当前位置:文档之家› 高中英语新课标必修五课文经典句型背诵与仿写



Unit 1 Great Scientists

1【原句】John Snow was a well-known doctor in Landon-( and he was) so famous, indeed (插入语), that he attended Queen Victoria to ease the birth of her babies.


【模仿1】. 张老师是个热心的老师,他那么善良我想当他的学生生病时他一定乐意帮助他们的。


答案:Mr. Zhang is a warm-hearted teacher in our school—so kind, I think/ I believe/ I suppose/ I dare say (插入语), that he is sure to help his students when they are ill.



答案:Li Ping is a hard-working boy in my class-so diligent, I suppose, that he never goes to bed until 11 at night.

2【原句】Although he had tried to ignore them, all his mathematical calculations led to the same conclusion: that the earth was not the centre of the solar system.

[模仿要点] 冒号加that从句



答案:Though she didn’t believe what other people said, the evidences that she collected led to the conclusion: that her boy friend cheated her.



答案:Though he was very clever,he didn’t work hard and all his failure ( that she experienced) this term led to the conclusion: that no pains no gains.

3【原句】He placed a fixed sun at the centre of the solar system with the planets going round it and only the moon still going round the earth.

[模仿要点] 句子结构:with 的复合结构作定语修饰前面的名词。



答案:When you enter the school, you can see in front of you a big flower bed with various kinds of flowers and grass growing in it and with two large buildings standing on both sides—the library on your right and the teaching building on your left.

【模仿2】井底之蛙,永远看不到天空的广阔,“好男儿志在四方”,让我们踏歌而行,看高高的灯塔照亮我们远航的路。(with 结构作状语)


答案:The frog at the bottom of the well is always blind to the extension of the sky. “Ambitious men aims far.”Let's get started, with the tall lighthouse guiding our long voyage, and with the voice of singing accompanying.

Unit 2 The United Kingdom

1【原句】The greatest historical treasure of all is London with its museums, art collections, theatres, parks and buildings.

[模仿要点] 将两个简单句合并成一句,并很好地运用with + N. 作定语。



答案:As an Olympic sport, shooting has been developing steadily with only three events in 1896 but 17 events at the moment.

【模仿】2. 如收门票,需建大门﹑围墙,会影响城市形象。


答案:With entrance fees charged, it will become necessary to build gates and walls, which will do harm to the appearance of the city.

2【原句】There is no need to debate any more about why different words are used to describe the

four countries.

[模仿要点] 句子结构:there is no need to do sth

【模仿】1 你没有必要花很多时间做英语练习而不加思考。


答案:There is no need to spend much of your spare time doing English exercises without think of their rules.

【模仿】2 我们没有必要再争论学生该不该上网,我们所要做的应该是充分使用网络来扩大我们的知识而尽量避免它的负面影响。


答案:There is no need to debate /quarrel/ discuss any more whether students should surf the Internet or not. What we should do now is to make good use of the net to increase our knowledge and try to avoid its bad effect.

3【原句】Now when people refer to England you find Wakes included as well.

[模仿要点] 句子结构:when …you will find sb included as well


_______________________________________________________________________________ 答案:Now when people refer to the top students in our class, you will find Tom included as well. Li Ping’s name , I think, must be mentioned as well.



答案:When the teacher praises the whose who do well in their jobs, I dare say, you will find Tom included as well.

Unit3 Life in future

1 【原句】The seats were comfortable and after a calming drink, which made us sleepy, our eyes closed.



答案:The job was very tough and after a short rest, which refreshed ourselves again, we went on with our job.


答案:He fell off his bike after being carried out first aid, which stopped his bleeding, he was sent to hospital without delay.

2【原句】I got lost when we reached the place that looked like a large market because of the people flying by in all direction.

[模仿要点] 句子结构:(时间状语+定语从句)插入在句子中间,通常放在句首。



答案:I got amazed when we reached the place that looked like a park because of the people bathing in the soft sunshine or playing chess in the shade of the trees.



答案:I was fascinated when I was reading the book that was written by Lao She because of its interesting stories.

Unit4 Making the news

1【原句】Never will Zhou Yang forget his first job at the office of China Daily.

