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Design Pattern Abstractions and Abstract State Machines

Design Pattern Abstractions and Abstract State Machines
Design Pattern Abstractions and Abstract State Machines

Design Pattern Abstractions and Abstract State Machines

Egon B¨o rger

Universit`a di Pisa,Dipartimento di Informatica,I-56125Pisa,Italy boerger@di.unipi.it on sabbatical leave at SAP Research,Karlsruhe,Germany egon.boerger@https://www.doczj.com/doc/7316263000.html,

Abstract.As a?rst step towards de?ning high-level modeling patterns,which support the

general ASM re?nement technique,we model some standard object-oriented design patterns

from[12]by ASMs.


In this paper we model as Abstract State Machines(ASMs)some object-oriented design patterns, which have been introduced in[12]in the context of object-oriented programmming principles.We hope to trigger by this work some investigation of genuine modeling patterns,which are placed at a higher level of abstraction than object-oriented class structures and related programming structures.

We suppose the reader to have a rough understanding of ASMs or to believe in the accurate de?nability in terms of ASMs of his intuitive understanding of pseudo code,i.e.rules of the form if Condition then f(t1,...,t n):=t

All the rules of one machine are simultaneously executed.Besides standard abbreviations(like let)we use also the following notation to explicitly name forms of non-determinism: choose x withφ


In addition we adopt the following notation,which goes together with the synchronous parallelism for the execution of ASM rules:

forall x withφdo


Details can be found in the AsmBook[10].

Since their introduction in[12],the object-oriented design patterns have been widely adopted for reusable object-oriented software development.They are traditionally classi?ed by their pur-pose and by their scope,distinguishing structural patterns,which are concerned with the com-position of classes and objects,from creational patterns,which are concerned with the creation of objects at class instantiation,and from behavioral patterns which describe the interaction of classes and objects,characterizing the?ow of control,abstract forms of actions of objects and the communication and cooperation between classes and objects.Concerning the scope,class patterns are characterized as dealing with the static(compile-time relevant)composition of(sub)classes, expressible in terms of signature declarations via inheritance and accessibility or use relations, whereas object patterns have a dynamic character,dealing with the composition of run-time ob-jects.We illustrate in this paper how the notion of ASM(their abstract states and updates) together with the notion of ASM re?nements can be used to classify and precisely capture the abstractions which are incorporated into design pattern.

On the basis of their abstraction mechanism,patterns can be classi?ed into the following three groups(where we skip most patterns which are of syntactical nature and well-understandable in terms of mere signatures and associations of classes):

Parameterization of(sub)machines or operations by implicit arguments for the current class instance,in the ASM framework more generally for the current machine executing agent.As examples we discuss below some typical structural patterns,namely Bridge,Proxy,Objec-tAdapter and Decorator,and some behavioral patterns,namely Strategy and Visitor.Another related example is the so-called State pattern,where the parameterization is done by a state.

De?ne the skeleton of an algorithm in an operation,deferring some steps to subclasses.

Template Method lets subclasses rede?ne certain steps of an algorithm without changing the algorithm’s structure.

The structure for this pattern is characterized by two classes:

A subclass ConcreteClass(of AbstractClass),which stands for an individual‘MyApplication’

and implements the PrimitiveOperations‘to carry out subclass-speci?c steps of the algorithm’.

The ASM Method uses instead of this object-oriented subclassing and inheritance paradigm a more general and mathematically accurate re?nement concept(see[5]).One can de?ne an ASM using abstract operations(functions)or submachines(macros)which are then re?ned.The place where such re?nements are de?ned can be‘elsewhere’,i.e.it is not necessarily in a subclass of the machine where the abstract operation occurs.One may also introduce more than one re?nement of the same abstraction;this generalizes the case that abstractions are implemented‘in various ways’by multiple subclasses di?ering by variations of the implementations.

We now show examples to illustrate re?nements done‘elsewhere’(like in the Memento pattern) or‘in various ways’(like in the Iterator and Observer pattern).

The Memento pattern illustrates how an abstract operation for reasons of encapsulation is re?ned in a separate class.We read as intent in[12,pg.283]:

Without violating encapsulation,capture and externalize an object’s internal state so that the object can be restored to this state later.

In other words the goal of this patterns is to o?er abstract operations to record or retrieve the current state currState of one machine(the Originator class),which are re?ned by(read: encapsulated via operations of)another machine(the Memento class).More technically speaking the two classes are related as follows:

The class Originator comes with a location currState and abstract machines CreateMemento and SetMemento,which are implemented as follows via Memento operations to create or restore snapshots of its internal current state via a memento instance:

CreateMemento=return New Memento(currState)

=let m=New(Memento)in


Return m


To achieve that Memento‘protects against access by objects other than the originator’,two interfaces are introduced by a third class,called Caretaker,which‘is reponsible for the memento’s safekeeping’and‘never operates on or examines the contents of a memento’.It‘sees a narrow interface to the Memento—it can only pass the memento to other objects.Originator,in contrast, sees a wide interface,one that lets it access all the data necessary to restore itself to its previous state.’[12,pg.285]These features belong to the pragmatic use conditions of the pattern and are therefore not formalized here.

For the sake of generality we have distinguished two locations to denote Originator states, namely currState(from where a state is recorded)and originatorState(where a previously recorded state is retrieved);an implementation may identify them.The operation m.SetState(state)is usu-ally implemented using an additional state location in Memento,say by m.mementoState:=state.

We rely here without further explanation upon an intuitive understanding of the value returning mechanism.A mathematical de?nition which supports this understanding within the synchronous parallelism of ASMs has been given in[8].

The Iterator pattern illustrates how an abstract operation can be re?ned in various ways, in particular to support polymorphic concepts.The goal here is to provide a uniform interface for multiple traversal of and access to components of di?erent structures without refering to the internal encoding:‘provide a way to access the elements of an aggregate object sequentially without exposing its underlying representation’[12,pg.257].We see here an Iterator machine which‘de?nes an interface for accessing and traversing elements’.It comes with a location currItem and abstract submachines First,Next,IsDone,Previous,SkipTo(Condition).All of these abstract machines are to be re?ned in a variety of subclasses(submachines)ConcreteIterator,which‘implement the Iterator interface’and‘keep track of the current position in the traversal of the aggregate’.Each ConcreteIterator is associated to a subclass ConcreteAggregate which implements the Iterator creation interface;this interface is an abstract method CreateIterator of its abstract superclass Aggregate,‘to return an instance of the proper ConcreteIterator’.

No more constraints are imposed on these implementations.We therefore see that also in this pattern,the crucial role of the underlying concept of implementation is mathematically under-pinned and generalized by the ASM re?nement notion.A simpli?cation derives from the fact that the ASM framework,which?rst of all supports the modeling(speci?cation)activity in system design,does not impose any a priori de?ned type system.

The Observer pattern,sometimes also called Publish-Subscribe pattern,exploits the re?ne-ment mechanism to re?ect di?erent views between some observers(typically many)and one subject. The goal is to‘de?ne a one-to-many dependency between objects so that when one object changes state,all its dependents are noti?ed and updated automatically’[12,pg.293].The structure of the pattern participants is de?ned by two groups,each consisting of an abstract machine Subject respectively Observer together with implementing submachines.

