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发表时间:2011-11-15T11:27:55.873Z 来源:《教育创新学刊》2011年第11期供稿作者:高程

[导读] 随着以信息化为核心的中国新军事变革的深入,军人的英语能力已上升为新型“关键性作战力量”。
















Abandon vt .丢弃,放弃 [军] 弃机,离机(机上人员跳伞)abandon a position 放弃阵地

Able a. 有能力的,出色的 [军] 字母A的旧代字, Able “能干”号(美军事海运司令部TAGOS-20 海洋监视船)

Accommodation n. 住处,膳宿 [军] (美常用)招待设备;膳宿供应;居住舱室

Accord vt. 给予(欢迎,称颂等) vi. 符合,调和,一致 n. 一致,符合 [军] 协议

Access n. (to) 接近(或进入)的机会,享用机会;通道,入口 [军] 通路;接近路;能接触核武器并有可能使其爆炸的条件

Accommodation n. 住处,膳宿 [军] (美常用)招待设备;膳宿供应;居住舱室

Cabin n. 小木屋;机舱,船舱 [军]〈英、口〉禁闭室;军官室;舰长室

Cage n. 笼子 [军] 供弹机,升弹药机

Can n. 罐头 vt. 装罐头 [军] <口>深水炸弹;<口>驱逐舰;(火箭)发射井

Carpenter n. 木工,木匠 [军] <海>修建军士长

Carpet n. 地毯 [军] 机载雷达干扰机;地毯式轰炸

Chamber n. 会议厅,室 [军] 弹膛,药室

Circus n. 马戏;马戏团 [军] 特技飞行表演;诱惑性战斗机群

Cite vt. 引述,引用 [军] 嘉奖,表彰

Fall (fell,fallen) vi. 落下,降落;跌倒,陷落;下降,减弱 n. 落下;跌倒,陷落;下降,减弱;[美] 秋季 [军]陷落;阵亡;


关于军事的英语必背词汇整理 同学们是不是还在为英语成绩的提高而烦恼呢?记得要在平时加强练习。以下是为大家搜索整理的关于军事的英语必背词汇,希望能给大家带来帮助!更多精彩内容请及时关注我们网! xx军区: xx Military Area Command (MAC) xx省军区:xx Provincial Military Command xx军分区:xx Military Sub-Command 第二炮兵:the Second Artillery Force 预备役部队:the PLA’s reserve force 驻港/澳部队:the PLA Hong Kong/ Macao Garrison 武警部队:the Armed Police Force 总参谋部:the General Staff Headquarters of the PLA 总政治部:the General Political Department of the PLA 总后勤部:the General Logistics Department of the PLA 总装备部:The General Armaments Department of the PLA 集团军:army 军:corps 师:division 旅:brigade 团:regiment 营:battalion 连/排/班:company/platoon/squad 民兵:militia (总称)/militiaman (个体) 空降兵:airborne force

陆战师:marine division 装甲旅:armored brigade 军衔:military titles of the People's Liberation Army 陆军、空军(Army and Air Force):上将(General), 中将(Lieutenant General), 少将(Major General), 大校(Senior Colonel), 上校(Colonel),中校(Lieutenant Colonel), 少校(Major), 上尉(Captain), 中尉(Lieutenant), 少尉(Second Lieutenant) 海军(Navy): 上将(Admiral), 中将(Vice-Admiral), 少将(Rear Admiral), 大校(Senior Captain), 上校(Captain), 中校(Commander), 少校(Lieutenant Commander), 上尉(Lieutenant), 中尉(Lieutenant Junior Grade), 少尉(Ensign)


