当前位置:文档之家› 2016年重庆市对口高职招生考试英语试题



重庆2020年高职对口类高考录取分数线公布 ★艺术类 (一)本科批 1.美术类:320分 2.音乐学(师范、音乐理论、作曲、录音艺术):328分; 3.音乐表演(声乐、钢琴、器乐、通俗流行音乐):260分; 4.编导类(广播电视编导、戏剧影视文学、戏剧影视导演):377分; 5.播音与主持:355分; 6.表演(影视):325分; 7.舞蹈类(舞蹈学、舞蹈表演、舞蹈编导):180分。 (二)高职专科批 1.美术类:100分; 2.音乐学(师范):185分; 3.音乐表演(声乐、钢琴、器乐、通俗流行音乐):138分; 4.编导类(广播电视编导、戏剧影视文学、戏剧影视导演):220分; 5.播音与主持:200分; 6.表演(影视):190分; 7.舞蹈类(舞蹈学、舞蹈表演、舞蹈编导):100分; 8.高职对口艺术类:100分。 ★体育类

1.本科第一批 文考成绩:384分; 体考成绩:93分; 2.本科第二批 文考成绩:340分; 体考成绩:84分; 3.高职专科批 文考成绩:186分; 体考成绩:80分。 ★高职对口类 (一)高职对口类本科 1.园林类:文化290分,专业综合241分; 2.机械加工类:文化334分,专业综合246分; 3.电气技术类:文化350分,专业综合238分; 4.汽车类:文化207分,专业综合206分; 5.计算机类:文化342分,专业综合224分; 6.电子技术类:文化347分,专业综合236分; 7.土建类:文化335分,专业综合242分; 8.电子商务类:文化351分,专业综合220分; 9.旅游类:文化313分,专业综合222分; 10.会计类:文化359分,专业综合233分; 11.服装设计与工艺类:文化278分,专业综合224分; 12.教育类:文化365分,专业综合251分。


模拟题十一 一、基础知识(共7小题,每小题4分,共28分) 1.下列选项中,加点字的读音没有错误的一项是() A. 吮.吸(shǔn)玷.污(zhān)机械.(xiè)模.样(mú) B. 论.语(lún)对称.(chèn)忐忑.(tè)亵渎.(dú) C. 干涸.(gù)雏.形(chú)木讷.(nà)跬.步(kuǐ) D. 发酵.(jiào)狼藉.(jí)星宿.(sù)荫.庇(yīn) 2.下列选项中,有错别字的一项是() A. 爱不释手如愿以偿披星戴月贻笑大方 B. 淋漓极致口是心非半途而费提出异议 C. 不省人事栩栩如生一抔黄土恰如其分 D. 不胫而走水乳交融殚精竭虑略见一斑 3.依次填入各句横线上的词语,最恰当的一项是() ①大禹治水的故事,一直到今天。 ②他工作认真努力,生活。 ③青春意味着勇气多于怯懦,冒险多于。 ④阅读使人充实,交谈使人,写作使人严谨。 A. 留传节俭安静敏捷 B. 留传节减安逸快捷 C. 流传节减安静快捷 D. 流传节俭安逸敏捷 4.下列各句中,加点成语使用恰当的一项是() A. 为了提高同学们的成绩,数学老师牺牲休息时间为大家辅导,真可谓处心积虑 ....。 B. 今年春节期间,浙江宁波发生了一起耸人听闻 ....的老虎咬人事件。 C. 这篇散文把长江三峡描写得形象逼真,读完使人有身临其境 ....的感觉。 D. 经过这些年的发展,重庆已经有了翻云覆雨 ....的变化。 5.下列各句中,没有语病的一句是() A. 由于他优异的业务成绩,得到了公司领导和同事的一致赞扬。 B. 这是一个繁华的都市,对于李丽是很陌生的,没有一个朋友,没有一个落脚的地方。 C. 每到周末,王小刚总是丢下工作和妹妹到公园玩耍。 D. 亲近自然,融入自然,我们的生活就会更加美好。


