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Magnetic Complexity in Eruptive Solar Active Regions and Associated Eruption Parameters

a r X i v :0712.0143v 1 [a s t r o -p h ] 3 D e c 2007


Magnetic Complexity in Eruptive Solar Active Regions and Associated Eruption Parameters

Manolis K.Georgoulis

The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory,Laurel,


X-2GEORGOULIS:MAGNETIC COMPLEXITY AND ERUPTIVE ACTIVITY IN THE SUN Using an e?cient magnetic complexity index in the active-region solar pho-tosphere,we quantify the pre?are strength of the photospheric magnetic po-larity inversion lines in23eruptive active regions with?are/CME/ICME events tracked all the way from the Sun to the Earth.We?nd that active regions with more intense polarity inversion lines host statistically stronger?ares and faster,more impulsively accelerated,CMEs.No signi?cant correlation is found between the strength of the inversion lines and the?are soft X-ray rise times, the ICME transit times,and the peak D st indices of the induced geomag-netic storms.Corroborating these and previous results,we speculate on a possible interpretation for the connection between source active regions,?ares, and CMEs.Further work is needed to validate this concept and uncover its physical details.


The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory(SoHO)has established coronal mass ejections (CMEs)as an integral part of solar eruptions.Today we know that there exist slow and fast CMEs associated with eruptive quiet-Sun?laments and solar?ares,respectively, with a wide velocity distribution ranging between a few tens of km/s to~3000km/s (St.Cyr et al.2000;Yashiro et al.2004;Yurchyshyn et al.2005).Solar?ares are an exclusive characteristic of solar active regions(ARs),so fast CMEs,typically with velocities≥750km/s,are active-region CMEs(Sheeley et al.1999).Furthermore,the soft X-ray rise phase of the eruptive?ares almost coincides with the main acceleration phase of the resulting CMEs(Zhang et al.2001;Zhang and Dere2006). Observations and models have been utilized to relate speci?c AR characteristics with CME speeds.Following a“big AR syndrome”,extraordinary ARs can trigger superfast CMEs(Gopalswamy et al.2005),but a more quantitative connection is lacking.Only recently,Qiu and Yurchyshyn(2005)reported a strong correlation between CME speeds and the reconnected magnetic?ux in two-ribbon?ares,Su et al.(2007)combined mag-netic?ux and shear to improve correlations with?are magnitudes and CME speeds,and T¨o r¨o k and Kliem(2007)concluded that increased magnetic complexity,re?ected on steep magnetic gradients in the source ARs’corona,tends to produce faster CMEs.

The above studies suggest that complex(multipolar and/or with pronounced magnetic polarity inversion lines[PILs])ARs tend to produce faster CMEs.Here,we investigate this e?ect further,reporting on work done in the framework of the Living With a Star Coordinated Data Analysis Workshops(LWS/CDAW).We identi?ed23source ARs with

X-4GEORGOULIS:MAGNETIC COMPLEXITY AND ERUPTIVE ACTIVITY IN THE SUN eruptions unambiguously traced from the solar surface to1AU.For these ARs,we correlate the peak photospheric complexity prior to an eruption with various eruption parameters, including?are magnitudes,plane-of-sky CME velocities,and(assumed constant)CME acceleration magnitudes.Our analysis involves full-halo CMEs with source ARs located close to disk center.Therefore,it should be kept in mind that signi?cant discrepancies may exist between the measured(plane-of-sky)and the true(unprojected)CME velocities (Schwenn et al.2005),that may have an impact on correlations.For this and other rea-sons,as discussed below,we emphasize the statistical aspect of the reported correlations, trying to avoid strong quantitative conclusions.

2.Magnetic Complexity Analysis and Data Selection

Georgoulis and Rust(2007)de?ned the e?ective connected magnetic?eld strength,B eff, that characterizes a given AR at a given time.The larger the value of B eff,the more intense the PIL(s)present in the AR.The intensity of a PIL increases when massive amounts of bipolar magnetic?ux are tightly concentrated around it.To calculate B eff for the p positive-polarity and n negative-polarity?ux concentrations that comprise an AR,we calculate two p×n connectivity matrices:Φi,j,containing the magnetic?uxes that connect a positive-polarity concentration i(i∈[1,p])to a negative-polarity concentration j(j∈[1,n]),and L i,j,containing the respective separation lengths of the connections. Then,B eff is the sum of all?nite elements(Φi,j/L2i,j).

