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[2012.11.26]Global trends for 2013:2013全球趋势Top10


Global trends for 2013


A top ten for business leaders


Nov 26th 2012, 11:01 by J.A.

Cassandra is obviously not the only forecaster, and sadly on occasion this particular modern-day soothsayer fails to match the infallibility of his classical forebear. I say this because the England cricket team, despite my dire predictions of disappointment, has today handsomely defeated India in Mumbai. So, it is in a spirit of humility that I offer these predictions for 2013 from alternative (I am loth to say rival) forecasters, Professor Thomas Malnight of the IMD business school in Lausanne and his colleague Tracey Keys of Strategy Dynamics Global.

显然,卡桑德拉(Cassandra )【注1】并不是唯一的预言家。不过作为一位现代的“预言家”,有时候我的预言在准确程度上却比不上这位古希腊的前辈。我之所以这么说是因为我之前预言今天英格兰板球队会在孟买举行的比赛中输给印度,结果英格兰队却轻松获胜。因此,我深感羞愧,不敢再口出狂言。在这里,我给出其他一些预言家(我不愿意把他们当成我的对手)对2013年若干趋势的预测。他们是来自洛桑国际管理学院(IMD business school in Lausanne)的托马斯?麦尔耐特(Thomas Malnight)教授和他同时也兼职于Strategy Dynamics Global的同事特蕾西?克伊丝(Tracey Keys)。

Looking down their ten trends, I find myself general in agreement (though I'm not as pessimistic as they are in number 7, and we have to bear in mind that a lot of what they say is more relevant to the years well beyond 2013). And quite what they mean by the "ownerless economy" in number 2 is a bit of a mystery…Still, well worth pondering, and well worth looking at the Globaltrends website. Meanwhile, here is their potted version:

下面是他们预测的十大趋势,我的观点跟他们差不多。(不过对于第7点,我并不像他们那么悲观,但我们应该注意:这不仅是对2013年的预测,他们的观点对于之后的许多年会更有意义)。他们在第2点中说的“无主经济”很是让人费解。不过,Globaltrends website网站值得一看,上面的内容引人深思。下面就是他们观点的概述:

The great power shift


10 trends business leaders need to watch in 2013


Thomas W. Malnight and Tracey S. Keys


The great global redistribution of economic and social power will continue over the next 12 months. Power will flow away from traditional institutions that have failed to deliver progress – especially governments and banks. It will flow towards communities and individuals, and also to businesses whose leaders understand and act on the big trends shaping our future.


This future looks uncertain and unstable. Hurricane Sandy was a deadly reminder of shifting climate patterns, emphasizing the need for new ways to manage the world’s resources and environment. There are growing levels of social unrest over rising inequality, austerity, unemployment, political ineptitude, institutional failure and more. And companies will continue to fail because they misread the future - like Kodak, which invented the digital camera but filed for bankruptcy after focusing on its core film business instead.


In our new Global Trends Report for 2013, we highlight 10 trends that business leaders need to focus on today. These are:


1.Social everything: New generations and their digital world stepping forward

1 社交技术将渗透到生活的方方面面:年轻一代将扮演更为重要的角色,而他们的数字世界将继续向前发展




Social technologies are now a central part of everyday life and work. The social generations are reshaping companies from the inside, helping them to build broader, more agile networks to create and deliver value to customers. Mobility and connectedness will be at the heart of the future business environment: communications and marketing are moving from a focus on one-to-one relationships, to many-to-many.



2.Redefining value: The consumer is winning the fight to own the new consumer

2 重新定义价值:消费者赢下了争夺新消费者【注2】的战役

The notion of value is being redefined for the 21st century. Consumers have choice. They want personalization, and to participate in value creation, shifting the mindset to “made with me.” Value will also be about “shared with me” as the ownerless economy expands. This will be driven particularly by younger generations who value experiences they can share – and that also deliver benefits to society - over possessions.


