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Motivation Letter

Dear Sir or Madam,

I would like to apply for the English-Taught Master degree in Communication Engineering, which starts in December 2011. I am a BSc(Eng) in Telecommunications Engineering with Management, which is a joint degree program between Beijing University of Posts & Telecommunications(BUPT) and University of London.

Reasons for choosing CE of RWTH Aachen

I had spent nearly two years seeking the way of my life from 2007 till 2009.

Initially, as a freshman, I concentrated on the work of Student Union and Beijing IETYME (Institution of Engineering and Technology Yong Member Section). As a result of my hard work, I was elected vice president in the third semester. However, instead of feeling much pleasure and excitement, I could not work up too much enthusiasm for the iterative activities. Then I understood that the work of organization management

didn’t really fit me. Naturally, I transferred my focus to study.

I was heartily satisfied when I overcame puzzles even though the two-year distraction brought me great difficulties at the beginning. Since then, I started to realize that this should be the way of my life.

I also found that I am most attracted by subject concerns with communication systems and excelled in courses such as Introduction to the Communication, Telecommunication Systems, Signals and Systems Theory, Internet Protocols, Digital Signal Processing and Microwave & Optical Transmission.

Through these courses, I learnt the simple infrastructure of communication system and basic theories such as Sampling, Quantization, Channel Coding, Queuing Theory, Fourier Transforms, Wireless Network, Digital Filter Design and Routing Protocol. However, I was still confused with questions like what parameters would influence the practical operation of equipment, how to integrate the single units, how can I make improvement to avoid disadvantages of existing theories.

In the summer of 2010, I participated in school laboratory which took charge of MIMO System optimization, one of national key scientific research projects. I keenly felt the lack of

knowledge over that period, and was figuring how to exactly calculate the channel capacity in different conditions, how to instantly transfer channel state information (CSI) to transmitter antennas, how to apply the ideal model in the complex realities. I found these questions very fascinating. Obviously, it is impossible to solve those questions with the current knowledge I leant in my undergraduate period, thus I decided to further my study. Another important reason is that what we learnt lags far behind reality, which can’t support me in operating advanced equipment. For example, the 8051 microcontroller I learnt in the course of ‘Microprocessor System Design’ was applied in 1990s.

While doing microwave experiment, my teacher mentioned that among the top three companies: Anritsu, ROHDE&SCHWARZ and Agilent, which produce VNA, R&S owns the unparalleled predominance compared with the other two companies.

Germany owns the most advanced technologies, the best research groups, first-rate industrial technology and rigorous elite education system, which strengthen my wish to continue my studies in Germany. RWTH Aachen University, which is among the best in Germany, enjoys an excellent international reputation

and brings together many distinguished scholars who are global leaders in their respective fields. Additionally, the cooperation relationship with large enterprises can not only develop my research skills but also expand my point of view and enlighten me to think critically and creatively.

I was lucky to find out that Aachen has set up CE on 2010 Autumn International Education Exhibition Tour, therefore I set it as my goal without any hesitation.

Expectation of studying in Germany

Expect for the academic goal mentioned above, I wish to have in-depth understand of German culture as well.

I have always been interested in philosophy as it provides me answers to my life. Among great philosophers, Hegel is the one I admire most. Nearly all the modern philosophical schools have drawn from the theory of Hegel even though it has been recognized that several points of Hegel are incorrect. From my own point of view, adults are adults because they can logically

consider and deal with events. With such philosophical atmosphere, I believe that to study and live in Aachen will enhance my understanding of my life and my future.

Besides, I am keen on a football and had come in third in football match as a representing my class. I always admire the excellent team spirit and consummate techniques of Germany. Moreover, Oliver Rolf Kahn is one of the players I like best. Living in Germany, a top-ranking football level nation, the fantastic feeling of playing with kindred friends really makes me excited.

Future Plan

I plan to be an engineer after achieving my doctoral degree and serve in a cooperation connecting China and Germany. I believe that with familiarization of both Germany and Chinese culture, I can perform well at my job and make a contribution to enhance friendship between China and Germany.

Your faithfully,









Motivation Letter

Internships Aeronautical Engineer

The aerospace industry is at the forefront of innovation, pushing the boundaries of technological advancement at an exponential rate. The design and manufacture of aircrafts that can defy the limits of the world, or go beyond the decree of nature, is arguably the pinnacle of engineering in the world today.

That is the main reason that I am interested in pursuing an Aeronautical Engineering Internship after having completed my Bachelor's degree in Aeronautical Engineering 5 years ago at the Aleppo University of Mechanical Engineering.

My aim is to become a competent computational engineer who is qualified to work for international aeronautical engineering companies. Since UK is known as the country at the forefront of aeronautical developments, it makes perfect sense for me to pursue my Internship in the country that has companies best equipped to handle my internships.

Having enumerated my reasons for choosing to make an Internship in UK, I want to now explain the reasons why I am applying for acceptance to your company.

I believe my educational qualifications and my experience are good enough to earn me a place in the Internship at your company. With such exemplary academic performances and scores, I believe I am the right candidate for in this Internship. Working at the world's leading aircraft manufacturer and means being part of a high-performance team where every day I will exchange ideas and expertise with colleagues from different countries and nationalities, disciplines and backgrounds.

I am looking forward to undertaking an impressive career within the Britches aeronautical field over the next 5 years. I am looking forward to the opportunity to help design and manufacture the most eco-efficient, state-of-the-art aircraft.

I will push the boundaries of technology with pioneering developments and designs by exploring all possibilities.

I am positive that the Internship in aeronautical engineering will be an excellent start for an ambitious career person like me

Therefore, I would be so proud and happy if I received the admission for this Internship.

Dear sir

Since my early days as a child I was fond of exploring how things work. I was that kid who disassembles or smashes every toy he has to know how it works. I have developed a rather intuitive and profound fascination in exploring the electronic gadgets, especially with regard to their construction and operation. This fascination for everything electronic prompted me to take up Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry as my course of study in my higher secondary school. I received high grades with distinction as I finished among the top 5% in my school. This made me able to fulfill my dream with securing an admission to faculty of engineering at XXX University, one of the top universities in XXX.

After I started studying at faculty of engineering, I decided to choose electronics and telecommunications as my specialization to feed my passion. During my five years of studying, I have learned that engineering is as much as an art as it is a science. My study reinforced me with solid understanding of the basic concepts of communication theories, power electronics, signal processing, electromagnetic waves and networking. I have consistently performed well and maintained high grades throughout my curriculum. Furthermore, I graduated my Bachelor course with a First class with distinction and was among the top 10% in my batch. I gained the 13th rank amongst 178 students. Even my college awarded me with a cash prize in all the four years, for maintaining high grades.

In my graduation thesis, I was working on a research project to establish a low cost, robust, wireless Ad Hoc network between the moving vehicles, without the need of enterprise infrastructure. We researched the different network architectures that can be used. My responsibility was choosing the best RF link to be suitable to handle the high mobility challenges of the moving cars environment such as the Doppler effect that shifts the carrier frequency and very short connection time. My work

included modifying the Wi-Fi protocol to operate similar to the DSRC (Dedicated Short Range Communication) protocol (which was made for high mobility applications). However, there were no adapters available to run DSRC protocol, so I chose a wireless adapter to assist me in my project. Since I was not familiar with the C programming language the adapter used, I learned and became proficient in the C programming language to assist with the project.

For the past 2 months, I joined XXX, one of the leading research institutes in XXX, as a researcher. I continued my contribution to the ITS (Intelligent Transportation System) by working on a project to reduce the road accidents in XXX, using sensor networks and smart phones. Our goal was to assist the car driver and warn him from different road obstacles (speed bumps, road holes, U-turns and so on) that can cause accidents, by building a database for obstacles and make the drivers access it through communication technologies.

My aim to develop myself more and help people to have a good quality of life made me to be actively involved in extracurricular activities beside academic studies.

