当前位置:文档之家› 各种Essay的写法




里,你不能用第一人称,比如:I,me,mine,my(我)这些你要是一用,就是扣分。2, we(我们)这只有在指很大一个数不清的集体的时候可以用,比如:our humans 我们人类,这样的可以用。要是只是指你和你朋友我们,那样的话不行。

3, essay里一定不能有私人用语,比如 stuff 东西,这种说法感觉太私人。

4, essay 里的语句一定要很肯定,不能含糊,比如:she is like friendly towards him. 她好像对他很友好。句子用了‘好像’,这就是不肯定。


sentence(一个话题),然后支撑句 support sentence,结合句 linking sentence,总结局 conclusion


7,essay 里不能写缩写字,比如 cause,because 的缩写,不能有

Agreement: 主语和谓语在人称、数上的一致,关系代词与先行词的一致。Ambiguity: 尽量不去使用可能引起歧义的词语或句子。

Brief: 文章"简为贵",要抓住要点,简明扼要。

Coherence: 文理通顺,前后连贯。

Development: 主题的发挥应当充分、合理、正确。


词汇、句子、段落要分配使用得当,划分要清楚,避免使用重复字句和种子片段。Figures: 正确合理使用各类修辞格式。

Inflated diction: 不使用做作的语言。

Key: 用适当的关键词突出主题,每段都应有主题句。

Logical: 内容要符合逻辑。

Message: 信息要新鲜、确实、可信。

Omit: 合理删除多余的不必要部分。

Proposition: 主张、观点、论述要清楚肯切、合情入理。

Punctuation: 正确适时使用标点符号。

Relevant: 文章一定要要题。

Sentence pattern: 句型要尽量多样化。

Strait: 开门见山,直来直去。

Style: 文体恰切,适合内容要求。

Tense: 动词时态要正确、一致、变化合理。

Theme: 选题得当,主题突出。

Essay 由introduction,body, conclusion,

reference四部分组成,下面以这篇文章为例,教你如何写作一篇符合格式的essay 全文统一用times new roman字体,小四,1.5倍行距

Essay 是理论性较强的论文,通常情况下,一定用第3人称,禁止出现“I”,“we” “our”,“you”, “your”这些第一,二人称字样,注意语言措辞,多用些副词。为了避




2,在叙述完了理论之后,请一定要对理论进行评论,体现作者的critical thinking 3,请多用的数据和图表,使用数据图表时请附上reference表明出处。

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(essay的introduction只有一段,但由两部分内容组成。蓝色字体的地方是introdu ction的第一部分,

它相当于一个开篇,引出Essay代写这篇essay的主旨。然后从this essay

will开始是introduction的第二部分,介绍本文结构,不要再用the structure is like this这样的语句了,比较chinglish。介绍结构请统一用将来时态)

Since the setting up of the first factories in the late eighteenth century, management had become a problem seriously affecting the factories’ production. Then, management was gradually recognised as an important element of the success or failure of a company. Until the nineteenth century, the systematic and scientific management theory came out with its leading thinkers, two of whom were well known as Frederick W. Taylor and Elton Mayo. Both Taylor and Mayo stated the importance of the productivity and cooperation between managers and workers. This essay will firstly discuss these similarities in their different management theories and how they relate to each other. Following this, it will explain the differences of the two theories concerning the consideration of the human beings during management. Finally, it will look at how the two theories affect the feeling of workers and support increasing the productivity and maximising the efficiency.


Similarities and relations in management theories of Taylor and Mayo

Although Taylor and Mayo have different management theories, they both aim

to make workers more productive and efficient during the management. Taylor, the founder of the movement known as ‘scientific management’, states ‘The principal object of management should be to secure the maximum prosperity

for the employer, coupled with the maximum prosperity for the employee’ (Taylor, 1947, p.36). According to this, workers should be trained as ‘first-class’ and follow the methods of the work which managers have carefully analysed

and set up. Workers are not responsible to think about the way of doing the work, and they just do what managers

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tell them to, and that makes them more productive, which is the aim of work. Taylor is much concerned about increasing the output of the production systematically and scientifically and at the meantime decreasing the cost per output. Taylor (1947) believed that by scientifically selecting them, workers would possess the physical and intellectual qualities to enable them to get work done systematically and efficiently and consequently achieve the output. Similarly, Elton Mayo also pays much attention to productivity and efficiency. Mayo (1933) introduced rest pauses as one technique and explained its importance for accomplishing work productively. The rest periods eliminate the monotony of the work, which can lead to ‘pessimistic reveries’ (p.59). Workers could re-participate into the task fast due to the relief of postural fatigue and impaired circulation during the rest pauses. Generally speaking, both Taylor and Mayo treated labor as the main sour


by Sandy Kreisberg

Founder of the Cambridge Essay Service





-Why are you seeking an MBA from the University of Chicago Graduate School

of Business?What do you hope to experience and contribute?What are your pl ans and goals after you receive your degree(750words maximum).这是今年芝加哥商学院的典型问题。

-Briefly assess your career progress to date.Elaborate on your future career plans and your motivation for pursuing a graduate degree from Kellogg(One to t

wo double spaced pages).


-Please discuss the factors influencing the career decisions you have made tha t,in turn,have led you to your current position.Why is now an appropriate tim e to pursue an MBA,and what will you contribute to the class entering in the

fall of2000?What are your career goals for the future,and how will you av ail yourself of the resources at the Wharton School to achieve these goals?沃顿商学院的类似问题似乎问得更为具体。





所以不要说“My goal is to become a consultant to high-tech firms starting busi ness in Asia”,最好的说法是“Based on my experiences working in India and Hong Kong as a programmer and business analyst,and on my project leader work a t Cenco Corporation in Singapore,my long term goal is to return to this area and start a consultancy advising large technology companies how to'do business'

as an employer in these countries.”。



想使你看起来很有理性,对人生深思熟虑,最好把你的目标分成阶段性:长期目标、中期目标和M BA毕业后的短期目标。分段构思使你能够真正达到长期目标,而且读来也十分可信,同样为你攻读MB A提供了合理的解释。学校能在成千上万的人中发现你就是因为它们确信你知道毕业后什么工作最适合你(他们同样想知道这种工作是否可能实现,是否其他毕业生已拥有同样的工作,你也应该在写之前看一看)。应该与学校的Career Office联系,了解最近的毕业生从业情况,你对自己未来事业的描述必须有同样的起点。

3.使用“Interests”和“Could Take The Form”的句型来写长期目标。


Based on my leadership and cross-functional team experiences as the SDK La ser X-Ray project leader at Medco in California,and as a marketing specialist

at Jetco in Shanghai,my long-term career objective is to use my technical and marketing know-how and leadership skills to help China obtain high-tech medical eq uipment.This goal could take the form of my starting a company in China to i mport or distribute such equipment,or my heading the division of a large Americ an high-tech medical device firm such as X-med,Y-med,or Z-med with production for the Asian market as its goal.

