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( 浙江导游词)





杭州西溪英文导游词English tour guide to Xixi, Hangzhou




Xixi national wetland park located in the west of hangzhou, from the west lake is less than 5 kilometers, is a rare of the secondary wetlands in the city. Here the ecological resources are rich, plain natural landscape, cultural heritage deep, with, go on saying that "three west" hangzhou west lake, is the nation's first and only collection of urban wetland, farming wetland and cultural wetland in the integration of national wetland park. Xixi wins, is that water alone. Water is the soul of xixi, about 70% of the area of river, pond, lake overflow, swamp, such as water, is the so-called "a qu streams a smoke", the entire park six river intersection, meanwhile there are many branchingstream and designed in fish ponds, forming a unique xixi wetland landscape.

Xixi, emphasis on ecology. To strengthen ecological protection, set up a fee in the wetland home pond, shrimp, longtan, sunset sky ripples

the three ecological conservation and ecological restoration area. At the entrance to a wetland science pavilion, campus has three bioremediation pva pool and wetland ecology. Xixi is a paradise of birds, it has several GuanDiaoTing, tourists present a flock of birds huan fly. Xixi humanities, has a long history. Xixi is a secluded place since ancient times, being regarded as a pure land on earth, xanadu. Autumn snow, the plum and the bamboo hill temples, xixi in history have been on this site are many scholars started to don't, they left a large number of poems in xixi ode. Leaders such as meidefang, kangxi, qianlong and writing calligraphy to express admiration of xixi. According to research xixi shaoxing opera north pie artists debut.

Xixi folkway, honest plain. The Dragon Boat Festival every year in dragon boat games will be held in deep pools mouth, has a long history and unique in form, known as "dragon boat". Smoke water fish near zhuang "xixi family", "silkworm silk stories", "xixi marriage customs house", "xixi distillery" return of the indigenous inhabitants of the xixi peasant living labor scene, let more people know and understand jiangnan typical folk.


Xixi national wetland park located in the west of hangzhou, from the west lake in less than five kilometers, here rich ecological resources, elegant natural landscape, cultural heritage deep, is China's first


杭州西湖雷峰塔导游词中英文 雷峰塔又名皇妃塔、西关砖塔。雷峰塔为吴越国王钱俶因黄妃得子建,初名“皇妃塔”因地建于雷峰,后人改称“雷峰塔”。汉族民间故事《白蛇传》中,法海和尚骗许仙至金山,白娘子水漫金山救许仙,被法海镇在雷峰塔下。后小青苦练法力,终于打败了法海,雷峰塔倒塌,白素贞才获救了。 【杭州西湖雷峰塔导游词】 各位游客大家好,西湖以其一山二堤三岛十景而闻名于世,而在西湖十景中,雷峰夕照是唯一损毁又恢复的景点,现在我们所来到的便是刚对外开放不久的雷峰塔景区。雷峰塔景区是于2000年冬奠基,xx年秋竣工,于xx年11月20日开始对外开放,目前还属于试运营阶段。整个景区的造价达1.5亿元人民币,新塔的下半部是遗址保护层,通高9.85米,塔身五层,高61.9米,建筑面积达三千三百多平方米,塔身采用钢结构框架,外墙包铜,全塔共用铜280 吨。 各位可能还记得在两年前,也就是xx年3月11日,中央电视台和浙江电视台曾连袂直播了发掘雷峰塔遗址的过程,当时在雷峰塔的地宫还发掘出很多文物,其中最珍贵的就是供奉佛祖释迦牟尼发髻舍利子的阿玉王塔。我们现在所看到的塔就是在老塔的遗址之上,这样的建筑形式很好的保护了原塔的遗址,而这种建筑格式在目前尚属首创。现在就请大家跟随我走上电梯一同到塔里去看一番究竟。 (第一层)

