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Unit 2 W hat’s the matter? 教学设计


该话题是八年级上册第二单元SectionA的内容,本课是一堂口语课,学习对象为八年级生。根据《课程标准》的四级目标,要求学生能引出话题并进行简单的交谈,如能和他人结对活动询问身体情况;能在教师的指导下参与角色扮演活动。在学习了身体各部分单词的基础上,要求学生学会谈论自己及他人的健康状况,了解基本的医学常识,懂得常见病的基本处理方式,并能针对健康问题提出自己的建议。有利于提高青少年了解常见的基本卫生知识,促使他们养成良好的卫生习惯,增强自我保护和防范能力。本课的核心语言项目是用“what’s the matter?来询问他人身体状况.



八年级是学习英语的关键时期,这个阶段的学生活泼、好奇心和求知欲望强。但是他们的记忆以具体形象记忆为主,并习惯于机械性记忆,理解和分析语言的能力相对来说较弱。他们更感兴趣的是如何用英语来表述与现实生活息息相关的话题并寻求合理的解决办法。本课通过表述身体的各种不适和谈论个人健康问题,使学生学会关心自身及他人身体健康并且能提出一些建议,同时让学生了解“a healthy lifestyle”的重要性。但是由于学生年龄和生活经验的限制,在谈论如何给合适的建议时,会遇到一定的困难。因此,在教学过程中,利用图片、肢体语言,给予学生直观的感受。


1.知识目标:能够正确拼读和拼写表示疾病的几个单词:fever, sore throat, sore back; stomachache, headache , toothache, cold, cough,并理解其意思。能够掌握词组:lie down and rest, drink hot tea with honey, see

a dentist, take this medicineandsoon.熟练记住交际用语

“what’s the matter? i have a…”and “you shoul d…you shouldn’t”。






fever, sore throat, sore back; stomachache, head ache, toothache, cold,cough

2.掌握给别人建议的表达用语:lie down and rest, drink hot tea with honey,take this medicine

see a dentist,


“what’s the matter? I have a…”and give advi ce by using “you should…you shouldn’t…”来谈论健康。
















法教授其它的新单词。给出一些关于疾病的图片,让学生试着用英语说出疾病的称:fever, sore throat, toothache, sore back, cold , cough.









告诉学生I have a cold/cough,然后问what should I do?搜集学生不同的回答,然后帮助学生使用“You should/shouldn’t…”回答。然后,给学生展示一些前面提到过的疾病的图片,让他们用“You should/shouldn’t…”给出适当的建议。这个过程中同时教授

“lie down and rest, drink hot tea with honey, se e a dentist, drink lots of water, take some medic ine”这些短语。并且让学生结对练习对话:









A: what’s the matter with you?

B: I’m not feeling well. I have a _______.

A: when did it start?

B: about______ ago.

A: oh, that’s too bad. / I’m sorry to hear

that. you should/shouldn’t________ and you shoul d/shouldn’t________...

B: yes, i think so.

A: _________________.

B: thank you, doctor.








五年级英语学科第二单元第 1 课

请各小组就上节课Production环节对Let’s sing歌曲进行对话创建展示,评选出最佳团队。 二、新课呈现(Presentation) 1、白雪公主去救白马王子,经过一扇门须会打四个问题,问:我给你一天去和你心爱的人在一起,哪一天?答:有他的一天。问:那我给你两天?答:白天和黑天。问:我给你三天?答:今天、明天、后天。问:我给你四天?答? 请同学们帮助回答,引导生说出:春天、夏天、秋天和冬天。 2、T:Now, we’ll learn the four seasons.利用PPT播放视频初步感知四个单词:spring, spring是春天,草儿绿了雪化了; summer, summer是夏天,知了叫了天热了; autumn, autumn是秋天,苹果红了麦收了; winter, winter是冬天,小熊睡了下雪了。 3、逐个讲解单词发音,并根据图片进行句型操练: ① ing→ring→pring→spring ② but→u→su summer teacher\father\mother→er→mmer ③ au+tu+mn=autumn ④ in→win→win+ter→winter ⑤ can后没有人称和数的变化,后面跟动词原形。 4、Listen and repeat. 5、Read in groups. 三、趣味操练 (Practice) 1、“我的季节我表达”: 请生自由发挥说出自己最爱的季节及原因,仿照课本中句型拓展 2、Read and match:

五年级英语学科第二单元第 2 课

五年级英语学科第二单元第 3 课


Unit2My schoolbag教学设计 第一课时 教学重点: 1.句型:How many…do you have?I have… 2.词汇:Chinese book,English book,math book,notebook,story-book, schoolbag 教学难点: 1.发音:have,math book,story-book,schoolbag 2.区别书写形式:notebook,story-book与Chinese book,English book,math book 教具准备: 1.小松鼠和小熊的手偶、面具或头饰。 2.教材相配套的教学课件[Unit2Let’s learn]。 3.教材相配套的教学录音带。 教学过程: (一)热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision)

1.复习第一单元My classroom所学内容 做游戏:Simon says教师说simon says:Clean the board….学生根据游戏规则做出动作。 看图问答:教师出示一幅画有教室的图片,学生之间根据图片内容做问答练习。 2.复习与本课内容有关的单词 做游戏:教师先出示图片pencil,pen,pencil-case,ruler,ersaser, crayon,book,sharpener…,请学生说出单词。然后教师出示写有上述单词的卡片让学生读出来,让学生把单词和图片配成一对。 (二)呈现新课(Presentation) 1.让学生熟悉句型How many…do you have?I have… 教师手拿两支铅笔,说:I have two pencils. 教师提问:How many pencils do you have? 学生回答:I have… 教师手拿一个书包,提问:How many schoolbags do you have? 学生回答:I have… 教师出示单词卡,教读schoolbag并让学生指一指自己的schoolbag。(把单词卡贴到黑板上)


Unit2Robot教学设计Unit2robot teaching design

Unit2Robot教学设计 前言:小泰温馨提醒,英语作为在许多国际组织或者会议上都是必需语言,几乎所有学校 选择英语作为其主要或唯一的外语必修课。英语教学涉及多种专业理论知识,包括语言学、第二语言习得、词汇学、句法学、文体学、语料库理论、认知心理学等内容。本教案根据 英语课程标准的要求和针对教学对象是初中生群体的特点,将教学诸要素有序安排,确定 合适的教学方案的设想和计划、并以启迪发展学生智力为根本目的。便于学习和使用,本 文下载后内容可随意修改调整及打印。 一、基础词汇 (n.) 1.洗衣服的活 2.推销员 3.定单 4.病毒 5.垃圾箱 6.混乱 7.洗涤槽 8.垃圾、废物 9.中午 10.电池 11.轮子、车轮 12.胸膛 (v.)

1.邮寄 2.熨烫 3.打扫、清扫 4.展开,扩散 5.倒空、腾空 (adj.) 1 脏的 2.每日的___________ 3.干的____________ (adv.) 自由地 二、重点词组 1.第一个做……的人 2.改变了许 多 _____ 3.为了有更多的空闲时间 4.熨烫衬衫 _____ 5.结果 6.不 再 _____ 7.睡在床上 8.再多一小

9.洗衣服 10.洗盘 子 _____ 11.扫地 12.铺 床 ____ 13.下班回家 14.对……满 意 ___ 15.准备 16.出 错 ____ 17.感染病毒 18.制造许多麻烦 _____ 19.唤醒 20.把东西撞翻 _____ 21.发现房间一团糟 22.对 付 _____ 23.最后 24.太多的麻

最新闽教版小学英语四年级下册Unit2 PartA公开课教学设计

Unit2 PartA参考教案 Cleaning Day 一、教学目标 ◆语言知识目标 1.学习单词:stand,blackboard。 2.学习句子:Yang Ming is standing on a chair. He is cleaning the blackboard. She is cleaning the desk. 3.学习字母h在单词中的读音。 4.学说韵律诗:Cleaning Day. 5.功能:根据大扫除的情景描述正在做的事情。 ◆语言技能目标 1.能认读和正确书写单词stand,clean,desk,chair,blackboard,window 和door。 2.通过学习,能用XXX is cleaning... .来描述大扫除的过程。 ◆情感态度 培养学生从小热爱班集体、热爱劳动的好习惯。 二、教具准备 1.单词卡片:stand,clean,blackboard和door等。 2.书中人物的头像。 3.录音机或教学光盘。 三、教学过程 Step 1Warming up 1.师生互致问候。