My short-term goal after my MBA is to move from R&D to general managem ent in a health care technology company such as X or Y.My five-year plan is to gain experience in various aspects of the health care technology business inc luding business development,marketing,operations and strategy and also to establis h my credibility in running a medium-sized organization.



Based on my experiences as the SDK Laser Widget team leader at Medco i n California,and as a marketing specialist at Jetco in Shanghai,my long term career objective is to use my technical and marketing know-how and leadership skills to help China obtain high-tech medical equipment.

I am greatly impressed by such companies as IndusMed and BengalRx which

have specialized in bringing hi-tech medical devices to the Indian marketplace an d I hope to replicate some of their success on the Chinese Mainland.Also,Sa mmy Lee,the Chinese Minister of Hi-Tech,is a personal hero of mine for his efforts to make technology bridges with Western suppliers.Mr.Lee's own company, Go-Go East,which is the leader in supplying Chinese and Hong Kong casinos with the latest in Western hi-tech gambling technology,is a good sign that Chi na may soon be open to medical devices as well.



文章要求的是你和你的目标,录取委员会想了解你的经历和你的思想,所以千万不要走题。常见的错误是申请者把一段关于他们未来从事行业的报告插进来,迟迟不能进入正题。如果你的目标是进军电子商务业,你不用写200字介绍什么是电子商务,为什么它会持续发展。很简单,如果你的目标是在亚洲工作,录取委员会不需要了解为何亚洲经济在90年代衰败以及它为何会再度兴起。 6.把资料集中在一起。













如何写好MBA essay: 7大标准开头






的就是概括性的开头,而最普通的概括性开头往往就是重复一遍问题:"While I have had many opportunities to serve in the capacity of a leader in both my personal and profe

ssional lives, there are two occasions that I feel clearly demonstrate my managerial pot ential." "There are two individuals who have deeply shaped my professional thinking." "My most important cross-cultural experience is related to the fifteen months I spent in Thailand as a teacher of Economics andBusinessin a Cambodian refugee camp."



"Recently, I was trapped on a ledge more than 300 feet above the ground when an unexpected snow storm hit while I was rock climbing." "During my senior year in college, my father was diagnosed with terminal skin cancer."



"I carried the puck up the left wing and couldn't find a team-mate as I reached the offensive zone."



"During the summer before my senior year, I founded and managed a company that employ ed five people and grossed twenty thousand dollars." (第一部分)

"In my senior year atHarvard, I led our ECAC champion hockey team in points, becoming t he first player to ever begin his career on the J.V. team and finish as the varsity's leading sc orer." (第二部分)

"I paid for the majority of my college education, while achieving Dean's List every semester , spent forty hours each week participating in a Division 1 athletic program, worked ten to fif teen hours each week to help defray tuition costs, and also maintained a balanced social life ." (第三部分)



"Technological innovation is occurring at an ever-increasing pace." "Six months ago, my church implemented a new organizational structure in which all the various church functions were consolidated under the responsibility of one of ten different committees."





"'It's in my blood, it's in my veins, I am the ghost who entertains.' -- Peter Weiss, Wi

e dem Herrn Mockinpott das Leiden ausgetrieben wird"



"Stop foolin' around, old boy. How would anMBAhelp you? Better get on with your career." "First-rate skiing, the Winter Carnival, a bucolic setting, Ivy League football, and a great career at the end of it all? Who wouldn't want a Tuck MBA?"









几乎每个商学院的ESSAY都会有这样一个问题--你对未来的发展计划如何以及选择这个学校的原因。要写好这篇文章,必须对申请的学校情况、教学特点有很详细的了解,这要通过认真阅读学校寄给你的资料,比如哈佛大学,了解其案例教学的特点,应该说明在商业环境中常常碰到的困惑,而哈佛的MB A对解决这些困惑,对人生的发展、未来的成功都有极其重要的作用。又如芝加哥大学,侧重于量化教学,对计算机、数学要求较高;沃顿商学院,着重点在于金融、期货、股票方面,对数学要求较多;西北商学院,特点是营销;耶鲁商学院,金融和非盈利性行业(我认为自己能拿到耶鲁的奖学金,原因就






















1.) Introduction

a. Introduction to the topic

b. Thesis Statement

c. Essay Outline

2.) Body Paragraph 1

a. Transition Sentence

b. Essay point number 1

c. Explanation + Facts

3.) Body Paragraph 2

a. Transition Sentence

b. Essay point number 1

c. Explanation + Facts

4.) Conclusion

a. Transition Sentence

b. Restate important points and why they support your thesis

Terms commonly use in literature essays:

All fiction is based on conflict and this conflict is presented in a structured format called PLOT.


The introductory material which gives the setting, creates the tone, presents the characters, and presents other facts necessary to understanding the story. Foreshadowing

The use of hints or clues to suggest what will happen later in the story. Inciting Force

The event or character that triggers the conflict.


The essence of fiction. It creates plot. The conflicts we encounter can usually be identified as one of four kinds. (Man versus…Man, Nature, Socie ty, or Self)

Rising Action

A series of events that builds from the conflict. It begins with the inciting force and ends with the climax.


The conflict reaches a turning point. At this point the opposing forces in the story meet and the conflict becomes most intense. The crisis occurs before or at the same time as the climax.


The climax is the result of the crisis. It is the high point of the story for the reader. Frequently, it is the moment of the highest interest and greatest emotion. The point at which the outcome of the conflict can be predicted. Falling Action

The events after the climax which close the story.

Resolution (Denouement)

Rounds out and concludes the action.



Almost always round or three-dimensional characters. They have good and bad qualities. Their goals, ambitions and values change. A round character changes as a result of what happens to him or her. A character who changes inside as a result of what happens to him is referred to in literature as a DYNAMIC character. A dynamic character grows or progresses to a higher level of understanding in the course of the story.


