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一乐于助人型 1.书面表达


参考词汇:on fire 着火firefighter 消防员put out 灭(火)

Tom is a kind boy. One day, when he was sleeping, he heard a big noise outside. He woke up and saw his neighbor’s house on fire. He quickly got up and called the firefighters for help. Then he rushed to help his neighbors. After a moment, the firefighters arrived. Thanks to Tom’s help, the fire was put out at last. The neighbors said thanks to Tom.

What a good boy! We should learn from him



参考词汇:1. a bear 一头熊2.an ox 一头牛

Everyone needs help in our lives. One day, a monkey went for a drive

with his friends. But a big stone in the middle of the road stopped them. When they were very worried, a bear came to help them move the stone. But the stone was so heavy that he couldn’t move it at all. At that time, an ox came by and helped him. They pushed and pushed and finally the stone was moved away. The monkey and his friends said thanks to them and went on their drive. How kind they are! We should help people in trouble.



One day, when Tom and Jim were walking on the street, they saw an old woman lying on the ground. Tom asked Jim to leave quickly. But Jim didn’t agree and he stopped Tom. He thought they should help her. While Jim was looking after the woman, Tom called the hospital. At last, the old woman was sent to the hospital. What good boys! We should learn from


4. 书面表达根据图示,写一篇80词左右的短文。要求故事完整,句子通顺,内容与图片相符。

One day, it was raining. Tom and Jim went back home by after school.

On their way home, they saw a little crying sadly. They went up to her and asked what had happened. The little girl said she couldn’t find her mother. “Don’t worry. I’ll help you,” they said. They decided to take her to the police station. When they arrived there, they saw her mother was already there. The girl’s mother said thanks to them and they went back home

happily. What good boys! We should learn from them.

5. 书面表达(10分)


Jim is a kind boy. One day, he went to a movie. When he got to the movie, he saw a little crying sadly. He went up to her and asked her what was wrong with her. She said she couldn’t find her mother. So he decided to take her to the police station. There they saw the girl’s mother. She said

thanks to Jim and then Jim left. When he got to the cinema, the movie had

finished. Although he missed the movie, he felt very happy. What a good

boy, we should learn from him.

6. 书面表达(10分)根据所给图画,用英语写一篇约80词的短文。要求完整叙述故事内容

Jim is a kind boy. One day, on his way to school, an old man stopped him and asked him if he could help him. He said he couldn’t find the way home. The old man told him his address. But he didn’t know it, either. So he asked the police for help. After that, Jim decided to take the old man home by bus. At last, they found the old man’s house and his son said thanks to Jim. When Jim got to school, the bell had already rung. Although he was late for school, he felt really happy. What a good boy! We should learn from him.

7. 书面表达(10分)


Lucy is a kind girl. One day, when she was playing near the river, she saw a blind man nearly go into a river. She ran to stop him at once. Then she took his stick and led him to cross river on the bridge. The man said thanks to Lucy. At last, Lucy said goodbye to him and went back home happily. What a good girl! She is an inspiration to us all.


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One day, Jim and Lucy went to a movie by bike. On their way to the cinema, they saw a purse on the ground. They stopped and picked it up. They found there was much money in it. They thought the owner must be very worried. So they decided to take it to the police station. After that, they went to the cinema. When they got there, they found the movie had already finished. Although they missed the movie, they felt very happy.

What good kids! We should learn from them.

9. 根据所给图画,用英语写一篇约80词的短文。要求完整叙述故事内容,

Tom is a kind boy. He thought

his mother did a lot for him and he

should also do something for his

mother. So he decided to give his

mother a surprise on Women’s Day.

On March 8, he went to the shop and bought some vegetables. After he went back home, he cleaned the house. Then he cooked a big dinner for his parents. When his mother got home, he said “Happy Women’s Day” to his mother and asked her to sit down and have dinner. His mother felt very happy and said to Tom, “You have really grown up!”


提示词:熊:bear 长颈鹿:giraffe

One sunny morning, a bear was having fun flying a kite. Unluckily, a wind came and his kite flew away. He ran after it, but he wasn’t tall enough

to reach (够到) it. He felt so sad and began to cry. A giraffe saw it and ran to bring back his kite. He returned the kite to the bear. The bear said thanks to him and they became good friends.


