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本试卷共8页。全卷满分90分。考试时间为90分钟。试题包含选择题和非选择题。 考生答题全部答在答题卡上,





3. 答选择题必须用 2B 铅笔将答题卡上对应的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,请用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案。答 非选择题



一、单项填空(共 15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)

1. China ' soccer team will continue their dreams of 2018 World Cup after a 2-0 comfortable win over Qatar ________________________________ March

29, 2016. A. in

B. on

C. with

D. at

2. Parents shouldn ' t do everything for us, or we won

' t learn to depend on

A. them

B. us

C. themselves

D. ourselves

3. Accord ing to the rule, childre n should _____________ a n earby school to receive educati on in Nanji ng.

A. en ter

B. treat

C. support

D. prese nt

4. When I was a child, I ____________ watch TV whe never I wan ted to.

A. n eed

B. must

C. should

D. could

5. The young man couldn ' t afford a new flat. ______________________ , he boughksond-hand one.

A. Still

B. I nstead

C. Otherwise

D. Moreover

6. To our surprise, our mon itor picked the ________________ apples of the four this morning.

A. fewer

B. less

C. fewest

D. least


— Jerry, I have n he^rdtfrom Carl for a long time. Can you tell me ___________________ he is recen tly? —He is busy with his driv ing test. You may com muni cate with him on the phone.

A. how

B. which

C. why

D. whe n


— Our gover nment has decided to _______________ more hospitals and schools in Jia ngbei New District of Nanjing. —I ' m very glad to heahat.

A. look up

B. set up

C. give up

D. take up

9. Nanjing Intern ati onal Plum Blossom Festival ________________ betwee n February and March every



— Was Doctor Ma ' s speech a success? —Yes. He caught all the liste ners


— Why is it so n oisy on the fourth floor?

13. ________viruses from spread ing, we should wash our hands more often.

A. Stop

B. Stopped

C. Stopp ing

D. To stop

A. held

B. is held

C. was held

D. will be held


— You should do some housework you have grow n up.

—OK, dad, I will.

A. uni ess

B. un til

C. since

D. although

with it.

A. product ion

B. orga ni zati on

C. in struct ion

D. atte nti on

—Oh, I forgot to tell you. Many childre n


there. s birthday

A. celebrated

B. are celebrat ing

C. were celebrat ing

D. have celebrated

14.— You have to believe in yourself. No one will, if you don ' t.

—_______ . Con fide nee is really importa nt.

A. I agree

B. I don ' t think so

C. You' re joking

D. I ' m afraid not

15.—It ' s hard for me to fall asleep at nighCould you offer me some advice?

—_____ . Tell me all about it and I ' II do what I can.

A. Never mi nd

B. No way

C. No problem

D. Forget it




The 88th Academy Awards, once again thrilled (使兴奋)people around the world, 16 the Chinese, who were excited about Leon ardo DiCaprio gett ing the Best Actor Award.

But the yearly presentation (颁奖仪式)also made Chinese filmmakers 17 , as no Chinese films have ever won a

golde n prize. The hard truth leaves people won deri ng 18 the n ati on will get a place in the famous Academy Award, as

Chi na is already the sec ond largest film market.

The con diti on for our n ati onal artists is similar to that of Chin ese writers and scie ntists _ 19 Mo Yan and Tu

Youyou won Nobel Prizes in 2012 and 2015. Just as Chinese people are used to seeing their fellow citizens (同胞们)taking home Nobel Prizes from Stockholm, it is time for them to see that 20 an Oscar is also achievable (可实现的).

There are good reas ons for the Chin ese people to 21 such a bright future.

First, China is one of the fastest grow ing film 22 in the world. Lots of bus in esses from home and abroad are willi ng to in vest here. It will 23 more tale nted people to get into the in dustry because of more and more relaxed environment for developme nt.

The latest survey 24 Chinese cinemas took a record 6.87 billion yuan (about $1.05 billion) in ticket sales in

February, with the monthly box office (票房)going past that of North America for the first time.

