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https://www.doczj.com/doc/7813149826.html, 时间:2006-8-28 来源:生命经纬

a horizon a 层位

a lineation a 线理

a twin a 双晶

aa lava 块熔岩

aalenian stage 阿林阶

abandon 废弃

abandoned mine 废弃的矿山

abandoned well 废孔

abatis 通风隔墙

abdomen 腹部

abdominal appendage 腹肢

abdominal cavity 腹腔

abdominal fin 腹

abductor 外展肌

abductor muscle 外展肌

abernathyite 水砷钾铀矿

aberration 象差

abichite 光线矿

abiogenesis 自然发生

abiogeny 自然发生

abiotic factor 非生物因素

ablation 剥蚀

ablation breccia 剥蚀角砾岩

ablation moraine 消融碛

ablation skin 熔蚀皮

ablation till 消融碛

ablykite 阿布石

abnormal 异常的

abnormal interference color 异常干涉色

abnormal metamorphism 异常变质酌

abolition 废除

abrade 剥蚀

abrasion 海蚀

abrasion platform 磨蚀台地

abrasion surface 浪蚀面

abrasion terrace 磨蚀阶地

abrasionn test 磨耗试验

abrasive 磨料;海蚀的

abrazite 多水高岭土

absarokite 正边玄武岩

absite 钍钛铀矿

absolute age 绝对年龄

absolute black body 绝对黑体

absolute chronology 绝对年代学

absolute dating 绝对年代测定

absolute geopotential 绝对重力势

absolute porosity 绝对孔隙率

absolute pressure 绝对压力

absolute structure 绝对构造

absorbed water 吸附水

absorbent 吸收剂

absorber 吸收器

absorbing well 吸水井

absorption 吸收

absorption axis 吸收轴

absorption border 融蚀缘

absorption curve 吸收曲线

absorption edge 吸收端

absorption factor 吸收率

absorption spectrum 吸收光谱

absorptive capacity 吸收率

absorptivity 吸收性

abukumalite 铋磷灰石

abundance 丰度

abundance of elements 元素丰度

abundance of isotopes 同位素丰度abundance ratio of isotopes 同位素相对丰度abysmal deposits 深海沉积物

abyss 深海

abyssal 深海的

abyssal benthic zone 深渊底栖带

abyssal deposits 深海沉积物

abyssal facies 深海相

abyssal hills province 深海丘陵区abyssal injection 深成贯入

abyssal rock 深成岩

abyssal sediments 深海沉积物

acadialite 红菱沸石

acadian stage 阿卡德阶

acalycine 无花萼的

acalycinous 无花萼的

acanthite 螺状硫银矿

acanthoid 刺状的

acaulescent 无茎的

acaulous 无茎的

acaustobiolite 非燃性生物岩

accelerated development 上升发育acceleration 促进酌

accelerometer 加速度计

accessory 副的

accessory ejecta 早成同源抛出物accessory minerals 副矿物

accidental ejecta 异源抛出物

accidental inclusion 外源包体

accidental species 偶见种

accidental xenolith 外源包体

acclivity 上坡

accompanying mineral 伴生矿物accordance of summit levels 山峰高度一致accordant junction 交合汇流

accordion fold 棱角褶皱

accretion 附加体

accretion gley 结核潜育层

accretion theory 吸积理论

accretionary lapilli 团积火山砾accumulate 堆积

accumulated temperature 积温

accumulation 堆积

accumulation horizon 聚积层

accumulation moraine 堆积冰碛accumulation terrace 堆积阶地accumulation theory of volcano 火山堆积说accumulation till 堆积冰碛

