S′e bastien Laurent1,Jeroen V.K.Rombouts2,Annastiina Silvennoinen3and Francesco Violante4



A large number of di?erent parameterizations have been introduced to model conditional

variance dynamics in a multivariate framework.A major problem with these models is the

large number of parameters that have to be estimated and the many constraints,often di?cult

to make explicit,that have to be imposed to ensure semi-positive de?niteness of the covari-

ance matrices.This paper compares and ranks di?erent multivariate GARCH type models

in terms of their ability to estimate the in-sample conditional variance-covariance structure

and the accuracy of their out-of-sample variance forecasts.The models are compared using

Hansens Superior Predictive Ability test rede?ned in a multivariate framework by providing

three alternative metrics to evaluate the distance between variance matrices.In this paper we

also test the preliminary version of our MGARCH Package for Ox,extension of Laurent and

Peterss G@RCH Package.Up to date,the package includes:BEKK models(Full,Diagonal

and Scalar),CCC-DCC models and RiskMetrics.

Keywords:Volatility,Multivariate GARCH,Covariance Models,SPA test,Financial econo-


JEL Classi?cation:C10,C32,C51C52,C53,G10

1CeReFim,Universit′e de Namur,and CORE,Universit′e Catholique de Louvain.


3Stockholm School of Economics.

4FUNDP Namur and CORE,Universit′e Catholique de Louvain.

The authors would like to thank Kilian Mie for useful suggestions and comments.

Correspondence to S′e bastien Laurent,FUNDP,Rempart de la Vi′e rge,8,B-5000Namur,Belgium.Telephone:+32 81724869.Fax:+3281724840.E-mail:https://www.doczj.com/doc/88893316.html,urent@fundp.ac.be

or to Francesco Violante,FUNDP,Rempart de la Vi′e rge,8,B-5000Namur,Belgium.Telephone:+3281724810. Fax:+3281724840.E-mail:violante@core.ucl.ac.be



2Multivariate GARCH:an Overview2

2.1BEKK-GARCH(1,1) (2)

2.2RiskMetrics (3)

2.3CCC-GARCH(1,1) (3)

2.4DCC(1,1)-GARCH(1,1) (3)

3Model Comparison:distance metrics4

3.1Frobenius Metric (4)

3.2Eigenvalue Metric (4)

3.3Foerstner and Moonen Metric (5)

3.4Cosinus Mass Metric (5)

4Realized Volatility7 5Model Comparison:Hansen SPA Test8 6Data and Empirical Results10 7Conclusions13


Since the?rst seminal paper of Kraft and Engle(1982)an increasing interest in modelling con-ditional covariances has developed a large number of multivariate volatility models,see Bawens, Laurent and Rombouts(2006)for an extensive survey.

In principle all these models su?er from the increase of the cross-sectional dimension due to the large number of parameters to be simultaneously estimated which increases at least quadratically1, even when parameter restrictions,tipically parameter pooling,are imposed.Yet a further compli-cation rises from the necessity to impose non-linear parameter constraints to ensure semi-positive de?nite conditional covariance matrices.

The aim of this paper is to compare and rank,in terms of ability to estimate the sample covari-ance structure and forecast accuracy,some of the most well known and widely used multivariate GARCH models.The speci?cations cosidered include the BEKK(Engle and Kroner1995),CCC (Bollerslev1990),DCC(Engle2001),RiskMetrics(JPMorgan1996).

After checking the consistency of the procedure-i.e.estimation,forecast,comparison-using ad hoc simulated data we compare di?erent model speci?cations using daily returns for two stocks traded on the NYSE for the period1980-1999,while the out-of-sample realized volatility has been computed using5-minute data from1995to1999.

Models are evaluated using a loss function,which is applied both to the sample conditional covariance estimation and to the sequence of one step ahead covariance forecasts.The latent conditional covariance in the loss function is substituted,depending on the context,either by simulated data or by realized volatility.

The sequence of conditional covariance forecasts has been obtained by means of a moving window of dimension k within which at each iteration the one step ahead forecast has been computed replacing the expectations for the squared innovation with its observed value.The coe?cients are updated every k observations by restimating the model including the last k out of sample observations into the dataset.

Since the objective of this paper is to compare covariance matrices the choice of an appropriate loss function has to be compatible to the multivariate framework.In this paper we investigate the problem providing three di?erent notions of distance between matrices.The goodness of?t of each model to the latent conditional covariance is then tested using Hansen(2001)Superior Predictive Ability Test(SPA).This test has the advantage that it properly accounts for the full set of models and is therefore likely to detect a superior model when such exist.In fact,SPA test evaluates whether a particular model(benchmark)when compared to the true data generating process(DGP)-simulated data or realized volatility-is signi?cantly outperformed by other models,while taking into account the whole set of models that are being compared.

In this paper we also introduce the?rst version of a new OxMetrix application to estimate and forecast multivariate GARCH models.The objective is to extend the work done by Laurent 1Engle and Sheppard(2005)

and Peters(2006)with their G@RCH package dedicated to univariate ARCH-type models.Other than including procedures to estimate and forecast BEKK,CCC,Engle’s DCC and RiskMetrics speci?cations for the conditional covariance,it provides also some features to evaluate distance metrics,such as Frobenius norm,Eigenvalue metric(spectral norm),Foerstner and Moonen metric and Cosinus Mass metric.

The paper is organized as follows.Section2provide a brief overview of several GARCH speci?cation considered in this paper,while the loss functions are described in Section3.Section 4and5,contain some details on realized volatility and of the Hansen(2001)SPA test.Empirical results are presented in Section6.Finally,Section7contains some concluding remarks.

2Multivariate GARCH:an Overview

Consider a vector price process,p t of dimension(N×1),let de?ne the compounded daily return by r t=log(p t)?log(p t?1).The process r t is a vector stocastic process conditioned on the sigma?eld, t?1generated by the information avaliable at t?1.We denoteμt≡E(r t| t?1)the conditional mean vector and H t≡E(r t r t| t?1)the conditional variance matrix.The speci?cation used for the mean equation is:

r t=μt+ t(1)

z t(2)



is a(N×N)positive de?nite matrix and z t is i.i.d random vector with E(z t)=0 where H1/2


and V ar(z t)=I N.

In this paper we consider six speci?cations for H t,namely the BEKK by Engle and Kroner, 1995,toghether with the diagonal and the scalar variants,the RiskMetrics by JPMorgan,1996, the Constant Conditional Correlation(CCC)by Bollerslev,1990and the Dynamic Conditional Correlation(DCC)by Engle,2001.In the following Section we will brie?y describe the models formulation2.


The BEKK-GARCH(1,1)is de?ned as follows:

H t=C? C?+A? t?1 t?1A?+G? H t?1G?,(3) where C?,A?and G?are(N×N)matrices and C?is upper triangular.The number of parameters to be estimated is N(5N+1)/2.

2See Bawens,Laurent and Rombouts(2006)for further detail

To reduce this number we can impose the diagonality of the parameter matrices A ?and G ?-i.e.Diagonal BEKK speci?cation -or impose that A ?and G ?are equal to a scalar times the identity matrix -i.e.Scalar BEKK.


The RiskMetrics is an integrated Scalar-BEKK speci?cation -i.e.A ?A +G ?G =I k ;where I is the identity matrix and k is the number of series -where the variance equation parameters are ?xed and chosen ex-ante (does not require numerical optimization).The value assigned to the

parameters is a 2ij =0.06and g 2ij =0.94?i =j and 0elsewhere.


The CCC is de?ned as follows:H t =D t RD t = ρij h iit h jjt (4)


D t =diag (h 1/211t ...h 1/2NNt )


h iit can be de?ned as any univariate GARCH model,and

R =(ρij )

(6)is a symmetric positive de?nite matrix with ρii =1,?i .

R is the matrix containing the constant conditional correlations ρij .In this paper we specify the univariate process as a GARCH(1,1)speci?cation for each conditional variance in D t :

h iit =ωi +αi 2i,t ?1+βi h ii,t ?1(7)2.4DCC(1,1)-GARCH(1,1)

The DCC(1,1)model by Engle (2002)can be speci?ed as:

R t =diag (q ?1/211,t ...q ?1/2NN,t )Q t diag (q ?1/211,t ...q ?1/2NN,t )


where the (N ×N )symmetric positive de?nite matrix Q t =(q ij,t )is given by:

Q t =(1?θp ?θq )Q +θp u t ?1u t ?1+θq Q t ?1(9)with u t = i,t / (h ii,t ).Q is the (N ×N )unconditional variance matrix of u t ,and θp and θq are

nonnegative scalar parameters with θp +θq <1.

3Model Comparison:distance metrics

It is not obvious which loss function is more appropriate to evaluate the distance between two matrices as required by the problem we are facing of comparing covariance matrices-i.e.the latent (Σt)and the estimated(H t)covariance matrices sequences.In this paper we use the following four loss functions which,for their properties,seems to be appropriate for our purposes.

3.1Frobenius Metric

The idea behind Frobenius norm is very similar to that of the Euclidean norm on R n.The Frobenius distance between two matrices(Σt and H t)is de?ned as:



|σt,ij?h t,ij|2?i,j(10)

=T race[(Σt?H t)(Σt?H t)?]

= rows(Σt?H t)


SV i(Σt?H t)

where(.)?denotes the conjugate transpose of(Σt?H t)and SV(.)are the singular values of (Σt?H t)which are de?ned as the eigenvalues of[(Σt?H t)(Σt?H t)?]1/2.Since(Σt?H t)?has only real entries and it is symetric then it is de?ned as self-adjoint or Hermitian matrix,that is (Σt?H t) =(Σt?H t)?.Therefore we can compute the Frobenius norm as the square root of the sum of element-wise squared di?erences,that is:

d t=


(σt,ij?h t,ij)2?i,j(11)

Given the second equality in Eq.10this distance metric is also called trace norm which is de?ned as the sum of all the singular values of(Σt?H t).