2.师生自由对话,如: How are you? What’s your English name? How is the weather? What do you often do at school? When do you clean your classroom?等。 3.听了学生的回答,教师说:“On... we clean our classroom.... is our Cleaning Day. Today we are going to talk about Cleaning Day.”教师揭示并板书课题:Unit 2 Cleaning Day Part A Step 2 Review 复习单词chair,desk,window,blackboard,classroom等,并教学单词door。 1. 教师用简笔画在黑板上画出chair,与学生做下列对话活动: T: What’s this? S: It’s a chair. T: How do you spell “chair”? 请一学生上台,在“椅子”的简笔画旁写出单词chair,并复习巩固。 2.教师采用同样方法复习desk,blackboard和window。 3.教师在适当的位置上画一个门,引出door的教学。 4.教师将所有的画合成为一间教室简图,如下图,教师说:“This is a... .”由此复习单词classroom。 5.游戏——看谁反应快。 游戏规则:教师出示单词卡片:classroom,desk,chair,blackboard,door 等,随机抽取卡片,学生快速说单词。 Step 3 Presentation (一)句型教学 1.教师呈现课本第9页的图1的多媒体画面,或请同学们看课本第9页的第一幅图。教师说:“It’s Friday. The pupils of Class One,Grade Four are in the classroom. What do they often do on Friday? Yes,they often clean their


Unit 2 How often do you do exercise 教学设计

hardly ever … He never ... Step 3 . Work on 1a. 1. Look at the picture. Discuss with your partners. Make a list of the weekend activities. 2. Let some Ss read out their activities. Let other Ss add more activities. Step 4 . Work on 1b. 1. Let a student read the words aloud. Make sure all the Ss know the meaning of the words. 2. Tell Ss to listen and write the letters from the picture above on the line below. 3. Play the tape for the first time. Ss listen and fill in the blanks. 4. Play the tape for the second time for the Ss to check the answers. Step 5. Pair work. 1. Act out the conversation with a student. 2. Let Ss talk about the pictures in 1a in pairs. 3. Let some Ss act out their conversations. Step 6 Learn the new language. Show the pictures and ask and answer: How often do you exercise?--Twice a week. Step 7. Work on 2a: 1. Let Ss read the phrases in the chart. 2. Tell Ss that Cheng Tao is taking about how often he does these activities. Play the recording for the first time. Ss listen and number the activities [1-5]. 3. Play the recording for the second time for the Ss to check the answers. Step 8.Work on 2b: 1. Tell Ss they will hear the recording again. This time, listen and match the activities in 2a with how often Cheng Tao does them. 2. Ss listen and math the activities with the phrases. 3. Check the answers. Step 9. Pair work. 1. Ask one student how often he/she watch TV as a model. T: Hi, S1. How often do you watch TV? S1: I watch TV every day. T: What’s your favorite program? S1: Animal world. T: How often do you watch it? S1: Twice a week. 2. Let one student read the activities in the chart. Tell them these new words: favorite website (最喜欢的网站);favorite sport (最喜欢的运动) 3. Ss work with their partners. Then ask some pairs to act out their conversations. Step 10. Writing. According to the conversation, write about how often your partner do the activities. Example: ×× is a Middle School student. He reads English twice a week.

Unit 2 This is my sister公开课教案

Unit 2 This is my sister. Section B 一、教学目标: 1、知识目标: uncle, aunt, cousin, son, daughter, photo, family tree, of, grandma,grandpa,mom,dad 2、能力目标: 培养良好的听、说、读、写能力。掌握家谱 Target language: This is my friend. These are my parents. That is my sisters. Those are my grandparents. 3、情感目标:了解自己的家庭,理解家人,热爱家人 二、教学重、难点: 1、掌握并熟练运用有关家庭成员的表达法。 2、巩固如何介绍家人。 三、Teaching steps Step 1Greetings and revision: Ask and answer like this : A:Good morning ! B: Good morning ! A:How are you ? B: I'm fine, thanks.And you ? A:I'm fine,too. Step 2 Lead in 1.Play a guessing game and learn new words. mother’s father (grandpa) father’s mother(grandma) father and mother(parents) mother’s brother(uncle) mother’s sister(aunt) uncle’s daughter (cousin) grandpa’s son (dad) grandpa’daughter(mum) 2.Ss read the words after the teacher Step3.Practice the words 1.First,teacher says Chinese,Ss say English