The concrete machines ConcreteSubject are supposed to re?ne(implement)Subject from where they import each a location for the observers—a set of instances of Observer—which are currently known to the Subject.Each ConcreteSubject also imports the following three interfaces provided by Subject,with the indicated meaning to manipulate or notify1the set of observers(where we write o∈observers for the characteristic predicate of the set observers):



Notify=forall o∈observers o.Update

In addition to importing Subject,each machine ConcreteSubject has a subjectState location—intended to represent the state of interest to concrete observers—together with two submachines GetState and SetState(change)to manipulate subjectState as follows:

GetState=Return subjectState


Each of the concrete machines ConcreteObserver re?nes the Update interface imported from the abstract machine Observer.Each ConcreteObserver comes with two locations:subject,denoting an instance of a class ConcreteSubject,and observerState,denoting the concrete observer’s view of the state of its subject.Each of these machines re?nes the imported Update interface to guarantee the following meaning:


The ConcreteObserver machines may di?er by their View function which is used to re?ne the Update interface for notifying an observer about changes in subject.

3Parameterization of machines

In this section we formalize patterns which use the parameterization of(sub)machines or opera-tions by implicit arguments,in particular for the current agent or the current class instance.The examples we discuss are the structural patterns Bridge,Proxy,ObjectAdapter,Decorator and the behavioral patterns Strategy and Visitor,which all use the parameterization by agents.In the State pattern one?nds a parameterization by states.

The Bridge pattern illustrates the parameterization of machines by agents(class instances) to‘decouple an abstraction from its implementation so that the two can vary independently’[12, pg.151].It also serves the goal to provide at run-time the possibility to choose between di?erent re?nements of abstract machines,instead of using the?xed binding of an implementation to its abstraction as realized by class inheritance only.The structure consists of two abstract machines Abstraction and Implementor,the second one serving for the implementation of the?rst one.The key property is that Abstraction is re?nable by subclasses Re?nedAbstraction independently from re?nements of the Implementor(see the remark below).

More speci?cally,Abstraction provides a high-level abstract interface Operation and a location imp,which serves as reference to an object(an instance)of type Implementor(read:the currently chosen delegator).

The machine Abstraction is intended to be re?nable by subclasses Re?nedAbstraction to‘ex-tend the interface de?ned by Abstraction’,independently from re?nements of its Implementor, the abstract machine which provides an implementation interface OperationImp to be re?ned in machines ConcreteImplementor as follows:


This realizes the intended forwarding of client requests of Operation to the current implementor imp.Since OperationImp can be implemented by di?erent subclasses ConcreteImplementor,using this pattern one obtains that via updates of the implicitly given delegator imp,di?erent implemen-tations of a?xed interface become run-time con?gurable and run-time assignable.In particular, the interface OperationImp for implementation classes‘doesn’t have to correspond exactly to Ab-straction’s interface;in fact the two interfaces can be quite di?erent.Typically the Implementor interface provides only primitive operations,and Abstraction de?nes higher-level operations based on these primitives’[12,pg.154].The combination of multiple imp-addressable ConcreteImple-mentor s with independent re?nements Re?nedAbstraction of Abstraction has purely pragmatic reasons and has no formal counterpart.The o?cial explanation reads:‘both the abstractions and their implementations should be extensible by subclassing.In this case,the Bridge pattern lets you combine the di?erent abstractions and implementations and extend them independently.’[12, pg.153]

The Proxy pattern is intended to‘provide a surrogate or placeholder for another object to control access to it’[12,pg.207].The structure is de?ned by the following three groups of machines: subclasses RealSubject of Subject,

to impose the corresponding constraint on realSubject.Similarly one can extend the formalization to cover a virtual proxy which caches realSubject information so that its access can be postponed. Analogously for protection proxies which check the caller’s permission to access Request.

The Object Adapter pattern aims at supporting that‘clients call operations on an Adapter instance.In turn,the adapter calls Adaptee operations that carry out the request’[12,pg.141]. The structure to realize this pattern is given by three machines:

a machine Adaptee,which provides(an implementation of)a machine interface Speci?cRequest

‘that needs adapting’to serve as implementation of Request,

The main machine Component provides a high-level submachine Operation representing an interface that is subject to get extended by added behavior,‘the interface for objects that can have responsibilites added to them dynamically’.

The subclass Decorator of Component provides a location component,to address the given be-havior of Operation as described below,and comes with possible subclasses ConcreteDecorator to add new behavior to calls of Operation,as described below.

Decorator‘maintains a reference to a Component object’using a location component,de?ned as instance of Component.It serves to refer to the given subclass-de?ned behavior of Operation by implicit parameterization as follows(i.e.Decorator‘de?nes an interface that conforms to Compo-nent’s interface’):


The added behavior is represented by any of the subclasses ConcreteDecorator which re?ne Operation by adding to it new submachines AddedBehavior as follows:




The Strategy pattern serves to make a variety of di?erent implementations interchangeable at run-time:‘De?ne a family of algorithms,encapsulate each one,and make them interchangeable. Strategy les the algorithm vary independently from clients that use it.’[12,pg.315]The structure of this pattern is given by two machines Strategy and Context,where Strategy comes with intendently multiple subclasses ConcreteStrategy.

Each member of a family of speci?c machines(read:algorithms),formally subclasses Con-creteStrategy of Strategy,de?nes an implementation for the common interface AlgorithmInter-face declared in Strategy.

Element comes with subclasses ConcreteElement whose elements are to be operated on by some operations de?ned in the subclass and triggered by‘accepting’a corresponding‘visitor’. For this purpose the machine Element provides an abstract machine(interface)Accept(visitor) which is re?ned in ConcreteElement to visit(read:trigger the operation on)concrete elements.

In this way in case a new operation has to be de?ned on Element,one can do this‘simply by adding a new visitor’which will trigger the new operation upon acceptance of the visitor.Techni-cally speaking this means to de?ne a new Visitor submachine ConcreteVisitor,which implements each VisitConcreteElement interface(one for each Element subclass ConcreteElement)in the desired new manner.As a result there is no need to change the given structure of subclasses Con-creteElement of Element because every ConcreteVisitor instance,created by a client that uses the pattern,will have to‘traverse the object structure,visiting each element with the visitor’[12, pg.335].

The intention of the State pattern is to‘allow an object to alter its behavior when its internal state changes.The object will appear to change its class’[12,pg.305].The structure of the pattern is de?ned by two machines State and Context with the following locations and submachines: The machine Context provides an abstract Request machine,which represents‘the interface of interest to clients’,together with a location currstate that represents an instance of a subclass ConcreteState of State,the one‘that de?nes the current state’of Context.Each client Request triggers a concrete Handle r implementation that depends on the currstate.This is expressed by the following stipulation:


This equation realizes the pattern requirement that the‘context delegates state-speci?c requests to the current ConcreteState object’.The further requirement that‘a context may pass itself as an argument to the State object handling the request.This lets the State object access the context if necessary’[12,pg.306]comes up to an corresponding parameterization of currstate. Remark.The equations for the parameterization have the same form in di?erent patterns,for example in Adapter,Bridge,Decorator,Strategy,State.In fact the underlying semantical meaning of the parameterization(namely the implicit instantiation of a machine)is the same;what di?ers is the use which is made of this re?nement,as determined by the di?erent class(read:submachine) structures re?ecting the di?erent goals of the involved patterns.

