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Not Your Average Teen Lots of teenage girls dream of becoming rich and famous. But it's not a fantasy for Michelle Wie. Just before her 16th birthday last fall, she became the highest-paid woman golfer in history simply by turning professional and lending her name to commercial endorsements that will pay her between $10 million and $12 million a year, most of which will go into a trust fund until she becomes an adult. Wie has been a celebrity since she was 13, when people began predicting she would become the Tiger Woods of women' sgolf. But, as correspondent Steve Kroft reports, that has never been enough for Wie. She wants to become the first woman ever to successfully compete with men in a professional sport. She has tried a couple of times on the PGA Tour without embarrassing herself. As you will see, she has changed a lot since we first talked to her way back in 2004, when she was 14. At the time, Wie told Kroft her ultimate goal was to play in the Masters. "I think it'd be pretty neat walking down the Masters fairways," she said. It was a neat dream for a 14-year-old kid. Nothing has happened in the last two years to change Wie's mind or shake her confidence. She is stronger now, more mature and glamorous. She has already demonstrated that she can play herself into the middle of the pack against the best men on the PGA Tour and has come within a shot of winning her first two starts on the LPGA Tour this year as a part-time professional. The day before 60 Minutes interviewed her at the Fields Open in Honolulu, she shot a final round of 66, coming from six strokes off the lead to just miss a playoff. "You won your first check yesterday," Kroft says. "Uh-huh," Wie says. "It was, it was really cool. I mean, I was like looking at how much I won. I was like 'Oh my God.' " Wie says she won around $72,000. Asked whether she gets to keep that money, Wie said she didn't know. "I'm trying to negotiate with my dad how much I can spend of that, and stuff like that. We're still working it out. But, you know, I'm definitely gonna go shopping today," she says, laughing. Half of her life is spent in the adult world, competing with men and women twice her age for paychecks they may need to make expenses and dealing with the media, sponsors and marketing executives. The rest of the time she is a junior at Punahou High School in Honolulu, where she is an A student and claims to lead the life of a typical 16-year-old.


Book 2 Chapter 1 The Population Today we’re going to talk about population in the United States. According to the most recent government census, the population is 281,421,906 people. Now this represents an increase of almost 33 million people since the 1990 census. A population of over 281 million makes the United States the third most populous country in the whole world. As you probably know, the People’s Republic of China is the most populous country in the world. But do you know which is the second most populous? Well, if you thought India, you were right. The fourth, fifth, and sixth most populous countries are Indonesia, Brazil, and Pakistan. Now let’s get back to the United States. Let’s look at the total U. S. population figure of 281 million in three different ways. The first way is by race and origin; the second is by geographical distribution, or by where people live; and the third way is by the age and sex of the population. First of all, let’s take a look at the population by race and origin. The latest U. S. census reports that percent of the population is white, whereas percent is black. Three percent are of Asian origin, and 1 percent is Native American. percent of the population is a mixture of two or more races, and percent report themselves as “of some other race”. Let’s make sure your figures are right: OK, white, percent; black, percent; Asian, 3 percent; Native American, 1 percent; a mixture of two or more races, percent; and of some other race, percent. Hispanics, whose origins lie in Spanish-speaking countries, comprise whites, blacks, and Native Americans, so they are already included in the above figures. It is important to note that Hispanics make up percent of the present U.S. population, however. Finally, the census tells us that 31 million people in the United States were born in another country. Of the 31 million foreign born, the largest part, percent are from Mexico. The next largest group, from the Philippines, number percent. Another way of looking at the population is by geographical distribution. Do you have any idea which states are the five most populous in the United States? Well, I’ll help you out there. The five most populous states, with population figures, are California, with almost 34 million; New York, with 21 million; Texas, with 19 million; and Florida, with 16 million; and Illinois with million people. Did you get all those figures down? Well, if not, I’ll give you a chance later to check your figures. Well, then, let’s move on. All told, over half, or some 58 percent of the population, lives in