好,各位游客,我们现在所来到的是雷峰塔的遗址保护层,在我们面前用玻璃罩罩着的便是老雷峰塔的遗址。 雷峰塔初建于北宋太平兴国二年(公元977年),原本为吴越国王钱淑为奉藏佛螺髻发舍利子以祈祷国泰民安所建,原名叫皇妃塔,塔为砖木结构。雷峰塔的知名度之高,与中国民间广泛流传的神话传说《白蛇传》密切相关,故事中白蛇的化身白素贞因追求人间真情而被法海和尚囚禁于雷峰塔下,雷峰塔因而声明远播。历史上的雷峰塔曾两次遭遇大火,第一次是在北宋宣和年间,因方腊起义,一把火把外面的木结构塔身加以焚毁。到了南宋年间,曾重修雷峰塔,西湖十景之一的"雷峰夕照"就是在那个时候流传的。雷峰塔第二次遭受火烧是在明朝的嘉靖年间,当时倭寇侵犯杭州,雷峰塔再次把火焚,仅剩塔身屹立于西湖之滨。这种情形一直持续到清末民初,雷峰塔终因不堪重负而倒塌了。关于雷峰塔倒塌的原因,历史上也很有争论,一般来讲有两种说法,前两年在清理雷峰塔遗址的时候,发现有相当一部分的塔砖一侧有一个小洞,在洞里有佛经。而在过去,老百姓们以讹传讹将经砖传成金砖,纷纷将塔砖拿回家,从而导致塔的倒塌。此说法之一。说法之二,由于江南自古就是鱼米之乡,而杭州又是丝茶之府,历史上的杭州就盛产丝绸,而每年蚕宝宝吐丝结茧之时由于多种原因,往往有大量的蚕茧死亡,过去的人迷信,误以为蚕茧中了邪,而雷峰塔是镇妖的(白蛇),以为将雷峰塔的砖放在家里,就可以抵挡妖邪的侵蚀,你家养蚕拿一块,他家求财拿一块,久而久之,塔身特


Hangzhou is one of the important tourism cities in China, famous for its natural beauty and historical and cultural heritages. Hangzhou is the capital of Zhejiang province. It is the political, economic and cultural center of the province as well. It is one of the 15 vice-provincial level cities in China. Hangzhou covers a total area of 16596 square kilometers, with a population of 6.08 million, including 683 square kilometers of city proper area and city population of 1.69 million people . Hangzhou is located on the low reaches of Qiantang river in southeast China, with a distance of 180 kilometers to Shanghai. It is one of the key cities in the Yangzi Delta area. Since Hangzhou was set up as a county capital in Qin Dynasty, it has a history of more than 2200 years as a city. It used to be the capital of Wuyue State (during the Five-Dynasty-Ten-State Era in Chinese history) and South Song Dynasty; that made Hangzhou one of the seven ancient capitals in China.When Marco Polo came to Hangzhou in the 13th century, he praised it to be “the most beautiful city in the world". There is a popular saying: "Above there is heaven, below there are Hangzhou and Suzhou." Hangzhou is renowned as “Paradise on Earth”, “Cultural State”, “Home of Silk”, “Tea Capital”, “Town of Fish and Rice”.


( 浙江导游词) 姓名:____________________ 单位:____________________ 日期:____________________ 编号:YB-BH-036157 杭州西溪湿地一日游导游词One day tour guide to Xixi Wetland in Hangzhou

杭州西溪湿地一日游导游词 杭州西溪湿地是新开辟的一个生态保护景点,原为沼泽遍布的古老民居村落,含有很浓重的历史文化沉积,现辟为国家湿地公园。下面是为大家带来的杭州西溪湿地一日游导游词,希望可以帮助大家。 杭州西溪湿地一日游导游词范文1: 我们一家一起去了西溪湿地。一路上人山人海,四周彩旗飘扬,好多外地人来杭州玩,热闹得很!爸爸好不容易把车停好,靠在花坛边。我们便兴奋地下了车。终于走到了,我们向前望去:游客们像一个个黑色的蚂蚁,布满了整个入口。有的在买票,有的正要坐船,有的还在休息。我一看顿时着急了,连忙冲了上去,排上了队,买好了门票。 我们又走了长长一段路,到了码头。我非常喜欢坐游船,连忙又排上了队。终于,我听到了“呜,呜”的声音,是游船来了!我像小鸟一样的兴奋,走进了船。我们开始了旅行,船静静地开着,远处不时传来一声声鸟叫。只见每一丛生长在水边的花草都有木桩护着。导游介绍说:“每个木桩上都有3—4米长,直伸进河底的泥土里,都是为了防止岸上的泥土被那来势甚急的水流给冲下去。”我边听边吃着东西,观看着风景,那粗壮的柿子树,上面结了好多个又大又圆的柿子。柿子树很粗壮,水很柔和,这两个配起来真是美丽极了。那前方一丛一丛

