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It is wonderful to know that you have achieved the goal...


Please accept my congratulations on this wonderful occasion.


I wish you have good luck and make a great success in your work.


Please accept my sincerest congratulations and best wishes.





I am writing to apologize for(不愉快的事).I was

(造成事件的原因).Had I paid more attention then,I

wouldn't have made such a stupid mistake.

I m afraid what I have done has caused much inconvenience to you.Now something must be done to solve the problem because(事件的重要性).1 can either(补救措

施一)or(补救措施二).If you do not mind,


Please let me know which solution you prefer at your earliest convenience.I really hope you will accept my sincere apologies.

Yours sincerely,Li Ming



Directions:You have just come back from Canada and found a music CD in your luggage that you forgot to return to Bob,your Landlord there.Write him a letter to 1)make an apology,and 2)suggest a solution.

You should vurite about 100 words un the ANSWER SHEET.Do not sign your ozun name at the end of the https://www.doczj.com/doc/7e1980539.html,e“Li Ming7 instead.

Do not'write the address.(10 points)


Dear Bob,

I am writing to apologize for having forgotten to return the“the Beatles”CD to you when I left Canada.I was in such a hurry that I packed everything in my luggage without checking carefully.Had I paid more attention then,I wouldn’t have made such a stupid mistake.

Now something must be done to solve the problem because I understand you cherish the CD enormously.I can either send it to you by express mail or alternatively compensate you at a reasonable price.If you do not mind,I may bring it back to you next time I go to Canada.

Please let me know which solution you prefer at your earli est convenience.I really hope you will accept my sincere apologies.

Yours sincerely,Li Ming



The picture vividly depicts a website which is selling our personal information.What is conveyed in the drawing is most meaningful and thought-provoking in terms

of protection of our privacy in the information age.

Internet has penetrated into all the aspects of our life and work.We can do almost everything on the Internet,and almost anywhere anytime.However,at the same time when the Internet provides services for us,it is inevitably invading our privacy to some degree.The services on most websites require our registering.If we want to enjoy these services,we have to provide much private information,including our name,gender,address,telephone number and sometimes the bank account.Due to the poor Internet administration and weak network

security,our information might be open,stolen or sold.Even sometimes the information will be misused by the criminals.


Considering the above mentioned,we must enhance the alertness when using the

Internet.First,when we need Internet service,we should always log on those big legal websites.Second,if the service requires important private information,we should think twice before we type in it.、





As is shown in the picture,virtually all the people on the subway are looking at their cell phones and they are shocked by a lady who is reading a book attentively.Strikingly,the picture gives a vivid description of the phenomenon that many people’s lives are dominated by cell phones and have lost the habit of reading books.

Why have cell phones gained so much dominance?Firstly,a cell phone has no wires and can be carried everywhere easily.It can be a great help for you to be connected with the

world.Secondly,a cell phone is something wonderful that we can have fun with:news,games,music and chat through sending short messages.Thirdly,the drop in price and the simultaneous improvement in the functions have made it possible for an average

person to make use of a cell phone.

encou^IeTand^^^^〇f b〇〇ks?^^ily life should be

knowleTe outbid^°31186 reading m〇re b〇〇kS Ca"helP us^cumulate the

knowledge outs.de the classroom,so that we ca?feel strong.This strong power can inspire

us to move forward aad continue to grow.As Mr.Bacon said,?k…〇w,edge is p〇Wer?










Of all the phenomena that have taken place on the Internet in recent years,Internet slangs enjoy great popularity among teenagers.As is vividly depicted in the above

picture,even the robot feels confused in face of these slangs.

Admittedly,this phenomenon is nothing new.The emergence of computers,coupled with the maturity of the Internet,has given rise to a wealth of net slangs.To name only a few:3Q is used to express“Thank you”;7456 is employed to express“I am angry.”As to this

trend,folks are divided over it.Some individuals take the view that in some


certain language environment,Internet slangs can form lively and humorous styles,notably their convenience and flexibility features in online interaction.Plus,they can significantly enrich the language bank of modem Chinese.Others,however,see a different picture.Many academics and linguists argue that the widespread use of Internet slangs is potentially harmful to the evolution of Chinese.

In my eyes,the root of this issue lies in our attitudes,perceptions and approaches to

Internet slangs.Undoubtedly,the network language functions as a double-edged sword.The


(A)Study the following graph carefully and write an essay at least 160 words.

(B)Your essay must be written neatly on ANSWER SHEET II.

(C)Your essay should meet the requirements below:

(a)Interpret the graph.

(b)Give your comment.