五阶公式说明五阶魔方降阶法教程五阶魔方层先玩法教程 本教程中讲解的是高级魔方普遍使用的一种方法降阶法,对于五阶魔方来说,我们第一步来完成六面中心块的复原,第二步完成12 个棱块的复原,第三步我们就完全可以用三阶的公式来完成复原了。有兴趣学习层先法的请进入五阶魔方层先玩法教程页面学习。 下面我们介绍几个最基础的几个公式,就可以完成五阶魔方的复原了,相信你掌握了下面几个公式,五阶魔方复原也非常的简单哟。 第一步:形成中心 在我们完成中心块的时候,前面我们完全可以不用公式,自己根据玩魔方的经验,完全可以靠过去的经验完成4面中心块的复原,只是在完成最后两面中心块的过程中为了保持已经完成的四面的中心块不 被破坏,处理用的步骤稍微复杂一点,下面介绍的就是两个这样的公式,其实也就是一点点小小的技巧,很 多朋友估计不看公式也是这样来完成的,在此,我们仅仅是提供一种思路,其中的一些技巧,大家可活学 活用。

公式一:TR' F' MR' F TR F' MR 公式二:TR U TR' U TR U2 TR' 合并中心块,上面的公式仅仅是一种方式,根据上面的公式,也可反向完成,如公式:ML' U' ML ,初学时,仔细领会公式的技巧和规律,理解了公式的意义,不用公式就也能随心所欲复原了。 第二步:集成棱边 在我们完成复原 12个棱块的时候,同样前面我们完全可以不用公式,自己根据玩魔方的经验,完全可以靠过去的经验完成10个棱块的复原,只是在完成最后两个棱块的的过程中为了保持已经完成的10个棱块不被破坏,处理用的步骤稍微复杂一点,下面介绍的就是4个这样的公式,其实也就是一点点小小的技巧,很多朋友估计不看公式也是这样来完成的,在此,我们仅仅是提供一种思路,其中的一些技巧,大家可活学活用。 当我们完全的正确的复原了6面的中心块和12个棱块以后,我们就可以把5阶完全的当作三阶魔方


N U E N D O录音教程操 作实例 集团标准化工作小组 #Q8QGGQT-GX8G08Q8-GNQGJ8-MHHGN#

NUENDO录音教程操作实例 首先启动软件,然后新建一个任务 就建一个空文件就可以了,然后在你非系统盘的任意位置建一个文件夹,用来制作本次录音。 现在软件操作界面打开,开始工作,先新建一个音轨,方法是右键点时间轴左边的空白区域,选择“新建音频轨” 将新建的音轨往下拉长到如图所示,方便操作。 从“文件”部分IMPORT一个音频文件,即需要使用的伴奏文件 这时候,伴奏音轨的文件就已经导入了,再新建一个音轨为演唱轨,并单击将录音功能选中。 在浮动工具条上选择“放音”开始播放伴奏轨的音乐,当进行到演唱部分时,按下“录音”键开始录音,录音结束按停止键。 当然,也可以直接用鼠标点击上面的时间来快速选择音乐播放点。 录音完成后,将自动被记录在录音轨上,如果不满意的话单击此音频区域进行删除,可分句分段重复录音,直至声音清晰无杂音音准合适为止。 录制完成后,单击录音轨的“e”按键来进行录音部分的润色操作。 这时,会弹出一个对话框。操作的过程是这样的,可以先播放两段音轨,再点开“e”,这样就可以实时听到录音轨音色的变化了。 每段音轨可以添加8种特效,方法是点击下图中标注的空白区域,直接打开添加效果,常用效果有三个。 注意,每个空白处只能加一种效果,不可重复添加,如重复添加则选择下面的空白处单击添加。