The main character in the story


The character or force that opposes the protagonist.


A character who provides a contrast to the protagonist.


Almost always flat or two-dimensional characters. They have only one or two striking qualities. Their predominant quality is not balanced by an opposite quality. They are usually all good or all bad. Such characters can be interesting or amusing in their own right, but they lack depth. Flat characters are sometimes referred to as STATIC characters because they do not change in the course of the story.


First Person

The narrator is a character in the story who can reveal only personal thoughts and feelings and what he or she sees and is told by other characters. He can’t tell us thoughts of other characters.

Third-Person Objective

The narrator is an outsider who can report only what he or she sees and hears. This narrator can tell us what is happening, but he can’t tell us the thoughts of the characters.

Third-Person Limited

The narrator is an outsider who sees into the mind of one of the characters. Omniscient

The narrator is an all-knowing outsider who can enter the minds of more than one of the characters.


Conflict is the essence of fiction. It creates plot. The conflicts we encounter can usually be identified as one of four kinds.

Man versus Man

Conflict that pits one person against another.

Man versus Nature

A run-in with the forces of nature. On the one hand, it expresses the insignificance of a single human life in the cosmic scheme of things. On the other hand, it tests the limits of a person’s strength and will to live.

Man versus Society

The values and customs by which everyone else lives are being challenged. The character may come to an untimely end as a result of his or her own

convictions. The character may, on the other hand, bring others around to a sympathetic point of view, or it may be decided that society was right after all. Man versus Self

Internal conflict. Not all conflict involves other people. Sometimes people are their own worst enemies. An internal conflict is a good test of a character’s values. Does he give in to temptation or rise above it? Does he demand the most from himself or settle for something less? Does he even bother to struggle? The internal conflicts of a character and how they are resolved are good clues to the character’s inner strength.

Often, more than one kind of conflict is taking place at the same time. In every case, however, the existence of conflict enhances the reader’s understanding of a character and creates the suspense and interest that make you want to continue reading.


An author’s use of hints or clues to suggest events that will occur later in the story. Not all foreshadowing is obvious. Frequently, future events are merely hinted at through dialogue, description, or the attitudes and reactions of the characters.

Foreshadowing frequently serves two purposes. It builds suspense by raising questions that encourage the reader to go on and find out more about the event that is being foreshadowed. Foreshadowing is also a means of making a narrative more believable by partially preparing the reader for events which are to follow.


Irony is the contrast between what is expected or what appears to be and what actually is.

Verbal Irony

The contrast between what is said and what is actually meant.

Irony of Situation

This refers to a happening that is the opposite of what is expected or intended.

Dramatic Irony

This occurs when the audience or reader knows more than the characters know.



The author’s attitude, stated or implied, toward a subject. Some possible attitudes are pessimism, optimism, earnestness, seriousness, bitterness, humorous, and joyful. An author’s tone can be revealed through choice of words and details.


The climate of feeling in a literary work. The choice of setting, objects, details, images, and words all contribute towards creating a specific mood. For example, an author may create a mood of mystery around a character or setting but may treat that character or setting in an ironic, serious, or humorous tone


A person, place or object which has a meaning in itself but suggests other meanings as well. Things, characters and actions can be symbols. Anything that suggests a meaning beyond the obvious.

Some symbols are conventional, generally meaning the same thing to all readers.

For example: bright sunshine symbolizes goodness and water is a symbolic cleanser.


The main idea or underlying meaning of a literary work. A theme may be stated or implied. Theme differs from the subject or topic of a literary work in that it involves a statement or opinion about the topic. Not every literary work has a theme. Themes may be major or minor. A major theme is an idea the author returns to time and again. It becomes one of the most important ideas in the story. Minor themes are ideas that may appear from time to time.

It is important to recognize the difference between the theme of a literary work and the subject of a literary work. The subject is the topic on which an author has chosen to write. The theme, however, makes some statement

about or expresses some opinion on that topic. For example, the subject of a story might be war while the theme might be the idea that war is useless. Four ways in which an author can express themes are as follows:

1. Themes are expressed and emphasized by the way the author makes us feel.. By sharing feelings of the main character you also share the ideas that go through his mind.

2. Themes are presented in thoughts and conversations. Authors put words in the ir character’s mouths only for good reasons. One of these is to develop a story’s themes. The things a person says are much on their mind. Look for thoughts that are repeated throughout the story.

3. Themes are suggested through the characters. The main character usually illustrates the most important theme of the story. A good way to get at this theme is to ask yourself the question, what does the main character learn in the course of the story?

4. The actions or events in the story are used to suggest theme. People naturally express ideas and feelings through their actions. One thing authors think about is what an action will "say". In other words, how will the action express an idea or theme?

IMAGERY:Language that appeals to the senses. Descriptions of people or objects stated in terms of our senses.


Whenever you describe something by comparing it with something else, you are using figurative language. Any language that goes beyond the literal meaning of words in order to furnish new effects or fresh insights into an idea or a subject. The most common figures of speech are simile, metaphor, and alliteration.


A figure of speech which involves a direct comparison between two unlike things, usually with the words like or as. Example: The muscles on his brawny arms are strong as iron bands.


A figure of speech which involves an implied comparison between two

relatively unlike things using a form of be. The comparison is not announced by like or as. Example: The road was a ribbon of moonlight.


Repeated consonant sounds occurring at the beginning of words or within words. Alliteration is used to create melody, establish mood, call attention to important words, and point out similarities and contrasts. Example: wide-eyed and wondering while we wait for others to waken.


A figure of speech which gives the qualities of a person to an animal, an object, or an idea. It is a comparison which the author uses to show something in an entirely new light, to communicate a certain feeling or attitude towards it and to control the way a reader perceives it. Example: a brave handsome brute fell with a creaking rending cry--the author is giving a tree human qualities.