3.2Eigenvalue Metric

The Eigenvalue metric,or spectral norm,is based on the concept of a standard principal component analysis.AssumingΣt and H t to be two covariance matrices,therefore symetric and with real entries,then the di?erence matrix at time t is Hermitian and the distance is given by:

d t=

λ1max(Σt,H t)(12)

whereλ1max(Σt,H t)represents the largest eigenvalue of the matrix(Σt?H t)times its transpose -i.e.(Σt?H t)(Σt?H t) .

SinceΣt and H t are covariance matrices,therefore symetric and semi-positive de?nite,standard principal component analysis implies that the largest eigenvalue is non-negative and captures the di?erence in form ofΣt and H t completely,providing a metric for the largest amount of error between these two matrices.

Alternatively,the spectral norm can be de?ned as the lagest singular value of the semi positive de?nite matrix (Σt ?H t ),i.e.:

d t =λ1max (Σt ?H t )(Σt ?H t ) (13)

where once again λ1max (.)represents the largest eigenvalue of (.).

From here to the end of this paper and in our empirical analysis we will always refer to the de?nition provided in Eq.12.3.3Foerstner and Moonen Metric

This metric has been introduced by Foerstner and Moonen (1999)as a generalization of the idea introduced in Section 3.2.The distance between two symetric semi-positive de?nite matrices Σt and H t is de?ned as the sum of the squared logarithms of the eigenvalues,that is:d t = n i =1ln 2(λ1i (Σt ,H t ))


with eigenvalues λ1i (Σt ,H t )from the system |λΣt ?H t |=0.The square root of summing squares closely resemble the Euclidean metric.Again,since the covariance matrices are symetric and semi-positive de?nite,the eigenvalues are ensured to be positive 3.

3.4Cosinus Mass Metric

This measure is quite uncommon with respect to metrics commonly used in the econometrics literature but its simplicity appeals in our framework.Since Σt and H t are symetric semi-positive de?nite matrices the distance can be de?ned as:d t =cos ?1 (LT Σt ) (LT H t ) [(LT Σt ) (LT Σt )]·[(LT H t ) (LT H t )]

(15)where LT Σt =vech (Σt )and LT H t =vech (H t )and vech (·)denotes the operator that stacks the lower triangular portion of a (k ×k )matrix as a (k (k +1)/2×1)vector.

Intuitively,the distance is measured by the angle between the two vectors de?ned by the the stacked lower triangulars of Σt and H t ,and hence the smaller is the angle,the more Σt and H t are closer.

Given these four de?nitions we can de?ne the ?t of a multivariate GARCH-type model by the average distance between the matrices Σt and H t over t :

ModelF itness =1T T t =1d t (16)

To provide an example we generate two random variables with mean zero,conditional variance that follows individually an univariate GARCH (1,1)process and conditional correlation generated by the DCC(1,1)process by Engle (2002).The paramaters of the univariate models and of the unconditional correlation equation are:

3Further details on the properties of this metric are in Foerstner and Moonen (1999)

Table1:DGP speci?cation for GARCH(1,1)-DCC(1,1)process

Sample size:20000Number of series:2


Equation forσ21Equation forσ22Correlation Equation




We will now estimate the simulated process using a CCC and a DCC model respectively and then we will compute the distance between the sequences of both in-sample conditional variance (H t)and conditional correlation(R t)sequences and the underlyingΣt andΨt using the four distance metrics illustrated in the beginning of this Section.Table2and3contain the estimation results.

Table2:Estimation results for GARCH(1,1)-CCC

Sample size:20000Number of series:2


Equation forσ21Equation forσ22

Coe?cient Std.Error t-value Coe?cient Std.Error t-value ω10.1788020.0242987.359ω20.2899790.01958614.81




Coe?cient Std.Error t-value


The results in Table4con?rm that DCC model better?ts the true DGP outperforming the CCC whether we consider the Frobenius norm,Eigenvalue metric,Forstner and Moonen or Cosinus Mass metric.The di?erence in the scale is obviously due to the di?erent intuition behind each metric.

If on one side this provides a simple way to rank di?erent models,based on sample per-formances,whether we compare in sample estimation or out of sample forecasts,in the next sections we will describe a tool to test whether the di?erences between these loss functions-i.e. X t=(Σt?H t,0)?(Σt?H t,i)?i-signi?cantly di?ers from zero and therefore if one model statistically outperforms the all the others.

Table3:Estimation results for GARCH(1,1)-DCC(1,1)

Sample size:20000Number of series:2


Equation forσ21Equation forσ22

Coe?cient Std.Error t-value Coe?cient Std.Error t-value ω10.1788020.0242987.359ω20.2899790.01958614.81




Coe?cient Std.Error t-value




Table4:Distance Metrics

Sample size:20000-Number of series:2

Frobenius MetricΣt?H t,DCC0.13564Ψt?R t,DCC0.13953

Σt?H t,CCC0.37177Ψt?R t,CCC0.36814

Eigenvalue MetricΣt?H t,DCC0.10710Ψt?R t,DCC0.098662

Σt?H t,CCC0.27548Ψt?R t,CCC0.26032

Forstner MetricΣt?H t,DCC0.23337Ψt?R t,DCC0.22773

Σt?H t,CCC0.56888Ψt?R t,CCC0.56565

Cos Mass MetricΣt?H t,DCC0.062785Ψt?R t,DCC0.062947

Σt?H t,CCC0.16320Ψt?R t,CCC0.16641

4Realized Volatility

In our empirical analysis we substitute the realized variance matrix to the latent conditional covariance when evaluating the goodness of the endogeneously generated volatility implied by the di?erent M-GARCH-type models.The daily realized variance is computed from the intraday returs and is de?ned as:

r t+?,?≡p t+??p t(17) for t=?,2?,...,T and?=1/m,where m is the number od daily intervals.

The corresponding daily return,for t=1,2,...,T over the time interval of length?=1/m,is

de?ned by:

r t+1≡



r t+i?,?≡r t+?,?+r t+2?,?+...+r t+1,?(18)

Then,starting fron the(T m×n)matrix of intraday returns,we de?ne the daily realized

volatility as:

V t+1≡1/?


r t+i?,?r t+i?,?=R t+1R t+1(19)

where the(m×n)matrix R t+1is de?ned by R t+1=(r t+?,?,r t+2?,?,...,r t+1,?).The matrix V t+1represents the empirical counterpart to the daily quadratic return variation.In fact as the sampling frequency of the intraday returns increases,?→0-i.e.m→∞,V t+1converges almost surely to the quadratic variation(QV):

?→0,V t+1(?)as




Σu du≡QV t(20) Therefore the realized volatility V t becomes a less noisy measure for the latent volatility as the intraday frequency?reduces4.As shown in Andersen et al.(2002),to ensure positive semi de?niteness of the realized covariance matrices it su?ces that the columns in the matrix of returns R t are linearly independent.However this condition,which could eventually be preserved even for high dimensional problems,will be violated when the cross-sectional dimension increases with respect to sampling frequency of the intraday return.The condition n

5Model Comparison:Hansen SPA Test

A way to test model di?erences across models is the asimptotic test by Diebold and Mariano (1995)or the non parametric test by Pesaran and Timmermann(1992).However the limit of these tests is that they only implement pairwise comparisons across models.Since our aim is to test whether a model,when compared to the true DGP,is outperformed by all the other models, we need to test their performances together.An alternative method(Andersen et al.,2002),in the tradition of Mincer-Zarnowitz(1969),is to evaluate volatility forecasts,and thus their relative performances,by projecting the realized volatility on a constant and the various model forecasts. The Mincer-Zarnowitz regression takes the form:

vech(V t+1)=b0+b1vech(H t+1,i)+b2vech(H t+1,j)+u t+1(21) where b0is expected to be equal to(0,...,0)and b1=(1,...,1)and b2=(0,...,0)-or alternatively b1=(0,...,0)and b2=(1,...,1)-de?nes the best model forecast for the realized volatility.The R2of the regression represents the goodness of?t and therefore the term of comparison between di?erent models.However,the R2of a Mincer-Zarnowitz regression is not an ideal criterion for comparing volatility models,because it does not penalize a biased forecast5.

4Note that the optimal choice for the intraday frequency needs to take into account the distortion due to microstructure e?ects

5See Hansen and Lunde(2005)

In this paper,we use the Test for Superior Predictive Ability by Hansen (2001)which is based on the Reality Check Test by White (2000)6and the work of Diebold and Mariano (1995)and West (1996).This test controls for the whole set of models to be compared.

Since our aim is to compare the performances of two or more multivariate models,while Hansen’s SPA Test is originally designed for the univariate framework 7,?rst we have to introduce new notions of distance metrics -i.e.the distance metrics di?ned in Section 3-to ?t the test to the multivariate setting 8.However,since the test in itself is based on the average amount of distance between pairs of points in time,which is a scalar regardless of the dimension,it re-mains substantially the same but for some algebrical adaptation to the higher dimensional setting.Let n =0,1,...,N denote the number of estimated models for which we compute one-step-ahead covariance forecasts and let denote H n,1,...,H n,T the sequence of covariance matrices forecasts for model n which will be compared to the latent covariance matrix Σt by mean of a prede?ned loss function L n,t ≡L (Σt ,H n,t ),t =1,...,T .Yet,let denote with n =0the model that is chosen as the benchmark and that is compared to the set of competing models n =1,...,N .By using SPA Test we can analyse whether any of the competing models outperforms the benchmark model in terms of predictive ability.