就用Nuendo Plugins这列的效果就好。 NuendoCompressor 这个效果是当你人声小或者高低音差别相当大的时候来调整的,轻 易不要用,会有些失真。 NuendoEQ 这个效果一定要用到,用来调整你人声部分高低音处理,达到你想要的效 果。 NuendoReverb 这个就是我们传统说的“混响”效果,不同的是加入了音场的概念,点开后会很直接的看到音场大小,混响远近,混响时间,混响比重等调节部 分,很方便适用。 当然,EQ部分也有偷懒的办法,即在音效大屏的EQ里进行调节,一些小的调节可以,但最好不要做大的调节,容易造成声音失真。 通过反复试听和调整音效来达到你需要的效果。 等到完全达到满意之后,就进入保存作品的阶段了,首先选择好要保存的音频区域。 点“文件”下面的“EXPORT”,然后选择“AUDIO MIXDOWN”来进行保存。 软件几乎支持把音频保存成所有流行音频格式,如下图。 选择好你需要保存的格式,然后选择质量,是否立体声等选项,然后点击“SAVE”,软 件就会自动为你混缩保存了,至此,大功告成! 软件在特殊音效方面的功能非常强大,可以玩很多花样,没事儿多琢磨一下,相信你会做出非常棒的作品的! 有关软件一些操作和工具栏等的使用在本录音实例里就不多做介绍了,请上网参考一些相关教程,录音愉快! 编辑/整理 by markhoo


CFOP 三阶魔方还原公式 CROSS(底层十字) F2L(前两层) OLL(上层翻色) PLL(上层复原) 三阶魔方高级玩法教程----Cross公式 Cross:底棱归位,又称之谓底层架十字,意思是底部十字还原。本教程依然推荐使用白色面做底面。 cross这一步虽然是CFOP快速法的第一步,由于魔方的变化数太多,故这一步的情况也相应非常多,所以在讲解这一步的时候,我们重点是讲一些简单的技巧帮助大家开阔思维,帮助大家大家思考、判断能力,真正的学习是需要自己多动手、动脑,多加练习,多加总结,才能终有所成就的。理论上,任何一种case,都是可以在8步之内完成的,我们在练习的过程,也尽量要求8步内完成,8步内完成,相信很容易就能做到。要做到快速完成Cross,步骤尽量少还远远不够,我们还需要结合我们习惯用的手法来完成,只有做到步骤尽量少,配合手法很顺手,这样才能在最短时间内完成。下面给出一些高手练习的参考经验: 随意打乱魔方,不限定观察时间,观察并写出如何在8步内完成的公式,并验证完成,练习一段时间,满意后,开始练习,限定在15秒内,观察并写出如何在8步内完成的公式,并验证完成;练习满意后,同样限定在15秒内,快速观察并迅速记忆牢固如何在8步内完成,15秒后凭记忆快速完成复原;上阶段练习满意后,进入另一个高要求阶段训练,用标准打乱公式打乱魔方,不仅在15秒,快速观察并迅速记忆牢固如何在8步内完成,同时快速拿起魔方,眼睛不看底层的四个白色棱块,双手快速完成,眼睛快速寻找第一组的f2l。做到最后高要求阶段有相当的难度,需要循序渐进的练习,不可急于求成。正所谓水到渠成,瓜熟蒂落,功到自然成。


首先,我们要做好准备工作。把你的耳机作为监听音箱(此步的意义就是说用耳机来听伴奏音乐,否则在你录音时会录入音乐和人声的混合声音),把你的mic调试好。然后下载我们要用到的工具COOL EDIT PRO 2.1及其插件。 Cool Edit Pro 2.1 下载 1、打开cooledit pro 2.0后,会自动建立一个新的工程。界面如下: 大家看到,我标注的红色1是多轨与单轨切换的按钮。红色标注2是表示你在录音时要点亮“R”“S”“M”中的“R”,这表示此轨是在录音范围之中。点击录音键(红色标注3)就可以开始录下你的声音了。 在录音之前还需调整你的“声音与音频属性”,如图:

需要把录音项打勾,在MIC一栏中选中,其它的不要选择,因为我们要录的只是自己要歌唱的声音。 2、在第三轨处点亮R,点击录音键,不要出声,先录下一段空白的噪音文件,不需要很长,录制完后双击进入单轨模式,选择效果-噪音消除-降噪器,选择噪音采样,点击“关闭”。回到多轨模式下删除此轨。


4、在第二轨处,把R点亮,点击下面的红色录音键就可以开始跟唱了。不要忘了准备歌词和熟悉歌曲的旋律,要不然录出来的东西可是……嘿嘿 5、录制完成之后,你可以听听你录下的声音是不是干巴巴的?很难听吧?呵呵,都这样,没有加任何效果嘛。好,现在我们来给你的声音进行一下润色吧。右键点击你录制声音所在的轨道,点击波形编辑进入单轨模式。如图:



