当前位置:文档之家› B3Unit3(b)10.20-10.27




Directions:In this section there are some passages. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements with four choices marked A), B), C), and D). You are supposed to read the passage and make the best choice to complete each question or unfinished statement. Then type the answer in the blank on the web page.[题数:25;分数:50分;参考时间:50分0秒]

题1 - 5

Passage 1

When Brooke married his Irish nurse, he was given 2 weeks to go with her to her country, so that he could meet her people and see what the place was like. Southern Ireland, though only across a narrow sea, was not at war. That seemed to make it an inviting place, a strange place, more foreign than France or Egypt.

"You take ship from Holyhead," said the colonel. "I'll give you a ticket and a pass to say you're an Irishman on leave. But remember, you're not to wear uniform unless you want to spend the rest of the war in an Irish prison. Get a suit and a shirt from somebody and leave your army stuff here. In uniform they'll pick you up as soon as you step off the boat.

Brooke arranged the journey without too much trouble. An army man could do practically what he wanted in those days, especially a lame man with a couple of ribbons on his chest. Brooke had fought through the North African war, and then the invasion of Europe. He had got his leg wound in France and been nursed back to near normal health by Bernie Hael, now Mrs. Brooke.

It's an ill wind that blows nobody any good. The bombing was severe, and Bernie's hospital, crowded and busy with wounded, was so badly damaged on the day before she got married that there was nowhere immediately for her to work. Her patients were sent elsewhere, and that allowed her to take her holidays.

The boat to Dublin was crowded. All the passengers wore civilian clothes, and all seemed to have a great air of cheerfulness and pride, too, Brooke thought. The atmosphere was of a victorious return from a meeting with some challenge. They were nearly all young people. They talked and laughed about the war. Brooke guessed they were Irish men and women who did not share their country's determination to keep out of the war. They did not want to miss the chance of a good fight.

Dublin seemed a fairy city that evening. There were lights everywhere, in complete contrast to blacked-out Europe. The people were pink-checked, not pale and war-wary. Bombs and rockets did not disturb the sleep of the Irish. The manageress of the hotel Brooke and Bernie stayed at refused to believe they were married; it was separate rooms or nothing.

Next morning, when Brooke asked the hotel porter to help with one of the heavy cases, the man said, "No, I've got other things to do.

Don't you people know there's war on?' That angered Bernie, but Brooke could only laugh.

1. Why did Brooke go to Ireland?____

[A] He went on leave, because he enjoyed the scenery there.

[B] He went mainly to see his wife's family.

[C] The colonel had asked him to spy out the land

[D] An Irish had invited him to visit the country.


2. Brooke was not allowed to wear his uniform to Ireland because ____.

[A] Ireland was on the opposite side in the war

[B] he was wounded and had left the army

[C] that would be against Irish law

[D] no one would believe him to be an army man.


3. Bernie managed to get a holiday because ____.

[A] she wanted to get married

[B] her place of work was severely damaged

[C] her patients had recovered and left hospital

[D] a storm wrecked the hospital


4. What do you understand about the other passengers on the ship?____

[A] They were unwilling to get involved in the war.

[B] They were proud of their peace-loving country.

[C] They were determined to stay out of the war.

[D] They were happy to have taken part in the war.


5. Bernie was angry because ____.

[A] she felt insulted by the porter's attitude

[B] the porter had such a lot of work to do

[C] her country was suffering as a result of the war

[D] her husband was laughing at the porter


题6 - 10

Passage 2

Scientists have been studying volcanoes for a long time. Though they have learned a great deal, they still have not discovered the causes of volcanic action. They know that the inside of the earth is very hot, but they are not sure exactly what causes the great heat. Some scientists have thought that the heat is caused by the great pressure of the earth's outer layers. Or the heat may be left from the time when the earth was formed. During the last sixty years scientists have learned about radium, uranium, thorium and other radioactive elements. These elements give out heat all the time as they change into other elements. Many scientists now believe that much of the heat inside the earth is produced by radioactive elements.

Whatever the cause of the heat may be, we do know that the earth gets hotter the farther down we dig. In deep mines and oil wells the temperature rises about 1°for each 50 feet. At this rate the temperature 40 miles below the earth's surface would be over 4,000°. This is much hotter than is necessary to melt rock. However, the pressure of the rock above keeps most materials from melting at their usual melting points. Scientists believe that the rock deep in the earth may be plastic. In other words, the rock yields slowly to pressure but is not liquid. But if some changes in the earth's crust release the pressure, the rock melts. Then the hot, liquid rock can move up toward the surface.

When the melted rock works its way close to the earth's crust, a volcano may be formed. The melted rock often contains steam and other gases under great pressure. If the rock above gives way, the pressure is released. Then the sudden expansion of the gases causes explosions. These expansions blow the melted rock into pieces of different size and shoot them high in the air, where they cool and harden into volcanic ash and cinders. Some of this material falls around the hole made in the earth's surface. The melted rock may keep on rising and pour out as lava. In this way, volcanic ash, cinders, and lava build up the cone-shaped mountains that we call volcanoes. 6. The heat inside the earth is caused by ____.

[A] the great pressure of the earth

[B] something still uncertain

[C] volcanic actions

[D] radioactive elements


7. According to the passage, most rocks would melt fastest ____.

[A] on the surface of the earth

[B] just below the earth's crust

[C] at the depth of 40 miles in the earth

[D] all of the above


8. The hot, liquid rock in a volcano is shot high in the air ____.

[A] by the pressure released when the rock above gives way

[B] by the steam and gases contained in the melted rock

[C] by volcanic ash and cinders

[D] by lava


9. Which of the following statements is NOT true?____

[A] Some scientists once thought that the heat in the earth was caused by the pressure of the earth's surface.