Georgoulis and Rust(2007)calculated B eff for~2140SoHO/MDI magnetograms corresponding to298ARs.To avoid severe projection e?ects,each AR was required to be located within41o EW from solar disk center.Each AR needed6-7days to traverse

GEORGOULIS:MAGNETIC COMPLEXITY AND ERUPTIVE ACTIVITY IN THE SUN X-5 this82o-zone,and this determined the typical observing period.To further account for projection e?ects,we(i)estimated the normal AR magnetic?eld by dividing the line-of-sight?eld by cosθ,whereθis the angular distance of each location from disk center, (ii)constructed the local,heliographic,plane,and(iii)interpolated the normal?eld on the heliographic plane.We found that B eff e?ciently distinguishes eruptive from non-eruptive ARs1and that a well-de?ned probability for major(X-and M-class,although not their exact magnitudes)?ares depends solely on B eff.An example of how an increase in B eff translates to stronger PILs that,in turn,give rise to repeated?aring activity,is shown in Figure1.

Zhang et al.(2007),on the other hand,identi?ed the solar sources of88geoe?ective (D st≤?100nT)solar eruptions.Each of these eruptions was traced from solar source to geomagnetic e?ect.An AR source could be identi?ed for54of the above88events, with23di?erent source ARs present.

Combining the above two works,we calculated the peak pre-eruption(12hr,at most, before each?are’s onset)B eff-values for these23source ARs.The AR and eruption data are summarized in Table1.


We seek a possible link between the peak AR photospheric complexity,quanti?ed by the peak B eff,and the?are magnitude or CME kinematics.The?are magnitudes are related to the peak pre?are B eff-values in Figure2a.To calculate the logarithmic?are magnitude we arbitrarily assign a magnitude of1to a C1.0?are.This implies a magnitude of10, 100,and1000,for a M1.0,X1.0,and X10,?ares,respectively(dashed lines).Notice the


signi?cant correlation coe?cients(cc)between the?are magnitude and B eff,despite the scatter.The correlation clearly implies an increasing?are magnitude for an increasing pre?are B eff.However,predictions of the?are magnitude using the shown scaling are not recommended.This is because an AR may not yield its strongest?are within the typical 6-7day observing period despite showing a high(close to peak)B eff-value.The scatter in Figure2a might also highlight the probabilistic(or even stochastic)nature of?are triggering,with the?are magnitude depending in part on the local magnetic conditions and their synergy.The goodness of?t in Figure2a has a con?dence level of~98.6%.In brief,increasing B eff in an AR statistically implies stronger?ares triggered in the AR. In Figure2b we correlate the plane-of-sky CME velocities V CME with the peak pre?are B eff-values.Although the small dynamical range of V CME gives rise to lower and more fragile correlation coe?cients,the scatter around the least-squares best?t appears smaller in this case.This allows the introduction of a scaling relation between V CME and peak pre?are B eff that reads


V CME(km/s)?87.3×B0.38±0.12


Equation(1)is,again,not recommended for accurate predictions of V CME but it suggests that more complex ARs,with larger and more intense PILs,statistically give rise to faster CMEs.For the smallest considered B eff-value(~500G)we anticipate V CME?920km/s,in good agreement with the slower end of AR CMEs(~750km/s).For our largest B eff(~5000G),we expect V CME?2200km/s,that is relatively close to(but somewhat smaller than)the largest measured CME velocities(~2800km/s). The di?erence between the two extreme velocities is~21%,with a typical~10%-

GEORGOULIS:MAGNETIC COMPLEXITY AND ERUPTIVE ACTIVITY IN THE SUN X-7 uncertainty for the measured plane-of-sky CME speed(J.Zhang,private communication). The goodness of?t in Figure2b has a con?dence level of~91%.Therefore,it is clear that increasing B eff in an AR statistically implies faster CMEs triggered in the AR.

In Figure2c we correlate the CME acceleration magnitudeγCME with the peak pre?are B eff.We have estimated a constantγCME by the ratio(V CME/T flare),i.e.,by following the “?are-proxy”approach(Zhang and Dere2006)implying that T flare also re?ects the main CME acceleration phase.Although the trend in Figure2c is to attain strongerγCME with increasing B eff,the correlation is not as appreciable as in Figures2a,2b.The goodness of the?t is also lower(con?dence level~80%).Besides numerical e?ects(e.g.,discrepancies between plane-of-sky and true CME velocity),the weaker correlation betweenγCME and B eff may be due to(i)the assumption of a constant CME acceleration magnitude,and/or (ii)the very weak anti-correlation between T flare and B eff(cc∈(?0.14,?0.18)-not shown).The loose association between T flare and B eff means that the intensity of PILs in ARs correlates only weakly with the impulsiveness of the?ares triggered in these ARs. Nevertheless,Figure2c suggests that increasing B eff in an AR statistically implies more impulsively accelerated CMEs triggered in the AR.

