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李秀活讲雅思口语 写在前面的话

李秀活讲雅思口语 写在前面的话
李秀活讲雅思口语 写在前面的话






















2,流利度:语速快不完全等同于流利度好,大家还要注意连接词的广泛实用(but, and , so)。









30句雅思口语常用单词和句子 1.不要试图说太长的句子。简单句为主,and, but, so, also, because, if 等连接一下即可。 2. 用一用cos 引导原因 3. 用一用like 举例 4. 停顿的时候,用well, eh, um, 或者you know,占位 5. 用一用or whatever, and stuff like that, and something like that 表示“等等” 6. 在句首用上actually ,basically, obviously, unfortunately, 等副词。 7. Most of the time, …, but sometimes … 这个结构很有用。 8. It depends, but generally …这个结构也很实用。 9. It varies. If …., I…, but if…, I… 这个结构也值得掌握。 10. 说朋友的时候,可用mate/buddy 代替 11. 说电影的时候可用flick/flicks 代替;同样watch/see a film, 也可用catch a flick 代替。 12. 说好吃的时候,用tasty 或yummy 代替。 13. 说“很棒”的时候,用“amazing, awesome, incredible, marvelous” 14. 说“很美”的时候,用“really pretty,attractive 或gorgeous” 15. 说“很次”的时候,用“terrible/awful”. 16. 说“很丑” 的时候,用“really unattractive/hideous” 17. 说“假货” 的时候,用“fake” 18. 说“贵”的时候,用“pricey/dear”.


雅思历年真题口语题目汇总 version01old person describe an old man influenced you 1.who was he 2.when did you know him 3.what he did and explain why he influeced you part3 1.老人的经验有什么问题存在? 2.喜欢什么艺术品? 3.给老人拍照片时候注意什么呢? 4.你们国家对老年人是什么态度? 5.你认为这个社会在哪些方面对老年人不太好? 6.老人在你们家有什么影响? 7.你认为老年人在看问题的时候跟年轻人有什么不一样? 8.他们对大家有什么影响? version02city 1.where it is located? 2.what special for you? 3.why you want to stay there? part3 1.please compare100hundred years old city and modern city and what predict about the city in the futu re. 2.上海是个怎样的城市 新东方批改网(https://www.doczj.com/doc/7f10507936.html,),在线雅思作文批改,雅思口语批改。语法纠错、恶补,制定考试计划,

3.都有那些著名建筑 4.你想为这个城市做些什么? 5.有哪些现象有待提高或者那些提倡 version03room part2: 1.what's your favorite room in your home 2.what it likes you live 3.what you do in the room normally and explain why you like it part3: 1.你认识你的邻居吗? 2.城市里的房子和乡村有什么不同? 2003年9月换题后的口语topic Old person Describe a older person you know You should say:Who he or she is How you know him or her How he or she is And explain what infection he or she give you and in what aspect Further question: 1、你们国家对老年人是什么态度? 2、你认为这个社会在哪些方面对老年人不太好? 3、老人在你们家有什么影响? 新东方批改网(https://www.doczj.com/doc/7f10507936.html,),在线雅思作文批改,雅思口语批改。语法纠错、恶补,制定考试计划,


