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江苏高考英语3500词汇读练测精品系列(解析版) (1)

江苏高考英语3500词汇读练测精品系列(解析版) (1)
江苏高考英语3500词汇读练测精品系列(解析版) (1)



1.His success doesn’t _______ his cleverness, and working hard _______ his progress.

A. lie on, leads to

B. lead to, leads to

C. lie in, lies in

D. lie in, leads to


【解析】lie in在于;lead to导致。句意:他的成功不是在于他的聪明,努力工作才导致了他的进步。2.—How could you have trusted the online dictionary that much in translating your resume?

—Well, I never expected it should translate it so _______.

A. literally

B. likely

C. liberally

D. legally


【解析】literally照字面地;likely adj.很可能的;liberally自由地;legally合法地,在法律上。句意:“你怎么能这么信任在线词典帮你翻译简历呢?”“我从没想过它会这么照字面翻译。”

3.If you buy more than ten, they’ll knock 20 pence _______ the price.

A. about

B. over

C. off

D. at


【解析】knock off“降低”,符合语境。句意:如果你买超过10英镑的东西,他们就会降价20便士。4.—Do you enjoy the movie Fast & Furious 8?

—Not really. I just _______ my time.

A. limit

B. kill

C. lack

D. keep


【解析】kill my time打发/消磨我的时间。句意:“你喜欢电影《速度与激情8》吗?”“不见得呢。我只是打发时间而已。”

5.Nowadays, many young people _______ selflessness often talk a good game but have a hard time putting their words into action.

A. lacking

B. lacked

C. lacking of

D. lacked in



6.I have _______ all my papers but I still can’t find my notes,

A. looked through

B. looked for

C. looked after

D. looked out


【解析】look through意为“浏览”。根据其宾语all my papers可判断出把全部文件都浏览了一遍也没有找到记的笔记。look for寻找;look after照看;look out小心。

7.It is reported that doctors are _______ the case for new treatment

A. looking forward to

B. looking up to

C. looking into

D. look down upon

【解析】looking forward to期盼;looking up to尊重;looking into调查;look down upon看不起,轻视。句意:据报道,医生正在调查这一病例以寻求新的治疗方法。

8.We all _______ Wang Yaping as an example of a woman who managed to fulfil her dream.

A. look forward to

B. look back

C. look up to

D. look over


【解析】look forward to期待;look back回顾;look up to尊敬;look over检查。句意:王亚平作为一个努力实现自己的梦想的女性典范受到我们所有人的尊敬。

9.The origins of what is now generally known as modern art can be _______ to social changes of the 18th century.

A. limited

B. led

C. linked

D. known


【解析】be linked to“涉及”,符合语境。句意:现代艺术的起源可以追溯到18世纪的社会变革。

10.The actor is very forgetful. He often forgets his _______ lines and his group can’t work regularly.

A. links

B. litter

C. license

D. lines



11.You are always telling me I am _______. Look at your room. What a mess it is! That is _______ the pot calling the kettle black.

A. limited, as

B. lame, for

C. lazy, like

D. lazy, as


【解析】lazy懒惰的,偷懒的;like像,That is like the pot calling the kettle black五十步笑百步。句意:你总是说我懒惰。看看你的房间。真乱啊!五十步笑百步哪!

12.He accidentally _______ that he had quarreled with his wife and that he hadn’t been home for a couple of weeks.

A. let out

B. left out

C. laid out

D. look out


【解析】let out泄露,透露(消息等);leave out遗漏,删除;lay out摆开,展示;look out当心。句意:他无意间透露了他和妻子吵架了,已经有几个星期没有回家了。

13.The newly-elected president officially _______ a plan to break through the trade barrier.

A. laid off

B. laid down

C. laid out

D. laid aside


【解析】lay off被辞退、解雇;lay down制定,颁布,搁下;lay out阐述;lay aside搁置,储存以备后用,抛开(情感或信仰)。句意:新当选的总统正式阐述了一项关于如何打破别国的贸易壁垒的计划。

14.Before real estate control policies were introduced, people hoped that their income would be increased _______ the rise in housing prices.

A. in touch with

B. in the line with

C. in line with

D. in love with

【解析】in touch with和……保持联系;in line with和……一致;in love with爱上,爱上了。句意:在出台房地产管制政策之前,人们希望他们的收入能随着房价的上涨而增加。

15.Tom hasn’t appeared for 10 days. So I promise his parents: “I’ll report back, the moment I _______ him.”

A. look for

B. locate

C. link

D. leave



16.What disappointed us most is that our national football team was _______ of the Asian Cup a second time, with four points from three matches.

A. kicked around

B. knocked down

C. kept track

D. kicked out


【解析】kick out把……赶出,这里的意思是:被淘汰出局。句意:最令我们失望的是我们的国家足球队以三赛4分的成绩再次在亚洲杯中被淘汰出局。

17.This information allows businessmen to keep _______ of their list of goods by showing which items are being sold and how fast they are moving.

A. out

B. track

C. touch

D. sign


【解析】keep track of记录,跟踪,保持联系;相当于keep in touch with。句意:这个信息通过展示哪些商品正在出售和它们的流通速度来让商务人士及时跟踪了解商品清单。

18.The old man told us most of the story, but _______ the part about the murder.

A. kept away

B. kept off

C. kept up

D. kept back


【解析】keep back“保留,扣留”,符合句意。keep away避免接近,远离;keep off使不碰到,使避开;keep up继续下去,坚持下去。句意:老人跟我们讲了故事的大部分内容,但没有讲有关谋杀的部分。

https://www.doczj.com/doc/8118247093.html,pared to the advantages of the Internet, those of the television alone will not be enough to ensure its survival, and the _______ will be replaced.

A. latest

B. later

C. last

D. latter


【解析】the latter“后者”指“网络”。句意:相较于网络的优势,电视单靠自身的优势将不足以保证它幸存下来,所以其将会被后者所取代。

20.He is expected to give us a _______ description of the football match that was broadcast _______ last night.

A. live, lively

B. live, live

C. lively, lively

D. lively, live



21.Schools should be _______ lively places where individuals are encouraged to develop to their greatest potential.

A. live

B. living

C. alive

D. lively



22.—I have seen so little of Mike _______. Is he away on business?

—Oh, no. He just leaves for his office and returns very _______.

A. later, lately

B. later, late

C. late, lately

D. lately, late



23.We have _______ a campaign for better nursery and the school services.

A. laid

B. kicked

C. launched

D. leaked



24.China’s exchanges and cooperation with other developing countries reached a new _______. China’s relations with other major countries steadily grew through interaction.