3.Distributed everything: Mobility in production and consumption

3 分布式无处不在:生产和消费更变得越发分散(分布式)

Mobility is entering a new stage. Not only does consumption occur anywhere, anytime, but the tools and resources to create and capture value are more broadly distributed too. Work is becoming increasingly distributed. Small-scale manufacturing, including 3D printing, will reshape production. Renewable technologies are distributing energy production, while mass teaching platforms are revolutionizing education. Ask what can’t be distributed, not what can.


4.The next “industrial” revolution: Robots and smart machines reshaping work 4 下一次“工业”革命:机器人及智能机器将重塑我们的工作

Smart machines and robots will redefine society. Robots are now being deployed as receptionists, banking assistants and even prison guards, while technology allows amateurs to do what professionals once did. The upside: addressing issues such as caring for ageing populations. The downside: huge job losses. Yet the next wave of smart machines will also create new kinds of jobs. The challenge will be to ensure a workforce that is ready and skilled for them.



5.The new space race: Pushing the frontiers of technology once again?

5 新一轮太空竞赛:再度推动科技前沿领域的发展?

Scientific advances from national space programs have had a significant impact on how we live and work, from advanced materials to global telecommunications. Now, commercial space travel and exploration is a reality, even as a new space race hots up, particularly between the US, China and Europe. New advances will surely result, as will questions over the ownership of space “assets,” and whether advances will be shared for public benefit.


6.Geopolitical wars: The fight to control the future

6 地缘政治战争:争夺未来之战

The BRICS and Beyond (other rapidly growing economies) will be where the fight to control future economic growth and social development will take place. It’s a multipolar market landscape, based on dramatically different economic, social and political systems. Politicians, along with companies, are still trying to find and control their place in the new world order, even as trust in governments falls, nationalism rises, and power shifts towards the people. The potential for radical political shifts at home and between nations is rising.


7.Resource wars escalating: From a world of abundance to shortage

7 资源战争不断升级:一个从资源丰富到短缺的星球

As the world’s population moves towards 9 billion by 2050, resources are under pressure, exacerbated by climate change. By 2030 we will demand twice as many resources as the planet can supply – risking social unrest and conflicts as people and nations compete for ever scarcer resources. Scarcity is already driving resource price volatility and cross-border investments. New technologies and rethinking consumption will be critical in future – with businesses rather than governments likely to lead the way.


8.Business stepping up: From profit to purpose

8 商业不断升级:从追求利润到实现企业目标

Many businesses are stepping up to a new role, often with partners, to tackle social and economic challenges. Corporations are seeking to build legitimacy – and the license to operate – in the eyes of demanding consumers, employees and stakeholders who care about the impact and motivations of companies with whom they associate. But it’s also good business as companies realize mutual benefits with society. Look for more businesses redefining their corporate purpose in this way.


https://www.doczj.com/doc/80424451.html,rmation is power: The security challenge

9 信息就是力量:安全挑战

Cyberspace is the new frontline for security. Knowledge and information is a source of competitive advantage for organizations, nations and individuals. But it’s a growing challenge to retain control as mobility and the democratization of everything (commerce, politics and societies) increases – along with cybercrime and cyber war. Look for a rising tide of litigation, policies and regulation. Digital freedom or a “big brother” society?


10.Who needs banks anyway? Reshaping the financial system

10 谁还会需要银行?金融系统的重塑

The financial system is broken. Regulators want change, businesses want new means of financing and consumers want alternatives. The “banks” of the future will include state-owned entities, and firms that simply don’t use cash: think bartering and community currencies. Digital wallets and mobile banking are opening the door for telcos and software players, while trust is the entry point for retailers and crowdfunding communities. In an increasingly crowded and cashless financial system, banks may no longer be key players.


Like any big shift, the dispersion of economic power presents challenges and opportunities. Are

you and your business ready to take advantage of these 10 trends?





新消费者(New Consumer)




It means more than a happy coincidence. And it's under threat from the internet. Ian Leslie explains ...