The relative performance of model n (n =1,...,N ),with respect to the benchmark model (n =0)at time t ,is de?ned as:

X t,n =L 0,t ?L n,t ;n =1,...,N ;t =1,...,T (22)

Hansen (2001)showed that under reasonable assumptions the moment λn ≡E [X t,n ]is well-de?ned for n =1,...,N .Therefore,a λn >0implies that model n outperforms the benchmark and allows for a formulation of the null hypothesis of the SPA test.More clearly,under the null hypothesis we will verify if λn ≤0for n =1,...,N .If one of the competing models outperforms the benchmark,the null hypothesis will be rejected.Focusing just on the model which yields the highest λn gives us the following null hypothesis:

H 0:λs max ≡max n λn ωnn ≤0(23)

where λs max denotes the best standardized relative performance and ωnn the asymptotic vari-

ance of λn .Since the sample average ˉX t,n =t ?1 T i =1

X i,n is a consistent estimate for λn the corresponding test statistic is:

T sm t =√t ˉX s t,max (24)

where ˉX s t,max =max n ˉX t,n ?ωnn

and ?ω2nn is a consistent estimator of ω2nn ≡lim n →∞V ar (√n ˉX t,n )and is 6Hansen’s

Spa Test demostrates better power properties.See Hansen (2001)for further details 7In the multivariate framework arrays of covariance matrices rather than vectors of variances are compared 8The choice of an appropriate loss function in the univariate case usually boils down to some measure of squared errors.The test in fact provides two prede?ned loss functions:Mean Squared Error (MSE)and Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD)

estimated using the bootstrap method9.Hence,T sm


represents the largest t-statistic(of relative performance)where the superscript sm stands for’standardized maximum’.Under regularity conditions,stated above:

T sm t =max n





?→max n




which is lower then0if and only ifλn≤0for some n.More clearly,the question is whetherˉX s t,max is large enough in order to reject the null hypothesis ofλs max≤0.Therefore,the SPA test,using the bootstrap technique in order to estimate the distribution ofˉX s t,max under the null hypothesis, allows to determine critical values as thresholds whereˉX s t,max becomes too large to be consistent with the null hypothesis.Rather than giving a detailed description of the bootstrapping10we will focus on the general idea behind this method.Given the previous assumptions-i.e.λn≡E[X t,n] is well-de?ned for n=1,...,N-it holds that:

ˉX?λ)d?→N(0,?)(26) whereλ=(λ1,...,λN) ,ˉX=(ˉX1,...,ˉX N) and?=E[n(ˉX?λ)(ˉX?λ) ].The covariance matrix?will be estimated by bootstrapping methods.More precisely,the test uses the observed sample in order to generate k random resamples-i.e.iid bootstrap method-from the distribution ofˉX.For each of these resamples an estimate ofω2nn is computed and therefore the distribution of

ˉX s


approximated.Finally,critical values and p-values can be calculated from the estimated distribution ofˉX s t,max.

In other words,the SPA test is a method which yields the probability distribution against which one compares the best performance from those of some competing models.It generates the probability distribution of the model which performs best relative to the benchmark.This distribution is certainly not a standard one which we can look up in a text book but rather strongly depends on the models which enter our model comparison.As a result,the distribution is di?erent in every case and one has to?nd it by means of statistical methods,such as the bootstrap.

6Data and Empirical Results

Our empirical analysis is based on General Electric(GE)and IBM stock returns for the period January1,1981-December31,1999.Returns and realized variances are computed from equally spaced?ve-minute prices from the Trade and Quote(TAQ)database-i.e.78intraday observations. The choice of5-min.intervals strikes a satisfactory trade o?between the accuracy of the continuous time underlying process and the noise due to market microstructure e?ects.

Missing values are obtained by linearly interpolating the closest previous and the?rst following 5-min.price.The?ve-minute returns are computed as the?rst di?erence of the logarithmic prices premultiplied by100.The dataset has been cleaned from weekends and holydays and similarly, 9See Hansen(2001)and Hansen,Kim and Lunde(2003)for further details

10See Hansen(2001)for technical details

we do not consider early closing days.The period from January1,1995to the end of the sample will be used for the out of sample evaluation to compare model forecasts.We?nally end up with3652in sample and1187out of sample observations.Out of sample forecasts have been computed by means of a moving window of dimension k=100within which,at each iteration k,the one step ahead forecast has been computed replacing the expectations for the t+1 t+1 in the variance equation forecast by its observed value.The coe?cients are updated every100 observations restimating the model by including the last100out of sample observations into the dataset.

Estimation results for the six competing models are avaliable on request.The dynamic behind the one step ahead covariance matrices forecast is reported in Figure1.Table5contains the p-values of the out of sample one-step ahead forecasts comparisons under the null hypotesis that the benchmarck model,the BEKK-GARCH(1,1),is the best forecasting model.The consistent p-value-i.e.p?value c-is produced by the SPA test and is asimptotically valid and unbiased11. This p-value informs whether the benchmark model is outperformed,in terms of predictive ability, by one or more competing models.More precisely,a high p-value informs that there is no evidence that one or more competing models outperform the benchmark.The SPA test provides also an upper-i.e.p?value u-and a lower-i.e.p?value l-bound for the consistent p-value.Tables5, 6and7report the p-values-i.e.the consistent and its bounds-the sample performance of the model under the null(benchmark),sample informations and the bootstrap parameters12.

Table5:SPA test p-values-A

Benchmark model:BEKK-GARCH(1,1)

Number of models:n=5Sample size:n=1100

Test Statistic:TestStatScaledMax()

Bootstrap parameters:B=1000(resamples)q=0.5(dependence)

Loss function p?value l p?value c p?value u Sample performance

Frobenius Metric0.480000.716000.93500?3.48049

Eigenvalue Metric0.477000.738000.95500?3.35674

Forstner Metric0.590000.590000.99800?0.84536

Cos Mass Metric0.486000.486001.00000?0.27176

The results in Table5show that there is no evidence that BEKK-GARCH(1,1)is outper-formed by any of the other models.Moreover BEKK-GARCH(1,1)has always the best sample performance measured as the average distance between the out of sample realized variance and the BEKK-GARCH(1,1)one step ahead variance forecasts.

Further evidence is given by the results reported in Table6where the SPA test is performed

11See Hansen,Kim and Lunde(2003)for technical details

12See Hansen,Kim and Lunde(2003)for details

Figure1:Variance matrices forecasts

under the null that the DCC(1,1)-GARCH(1,1)is the best model.Here the null is rejected at least at5%signi?cance level con?rming the results reported above.

Table6:SPA test p-values-B

Benchmark model:DCC(1,1)-GARCH(1,1)

Number of models:n=5Sample size:n=1100

Test Statistic:TestStatScaledMax()

Bootstrap parameters:B=1000(resamples)q=0.5(dependence)

Loss function p?value l p?value c p?value u Sample performance

Frobenius Metric0.006000.006000.00900?3.57184

Eigenvalue Metric0.003000.003000.00500?3.44561

Forstner Metric0.024000.024000.04100?0.86912

Cos Mass Metric0.000000.000000.00000?0.31193

A partially contradicting conclusion is suggested by the results reported in Table7where the Diagonal-BEKK-GARCH(1,1)model has been chosen as benchmark model.This check is performed since the latter speci?cation is a variant of the BEKK-GARCH model,which results in a lower parametrization by means of parameter pooling,and it ranks as second best model when sample performances are considered.

There is no evidence that,when using the Eigenvalue loss function,the model is outperformed

Table7:SPA test p-values-C

Benchmark model:Diagonal BEKK-GARCH(1,1)

Number of models:n=5Sample size:n=1100

Test Statistic:TestStatScaledMax()

Bootstrap parameters:B=1000(resamples)q=0.5(dependence)

Loss function p?value l p?value c p?value u Sample performance

Frobenius Metric0.286000.286000.67100?3.49623

Eigenvalue Metric0.263000.263000.62500?3.37531

Forstner Metric0.006000.009000.02300?0.86185

Cos Mass Metric0.000000.000000.00000?0.28482

by the others since the SPA test consistent p-value is not negligible,even though if we consider any of the other metrics the null is always rejected.


In this paper we have estimated and compared six di?erent multivariate GARCH-family volatility models,namely BEKK(Full,Diagonal and Scalar speci?cations),Riskmetrics,CCC and DCC (Engle2001)models in terms of their out of sample conditional covariance forecast ability.The dataset used consists of daily stock returns of GE and IBM.Five-min.returns are used to com-pute the realized variance matrix,which represents a proxy for the latent conditional covariance when evaluating out of sample forecasts model?tness.Our aim was to extend Hansen(2001)SPA test to the multivariate framework by providing four alternative matrix distance metrics,namely Frobenius,Eigenvalue,Forstner and Moonen and Cosinus Mass metric.

The main?nding is that there is no evidence that the BEKK-GARCH(1,1)speci?cation is outperformed by any of the other models,resulting to be the best forecasting model.Further-more there is no evidence of SPA test lacking power in the multivariate setting since all the other models are rejected when the test is performed under the null that Diagonal and Scalar BEKK, Riskmetrics,CCC and DCC are considered as the benchmark13.

With this paper we also provide and test a?rst version of a new OxMetrix application to esti-mate and forecast multivariate GARCH-type volatility models.The package includes estimation and forecast procedure for:BEKK models(Full,Diagonal and Scalar),CCC and DCC models and RiskMetrics.It also includes simulation procedures and some functions to evaluate the distance between arrays of matrices.