4Run-time association of agents to actions

In this section we illustrate how patterns in[12]use the run-time association of agents to actions. We distinguish the non-deterministic case,where one gets a Set of Responsibility pattern,from the deterministic case for which we formalize Chain of Responsibility(with prede?ned automatic set traversal)and Command(with association order de?ned by the client).

The declared goal of the Chain of Responsibility pattern is to

avoid coupling the sender of a request to its receiver by giving more than one object a chance to handle the request.[12,pg.223]

e.g.when a static or an a priori speci?cation of the association is impossible.The structure of the pattern re?ects this purpose:it consists of a machine AbstractHandler with submachines ConcreteHandler de?ned as follows:

Every ConcreteHandler re?nes HandleRequest by associating any request m to an agent which is chosen out of a set of given implementations that can handle m.

The question now is how this agent is chosen.A non-deterministic choice leads to what one could call Set of Responsibility pattern,formalized by the following re?nement of HandleRequest:

HandleRequest(m)=choose a∈CanHandle(m)


where the set CanHandle(m)ranges over the appropriate instances of the given set of subclasses that implement HandleRequest and are available for the given m.The set of these instances is typically dynamic.

In the Chain of Responsibility pattern the idea is that there should be no choice of the responsible agents,but that‘the handler should be ascertained automatically’so that one has to ‘chain the receiving objects and pass the request along the chain until an object handles it’.For this purpose every ConcreteHandler(or alternatively the common superclass AbstractHandler)is required to also provide a successor location which is used to implement HandleRequest as follows: HandleRequest(self,m)=if CanHandle(m)

then self.m

else HandleRequest(self.successor,m)

However,to ascertain the handler automatically,it remains nevertheless to specify the initial agent self and a termination criterion for passing HandleRequest along the successor chain.It also remains to specify whether the function successor is static or dynamic.

The declared goal of the Command pattern is to“encapsulate a request as an object”and to “support undoable operations”.To achieve this the class Command provides an abstract Execute machine which is to be implemented by a subclass ConcreteCommand,one for each implementation of a concrete command.ConcreteCommand re?nes Execute by associating a(Receiver instance) receiver to an interface Action in Receiver where the command is implemented.The intention is that clients create a ConcreteCommand instance,thereby specifying an instance of Receiver where the Action is de?ned.Additionally ConcreteCommand provides a machine to Store a state for undoing of operations.This is formalized by the following re?nement:

Execute(self)=if Doable(self.receiver.Action(self.receiver))then


Store self.state

As a result,using this pattern one can parameterize clients with multiple requests.


We have illustrated how the design pattern abstractions,which have been introduced in the con-text of object-oriented programming,can be naturally captured by ASMs.This can be seen as a ?rst step towards turning these patterns into class libraries,as advocated by B.Meyer(personal communication,Z¨u rich,December2004).However,this exercise leaves many interesting questions open.The descriptions given here are oo-programming-centric,direct formalizations of the seman-tical(mostly behavioral)aspects of the patterns de?ned in[12].It remains to investigate whether interesting high-level modeling patterns can be de?ned(read:genuine ASM re?nement patterns which support the general ASM re?nement concept described in[5]),furthermore in such a way that they yield abstract information for the designer that the traditional class-oriented design patterns do not provide.It also remains to be analyzed whether the ASM pattern description method presented here can be applied also to more complex composite patterns,like Enterprise Computing Patterns[11]or J2EE Core Patterns[1],and whether the structure of such patterns can be de?ned in terms of simple basic patterns.This is related to the still widely open question what are appropriate ASM composition techniques to build complex machines out of components by veri?cation-supported construction schemes,linking architectural and component level system views.Some general techniques are formulated in[6].It would also be interesting to know whether such ASM pattern descriptions can help to distinguish useful pattern combinations from less useful ones,etc.

Acknowledgement.This is to thank W.Zimmermann and A.Cavarra(for explanations of some design pattern features)and M.Altenhofen(for a critical discussion of two draft versions of this paper,during which he also asked the questions stated in the Conclusion).Thanks also to B.Meyer for having triggered this paper by attracting my interest in his course at the ETH Z¨u rich on Trusted Components:Reuse,Contracts and Patterns(winter term2004/05,see http: //se.inf.ethz.ch/teaching/ws2004/0239/slides/AsmMethZh04.PDF).A?nal version of this paper will appear as part of the D.R¨o dding Gedenkschrift paper[7].


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选择配色方案;应用配色方案;(2)利用版式搭配多媒体资源:版式是PowerPoint2003 软件中的一种常规排版的格式,通过幻灯片版式的应用可以对文字、图片等等更加合理简洁完成布局,通常PowerPoint2003 中已经内置文字版式、内容版式等版式类型供使用者使用,利用版式可以轻松完成幻灯片制作和运用。 运用版式搭配多媒体资源需要以下几个步骤: 选择版式;应用版式;(3)、图形组合: 图形组合是 PowerPoint 软件中的一种图形处理功能,可以将多个独立的形状组合成一个图形对象,然后对组合后的图形对象进行移动、修改大小等操作,操作步骤如下: 选择图形;组合图形;4、播放和调用文稿: (1)、自定义播放: 由于一个演示文稿中可能有很多张幻灯片,有些时候我们不需要全部播放出来,这时就需要对演示文稿中的幻灯片设置自定义播放。 自定义播放演示文稿需以下几步: 选择要播放的演示文稿;设置自定义播放;(2)、打包演示文稿:演示文稿制作完成后,往往不是在一台计算机上播放,有时会出现演示文稿中所插入的视音频等资源不能顺利播放的情况。 如张老师把在家做好的演示文稿拿到教室播放,在排除连线、播放软件问题等因素后,演示文稿中插入的资源仍不能播放,请教计算机老师后,计算机老师建议可以通过以下两种方式解决:打包演示文稿;用 U 盘把 PowerPoint 中的所有资源拷到教室重