的树林,若隐若现,真是美啊!湖面上,倒映着一丛丛树的美丽身影。水静静地流着,天空碧蓝碧蓝。空气时不时地给我们带来一阵阵清香。“嗷,嗷!”一阵叫声突然从我耳边传来。 只见一只只白色大鸟展开双翅,横掠过湖面,两只爪子同时伸展开,伸入水中,那浅白色的长毛在风里荡漾。它们不怕我们的游船,像一个个战士,在天空中翱翔、飞舞。我问了妈妈,回忆起这种鸟叫白鹭。这又让我想起来诗句:两个黄鹂鸣翠柳,一行白鹭上青天。真的让我激动不已!接着,我们又下了船,又走了,又上了船,见到了好多小动物。松树,柳树,柿子树……都有。船靠了岸,我依依不舍地下了船,又望了一眼与我相伴的大树、小鸟、天空和湖面,它们还是那样若隐若现,美丽动人。“这美丽的,西溪湿地!”我不禁感叹道。 杭州西溪湿地一日游导游词范文2: 杭州西溪湿地是新开辟的一个生态保护景点,原为沼泽遍布的古老民居村落,含有很浓重的历史文化沉积,现辟为国家湿地公园。它就坐落在我居住地的旁边,没事时经常去那里走走。首先给人的感觉是自然环境和谐幽美,没有雕塑的痕迹。到处都是池塘,池塘边的树木东倒西歪,有的甚至横卧在水里。枯萎的荷叶、水草、芦苇在风中摇曳,摆弄着残败的身影。池塘边的小路曲曲弯弯,有的是泥路,有的是木板搭成的路,有的是水泥块铺成的路。路的两边,栽种了品种丰富多样的树木,堪称湿地植物王国。我在一条整洁漂亮的木板路上走着,不经意地走到了一间水下生态博物馆。 透过玻璃可以看到小鱼在游动,水下植物此时还处在冬眠期,只看到一些枯枝残叶和稀少的绿芽。我想,到春天一定很好看。公园里有两条贯穿东西南北的大马路,东西方向叫绿堤,南北方向叫福堤。绿堤的两边是湿地生态植物园;福


杭州西湖英语导游词3篇 杭州西湖英语导游词范文1:Of all the distinguished visitors, everybody is good! You must have heard of "above there is heaven, below there are suzhou and hangzhou" this famous saying, yes, this sentence described is that we will soon arrived at the destination - the beautiful west lake in hangzhou. I am your tour guide this trip to hangzhou, my name is Chen, everyone call me Chen guide.Now we come to the ten views of west lake - chunxiao su causeway. Su causeway three km, is the northern song dynasty poet su dongpo as hangzhou magistrate, management of west lake, using the hollowed out of the mud to build. So the name "su causeway". Early spring night, walking along the long lake, in the light smoke haze, miles of weeping willows, blossoming open hearts with the dew, the scenery is charming and attractive, and when the spring rain started falling, through alluringly wicker overlooking the lake, but see mist diffuses, fade, far view is fantasy, known as "six bridge YanLiu". "Good billow above the sunny side, mountains, emptiness rain also, for the west lake than west, c plus always right." Great poet fancy compare west lake to Chinese ancient beauty xi shi, as a result, the west lake has a "scenery" bills. You see in front of the bridge? Said treasure on bridge the song dynasty, also called the period of the bridge, is a former moss of ancient stone bridge. Although we now see the bridge is a very common bridge,