[B] The deeper we dig, the higher the temperature rises.

[C] The extremely high temperature changes the rock deep in the earth into liquids

[D] Volcanoes mainly produce volcanic ash, cinders and lava


10. The phrase "works its way" in the last paragraph probably means____

[A] rises rapidly

[B] moves up slowly

[C] pours out

[D] blows up


题11 - 15

Passage 3

The great power of tornadoes is almost unbelievable. The speed of this whirling funnel-shaped wind may be more than 500 miles per hour. It can tear up trees, carry buildings away, and can even lift large trucks off the highway. The tornado is like a giant vacuum sweeper that sucks up anything in its path. Experts believe that the most violent force of a tornado is found inside the funnel, where a vacuum is created because of very low air pressure. When this vacuum moves over a building which is filled with al3 under normal pressure, the difference between the air pressure inside the building and that outside causes the building to explode. The largest tornado

on record had a funnel a mile wide.

There are many interesting stories about the strange things that tornadoes have done in the U. S.. Common wheat straw has been driven several inches into posts and trees. Buildings have been turned completely around on their foundations and have remained undamaged. People and animals have been carried hundreds of feet, often suffering no physical harm. Feathers have been removed from chickens. Cars, trucks, and even whole freight-trains have been carried away.

Fortunately, tornado does not last long, about 20 to 30 minutes on the average. Usually it destroys an area about 16 miles long and the great damage that it does in one place lasts only 30 seconds. Tornadoes normally occur on hot, humid days but not necessarily in the summer. The biggest and most destructive tornado in the U.S. struck on March 18, 1925. Roaring along at a speed of 60 miles per hour, it swept clean a path a mile wide across the states of Missouri, Illinois, and Indiana. In its 220-mile long journey across the three states, the tornado killed 689 people.

More than 200 tornadoes strike in the United States every year. It is not possible to predict when a tornado will strike although the U. S. Weather Bureau gives storm warnings when conditions are right to cause a tornado. If a tornado seems likely the safest place to stay in is some underground area such as a cellar or a basement. 11. The violent force of tornado exists ____.

[A] inside its funnel

[B] in low air pressure

[C] in a great vacuum sweeper

[D] in high air pressure


12. Paragraphs 2 is mainly about ____.

[A] buildings that have been turned completely around on their foundations

[B] people and animals that have been carried h6ndreds of feet away

[C] feathers that have removed from chickens

[D] the strange, things that tornado did when they were moving along their paths


13. ____strike in the United States every year.

[A] Two tornadoes

[B] Over 400 tornadoes

[C] Over 600 tornadoes

[D] Over 200 tornadoes


14. The speed of tornadoes may be more than ____.

[A] 400 miles per hour

[B] 500 miles per hour

[C] 200 miles per hour

[D] 100 miles per hour


15. Usually a tornado will die down in ____.

[A] only 30 seconds

[B] 60 seconds

[C] some 20 to 30 minutes

[D] about 20 to 30 seconds


题16 - 20

Passage 4

Not every service or product meets your satisfaction. When you are dissatisfied, you should voice you dissatisfaction. One reason for doing so is to help the vendor know there is a problem. The problem may have been created at a lower level in the vendor's company, and the vendor himself may know nothing about it at all. You render him a service when you bring weaknesses or failures to his attention.

A second reason for writing a letter of complaint to a vendor is to seek redress. You may not wish to pursue the matter so far as to take legal action, but you may wish to give the vendor the opportunity of making good. Most vendors value your business and their reputation sufficiently to replace defective goods, resupply work that did not meet specifications, or refund money when necessary. No vendor likes to do so, but your carefully worded letter of complaint may motivate him to do so.

When you write a letter of complaint, you'd better keep these TIPS in mind: First, be courteous though firm. You will not win a vendor's cooperation by anger. Secondly, be reasonable. Show logically and factually that the responsibility lies with the vendor or his claims. The vendor should be impressed with your fairness and quiet grasp of the facts in the matter. Thirdly, be specific about what is wrong. Be equally specific about what you want done about it. Lastly, tell how you have been hurt or inconvenienced by the problem. This strengthens your argument for redress. 16. How many pieces of advice does the author list to voice your dissatisfaction? ____ [A] Two.

[B] Three.

[C] Four.

[D] Five.


17. What is the best way the author thinks to seek redress?____

[A] To take legal action.

[B] To let the vendor make good voluntarily.

[C] To urge the vendor to make good

[D] To quarrel with the vendor.


18. The word TIPS in paragraph 3 refers to ____.

[A] money for personal service

[B] pieces of advice

[C] the end of something

[D] rubbish can


19. Which one is NOT true according to the passage?____

[A] You are seldom satisfied with the products you bought.

[B] You'd better word your dissatisfaction firmly and politely.

[C] The vendor can also benefit from your complaint.

[D] You write a letter to get compensation.


20. The main purpose of your writing a letter of complaint is ____.

[A] to break off a deal

[B] to lower the vendors reputation

[C] to get compensation

[D] to give vent to your anger


题21 - 25

Passage 5

The cold weather of the last few weeks has had a surprising result. Forty thousand Russian red-necked ducks have arrived in our country, where the weather, just below freezing, is like spring to them.

The Russian red-necked duck manages perfectly well at temperatures down to minus 30. It wouldn't dream of leaving home at minus 40. But when these birds feel minus 50 in their bones, they call a meeting to discuss what to do. Little different from us, they take time to decide on action. At minus 60, the discussion slows down. Then, as the cold gets colder, if it does, they stop talking and take off together in huge flocks of two thousand or more -- all with a single thought in mind: "Go somewhere warmer".