Unit 11 [11-1] Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. First of all, let me say welcome. My name is Colonel Reiter and I’m the Director of Staff. This morning’s briefing will include short presentations from four branches: G1 –Manpower and Personnel, G4 –Logistics, G6 –Communications and Information Systems, and G9 –Civil-military Co-operation. Before we begin, I would like to introduce our briefers. On my left is Colonel Shapiro, United States Air Force. Colonel Shapiro is the United States Senior National Representative as well as chief of the G1 division. As you will know, G1 –the Manpower and Personnel division –is tasked with administration and with managing military and civilian personnel. I’d also like to introduce you to Lieutenant Colonel Esteban from the G6 branch. G6 has the mission to plan and organise our communications and information systems. They are also responsible for coordinating security regulations for CIS systems. Our next briefer will be Major Algin from G9. Major Algin’s branch has the mission of establishing and maintaining contacts with government agencies and non-governmental organisations. Our final briefing will be from Captain Evans, G4. The G4 branch is tasked to coordinate and supervise supply, maintenance, repair, transportation and related logistics matters. [11-2] A: Well, ladies and gentlemen, the next item on this morning’s agenda is the visit of the Polish CHOD on 11 November. Pablo’s been the point of contact, so I’ll ask him to bring us up to date. B: Certainly, Lieutenant General Wojak arrives at Madrid airport on 10 November, and he leaves the day after the visit, 12 November. I’ve spoken with the Polish SNR and he told me that the General is especially interested in logistics, CIS and CIMIC matters. This will be his first visit to our Headquarters. A: OK, that seems pretty clear. Pablo, you’re the Protocol Chief so you have primary responsibility, your office is tasked with preparing and co-ordinating the visit. You’ll also need to coordinate the office call with the Commander’s Office. B: Right. A: Next, the welcome package. Could you get someone in Protocol to prepare a welcome package? His visit is quite short, so there’s no point in including a lot of information about Madrid. B: Right. Welcome package from Protocol. A: And could you call catering and ask them if they can prepare something for lunch in the Commander’s Mess? B: A sit down meal or a vin d’honneur? A: A meal is better. Briefing. We can start the morning with a briefing on logistics and CIMIC. So contact G4 and G9 and ask them if they can prepare a short briefing on their divisions’activities. B: OK. Briefings from G4 and G9. B: Suspense dates? A: Yes, when you speak to G4 and G9 ask them to submit a copy of their briefings to the Chief of Staff. He can have a look at them before I do. Suspense date is no later than 30 October, at 1300 hours. B: Very good. A: Is that everything? B: I think so. I’ve made a note of all this and I’ll have someone write up the tasker this afternoon. A: OK. Let’s move on to the next item on the agenda. EXERCISE MOUNTAIN FURY. Dieter, could you ... [11-3]


军事英语口语系列:常用口令 110. Get up! 起床 111. Fall in in front of our building within 10'! 10 分钟后在楼前集合! 112. Be quick! 快点儿! 113. Fall in! 集合! 114. On one rank (two ranks)! 一(二)列队! 115. Attention! 立正! 116. At ease! 稍息! 117. Right-dress! 向右看-齐! 118. Left-dress! 向左看-齐! 119. Eyes- front! 向前-看! 120. Count off! 报数!

121. Call the roll! 点名! 122. Here! 到! 123. Halt! 立定! 124. Close! 靠拢! 125. Left-face(Left turn)! 向左-转! 126. Right-face(Right turn)! 向右-转! 127. About-face(About turn)! 向后-转! 128. Forward-march (March off)!齐步-走! 129. Mark time-march! 踏步! 130. Double (time)-march! 跑步-走! 131. At ease-march! 便步-走!

132. Right-wheel! 右转弯-走! 133. Left-wheel! 左转弯-走! 134. Advance! 前进! 135. Take arms! 取(拿)枪! 136. Shoulder arms! 肩枪! 137. Order arms! 枪放下! 138. Down! 卧到! 139. Load! 装子弹! 140. Unload! 退子弹! 141. Fire! 射击! 142. Get up (Stand up)!起立!