We did not?nd signi?cant correlations(maximum cc∈(0.2,0.5)and maximum con-?dence levels~70%)when correlating B eff with(i)the ICME transit time T ICME and (ii)the peak absolute D st index of the resulting geomagnetic storms.Neither result is surprising:Schwenn et al.(2005)and Manoharan(2006)report some correlation between T ICME and V CME but with substantial scatter.Other heliospheric e?ects may also impact the velocity pro?le,and hence the arrival time,of ICMEs(Chen1996;Cargill2004;Tap-


pin2006).Regarding D st,many factors,besides the source AR’s complexity,a?ect the ICME geoe?ectiveness.These factors include,but are not limited to,the CME’s source location in the solar disk,the orientation of the possible post-eruption?ux rope,in-situ heliospheric distortions,turbulence,interactions with other heliospheric transients,and the ICME velocity pro?le.

4.Conclusions and Discussion

In a previous work(Georgoulis and Rust2007)we quanti?ed the photospheric magnetic complexity in solar ARs,where complexity re?ects the strength of PILs in these ARs.In this work we combined our sample of ARs with the sample of AR sources that triggered major geomagnetic eruptions(Zhang et al.2007).We identi?ed23source ARs for which we have pre?are AR magnetograms,and we correlated the peak pre-eruption AR complexity with various eruption parameters.

Signi?cant correlations were uncovered when plotting the peak value of the AR com-plexity index,B eff,vs.(from stronger to weaker correlation)(i)the?are magnitude,(ii) the CME velocity,and(iii)an assumed constant CME acceleration magnitude.Though not ideal for predictive purposes,these correlations clearly imply that more complex ARs, with intense PILs,can produce statistically stronger?ares and faster,more impulsively accelerated,CMEs.Our?nding goes a step further than the usual“big AR syndrome”: big(?ux-massive)ARs are not necessarily ARs with intense PILs,and hence with large B eff-values,although the opposite is almost always true.

At this point,we can only speculate on a possible interpretation of our results,mak-ing it clear that only further work can validate or rule out our scenario.Given that

GEORGOULIS:MAGNETIC COMPLEXITY AND ERUPTIVE ACTIVITY IN THE SUN X-9 the main CME acceleration phase nearly coincides with the?are impulsive phase,the initial ascending structure evolving into a CME(hereafter CME precursor)should start expanding before the?are.As it expands,the CME precursor interacts with the surround-ing PIL-supported magnetic structure causing magnetic reconnection.Reconnection in stronger magnetic?elds organized along more intense PILs statistically leads to stronger ?ares(Figure2a).Stronger?ares imply larger amounts of released magnetic energy that, in turn,probably destabilize larger parts of the PIL-sustained structure and/or accelerate the unstable magnetic?elds to higher speeds,thus giving rise to statistically faster(Fig-ure2b)and more impulsive(Figure2c)CMEs.Again,the above indicate only statistical trends-the local?eld conditions at the?are location along the PIL as well as the over-laying solar magnetic?elds(steep magnetic gradients[T¨o r¨o k and Kliem2007],coronal null points[Antiochos et al.1999],etc.)a?ect both?are magnitudes and CME velocity pro?les.Sometimes,fast CMEs are associated with relatively weak?ares or vice-versa (Vrˇs nak et al.2005).

The above idea might also help understand the di?erence between(i)con?ned and eruptive?ares and(ii)fast active-region CMEs and slow quiet-Sun CMEs.In case the PIL-supported structure,despite the reconnection,survives the perturbation applied by the CME precursor,a con?ned?are occurs2.If there is no intense PIL,the CME precursor might easily destabilize the surrounding magnetic structure(especially in the presence of “open”overlaying?elds,such as a streamer in the high corona)but,since only minor reconnection is expected,no major?are and a rather slow CME will occur.This might be the case for some quiet-Sun CMEs.