From INTELLIGENT LIFE magazine, January/February 2012

One day in 1945, a man named Percy Spencer was touring one of the laboratories he managed at Raytheon in Waltham, Massachusetts, a supplier of radar technology to the Allied forces. He was standing by a magnetron, a vacuum tube which generates microwaves, to boost the sensitivity of radar, when he felt a strange sensation. Checking his pocket, he found his candy bar had melted. Surprised and intrigued, he sent for a bag of popcorn, and held it up to the magnetron. The popcorn popped. Within a year, Raytheon made a patent application for a microwave oven.


The history of scientific discovery is peppered with breakthroughs that came about by accident. The most momentous was Alexander Fleming’s discovery of penicillin in 1928, prompted when he noticed how a mould that floated into his Petri dish killed off the surrounding bacteria. Spencer and Fleming didn’t just get lucky. Spencer had the nous and the knowledge to turn his observation into innovation; only an expert on bacteria would have been ready to see the significance of Fleming’s stray spore. As Louis Pasteur wrote, “In the field of observation, chance favours only the prepared mind.”



The word that best describes this subtle blend of chance and agency is “serendipity”. It was coined by Horace Walpole, man of letters and aristocratic dilettante. Writing to a friend in 1754, Walpole explained an unexpected discovery he had just made by reference to a Persian fairy tale, “The Three Princes of Serendip”. The princes, he told his correspondent, were “always making discoveries, by accidents and sagacity, of things which they were not in quest of…now do you understand Serendipity?” These days, we tend to associate serendipity with luck, and we neglect the sagacity. But some conditions are more conducive to accidental discovery than others.


Today’s world wide web has developed to organise, and make sense of, the exponential increase in information made available to everyone by the digital revolution, and it is amazingly good at doing so. If you are searching for something, you can find it online, and quickly. But a side-effect of this awesome efficiency may be a shrinking, rather than an expansion, of our horizons, because we are less likely to come across things we are not in quest of.


When the internet was new, its early enthusiasts hoped it would emulate the greatest serendipity machine ever invented: the city. The modern metropolis, as it arose in the 19th century, was also an attempt to organise an exponential increase, this one in population. Artists and writers saw it as a giant playground of discovery, teeming with surprise encounters. The flaneur was born: one who wanders the streets with purpose, but without a map.


Most city-dwellers aren’t flaneurs, however. In 1952 a French sociologist called Paul-Henry Chombart de Lauwe asked a student to keep a journal of her daily movements. When he mapped

her paths onto a map of Paris he saw the emergence of a triangle, with vertices at her apartment, her university and the home of her piano teacher. Her movements, he said, illustrated “the narrowness of the real Paris in which each individual lives”.


To some degree, the hopes of the internet’s pioneers have been fulfilled. You type “squid” into a search engine, you land on the Wikipedia page about squid, and in no time you are reading about Jules Verne and Pliny. But most of us use the web in the manner of that Parisian student. We have our paths, our bookmarks and our feeds, and we stick closely to them. We no longer “surf” the information superhighway, as it has become too vast to cruise without a map. And as it has evolved, it has become better and better at ensuring we need never stray from our virtual triangles.


Google can answer almost anything you ask it, but it can’t tell you what you ought to be asking. Ethan Zuckerman, director of the Centre for Civic Media at Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a long-time evangelist for the internet, points out that it doesn’t match the ability of the printed media to bring you information you didn’t know you wanted to know. He calls the front page of a newspaper a “discovery engine”: the lead story tells you something you’re almost certain to be interested in—the imminent collapse of the global economy, or Lady Gaga’s latest choice of outfit—and elsewhere on the page you learn that revolution has broken out in a country of whose existence you were barely aware. Editors with an eye for such things, what Zuckerman calls “curators”, are being superseded by “friends”—people like you, who probably already share your interests and world view—delivered by Facebook. Twitter is better at leading us to the interests of people beyond our social circle, but our tendency to associate with others who think in similar ways—what sociologists call our “value homophily”—means most of us end up with a feed that feels like an extended dinner party.