[模仿要点] never 与倒装句



答案:Never in my life have I seen such a wonderful place as Hangzhou.


_______________________________________________________________________________ 答案:Never before have I met such a teacher as Miss Li.

2【原句】Only when you have seen what he or she does can you cover a story by yourself

Only if you ask many different questions will you acquire all the information you need to know. [模仿要点] only+状语与倒装句



答案:Only when you have recited these English sentences very fluently are you able to write them out in your composition.


_______________________________________________________________________________ 答案:Only when thousands of flowers bloom together can spring be considered here.

3【原句】Not only am I interested in photography, but I took a course at university, so it's actually of special interest to me.

[模仿要点] not only…but also…与倒装句


_______________________________________________________________________________ 答案:Not only did he make a promise, but also he kept it.



答案:Not only does he teach English but he teaches how to learn English well.

Unit 5 First aid

1【原句】So, as you can imagine, if your skin gets burned, it can be very serious.

[模仿要点] 句子结构:as 从句插入用法



答案:English plays an important part in our daily life. So, as we all know, if you intend to learn English well, you should do some more practice.



答案:Dictionary plays an important role in our English study. So, as we all know, if you have a dictionary of you own, you can look up some new words in it on your own.

2【原句】If burns are on arms or legs, keep them higher than the heart, if possible.

[模仿要点] 句子结构:if possible 等插入用法



答案:If you desire to improve your English, recite some 10 sentences every day or learn 50 words by hearty, if possible.



答案:When you read English books, don’t use your dictionary and you can use it, if necessary, when you write English articles

3【原句】Your skin also keeps you warm or cool; it prevents your body from losing water; it is

where you feel cold, heat or pain; and it gives you your sense of touch.

[模仿要点] 用分号或逗号并列四个单句。



答案:The sun sinks behind the great castle-crested(装饰)mountains; the night falls suddenly; the river grows darker and darker; and lights quiver(抖动)in it from the windows in the old ramparts (壁垒), and twinkle peacefully in the villages under the hills on the opposite shore.

高一英语人教版必修三Unit 5 课文内容

Unit 5 CANADA- “THE TRUE NORTH” A TRIP ON “THE TRUE NORTH” Li Daiyu and her cousin Liu Qian were on a trip to Canada to visit their cousins in Montreal on the Atlantic coast. Rather than take the aeroplane all the way, they decided to fly to Vancouver and then take the train from west to east across Canada. The thought that they could cross the whole continent was exciting. Their friend, Danny Lin, was waiting at the airport. He was going to take them and their baggage to catch “The True North”, the cross-Canada train. On the way to the station, he chatted about their trip. “You’re going to see some great scenery. Going eastward, you’ll pass mountains and thousands of lakes and forests, as well as wide rivers and large cities. Some people have the idea that you can cross Canada in less than five days, but they forget the fact that Canada is 5,500 kilometres from coast to coast. Here in Vancouver, you’re in Canada’s warmest part. People say it is Canada’s most popular cities to live in. Its population is increasing rapidly. The coast north of Vancouver has some of the oldest and most beautiful forests in the world. It is so wet there that the trees are extremely tall, some measuring over 90 metres.” That afternoon aboard the train, the cousins settled down in their seats. Earlier that day, when they crossed the Rocky Mountains, they managed to catch sight of some mountain goats and even a grizzly bear and an eagle. Their next stop was Calgary, which is famous for the Calgary Stampede. Cowboys from all over the world come to compete in the Stampede. Many of them have a gift for riding wild horses and can win thousands of dollars in prizes. After two days’ travel, the girls began to realize that Canada is quite empty. At school, they had learned that most Canadians live within a few hundred kilometres of the USA border, and Canada’s population is only slightly over thirty million, but now they were amazed to see such an empty country. They went through a wheat-growing province and saw farms that covered thousands of acres. After dinner, they were back in an urban area, the busy port city of Thunder Bay at the top of the Great Lakes. The girls were surprised at the fact that ocean ships can sail up the Great Lakes. Because of the Great Lakes, they learned, Canada has more fresh water than any other country in the world. In fact, it has one-third of the world’s total fresh water, and much of it is in the Great Lakes. That night as they slept, the train rushed across the top of Lake Superior, through the great forests and southward towards Toronto. “THE TRUE NORTH” FROM TORONTO TO MONTREAL The next morning the bushes and maple trees outside their windows were red, gold and orange, and there was frost on the ground, confirming that fall had arrived in Canada. Around noon they arrived in Toronto, the biggest and most wealthy city in Canada. They were not leaving for Montreal until later, so they went on a tour of the city. They went up the tall CN Tower and looked across the lake. In the distance, they could see the misty cloud that rose from the great Niagara Falls, which is on the south side of the lake. The water flows into the Niagara River and over the falls on its way to the sea. They saw the covered stadium, home of several famous basketball teams. As they walked north from the harbour area, Li Daiyu said, “Lin Fei, one of my mother’s old schoolmates, lives here. I should phone her from a telephone booth.”