III. 试题示例本试卷分第一卷(选择题)和第二卷(非选择题)两部分。第一卷×至××页,第二卷××至××页。满分150分。考试时间120分钟。考试结束,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 第一卷 注意事项:1.考生将自己的姓名、准考证号及所有答案均填写在答题卡上。 2.答题要求见答题卡上的“填涂样例”和“注意事项”。 第一部分语音(共10小题,每小题2分,满分20分) 从下列各组所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,找出其划线部分的读音与其它三个不同的选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 1. A. active B. accept C. advise D. attractive 2. A. honor B. modern C. purpose D. proper 3. A. bean B. defeat C. please D. wealthy 4. A. within B. weather C. healthy D. smooth 5. A. uncle B. balance C. plenty D. sensitive 6. A. hunger B. function C. focus D. funny 7. A. general B. game C. golden D. goal 8. A. question B. tradition C. invention D. attention 9. A. manager B. worker C. master D. average 10. A. near B. hear C. dear D. learn 第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分50分) 第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 从A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 例:It is generally considered unwise to give a child _______ he or she wants. A. whenever B. whatever C. whichever 答案是B。 11. When Mark opened the door, he saw a woman standing there. He her before. A. never saw B. had never seen C. has never seen 12. After a fire broke out in the lab, a lot of equipment .


模拟一 一、基础知识(共8小题,每小题4分,共32分) 1. 下列各组词语中加点字的读音,全都不相同的一组是() A.暴殄天物恬不知耻舐犊情深忝为人师....B.轩然大波头晕目眩渲染气氛故弄玄虚....C.暴虎冯河阿谀逢迎奉若神明蓬头垢面....D.怙恶不悛才思俊逸工程竣工田地龟裂....2.下列句子中有两个错别字的一句是() A.新建的这座商业大厦,装修得金璧辉煌。 B.只要你今后不再犯同样的错误,过去的事就一笔勾消。 C.这次舞蹈大赛是她展露头脚的好机会。 D.教和学,二者既对立,又统一,相辅相承。 3.依次填入下列各句横线处的词语,恰当的一组是() ①市电视台花巨资购进最先进的电视转播车,大大提高了新闻的性。 ②本没有什么深意的一件小事,他却偏偏喜欢仔细。 ③社会公德要求我们不能以任何理由赡养父母的义务。 A.时效琢磨推脱 B.时效斟酌推脱 C.实效斟酌推托 D.实效琢磨推托 4.下列各句中,加点成语使用恰当的一句是() A.这个人最爱听评书了,经常听得出神入化,有时听起来竟忘记了吃饭和睡觉。....B.这位教授正在讲堂里口若悬河地讲着法律知识,他的儿子却在家中被执法机关缉拿....归案。C.听说这位气功大师能够功发疾消,今天会了他一下,果不其然,他没有那么大的能....耐。D.这所学校的学生来自不同的家庭,生活态度、文化素养、举止言谈等都显得格格不...入。.5.下列各句中,有语病的一句是() A.虽然最终结果只是平局,但国安足球队的目的达到了,他们用自己的力量捍卫了榜首的荣誉。B.中东局势依然动荡,原油价格大幅上升将对全球经济复苏产生不利影响,美国经济复苏的前景也因此蒙上了阴影。 C.近日,我国利用性能最高的超级服务器曙光3000实现了关键的基因组测序和组装工作,率先完成了水稻基因组“工作框架图”和数据库。. D.一个企业如果不考虑盈利,一昧地让利,那么这个企业就不会有长久的生命力,消费者得到实惠也是暂时的。 6.下列句子中,标点符号便用没有错误的一句是() A.这个球迷看走了眼,竟被他所崇拜的球星打了一顿,可怜这位球迷“左眼挫伤,面部流血,肚子疼痛。” B.城东住宅小区一直以其经济的价位,卓越的品质(大户型、园林化、智能化)而引起广大消费者的青睐。 C.我国有句谚语,“画虎画皮难画骨,知人知面不知心,”这说明了解一个人的内心是不那么容易的。 D.我们每一个人都应该遵守法律,任何人,无论他头上的“光环”多么耀眼,在法律面前,也是一个“普通公民”。 7.下列有关文学常识的表述正确的一项是:() A.“元白”是唐代新乐府运动的两员主将将元稹、白居易的合称。白居易提出的“文章合为时而著,歌诗合为事而作”的文学主张是对《楚辞》开创的现实主义优秀传统的继承。