I was an active member in the IEEE student's branch in my university for about one year. I organized a lot of scientific events, symposiums and trips with the aim of spreading science passion. In addition, I was a member in AIESEC, and travelled to India to participate in a volunteering project to spread cancer awareness. I can say that Travelling abroad enriched me and gave me the privilege of being opened to different cultures. I learned that we, as humans, have more in common than our differences.

The thirst for exploring of this kid is not satisfied yet. And education is a lifelong process, that's why I want to continue my study by pursuing a master degree in Germany. Germany is renowned for a long tradition of welcoming international students and its higher education is one of the best in the world, especially in the fields of engineering and science. And I can benefit from having such a world class degree to establish my career as a communication engineer and a researcher. Furthermore, I will have the opportunity to learn German, which will open many doors for me.

I chose the master program of communication engineering at XXX, after I read carefully the curriculum and found that it fully suits my ambitions. Moreover,XXX is one of the leading universities in Germany with a long tradition of scientific partnership and cooperation with industry. It will give me an international exposure and insights into new trends, which will help me to push my studies and research forward.

I am looking forward to continue my contribution to the ITS by researching to develop its various applications, and I do believe that the program will provide me with what I need to start.

With my strong academic background, intellectual abilities and practical experience, I am confident that I will bring a high level energy, enthusiasm and cultural diversity to this program and exceed your expectations.

I am grateful for considering my application and I look forward for your favorable reply.


To skim through these quotes daily, by one of the greatest minds ever, incline d me towards achieving perfection in whatever field I chose. Basically interested in anything amazing in my vicinity, my enthusiasm towards electronics [font#FF0000was piqued in 9th grade when the teacher explained the complete phenomena behind the working of a radio. The meticulous attention get an undistorted output amazed me. It was then, that I decided to pursue a career in the abundant field of electronics. My goal is to develop into a proficient electrical engineer with profound knowledge to translate technical cognition into practicable applications to society. I aspire to pursue Masters Degree in Electrical Engineering with specialization in Digital Signal Processing, at name the particular univ here.university.



I am an undergraduate student, having done an inspiring four-year course in Electronics Engineering from Terna Engineering College, under the affinity of University Of Mumbai. During these four years of study, I have strived to maintain an approach of expending independent effort in all my endeavors. After my undergraduate study I would like to refine my knowledge and skills I have gained in pursuing a graduate study in Telecommunication field.

As I have been brought up in a family which has a strong inclination towards Science, I had developed a fascination for electronics and also the computers right from the beginning. This inclination towards science further increased by my active participation in the fairs and seminars during my school days. I had a special interest towards these technologies and appreciated its innovative ideas. My good academic records at school level and my penchant for science rightly guided me to take up the science stream at the university level from which I drew the true spirit of engineering. Consequently I decided to obtain my undergraduate major in electronics engineering as it had a tremendous potential to become a dominate force affecting all walks of human life. Also Electronics Revolution ushered in an area that heralded the beginning of all round progress.

The four year undergraduate study has taught me that Engineering is as much as an art as it is a science. Creative instinct, excel fellowman ship and perceptiveness

are the very gist of engineering. During my engineering course I was introduced to the concepts of power electronics, digital communication, data communication and networking and I had developed an instant liking to these subjects. I have also developed an interest in the computational skills like MS-Word, Excel, and PowerPoint and in the programming languages like C, C++, JAVA, J2EE and Matlab. However, for my MS degree, I remain open to other topics as well. During my undergraduate I have attended various seminars and conferences that were conducted by my department. I am confident that the knowledge I have gained in the undergraduate level will serve as a base for my career advancement in the telecom field .I want to be the part of this telecommunication industry which is currently facing a technological revolution so as to contribute my share in its advancement.

My fields of interest however spread over a wide spectrum of areas. I am especially fascinated by internetworking, communications through digital systems and also advanced signal processing and system analysis which amazes me to choose telecommunication and networking as a field for pursuing masters. I am confident that my undergraduate study has provided me with sufficient knowledge in order to take up any one of these as my specialization in my graduate study.

One of the most important lessons I have learnt when I was working as a Junior Engineer is to accept both failure and success as a part of positive frame of mind. My work involved organizing meetings with the clients, to solve their issues and to give them good results which benefited me to interact with various kinds of people. That was a marvelous experience for me which I feel would stand in good stead in the future. The award winning faculty and excellent facilities at your university makes the program ideally suited to my professional goals. It is one of the most dynamic universities providing personal attention to the international students and extensive academic resources. It is a place of various social activities. My desire to pursue further study in UK is because it has the most dynamic atmosphere that will be going to shape up my thinking and learning abilities. I strongly believe that keeping up a curious and explorative attitude leads to a constant learning process. The diversity of student's union will open my mind to new ideas and new ways of doing things. The international education will give me the training and the caliber to meet the global clients. I am looking forward to be an active contributing member of the student's community at your university. My future plans are to take part in various activities in your university and put my hard work and resources and succeed in my field.

In conclusion, I would like to add that the essence of University education lies in the synergetic relationship between the student and his department. I feel that graduate study at your University will be the most logical extension of my academic goals and a major step towards achieving my objectives. I would be very grateful to you if I am granted with an opportunity to pursue my graduate studies with financial assistance at your institution and I am sure that I will be able to justify your faith in me.

Hi Folks

I am applying to German Universities for my Masters. Please let me know how it is and suggest ways in which i can improve it. Thanks in advance.

This is how it goes...

"Keeping an inquisitive and explorative attitude, I believe in constant learning process. As a graduate in Mechanical Engineering, I seek Master's Degree to refine my knowledge and skill set in areas of my interest. I feel that it will also open up several avenues as far as my goal of career as a research professional at academic, commercial or research oriented organisation is concerned. I intend to pursue my Master's Degree in order to achieve this goal. Being ardently adventurous I dare to claim that, throughout my life, curiosity has been the main feature of my personal character. I always sought new challenges, new questions and new answers and I do believe that it has been this love of novelty which has led me towards education success.

As my father works for a service industry, right from my childhood I had umpteen opportunities to engage myself with machines. I had the opportunity to visit a Rail coach manufacturing unit and a locomotive overhauling unit where I was taken aback by the heavy machines and various manufacturing processes. Even before completing my schooling I was determined to purse a course that would fuel my passion for machines. I also discovered my aptitude and love for mathematics and physics at high school. I was keen on pursuing advanced studies in all the three. Mechanical Engineering seemed the right option since it offered the exciting possibility of integrating these disciplines.

In my undergraduate years, I've acquired a strong background in the fundamentals of the basic mechanical engineering subjects. I secured top grade in my class. Mechanics and Finite Elements Subjects captivated my interest. In relation to my interest I underwent a training program at Aeronautical Development Establishment, Bangalore where I received a great amount of knowledge about Hydraulic System Operation and Electrohydraulic Actuator Testing. This practical knowledge helped me understand the theoretical concepts in Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics.

My first encounter with research was in final year of my graduate course when i was associated with XXXXX. I worked in a project titled XXXXXX. My role was primarily concerned with the aspects of design and development, which also requires me to gain an understanding of MATLAB which was helpful in analysing the feasibility of projects under different working condition.

To specialize in Masters I would need strong foundation in practical application of the concepts which I gained during my time at XXXXX. Here, I was exposed to the rigour of product development. This experience gave a good insight about engineering techniques like Failure mode and effects analysis, DVP&R, Boundary diagrams, FAST Diagrams. Also I have had hands on experience in design of structural parts and pressure vessels. I have been trained and working in PRO/E WILDFIRE and ANSYS. I am a Certified "Associate Value Specialist" from SAVE International?? which is a premier international society devoted to the advancement and promotion of the value methodology.

