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界门纲目科属种(The gate of a class)

界门纲目科属种(The gate of a class)
界门纲目科属种(The gate of a class)

界门纲目科属种(The gate of a class)界门纲目科属种(The gate of a class)

After the Swedish biologist Linnaeus named the creature, the latter biologists used the domain (Kingdom), the gate (Phylum), the class (Class), the target (Order), the family (Family), the genus (Genus), and the species (Species) to classify. The top of the world, with the five proposed by Tucker, more and more people accept respectively; prokaryotes Protista fungi, plant and animal kingdoms

The definition of the door is the use of bio medica genera appearance, life characteristics, structure, physiological function and other characteristics of the difference in dichotomy way, by biological classification to classification. From the upper boundary to the "seed", the closer the layer is, the more closely the features of the creature being attributed. If you belong to the creature, its appearance or physiological characteristics are extremely similar, is in the process of evolution, is a source of biological relatives, but there are differences between them in genetic material, which belong to the species, although able to breed, but a new generation does not have reproductive ability.

Kingdom Monera in prokaryotes

Primary Kingdom Kingdom Protista

Protozoa Phylum Protozoa

Flagellates Class, Mastigophora

Class Class Sarcodina

Ciliates Class, Ciliophora

Class Class Sporozoa

Phylum Euglenophyta

Golden brown plant door Phylum Chrysophyta Dinoflagellate Phylum Pyrrophyta

Fungal kingdom Kingdom Fungi

Kingdom Plantae in plant kingdom

Naked door Euglenophyta

Green algae gate Chlorophyta CHAROPHYTES Charophyta


Dinoflagellate Pyrrophyta


Rhodophyta Rhodophyta

Blue-green algae Cyanophyta

Phylum Bacteriophyta


Fungal portal Eumycophyta

Lichen gate Lichens

Bryophytes, Bryophyta

Ferns, Pteridophyta

Gymnosperm Gymnospermae

Angiosperm Angiospermae

Animal kingdom Kingdom Animalia

Sponge door Phylum Polifera

Class Calcarea

Six put sponge class Class Hexactinellida Class Demospongiae vulgaris

Coelenteron animal door Phylum Coelenterata Class Class Hydrozoa

Class Class Scyphzoa

Class Class Anthozoa of coral polyps

Flat phylum Phylum Platyhelminthes Tubellaria Class Turbellaria

Class Class Trematoda

Class Class Cestoda

Round phylum Phylum Nematoda

Phylum Phylum Annelida

Class Class Polychaeta

Class Oligochaeta

Hirudinoidea Class Hirudinea

Mollusca Phylum Mollusca

Gastropod Class Gastropoda

Class Amphineura

Class Pelecypoda

Class Scaphopoda

Cephalopod Class Cephalopoda

Phylum Phylum Arthorpoda

Crustacea Class, Crustacea

Class Class Diplopoda

Class Chilopoda

Spider class Class Archnida

Six foot class Class Hexapoda

Incision class Class, Merostomata

Phylum, Echinodermata, M.

Class Class Asteroidea starfish

Ophiuroidea Class Ophiuroidea

Sea urchin class Class Echinoidea

The sea spray with water in one's mouth: Class Holothuroidea Class Class Crinoidea

Phylum Chordata

Subphylum Cephalochordata cable head animal subphylum

A subdivision of Subphylum animal Urochordata

Vertebrate Subphylum Vertebrata

Chondrichthyes Class Chondrichthyes

Osteichthyes Class Osteichthyes

Amphibia Class Amphibia

Reptile Class Reptilia

Aves Class Aves

Mammalian class Class Mammalia


The classification of origin of species: modern taxonomic phylum medica was born in eighteenth Century, its founder is a Swedish scholar plant linnaeus. Linnaeus solved two key problems for taxonomy: first, the double name system was established, each species was given a scientific name, consisting of two Latin nouns. The first one represented the genus name and the second were the generic name. Second is the establishment of order system, the Linnean nature is divided into the plant, animal and mineral realms, in animal and plant community, and a class order, genus and species level Four, which established the order element classification system.

Biological classification step size from large to small:

boundary - Gate - - class - - - - - - - - - - - - - species -

are classified in detail:

Boundary (Kingdom)

Door (Phylum)

Linzhi (Subphylum)

Master (Superclass)

Class (Class)

Department (Cohort)

Head (Superorder)

Item (Order)

Suborder (Suborder)

Superfamily (Superfamily)

Department (Family)

Subfamily (Subfamily)

Tribe (Tribe)

Genus (Genus)

Subgenus (Subgenus)

Species (Species)

Subspecies (Subspecies).

According to the classification for all organisms of the genus classification is a compendium of the gate:

1. Biological taxonomy is the branch of biology that deals with the methods and principles of biological classification. Classification is the classification and classification of biological groups according to the principles and methods of taxonomy.

There are millions of species on earth that are ever-changing and different from each other. If they are not classified, they will not be able to understand and make use of them. The categories are diverse and are the product of evolution. Thus, in theory, taxonomy is a historical summary of biological evolution.

Taxonomy is a comprehensive discipline. The various branches of biology, from ancient morphology to modern molecular biology, can be extracted as a basis for classification. It also has its own branches, such as chromosome based cytology, serum based serum taxonomy, chemical systematics based on chemical systematics, and so on. Animals, plants, and bacteria each have their own characteristics as a three species of

taxonomy, but the classification of viruses has not been formally conducted

using a two name system and a hierarchical system.

The history of biological systematics

Humans were able to identify objects and give them names long before. At the beginning of Han Er "the animal is divided into insects, fish, birds and mammals in 4 categories: insects including most invertebrates; fish including fish, amphibians, reptiles and other lower vertebrates

and whales and shrimp, crab, shellfish and other birds, birds are mammals; animal. This is the earliest classification of animals in ancient China. The period of the emergence of the four types of names seems not later than the Western Zhou dynasty. This classification, compared with Linnaeus's six systems, leaves only two classes of amphibians and worms.

The ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle used the method of character comparison to distinguish the species, such as the classification of warm blooded animals in order to distinguish them from cold-blooded animals. He arranged the animals according to the perfection of the structure, giving the concept of the natural ladder.

At the end of seventeenth Century, the British scholar Ray had

plants known as plant species, genus and species description, the "new method" is the study of plants before Linnaeus a most comprehensive summary of plant classification, the thunder also proposed "hybrid sterility" as the standard to distinguish between species.