重庆市普通高等学校招生对口高职类统一考试 数学 试题 (满分200分,考试时间120分钟) 一、选择题(共12小题,每小题7分,共84分) 1、已知集合}3,2,1{=A ,}5,3,1{=B ,则=B A A .}1{ B .}3,1{ C .}5,2{ D .}5,3,2,1{ 2、设函数1)(2+=x x f ,则=-)1(f A .1- B .0 C .1 D .2 3、3cos 6sin π π +的值是 A .21 B .2 3 C .1 D .3 4、过点)1,0(且与直线012=-+y x 垂直的直线方程是 A .022=+-y x B .012=+-y x C .022=+-y x D .012=+-y x 5、函数241 )(x x f -=的定义域为 A .),2()2,(+∞--∞ B .)2,2(- C .]2,2[- D .),2[]2,(+∞--∞ 6、若53sin =α,则=+)2 cos(απ A .5 4- B .53- C .53 D .54 7、命题“1=x ”是命题“022=-+x x ”的 A .充分而不必要条件 B .必要而不充分条件 C .充要条件 D .既不充分也不必要条件 8、点)1,1(到直线0134=++y x 的距离为 A .85 B .5 8 C .5 D .8 9、设函数)(x f 是),(+∞-∞上的偶函数,且)2()1()3(-<-<-f f f ,则下列不等式成立的是 A .)3()2()1(f f f << B .)2()1()3(f f f >> C .)3()2()1(f f f << D .)2()1()3(f f f <<


高职英语(选) Ⅰ.选择题。(本大题共20小题,每小题分,共30分) https://www.doczj.com/doc/7514306937.html,ually, _________show more interest in daily life in their works. A. woman writers B. women writers C. woman writer D. women writer 2.Please pass me a pen to write______. A. in B. by C. with D. to 3. “_______ do you think of my new car” “It’s cool.” A. Why B. Which C. How D. What 4. If you go, _______________. A. so will I B. so do I C. so I do D. so I will 5. ______ blood if you can and many lives will be saved. A. Giving B. Give C. Given D. To give 6. Some of the old people prefer _______ wine rather than beer. A. drink B. drinks C. to drink D. drank 7. The only thing _____ can be done is to stop then from going there. A. that B. which C. what D. who 8. The _______ practice you have, the _______ mistakes you’ll make. A. many; little B. much; few C. more; more D. more; fewer 9. Not only Jack but also Tom and I ______ interested in English. A. are B. is C. am D. be 10. _______ it is to go swimming in a river in summer! A. How excited B. How exciting C. What excited D. What exciting 11. “Can’t you stay here a bit longer” “______. I must be ______ now.” A. Yes; away B. Yes; off C. No; away D. No; off 12. Never ______ such a foolish man since I came to this part of the city. A. I did see B. did I see C. I have seen D. have I seen 13. I looked round of a shop where I could buy pens, but _____ could I find one. A. nowhere B. anywhere C. somewhere D. everywhere 14. Quite a lot of people watch TV just to _____ time. A. kill B. spend C. take D. waste 15. The project will _____ a lot of money and manpower. A. call back B. call up C. call off D. call for 16. This new coat cost me _____the last one I bought two years ago. A. three times B. three times as much as C. three times as much D. three time much as 17. Where there is a ________, there is a way. A. heart B. head C. well D. will 18. It is important for him _________ this. A. understand B. understanding C. to understand D. understood 19. ________up children properly is mainly their parents’ responsibility. A. Growing B. Bringing C. Raising D. Looking 20. I don’t think you two know each other, _______