13With the exception of Frobenius and Eigenvalue metrics under the null that Diagonal BEKK is the best forecasting model


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蚕蛹在水产动物营养中的应用研究-畜牧渔业论文 蚕蛹在水产动物营养中的应用研究 彭强 (中国海洋大学海水养殖教育部重点实验室,山东青岛266003) 摘要:随着水产养殖的集约化,作为传统蛋白源的鱼粉供应有限、价格高涨,使得我国优质蛋白源短缺问题日益突出,严重影响着我国水产养殖业的长远发展。我国是一个蚕桑大国,蚕蛹资源丰富,同时蚕蛹具有蛋白含量高、氨基酸平衡等优点,适宜作为水产饲料中鱼粉的优质替代物。目前已有少量研究关注蚕蛹在水产饲料中的应用,效果各不相同,具体机制有待研究,本文就其在水产饲料中的应用综述如下。 关键词:鱼粉;蚕蛹;营养 由于全球自然生态环境的限制,海洋、淡水捕捞已经不能满足人们日益增长的水产品需要。因此要扩大水产养殖业的发展,来提高水产品的供应量。而水产养殖业的发展又需要以水产饲料行业作为支撑。蛋白含量高、氨基酸组成平衡、适口性强、能够被鱼类高效利用的鱼粉,被广泛作为鱼类饲料中的优质蛋白源[1]。近年来鱼粉资源紧张,价格波动较大,而我国却长期依赖进口,严重影响我国水产饲料行业的健康发展,因此寻找优质蛋白源替代鱼粉意义重大。我国是一个蚕桑大国,蚕蛹资源丰富,每年鲜蚕蛹产量可达10万吨以上,加之蚕蛹蛋白含量高、不饱和脂肪酸丰富、维生素均衡,蚕蛹蛋白的提取和精制方法多样且技术成熟,适宜作为水产养殖的优良蛋白原料[2]。 1蚕蛹的特性以及营养评价 蚕蛹是缫丝产业的副产物,脂肪含量较高,容易氧化和酸败而产生难闻的臭味,

一直没有在水产业上得到充分重视,仅仅被当做粗饲蛋白源来处置。蚕蛹中含粗蛋白50%~70%,氨基酸组成与鱼粉相似,且鱼类必需氨基酸中的色氨酸与缬氨酸含量明显高于鱼粉,不饱和脂肪酸以及微量元素等含量丰富[3]。蚕蛹必需氨基酸指数(EAAI)按照FAO/WHO的标准为111.14,与蛋白标准品酪蛋白十分接近,高于鱼粉的99.72,这说明蚕蛹必需氨基酸比例均衡,利于被鱼类消化吸收。从氨基酸分(AAS)以及化学分(CS)分析中可知蚕蛹的限制性氨基酸为亮氨酸和蛋氨酸,这与某些植物蛋白源一致,说明蚕蛹营养组成虽好但作为鱼类饲料蛋白源还需考虑强化亮氨酸和蛋氨酸组成[4]。 2蚕蛹在水产动物营养中的应用 2.1对水产动物生长性能的影响 在新型蛋白源开发的研究中,新型实用饲料对鱼类生长性能的影响是首先关注的问题。一般情况下,新蛋白源替代鱼粉的实验中,随着新蛋白源含量的升高,鱼类的生长逐渐缓慢,但蚕蛹也有相反的情况,这是因为不同的鱼类对蚕蛹的喜爱或者耐受程度不一样。淡水鱼或者杂食性鱼类对替代的敏感性较低,肉食性鱼类往往对鱼粉的依赖性较大,想实现高替代难度大。 蚕蛹添加进饲料中的形式无外乎与其他蛋白源一起添加、或者经过脱脂除臭等不同的预处理再添加或与晶体氨基酸一起添加等几种形式。目前对蚕蛹添加进饲料中的研究主要集中在淡水鱼上,尤其是杂食性鱼类。鉴于鱼类食性的关系,它们基础饲料中的鱼粉含量相较于海水肉食性鱼类很少。蚕蛹与蛤肉混合可以替代印度鲤鱼饲料中50%的鱼粉[5]。在有卡特拉魮、印度鲮、南亚野鲮、银鲤的混养系统中,经过发酵的蚕蛹替代鱼粉过后还能提高存活率以及特定生长率[6]。在建鲤上,经过脱脂处理的蚕蛹可以替代50%的鱼粉而对生长没有负面影响[7];


蚕蛹蛋白纤维混纺纱的开发 赵瑞芝汪吉艮 (江苏大生集团有限公司) 摘要:探讨蚕蛹蛋白纤维混纺纱的开发。通过研究蚕蛹蛋白纤维纺纱性能,根据后道产品对纱线性能和质量的要求,合理选配原料,研究纤维预处理工艺,设定各工序纺纱工艺参数,有效解决了因蚕蛹蛋白纤维可纺性较差而产生的纺纱技术难题,使条干、强力和毛羽等纱线质量指标满足后道高品质产品的要求。 关键词:蚕蛹蛋白纤维;氨基酸 中图分类号:TS104.2 文献标志码:B 文章编号:1001-7415(2011)00-0000 作者简介:赵瑞芝(1968-),女,高级工程师,南通,226002 收稿日期:2011-03-13 蚕蛹蛋白纤维是一种新型的再生蛋白质纤维,是综合利用高分子技术、生物工程技术和化纤纺丝技术,从蚕蛹中萃炼出优质蛋白PC,与天然纤维素共混后制成的新型生物质纤维。在加工过程中,采用高科技工艺,使蛋白质富集在纤维表面,形成皮芯结构的蛋白质纤维。蛋白PC中含有18种氨基酸,每种氨基酸的含量都在15mg/g以上,其中丝氨酸、苏氨酸、色氨酸、酪氨酸等对人体皮肤十分有益,可保持肌肤表皮细胞活性,延缓肌肤氧化衰老。而纤维的皮芯结构又能保证氨基酸与皮肤充分接触,最大限度地发挥呵护肌肤的特殊功效。 蚕蛹蛋白纤维纱线可用于生产高档服装面料、T恤、内衣、床上用品等产品,目前已有厂家用蚕蛹蛋白纤维纯纺纱和混纺纱开发了高档针织内衣。蚕蛹蛋白纤维产品既保留了真丝织物的优点,又克服了真丝织物娇嫩、色牢度差、易缩、易皱、易泛黄、遇强碱易脆损等缺陷,产品柔软细腻、透气舒适、亲肤美肤、环保健康、染色绚丽,与真丝织物相比,存在较大的价格优势,具有较好的市场前景。本文以蚕蛹蛋白纤维/Modal 50/50 14.5tex纱为例,对其生产工艺进行介绍。 1原料选配 蚕蛹蛋白纤维主要技术指标:干断裂强度2.33cN/dtex,湿断裂强度1.59cN/dtex,干断裂伸长率19.9%,初始模量43.97 cN/dtex,细度1.71 dtex,长度37.8 mm,抗酸断裂强度2.26cN/dtex,抗碱断裂强度2.31cN/dtex,蛋白含量8.6%(水洗后蛋白损失极少),回潮率12.8%。 Modal纤维主要技术指标:干断裂强度3.23cN/dtex,湿断裂强度2.11cN/dtex,干断裂伸长率14.1%,线密度1.3dtex,长度39.0 mm,含油率0.31%,回潮率10.4%。


1、PLA纤维的生产工艺、结构特点和主要性能 生产工艺:工艺? PLA切片→干燥→螺杆挤压→预过滤→纺丝箱→冷却上油→卷绕→热盘拉伸→DT纤维 (1)切片干燥:像PET一样,PLA切片必须经过干燥处理后才能进行熔融纺丝。PLA属聚酯类产品,由于其聚合物在活跃和潮湿的环 境中会通过酯键断裂发生水解而产生降解,造成分子量大幅下 降,从而严重影响成品纤维的品质,因此纺丝前要严格控制PLA 聚合物的含水率。PLA切片干燥后含水率与干切片特性粘度的控 制尤为重要,因为含水率控制不当引起的分子量损失将给正常的 熔融纺丝带来困难。 (2)熔融纺丝:由于具有高结晶性和高取向性,PLA纤维具有高耐热性和高强度,且无需特殊的设备和操作工艺,应用常规的加工工 艺便可进行纺丝。但 PLA纤维不同于芳香酯的PET,其熔点175℃ (由差示扫描量热DSC法测定)与PET的260℃差距较大,且熔 融纺丝成形较PET困难,主要表现在PLA的热敏性和熔体高粘度 之间的矛盾。要使PLA在纺丝成形时具有较好的流动性和可纺 性,必须达到一定的纺丝温度,但PLA物料在高温下,尤其是经 受较长时间的相对高温时极易发生热降解,因此造成PLA熔融成 形的温度范围极窄。 (3)? 纺丝组件:由于PLA熔体的表观剪切粘度随剪切速率的增大而下降,表现为切力变稀流动现象。因为在剪切应力的作用下,大 分子构象发生变化,长链分子偏离平衡构象而沿熔体流动取向,