A. liberty

B. level

C. league

D. leadership




25.A _______ candle _______ the faces of everybody in the room. They all looked very excited.

A. lit, lit up

B. lit up, lit

C. lighted, lit up

D. lighted, lit


【解析】light用作动词时,其过去式或过去分词有lighted和lit两种形式,其区别是:多用lit,但若用于名词前作定语,则通常用lighted(如a lighted match点燃的火柴)。light up照亮。句意:一支点燃



Steve was a seventh grader, a big boy, looking more like a teenager than a 12-year-old. Yet, he went unnoticed—he had been 1 every examination since first grade—until Miss Wilma.

In the middle of the first semester of school, the entire seventh grade was 2 for basic skills.

“You all did pretty well,” Miss Wilma told the class after going over the 3 “except for one boy. And it

4 my heart to tell you this, but…” she

5 , “the smartest boy in the seventh grade is failing my class.”

Steve 6 his eyes an carefully examined his fingertips.

After that, Steve still wouldn’t do his homework. Even if Miss Wilma 7 punished him, he remained

8 .

“Steve, please! I care about you!”9 , Steve got it! “Someone CARES ABOUT ME?!”

One Monday a couple of weeks later, Miss Wilma gave a 10 on the weekend homework. Steve

11 through the test and was the first to hand in his paper. With a look of 12 ,Miss Wilma 1ook his paper and began to look it over.

Miss Wilma’s face was in 13 shock! She 14 Steve, then down, then up. The smartest boy in the seventh grade had just passed his first test!

From that moment, nothing was the same for Steve. He discovered that not only could he remember and understand 15 , but he could translate what he learned into his life. He became 16 .

After high school, Steve enlisted in the Navy, and he had a(n) 17 military career. During his naval years, he inspired many young people who might not have 18 themselves without him. A 19 took place within the heart of a boy all because of one teacher, who 20 .



1. A. missing B. failing C. passing D. lifting


【解析】A. missing错过;B. failing失败;C. passing通过;D. lifting提升,抬起。由下文“The smartest boy in the seventh g rade had just passed his first test! ”可知,七年级最聪明的男孩刚通过了他的第一次考


2. A. tested B. classified C. separated D. dismissed


【解析】A. tested测试;B. classified分类;C. separated分离;D. dismissed解雇。由“In the middle of the first s emester of school”可知,在学校的第一学期中期,所以要对学生进行基本技能的测试。符合常识。


3. A. questions B. effects C. lessons D. results


【解析】A. questions问题;B. effects影响;C. lessons课;D. results结果。由“You all did pretty well,except

for one boy.”可知,除了一个男孩,你们都做得很好。所以威尔玛老师一定是看了成绩之后,才对


4. A. fills B. presses C. breaks D. destroys


【解析】A. fills装满;B. presses压;C. breaks破碎;D. destroys毁灭。有一个同学考试不及格,所以老师会感到难过,感到心碎。故C选项正确。

5. A. shouted B. hesitated C. interrupted D. laughed


【解析】A. shouted喊;B. hesitated犹豫;C. interrupted打断;D. laughed笑。由“but...”可知,威尔玛老师犹豫了一下。故B选项正确。

6. A. dropped B. raised C. covered D. closed


【解析】A. dropped下落;B. raised提高;C. covered覆盖;D. closed关闭。由“carefully examined his fingertips.”



7. A. strangely B. steadily C. severely D. secretly


【解析】A. strangely奇怪地;B. steadily稳定地;C. severely严厉地;D. secretly秘密地。由“After that, Steve still wouldn’t do his homework”可知,在那之后,史蒂夫仍然不愿做作业。所以威尔玛老师严厉地


8. A. helpless B. stubborn C. flexible D. crazy


【解析】A. helpless无助的;B. stubborn倔强的,顽固地;C. flexible灵活的;D. crazy疯狂的。前后语意表示转折,尽管史蒂夫被严厉惩罚,但是他还是很顽固不写作业。故B选项正确。

9. A. Commonly B. Unwillingly C. Particularly D. Suddenly


【解析】A. Commonly共同地;B. Unwillingly不愿意地;C. Particularly特别地;D. Suddenly突然地。“有人关心我。”“Suddenly”一词表示史蒂夫醒悟了,明白了。符合句意。故D选项正确。

10. A. quiz B. chance C. speech D. presentation


【解析】A. quiz考试;B. chance机会;C. speech演讲;D. presentation展示。有下文可知,史蒂夫是第一个交卷子的人。所以威尔玛老师一定就周末的家庭作业做了一个测验。故A选项正确。

11. A. slept B. looked C. lived D. hurried


【解析】A. slept睡觉;B. looked看;C. lived居住;D. hurried仓促。由下文“the first to hand in his paper.”


12. A. disappointment B. surprise C. satisfaction D. inspiration


【解析】A. disappointment失望;B. surprise惊讶;C. satisfaction满意;D. inspiration激发。威尔玛老师对史蒂夫第一个交卷子感到惊讶,所以她想检查一下史蒂夫卷子的答题情况。故B选项正确。

13. A. better B. total C. precious D. ridiculous


【解析】A. better更好的;B. total完全的;C. precious珍贵的;D. ridiculous愚蠢的。“Total surprise”表示威尔玛老师对史蒂夫试卷的答题情况感到意外,因为史蒂夫第一次考试及格。故B选项正确。

14. A. kept company with B. kept up C. glanced up at D. looked down upon


【解析】A. kept company with陪伴;B. kept up with跟上;C. glanced up at sb.抬头看一眼某人;D. looked down upon看不起,瞧不起。根据下文可知,这里是说:她抬头看了一眼史蒂夫,然后又上下打


15. A. homework B. grades C. knowledge D. subjects


【解析】A. homework家庭作业;B. grades分数;C. knowledge知识;D. subjects话题。由“he coul d translate what he learned into his life”可知,还能将所学的知识运用到生活中。所以判断出史蒂夫能够记住


16. A. outstanding B. lazy C. rough D. troublesome


【解析】A. outstanding杰出的;B. lazy懒惰的;C. rough粗糙的;D. troublesome令人烦恼的。由上文可知,史蒂夫由考试不及格到考试及格且能够学习知识,并将知识运用到生活中。所以史蒂夫彻


17. A. tiring B. ordinary C. hardworking D. successful


【解析】A. tiring令人疲惫的;B. ordinary普通的;C. hardworking努力的,勤奋的;D. successful成功的。



18. A. relied on B. looked after C. turned to D. believed in


【解析】A. relied on依靠;B. looked after照顾;C. turned to求助于……;D. believed in相信。句意:在他的海军生涯中,他激励了许多年轻人,如果没有史蒂夫,他们可能连自己都不相信自己。由


19. A. competition B. choice C. change D. campaign


【解析】A. competition竞争;B. choice选择;C. change改变;D. campaign战役,运动。通读全文可知,文章记叙了威尔玛老师通过赞扬和关心史蒂夫,使他重拾信心,从而专心学习,不断进步。所


20. A. waited B. listened C. wished D. cared


【解析】A. waited等;B. listened 听;C. wished希望;D. cared关心。由全文可知,就是由于威尔玛老师的关心和赞扬,才促使了史蒂夫内心的巨大变化。故D选项正确。


If you said you were suffering from “burnout” in the early 1970s, you might have raised some eyebrows.