口语常用背诵素材 一,喜好和厌恶: 1.(释放压力)I guess most young people enjoy listening to music. It’s a perfect way to reduce stress/relieve stress. (*It’s a perfect stress-buster.) 2.(休闲)I think the best way to relax and kill time (kick back and relax) is to be with friends. Chatting with them helps me unwind/wind down (* Chatting with them is very therapeutic). 3.(放松)I found it pretty relaxing to flick through a magazine before going to bed (*before hitting the sack/hitting the hay). 4.(运动)Jogging on sunny days and simply basking in the sun(bathing in the sun) is super enjoyable(pleasurable). /Jogging is my favorite workout. It can always cheer me up after I’ve been down and depressed. And it can help me shed some unwanted weight. 5.(喜欢,提升心情)I’m quite into watching sitcom (I’m fascinated by, I’m crazy about, I adore, I’m very fond of...). Spending 20 minutes in front of the screen and having a good laugh after dinner really puts me in a better mood/ switch my mood/ lift my spirits. 6.(天气)I fancy spring most compared to the other three. Summer is simply too hot and stuffy (*muggy), and you can’t stay out for two minutes without getting sweaty and smelly. Autumn is too dry and winter too freezing cold. 7.(电影)I’m a movie buff (Movies are my biggest pastime), and I would either catch one on my couch or go to the movie theatre when they have the one I like on the big screen./ It's a great form of relaxation for me to while away the hours of a long flight, to keep my family together on the sofa, and to give me a bit of a thrill. 8.(无聊困难)I’m terrible at what I study now./(History is never my forte/ my strong suit). The classes are kind of a drag (It’s super dull/ *It’s mind-numbing), and there’s always loads of (tons of) homework to do. Memorizing those facts and years is a lot of effort (is tricky; is no picnic; is challenging for me). 9.(不能忍)I can’t stand (I hate, I totally dislike) the busy traffic in my city. I’m sick and tired of always getting stuck in traffic for a long time during rush hours. It really bothers me (It drives me crazy, *It drives me up the wall). 10. (受欢迎)Hip-hop is really trendy (is catching on, is all the rage) among young people these days. 二,时间和地点 11. (优点)What’s great about my home town is that there are plenty of shopping malls, coz I’m a shopaholic and I can shop for hours. 12. (远)The stadium is quite far away from where I live, and every time I want to do there, it takes me roughly 40 minutes by bus to arrive. (It’s one-hour drive from the city center.) 13. (方便)My apartment is in the center/heart of the city, a handy location where I can find supermarkets and clubs right on my doorstep. It’s a bit noisy though. 14. (近)I’m a movie-goer and and there’s a movie theater pretty close to my home, so I go there quite often (frequently). (close to my home= *within walking distance of my home , *in close proximity to my home) 15. (经常)I have a heavy workload at school, so I have to go to the library to study pretty much


第1期【雅思口语常见单词】 运动词汇: aerobics ,body-building,jogging有氧操,健美,慢跑,judo 柔道,wresting 摔跤,ball games 球类运动,football 足球,basketball 篮球,tennis 网球,squash 壁球,rugby 橄榄球,volleyball 排球,golf 高尔夫球,table tennis 乒乓球,badminton 羽毛球,baseball 棒球,cricket 板球,hockey 曲棍球,billiard 台球,softball 垒球,ice hockey 冰球,aquatic sports 水上运动,country sports 乡间户外活动(如打猎, 钓鱼, 射击, 赛马等) a favourite sport 受人喜爱的运动项目,the school sports 学校运动会,sports extra 体育增刊,a sports meet [meeting] 运动会,a sports field 运动场,sportscast n., v.[美](播送)体育节目,sportscaster n. 体育节目广播员,sports-down n. [美]运动界,sports-minded adj. 关心体育的,sports writing n. 体育新闻的报道或写作,sports-wear n.运动服装,sports-writer 体育运动专栏作家,sportsdom [美]体育界有关运动的人员:amateur 业余运动员,爱好者,contestant, competitor, player 运动员,enthusiast, fan 迷,爱好者,guide 领队,instructor 教练,技术指导,linesman, touch judge (橄榄球)裁判,manager 经纪人,professional 职业运动员,referee, umpire (网球.棒球)裁判,trainer 助理教练,batsman 板球运动员,batter 击球运动员,men's singles 单打运动员,in the mixed doubles 混合双打,足球运动员a football player,守门员the goalkeeper 运动员,田径运动员an athlete / a sportsman / a sports-woman 职业/ 业余运动员(球类运动员)a professional / amateur player 教练the coach 他的对手his opponents / rivals 体育设施词汇: sports stadium 露天运动场,football stadium 有看台的大型足球场,children's stadium 儿童运动场,ice stadium 冰场,swimming stadium 有看台的游泳场,football pitch足球场,rugby pitch橄榄球场,hockey pitch 曲棍球场,cricket pitch 板球场,swimming pool 游泳池,natatorium(室内游泳池),tennis court网球场,basketball court 篮球场,squash court 壁球场,volleyball court 排球场,badminton court 羽毛球场,golf course 高尔夫球场,exercise area 运动区,ice [skating] rink 溜冰场,ping pong tables 乒乓球案 奥运会the Olympic Games 东道国the host nation 火把点燃仪式the flame-lighting ceremony 开幕式/ 闭幕式the opening / closing ceremony 发奖仪式the prize-awarding ceremony (田径)比赛a competition / contest 锦标赛a championship (球类)比赛a match / game 奥运中常见比赛项目: badminton羽毛球, basketball篮球, baseball棒球, football足球, handball手球, hockey曲棍球, tennis 网球, volleyball排球, canoeing划艇, diving跳水, rowing划船, swimming游泳, synchronised swimming 同游表演, water polo水球, high jump跳高, hurdles 跳栏赛跑, the high [low] 高[低]栏赛跑, long jump跳远, Marathon马拉松长跑, pole vault撑杆跳, 20 km and 50 km road walk, triathlon三项全能运动, Floor Exercises自由体操, gymnastics体操, balance bars 平衡杆, horizontal bar单杠, parallel bars双杠, rings吊环, archery箭术, boxing拳击, cycling骑自行车比赛, discus 掷铁饼, equestrian骑马, fencing剑术, javelin投枪, judo 柔道, Pommel


