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文章来源:文章作者:发布时间:2007-04-06 字体:[大中小]进入论坛



Note: This article is for background purposes only and is not intended as legal advic e.

Why do people hate to get letters from lawyers? They carry bad news. They mean serious business. They're hard to understand. They use strange words. They carry the inherent thr eat of suit.

Why do lawyers send such letters? They mean serious business, and they intend to sue.

But must they use those ancient, strange words and be so hard to understand, or can la wyers express serious business and imminent suit using words everyone knows?

Whether writing a demand letter to a contract breacher, an advice letter to a client, or a cover letter to a court clerk, the letter fails if the person receiving it cannot und erstand what it says.

All of these letters have one thing in common: They are not great literature. They wil l not be read in a hundred years and analyzed for their wit, charm or flowery words. With any luck they will be read just once by a few people, followed quickly by their intended r esult, whether that be compliance, understanding or agreement.

Lawyers are Letter Factories

Lawyers write many, many letters. An average for me might be five letters a day. This

includes advice letters, cover letters, demand letters, all sorts of letters. Some days ha ve more, some have less, but five is a fairly conservative average, I would think. Five le tters a day for five days a week for fifty weeks a year is 1,250 letters a year. This is m y 25th year in practice, so it is quite conceivable that I have written 31,250 letters so far.

Why do lawyers write so many letters? A primary reason lies within the ethics of our p rofession. Florida Bar Rules of Professional Conduct Rule 4-1.4 says:

"A lawyer shall keep a client reasonably informed about the status of a matter and pro mptly comply with reasonable requests for information."

"A lawyer shall explain a matter to the extent reasonably necessary to permit the clie nt to make informed decisions regarding the representation."

While clients can be kept informed and given explanations orally, lawyers certainly kn ow the value of the printed word over the spoken word: it is not as easily forgotten or mi sunderstood. Letters also create a record of advice given, which is useful to both the law yer and the client. That is why letters are the preferred method of keeping clients inform ed and giving clients explanations.

Some Things To Do Before Writing

Before you start writing the letter it makes sense to do some preliminary background w ork.

Find a letter form. Find a similar letter you have sent in the past, or see the Append ix to this article for sample engagement, cover, demand, contract negotiation, contract ad vice, and fax letters.

Review prior letters to this recipient. In a busy world, it is easy to forget. Review prior letters to remind yourself where you are in the work process, what has already been said, and what remains to be said. This will give your letter direction and purpose.

Do not send a letter to another lawyer's client without that lawyer's consent. Before

sending the letter, find out if the nonlawyer is represented by someone else. Start by ask ing your client. Florida Bar Rules of Professional Conduct Rule 4-4.2 says:

"In representing a client, a lawyer shall not communicate about the subject of the rep resentation with a person the lawyer knows to be represented by another lawyer in the matt er, unless the lawyer has the consent of the other lawyer."

Outline your thoughts in a checklist. Before turning on your computer or dictating mac hine, pull out a yellow pad and jot down the main points for your letter. List what you wa nt the letter to say. Write the points in any order; write them as they come into your min d. You can rearrange them when you write the letter. Right now you're just making a checkl ist for writing the letter.

Keep the legal pad close at hand. When you run out of ideas for the checklist, put the pad at the side of your desk. New ideas always spring forth when writing. Jot these down on the pad as you write the letter; they are easily forgotten.

Simple Stuff That Will Make You Look Dumb If It's Wrong

Letters begin with boring things like the date and recipient's name and address, but i f any of these are missing or wrong the letter writer will look pretty careless, to say th e least. So be careful when starting the letter, and you can even include some extra thing s that will make the letter even better than the regular letters the recipient receives.

Date your letter. Date your letter the day you write it, and send it the same day. Und ated letters are difficult to reply to. I usually reply to them by saying, "This is in rep ly to your undated letter that I received in the mail on 24 June 1999."

Consider using the international dating convention of day-month-year rather than the U.S. convention of month-day-year. As reported in the 1 June 1999 Wall Street Journal:

"The quirky U.S. style of date-writing is giving way to the day-first standard used by most of the world.

…… Both the MLA style guide and the Chicago Manual of Style support the day-first fo

rmat. 'You get rid of the comma that way,' says Joseph Gibaldi, director of book acquisiti on for the MLA in New York."

If you are sending a fax or email, then type the time next to the date. While letters "cross in the mail" in days, faxes and emails "cross in the wires" in hours and minutes.

Remind your client to preserve attorney-client confidentiality. Sometimes clients show your letters to others without realizing they can lose the attorney-client privilege of t hat communication. Add this phrase at the top of the letter to remind them not to do this:



If the letter is written during or in anticipation of litigation, the following phrase can be used:




Be sure to use the recipient's correct legal name and address. Your letter may be reli ed upon for its accuracy, so be accurate. Verification of names can be obtained from the p ublic records, the phone book, or the webstes. And when it comes to middle initials, never rely on your memory or guess at it because most of the time you'll be wrong.

Indicate the method of delivery if other than mail. If being faxed, include the fax nu mber and telephone number. If being sent by FedEx, state whether it is by overnight or sec ond day. If being sent by email, state the email address. This will make it easy for your staff person to send it to the correct place, and it will document for your file how it wa s sent.

Include a fax notice. When sending by fax, include a notice in case it is sent to the

wrong number. Here is the notice I use at the top of my letterhead when sending a fax:

NOTICE: This is privileged and confidential and intended only for the person named bel ow. If you are not that person, then any use, dissemination, distribution or copying of th is is strictly prohibited, and you are requested to notify us immediately by calling or fa xing us collect at the numbers above.

Date Sent ________ Time Sent ________ Number of Pages ________

Person Who Conf'd Receipt _________

After sending a fax, call the recipient to confirm receipt and write that person's nam e in the space provided. Never rely on the fax machine itself to confirm a fax transmissio n; fax machines do not yet have the credibility of a human witness.

The Corpus of the Litterae

The body of the letter is why you are writing it. You succeed by leaving the reader wi th full knowledge of why you wrote the letter and what it means. You fail by leaving the r eader dumbfound and clueless as to why you sent such a letter. While most letters fall som ewhere in between these two extremes, following these suggestions will keep your letters o n the successful end of the scale.

Identify your client. It is important to let others know who is your client at the ear liest opportunity. This accomplishes a great deal. First, it tells the reader that your cl ient has a lawyer. This makes your client happy because most clients want the world to kno w they have a lawyer. Second, it tells the reader that you are not the reader's lawyer. Th is makes your malpractice carrier happy because it's one less person who's going to sue yo u claiming they thought you were representing them when, in fact, you were not.

Identifying your client is an ethical concern, as well. Florida Bar Rules of Professio nal Conduct Rule 4-4.3 says:

"In dealing on behalf of a client with a person who is not represented by counsel, a l

awyer shall not state or imply that the lawyer is disinterested."

Therefore, the first time you write someone a letter, the letter should open with the following sentence: "I represent _________." After that, every time you write another lett er reconfirm who you represent by referring to your client by name and as "my client."

State the purpose of the letter. Why leave the reader guessing? Go ahead and say right up front why you are writing the letter. Here are some opening sentences:

"The purpose of this letter is to _________."

"This letter is to inform you that _________."

"My client has instructed me to _________."

"This is to confirm that _________."

"This confirms our phone conversation today in which _________."

If there are any enclosures, list them first. Listing enclosures at the beginning of t he letter will make it easier for your staff to assemble them and for the reader to check to be sure all was received. This is much easier than having to read an entire, perhaps le ngthy, letter to ascertain what are the enclosures.

The enclosures should be described with specificity so that there is later no question as to what was enclosed. At a minimum, the title and date of each document should be list ed. If the document was recorded, then the recording information should be included. Wheth er the document is an original or a copy should also be specified. The following is an exa mple:

"Enclosed are the following documents from your closing held on ___/___/1999 in which you purchased the home at _________, St. Petersburg, Florida, from _________:

Warranty Deed dated ___/___/1999 and recorded on ___/___/1999 at O.R. Book ____, Page ____, _________, County, Florida (original)

Title Insurance Policy issued on ___/___/1999 by _________ on _________ as policy numb er _________ (original)

HUD-1 Settlement Statement dated ___/___/1999 (original)"

Outline the letter as separately numbered paragraphs. Each paragraph of the letter sho uld state a separate thought, comment, point or concept. No paragraph should be longer tha n four or five short sentences. If the paragraph is longer, then separate it into subparag raphs. The paragraphs should flow in logical, organized fashion. It is not necessary to wr ite them all at once; you can write them as you think of them. Try to group related concep ts in the same paragraphs or in adjacent paragraphs. See the Appendix for sample letters.