At the time, the term was informally to describe the side effects that heavy drug users experienced.

However, in 1974, a German-American psychologist Herbert Freudenberger found the volunteers at his clinic were struggling, too: their work was tough, and many were lacking in motivation. Freudenberger defined this condition as a state of extreme tiredness caused by constant overwork-and borrowed the term “burnout” to describe it.

Late last month, the World Health Organization(WHO)announced that the problem will be recognized as a syndrome(综合征)“resulting from workplace stress that has not been successfully managed.”

Feeling the burn so how can you tell if you’re almost burned out?

“A lot of the signs an d symptoms of pre-burnout would be very similar to depression,” says Siobhan Murray, a psychotherapist. She suggests looking out for bad habits, such as increased alcohol consumption and relying on

sugar to get you through the day. Also watch out for feelings of tiredness that won’t go away or not having the energy to exercise or go for a walk. As soon as you begin to feel this way, Murray advises going to see your doctor. “Depression and pre-burnout are very similar. But it is still classified as an occupational phenomenon which is still best tackled by making lifestyle changes.”

And how do you know if you’re really on the edge of burnout? “Stress is really important, and anxiety is what motivates us to do well,” says Murray. “It’s when we’re continually exposed to stress and anxiety that it starts to turn into burnout.”

You’re pre-burnout: What’s next?

“Sometimes they feel the need to be too perfect so they’re having to work very hard to cover up that they’re not quite as good as everyone thinks.” Another t herapist Walker says.

However, sometimes the work environment is the problem. According to a 2018 study of 7,500 US workers, burnout comes from unfair treatment at work, an unmanageable workload and not knowing what a person’s role should involve. Workers were also stressed out by a lack of support from their manager and put reasonable time pressure.

Whatever the cause of your burnout, Murray’s top tip is to be kind to yourself.

In Murray’s experience, a key driver of burnout is today’s culture of wanting it all. Often it’s just not possible to have a healthy social life and complete a big project at the same time. She says it’s vital to prioritize and not expect too much of yourself; when others seem like the perfect boss, parent and friend all at the same time, they’re probably misleading us.

If you feel that you might be close to joining the burnout club, take a step back, figure out what’s going wrong-and let yourself off the hook.





【解析】82. 信息转换题。原文第一段即指出,在70年代burnout指的是重度吸毒者遭受的副作用,因此heavy drug users这里转换为drugabuse/addiction。


【解析】信息转换题。原文第三段a state of extreme tiredness caused by constant overwork可知,是指人们因为不断超负荷工作而劳累,而本题所填空在volunteers前,应该是形容词,因此讲tiredness转



【解析】信息转换题。原文第四段最后一行stress that has not been successfully managed可知,是指没能处理好压力,而本题所填空应该是名词,固定搭配fail to do表示未能做成某事,此处转换为名词



【解析】信息转换题。原文第六段第一行be very similar to depression可知,burnout和depression很相似,而所填空应该是名词,固定搭配share similarities with …表示和…很类似,因此填similarities。6.【答案】lack/overuse

【解析】信息转换题。原文第六段第三行需要酒精get you through the day 和not having the energy可知,觉得自己没有精力,或者是精力被过度消耗,所填空为名词,因此填lack或overuse。


8.【答案】provide/offer /offord

【解析】信息转换题。原文倒数第四段the work environment is the problem和后面具体的unfair treatment at work, an unmanageable workload and not knowing what a person’s role should involve可知,公司没

能提供有利的工作环境,所填空应该是动词,因此填provide/offer /afford。


【解析】信息概括题。由文章最后两段内容可知,要接纳自己,不要给自己过多的压力过多的期待,是在介绍避免burnout的方法,且固定搭配approach to doing,因此填avoiding。


【解析】信息查找题。原文倒数第三段Murray建议要be kind to yourself,因此填kind。


Are energy drinks safe? In spite of the dangers 1 (know)to us all, the market for energy drinks is booming. The Global Energy Drink market 2 (expect)to teach $72 billion by 2024. This is great news for energy drink producers, 3 what are consumers really getting when they buy these drinks?

Energy drinks can cause dehydration(脱水). The main source of energy in most energy products is caffeine,

4 increases urine(尿)production. People shouldn’t consume more than 400 mg of caffeine per day, but energy drink producers are not required by draw

5 (list)the amount of caffeine their products contain.

Energy drinks can increase heart rate. Caffeine contributes 6 a heart rate risk, says nutritionist Lisa Cohn, who found that energy drink abuse among teens 7 (cause)increased risk of heart attack, especially in those with potential heart conditions

Energy drinks can damage 8 (tooth)Most energy products contain large amounts of citric acid(柠檬酸), which is particularly 9 (harm)to enamel(牙釉质). In fact, the 10 (lose)of enamel after exposure to energy drinks is more than twice higher than after exposure to sports drinks.



【解析】考查非谓语动词。known to us all是过去分词短语作后置定语,修饰the dangers,相当于定语从句that / which are known to us all,故填known。句意:尽管我们都知道这些危险,但功能饮料的


【解析】考查动词的时态语态。主语The Global Energy Drink market是谓语动词expect的承受者,需用被动语态;表示说的是现在的预期,应用一般现在时,故填is expected。句意:到2024年,全球






5.【答案】to list

【解析】考查非谓语动词。require sb to do sth“要求某人做某事”,这里用的是其被动语态be required to do sth,故填to list。句意:人们每天摄入的咖啡因不应超过400毫克,但法律并没有要求功能饮料



【解析】考查动词短语中的介词。contribute to是固定短语,意思是“促成;带来;有助于”,故填to。句意:营养学家Lisa Cohn说,咖啡因会增加心率风险,她发现青少年滥用能量饮料会增加心脏病



【解析】考查动词的时态。在who引导的定语从句中,主句是一般过去时,that引导的宾语从句也要用属于过去范畴的某种时态,故填caused。句意:营养学家Lisa Cohn说,咖啡因会增加心率风险,

















Dear Steven,

From your letter, I know it is hard for you to make friends. The following advice may be for some help to you.