accumulative phase 堆积相

accuracy 准确度

acephalous 无头的

acephalous larva 无头幼虫

acerous 针状的

acetate 醋酸盐

acetic acid 醋酸

acf diagram acf 图解

achavalite 硒铁矿

achiardite 坏晶石

achirite 透视石

achlamydeous 无花被的

achlusite 钠滑石

achondrite 无球粒陨石

achroite 无色电气石

achromaite 浅闪石

achromatic body 消色物体

achromatic lens 消色差透镜

achromatism 消色差

achromatize 消色

acicular 针状的

aciculiform 针状的

acid base equilibrium 酸碱平衡

acid earth 酸性白土

acid humus 酸性腐殖质

acid mine drainage 酸性矿水排水

acid plagioclase 酸性斜长石

acid rock 酸性岩

acid soil 酸性土

acid solution 酸性溶液

acid spring 酸性泉

acid treatment of oil payzone 油层酸处理

acid treatment of well 井的酸处理

acidic lava 酸性熔岩

acidification 酸化

acidimetry 酸量滴定法

acidite 酸性岩

acidity 酸度

acidizing of well 井的酸处理

acidophilous plants 适酸植物

acidotrophic lake 酸性营养湖

acidulation 酸化

acline twin 翻底双晶

acmite 锥辉石

acotyledon 无子叶植物

acotyledonous 无子叶的

acoustic basement 声波基底

acoustic foundation 声波基底

acoustic logging 声波测井

acquired character 获得形质

acre foot 英亩英尺

acrobatholithic 露岩基的

acrochordite 球砷锰矿

acrospore 顶生孢子

actinides 锕系元素

actinium 锕

actinolite 阳起石

actinolite asbestos 阳起石石棉

actinolite schist 阳起片岩

actinolitic greenschist facies 阳起绿色片岩相actinometer 日射表

actinometry 光化测定

actinomorphic 辐射对称的

actinomorphous 辐射对称的

actinomyces 放线菌类

actinostele 星状中柱

actinouranium 锕铀

actinula 辐射幼虫

activated adsorption 活化吸附

activated carbon 活性炭

activated clay 活化粘土

activated complex 活化络合物activated water 活化水

activation 活化

activation analysis 活化分析activation cross section 活化截面activation energy 活化能

activation logging 活化测井activation method 活化法

activation of platform 地台活化activator 活化剂

active fault 活断层

active folding 活褶曲酌

active glacier 活动冰川

active humus 活性腐殖质

active hydrogen 活性氢

active plate 移动板块

active remote sensing 织式遥感active tectonic pattern 活动构造型式active volcano 活火山

active water 侵蚀性水

activity 活度

activity coefficient 活度系数activization 活化酌

activization platform block 活化台块actual reserves 实在储藏量

actual volume 实际容积

actualily 真实

actualism 现实论

actuopalaeontology 现实古生物学acute 急尖的

acute bisectrix 锐角等分线acutifoliate 尖叶的

adamant 硬石

adamantine 坚硬的

adamantine lustre 金刚光泽adamantine spar 刚玉

adamellite 石英二长岩

adamine 水砷锌矿

adamite 水砷锌矿

adamsite 暗绿云母

adaptability 适应性

adaptation 适应

adaptive radiation 适应辐射

adcumulate 累积岩

addition 添加

additional phase 加成相

adductor 收肌

adductor muscle scar 收肌筋痕

adelite 砷钙镁石

adelogenic 显衡隐晶质的

adelpholite 铌铁锰矿

adenoid 腺样的

adergneiss 脉状片麻岩

adhering 粘附性的;附着

adhesion 粘附

adhesive disk 吸盘

adhesiveness 胶糟性

adiabat 绝热线

adiabatic cooling 绝热冷却

adiabatic curve 绝热线

adiabatic equilibrium 绝热平衡

adiabatic heating 绝热增温

adiabatic lapse rate 绝热温度梯度

adiabatic process 绝热过程

adiabatic state 绝热状态

adiabatic temperature gradient 绝热温度梯度adiagnostic 隐微晶质的

adigeite 镁蛇纹石

adinole 钠长英板岩

adipocerite 伟晶腊石

adipocire 伟晶腊石

adipose cell 脂细胞

adit 平峒

adjacent rock 围岩

adjacent sea 边缘海

adjoining rock 围岩

adjustment 蝶

admimistration 管理

admission 收气

adobe 灰质粘土

adoral 口侧的

adsorbent 吸附剂

adsorbing material 吸附剂

adsorption 吸附

adsorption indicator 吸附指示剂adsorptive capacity 吸附能力

adular 冰长石

adularia 冰长石

adult 成体

advance 前进

adventitious plants 外来植物

adventive crater 寄生火口

adventive volcano 寄生火山

aecidiospore 锈孢子

aeciospore 锈孢子

aegirine 霓石

aegirine augite 霓辉石

aegirite 霓石

aenigmatite 三斜闪石

aeolian clastics 风成碎屑岩

aeolian deposit 风积

aeolian landform 风成地形

aeolian soil 风积土

aeration 充气

aeration tissue 通气组织

aeration zone 饱气带

aerenchyma 通气组织

aerial method of geology 航空地质甸方法aerial photography 航空摄影学

aerial ropeway 架空死

aerial survey 航空测量

aerial triangulation 航空三角测量

aerify 使呈气态

aerobe 需气生物

aerocartograph 航空测图仪

aerogenous rock 风成岩

aerogeography 航空地理学

aerogeology 航空地质学

aerolite 石陨石

aerolith 石陨石

aeromagnetic survey 航空磁测aerophotogeological map 航空摄影地质图aerophotogrammetry 航空摄影测量学aerophotography 航空摄影学