Starter Unit2教案

Starter Unit 2 What’s this in English? 一、教材分析 本单元的教学内容为: 1. 学习字母I —R 2. 学习八个表事物的名词:map, cup, ruler, pen, orange, jacket, key, quilt 3. 学习辨认物品的句型:What’s this/that in English? It’s a/an … 4. 学习单词拼写,使用句型:Spell it, please. 二、教学重点 1. 字母Ii —Rr 的教学。 2. 词汇map, cup, ruler, pen, orange, jacket, key, quilt等的教学 3. 元音字母a ,e,i,o在开音节和闭音节中的读音规则。 三、教学难点 教材中单词的拼写和语音归类。 四、课时安排 第一课时:完成1a – 1c 第二课时:完成2a – 2e 第三课时:完成3a– 3d 第四课时:完成4a – 4d 第五课时:Self Check 第六课时:达标练习 五、教学步骤 The First Period (1a – 1c) Teaching aims (教学目标) 1. 学习map, cup, ruler, pen, orange, jacket, key, quilt八个表事物的名词。 2. 学会辨认物体:What’s this/that in English? It’s …Spell it, please. 3. 学习a/an的初步用法:a jacket, an orange Language points (语言要点) 1. 词汇:1)名词n.English, map, cup, ruler, pen, orange, jacket, key, quilt 2)代词pron.what, this, that, it

Unit 2 Great minds 教案-公开课-优质课(上教版九上精品)

Module 1 Geniuses Unit 2 Great minds 教案 Period 1 I. Teaching Aims: 1. Learn and master new words, phrases and sentence patterns. 2. Enable the students to know something about Albert Einstein and his driver and some other great minds. 3. Develop the students’ reading and listening ability. II. Teaching Main Points: 1. Improve the students’ reading, listening ability. 2. Master some phrases and sentence patterns. III. Teaching Difficult Points: 1. To read and listen effectively. 2. Phrases and sentence patterns. IV. Teaching Methods: 1. Fast reading to find out the general information about the passage “Two Geniuses”. 2. Question-and-answer activities to help the students to go through the whole passage. 3. Individual, pair and group work to make every student work in class. V. Teaching Aids: The blackboard, computer, projector, audiotape, flashcards, pictures VI. Teaching Procedures: Step 1 Greeting Step 2 Revision and lead-in Ask some questions: 1. Who is your most respect? 2. Do you know any great men? 3. Do you know anything about these great men?


Step 1. Lead in(导入) 头脑风暴: 教师提出问题:(借助世界地图) Q1. Which language do you think is the most widely used language in the world? Q2. What do you know about English? Q3. Why do we need to learn English? 设计意图:通过问题,增加学生对英语的理解及引起学生的注意力。 Step2. Warming up Read the dialogues in the warming up and give more examples about the differences between American English and British English. 设计意图:了解美国英语及英国英语的差别,并进而体会英语语言的多样性 Step4. Pre—reading Students discuss the first two questions on P9 设计意图:学生小组合作讨论,增强合作能力,并为下面的阅读做准备。 Step 5. 目标检测(汉译英) 1.你知道印度的官方语言是什么吗? 2.你知道世界上有不止一种英语吗? 3.我的外套与他的不同。 4.英语遍及全世界。 设计意图:通过练习检测学生掌握重点词的情况 配餐作业:

请从方框中选择适当的单词或短语并用其正确形式填空 1. Tom is _____ my neighbor. He is a close friend of mine as well. 2.He has two hobbies ,_____ collecting stamps and fishing. 3. Could you please tell me the way to the _____station? 4. ______improve his spoken English, he gets up early to read and speak English every morning. 5. People go to the cinema because they want to see something ____ from everyday life. 6.They went home _______ yesterday. 设计意图:巩固和学会使用所学词和短语 Period 2 Reading and comprehending Step1. lead-in 1. Students work in groups of four and discuss countries that use English as their official language. 2. Look at the title of the passage and guess the main idea. 设计意图:为阅读下面的文章做好准备。 Step 2. reading 1) to read the passage and find the topic sentence of each paragraph 2) Read the passage carefully and finish exercise one. 3) Make a timeline of the development of English according to the passage. 4) Discussion: why people all over the world want to learn English?