Give each paragraph a title and underline that title. Think of this as the headline fo r a newspaper article. This makes it easy for the reader to scan the letter and choose how to more fully read and digest its contents. This also makes it easier for you later when you see the letter in your file and try to remember why you wrote it.

Complete each paragraph by writing what applies to that paragraph. This is simple. You learned this in elementary school. Just explain in words what you want to say about each concept or comment you placed in your outline.

If this is a letter to your client, include ideas that occur to you as you write. Many ideas will occur to you as you write: things that could go wrong with a business deal, th ings that might happen in the future, things that happened in the past, ways to structure things better. Write these in your letter even if they are not strictly legal advice. Flor ida Bar Rules of Professional Conduct Rule 4-2.1 says:

"In rendering advice, a lawyer may refer not only to law but to other considerations s uch as moral, economic, social, and political factors that may be relevant to the client's situation."

If this is a letter to a nonclient, do not offer any advice. The letter should accompl ish its purpose of providing information, making a demand, etc., without giving legal advi ce to the recipient. The comment to Florida Bar Rules of Professional Conduct Rule 4-4.3 s


"During the course of a lawyer's representation of a client, the lawyer should not giv e advice to an unrepresented person other than the advice to obtain counsel."

State your assumptions. Whether or not this is an opinion letter, set forth the factua l assumptions and statutes you rely upon in giving your opinion or advice. It is customary for opinion letters to recite the facts upon which the opinion is based and the statutes and case law, as well. This is something that every letter providing advice or opinion can include in order to avoid future misunderstanding. Every opinion and all advice is predic ated upon facts and law. Stating the assumed facts and applicable law in the letter merely makes known to the reader what the writer understands to be true. This then places an obl igation on the reader to inform the writer if any of the assumed facts is not accurate, wh ich might change the opinion or advice.

Place instructions to clients in bold type. This will make it easier for the client to follow up on your letter and do as advised.

Close the letter with a final paragraph. The last paragraph will be one of the followi ng:

Summary of advice: "To summarize, I advise that you……"

To do list: "Therefore, please do the following:……"

Demand: "Therefore, my client demands that you immediately cease and desist……"

Simple close: "If you have any questions, please call me."

Playing with the Words

Why does it take lawyers so long to write letters? Because we play with the words. We write, rewrite, move around, delete, cut and paste the words over and over and over again until we are happy with the way it sounds. That's the art of legal writing. It's like Pica sso painting over the same canvas again and again, transforming it from one painting to an

other and then to another until finally he is satisfied with the result. Not always 100% s atisfied, but good enough for it to go out the door and into the world. That's why writing is an art. And that's also why more copies of WordPerfect were sold to lawyers than any o ther industry. So here are some things to play with.

Write in short sentences. Short sentences are easier to understand than long ones. "Sh ort, crisp sentences in a language accessible to lay people." This is the Associated Press 's description of the writing style of the late Lord Alfred Thompson Denning, who was one of Britain's longest-serving appeals judges when he died at the age of 100 in March 1999. The same style Lord Denning used in writing appellate opinions should be used in writing l etters to nonlawyers.

It's okay to use jargon; just explain it. We hear all the time that lawyers use too mu ch jargon. But some concepts need the jargon. Like nunc pro tunc (which means now for then and is a wonderful concept that recognizes the inherent power of a court to correct its r ecords by entering an order effective as of a prior date) and per stirpes (which means thr ough representation and indicates a manner of taking title from a decedent).

Every profession has its jargon. That's not bad. It's part of our identity. It's a for m of shorthand. It's a form of common knowledge among professionals. If my physician faile d to use jargon in describing a medical condition, I would probably wonder if I had the ri ght expert. A good professional not only knows the jargon, but can also explain it to a la yman. Therefore, show your expertise. Use the jargon when necessary, but explain it when y ou use it.

Repeat yourself only when repetition is necessary to improve clarity or to emphasize a point. Ambiguity can created by saying the same thing more than once; it is almost imposs ible to say it twice without creating ambiguity.

When explaining a difficult concept, describe it from three directions. The only time repetition is helpful is when explaining a difficult concept. Each time you explain it you can make it a little more clear if you describe it from a different direction, perspectiv e or point of view.

Write in active tense, rather than passive. Active tense is interesting; passive is bo ring. Active tense sentences are shorter and use words more efficiently, and their meaning is more apparent.

Watch where you place modifiers. When adding a modifier like "active" before a compoun d of nouns like "termites and organisms," be sure to clarify whether you intend the modifi er to apply to both nouns or just the first one. If you intend it to apply to both, use pa rallel construction and write the modifier in front of each noun. If you intend it to appl y to just one noun, place that one noun at the end of the list and the modifier directly i n front of it.

Write numbers as both words and numerals: ten (10). This will reduce the chance for er rors. The Associated Press reported on 18 June 1999, that a comma in the wrong place of a sales contract cost Lockheed Martin Corp. $70 million: "An international contract for the U.S.-based aerospace group's C-130J Hercules had the comma misplaced by one decimal point in the equation that adjusted the sales price for changes to the inflation rate." Perhaps writing out the number would have saved the day.

When you write "including" consider adding "but not limited to." Unless you intend the list to be all-inclusive, you had better clarify your intent that it is merely an exampl e.

Don't be creative with words. Legal letter writing is not creative writing and is not meant to provoke reflective thoughts or controversies about nuances of meaning. Legal writ ing is clear, direct and precise. Therefore, use common words and common meanings.

Be consistent in using words. If you refer to the subject matter of a sales contract a s "goods" use that term throughout the letter; do not alternately call them "goods" and "i tems." Maintaining consistency is more important than avoiding repetition.

Be consistent in grammar and punctuation. Don't rely on the rules of grammar. The rule s of grammar that you learned in school are not universal. The readers of your letter may have learned different rules. Write the letter so that no matter what rules they learned t

he letter is clear and unambiguous.

Be consistent in your use of grammar. Be aware of such things as where you put ending quote marks, whether you place commas after years and states, and similar variations in st yle. Many rules of grammar are a matter of choice, but your choice should be internally co nsistent within the letter.

Define a word by capitalizing it and putting it in quotes. Capitalizing a word indicat es that you intend it to have a special meaning. The following is a sample clause for defi ning a term:

"Wherever used in this letter, the word "Goods" shall mean the goods that _________ ag reed to purchase from _________ under the Contract."

Define words when first used. Instead of writing a section of definitions at the begin ning or end of a long letter, consider defining terms and concepts as they appear in the l etter. This will make it easier for the reader to follow.

Avoid needless and flowery words. Think of elementary school when you had to reduce fr actions to the "lowest common denominator." That's what good writing is all about. A lette r written for the lowest common denominator is understood by every reader. Eliminate needl ess words. Avoid flowery words.

Be direct and frank. There is no sense beating around the bush in legal letter writin g. Just say what you mean. If you leave the reader wondering what you mean, your letter wi ll only stir the imagination instead of prompting some action.

Study The Elements of Style. The full text of the 1918 classic by William Strunk is no w available on Columbia's Internet site at https://www.doczj.com/doc/7e17032053.html,/acis/bartleby/strunk. T his means that even if you left your copy on your bedstand at home, you can quickly go onl ine and search the full text of The Elements of Style, where you will find these simple ru les among others (as you can see, I am a old student of this text):

"Make the paragraph the unit of composition: one paragraph to each topic."

"As a rule, begin each paragraph with a topic sentence; end it in conformity with the beginning."

"Use the active voice."

"Put statements in positive form."

"Omit needless words."

"Avoid a succession of loose sentences."

"Express co-ordinate ideas in similar form."

"Keep related words together."

"In summaries, keep to one tense."

"Place the emphatic words of a sentence at the end."

Cleaning Up

Now that you have the letter written, it's time to do some cleanup work before you hit the send button.

Let your secretary or paralegal read it. Not only will your staff frequently find spel ling and grammar errors missed by your word processor's spell checker, but they will find inconsistencies and confusing areas that you missed when drafting.

Number every page of the letter, and staple the letter. If the letter is more than one page long, then it is important to number the pages because they will invariably get out of order. Place the following at the top left corner of each page after the first:

Recipient's name _________

Date _________

Page _________

Sign the letter in blue ink, not black ink. This will make it easier to differentiate the signed original letter from photocopies, and it will make it more difficult for someon e to change your letter after you send it.

Computerized Letter Writing Tips

My wife Cathy said I have to put this way at the end here because this article is abou t letter writing and not computers. She thinks I love wrestling with computers as much as I love playing with words. She's right. In my first three drafts this section was on page one.