表现出预取向性,从而使体系解缠并使大分子链彼此分离,导致PLA熔体的表观剪切粘度下降。因此,必须通过加强剪切来降低其表观粘度,进而解决PLA聚合物热敏性和熔体高粘度之间的矛盾,实现纺丝的顺利进行。 (4)速率和卷绕超喂:在生产过程中,为保证PLA纤维有一定的取向度,同时希望拉伸应力和卷绕应力在纺丝过程中得到及时有效地消除,有效控制卷绕张力是关键。另外,由于PLA纤维的玻璃化温度较低,易造成卷绕过程中应力松驰加剧,使纤维沿轴向发生一定尺寸的收缩。在尽可能保证卷绕稳定的情况下,适当增大卷绕超喂率,在不影响成形的前提下,减少卷绕张力,相应调整摩托辊与筒子的接触压力,可以得到优质的大卷装丝。 (5)拉伸温度、速度:在平牵机上,热盘的温度即为拉伸温度,作为影响纤维的重要条件之一,选择合适的拉伸温度是提高纤维物理-机械性能的关键。低温时,拉伸初生PLA纤维时易发生脆性断裂,随着拉伸温度的提高,塑性变形越来越明显,PLA纤维结构单元包括链段和大分子的活动性随温度升高而增大。同时,随着温度的提高,一方面由于PLA大分子在拉伸过程中发生取向,伸直链段的数目增多,而折叠链段的数目减少;另一方面,由于拉伸过程中发生了结晶,片晶之间的连接链相应增加,从而提高了PLA纤维的强度和抗拉性,表现在纤维的物理性能上是纤维的断裂强度明显增大,断裂伸长率也增加。 结构特点:PLA纤维形态结构如图,由图可知,PLA纤维的横截面呈非


蚕蛹要煮几分钟 蚕蛹中是含有丰富的维生素、蛋白质和脂肪酸等物质的,因此,在生活中,蚕蛹是被作为一种营养价值极高的食物的,而大多数的人在平常也会经常性购买蚕蛹来食用,一般来讲,蚕蛹最常用的方法便是用盐水煮,那么,蚕蛹要煮几分钟?下面就让给大家介绍一下,希望大家能够有所了解。 蚕蛹是人类的一种新营养源,蚕蛹是卫生部批准的“作为普通食品管理的食品新资源名单”中唯一的昆虫类食品。 蚕蛹的蛋白质含量在50%以上,远远高于一般食品,而且蛋白质中的必需氨基酸种类齐全,蚕蛹蛋白质由18种氨基酸组成,其中人体必需的8种氨基酸含量很高。蚕蛹中的这8种人体必需的氨基酸含量大约是猪肉的2倍,鸡蛋的4倍,牛奶的10倍,8种人体必需的氨基酸营养均衡,比例适当,符合联合国粮农组织和世界卫生组织的要求,非常适合人体的需要,是一种优质的昆虫蛋白质。(蚕蛹好吃,营养,但需要注意,少数人对蚕蛹过敏。) 盐水煮蚕蛹,属于原汁原味的健康清淡版吃法,而且一次可以多煮,把煮熟的蚕蛹直接浸泡在卤水中,随吃随取,简单方便。在冬季的北方,这盐水煮蚕蛹用来待客,是既有面子又省事儿的

一道菜,备受煮妇喜爱。 材料 主料:蚕蛹500克。 调料:食盐适量、葱2段、姜4片、八角1个。 制作步骤 1、蚕蛹冲洗干净,入锅 2、添加没过的水,添加葱姜和八角,大火煮开 3、添加盐和料酒,继续煮5分钟,关火 4、煮好的蛹浸泡在卤水中,随吃随取 小提示: 1、喜欢嫩口的,煮开即可关火,喜欢肉质紧致的,可以多煮一会儿;

2、盐比平常做菜多一点就行。 蚕蛹要煮几分钟?根据上文对盐煮蚕蛹的做法介绍可知,用盐煮蚕蛹的做法大概是需要五分钟的时间,对于追求食物营养价值的人来说,蚕蛹这种食材是其最应该选择常吃的食物,除此之外,蚕蛹的做法也是值得大家去进行学习和掌握的。


数字式绝缘电阻测试仪性能特点 ●适于在各种电气设备的维修、试验及检定中作绝缘测试。 ●31/2LCD大屏幕数字显示,分辨率高,读数方便。 ●有三种额定绝缘测试电压,负载能力强。 ●操作便捷,携带方便,准确、可靠、稳定。 ●低耗电、用6×1.5V(AA, R6)电池供电,使用时间长。 ●电池电压不足,有欠压标志符“”显示。 ●具有防震、防尘、防潮结构,适应恶劣工作环境。 ●保护功能完善,能承受短路和被测电器残余电压冲击。 数字式绝缘电阻测试仪技术指标 2.1 主要指标 额定电压:500V、1000V、2500V三档 测量范围及误差:(20~1999)MΩ±(5%RDG+2d) (0~19.99)MΩ(2.00~19.99)GΩ±(10%RDG+2d) 输出短路电流:≥1mA 2.2 其它指标 ●绝缘电阻: ≥50M? (1000V) ●耐压: AC 3kV 50Hz 1min ●工作温度和湿度: -10℃~+50℃<85%RH ●贮存温度和湿度: -15℃~+55℃<90%RH ●电源: 6×1.5V(AA,R6)电池或充电电池。 ●耗电: ≤150mA; ●外形尺寸: 255mm(L)×135mm(W)×80mm(D)

●重量: ≈1kg 数字式绝缘电阻测试仪仪表外形

数字式绝缘电阻测试仪使用方法 敬告: ●确认被测试品安全接地,试品不带电。 ●确认仪表E端(接地端)已接地。 ●按了测试开关按钮后,仪表E、L端就有高电压输出,请注意安全! ●测试完毕,请及时关闭高压和工作电源。 4.1电池检查及更换 仪表在接通电源工作时,显示屏若显示“”欠压符号,表示 电池电量不足,应更换新电池,否则仪表无法正常工作。 4.2测试 将仪表E端接试品的接地端(或一端),L端接试品的线路端(或 另一端)。打开电源开关,将档位开关置所需的额定电压位,显 示屏首位显示“1”,表示工作电源接通。按一下测试开关按钮, 高压指示灯点亮,显示屏上显示的数值就是被测试品的绝缘电 阻值。当试品的绝缘电阻值超过仪表量程的上限值时,显示屏首 位显示“1”,后三位熄灭。 注:测量时,由于试品有吸收、极化过程,绝缘值读数逐渐向大数 值漂移或有一些上下跳动,系正常现象。 4.3 G端(保护环)的使用 测量高绝缘电阻值时,应在试品两测量端之间的表面上套一导


蚕蛹怎么造句 导读:蚕蛹拼音 【注音】:canyong 蚕蛹解释 【意思】:蚕吐丝做茧以后变成的蛹。 蚕蛹造句: 1、另外,研究小组指出,蚕蛹大部分成分都是蛋白质,并且对于人体所必需的氨基酸,蚕蛹的含量是猪肉的2倍,是鸡蛋和牛奶的4倍。 2、针对睫毛受损,如掉,断睫毛,有较好的修复能力,独特的蚕丝和蚕蛹精华卷翘同时不仅拉长、加密,还有滋养的效果。 3、目的:研究蚕蛹蛋白对小鼠免疫功能的影响。 4、你将我用银白包围,好似蚕蛹一般,我想最后我也会破茧而飞吧。 5、结果蚕蛹多糖明显增强B淋巴细胞和T淋巴细胞的增殖,促进小鼠巨噬细胞的吞噬活力和溶血素抗体生成。 6、他们利润增长,部分原因是蚕蛹了新的市场策略。 7、目的探讨柞蚕蛹虫草对黑腹果蝇寿命、吃食次数、性功能及繁殖能力的影响。 8、几个月前我在一家中国餐馆品尝了一盘炸蚕蛹,相当有营养,但没有我想的那么美味。 9、研究结果表明,柞蚕蛹皮的主要成分为油脂、蛋白质、几丁

质和无机盐。 10、推测家蚕蛹虫草有较好的延缓衰老作用。 11、产品涉及蚕蛹虫草、蛹虫草及其制品。 12、结果:蚕蛹多糖能明显增强B淋巴细胞和T淋巴细胞的增殖,促进小鼠巨噬细胞的吞噬活力和溶血素生成。 13、蚕蛹蛋白是一种优质纯天然全价蛋白质,因特殊气味、颜色等限制了其进一步开发与利用。 14、方法:测定蚕蛹蛋白对小鼠淋巴细胞增殖、巨噬细胞吞噬活力及溶血素生成的影响。 15、结论柞蚕蛹性脑病是以锥体外系症状伴烦躁和恐惧为主要表现的预后良好的疾病。 16、报道了酶法水解蚕蛹蛋白工艺的实验研究,并对水解产物进行了分析。 17、目的从野蚕蛹血淋巴中分离纯化抗菌肽,并研究野蚕抗菌肽对体外培养癌细胞的杀伤作用及超微结构的影响。 18、对这些方法应用于蚕蛹酶解蛋白制备血管紧张素转换酶抑制肽的QSAR研究中的可能性进行分析。 19、目的探讨柞蚕蛹性脑病的临床特征。 20、以蚕蛹为原料,采用一种简便的提取工艺提取蚕蛹蛋白质。 21、采收的蚕蛹被丢入沸水会散开成为长丝线。 22、蚕蛹含有丰富的蛋白质,且含人体所必需的各种氨基酸。 23、探讨了蚕蛹油脂的提取方法。通过试验确定了浸出法的最佳


绝缘电阻测试仪说明书 由于输入输出端子、测试柱等均有可能带电压,在插拔测试线、电源插座时,会产生电火花,小心电击, 避免触电危险,注意人身安全! 安全要求 请阅读下列安全注意事项,以免人身伤害,为了避免可能发生的危险,只可在规定的范围内使用。 只有合格的技术人员才可执行维修。 —防止火灾或人身伤害 使用适当的电源线。只可使用专用并且符合规格的电源线。 正确地连接和断开。当测试导线与带电端子连接时,请勿随意连接或断开测试导线。 注意所有终端的额定值。为了防止火灾或电击危险, 请注意所有额定值和标记。在进行连接之前,请阅读使用说明书,以便进一步了解有关额定值的信息。 使用适当的保险丝。只可使用符合规定类型和额定值的保险丝。