To begin with, walking to your classmates and talk with them. After several talk you will happily find that they are possible to consider you as a warm-heart person. Gradually, you will enjoy each other company. Besides, you’d better send them a hand when they are in trouble. It is advisable to participate in different kind of activities, which you can communicate with different people.

All in al if you follow my advice above, you would find that it isn’t big deal to make some friends.


Jack 【语篇解读】这是一篇说明文。作者的朋友在交朋友方面很困难,作者就他的问题提出了两点交朋友的建议。


【解析】考查介词。短语be of some help to sb,表示“对某人有些帮助”,故for改为of。句意:以下建议可能对你有所帮助。









【解析】考查相互代词的所有格。company本句中作名词,表示“陪伴”与上文each other构成所属关系,且指人,故用名词所有格,other改为other’s。句意:渐渐地,你们会享受彼此的陪伴。


【解析】考查动词短语。lend/give sb. a hand帮某人一把。句意:另外,他们有麻烦的时候你最好帮他们一把。


【解析】考查名词短语。短语kinds of“各种各样的”应用kind的复数形式,故kind改为kinds。句意:可取的做法是参加各种各样不同的活动。


【解析】考查定语从句。本句为定语从句修饰先行词activities且先行词在从句中做状语,表地点,故用关系副词where;或用介词+关系代词的结构,in the activity“在活动中”,故在which前添加介词







2014年高考英语词汇解析 A 1.●abandon v.放弃,遗弃,抛弃abandon oneself to 陷入,沉湎于 2.◎ability n. 能力;才能the ability to walk 行走的能力 to the best of one’s ability 竭尽全力He completed the job to the best of his ability. 3.●abnormal adj.不正常的,畸形的,反常的反义词:normal 4. ◎aboard prep. adv.在船(飞机,火车)上,上船(飞机,轮船) 5. about prep关于,ad 大约,到处 a) be about to do sth…(when)I was about to go out when it began to rain. b) look about/around/round c) How/What about…询问情况或建议 6 . above prep在…上面above all 首先;尤其 7. abroad ad.到(在)国外a) go /study /live abroad b) at home and abroad在国内外 8. ●absence n. 不在,缺席 absence from work/ school The decision was made in my absence. in the absence of 在缺少…条件下The case was dismissed in the absence of proof. 9. ◎absent adj. 缺席的,不在的be absent from absent-minded adj. 心不在焉的 10. ◎absorb vt. 1) 吸收,吸进(液体,气体等)2) 理解,掌握 absorb ink/ water/ neat/ light/ oxygen/ sound/ energy absorb information/ knowledge be absorbed in专注于,聚精会神于… 11.●abuse v / n. 滥用,谩骂abuse alcohol/ drugs 酗酒/嗜毒 abuse power/ position/ privilege 滥用权力/职权/特权 12. accept vt. accept the gift /invitation /plan accept sb/sth as… 13.●access n.方法,通路,机会 accessible adj. 可进入的,可接近的,可使用的 14. accident n.事故,意外的事 by accident/chance 偶然,无意中;不小心 15.●accompany v. 陪伴,伴随,伴奏accompany sb. to the school/ supermarket accompany the singer on / at the piano Lightening usually accompanies thunder. 16. ●accomplish v. 完成,到达,实现accomplishment n. 成就,成绩 accomplish the task/ purpose/ goal 17. according to根据According to the law, he should be sentenced to death. 18. ◎accuse vt. 指控,指责accuse sb of (doing ) sth 控告… 19.●accustomed adj. 习惯的,适应的,惯常的be/ get/ become accustomed to doing 20. ache vi./n headache / toothache My back aches so much. 21. achieve vt 达到;取得achievement n 成就 achieve success/victory/one’s goal; 22.◎achievement n. 成就,业绩;完成(任务等)make great achievements 23.●acknowledge v. 承认,致谢 24. across prep cross v. I walked across the street.; cross a street; come/run across碰到 25. act n.法令,条例vt.表演,扮演,行动,做事 act as 充当;扮演act out 把…表演出来 26. action n. 行动take action to do sth put sth into action 把…付诸实施 27. active adj. 积极的;主动的take an active part in /be active in 积极参加


a(an)一(个、件。。。) abandon 抛弃,放弃 ability 能力,才能 able 有能力的,能干的 be able to 能,会 abnormal 反常的,变态的 aboard 在(船、飞机、车)上,上(船、飞机、车) abolish 废除,取消 abortion 流产;(计划)夭折 about 大约;到处,四处 above 在。。。之上,上面的,在上面 abroad 到(在)国外 abrupt 突然的,意外的;粗鲁的,无礼的absence 不在,缺席 absent 缺席,不在;缺乏的 absolute 绝对的;完全的注意:副词拼写为absolutely absorb 吸收;吸引 abstract 抽象的;深奥的概要 absurd 荒谬的,不合理的 abundant 丰富的,充裕的 abuse 滥用,虐待 academic 学院的,理论的大学教师 academy 专科院校;研究院,学院 accelerate加速;促进 ▲accent 口音,音调 ▲accept 接受 access 通路,入门接近;存取 accessible易接近的,可到达的 ▲accident 事故,意外的事 accommodation 膳食供应;适应 accompany 陪伴,伴随;伴奏 accomplish 完成,实现 account 账目,描述 accountant 会计员(师) accumulate 积蓄;堆积,增加 accuracy 精确性,精确度 accurate 正确的,精确的 accuse 控告,谴责 accustomed 通常的,习惯的 ache 痛,疼痛 achieve 达到,取得 ▲achievement 成就,功绩 acid 酸的,讽刺的,刻薄的 acknowledge 承认,致谢acquaintance 相识,熟人 acquire 获得,学到 acquisition 获得(物) acre 英亩 across 横过,穿过 act 法令,条例(戏)表演,扮演(角色),演出,行动,做事 ▲action 行动 active 积极的,主动的 ▲activity 活动 actor男演员 actress 女演员 actual 实际的,现实的 acute 敏锐的,尖锐的,急性的 AD 公元 ad 广告 adapt 使适应;改编 adaptation 适应,改编 add 添加,增加 addicted 沉迷于某种嗜好的 addition 增加;加 ▲address 地址 adequate 适当的,足够的 adjust 调整,使适合 adjustment 调整,调节,调节器administration 管理,经营,行政部门 admirable令人钦佩的,绝妙的 admire 钦佩,羡慕 ▲admission 准入,接纳 ▲admit 承认,准许(入场,入学,入会)adolescence 青春期 adolescent 青少年 adopt 采用;收养 adore 崇拜,爱慕;喜爱 ▲adult 成年人 advance 推进,促进,前进前进,提升 ▲advantage 优点;好处 adventure 冒险;奇遇 advertise 为。。。做广告 ▲advertisement 广告 ▲advice 忠告,劝告,建议 advise 忠告,劝告,建议 advocate 提倡,鼓吹 affair 事,事情 affect 影响 affection 爱,爱慕,影响,疾病