Birds have one great advantage over other living creatures; they can fly; so they don't have to put up with the formalities of travel. Customs officers and police, seeing the great flocks winging over border crossings, cry out "Illegal exit ! ' or "Illegal entry !" as the case may be, and raise their arms in despair, but the birds seem to take no notice. They hear only a little voice: "Go somewhere warmer. "

Last Tuesday a stretch of river near my house was invaded by three hundred Russian red-necked ducks, a noisy lot, though I must say they were not disorderly. Our local birds were at first 'quite upset by these total strangers from afar; and jealous, I could see, of their little black caps that looked just like fur and of their leg-feathers. There were some very obvious language difficulties, too.

At nine o'clock I went down as usual to the water's edge, with a plateful of bread and milk for our own birds. When I saw them standing about, expecting the foreigners to eat up everything, I'm sorry to say that I showed favoritism. But many effects were wasted: the red-necks didn't like the bread at all. Many of them tried a mouthful -- and "threw up", as the Americans say. In fact they pushed and fought to get away from the food. Our own birds were clearly puzzled by this behavior.

My wife had followed me down the path with a hopeless cake she had made on Monday afternoon. Her oven had gone wrong, and the thing was very badly burnt. Now that, funnily enough, the Russians loved, though our ducks wouldn't touch it. We realised then that the visitors were used to black bread probably, and my wife agree to make some. 21. What do the Russian ducks think about our freezing winter weather?____

[A] They have all decided to go somewhere warmer.

[B] It's just below freezing, but it seems quite warm to them.

[C] They don't understand it at all.

[D] They are sorry that they decided to leave home.


22. The Russian ducks came to our country because ____.

[A] they were fed up with the bitterly cold weather at home

[B] they always fly to Britain in winter

[C] they are allowed to leave Russia without formalities

[D] they needed a rest on their way to a warmer country


23. What does the writer tell us about the visitors near his home?____

[A] He is sure that they entered the country illegally.

[B] They caused a lot of trouble on his stretch of river.

[C] The Russian ducks were greedy and jealous of the natives.

[D] The newcomers made a lot of noise but otherwise behaved well.


24. How do you think the writer showed favoritism to the natives?____

[A] He took them some food that they like

[B] He probably tried to drive the Russians away from the food

[C] He brought white bread, which he knew the Russians didn't like.

[D] He brought only enough food for their own birds.


25. The red-necked ducks must have been used to black bread because ____.

[A] there is no white bread in Russia

[B] they ate it up very quickly

[C] they enjoyed the burnt cake very much

[D] our own ducks wouldn't touch it



题26 - 45




1)wear down




2)take…..by storm




3)end up




4)grunt work



5)bundle sb.up




6)make it a point to do sth.




7)cut sb. off




8)as well




9)for the sake of




10)nuclear family




11)single-parent family




12)DINK (double income no kid) family




13)traditional ideas




14)shoulder household chores




15)bring up their child




16)respect others’privacy




17)traditional morality




18)extended family




19)generation gap



【参考答案】:20)a sense of responsibility

题46 - 55




1) Your continual criticism has worn down my patience.




2)The concert took the audience by storm.




3)If you continue to steal, you will end up in prison.




4)The writer makes it to a point to stress the limitations of her idea.




5)He volunteered to organize a class reunion.




6)The winning numbers are randomly selected by the computer.




7) We must concentrate on the task before us.




8)She was even less enthusiastic about going to Spain.




9)He has the potential to become a world-class musician.



【参考答案】:10)She sacrificed her life for the sake of freedom.



For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic University Students and Lectures. You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese:



3) 学生应该有选择性的参加讲座







大学本科生毕业论文(设计) 开题报告 院(系)文学院 专业广告专业 届别2013届 2012年1 月5日 毕业论文题目:网络视频广告的发展现状及发展趋势探索 开题报告内容: 一、选题的背景和意义 这些年来,随着互联网技术日新月异的发展与互联网信息市场的不断完善,网络的功能和网络信息内容发生了急剧的变化。网络已经不仅仅是原来意义上的提供信息交流与分享的平台,而是演变成一个拥有强大社会影响力和舆论动员力的重要传播工具。 网络用户的急剧增加开始搅动现有的网络传播格局,令互联网的影响力和穿透力达到了前所未有的高度,网络广告也正为新媒体时代网民带来新的视觉盛宴。几年之间,网络广告突飞猛进,冲击着每一个网络平台,成为我们生活消遣的重要成分,同时,对于广告的“打扰”网民们也众口不一。虽然反感的声音不绝于耳,但是,不得不承认的是,网络广告信息正在激烈的影响着我们的思维和行动。 二、国内外研究现状(文献综述) 。 索的价值。 三、研究的内容和方法 (一)研究内容 本论文拟从以下几个方面展开研究: 1、相关概念解读 (1)网络视频广告 (2)新媒体 2、网络视频广告发展的现状及存在的问题 (1)网络视频广告发展的现状分析 (2)当下网络视频广告存在的问题 ①经营模式的问题 ②制作效果的问题 ③投放的问题(市场细分的问题,接触率的问题等) 3、网络视频广告发展趋势分析 (1)广告本身的提升与创新 (2)广告投放策略的改善 (二)研究方法 本论文主要运用文献分析法、问卷法、案例分析法、比较法、综合分析法等进行研究。 四、研究特色与创新之处 中国网络的发展是近十年才兴起的,网络广告的发展也还在摸索与探索中不断改进着,网络视频广告就更加的“年轻”。网络视频广告这个话题本身就具有时代性和新颖的特质。虽然近几年对于网络广告的研究逐渐深入化,很多学者对于网络视频广告也有所涉猎探究,但是对于网络视频广告的效果研究还是很新的课题,虽然有少量的文章和报告,但是都是泛泛而谈,由于网络视频广告效果的调研过程比较复杂和繁琐,能够收集的资料也相对比较少,所以在