避免接触裸露电路和带电金属。有电时,请勿触摸裸露的接点和部位。 请勿在潮湿环境下操作。 请勿在易爆环境中操作。

目录 第一章概述 (6) 第二章介绍 (6) 一、特性 (6) 二、技术指标......................... . (8) 三、仪表结构............................ . (9) 四、仪表原理... . (10) 第三章使用方法 (11) 一、准备工作 (11) 二、开始测试 ............................ ... (12) 三、调阅测试结果 (14) 四、屏蔽端使用方法 (14) 五、电池充电 (15)

第一章概述 随着我国电力工业的快速发展,电气设备预防性实验是保障电力系统安全运行和维护工作中的一个重要环节。绝缘诊断是检测电气设备绝缘缺陷或故障的重要手段。绝缘电阻测试仪(兆欧表)是测量绝缘电阻的专用仪表。1990年5月批准实施的JJG662-89《绝缘电阻表(兆欧表)》已把它作为强制检定的仪表之一。目前,电气设备(如变压器、发电机等)朝着大容量化、高电压化、结构多样化及密封化的趋势发展。这就需要绝缘电阻测试仪本身具有容量大、抗干扰能力强、测量指标多样化、测量结果准确、测量过程简单并迅速、便于携带等特点。对于容量较大的电气设备要进行吸收比和极化指数二种绝缘指标的测试,在我国的《500KV规程》中,已将极化指数指标列为500KV变压器、电抗器的预防性试验项目。 BC2000型智能双显绝缘电阻测试仪采用嵌入式工业单片机实时操作系统,超薄形张丝表头与图形点阵液晶显示器完美结合,该表具有二种电压输出等级(2.5KV和5KV)、容量大、抗干扰强、指针与数字同步显示、交直流两用、操作简单、自动计算各种绝缘指标(吸收比、极化指数)、各种测量结果具有防掉电功能等特点。是测量大型变压器、互感器、发电机、高压电动机、电力电容、电力电缆、避雷器等绝缘电阻的理想测试仪器。


纺织新材料及染整加工特性 在20世纪40年代,科技发达国家开始研制和生产粘胶、涤纶、锦纶、腈纶等化学纤维。在相继半个世纪中,由于合成纤维具有强度高、弹性好、耐穿耐用以及易护理等优点,化学纤维得到迅猛发展,其化纤总量超过了天然纤维。从80年代开始,科技高速发展,人们对纺织品要求越来越高,普通的化学纤维满足不了不同的需要,因此,日本、美国、德国等相继开发出新合纤、差别化和功能性纤维,增加了许多纺织新材料,使纺织产品具有多元化、功能化、仿真化和个性化特点。近年来生产这些化纤原料的石油资源严重短缺,化纤的生产量受到一定限制。因此,许多研究者和开发商寻找其它途径,利用自然界丰富的动植物资源,开发纺织新材料,满足纺织品发展需要。本文对近年来开发的纺织新材料的基本特性和染整加工特点作些阐述。 1 纺织新材料的开发应用及基本特性 1·1 新型天然纤维 1·1·1 天然彩色棉 天然彩棉是一种自身具有天然色彩的棉花新品种,具有色泽自然、质地柔软、穿着舒适、不用染色加工、减少污染环境的一种生态环保纤维。目前,彩棉基本色调只有棕色和绿色两大类,由于彩棉深浅不一,可显现出多种颜色。彩棉虽然有许多优点,但存在可纺性差,色泽不稳定、易变色等缺点。彩棉形态结构与白棉相似,纤维较细、生成的纤维素次生胞壁很薄,胞腔很大,色素主要分布在纤维次生胞壁中。彩棉中纤维素含量占85%-90%,而由棉中纤维素含量在 94%左右。其余物质主要是蜡质,其含量是白棉的6-13倍,灰分含量是白棉的1.4-1.6倍,蛋白质含量是白棉的1.75-2.1倍,含氮物质也较多。彩棉中铜、铁、锌、铂含量高于白棉,其它金属含量低于白棉。彩棉中天然色


耐压测试仪绝缘电阻测试仪基本原理与选用 作者:北京中仪来源:https://www.doczj.com/doc/88893316.html, 耐压测试仪绝缘电阻测试仪基本原理与选用 一、耐电压测试仪 耐电压测试仪又叫电气绝缘强度试验仪或叫介质强度测试仪。将一规定交流或直流高压施加在电器带电部分和非带电部分(一般为外壳)之间以检查电器的 绝缘材料所能承受耐压能力的试验。电器在长期工作中,不仅要承受额定工作电 压的作用,还要承受操作过程中引起短时间的高于额定工作电压的过电压作用 (过电压值可能会高于额定工作电压值的好几倍)。在这些电压的作用下,电气 绝缘材料的内部结构将发生变化。当过电压强度达到某一定值时,就会使材料的 绝缘击穿,电器将不能正常运行,操作者就可能触电,危及人身安全。 1 、耐电压测试仪结构及组成 (1 )升压部分

调压变压器、升压变压器及升压部分电源接通及切断开关组成。 220V电压通过接通,切断开关加到调压变压器上调压变压器输出连接升压变 压器。用户只需调节调压器就可以控制升压变压器的输出电压。 (2 )控制部分 电流取样,时间电路、报警电路组成。控制部分当收到启动信号,仪器立即在接通升压部分电源。当收到被测回路电流超过设定值及发出声光报警立即切断 升压回路电源。当收到复位或者时间到信号后切断升压回路电源。 (3 )显示电路 显示器显示升压变压器输出电压值。显示由电流取样部分的电流值,及时间电路的时间值一般为倒计时。 (4 )以上是传统的耐电压试验仪的结构组成。随着电子技术及单片,计算 机技术飞速发展;程控耐电压测试仪这几年也发展很快,程控耐压仪与传统的耐 压仪不同之处主要是升压部分。程控耐压仪高压升压不是通过市电由调压器来调


61-797 数字绝缘测试仪 显示屏 功能键 测试合格指示灯 高电压指示灯 功能选择与电源开关 低电阻测量接口 绝缘电压/电阻测量接口 公共端

测量ACV/DCV:自动感知交/直流功能 自动感知模式:被测电压>0.3V,自动显示ACV/DCV;被测电压大于660V AC/DC,屏幕自动显示“>660V AC/DC”。 自动感知与低通滤波器(LPF)功能 在AC电压模式下,启动低通滤波器(LPF)功能,可阻止频率>1kHz的信号影响测试结果。低通滤波器能很大程度提高对诸如调速设备或变频设备的复杂波形测量能力。

1.测试前 (A)被测电路不能带电,否则会烧仪表内的保险丝。如果电压超过2V,仪表屏幕会显示“>2V”警示。 (B)测试前先短路测试线,按蓝色按钮,将测试线电阻归零 2.锁定模式:按锁定按钮(LOCK),按TEST按钮开始测试,直到TEST再次被按下,测试将持续进行。 3.屏幕显示“>”表示被测电阻超过仪表量程

1.测试前 被测电路不能带电。如果电压超过30V,仪表屏幕会显示“>30V”警示。测试将被禁止。 2.按蓝色按钮,显示绝缘电阻或在停止测试后显示漏电流 2.锁定模式:按锁定按钮(LOCK),按TEST按钮开始测试,直到TEST/LOCK再次被按下,测试将持续进行。 3.屏幕显示“>”表示被测电阻超过仪表量程 使用比较功能 1.开始绝缘测试之前,按COMP按钮,在下列参数中选择比较值: 100kΩ,200kΩ, 500kΩ,1MΩ,2MΩ,5MΩ,10MΩ,20MΩ,50MΩ,100MΩ,200MΩ,500MΩ 2.如果被测值大于所选数值,绿色指示灯点亮。