v1.0 可编辑可修改 高考英语词汇表(3500左右) A a (an) art. 一(个、件……) able a.能够,有能力的 be able to do sth能够做……【ability n.能力】 about ad. 大约,到处,四处 prep. 关于,在各处,四处 above prep.在……上面 a.上面的 ad.在……之上 abroad ad. 到(在)国外 ▲absorb吸收/受 ▲absent a.缺席,不在(absence n.) ▲academic a.学术的 ▲accent n.口音,音调 accept vt. 接受 accident n.事故,意外的事according【to】按照,根据 ▲account n. 账目,描述 ▲accurate a..准确无误的 ▲accuse v.指责,谴责,控告ache vi.& n.痛,疼痛 achieve vt.达到,取得 ▲achievement n.成就 across prep.横过,穿过 act n. 法令,条例 v.表演,扮演(角色),演出(戏), 行动,做事 ▲action n.行动 active a.积极的,主动的 ▲activity n.活动 actor n.男演员 actress n.女演员 actual a.实际的,现实的 ▲AD n. 公元 ▲ad (缩) =advertisementn.广告 add vt.添加,增加 【add to增加】 【add…to把…….添加到】 【add up加起来,合计】 【add up to共计达多少】 address n. 地址 v.在(信封、包裹等)上写名字、地址, 演说(讲) ▲administration n.管理,行政,施行, 政府,内阁(任期) admire v.钦佩,羡慕 admit vt. 承认,准许(入场,入学, 入会) ▲adult n. 成年人 advance v. 推进,促进,前进 【in advance在前面,预先,事先】 advantage n. 优点,好处 adventure n. 冒险,奇遇 ▲advertise vt. 为……做广告 ▲advertisement n. 广告 advice n. 忠告,劝告,建议 advise vt. 忠告,劝告,建议 affair n. 事,事情 afford vt.负担得起(…的费用),抽 得出(时间),提供 afraid a. 害怕的,担心 be afraid of害怕 Africa n. 非洲


1.高中英语3500词(附新加词汇) 2. A 3. a (an) [?, e?(?n)] art. 一(个、件……) 4.abandon [??b?nd?n] v.抛弃,舍弃,放弃 5.ability [??b?l?t?] n. 能力;才能 6.able [?e?b(?)l] a. 能够;有能力的 7.abnormal [?b?n??m(?)l] a. 反常的,变态的 8.aboard [??b??d] prep. 上(船,飞机,火车,汽车等) 9.abolish [??b?l??] v. 废除,废止 10.abortion [??b???(?)n] v. 人工流产,堕胎 11.about [??ba?t] ad. 大约;到处;四处prep. 关于; 在各处;四处 12.above [??b?v] prep. 在……上面 a. 上面的ad. 在……之上 13.abroad [??br??d] ad. 到(在)国外 14.abrupt [??br?pt] a. 突然的,意外的,粗鲁 15.absence [??bs?ns] n. 不在,缺席 16.absent [??bs?nt] a. 缺席,不在 17.absol ute [??bs?lu?t] a. 完全,全部,绝对的 18.absorb [?b?s??b] v. 吸收,使全神贯注 19.abstract [??bstr?kt] a./ n. 抽象的(作品) 20.absurd [?b?s??d] a.荒谬的,怪诞不经的 21.abundant [??b?nd?nt] a.大量,丰盛的,充裕的 22.abuse [??bju?z] v.(酗酒)滥用,虐待,恶语 23.academic [?k??dem?k] a. / n. 学术的,教学的 24.academy [??k?d?m?] n.专科学院,(美)私立学校 25.accelerate [?k?sel?re?t] v.(使)加速,加快 26.accent [??ks?nt] n. 口音,音调 27.accept [?k?sept] vt. 接受 28.access [??kses] n. / v. 通道,入径,存取(计算机文 件) 29.accident [??ks?d?nt] n. 事故,意外的事 30.accommodation [?k?m??de??(?)n] n.住宿,膳宿 31.accompany [??k?mp?n?] v. 陪同,陪伴,与…同时发 生 32.accomplish [??k?mpl??] v. 完成 33.according to [??k??d?? t?] ad. 按照,根据 34.account [??ka?nt] n. 账目;描述 35.accountant [??ka?nt(?)nt] n. 会计,会计师 36.accumulate [??kju?mj?le?t] v. 积累,积聚 37.accuracy [??kj?r?s?] n. 准确,精确 38.accuse [??kju?z] v. 正确无误的,精确的 39.accustomed [??k?st?md] a. 习惯于,惯常的 40.ache [e?k] vi.& n. 痛,疼痛 41.achieve [??t?i?v] vt. 达到,取得 42.achievement [??t?i?vm?nt] n. 成就,成绩,功绩 43.acid [??s?d] a. 酸的 44.acknowledge [?k?n?l?d?] v. 承认 45.acquire [??kwa??(r)] v. 获得,得到46.acquisition [?kw??z??(?)n] n. 获得,得到 47.acre [?e?k?(r)] n. 英亩 48.across [??kr?s] prep. 横过,穿过 49.act [?kt] n. 法令,条例v. (戏)表演,扮演(角色), 演出(戏);行动,做事 50.action [??k?(?)n] n. 行动 51.active [??kt?v] a. 积极的,主动的 52.activity [?k?t?v?t?] n. 活动 53.actor [??kt?(r)] n. 男演员 54.actress [??ktr?s] n. 女演员 55.actual [??kt???l] a. 实际的;现实的 56.AD n. 公元 57.ad [?d] (缩) =advertisement n.广告 58.adapt [??d?pt] v. 使适应,适合,改编 59.add [?d] vt.添加,增加 60.addicted [??d?kt?d] a. 上瘾,成瘾,入迷 61.addition [??d??(?)n] n.增加;(算数用语)加 62.address [??dres] n. 地址 63.adequate [??d?kw?t] a. 合适的,合乎需要的 64.adjust [??d??st] v.调整,调节,适应,习惯 65.adjustment [??d??stm?nt] n. 调整,适应 66.administration [?dm?n??stre??(?)n] n.管理,行政部 门 67.admirable [??dm?r?b(?)l] a.值得赞赏的,可钦佩的 68.admire [?d?ma??(r)] v. 钦佩;羡慕 69.admission [?d?m??(?)n] n. 准入, 接纳 70.admit [?d?m?t] vt. 承认,准许(入场,入学,入会) 71.adolescent [?d??les?nt] n. 青少年 72.adopt [??d?pt] v. 收养,领养 73.adore [??d??(r)] v. (不用于进行时)热爱,爱慕某人 74.adult [??d?lt] n. 成年人 75.advance [?d?vɑ?ns; (US) ?d?v?ns] v. 推进,促进; 前进 76.advantage [?d?vɑ?nt?d?] n. 优点;好处 77.adventure [?d?vent??(r)] n. 冒险;奇遇 78.advertise [??dv?ta?z] vt. 为……做广告 79.advertisement [?d?v??t?sm?nt] n. 广告 80.advice [?d?va?s] n. 忠告,劝告,建议 81.advise [?d?va?z] vt. 忠告,劝告,建议 82.advocate [??dv?k?t] v. 拥护,支持,提倡 83.affair [??fe?(r)] n. 事,事情 84.affect [??fekt] vt. 影响 85.affection [??fek?(?)n] n. 喜爱,钟爱 86.afford [??f??d] vt. 负担得起(……的费用);抽得出 (时间);提供 87.afraid [??fre?d] a. 害怕的;担心 88.Africa [??fr?k?]* n. 非洲 89.African [??fr?k?n] a. 非洲的,非洲人的n. 非洲人 90.after [?ɑ?ft?(r)]r ad. 在后;后来prep. 在…之后;在