Germany has always been the world leader in technology, and without question it is the motherland of Engineering. Germany avails the advantages of securing the best of knowledge, quality of education, good life style and above all the international exposure. Browsing through the information brochure and the University's web page I feel that the Graduate Study in your university holds a lot of promise to me. The research carried out by various institutes on dynamics, Multibody systems and structures are appealing. The breadth and depth of the courses coupled with a stimulating research environment seem to me the right mix for seminal work and pioneering research. I believe that with variety of courses offered and with highly knowledgeable faculty and excellent facilities, the University will provide a perfect environment to focus all my resources towards my goal.

I believe that the program will not only help me find a career in a research organization but also give me an opportunity to explore and broaden the scope of my understanding through coursework and research at your university. I am fully aware that a pursuit in research and academics requires a high level of dedication, determination, motivation and self-discipline. I wish to assure you that, I will meet the above expectations diligently and prove to be a worthy alumnus. "


Letter of Motivation

As a student in school and as an engineer at work, one thing that was persistent in me was my enthusiasm and inquisitive nature. This characteristic in me caused me to be curious and analytical about every aspect of my professional as well as my personal life. I have always used logic when pursuing my deep intent to learn at every stage of my education and career. With this introduction, I take this opportunity to place forward my interest to pursue a Master's Degree in Mechanical Engineering.

I recall an incident long back, where I was very curious about a Scientific Pendulum clock. As one would expect from a fifteen year old, I unscrewed the case body of a perfectly working clock and wanted to know the mysterious source behind the oscillations of the pendulum, its gear functions and most importantly the sound of the clock. Tragedy struck, when something flew off of the case body and I found out that it was a hook-spring that held the hammer arms together that hits the rod at regular intervals which made the sound. I could not fix it back at that moment but later managed to do so. Although I had disabled a perfectly working clock, I was glad that I could find out why the machine was keyed and what was being keyed; it was the coiled spring, an element which transmits its stored energy through various links like gears, shafts, arms, etc. This is something that I can understand today as an engineer and is one of the marvelous inventions that benefited human kind. Engineering studies further expanded my understanding and knowledge of machines.

I observed myself inquisitive but matured enough to rely on scientific concepts and principles, something that is gained through academic education and practical application. Courses like Mechanics, Kinetics of Machinery, Dynamics of Machinery

and Applied Thermodynamics enlightened me on principles behind fundamental laws that are observed and machines that are engineered. I continued to do well in academic courses while at same time contributed in the campus culture. I was also associated to Indian Institute of Industrial Engineering [IIIE], an Institution that enabled to understand more on various technologies and its advancement in the industry through seminars and workshops. In my final year of engineering studies, I completed an academic project on a Catalytic converting unit for organic wastes which converted the organic kitchen wastes in to bio-fuel. The system consisted of a gasifying unit which gasified the organic wastes and passed it through a catalytic unit which broke the higher hydro-carbon chains in to lower ones. The system also consisted of a condenser (Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger) which cooled the gas to raw oil. The project involved the design and study of Heat Exchangers, Induction Heaters, and the fabrication of the unit, by applying knowledge through various academic topics like, Applied Thermodynamics, Heat and Mass transfer, Design of Machine elements and Design of pressure vessels.

My interests towards science and engineering elevated further as I started working on Reciprocating compressors at Neuman & Esser (Compressor Application Centre) as an Application engineer, understanding the working principle and correlating them with theory. I applied concepts that I had learnt during my undergraduate education to my work which involved learning the P-V diagram for each machine, Adiabatic efficiency, Volumetric efficiency, shaft power etc., understanding the losses and the factors leading to inefficient performance of the machinery during critical issues like discharge valve loss due to valve leakages. While working in the proposal department I could develop a sound knowledge about Technical as well as commercial aspects in a manufacturing firm. I am certain through these experiences that, one should always believe in in-depth analysis, understand the concept, and look ahead to solve the critical task with proper insight. A continuous learning process applied to applications and machinery's, its principle behind the working, and the reason for its need on the first place has always kept me intrigued to study them.

I intend to further a study in Mechanical Engineering with a focus on energy technology. In my understanding the Human dependence on energy technology both traditional as well as renewable is necessary, however with the given depletion of natural resources, there needs to be a transition in the methods of energy production. As a complete transformation overnight is not feasible, I would like to explore in integration of renewable energy technology with the existing methods. I would also like to explore in integrating multiple energy systems in an application with measures to curb down the energy losses during production, transmission and distribution.

It is every engineer's dream to provide smartest of the solutions to the most critical issues in the industry and to establish oneself as a skilled professional. This can only be accomplished through the expansion of one's knowledge base through higher education and a constant push to aspire further. I wish to Progress and participate in constructing and creating newer and smarter ideas to solve primary issues concerning my field in the industry and I consider RWTH Aachen University, as a

platform to see myself enable and equipped with all that I dream to become in my career. I am certain about what I share here in this letter as I am confident of what I want to be and this letter is an expression of my aspirations.


自己这段时间也没少search这方面的讯息,自认为也找到了些有用的讯息,这里综合整理一些朋友的分享,我现在的一个教授给我的意见(他去过法国留学,我决定去法国留学就是被他影响的)和自己的想法,以下这篇文章就诞生了. 这里有必要再啰嗦的是,以下的内容抖只是小的我的片面的想法,免不了有些局限性,望各位在法国留学的前辈不吝补充纠正.当然我也希望借这篇贴文起个头,愿景于这个主题的前辈或者过来人多提供信息,丰富关于这个主题的讯息。 动机信其实可以说是个人名片或履历的「申论题」,除了看看递来的身份证件和履历证明,学校方面更有兴趣知道,这个学生为什么要申请这个学位?这学生到底为什么想念我这学位?这也许也可以说是法国学院和台湾学生熟悉的英美系统之间其中一项差异。因此,在法国大学系统里(较具国际化倾向的工商学院就不得而知了),动机信的地位可以说比推荐信还重要一点,那是学校认识一个学生的基础,也是他们确认这学生是否和自己对位的起点。 写这封信之前,可以先想想下面几个简单的问题: 一、为什么想念这门学科或专业? 二、为什么想申请这个学位? 三、为什么老远跑到法国来念这学位? 四、想从这学位里获得什么? 五、念完以后想做什么?(这点很重要) 由于我们是留学生,因此不少系主任或是指导教授会很好奇想要了解,我们大老远飞到法国来找他们拿学位的动机与目的。说穿了,一封中国大陆学生或者说有其他国家和地区的学生申请法国学校的动机信,大概就是在回答上面五个问题。 所以呢我们的动机信也要根据以上五个基本的问题来guide... 信的开头,通常是两句简单的自我介绍(像名片上印的那样简单,比如目前正在念什么什么学校的的市场营销专业),加上「我是怎么知道这个学位的」(学位名称记得要完整写出来)。至于怎么知道这个学校专业的途径可以是例如:透过网络search、经过教授推荐、学校声誉响亮,等等。 例如: -经过四年的市场学的学士高等教育,我希望有这个荣幸能够进入本人景仰的贵校攻读专业硕士学位。 -在各市场学研究期刊上拜读贵校研究所或者教授于某方面的杰出论述后,我这个目前正在修读市场学学士的学生,非常希望能够在贵校上述教授的指导下攻读硕士学位。 -在仔细研读过校详细简介(好像很矛盾)后,本人希望能获得贵校青睐,获许入学,以便继续发展个人在市场学领域的研究生涯。