Fiber Technology纤维技术 蛋白质纤维分天然蛋白质纤维(如羊毛、蚕丝等)和再生蛋白质纤维两大类。按原料来源,再生蛋白质纤维又有再生动物蛋白质纤维和再生植物蛋白质纤维之分。再生动物蛋白质纤维主要指从牛乳、羊毛、猪毛等中提取蛋白质纺制的纤维,再生植物蛋白质纤维主要指从大豆、花生、油菜籽、玉米等中提取蛋白质纺制的纤维。 1 国内、外再生蛋白质纤维的研发  国外从19世纪末、20世纪初即开始对再生蛋白质纤维进行研究,1935年意大利科学家、1938年英国ICI公司、1939年Corn Product Refining公司曾分别探讨从牛乳、花生、玉米、大豆豆粕中提取蛋白质,再进行纺丝。20世纪40年代初,美国研制了酪素纤维;1945年美、英又研究了大豆蛋白质纤维;1948年美国通用汽车公司从豆粕中提取了大豆蛋白质纤维,但大多因为纤维性能较差,无法进行纺织加工而中断研究。 近年来,由于“可持续发展战略和回归自然,热爱生命,保护环境”成为纺织化纤工业调整的重要主题,国内外对再生纤维的研制又重视起来。日本东洋纺公司开发的牛奶蛋白质纤维实现了工业化生产,但成本高、规模小;加拿大Nexia公司利用转基因技术,通过遗传工程,培育出一种将蚕的基因植入非洲普通山羊体内,培养出的山羊产的奶中所含蛋白质的结构与天然真丝蛋白质结构相同,从而以该种山羊奶为原料生产丝绸;DuPont(杜邦)公司利用生物工程和基因技术纺制人造蜘蛛丝蛋白质,研制出有“生物钢材”之称的蜘蛛丝,引起广泛关注。 我国在20世纪50年代、70年代曾分别对再生蛋白质纤维进行过初步的探索,但未获成功。90年代,四川省曾对蚕蛹再生蛋白质纤维进行了研制,虽然纤维实现了小批量生产,但蛋白质含量较低,且在织造和印染加工中存在很多问题,严重影响了该类产品的开发和技术推广。东华大学、金山石化曾对酪素/丙烯脂接枝共聚物的纺丝进行过研究,但亦停留于理论探讨,未见其产品;复旦大学和东华大学曾对再生丝素溶液的纺丝进行过研究,亦未能实现工业化生产。 同年代,河南李官奇先生对大豆蛋白质纤维进行了深入的系统研究开发,于2000年通过了国家经贸委工业试验项目鉴定,在化纤纺织行业引起了很大震动。利用他的发明专利“植物蛋白质合成丝及其制造方法”,在河南遂平、江苏常熟、浙江绍兴等地建厂工业化生产了0.9 ~ 3.0 dtex的大豆蛋白短纤维。2002年,天津人造纤维厂利用毛纺行业产生的下脚料或动物的废毛作原料,通过化学处理方法,溶解成蛋白质溶液与纤维素粘胶溶液混合,经纺丝制成蛋白质纤维素纤维,但此工艺并未得到产业化生产。2005年1月,中国科学院过程工程研究所、北京赛特瑞科技发展有限公司、四川宜宾五粮液集团有限公司共同研制的“纳米抗菌生物蛋白纤维”通过专家鉴定。 再生蛋白质纤维的开发 摘要:目前再生蛋白纤维开发方向主要有两个方面:一是生产工艺进一步完善优 化,降低生产成本及对环境的污染;二是生产品种的复合功能化。文章介绍了再 生蛋白质纤维的研发现状,并着重介绍了以羊毛、猪毛等下脚料为原料的再生动 物蛋白纤维,同时对再生蛋白质纤维的发展前景进行了展望。 关键词:再生蛋白质纤维;蛋白质;缩醛化;再生纤维 中图分类号:TS 102.51 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1003-3025(2006)07-0033-03 山东海龙股份有限公司 马君志 葛 红 陈宝成 王殿征 青岛大学化工学院 杜丽霞 作者简介:马君志,男,1976年生,工程师,潍坊,261100 纺织导报 China Textile Leader?2006 No.733


如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢! 使用说明书 日本共立电气计器株式会社 目录 1.安全警告---------------------------------------------1 2.特点-------------------------------------------------4 3.技术规格---------------------------------------------5 4.仪器布局图 4-1 仪器布局图----------------------------------------8 4-2 液晶屏显示----------------------------------------9 5. 测试前的准备 5-1 检查电池电压--------------------------------------10 5-2 连接测试导线--------------------------------------10 6. 测试 6-1 电压测量(600V或更少些)---------------------------11 6-2 绝缘电阻的测量------------------------------------12 6-3 连续测量------------------------------------------15 6-4 定时器测量功能------------------------------------15 6-5 极化指数测量--------------------------------------15 6-6 测量接线端的电压特性------------------------------15 6-7 保护接线的使用----------------------------------15 7.电池更换---------------------------------------------19 0页


摘要 实验研究蚕蛹蛋白多肽的保健功效,包括抗疲劳作用和免疫调节作用两个部分。抗疲劳实验将蚕蛹蛋白多肽分为高、中、低剂量组,分别为2.4、1.2、0.6g/kg·d 喂饲小鼠28d,观察小鼠爬杆时间、负重游泳时间,测定血清尿素氮、肝糖原和肌糖原含量,测定游泳前、游泳后0、15、60min血清乳酸含量的变化。实验结果表明蚕蛹蛋白多肽能显著增加小鼠爬杆时间和负重游泳时间,增加小鼠运动过程中肝糖原和肌糖原含量,较少血清尿素氮的含量,并能显著降低游泳后血清乳酸的增加量;免疫调节实验也将蚕蛹蛋白多肽分为高、中、低剂量组,分别为5.0、2.6、0.5g/kg·d喂饲小鼠40d,观察小鼠免疫器官指数变化、迟发型变态反应(DTH)、抗体生成细胞数和碳廓清能力等四个实验项目。实验结果表明与阴性对照组比较,蚕蛹蛋白多肽能显著增加小鼠胸腺指数,增加小鼠足跖肿胀度,增加小鼠抗体细胞生成数量,增加单核-巨噬细胞吞噬能力。实验得到如下结论:蚕蛹蛋白多肽具有明显的抗疲劳作用和免疫调节作用。 关键词:蚕蛹蛋白;多肽;抗疲劳;免疫调节 - I -

Abstract The experimental study on health function of silkworm pupa protein peptides, including anti-fatigue effect and immune regulation effects of two parts. Silkworm pupa protein polypeptide anti-fatigue is divided into high, medium, and low dose groups, respectively, 2.4, 1.2, 0.6g/kg ·d mice fed 28D, observation of climbing time, loaded swimming time in mice, determination of urea nitrogen, serum liver glycogen, and muscle glycogen content, determination of swimming, swim back before changes of serum lactic acid content of 0, 15 g. Experimental results indicates that silkworm pupa protein more peptide can significantly increased small rats climbing Rod time and loading swimming time, increased small rats movement process in the liver glycogen original and muscle glycogen content, less serum urea nitrogen of content, and can significantly reduce swimming Hou serum lactic acid of increased volume; immune regulation experimental also will silkworm pupa protein more peptide is divided into high, and in the, and low dose group, respectively for 5, and 2.6, and 0.5G/kg · d feed feeding small rats 40D, observation small rats immune organ index changes, and late hair allergy (DTH), and antibody generated cell number and carbon clearance ability, four a experimental project. Experimental results show that - II -


绝缘电阻测试仪型号 RT5200采用嵌入式工业单片机实时操作系统,图形点阵液晶显示器,该系列表具有多种电压输出等级容量大、抗干扰强、数字同步显示、交直流两用、操作简单、自动计算各种绝缘指标(吸收比、极化指数)、各种测量结果具有防掉电功能等特点。是测量大容量变压器、互感器、发电机、高压电动机、电力电容、电力电缆、避雷器等绝缘电阻的理想测试仪器。 RT-5200绝缘电阻测试仪产品特性 >采用微电脑控制,菜单操作,大屏幕液晶LCD点阵显示,性能稳定,属智能化仪表。

>抗干扰能力强,适合在强电磁干扰环境中测量。 >有50V、100V、250 V、500V、1.0kV、2.5kV、5.0kV、10.0kV共8个电压输出档。 >输出高电压同时也可连续调节。 >自动测量R15、R60、R600,自动计算吸收比、极化指数。 >带载能力强,短路电流约5mA。 >测量范围最大为0 ~10TΩ,自动切换量程。 >模拟条指针与数字显示相结合,形象的表明数据的变化趋势及准确的测量结果。 >随时显示测试时间,且每隔15秒蜂鸣器自动鸣叫提示。 >测量完毕自动泄放高压,高压泄放时间不超过30秒。 >自动测量环境温度、空气湿度及每次测试的日期与时间。 >能保存60组测量结果,且数据20年可不丢失。 >自带RS232串行接口,能与计算机数据通信。 >超大容量9800mAH锂电池,一次充电连续使用30天,具有完善的充电保护功能。 >RS232串口外接打印机(选配),可打印测量结果,免抄表工作。 >具有全面完善的保护功能,工作可靠性高。 可选配功能: 1.打印机

2.泄露电流和吸收电容 可定制参数: 1.测量范围:0~20TΩ 2.短路电流:5mA/6mA/8mA/10mA RT-5200绝缘电阻测试仪型号产品参数 额定测试电压50V、100V、250 V、500V、1.0kV、2.5kV、5.0k、10.0kV(共8个电压输出档,输出高电压同时也可连续调节) 测量上限值100GΩ~ 10TΩ测量下限值0.1MΩ 输出电压误差±5% 短路电流约5mA 准确度等级 3.0级 下半量程范围误差±( 2%·Rx + 1d ) 上半量程范围误差±( 3%·Rx + 2d ) 高压显示误差±( 3%·Ux + 1d ) 温度测量误差±0.5℃


龙源期刊网 https://www.doczj.com/doc/88893316.html, 简述蚕蛹蛋白开发与应用 作者:张博殷丽萍刘森 来源:《文存阅刊》2017年第06期 摘要:蚕蛹是一种优质的生物蛋白来源,被广泛应用于食品、纺织、农业以及日化等多个领域。本文简单介绍蚕蛹的营养成分及蚕蛹蛋白的生理功能,重点分析蚕蛹蛋白的开发利用现状,并对其未来的发展方向进行展望。 关键词:蚕蛹蛋白;开发;应用 前言:我国桑蚕业历史悠久,作为养蚕缫丝的附属品,现今蚕蛹年产量高达到70亿吨。李时珍在《本草纲目》中指出:“蚕蛹味成辛、性平、无毒,人食可强身健身,入药可医多病,能补气养血、强腰壮肾、滋肺润肠”。科技发达的当下,经现代分析手段可知,鲜蛹中蛋白质含量占蛹质量的45%~50%,经榨油后的废弃蚕蛹渣中蛋白含量可达70%以上,可见其蛋白质含量十分丰富,经深入分析可知蚕蛹蛋白氨基酸种类繁多,具有人体自身不能合成的8种必须氨基酸,是一种优质的动物蛋白来源。蚕蛹中的不饱和脂肪酸,可以加快胆固醇的排泄,抑制内源性胆固醇的合成,降低血脂和血小板凝集;并具有升高高密度脂蛋白及软化血管作用,所以蚕蛹对慢性肝炎、肝硬化、动脉血管硬化有较好的疗效[1]。 一、蚕蛹蛋白的开发利用 通过实验条件控制不同的分解程度,蚕蛹蛋白可制备出具有不同生理活性的多肽。现今蚕蛹蛋白水解方法主要有碱水解法、酸水解法和酶水解法。但前两种方法均易造成部分必需氨基酸的构型破坏,使蚕蛹蛋白的营养价值降低,而且对设备耐酸碱要求较高,增加了生产成本。此外,酸碱法排出的废液易对环境造成污染,因此应用较广泛的是蚕蛹蛋白的酶水解法。酶水解时反应条件温和,可以获得有活性的水解产物,并且不会对环境造成污染,符合当下绿色环境的主题。以下是笔者对蚕蛹蛋白的开发利用的各个方面的分析。 (一)蚕蛹蛋白在食品工业上的应用 蚕蛹中含有微量的抗菌肽、溶菌酶和激素等生物活性物质,且不含性激素,因此可用来开发功能性保健品。蚕蛹蛋白富含赖氨酸和苏氨酸,可作为营养添加剂用于面包、面条、饼干、调味品;蚕蛹蛋白对人体具有较好的抗疲劳作用,可以制成抗疲劳的运动饮料,如蚕蛹酸奶以及饮料。目前,实验室可从蚕蛹中提取出具有抗衰老、提高免疫力以及特异性抑菌作用的多肽类活性物质,故而蚕蛹蛋白应用于保健品行业具有较好的商业前景,但由于工艺原因,对活性小分子多肽物质的研究仍处于实验室阶段,因此尚需大力开发[2]。 (二)蚕蛹蛋白在医药上的应用