谢谢主席,各位评委,观众 辩论进行到现在,由我来给大家做最后的梳理。 首先对方辩友通篇和我们提到刑讯逼供的问题,告诉我们刑讯逼供是因为追求实体法而忽视程序法,我不得不说这与一个小偷偷了钱却叫嚣着是为了实现共同富裕有着异曲同工之妙。 大家看过电视剧,对于这样一个画面一定不陌生,官员压着囚犯游街,于是,鸡蛋,烂菜叶,砖头纷纷往囚犯身上伺候,而正是因为刑法罪刑法定的规定,对犯罪嫌疑人被告人的人权也给予了保障,我们才注意到了犯罪人的人权问题。因此刑法又称“犯罪人的大宪章”,现在DB告诉我刑讯逼供反而是实体法的错未免荒谬了些。另外,从赵作海,佘祥林等具体案子中我们看看那些执法人员都做了什么,直接制造伪证,不做DNA检测,屈打成招,这些到底是追求实体法还是违背实体法,到底追求的是正义还是仅仅一个结果! 其次,对方辩友核心是,现在程序法有很多问题,如果程序法没有得到很好地执行就无法实现实体法。首先,需要强调的是,程序法是保障实体法实现的方式,保障实现和实现是完全不同的两个概念。例如比尔盖茨出去开会,为了不成为人形靶子,需要雇佣一个保镖保障安全,因此就可以说保镖比比尔盖茨重要吗?所以我们可以看到,保障实现更多的是起辅助性,补充性的作用,关于实体法与程序法的地位问题。请让我用一个生活化的例子再为大家进行阐述。 今天我开了一家美食店,我依靠发传单来保障宣传,传单的内容是根据店里的情况设计的,如果传单设计得好,派发适当,确实能给店带来效益,然而最终还是要看店里的东西好不好吃,如果东西不好吃,传单再好也只是噱头。类比到程序法与实体法,再正当的程序,如果实体法不是代表最广大老百姓的利益,如果实体法不是也只能实现这个法制而不能实现这个法治。正是因为当局实体法规定的扭曲,再正当不过的全民公决,也只能走向苏格拉底之的悲剧。此为辅助性。在看补充性,“酒香不怕巷子深”,好的店铺自然的会招来客人。而实体法的内容可以自然而然得到实现,订立合同,写书,甚至我们这场辩论,也自然的实现了言论自由的实体法内容。并未涉及到程序法。另外,我并不一定要采用传单的方式,传单更为浪费成本且效率低。我可以利用更为便捷的网络推送,以及更有亲身体现的试吃。回到辩题,在当今世界,诉讼案件剧增是一种普遍的社会现象。法官压力越来越大。多元化纠纷解决机制呼声日益增高,一方面解决了中国人一直以来的厌讼心理,另一方面也满足了民商事等领域便捷,效率的要求。因此可以看到程序法在人们生活中实则为补充作用,我们并不一定会运用到他,但我不否认,他必须要存在在某个地方,让大家安心而紧凑的继续生活。 综上,我方坚持认为,实体法比程序法更重要。


多媒体演示文稿的设计与制作学习心得体会 杨保政 作为一名小学数学年教师,我对教学媒体和资源总是充满了兴趣。在上课的时候,我更喜欢利用多媒体,来引导学生学习新知识。但有的时候上课的效果却不尽如人意。这次能参加全员培训中我学到制作演示文稿的时候,清新的ppt 演示,实用的制作技巧,让我眼前一亮,制作攻略更是让我热血沸腾,我终于认识到了我以前为什么很用心的制作PPT,但是效果却不好的原因了,那就是没有人会对着密密麻麻的知识点感兴趣的,不由得想到了初中时候的自己,和他们不是一样的吗? 在本次培训中制作演示文档的部分,我对它进行了简单的总结: 攻略一:少即是多:每页一个主题;巧用备注栏;字少图大;提炼关键词句。呆板无趣的知识点会让学生们昏昏欲睡,如果将知识点精炼再加上图片会提升学生学习的兴趣,而且也减轻了学生的负担,让他们在快乐中获取知识。甚至在PPT中我可以恰当使用高桥法,醒目的字眼跃然眼帘,再不用老师来反复强调这是重点啊重点啊! 攻略二::换位思考:文字不小于24号;及时回顾总结;文字和背景反差鲜明;从学生的角度来思考一堂课的教授方

法,没有那么多过目不忘的学生,怎么讲课才能使学生印象深刻呢?看来我要在这方面多下功夫了。 攻略三:逻辑清晰:顺序播放;逻辑主线简明;格式一致;思想要点图表化。 攻略四:形象表达:适当运用全图型PPT;图表图形化;精心设计封面和目录;用声音烘托气氛。一幅好图胜过一千句话,无关的美景干扰主题;过多的插图分散注意;过于复杂的画面增加认知负荷;插图与背景混杂 攻略五:动静结合:控制长度;加快速度;明确目的;聚焦内容 在本次学习中,有一句话令我印象深刻,一堂课是否精彩,关键是教师而不是工具!是啊,无论ppt做得多么华丽,内容是多么深刻。但是一堂课的精彩与否,还是得靠教师来把握,路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索!


关于国际仲裁中实体法与程序法的关系的探索 韦孝诚(12013128) 摘要: 国际商事仲裁,又称对外经济贸易及海事仲裁、涉外仲裁等,是指不同国家的公民、法人将他们在对外经济贸易及海事中所发生的争议,以书面的形式,自愿交由第三者进行评断和裁决。国际商事仲裁程序的法律适用既包括仲裁程序法的适用,又包括仲裁程序法的适用,两者既有联系而有所区别。 关键词:国际商事仲裁;实体法;程序法;关系 Abstract: International Commercial Arbitration, also known as the Foreign Trade and Maritime, foreign arbitration and other means of dispute in different countries citizens, legal persons to their place in foreign trade and maritime economy, in writing, voluntarily handed over to a third party conduct judgment and ruling. Applicable Law on International Commercial Arbitration proceedings include both procedural law applicable to the arbitration, and arbitration procedures, including applicable law, both of which differ both connections. Keys: International Commercial Arbitration; substantive law; procedural law; relations 仲裁(Arbitration)作为解决民商事争议的一种有效的方式,早在古希腊以及中世纪时欧洲国家就已经出现。随着交通和通讯手段的不断发达,国际经济贸易交流日益频繁,国际经济贸易模式越发复杂化、专门化,国际商事争议也相应大幅度增加。自19世纪末20世纪初以来,国际商事仲裁制度作为一种解决国际贸易纠纷的常用方式,在国际社会得到普遍认可和长足发展。各国纷纷制定仲裁法,专门规定国际商事仲裁的有关问题,设立常设仲裁机构受理或专门受理国际商事仲裁案件。 国际商事仲裁实体法的确定是国际商事仲裁法律适用的核心部分,与国内法院实体法的选择和适用相比,国际商事仲裁实体法的选择和适用要复杂得多,主要体现在:在国际商事仲裁中,冲突规范并不是确定争议实体法的唯一根据;仲裁员在仲裁中一般要解决“二级冲突”即冲突法规则的选择和适用问题;如果当事人已明示选择了仲裁实体法,仲裁庭将适用当事人选择的法律,在当事人未作法律选择时,仲裁庭一般适用仲裁地国的冲突规则、仲裁员本国的冲突规则或者仲裁员认为适当的其他冲突规则等,来确定仲裁适用的实体法;此外,仲裁员还可不援引任何冲突规则,而直接适用他认为适当的实体法。适用于国际商事仲裁程序事项的法律既包括仲裁程序法(或称仲裁法),也包括仲裁规则。前者通常表现为单独的仲裁法,或者包含在民事诉讼法典等程序法之中,英美法系国家的判例法和大陆法系国家的司法机关作出的相关解释也构成仲裁程序法的组成部分。而后者则仅指各仲裁机构根据其本国仲裁法制定的关于如何进行仲裁所遵循的程序规则。仲裁庭在解决国际商事争议时,在程序方面和实体方面可以适用不同的法律体系,而各国的具体规定迥异,这是国际商事仲裁程序法独立性的体现,也恰恰是研究仲裁程序法的难点所在。 1.国际商事仲裁实体法 实体法是指规定具体权利义务内容或者法律保护的具体情况的法律,如民法、合同法、婚姻法、公司法等等。程序法是规定以保证权利和职权得以实现或行使,义务和责任得以履行的有关程序为主要内容的法律。 法律权利的范围和内容通常以法律的规定为准,但在一些法治国家,如英国等,还同时奉行“对于个人的私权行为来讲,凡是法律未予禁止的,都是允许的”原则。通过这种原则规定确立的个人的自由,往往也被认为是法律所允许的权利。法定职权依法律的规定而产生和行使,在上述法治国家,同时还奉行“对于国家机关及其公职人员的公权行为来讲,凡是法律未予准许的,都是禁止的”原则,因为要是每个国家机关及其公职人员可以超越权限实施行