军事英语词汇 导弹 missiles 洲际导弹 intercontinental missile 中程导弹 mediurn-range missile 巡航导弹 cruise missile 核弹头 nuclearwerhead 地对地导弹 surface to-surface missile 地对空导弹 surface-to-air missile 舰对空导弹 ship-to-air missile 空对空导弹 air-to-air missile 空对地导弹 air-to-surface missile 反幅射导弹 anti-radiation missile 反舰导弹 anti-ship missile 反潜导弹 anti-submarine missile 自导鱼雷 homing torpado 弹翼 missile wing 减速伞 drag parachute 制导装置 guidance device 弹体 guided missile doby 固体火箭发动机 solid propellant rocket 尾翼 tail fin 飞行弹道 trajectory

发射制导装置 launching guidance device 发射管 launching tube 反弹道导弹 anti-ballistic missile 集束炸弹 bomb-cluster 地下井 missile silo 移动式井盖 sliding silo door 火箭发射场 rocket launching site 发射塔 launching tower 勤务塔 service tower 核武器 nuclear weapons 燃料库 fuel depot; fuel reservoir 指挥室 command post 通气道 air vent; ventilation shaft 多级火箭 multistage rocket 再入大气层飞行器 re-entry vehicle 原子弹 atomic bomb 氢弹 hydrogen bomb 引爆装置 igniter 热核燃料 fusionable material 蘑菇状烟云 mushroom cloud 冲击波 shock wave; blast wave 放射性落下灰尘 radioactive fallout


政治军事类词汇 security checkpoint debate delayed originally troop 军队 throne 王位,宝座conservative 保守的,守旧的 fire back 回火,反击 prosperity 兴旺,繁荣explosive 爆炸性的 poll 投票 allied powers 同盟国 peace keeping force 维和部队armed intervention 武装干涉multi-party election 多党选举chancellor 长官,大臣authoritative information 官方消息secretary of state 国务卿anniversary 周年纪念日enforcement 实施,执行undermine 暗中破坏 holdout (谈判中)不退让undermine 暗中破坏

safeguard dissolution 解体Parliament 议会 cabinet 内阁 lawmaker criticism reign 君主统治 step down monarch 君主政体administration party 执政党suicide attacks 自杀式攻击terrorism weapon inspection 武器检查corruption 腐败 cease fire 停火 absolute majority bureaucracy 官僚作风pledge 保证 sanction 制裁 overhaul 彻底检查 draft 草案 charter 宪章 overthrow 推翻 regime 政体 employee雇员雇工


试论英语军事论文的汉译 韩子满 (解放军外国语学院六系,河南洛阳471003) 摘 要:英语军事论文具有非常独特的文体特征,在汉译过程中需要引起译者的注意。译者应该把握住这类文章中论述文的文体特点,照顾到其内在的科技英语的一些特点,并尽量使译文有“军语味”。军事论文的翻译在准确传达原意的同时,也应该尽可能照顾到原文的文体因素。 关键词:军事论文;论述文;科技英语;翻译 中图分类号:H31519 文献标识码:A 文章编号:10022722X (2001)0120073204 On T ranslating English Military Papers into Chinese HAN Z i 2man (Department Six ,PLA University of Foreign Languages ,Luoyang ,Henan Prov.,471003,China ) Abstract :English military papers have some unique stylistic features ,which require special attention from the translator while being translated into Chinese.The translator should try to render his translated versions so that they read like Chinese military exposi 2tional technical papers ,and meanwhile pay enough attention to the peculiar lexical and syntactical features of the original English texts. K ey w ords :military paper ;expositions ;ESP ;translation 对军事英语翻译的研究这几年逐渐得到重视, 尤其是关于英语军事文献的翻译近年来有了不少探讨。但是,就笔者所见,所有这些探讨似乎都倾向于把军事英语的翻译看作是科技翻译的一种,似乎所有英语的军事文献都可归入科技英语文献的范畴。实际上,军事英语的应用形式多种多样,英语军事文献也至少可以分为军事理论文献、军工技术文献、军事信息和军事涉外文献等好几种,(方梦之,1997)并不都完全具有科技英语的特点。因此,除了军事科技文献外,我们还应该注意其它类型的英语军事文献的翻译,从分析其文体特征入手,研究翻译过程中应该注意的一些问题,探讨切实可行的翻译策略。 本文所要探讨的就是英语军事论文的汉译问题,主要是军事理论论文的英译汉问题,举例皆来自笔者近来翻译的一些美国军事期刊上的论文。 1.英语军事论文的文体特征 军语军事论文有非常鲜明的文体特点。首先, 英语军事论文大多都具有科技英语的文体特征,因为都会讨论到技术上的问题,同时也具有着明显的论说文的特点,可以说是这两种文体的综合。在翻译中需要注意的主要有以下几个方面: 111 句子繁复,多用被动语态 由于英语军事论文意在说明观点、论证思想,内容往往比较复杂,需要有较强的逻辑性,所以作者在行文中“总是力求周密、深入,避免疏漏”,(刘宓庆,1985:98)使得句子较长,结构相对复杂,多用复合句,这是符合论述文的句法特点的,同时因为这类文章常常也讨论军事科技方面的问题,叙述要求有客观性,所以被动语态用得也很频繁。如: (1)This is not to say that a question for a perfor 2mance measure would not be written and tested ,but rather the development of several questions for each performance would not be required as it would if the task was a legitimate one.(A rmy T rainer ,Fall ,1993,p 117)/这并不是说不需要为工作措施设计问题,并 收稿日期:2000-04-05 作者简介:韩子满(1973-),男,安徽省长丰人,解放军外国语学院博士研究生,研究方向:文学翻译与现代翻译理论。 第24卷 第1期 2001年1月解放军外国语学院学报 Journal of PLA University of Foreign Languages Vol.24 No.1 Jan.2001