Modern systematics was born in eighteenth Century, and its

founder is a Swedish botanist, linnaeus. Linnaeus solved two key problems for taxonomy: first, the double name system was established, each species was given a scientific name, consisting of two Latin nouns. The first one represented the genus name and the second were the generic name. Second is the establishment of order system, the Linnean nature is divided into the plant, animal and mineral realms, in animal and plant community, and a class order, genus and species level Four, which established the order element classification system.

Each species belongs to a certain classification system, and has a certain taxonomic status. Linnaeus in 1753 published "plant records" and in 1758 tenth edition of "nature" in the system was first applied in plant and animal order system. These two classics mark the birth of modern taxonomy.

Linnaeus believed that the species remained unchanged. His natural system was not related to each other, six of which were arranged in order of mammals, birds, amphibians, fishes, insects, worms. The system emphasizes the Lamarckian upside down over, from low to high as the evolutionary system. He also divides animals into two groups: vertebrates and invertebrates, which are still used today.

Since the evolution of Linnaeus was not recognized at that time, it had little impact on taxonomy. It was not until 1859 when Darwin's publication of the origin of species was published,

Evolutionary thinking is carried out in taxonomy, and it is clear that classification studies involve the exploration of phylogenetic relationships among organisms, and that the

taxonomic system becomes biological genealogy -- the birth of systematics.

The basic content of biological systematics

A classification system is a subsystem of a hierarchy and usually consists of seven main levels: species, genera, families, orders, classes, gates, and boundaries. Species (species) are the basic unit, the close species belong to the genus, the close genera belong to the family, the division is subordinate to the order, the order is subordinate to the class, the class is subordinate to the door, and the door is subordinate to the world.

With the progress of the study, the classification level increasing unit can be attached secondary unit, such as the master (super class), class, subclass, time head (super mesh), the next day, families (suborder, chaoke) subfamily, etc.. In addition, new units may be added, such as stocks, groups, families, groups, etc., of which the most permanent is the clan, between the subfamily and the genus.

There is a scientific name for all the units in the hierarchical system. The basic procedure of classifying work is to classify objects into a certain system and level and become a unit of things. Therefore, classification and naming are inseparable.

The names of the species and genera are often named after the names of the names of the people in order to identify the source and

facilitate the search of documents. A variety of scientific names are also used in the three system, and the classification

name requires stability. One genus or species (including the seed plant) has only one scientific name. A scientific name can only be used for an object (or species). If there are two or more objects, it is the name of the foreign body, and the first named object must be approved, while the other object with the same name will be given another name. This is called the priority law, and the animal and plant taxonomic communities have each developed the nomenclature act, so there is no question of the same name between the animal world and the plant community. "Priority law" is an important measure to stabilize

scientific names. The start date of the priority law. Animals are 1758, plants are 1820, and bacteria begin in January 1, 1980.

Identification of scientific names is a means of obtaining information about a species, even if it is a previously unknown new species, as long as its classification is identified and its characteristics are foreseen. The classification system is the retrieval system, and also the information access system. Many works such as classification, based on the investigation of the flora of flora and fauna, of a country or region of the animal and plant species, as basic data are for identification, search service.

Refers to a species of animal or plant group, all its members are

very similar in morphology, and they can be assumed to be some variation is very small in the same organism, all members of the group are between normal mating and breeding of fertile offspring, the species is the

basic unit of biological classification, is the basic unit of biological reproduction the.

The concept of species reflects the trend of the times. In the days

of Linnaeus, it was believed that species were immutable, and

conspecific individuals were consistent with the same pattern". The concept of schema originates from the ancient concept of ancient Greek philosophy and applies to the whole classification system. The concept assumes that all levels of matter and units in all the hierarchical systems are in conformity with one model.

With the constant change of species evolution and creationism is

used to focus on the struggle, is irreconcilable opposed to the view. However, the fact that the taxonomy of each species, each with its own characteristics, no two exactly the same species; and each species and a series of ancestral features, according to the can decide the classification status of community, door, species and families and genera, and reflect their evolutionary history.

The basic content of the classification work is to distinguish between species and species, the former is species and sub species, and the latter is species classification. The population concept improved

the species classification level and improved the species classification.

The main point was to replace subspecies with subspecies. Subspecies generally refer to geographical subspecies, which are the geographical differentiation of populations, and have some distinctive

characteristics and distribution range. Subspecies classification reflects species differentiation, highlighting the spatial concept of species.

The term "variation" used to be very miscellaneous, with variations of individuals, groups, types, meaning that was not clear, and was eliminated in animal classification. In plant classifications, commonly used as discontinuous variants within the divided population. Ecotype is an intraspecific type which has certain ecological characteristics in a given habitat, and is often used in plant classification. The artificial breeding plants and animals are called varieties.

Because of intraspecific and interspecific variation, the classification of species is sometimes very divergent. According to the similarities and differences between the degree of morphological basis of division as a division of species called species, because of the importance of various morphological characteristics is not a recognized, the division of the It differs from man to man. especially the classification, scholars on some characteristics of the "weighted" usually makes them more important than other characteristics, caused by subjective prejudice.

A species or species, and even the entire plant and animal kingdom, has its own history. Phylogenetic research is to explore the historical

origin of species, in order to elucidate the relationship and to provide theoretical basis for classification.

Although there are three schools of synthesis (Evolution), taxonomy, cladistic and numerical taxonomy in the taxonomic school, there are many similarities in their basic principles, but each emphasizes different aspects.

Feature comparison is the basic method of classification. Contrast

is the contrast between similarities and differences: "difference" is the basis for distinguishing kinds, and "same" is the basis of the kind of merger. To analyze classification features, we should first consider the common features that reflect the common origin. But there are differences between homologous and non homologous. For example, the wing of birds and the forelimb of mammals are homologous tubes, which can be traced back to common ancestry, and are "cognate features"". Is the origin of the constant temperature individual birds and animals, not from a common ancestor, "non homologous features". The systematic classification uses homologous features without taking non homologous characters.

Linnaeus divides organisms into two major groups: sessile plants and action animals. Over the past two hundred years, with the development of science, people gradually found that the two world system has many problems, but it was not until 1950s, is still the general textbook to follow, no change in the basic.

The first problem arises from the intermediate type, such as the comprehensive dynamic characteristics of plant Euglena double two circles, both chloroplast and camp photosynthesis, and action and food intake. Botanists consider them as algae, known as Euglenophyta; animal scholars consider them as protozoa, called euglena. The intermediate type is evidence of evolution, but becomes a puzzle of classification.