Unit 1 Pirates of the Internet It’s no secret that online piracy has decimated the music industry as millions of people stopped buying CDs and started stealing their favorite songs by downloading them from the internet. Now the hign-tech thieves are coming after Hollywood. Illegal downloading of full-length feature films is a relatively new phenomenon, but it’s becoming easier and easier to do. The people running America’s movie studios know that if they don’t do something----and fast---they could be in the same boat as the record companies. Correspodent: “What’s really at stake for the movie industry with all this privacy?” Chernin: “Well, I think, you know, ultimately, our absolute features.” Peter Chernin runs 20th Century Fox, one of the biggest studios in Hollywood. He knows the pirates of the Internet are gaining on him. Correspont: “Do you know how many movies are being downloaded today, in one day, in the United States?” Chernin: “I think it’s probably in the hundreds of thousands, if not millions.” Correspondent: “And it’s only going to grow.” Chernin: “It’s only going to grow. √Somebody can put a perfect digital copy up on the internet. A perfect digital copy, all right. And with the click of mouse, send out a million copies all over the world, in an instant.”


Chapter 1 The Population I 2 populous 3 race 4 origin 5 geographical distPrelistening B 1 census ribution 6 made up of 7 comprises 8 relatively progressively 9 Metropolitan densely 10 decreased death rate 11 birth rate increasing 12 life expectancy D 1 a 18.5 mill b 80% c 1/2 d 13.4 mill e 2: 10 f 4% g 1990 h 40% i 3/4 j 33.1% 2 a 3 b 1 c 2 d 5 e 4 II First Listening ST1 population by race and origin ST2 geographical distribution ST3 age and sex III Postlistening A 1. People’s Republic of China, India 2. 281 mill

3. Hispanics(12.5%) 4. Texas 5. the South and the West 6. 20% 7. by more than 5 million 8. about 6 years 9. 2.2 years 10. a decreasing birth rate and an increasing life expectancy Chapter 2: Immigration: Past and Present PRELISTENING B. Vocabulary and Key Concepts immigrated natural disasters/ droughts/ famines persecution settlers/ colonists stages widespread unemployment scarcity expanding/ citizens failure decrease


三阶魔方简易教程(从 零开始) -CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1

三阶魔方入门玩法教程朱智浩 TEL: 下图是本教程介绍的三阶魔方入门的玩法(层先法)复原的基本步骤示意图: 第一步:底棱归位(又称底部架十字,底层四个棱块正确复原的过程) 第二步:底角归位(复原魔方第一层四个角块) 魔方的四个底角正确归位以后一定会出现倒T字型,如图2所示,如果不是这样肯定是底面角块没有正确归位。 图2图2-1图2-2 公式2-1:上右,左上,上左,左下公式2-2:上左,右上,上右,右下 记忆技巧:白色朝前记忆技巧:白色朝前 图201图202图203做完公式变图2-1(白色朝前)做完公式变图2-2做完公式变图2-1

第三步:中棱归位(复原魔方中层四个棱块的步骤) 第四步:顶棱面位(也称顶层架十字,顶层四个棱块的顶面颜色和顶层中心块颜色一样) 图4-1图4-2图4-3相对顶棱面位相邻顶棱面位无顶棱面位 公式4:前顺,右上,上左,右下,上 右,前逆 公式4做两遍两遍公式4 +?上左+ 公式4第五步:顶角面位(魔方的四个顶角的顶面色全部调至顶面的步骤) 图5图5-1图5-2 公式5-1:右下,上左,上左,右上,上 左,右下,上左,右上(小鱼①) 公式5-2:上右,右上,上右,上右,右下,上 右,右上,上右,右下(小鱼②) 图501图502图503图504图505 公式5-2--公式5-1公式5-2--公式5-1公式5-2 --- 公式5-1公式5-1---公式5-1公式5-1--公式5-1注释:寻找一个侧面黄色,放右边前面,黄色朝前,顶面缺2个黄色,小鱼②开始,缺4块的,小鱼①开始 第六步:顶角归位(面位的四个顶角的其他两面颜色和对应面的中心块颜色同色) 这一步我们在复原顶层角块的时候,先观察有无两个侧面颜色一样的情况,如图6-1所示,如果有,同色的侧面放底部,黄色面向自己,用公式6即可完成,如果不是这种情况,可随便用一次公式6,然后找到同色的面,再一次公式6即可。 图3图4 图3-1图3-2图301 公式3-1:右下,上右,右下,上右, 右下,上左,右上,上左,右上 公式3-2 :左下,上左,左下,上左 左下,上右,左上,上右,左上图301用3-1操作