m = meter Coy = company km =kilometer Capt=captain UN=United Nations CO=Commanding officer OC=Officer Commanding VIP=very important person RSM= Regimental Sergeant Major CSM=Company Sergeant Major UNMO=United Nations Military Observer UNPROFOR=United Nations Protection Force Bde=Brigade Bn=Battalion Div=division Pl=Platoon Regt=Regiment Sect=Section Sqn=Squadron Armd=Armored Arty=Artillery HQ=Headquarters Inf=Infantry DMZ=Demilitarized Zone OP=Observation Post AOR=Area of Responsibility CP=Check point CFA=Ceasefire Agreement SITREP=Situation Report FIREREP=Fire Report NCO=Non Commissioned Officer ACR=Armored Cavalry Regiment MBT=Main Battle Tan IFV=Infantry Fighting Vehicle CBG=Carrier Battle Group ASUW=Anti-submarine warfare AAW=Anti-aircraft warfare ASW=Anti-surface warfare CASEVAC=Casualty Evacuation MEDEVAC=Medical Evacuation CSAR=Combat Search and Rescue AT0=Air Tasking Order LZ=Landing Zone AAC=the Army Air Corps


军事常用的英语词汇 导语:军事即军队事务,古称军务,是与一个国家及政权的国防之 武装力量有关的学问及事务。下面是YJBYS 小编收集整理的军事常用 的英语词汇,希望对你有帮助! 军衔:military titles of the People's Liberation Army 陆军、空军(Army and Air Force):上将(General), 中将(Lieutenant General), 少将(Major General), 大校(Senior Colonel), 上校(Colonel),中校(Lieutenant Colonel), 少校(Major), 上尉(Captain), 中尉(Lieutenant), 少尉(Second Lieutenant) 海军(Navy): 上将(Admiral), 中将(Vice-Admiral), 少将(Rear Admiral), 大校(Senior Captain), 上校(Captain), 中校(Commander), 少校(Lieutenant Commander), 上尉(Lieutenant), 中尉(Lieutenant Junior Grade), 少尉(Ensign) xx 军区: xx Military Area Command (MAC) xx 省军区:xx Provincial Military Command xx 军分区:xx Military Sub-Command 第二炮兵:the Second Artillery Force 预备役部队:the PLAs reserve force 驻港/澳部队:the PLA Hong Kong/ Macao Garrison 武警部队:the Armed Police Force 总参谋部:the General Staff Headquarters of the PLA 总政治部:the General Political Department of the PLA 总后勤部:the General Logistics Department of the PLA 总装备部:The General Armaments Department of the PLA 集团军:army