Businessman Lawyer Manager Scientist Teacher


What Jobs Do College Graduates Want To do

College students have a clear idea about their future occupation and boys are to some extent different from girls in their choice as is seen from the graph.

The most striking contrast is in the occupation of teaching:45%of girl students would

like to be-come teachers after graduation whereas only 5%of boys want to do the job.What boys like to do most is to become managers(40%)and the second largest group is to be

businessmen(30%).Girls also like to pursue these two professions,with a percentage of 15%and 25%respectively choosing these two jobs.15%of boys want to become lawyers while 10%of girls preferring this professions.

Teaching is preferred by females as it provides a more regular and purer life.Women*s patience also fits the job well.Boys consider working as scientists,managers,businessmen and lawyers more demanding and stimulating,so more boys want to show their talents in these fields.One thing worthy of note is that the numbers of girls wanting to do business is not small.This shows that girls also want to do the challenging and exciting jobs.


(A)Study the following graph and write an essay in no less than 200 words.

(B)Your essay must be written clearly on the Answer Sheet.

(C)Your essay should cover all the information indicated in the graph.

Average Monthly Expenses of College Stationts Total:RMBV200

Unknown 12%Clothes 10%





Books 3%


Average Monthly Expenses of College Stations

Do you know that a college student spend¥200 per month on the average?The above pie graph consists of 6 segments,the largest one representing food,which accounts for 60%of the

total.Clothes and entertainment each takes up 10%.5%goes to Transportation and 3%Books.All the rest expenses,12%of all,is spent on unknown items.

From the above information,we find that college students can,on the whole,reasonable plan their monthly https://www.doczj.com/doc/7e1980539.html,ually,college students need to be concerned about their

studies,food,clothing,transportation,and so on.All the items are included in the pie

graph,which displays an adequate intake of food,moderate expenses concerning

clothes,entertainment,and transportation;besides,books are also an oudet of their total expense.In a word,apart from getting sufficient nutrition,college students are


able to arrange work and play appropriately.

But in my opinion,college students might as well spend a little more on

books.Indeed,books are becoming more and more expensive year by year,but many of

them,especially those closely connected with their majors and interest,are really worth buying.For college students,3%of 200 yuan,namely,6 yuan spent on books,is for too small a sum of money.Some may say that it is the only sum they can spare.But you will see the invalidity of the statement if you look at the unknown segment,the second largest one in the graph.I believe few students would willingly let money slip away unnoticed.Therefore,I suggest that you make a monthly list of miscellaneous expenses,and find out where the money has gone so as to better plan your monthly budges and save some more for books.Suppose you save half of the 12%Unknown expenses,you will have 9%,that is,18 yuan for books per month.Within 4 years you can save a quite sizable sum of money for books:862 yuan.Dose the idea sound attractive?Why don*t you carry it out right now?In that case,when you graduate,you will have a rich collection of lifelong treasures.

9.You are choosing a birthday cake for your father*s 60th birthday from the 4 kinds shown below.State the specific one you will choose,and give your reasons.


nutrition 2nd 4th 3rd 1st

taste 3rd 1st 2nd 4th

design 3rd 4th 1st 2nd


[B]Well it*s still a practicing effort,but I don*t just listen to what a man says.

[C]I*ve seen women that only give as much as they receive from a man,they never share more than what is shared with them,and they never let a man know how they truly feel.

[D]Let*s face it as women we crave conversation.The saying that we never run out of something to talk about is accurate.We always have something to say and want someone to listen.

[E]I wouldn*t feel disappointed or used,less naive,and more respected.I can say that every time I*ve valued only the words I heard was the times that I was let down.

[F]I know only one way to be up front,open,and loving.

[G]All those sweet nothings he whispers,the perfect comment at the perfect moment,and the feelings those words give us.







Unit Seven


In the following text,some sentences have been removed.For Questions 41-45,choose the most suitable one from the list A-G to fit into each of the numbered blanks.There are two extra choices,which do not fit in any of the blanks.Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.

The history of life on earth has been a history of interaction between living things and their surroundings.To a large extent,the physical form and the habits of the earth*s vegetation and its animal life have been molded by the environment.Considering the whole span of earthly time,the opposite effect,in which life actually modifies its surroundings,has been relatively slight.1).