Unit2 The Olympic Games公开课教案

Unit2 The Olympic Games Period 1 Warming up I. Teaching aims and demands 1. Learn and master the new words and expressions in this period. 2. Train the reading and speaking ability. 3. Train the ability to use the Internet to search for some useful information. II. Teaching important and difficult points Train the reading ability—skimming and scanning. Step1 Warming up 【知识链接】 你对奥运会了解吗?试着翻译以下词汇 Emblem (会徽) Motto (口号)Torch (火炬)Mascot (吉祥物) Stadium (体育馆)Green Olympics _________ The Olympic flag __________ Test your knowledge with this quiz. 1.How often are the Olympic Games held? A. once every 2 years B. once every 4 years C. once every 3 years 2. What events were there in the ancient Olympic Games? A. Running, jumping, shooting, throwing, wrestling, B. Table tennis, jumping, volleyball, swimming 3. When did the ancient Olympic Games stop? A. 398 AD B. 393AD 4. How many competitors from how many country competed in 1896 Olympic Games? A. There were 311 competitors from 13 countries. B. There were 1131 competitors from 113 countries. 5. When did China first take part in the Olympic Games? A. In 1932 B. In 1940 6. What’s the motto of Beijing Olympic Games? A. welcome to Beijing B. new Beijing, new Olympics C. One world, one dream. 7. How many competitors from how many country take part in the 27th Summer Olympics in Sydney? A.Over 10,000 athletes; 199 countries B. Over 10,000 athletes; 184 countries 8 .How many gold medals did China get in the 2008 Beijing Olympics? A. 50 B. 49 C.51


七年级英语下册人教版unit2教学设计 Unit 2 What time do you go to school? Section A (1a-2d) 一、教学目标: 1. 语言知识目标: 1) 能掌握以下单词: up, get up, dress, get dressed, brush, tooth (pl. teeth) brush teeth, shower, take a shower, usually, forty, fifty, wow, never, early, job, work, station, radio station, o'clock, funny, exercise 能掌握以下句型: ①—What time do you usually get up? —I usually get up at six thirty. ②—When do you go to work? —I usually go to work at eleven o'clock. ③—He has an interesting job. —He works at a radio station. 2) 用when和what time引导的特殊疑问句询问时间和时间的表达法;用所学的目标语言对生活和学习活动做计划,学会合理地安排作息时间。 2. 情感态度价值观目标: 本部分的话题是“日常作息时间”,学习内容贴近学生的生活,因为学生的作息时间安排是非常有规律的。通过互相询问或谈论自己或对方的作息时间安排和活动计划,可以培养学生良好的作息习惯和守时习惯。 二、教学重难点 1. 教学重点: 1) 掌握时间的简单表达方式。 2) 学习询问和谈论时间和制订作息时间表。 2. 教学难点: when和what time引导的特殊疑问句和时间的表达法。 三、教学过程 Ⅰ. Warming-up and revision 1. Greet the Ss as usual. 2. Watch a short video program about daily activities.


Healthy eating (using language) Class six By Li Dan Teaching Aims: 1. Knowledge Aims a. Get students to learn some useful new words and expressions in this part. b. Get students to read the story Come and Eat Here (2) 2. Ability goals a. Have students tell the whole story of Wang Peng and Y ong Hui (1). b. Develop students’ reading skills by reading and enable them to learn how to use different reading skills to read different reading materials. 3. Emotion ability Let students know more about food to form good eating habit. Teaching important points a. Develop students’ reading skills. b. Let students read and understand the story. Teaching difficult points Enable students to learn to use reading strategies such as skimming, scanning. Teaching methods


七年级英语下册人教版un i t2教学设计 Unit 2 What time do you go to school? Section A (1a-2d) 一、教学目标: 1.语言知识目标: 1)能掌握以下单词: up, get up, dress, get dressed, brush, tooth (pl. teeth) brush teeth, shower, take a shower, usually, forty, fifty, wow, never, early, job, work, station, radio station, o'clock, funny, exercise 能掌握以下句型: ① —What time do you usually get up? —I usually get up at six thirty. ② —When do you go to work? —I usually go to work at eleven o'clock. ③—He has an interesting job. —He works at a radio station. 2)用 when 和 what time 引导的特殊疑问句询问时间和时间的表达法; 用所学的目标语言对生活和学习活动做计划,学会合理地安排作息时间。 2.情感态度价值观目标: 本部分的话题是“日常作息时间”,学习内容贴近学生的生活,因为学生的作息时间安排是非常有规律的。通过互相询问或谈论自己或对方的作息时间安排和活动计划,可以培养学生良好的作息习惯和守时习惯。 二、教学重难点 1.教学重点: 1)掌握时间的简单表达方式。 2)学习询问和谈论时间和制订作息时间表。 2.教学难点: when 和what time 引导的特殊疑问句和时间的表达法。 三、教学过程 Ⅰ. Warming-up and revision 1.Greet the Ss as usual.