网络视频广告短片之我见 现今,互联网的发达,催生出了各种各样的“新形式”的网络视频广告。前几天,空闲之余,我在网上搜索并观看了《阿虎篇》、《前世今生》、《跪族篇》等几个视频广告后,让人耳目一新,给人的第一感觉是视频的内容很幽默风趣,形式风格很新颖,与传统的电视广告有着很多独特之处。细细回味之后,我从网络视频广告之于传统电视广告,找到了他们之所以给我不同感觉的个人看法。 网络视频广告与传统电视广告相比较之下,有其明显的优势,体现在以下几个方面:首先,产生的时代不同。自第一台晶体管计算机问世以来,到如今集成电路计算机的使用,信息技术发展如此迅速,更新速度令人扼腕,世界俨然已被互联网联系在一起。即使远隔重洋,处在千山万水之外,信息流通也不过是弹指一挥间的事,正是看中了网络如此高效的性能,网络视频广告也随即衍生出来,出现在人们的生活中。反之,对于电视广告来说,其已经为人们再熟悉不过,它几乎是伴随着我们成长,历经了几代人有余。因此,能让我们产生新意的自然要属于刚问世不久的网络视频广告,它更能吸引我们的眼球! 其次,传播媒介不同。顾名思义,网络视频广告是通过网络平台向世界展示的,坐在家中,足不出户,你就能够通过它了解到世界每天的变化,当然也包括我们生活上所要的必需品,实时信息的反馈,也让我们的生活比以前有了更大方便之处。而电视广告只能是通过电视来进行信息的传播,其也会因很多的因素而受到影响,比如:电视广告面的狭窄,不能够像网络一样通天下;其各个地区的广告也有其不同之处,不易将它们相互比较之后,作出更好的选择。因此,从此处来说,网络视频广告更胜一筹,不容置疑。 再者,情节与表达效果不同。通过观看《阿虎篇》、《前世今生》几个视频广告之后,不难看出,其情节更加波荡起伏,并且其中夹杂着许多幽默元素,让人不知其想表达何物,再当我们观看完之后,我们如梦出醒,原来其是在宣传一种产品,而这种模式,会让我们乐于接受它,自然而然,其占的市场率会越来越大。反观传统的电视广告,其广告一般时长较短,情节平白无常,直序主题,很少有新意,给人一种枯燥乏味的感觉,尤其是当我们再等待一个想观看的节目时,那种感觉尤为突出。 当然,我们在一味褒扬网络视频广告给我们带来的诸多方便之时,也要看到其也有不足。其相对于传统电视广告的劣势表现在以下几个方面: 首先,起步不同。虽说网络视频广告问世要晚,集合的先进文化要多,但是我们要客观辨证的看待传统的电视广告由于其存在的历史要长得多,并且没有随着历史消失在人们的视线之中,其肯定有其存在的必然。中国有句俗语:瘦死的骆驼比马大!所以,对传统的电视广告来说,它所积累的沉淀与底蕴,是刚刚兴起的网络视频所不能比拟的!而刚刚处于起步的网络视频广告来说,其要改进的还有很多,要走的路还很长,其在市场上,占有主力军的位置,将是一个长期的过程,来不得半点虚假! 其次,普及化不同。互联网以其传播迅猛著称,而网络视频广告搭上了这一时代的快车道,照常理来说,应是占尽天时地利。可是细细想来,电视的普及化远远要好过于网络:至今,还有很多人用不起计算机,而电视早已是飞入寻常百姓家。不难又可以发现,电视广告的实际市场占有率是大于网络的,一个再简单不过的事实摆在眼前,人们平常接触得更多的是电视广告,即使它不像网络广告那样有趣,吸引眼球罢了…… 再者,接受程度不同。任何事物都有其对立统一的两个方面,网络也不例外,其为人们生活带来巨大改变的同时,也存在着其欺骗的一面性。网络是虚拟的,在关于网络立法不健全之初,每年发生的欺诈等案件不在少数,可是由于当时在这一方面的形成的真空,众多消费者也能是吃一堑,长一智,所以在今天,即使情况好转了许多,不少网民也是心有余悸,畏首畏脚。在这一方面,传统电视广告有其不可争辩的优势,往往电视广告是经过层层审批,证明了其具有真实可靠性才会出现在公民的眼前,即使有漏网之鱼,但其也比网络视频广告