简历与求职信的区别 简历与求职信的区别 求职信和简历是最常见的两种求职材料。求职信是求职者向用人单位介绍自己、推销自己,并申请某具体职业岗位(或职业范围)的书面材料;简历是求职者说明个人基本情况、教育背景、工作经历以及成就的书面材料。两种求职材料都是求职者亮出个人特色以吸引招聘者注目的自我材料,但两者在格式、内容、技巧及功用等方面均有差别,一般不能互相取代,更不能互相混淆。 从格式与风貌来看,求职信与简历截然不同: 求职信是商业信函,与商家向客户发出的合作邀请一样,要求规范和专业,足以吸引招聘者这个客户的目光,说服他去阅读自己的简历以获得就业机会;而简历类似推销个人的广告文稿,就像产品介绍一样,要能激起用人单位这个客户的购买欲望,说服招聘者给自己面试的机会。 求职信与简历也有所关联。某种程度上来讲,求职信来源于简历,又高于简历,具有对简历内容进行综合介绍、补充说明和深入扩展的作用。 求职信与简历对比列表 附送: 简历个人自我评价参考范文 简历个人自我评价参考范文

本人性格开朗,对待工作认真负责,待人真诚,善于沟通、协调有较强的组织能力与团队精神;活泼开朗、乐观上进、有爱心并善于施教并行;上进心强、勤于学习能不断进步自身的能力与综合素质。在未来的工作中,我将以充沛的精力,刻苦钻研的精神来努力工作,稳定地进步自己的工作能力,与公司同步发展。自学能力很强,在校自学了很多计算机知识,能熟练组装计算机,懂得计算机的维护,熟练操纵indos、offie办公软件,熟悉interne资源。会auto ad photoshop 等软件;会用语言编写一般程序。 专业知识扎实,有积极的工作态度,能够独立工作,又极赋团队精神,同时具有良好的文化素质;赋有进取心,有良好的职员治理和沟通协调能力。我本人适应性强,责任心强,勤勉不懈,并具有良好的团队精神。在从事多年服务行业、助理工作后,积累了丰富的服务行业和治理方面的经验以及优秀的口头、书面表达能力。能够熟练操纵ord办公软件及设备,以胜任现代化办公的需求请给我一次机会,我必将还您以夺目的光彩。 对待工作认真负责,善于沟通、协调有较强的组织能力与团队精神;活泼开朗、乐观上进、有爱心并善于施教并行;上进心强、勤于学习能不断进步自身的能力与综合素质。在未来的工作中,我将以充沛的精力,刻苦钻研的精神来努力工作,稳定地进步自己的工作能力。 在4年的工作中,以谨慎的工作作风,认真积极的工作态度,细心完本钱职工作。本人工作踏实,刻苦刻苦,如有幸被录用我将会竭尽全力为贵单位创造效益,以尽情体现自身能力和价值。 本人热爱生活,性格开朗活泼,乐观向上,乐于助人,乐于进取,积极勤奋,有团队精神,拥有充实的专业知识,也有独立的思维


工作推荐信通用版 导读:本文是关于工作推荐信通用版,希望能帮助到您! 工作推荐信 尊敬的先生或女士: 您好,我是XXX,XXX公司的总经理。得知我公司优秀员工XXX想要出国深造,我感到非常高兴和无比欣慰。在我看来这样一个上进的年轻人应该接受良好的教育拥有更辉煌的未来。因此,我很荣幸向贵校强烈推荐这位优秀青年。 XXX曾在大四的时候来我公司报告实习。尽管对业务不很熟悉,工作经验相对匮乏。但是从不服输的他一刻也不放弃学习的机会。利于闲暇时间大量阅读参考有关业务的书籍,虚心向其他员工请教。渐渐地,他开始精通各项业务,并取得一定成绩。对此他并没有满足更没有骄傲自大。相反,遇到难题,他仍然虚心与同事交流讨论直到找出解决方案为止。鉴于他在实习期的出色表现,我公司破例招收他为正式员工(通常我公司不予考虑应届毕业生)。 现在,做为我公司的一名业务精英,XXX工作更加认真,负责,努力。为所有同事树立了榜样。付出就有获得,他因此被评为本公司优秀员工,并享有高额奖金。 虽然从某种程度上来说,如此优秀的员工即将踏上留学之途是我公司的损失,但是考虑到他的前途,我依然毫不犹豫的支持他远赴贵校深造。真诚期望贵校能同样支持他,给他一个提升自己实现梦想的机会。谢谢。 总经理:XXX

20xx年4月01日 工作推荐信 尊敬的领导: 您好!首先感谢您在百忙之中抽出时间来阅读我校学生XXX的推荐信! XXX同学是XXXX大学的一名毕业生。在大学里,该生依然相信知识是最重要的,大学科班学习是获取各学科基础知识和法学专业知识最好的方式。他经常庆幸自己身处综合型大学可以徜徉于知识的海洋,汲取不尽的养份,使自己的学识之树能茁壮健康成长。他十分珍惜在校的学习时间,不断从各个方面完善自己。他刻苦攻读专业知识,每个学期都以优秀的成绩完成规定学科的学习,并多次获得奖学金。大学四年认真学习了本专业的理论与实践知识。熟悉涉外工作常用礼仪;具备较好的英语听、说、读、写、译等能力;能熟练操作计算机办公软件。 大学是衔接社会的平台,除了学习之外,还有很多大学生应该具备的能力需要培养。从大一进校开始,该生就把大量课余时间投入到了社会实践、社会工作,自入校以来,经同学选举,他担任了班长一职,任职以来,他积极配合校、系分团委的各项工作,多次被评为校优秀干部。通过参加各种实践活动,培养了他较强的工作能力,组织领导能力和良好的合作精神,培养了自己较强的集体主义责任感和荣誉感,善于沟通、积极主动、认真、踏实及动手能力强。 影响一个人工作能力和成就一个人事业还有其他因素,比如举止、性格、兴趣、爱好。该同学在平常生活中注意自己的谈吐、举止,积累与他人沟通的经验,争取做到:今天的我比昨天的我做的好!还有友善真诚是他待人态度,顾全大局是他处世风格,乐观豁达是他的个性特征,且重视团队意识和服务意识。在那里的锻炼中获益良多,不仅仅是个人能力的培养,


老师推荐信的模板 老师推荐信的模板1 尊敬的厦门大学经济学院夏令营组委会: 我是***大学经济信息工程学院信息管理与信息系统系主任***,现推荐本专业三年级学生***参加贵校经济学院夏令营活动,我曾在大一和大二期间和本专业同学做师生交流会,该生给我留下了非常深刻的印象。 首先,专业方面: 其次,科研方面: 此外,经济灵感: 她不管是对专业知识的理解还是对个人的人生规划都有非常独到的见解。在大三下学期主动找我交流并跟我做科研,由于个人工作原因,科研计划推迟,可是该生仍然积极主动的跟我联系跟我交流,充分体现了其积极主动的精神和对科研的浓厚兴趣。做科研期间做事踏实勤恳,自学能力强,善于接收新事物并且善于独立思考。 该生综合表现突出,对科研有浓厚的兴趣,并且逐渐获得了科研的素质和能力,有较好的培养前景,故推荐到贵校,望予以审核通过。 推荐人: 时间: 老师推荐信的模板2

亲爱的女士、先生: 我很荣幸推荐我的学生***申请参加您的研究生项目。 ***曾经参加过我的“数字控制系统”项目以及在他高年级期间的”最优化理论”。之前,他获得过86分/100分和排位在名列前茅5%之内。 之后,在仅针对研究生开放的课题中,他是参与的仅有三位本科学生之一。在指导他的期间,我了解到他是一个好学和勤奋的人,他总是积极钻研我的演讲并学习掌握知识。其实有某些任务对一般的学生是有难度的,可他总能出色地解决了他们,这些正是缘于他逻辑和分析思维能力以及对理论的清晰构想。在最后的项目中,他也打动了我。在解决开发项目中自由易变的优选问题,他深思熟虑并且熟练地完成了它,所以项目能够运转良好,甚至是发生一些特殊情况(象循环…) 但是它仍就能够很好的运转和阅读。因此我给了他比其他许多研究生更好的成绩。 另外,在中高年级他参与了控制和系统的路线项目群且总是得到的好成绩。 根据我的观察,在你的研究控制和系统领域,***完全能够担任主要职责,我很有信心他已经在一些项目中体现了他卓越学习能力和勤劳努力。他能表现杰出优越甚至是在高强度的项目中。我毫不犹豫坚决肯定地推荐他,希望您将优先考虑他的申请。 老师推荐信的模板3 尊敬的先生/女士:


法语动机信样本6-10篇 Un stage court (3) Un stage pour l'été Julie D. 5, rue Raspail 75012 Paris Tél. éditions A… Madame la directrice 6, rue du Val-de-Grace 75006 Paris Ville, date Objet : demande de stage avec convention de la mi-juin à la fin ao?t. Madame, Actuellement étudiante en première année de DUT information-communication option métiers du livre, je suis à la recherche d'un stage obligatoire dans le cadre de cette formation. Je serais particulièrement intéressée par un stage d'assistante d'édition au sein d'une maison d'édition spécialisée en histoire de l'art comme la v?tre. Mes atouts, outre ma formation, sont mes nombreux séjours à l'étranger, notamment en Irlande, qui m'ont permis d'acquérir un très bon niveau d'anglais, sans doute nécessaire pour travailler dans la filiale d'une maison d'édition américaine telle que la v?tre. Par ailleurs, j'ai acquis une solide culture générale en histoire de l'art grace aux cours du soir que j'ai suivis durant trois ans à l'école du Louvre. En espérant vous avoir convaincue de ma motivation, et dans l'espoir de vous rencontrer prochainement, je vous prie d'agréer, Madame, l'expression de mes salutations distinguées.


简历重点介绍做过什么,取得过何种业绩;求职信除需介绍简历内容外,要重点介绍个人想做什么(包括个人的职业规划、价值追求,要尽可能与具体信件的投递单位的核心价值、职业要求相吻合)、能做什么(包括学习能力、工作能力、沟通能力、社交能力)、能做成什么(要与以往业绩结合,更要招聘岗位结合)。具体格式,可以不拘泥于形式,但必须注意文本的形象设计,以庄重为妥。 1、求职信与简历的区别 个人简历并不等同于求职信。求职时简历不能单独寄出,必须附有信件,即求职信。求职信与个人简历的撰写目的一样,都是要引起招聘人员的注意,争取面试机会,但两者有所不同。 求职信是针对特定的个人来写的,而简历却是针对特定的工作职位来写的;简历主要叙述求职者的客观情况,而求职信主要表述求职者的主观愿望。相对于简历来说,求职信更要集中地突出个人的特征与求职意向,从而打动招聘人员的心,是对简历的简洁概述和补充。 2、求职信的结构 求职信文字一定要简洁,字数最好不要超过1000字,它一般由几部分组成: 1)你所申请的职位和招聘信息来源; 2)表述你对该职位产生浓厚兴趣,并说明这种兴趣与你的理想追求或专长有关; 3)与申请职位有关的资历和经验和成绩都是非常重要的证明材料,说明你适合这个职位的原因; 4)表示如能得偿所愿,自信必能胜任此项工作; 5)提醒收信人留意你附呈的个人简历,并请求对方作进一步回应,如及早答复、予以安排面试等。 3、求职信的第一句话 求职信的第一句话是最重要的,也是最难写的。其实有许多可取的写法,你可以说明是从什么渠道得知公司招聘信息,也可以叙述自己最有利的条件,不过最不稳妥的办法是参照广告的内容作自我介绍。第一句话(不包括称呼)的作用有二:一是吸引对方阅读你的信件;二是引导对方自然而然地进入你所突出的正题而不感到突然。 归纳起来,求职信的第一句话有以下几种形式: 1)概述式。用一句话概括你具备的最重要的求职资格和工作能力。 2)提名式。提及一为建议你到用人单位求职且为用人单位所熟悉和尊崇的人(记住连名带写上,后面可称呼其职衔或官衔,也可以称“先生”或“女士”)。 3)提问式。针对用人单位的需求和目标,提出一个设问,然后表示你真诚希望自己能够帮助他们实现目标。 4)赞扬式。赞扬用人单位近期取得的显著成就或发生的明显变化,然后表示渴望为其效力。但记住语气不要过度热情。 5)应征式。说明你通过什么途径看到用人单位的招聘广告,并肯定自己的条件基本满足广告提出的要求。 6)独创式。用一个新奇的、能表现你在某些方面才华的句子开头,但申请的职位必须是那种需要丰富想像力的类型,如广告文案、平面设计、装潢设计等。 4、求职信中应注意的几点 1)一些跨国公司或港澳台公司,通常会要求应聘者递交英文求职信和个人简历。不过,即使没有明确规定为了引起对方的注意和重视,最好用英文(或其它外文)信件提出对某些职位的申请,往往会比单纯写中文求职信效果更好。所有的英文求职信都应用电脑打印。 2)求职信的第一句话应该开门见山,让对方尽快知道它的内容。 3)段落要短,句子不宜很长,长的段落更易令人生厌。 4)段落可以加小标题,或是编上序号,使求职信条理分明,层次清晰。 5)求职信的语气应不卑不亢,不能过分客气,也要力求避免无意中伤害他人的尊严。


优秀员工的推荐信范文 1 尊敬的先生或女士: xxx曾在大四的时候来我公司实习。尽管对业务不很熟悉,工作 经验相对匮乏。但是从不服输的他一刻也不放弃学习的机会。利于 闲暇时间大量阅读参考有关业务的书籍,虚心向其他员工请教。渐 渐地,他开始精通各项业务,并取得一定成绩。对此他并没有满足 更没有骄傲自大。相反,遇到难题,他仍然虚心与同事交流讨论直 到找出解决方案为止。鉴于他在实习期的出色表现,我公司破例招 收他为正式员工(通常我公司不予考虑大学生)。 现在,做为我公司的一名业务精英,xxx工作更加认真,负责, 努力。为所有同事树立了榜样。付出就有获得,他因此被评为本公 司优秀员工,并享有高额奖金。 虽然从某种程度上来说,如此优秀的员工离去是我公司的损失,但是考虑到他的前途,我依然毫不犹豫的支持他远赴贵公司深造。 真诚期望贵公司能同样支持他,给他一个提升自己实现梦想的机会。谢谢。 此致 敬礼! XXX 20xx年XX月XX日 2 尊敬的领导:

xxx,20XX年荣幸的成为我们金龙公司的一员。目前在生产部总 装车间二班担任钳工工作。他以优异的表现,使得我们班生产效率、产品质量、生产成本都有了很大的改观。今年在评优活动中,经过 二班成员一致的投票选举,该同志为20XX年度优秀员工。他的具体 表现如下: 1.劳动纪律方面 能够严格遵守公司的各项规章制度,以严要求、高标准为自己是行动准则。感染着我们二班的所有人。 2.工作方面 兢兢业业、一丝不苟、锐意进取、开拓创新,任劳任怨,用默默无闻的工作精神来实现自己的承诺,把工作看成了事业,而不是事情。并且不放过每一个细节。他的工作态度改变着我们的工作质量。 3.思想品德方面 他是一个性格开朗、乐于助人的人,能够环形思维,站在别人的立场上考虑问题。遇事冷静。他的品德改变了我的能力。 此致 敬礼! XXX 20xx年XX月XX日 3 尊敬的领导: xxx同志系xxx项目部的合同部长,能吃苦耐劳,任劳任怨,紧 紧地围绕在公司周围,团结公司全体员工,思想积极上进,工作主 动热情,默默地在自己的岗位上无私地奉献个人青春和力量。 该同志在项目部的对内的工作是在实际的施工过程中,根据现场的实际情况,对定额编制的工料含量的高低水平作出适当科学合理