The achievement may be 25 in the future. It is supposed that China ' yearly box office could continue to go

beyond North America in 2017.

16. A. but B. with C. except D. i ncludi ng

17. A. happy B. relaxed C. impossible D. un comfortable

18. A. where B. whe n C. what D. why

19. A. while B. after C. before D. since

20. A. wi nning B. develop ing C. choos ing D. decidi ng

21. A. cancel B. excuse C. doubt D. expect

22. A. artists B. markets C. awards D. compa nies

23. A. en courage B. remai n C. i nsist D. realize

24. A. showed B. studied C. started D. sent

25. A. replied B. repaired C. required D. repeated

三、阅读理解(共15小题;每小题1 分阅读下列材料,从每题所给的四个选项(卜,满分15分)

A、B、C 和D)中,选出最佳选项,在


\ Greenwood Gazette

To Hire

| A Quiet flat in Gree nwood

2 bedrooms, large kitche n

Near shops and restaura nts

£ 600 a mon th

Pho ne 07348 0848153

■ B Small 3rd-floor flat in cen tral London


1 bedroom

2 minu tes from the train stati on

£ 650 a month

Phone 020 933 9458

ouse in Hobur n from end of September

3 bedrooms, small garde n

Near the uni versity

£ 1000 a mon th

Pho ne 07122 7476933 26. If you want to hire Flat B for half a year, how much should you pay for it?

A. £ 650.

B. £ 3250.

C.£ 3900.

D. £ 7800.

27.Which of the following is TRUE ?

A.Flat A is the most expe nsive of the three.

B.Flat B is far away from the train stati on.

C. You can make phone calls to know about the information above.

D. You can hire the house in Hobur n if you want to cook in a large kitche n.


There are millio ns of charities in the UK. In fact, you can hardly think of any good bus in ess that does n ' t have a charity linked (联系的)to it.

The British people are so gen erous with charities. A lot of people are quite prepared to don ate money to charities, even when they are short of money themselves. There are many reasons why people give money to charities. S ometimes it ' s a personal reason, say their parents died of cancer so they give money to cancer research, or of a religious reason. Many religi ons (宗教)en courage their followers to don ate a part of their in come (收入)to the poor. Many religious people feel it is their duty to help others as part of their faith (信仰).Still, other people just give donations because they have some spare money and they think it is a good thing to do.

Many people think it is necessary to give donations to charities because they wish to make the lives and situations of those in need better.

The British government has made it quite easy for people to give money to charity as you can pay through your payroll (工资单).So when you get your salary, you automatically (自动地)get some money taken out and give it to charity. Some people have some money taken out to give to charities, such as Save the Children Fund, thinking it is a good way to save childre n around the world.

28.What does the un derl ined word it "in Paragraph 1 mean?

A. The UK.

B. The religio n.

C. A busi ness.

D. A charity.

29.Accord ing to Paragraph 2, the nu mber of reas ons why the British people are gen erous with charities is ___________________________ .

A. two

B. three

C. four

D. five

30.The passage is mainly about ________________ .

A. charities in the UK

B. the history of the charities in the UK

C.the gen erous and kind people in the UK

D. the relatio nship betwee n the British gover nment and charities


While many women are busy with planning their bridal showers (新娘送礼会),a baby shower usually comes as a complete surprise. A baby shower is a party where a pregnant (怀孕的)woman is “ showeredithgifts and good wishes. A

baby shower is usually give n by a close female friend or a relative of the mother-to-be. Sometimes co-workers of a preg nant pers on will also hold a baby shower for her.

The baby shower is usually give n whe n the mother-to-be is betwee n 6 and 9 mon ths preg nant. Predicting the date of a

baby'birth isn ' t always exa Sometimes a baby shower can also happe n after the baby is born. A baby shower can be held in some one ' s home or outside, like in a restaura nt a)icateri ng hall. Traditi on ally only wome n are in vited to a baby shower. However, more and more baby showers are also in cludi ng the father-to-be.