日本财产保险(中国)有限公司 This is a claims made Policy - no claim can be made against this Policy after the expiry date stated in the Schedule. This Policy is not a renewable contract. PROFESSIONAL INDEMNITY INSURANCE APPLICABLE TO DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION/ENGINEERING ACTIVITIES In consideration of the Insured having made a written proposal to the insurance company stated in the Schedule (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") containing particulars and statements which are to be considered as incorporated in this policy, and having paid the premium stated in the Schedule, the Company will indemnify the Insured in accordance with and subject to the limitations, conditions and endorsements of this policy. INSURING CLAUSE If, by reason of any negligent act, error or omission committed or allegedly committed after the retroactive date stated in the Schedule, in the conduct and execution of the Professional Activities of the Insured in connection with a construction/engineering contract stated in the Schedule by the Professional Staff of the Insured or any Professional Party employed or engaged or previously employed or engaged by them, the Insured becomes legally liable to pay any sums arising from any Claim first made against them and notified to the Company during the period of insurance stated in the Schedule, then the Company will indemnify the Insured subject to the limitations, terms, conditions and endorsements of this policy. If, during the period of insurance, the Insured shall become aware of any circumstances which might subsequently give rise to a Claim under this policy and elect, during the period of insurance, to give written notice to the Company of such circumstances, then any such Claim which might subsequently arise out of such circumstances will be deemed to have been made during the period of insurance. COSTS AND EXPENSES FURTHER, it is understood and agreed that the Company will pay, the costs and expenses incurred with the written consent of the Company in the defence, settlement or investigation of any Claim under Insuring Clause which exceeds the Excess stated in the Schedule. Such payment shall form part of the Limit of Liability and are not additional thereto. LIMIT OF LIABILITY 1. The maximum liability of the Company under this policy will not exceed the Limit of Indemnity stated in the Schedule in any one Claim and in the aggregate for all Claims made against the Insured (including the Costs and Expenses incurred in the defence or settlement of the Claims pursuant to Insuring Clause). 2.All Claims made against the Insured shall, unless they arise from acts, errors or omissions that are different and totally unrelated, be regarded as one aggregated claim and/or loss or expense, and the Company's total liability under this policy for the aggregated claim and/or loss or expense


论程序法与实体法的关系 --从马克思的一段话说开去 马克思在莱茵省关于林木盗窃法的辩论中指出:“如果审判程序只归结为一种毫无内容的形式,那么这样空洞的形式就没有任何独立的价值了……实体法却具有本身特有的必要的诉讼形式…审判程序和法二者之间的联系如此密切,就像植物的外形和植物的联系,动物的外形和血肉的联系一样。审判程序和法律应该具有同样的精神,因为审判程序只是法律的生命形式,因而也是法律的内部生命的表现。”[1]马克思的这段话,将“审判程序和法”之间的联系,界定为“植物的外形和植物的联系,动物的外形和血肉的联系”,这实际上道出了程序法和实体法之间的关系,这也是许多学者在论述二者之间关系时所津津乐于引用的。 实际上,在关于实体法与程序法之间关系的问题上,主要存在以下三种观点: 一、实体法决定程序法 也就是说,实体法第一,程序法第二,程序法服务于实体法,程序法是实现实体法的工具与手段。这是一种非常正统的观点,实际上也是马克思作出的论断。在该种观点主导下,实体法是内容和目的,程序法是形式和手段,用沈家本的话说,就是“以刑法为体,以刑诉法为用”,实体法决定程序法,程序法依附于实体法而存在。这是一种典型的程序工具主义的反映。 二、程序法与实体法犹如一辆车的两个“轮子” 对此的经典表述是日本学者兼子一的论述。他说:“实体法和形式法犹如一辆车的两个轮子,对诉讼都起作用,在它们之间不可能存在主从关系。”[2]也就是说“程序不是实体的影子,而是可以使刑事实体美化或丑化的独立力量”,“在认识观念上,,人们已由程序依附于实体的附庸论转向程序与实体并重”,二者互不依附,共同发展。 三、程序法是实体法之母 “尝考各国法律发达之迹,程序法常先实体法而发生”,“原始社会没有实体法的观念,共同体的代表诉诸于某种超自然的力量来解决纠纷的所谓审判就是依靠程序”。程序法创制实体法,实体法从程序法中产生,“无论是从现实中的意义来看,还是作为纯粹的理论问题或者依据历史的事实,我们都可以说诉讼法具有先于实体法,或者说诉讼具有作为实体法形成母体的重要意义”。[3]因此,程序具有独立的内在优秀品质,程序的价值与其所形成的结果无关。 在上述三种观点中,笔者赞同第三种观点,因为第一种观点强调实体法的决定作用,忽视了程序法的内在价值,进入了“重实体、轻程序”的误区;第二种观点虽然看到了程序法的重要性,但对程序法与实体法的关系没有作出正确的分析;第三种观点恢复了程序法与实


多媒体演示文稿的设计 与制作学习心得体会 This model paper was revised by LINDA on December 15, 2012.

多媒体演示文稿的设计与制作 学习心得体会 通过这次培训学习,使我进一步地掌握了制作和应用ppt等网络教学的知识和技能,增长了见识,理论水平、操作水平也有所提高。基本上掌握多媒体教学演示文稿的制作方法,主要有以下几个方面内容: (一)创建多媒体教学演示文稿; (二)编辑幻灯片; (三)编辑超级链接; (四)播放并调试幻灯片; (五)使用动画效果; 对我们教师来说,PowerPoint课件是最早接触的。利用PowerPoint可以创建出非常漂亮的幻灯片文稿,这些幻灯片中既可以有文字,还可以包含图画、表格、统计图表、组织结构图,甚至可以有声音、乐曲和动画效果,还可以为这些幻灯片设计出统一或不同的背景。利用PowerPoint可通过各种形式放映幻灯片,既可以在完全没有人工干预的情况下自动放映,也可以由使用者手工控制播放,可以令每张幻灯片从不同的角度,以不同的方式切入到屏幕上,使得放映效果生动有趣。这次网络研修,主要学习了Powerpoint基础操作、基本编辑;音、视频处理;演示文稿中动画的设置,设置不同的背景,艺术字与自选图形等。通过学习我对制作课件有了新的认识,制作课件既要讲究精美又要讲究实用。不同的制作软件具有不同的特点,在制作课件时,应根据需要选择合适的制作软件。制作课件是一个艰苦的创作过程,优秀的课件应融教育性、科学性、艺术