In order to solve this problem, in 1860s, it recommended the establishment of a third composed of lower organisms, named Protista, including bacteria, algae, fungi and protozoa. The

three system solves the hard problem between animals and plants, but was not accepted, for 100 years, until 1950s, became popular for a period of time, the number of textbooks.

The history of life has undergone several important stages, the

initial life should be non cellular life, of course, before the emergence of cells, there must be a "non cell" or "pre cell" stage. Viruses are a class of non - cellular organisms, but the origin of them is either primitive or secondary, but not yet conclusive.

From non cells to cells are second important stages of biological development. The early cells are prokaryotic cells, and the early organisms are called prokaryotes (fine seedlings, cyanobacteria). Prokaryotic cells are simple in structure, without nuclear membranes and without complex organelles.

From prokaryotic to eukaryotic is third important stages of

biological development. Eukaryotic cells with nuclear membrane, the

entire cell differentiation into two parts: the nucleus and cytoplasm with chromosome device complex in the nucleus as genetic center; cytoplasmic organelles with complex structure, become the center of metabolism. Eukaryotic cells

differentiated from prokaryotic cells, whose body levels are much higher.

From single celled eukaryotes to multicellular organisms, they are fourth important stages in life history. With the emergence of multicellular bodies, complex tissue structures and organ systems have evolved, resulting in advanced angiosperms and mammals.

Plants, fungi and animals constitute three parts of the ecosystem. Green plants are autotrophic and are producers of nature. They are photosynthesis by chlorophyll, the synthesis of inorganic substances, organic food, providing themselves, but also supply heterotrophic organisms. A fungus is a heterotrophic organism, a decomposer in nature. They get food from plants, and the organic food is decomposed into inorganic substances, in turn for the supply of raw materials for the production of plants. Animals are also heterotrophic, they are consumers, and they are the last species on the planet.

Even without animals, plants and fungi can still exist because they already have two basic elements of the natural cycle of matter that can be completed during the cycle of synthesis and decomposition-. But without animals, the biological world could not be so colorful and less

likely to produce human beings. Plants, fungi, and animals represent three routes or three directions for the evolution of organisms.

The most popular classification at present is a five - bounded system. The five boundary system reflects the three stages of biological evolution and the three branches of multicellular stages, which are classified vertically and horizontally. It does not include non cellular forms of the virus, perhaps because of the unclear status of the viral system. Protista its content is complex, including other eukaryotic algae except all protozoa and red algae, brown algae, green algae, including different animal and plant.

2, the original is between species form has the common

characteristics as the basis for classification, according to the degree of similarity to each other and gradually broken down, such as legumes have shaped fruit pods; some can be classified as reference according to the living habits of different features such as cats are carnivorous and animal nocturnal.

But the food habits just not sufficient classification conditions, not simply according to the type of food classification, because animal feeding is vegetarian, vegetarian and omnivorous, as if the animal is divided into three big classes, is too rough, an important basis for the classification of animal reproductive isolation or bone structure and life habit and distribution by region.

In recent years, the biological community has also classified

animals according to their biological, genetic, and material properties. Animals with similar DNA are classified as similar.


一 简介界门纲目科属种的分类来历:近代分类学诞生于18世纪,它的奠基人是瑞典植物学者林奈。林奈为分类学解决了两个关键问题:第一是建立了双名制,每一物种都给以一个学名,由两个拉丁化名词所组成,第一个代表属名,第二个代表种名。第二是确立了阶元系统,林奈把自然界分为植物、动物和矿物三界,在动植物界下,又设有纲、目、属、种四个级别,从而确立了分类的阶元系统。生物分类阶元从大到小:界——门——纲——目——科——属——种,详细分类为:界(K i n g d o m)门(P h y l u m) 亚门(S u b p h y l u m) 总纲(S u p e r c l a s s) 纲(C l a s s) 部(C o h o r t) 总目(S u p e r o r d e r) 目(O r d e r) 亚目(S u b o r d e r) 总科(S u p e r f a m i l y) 科(F a m i l y) 亚科(S u b f a m i l y) 族(T r i b e) 属(G e n u s) 亚属(S u b g e n u s) 种(S p e c i e s) 亚种(S u b s p e c i e s)。生物分类等级界门纲目科属种各级的分类依据是:1、生物分类学是研究生物分类的方法和原理的生物学分支。分类就是遵循分类学原理和方法,对生物的各种类群进行命名和等级划分。地球上现生的物种以百万计,千变万化,各不相同,如果不予分类,不立系统,便无从认识,难以研究利用。分类的对象是形形色色的种类,都是进化的产物。因而从理论意义上说,分类学是生物进化的历史总结。分类学是综合性学科。生物学的各个分支,从古老的形态学到现代分子生物学的新成就,都可吸取为分类依据。分类学亦有其自己的分支学科,如以染色体为依据的细胞分类学,以血清反应为依据的血清分类学,以化学成分为依据的化学分类学,等等。动物、植物和细菌,作为三门分类学,各有其特点;病毒分类则尚未正式采用双名制和阶元系统。生物分类学的历史人类在很早以前就能识别物类,给以名称。汉初的《尔雅》把动物分为虫、鱼、鸟、兽4类:虫包括大部分无脊椎动物;鱼包括鱼类、两栖类、爬行类等低级脊椎动物及鲸和虾、蟹、贝类等,鸟是鸟类;兽是哺乳动物。这是中国古代最早的动物分类,四类名称的产生时期看来不晚于西周。这个分类,和林奈的六纲系统比较,只少了两栖和蠕虫两个纲。古希腊哲学家亚里士多德采取性状对比的方法区分物类,如把热血动物归为一类,以与冷血动物相区别。他把动物按构造的完善程度依次排列,给人以自然阶梯的概念。17世纪末,英国植物学者雷曾把当时所知的植物种类,作了属和种的描述,所著《植物研究的新方法》是林奈以前的一本最全面的植物分类总结,雷还提出“杂交不育”作为区分物