网络视频营销的发展与趋势分析 网络视频行业的发展与市场前景 自2006年步入发展元年始,中国网络视频行业已经走过了3个年头。在短暂的3年中,网络视频取得了长足进步,用户覆盖和影响力不断提升。根据艾瑞咨询最新发布的数据,截至08年底中国网络视频用户规模已增至2.3亿人,同比去年增长44.9%;用户覆盖率达到78.5%,即每5个网民中就有近4个是网络视频用户。预计至2012年,中国网络视频用户规模将超过5亿,成为网民应用最为广泛的网络服务之一。同时,对比中美网络视频用户状况可以发现,无论是总体规模还是增长速度,中国都已经远远超过美国。可以说,中国的网络视频行业蕴藏了巨大的市场价值。 回顾2008年的发展,网络视频行业在视频营销方面取得的巨大进展引人注目。根据艾瑞统计数据,08年中国垂直视频网站的广告收入规模已超过5亿,同比去年实现了翻番增长。虽然视频行业发展仍面临诸多问题,但用户对视频需求的不断增长以及视频广告规模的上升势头,仍预示着网络视频行业良好的市场前景。 网络视频营销在08年取得高速增长的因素分析 艾瑞分析认为,网络视频营销在08年取得高速增长主要得益于如下因素: 首先是08年发生的一些国内外重大社会事件对网络视频的拉动作用。奥巴马赢得美国总统竞选让世界看到了网络视频的力量。而在国内,视频网站借助于诸如奥运会、“神七” 升天等事件,通过为用户提供了便捷、及时和丰富的视频服务,也极大的提升了整个行业的媒体价值,由此带动了视频营销的开展。尤其在北京奥运会中,包括PPLive、PPStream、

悠视、酷6等9家网站成功拿到奥运赛事的视频播放权,这在百年奥运历史上尚属首次。利用这次机会,一些视频网站展开了针对性的营销。艾瑞监测数据显示,奥运所在第三季度,各视频网站的广告主数量普遍取得大幅上涨,其中不乏体育、快消、汽车等行业的大型品牌广告主。收入方面,如悠视网的单季广告收入取得了环比50%以上增长。最为重要的是,视频网站通过此次营销积累了宝贵的广告主资源,其中不少成为了视频网站的长期客户。 其次,视频网站更加重视正版内容,版权环境得到改善。UGC(用户创作内容)曾是视频网站的主要内容来源。但是由于广告主尤其是品牌广告主比较忌讳将广告插在形象低劣或者版权不清晰的UGC视频中,使得视频营销一度陷于困顿,其传播价值迟迟不能转化为商业价值,。在08年,主流视频网站着重加强了专业版权内容的建设。一方面,通过与版权提供商合作增加正版节目比例(如优酷网的“合计划”、土豆的“黑豆”高清频道),同时积极配合版权方监管与打击其上存在的盗版侵权内容。另一方面,还推出社会新闻、政经资讯、旅游、亲子等贴近主流民生需求的频道,提升媒体形象。这些手段促使广告主重新审视视频网站的商业价值,尝试在视频营销方面进行更多投入。 第三,视频网站纷纷加大营销力度,拓建营销团队。08年是视频网站对营销集体发力的一年。借助4月份的北京车展的契机,视频行业实现了广告销售的一次集体亮相。此后,各大视频网站普遍加大了营销力度,广纳优秀的广告策划和销售人员,拓建营销团队。这其中又以视频分享领域力度最大。目前主要的视频分享网站营销团队规模已达50人以上,能够为大型广告主提供从创意策划到执行的全方位服务。而仅在一年以前,这些分享网站几乎没有设置销售部门,其广告售卖基本依靠代理商完成,广告收入规模很小。P2P等其他领域视频网站也在营销团队建设方面取得不错进展。


高等学校英语应用能力考试2016年12月B级真题(a卷)Part I Listening Comprehension (25 minutes) Directions: This part is to test your listening ability. It consists of 4sections. Section A Directions: This section is to test your ability to give proper responses. There are 7 recorded questions in it. After each question, there is a pause. The questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D) given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Example: You will hear: You will read: A) I’m not sure. B) You’re right. C) Yes, certainly. D) That’s interesting. From the question we learn that the speaker is asking the listener to leave a message. Therefore, C) Yes, certainly is the correct answer. You should mark C) on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. [A] [B] [C] [D]. Now the test will begin. 1.A) Sorry, he’s not in. C) Try again, please. B) Here you are. D) Thank you. 2. A) Nice to see you. C) No, I don’t. B) See you later. D) Take care. 3. A) See you next time. C) You are welcome. B) No, thanks. D) Press the button here. 4.A) Over there. C) I like Chinese food. B) Yes, I do. D) Tomorrow morning. 5.A) Never mind. C) Only a week. B) Certainly. D) My pleasure. 6.A) On the Internet. C) By bus. B) She’s very nice. D) It’s far away. 7.A) We are busy. C) It’s expensive. B) Take it easy. D) He’s very kind. Section B Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 7 recorded dialogues in it. After each conversation, there is a recorded question. Both the dialogues and questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D) given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Now listen to the dialogues. 8.A) Earth Day. C) Father’s Day. B) Mother’s Day. D) Thanksgiving Day. 9.A) Flight numbers. C) Banking services. B) Bus schedules. D) Office hours.


高等学校英语应用能力考试B级词汇练习(Practice 1) Section A V ocabulary and Structure . 1. They stood in the rain for two hours, but they _________for Mr. Ying, because he didn't come at all. A) mustn't have waited B) may not have waited C) can't have waited D) needn't have waited 2. The girl ____________ left him a few weeks ago. A) he fell in love with B) whom he fell in love C) that he fell in love D) with who he fell in love 3. ____________ I arrived in South Africa, I was struck by the very great difference in the atmosphere of the country. A) Since the moment B) During the time C) By that time D) From the moment 4. An object remains still or in a straight line motion ____________ a force acts upon it. A) unless B) because C) when D) if 5. There was a good harvest last year, ____________, rice was rather cheap. A) furthermore B) therefore C) but D) however 6. Such problems ____________ air and water pollution have no limited boundaries. A) of B) about C) as D) of 7. Tom ____________ the manager this afternoon, but he forgot. A) should have telephoned B) could telephone C) must have telephoned D) might telephone 8. Either the plant or the flowers will lose ____________ freshness. A) his B) its C) theirs D) their 9. New medicines are usually tested on animals ____________ being tried on human beings. A) after B) before C) for D) when 10. Mr. Johnson suggested ____________ before details are discussed. A) not to draw a conclusion B) should not draw a conclusion C) to draw not a conclusion D) not drawing a conclusion Section B . 11. How (refuse) _______________ the invitation without offending them was the big question. 12. Please don't worry; there (be) ______________ time for questions after the lecture. 13. Can you imagine (work)____________ at home with a computer connected to your office? 14. Y ou can not let the house (neglect) _______________ like that. 15. In 1898, (work) _______________ with her French husband, Marie Curie, a Polish scientist discovered radium, a previously unknown element. 16. An expert found that when person A likes person B, he (look) ___________ at him a lot. 17. As there is still a great difference between urban and rural (consume) _______________ levels, there is huge potential in the used goods sector (旧货领域). 18. Sixteen-year-old Martina Hingis is (current) _______________ ranked first on the Women's Tennis Association singles ranking. 19. Choose a cause bigger than you are engaged in and work at it in a spirit of (excellent) ________. 20. Next time we go house-hunting, remember (ask) ___________ the agent for very clear directions.