性、技术性于一体,这样才能最大限度地发挥学习者的潜能,强化教学效果,提高教学质量。 在这一次的学习中,我通过对每个章节的仔细学习,才知道平时经常用的ppt有如此强大的教学课件制作功能,可以说我之前所掌握的只是ppt课件制作功能的冰山一角。 在现代教育教学中多媒本技术在教育教学上的运用越来越多,多媒体以它更直观、更灵活、更易让学生理解的特点,使它成为许多教师教学方法的首选。而之前我只是对ppt课件的制作有一点认识,通过教师深入浅出的讲解和鲜活的实例,让我对ppt课件有了更深的认识,在今后的课件制作方面,我会把所学的制作技能运用其中,制作出更加实用、高效的教学课件。 通过学习,使我更加深刻地了解了多媒体课件制作的方法及技巧,认识到多媒体课件制作为教师专业化的成长提供了一个平台,同时也让我明确了本次学习的目标、内容、使自己由传统化教师向现代化教师发展。 张三


实体法与程序法 一般而言,根据法律规定内容的不同来进行划分,可以分为实体法和程序法。实体法是规定和确认权利和义务以及职权和责任为主要内容的法律,如宪法、行政法、民法、商法、刑法等等;程序法是规定以保证权利和职权得以实现或行使,义务和责任得以履行的有关程序为主要内容的法律,如行政诉讼法、行政程序法、民事诉讼法、刑事诉讼法、立法程序法等等。 18世纪以后,随着程序法概念的产生,才形成了实体法与程序法的分类法。据《牛津法律大辞典》解释,程序法是英国功利主义法学家边沁(1748-1832)创造的类概念,用来表示不同于实体法的法律原则和规则的体系。 应当指出,在概念的分类理解上,不能把程序法与诉讼法相等同,因为程序法是一个大概念,既包括行政程序法、立法程序法和选举规则、议事规则等,也包括行政诉讼法、刑事诉讼法、民事诉讼法等。 同时,实体法与程序法的划分是为了认识、分析和研究法律现象而进行的法理概括,在认识上和实践中,这种划分都不是绝对的,不能机械地、形而上学地理解两者的划分关系。法律规范体系的实际情况是,实体法中往往有某些程序性规定。例如,《中华人民共和国香港特别行政区基本法》是一部实体法,但其中有一些条文却对有关程序作了规定。如第十七条第二款规定:“香港特别行政区的立法机关制定的法律须报全国人民代表大会常务委员会备案。备案不影响该法律的生效。”又如第四十九条规定:“香港特别行政区长官如认为立法会通过的法案不符合香港特别行政区的整体利益,可在三个月内将法案发回立法会重议,立法会如以不少于全体议员三分之二多数再次通过原案,行政长官必须在一个月内签署公布或按本法第五十条的规定处理。”而程序法中往往也规定有关国家机关和程序参与人的职权、权利和责任、义务。例如,《中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法》是一部程序法,但该法的一些条款却规定了实体权利。如第九条规定:“各民族公民都有用本民族语言文字进行诉讼的权利。”又如第十一条规定:“被告人有权获得辩护,人民法院有义务保证被告人获得辩护。”第十四条规定:“诉讼参与人对于审判人员、检察人员和侦察人员侵犯公民诉讼权利和人身侮辱的行为,有权提出控告。”由于现代立法往往在同一部法律中兼顾实体权利\职权和义务\责任与程序规则,因此,有的学者认为,在现实法律体系中实体法与程序法已经出现了相互兼容的特点。 实体法和程序法作为法律的整体功能是一致的,但在具体划分的意义上,两者的功能又有各自的特点和内容。 实体法的主要功能在于规定和确认权利和职权以及义务和责任。法律上的权利是法律关系主体(也称为权利主体),如自然人、法人依法拥有的利益、主张、资格、力量或者自由,这种权利的实现归根结底将给权利主体带来有形或者无形的利益。有形的利益如对不动产的占有、使用、处分;无形的利益如对资格的确认,对名誉的保护等等。职权主要是由于担任一定职务而产生的权力,如宪法和法律规定的国家元首的权力、政府首脑的权力、部长市长的权力等。法律权利的


第5章演示文稿设计与制作 第1节认识演示文稿第1课时(共2课时) 一、教学目标: 1、知识与技能: (1)掌握“ wps演示”的启动和退出方法 (2)了解“ wps演示”窗口的组成和使用 (3)初步掌握“ wps ”基本操作 2、过程与方法:通过观看、欣赏“ WPS演示”范例作品,激发学习兴趣,结合任务认识“WPS 演示”的窗口,掌握标题幻灯片的制作方法,在实践过程中达成技能的形成。 3、情感态度与价值观:知道“ WPS演示”是一种展示、汇报工具软件,知道能用“WPS 演示”制作一些作品来展示自己的风采、想法等,感受信息技术的魅力和价值。 二、教学重点: 知道演示文稿的编辑 三、教学难点: 演示文稿的编辑 四、教学方法: 任务探究,体验学习,实验学习 五、教学过程: (一)情境导入 同学们,大家好!今天老师带了件礼品给大家,想看看吗?看完后请你说一说看到了什 么?听到了什么? 师向学生展示介绍学校的演示文稿。 刚才老师向大家展示的作品是一个演示文稿,它可以将文字、图片、视频和音乐等素材 整合起来。演示文稿在我们的生活中用处可大啦,如产品介绍、自我介绍、辅助教学等。制 作这样的作品,需要专业的软件,你知道有哪些软件可以制作演示文稿呢?今天向大家介绍一款专门用于制作演示文稿的软件一一“WPS演示”。 今天这节课我们就一起来认识“ WPS演示”软件。(板书:第5章第1节认识演示文稿)(二)、新授 自主学习: 1、一个完整的演示文稿一般由___________________________________________________ 构成。 2、演示文稿中包含的素材一般有_________________________________________________ 等。 3、演示文稿的设计包括__________________________ 。 合作探究: 1、任务一:新建演示文稿 学生自学,打开“ wps演示”窗口,新建一个“ wps演示”文档。 2、任务二:新建“封面标题页” 下面我们来新建第一页幻灯片。 单击右侧的“版式”按键,打开“幻灯片版式”任务空格,在“母版版式”中选择“空 白” 3、任务三:插入字标题 插入“中国元素”艺术字 4、任务四:插入背景图片 插入“中国元素背景 1 ”并设置“叠放次序”为“置于底层”