One reason why television viewing has held up relatively well, defying predictions of its demise, is that, compared with the internet, it is good at serendipity. Danny Cohen is in charge of BBC1, Britain’s most-viewed channel. He told me that a new programme on a difficult or obscure subject can still inherit a substantial audience from a popular show. This is, in some ways, a mysterious phenomenon. “I could understand it when changing the channel meant getting off the sofa,” says Cohen. “But now?” Despite remote controls and far more channels, we still willingly succumb to the choices of the broadcasting curators.


Cohen worries that even as the volume of media has grown exponentially, “our propensity to explore it is diminishing”. Driven by the needs of advertisers keen to hit ever more tightly delineated targets, today’s internet plies us with “relevant” information and screens out the rest. Two different people will receive subtly different results from Google, adjusted for what Google knows about their interests. Newspaper websites are starting to make stories more prominent to you if your friends have liked them on Facebook. We spend our online lives inside what the writer Eli Pariser calls “the filter bubble”.


To escape it, we can leave our screens and walk outside. But some of our most serendipitous spaces are under threat from the internet. Wander into a bookshop in search of something to read: the book jackets shimmer on the table, the spines flirt with you from the shelves. You can pick them up and allow their pages to caress your hands. You may not find the book you wanted, but you will walk out with three you didn’t. Amazon will have your book too, but its recommendation engine doesn’t even come close to delivering the same stimuli. Similarly, a librarian isn’t as efficient as a search engine, his memory isn’t nearly as capacious, but he may still be better at making suggestions to a reader in search of—well, something.



But there is a reason why Amazon is successful and bookshops are closing: in a world of infinite choice, efficiency is hard to resist. The pleasures of the bookshop or the library are easily outgunned by the knowledge that we can order or download a book instantly, or find the information we’re looking for within seconds. Serendipity, on the other hand, is, as Zuckerman says, “necessarily inefficient”. It is a fragile quality, vulnerable to our desire for convenience and speed. It also requires a kind of planned vagueness. Digital systems don’t do vagueness very well, and our patience with it seems to be fading.


Google’s aim is to organise the world’s information and democratise access to it. But when everyone can get the same information in more or less the same way, it becomes harder to be original; innovation thrives on the serendipitous collision of ideas. Zuckerman told me about a speech on serendipity he recently gave to an audience of investment managers. As he started on his theme he feared he might lose their attention, but he was pleasantly surprised to find that they hung on every word. It soon became clear why. “In finance, everyone reads Bloomberg, so everyone sees the same information.” Zuckerman said. “What they’re looking for are strategies for finding inspiration from outside the information orbit.”


The internet has become so good at meeting our desires that we spend less time discovering new ones. To update the Rolling Stones, you can always get what you want. But you may not get what you need.


Ian Leslie works in advertising, is the author of "Born Liars" and tweets as @mrianleslie Illustration by Brett Ryder


an the scientists keep up?


Drugs and sport: The twists and turns of the long-running race between drug-taking athletes and boffins trying to catch them


Mar 3rd 2012 | from the print edition

THE idea of stimulating the body’s performance with all manner of concoctions is as old as mankind. The Inca chewed coca leaves to pep them up when doing strenuous work. Nordic warriors munched mushrooms before going into battle to dull the inevitable pain. Ancient Olympians chomped opium, among other things, to give them a competitive edge. It wasn’t until the 1950s that such practices became frowned upon.


The shift in attitudes was spurred by the emergence of modern competitive sport. Sports authorities, athletes appalled at ungentlemanly behaviour or, more cynically, those who lacked access to stimulants, cried foul. Any artificial enhancement was “unfair”, they complained, and must be eradicated. At the same time, rewards for the boost that drugs can provide ballooned. Sportsmen were increasingly prepared to go to any length to outdo their competitors, and devised novel ways to foil the scientists tasked with catching cheats. An arms race began, and has continued apace ever since, with many twists and turns along the way.