三阶魔方高级复原教程 CFOP

实用文档 文案大全 CFOP 三阶魔方还原公式 CROSS(底层十字) F2L(前两层) OLL(上层翻色) PLL(上层复原) 三阶魔方高级玩法教程----Cross 公式

Cross:底棱归位,又称之谓底层架十字,意思是底部十字还原。本教程依然推荐使用白色面做底面。 cross这一步虽然是CFOP快速法的第一步,由于魔方的变化数太多,故这一步的情况也相应非常多,所以在讲解这一步的时候,我们重点是讲一些简单的技巧帮助大家开阔思维,帮助大家大家思考、判断能力,真正的学习是需要自己多动手、动脑,多加练习,多加总结,才能终有所成就的。理论上,任何一种case,都是可以在8步之内完成的,我们在练习的过程,也尽量要求8步内完成,8步内完成,相信很容易就能做到。要做到快速完成Cross,步骤尽量少还远远不够,我们还需要结合我们习惯用的手法来完成,只有做到步骤尽量少,配合手法很顺手,这样才能在最短时间内完成。下面给出一些高手练习的参考经验: 随意打乱魔方,不限定观察时间,观察并写出如何在8步内完成的公式,并验证完成,练习一段时间,满意后,开始练习,限定在15秒内,观察并写出如何在8步内完成的公式,并验证完成;练习满意后,同样限定在15秒内,快速观察并迅速记忆牢固如何在8步内完成,15秒后凭记忆快速完成复原;上阶段练习满意后,进入另一个高要求阶段训练,用标准打乱公式打乱魔方,不仅在15秒,快速观察并迅速记忆牢固如何在8步内完成,同时快速拿起魔方,眼睛不看底层的四个白色棱块,双手快速完成,眼睛快速寻找第一组的f2l。做到最后高要求阶段有相当的难度,需要循序渐进的练习,不可急于求成。正所谓水到渠成,瓜熟蒂落,功到自然成。 实用文档 文案大全

英语高级视听说 下册 unit 2

Not Y our A verage Teen Lots of teenage girls dream of becoming rich and famous. But it's not a fantasy for Michelle Wie. Just before her 16th birthday last fall, she became the highest-paid woman golfer in history simply by turning professional and lending her name to commercial endorsements that will pay her between $10 million and $12 million a year, most of which will go into a trust fund until she becomes an adult. Wie has been a celebrity since she was 13, when people began predicting she would become the Tiger Woods of women’s golf. But, as correspondent Steve Kroft reports, that has never been enough for Wie. She wants to become the first woman ever to successfully compete with men in a professional sport. She has tried a couple of times on the PGA Tour without embarrassing herself. As you will see, she has changed a lot since we first talked to her way back in 2004, when she was 14. At the time, Wie told Kroft her ultimate goal was to play in the Masters. "I think it'd be pretty neat walking down the Masters fairways," she said. It was a neat dream for a 14-year-old kid. Nothing has happened in the last two years to change Wie's mind or shake her confidence. She is stronger now, more mature and glamorous. She has already demonstrated that she c an play herself into the middle of the pack against the best men on the PGA Tour and has come within a shot of winning her first two starts on the LPGA Tour this year as a part-time professional. The day before 60 Minutes interviewed her at the Fields Open in Honolulu, she shot a final round of 66, coming from six strokes off the lead to just miss a playoff. "Y ou won your first check yesterday," Kroft says. "Uh-huh," Wie says. "It was, it was really cool. I mean, I was like looking at how much I won. I was like 'Oh my God.' " Wie says she won around $72,000. Asked whether she gets to keep that money, Wie said she didn't know. "I'm trying to negotiate with my dad how much I can spend of that, and stuff like that. We're still working it out. But, you know, I'm definitely gonna go shopping today," she says, laughing. Half of her life is spent in the adult world, competing with men and women twice her age for paychecks they may need to make expenses and dealing with the media, sponsors and marketing executives. The rest of the time she is a junior at Punahou High School in Honolulu, where she is