西溪湿地一期导游词 【篇一:最新西溪湿地导游词】 西溪湿地导游词 周家村入-——高庄出。约3小时 周家村码头上船——烟水渔庄下-上——深潭口下穿过河渚街电瓶 车到高庄 各位朋友,大家都知道来了杭州要去西湖,西湖其实有三个姐妹花,合称“杭州三西”,那这三个姐妹呢第一个就是西湖,西湖是雍容华 贵的皇宫女子,西溪则是天然去雕饰的浣纱女子,还有个西泠是待 字闺中才女,来到杭州我们要去看皇宫女子,也要去看看浣纱女子,至于闺中才女,等她出来抛绣球的时候我们可以去瞧瞧,所以我们 呢现就“西湖游罢西溪去”。去看看这位天然去雕饰,充满这野性和 自然美的浣纱女子——去欣赏一种返璞归真的乡村旷野之美 在去之前呢,我们可以了解下什么叫湿地,湿地的英文名称(wetland),从字面上理解就是潮湿的土地!那有的人就会问,那我在 地上撒泡尿不也就成了湿地了吗?从某种意义上来说是可以这么理解,而且是次生湿地,不是天然形成的是在后期的一定条件下形成 的真实性湿地!。从这个层面上来说我们经常能够见到的,湖泊、 河流、河口、沼泽、水库、池塘、水稻田等都属于湿地。它们共同 的特点是其表面常年或经常覆盖着水或充满了水,是介于陆地和水 体之间的过度带。很多人知道西溪湿地是因为看了2009年的贺岁 片《非诚勿扰》,看到葛优顶着寸草不生光头,穿梭在西溪湿地茂 密的植被里,看到方中信和舒淇在西溪的夜幕下说悄悄话?? 确实如此,一部非诚勿扰让西溪湿地变成了“省优,部优,葛优”。变成了 谈情说爱、居家过日子的西溪天堂 以前的时候,西溪有水时就是汪洋一片,没水时就是湿地,一个个 小水塘,没水的时候,当地的老百姓就就去开垦,于是便有了很多 鱼塘,为了保证水土流失,又在挖出来的土堆中种植各种经济植物,比如说桑树、柿子树、梅树等。所以,西溪湿地不是一个原生态湿地,而是一个具有江南水乡特色的农耕湿地、次生湿地。 历史上的西溪,面积约为60平方公里,经历了东晋发现、唐宋发展、明清全盛、民国开始衰落的四个发展阶段。据说当时南宋皇帝赵构 看到此地,想把皇城建到这个地方,后来到了西湖边发现西湖,就 选择和西湖边,并且留下了一句“西溪且留下” 西溪就这样留下来了,


西湖导游词英语 The famous West Lake is like a brilliant pearl embedded in the beautiful and fertile shores of the East China Sea near the mouth of the Hangzhou Bay. The lake covers an area of 5.6 square kilometers. The view of the West Lake is simply enchanting, which offers many attractions for tourists at home and abroad. Tiger-running Spring The legend goes that two tights ran there and made a hole where a spring gushed out. The Longjing Tea and the Tiger-running Spring water are always reputed as the “Two Wonders of the West Lake”. The Lingyin Monastery The Lingyin Monastery, or the Monastery of Soul’s Retreat, is a famous historical site of the West Lake. Here exists the Lingyin Monastery, a famous ancient temple in China, in front of which there are Feilai Peak, Cold Spring, Longhong Cave and precious rock cave arts and queer and varied natural caves and gullies. Spring Dawn at Su Causeway It’s a 2.8 km. long boulevard cutting across the


虽然是在网站上找的,但是还是费了不少的力,希望对你有帮助那我的辛苦也就没有白费了! 1.自由女神像介绍: Out of all of America's symbols, none has proved more enduring or evocative than the Statue of Liberty. This giant figure, torch in hand and clutching a stone tablet, has for a century acted as a figurehead for the American Dream; indeed there is probably no more immediately recognizable profile in existence. It's worth remembering that the statue is - for Americans at least - a potent reminder that the USA is a land of immigrants: it was New York Harbor where the first big waves of European immigrants arrived, their ships entering through the Verrazano Narrows to round the bend of the bay and catch a first glimpse of "Liberty Enlightening the World" - an end of their journey into the unknown, and the symbolic beginning of a new life. These days, although only the very wealthy can afford to arrive here by sea, and a would-be immigrant's first (and possibly last) view of the States is more likely to be the customs check at JFK Airport, Liberty remains a stirring sight, with Emma Lazarus's poem, The New Colossus, written originally to raise funds for the statue's base, no less quotable than when it was written……Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame. "Keep ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she With silent lips."Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse to your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door." The statue, which depicts Liberty throwing off her shackles and holding a beacon to light the world, was the creation of the French sculptor Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi, who crafted it a hundred years after the American Revolution in recognition of solidarity between the French and American people (though it's fair to add that Bartholdi originally intended the statue for Alexandria in Egypt). Bartholdi built Liberty in Paris between 1874 and 1884, starting with a terracotta model and enlarging it through four successive versions to its present size, a construction of thin copper sheets bolted together and supported by an iron framework designed by Gustave Eiffel. The arm carrying the torch was exhibited in Madison Square Park for seven years, but the whole statue wasn't officially accepted on behalf of the American people until 1884, after which it was taken apart, crated up and shipped to New York.