1:Have you ever known anyone famous? If so, you may have found that they are remarkably similar to the rest of us. You may have even heard them to people saying there is anything different about them. “I’m really just a normal guy,” actor who has recently rocketed into the spotlight. There is, of course, usually a brief period when they actually start to believe they are as great as their however, does not often last long. They fall back to reality as fast as they had risen above it all. What will it feel like to soar to such and look down like an eagle from up high on everyone else? And what will it feel like to have flown so high only to make attempts to regain what they lost. Often these efforts result in even greater pain. Some become financially and emotionally. The only real winners are those who are happy to be back on the ground with the rest of us. 你知道有著名的吗?如果是这样,您可能会发现它们非常相似,其余的人。甚至,你可能已经听到他们反对的人说对他们有什么不同。“我只是一个普通人,”抗议一个演员,他最近已经飙升到了聚光灯下。当然,通常是一个短暂的时期,他们真正开始相信他们是伟大如他们崇拜球迷建议。他们开始穿漂亮的衣服和交谈着,就好像每个人都应该听到他说话。这一时期,然而,不经常持续很长时间。他们回到现实原来一样快超过一切。什么会感觉高涨到这样的高度和向下看像一只鹰从高处其他人吗?和什么会感觉飞这么高只有从你的梦中醒来,意识到你;只是人类吗? 一些人只看到残忍的失去的东西,他们得到了。他们往往使人绝望试图夺回他们所失去的。通常这些努力导致了更大的疼痛。一些在经济上和情感上倾家荡产。唯一的真正的赢家是快乐的人,回到陆地上与其余的人。 What happens in America when someone becomes disabled and cannot do the kind of work they did in the past? If someone has been injured on the job ,they are supposed to from the company. If the company provides a The person who has been disabled may also take the company to court if safety was take care of people disabled on the job. Onein this program requires workplaces where more injuries to pay more money. For

军事 武器中英文翻译

1.武器中英文名字对照,来自百度 冲锋枪(Submachine gun) Uzi(再次回归) Spectre(幽灵冲锋枪) Scorpion(蝎式冲锋枪,同样回归) Mac11(想必都很熟悉吧) PM63(波兰枪) MPL (瓦尔特公司的名枪) MP5K(不多解释了) Ak74su(传说中的神器啊) 步枪(Rifle) Ak47(这个也不多说了) AUG(终于回归步枪) CAR15(以色列曾经的制式步枪) Enfield XL64 (恩菲尔德系列的步枪,英国SA80枪族中的佼佼者) FN FAL(回归) FAMAS(变了样子且连发) G11(样子很后现代,三连发,首支无壳弹步枪) M16(1950年制造,越南战争进行了一次很成功的实战测试) Galil(以色列的制式步枪) M14(回归) 霰弹枪(Shotgun) HS10(样子很奇怪的枪) Ithaca 37(求生之路2玩过吧,黑色的单喷) 奥林匹亚(Olympia)(爷爷级火枪) Spas-12(从手拉式泵动变成了半自动,样子也变了,折叠托收了回去,游戏里出现附加火焰子弹版) KS23(俄罗斯的喷子,现在被改用为特种卡宾枪) 机枪(Machinegun) M60(回归) Death machine(M134,minini gun,杀人机器)(999发子弹,手持转轮机枪,只能在补给箱或赌注比赛中使用) HK21(G3的机枪型号) RPK (玩过CF的都知道吧) 狙击枪 (Sniper Rifle) L96A1(BF里的解锁枪) SVD(德拉贡诺夫,而且本次的狙击镜也回归正常) WA2000(从MW2中回归) PSG-1(CF的连狙) 手枪(Pistol) ASP(有点像USP45)