高考英语词汇3500词(乱序版) a (an) [?, e?(?n)] art. 一(个、件……) Baby *‘be?b?] n. 婴儿 cab [k?b] n. (美)出租车 dad = daddy [d?d] n.(口)爸爸,爹爹each [i?t?] a.& pron.每人.每个.每件 f (缩) =female (或=foot,feet) [ef]n. 女(的);雌(的);英尺 gain [ɡe?n] vt. 赢得;挣得 ha [hɑ?] int. 哈(笑声) I [a?] pron. 我 jacket *‘d??k?t] n. 短上衣,夹克衫 keep (kept, kept) [ki?p] v. 保持;保存;继续不断vt. 培育,饲养 lab *‘n?l?d?] = laboratory n. 实验室machine [m?’?i?n] n. 机器 nail [ne?l] n. 钉,钉子 obey [??’be?] v. 服从,顺从,听从 pace [pe?s] n. 步子;节奏 quake [kwe?k] n.& v. 震动,颤抖 rabbit *‘r?b?t] n. 兔,家兔 sacred *‘se?kr?d] a. 害怕,恐惧,担心shortly *‘???tl?] ad. 不久 special *‘spe?(?)l]a. 特别的,专门的surround [s?’ra?nd]vt. 围绕;包围 table *‘te?b(?)l] n. 桌子,表格 ugly *‘?ɡl?] a. 丑陋的;难看的 vacation [v?’ke??(?)n] n. 假期,休假 wag *‘v???d?] v. 摇动;摆动 X-ray [eks-re?] n. X射线;X光 yard [jɑ?d] n. 码;院子;场地 zebra *‘zebr?, ‘zi?br?] n. 斑马 puzzled *‘p?z(?)l] a. 迷惑的,困惑的condemn [k?n’dem+ v. 谴责,指责,宣判abandon [?’b?nd?n] v.抛弃,舍弃,放弃bachelor *‘b?t??l?(r)] n. 未婚男子,单身汉cabbage *‘k?b?d?] n. 卷心菜,洋白菜 daily *‘de?l?] a. 每日的;日常的ad. 每天n. 日报 eager *‘i?ɡ?(r)] a. 渴望的,热切的 face [fe?s]n. 脸vt. 面向;面对 gale [ɡe?l] n. 强风(约每小时60英里)habit *‘h?b?t] n. 习惯,习性 ice [a?s] n. 冰 jam [d??m] n. 果酱;阻塞 keeper *‘ki?p?(r)] n. (动物园中的)饲养员,看守人 labour (美labor) *‘le?b?(r)] n. 劳动 mad a. 发疯的;生气的 name [ne?m] n. 名字,姓名,名称vt. 命名,名叫 object *‘?bd??kt]n. 物,物体;宾语 Pacific [p?’s?f?k]a. 太平洋的 qualification [kw?l?f?’ke??(?)n] n. 资格,学历race [re?s] n. 种族,民族v. (速度)竞赛,比赛n. 赛跑,竞赛 sacrifice *‘s?kr?fa?s] vt. 牺牲 shorts [???ts]n. 短裤;运动短裤 specialist *‘spe??l?st] n. (医学)专家,专科医生;专家;专业人员 surrounding [s?’ra?nd??+ a. 周围的 table tennis *‘te?b(?)l ‘ten?s] n. 乒乓球 U.K./ UK(缩) = United Kingdom [ju?‘ke?] n.英国,联合王国 vacant *‘ve?k?nt] a. 空缺的,未被占用的


2018年高考英语词汇解析 A 1.●abandon v.放弃,遗弃,抛弃 abandon the baby/ child/ friend abandon the plan/ idea/ effort/ hope abandon oneself to 陷入,沉湎于 He abandoned himself to despair. 2.◎ability n. 能力;才能 the ability to walk 行走的能力 to the best of one’s abi lity 竭尽全力 He completed the job to the best of his ability. 3.●abnormal adj.不正常的,畸形的,反常的 They thought his behavior was abnormal. 反义词:normal 4. ◎aboard prep. adv.在船(飞机,火车)上,上船(飞机,轮船) all the people aboard 机上的人 5. about prep关于,ad 大约,到处 a) be abo ut to do sth…(when) I was about to go out when it began to rain. b) look about/around/round c) How/What about…询问情况或建议 6 . above prep在…上面above all 首先;尤其 7. abroad ad.到(在)国外 a) go /study /live abroad b) at home and abroad在国内外 8. ●absence n. 不在,缺席 absence from work/ school The decision was made in my absence. in the absence of 在缺少…条件下 The case was dismissed in the absence of proof. 9. ◎absent adj. 缺席的,不在的 be absent from absent-minded adj. 心不在焉的 10. ◎absorb vt. 1) 吸收,吸进(液体,气体等)2) 理解,掌握 absorb ink/ water/ neat/ light/ oxygen/ sound/ energy absorb information/ knowledge be absorbed in专注于,聚精会神于… 11.●abuse v / n. 滥用,谩骂 abuse alcohol/ drugs 酗酒/嗜毒 abuse power/ position/ privilege 滥用权力/职权/特权 12. accept vt. accept the gift /invitation /plan accept sb/sth as… 13.●access n.方法,通路,机会 The only access to the farm was a narrow bridge.