The use of words that mimic sounds. They appeal to our sense of hearing and they help bring a description to life. A string of syllables the author has made up to represent the way a sound really sounds. Example: Caarackle! Hyperbole

An exaggerated statement used to heighten effect. It is not used to mislead the reader, but to emphasize a point. Example: She’s said so on several million occasions

Descriptive Essay:


a.Introduction to the topic

b.Main point in the paper

c.Essay Outline


a.Break down event chronologically, in order of importance, etc.


a.Transition Sentence

b.Restate important points

Research Paper

Title Page



Table of Contents

Outline of a Critical Essay

Notes: Footnotes, endnotes, and parenthetical in-text citiation Bibliography


Paraphrase, Summarize, Quotes


基本写作规范(不允许犯的错误) Very Important!!! 写作文记得要有题目!!没有题目一律扣2元!!! 1. 我们写的论文都是正式的论文,不管是小作业也好还是什么的,必须避免文章中出现第一人称或者第二人称。不能出现缩写,例如it's, can't这种,必须改成it is 和cannot(can和not之间是没有空格的)。要使用正式的词语,尽量用however ,therefore,不能用so和but。不允许直接引用,不能用and开头作为句子,文章中不要出现疑问句! 2. 复制粘贴的抄袭是不允许的,这是很严重的行为,客户会因为这个被退学 的,所以必须转述(paraphrase)好自己搜索到的材料,不要一句话中连续三个单词和原句子中的一模一样,抄袭率要低于10%才可以 3.凡是检测到抄袭率不合格,本人又无法修改的情况下,或多次修改还无法达 到要求的情况下,按抄袭率等比例扣除部分稿费,比如抄袭率15%,就要扣掉15%的稿费。如抄袭率太严重,比如超过50%,稿费全无。所以请把握好paraphrase的技巧。 4.请认真学习文献格式,文献列表出现123456789….这些序号的人一看就知 道没有认真学习文献格式。不要用123456789来列文献。仔细认真观察的人会知道我们的文献是按首字母顺序排列的,不需要标序号的! 5.常用文献哈佛格式:文献列表中,每一个文献在文中必须要有对应的

intext.意思就是你文中哪句话是出自该文献的,是以哪个文献为依据的,就在那句话后面写上(作者姓,年份),然后该句子的句号必须放在括号最后面.注意括号里面只能放作者的姓,其他作者的名字缩写什么乱七八糟的都不可以放进去!如果超过三个以上的作者,括号里就这么写,如(Peter et al, 2015). 如果是两个作者,就是(Peter & Amy, 2015). 如果只有一个作者就是(Peter,2015). 哈佛文献列表。注意开始一定是作者姓,名字首字母缩写.(年份).请大家一定要注意这个细节! 其余文献格式具体再问我。 6.关于标点符号的使用!好多同学都不知道标点符号后面需要空一格才能写 下一个单词!请注意这个细节!标点符号后面需要空一格才能写下一个单词!括号也需要和前面的单词空一格。比如ABCD (Peter, 2015).如果是ABCD(Peter, 2015) 这样是错误的,ABCD要和后面的括号之间空一格! 用&连接前后两个单词时,前后也需各自空一格! 7.写作尽量用简单句,不要觉得句子越复杂就显得自己水平越高。这种想法 是错误的,尽量用简单句。 8.文献年份不要用2000年以前的旧文献 以后交稿的写手请注意了:


英文essay的写作细节(很有用的秘籍!!避免没必要的失分,准备雅思/托福人也非看不可)来源:曹武龙的日志 这不是我写的,可是是那么有用,我必须帮你分享们。好好学习啊! 我们的assignment通常分为两种形式,一是essay,一是report。二者在形式上有所差别,但大体相同。一篇assignment上面会对写成essay还是report格式作出明确要求。在阅读题目时,请尽量仔细。 相同点: 1、字体:Times New Roman,字号:小四,行距:1.5倍。请有写作之前就把这些格式调好,以避免写好后再调会出现一些意想不到的情况。 2、段与段之间隔行。每段不要求像中文写作那样空两格,而是直接顶格写。 下面还有一些相同点,我在两种文体分开讨论时,再涉及。 区别: Essay: Essay的写作相对report要简单一些。通常只包括三个部分,Introduction, Main Body, Conclusion. Introduction 包括topic的背景介绍和文章要解决的主要问题。一般占总字数的10%左右。Main Body是主体部分,占总字数80%左右。如果题目中作了具体要求,就根据题目提到的几个方面来逐一讨论就可以了。有的题目没有作具体要求,就根据自己的 构思来写。但要求有逻辑性。Conclusion也是占10%,在这一段里把文章中的主要观点用一到两句话概括出来。 Essay 可以不写题目,不要把小标题加粗。 Reference的写作是两种形式都要涉及的,我放在最后来详细说。 Report: 它的写法大体上和essay差不多,但要求要严格一些。 第一:标题页:包括标题和executive summary. 在Executive summary中是对文章的摘要。这个大家都知道怎么写我就不多说了。这两个东西一般是单独占一页 第二:主体部分。Report的主体部分,前三个和essay差不多,只是在conclusion后还有一部分就是recommendations.是对提出的问题的建议。 如果题目中没有单独要求,一般就按照这几部分来写,但有的题目会作出规定。请按题目要求写哪几部分来写。 下面来说reference Reference 是老师最看重的,所以请一定注意。 1、不管前面的主体部分最后一页剩多少空格,reference都要另起一页写 2、每条reference之间要空一行。如果一条reference一排写不完,那么下面的几排提行时要和第一排三格。基本格式请参照我发过来的referencing 里面的要求。 3、References 的排列要按字母顺序排列。可以用网址的reference放在最后。 4、引用分为直接引用和间接引用。直接引用就是用了文章或书中的原话。请在出现的作者后面以(年代,页码)的形式标注。没有出现作者就在引用的句子后面用(作者名,年代,页码)的形式标注。间接引用就是参照发文章或书中的观点,引用方法与直接引用形式一样,


英国留学申请essay 写作常见问题一览 导读:本文英国留学申请essay 写作常见问题一览,仅供参考, 如果能帮助到您,欢迎点评和分享。 英国拥有完善的交体系,一流世界名校,良好的学习环境,每年英国的留学竞争很激烈。想要申请英国大学,都需要提交essay ,好的essay 则能给招生官留下深刻的印象。下面带来了英国留学申请 essay 写作常见问题一览。 1、对申请学校认知不多。 有的学生在选择学校和专业的时候没有仔细考虑自身的情况,甚至有的抱着非名校不读的想法,但是也没有仔细去咨询了解对方学校的情况。因此对于大多学校都会提出的问题why choose this school ,学生不能说出学校的大致情况、特点和优势,回答时敷 衍了事,只说出最表层的一些东西。回答不到位就暴露出自己的态度,很难看出申请人对学校的兴趣和向往程度。点击查看 2、回答问题时没有正确审题。 一些在思想上很懒惰的学生总以为各个学校问的题目差不多就可以互相借用,没有认真审题就把申请学校A 的套用在学校B 上;还 有的学生审题不到位,在内容上出现了很多与主题或者申请不相干的部分。 3、找不到思路,不会转换。 有的学生想考察学生的思维灵活度,想知道学生的专业水平或是 人际交往的态度等,提出的问题都是很简单的。例如芝加哥大学:请 比较苹果和橘子,这个题目就不应该只写两种水果的区别什么的,

