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Module 5 Unit 1

1. 昨天晚上,汤姆和妻子吵了一架。为了表示歉意,他给妻子留了张卡片,上面写着:“对不起,请原谅我。”

Yesterday evening, Tom had a quarrel with his wife. To make an apology, he l eft a card ,saying : “I’m sorry, please forgive me.”

2. 他答应给我买辆自行车作为生日礼物。我想他会信守承诺的。

He promised to buy me a bicycle as my birthday present .I believe he will keep his word .

3. 如果你有什么问题,尽管问我,不要犹豫。If you have any questions ,don’t hesitate to ask me .

4.他为他所做的感到羞愧。He felt ashamed of what he had done .

5.最后,他终于承认他偷了那条钻石项链。Finally, he admitted having stolen that diamond necklace.

6.他想什么就说什么,不顾其他人的想法。He would speak out whatever he thinks of , regardless of others’ feelings . 7.她为迟到而向我们道歉。She apologized to us for being late.


The soldiers are determined to try their best to save the people trapped by the floods .

Module 5 Unit 2

1.我们想知道这药对健康将会有什么影响。We wonder what effect the medicine will have on our health.

2. 在许多美国城市,在饭店内吸烟是违法的。In many American cities, it’s illegal to smoke in a restaurant .

3.他找不到任何方法来解决经济上的困难。He can’t find any solutions t o the economic problem.

4.我的父母不允许我天黑之后出门。My parents don’t allow me to get out after it’s dark.

5.现今,越来越多的人依靠电脑做很多事。Nowadays more and more people rely on computers to do many things .

6.从证据来看,他显然是有罪的。According to the evidence, it’s obvious that he’s guilty.


Mr. White declared that their computer production would be cut back by 10%.


The government has made a law, prohibiting people from pouring waste into the river .

Module 5 Unit 3

1.他因在数学考试中得了满分而受到表扬。He’s praised for getting full marks in the Maths test.

2.发生事故以来,她一直头疼,深受其苦。Since the accident, she has been suffering from headaches.

3.他在英国学习的经历使他受益匪浅。He benefits a lot from the experience of studying in the UK.

4.太累了,我非常想好好睡一晚。I’m so tired that I’m despe rate to sleep for a whole night.

5.我急切地等着听比赛的结果。I’m waiting with anxi ety for the result of the match.

6.很多人认为你快乐的程度与你健康的程度有关。It’s believed by many people that your h appiness relates to your health.

7.为了学法语,她去了法国。She went to France, with the intention of learning French.

8.在她学习的时候,不要去干扰她。Don’t interfer e with her when she is studying.