模拟题二十二 (100分) 一、基础知识(共8小题,每小题4分,共28分) 1.下列各组词语中,加点字的读音与所给注音全都相同的一组是()A.间(jiàn)黑白相间.亲密无间.居间.调停 B.挨(āi)挨.门逐户挨.打受骂延挨.度日 C.劲(jìng)疾风劲.草强劲.有力刚劲.正直 D.舍(shě)舍.我其谁不舍.昼夜魂不守舍. 2.下列词语中没有错别字的一项是() A.洽谈毗邻心力交碎流言蜚语 B.讴歌抱怨故伎重演振聋发聩 C.缔结拈污共商国是贻笑大方 D.竣工妨害积毁销骨风雨如诲 3.下列依次填入句中横线处的词语,恰当的一项是() ①寺院里有两棵银杏树,枝繁叶茂的,看上去它们的足有上千岁。 ②本词典共收词6万多条,了现代汉语绝大多数词语。 ③针对突发的险情,市领导地采取措施,把损失降到最低限度。 A.年龄包括果断B.年纪包括武断 C.年纪囊括决断D.年龄囊括果断 4.下列各句中,加点成语使用恰当的一句是() A.读诗,应当口传心授 ....,一边读着,一边思考它的意义和道理。 B.在地摊上买药要特别小心,鱼龙混杂 ....的东西多得很。 C.众志成城,因人成事 ....,中国人民用自己的力量成立了中华人民共和国。 D.我们应该清醒地认识到,反走私工作依然任重道远 ....。 5.下列各句中,没有语病的一项是() A.她说出了自己的心事和心里话。 B.这种奇缺的药品,不到万不得已,是不能动用的。

C.难道你能否认你不该刻苦学习吗? D.我们向政府提意见是人民的责任。 6.下列各句中,标点符号使用正确的一项是() A.中华文化是尚群的文化。小到家庭、大到国家、民族,都是群,而群就是公。 B.长期租房和没有北京户口的艰难现实,让北漂族真切体会到了究竟什么才是?累?? C.学校为促使同学们走向运动场,走向大自然,开展了《我运动,我健康》的登山比赛活动。 D.要登台了,他将一把油纸伞——这种伞曾经出现在戴望舒的《雨巷》里——递过来。 7.下列选项中,说法错误 ..的一项是() A.《鸿门宴》节选自西汉著名史学家司马光的《史记》。 B.《踏莎行·小径红稀》的作者是北宋词人晏殊。 C.《项链》的作者是法国的莫泊桑 D.朱自清的《荷塘月色》是现代文学史上的经典美文。 8.下面不是 ..用比拟手法的句子是() A.烟囱发出鸣呜的声响,犹如在黑夜中哽咽 B.被暴风雨压弯了的花草儿伸着懒腰,宛如刚从睡梦中苏醒 C.远处林舍闪闪发亮,犹如姑娘送出的秋波,使人心潮激荡。 D.偎依在花瓣、绿叶上的水珠,金光闪闪,如同珍珠闪烁着光华 二、古诗词鉴赏(共5小题,每小题4分,共20分) 阅读下文,完成第9-13题。 登高 风急天高猿啸哀,渚清沙白鸟飞回。无边落木萧萧下,不尽长江滚滚来。 万里悲秋常作客,百年多病独登台。艰难苦恨繁霜鬓,潦倒新停浊酒价° 9.本诗诗句的诵读断句不正确 ...的一项是() A.风急/天高/猿/啸哀B.无边/落木/萧萧/下 C.百年/多病/独登/台D.潦倒/新停/浊酒/杯 10.对下列诗句中加点词语的解释,错误 ..的一项是()


2017年云南省高等职业技术教育招生考试试题(模拟 试题) 英语 本试题满分100分,考试时间120分钟。考生必须在答题卡上答题,在试题纸、草稿纸 上答题无效。 I、语音(本大题共5小题,每小题1分,共5分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中找出其画线部分与所给单词的画线部分读音相同的 选项,并用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。 1. cat A. take B. made C. have D. same 2. school A. foot B. food C. stood D. wood 3. hear A. dear B. hear C. pear D. earth 4. short A. word B. work C. worst D. worn 5. honor A. house B. hospital C. hour D. hurry Ⅱ、词汇与语法(本大题共25小题,每小题1分,共25分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答 案标号涂黑。 6. There are on the table. A. two glasses of water B. two glass of milks C. a glass of milk D. two glasses of milks 7. I am used to TV in the evening. A. watch B. watched C. watches D. watching 8. Go and before you do your homework. A. has a sleep B. have a sleep C. had a sleep D. slept 9. She has never told a lie, . A. has she B. doesn't she C. hasn’t she D. isn't she 10. There is in the word “hone st”. A. a B. the C. an D. X 11. Mr. Black arrived in Shanghai 12:45 August20,2007. A. at, on B. to C. at, In D. in, on 12. When I passed Mary's house, she the flowers. A. is watering B. was watering C. waters D. watered