And they’re off


The contest between athletes and scientists was sparked in 1959 when Gene Smith and Henry Beecher, at Harvard University, showed that short-distance swimmers who were given amphetamines did indeed swim faster than those who received a placebo. It was the first study to show that drugs had any real physiological effect. Others reached similar conclusions.


The performance enhancement was small: just 2%. But this was enough to tip the scales, especially in highly competitive events where a photo finish decides the winner. So in 1964 the International Olympic Committee (IOC) banned the use of performance-enhancing drugs in the Olympics and introduced testing to keep athletes in line. And where the IOC leads, other sports bodies follow. The Olympic games therefore provide a microcosm of the race between dopers and judges.


At the Mexico City games in 1968 the first athlete was nabbed for doping. His drug of choice

was ethanol, found in alcoholic drinks and easily picked up in a urine sample. Of precious little use to swimmers or sprinters, it can help a pentathlete who needs, among other things, to aim a rifle accurately. Like other so-called depressants, ethanol slows down the pulse rate and reduces muscle tremors that can make a shot go off target. Hans-Gunnar Liljenwall, a Swede who tried to take advantage of this, was disqualified.


Various heart-control drugs have a similar calming effect, a boon to archers and shooters. But they are often not as easy to detect as ethanol. At the Munich Olympics in 1972, therefore, the IOC introduced some newfangled chemical tools: gas chromatography and mass spectroscopy. Gas chromatography works by vaporising extracts of urine and passing them through a long tube, along which some constituent compounds move more quickly than others. The mass spectroscope at the end of the tube then ionises the emerging substances and measures their characteristic mass-charge ratio. The result is a chemical signature that can be compared with signatures derived from urine samples spiked with known performance-enhancing drugs to see if an athlete has taken anything untoward.


This method enabled the IOC to catch seven athletes who had taken banned substances.

Some had taken amphetamine, or one of two similar substances called phenmetrazine and ephedrine. Two cyclists were nicked for using nikethamide, which the IOC had banned, but which the International Cycling Union had not.


Gas chromatography and mass spectroscopy are powerful tools. But altogether different methods are required to detect anabolic androgenic steroids, which mimic the effects of testosterone and other hormones in the body. In the 1950s doctors started using them to treat patients with wasting diseases, because they help strengthen bones and rebuild tissues. The IOC realised that they also offered cheats a way to build up more muscle than was possible through training. Unlike stimulants, which must be taken in high doses to be effective, making them easier to spot, the chromatography-spectroscopy combo was blind to the tiny doses which were enough to make steroids count.


A breakthrough came in 1972, too late for the Munich Olympics. Raymond Brooks and others at St Thomas’s Hospital in London developed the immunoassay test. David Cowan, head of the Drug Control Centre at King’s College London and director of the anti-doping laboratory for this year’s London Olympics, likens it to a lock-and-key mechanism: the steroids in urine were the keys, and the locks were specific compounds known to bind with them, which were added to the sample. Even minuscule quantities of steroids were enough to trigger a reaction which could then be detected.


At the Montreal games in 1976 a total of 1,786 urine samples were analysed and 11 people were found guilty of doping. Eight were weightlifters using anabolic steroids. Three had won medals, which they were subsequently forced to return. Four years later in Moscow none of the 1,645 samples collected was found to contain steroids. But by the time of the Los Angeles games in 1984 it had become clear that the reason was not new-found abstemiousness. The old, detectable steroids had simply been replaced by new, undetectable ones. Rather than using artificial testosterone-like substances that could be spotted using the immunoassay test, athletes had switched to using natural testosterone instead. Because testosterone levels vary widely from one person to another, it was impossible to say whether an athlete was cheating or was simply blessed with naturally high levels of the hormone.