纯天然生物制品—蚕蛹蛋白短肽项目可行性综合分析报告 二0一二年九月九日

纯天然生物制品—蚕蛹蛋白短肽 项目可行性综合分析报告 一、蚕蛹蛋白短肽国际、国内科研背景 (一)蚕蛹蛋白短肽国际科研背景 1、蚕蛹蛋白短肽国际水平概述 近几年来,医疗食品(Therapeuticalfood),功能性食品(Funcfionalfood),营养药物(Nutritionaldrugs)在美国等发达的国家非常畅销,营养药物早在1989年由美国新泽西州医学改革非常营利机构主席和创始人step肠外营养DeFelice博士提出的,它是“营养”和“药物”的合称,国外生产技术工艺比较先进,至2012年9月5日前,医疗食品、功能性食品,营养药物等三大类的中间体的来源都依赖进口,国际、国内市场份额均被荷兰N.V.Nutricia,纽迪西亚制药。德国费森尤斯卡比股份有限公司及瑞高?/Fresubin Mct750; 瑞先?/Fresubin Energy Fibre;瑞代?/Fresubin Diabetes 等生产制造公司加工生产,基本陇断了全球市场,国内的制药企业只能经销分销此类的中间体。 2、蚕蛹蛋白短肽国际市场发展趋势 近几年来,由于禽流感,口蹄疫等禽畜类的传染病的频发,使禽畜类传统食品原料存在极大的安全隐患,加这氨基酸价不高,功能成份有限的缺点,很难达到EN制剂的标准要求,而陆地生物类的氨基酸含量较低,营养成份单一,不均衡,也不能很好地满

足临床病人患者的营养需求。人类开始将目光转向特殊的生物资源(昆虫科)—蚕蛹。 通过高科技手段将从蚕蛹中提取蛋白短肽酶解产物为基础原料,配合水、麦芽糊精、植物油、膳食纤维、大豆多糖,矿物质、维生素、微量元素等人体必需的营养要素,制备得到蚕蛹短肽肠内营养混悬剂。能有效使术前术后的患者,消化道痿的危重病人,厌食和其它相关疾病患者,机械性胃肠道功能紊乱患者,创伤、烧伤危重患者,严重感染、肿瘤患者及其它营养不良的病人患者都能有效安全的得到全营养或非全营养的补充。 由此可见,蚕蛹蛋白短肽产品是目前国际市场十分看好的生物制品之一。亚洲地区的韩国、日本、新加坡地区特别抢手。 (二)蚕蛹蛋白短肽国内市场的发展趋势及背景 1、由于国家针对动植物蛋白深加工方面,一直无产品标准,也就等于说,此类产品一直依赖进口,自2012年9月5日起,国家出台了《食品安全国家标准、特殊医学用途配方食品通则》起,国内多家企业争先抓住机遇,如黑龙江惠利达医药有限公司、无锡纽迪希亚制药有限公司等企业,但深加工制造出的产品质量和各项功指标均难以达标。国内唯有“江苏南通福尔生物制品有限公司从蚕蛹中提取的蚕蛹蛋白短肽符合国际标准”,并得到韩国、日本等国的认可。目前己与韩国签订了三年的“蚕蛹蛋白短肽”的出口销售合同。 2、据统计资料显示,我国目前中等规模医院大约有19246多


复合蚕蛹蛋白粉作用有哪些 我们的身体会出现一些疾病,有时候不是因为我们没有照顾好自己,而是自己的免疫力下降了,当身体的免疫力下降之后就会引起一些疾病或者更容易患上很多的疾病,所以现在有很多的药物和营养品都是有提高免疫力功效的。复合蚕蛹蛋白粉自从正式推出之后就受到了很多人的关注,在其出现的几年当中,很多人经过尝试之后都喜欢上了它。复合蚕蛹蛋白粉是用新鲜的蚕蛹作为主要原料进行加工制成,大家都知道蚕蛹自古以来都被视为滋补的佳品,现在就说说复合蚕蛹蛋白粉作用有哪些。 ★1. 按推荐摄入量服用。 由于各生产厂使用的原料、工艺不完全一样,故其标签说明上都有各自推荐的蛋白质粉食用量,服用者不要随意增量或减量。吃得太少,达不到预期的目的;吃得太多,又会造成浪费或副作用。

★2. 不要空腹服用。 空腹吃蛋白质粉,蛋白质粉会被作为一般的“产热食品”消耗掉,浪费了宝贵的优质蛋白质来源。因此,在吃蛋白质粉之前或同时,吃一些其他食品。患者只能吃流质,可将蛋白质粉加入牛奶、豆浆、麦片、麦乳精等食品中一起食用。 ★3. 吃温或冷,不吃热或烫。 乳清蛋白质粉含有许多具有特殊生理功能的活性物质,它们都怕热,一旦受热,就会失去活性,从而大大降低生物效价。因此,乳清蛋白质粉切不可烧煮和烫食,只能溶(拌)于40℃以下的水、粥、麦乳精等食品中,也可作为冷饮品食用。

★4. 加调味品要控制。 蛋白质粉可以加入到多种食品中食用,喜欢吃甜的可以加糖,喜欢吃咸的可以加盐,但是都不能加得太多。因为过多摄入糖和盐对人体健康不利。还有,吃蛋白质粉时不要加味精,因为蛋白质粉本身有一定的鲜味,乳清蛋白质粉中的氨基酸组成比例较好,而味精的成分是谷氨酸钠,它在体内经代谢后分解出谷氨酸,在蛋白质粉中再加味精等于画蛇添足。 ★5. 三岁以下的孩子不宜吃。 婴儿的最好营养品是母乳。如果孩子由于各种原因不能吃母乳,应该选择相应月龄或年龄的配制奶粉,而不应该吃蛋白质粉,因为后者的蛋白质组成并不适合幼龄儿童,也不利于孩子的消化吸收,吃了以后很有可能会引起呕吐、腹泻或过敏。



目录 第一章概述..... .. (1) 第二章产品介绍 (2) 一、产品特性 (2) 二、技术指标 (3) 三、仪表结构 (4) 第三章使用方法 (6) 一、准备工作 (6) 二、开始测试 (7) 三、屏蔽端使用方法 (8) 四、电池充电 (9)

第一章概述 随着我国电力工业的快速发展,电气设备预防性实验是保障电力系统安全运行和维护工作中的一个重要环节。绝缘诊断是检测电气设备绝缘缺陷或故障的重要手段。绝缘电阻测试仪(兆欧表)是测量绝缘电阻的专用仪表。1990年5月批准实施的JJG662-89《绝缘电阻表(兆欧表)》已把它作为强制检定的仪表之一。目前,电气设备(如变压器、发电机等)朝着大容量化、高电压化、结构多样化及密封化的趋势发展。这就需要绝缘电阻测试仪本身具有容量大、抗干扰能力强、测量指标多样化、测量结果准确、测量过程简单并迅速、便于携带等特点。 绝缘电阻测试仪采用超薄形张丝表头、多种电压等级输出、容量大、抗干扰强、交直流两用(C型)、操作简单、具有时间提示功能。是测量变压器、互感器、发电机、高压电动机、电力电容、电力电缆、避雷器等绝缘电阻的理想测试仪器。

第二章产品介绍 一、产品特性 1、仪表的绝缘测试对于BC2533在500V最高可测20GΩ, 在1000V最高 可测40GΩ, 在2500V最高可测100GΩ;对于BC2550型在2500V最高可测100GΩ, 在5000V最高可测200GΩ; 2、额定的输出电压保持在对BC2533型负载电阻可低至4MΩ/8MΩ/20M Ω;对BC2550型为20MΩ/40MΩ,这使得仪表能够精确测量较低的绝缘阻抗。 3、自动转换的高低范围双刻度指示, 彩色刻度易于读识, 并且有LED 显示相应色彩。 4、整机采用ABS塑料机壳便携式设计,具有抗干扰能力强、结构紧凑、 外观精美。 5、仪表采用超薄型张丝表头,抗震能力强。 6、交直流两用,内置可充电池和智能充电模块,整机输出功率大(C 型)。 7、是测量变压器、互感器、发电机、高压电动机、电力电容、电力电缆、避雷器等绝缘电阻的理想测试仪器。

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