But I think anyone who likes to play with words should play with them on a computer. T hat's where they really dance. And when you've written 31,250 letters, as my earlier calcu lations indicate I may have written in my practice so far, a fourth of them before I start ed writing letters on computer in 1980, you really begin to appreciate the ability to cut and paste text from prior letters. So here are my tips for anyone still around willing to listen.

Write your own letters on a computer. If you have not yet joined the computer revoluti on, do it now. Get a computer for no other reason than writing letters. You will never aga in find yourself explaining to your client why the letter you dictated three days ago has not been mailed yet.

Get Microsoft Word or Corel WordPerfect. You will need good word processing software. The latest versions are Microsoft Word 2000 and Corel WordPerfect 2000. I have both, but I still use Wordperfect 5.1 for DOS for 99% of my work. My fingers know the special codes s o well that it's faster for me to write in this older program. I can still convert the fil e format to any other one using one of the new 2000 programs which can read the old 5.1 fi les.

Get voice recognition software if you cannot type. If you never learned to touch type, there is finally reliable software to do it for you. Voice recognition software allows yo

u to dictate directly to your computer. The software is so good that WordPerfect 2000 is s old in a bundle with one brand. You can also purchase this software with an optional hand-held recorder so that you can dictate the old-fashioned way and then transfer it to your c omputer to transcribe. The two most-advertised brands of software are Dragon Naturally Spe aking and L&H VoiceXpress.

Set up a separate directory for each client. If you create a directory (folder) on you r computer for every client, you can keep all letters, documents and work for that client in one easy-to-find place, just like your paper file folder. The client's last name can be used as the directory name. Thus, all letters, wills, contracts, spreadsheets, etc., for John Doe can be kept on your computer's directory named DOE.

Keep all letters in one computer file. Just as you keep copies of all letters in a pap er file folder, you should keep copies of all letters on your computer in the directory fo r that client. The easiest way to do this is not to start a separate computer file for eac h letter sent to someone. Instead you just add the new letter to the existing computer fil e containing other letters to that person. I find that it works best to add new letters at the top of old letters, rather than at the bottom. Then your computer file is like a pape r folder since new letters are added at the top where you see them first. This is easy to do on your computer: you just start a new page at the top of the existing letter and write the new letter there.

Name letters to clients LETTERCL and name letters to non-clients with the recipient's last name. If you name the file with the recipient's last name, you can easily find the le tter later when you want to read it on your computer without having to pull the file. For example, a letter to non-client Mary Smith would be given the computer file name SMITH. Th e only exception is that I name all letters to my clients LETTERCL rather than the client' s last name because their computer directory is already named their last name. I also do t his because it saves me time finding the file if the client is a corporation or there are multiple clients.

Copy text from prior letters. More than half the letters you write are not first lette rs to a recipient, but are follow-up letters that either remind the recipient of pending w

ork to be done or continue discussion of a matter previously opened. The other half have a t least one thing in common: the letter's opening with the recipient's name and address an d the closing with your name. There is no need to retype all of this text in your new lett er. Using block and copy (cut and paste) commands you can easily copy the recipient's name and address and usable text from a prior letter into your new letter. You can then modify that text to fit the current message. I even have macros that do the repetitive stuff for me.

Print the envelope from the letter. Before we had a computer, we had a lot of errors i n typing envelopes and mailing labels. Then when a client called to tell us the error, we would look at the letter and tell them we sent it to the correct address, only to be told that the envelope had a different address. This can easily be avoided by using the envelop e printing features of word processing software, which takes the address right off the let ter so that you know the letter and envelope will have the same address.

Back up as you write. As wonderful as computers are, they are still powered by electri city, and when it goes off, the words disappear from the screen and if they have not been saved they disappear forever. The first time you lose an hour of work you get a backup dev ice of some type. The second time you lose an hour of work you actually start to use the b ackup device. My recommendation for backing up is this:

Hit the save button frequently while writing the letter.

If the letter is long, print hard copies of the letter frequently while writing it.

Copy all your work to a backup device at the end of every day.


Letters serve many purposes: advising clients, seeking compliance, sending documents, obtaining information. All letters benefit from clear writing and simple organization. Law yers who write direct and concise letters to nonlawyers are more likely to achieve success ful results.

Writing letters is no different from other lawyering skills. The demand letter that th e recipient cannot understand is no more effective than a shouting match. If you want a sh outing match, then by all means write long letters with big words that no one understands. But if compliance is what you really want, then writing a letter that the recipient under stands is really the order of the day.


? Copyright 1999 by James W. Martin All rights reserved.

St. Petersburg, Florida

Note: This article is for background purposes only and is not intended as legal advic e.








Re: [Client/Matter_________]

Dear _________:

Enclosed are copies of the following that I received yesterday:

Letter from [Name_________] dated _________

Draft of [Title_________] Contract

Schedule A to Contract

Schedule B to Contract

The following are my comments concerning these documents:

Read the Documents. I strongly advise that you read each of these documents. I have re ad them, and this letter sets forth my thoughts, but you may think of other questions when you read them. You have special knowledge about your business that I do not have, and you r special knowledge may lead you to see potential problems in these documents that I could not see. So, please read these documents, jot down questions while you read them, and the n call me to discuss them.

Term. The Term seems to me to be rather short. Perhaps the Term should be longer.

Price. The Price is not clearly defined. The Contract refers to unit price but does no t define what is a unit.


Please call me after you read this letter and its enclosures.

Very truly yours,

[Lawyer _________]




? Copyright 1999 by James W. Martin All rights reserved.

St. Petersburg, Florida

Note: This article is for background purposes only and is not intended as legal advic e.






Re: [Client/Matter_________]

Dear _________:

This confirms that I received your [Date_________] letter and its enclosed draft of th e [Title_________] Contract. I have read the draft, discussed it with my client [Client___ ______], and have the following initial comments that we will need to resolve before we ca n move ahead with negotiating the finer points of the Contract:

Term. The Term would need to be at least _________ years before my client could seriou sly consider entering into the Contract.

Unit Price. The Unit Price would need to be at least $_________ before my client could consider the Contract financially feasible.

Controlling Law. My client does business only in the State of Florida and does not des ire to engage a lawyer in [State_________], so the Contract will need to provide that Flor ida law controls.

Publicity. My client requests that the last sentence of paragraph 3 on page 2 of the C

ontract be changed to read as follows: _________.

Please discuss these points with your client and let me know if your client is willing to pursue negotiation of a Contract along these lines.

Very truly yours,

[Lawyer _________]

cc: [Client_________]



? Copyright 1999 by James W. Martin All rights reserved.

St. Petersburg, Florida

Note: This article is for background purposes only and is not intended as legal advic e.







Re: Estate Plan

Dear Mr. and Mrs. _________:

Enclosed are drafts of the following documents per my meeting with you on [Date_______ __]:

Mr. _________:

_________ TRUST with Schedules A and B

Last Will and Testament

Certificate of Trust Provisions

Transfer of Tangible Personal Property to Trust

General Durable Power of Attorney

Living Will

Designation of Health Care Surrogate

Declaration of Preneed Guardian

Declaration of Preneed Guardian for Minor

Asset Transfer List

Account Transfer Letter

Securities Transfer Letter

Mrs. _________:

_________ TRUST with Schedules A and B

Last Will and Testament

Certificate of Trust Provisions


律师函 致:王** ****师事务所为中华人民共和国司法行政机关依法批准、合法设立的在中华人民共和国境内具有从事法律服务资格的律师执业机构,本律师函署名律师具有完全的合法执业资格。本律师依法取得委托人****房地产开发有限公司(下称“**公司”)的授权,就阁下扰乱**公司正常经营、侵犯委托方名誉权相关事宜,郑重致函如下:阁下于20**年7月8日与**公司签订《商品房买卖合同》后,以房屋存在质量问题为由,于20**年5月16日与相关人员聚集至**公司项目售楼处采取举白纸、拉横幅、喊口号等方式进行围堵,阁下的上述过激行为已经影响了**公司正常的经营秩序并侵犯了**公司的名誉权,给**公司造成了重大的经济损失和商誉损失。 根据《中华人民共和国治安管理处罚法》第二十三条规定,有下列行为之一的,处警告或者二百元以下罚款;情节较重的,处五日以上十日以下拘留,可以并处五百元以下罚款。 根据《最高人民法院、最高人民检察院、公安部、司法部联合印发的关于办理实施“软暴力”的刑事案件若干问题的意见》的相关规定,行为人通过拉横幅等实施软暴力,符合敲诈勒索罪或寻衅滋事罪的构成要件的,应当以敲诈勒索罪或寻衅滋事罪予以定罪处罚。同时依据《中华人民共和国民法典》的规定,法人享有名誉权等民事权益,侵害名誉权的,应当依法承担侵权责任,承担侵权民事责任的方式包括停止侵害、赔偿损失、消除影响、恢复名誉、赔礼道歉等等。另根