模拟二 一、基础知识(共8小题,每小题4分,共28分) 1. 下列词话中加点的字的读音完全相同的一组是() A.对峙.侍.候痔.疮深山古寺.有恃.无恐 B.炮烙.洛.阳贿赂.络.绎不绝恪.守不渝 C.紧俏.讥诮.帩.头悬崖峭.壁刀剑出鞘. D.笨拙.罢黜.茁.壮相形见绌.咄.咄逼人 2.下列句子中没有错别字的一句是() A.厂家以产品质量的稳定可靠,售后服务周到及时而引誉全国。 B.远洋捕鱼业的发展,是我国鱼业与国际鱼业接轨的重要举措。 C.以法治教,一切以法律为准绳,不得各行其事。 D.计算机病毒已构成对整个计算机系统的威胁,专家们开始了计算机病毒战的论证与试验。 3.依次填入下列各句横线上的词语,最恰当的一组是() (1)就此事件,我新华社发表声明。 (2)她就是这部小说中女主人公的。 (3)他们两位素未谋面,还要请你下。 A.受权原型引见B.授权原形引荐 C.授权原型引见 D.受权原形引荐 4.下列各句中,加点的成语使用恰当的一句是() A.一部《水浒传》,长篇大论 ....百万言,作者却并不因是写长篇就滥用笔墨。 B.打假活动是长期的,如果我们稍有放松,假货又会东山再起 ....。 C.不只语文难学,其实无论哪一科,不经过刻苦努力,都不会一气呵成 ....的。 D.在某些党员中还存在着比较浓厚的个人主义和自私自利 ....的思想意识。 5.下列各句中,语意明确的一句是() A.松下公司这个新产品14毫米的厚度给人的视觉感受,并不像索尼公司的产品那样,有一种比实际厚度稍薄的错觉。 B.美国政府表示仍然支持强势美元,但这到底只是嘴上说说还是要采取果断措施,经济学家对此的看法是否定的。


2012 年黑龙江省中职毕业生对口专业升高职院校招生统一考试英语试题姓名班级 I.单项选题(本大题共40 小题,每小题1 分,共40 分) 1. Is this your machine? No, it is __. A. their B their's C theirs' D. theirs 2. __ does she want? A. What B. How C. When D. Where 3. There are a lot of ___ in my garden. A. box B. boxes C. boxs D. boxies 5. Chang Chun is ___ the north of China. A. to B. for C. in D on 6. When do you usually have ___. A. a lunch B. lunches C. the lunch D. lunch 7. She is the most beautiful girl in our class. 8. My grandparents told me that the earth ___the sun last week. A. moves B. moving C. move D. moved 9. This is my pencil, ____ is on the desk. A. yours B. your C. your' D. you 10. The one____ visited the company is CEO. A. that B. who C. which D. when 11.___good news it is! A. How B. What C. Why D. Which 12. They have __to Canada four times. A. been B. gone C. went D. been going 13. While Rose ___ TV yesterday, His father came back. A. was watching B. were watching C. watches D. watch 14. They have learned 3000 works, __ the beginning to this A. at B. of C. since D. in 15. There is a blackboard ___the classroom A. in the front of B. in front of C. on the front of D. on front of 16. It is about 40__A_ walk from my home to school. A. minutes' B. minute's C. minutes D. minute 17. Y ou’d better ask John ___ it's good or not. A. if B. that C. as D. what 18. I really don't know ___. A. What is she B. who is she C. what she is D. who she is 19. The only teacher ____I like is Mr. Wang. A. which B. that C. who D. where 20. Tom will not pass the exam___ he works harder. A. if B. unless C. in spite D. as 21. The heavy rain was ____ car traffic accident. A. instead of B. caused by C. result from 22. Y ou are a V ocational school student, _______? A. aren’t you B. isn’t he C. weren’t you 23. He run ____ fast that I couldn’t follow. A. so B. such C. too D. as 24. Someone _____to get the precious gift. A. want B. wants C. to want D. wanting 25. She is one of the most beautiful girls who ____the important activity. A. takes part on B. take part in C. to take part in D. taking part in 26. My teacher listens to me ____. A. with confident B. in confidence C. with confidence D. in confident 27. Nobody can live ___food. A. with B. on C. in D. without 28. It took us three hours ____the great work. A. finish B. to finish C. finishing D. finished 29. Y ou are wanted ____the phone. A. in B. through C. of D. on 30. The young lady is tireless, and she always is _____.