可以将两种水果拟人化,各种水果代表哪两种人等等。总之,思维不要太死板,学会转换。 4、词句使用不恰当。 大多英语水平有待提高的学生要么用词太过简单,要么总是喜欢用晦涩、深奥的来让录取官认为自己的具有多大的词汇量。前者会使文章显得没有一点深度,后者容易使文章看着不顺畅,读着拗口。所以,在写作时首先要有条理表明自己的看法,其次使文章读起来语句通顺,再使用一些有真正意义和内涵的语句。 5、文章呈现的语气让人难以接受。 有的文章语气平平毫无生气;有的过于激烈,为了显示自己是对 的,极力鼓吹自己的看法或价值观;有的一味夸对方学校是多么地有 名气,甚至用哀怜的语气博得录取官的同情。这都是不可取的,适当地赞扬即可,尽量使文章读起来有生机活力,做到态度理性冷静客观。 6、语法拼写等小错误。 有的学生单词拼错,语法用错,用翻译机器硬生生地翻译,出现频率过高。学生不仅需要提高英文水平,最好是学会英语思维。 1、英文论文的语言使用规范可以用来检测学生在各个学历阶段 英语学习的情况。单词拼写错误是否明显,用词的选择是否恰当,句式上是否仍带有Chinglish 的痕迹,从整个语篇来看是否具有英式思维。 2、英文论文的语言使用规范可以用来检测学生在撰写论文时的 思路逻辑。语言使用规范不仅包括字词句的使用,还有句段和逻辑,以及文体文风。不同的论文能看出不同的写作思路、论证方法,有的是先提出问题,最后下结论,有的是在文章开头就给出自己要论证的观点,然后铺开陈述和论证。 3、英文论文的语言使用规范可以用来检测学生上课是否有听导


(一) Essay 由introduction,body, conclusion, reference四部分组成,下面以这篇文章为例,教你如何写作一篇符合格式的essay 全文统一用times new roman字体,小四,1.5倍行距 Essay 是理论性较强的论文,通常情况下,一定用第3人称,禁止出现“I”,“we” “our”,“you”, “your”这些第一,二人称字样,注意语言措辞,多用些副词。为了避免使用第一人称,某些地方可以用被动语态或其他句型代替。 内容方面: 1,由于essay理论性较强,请用相关例子来支撑论点,避免空谈理论 2,在叙述完了理论之后,请一定要对理论进行评论,体现作者的critical thinking 3,请多用的数据和图表,使用数据图表时请附上reference表明出处。 Start getting your online academic help earnings todayIntroduction (essay的introduction 只有一段,但由两部分内容组成。蓝色字体的地方是introduction的第一部分,它相当于一个开篇,引出Essay代写这篇essay的主旨。然后从this essay will开始是introduction 的第二部分,介绍本文结构,不要再用the structure is like this这样的语句了,比较chinglish。介绍结构请统一用将来时态) Since the setting up of the first factories in the late eighteenth century, management had become a problem seriously affecting the factories’ production. Then, management was gradually recognised as an important element of the success or failure of a company. Until the nineteenth century, the systematic and scientific management theory came out with its leading thinkers, two of whom were well known as Frederick W. Taylor and Elton Mayo.


在英国大学,1000-3000字的essay是非常普遍的,也是时刻压在留学生身上的负担,如何能够自己着手写作相信很多同学都犯难,有的可能是因为自身的原因,比如时间不够,或是有琐事缠绕,有的可能是因为理解不够,不知道怎样下笔,但不论是何种原因,你需要了解essay的具体写作步骤,以及大致的写作框架,相信大家都能够完美的写出一篇优秀的essay,下面小编就来具体给大家讲一讲1000-3000字essay的写作技巧供大家参考,希望对同学们有所帮助。 一、了解题目 在下笔之前,首先要做的就是去了解和理解你或是老师定下的题目是什么,如果是老师给你的定的题目,那么务必在下笔前搞清楚老师想让你从题目中表达出什么,千万不能偏离题目的核心,而且在描述的时候需要客观的从正反两个方面去阐述问题,不要仅仅只有单方面的解释,如果只是单方面的,首先会造成题目核心的不准确性以及缺少一定的批判性,最关键读者并不能够从你的文章中找到这个问题更层次的意义,所以拿到essay的题目,要先了解理解题目所要表达的意义,然后在进行撰写。 如果你不能够在题目的理解上花时间,那么你在写作的时候,万一发现写错了,删掉重来倒还好,但是你浪费了很多的时间并且心情也会随之消沉,这会影响你下面的创作思路,所以与其边写边想,不如想好做好笔记在写,既节省时间,又准确无误。 二、思路清晰 为什么古人会说三思而后行?因为写essay言辞,句子,段落都必须要有逻辑性,如果你想到哪写到哪,整篇文章读起来会没头没尾,让人非常难理解,所以在写作前,根据第一条说的想好具体的写作方向之后,把所有能够想到的过程都记在笔记本上,这样写起来就不会脱离整体的框架,而且按照记录的步骤来写,也不会看起来思路不清晰,逻辑不明。 三、胡乱找参考资料 同学们应该都知道reference对于essay也好论文也罢,都有着非常重要的地位,如果你胡乱去找,不根据自己的题目去找,这样只会造成整篇文章的混乱,有的同学在找reference 的时候,也不看时间,找了那些年代久远且参考意义已经不大的资料,最终让自己的文章学术性,可行性大大降低,同时也让文章失去了价值,而且老师也不会让你pass的,所以我们在reference这个环节上,一定要慎重,一定要和自己的题目相对应且不要找那些已经过时的资料来源。 四、Proofreading 一篇essay完成之后proofreading是必须进行的,但是有的同学则不然,写完之后只是大概看了一下就完事了,最后交上去之后错误连篇,比如格式错误,语法错误,以及标点错误,最终fail,要知道,proofreading是非常重要的,认真细心的进行最终的修改润色,对于你本身而言就是一个良好的习惯,更何况还能够让自己的文章更加完美,赏心悦目,换位思考,如果你是老师,你是喜欢错误连篇的essay,还是没有任何错误的essay呢?相信只要是个人都会选择后者,既然是这样,那就请认真proofreading自己的essay。