据《最高人民法院关于审理名誉权案件若干问题的解释》的规定,因名誉权受到侵害使生产、经营、销售遭受损失予以赔偿的范围和数额,可以按照确因侵权而造成客户退货、解除合同等损失程度来适当确定。 对此,**公司特通过本所律师向提出如下要求: 1、请阁下立即停止后续的一切侵害**公司合法权益的不当行为,并立即采取相应措施防止**公司的损害进一步扩大; 2、请阁下接到本函之日起三日内主动与**公司联系赔礼道歉并就侵犯**公司名誉权一事公开发表道歉声明,消除对**公司的不良影响并主动与**公司协商赔偿事宜。 3、如阁下按上述规定的时间内向**公司赔礼道歉并主动赔付**公司的相关损失,**公司可考虑免除阁下的赔偿责任,否则**公司将采取相应的法律手段追究阁下的包括但不限于民事责任、行政责任及刑事责任,并就**公司可能因此所遭受的全部损失向阁下进行追索。 **公司希望能够以和平和友好的方式解决上述事宜;并在此感谢阁下对上述事宜充分重视及采取的积极主动的态度与措施! 专此函告,望阁下慎思并妥善对待。 ****律师事务所 王**、冷**律师 年月日


解决合同纠纷的律师函 函号:__________ ___________ 公司: 我们是__________ 律师事务所,我所接受____________ 公司的委托,就贵公司与 ___________ 公司因联合编辑出版《____________ 考试辅导丛书》合同纠纷一事,郑重致函贵公司: 一、贵公司与___________ 公司存在合法有效的合同关系 年月日,贵公司与______________ 公司在平等自愿、协商一致的基础上签订了《联合编辑出版〈_______ 考试辅导丛书〉协议书》。根据《中华人民共和国合同 法》第32 条:当事人采用合同书形式订立合同的,自双方当事人签字或者盖章时合同成立,第44 条依法成立的合同,自成立时生效的规定,你们之间的协议已于________ 年____ 月 _____ 日成立并生效,合同双方均应恪守合同,依约全面适当履行自己的合同义务。二、合同履行情况 依据《中华人民共和国合同法》第60 条之规定:当事人应当按照约定全面履行自己的义务。合同签署后,___________ 公司已依约履行了自己的合同义务,投入大量的人力物力,完成了起草、设计、编务等一系列的工作。为履行双方签署的协议,_____________ 公司又在 ___________ 路租赁房屋作为办公场所,租期至_____ 年___ 月份,租金近___________ 万元但贵公司在签署合同后却怠于履行自己的合同义务,致使双方的协议无法得以继续履行。依据上述事实,我所认为: 一、时至今日,鉴于贵公司的违约行为及目前的实际情况,双方已实无必要继续履行协议。 二、根据《中华人民共和国合同法》第107 之规定:当事人一方不履行合同义务或者履行合同义务不符合约定的,应当承当继续履行、采取补救措施或者赔偿损失等违约责任。贵公司应承担下列法律责任: 1 、依法解除双方的合同; 2 、承担 __________ 公司因履行协议而发生的所有损失,包括但不限于房租、人员工资、


律师函范本 . 律师事务所 致:电子有限公司 根据我当事人林XX陈述的相关情况,贵公司与我当事人林XX 案已经通过XX市XX区劳动争议仲裁委员会做出仲裁裁决,并裁决解除与我当事人 人民币两万元。 鉴于我当事人已经委托我所代理与贵公司的劳动纠纷,特依照我国《律师法》准予执业律师提供法律服务项目的相关规定向贵公司发出此律师函。我所代表当事人真诚地希望贵公司能够在接函后及时予以回复,并本着和平解决劳资纠纷和维护贵公司企业形象的原则,通过协商途径妥善处理此次劳资纠纷。以下是我所代表当事人提出的具体处理方案: 一、XX同意解除与贵公司签订的劳动合同; 二、XX同意向贵公司支付违约金,但不超过其本人已经从贵公司领取的劳动报酬; 三、XX不再就其本人应当享受的各项社会保险事宜向贵公司主张任何权益; 四、若贵公司同意以上处理方案,我所将在贵公司回函后十日内将林XX已经签署的调解协议书正本邮寄至贵公司,并在贵公司签署调解书并再次回函后按照调解书约定的时间和金额支付违约金,同时承诺不向任何外界及贵公司其他员工谈及此事的处理结果; 五、XX按照调解书约定履行义务后,贵公司亦应按照约定为林XX办理解除劳动合同后的善后事宜,其中包括但不限于户籍迁移,档案调动及私人物品取回等事宜;我所谨代表我当事人对此次解除劳动合同一事表示歉意,但是贵公司在我当事人主动提出解除合同后迟迟不予办理,也确实存在不妥。鉴于贵公司多年来在社会上树立的良好企业形象和为国家做出的卓越贡献,我所恳切地希望贵公司能够从维护劳动者这一弱势全体利益的角度出发,从保护一个刚刚踏入社会门槛的大学毕业生服务社会的信心和积极性的角度出发,从更好地让一个知错就该的年轻人不断成长的角度出发,对我所代表当事人提出的上述处理方案予以斟酌,并期待贵公司的回复。


遇到损害赔偿问题?赢了网律师为你免费解惑!访问>> https://www.doczj.com/doc/7e17032053.html, 律师函可分为哪分类 什么是律师函?律师函的分类有哪些?律师函的本质是什么?本文针对这些问题做了相应的介绍,以期帮助大家对律师函有个进一步的了解,下面是相关问题的具体介绍。 一、什么是律师函 律师函(Lawyer's letter)引是指律师接受客户的委托就有关事实或法律问题进行披露、评价,进而提出要求以达到一定效果而制作、发送的专业法律文书。律师用律师函对某一事实进行法律评价和风险估计,其目的在于以法律尺度和律师的判断,对送达对象晓之以法律事

实,动之以利弊得失,让送达对象得出自己的“法律评价”,即“传法达意”。它的本质是一种委托代理进行意思表示的法律行为,对于诉讼人维护自身合法权益具有重要的作用。 二、律师函的分类 根据功能不同,律师函主要分为: 1.律师催告(敦促)函。是当前最常使用的一种。告即将委托人的意志告知收函人,催即催促收函人做什么或者不做什么。 2.律师询问函。是主要用于了解、询问有关法律事项时使用。 3.律师答复函。是委托律师对特定的质询通过律师来答复的函。 4.其他律师函。 三、律师函的本质 律师函存在两层法律关系,一是律师与委托人之间的授权委托关系,这一层面是核心的法律关系。二是律师与受送主体之间的代为函告的法律关系。律师函应根据委托人的合理要求而给予对方通知或在适当的范围之内向送达对象解释事由,以便送达对象做出决定。

?律师资格证报考条件 https://www.doczj.com/doc/7e17032053.html,/fl/335163.html ?仲裁代理人 https://www.doczj.com/doc/7e17032053.html,/fl/666263.html ?军婚诉讼应由哪个法院管辖https://www.doczj.com/doc/7e17032053.html,/fl/666262.html ?加工承揽合同纠纷案件举证须知https://www.doczj.com/doc/7e17032053.html,/fl/666261.html ?仲裁与诉讼相比有哪些优点https://www.doczj.com/doc/7e17032053.html,/fl/666260.html ?劳动仲裁由谁来裁决 https://www.doczj.com/doc/7e17032053.html,/fl/666259.html ?法院调解指的是什么 https://www.doczj.com/doc/7e17032053.html,/fl/666258.html ?法庭规则 https://www.doczj.com/doc/7e17032053.html,/fl/666257.html ?二审诉讼中的新证据指的是什么https://www.doczj.com/doc/7e17032053.html,/fl/666256.html ?收到起诉书应该怎么处理https://www.doczj.com/doc/7e17032053.html,/fl/666255.html ?老年人被侵权起诉的诉讼费有哪些照顾https://www.doczj.com/doc/7e17032053.html,/fl/666254.html ?以奖券抵债,奖券中奖所得应归谁所有https://www.doczj.com/doc/7e17032053.html,/fl/666253.html ?当事人提供了担保后法院是否应该解除保全措施https://www.doczj.com/doc/7e17032053.html,/fl/666252.html