1 书面表达。(10分)


参考词汇:cage 笼子

Jim likes animals very much and he keeps a bird. One day, when he was reading a newspaper, he saw news---let birds fly. It reminded him of his bird. He thought he should also let his bird fly. Then he rode his bike to the mountain. He opened the cage and his bird flew away. After that, he went back. But to his surprise, when he was watching TV, he saw his bird fly back, too. He suddenly (突然) realized that many trees were cut down and the birds became homeless. We should plant more trees. It’s our duty to protect the environment(保护环境).

2.根据下列图画,写一篇80词左右的短文。要求完整叙述故事内容。frog 青蛙net网

Jim is a kind boy. One day, on his way home, he saw two men catching frogs with a net. He went up to them and told them to let the frogs back to the river. But they didn’t agree. And they said they needed to sell them to make some money. Jim asked them to wait for him. Then he ran home and took the money from his money pot. After that, he ran back and bought the frogs from them. At last he let the frogs go back to the river. What a good boy. We should learn from. It’s our duty to protect the animals.




参考词汇:litter bin 垃圾箱

Li Ming is a kind boy. One day, he walked to school happily. When he walked past a building, something fell down on the ground just in front of him. He found it was the rest part of

an apple. So he picked it up and threw it into the litter bin. When he was leaving, he thought he should do something. He took out a piece of paper and wrote on it: Please don’t litter. Then he put it up under a tree and went to school happily. What a good boy. It’s our duty to protect the environment.

2. 书面表达(学考模拟题)


参考词汇:一块西瓜皮a piece of watermelon peel eat up 吃光

One day, on the way to the west, Bajie found a watermelon and ate it all up himself. Then he threw the peel on the ground. He didn’t know that it was seen by Wukong. Wukong picked it up and threw it just in front of Bajie. Bajie didn’t see it and walked on it. Then he fell down on the ground. At this time, Wukong bagan to laugh. He asked Bajie to pick it up and throw it into the litter bin. Bajie realized that he was wrong and he felt really embarrassed. As students, it’s our duty to protect the environment.

3. 书面表达据所给图画,用英语写一篇约80词的短文。要求完整叙述故事内容。

One day, after Jim played football, he felt a little hungry. So he ate a banana. Then he threw the peel on the ground. On his way back home, he saw a cleaner was busy cleaning the street. At his time, he realized that he shouldn’t throw the peel on the ground and he face turned red. Then he went back, picked it up and put it into the litter bin. As students, we should keep our environment clean and tidy (整洁的).

4. 根据所给图画,用英语写一篇约80词的短文。要求完整叙述故事内容。

Water is very important in our life. One day, Tony played games after class. And his hands became very dirty. So he went to the tap, turned on the tap and washed his hands with running water. After that he forgot to turn it off and went away. A teacher walked by and saw that. He turned

off the tap and made a sign. It said “save water”. Then he put it up beside the tap. When Tony came to the tap and saw the tap, he felt really embarrassed. Water is so important that everyone should try to save water.



Tom didn’t use to like reading books. He always played with toys in his room. One day, his father came into his room with some books. He told Tom that he would tell him a story. Tom felt very happy and stopped to listen. The story was so interesting that Tom asked his father to tell him another one. And his father agreed. When he asked for the third one, his father told him that they were all in the books. Then he took out his books and began to read them. From then on, Tom fell in love with reading books.

五素质教育篇:书面表达根据所给图画,用英语写一篇约80词的短文。要求完整叙述故事内容。提示词:football fan, go to bed late, late for school, sorry, fail the test

Xiao Ming is a football fan.

On night, there was an

exciting football match on TV.

Xiao Ming stayed up very late

to watch it. He forgot the coming test and went to bed late. The next morning, he felt so tired that he got up late. And also he was late for school. When he got to school, the test had already begun. The teacher felt very angry and he felt very sorry.

At last he failed the test.



One day, Xiao Ming went back home happily after school. On his way home, a man stopped him, pointed at him with a knife and asked him for some money. Xiao Ming felt really scared. At this time, his classmate Liu Mei saw all that. She called the police at once. After a while, the policeman came and took away the man. In our life, we must pay attention to our safety. When we are in danger, we should ask the police for help.





A sunny morning, Xiao Ming and his

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friends were having fun playing football on

the street. At this time, they saw a thief running with a bag. And two policemen were running after him. Xiao Ming came up with a good idea. He kicked the ball onto the thief and the thief fell down on the ground. The policemen came and took him away. A policeman said thanks to them and also told them not to play on the street. It’s really dangerous to play football on the street. In our life, we must pay attention to our safety.

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