界门纲目科属种 生物分类学是研究生物分类的方法和原理的生物学分支。分类就是遵循分类学原理和方法,对生物的各种类群进行命名和等级划分。瑞典生物学家林奈将生物命名后,而后的生物学家才用域、界( Kingdom)、门( Phylum)、纲(Class)、目(Order)、科( Family)、属( Genus)、种(Species)加以分类。最上层的界,由怀塔克所提出的五界,比较多人接受;分别为原核生物界、原生生物界、菌物界、植物界以及动物界。从最上层的“界”开始到“种”,愈往下层则被归属的生物之间特征愈相近。 两界分类系统 瑞典生物学家林奈(1707~1778),注意到周围的生物有固着不动和自养型的植物,也有自由瑞典植物学家林奈行动和异养型的动物。因此,他把整个生物分成相应的两大类: 植物界和动物界,即所谓的两界分类系统。该系统把细菌类、藻类和真菌类归入植物界,把原生动物类归入动物界。在分类上,这个系统自问世以来,一直沿用到20世纪50年代。 三界分类系统 xx把生物分为两大类群: 固着的植物和行动的动物。两百多年来,随着科学的发展,人们逐渐发现,这个两界系统存在着不少问题,但直到20世纪50年代,仍为一般教本所遵从,基本没有变动。最初的问题产生于中间类型,如眼虫综合了动植物两界的双重特征,既有叶绿体而营光合作用,又能行动而摄取食物。植物学者把它们列为藻类,称为裸藻;动物学者把它们列为原生动物,称为眼虫。中间类型是进化的证据,却成为分类的难题。为了解决这个难题,在19世纪60年代,人们建议成立一个由低等生物所组成的第三界,取名为原生生物界,包括细菌、藻类、真菌和原生动物。这个三界系统解决了动植物界限难分的问题,但未被接受,整整100年后,直到20世纪50年代,才开始流行了一段时间,为不少教科书所采用。


常见微生物 界(Domain)、门(Phylum)、纲(Class)、目(Order)、科(Family)、中英文对照(Species)、种(Genus)属界(Domain) Bacteria细菌 古生菌Archaea 门(Phylum) Proteobacteria变形菌门 Bacteroidetes拟杆菌门 Actinobacteria放线菌门 Gemmatimonadetes芽单胞菌门 Acidobacteria酸杆菌门 Planctomycetes浮霉菌门 Verrucomicrobia疣微菌门 Chloroflexi绿弯菌门 Nitrospirae硝化螺旋菌门 Firmicutes厚壁菌门 Chlorobi绿菌门 Cyanobacteria蓝藻细菌门 Fibrobacteres纤维杆菌门 Elusimicrobia迷踪菌门 Armatimonadetes装甲菌门 Euryarchaeota广古菌门 Chlamydiae衣原体 Crenarchaeota泉古菌门 Tenericutes无壁菌门 螺旋体属Spirochaetes 纲(Class) Alphaproteobacteria甲型(α)变形杆菌纲 Gammaproteobacteria丙型变形菌纲 Betaproteobacteriaβ-变形菌纲 Actinobacteria放线菌门、纲 Cytophagia纤维粘网菌 Gemmatimonadetes芽单胞菌门、纲 Deltaproteobacteriaδ-变形菌纲 Acidobacteria-6酸杆菌门

Acidimicrobiia酸微菌纲Verrucomicrobiae疣微菌纲Opitutae丰佑菌纲 Nitrospira消化螺菌属Thermomicrobia热微菌门Bacteroidia拟杆菌纲 Bacilli杆菌 Chloroflexi绿弯菌门Anaerolineae厌氧绳菌纲Clostridia梭状芽胞杆菌Elusimicrobia迷踪菌门Ktedonobacteria纤线杆菌纲Thermoplasmata热原体纲Chlamydiia衣原体Thaumarchaeota奇古菌门Mollicutes柔膜菌纲Methanomicrobia甲烷微菌纲Holophagae全噬菌纲 螺旋体属Spirochaetes 目(Order)Xanthomonadales黄单孢菌目Sphingomonadales鞘脂单胞菌目Burkholderiales伯克霍尔德氏菌目Actinomycetales放线菌目Cytophagales噬纤维菌目Myxococcales粘球菌目Acidimicrobiales酸微菌目Rhizobiales根瘤菌目Sphingobacteriales鞘脂杆菌目Flavobacteriales黄杆菌目Caulobacterales柄杆菌目Rhodospirillales红螺菌目Alteromonadales交替单胞菌目Enterobacteriales肠杆菌目Verrucomicrobiales疣微菌目Opitutales丰佑菌目Gemmatimonadales芽单胞菌目Nitrospirales硝化螺旋菌目Pseudomonadales假单胞菌目Planctomycetales浮霉菌目Bacteroidales拟杆菌目Syntrophobacterales互营杆菌目Bacillales芽孢杆菌目


细菌分类表(按“界门纲目科属种”分类) 生物分类总表 生物病毒分类表 古菌分类表 细菌分类表 原生生物分类表 藻类分类表 (NCBI) 真菌分类表 植物分类表 植物分类表 (NCBI) APG I、II、III 克朗奎斯特分类 动物分类表 软体动物分类表 环节动物分类表 昆虫分类表 鱼类分类表 两栖动物分类表 爬行动物分类表 鸟类传统分类系统 鸟类DNA分类系统 鹦形目分类表 哺乳动物分类表 翼手目分类表 ? 1 酸杆菌门(Acidobacteria) o 1.1 酸杆菌纲(Acidobacteria) o 1.2 全噬菌纲(Holophagae) ? 2 放线菌门(Actinobacteria)(高G+C革兰氏阳性菌) o 2.1 放线菌纲(Actinobacteria) ? 3 产水菌门(Aquificae) o 3.1 产水菌纲(Aquificae) ? 4 拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes) o 4.1 拟杆菌纲(Bacteroidetes) o 4.2 黄杆菌纲(Flavobacteria) o 4.3 鞘脂杆菌纲(Sphingobacteria) o 4.4 纲未定 ? 5 衣原体门(Chlamydiae)