模拟题二十一 (100分) 一、基础知识(每小题4分,共8小题,共计32分) 1.下列词语中,加点字的读音没有错误的一组是() A.肖.(xiào)像伛偻.(lóu)忐.(tǎn)忑不安 B.渊薮.(sǒu)不韪.(wěi)良莠.(yǒu)不齐 C.曝.(bào)光肄.(sì)业越俎代庖.(páo) D.思忖.(cǔn)吮.(shǔn)吸锐不可当.(dǎng) 2.下列各组词语中,有错别字的一组是() A.黯然道貌岸然伫足安邦定国 B.租赁耳濡目染留言流言蜚语 C.崛起高屋建瓴委屈委曲求全 D.相如相濡以沫代劳以逸代劳 3.依次填入下列各句横线处的词语,恰当的一组是() ①充足的睡眠是疲劳、恢复体力的关键。 ②毋庸,法兰西优秀的民族文化是人类历史上一笔宝贵的财富。 ③婚姻是大事,应慎重考虑。 ④像孩童第一次睁开眼睛看见阳光,作者目光是那样惊喜,着饱满的生气。 A.消除置疑终身充溢 B.消除质疑终身充斥 C.消失置疑终生充斥 D.消失质疑终生充溢 4.下列加点成语使用正确 ..的一项是() A.随着人事制度的不断完善,机关事业单位中尸位素餐 ....的现象已大大减少。 B.由于竞争激烈,缺少规范,原本商品质优价好的钢琴市场出现了鱼龙混杂 ....的现象。 C.读《庄子》,我常被庄子拨弄得手足无措 ....,只好手之舞之,足之蹈之来表达内心的激动。 D.只要我们齐心协力,三人成虎 ....,天大的困难我们也能克服。 5.下列句子没有语病的一项是() A.学生能否刻苦钻研是提高学习成绩的关键。 B.我们坐在飞机上俯视地面、山川、田野、城市、村庄。 C.那号角,那鼓声,那飘扬的国旗,都给人以庄严之感。 D.在那个时候,报纸与我接触的机会是很少。 6.下列各句中标点符号使用正确的一项是()