导师推荐信中文模板5篇 导师推荐信中文模板1 ××大学招生办: ×××同学是×××以优异成绩直升进入省××中学省招班的优秀学生。两年多来,该生以其学习刻苦努力、为人稳重谦和、工作职责心强、特长优势突出、抱负理想远大而深受老师和同学的称道。 该生学习主动性、自主学习潜力很强,除了学好日常各门功课外,利用很多业余时光参加了生物和物理竞赛。个性是生物竞赛过程中自学了竞赛有关的大学课程,查阅了很多资料,花了不到一年的时光就取得了苏州市第一、江苏省名列前茅的骄人成绩。物理竞赛虽然参加时光短,也取得了省二等奖的好成绩,显示了该生学习方面的不凡实力。 该生为人谦虚,真诚待人,做事认真,在班级具有很高的威望。作为班级文娱委员,组织的班级大合唱获得全校第一,集中体现了他的组织潜力和奉献精神;哪怕是每次班级卫生值日等细小事情都能看出他做事的态度和职责心,能够说把工作交给他是再放心但是了。 该生爱好阅读,知识面广,关心时事,勤于思考。学校研究性学习汇报中表现突出,班级热点问题讨论总少不了他的身影。由于他的音乐特长,在学校活动、班级历史剧中都有上佳的表现,其扮演的“国王”的领袖气度和风采让人记忆尤为深刻。正因为有如此出色的表现,在进入高中学习的

两年多来,每学期均被评为校三好学生或三好学生标兵。 出于对××学的浓厚兴趣,该生已确定了立志在生物学科有所作为的远大理想,并已开始付诸于行动,校图书馆常能留下他翻阅生物学科书藉的身影,业余时光也常能见他在潜心阅读生物学科方面的资料。 ×××同学是一个有理想有抱负的学生,在他的眼神里,我看的是执着,看到的是坚毅,看到的是他对未来的无限憧憬。为了自我的理想,他总是专注于脚下的道路。“机遇偏爱于有准备的头脑”,相信他将来必须会有非同一般的建树!鉴于以上状况,我们认为×××同学基本素质十分优秀,是一位不可多得的适合从事科学研究的好苗子,我力荐×××同学参加贵校保送生选拔。 导师推荐信中文模板2 招生老师: 您好!我十分高兴地向贵校推荐我的学生XXX同学:他纪律严明,热心公益事业;他学习刻苦,锲而不舍;他志向明确,执着追求。自律潜力十分突出的他,高中三年来,先后担任班长、团分支书记等主要职务。“律人必先律己”,他是这样说的,也从始至终是这样做的。凡是公益事业,不管是学校组织的,还是社区组织的,只要时光允许,他是无一缺席的,并且往往一马当先,所以,无论是为地震灾区捐款,还是在“保护浏阳河”等大型公益活动中,他都以实实在在的行动诠释着爱。凡事率先垂范,以身作则,这为他赢得了


一、个人简历: 简历一般分为5个部分: --个人信息,包括:姓名、出生日期、联系地址、电话、e-mail等; --学历背景,一般从高中写起,要注明起始年月、院校名称、专业名称和所获文凭; --工作背景,包括:全职工做、兼职工作和实习经历,要注明起始年月、工作单位名称、所在职位和从事的具体业务; --曾经获得的奖励,包括奖学金、优秀作品奖、优秀论文奖、优秀学生称号等; --个人兴趣与爱好 注: 1)时间顺序要从最近的日期开始写起,这点与我国的习惯相反; 2)简历的篇幅尽量不要超过一页,过于详细的描述并不会引起校方的兴趣,反而会增加反感程度; 二、留学动机信 留学动机信也称留学计划书。它的目的在于让申请者清楚的表达出来个人基本情况、申请学校及专业的原因以及未来的职业构想。我们根据这3个部分逐一说明:1--个人基本情况:与个人简历不同,这里的个人基本情况是要着重表述个人的学习和工作期间的主要业绩。 2--申请原因:明确阐述申请某某学校以及某某专业的理由,要告诉校方这个学校为什么吸引你,学习这个专业对你有什么帮助。 3--未来职业构想:具体说明在毕业之后,你准备从事的工作。切忌使用贡献、奉献、报效之类空洞的词汇,而应该表明去什么企业、公司,在什么职位上负责什么工作,并且最好把预期的年薪也写出来。也许很多学生会说:以后的事情现在怎么能知道?其实,学校就是想了解你是否有明确的求学目的,并允许学生有根据、符合逻辑的设想。 另外,在申请高等商学院的时候,学校还会特意让学生谈谈自己的优缺点和性格特征。 注:留学动机信一定要具体并且全文贯通、有前因和后果,按照西方人的说法就是有逻辑性。在撰文时,一定要以具体事例配合你所表达的中心思想,使文章显得生动。总之一句话:具体、生动、逻辑性强、中心思想明确。 用法语如何写简历和动机信,附动机信样本 个人简历,在法语里面是“Curriculum Vitae”,但更多时简称为“CV”;而我们通常所说的“申请信”、“求职信”等等,在法国通称为“La Lettre de Motivation”,简称为motivation, 直译即为“动机信”。这两样东西,在法国是非常普遍、也是非常重要的,不管是找工作、找实习还是联系学校,都是必须提供的材料之一,而且往往居于其他材料之首。也许有人以为这没什么大惊小怪的,在国内找工作时就需要这些东西。而在法国,除了找工作,在联系实习和学校时往往也被要求提供这两份东西。法国人对简历和动机信的重视程度,肯定超出了我们中国人的想象力。你只要去书店、商场、图书馆、就业中心等地方转一转,你就肯定会看到各种有关CV和动机信的指导书,定价不菲。在大学第三阶段授课中,有专门的课程教授你如何写这两份文章,授课老师大都是这方面的专业人士。有的网站和公司还专门以帮


( 信函范例) 姓名:____________________ 单位:____________________ 日期:____________________ 编号:YB-BH-067545 优秀员工推荐信模板Excellent employee recommendation template

优秀员工推荐信模板 尊敬的领导: xxx同志系xxx项目部的合同部长,能吃苦耐劳,任劳任怨,紧紧地围绕在公司周围,团结公司全体员工,思想积极上进,工作主动热情,默默地在自己的岗位上无私地奉献个人青春和力量。 该同志在项目部的对内的工作是在实际的施工过程中,根据现场的实际情况,对定额编制的工料含量的高低水平作出适当科学合理化的调整,该定额人工作为工程任务单进行人工的控制和分配的基础,定额材料作为仓库进行定额领料的依据。平时在工作中总是积极地配合项目经理进行合同管理,参与一些分包合同的洽谈,根据公司的规定并结合项目部的实际情况,起草一些分包合同的草稿,分包合同签订后,对分包合同进行跟踪管理,每月初完成本项目的上月的实际施工分配任务(包括分包方的粗分配),定额材料的统计,预计下月的施工产值及各项的耗用成本。 在施工过程中,实行定额领料和成本跟踪控制,为项目部的成本控制提供一些合理化的保证措施,为项目部及时提供一些经营资料及数据,及时做好项目的成本核算工作。对外(对业主和监理)的工作情况。每月月中向业主和监理提交的计量资料以作付工程进度款的依据,及时与投资监理、业主核对工程量,进度产值确定后,及时催促业主支付的工程进度款。及时向业主进行工程签证,做好一