U s e f u l E x p r e s s i o n s: Words and phrases Friends and communication: mutual understanding solidify/ strengthen/ enhance/ promote communication / connection with relationship network/circle of friends cultivate/develop friendship with sb. keep steady relationship with sb. establish interpersonal networksac build up the social circle spur message transmission Knowledge and experience widen one’s outlook broaden one’s vision/horizon acquire knowledge and skills comprehensive/overall quality expand/enlarge one’s scope of knowledge knowledge reserve/base/storage theoretical knowledge practical skills social experience broaden one’s knowledge base promote one’s overall/ comprehensive accumulate experiences competence learn lessons from past experiences Work and experience the scarcity of employment opportunities lay the foundations for career prosperity immerse oneself in endless job tasks boost/augment/enhance efficiency be adept in boost one’s c ompetitiveness Health and pressure diminish individuals' leisure time drive away lassitude lighten one’s burden homework/workforce overload


雅思口语常用句型 一、口语考试套话倒背如流 1. 与考官见面用语 Glad to meet you here. How nice to see you. Fancy seeing you. How are you? I’m glad to have had the opportunity to meet you here. I’m glad to meet you. I’m please to meet you. It’s a plea sure to meet you. 2. 对考官所提问题完全听不懂 Could you please rephrase that question / topic? I’m not exactly sure what you mean… 3. 对考官所提问题似懂非懂/要核实对考官所提问题的理解是否正确 Do you mean…? If I understand right,… I’m sorry if I’m being a little slow, but…? I’m sorry, I’m not sure I understand. Do you mean (that)…? So am I right in saying…? If I’ve got the picture, then… So what you mean is…, right? Sorry I don’t quite catch you. You mean…? Can I get one thing clear? Would I be correct in supposing…? 4.对考官所提问题的内容不熟悉 I’m not exactly sure how to answer that question, but (perhaps)… That’s a rather difficult question, but (maybe)… I’m sorry, but I don’t know much about… 5. 评价考官所提问题 That’s difficult to answer, but (maybe)… I’m sorry, but I don’t know much about…but perhaps… Maybe I can answer your question by telling you about a personal experience I had. That’s an interesting question…let me see. Well, I suppose that… Yes, that’s a big issue. 6.连接词


雅思基础口语精讲班第18讲讲义 经历类话题 旅游话题 二、一次宴会或婚 礼 Describe a wedding you joined. You should say: Whose wedding it was; When it was held; What happened on the ceremony; And what’s your feeling about it. 中国的饮食文化源远流长,谈到饮食,我们应该有丰富的话题材料,可以滔滔不绝、侃侃而谈。但是很可惜,因为缺乏相关的词汇和表达方法,不知道如何去描述一些中国特有的食物,很多考生在这个话题上变得张口结舌;或者想当然地创造一些词汇,把考官谈得一头雾水。在描述婚礼的话题时,也因为词汇的障碍,无法描述一些传统的风俗和文化。在准备这些具有较浓文化特征的话题时,考生首先应充分准备相关词汇与表达法。另外,在一些较难的话题上,可以巧妙地换一个角度去描述,或者干脆尽量少涉及。毕竟,我们很难在短短几分钟内让一个外国人完全了解明白一些他从来没有经历过或无法想象的东西。Rome wasn’t built in a day 。文化的相互交流和理解需要一些时间,在考场上,我们就尽量化繁为简吧! 描述一次特别的晚餐或聚会,或者一次参加过的婚礼,考生可参考下列提纲: ● When did you have the meal / join the wedding? ● Where was it held? ● Who took part in the meal/wedding? ● What did the people do at the meal/wedding? ● What was special about the meal /wedding? ● What impressed you deeply? ● Why do you think it’s a special meal /wedding? Describe a wedding you joined. You should say: Whose wedding it was; When it was held; What happened on the ceremony; And what’s your feeling about it.