杭州西溪湿地导游词3篇 杭州西溪湿地导游词3篇 杭州西溪湿地导游词范文1: 在路上导游跟我们说西溪湿地被称作杭州之肺西溪湿地国家公园位于杭州市区西部距西湖不到5公里,一期占地面积3。46平方公里,是罕见的城中次生湿地。 这里生态资源丰富、自然景观质朴、文化积淀深厚,曾与西湖、西泠并称杭州三西,是目前国内第一个也是唯一的集城市湿地、农耕湿地、文化湿地于一体的国家湿地公园。 进了西溪湿地眼前看到的不是绿树就是清清的河水,仿佛仙境一般。我们边走边看,过了一会终于到了坐船的码头。我上了船之后就拿起水枪向窗外吸水,张老师看见了生气地对我说: 你不能把手伸到窗外,如果有船靠近的话这样该多危险啊! 。我可怜的水枪被张老师没收了,忽然我看到窗外有一些白色的小鸟在湖面自由的飞翔,我向导游打听才知道那些小鸟原来是白鹭。之后我们一行人来到了大樟树前。 只见大樟树的枝干粗壮、枝叶繁茂,像一把撑开的大雨伞,为人们遮风挡雨。大樟树的枝干大约要七八个大人手拉手才能把大樟树抱住,而且在大樟树的树阴下能同时做一百多人。刚见到大樟树的时候我惊讶的下巴都快掉下来了,大自然真的很伟大,我们在大自然的面前是多么的渺小呀!

杭州是著名的丝绸之乡,我们一行人再返回的途中来到了丝绸甩卖现场,当时我的零花钱已经花光,于是向张老师借了20元钱,给爸爸买了一个丝绸内裤,给妈妈买了一个丝绸钱包。 张老师夸我真有孝心。美丽的杭州西溪湿地真令人流连忘返。 杭州西溪湿地导游词范文2: 到了门口,一行醒目的大字映入眼帘。上面写着: 西溪国家湿地公园。我们走进了大门,里面有许许多多复古的建筑,这些建筑与边上的一池荷花融为一体,仿佛回到了过去。再向前走,对岸一片翠绿的景象。我们还幸运的看到了一只水鸟,赶紧抓拍下来。 我们又到了高庄。前往高庄的路上是一片生机勃勃的竹林。高庄很大,要很长时间才能看完。高庄的房里有许多古董,边上还放着一块牌子,上面写着请勿触摸的字样。可见,这些都是很老很老的文物了。还有一个大门,上面雕刻着精美的图案。其精美程度一点也不比千柱屋的百马图差。内行看门道,外行看热闹,我也是按自己等角度来评论它们的。高庄有很多楼房,有的还有楼梯。高庄真的很古老,连楼梯也禁止上。高庄还有许多大水池,里面种植着荷花,睡莲等植物。要是在这里拍古装戏,那都用不着横店影视城了!高庄何止是大户人家,都快富甲天下了!游览完了高庄,我仿佛看到了高庄以前繁荣昌盛的景象。 看完了人造风景,就要开始看自然风景了。虽然这里没有别的景区那么壮观,却将一种宁静,祥和,淡定的美表现得淋漓尽致。树林里静悄悄的,好像世界上别人都消失了。这里远离城市的喧闹,污染和汽车尾气,是难得一遇的好地方。妈妈不由自主的叹道:


杭州英语导游词 【篇一:杭州西湖导游词英文翻译】 hangzhou---the heaven on earth --------by day day the great “it’s the most wonderful place in the world, where makes you feel in the heaven”, the famous italy traveler macro polo describes the hangzhou in his memory. the saying goes that in china---above is heaven, below is hangzhou. the reputation of hangzhou lies in the picturesque west lake. the lake is beautiful all year round, and the poet in song dynasty named dongpo su highly praised the scenery. travelling in the west lake, you can also wander along the street, try the delicious dessert, and purchase some local products. the su dam and white dam are of the most famous scenic spots in china. they divided the lake into halves, seemed like two fluttering green ribbons, surrounded by mountain and forests with some house lets. there are there islands in the center of the lake: ruangong, huxin, and yingzhou. hangzhou is one of the six ancient capitals in china, and it last 2,000 years history. not only famous for the natural scenery and cultural charm, but also for its delicacy, crafts, and calligraphy of historical figures. as the silk city of china, there are all kinds of silk products; tapestry is the especially beautiful one among them. other specialties are black-paper-fans, silk umbrella, and west lake longjing tea. generally, the appropriate time for going sightseeing near the west lake in hangzhou should be two days, and the travel provides you with cheerful mood and cultural enjoyment. 【原文】 杭州---人间天堂 苏堤和白堤把西湖一分为二,仿佛两条绿色的缎带,飘逸于碧波之上。湖中心有三个小岛:阮公墩,湖心亭和小瀛洲。湖水泛着涟漪,四周山林茂密,点缀着楼台亭阁,是我国最有名的旅游景点之一。 杭州是中国著名的六大古都之一,已有两千多年的历史。杭州不仅 以自然美景闻名,而且有着传统文化的魅力。不仅有历代文人墨客 的题咏,而且有美味佳


西湖的英文介绍 The famous West Lake is like a brilliant pearl embedded in the beautiful and fertile shores of the East China Sea near the mouth of the Hangzhou Bay. The lake covers an area of 5.6 square kilometers. The view of the West Lake is simply enchanting, which offers many attractions for tourists at home and abroad. Tiger-running Spring The legend goes that two tights ran there and made a hole where a spring gushed out. The Longjing Tea and the Tiger-running Spring water are always reputed as t he “Two Wonders of the West Lake”. The Lingyin Monastery The Lingyin Monastery, or the Monastery of Soul’s Retreat, is a famous historical site of the West Lake. Here exists the Lingyin Monastery, a famous ancient temple in China, in front of which there are Feilai Peak, Cold Spring, Longhong Cave and precious rock cave arts and queer and varied natural caves and


最新西溪湿地导游词 西溪湿地导游词篇1 国内第一个也是唯一的集城市湿地、农耕湿地、文化湿地于一体的国家湿地公园. 坐落于杭州市区西部,距离杭州西湖五公里,在杭州天目山路延伸段,是罕见的城中次生湿地。曾与西湖、西泠并称杭州"三西".西溪之胜,首在于水。 水是西溪的灵魂,园区约70%的面积为河港、池塘、湖漾、沼泽,正所谓"一曲溪流一曲烟",整个园区六条河流纵横交汇,水道如巷、河汊如网、鱼塘栉比如鳞、诸岛棋布,形成了西溪独特的湿地景致。西溪,古称河渚,"曲水弯环,群山四绕,名园古刹,前后踵接,又多芦汀沙溆"。占地面积10.08平方公里,分为东部湿地生态保护培育区、中部湿地生态旅游休闲区和西部湿地生态景观封育区。 西溪集生态湿地、城市湿地、文化湿地于一身,堪称中国湿地第一园,西溪湿地以独特的风光和生态,形成了极富吸引力的一种湿地景观旅游资源。湿地内河流众多,水渚密布,温度适宜、雨量充沛,植被繁多,大面积的芦荡,众多飞禽走兽,到处鸟语花香,空气清新。

四季皆宜的西溪,你可以泛舟湖漾港汊,可以垂钓河塘柳荫,秋风中可以观柿听芦,冬日里可以探访梅花,也可以在初春时踏青漫步,在夏日下采菱赏荷,其中的野趣妙意,令人流连忘返。另外,西溪湿地作为电影《非诚勿扰》的外景拍摄地也为它增加了不少人气。 西溪湿地导游词篇2 杭州西溪国家湿地公园坐落于浙江杭州市区西部,距离杭州西湖五公里,是罕见的城中次生湿地、中国第一个"国家湿地公园" 、国家5A级旅游景区,曾与西湖、西泠并称杭州"三西"。西溪国家湿地公园占地面积约11.5平方公里,分为东部湿地生态保护培育区、中部湿地生态旅游休闲区和西部湿地生态景观封育区。 园区约70%的面积为河港、池塘、湖漾、沼泽,正所谓"一曲溪流一曲烟",整个园区六条河流纵横交汇,水道如巷、河汊如网、鱼塘栉比如鳞、诸岛棋布,形成了西溪独特的湿地景致,集生态湿地、城市湿地、文化湿地于一身,堪称中国湿地第一园。 2015年10月,西溪湿地旅游区主要存在安全隐患明显,多处人流集中处无警示标识,游船安全设施不到位;导览服务不完善,导游讲解水平抵,标识系统不完备,商业设施标识混乱等问题,对景区