2017年12月高等学校英语应用能力考试B级真题及详解[听力音频] Part ⅠListening Comprehension (20 minutes) Directions: This part is to test your listening ability. It consists of 4 sections. Section A Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 7 recorded questions in it. After each question, there is a pause. The questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D) given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 1. A) It’s over there. B) Sorry to hear it. C) That’s all right.

D) It’s wonderful. 【答案】A 【解析】问题问的是“请问问询处怎么走?”。对于此类询问地点的问题,答复的内容通常是指示方向。因此答案为A。 【录音原文】Excuse me, where is the information center? 2. A) Here you are. B) It doesn’t matter. C) Yes, of course. D) Thank you. 【答案】C 【解析】问题问的是“能告诉我怎么操作这台机器吗?”。对于请求,可以用yes或no来回答。因此答案为C。 【录音原文】Can you show me how to use this machine? 3. A) You’re right. B) It’s great. C) Here is my card. D) How are you? 【答案】B 【解析】问题问的是“史密斯先生,飞行顺利吗?”。针对此类问题,回答的内容和个人感觉相关,感觉愉快或者不愉快。因此答案为B。


中国网络视频广告的现状及发展趋势分析 摘要:作为互联网广告的重要组成部分,网络视频广告一开始就显示出迅猛发展的态势。它形象生动、富有表现力,改变了传统图文广告的传播形式,是互联网信息的一场革命,并凭借其独特的媒介营销价值获得了越来越多广告主的青睐,也成为视频网站盈利的主要方式。 当前,网络视频广告的发展呈现出良好的发展态势,但是也应当看到,网络视频广告在信息的传播中,也存在虚假新闻层出不穷、缺少良好社会美誉度的品牌打造、网络视频直播画面质量不高的问题。应在处理好传播本位与商业化运作的关系、加大网络视频广告与传统媒体竞合发展、强化网络视频的发展等方面提升网络视频广告发展的水平。 关键词:网络视频广告;积极影响;问题;对策

目录 一、引言 (1) 二、概述 (1) (一)网络视频广告的定义 (1) (二)网络视频广告的主要类型 (1) 1、贴片式视频广告 (1) 4、植入式视频广告 (2) 三、网络视频广告的发展优势 (2) (一)受众定位准确 (2) (二)内容与互动优于电视广告 (3) (三)形式与效果好于传统网络广告 (3) (四)制作发布成本低,营销效果容易评估 (4) 四、网络视频广告在发展中存在的主要问题 (4) (一)网络视频广告搜索比较麻烦 (4) (二)在信息传播中,容易出现违反法律规定的行为 (4) (三)网络信息具有可重复性和可追溯性 (5) 五、进一步规范网络视频广告发展的对策 (5) (一)向全社会倡导和宣传网络道德 (5) (二)法制的健全与完善 (6) (三)舆论的引导 (6) (四)门户网站的自律 (7) (五)发挥企业网站的沟通交流渠道功能 (7) 六、结语 (8) 参考文献 (9)


德芙心语巧克力系列网络视频广告策划 一、市场分析 1、营销环境分析 2、消费者分析 3、产品分析 4、竞争对手分析 二、广告策略 1、广告目标 2、产品定位 3、广告表现 4、广告媒介 三、系列网络视频广告文案 1、亲情篇 2、爱情篇 3、友情篇 一、市场分析 营销环境分析 巧克力市场品牌众多,新产品不断推出,竞争激烈, 德芙需保持原有的市场占有率单纯运用传统媒体进行广告宣传,势必导致大量媒介花费;网络作为新兴的媒体,使用人数与日俱增,覆盖面越来越广,是有效的广告宣传媒介。德芙品牌之产品的消费者具有较高的品牌忠诚度, 通过口碑传播, 会影响其他消费者; 创造与目标受众更多、更好的互动机会,提高品牌偏好度。 消费者分析 目标受众主要是18-24岁,偏女性/15-35岁男女 →喜欢吃巧克力/零食→喜欢购物,吃零食,聊天,看电影,尤其喜欢谈论感情→充满浪漫的幻想,男朋友是生活中比较重要的一部分,且成为话题,有时还互相攀比→性格活泼,开朗,不拘一格→喜欢尝试新事物,思想较开放→渴望爱情,喜欢受到异性目光的关注 产品分析 情与爱是人类永恒的话题,人们用德芙巧克力传递的是一种心情,一种感觉,一种与亲朋好友在一起享受由衷幸福的快乐。有德芙巧克力的日子就是幸福甜美的日子。德芙巧克力给热爱生活的人们带来快乐,健康和幸福!德芙心语巧克力与传统的巧克力外型不同,为心型,每一颗心型巧克力的包装纸里面都有一句不同的心语祝福,是真爱之选。 竞争对手分析 吉百利,金帝等产品较早的进入市场.在消费者心中有一定的份量.在中国市场对巧克力产品销量贡献最大的是年节市场(中秋/圣诞/春节/情人节),这个市场的产品销售恰好以礼品/礼盒为主。可以说在中国,金帝巧克力的销量不是最大,但中国的礼品装巧克力肯定是金帝的销量最大。而“送礼”这种品牌诉求直到