o 5.1 衣原体纲(Chlamydiae) ? 6 绿菌门(Chlorobi) o 6.1 绿菌纲(Chlorobia) ?7 绿弯菌门(Chloroflexi) o7.1 厌氧绳菌纲(Anaerolineae) o7.2 暖绳菌纲(Caldilineae) o7.3 绿弯菌纲(Chloroflexi) ?8 产金菌门(Chrysiogenetes) o8.1 产金菌纲(Chrysiogenetes) ?9 蓝藻门(Cyanobacteria) o9.1 蓝藻纲(Cyanobacteria) ?10 脱铁杆菌门(Deferribacteres) o10.1 脱铁杆菌纲(Deferribacteres) ?11 异常球菌-栖热菌门(Deinococcus-Thermus) o11.1 异常球菌纲(Deinococci) ?12 网团菌门(Dictyoglomi) o12.1 网团菌纲(Dictyoglomi) ?13 纤维杆菌门(Fibrobacteres) o13.1 纤维杆菌纲(Fibrobacteres) ?14 厚壁菌门(Firmicutes)(低G+C革兰氏阳性菌)o14.1 芽孢杆菌纲(Bacilli) o14.2 梭菌纲(Clostridia) o14.3 热石杆菌纲(Thermolithobacteria) ?15 梭杆菌门(Fusobacteria) o15.1 梭杆菌纲(Fusobacteria) ?16 芽单胞菌门(Gemmatimonadetes) o16.1 芽单胞菌纲(Gemmatimonadetes) ?17 黏胶球形菌门(Lentisphaerae) o17.1 黏胶球形菌纲(Lentisphaerae) ?18 硝化螺旋菌门(Nitrospirae) o18.1 硝化螺旋菌纲(Nitrospira) ?19 浮霉菌门(Planctomycetes) o19.1 浮霉菌纲(Planctomycetacia) ?20 海绵杆菌门(Poribacteria)* ?21 变形菌门(Proteobacteria) o21.1 α-变形菌纲(Alphaproteobacteria) o21.2 β-变形菌纲(Betaproteobacteria) o21.3 δ-变形菌纲(Deltaproteobacteria) o21.4 ε-变形菌纲(Epsilonproteobacteria) o21.5 γ-变形菌纲(Gammaproteobacteria)?22 螺旋体门(Spirochaetes) o22.1 螺旋体纲(Spirochaetes) ?23 柔膜菌门(Tenericutes) o23.1 柔膜菌纲(Mollicutes)


. 常见微生物 界(Domain)、门(Phylum)、纲(Class)、目(Order)、科(Family)、属(Genus)、种(Species)中英文对照 1 / 17 . 界(Domain) Bacteria细菌 Archaea古生菌 2 / 17 . 门(Phylum) Proteobacteria 变形菌门 Bacteroidetes 拟杆菌门 Actinobacteria 放线菌门 Gemmatimonadetes 芽单胞菌门 Acidobacteria 酸杆菌门 Planctomycetes 浮霉菌门 Verrucomicrobia 疣微菌门 Chloroflexi 绿弯菌门 Nitrospirae 硝化螺旋菌门 Firmicutes 厚壁菌门 Chlorobi 绿菌门 Cyanobacteria 蓝藻细菌门 纤维杆菌门Fibrobacteres 迷踪菌门Elusimicrobia 装甲菌门Armatimonadetes 广古菌门Euryarchaeota 衣原体Chlamydiae 泉古菌门Crenarchaeota 无壁菌门Tenericutes Spirochaetes 螺旋体属3 / 17 . 纲(Class) Alphaproteobacteria 甲型(α)变形杆菌纲 Gammaproteobacteria 丙型变形菌纲 Betaproteobacteria β-变形菌纲

Actinobacteria 放线菌门、纲 Cytophagia 纤维粘网菌 Gemmatimonadetes 芽单胞菌门、纲 变形菌纲δ- Deltaproteobacteria 酸杆菌门Acidobacteria-6 酸微菌纲Acidimicrobiia 疣微菌纲Verrucomicrobiae 丰佑菌纲Opitutae 消化螺菌属Nitrospira 热微菌门Thermomicrobia 拟杆菌纲Bacteroidia 杆菌Bacilli 绿弯菌门Chloroflexi Anaerolineae 厌氧绳菌纲 梭状芽胞杆菌Clostridia 迷踪菌门Elusimicrobia Ktedonobacteria 纤线杆菌纲 Thermoplasmata 热原体纲 Chlamydiia 衣原体Thaumarchaeota 奇古菌门Mollicutes 柔膜菌纲 甲烷微菌纲Methanomicrobia 全噬菌纲Holophagae Spirochaetes 螺旋体属 4 / 17 . 目(Order) Xanthomonadales 黄单孢菌目 Sphingomonadales 鞘脂单胞菌目 Burkholderiales 伯克霍尔德氏菌目 Actinomycetales 放线菌目 Cytophagales 噬纤维菌目 Myxococcales 粘球菌目 Acidimicrobiales 酸微菌目 Rhizobiales 根瘤菌目 Sphingobacteriales 鞘脂杆菌目 Flavobacteriales 黄杆菌目 Caulobacterales 柄杆菌目 Rhodospirillales 红螺菌目 Alteromonadales 交替单胞菌目 Enterobacteriales 肠杆菌目 Verrucomicrobiales 疣微菌目 Opitutales 丰佑菌目 Gemmatimonadales 芽单胞菌目


界门纲目科属种 瑞典生物学家林奈将生物命名后,而后的生物学家才用域、界( Kingdom)、门( Phylum)、 纲 (Class)、目 (Order)、科( Family)、属( Genus)、种 (Species)加以分类。最上层的界, 由怀塔克所提出的五界,比较多人接受;分别为原核生物界、原生生物界、菌物界、植物界 以及动物界 界门纲目科属的定义是利用生物的外观、生活特性、构造、生理机能等特征的差别,以 二分法的方式,将生物由大分类归纳到小分类。从最上层的“界”开始到“种”,愈往下层则 被归属的生物之间特征愈相近。若是同属的生物,其外型或生理等特征则极为相近,是演化 的过程中,较具有亲属源的生物,但是它们之间遗传物质尚有差别,而使同属的生物间,虽 然能够交配繁殖,但是繁殖的新一代却不具有生殖能力。 原核生物界 Kingdom Monera 原生生物界 Kingdom Protista 原生动物门 Phylum Protozoa 鞭毛虫纲 Class Mastigophora 肉足虫纲 Class Sarcodina 纤毛虫纲 Class Ciliophora

孢子虫纲 Class Sporozoa 裸藻植物门 Phylum Euglenophyta 金褐藻植物门 Phylum Chrysophyta 甲藻植物门 Phylum Pyrrophyta 真菌界 Kingdom Fungi 植物界 Kingdom Plantae 裸藻门Euglenophyta 绿藻门Chlorophyta 轮藻门Charophyta 金藻门Chrysophyta 甲藻门Pyrrophyta 褐藻门Phaeophyta 红藻门Rhodophyta 蓝藻门Cyanophyta 细菌门Bacteriophyta 粘菌门Myxomycophyta 真菌门Eumycophyta 地衣门Lichens 苔藓植物门Bryophyta 蕨类植物门Pteridophyta 裸子植物门Gymnospermae 被子植物门Angiospermae 动物界 Kingdom Animalia 海绵动物门 Phylum Polifera