最新浙江杭州西湖景点英语导游词 杭州西湖英语导游词篇1 Of all the distinguished visitors, everybody is good! You must have heard of "above there is heaven, below there are suzhou and hangzhou" this famous saying, yes, this sentence described is that we will soon arrived at the destination - the beautiful west lake in hangzhou. I am your tour guide this trip to hangzhou, my name is Chen, everyone call me Chen guide. Now we come to the ten views of west lake - chunxiao su causeway. Su causeway three km, is the northern song dynasty poet su dongpo as hangzhou magistrate, management of west lake, using the hollowed out of the mud to build. So the name "su causeway". Early spring night, walking along the long lake, in the light smoke haze, miles of weeping willows, blossoming open hearts with the dew, the scenery is charming and attractive, and when the spring rain started falling, through alluringly wicker overlooking the lake, but see mist


湿地公园优秀案例分析:杭州西溪湿地 第一章:序言——案例筛选理由 大黄堡湿地位于京津发展轴上的武清区,是京津之间一处重要的生态湿地资源。该湿地具备地域广阔、水量丰沛、景观优美、交通便利等特性,大黄堡湿地公园的科学建设、合理发展对京津地区之间生态旅游产业的发展、融合具有非常重要的意义。 西溪国家湿地公园位于杭州市区西部,同样属于典型的位于城市边缘的次生态城市湿地。近年来该湿地的生态保护与旅游开发和谐发展的先进经验引起了极大关注。项目的科学规划、成功运营,在很好的保护了湿地环境的同时为杭州的旅游业发展起到了良好的拉动作用。 该项目在湿地条件等各方面上的相似度上与大黄堡项目十分接近,且发展较为成功。因此,经过考察研究,我们决定选取杭州西溪湿地作为湿地公园优秀案例。 在此次案例分析中我们将在前三章详细阐述项目各期期发展概况的同时,在第四章对西溪湿地在湿地开发模式及尺度、湿地公园规划及开发方案、湿地保护与旅游产业开发和谐发展、周边建设控制规划等四方面的成功经验予以剖析总结,为日后大黄堡湿地公园的开发规划提供借鉴依据。 第二章:项目概况 一、项目概况 (一)概况 西溪国家湿地公园位于杭州市区西部,为罕见的城中次 生湿地。东起紫金港路西侧,西至绕城公路东侧,南起 沿山河,北至文二路延伸段,总面积约为11.64平方公 里为保护区范围,共分三期建设,总投资88.4亿元人民 币,建设期六年。 在保护区界线以外为外围保护地带,东至紫金港,南至 老和山麓,西至绕城公路西侧绿带,北至余杭塘河,用 地面积15.7平方公里;外围保护地带以外的周边景区 控制区,主要涉及五常乡、闲林镇的两湿地水网区域, 用地面积约为50平方公里。距西湖不到5公里,是罕见 的城中次生湿地。其生态资源丰富、自然景观质朴、文 化积淀深厚,曾与西湖、西泠并称杭州“三西”,是目前


浙江杭州西湖景点英语导游词 杭州西湖是浙江著名的旅游景点,很多来自世界各地的游客慕名来游览,导游也要给游客做好景点的解说。下面是为大家带来的杭州西湖英语导游词,希望可以帮助大家。 杭州西湖英语导游词篇1 ofallthedistinguishedvisitors,everybodyisgood!Youmu sthaveheardof"abovethereisheaven,belowtherearesuzho uandhangzhou"thisfamoussaying,yes,thissentencedescr ibedisthatwewillsoonarrivedatthedestination-thebeau tifulwestlakeinhangzhou.Iamyourtourguidethistriptoh angzhou,mynameischen,everyonecallmechenguide. nowwecometothetenviewsofwestlake-chunxiaosucauseway