法学评论(双月刊)1999年第5期(总第97期) 走出实体法与程序法关系理论的误区 李颂银Ξ 内容提要:现有的实体法与程序法关系理论存在着三大误区。误区之一,是将调整不同社会关系的法律部门之间的关系说成是实体法与程序法关系,违反了法律部门划分的标准;误区之二,是将调整诉讼关系的诉讼法视为程序法,不符合诉讼法是由诉讼实体法规范与诉讼程序法规范共同组成的法律部门的立法事实;误区之三,是将诉讼法的功能说成是实施民法、刑法、行政法等非诉讼法律,不符合国家制定诉讼法就是为调整司法关系和社会纠纷关系这一本质性的立法目的。 主题词:实体法 程序法 关系理论 误区 流行的实体法与程序法关系理论存在重大的理论失误。流行理论不仅导致了法学理论上的混乱,而且也给立法、执法、守法等法制实践造成了许多负面影响。因此,必须对流行的实体法与程序法关系理论予以检讨,使对实体法与程序法关系的理论研究走出流行理论的误区,从而真正确立诉讼法在国家法律体系中的独立地位,真正体现诉讼法在法律功能上的独立价值。 误区之一:违反了法律部门的划分标准 流行的实体法与程序法关系理论认为:民法与民事诉讼法、刑法与刑事诉讼法、行政法与行政诉讼法之间是实体法与程序法的关系;民法、刑法、行政法是实体法,民事诉讼法、刑事诉讼法和行政诉讼法分别是民法、刑法和行政法的程序法。笔者认为,流行的实体法与程序法关系理论的这一结论是错误的。在法律体系上,刑法与刑事诉讼法、民法与民事诉讼法、行政法与行政诉讼法之间根本就不可能构成实体法与程序法之关系。 目前,人们在研究实体法与程序法关系时,缺乏一个共同遵循的划分实体法与程序法的标准,致使在讨论实体法与程序法关系时难以达成共识。笔者认为,有关划分实体法与程序法的标准有如下几种观点: 1.权利义务标准说。英国十八世纪法学家边沁将法律中是否存在权利与义务作为划分法律是实体法还是程序法的标准。法律中规定有权利与义务的就是实体法,否则就是程序法。①这一标准缺乏科学性。因为,任何法律都是有关权利(权力)与义务(职责)及其法律责任的规定,否则就不成其为法了。 2.结果与程序标准说。该说认为法律实体“即有关国家机构或者个人依照专门的法律(如 作者单位:湖北省司法厅。 Ξ ①(英)戴维?M?沃克:《牛津法律大辞典》,邓正来等译,光明日报出版社1988年版,第17页、第865页。


多媒体演示文稿的设计与制作 ——基于网络环境下任务驱动教学单元教学案例设计 山西省运城市康杰中学赵红冰 【课时安排】8课时 【年级】高一年级 【学习目标】 ◆知识与技能: ①掌握多媒体演示文稿中幻灯片的基本制作方法。 ②熟练掌握幻灯片的自定义动画、幻灯片切换、放映方式等设置。 ③掌握多种媒体的插入方法与超级链接设置。 ④能够对幻灯片进行打包并解包放映。 ⑤能够利用多种途径搜集表现主题所需要的多媒体素材,并能进行筛选规类。 ⑥能利用网络教学软件提交作业。 ◆过程与方法: ①通过作品的制作过程提高学生综合处理多种媒体技术的能力。 ②通过幻灯片版面的整体布局和设计以及背景、色彩的搭配提高学生的艺术表现力和审美能力。 ③通过创建超级链接培养学生对作品的控制能力和交互能力。 ◆情感态度与价值观: ①图文声像并茂,激发学生学习兴趣。 ②友好的交互环境,调动学生积极参与。 ③丰富的信息资源,扩大学生知识面。 ④超文本结构组织信息,提供多种学习路径。 【学习重点】 确定主题并围绕主题搜集、筛选、分类整理素材。 幻灯片版面的设计与布局。 【学习难点】 色彩的搭配与风格的统一、独特。 【学习平台】 基于互联网的多媒体网络教室. 【学习方法】 基于“任务驱动教学方法”下的自主、协作、探究、创新的学习方法。 一、任务设计 (一)、任务描述: 学习完PowerPoint办公软件,我们已了解了这是一个集多种媒体的演示性文稿,通过多媒体的组合可以对主题的表达更形象、生动、丰富多彩。请同学们利用已掌握的制作演示文稿的多种技术来表达一个主题,制作出图文并茂、形象生动的电子演示文稿。 (二)、任务要求: 1、主题要求 自由命题:主题鲜明、内容健康,富有个性。 可参考以下方向: 宣传科普知识或环保知识;介绍本地区旅游资源;介绍本校风貌;介绍本班情况;


多媒体演示文稿的设计与制作学习心得体会通过这次培训学习,使我进一步地掌握了制作和应用ppt等网络教学的知识和技能,增长了见识,理论水平、操作水平也有所提高。基本上掌握多媒体教学演示文稿的制作方法,这次培训学习心得体会如下: 一、知识点: 这次培训学习主要有以下几个方面内容: (一)创建演示文稿 (二)插入多媒体资源 (三)多媒体资源搭配 (四)播放和调试文稿 二、内容呈现: 1.创建课件页 (1)新建文稿 启动PowerPoint,在"新建演示文稿"对话框中选择"空演示文稿"。 (2)选择版式 默认的是“标题幻灯片”。课根据自己的需要进行选择; (3)输入文本 选择"插入"菜单中"文本框"中"文本框"命令后,在编辑区拖动鼠标,绘出文本框,然后输入相应文字或者粘贴上你所需要的文字。 (4)格式化文本 与其它字处理软件(如WORD)相似 (5)调整文本位置 通过调整文本框的位置来调整文本的位置。先选中要调整的文本框,使其边框上出现8个控制点,然后根据需要拖动控制点,文本框随之改变大小。当鼠标指针放在文本框边上的任何不是控制点的位置时,鼠标指针附带十字箭头,这时拖动鼠标可调整文本框的位置。 通过调整文本框的位置来调整文本的位置。先选中要调整的文本框,使其边框上出现8个控制点,然后根据需要拖动控制点,文本框随之改变大小。当鼠标指针放在文本框边上的任何不是控制点的位置时,鼠标指针附带十字 箭头,这时拖动鼠标可调整文本框的位置。

2、编排与修改 2.1 插入图片 (1)选择"插入"-"图片",选取合适的图片,然后单击"插入"按钮。 2.2 选取模板 单击"格式"菜单中的"幻灯片设计…"命令,选择合适的模板,也可在幻灯片上单击右键,通过快捷菜单选择"幻灯片…"命令。 2.3 应用背景 如果不想对课件页添加模板,而只是希望有一个背景颜色或者是图片,可以单击"格式"菜单中的"背景"命令,在"背景"对话框中,打开下拉列表框,或单击"其他颜色…"选择合适的颜色,也可以选择"填充效果" 2.4影片、声音 执行“文件——插入——影片和声音”选择文件中的影片或者文件中的声音进行操作,为了防止课件到拷贝其他电脑无法获取文件,可将声音或影片文件与幻灯片文件放在同一文件夹下 三、学以致用: 1、PowerPoint中有多种创建演示文稿的方法,对于一个初学者想要快速制作一个演示文稿可以根据内容提示向导创建演示文稿。“内容提示向导”是创建演示文稿最快捷的一种方式,在“内容提示向导”的引导下,不仅能帮助使用者完成演示文稿相关格式的设置,而且还帮助使用者输入演示文稿的主要内容。 2、在多媒体演示文稿的页面中插入有关的文本、图片等多媒体资源需以下几个步骤:选择要插入的多媒体资源;调整插入对象的位置和大小; 3、(1)配色方案:配色方案就是由多媒体演示文稿软件预先设计的能够应用于幻灯片中的背景、文本和标题等对象的一套均衡搭配的颜色。通过配色方案,使多媒体演示文稿色彩绚丽,多呈现的内容更加生动,进行配色时需完成以下几个步骤:选择配色方案;应用配色方案;(2)利用版式搭配多媒体资源:版式是PowerPoint2003软件中的一种常规排版的格式,通过幻灯片版式的应用可以对文字、图片等等更加合理简洁完成布局,通常PowerPoint2003中已经内置文字版式、内容版式等版式类型供使用者使用,利用版式可以轻松完成幻灯片制作和运用。运用版式搭配多媒体资源需要以下几个步骤:选择版式;应用版式;(3)、图形组合:图形组合是PowerPoint软件中的一种图形处理功能,可以将多个独