界门纲目科属种分类法 生物分类学是研究生物分类的方法和原理的生物学分支。分类就是遵循分类学原理和方法,对生物的各种类群进行命名和等级划分.瑞典生物学家林奈将生物命名后,而后的生物学家才用域、界 ( Kingdom)、门( Phylum)、纲 (Class)、目 (Order)、科( Family)、属( Genus)、种 (Species)加以分类。最上层的界,由怀塔克所提出的五界,比较多人接受;分别为原核生物界、原生生物界、菌物界、植物界以及动物界。从最上层的“界”开始到“种”,愈往下层则被归属的生物之间特征愈相近。 具体分类 1 藻类植物(Algae) 1.1 蓝藻门(Cyanophyta)蓝藻纲(Cyanophyceae)l 色球藻目(Chroococcales)l 管胞藻目(Chamaesiphonales)l 颤藻目(Osillatoriales)1.2 裸藻门(Euglenophyta) 裸藻纲(Euglenophyceae) 藻类植物 l 裸藻目(Euglenales)l 柄裸藻目(Colaciales)1.3 金藻门 (Chrysophyta) 金藻纲 (Chrysophyceae) l 金胞藻目(Chrysomonadales)l 根金藻目(Rhizochrysidales)l 金囊藻目(Chrysocapsales)l 金球藻目(Chrysosphaerales)l 金枝藻目

(Phaeothamniales) 1.4 甲藻门(Pyrrophyta) 纵裂甲藻纲(Desmophyceae)l 原甲藻目(Prorocentrales)横裂甲藻纲(Dinophyceae)l 多甲藻目(Peridi-niales)l 变形甲藻目(Dinamoebidiales)l 胶甲藻目(Gloeodiniales)l 球甲藻目(Dinococcales)l 丝甲藻目(Dinotrichales) 1.5 黄藻门(Xanthophyta)(Chromophyta) 黄藻纲 (Xanthophyceae) l 异鞭藻目(Heterochloridales)l 根黄藻目(Rhizochloridales)l 异囊藻目(Heteroglocales)l 柄球藻目(Mischococcales)l 异丝藻目(Heterotrichales)l 气球藻目(Botrydiales)1.6 硅藻门 (Bacillariophyta) 中心硅藻纲l 圆筛藻目l 根管藻目l 盒形藻目羽纹硅藻纲l 无壳藻目l 单壳藻目l 短壳藻目l 双壳藻目l 管壳藻目 1.7 绿藻门(Chlorophyta)绿藻纲(Chlorophyceae)l 团藻目(Volvocales)l 四胞藻目(Tetrasporales)l 色球藻目(Chlorococcales)l 丝藻目(Ulotrichales)l 胶毛藻目(Chaetophorales)l 石莼目(Ulvales)l 溪菜目(Prasiolales)l 鞘藻目(Oedogoniales)l 刚毛藻目(Cladophrales)


植物学Ⅱ(下册)-系统分类部分 前言 1、回忆上册所学:植物外部形态、内部结构 2、下册涉及内容:分类、系统 参考文献 1、《植物学(下)》,贺士元等人编,北师大出版社 2、《植物生物学》周云龙主编,高等教育出版社 3、《高等植物及其多样性》,马伟梁主编,高等教育出版社 引言 一、植物分类学的发展简史 在人类应用和认识植物的过程中产生的. 1、人为分类时期 人为分类法:根据植物的用途或一至几点较明显的形态特征进行分类,而不考虑物种间的亲缘关系和在系统发育中的地位。 如:1.1古希腊的亚里斯多德(哲学家、博物学家)将植物按高大程度分为乔木、灌木和草本 1.2 李时珍(明代) 《本草纲目》,收录药物1892种,其中植物药1195种。植物被分为草、谷、菜、果、木等五部分。草部又依环境不同分为山草、芳草、湿草、青草、蔓草、水草等11类;木部分类为乔木、灌木等6类。 1.3 瑞典林奈根据有无雄蕊、雄蕊数目及着生情况把植物分为24纲,其中1~23纲为显花植物(如单雄蕊纲、二雄蕊纲等),第24纲为隐花植物,雌蕊的特征分目,果实的特征分属,叶子的特征分种。 2、自然分类或系统发育分类(phylogenetic classification)时期 自然分类法:最接近进化理论、最能反映植物亲缘关系和系统发育的方法。 是生物学家以追求种系发育路线,力图依生物类群之间的亲缘关系建立的分类系统。这是在达尔文进化论影响下才出现的分类系统。 现代植物的自然分类系统以恩格勒和柏兰特(Engler & Prantl)的《自然植物科志》(Die Naturlichen flanzefamilien)最为著名。 3、植物界的基本类群 植物界通常被分为16个门: 1.蓝藻门(Cyanophyta) 2.裸藻门(Euglenophyta) 3.绿藻门(Chlorophyta) 4.轮藻门(Charophyta) 5.金藻门(Chrysophyta) 6.甲藻门(Pyrrophyta) 7.红藻门(Rhodophyta) 8.褐藻门(Phaeophyta)9.细菌门(Bacteriophyta) 10.粘菌门(Myxomycophyta) 11.真菌门(Eumycophyta) 12.地衣门(Lichens) 13.苔藓植物门(Bryophyta) 14.蕨类植物门(Pteridophyta) 15.裸子植物门(Gymnospermae) 16.被子植物门(Angiospermae) 二、植物分类的阶层系统和命名 1、植物分类的阶层系统 分类阶元(分类单位):界、门、纲、目、科、属、种有序排列后形成阶层系统