During the past quarter century this power has not only become increasingly great but it has changed


in character.The most alarming of all man*s assaults upon the environment is the contamination of air,earth,rivers,and sea with dangerous and even lethal mateiials.This pollution is for the most part irrecoverable.2).Chemicals sprayed on croplands or forests or gardens lie long in soil,entering into

living organisms,passing from one to another in a chain of poisoning and death.Or they pass mysteriously by underground streams until they emerge and combine into new forms that

kill vegetation,sicken cattle,and work unknown harm on those who drink from once pure

wells.uMan can hardly even recognize the devils of his own creation,”as a scientist has said.

It took hundreds of millions of years to produce the life that now inhabits the earth.3)? 4).Radiation is now the unnatural creation of man*s tampering with the atom.The

chemicals are the synthetic creations of man*s inventive mind,having no counterparts in nature.

5).And even this,were it by some miracle possible,would be futile,for the new chem

icals come from our laboratories in an endless stream;almost five hundred annually find their way into actual use in the United States alone.Among them are many that are used in man*s war against nature.Since the mid 1940,s over 200 basic chemicals have been created for use in killing insects,weeds,and other organisms described as“pests.’,

[A]The rapidity of change follows the impetuous pace of man rather than the deliberate pace of nature..'病“各打hi:#.

Future generations are unlikely to forgive our lack of concern for the integrity of the natural world that supports all life.

[C]Only in the present century has one species man acquired significant power to alter the nature of his world.?-k

[D]I do contend that we have put poisonous and biologically potent chemicals

indiscriminately into the hands of persons largely or wholly ignorant of their potentials for harm.

[E]In this now universal contamination of the environment,chemicals are the sinister partners of radiation in changing the very nature of the world the very nature of its life.

[F]Given time not in years but in millennia life adjusts,and a balance has been reached.But in the modem world there is no time.

[G]To adjust to these chemicals would require not merely the years of a man*s life but the life of generations.







Unit Eight


In the following text,some sentences have been removed.For Questions 41-45,choose the most suitable one from the list A-G to fit into each of the numbered blanks.There are two extra choices,which do not fit in any of the blanks.Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.

Enlightenment is man*s leaving his self caused immaturity.Immaturity is the incapacity to use one9 s intelligence without the guidance of another.

B.the famous Later Paleolithic European cave paintings are the original form of teaching young people essential social knowledge so they could be qualified as to live in the complex social systems.

C.the famous Earlier Paleolithic European cave paintings can help to put the youths originally into complex society.

help to put the youths originally into

D.the famous Later Paleolithic European cave paintings complex society.










以前,所有的人都有一种我们现在划归于超感的共同意识。仪式作为萨满教的习俗,也可以看作是从原来那种状态的一种退化(regression)。只有专家才能达到的这么一种曾一度为大家所共有的感知高度,劳动分工加剧了其进一步的退化过程。通过仪式力求把有限的生命溶人到其他的乐趣里面以期回到至福境界,实际上是一种非常普遍的神话主题(mythic theme)。正如一般的符号文化一样,仪式的这种主题也是为了填补误以为它可以填补的空缺。



觉(detect)到因此而产生的不安感一一由于先前直接真实性的逐渐消失而产生的不安。”拉巴赫断言“艺术和宗教一样都是由于愿望未得到满足而产生的”。我认为这种说法是正确的。在人为地应对人类精神方面和社交方面的焦虑上,文化的介人起初比语言的介入更抽象,后来比仪式和艺术的介入更具有目的性。 仪式和魔法一定支配着早期(旧石器时代后期)的艺术;并且,随着日益发展的劳动分工,仪式和魔法对于协调社区关系和引导社区发展也很可能是不可或缺的(essential)。Pfeiffer(1982)把旧石器时代后期的欧洲著名的洞穴壁画描述为传授年轻人基础知识以使其投入复杂的社会生活中的原始形式以及秩序和约束的必要途径。譬如,作为最早的地盘占有天性发展的一部分,在人类征服自然的过程中艺术很可能也发挥了积极作用。









representation[i reprizen,teiJot]Ti.代表;代理;代表权;表示,表述,表现;图画,图像;雕像,塑像;说明,陈述;演出,扮演






facilitate[fe’siliteit]V.使变得(更)容易,使便利;促进,助长(反应,功效等);帮助,援助 dissolution[idis3flju:j9n]n.溶解;融化;液化;分解;腐朽;(婚姻关系等的)解除;*(议会等的)解散;终止,死亡;瓦解,消失

restraint[ri'streint]n.L抑制,遏制;克制;控制,限制,约束;困厄因素;约束措施;管押,监禁 facet[’f—(多面体的)面;(宝石等的)琢面;(诸如自然力在卵石等1:磨成的)面;(问题等的)一个方面;(昆虫等的)小眼面,个眼面;小(平)面