些索赔工程。为了抓紧工程内业的进度,他能经常利用晚上或双休日加班加点的工作。此外,xxx同志能坚持每日、每周、每月按时按建设单位或监理单位要求上报工程施工进度报表,为本项目部的运营和发展提供基本的数据依据,并能及时获取工程施工过程中的信息及存在的问题,使工程能如期进行,各项工程能进展顺利。 另外,他能贯彻落实各级领导部门的文件、通知精神和要求,并根据公司的实际情况,协助制定出了较为完善的班组管理制度,使项目部管理有章可循,切实协助抓好项目部的工班管理工作。由于本工程施工点多面广,管理人员相对不足,在做好工程计量及与工班计量工作的同时,他还经常协助部门经理对工程施工进行安全、质量、成本等各方面管理,并参与工程施工的现场管理工作。紧张而忙碌的工作节奏填满了他的生活,使他过得特别的充实,但他毫无怨言,全力以赴地做好本职工作,努力提高服务质量,深得业主、监理的信赖和支持,并树立正确的金钱观、苦乐观和价值观,净化心态环境,摆正位置,与企业血脉相连,具有强烈的事业心和责任感。本着吃苦耐劳,无私奉献的精神,爱岗敬业,尽职尽责,有条不紊地开展各项工作。在各项工作中,他都能按时按要求去完成,得到项目部领导的肯定及表扬。 在社交方面,无论在本项目或相关单位的协调工作,xxx同志都能正确处理好各种关系,顺利完成项目部领导交办的各项任务,同时,在公关场合,他时刻注意严格要求自己,顾及公司声誉和形象。 在学习方面,xxx同志利于闲暇时间大量阅读参考有关业务的书籍,虚心向其他员工请教现场施工经验,并取得一定成绩。对此他并没有满足更没有骄傲自大。相反,遇到难题,他仍然虚心与其他员工交流讨论直到找出解决方案为止。


大学教授推荐信范本4篇 大学教授推荐信范本1 本人应**大学**学院07级**专业**同学请求,推荐该生到**大学进行研究 生阶段的学习。 该生于**年**月进入**大学**学院进行学习,学习成绩一直非常优秀,在专业名列前茅。本人曾于该生本科阶段的学习时,担任其**及**课程的授课教师,在与该生的课内、课外互动中,对其印象极为深刻。初见该生,个性内敛,但勤于思考,善于提问。经过与该生的多次交流之后,可以发现,她有较强独立思考的能力,比如:在教授其**课中,该生能对书中的模型持怀疑的态度,并能指出其不完善之处;该生具备一定的科研工作能力,曾经参与“挑战杯”大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛,并取得了优异的成绩。 通过批阅该生的课程论文,我了解到,该生已具备扎实的专业基础,具备了熟练分析经济问题的能力,而且比较熟练的掌握了经济学方面的研究方法与范式,能够在分析问题时恰当地使用经济学的语言。 该生综合表现突出,并对财政学理论有着浓厚的兴趣,故予以推荐,望审核通过。 大学教授推荐信范本2

本人是**大学**学院一名教授,很乐意推荐**同学参加贵所的暑期学术夏令营。 在与该生的接触过程中可以发现,该生勤奋努力,踏实认真,积极主动,有好的专业基本功和英语读写能力。该生在课堂上主动提问,表现出了好的总结分析能力和文字表达能力。思维活跃,工作能力出色,团队合作能力强,科研兴趣浓,有一定科研潜质和好的培养前景。 该生综合表现突出,故予以推荐,望审核通过。 大学教授推荐信范本3 本人应**同学请求,推荐该生到**大学进行研究生阶段的学习。 本人是该生在**大学本科生阶段的系主任,曾指导该生参加第十届“挑战杯”大学生课 外学术科技作品竞赛。 在指导该生创作作品的过程中,可以发现,该生做事刻苦勤奋,认真负责,有极强的责任心;思维活跃,能运用现有知识,并查阅相关文献来解决研究中出现的问题;总结分析能力和文字表达能力极强,工作能力十分出色。 在个人品质方面,该生谦虚礼貌,坚定执着,在困难面前不轻言放弃,而且善于沟通交流,乐于助人,能与团队中不同年级、不同背景的同学进行良好高效地沟通与合作。 经过近一年的了解,可以看出,该生对科研有一定兴趣,并逐渐


留学动机信写作法语范文 导读:本文留学动机信写作法语范文,仅供参考,如果能帮助到您,欢迎点评和分享。 选择法国留学的同学们,你们要注意了,想知道动机信要怎么写吗,留学动机有哪些内容,下面和一起来看看留学动机信写作法语范文。 NOM Prénom Adresse postale Téléphone Mobile (Fixe) Nom de l'établissement de Formation Nom du recruteur destinataire Poste du recruteur destinataire Adresse postale de l'établissement Paris (ville),le "date" Objet :Lettre de motivation pour l'inscription en BTS Informatique de Gestion Madame,Monsieur, Actuellement en Terminale STG spécialité ? gestion des systèmes d'information ? au lycée Roger Béte et Esse,je vous fais part de mon souhait d'intégrer votre établissement en vue d'y préparer un BTS Informatique de Gestion.

Je suis passionné par l es nouvelles technologies,les ordinateurs,les téléphones et par l'informatique en général... un secteur où les métiers et les techniques sont multiples et en constante évolution. Par mes premières expériences,ma curiosité et mes recherches,je possède déjà beaucoup de connaissances en matière de systèmes d'exploitation,ordinateurs portables,hardware... et je souhaite maintenant me professionnaliser rapidement dans ce domaine afin d'en faire mon métier. Pour atteindre ce but,le lycée Roger Béte et E sse représente pour moi une grande opportunité par la richesse de ses formations,ses partenariats avec de grandes entreprises comme ,mais aussi par son rayonnement au niveau régional. La visite de votre lycée lors de ses journées portes ouvertes m'a conf orté dans mon choix et je suis persuadé que votre lycée me permettra de développer mes connaissances en informatique,mais aussi en mathématiques et en anglais,deux matières essentielles dans ce domaine. J’espère que ma candidature retiendra votre atte ntion et que vous pourrez lui donner une suite favorable. Je me tiens à votre entière disposition pour tous


单位推荐信样本3篇 单位推荐信是单位推荐员工的书面材料,那你知道单位的推荐信该怎么写吗?下面是小编为大家带来的单位推荐信样本,相信对你会有帮助的。 单位推荐信样本(一) 尊敬的领导: 您好!非常感谢您百忙之中抽出宝贵时间阅读我的推荐材料!很 高兴能以这样的方式向你们推荐我校优秀的学生XX。 在大学期间,该生积极参加各种社会实践活动,担任学校多个单位的职位。从中他不仅认识到了团队精神的重要性,还学会了如何做人,明白了做人要厚道的道理,同时他还学会了如何和人交流沟通。可以说,他的大学生活很充实,这可以算是他人生的转折点和飞跃点。 大一到大三期间,他在计算机中心担任网络管理员,主要负责机房网络和工作站的日常维护工作,还负责机房财务收支管理工作。在这三年里,他不仅学到了有关硬件和网络管理方面的知识,为他自己精通计算机硬件和网络工程提供了可能。同时他还认识到了团队精神和诚信的重要性,懂得了如何和服务对象相处,如何同伙伴协同工作。大三到大四期间,他任职XXX办公室助理,从中学会了如何才能适应每天繁琐、大量重复性的工作,学会了如何和其他人沟通交流,学会了如何和领导相处。 学习方面,他熟练掌握了计算机故障修复、网络维护、网络组建、网站开发、网页制作方面的技能。严谨的学风和端正的学习态度塑造

了他朴实、稳重、创新的性格特点。他还参加了“全国计算机技术与软件专业技术资格”的考试,并拿到了证书。即使如此他也没放松自己的专业课程的学习,这为他的综合知识和技能的提高提供了可能。 大学期间,该生还拿到了计算机等级考试三级网络技术、英语四六级考试的证书,这对我以后在工作中继续学习、发展奠定了坚实的基础。从刚进学院时,对计算机知之甚少到现在同学公认的“计算机高手”,在计算机和网络方面的技能真的可以说是突飞猛进,这充分 证明了他的学习认知潜力、可塑性和他对计算机和网络的强烈的兴趣。 根据大学四年的工作、学习经历,XX同学有信心做好网络工程 师这个工作,同时他也相信自己在以后的工作生活中能切实的发扬团队精神和吃苦耐劳精神。网络工程的方面技术可以说日新月异,他也相信自己对技术和应用的学习能力。所以我完全有信心该生有能力胜任这一职业。 希望领导考虑XX同学,我保证他不会让你失望。最后,衷心祝 愿贵单位事业发达、蒸蒸日上! 推荐人:XXX XX年X月X日 单位推荐信样本(二) XX先生/女士: 我谨作为XX先生在集团工作四年间的直接领导写此推荐信。 今日的XX与四年前的他相比,已经产生了非常显著的变化。而 作为一位独立承担责任一个分厂所有行政事务的管理者来讲,这些变化亦是他个人在管理与领导能力上日趋成熟的真实体现。