界门纲目科属种 双名法——动物学名是由两个拉丁字或拉丁化的文字所组成,前面一个是该动物的属名(第一个字母大写),后面一个是动物的种名(第一个字母小写).狼:Canis lupus 属名种名 意大利蜂:Apis mellifera Linne 属名种名定名人(林奈) 一: 1.原生动物门的主要特征是什么? 答:原生动物是动物界中最原始、最低等的动物,是一个完整的、独立完成一切生命活动的有机体,身体由一个单细胞组成,形态多种多样,分布广泛,身体微小,多个的细胞聚集而成单细胞动物群体,遇到不良环境时体表的鞭毛、纤毛、伪足等胞器缩入体内或消失,虫体分泌胶质在体外形成圆球形的包囊,包含了生物界的全部的营养方式:植物性营养、渗透营养(腐生营养)、吞噬营养(动物性营养)。呼吸是通过体表进行气体的扩散,或者是厌氧,排泄是通过体表或伸缩泡,有应激性,生殖分为无性生殖和有性生殖两种类型,无性生殖包括:二分裂、出芽生殖、裂体生殖、质裂。有性生殖包括:配子生殖、接合生殖。运动胞器为:鞭毛、纤毛、伪足。 2.原生动物门有哪几个重要纲?划分的主要根据是什么? 答:原生动物门有4个纲:鞭毛纲、肉足纲、孢子纲和纤毛纲。分纲依据为:细胞器类型及其微管带的类型。 3.掌握眼虫、变形虫和草履虫的主要形态结构与生理机能特点、生命活动特点,并通过它 们理解和掌握鞭毛纲、肉足纲和纤毛纲的主要特征, 答:①眼虫体呈绿色,梭形,有一个大而圆的核。体表覆以具弹性的、带斜纹的表膜。 进行光合作用,在无光的条件下,通过体表吸收水中的氧,排出二氧化碳。眼虫的呼吸和排泄靠体表的渗透作用进行,储蓄泡:水的储存处及鞭毛着生处,眼点:感光和调节运动,伸缩泡:保持水分平衡,排泄,叶绿体:光合作用,副淀粉粒:储藏的营养物质,鞭毛:运动,基体——在虫体分裂时起中心粒作用 鞭毛纲的主要特征:一般身体具鞭毛。以鞭毛为运动器。鞭毛通常有1~4条或稍多。少数种类具有较多的鞭毛。营养方式分为自养型(光合营养)和异养型(渗透营养和吞噬营养)。繁殖:无性繁殖一般为纵二分裂,有性繁殖为配子结合或整个个体结合。在环境不良的条件下一般能形成包囊。 ②变形虫结构简单。体表为一层极薄的质膜。在质膜之下为一层无颗粒、均质透明的外质。外质之类为内质,内质流动,具颗粒,其中有扁盘形的细胞核、伸缩泡、食物泡及处在不同消化程度的食物颗粒等。内质又分为处于外层相对固态的凝胶质和处于内部呈液态的溶胶质。变形虫具有吞噬作用和胞饮作用。肉足纲的主要特征:以伪足为运动器,伪足有运动和摄食的机能。根据伪足形态结构的不同,可分为:叶状伪足、丝状伪足、根状伪足、轴伪足。体表没有坚韧的表膜,仅有极薄的细胞质膜。细胞常分化为明显的外质与内质,内

界门纲目科属种(The gate of a class)

界门纲目科属种(The gate of a class)界门纲目科属种(The gate of a class) After the Swedish biologist Linnaeus named the creature, the latter biologists used the domain (Kingdom), the gate (Phylum), the class (Class), the target (Order), the family (Family), the genus (Genus), and the species (Species) to classify. The top of the world, with the five proposed by Tucker, more and more people accept respectively; prokaryotes Protista fungi, plant and animal kingdoms The definition of the door is the use of bio medica genera appearance, life characteristics, structure, physiological function and other characteristics of the difference in dichotomy way, by biological classification to classification. From the upper boundary to the "seed", the closer the layer is, the more closely the features of the creature being attributed. If you belong to the creature, its appearance or physiological characteristics are extremely similar, is in the process of evolution, is a source of biological relatives, but there are differences between them in genetic material, which belong to the species, although able to breed, but a new generation does not have reproductive ability. Kingdom Monera in prokaryotes Primary Kingdom Kingdom Protista Protozoa Phylum Protozoa Flagellates Class, Mastigophora


生物分类总表 古菌域(Archaea) 包含嗜盐菌、一些超嗜热菌、嗜酸菌等。 细菌域(Bacteria) 包含蓝藻、放线菌、衣原体、支原体、立克次体等。真核生物域(Eukarya) 等辐骨虫纲(Acantharea),如等棘虫。 放射虫纲(Plycystinea) 双滴虫类(Diplmnadida),如曲滴虫、贾第虫。 Parabasalidea 毛滴虫纲(Trichmnada) о?超鞭毛纲(Hypermastigia) 异叶足纲(Heterlbsea),如集胞菌。 眼虫门(Euglenza) 动质体目(Kinetplastida) 眼虫纲(Euglenida) 隐藻纲(Cryptphyta) 定鞭藻纲(Haptphyceae),如球石藻、等鞭金藻、棕囊藻。 不等鞭毛类(Heterknta),除下列分类还包括辐球虫、蛙片虫等。 金藻纲(Chrysphyceae) 硅鞭藻纲(Dictychphyceae) 针胞藻纲(Raphidphyceae) 前毛壶菌纲(Hyphchytrimycetes) 卵菌纲(mycetes) 褐藻门(Phaephyceae),如海带、巨藻、马尾藻、墨角藻。 硅藻门(Bacillariphyta) 黄藻门(Xanthphyceae) 囊泡虫类(Alvelata) 顶复门(Apicmplexa),如疟原虫。 纤毛虫类(Ciliphra),如喇叭虫、中缢虫、榴弹虫、草履虫、四膜虫。 甲藻门(Dinphyceae) 单孢子虫门(Haplspridia) 丝足虫类(Cercza) 根肿菌类(Plasmdiphrida) 粒网足虫类(Granulreticulsea),如有孔虫。 叶足纲(Lbsea),如变形虫(阿米巴)。 黏菌门(Mycetza) 灰胞藻纲(Glauccystphyceae) 红藻门(Rhdphyta),如石花菜、紫菜。 原生动物 原生动物门(Prtza) 扁盘动物门(Placza) 古杯动物门(已灭绝) 中生动物门(Mesza) 动物界