Adobe Audition 3.0录音教程 录音篇: 首先我们点选左上角的“文件”菜单,选择“新建会话”如图: 在这里是选择你作品的采样率,点确定。采样率越高精度越高,细节表现也就越丰富,当然相对文件也就越大,这里我们选择默认的也就是44100,因为大多数网络下载的伴奏都是44100HZ的,当然也有少数精品是48000HZ,比如一些CD上的扒下来的,所以大家在录音前先要知道自己选用的伴奏采样率是多少,乱选的话会出现变调的尴尬事 接下来我们要插入伴奏,可以点选“文件”菜单选择“导入”来插入你要的伴奏,或者是通过点选左边的快捷图标,被导入的文件会排列在左边的材质框里,我们选择刚刚导入的伴奏按右键,出现菜单,点选插入到多轨,它回自动插入到默认的第一轨道,也可以通过点选伴奏后按住左键不放直接拖到轨道里。


言归正传,点选左下角的红色录音按钮,现在我们就可以拿起武器(麦)开始放声怒吼拉 ~~~(省略以下像杀猪叫一般的过程~~~) 录音完毕我们按下左下脚的方块停止键,此时将得到一条线条优美饱满的人声(翻胃中)。

二、效果篇~ 人要打扮才漂亮,歌也一样不好好打扮打扮还真没法出去见人。现在我们就来为刚录好的人声磨个皮,~~呵呵俗称降噪!首先左键双击人声的轨道切换到单轨编辑模式,也可以通过选择左上脚编辑、多轨切换图标来选择。 进入单轨编辑视图后,在人声轨道找一处没开唱的部分,点左键刷选一段,然后点选左上角的“效果”切换到效果界面,选择下面的“修复”菜单,双击“降噪器”后将回出现如下面版,注意我红圈里的两个参数,特性快照指的是在刷选时间里的采样副数,这里根据你的电脑性能来选择,数字越高采集点越密集,但是速度越慢,一般短时间内选1000就够了,我选了4000(谁叫俺电脑快呢~~)然后是FFT大小,这个依据你的设备好坏录音环境和电流底噪来决定,这个参数和你的设备性能等比上升,当然设备不好也可以选择高位参数只不过不准确,一般耳麦选4096~8192,设备和录音环境好的依次上升。参数都选好后点获取特性.


三阶魔方速成手册(带图解) 前言 我们常见的魔方是3x3x3的三阶魔方,英文名Rubik's cube。是一个正6 面体,有6种颜色,由26块组成,有8个角块;12个棱块;6个中心块(和中心轴支架相连)见下图: (图1) 学习魔方首先就要搞清它的以上结构,知道角块只能和角块换位,棱块只能和棱块换位,中心块不能移动。 魔方的标准色: 国际魔方标准色为:上黄-下白,前蓝-后绿,左橙-右红。(见图2)注:(这里以白色为底面,因为以后的教程都将以白色为底面,为了方便教学,请都统一以白色为准)。 (图2)

认识公式 (图3)(图4)公式说明:实际上就是以上下左右前后的英文的单词的头一个大写字母表示 (图5)

(图6) (图7)