ESSAY WRITING What makes a good essay? Make sure that you have defined your topic. Are you quite sure that you understand what you should be writing about? Sometimes questions are ambiguous (not clear). So make sure you understand the topic, otherwise do not write!! Do you understand what all the words in your assignment mean? Look them up. It is a good idea to write the question of the assignment in your own words to check that you really understand it. Give yourself plenty of time. There is nothing worse than having to rush your research and then not having time to write it up properly. You should not try to write the essay all in one go. Give yourself time between drafts to think about what you have written. If you can’t think of anything to write, t hen just write any old thing. It’s called free writing. Just put all ideas that come to mind about the subject down on paper. Don’t bother about editing what you are writing. Just write. When you read it over later you will probably find that you have some interesting ideas to follow up. If you are writing an assignment or project it isn’t always a good idea to start with the introduction. Work out the main body of your argument and your conclusion. That makes it much easier to go back and write an introduction that links with the concluding paragraphs. Make sure that your essay is logical. Put your point of view forward clearly and tell the reader how you are going to argue your case. Make sure that you link your paragraphs and do not jump from one idea to another. There are several ways to link paragraphs. One is to use “link” words that show a connection with the previous paragraph. Here are some useful linking words


留学Essay开头写作技巧 每年都有很多同学开阔眼界和经验选择去留学,为了让大家能够追求更好教育条件,为将来获得更好的工作环境打下基础,下面我就为大家分享留学Essay开头写作技巧,一起来看看吧。 1、动作型开头 动作型开头则一开始就把MBA ESSAY的读者带入某一行为之中,它尤其适合需要节省空间的短文章以及用故事作为开头的叙述型/描述型文章。如:"I carried the puck up the left wing and couldn't find a team-mate as I reached the offensive zone." 2、领导型开头 在文章的一开始就给MBA Essay读者一个对于作者的某个领导职能的深刻印象,这对于MBA申请是很重要的。这类文章旨在展现一个自信的、目标明确的申请人。在使用这类开头的时候,文章接下来的内容必须十分有力度,以支撑起这一形象。下面举例的三个开头出于同一篇文章,分别用于引导三个部分的内容。"During the summer before my senior year, I founded and managed a company that employed five people and grossed twenty thousand dollars."(第一部分)"In my senior year at Harvard, I led our ECAC champion hockey team in points, becoming the first player to ever begin his career on the J.V. team and finish as the varsity's leading scorer." (第二部分)"I paid for the majority of my college education,while achieving Dean's List every semester, spent forty hours each week participating in a Division 1 athletic program,worked ten to fifteen hours each week to help defray tuition costs, and also maintained a balanced social life."(第三部分) 3、标准型的MBA Essay开头

English Essay的写法

1,在essay 里,你不能用第一人称,比如:I,me,mine,my(我)这些你要是一用,就是扣分。2,we(我们)这只有在指很大一个数不清的集体的时候可以用,比如:our humans 我们人类,这样的可以用。要是只是指你和你朋友我们,那样的话不行。 3,essay里一定不能有私人用语,比如stuff 东西,这种说法感觉太私人。 4,essay 里的语句一定要很肯定,不能含糊,比如:she is like friendly towards him. 她好像对他很友好。句子用了…好像?,这就是不肯定。 5,essay里的段落一定要有顺序,每个段落里都要先有开头句topic sentence(一个话题),然后支撑句support sentence,结合句linking sentence,总结局conclusion 6,段落里一定要赞成主题的题目,不能跑题 7,essay 里不能写缩写字,比如cause,because 的缩写,不能有 Agreement: 主语和谓语在人称、数上的一致,关系代词与先行词的一致。Ambiguity: 尽量不去使用可能引起歧义的词语或句子。 Brief: 文章"简为贵",要抓住要点,简明扼要。 Coherence: 文理通顺,前后连贯。 Development: 主题的发挥应当充分、合理、正确。 Division: 词汇、句子、段落要分配使用得当,划分要清楚,避免使用重复字句和种子片段。Figures: 正确合理使用各类修辞格式。 Inflated diction: 不使用做作的语言。 Key: 用适当的关键词突出主题,每段都应有主题句。 Logical: 内容要符合逻辑。 Message: 信息要新鲜、确实、可信。 Omit: 合理删除多余的不必要部分。 Proposition: 主张、观点、论述要清楚肯切、合情入理。 Punctuation: 正确适时使用标点符号。 Relevant: 文章一定要要题。 Sentence pattern: 句型要尽量多样化。 Strait: 开门见山,直来直去。 Style: 文体恰切,适合内容要求。 Tense: 动词时态要正确、一致、变化合理。 Theme: 选题得当,主题突出。 Essay 由introduction,body, conclusion, reference四部分组成,下面以这篇文章为例,教你如何写作一篇符合格式的essay 全文统一用times new roman字体,小四,1.5倍行距 Essay 是理论性较强的论文,通常情况下,一定用第3人称,禁止出现“I”,“we” “our”,“you”, “your”这些第一,二人称字样,注意语言措辞,多用些副词。为了避免使用第一