Unit2 The Olympic Games公开课教案

Unit2 The Olympic Games优质课课教案 Period 2 Reading I. Teaching aims and demands 1.Learn and master the new words and expressions in this period. 2.Train the students’ reading and speaking ability. 3. Train the students’ ability to use the Internet to search for some useful information. 4. Train the students’ ability to cooperate with others. II. Teaching important points Train the students’ reading ability—skimming and scanning. III. Teaching difficult points Describe the disasters. IV. Teaching aids CAI, reading mp3 V. Teaching procedures Step1 Warming up 1. Enjoy a video with a song which is to celebrate that Beijing win the right to host the 2008 Olympic Games to lead in the topic: the Olympic Games. 2. Guessing game: Which number is concerned with the Olympic Games? five rings flag

Unit 2 Healthy eating 教案2-公开课-优质课(人教必修3精品)

Unit 2 Healthy eating 教案2 (COME AND EAT HERE) Introduction You are advised to lead in by talking about healthy food. Then help students do exercises on the textbook. Objectives ■To learn more about a balanced diet and healthy eating ■To let students know how to give suggestions and advice ■To have students know how to write an advertisement Procedures I. Warming up 1. Ask students in groups to discuss the following questions: 1)What food must you eat to have a balanced diet? 2) How much should you eat each day? 2. Have some students report their ideas and share with the whole class. II. Speaking 1. Let students to review the expressions of giving suggestions and advice. Show them on the scre en and have students read them aloud. Make sure they understand them. What should we do? Shall we. . .? How about. . .? You must/mustn't. . . I think you ought to. . . Perhaps you should. . . You'd better. . . You need/needn't. . . You have to/don't have to. . . My advice is/would be. . . You might. . .


PEP小学英语四年级上册Unit 2 My schoolbag B Let’s learn教案 三峡工程希望小学邹群英 Teaching aims: 1.Ss can listen ,say and read new words :candy, toy, key, notebook. These are schoolbag things. 2.Ss can listen and say:What's in your schoolbag? My keys...And use it in the actual situation. 3.Ss can copy topic vocabulary in the meaningful context. Teaching important points: Grasp new words: candy、toy、key、notebook . Use “What's in your schoolbag? My keys...” in the actual situation. Teaching difficult points: The plural of candy、toy、key、notebook Teaching methods: Games and situational teaching methods. Teaching tools: A schoolbag, some books, some candies, some toys, notebooks and keys. Teaching steps: Step 1 Warm up The teacher and Ss greet each other. Divide them into 2 groups, Group 1 PK Group 2, give a schoolbag picture to them, if they do well, put up a picture on the schoolbag. At last, who has more pictures ,who is the winner. Step 2 Review


三年级英语公开课教案 三年级英语上册unit2 colors Teaching aims: 1.Key words: red yellow green blue purple 2.Key sentence: Show me red crayon. Teaching importance: 1.Can use the colors fluently in the daily life. 2.Can speak the sentence‘Show me your red crayon.’fluently in the daily life. Teaching difficulties: Can know the meaning of the key words: red yellow green blue purple Teaching tools: tape, picture, blackboard, color cards, Teaching steps: Step 1 Greetings Good morning, boys and girls. How are you? Fine, thanks. Step 2 Worm-up 1)Sing the song “Happy Teachers’ Day” 2)Let’s chant “where is your mouth” 3)Game: touch

Step 3 Presentation 1)The teacher says: Let’s paint. Let’s draw a rainbow, do you know rainbow? First, draw red. What color is it? It is red. Red, read after teacher. Then read it one by one. At last, read it group by group. 2) The teacher present words: yellow/ green/ blue/ purple the same way like red. 3) Revise all the words. The teacher says:I have color cards, what color is it? It’s red / yellow/ green/ blue/purple. Show me your cards. Step 4 Practice 1) Divide into groups and compete. Then read the words. 2) Game: show me … Divide students in three groups. When the teacher says: show me red. The student should put up red color. If the student get the right color, he can get a point. If he wrong, he can’t get a point. 3) Game: Show me your red crayon. 4) Game: Stick flowers. Step 5 closure 1) Revise words and sentences.

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