高一英语必修一必背的句子 1.这是我一年半以来第一次目睹夜晚。(P2) →It was the first time in a year and a half that I had seen the night face to face. (从句时态用完成时) 2.我不知道这是不是因为我长久无法出门的缘故,我变得对一切与大自然有关的事物都无比狂热。(P2) →I wonder if it’s because I haven’t been able to be outdoors for so long that I’ve grown so crazy about everything to do with nature.(强调句) 3.有一天晚上,我熬到11点半故意不睡觉,为的是独自好好看看月亮一次。(P2) →I stayed awake on purpose until half past eleven one evening in order to have a good look at the moon for once by myself. 4. 实际上,从公元450年到1150年,人们所说的英语更多的是以德语为基础的,而现代英语不是。(P10) →Actually, the English spoken between about AD 450 and 1150 was based more on German than present day English. 5.以英语作为母语的人,即使他们所讲的语言不尽相同,也可以互相交流。(P10) →Native English speakers can understand each other even if they don’t speak the same kind of English. 6. 目前在中国学习英语的人数正在迅速增长。(P10) →Today the number of people learning English in China is increasing rapidly. 7. 从高中起,我姐姐和我一直梦想要沿湄公河从源头到终点骑车旅行。(P18) →Ever since middle school,My sister and I have dreamed about cycling along the Mekong River from where it begins to where it begings to wh. 8. 她给了我一个坚定的眼神——这种眼神表明她是不会·改变主意的。(P18) →She gave me a determined look -- the kind that said she wouldn’t change her mind. 9.首先想到要沿媚公河从源头到终点骑车旅行的是我姐姐。 →It was my sister who first had the idea to cycle along the entire Mekong River from where it begins to where it ends. 10. 死伤的人数达到40多万。(P26) →The number of people who were killed or injured in the earthquake reached more than 400,000.(定语从句) 11. 部队组织救援人员将受困的人们挖出来,将死者掩埋。(P26) →The army organized the rescue workers to dig out those who were trapped and to bury the dead. (定语从句) 12. 第一次见到他的时候是在我一生中非常艰难的时期。(定语从句)(P34) →The time when I first met him was a very difficult period of my life. 13. 过去30年来所出现的大量法律剥夺我们的权利,阻挡我们的进步,一直到今天,我们还处在几乎什么权利都没有的阶段。(P34) →The last thirty years have seen the greatest number of laws stopping our rights and progress, until today we have reached a stage where we have almost no rights at all. (定语从句) 14. 只有到这个时候我们才决定用暴力反抗暴力。(P34) →Only then did we decide to answer violence with violence.(倒装句)


精心整理U1 addsth.up把……加起来 addsth.tosth.把……加到/进……里 addupto加起来共计/达(不用于被动语态) Concerningsth=Regardingsth关于,某事 gothroughahardtime经历了一段困难时期 gothroughthebaggage检查行李 gothroughthenewspaper浏览报纸 gothroughlotsofmoney花了很多钱

setdowntheideasonpaper把想法写在纸上setmedownatthebus-stop在车站让我下车aseriesof onpurpose=bydesign故意 byaccident=bychance偶然,碰巧 sufferfrom因……而痛苦,患……病sufferfromloneliness因孤独而痛苦sufferfromabadcold得了重感冒 遭受,蒙受(痛苦、饥饿、寒冷、损失等) sufferaheavyloss遭受严重损失