实体法比程序法更重要 实体法更重要: 1、程序的启动以实体法的实现为目的。程序的启动、运作是有成本的,程序仅仅是过程、环节、方式、步骤,因此,程序运作的目的只能是涵于程序之外,即为了实现实体法而启动程序。例如我国民事诉讼法第2条规定,我国“民事诉讼法的任务,是保护当事人行使诉讼权利,保证人民法院查明事实,分清是非,正确适用法律,及时审理民事案件,确认民事权利义务关系,制裁民事违法行为,保护当事人的合法权益,教育公民自觉遵守法律,维护社会秩序、经济秩序,保障社会主义事业顺利进行”。 2、程序运作的终点是实体法目标之最大限度的实现。行政目标的实现是行政程序的终点;犯罪分子受到惩罚,无辜的人免于追究,国家和社会的统治秩序得以维护是刑事诉讼的终点;民事权利义务的判定是民事诉讼的终点。 3、评价程序运作状况的标准 实体正义在多大程度上得到实现以及其实现的代价大小,是评价程序运作状况的标准。 4、实体正义是法的最高要求,法律程序是达到实体正义这一目标的手段。不在严格的程序下追求实体正义往往是靠不住的。如果我们允许在个案中为追求实体正义而牺牲程序正义,将会有多少秘密取证、屈打成招的现象发生!遵守法定程序所追求的实体正义才是可靠的实体正义。 5、国外有关诉讼理论重视对程序瑕疵的补正、治愈、转换等的研究,主张当程序上的瑕疵不很严重而可以补正,并不影响实体权利义务时,不采取机械地判决撤销行政行为,而是在判其补正的前提下判决维持行政行为。这是因为,暂时牺牲实体正义而追求程序正义,最终目的在于追求长远的、可靠的实体正义。 总结: 1、程序法与实体法是辩证统一的。二者常常是“你中有我,我中有你”。实际上,现有各国的行政程序法,无一不兼具程序与实体的内容。因此,我们讲程序法、实体法的划分具有相对的意义。从理论上形而上学地将两者截然对立,进而厚此薄彼,不仅不能自圆其说,而且对于实践的指导无疑是有害的。 2、其实,个人认为,实体法与程序法两者谁更重要一些,要视乎当时的情形。然则在我国长期的法律传统中,普遍存在着重实体法轻程序法的观念。若脱离这个实际,而谈实体法与程序法谁更重要,则显得无意义。所以可以说,在当今中国国情,实体法比程序法更重要。 3、程序法的确值得强调,但实体法也不能偏废。我们认为,行政过程和行政权利义务的分配结果是有机联系的。每一个行政过程,都会带来相应的权利义务结果,每一个行政过程的


多媒体演示文稿的设计与制作 学习心得体会 最近参加了Powerpoint2010培训,学到了很多的ppt制作相关理论和ppt课件制作技巧,真是受益匪浅。对我们教师来说,PowerPoint课件是最早接触的。利用PowerPoint 可以创建出非常漂亮的幻灯片文稿,这些幻灯片中既可以有文字,还可以包含图画、表格、统计图表、组织结构图,甚至可以有声音、乐曲和动画效果,还可以为这些幻灯片设计出统一或不同的背景。 利用PowerPoint可通过各种形式放映幻灯片,既可以在完全没有人工干预的情况下自动放映,也可以由使用者手工控制播放,可以令每张幻灯片从不同的角度,以不同的方式切入到屏幕上,使得放映效果生动有趣。这次培训,主要学习了在Powerpoint基础操作、基本编辑、音、视频处理、演示文稿中动画的设置,设置不同的背景,艺术字与自选图形,表格等。通过培训我对制作课件有了新的认识,制作课件既要讲究精美又要讲究实用。不同的制作软件具有不同的特点,在制作课件时,应根据需要选择合适的制作软件。制作课件是一个艰苦的创作过程,优秀的课件应融教育性、科学性、艺术性、技术性于一体,这样才能最大限度地发挥学习者的潜能,强化教学效果,提高教学质量。在这一次的学习中,我通过对每个章节的仔细学习,才知道平时经常用的

ppt有如此强大的教学课件制作功能,可以说我之前所掌握的只是ppt课件制作功能的冰山一角。现代教育教育多媒本技术在教育教学上的运用越来越多,多媒体以它更直观、更灵活、更易让学生理解的特点,使它成为许多教师教学方法的首选。而之前我只是对ppt课件的制作有一点认识,通过教师深入浅出的讲解和鲜活的实例,让我对ppt课件有了更深的认识,在今后的课件制作方面,我会把所学的制作技能运用其中,制作出更加实用、高效的教学课件。 通过学习,使我更加深刻地了解了多媒体课件制作的方法及技巧,认识到多媒体课件制作为教师专业化的成长提供了一个平台,同时也让我明确了本次学习的目标、内容、使自己由传统化教师向现代化教师发展。

艺术与设计 英文简介design and art

Design and art Design is often viewed as a more rigorous form of art, or art with a clearly defined purpose. The distinction is usually made when someone other than the artist is defining the purpose. In graphic arts the distinction is often made between fine art and commercial art. Applied art and decorative arts are other terms, the latter mostly used for objects from the past. In the realm of the arts, design is more relevant to the "applied" arts, such as architecture and industrial design. Today the term design is widely associated with modern industrial product design as initiated by Raymond Loewy and teachings at the Bauhaus and Ulm School of Design (HfG Ulm) in Germany during the 20th Century. Design implies a conscious effort to create something that is both functional and aesthetically pleasing. For example, a graphic artist may design an advertisement poster. This person's job is to communicate the advertisement message (functional aspect) and to make it look good (aesthetically pleasing). The distinction between pure and applied arts is not completely clear, but one may consider Jackson Pollock's (often criticized as "splatter") paintings as an example of pure art. One may assume his art does not convey a message based on the obvious differences between an advertisement poster and the mere possibility of an abstract message of a Jackson Pollock painting. One may speculate that Pollock, when painting, worked more intuitively than would a graphic artist, when consciously designing a poster. However, Mark Getlein suggests the principles of design are "almost instinctive", "built-in", "natural", and part of "our sense of 'rightness'." Pollock, as a trained artist, may have utilized design whether conscious or not. Design and engineering Engineering is often viewed as a more rigorous form of design. Contrary views suggest that design is a component of engineering aside from production and other operations which utilize engineering. A neutral view may suggest that design and engineering simply overlap, depending on the discipline of design. The American Heritage Dictionary defines design as: "To conceive or fashion in the mind; invent," and "To formulate a plan", and defines engineering as: "The application of scientific and mathematical principles to practical ends such as the design, manufacture, and operation of efficient and economical structures, machines, processes, and systems.". Both are forms of problem-solving with a defined distinction being the application of "scientific and mathematical principles".

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