.sucausewaythreekm,isthenorthernsongdynastypoetsudo ngpoashangzhoumagistrate,managementofwestlake,using thehollowedoutofthemudtobuild.sothename"sucauseway" .earlyspringnight,walkingalongthelonglake,intheligh tsmokehaze,milesofweepingwillows,blossomingopenhear tswiththedew,thesceneryischarmingandattractive,andw henthespringrainstartedfalling,throughalluringlywic keroverlookingthelake,butseemistdiffuses,fade,farvi ewisfantasy,knownas"sixbridgeYanLiu"."goodbillowabo vethesunnyside,mountains,emptinessrainalso,forthewe stlakethanwest,cplusalwaysright."greatpoetfancycomp arewestlaketochineseancientbeautyxishi,asaresult,th ewestlakehasa"scenery"bills.Youseeinfrontofthebridg e?saidtreasureonbridgethesongdynasty,alsocalledthep eriodofthebridge,isaformermossofancientstonebridge. Althoughwenowseethebridgeisaverycommonbridge,butits nameand"whitesnake"xuxianandthewhiteniangsonstoryre latesintogether,thusbecameoneofthemostfamousbridgei nthewestlake.brokenbridgecxisararewestlakelandscape ."westlakethisvictory,clearlakelakedon'tlikerain,ra inasyuehulake,moonlakethansnowlake".


西溪湿地的介绍 线路特色:西溪湿地国家公园位于杭州市区西部,距西湖不到5公里,是罕见的城中次生湿地。这里生态资源丰富、自然景观质朴、曾与西湖、西泠并称杭州“三西”,是目前国内第一个也是唯一的集城市湿地、农耕湿地、文化湿地于一体的国家湿地公园。 西溪湿地景点:在西溪,或泛舟湖漾,或独钓塘边,春日踏青,夏日采菱,秋日观芦,冬日探梅,各种各样令人愉悦的游憩活动全凭游人兴致。西溪一期共开放烟水渔庄、秋雪庵、西溪水阁、梅竹山庄、深潭口、西溪梅墅、西溪草堂、泊庵等八大景点。这些充满当地特色,富有湿地风情的活动您不妨去领略一下。 西溪湿地特产:西溪特产主要有羊羔补酒、新三宝(白果、药枣、猕猴桃)、老三宝(笋干、茶叶、山核桃)等。 寻回心中最纯净的色彩——西溪渔夫之旅 2010-04-28 22:53:20来源: 网易旅游跟贴1 条手机看新闻 杭州自古繁华,然而在这繁华都市的城西,却有一块地貌风光非常原始的“净土”,它就是“西溪”。 周末我们便驱车来到了杭州西溪国家湿地公园,来探访这块“不是仙人不到来”的“天堂”湿地。 有人说杭州之西湖,如人之眉目,恰似杭州显给世人的柔媚表情;我说杭州之西溪,则如人之心脾,代表杭州的涵养和气质。随我去一同感受,也许不经意间,你会爱上西溪。 南宋时西溪和西湖齐名,是杭州最后的一片江南水乡,自然而富野趣,具有“杭州之肾”和“副西湖”美誉,名列“钱塘三西”(西湖、西溪、西泠)胜境,已有1000多年历史。“缘何溪水也姓西,淡妆浓抹更相宜”。在历代文人墨客的笔下,西溪与西湖同样美丽迷人。如今的西溪湿地公园更以“冷野淡雅”的生态景观取胜,充斥着轻松自在的休闲气氛。旖旎的湿地风光,犹如一幅美丽的自然山水画卷。她既是一个繁华闹市中的水乡村落,又是一首现代生活中的田园牧歌,更是一个中国江南著名的城市湿地公园。毫不讳言,西溪湿地,将成为今年的最佳休闲去处之一。 来西溪的游客大都怀着对大自然的热爱,对生活的激情,如今您又可以体验到返璞归真,农耕渔事的乐趣!那一定要试试西溪湿地最经典最好玩的体验活动——“渔夫之旅”,它将游玩、捕捞、美食结合在一起,让我们在欣赏美景色之余,更感受到湿地作为环保维护者、食物供给者的生态价值,实在是一次非常超值的完美体验。 旅程从古朴的摇橹船开始,我们一行四人带上了公园为游客准备的斗笠,乘坐插有“渔夫之旅”标志的摇橹船,二名船工兼渔夫身着传统的渔夫服为我们全程服务,一边带领我们游览西溪的自然风光,一边为我们介绍西溪的丰富物产和传统农耕渔事活动。摇橹船行过二

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