(图8) 步骤一、完成一层 首先要做的是区分一层和一面:很多初学者对于“一面”与“一层”缺乏清楚的认识,所以在这里特别解释一下。所谓一层,就是在完成一面(如图2的白色面)的基础上,白色面的四条边,每条边的侧面只有一种颜色,图(2). 如图(1)中心块是蓝色,则它所在面的角和棱全都是蓝色,是图(2)的反方向 图(3)和(4)则是仅仅是一面的状态,而不是一层! (1)(2) (3)(4) 注:图(2)和(4)分别是图(1)和(3)的底面状态 想完成魔方,基础是最重要的,就像建筑一样,魔方也如此,基础是最重要的。 由于上文提到过中心块的固定性,这一性质,在魔方上实质起着定位的作用,简单的说就是中心块的颜色就代表它所在的面的颜色。 一、十字(就是快速法中的CROSS) 第一种情况如图所示:

公式为R2 第二种情况如图所示: (白色下面颜色为橙色,为方便观察,特意翻出颜色) 橙白块要移到上右的位置,现在橙白块在目标位置的下面。但其橙色片没有和橙色的中心块贴在 一起。为此我们先做D’ F’ 即把橙色粘在一起,接着 R 还原到顶层,, F 是把蓝白橙还原到正确的位置(上面的F’ 使蓝白块向左移了九十度)。 公式为D’ F’ R F 图解: 当然,架十字不只只有上面两种情况,现我们在分析下其它的一些情况吧! 如下图: 橙白块的位置己对好,但颜色反了,我就先做R2化成第二种情况,然后用还原第二种情况的公式即可! (橙色下面颜色为白色,为方便观察,特意翻出颜色)


Let me begin the lecture today by asking, "What exactly is culture?"This question has been approached by anthropologists in many different ways. Murdock, for example, in Outline of World Cultures,produced what many have called the ultimate laundry list of thingscultural by naming 900-odd categories of human behavior. I won'tattempt to go into these at this time. Another less lengthy list is thefamous "grocery list" of Edward B. Tyler. He wrote, "Cultureis that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals,custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society." But another definition of culture that many find useful is, "the totality of learned, socially transmitted behavior." Obviously this definition leaves out much if we feel obligated to include all the ways of life that have been evolved by people in every society. A particular culture, then, would mean the total shared way of life of a given group. This would include their ways of thinking, acting, and feeling as reflected in their religion, iaw, language, art, and customs, as well as concrete things such as houses, clothing, and tools. Cultural anthropology is the study of cultures-living and dead. In its totality, it includes linguistics, the study of speech forms, archaeology (the study of dead cultures), and ethnology, which is the study of living cul- tures or those that can be observed directly. Why study cultural anthropology? One reason noted by Ruth Benedict, another well-known anthropologist, is that the story of humanity from the Stone Age to the present is such a fascinating one of cultural growth. Interestingly, every society has gone through three stages or steps of cultural growth. These are savagery, barbarism, and finally, civilization. The last is, of course, to varying degrees. We are often reminded of another compelling reason to learn about different cultures-to learn and use a foreign language effectively. Most of us realize that just knowing the language of another culture is not enough for meaningful communication. You can ask anyone who has tried to use their high school Spanish inside a Spanish-speaking country. Ned Seelye, in his 1993 book Teaching Culture, lists six skills to nurture and support intercultural communication: Number 1: Cultivate curiosity about another culture and empathy toward its members.Number 2: Recognize that different roles and other social variables such as age, sex, social class, religion, ethnicity, and place of residence affect the way people speak and behave.Number 3: Realize that effective communication requires discovering the culturally conditioned images of people when they think, act, and react to the world around them.Number 4: Recognize that situational variables and conventions shape people's behavior in important ways.Number 5: Understand that people generally act the way they do because they are exercising the options their society allows for satisfying basic physical and psychological needs.And, finally, number 6: Develop the ability to evaluate the truth of a generalization about the target culture and to locate and organize information about the target culture from books, mass media, people, and personal observations. Culture and society must coexist. Without living together people cannot create a culture or way of life. If a group or society is small, isolated, and stable, it might also share a single culture. For example, think of the Tasaday, allegedly a Stone Age people in the Philippine rain forest, who were discovered by anthropologists back in 1971. Aside note is that due to their supposed isolation, they had no weapons or known words in their language for "enemy" or "war." In your read- ing after the lecture, you'll learn more about the Tasaday and the conroversy surrounding them up to the present time. It is important to remember, however, that large societies, such as those in Canada, the United

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