买卖合同纠纷律师函范本专业版 特别注意:律师函只能由律所和律师发出!!其威慑力,很多时候不是来自于律师函内容,而是来自于律师的身份,来自于这是律师发出的,是一种强势的意思表示,俗称“合法的恐吓信”。 函号: _______ 致 _________ 有限公司: _________律师事务所依法接受___________ 的委托,指派__________ 律师作为其委托代理人。就贵公司与上述业主之间的商品房买卖合同纠纷一事致函与贵公司。 根据业主们提供的相关证据材料,贵公司与上述业主签订了一份《 _____________ 楼宇认购书》。该《认购书》约定,上述业主自愿认购中国_____________ 市 _________ 《 _________楼宇》的物业, 并同意按银行按揭付款的方式向贵公司支付购楼款。该《认购书》签订的7 日内,按照该《认 购书》的约定,上述业主已将缴楼款存入______________ 有限公司在交通银行 支行的账号,并与贵公司签署了《商品房买卖合同》、与银行签订了《个人住房抵押贷款合 同》办理完银行按揭手续。《商品房买卖合同》约定“贵公司应当在 ______ 年 _____ 月 ___ 日前, 将符合交付条件的商品房交付给买受人使用。逾期超过60 日后,买受人有权解除合同。买 受人解除合同的,出卖人应当自买受解除合同通知到达之日起 30 日内退还全部已付款,并按买受人累计已付款的 5%向买受人支付违约金。” 我们认为,贵公司与上述业主之间是合法有效的商品房买卖合同关系。《商品房买卖合同》签订后,贵公司理应在该合同的交楼期限内之前)将符合交付条件的物业交付给业主们使用。现如今贵公司逾期交楼的时间已超过了 60 天,依据贵公司与业主的《商品房买卖合同》的相关约定,业主依法有权解除该《商品房买卖合同》,同时有权要求贵公司退还已付款和支付违约金。 现上述业主经过慎重考虑,决定解除与贵公司之间的《商品房买卖合同》。在贵公司接到本函后,贵公司与各业主之间的《商品房买卖合同》立即解除。同时,希望贵公司在接到本函后的 30 天内,根据《商品房买卖合同》的约定退还已付款和支付违约金给各位业主。逾期我们将采取必要的法律手段来解决此事。到时,贵公司将因诉讼程序而可能带来被查封、扣押、冻结财产的不利后果 ,并将承担巨额的诉讼费用。 有任何问题,不吝联系。 律师事务所: __________ 律师: _________________ 联系方式:____________ ______ 年 ____ 月____ 日


合同纠纷律师函 XXXX同志: XXX律师事务所系根据中国法律登记注册的中国律师事务所,本律师函署名律师具有完全的合法执业资格。本律师依法取得上海公司(以下称“委托人”)的授权,向贵方致函如下: 一、基本事实陈述 委托人租赁XXX路号室作为办公室,办公室分为前后两间。委托人于2006年7月将办公室后间转租给贵方。约定房屋租金每月1296元人民币,物业费每月948元人民币,宽带费每月65元人民币,水电费每月按照消费总额的三分之一分摊。委托人同时将租赁住房转租给贵方使用,约定贵方每月按照总额的二分之一分摊房租、水、电、气费,并按约定分摊保姆费用。自2006年7月到2007年1月止,委托人同时为贵方垫付办公费用(包括但不限于快递费、电话费、电脑配件和车费)。2006年11月贵方向委托人借款6000元人民币。 自2006年7月到2007年1月止,贵方应向委托人履行债务共计人民币78945.26元人民币。 以上有贵方与委托人之间来往电子邮件为证。

二、法律责任分析 委托人将办公室与住房转租给贵方,法律性质属于租赁合同关系。委托人代贵方垫付办公费以及出借贵方现金,法律性质属于借贷合同关系。鉴于贵方一直怠于还款,委托人向贵方发电子邮件确认,贵方对上述债务确认无误。贵方与委托人之间至此成立债权债务关系。贵方应该无条件履行上述债务。 至于贵方认为所谓的台湾公司是委托人的债务人的说法不能成立,台湾公司在委托人处并没有经工商合法注册登记的分公司或者办事处。贵方在大陆经营完全是个人行为。对此委托人保留对贵方非法经营进行举报的权利。 三、律师意见 希望贵方能够权衡利弊,在收到本律师函之日起三个工作日内向委托人履行债务,逾期不履行,委托人将向上海市法院起诉追究贵方的法律责任,届时,委托人有权依据《中华人民共和国外国人入境出境管理法》向法院申请限制贵方离境。并依据《民事诉讼法》申请查封扣押贵方财产。 四、声明 本律师函以专递方式送达。



解决合同纠纷的律师函 ___________协会: 我们是____________律师事务所。我所接受____________信息咨询中心(以下简称______中心)的委托,就贵会与____________中心因联合编辑出版《中国____________大典》合同纠纷一事,郑重致函贵会。 我所承办张忠启律师听取了____________中心对案情的详细陈述,并认真审查了相关材料,我所认为: 一、贵会与____________中心存在合法有效的合同关系 ______年______月______日,贵会与______中心在平等自愿、协商一致的基础上签订了《联合编辑出版〈中国____________大典〉协议书》。根据《中华人民共和国合同法》第32条:“当事人采用合同书形式订立合同的,自双方当事人签字或者盖章时合同成立”,第44条“依法成立的合同,自成立时生效。”的规定,你们之间的协议已于2003年1月20日成立并生效,合同双方均应恪守合同,依约全面适当履行自己的合同义务。 二、合同履行情况

依据《中华人民共和国合同法》第60条之规定:“当事人应当按照约定全面履行自己的义务”。合同签署后,____________中心已依约履行了自己的合同义务,投入大量的人力物力,完成了起草、设计、编务等一系列的工作,并于合同签署当日向贵会交纳了 ____________万元的管理费。此外,为履行双方签署的协议, ____________中心又在____________路租赁房屋作为办公场所,租期至______年______月份,租金近____________万元。但贵会在签署合同后却怠于履行自己的合同义务,致使双方的协议无法得以继续履行。 依据上述事实,我所认为: 一、时至今日,鉴于贵会的违约行为及目前的实际情况,双方已实无必要继续履行协议。 二、根据《中华人民共和国合同法》第107之规定:“当事人一方不履行合同义务或者履行合同义务不符合约定的,应当承当继续履行、采取补救措施或者赔偿损失等违约责任。”贵会应承担下列法律责任: 1.返还____________中心支付的管理费______万元,并承担同期银行利息;


工程款催款函 工程款催款函 _______单位: 现就贵单位拖欠我单位工程款之事郑重致函如下: 一、关于贵单位拖欠我单位工程款的事实: 贵单位与我单位于____年____月____日签订施工合同,我单位承建贵单位的工程,工程于____年____月____日开工,年月日通过竣工验收,并于____年____月____日办理完竣工结算,结算金额为:________。至____年____月____日贵单位已支付我单位工程款:________,贵单位尚欠我单位工程款:________。 二、贵单位必须履行合同义务,清偿上述欠款。 依照我们双方签订的合同专用条款的第条在工程验收合格并办理决算审计后____月内付款至,余款保修期满付清的规定,贵单位必须履行合同义务,清偿上述工程款,我单位要求贵单位在7个工作日内复函我单位,并明确今年____月____日前上述欠款付到我单位帐上。否则我们将保留以法律手段追偿贵方违约责任的权利。 特此函告。 ________公司 ____年____月____日 第二篇:工程款催款函 现就贵司拖欠我司__________________工程款一事向贵司致函如下: ____年____月____日,贵司与我司签订了《________工程施工合同》,双方约定,贵司应于____年____月____日支付我司工程预付款____________元,贵司也曾于____年____月____日支付了预付款,余款于____年____月____日之前付清。但从____年____月____日后,贵司便未再按约定支付分文,现累计已欠________元。明显已违约。 鉴于双方此前的合作关系较好,现特致函请贵司于____年____月____日前将所欠款项支付我司。如贵司仍不能按期支付,我司将按有关规定向贵司追索欠款利息,甚至采取相关法律措施,届时,贵公司可能要承担诉讼而带来的更大损失。 此致


企业若收到对方的侵权警告函或律师函时,应及时回复警告函,在回复中说明正在对相关事宜进行调查,待事实查清后再作答复。若对方已经提起知识产权侵权诉讼时,则应冷静分析,积极应对。 遇到知识产权侵权诉讼如何制定应对策略? 首先,企业要充分利用各种抗辩事由。 企业如果在经过调查和分析发现自己的行为确实构成侵权,则需要尽可能寻找抗辩事由,以维护自身权益。 就专利而言,其抗辩方式主要包括:合同抗辩、反诉专利无效、自由公知技术抗辩、先用权抗辩、权利用尽抗辩、诉讼时效抗辩、诉讼主体资格抗辩等; 就商标而言,其抗辩方式主要包括:合同抗辩、反诉商标权无效、先用权抗辩、权利用尽抗辩、诉讼时效抗辩、诉讼主体资格抗辩等; 就著作权而言,其抗辩方式主要包括:没有利用原告的作品、他人的作品不受法律保护、合同抗辩、合理使用、法定许可使用、权利用尽抗辩、诉讼时效抗辩、诉讼主体资格抗辩等;