军事英语词汇整理1.一般用语 air cover 空中掩护 air superiority 空中优势 air—borne 空降的,机载的 alert 警惕的,警戒状态 ambush 伏击. annihilate 歼灭 armistice 停战 array 使……排列成阵势 asymmetrical war 不对称战争 bail out 从机上跳伞 batter 炮击 battle 战斗 beleaguer 围攻 besiege 包围 blast 爆炸 blitzkrieg 闪电战 blitz 闪电战 blow up 爆炸 blow 打击 board (为攻击等而强行)靠拢(船),强行登(船) . bombed—out 空袭时被炸毁的,(人)因住房被炸毁而无家可归breach 裂口,缺口,正军]突破,突破口 breach 突破,突破口. breakthrough 突破 bring down 击落

broadside 舷炮齐射 brush 小战斗 bush—fire war 灌木林式战争 buzz 低空掠过,骚扰 capitulate (有条件的)停止抵抗,投降 capitulationism 投降主义 capitulationist 投降主义者 capitulation (有条件的)停止抵抗,投降 carpet bombing 地毯式轰炸 ceasefire 停火 charge 冲锋 close range fighting 近战 combat readiness 战备状态 combat 战斗 command 指挥 commission 编人现役 concrete bomb 混凝土炸弹 contain 牵制 conventional war 常规战争 conventional weapon 常规武器 cordon 用警卫线围住 corner 使……走投无路 cover 掩护 cross fire 交叉火力 crumble 崩溃,瓦解,灭亡 D day battle of Normandy ("Operation Overlord") 1944年6月6日盟军诺曼底登陆(代号“霸王行动”) D Day 大规模进攻开始日


军事英语常用口令 110. Get up! 起床 111. Fall in in front of our building within 10'! 10 分钟后在楼前集合! 112. Be quick! 快点儿! 113. Fall in! 集合! 114. On one rank (two ranks)! 一(二)列队! 115. Attention! 立正! 116. At ease! 稍息! 117. Right-dress! 向右看-齐! 118. Left-dress! 向左看-齐! 119. Eyes- front! 向前-看! 120. Count off! 报数! 121. Call the roll! 点名! 122. Here! 到! 123. Halt! 立定! 124. Close! 靠拢! 125. Left-face(Left turn)! 向左-转! 126. Right-face(Right turn)! 向右-转! 127. About-face(About turn)! 向后-转! 128. Forward-march (March off)! 齐步-走! 129. Mark time-march! 踏步! 130. Double (time)-march! 跑步-走!

131. At ease-march! 便步-走! 132. Right-wheel! 右转弯-走! 133. Left-wheel! 左转弯-走! 134. Advance! 前进! 135. Take arms! 取(拿)枪! 136. Shoulder arms! 肩枪! 137. Order arms! 枪放下! 138. Down! 卧到! 139. Load! 装子弹! 140. Unload! 退子弹! 141. Fire! 射击! 142. Get up (Stand up)! 起立! 143. Dismiss! 解散! Words and Expressions单词和短语common adj. 共同的 order n. 命令


战争 War/Military Personnel 人员 bombardier 投弹手 captain 船长chaplain 牧师colonel 陆军上校corporal 下士 GI 军人 gunner 炮手major 陆军少校marine 水兵navigator 领航员officer 军官 pilot 飞行员sailor 海员 staff 参谋人员terrorist 恐怖分子marshal 元帅admiral 海军上将general 将军lieutenant 尉官cadet 军校学员sergeant 军士soldier 士兵veteran 退伍军人 Nouns 名词 aircraft 飞机airplane 飞机fighter 战斗机arrow 箭gun 枪rifle 步枪

bomber 轰炸机helicopter 直升机 jet 喷气式飞机 air raid 空袭 sentry 岗哨 artillery 炮兵 aircraft carrier 航空母舰battleship 战舰 cruiser 巡洋舰destroyer 驱逐舰 fleet 舰队 navy 海军 submarine 潜艇 vessel 舰船headquarters 司令部jeep 吉普车 marines 陆战队 shell 炮弹 gladiator 斗士 skirmish 小冲突conflict 冲突musket 滑膛枪shotgun 猎枪 pistol 手枪 trigger 板机cannon 大炮 flak 高射炮火 fort 堡垒,炮台battery 炮台 tank 坦克 armor 装甲ammunition 军火powder 火药 squid 爆竹fireworks 爆竹fuze 导火索detonator 引爆,雷管primer 底火,雷管grenade 手榴弹bullet 子弹 bomb 炸弹bombard 轰炸