高考/备考辅导 2017年高考英语常用3500个词汇解 析:F F 46. face n脸,表情 v面对,面向,正视 face sth 面朝,面对 be faced with …面对,遇到 47. ●fade vt./vi 褪色,(颜色)消退 The sun had faded the curtains. The curtains had faded in the sun. fade away (to disappear gradually) her smile /laughter /voice faded away 48. fail v.失败,不及格,衰退,未发生 failure n, 失败 fail to do sth power failure fail ( in ) sth words failed me. fail in doing My eyesight failed. If rain fails, the farmers will suffer. I fail to see why you won’t give it a try. ◎failure. n. 失败 Failure is the mother of success 失败的人或事 The man is a ~. The party was a ~

49. fair adj公平的,相当大的,白皙的,晴朗的, 金黄的:n.博览会 a fair price/ fair skin/ a fair day /fair hair fairly pretty 50.fall (fell fallen) n秋季,跌倒; v降落,突然到来; 系动词v进入…状态 fall ill/asleep/silent fall behind fall over fall to the ground fall down from../fall off… A sudden silence fell. My birthday falls on a Monday this year. 51. ◎fantastic. adj. 极好的 That s an ~idea. 巨大的 a ~ amount of money 荒诞的 a ~dream 52. far adj /adv远的,远地 farther, further ( further表抽象含义further study) far from:离…远; 远远不… His work is far from satisfactory. As/so far as I can see= In my opinion=Personally依我看…. 53. fault n 缺点,毛病 Why should I say sorry when it’s not my fault? find fault with sb


高中英语词汇3500词—带音标 A 1. a (an) [?, e?(?n)] art. 一(个、件……) 2.abandon [??b?nd?n] v.抛弃,舍弃,放弃 3.ability [??b?l?t?] n. 能力;才能 4.able [?e?b(?)l] a. 能够;有能力的 5.abnormal [?b?n??m(?)l] a. 反常的,变态的 6.aboard [??b??d] prep. 上(船,飞机,火车,汽车等) 7.abolish [??b?l??] v. 废除,废止 8.abortion [??b???(?)n] v. 人工流产,堕胎 9.about [??ba?t] ad. 大约;到处;四处prep. 关于;在各处;四处 10.above [??b?v] prep. 在……上面a. 上面的ad. 在……之上 11.abroad [??br??d] ad. 到(在)国外 12.abrupt [??br?pt] a. 突然的,意外的,粗鲁 13.absence [??bs?ns] n. 不在,缺席 14.absent [??bs?nt] a. 缺席,不在 15.absolute [??bs?lu?t] a. 完全,全部,绝对的 16.absorb [?b?s??b] v. 吸收,使全神贯注 17.abstract [??bstr?kt] a./ n. 抽象的(作品) 18.absurd [?b?s??d] a.荒谬的,怪诞不经的 19.abundant [??b?nd?nt] a.大量,丰盛的,充裕的 20.abuse [??bju?z] v.(酗酒)滥用,虐待,恶语 21.academic [?k??dem?k] a. / n. 学术的,教学的 22.academy [??k?d?m?] n.专科学院,(美)私立学校 23.accelerate [?k?sel?re?t] v.(使)加速,加快 24.accent [??ks?nt] n. 口音,音调 25.accept [?k?sept] vt. 接受 26.access [??kses] n. / v. 通道,入径,存取(计算机文件) 27.accessible [?k?ses?b(?)l] a. 可到达的,可接受的,易相处的) 28.accident [??ks?d?nt] n. 事故,意外的事 29.accommodation [?k?m??de??(?)n] n.住宿,膳宿 30.accompany [??k?mp?n?] v. 陪同,陪伴,与…同时发生 31.accomplish [??k?mpl??] v. 完成 32.according to [??k??d?? t?] ad. 按照,根据 33.account [??ka?nt] n. 账目;描述 34.accountant [??ka?nt(?)nt] n. 会计,会计师 35.accumulate [??kju?mj?le?t] v. 积累,积聚36.accuracy [??kj?r?s?] n. 准确,精确 37.accuse [??kju?z] v. 正确无误的,精确的 38.accustomed [??k?st?md] a. 习惯于,惯常的 39.ache [e?k] vi.& n. 痛,疼痛 40.achieve [??t?i?v] vt. 达到,取得 41.achievement [??t?i?vm?nt] n. 成就,成绩,功绩 42.acid [??s?d] a. 酸的 43.acknowledge [?k?n?l?d?] v. 承认 44.acquaintance [??kwe?nt?ns] n. 熟人,(与某人)认识 45.acquire [??kwa??(r)] v. 获得,得到 46.acquisition [?kw??z??(?)n] n. 获得,得到 47.acre [?e?k?(r)] n. 英亩 48.across [??kr?s] prep. 横过,穿过 49.act [?kt] n. 法令,条例v. (戏)表演,扮演(角色),演出(戏);行 动,做事 50.action [??k?(?)n] n. 行动 51.active [??kt?v] a. 积极的,主动的 52.activity [?k?t?v?t?] n. 活动 53.actor [??kt?(r)] n. 男演员 54.actress [??ktr?s] n. 女演员 55.actual [??kt???l] a. 实际的;现实的 56.acute a.十分严重的,(病)急性的 57.AD n. 公元 58.ad [?d] (缩) =advertisement n.广告 59.adapt [??d?pt] v. 使适应,适合,改编 60.adaptation [?d?p?te??(?)n] n. 适应,改编本 61.add [?d] vt.添加,增加 62.addicted [??d?kt?d] a. 上瘾,成瘾,入迷 63.addition [??d??(?)n] n.增加;(算数用语)加 64.address [??dres] n. 地址 65.adequate [??d?kw?t] a. 合适的,合乎需要的 66.adjust [??d??st] v.调整,调节,适应,习惯 67.adjustment [??d??stm?nt] n. 调整,适应 68.administration [?dm?n??stre??(?)n] n.管理,行政部门 69.admirable [??dm?r?b(?)l] a.值得赞赏的,可钦佩的 70.admire [?d?ma??(r)] v. 钦佩;羡慕 71.admission [?d?m??(?)n] n. 准入, 接纳 72.admit [?d?m?t] vt. 承认,准许(入场,入学,入会)