Essay写作的7个建议 Essay的写作在留学期间非常的频繁,占据非常重要的位置,今天英国智酷小编就为大家介绍一下Essay写作的7个建议。 写好essay的7个建议: 1. 足够的积淀使你在写作时有无限的话可说 这一点能让你的写作变得更快速和容易。当你无话可说,无物可写的时候,你被迫的写出的那些貌似有意义的句子却使你的文章显得空洞无物。所以,你需要广泛的阅读,并做阅读笔记,正确的选择你的topic,然后通过写作与你的读者分享你所拥有的知识和信息。 2.选择简单的词汇 在你的写作中,用“use”代替“utilize”,用“near”代替“close proximity”,“help”代替“facilitate”等等。 只有在特别的句子里,其他简单词都不能代替的情况下再使用那些长难词,平常的写作中用简单的词汇就可以了。 3.尽量使用简单句/短句 写作中你应该尽量使用简单句和短句,这与你在写作中应写小篇幅的段落的原因是一样的。它们更容易让读者阅读和理解。没一个句子都应简单明了,对你的文章来说,更重要的应该是想法上的创造力与复杂性,而不是句子上的。 4.不要写冗长的段落 在学术写作中,每一个段落都是一个论点以及相关的论据,段落可以稍微长一些,但也应当尽量简洁。而日常写作中,有时一段只用2,3句话甚至1句话就足够了。 5.不要重复或自问自答 不要在你的文章中一遍又一遍写同样的事情,也不要在文章中自问自答。换句话说,在你的文章中那些事情只提一次或两次就足够了。 6.不要写的过度 写文章时要专注于你想表达的信息,同时也要把读者放在第一位。 7. 校对和编辑 缩短,删除和重新编写你文章中任何没有必要的话。使用比较闲散的风格写作是没有问题的,但不要在你的文章中出现无理由的多余的话。 上述英国智酷小编的讲解就到这里了,希望对大家的写作有所帮助。如果大家还有论文难题没有解决,都可以来咨询我们哦!


英文Assignment的写作细节(别说留学生天天就是花天酒地的玩,我们比你们要辛苦)来源:王嘉煊Sylvia的日志 我们的assignment通常分为两种形式,一是essay,一是report。二者在形式上有所差别,但大体相同。一篇assignment上面会对写成essay还是report格式作出明确要求。在阅读题目时,请尽量仔细 相同点: 1、字体:Times New Roman,字号:小四,行距:1.5倍。请有写作之前就把这些格式调好,以避免写好后再调会出现一些意想不到的情况。 2、段与段之间隔行。每段不要求像中文写作那样空两格,而是直接顶格写。 下面还有一些相同点,我在两种文体分开讨论时,再涉及。 区别: Essay: Essay的写作相对report要简单一些。通常只包括三个部分,Introduction, Main Body, Conclusion. Introduction 包括topic的背景介绍和文章要解决的主要问题。一般占总字数的10%左右。Main Body是主体部分,占总字数80%左右。如果题目中作了具体要求,就根据题目提到的几个方面来逐一讨论就可以了。有的题目没有作具体要求,就根据自己的构思来写。但要求有逻辑性。Conclusion也是占10%,在这一段里把文章中的主要观点用一到两句话概括出来。 Essay 可以不写题目,不要把小标题加粗。 Reference的写作是两种形式都要涉及的,我放在最后来详细说。 Report: 它的写法大体上和essay差不多,但要求要严格一些。 第一:标题页:包括标题和executive summary. 在Executive summary中是对文章的摘要。这个大家都知道怎么写我就不多说了。这两个东西一般是单独占一页 第二:主体部分。Report的主体部分,前三个和essay差不多,只是在conclusion后还有一部分就是recommendations.是对提出的问题的建议。 如果题目中没有单独要求,一般就按照这几部分来写,但有的题目会作出规定。请按题目要求写哪几部分来写。 下面来说reference Reference 是老师最看重的,所以请一定注意。 1、不管前面的主体部分最后一页剩多少空格,reference都要另起一页写 2、每条reference之间要空一行。如果一条reference一排写不完,那么下面的几排提行时要和第一排三格。基本格式请参照我发过来的referencing 里面的要求。 3、References 的排列要按字母顺序排列。可以用网址的reference放在最后。 4、引用分为直接引用和间接引用。直接引用就是用了文章或书中的原话。请在出现的作者后面以(年代,页码)的形式标注。没有出现作者就在引用的句子后面用(作者名,年代,页码)的形式标注。间接引用就是参照发文章或书中的观点,引用方法与直接引用形式一样,只是不需要标注页码。 总之referencesq绝对不能出现编造的情况,一定要真实。国外对这个问题查得很严。一旦

英国Essay怎么写 妙用汉堡包写作法---英国翰思教育

很多留学新生都会问的一个问题就是essay怎么写,网上搜罗出来的写作方法也是不尽相同,由于写作思维和写作习惯不一样很多同学发现这些方法根本不适合自己完成essay写作。今天小编要给大家介绍的一种essay写作方法叫做汉堡包写作方法,可能有些同学已经听说过,那么下面我们就来看一下如果妙用汉堡包写作方法来写essay. 我们先来看一张图片: 从上图我们可以按到这是一个汉堡包的基本机构,上下的两层面包,就是essay中的introduction和conclusion部分,中间的几个部分就是body paragraph部分,这就是essay写作最常用的五段式结构。下面我们分别来说一下这几部分怎么写。 怎样写essay introduction 要想吸引老师读下去,那么一个好的introduction至关重要。Hansedu小编在这里特别强调了至少要有两个句子,清晰有力的陈述。一般在汉堡包的第一层面包上,往往还会有一些芝麻,那么可以用这些芝麻来形容一个有趣的开头的重要性。在面包上撒上芝麻,是为了吸引顾客品尝,那么一个有趣的句子,就是吸引读者读下去。

怎样写essay body paragraph 写完introduction,怎么写body呢?对于刚进入写作大门的留学新生来说,掌握基础就是打地基,地基打结实了,以后再添砖加瓦。所以此张图片中老师要求每段至少要写三句话,写每个段落时都要问自己两个问题。 1、What will your TOPIC SENTENCE be (你的主题句是什么)? 2、What DETAILS will you use to support this main point(你会用什么细节来支持这个观点)?同时每段需要有结束句。 怎样写essay conclusion 第三步就是conclusion了。下图很清晰的说明结论需要注意的方面。此处不再详述。 通过以上几张图片,是不是很容易就明白了这种essay写作结构的特点?如果是因为英语写作能力薄弱导致due逼近却依旧写不出essay的同学们,小编会在后期分享更多写作经验供大家学习。