Like a bridal shower, a mother-to-be will register (登记)a wish list of things she wants at one or several stores. This list usually in cludes things the mother wants for her baby like clothes, diapers and eve n furn iture. This way friends and family members can go to the stores and buy something from the list. Registering helps make sure that there aren like 30 bottles whe n a new mom only n eeded 15.

At a baby shower, people can give cards with wishes for the new baby and mom. Most of these cards also include money or gift cards to help the mom-to-be buy whatever else she needs for the baby. Sometimes there are games as well. In one game every one guesses the date of the baby. Ano ther game lets people taste baby food and guess the flavor.

31.The underlined word Predicting ”n Paragraph 2 probably means “ ____________________________ ."





32.Who was only in vited to a baby shower traditi on ally?

A. Me n.

B. Childre n.

C. Wome n.

D. Preg nant wome n.

33.Why does a mother-to-be register a wish list of thin gs?

A. To preve nt others from buying the repeat items.

B. To remi nd herself to buy some items for the party.

C. To remember to buy the n ecessary things for her frien ds.

D. To in vite friends or family members to the baby shower.

34.What can friends and family members do at a baby shower?

A. Play games.

B. Get some money and gifts.

C. Feed the baby.

D. Register a wish list of thin gs.

35.Accord ing to the passage, we know that _________________ .

A.the baby shower only happe ns at home

B.the baby shower n ever takes place after the baby is born

C.people have baby showers in stead of bridal showers now

D.people hold the baby shower to send wishes to the mother-to-be


“ Please take my penny,said Maggie to old Dan, the fisherman, who sat on a bench repairing his nets.

Her brother An drew drew her back, whisperi ng, “ Maggie, he i$乞丐a!b”ggar

But Maggie paid no attention . “ Please take ishe said again. Old Dan smiled, and took it. “ Thank you, littl e miss, said, It is kindly meant. ”

After that, Maggie went to the beach to gather shells. She n ever thought how fast the hours were pass ing un til being tired, she sat down on a rock beside a little pool. Soon she was scared by a noise near her, and Dan ' large dog Rover jumped dow n from a rock!

He licked her hands and made a loud noise, and then began gently to pull her coat. “ Rover wishes me to come away, I see” she said, and she rose from the rock and began to go home. However, that was not so easy as she had expected. She found the places she had gone dow n easily very difficult to climb up, and as the tide (潮水)had bee n coming in for some time. She found some of the stones wet and smooth.

What could poor Maggie do? She felt sad and cried, but the waves made a much louder no ise tha n she could make, and perhaps she would have bee n drow ned (淹死)without good wise Rover.

Rover jumped upon a big stone and raised his loud bark un til even the waves could not drow n it.

The fisherma n had take n his n ets to the top of the cliffs (悬崖),and was lay ing them out in the sun whe n he heard the loud bark ing of a dog. He felt sure that it was Rover, and Rover in trouble, so, going to the edge of the cliffs, he looked over. There he saw it all —Rover bark ing for help, and the little child sta nding beside him.

“ Bless herIt is the little one that was so kind- spoken to me this morning! he cried, and he hurried to his sons home.' “ Quick, boys, quick! he said. Get to the boat, and row fast to the bay (海湾).There is a poor child there just waiting to be drowned. "The fishermen lost no time, and soon little Maggie and Rover were rowed safely to land! Old Dan was waiting there to lift her out, and give her into her mother 's arms.

"tlwas the penny that did it, madam, ” he said to Mrs. West on later. "I saw Rover look ing at her whe n she put the penny so kind-like into my hand —just as if he would have said, ‘ Rover will be your friend now,冊烛gam thinking he

had been looking after her all the day, for he never came near me after that. ”

Some years later, Rover came to Maggie ' home with a little note, in which was written —“ Will Maggie help Rover? —his master is dead. ”

36.Which word can best describe Maggie?

A. Funny.

B. Helpful.

C. Creative.

D. Silly.

37.Who rowed Maggie to land safely?