就商业秘密而言,其抗辩方式主要包括:他人的商业秘密不成立、自我设计抗辩、具有合法来源、通过合法手段获取、诉讼时效抗辩、诉讼主体资格抗辩等。 其次,企业要善于在诉讼程序中运用各种诉讼技巧。 在诉讼过程中,企业要善于利用诉讼程序(如管辖权异议和利用回避制度等)维护自己的 利益。企业若认为案件在对方起诉的法院审理时自己的利益不能得到公平的对待和维护,则可以调查该法院是否具有合法的管辖权并收集相关的证据。如果能够证明该法院无管辖权,企业可依法提出管辖权异议。若企业对法院就管辖权异议作出的裁定不服,还可继续上诉。又如,当企业发现审查案件的法官与对方当事人有利害关系,可能影响案件公正裁决的,还可 利用回避制度对该法官提出回避请求。 再次,企业应当积极寻求和解。 若企业经过评估后认为进行诉讼的成本太高或对胜诉把握不大,可考虑与对方进行协商,就侵权赔偿、停止侵权或权利许可等达成和解。 最后,企业可以利用自己手中的筹码寻求交叉许可,或是提起反诉,向对方发动反击。 若企业也拥有知识产权时,可利用自身的知识产权与对方协商进行知识产权的交叉许可。另外,企业若发现对方也存在侵犯自己知识产权的情况时,还可以提起反诉。


编号:YB-HT-026603 2020新版解决合同纠纷 2020 new lawyer's letter to 甲方: 乙方: 签订日期:年月日 文档中文字均可自行修改 编订:YunBo Network

2020新版解决合同纠纷的律师函 特别注意:律师函只能由律所和律师发出!!其威慑力,很多时候不是来自于律师函内容,而是来自于律师的身份,来自于这是律师发出的,是一种强势的意思表示,俗称“合法的恐吓信“。 函号:___________ ___________公司: 我们是____________律师事务所,我所接受____________公司的委托,就贵公司与____________公司因联合编辑出版《____________考试辅导丛书》合同纠纷一事,郑重致函贵公司: 一、贵公司与____________公司存在合法有效的合同关系 ______年______月______日,贵公司与____________公司在平等自愿、协商一致的基础上签订了《联合编辑出版

〈____________考试辅导丛书〉协议书》。根据《中华人民共和国合同法》第32条:“当事人采用合同书形式订立合同的,自双方当事人签字或者盖章时合同成立”,第44条“依法成立的合同,自成立时生效”的规定,你们之间的协议已于______年______月______日成立并生效,合同双方均应恪守合同,依约全面适当履行自己的合同义务。 二、合同履行情况 依据《中华人民共和国合同法》第60条之规定:“当事人应当按照约定全面履行自己的义务”。合同签署后,____________公司已依约履行了自己的合同义务,投入大量的人力物力,完成了起草、设计、编务等一系列的工作。为履行双方签署的协议,____________公司又在____________路租赁房屋作为办公场所,租期至______年______月份,租金近____________万元但贵公司在签署合同后却怠于履行自己的合同义务,致使双方的协议无法得以继续履行。 依据上述事实,我所认为:


侵犯商业秘密的律师函 _______公司: ______法律师事务所接受XX(以下简称XX公司)的委托,指派本所___律师就你公司雇佣违反竞业禁止员工XX、XX侵犯XX公司商业秘密一事郑重致函你公司:现你公司聘用的XX、XX分别曾于__年__月__日及__年__月__日与XX公司签订劳动合同,合同期限至__年__月__日及__年__月__日,在上述合同期间内,XX公司与XX、XX签订了保密协议,该协议第五条第2、3款约定两人从XX公司离职后3年内不得自办与XX公司有竞争关系的企业或者从事与甲方商业秘密有关的产品的生产,且不得在与XX公司有业务竞争关系的单位内担任任何职务;同时,XX 公司在XX、XX离职时签订了离职协议,该协议第三、四条约定两人离职后对任职期间获悉的XX公司的商业秘密(包括但不限于技术资料及客户信息)负有保密义务,且在两人离职后两年内不得到与XX公司有业务竞争关系的单位就职。上述协议内容合法有效。XX、XX在XX公司工作期间掌握了公司的大量业务材料及相关商业秘密信息,且两人离职时将上述材料及商业秘密信息擅自带离公司。 依椐以上理由: 1.XX、XX离职后即进入你公司工作,己经违犯了其两人与XX公司关于竞业禁止的商定,XX公司将依据《劳动合

同法》第二十三条之规定清査XX、XX的责任,请你公司收到本律师函之后,立即解除与XX、XX的劳动关系。 2.你公司雇佣违犯竞业禁止员工XX、XX,并应用其两人在XX公司工作期间获得的该公司商业秘密,已经违犯了《反不合理竞争法》笫十条之规定,依据《侵权责任法》第八条之规定,该当与XX、XX一并对XX公司承担连带责任。若你公司不立即解除与XX、XX的劳动关系并中止侵权行为,XX公司将清査你公司的法律责任。本律师宿愿你公司本着诚信运营的准则,以维护行业有序发展、保持良性竞争的态度,经过协商的形式处理上述纠纷。望你公司对以上事宜加以注重,并采取积极措施。特此函告,望你公司慎思并妥善对待。 ______律师事务所律师 律师:______ __年__月__日


合同编号: 解决合同纠纷的律师函范本 甲方: 乙方: 时间:

解决合同纠纷的律师函范本 函号:_____________公司:我们是_______律师事务所,我所接受_______公司的委托,就贵公司与_______公司因_____编辑出版《_______考试辅导丛书》合同纠纷一事,郑重致函贵公司: 一、贵公司与_______公司存在合法有效的合同关系________年____月____日,贵公司与______公司在平等自愿、协商一致的基础上签订了《_____编辑出版〈______考试辅导丛书〉协议书》。根据相关法律规定:当事人采用合同书形式订立合同的,自双方当事人签字或者盖章时合同成立,第44条依法成立的合同,自成立时生效的规定,你们之间的协议已于________年____月____日成立并生效,合同双方均应恪守合同,依约全面适当履行自己的合同义务。 二、合同履行情况依据相关法律之规定:当事人应当按照约定全面履行自己的义务。合同签署后,_______公司已依约履行了自己的合同义务,投入大量的人力物力,完成了起草、设计、编务等一系列的工作。为履行双方签署的协议,_______公司又在________路租赁房屋作为办公场所,租期至________年____月份,租金近_______万元但贵公司在签署合同后却怠于履行自己的合同义务,致使双方的协议无法得以继续履行。依据上述事实,我所认为: 一、时至今日,鉴于贵公司的违约行为及目前的实际情况,双方已实无必要继续履行协议。 二、根据相关法律之规定:当事人一方不履行合同义务或者履行合同

义务不符合约定的,应当承当继续履行、采取补救措施或者赔偿损失等违约责任。贵公司应承担下列法律责任: 1、依法解除双方的合同; 2、承担_______公司因履行协议而发生的所有损失,包括但不限于房租、人员工资、印刷专用稿纸信封等费用;现我所接受_______公司的授权,特正式致函于贵公司,要求解除合同并承担________公司的损失,请贵公司接收此函后于________个工作日内答复我所。我所诚望贵公司能够重视此事并采取积极合作的态度,履行还款义务我所欢迎贵公司来电来函,就此事做进一步的交流,以期和平解决此事,以免双方诉讼之累如贵公司不能如期答复,届时我所将在________公司的授权下,代其通过诉讼方式解决此事,此实属无奈之举,不尽之处,还请贵公司理解此致! __________律师事务所________________律师 ________年____月____日


律师函格式 律师函格式: 律师函可以分为首部、正文和尾部三大组成部分。 一、律师函的首部 律师函的首部一般由三个部分组成:具体包括标题、函号和送达对象。 1. 标题 一个完整、规范的律师函标题一般由三部分组成:发函律师事务所的全称,律师函的主旨及律师函字样组成。这三个部分可以分三行显示,不要放在一行里面显示,否则显得标题太长,主旨不能突出,也显得不够美观。如,上海某某律师事务所,关于A 公司立即支付工程款,返还保证金的,律师函。 实务中律师函的标题大多数都很简单,只有“律师函”三个字。这样的表述方式,不具体、不明确、不专业。标题的最基本要求就是能够表达律师函的主旨,要让阅读者通过标题就能够清楚的知道发函人想要收函人干什么。 2. 函号 律师函函号的基本结构为:(年号)+发函律师事务所所在行政区划简称+发函律师事务所简称+法律文书的性质即律师函的简称+字第xx号。如,(201x)沪x律函字第xx号。关于第xx号一般有两种表达方式:1.按照律师事务所或发函律师的总发函的份数来