sufferpain/hunger/cold/death遭受痛苦;饥饿;寒冷;死亡 sufferern.受苦者 sufferingn.痛苦,苦难 recoverfromillness betiredof(doing)sth厌烦做某事 betiredfrom(doing)sth因做某事很累 Tellhimthatheshouldhavestudied.本该做却没做Doyouwantafriendwhomyoucouldtelleverythingto,likeyourdeepestfeelingsandthoug hts?定语从句 HerfamilywasJewishsonearlytwenty-fivemonthsbeforetheywerediscovered. abouteverythingtodowithnature.不定式作后置定语


1.Weak men wait for opportunity, but the strong men make it. 弱者等待机会,强者创造机 会。 2.Opportunity meets the prepared mind, as the old saying goes. 正如俗话所说,机遇只属于那些有心理准备的人。 3.Perseverance is failing nineteen times and succeeding the twentieth. 十九次失败,到第二十次获得成功,这就叫坚持。 4.He tried hard to learn, and to be a good boy, and he succeeded fairly well. 他用心学 习,又很听话,因此一切倒还顺利。 5.In fact, there 'asn old Chinese saying which goes, “Hew ho hasn'bt een to the Great Wall is not a true man. 实际上”,中国有句古谚语说:“不到长城非好汉。” 6. A man is not old as long as he is seeking something. -John Barrymore 只要一个人还有所 追求 , 她就没有老。── 约翰·巴里莫尔 (美国艺术家 ) 7.To take advantage of them, you can 't let yourself be destroyed by a defeat, or let others set the limits on your ability to achieve. 利用它们 , 你就不会被一次失败击倒 , 也不会让别人来限制住你成功的能力。 8.Only those who have the patience to do simple things perfectly ever acquire the skill to do difficult things easily. 只有有耐心圆满完成简单工作的人才能够轻而易举地完成困难的事。 9.The most important thing in life is to have a beautiful dream and good ways to realize it. 人生最重要的是要有美梦,并有好的方法去实现它。 10.We must carry on till success in spite of the extremely difficult conditions. 尽管条件极端困难 , 我们必须坚持下去 , 直到成功。 11.This belief in equal opportunity has produced a spirit of compet ition. It 's like a race to the top of the success ladder. 这种机会均等的信念造就了一种竞争的精神 , 它就像一场通往成功之梯顶端的比赛一样。 12.Success is dangerous. One begins to copy oneself, and to copy oneself is more dangerous than to copy others. It leads to sterility. - Picasso (1881-1973), Spanish artist 成 功是危险的。一个成功的人开始模仿自己,而模仿自己比模仿别人更加危险。因为这样做将毫无结果。── 毕加索 (1881- 1973), 西班牙画家 13.But failure also taught me that life is a road with unpredictable forks and unexpected tomorrows. 但是, 失败还使我懂得 , 生活的道路充满了无法预测的岔路口和无法预料的明天。 14.The common idea that success spoils people by making them vain, egotistic, and self-complacent is erroneous; on the contrary, it makes them, for the most part, humble, tolerant, and kind. Failure makes people cruel and bitter. -W. Somerset Maugham (1874-1965), British author 人们普遍认为成功使人变得虚荣、自以为是、自满 , 从而毁了他们 , 但这种看法是错误的;恰恰相反 , 成功在很大程度上使人变得谦恭、宽容、善良。失败则使人变得残忍、怨愤。── W·萨默塞特·莫姆 (1874-1965), 英国作家 15.Against all the odds she achieved her dream of becoming an actress. 她冲破重重困难,实现了当演员的梦想。 16.He is too smart not to jump at the chance. 他这个人很精明,不会错过这个机会的。 17.I'm not sure if I 'll succeed, but I certainly hope 是so否. 成功我没有把握 , 不过我当然希望会成功 18.I wish you every success. 祝你万事如意! 19.He seems to be successful in anything he tries. 他好像不论做什么事都能成功。 20.Experience shows that success is due less to ability than to zeal. 经验告诉我们,成功与其