A. Rover.

B. Old Da n.

C. Old Dan 'sso ns.

D. An drew.

38.From the end of the story, we can guess that __________________ .

A. Maggie refused to be Rover S new master

B. Rover felt sad about Mrs. Western S death

C. Rover lived with Old Dan until his master died

D. Maggie became Rover 'master at once after she was saved

39.What can we lear n from the passage?

A. One kind act brings ano ther.

B. You should act and speak the same—kin dly.

C.One pers on's pleasure may be ano ther's pain.

D.People ofte n forget what is really importa nt in our lives.

40.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

A. Rover and his master

B. Rover S new friend

C. What the brave dog did

D. What Maggie S penny did



A)根据括号中所给的汉语写出单词,使句子意思完整正确,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为41 —45的相应位置上。

41.1 still remember very ▲(清楚地)the scene of our first meeting.

42.Now more and more people in the cities keep ▲(宠物)as their friends.

43.—Shanghai Disneyland Park will be open to the ▲(民众)in June this year.

—How excit ing!

44.I 'm going to ▲(订购)a silk scarf online for my mother as her birthday present.

45.Chinese fans offered their best wishes to the ▲(著名的)NBA star Kobe Bryant after he announced plans to



46.May Day is coming, but I 'm ▲(sure) where to go on holiday.

47.I had no difficulty ▲(make) myself un derstood on the chat show.

48.The police came and took the ▲(no ise) men away from the cafe room.

49.All the ▲(visit) bags will be looked after by the guide during the game.

50.If you don 'tknow about this matter very well, you had better ▲(keep) quiet.

C)根据对话内容,从下面方框中选择适当的单词或短语填空,使对话内容完整正确,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为51 —55的相应


teach be able to glad all the time restaura nts

A: What a won derful dinner!

B: Thank you. I am 51 that you enjoyed it.

A: The dishes you prepared were really tasty. Have you take n cook ing less ons before?

B: No. My mother was a good cook in one of the biggest 52 in the city. I lear nt cook ing from her.

A: Did your father cook too?

B: Yes. My mother cooked almost 53 duri ng work ing hours in the restaura nt. When she came home after work, she really didn 'twant to cook. So it was my father who usually cooked at home.

A: I'd like to 54 cook, but I don 'tknow how. You know, my husband is very busy with his

work, but I ve got bored with the food.

B: Don 'worry. I can 55 you how to cook some simple dishes if you like.

A: That will be great, tha nk you!





There are four million people with diabetes (糖尿病)in the UK —that ' s one in every 16 peopieThere are two main types of diabetes: Type 1 and Type 2. Type 1 is less com mon and is not preve ntable. In the UK, 90% of diabetes are Type 2. It has something to do with weight gain and a sedentary (久坐的)lifestyle, but there are other risk reasons. The good news is that around 80% of cases of Type 2 diabetes are preve ntable.

Are you at risk?

Type 2 diabetes can come on slowly. It may not be easy to find the sig ns. So it is importa nt to un dersta nd the risk reasons. People with Type 2 diabetes can feel thirsty, tired and need to go to the toilet more often.

Tips on preventing Type 2

If you have Type 2 diabetes, it is very importa nt to con trol your weight. If you are overweight, Type 2 diabetes can be avoided by reduci ng your weight.

Exercise is necessary for good health. It not only helps to keep a healthy weight, but can lower blood-sugar levels because it helps your body to use insulin (胰岛素)more effectively. To have high levels of everyday activities, including walk ing, housework, play ing with childre n and hobbies —

anything that gets you movi ng.

Also, a healthy diet will help you man age your weight. Vegetables and fruits are low in calories and are rich in vitami ns,

minerals (矿物质)and fiber (纤维).This is important for good digestion (消化)and slows down the sugars into the blood. However, some types of fruits are high in sugar, so getting most of your five-a-day from vegetables is better.