编写。如,本年度的第50封律师函就可以表述成第50号。2.按照发函的日期来编写。如,201x年1月4日发的函可以表述成第201x0104号。这种表达方式的问题就是如果同一天发了多封律师函,就不太好管理了,而且律师函的最后落款本身就有成函时间。根据自己习惯选择方便的。 实务中很多律师起草的律师函根本没有函号的,或因根本不知道有这东西,或知道有函号,但不知道怎么编写函号。律师函没有函号,1.显得不专业。有函号给人感觉,好像像那么回事,能显示专业精神。2.也不便于文书管理。有函号查阅、管理起来很方便。 3. 送达对象 送达对象即接受律师函的机关、单位或个人等主体。为了表示对送达对象的尊重,送达对象要用全称,不可省略或用不规范的简称。当送达对象为个人时需在姓名后加先生或女士等尊称。 在送达对象中有一个需要注意的事项,即到底向哪个主体送达律师函?如果在律师函中涉及到其他当事人的可以进一步加强律师函的威力。每个主体都可能有上级或类似的主管单位等能给他施压的单位或个人。分公司有总公司,子公司有母公司,挂靠单位有被挂靠单位,雇员有雇主等等不一而足。我们可以通过同时给这些主体发函来给对方施压从而使自己取得优势。当对方是大型组织和政府机构等时这种方法的尤为有效。在给法人等组织发送律师函时要同时抄送给法人的法定代表人或其他主管领导。


律师函 (20XX)粤正民律意函字第号XX(上海)信息科技有限公司: 广东XX律师事务所接受XXXXXX(上海)有限公司(以下简称委托人)的委托,指派本律师就贵司不正当竞争侵及涉嫌触犯商业秘密罪一事,出具本律师函:根据委托人陈述,近期委托人发现贵司擅自聘用盗用委托人商业机密的员工,包括XXX、XXX、XXX三人。该人员利用在职期间了解到及私自拷贝委托人的商业机密,包括但不限于价格、产品、工资及客户等,入职贵司,泄露委托人商业秘密,散布不实信息,贵司不但欣然接受涉嫌触犯商业秘密罪人员入职,并可能利用委托人的商业机密经营,存在不当竞争行为,并且涉嫌和上述盗密人员共同实施犯罪行为,已经严重侵犯委托人合法权益。 根据《中华人民共和国反不正当竞争法》第五条规定:经营者不得采用下列不正当手段从事市场交易,损害竞争对手:……擅自使用知名商品特有的名称、包装、装潢,或者使用与知名商品近似的名称、包装、装潢,造成和他人的知名商品相混淆,使购买者误认为是该知名商品;《中华人民共和国著作权法》第二条规定:“中国公民、法人或者其他组织的产品,不论是否发表,依照本法享有著作权”。贵司未经委托人许可,擅自使用委托人相关商业机密牟利,已经涉嫌不正当竞争。《中华人民共和国刑法》第二百一十九条规定:有下列侵犯商业秘密行为之一,给商业秘密的权利人造成重大损失的,处三年以下有期徒刑或者拘役,并处或者单处罚金;造成特别严重后果的,处三年以上七年以下有期徒刑,并处罚金:(一)以盗窃、利诱、胁迫或者其他不正当手段获取权利人的商业秘密的;(二)披露、使用或者允许他人使用以前项手段获取的权利人的商业秘密的;(三)违反约定或者违反权利人有关保守商业秘密的要求,披露、使用或者允许他人使用其所掌握的商业秘密的。明知或者应知前款所列行为,获取、使用或者披露他人的商业秘密的,以侵犯商业秘密论。贵司明知上述为盗密人员,还直接聘请,并获取委托人商业机密,已经涉嫌触犯商业秘密罪。 第 1 页共2 页


各类律师函范本 致:北京有限公司 北京市律师事务所系根据中国法律登记注册的中国律师事务所,本律师函署名律师具有完全的合法执业资格。本律师依法取得北京××有限责任公司(以下称“委托人”)的授权,向贵司致函如下: 贵司与委托人在2005年成立书刊发行合同,由委托人发行贵司《××时尚》、《××君子》等期刊发行物,委托人收取刊物支付相应款项后却得知上述刊物系冒用某著名刊物刊名出版。根据《出版管理条例》第三十条之规定:“任何单位和个人不得伪造、假冒出版单位名称或者报纸、期刊名称出版出版物”,贵司交付委托人的《佳人时尚》等刊物为非法出版物,此事实,已为上海市新闻出版局认定。 有鉴于此,本律师代表委托人致函贵司: 第一、鉴于《××时尚》为非法出版物的事实,根据《合同法》第52条之规定“有下列情形之一的,合同无效:(一)一方以欺诈、胁迫的手段订立合同,损害国家利益;(二)恶意串通,损害国家、集体或者第三人利益;(三)以合法形式掩盖非法目的;(四)损害社会公共利益;(五)违反法律、行政法规的强制性规定。”故贵司与委托人的书刊发行合同应为无效合同。 第二、根据《合同法》第58条之规定“合同无效或者被撤销后,因该合同取得的财产,应当予以返还;不能返还或者没有必要返还的,应当折价补偿。有过错的一方应当赔偿对方因此所受到的损失,双方都有过错的,应当各自承担相应的责任”,贵司应将所收的刊物费用全部退还委托人。 第三、除上述刊物费用外,由于贵司的行为,尚给委托人造成了其他的经济损失,根据《合同法》第58条之规定,应由贵司承担,但在双方调解阶段,委托人可以考虑放弃。 考虑到双方的合作关系,也便于双方进一步的合作,在本律师调解阶段,委托人只要求贵司退还部分款项计人民币128593.52元即可。请贵司在七日内对本函所涉内容做出书面回复与说明,否则委托人将采取相应的法律手段就贵司的违法行为追究贵司的法律责任,并就委托人可能因此所遭受的经济损失向贵司进行追索。 专此函告,望贵司慎思并妥善对待。 北京市律师事务所 律师 年月日


企业技术秘密管理及维权诉讼实务 【根据深圳胡晋南律师在深圳专利协会专题演讲《侵犯商业秘密案件诉讼实务》归纳整理】 一、技术秘密概念 商业秘密:包括技术秘密和经营秘密,自己采取措施保护; 与专利相区别:国家注册并公开,无需举证秘密性,权利性; 技术秘密构成要件:秘密性(举证重点),经济性,实用性,权利性(举证重点,通过保密措施实现); 保密措施:参见司法解释(7个方面); 内容:载体(配方、技术文件、软件代码等) 二、诉讼程序 (一)诉讼主体 1、原告:以独家被许可人身份起诉的,须准备权利人出具的不起诉文件; 2、被告(复合性):(1)获得者、披露人;(2)使用者; (二)管辖 中级法院或最高法院批准的基层法院(如深圳市部分基层法院); 技巧:充分利用好协议管辖,签订的《保密协议》中事先约定管辖法院; 技术秘密的原点是《保密协议》。 (三)时效 一般为2年。 技巧:快到2年时,发《律师函》给侵权者,诉讼时效中断,实质上可起到延长追诉时效的作用。 (四)起诉:起诉时提交《不公开审理申请书》; (五)证据保全:合理利用工商、公安的资源; (六)不公开审理:在审理过程中,申请法院1、技术秘密不向被告公开;2、技术秘密不社会公开;仅签署《保密协议》后法院委托的鉴定专家可接触所述技术秘密。 (七)技术鉴定:本领域的技术专家,技术领域范围的把握。 三、证据 原告难当,十有九败,取证难。 (一)技术秘密构成