P1Do you like flying? Which do you prefer? Travelling by train or Travelling by air? How does flying compare to other forms of transport? Do you think aircraft will be used more in the future? What are the benefits of travelling by air? 喜欢坐飞机的——为什么喜欢? It shows the status! same reason people travel first class rather than economy class. 坐飞机有面子——体现身份。就好像有些人坐飞机也专坐头等舱不坐经济舱一样。 I can get tiny drinks and bag of salty nuts. 坐飞机能喝饮料,吃咸花生。 I love the flight attendants...actually i love the uniform. But the nurses uniform doesnt always live up to expectation and have you ever seen a fat air stewardess? 因为喜欢看空姐。说白了就是喜欢制服。虽然护士也穿制服,但和空姐最大的区别是:护士有时候经常让你失望。因为经常能看见肥护士而肥空姐几乎没有。 I arrive quickly at my destination and staff treat customers very well with frequent drinks and meals. They also bow to the passengers in the waiting area as they pass to go behind the desk. 坐飞机到达目的地快,而且服务人员服务周到,要吃有吃,要喝有喝。最关键的是,他们还给乘客鞠躬。 My favorite part is taking off, i love engine sounds, i love the view down below.. 我最喜欢的就是飞机起飞的时候,我喜欢引擎的声音,我喜欢在空中看下面的风景。 Yeah I love the excitment of it! So much fun! But I get so nervous cause sometimes my ears don't pop for a few days. 我喜欢坐飞机时候的兴奋。但有时候坐完飞机耳朵经常像塞住一样很多天都不舒服。 讨厌坐飞机的——为什么讨厌? It's okay to fly but it is a pain on very long flights or when there is bad turbulence. 坐飞机还好,关键是飞太久挺烦人的,或者遇上气流。 I'm sure my bloodpressure is elevated. God forbid if there's turbulence. 坐飞机我就血压高。上帝保佑别遇到气流。 I hate flying. I freak out at the slightest bit of turbulence. Xanax really, really helped me. 我讨厌坐飞机。一点点气流就让我害怕。吃Xanax(一种安眠药)能管很大用。 I hate flying, it's too claustrophobic(abnormally afraid of closed-in places). 我讨厌坐飞机,太容易引起我的幽闭恐惧症了。(幽闭恐惧:害怕在密闭的空间内) It's true that flying is a safer than driving, statistically; however, your chances of surviving a car crash are much higher than a plane crash. Thus, the stress of having zero control over the plane is often too much to handle. 数据上体现,坐飞机确实比开车安全(出现事故次数少),可我们从车祸中幸存的几率却大大高于空难。我们根本没法去控制飞机。 I have acrophobia, fear of heights. So I hate flying on plane. 我有恐高症,怕高。 喜欢坐火车的——为什么喜欢? I much prefer to travel by rail. I most often travel by air which does at best get me there when I need to, but at great cost of effort, fatigue, stress and general irritation. I never feel this way traveling by rail when new New Oriental arranged a business trip for me, even though there are delays at times. 我喜欢坐火车,因为坐飞机花费高,费体力,有压力,受刺激。可每次新东方给我安排坐火车去出差,却没这坐飞机那种感觉,虽然火车有时候会晚点。 There are lengthy and unwarranted delays encountered in air travel. But at least by rail their is time to relax, and enjoy the scenery. 坐飞机有时候会有长时间的、无法保证的晚点。坐火车至少能休息,看风景。 Train allows one to make the most of your time, whether for relaxing, chatting, meeting new people or working. I think JK Rowling wrote the first Harry Potter in trains. 火车上人们可以充分利用时间,甭管是放松、聊天、认识新朋友还是工作。JK罗琳的第一部哈里波特不就是在火车上写的么。 坐飞机坐哪个位置比较好? First class preferably but if I can't get an upgrade then I go for aisle seat or emergency exit seat. 更喜欢


课程内容:15次课/30课时 听力技巧精讲,雅思真题精讲,题库热点分析 教材:剑桥雅思真题5-9,雅思听力直达6分 入学测试:学员入学前建议做30分钟的满分为40分的测试 UNIT ONE PART 1 - 日常易混淆的近音或同音字总结 PART 2 - 答案预测的方向性说明 PART 3 – 住房场景考点总结 1. need a quieter place 2. unhelpful owner 3. bad environment 4. convenient for work 5. other reasons 1. university agency 2. newspaper 3. agency 4. introduced by friends 1. introduced by real estates 2. introduced by previous landlord 3. introduced by current landlord 1. address 2. house settings / floor plans 3. accompanies 4. interior decorations 5. surrounding environment 6. type of rentals – share / alone / home stay 1. deposit 2. comparisons 1. rental prices 2. insurances 3. other rules House hunting Rentals Moving