aerophotography of geology 地质专业航空摄影aeroplankton 大气浮游生物

aeroradioactive survey 航空放射性测量aerosiderite 铁陨石

aerosiderolite 铁石陨石

aerosite 深红银矿

aerugite 块砷镍矿

aeschynite 易解石

affiliation 亲缘关系

affine deformation 均匀变形

affinity 亲和力

afflux 汇入

after deep 后渊

aftereffect 后效

aftershock 余震

afwillite 桂硅钙石

agalite 纤滑石

agalmatolite 寿山石

agamogony 无配子生殖

agate 玛瑙

age 龄期

age determination 时代鉴定

age of cycads 苏铁植物时代

age spectra 年龄谱

ageing of colloids 胶体熟化

agent of erosion 侵蚀力

agents of metamorphism 变质营力

ageostrophic wind 非地转风agglomerate 集块岩

agglomerate lava 集块熔岩agglomeratic 集块岩状的agglomeration 烧结

agglutinate 粘合集块岩

agglutination 胶着

agglutinin 凝集素

aggradation 加积

aggradation terrace 堆积阶地aggradational plain 堆积平原aggregate 集合体

aggregation 聚集

aggressive water 侵进水

agitation 搅拌

agmatite 角砾混合岩

agnatha 无颌类

agnolite 红硅钙锰矿

agnotozoic era 元古代

agpaite 钠质火成岩

agreement 协议

agricolite 闪铋矿

agricultural geology 农业地质学agricultural geomorphology 农业地貌学agroforestrial geology 农林地质学agrogeology 农业地质学

agrohydrologg 农业水文学

aguilarite 辉硒银矿

aidyrlite 杂硅铝镍矿

aikinite 针硫铋铅矿

air borne radioactivity 大气放射性

air chamber 气室

air compressor 空气压缩机

air damping 空气制动

air drilling 空气钻进

air drying 风干

air elutriation 空气淘析

air flush drilling 空气冲洗钻井

air gun 空气枪

air hammer 气锤

air lift 气动提升机

air permeability 透气性

air pressure 空气压力

air release valve 放气阀

air sac 气囊

air separating tank 空气分离罐

air separator 气力分离器

air shrinkage 空气收缩

air vent 排气孔

air volcano 气火山

airborne electromagnetic method 航空电磁法airborne electromagnetics 航空电磁法airborne magnetic prospecting 航空磁法勘探airborne magnetometer 航空地磁仪