教授推荐信 请务必包含以下客观信息: 推荐信正文写作注意事项: 推荐人的选择:推荐人最好选择自己的授课或论文指导老师。当然如果能找到大学招生负 责人都认可或熟知的推荐人更好,如国际知名学者教授等。如果申请人是普通学生而选择职位很高的推荐人(如学校校长),应该解释清楚推荐人是怎样了解到申请人的。同时在第一段就应介绍清楚推荐人和申请人的关系。 推荐信的核心1:还是应该和申请人的学业成绩和学术能力紧密相关,应注意与所申请专 业的结合。如申请管理类课程,勿用大量篇幅描写辅修计算机的成绩,反之亦然。总之,要详略得当。 推荐信的核心2:推荐信在提出申请人优点时,应避免泛泛而谈,最好附以具体事例,当 然有数据支持更有说服力。如:排名10/200 (200人中前10名),多少天完成实验,成功率如何。另外:推荐教师如为论文或毕业设计指导教师,可提及论文或毕设大致情况,来说明被推荐人的研究或实践能力。 推荐信的有益补充:申请人其他方面的优点,如团队精神,开朗性格、品质、对科学研究 的执着等也可简单提及作为补充内容,这些是要求一个研究者必备的素质。 推荐信的篇幅:一般英文成稿约 300 – 400字。 推荐信写作两大败笔: 写成类似中国老师给学生写的评语,每个人都适用。面面俱到,详略不当也是不可取的。 评价太过夸张,好象申请人的现有水平已经不需要任何进修或对申请人的过度吹捧使推荐

人本身的层次和水平大打折扣。 您的材料会由专业文案进行删改,编辑或整理,谢谢合作,并祝您成功! 教授推荐信 被推荐人姓名 申请学校 申请院(系、所) 申请学科、专业 申请攻读学位类别博士□硕士□ (以上内容由申请人填写,以下内容由推荐教授填写) 推荐教授姓名 工作单位 职称职务 与申请人关系电话 通信地址 电子邮件


简历,求职信,自荐信的区别 以下是关于简历,求职信,自荐信的区别,希望内容对您有帮助,感谢您得阅读。 一。一般正式的用表格形式,包括姓名、性别、生日......的大概、学历、学习工作经历、获奖情况、获得的证书、自我评价。 二。求职信和自荐信区别不大,一份标准的求职信内容包括: 1.写求职信的理由:从何处得悉招聘信息,你的申请目的,加入企业的原因,你要申请什么职位; 2.做自我介绍,说明你为什么适合申请的职位,提出你能为未来雇主做些什么,而不是他们为你做什么; 3.简明突出你的相关实力,即为什么你比别人更适合这个位置; 4.强调你所受过的培训你的经历,技能和成就; 5.结尾段落中提出你的进一步行动请求,这里你可以建议如何进一步联络,留下可以随时联系到你的电话或地址.当然如果能对阅读者表示感谢,效果会更好, 的格式和写作要点 如果你想引起人事经理的注意,写一封求职信比较好.求 ·

职信属于简历的附信,可放在简历的前面,也可放在简历的后面.求职信能够很好地补充简历本身缺乏描述性词语的不足. 求职信的格式并不固定,一般包括三到五个简短的段落, 第一段应该能够引起招聘人员对你作为候选人的兴趣,并激发阅读者的热情.阅读者为什么要读这封信你能够为她做什么第二段必须推销你的价值.你那些能够满足阅读者需要和工作要求的技能,能力,资质和资信是什么 第三段展示你突出的成就,成果和教育背景,它们必须能够直接有力地支持第二段的内容.如果可能的话,量化这些成就. 第四段必须发动将来的行动.请求安排面试,或者告诉阅读者你将在一周内打电话给他们,商谈下一步进程. 第五段应该是非常简短的一段,结束这封信并表示感谢. 三。如果去,代上你的简历就可以了。简历封面并不是必须的。 四。关于写简历和求职信的问题建议你到千里马个人简历网看看一些专业的简历和求职信诊断,主要是看看别人的简历和求职信的优势在哪些地方,不足在哪些地方。 ·


导师工作推荐信范文 导师工作推荐信范文 导师工作推荐信范文一: 尊敬的先生或女士: 您好,我是XXX,XXX学校的校长。得知我校优秀学生XXX想要到 贵公司工作,我感到非常高兴和无比欣慰。在我看来这样一个上进的 年轻人应该接受良好的教育拥有更辉煌的未来。所以,我很荣幸向贵 公司强烈推荐这位优秀青年。 XXX在大学的四年时间。于闲暇时间大量阅读参考相关业务的书籍,虚心向其他教师与学生请教。逐步地,他开始在各项专业课的学习上 取得一定成绩。对此他并没有满足更没有骄傲自大。相反,遇到难题,他仍然虚心与同学们交流讨论直到找出解决方案为止。鉴于他在校期 期间的出色表现,我校强烈推荐他。 现在,做为我校的一名优秀学生,XXX工作更加认真,负责,努力。为所有同学树立了榜样。付出就有获得,他所以被评为本校优秀学生 干部,并享有高额奖金。 中国有句俗话:“梅花香自苦寒来”,经过他持之以恒地付出, 他的语言表达水平、活动的组织水平、与人的沟通水平、独立研究水 平都非常突出,连续获得学校三好学生。特别是对英语,他具有天生 的天赋与逐渐培养起的热情,据我所知,他的雅思成绩非常高,并获 得很多中学生英语竞赛的奖项。正如我当初庆幸地选择他做我的学生 一样,您选择她同样会给您带来庆幸。老师不是“推销”学生,而是 希望把他交给慧眼识珠的人,让她为社会、为贵单位多做贡献。 签名 日期

导师工作推荐信范文二: 某同学于20XX年考入某大学攻读博士学位。***立场坚定,能够同党中央保持高度一致,并认真学习党的各项方针政策和三个代表的重要思想。 该同学学习认真刻苦,钻研进取,学习成绩优异。基本知识掌握牢固,具有较强的科研素质。善于发现问题和解决问题,具有较强的独立工作水平,科研工作中能够做到理论联系实际,并善于与老师和同学合作,乐于助人。 完成博士论文课题期间,使用科学的思维方法和严谨的科研思路实行实验设计,熟练掌握了大鼠异位心脏移植模型和颈总动脉球囊损伤模型的建立、腺病毒转染扩增、离体转基因、PCR、免疫组化、流式细胞学检测等技能,并能够熟练的应用SPSS等数据处理软件实行统计分析。经过文献查阅、开题报告、课题实施、资料整理、论文等系统培养,该同学已获得了较好的科研工作水平。 该同学具有执业医师资格,攻读博士学位前有8年大外科工作经验,6年胸心外科工作经验,能够处理本专业常见病、多发病和较复杂疑难问题。在既往临床工作中严格要求自己,视病人如亲人,深得病人及家属信任。工作中无任何医疗差错和事故发生。 该同学有大学本科课程教学经验,能胜任教学工作。 在攻读博士学位期间,除了完成临床工作和博士科研课题以外,还注重总结临床经验,撰写论文4篇,其中在中华胸心血管外科杂志和中华器官移植杂志发表论文2篇。 经过博士阶段的学习和锻炼,该同学已经成为一名符合时代发展要求、综合素质较高的临床、教学、科研复合型人才。 作为该生的博士导师,我愿意推荐该同学到贵单位工作。 谢谢!

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