初中英语100句经典句型1. welcome to sp欢迎到某地 Eg. Welcome to China. 2. What’s the matter with sb./ sth?出什么毛病了? Eg. What’s the matter with your watch? 3. be different from 与---不同 Eg. The weather in Beijing is different from that of Nanjing. 4. be the same as 与……相同 Eg. His trousers are the same as mine. 5. be friendly to sb. 对某人友好 Eg. Mr. Wang is very friendly to us. 6. want to do sth. 想做某事 Eg. I want to go to school. 7. want sb. to do sth. 想让某人做某事 Eg. I want my son to go to school. 8. what to do 做什么 Eg. We don’t know what to do next. 9. let sb. do sth. 让某人做某事 Eg. Let him enter the room.

10. let sb. not do sth. 让某人不做某人 Eg. Let him not stand in the rain. 11. why don’t you do sth? 怎么不做某事呢?= Eg. Why don’t you play football with us? 12. why not do sth.? 怎么不做某事呢? Eg. Why not play football with us? 13. make sb. sth. 为某人制造某物= Eg. My father made me a kite. 14. make sth for sb. 为某人制造某物 Eg. My father made a kite for me. 15. What …mean by …?做……是什么意思?Eg. What do you mean by doing that? 16. like doing sth. 喜爱做某事 Eg. Jim likes swimming. 17. like to do sth.喜爱做某事 Eg. He doesn’t like to swim now. 18. feel like doing sth. 想做某事 Eg. I feel like eating bananas. 19. would like to do sth. 愿意做某事

必修三 unit5 课文

Li Daiyu and her cousin Liu Qian were on a trip to Canada to visit their cousins in Montreal on the Atlantic coast. Rather than take the aeroplane all the way, they decided to fly to Vancouver and then take the train west to east across Canada. The thought that they could cross the whole continent was exciting. Their friend, Danny Lin, was waiting at the airport. He was going to take them and their baggage to catch "The True North", the cross-Canada train. On the way to the station, he chatted about their trip. "You're going to see some great scenery. Going eastward, you'll pass mountains and thousands of lakes and forests, as well as wide rivers and large cities. Some people have the idea that you can cross Canada in less than five days, but they forget the fact that Canada is 5,500 kilometres from coast to coast. Here in Vancouver, you're in Canada's warmest part. People say it is Canada's most beautiful city, surrounded by mountains and the Pacific Ocean. Skiing in the Rocky Mountains and sailing in the harbour make Vancouver one of Canada's most popular cities to live in. Its population is increasing rapidly. The coast north of Vancouver has some of the oldest and most beautiful forests in the world. It is so wet there that the trees are extremely tall, some measuring over 90 metres." That afternoon aboard the train, the cousins settled down in their seats. Earlier that day, when they crossed the Rocky Mountains, they managed to catch sight of some mountain goats and even a grizzly bear and an eagle. Their next stop was Calgary, which is famous for the Calgary Stampede. Cowboys from all over the world come to compete in the Stampede. Many of them have a gift for riding wild horses and can win thousands of dollars in prizes. After two days' travel, the girls began to realize that Canada is quite empty. At school, they had learned that most Canadians live within a few hundred kilometres of the USA border, and Canada's population is only slightly over thirty million, but now they were


