以诚信的态度对待每一场考试,考出真实水平,考出诚信学风,共同营造“诚信考试光荣、违纪作弊可耻”的考试氛围; 三、如果本人在考试中违纪或作弊,本人服从学校按照相关规定对本人做出处理,并同意将处理结果告知家长; 诚实守信是中华民族的优良传统,也是公民的基本道德要求之一。树道德之新风,立诚信之根基,更是当代大学生青年义不容辞的责任。我愿意以诚信的态度面对考试,通过自己的努力取得理想的成绩。 承诺人:年月日 (院)系专业班,共人。 辅导员(班主任): 篇二:学生考试承诺书样本 从我做起,从现在做起,本着公平、公正的原则,在此次期末考试中我们庄严地做出如下承诺:

一、努力学习,刻苦钻研;不迟到,不早退;考试不违纪、不作弊,不通过不正当的手段改动成绩;按时独立完成作业,不抄袭、剽窃他人作业、文章和论文。 二、严格遵守考场纪律,不携带特殊答案、通讯工具、电子辞典及规定以外的文具、资料等参加考试。 三、凡带有书包、书籍、纸张、文具盒等物品的,都集中存放在监考老师指定地方,不随身放在座位上。 四、在考场内不交头接耳、互打暗号,喧哗或有其他影响考场秩序的行为,不夹带与考试内容有关材料并有抄袭现象;不抄袭他人答案;不在试卷上故意写他人姓名、考号。 五、不交换答案,不强抢他人答卷,不有意将自己的答案让他人抄袭,不将试卷带出考场。 六、不扰乱考场秩序,无理取闹、服从监考员老师安排。 我们郑重承诺:愿意在考试中自觉遵守考场纪律,如有违反,愿意接受学校处理。 承诺人: xx年xx月xx日 篇三:学生考试承诺书样本 本人自愿参加学校组织的诚信考试,愿意在考试中自觉遵守各项考试规定,现郑重承诺: 一、严格遵守考试的规定和守则,保证按规定的程序和要求参加考试,如有违反,自愿按学校有关违规违纪处理办法接受惩戒处理。 二、坚决服从巡考教师管理,自觉遵守考试纪律。


The Autobiography was not only the first successful American biographic work, but also one of the American national literature early representatives. It had a long and valuable influence since it published in1868 . As for the work, we can appreciate and analyze it from different angles. First , the view of biographic literature, author was born and grew up in a poor American family, no formal education, no romantic love story, let alone the help from powerful people. He depended on himself persistence and endeavor achieved success which was different from traditional European biographic works. In Franklin’s work, an ordinary American people depended on himself diligence and faith achieved his goals from youth to adult, from childish to mature under influence of social environment, it’s a typical example of American people. This person were not only qualified with the spirit of Puritanism such as diligence, practicability and aspirant, but also qualified with the character of confidence and optimistic for future which was just American people should have. The Autobiography showed the social picture of American society in 18th century and the spirit of the age of enlightenment. It had an important influence for the formation of American national character, to a certain extent, started to reverse European’s bias for American people. Second, from the point of narrative language, the style of writing is personalized, pure, simple and fresh. It’s totally different from European writing style. The excerpt of first chapter, Franklin played a role of father, his tone was kind and soft. He told his son there were some inducements that excite him to write this book. From the poverty and obscurity in which he was born and in which he passed his earliest years, he has raised himself to a state of affluence and some degree of celebrity in the world. As constant good fortune has accompanied him even to an advanced period of life, his descendents will perhaps be desirous of learning the means, which he employed, and which, thanks to God, so well succeeded with him. His descendents may also deem them fit to be imitated ,should any of them find themselves in similar circumstances. The excerpt of second chapter , Franklin as an author ,he kept distance with us and educated us very well through his individual experience. In this part he told us he was ambitious ,wasn’t satisfied with an apprenticed and wanted to be successful. On the other hand, because of religious persecution, their whole families immigrated to a reign of freedom –America. Since then,he began his mystery and legend life. Franklin's Autobiography had received widespread praise, both for its historical value as a record of an important early American and for its literary style. It was often considered the first American book to be taken seriously by Europeans as literature. William Dean Howells in 1905 asserted that "Franklin's is one of the greatest autobiographies in literature, and towers over other autobiographies as Franklin towered over other men." It acknowledged as one of the great autobiographies of the world. In the Autobiography, we got a full picture of Franklin as the Renaissance scholar, fascinated by all types of learning and interested in doing whatever he could to make life a little bit better for mankind, based on the notion that the way to please God was by doing good to other men. This interest manifested itself in public service and scientific progress. There were some virtues in the book, these names of virtues as follows: 1.Temperance.Eat not to dullness;drink not to elevation. 2.Slience.Speak not but what may benefit others or yourself;avoid trifling conversation. 3.Order.Let all your things have their places;let each part of your business have its time. 4.Resolution.Resolve to perform what you ought;perform without fall what you resolve.


T h e A u t o b i o g r a p h y f r o m B e n j a m i n F r a n k l i n内容赏析本杰明富兰克林自传赏析 -CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1

Course: American Literature Instructor: Ma Rui Student Name: Liu Zirui from Mingde college of NWPU Class Number: 082487 Date: , 2011 The Autobiography from Benjamin Franklin The Autobiography was written by the great American writer Benjamin Franklin who was one of the American founders and the leader of the American independence movement, as well as the drafter of Declaration of independence. He was a politician, a scientist, a diplomat, a publisher, a writer and a social industrialist. He was praised as the second Prometheus who stole the fire from heaven to show his intelligent and contributions. He was the father of the modern civilization and a symbol of America. This autobiography was written by Benjamin when he was in his old age according to his experiences which has a great influence to the world. In his autobiography, he wrote thirteen virtues: temperance, silence, order, resolution, frugality, industry, sincerity, justice, moderation, cleanliness, tranquility, chastity and humility which admonished people to try to be the best of yourself. By temperance he told us not to eat too dull and not to drink too much to be clear in mind. By silence he advised us not to say something that is meaningless but could benefit others or yourself. And by order he taught us that we need to take all our things in order so that we could have a tiny place to study, work and live. Resolution showed us what we decide to do need to be done with our consistency. He informed us to have a more comfortable life if we don’t waste our money in those empty and meaningful things by frugality. What’s more, industry showed us not to waste our time. Do something that is significant or good for you. Sincerity told us to be a loyal and honest people who could be trusted by others. And speak with accordingly. Justices informed us not to do things are negative to others and it’s our own duty to do things that are benefit to people. Moderation taught us not to do extreme things. Try to tolerate the injuries from others. And by cleanliness, he taught us to be a tidy person. In addition, he informed us to clam down when we come across some troubles. By chastity, he advised us to do things that could benefit or protect yourself, your family and friends’ reputation. Lastly, try to be humility as much as you can and imitate the great people like Socrates and Jesus. Mostly, his writing is ironic, satire and meaningful. In his autobiography, he used plain but humorous words to tell his life experience and his reflections. He opened up a new autobiography writing style which was very frequently imitated by the latter. I learned a lot from his autobiography not only from his intelligent but also his modesty. The way he treated people and the attitude he had when doing things that he made mind to do taught me to try my best to be the best of myself. 2

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