Whole grains are good for Type 2 diabetes because the husk (夕卜壳)of the seed is kept. This is often the best part of the grain, with fiber and protein (蛋白).Protein is good for Type 2 diabetes. Fish, meats, eggs, nuts and many beans are rich in protei n.

Foods high in both fat and sugar are very bad for your health and should be avoided. Water is the best because there aren 'a ny calories in it while many other drin ks, such as soft drin ks, en ergy drinks and milky coffees are really bad.

B )根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为

Ray Tomlinson was born in New York State. He sent the world ' fs 66 email and let us have the use of the @

symbol in electr onic com muni cati ons. Tomli nson wrote a program in 1971 to be exchanged between different computers. Before that time, electronic exchanged between people using the s 68 main unit.

At the time of his invention, Tomlinson was researching possible

US military (军方)network that formed the base of the Internet, and showed improving the use of ArpaNet ' s mailbox 邮箱)” which made users sen

mailboxes possible. In the past, people had to print out the message and p 70 it i n the mailbox. This achieveme nt made a great differe

nee in people's life.

Tomli nson also came up with the i 71 of using the “ @ symbep aoate the n ame of the receiver from the n ame of the host, creating the standard still used today. Although it had a history of o 72 forty years, Tomlinson said email had not cha nged

much since its inven ti on.

Tomlinson studied electrical engineering at Rensselaer Polytechnic and t 73 got his masters (硕士学位)at

Massachusetts In stitute of Tech no logy. He joined a compa ny called Bolt, Beran ek, and Newma n in 1967, and stayed there the r 74 of his life. He died at the age of 74. The company was later acquired ( 收购)by Raytheon.

“ A tri? tech no logy pion eer and his work cha nged the w 75 the world com muni cates.

” Rathe on said.

great sadness we know the passing of our friend. ”

六、书面表达(满分 15分)


Daniel ,你们学校学生会邀请你向全


1. 你是如何准备本次考试的;

2. 你从中获得怎样的收获与感受;




2. 语言通顺,意思连贯,条理清楚,书写规范;



Good morni ng, every one! I'm Da ni el. It is my honor to be here to share with you my opinions. The liste ning and speaki ng test has bee n over

▲ ▲ ▲

Thank you for liste ning!

66 — 75的相应位置上。

It is v

that a 67 messages messages had only been

for the ArpaNet — the an i 69


messages to the




1~5 BDADB 6~10 CABBC 11~15 DBDAC


16~20 DDBCA 21~25 DBAAD


26~30 CCCBA 31~35 BCAAD 36~40 BCCAD



41. clearly 42. pets 43. public 44. order 45. famous


46. un sure 47. making 48. no isy 49. visitors' 50. keep


51. glad 52. restaura nts 53. all the time 54. be able to 55. teach



56. reduce

61. Avoidi ng

B)根据短文内容. 57. com mon

62. everyday/daily


58. caused

63. full


59. easily

64. without

60. preve nti ng

65. Keep ing

66. first 67. allowed 68. same 69. i nterest

70. put ]

71. idea 72. over 73. then 74. rest 75. way


One possible version:

Good morning, every one! I'm Dan iel. It is my honor to be here to share with you my opinions. The listening and

speak ing test has bee n over. I n order to get a good result, I focused on every En gish less on. After class, I read and recited those topics carefully accord ing to our En glish teacher ' dema nd. Also, I did liste ning exercises almost every day.

To my surprise, I 'm not afraid of speak ing En glish before others any more. What 'more, I am better at liste ning and speak ing. Although I feel tired, I am very happy and become more con fide nt.

Here is my advice on how to improve them. First of all, take an active part in class activities. Watch more English films if possible. Moreover, it ' a good way to improve your ability by learning English songs.

Thank you for liste ning!




第三档:(7-9 分)能写明一些要点,语言错误较多,但意思基本连贯,表达基本清楚。第二档:(4-6 分)能写明少数要点,语言错误多,意思不连贯,影响意思表达。第一档:(1-3 分)只能写出若干单词,无可读的句子。

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