高一英语必修一必背句型 1) It was the first time in a year and a half that I had seen the night face to face. (从句时态用完成时)这是我一年半以来第一次目睹夜晚。 2) I wonder if it’s because I haven’t been able to be outdoors for so long that I’ve grown so crazy about everything to do with nature.(强调句)我不知道这是不是因为我长久无法出门的缘故,我变得对一切与大自然有关的事物都无比狂热。 3) I stayed awake on purpose until half past eleven one evening in order to have a good look at the moon for once by myself. 有一天晚上,我熬到11点半故意不睡觉,为的是独自好好看看月亮一次。 4) Your friend, who doesn’t work hard, asks you to help him cheat in the end-of-term exam.(非限制性定语从句)你的一个朋友叫你在期末考试中帮他作弊,这个朋友平常不认真学习。5) If you have some trouble (in) getting along with your friends, you can write to the editor and ask for advice. 如果你在和朋友的相处上有问题,你可以写信给编辑向他征求建议。 6) Add up your score and see how many points you can get. 把你的得分加起来,看看得了多少。 7) What he did has added to our difficulties. 他的所作所为增加了我们的困难。 8) His income adds up to $1000 a month. 他每月的收入共计1000美元。 9) It's no pleasure looking through these any longer because nature is one thing that really must be experienced. 观看这些已不再是乐趣,因为大自然是你必须体验的。 10) Why is she so concerned about his attitude to her work? 她为什么那么关注他对她的工作的看法? 11) The police asked him to set down what he had seen in a report. 警察让他在报告中写下他所看见的事情。 12) As I was about to go out and search for him, he happened to come in. 正当我打算出去找他时,他恰巧进来。 13) Mr. Jones lives alone and often feels lonely. 琼斯先生单独一人生活,常常感到孤独。 14) We tried to calm him down, but he kept crying. 我们试图让他平静下来,但他仍不停地哭着。 15) Does he dare (to) go out at night in such stormy weather? 他敢在这样一个暴风雨夜外出吗? 16) He would go through fire and water for his country. 他愿为国家赴汤蹈火。 17) That country suffered a heavy loss in the flood. 那个国家在水灾中遭受严重的损失。 18) World Englishes come from those countries where English plays an important role as a first or second language, either because of foreign rule or because of its special role as an international language.(定语从句)世界英语来自那些以英语为第一或第二语言的国家,英语在这些国家起重要作用,或是因为外国的统治,或是因为其作为国际语言的特殊地位。 19) All languages change when cultures communicate with one another. 当不同的语言互相沟通时,所有的语言都会发生变化。 20) Actually, the English spoken between about AD 450 and 1150 was based more on German than present day English.实际上,从公元450年到1150年,人们所说的英语更多的是以德语为基础的,而现代英语不是。 21) Would you please come up to my flat for a visit? 请到我的公寓里来坐坐,好吗? 22) Believe it or not, he cheated in the exams. 信不信由你,他在考试中作弊。 23) Native English speakers can understand each other even if they don’t speak the same kind of English.


高一英语必修一重点句型归纳 一些重点英语句型不仅对写作有好处,对英语的学习也是很重要。下面 小编整理了一些高一英语重点句型,供大家参考! 高中英语阅读理解解题技巧高中英语怎幺学高中英语作文范文10篇高考英 语单词表3500 1英语必修一重点句型 1、ItwasthefirsttimeinayearandahalfthatIhadseenthenightfacetoface.(从句时态用 完成时、这是我一年半以来第一次目睹夜晚。 2、Iwonderifit’sbecauseIhaven’tbeenabletobeoutdoorsforsolongthatI’vegrownsocrazyabouteverythingtodowithnature.(强调句、我不知道这是不是因 为我长久无法出门的缘故,我变得对一切与大自然有关的事物都无比狂热。 3、Istayedawakeonpurposeuntilhalfpastelevenoneeveninginordertohaveagoodlooka tthemoonforoncebymyself.有一天晚上,我熬到11点半故意不睡觉,为的是独 自好好看看月亮一次。 4、Yourfriend,whodoesn’tworkhard,asksyoutohelphimcheatintheend-of- termexam.(非限制性定语从句、你的一个朋友叫你在期末考试中帮他作弊, 这个朋友平常不认真学习。 5、Ifyouhavesometrouble(in、gettingalongwithyourfriends,youcanwritetotheed itorandaskforadvice.如果你在和朋友的相处上有问题,你可以写信给编辑向他