2013年6月高等学校英语应用能力考试 (B级真题天津版) Part ⅠListening comprehension (15 minute) Directions:This part is to test your listening ability. It consists of 3 sections. Section A Directions:This section is to test your ability to give proper responses There are 5 recorded questions in it. After each question. there is a pause. The questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question,you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A),B),C)and D)given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Example:You will hear: You will read:A)I’m not sure B)You’re right C)Yes,certainly D)That’s interesting From the question we can learn that the speaker is asking the listener to leave a massage. Therefore, C)Yes, certainly is the correct answer. You should mark C)on the Answer Sheet. [A][B][C][D] Now the test will begin. 1.A) You are right C) Yes, of course. B) Its interesting. D) Hold on, please. 2.A) I’m sorry to hear that. C) My, pleasure. B) No, nothing special D) Me, too. 3.A) This way, please C) Thanks a lot. B) Here you are D) Sure, no problem. 4.A)Not at all. C) I can do it well. B)Not too bad. D) Give me a hand, please. 5.A)Yes, please. C)Mind your step. B)Here it is. D)Have a nice day Section B Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. Both the dialogues and questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A),B),C)and D)given in your test paper .Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 6.A)One. C)There. B)Two . D)Four. 7.A)In cash. C)With a gift. B)By cheque D)Through an online account. 8.A)Writing a plan. C)Checking a report. B)Marking a proposal. D)Giving a lecture. 9.A)She is going to study abroad C)She is taking a job. B)She will take a holiday. D)She has got a pay raise. 10.A)It is quite large. C)It is too far away. B)It is noisy. D)It is comfortable. Section C Directions: In this section you will hear a recorded short passage. The passage is printed in the test paper ,but


英语应用能力考试B级词汇 1 能力ability 46 申请application 91 街区block 2 在船上aboard 47 欣赏;感激appreciate 92 女衬衫blouse 3 到国外abroad 48 赞成;同意approve 93 木板;董事会board 4 缺席absent 49 争论argument 94 炸弹bomb 5 口音accent 50 安排arrangement 95 底部bottom 6 事故accident 51 逮捕arrest 96 枯燥的boring 7 按照according 52 到达(n.) arrival 97 树枝;分部branch 8 叙述;账户account 53 文章;条款article 98 呼吸;喘气breath 9 习惯的accustomed 54 方面aspect 99 简短的brief 10 完成;达到achieve 55 助手assistant 100 宽的broad 11 行动;作用action 56 协会association 101 广播broadcast 12 活动;活跃activity 57 说服assure 102 负担burden 13 女演员actress 58 大气,气氛atmosphere 103 爆裂burst 14 实际上actually 59 使附属attach 104 商业;生意business 15 附加物addition 60 进攻attack 105 纽扣;扣上button 16 地址address 61 企图attempt 106 照相机camera 17 调节;校正adjust 62 出席;照料attend 107 野营camp 18 承认;允许admit 63 态度attitude 108 校园campus 19 成年人adult 64 吸引attract 109 加拿大人Canadian 20 前进advance 65 听众audience 110 取消cancel 21 先进的advanced 66 官方;权威authority 111 癌cancer 22 优势advantage 67 自动的automatic 112 候选人candidate


2013年12月高等学校英语应用能力考试(B级)(后附答案) PartⅠListening Comprehension Directions: This part is to test your listening ability. It consists of 3 sections. Section A Directions:This section is to test your ability to give proper responses. There are 5 recorded questions in it. After each question, there is a pause. The questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D) given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 1. A) No, thank you. B) Yes. This way please. C) My pleasure. D) You’re right. 2. A) OK, thank you. B) It doesn’t matter. C) It’s over there. D) No way. 3. A) Here you are. B) Let’s go. C) Why not? D) Never mind. 4. A) You are so nice. B) Nice to meet you. C) I’d love to. D) It’s great. 5. A) No problem. B) Not at all. C) Is it true? D) Is it right? Section B Directions:This part is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. Both the dialogues and questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D) given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 6. A) Have a drink. B) Visit a company. C) Meet a friend. D) Write a report. 7. A) On television. B) Through the Internet. C) From a newspaper. D) Over the radio. 8. A) It snowed heavily. B) The wind was strong. C) It rained hard. D) The wind was strong. 9. A) In the city center. B) Away from the highway. C) Close to her office. D) Near the train station. 10. A) The man doesn’t like the mobile phone. B) The man has bought a new mobile phone. C) The mobile phone has already been sold out. D) The mobile phone is too expensive for the man. Section C Directions: In this section you will hear a recorded short passage. The passage is printed in the test paper, but with some words or phrases missing. The passage will be read three times. During the second reading, you are required to put the missing words or phrases on the Answer Sheet in order of the numbered blanks according to what you hear. The third reading is for you to check your writing. Now the passage will begin. There are about million businesses in the UK. About 75% of British jobs are in (11) industries—hotels, restaurants, travel and shopping. These are the fastest