1、权属:(1)自主开发:立项、鉴定、报奖等研发档案;(2)引进:转让协议或许可协议; 2、载体 技巧:技术秘密内容及形成时间等立案时不提供,仅提交模糊证据,待到证交换时再提交;(二)保密措施 1、直接:保密协议; 2、简接:司法解释(7个方面)。 (三)接触 1、保密岗位设置及任命记录; 2、任职过程中对技术秘密资料的获取和交接记录。 (四)被告一:获得披露 1、被告辞职文件; 2、被告一在被告二处任职信息或凭证。 (五)被告二:使用 1、使用的技术秘密资料内容及载体:图纸、源代码等; 2、使用后研发出的新产品或开发的新客户; 证据焦点和链条:秘密权属—》保密措施—》接触—》被告一获得披露—》被告二使用 四、技术鉴定 1、技术鉴定申请鉴定要求明确:鉴定方法和原则、专家技术领域; 鉴定原则(可借鉴参考专利新颖性判断方法): 单一公知技术比对原则; 必要特征覆盖原则; 交叉技术对比原则。 2、与鉴定专家的沟通; 3、结论异议:结论应该明确相同还是等同,如为“类似”等不明确结论则不行; 《复议申请》应当从证据材料使用、方法、结果三方面具体阐述。 五、赔偿 (一)侵权发生后盖技术秘密仍处于保密状态:参考专利赔偿计算方法; (二)技术秘密已完全失密成为公知技术:按照技术秘密的实际价值,可通过评估计算(无形资产评估师、注册会计师评估报告)。 技巧:集团化企业应建立并实施集团内部的技术秘密许可制度,签订许可协议,并支付许可费用(保存交费及纳税凭证),可作为后续技术秘密维权经济赔偿计算依据。


编号:_______________ 本资料为word版本,可以直接编辑和打印,感谢您的下载 买卖合同纠纷律师函通用版 甲方:___________________ 乙方:___________________ 日期:___________________

特别注意律师函只能由律所和律师发出!!其威慑力,很多时候不是来自于律师函内容,而是来自于律师的身份,来自于这是律师发出的,是一种强势的意思表示,俗称合法的恐吓信。 函号_______致________有限公司________律师事务所依法接受________下称业主的委托,指派________律师作为其委托代理人。 就贵公司与上述业主之间的商品房买卖合同纠纷一事致函与贵公司。 风险提示律师函在对事实部分进行叙述时不需要像法律意见书那样详备,只需要根据委托人提供的材料,简明扼要地将事实与双方争议的焦点总结出来即可。 律师函更多承担的是宣示功能而非分析功能,只是打前站用的,后面还有一系列组合动作,不宜详述,言多必失。 根据业主们提供的相关证据材料,贵公司与上述业主签订了一份 《________楼宇认购书》。 该《认购书》约定,上述业主自愿认购中国________市________ 《________楼宇》注册名________商住中心的物业,并同意按银行按揭付款的方式向贵公司支付购楼款。 该《认购书》签订的____日内,按照该《认购书》的约定,上述业主已将缴楼款存入________有限公司在_支行的账号,并与贵公司签署了《商品房买卖合同》、与银行签订了《个人住房抵押贷款合同》办理完银行按揭手续。 《商品房买卖合同》约定贵公司应当在________年____月____日或 ________年____月____日前,将符合交付条件的商品房交付给买受人业主使用。 逾期超过____日后,买受人有权解除合同。 买受人解除合同的,出卖人应当自买受解除合同通知到达之日起____日内退还全部已付款,并按买受人累计已付款的5向买受人支付违约金。 风险提示出具律师函一方的好处就是可以组织对你的委托人有利的事实。


欠款催收律师函的模板 题要 欠款催收律师函应写律师事务所受委托人的委托,指派律师就追索欠款一事,郑重致函,根据相关法律,写明所欠款项,律师意见以及解决方案。 欠款律师函是律师受客户的委托,以律师的名义对有关事实进行披露以达到一定效果的法律专业文书。律师函根据客户所要解决的问题分为很多种类,且律师函具有一定的作用,下面是网的小编为您提供的欠款律师函模板和与其相关的信息: ▲一、欠款律师函的格式 ▲欠款催收函 公司: 根据XXX公司委托,就贵司所欠XXX公司款事宜函告 如下: 根据贵司和XXX公司于年月日订立的《合同》之规定,XXX公司已全部完成项下义务,双方并于年月日验收合格,根据《合同》第条第 款规定,贵司应于年月日结算支付所欠的XXX公司款,共计元(其中包括 ),期间经XXX公司多次催要,贵司至今未予支付(截至目前已逾期天)。

鉴于以上事实,特向贵司具函催告: 请贵司务必于年月日之前支付应付给XXX公司的上述欠款,否则将诉诸于法律途径予以解决,由此引起的一切损失和后果由贵司承担。 特此函告 XX律师事务所 律师: 年月日 ▲二、律师函种类很多,根据所要解决的问题及所要达到的目的,可以分为几种: 1、敦促性质的,主要是为了敦促第三方及时履行义务,如为了催要账款发送的催款律师函; 2、敬告性质的,主要是为了制止或防止某种行为的发生或继续发生; 3、征询性质的,主要是为了询问或了解相关实施和法律,请求第三方给予回复; 4、答复性质的,主要是为了回复第三方的征询意见,律师根据客户的委托,对商事活动中的有关问题从律师专业的角度进行回复; 5、公示性质的,主要是为了澄清或告知有关事实,比如声明函等等; 6、其他律师函。


感谢你的观看 感谢你的观看湘妃美容接待礼仪 (1)一定要做到:一定要做到微笑服务,热情主动。 (2)第一时间:当有客人进入时,无论正在做什么事情都要立刻停下,第一时间招呼客人 (3)三个主动打招呼:①主动向客人打招呼,②主动向上司打招呼,③主动向同事打招呼。 (4)三轻:①走路轻,②说话轻,③操作轻。 (5)三习惯:①习惯站,②习惯听,③习惯与客人打交道 (6)六勤:手勤、脚勤、眼勤、耳勤、嘴勤、脑勤 (7)“七字”准则:①礼:礼貌待客,热情主动;②勤:勤问候,勤服务;③精:精通各项美容业务;④细:动作细心,轻拿轻放,细心呵护;⑤快:动作快捷,不让客人久侯;⑥静:保持环境安静;⑦洁:保持 环境和个人卫生清洁 (8)“八声”服务:客来有迎客声,客人生日有祝福声,客人入定有介绍声,客问有回答声,不满意有道歉声,服务有征询声,结账有道谢声,客走有送客声。 服务十字诀:主动、热情、礼貌、周到、微笑。坐、立、行的仪态,是一个人气质与风度的具体表现,也是一连串可表现节奏的行为语言。高雅的仪态、柔美的姿势可使别人对你产生好感,留下良好的印象。现就坐、立、行的基本姿势规范如下: 1、坐姿 (1)就坐前,应注意椅子是否稳定,再缓慢坐下,不可发出声响。 (2)坐下时,身体宜挺直,不可左右晃动,背部和椅背平行,双手自然平方于腿上。 (3)视座椅高低决定两脚的位置,双脚与腿之间成100度为佳(椅子较低)。如椅子稍高,脚与腿位置的角度以不低于80度为原则。总之,两脚着地与膝盖成直角为最佳。 2、站姿 员工咨询时应该时刻保持站立姿势,精神饱满,面带真诚微笑。双手合置于身前,抬头挺胸,仪态 自然。对3米以内的每一位顾客都应主动点头示意。在征询顾客意图后,邀请顾客坐下,并为顾客介绍护理课程或产品。 (1)由骨盆到脊背,必须保持挺直,不可弯腰驼背。 (2)头部要正直,下颚往后收,约与身体成90度,视线与眼睛同高。 (3)两腿宜靠拢,脚跟并拢,鞋尖微向外张开,但不可过高撇向外侧。站立休息时,可采取两脚交叉方法,即以一脚当支点,另一脚向内侧斜交与后方,如此不但不易疲劳,而姿势也优美。 3、走姿 (1)走路时双肩要平稳,两手自然摆动,不可交叉背后,速度不急不慢。 (2)走路时要挺胸抬头,下颚未收,眼睛平视,容貌安详,心情要轻松,不可东张西望。 (3)双脚宜直,脚底向前平放,迈步前进,步履稳重,以高雅有活力为原则。 (4)穿裙子时,走路宜成一直线,裙的下摆与脚的动作要相互配合,姿势柔美。 4、说 顾客入店,员工应在顾客之前开口。迎接顾客时,应说:“您好!欢迎光临!” 咨询时要真诚热情,语调清晰温和,目光热情自然,注意力集中在顾客身上,认真倾听顾客询问,理解顾客的要求。视线集中左右不出对方双肩,上下不出对方眼睛和胸口。不左右顾盼,不与自己的亲朋好友在工作现场交谈。 熟练掌握“您好”、“请”、“对不起”、“谢谢”等礼貌用语。 对远距离的顾客应微笑点头示意,近距离应问候:“您好”,显示良好的修养。 本店常用服务文明用语有: ◎顾客进店文明用语:“您好,欢迎光临。”

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