高考英语常用经典句型复习 1、as 句型: (1) as引导方式状语从句句型:“按照……;正如……”例:We do farm work as the old peasant teaches us. (2) as+形容词/副词原级+(a /an)+名词+as ;否定式:not as/so …..as 例:He is as good a player as his sister. (3) such + n. + as to do 如此……以致于……例:She is such a fool as to believe what he said. (4) so + adj./adv. + as to do sth 如此……以致于……例:He was so strong as to carry the heavy box. (5) such --- as---象……之类的…… (接名词或定语从句)例:He wished to be such a man as Lei Feng was. (6) the same +名词+as 和……一样的…… (接名词或定语从句) 例:He is not the same man as he used to be 他不是从前的那样子了。 (7) as 引导非限制性定语从句例:As is known to us, knowledge is power. (8)引导时间状语从句。与while意义相近例:We get wiser as we get older. (9) 引导原因状语从句,与because的用法相近例:As it was getting very late, we soon turned back. (10) 引导让步状语从句例:Child as he is, he knows much about science. 2、when 句型: (1) be doing sth ---- when --- 例:He was still smiling when the door opened and his wife came in. (2) be about to do sth --- when --- 例:We were about to start when it began to rain. (3) had not done sth --- when ---/ hardly --- when --- 例:He had not fallen asleep when the telephone rang. (4) had just done ---- when --- 例:I had just gone to bed after a very hard day when the phone rang. 3、seem 句型: (1) It +seems + that从句例:It seemed that everyone was satisfied. (2) It seems to sb that --- 例:It seems to me that she is right.我看她是对的, (3) There seems to be --- 例:There seems to be a heavy rain.看上去要有一场大雨。 (4) It seems as if --- 例:It seemed that she couldn't come to class.看样子她不能来上课了。 4、表示“相差……;增加了……;增加到……”句型: (1) She is taller than I by three inches. 她比我高三英寸 (2) There is one year between us. 我们之间相差一岁。 (3)She is three years old than I她比我大三岁。 (4) They have increased the price by 50%. 他们把价格上涨了50% 5、too句型: (1) too...to do sth. 例:Politics is too important to be left to the politicians. (=Politics is so important that it can't be left to the politicians.)政治太重要了,不能由政治家来决定。 (2) only too --- to do sth 例:I shall be only too pleased to get home.我要回到家里就非常高兴。 (3) too + adj + for sth 例:These shoes are much too small for me.我穿这双鞋太小了。 (4) too + adj + a + n. 例:This is too difficult a text for me.这篇课文对我来说太难了。 (5)can't … too +形容词无论……也不为过 例:We cannot emphasize the importance of protecting our eyes too much. 6、before 句型: (1) before sb can/ could … 某人还没来得及……例:Before I could get in a word ,he had measured me. (2) It will be +时间+ before + 还有多长时间…… 例:It will be 4 years before he graduates. (3) had done some timebefore(才……)例:We had sailed four days and four nights before we saw land. (4)had not done --- before ---不到……就……例:We hadn’t run a mile before he felt tired. (5) It was not +一段时间+ before不多久就……例:It wasn’t two years before he left the country. 7、强调句型: (1) It is /was +被强调部分+that(who)... 例:It was I who wrote to my uncle yesterday.


初中英语常用句子 导读:本文是关于初中英语常用句子,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享! 1、我想你常常跳舞吧。 I suppose you dance often. 2、为什么不和我们踢足球呢? Why not play football with us? 3、记得明天给我带一些钱来。 Remember to bring me some money tomorrow. 4、妈妈给我买了一辆自行车。 My mother bought me a bicycle. 5、我会帮你打点的。 I'll help you manage. 6、他们都喜欢在中国生活和工作。 They all like to live and work in China. 7、我们准备好吃午饭。 We are ready for lunch. 8、我的车出了毛病。 Something is wrong with my car. 9、今天天气多么糟糕啊! What a terrible day it is!

10、我们都对英语感兴趣。 We are all interested in English. 11、我刚才清洗了我的车。 I cleaned my car just now. 12、去钓鱼怎么样? How about going fishing? 13、吉姆请我和他去划船。 Jim asked me to go boating with him. 14、当老师进来的时候,学生们停止了谈论。 When the teacher came in, the students stopped talking. 15、小孩伤心地抽泣着。 The child sobbed sadly. 16、你能得到你想要的。 You can get what you want. 17、在短暂的休息后,他继续读书。 After a short rest, he went on reading. 18、又有一只猫来到我家了。 Another cat came to my house. 19、刚才,我看见你捡起了一个苹果。 Just now, I saw you pick up an apple. 20、他一下子就说到了点子上。 He came to the point at once.

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