界门纲目科属种.txt为什么我们在讲故事的时候总要加上从前?开了一夏的花,终落得粉身碎骨,却还笑着说意义。界门纲目科属种生物分类学是研究生物分类的方法和原理的生物学分支。分类就是遵循分类学原理和方法,对生物的各种类群进行命名和等级划分. 瑞典生物学家林奈将生物命名后,而后的生物学家才用域、界( Kingdom)、门( Phylum)、纲 (Class)、目 (Order)、科( Family)、属( Genus)、种 (Species)加以分类。最上层的界,由怀塔克所提出的五界,比较多人接受;分别为原核生物界、原生生物界、菌物界、植物界以及动物界 界门纲目科属的定义是利用生物的外观、生活特性、构造、生理机能等特征的差别,以二分法的方式,将生物由大分类归纳到小分类。从最上层的“界”开始到“种”,愈往下层则被归属的生物之间特征愈相近。若是同属的生物,其外型或生理等特征则极为相近,是演化的过程中,较具有亲属源的生物,但是它们之间遗传物质尚有差别,而使同属的生物间,虽然能够交配繁殖,但是繁殖的新一代却不具有生殖能力。 原核生物界 Kingdom Monera 原生生物界 Kingdom Protista 原生动物门 Phylum Protozoa 鞭毛虫纲 Class Mastigophora 肉足虫纲 Class Sarcodina 纤毛虫纲 Class Ciliophora 孢子虫纲 Class Sporozoa 裸藻植物门 Phylum Euglenophyta 金褐藻植物门 Phylum Chrysophyta 甲藻植物门 Phylum Pyrrophyta 真菌界 Kingdom Fungi 植物界 Kingdom Plantae 裸藻门Euglenophyta 绿藻门Chlorophyta 轮藻门Charophyta 金藻门Chrysophyta 甲藻门Pyrrophyta 褐藻门Phaeophyta 红藻门Rhodophyta 蓝藻门Cyanophyta 细菌门Bacteriophyta 粘菌门Myxomycophyta 真菌门Eumycophyta 地衣门Lichens 苔藓植物门Bryophyta 蕨类植物门Pteridophyta 裸子植物门Gymnospermae 被子植物门Angiospermae 动物界 Kingdom Animalia 海绵动物门 Phylum Polifera 石灰海绵纲 Class Calcarea 六放海绵纲 Class Hexactinellida


常见微生物的界门纲目科属种中英文对照 Modified by JEEP on December 26th, 2020.

常见微生物 界(Domain)、门(Phylum)、纲(Class)、目(Order)、科(Family)、属(Genus)、种(Species)中英文对照

界(Domain)Bacteria细菌 Archaea古生菌

门(Phylum)Proteobacteria 变形菌门 Bacteroidetes 拟杆菌门 Actinobacteria 放线菌门 Gemmatimonadetes 芽单胞菌门 Acidobacteria 酸杆菌门 Planctomycetes 浮霉菌门 Verrucomicrobia 疣微菌门 Chloroflexi 绿弯菌门 Nitrospirae 硝化螺旋菌门 Firmicutes 厚壁菌门 Chlorobi 绿菌门 Cyanobacteria 蓝藻细菌门 Fibrobacteres 纤维杆菌门 Elusimicrobia 迷踪菌门 Armatimonadetes 装甲菌门 Euryarchaeota 广古菌门 Chlamydiae 衣原体 Crenarchaeota 泉古菌门 Tenericutes 无壁菌门 Spirochaetes 螺旋体属

Alphaproteobacteria 甲型(α)变形杆菌纲Gammaproteobacteria 丙型变形菌纲Betaproteobacteria β-变形菌纲Actinobacteria 放线菌门、纲Cytophagia 纤维粘网菌Gemmatimonadetes 芽单胞菌门、纲Deltaproteobacteria δ-变形菌纲Acidobacteria-6 酸杆菌门Acidimicrobiia 酸微菌纲Verrucomicrobiae 疣微菌纲 Opitutae 丰佑菌纲 Nitrospira 消化螺菌属Thermomicrobia 热微菌门 Bacteroidia 拟杆菌纲 Bacilli 杆菌 Chloroflexi 绿弯菌门 Anaerolineae 厌氧绳菌纲 Clostridia 梭状芽胞杆菌Elusimicrobia 迷踪菌门Ktedonobacteria 纤线杆菌纲Thermoplasmata 热原体纲 Chlamydiia 衣原体Thaumarchaeota 奇古菌门 Mollicutes 柔膜菌纲Methanomicrobia 甲烷微菌纲Holophagae 全噬菌纲 Spirochaetes 螺旋体属


生物的分类:界门纲目科属种物种蜗牛:动物界软体动物门腹足纲肺螺亚纲柄眼目大蜗牛科 蚯蚓:动物界环节动物门环带纲寡毛亚纲单向蚓目单向蚓科 蜘蛛:动物界节肢动物门蛛形纲蜘蛛目所有种 动物界 作为动物分类中最高级的阶元,已发现的共35门70余纲约350目,150 多万种。 节肢动物门(占动物总数的三分之二以上)昆虫纲,是所有生物中种类及数量最多的一群,是世界上最繁盛的动物,已发现100多万种。 软体动物门(可分为5个纲) 根据软体动物形态结构的不同,主要可以分成以下五个纲。 1.双神经纲左右对称。头部不明显。常有贝壳八片,呈覆瓦状排列于背面。足块状。如石鳖等。 2.腹足纲左右不对称。头部明显。螺壳是螺旋形的。足常位于腹侧。如田螺、蜗牛等。 3.掘足纲左右对称。头部不明显。足圆柱形。贝壳为牛角形的两端开口的管。如角贝等。

4.瓣鳃纲(斧足纲)左右对称。无头部。足斧状。有左右两片贝壳。如河蚌、牡蛎等。 5.头足纲左右对称。身体分头和胸(内脏)两部分。足的一部分成为条状的碗,一部分成为漏斗状体。贝壳为外壳,或内壳,或无。如乌贼、鲍鱼等。 环节动物门(可分为3个纲) 环节动物门全球已报道种类数约有17000种。分布在我国的种类数大约有1470种。海水淡水及陆地均有分布,少数营寄生生活(花索沙蚕科Arabe-llidae)。本门可分为多毛纲(Polychaeta)、寡毛纲(Oligochaeta)和蛭纲(Hirudinea)三个纲。 多毛纲(Polychaeta) 多毛纲是环节动物中最多的及比较原始的一类,有10000多种。除极少数种类外,均为海洋底栖生活。常见的种类如沙蚕(Nereis)、沙蠋(Arenicola)、巢沙蚕(Diopatra)等。多毛类一般有发达的头部及感觉器,具疣足,雌雄异体,无生殖环带,发育中经过担轮幼虫。 寡毛纲(Oligochaeta) 寡毛纲包括常见的蚯蚓、颤蚓等一类动物,一般认为寡毛类是由海产穴居的原始环节动物侵入淡水及陆地而发展起来的一支,它们以明显的特征独立于多毛类:身体分节但不分区,疣足退化,体表具刚毛,但刚毛的数目远远少于多毛类,故名。寡毛纲种类约有6700多种。

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