重庆市对口高职数学综合试卷 一、选择题(共12小题,每小题7分,共84分) 1.已知集合A={x|-2


2019年重庆市普通高校招生对口高职类统一考试英语试卷 一、单词辨音(共10小题,每小题1.5分,共15分) 从下面每小题ABCD四个选项中选出划线部分的读音与其他三个单词划线部分读音不同的词,并将答题卡对应位置上的答案标号涂黑。 1. A. baby B. dad C. happy D. cat 2. A. let B. pen C. egg D. me 3. A. job B. top C. rol e D. shop 4. A. time B. swim C. bike D. nice 5. A. fast B. has C. sit D. bus 6. A. games B. boxes C. knives D. tomatoes 7. A. tea B. meat C. leave D. weather 8. A. theater B. that C. thing D. thank 9. A. few B. grew C. threw D. flew 10. A. book B. blood C. look D. good 二、单项选择(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分) 从每个小题的ABCD四个备选答案中,选出一个最佳的答案,并将答题卡对应位置上的答案标号涂黑。 11. Miss Gao______English on the computer every morning. A. studies B. is studying C. studied D. has studied 12. Gars and buses______stop when the traffic lights turn red. A. can B. need C. may D. must 13. The meeting didn’t start______everyone got there. A. because B. until C. since D. if 14. The museum is quite far.It will take you half ______ hour to go there by ______ bus. A. a;/ B. an;a C. an;/ D. /;/ 15. The busier he is,the ______he feels. A. happy B. happily C. happier D. happiest 16. My moon enjoys _____ for the family on weekends. A. cook B. to cook C. cooked D. cooking 17. English is widely used_____ travelers and business people all over the world. A. to B. of C. as D. by 18. Would you like to come to my birthday party? . A. No,I don’t know B. Yes,I’d love to C. How kind you are D. That’s right 19. John was so strange today. He didn’t act like______. A. him B. himself C. his D. he 20. Molly says that she understand art,and always tells me______a painting is “about”. A. what B. when C. where D. why 三、交际运用(共10小题,每小题2分,共20分) 用所给句子完成下面两段对话,并将答题卡对应位置上的答案标号涂黑。选项中有两项为多余选项。 (A) A: When can we except you for dinner? (21) ____________. B: Not tomorrow.I promised to go to concert with my sister. A: (22) ____________. B: Friday sounds fine. A: Good! (23) ____________ B: OK.I’ll be there on time. A: By the way,I’ve got a new dish for you. B: A new dish? (24) ____________. A: Something truly French.I believe you’ll like it. B: Great! (25) ____________ A. I just can’t wait. B. Here you are. C. What is it? D. I’m sorry to hear that. E. How about Friday then? F. Can you come tomorrow? G. Shall we say seven o’clock? (B) A: Excuse me,would you mind answering a few questions? B: No,go ahead. A: (26)____________. B: I’m from Germany. A: What do you think of the city? B: (27)____________. Good food,kind people,and beautiful views.But I’m still not used to the weather. A: It’s kind of cold this time of the year.Wear a hat and a scarf when you go out.


2020年高职单独招生考试英语题库及答案 单独招生考试题库(英语) 一、单选题 1. We should have ________ breakfast every day to keep healthy. A. a B. an C. / D. the 2. France is European country while Thailand is Asian country. A. an, an B. an, a C. a, a D. a, an 3. There is ____old piano in ______corner of the living room. A. an; the B. an; 不填 C. a; the D. a; a 4. There is _______ umbrella behind the door. A. a B. an C. the D. 不填 5. Our class are much sure to win the basketball game ______ Class Three. A. of B. in C. against D. from 6. When James arrived at the railway station, he tried to look ___a place to park his car. A. up B. for C. after D. at 7. Frank is an independent boy. His parents are proud ____ him. A. on B. to C. in D. of 8. More and more people in Qingdao go to work _________subway now. A. with B. on C. in D. by 9. The program I’m a singer is quite popular ______ students these days. They often talk about it between classes. A. for B. with C. in D. on 10. In the picture, he sits ______me, looking very happy. A. beside B. among C. up D. through 11.This bus doesn’t go to the train station.I’m afraid you’ll have to at Hongshan stop and take BRT Line 1. A.take off B. put off C.get off D.get out 12. Mother's Day comes _______ the second Sunday of May. A. in B. on C. at D. for 13. Sorry I'm late. I _______ with a friend and I completely forgot the time. A. talk B. am talking C. was talking D. will talk 14. --- It’s time to work now. --- OK. I’ll wake Carl up. He for an hour. A. has fallen asleep B. has been asleep C. fell asleep D. falls asleep 15.---Jerry, have you ever been to the Great Wall? ---Yes. I______ there with my parents last year A. go B. went C. will go D. have gone 16. The number of the elderly(老人)______ increasing in China, and with the development of China economy, they____ better care of in the future. A. is; will take B. are; are taken C. is; will be taken D. are; will take 17. --- Recently, school violence ________ in some schools. --- Luckily, our government has carried out some policies to stop it. A. has appeared B. appeared C. will appear D. had appeared 18. If you are caught smoking in the kitchen, you ______ by your boss.

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