|RADIO&TVJOURNAL2019.02 逐步更新的,需要广告投放人员密切关注与研究。 第三,加强对户外广告的区域规划管理。在户外广告密集的商业街区、住宅区周边的街道、商店门口进行统一的规划管理。控制招贴广告、广告牌的数量、避免重复浪费,广告牌风格尽可能统一;社区内广告严格管理、不能破坏社区居民的生活环境和质量;广告分布松散、媒体资源闲置的地段要提高广告牌的质量,例如采用霓虹灯等形式提高广告的传播效果,吸引广告主投放。 第四,加强户外广告市场管理。户外广告主要投放于户外,天气环境可能会影响到它的视觉呈现效果,时间一长,很多户外广告实物就会出现褪色、脏乱等情况,这时需要专业的广告人员重新进行绘制与修理,使其能够保证较好的传播效果,同时保证城市能够拥有较好的市容市貌。另外,有关部门也应当结合城市规划,规定张贴广告的适当范围和场所,提出相关方案。 第五,大力加强户外广告的宣传力度,提高广告的区域特色。比如,城市本身是历史文化旅游城市,那就应当围绕传播历史文化知识、增强城市人文气息、塑造城市 文明形象展开设计制作, 在旅游景区周边设立有特色的户外广告,通过户外广告形式向大众宣传旅游景点的区域特色。 第六,政府应当加大户外公益广告的建设与宣传。增加公益广告,能够提高城市户外广告的整体质量,除了传统的条幅、墙体字样广告等形式,还要多设立新鲜且有创意的户外公益广告,图文结合,富有视觉冲击力。例如在高速公路上设置提醒酒驾严重后果的高炮广告,商场和医院内在禁止吸烟标志字样的旁边可以设立警示效果明显的广告牌。 四、结论 城市户外广告的整体发展状况对于城市的经济、文化 建设都具有重要作用。 城市户外广告投放中存在的一般性问题是多方面的,它包括受众对户外广告的认可度不高,户外广告内容形式不够新颖丰富,数量较少,缺乏整体观念、地域特色以及人文关怀等,因此对城市户外广告投放进行全面规划与管理十分必要。城市户外广告的良好发展需要政府和广告商的共同努力:政府应加强对广告的规划管理,发展公益文化;广告公司应提高广告制作和管理的整体水平,发 展创意思维。只有双管齐下, 才能保证户外广告业的长远发展。同时, 政府应当充分发挥城市特色与优势,大力设置和推广有区域特色的户外广告,这不仅能够提高城市知名度和美誉度,也能带动城市户外广告市场的整体发展。 注释: ①岑明.城市户外广告规划与设计[M].武汉:华中科技大学出版社,2012. ②孙文卿.延吉市户外广告表现形式研究[D].延边大学,2012. 基金项目:本文系江苏省大学生创新创业训练省级指导项目“淮安市户外广告投放效果实证研究”(项目编号:201810323058X )研究成果。 (常隆隆:淮阴师范学院传媒学院本科生;王琰:淮阴师范学院传媒学院讲师) 一、新媒体时代网络广告的发展状况 2005年下半年,视频网站在海外呈现高热度发展趋势, 美国华纳、 迪斯尼等在网络视频领域进行了大量投资。2006年底,Google用16.5亿美元并购了美国最大视频网站YouTube,掀起了视频网站投资热潮。在国内,2005年末,投资者们也已 经开始运作视频网站。 2006年被称为网络视频发展元年,如土豆网、优酷网等一大批本土视频网站迅速发展起来,成为全中国瞩目的热点,为网络视频广告的诞生打下了基础。 2007年9月,百度推出其视频广告发布平台———百度“TV” ,这一举动使百度在网络视频广告服务方面迈出了重要的一步。同时,中国网络视频广告市场也得到了快速发展,视频网站的运营日渐成熟,并且形成了一定的收入规模。 随着视频网站的用户规模不断增加,受关注度也逐渐增强,新媒体与民众的关系日益紧密,手机用户和数字电 视群体发展迅速, 加之其具有的高性价比使网络视频广告呈现出了前所未有的发展态势。在新媒体时代下,社交媒体的发展加速了网络视频广告的发展。热门剧集和电视节目给网络视频带来了极高的关注度,广告主更加偏爱网络广告投放形式。更重要的是,网络作为一种私密媒体,信息密集程度高,受众接受信息也更为完整,因此,网络视频广告未来的发展趋势一定潜力巨大。 二、新媒体时代网络视频广告特点分析 (一)传播范围广,速度快 和传统媒体相比,网络视频广告的传播不受时间和空 间的限制, 网民可以在任意时间和地域浏览广告信息。网络视频广告与人们紧密相连,无论是在网络剧集、电影、公 共场合的数字电视中, 还是现代人手中必不可少的手机中都有网络视频广告的一席之地, 可见传播范围之大。在传播速度方面,病毒式网络视频具有很强的代表性。网络上的传播更像是一种影响性的行为,一个人的行为可以影响千千万万个人,一条帖子可以被无数遍转发,一个广告也可以在极短的时间内传播到各个地区,信息 如 广告论坛 新媒体时代网络视频广告分析 □石晨 摘要:新媒体日益崛起,使广告业发生了巨大的变化。网络广告有着广阔的市场空间,发展潜力巨大。本文从网络广告的 发展入手,对网络视频广告的特点进行分析,总结网络视频广告存在的不足并提出应对策略,以促进网络视频广告取得长足发展。 关键词:新媒体;网络视频广告;发展历程;现状;对策 196 DOI:10.19395/https://www.doczj.com/doc/7219072367.html,ki.1674-246x.2019.02.108

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