UNIT TWO PART 1 - 基本数字总结 PART 2 - 信号词的应用说明 PART 3 - 逻辑信号词分类说明 1 表示列举,增补关系的信号词 2 表示转折或者对比关系 3 表示顺序和序列关系的信号词 4 表示解释或者强调关系的信号词 5 表示因果关系的信号词 6 表示归纳,结论性关系的信号词 PART 4 - 新生入学场景总结 1. basic facilities 2. teaching resources 1. impressions 3. student comments 2. dissatisfaction 1. how to use money correctly 2. making time arrangement 3. life problems 1. develop interests 2. comparison between programs 1. majors 2. selective couses 3. class features :part time / full time / flexibility / with(out) work experiences 4. class administration 5. class enrollment 6. scholarships 7. study groups 8. expenses UNIT THREE PART 1 - 时间和日期的总结 PART 2 - 同义表达的总结 PART 3 -课题研究场景的考点总结 Orientations 新生入学

雅思口语素材Dangerous Sports

Why do you think some people are attracted to dangerous sports or other dangerous activities? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. Nowadays many people attracted to dangerous sports and other dangerous activities. From my everyday experience and observation I think it is a result of dramatic changes in people's life. Just imagine at old times men had to hunt for food, fight, face many challenges and obstacles. Now our days are quite ordinary with a cup of coffee, donut, computer, desk table and TV. Basically, we do not have to straggle every day for our life and we have nutritious meal without any efforts. So, all we have to do is to contemplate out life. However, I must confess it can be boring. All improvements created for the past centuries made our life easier. Nowadays people look for adventure. They want to face a challenge, prove themselves something, conquer the world, etc. Personally, I think that every person sees different goals in doing dangerous activities. Some people want to add some stress and tension to their lives. From the other side, other people want to eliminate stress and tension gained from their everyday lives. They can forget about all troubles and leave them behind. I believe that dangerous activities give one freedom, happiness, feeling of independence and tone. To sum up, I think that dangerous sports and activities are irreplaceable in our life. Without them out life would be miserable and boring.


日常口语常用连接词 每部分掌握2种 1表达“我的观点是……” In my opinion In my point of view As far as I am concerned As for me To tell you the truth,I agree with … It depends, different people have different personal preference Yes I think so/ No, I don’t think so)… Oh, it is difficult for me to make a choice(tell the differences),you know…(on one hand….on the other hand….) Well,it is an interesting(tough)question ,(because….),let me t hink,en…You know,I am not much of a ….,so I know little about….but I guess… 2表达好恶 Like I’m fairly keen on… I’m really into… I’m quite a big fan of… I simply adore… I’m quite enthusiastic/passionate about… I generally prefer…to… I’m pretty fond of … I’m fascinated by… I am interested in …

雅思口语高频话题:Names 名字

雅思口语高频话题:Names 名字 6月7月以来,很多参加过口语考试的同学发邮件给我,报告第一部分中考官问到名字的话题,这个话题早就存在,可能是考生在考前一看Names就觉得挺简单,没有过多留意。其实要想说好这个话题,还是需要积攒一些口语素材的。 1. Does your name have any special meaning? ·Yes, I was named after my grandmother. (named after) 以...命名,起名。 ·My name is Suntao, Tao literally means billows or large waves. 我叫孙涛,涛字面意思是波涛,海浪。 ·My parents named me Wangdong, something to do with the "solar term", the beginning of winter. 我父母给我起名王冬,和24节气有关,立冬。 ·No it doesn't. To me it's just a couple of sounds put together. 没特别的意义,对于我来说,这就是几个音拼凑在一起。 ·My name is NOS, was picked by my dad - Micheal Yu, it represents... 俺叫新东方,俺爹俞敏洪给我起的,它代表…… ·I was named Eve. I don't like it. I can't stand it for religious reasons. I don't like being named after the woman who picked the apple in the Garden of Eden. The only thing I like about it is that it's short and easy to pronounce and spell. 我叫Eve,我讨厌这个名字,我不能忍受的是宗教的原因。我不喜欢以一个在伊甸园里摘下苹果的女人而起名。唯一让我喜欢的一点就是,不长,而且容易发音,拼写。 2. Do you like your name? ·Yes, I got my name from my great grandmother, She past away the very same time i was born. So I was Named Elizabeth after her. Kinda bitter sweet huh? kinda=kind of ·It's ok, its Jennifer. Wish i had a more exciting name though. ·I love my name and I dont think I would change it because its a name my parents picked out for me and im proud to have it.

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