While our statistical results appear solid,only further work can validate the above phys-ical scenario.It would be essential to(i)uncover the physical mechanism(s)responsible for the possible CME precursor(e.g.,small-scale helical kink instability,magnetic?ux cancellation on the PIL,etc.),and(ii)?nd the relation between the plane-of-sky velocity V CME and the true CME velocity and determine whether this improves the correlation with B eff or the source AR’s complexity in general.The Solar Terrestrial Relations Ob-servatory(STEREO)can be instrumental in revealing the true CME velocities to be used for de?nitive conclusions in our quest to understand the erupting Sun. Acknowledgments.I am grateful to J.Zhang for many clarifying discussions and for his help in handling and utilizing the data of Zhang et al.(2007).I also thank A.Vourlidas for enlightening discussions in the physics of CMEs,the organizers of the LWS/CDAW meetings for their sustained and successful e?orts,and the two anonymous referees,whose thoughtful comments contributed signi?cantly to this paper.This work has received partial support from NASA grant NNG05-GM47G.


1.In passing,we note that other magnetic complexity measures introduced for this purpose include, e.g.,the fractal

dimension of ARs(McAteer et al.2005),the length of the main PIL(Falconer et al.2006and references therein),and

the magnetic?ux along the PIL(Schrijver2007).

2.Nindos and Andrews(2004)suggest that the pre?are magnetic helicity of the AR may determine whether a con?ned?are

may occur.


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Table1.Summary of the23LWS/CDAW events used in our study,where the peak pre?are B eff-value of the source ARs and the corresponding eruptions are selected.Shown are the date and UT time of the?are onset,the?are class,the soft X-ray?are rise time(T flare),the plane-of-sky CME velocity(V CME),the CME acceleration magnitude(γCME),the ICME transit time (T ICME-n/a means that T ICME could not be calculated),the peak D st index,the NOAA AR number,and the peak B eff-value.

111/04/9706:10X2.16785218145.8-11081001521.95 205/02/9814:06X1.1119381421n/a-2058210790.21 311/05/9820:44M8.45552315879.3-1428375958.02 402/10/0002:30C7.32894456254.5-133********.7 507/14/0010:54X5.7211674132932.1-30190771741.6 609/16/0005:18M5.9201215101339.7-20191651108.7 710/09/0023:50C6.72479855484.2-1079182873.81 811/26/0017:06X4.014980116746.9-1199236898.88 903/29/0110:26X1.71894287242.6-38793933985.6 1004/10/0105:30X2.3202411200940.5-27194151806.0 1109/24/0110:30X2.6662402607n/a-10296321265.2 1210/19/0116:50X1.61790188351.2-1879661937.13 1310/25/0115:26X1.3201092910n/a-157********.4 1411/04/0116:35X1.0171810177544.4-29296841324.1 1504/17/0208:26M2.638124054463.6-1499906774.56 1608/16/0212:30M5.260158544098.5-106100692638.7 1705/28/0300:50X3.6101366227736.2-144103652162.4 1810/29/0320:54X10.122029281829.1-383104864338.1 1911/18/0308:50M3.9191660145649.2-422105011183.5 2007/20/0413:31M8.610710118352.5-101106521080.9 2111/07/0416:54X2.0241759122251.1-289106962552.7 2201/15/0523:06X2.63728611289n/a-121107202327.0 2305/13/0517:12M8.044112842736.8-26310759634.30




Figure 1.Photospheric evolution in NOAA AR10696over a period of6days in2004 November.(a)Normal photospheric magnetic?eld in the AR.Notice the gradual enhancement of the PIL’s strength and spatial extent.Tic mark separation in all images is10”(~7250km in the solar photosphere).Solar north is up;west is to the right.(b)Timeseries of the respective B eff-values.Notice the repeated?aring activity(onset times indicated by the color lines)as B eff increases.



cc (linear) : 0.76cc (rank order) : 0.60

cc (linear) : 0.63cc (rank order) : 0.60

cc (linear) : 0.55

cc (rank order) : 0.60

V CME += 87.3 x B eff

0.38 0.12





Figure 2.Correlation between the pre?are B eff -values and (a)the ?are magnitude (the three dashed lines indicate,from low to high,M1.0,X1.0,and X10.?ares),(b)the plane-of-sky CME velocity,and (c)the CME acceleration magnitude for the 23events summarized in Table 1.In all plots,the straight lines indicate the least-squares best ?t.C-,M-,and X-class ?ares are indicated by green,blue,and red squares,respectively.Both the Pearson (linear)and the Spearman (rank order)correlation coe?cients (cc)are shown.For the correlation between V CME and B eff (b)the actual scaling formula is included in an inset.

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