Essay 由introduction,main body, conclusion, reference四部分组成,下面以这篇文章为例,教你如何写作一篇符合格式的essay 全文统一用times new roman字体,小四,1.5倍行距 文章中请不要用I,WE,OUR,YOU,YOUR之类的主观性强的1,2人称,可以用被动语态或其他句型代替 1.0 Introduction (分两部分) Allainz the biggest insurance wants to further expand its business, globally. Among all the countries India and China are two most attractive markets. Before deciding which market to involve in, a detailed market research is indispensable. This essay just gives a comprehensive study over the two markets. (第一个部分介绍essay的主要内容)Firstly, this essay will make a general overview of the insurance industry globally, and the second part is the information of the Allianz Group. Subsequently it will make some market analysis of Chinese insurance market. The analysis of Indian insurance market lies in the fourth part of the easy. Finally it will put forward some recommendation for the marketing selection and entering strategy for the Allianz group. (Introduction第二部分介绍这篇文章的结构,按照firstly, secondly,…finally的固定形式介绍文章结构,你只需列入body里面介绍的每一点) (Introduction之后是main body,把文章分成几个小点讨论,每一点写个小标题,加粗) 2.0 The general overview of the insurance industry globally The insurance industry is the industry dealing in risk and larger sum of money is indispensable for the business of this line. Insurers promise to compensate individuals and businesses for future losses, in exchange for a premium, thus taking on the risk of personal injury, death, and damage to property, unexpected financial disaster and just about any other misfortune. Insurance companies also purchase their own type of insurance, called reinsurance, which allows them to insure large risks and to spread the risk on smaller accounts. Insurance companies rely on investment income to make a profit, since premium alone is typically not adequate to pay claims.


留学Essay写作经验分享 导读:本文留学Essay写作经验分享,仅供参考,如果能帮助到您,欢迎点评和分享。 你选择出国留学,那么写Essay是一定的,怎么才能写好这些文书呢。那么同学们下面和一起来看看留学Essay写作经验分享。 留学前辈分享写Essay 的经验总结 一本很厉害的书或者article 会起到事半功倍的效果,比如我的这篇essay 主要是两本书的内容支撑起来的。所以再写essay ,一定要去多借几本书,最好还能从前往后浏览一遍。前几天查资料,把要用的观点都粘贴到一起,一定要粘贴好出处,为以后省时省力,在查资料的同时,顺便把APA 的reference 单独粘贴到一个文件夹里。 前三天大概找好资料(后面也要边写边找),之后的一周每天都要大量的时间写(突然发现自己是bingo 类型的,好忧伤)。 最后的5天就很重要了,只是后来还需要大量的修改。这个时候主要是free write。free write 是给一篇essay 添加生命的开始,即使没有信心能写得不多也要开始写,把自己脑子里面关于这篇essay 的想法,还有通过research 得到的一些新想法也写进去。 最后三天就更加关键了,直接决定了你能不能按时完成还有自己不能对自己的essay 满意,当然质量的问题以后再来讨论。 既然说到时间,接着说最后3天的refine 和edit 的问题。大

量的时间要用在research ,take notes,还有写上。assignment planner上要求写3个draft 包括第一次的free write,还要再加最后的proofreading 。 在倒数第二天,要把写好的文章打印出来,自己读,看哪些需要改的地方,包括语法,用词还有段落之间的关系。在交之前至少要看5遍。最后的reference 最后按着人名用word 的搜索功能看自己是否引用了,如果没有要删掉。还有格式哪些都要改好。然后自己满意了就可以交了! 【心得的分享】 接下来的3个点,是拿高分的宝典,童鞋们了解一下 连接词 research 心态 1)一定要用好连接词 比如文章的逻辑和连贯性的标志,这些资料在学校图书馆和其他一些有名的学校的网站上都可以找到。这也是在refine 你的draft 的时候要主要增强和修改的。 2)很重要的research 平时做reading 的时候要多用点心,边读边想自己essay 的topic ,顺便学学文章中句子的写法。一定要做好笔记,在旁边可以用note 写点自己的想法,将来写essay 的时候会省事3)心态很重要


Introduction (essay的introduction只有一段,但由两部分内容组成。蓝色字体的地方是introduction的第一部分,它相当于一个开篇,引出这篇essay的主旨。然后从this essay will开始是introduction的第二部分,介绍本文结构,不要再用the structure is like this这样的语句了,比较chinglish。介绍结构请统一用将来时态) Since the setting up of the first factories in the late eighteenth century, management had become a problem seriously affecting the factories’ production. Then, management was gradually recognised as an important element of the success or failure of a company. Until the nineteenth century, the systematic and scientific management theory came out with its leading thinkers, two of whom were well known as Frederick W. Taylor and Elton Mayo. Both Taylor and Mayo stated the importance of the productivity and cooperation between managers and workers.This essay will firstly discuss these similarities in their different management theories and how they relate to each other. Following this, it will explain the differences of the two theories concerning the consideration of the human beings during management. Finally, it will look at how the two theories affect the feeling of workers and support increasing the productivity and maximising the efficiency. (Introduction之后body,把文章分成几大部分讨论,每一个板块写一个小标题,加粗) Similarities and relations in management theories of Taylor and Mayo Although Taylor and Mayo have different management theories, they both aim to make workers more productive and efficient during the management. Taylor, the founder of the movement known as ‘scientific management’, states ‘The principal object of management should be to secure the maximum prosperity for the employer, coupled with the maximum prosperity for the employee’ (Taylor, 1947, p.36). According to this, workers should be trained as ‘first-class’ and follow the methods of the work which managers have carefully analysed and set up. Workers are not responsible to think about the way of doing the work, and they just do what managers 批注 [LX1]: 这个标志很重要,所有essay都必须按照这个格式来。从这里开始,就是对整个essay的主要内容分几个大的部分来进行一个概括。这个标志后的内容应为body里的内容A 批注 [LX2]: 这个标志也是必须写的,此标志后的内容应为body里的内容B 批注 [LX3]: 这个标志也是必须写的,此标志后的内容应为body里的内容C 注意:如果body里的主要内容不只是ABC,或者还又更多的D,E的话,中间的标志可以用Subsequently, and then, after that等等副词或短语做为标志来写。除了firstly 之外不要用secondly,thirdly 等序数词。 批注 [LX4]: 到此为止,introduction才算写完,introduction只能是一段,而且一定要写到半页或者以上(根据总字数来安排)。介绍结构时提到的A,B,C等每一部分内容时,可以直接复制body里每一部分的小标题 批注 [LX5]: 从第2段开始,就正式进入了essay里的body,同样,introduction里提到的内容A,就是从这里开始。 注意:以后body每段的第一句话是该段的总起句,要概括这段的中心内容 认真看完本文件能有效提高您的收入

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