2021届高考英语3500词汇(基础+提升)练13 基础练(夯实基础) 一、单词拼写(根据汉语或首字母提示写出单词的完全形式) 1.He __________(不停地)had his head lowered to look at his watch, looking very anxious. 【答案】constantly 【句意】他不停地低头看手表,看起来非常焦虑。 2.All things __________(考虑), your article is of greater value than his. 【答案】considered 【句意】所有情况考虑在内,你的文章比他的更有价值。 3.—With his leg injured in the game, I’m afraid Tony can’t take part in the next match. —I __________(联系)his home the other day, and his mum said he was still in hospital. 【答案】contacted 【句意】“因为他的腿在比赛里受伤了,恐怕Tony不能参加下一场比赛了。”“几天前我联系了他的家人,他妈妈说他还在住院。” 4.The exhibition to be hosted next Sunday will feature paintings created by __________(当代的)artists. 【答案】contemporary 【句意】下星期天举办的展览将展出当代艺术家的作品。 5.When I am faced with any illegal behaviour, my __________(良心、良知)will not allow me to sit there in silence. 【答案】conscience 【句意】当我面对违法行为时,我的良心决不允许我沉默以对。 6.Mastering the art of presentation goes hand in hand with carefully packaging the __________(内容)of what you want to get across. 【答案】content 【句意】掌握演讲的艺术与精心包装你想要表达的内容是密不可分的。 7.I’m sorry to inform you that you can’t legally take possession of the property until the __________(合同)is signed. 【答案】contract 【句意】我很抱歉地通知你,在合同签署之前,你不能合法地拥有这笔财产。 8.—Is it good to look up every new word when I come across it in reading? —No. You don’t have to, because you are likely to guess the meaning from the __________(上下文). 【答案】context 【句意】查我在阅读中遇到的每个生词, 这样做好么?不好。你没必要,因为你能根据上下文猜出词义。 9.While having dinner with my foreign friends, I usually avoid __________(有争议的)topics such as politics and


英语单词3500分类记忆(1) 人物总称,种类 baby 婴儿 bachelor 未婚男子,单身汉being 生物,人,生存 boy 男孩 child 孩子,儿童 crowd 人群 female 女性,女人 girl 女孩 human 人类 human being 人 kid 小孩 male 男孩 man 成年男人mankind 人类 people 人,人民 person 人 woman 妇女,女人 家庭成员 ancestor 祖宗,祖先 aunt 伯母,舅母,姑bride 新娘bridegroom 新郎 brother 兄弟 brother-in-law 大伯子,小叔子couple 夫妇,一对cousin 堂兄弟,表兄弟dad 爸爸 daughter 女儿 daughter-in-law 媳妇 family 家庭;家族 father 父亲 fiance 未婚夫 fiancee 未婚妻grandchild (外)孙子,(外)孙女granddaughter (外)孙女grandfather (外)祖父,始祖grandma 奶奶,外婆grandmother (外)祖母grandpa 外公,爷爷grandparents 祖父母,外祖父母grandson (外)孙子granny 奶奶,外婆husband 丈夫 mother 母亲 mommy=mummy=mom=mum 妈妈

neighbor=neighbor 邻居,邻人 nephew 侄子,外甥 niece 侄女,外甥女 parent 父(母)亲 sister 姐,妹 sister-in-law 女婿 step-mother 继母 step-father 继父 uncle 伯,叔,姑父 wife 妻子 职业,行业人员 academic 大专院校的教师;专业学者accountant 会计,会计师 actor 男演员 actress 女演员 agent 代理人,经纪人 architect 建筑师,设计师 artist 艺术家 astronaut 宇航员 astronomer 天文学家 athlete 运动员 author 作者,作家 barber 理发师 burglar 入室盗窃businessman 商人,男企业家businesswoman 女企业家 butcher 屠夫,肉贩 carpenter 木匠,木工 carrier 搬运工 chef 厨师长,主厨 chemist 药剂师;化学家 cleaner 清洁工 clerk 书记员,办事员conductor 管理员,指导员 cook 炊事员,厨师 cowboy 牧童,牧人 crew 全体船员 cyclist 骑自行车的人 dentist 牙科医生 detective 侦探 doctor 医生,大夫 driver 司机,驾驶员 editor 编辑 educator 教育家 engineer 工程师,技师 explorer 探险者 farmer 农民


A a (an) art. 一(个、件……) ability n. 能力;才能 able a. 能够;有能力的 about ad. 大约;到处;四处 prep. 关于;在各处;四处 above prep. 在……上面 a. 上面的ad. 在……之上 abroad ad. 到(在)国外 absence n. 不在,缺席 absent a. 缺席,不在 accent n. 口音,音调 accept vt. 接受 accident n. 事故,意外的事 according to ad. 按照,根据 account n. 账目;描述 ache vi.& n. 痛,疼痛 achieve vt. 达到,取得 across prep. 横过,穿过 act n. 法令,条例v. (戏)表演,扮演(角色),演出(戏);行动,做事 action n. 行动 active a. 积极的,主动的activity n. 活动 actor n. 男演员 actress n. 女演员 actual a. 实际的;现实的 AD n. 公元 ad (缩) =advertisement n.广告 add vt.添加,增加 addition n. 增加;(算数用语)加address n. 地址 admire v. 钦佩;羡慕 admission n. 准入, 接纳 admit vt. 承认,准许(入场,入学,入会)adult n. 成年人 advance v. 推进,促进;前进advantage n. 优点;好处 adventure n. 冒险;奇遇 advertise vt. 为……做广告advertisement n. 广告 advice n. 忠告,劝告,建议 advise vt. 忠告,劝告,建议 aeroplane n. (英)飞机 affair n. 事,事情 affect vt. 影响


高中英语 巧记3500词1 abandon ability able abnormal aboard abolish about above abroad abrupt absence absolute absorb abstract absurd abundant abuse academic accelerate accent access accessible accident 2 accommodation accompany accomplish according to account accountant accumulate accurate accuse accustomed achievement … acid

acknowledge acquire acre across act action active activity actor actual 3 adapt adaptation add addicted addition address adequate adjustment admirable admire admission admit adolescent adopt adore adult advance advantage adventure advertise advertisement advice 4 advise advocate affair affect affection afford afraid afterwards

against age agency agent aggression aggressive agree agreement agriculture ahead aid aim 5 aircraft airline airmail airplane airport airspace alarm album alcohol alcoholic alike alive allow allowance almost alone along alongside aloud already alphabet already alternative 6 although altitude

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