This changed when a research group led by Manfred Donike at the German Sport University in Cologne discovered that there is a natural ratio between testosterone and another, related hormone, called epitestosterone, in normal, healthy humans. When samples of urine stashed away after the Moscow Olympics were brought in for epitestosterone-ratio testing, it was clear that

doping had taken place. No action could be taken because the stored samples were anonymous. But at the 1984 Olympics 11 athletes were found to be using testosterone or testosterone-like drugs that would not have been detected prior to Dr Donike’s findings. They were not all weightlifters. Suspicious ratios were also found in volleyball players, runners, wrestlers and discus throwers.


By 1988, though, athletes had found a way to sabotage the older techniques, which were still effective against users of drugs other than testosterone. Diuretics, which increase the amount of water bodies release through urine, dilute the sample and make substances in it harder to detect. This time, however, the IOC was ahead of the game. It warned athletes in Seoul that year that diuretics were out of bounds, and also figured out how to identify the most common diuretics. Four athletes were caught with such compounds in their urine. Whether actual performance-enhancing drugs were present could not be determined, but since diuretics were banned, disqualification followed.


By the 1990s anti-doping sleuths could detect depressants, diuretics, steroids and hormones.

But when the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) was founded in 1999 to thwart drug users in all sports, these were no longer the biggest worry. In the 1980s pharmaceutical laboratories figured out a way to manufacture erythropoietin (EPO), a hormone involved in the production of red blood cells. It can be used to boost the number of these cells in anaemic patients to healthy levels. But WADA officials knew that because red blood cells carry oxygen to muscles, having more of them increases endurance. The side-effect of thicker blood, though, is increased risk of cells clogging blood vessels, which can cause a stroke or heart failure—a chance many dopers would be willing to take in return for superior performance.


The plot thickens


During the 1990s no tests existed that could differentiate natural erythropoietin from the artificial kind. Looking at red blood cells was no use, because their level varies from person to person. Most people’s blood contains 40-45% red blood cells. But in some people the figure can reach 50% without any manipulation. A blood test revealing a 51% red-blood-cell count would be considered flimsy evidence; the suspect could be a lucky athlete endowed with thicker blood.


A year before the Sydney games in 2000, however, the IOC got a helping hand from the French national anti-doping laboratory and scientists from the Australian Sport Institute. The French researchers had developed a test that examined the molecular composition of various forms of the hormone. All EPO molecules are made up of the same protein backbone, but the French lab noticed that some side-chains differed between natural and artificial forms. The Australians, meanwhile, had devised a test that looked for changes in blood characteristics, in particular a raised number of young blood cells (reticulocytes) released as a result of EPO use.


In 2003 WADA discovered that a new version of EPO, known as CERA-Mircera, was being developed. Unlike earlier varieties, which needed to be taken three times a week and could be detected in urine, the new drug could be taken once a month and rarely made it into urine at all. “It was probably the greatest challenge the anti-doping research community had ever faced,” says Olivier Rabin, director of science at WADA. The agency therefore enlisted the help of Roche, the Swiss pharmaceuticals company that had developed CERA-Mircera for medical use. It took three years to work out how to detect it.


The solution was a screening procedure in which serum samples were mixed with antibodies

that were biochemically programmed to latch onto anything that looked like EPO. These antibodies were bound with another substance which glowed green on contact with EPO. To make doubly sure that the glow was due to the presence of the drug and not some other effect, a modified version of the French side-chain test was used, though this took longer and was more cumbersome. “We knew athletes would challenge accusations and needed to be sure to make our findings robust enough to face legal challenges,” says Dr Rabin


The hard work paid off. At the Beijing Olympics of 2008, five athletes were caught and disqualified for using drugs that tinkered with EPO receptors. This was a turning-point. “It showed that by collaborating with the drug companies we could bring the days of playing catch-up with the cheaters to an end,” says Dr Rabin.


Even this, though, is not the end of the story. Working with drugs companies is no help against doping ruses which do not involve the use of drugs. Key among these is blood transfusion. An extra dose of red blood cells, providing extra endurance, is similar to what can be achieved with EPO—except that it is faster and less risky. Athletes can take blood from people with the same blood type, or from those with a compatible blood type.


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