军事英文 军:Army; 师:division; 旅:brigade; 团:regiment/corps; 营:battalion; 连:company; 排:platoon; 班:squad。 陆军Army 一级上将General First 上将General 中将Lieutenant General 少将Major General 大校Senior Colonel 上校Colonel 中校Lieutenant Colonel 少校Major 上尉Captain 中尉First Lieutenant 少尉Second Lieutenant 军事长Master Sergeant 专业军士Specialist Sergeant 上士Sergeant, First Class 中士Sergeant 下士Corporal 上等兵Private, First Class 列兵Private 海军Navy 一级上将Admiral, First Class 上将Admiral 中将Vice Admiral 少将Rear Admiral 大校Senior Captain 上校Captain 中校Commander 少校Lieutenant Commander 上尉Lieutenant 中尉Lieutenant, Junior Grade 少尉Ensign 军事长Chief Petty Officer 专业军士Specialist Petty Officer 上士Petty Officer, First Class 中士Petty Officer, Second Class 下士Petty Officer, Third Class 上等兵Seaman, First Class 列兵Seaman, Second Class 空军Air Force 一级上将General, First Class 上将General 中将Lieutenant General 少将Major General 大校Senior Colonel 上校Colonel 中校Lieutenant Colonel 少校Major 上尉Captain 中尉First Lieutenant 少尉Second Lieutenant 军事长Master Sergeant 专业军士Specialist Sergeant 上士Technical Sergeant 中士Staff Sergeant 下士Corporal 上等兵Airman, First Class 列兵Airman, Second Class 军棋military chess 工兵sapper 排长platoon commander(中尉lieutenant) 连长company commander ( 上尉captain ) 营长battalion commander (少校major) 团长colonel(上校) 旅长brigadier (准将) 师长division commander 军长army commander 司令chief commander 军旗army flag/ensign 地雷landmine 炸弹bomb 行营field headquarter 大本营supreme headquarter 和平使命-2009: Peace Mission 2009 联合军事演习: joint military drill, joint military exercise, joint military manoeuvre 海军 海上封锁: naval blockade,maritime blockade 隔离作战演练: isolation drill 两栖登陆: amphibious landing 装备: hardware


中国三军军衔英文翻译 中国三军军衔(一)●●● 【陆军--------Army】 一级上将----General First Class 上将--------General 中将--------Lieutenant General 少将--------Major General 大校--------Senior Colonel 上校--------Colonel 中校--------Lieutenant Colonel 少校--------Major 上尉--------Captain 中尉--------First Lieutenant 少尉--------Second Lieutenant 军事长------Master Sergeant 专业军士----Specialist Sergeant 上士--------Sergeant, First Class 中士--------Sergeant 下士--------Corporal 上等兵------Private, First Class 列兵--------Private 中国三军军衔(二) 【海军--------Navy】 一级上将----Admiral, First Class 上将--------Admiral 中将--------Vice Admiral 少将--------Rear Admiral 大校--------Senior Captain 上校--------Captain 中校--------Commander 少校--------Lieutenant Commander 上尉--------Lieutenant 中尉--------Lieutenant, Junior Grade 少尉--------Ensign 军事长------Chief Petty Officer 专业军士----Specialist Petty Officer 上士--------Petty Officer, First Class 中士--------Petty Officer, Second Class 下士--------Petty Officer, Third Class 上等兵------Seaman, First Class 列兵--------Seaman, Second Class 中国三军军衔(三) 【空军--------Air Force】 一级上将----General, First Class

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