airborne remote sensing 航空遥感

airborne survey 航空甸

airial camera 航空摄影机

airview 空瞰图

airy phase 艾氏相

airy's spiral 艾氏螺旋

akaustobiolite 非燃性生物岩

akaustobiolith 非燃性生物岩

akerite 英辉正长岩

akermanite 镁黄长石

akf diagram akf图解

akinete 厚壁孢子

akrochordite 球砷锰矿

aksaite 阿氏硼镁石

ala twin 轴双晶

alabandine 硫锰矿

alabandite 硫锰矿

alabaster 雪花石膏

alabastrite 雪花石膏

alamosite 铅灰石

alar 翼状的

alary 翼状的

alaskaite 铅泡铋矿

alaskite 白岗岩

alate 有翼的

albedo 反照率

albers' equal area projection 亚尔勃斯等积投影albertite 黑沥青

albian 阿尔布阶

albian stage 阿尔布阶

albite 钠长石

albite twin 钠长石双晶

albitite 钠长石玢岩

albitization 钠长石化

albitophyre 钠长斑岩

alboranite 紫苏变玄岩

aleurolite 粉砂岩

aleuropelitic 粉砂泥的

aleutite 易辉安山岩

alexandrite 翠绿宝石

algae 藻类

algae control 藻类控制

algal ball 海藻饼

algal biscuit 海藻饼

algal coal 藻煤

algal fungi 藻菌类

algal limestone 藻灰岩

algal reef 藻礁

algal structure 藻结构

alginite 藻类体

algodonite 微晶砷铜矿

algology 藻类学

algonkian 阿尔冈纪

algonkian system 阿尔冈系

algovite 辉斜岩

aliphatic compound 脂族化合物

alizarin 二羟蒽醌

alkali 碱

alkali alumina metasomatism 碱氧化铝交代alkali basaet 碱性玄武岩

alkali earth metal 碱土金属

alkali feldspar 碱性长石

alkali flat 碱覆盖坪

alkali gabbro 碱性辉长岩

alkali granti 碱性花岗岩

alkali lime index 碱灰质指数

alkali metal 碱金属

alkali olivine basalt 碱性橄榄玄武岩alkali pyroxene 碱性辉石

alkali rock series 碱性岩系

alkali salt 碱盐

alkali soil 碱土

alkali syenit 碱性正长岩

alkalic rock 硷性岩

alkalic ultrabasic rock 碱超基性岩alkalify 碱化

alkalimetry 碱量滴定法

alkaline amphibolization 碱性角闪石化alkaline earth 碱土族

alkaline earth metal 碱土金属

alkaline metasomatism 碱性交代酌alkaline pyroxenization 碱性辉石化alkaline rock 硷性岩

alkaline rocks 碱性岩类

alkaline soil 碱性土

alkaline solution 碱性溶液

alkaline spring 碱泉

alkalinity 碱度

alkalipicrite 碱性苦橄岩

alkalitrophic lake 碱液营养湖alkalization 碱化酌

alkalize 碱化

alkaloid 生物碱

alkanes 链烷烃

allactite 砷水锰矿

allagite 绿蔷薇辉石

allalinite 浊变辉长岩

allanite 褐帘石

alleghanyite 粒硅锰矿

allemontite 砷锑矿

allite 铝铁土

allivalite 橄榄钙长岩

allobar 变压区

allocation 分配

allochemical metamorphism 异化变质

allochetite 霞辉二长斑岩

allochroite 粒榴石

allochromatic colour 假色

allochromatism 假色

allochthone 移置岩体

allochthonous 外来的

allochthonous coal 异地生成煤

allochthonous deposit 移积

allochthonous fold 移置性褶曲

allochthonous limestone 移置灰岩

alloclastic breccia 火山碎屑角砾岩

allogenic 他生的

allogenic element 他生元素

allogenic mineral 他生矿物

allogenic succession 他生演替

allomerism 异质同晶现象

allometamorphism 他变酌

allometry 异速生长

allomigmatite 他混合岩

allomorph 同质异形的

allomorphism 同质异晶

allomorphous 同质异形的

allopalladium 硒钯矿

allopatric polymorphism 同质多形

allophane 水铝英石

allophase metamorphism 他相变质

alloskarn 外成夕卡岩

allothigenic 他生的

allothigenous 他生的

allotriomorphic 他形的

allotriomorphic granular texture 他形晶粒状结构

allotriomorphic structure 他形构造allotriomorphic texture 他形结构allotrope 同素异形体

allotropic modification 同素异形体allotropic transformation 同素异晶变化allotropism 同素异形

allotropy 同素异形

allotype 异模式标本

alloy 合金

alluvial 冲积的

alluvial apron 山麓冲积扇

alluvial channel 冲积河道

alluvial cone 冲积锥

alluvial deposit 冲积层

alluvial fan 冲积扇

alluvial fan deposit 冲积扇层

alluvial ore deposit 冲积矿床

alluvial placer 冲积砂矿床

alluvial plain 冲积平原

alluvial sand ripples 河成砂纹

alluvial sand wave 河成沙波

alluvial soil 冲积土

alluvial terrace 冲积阶地

alluvial veneer 冲积表层

alluviation 冲积

alluvion 冲积层

alluvium 冲积层

almandine 铁铝榴石

almandite 铁铝榴石

alnico 铝镍钴合金

alnoite 黄长煌斑岩

alp 高山

alpha quartz 石英

alpha ray spectrometer 能谱仪

alphitite 岩粉土

alpides 阿尔卑斯造山带

alpine animals 高山动物

alpine belt 高山带

alpine orogeny 阿尔卑斯造山运动

alpine type peridotite 阿尔卑斯式橄榄岩alpine type vein 阿尔卑斯型矿脉alpinotype orogeny 阿尔卑斯型造山酌alpinotype tectonics 阿尔卑斯型构造alsbachite 榴云细斑岩

alstonite 碳碱钙钡矿

altaite 碲铅矿

altar 腋生的

altazimuth 经纬仪

alteration 蚀变

alteration halo 蚀变晕

alteration zone 蚀变晕

altered aureole 蚀变晕

altered mineral 蚀变矿物

alternant 交替的

alternate phyllotaxis 互生叶序alternately pinnate 互生羽状的alternating 交替

alternating layers 互层

alternation 互层

alternation of beds 互层

alternation of generations 世代交替alternative 可选择的

altimeter 高度计

altitude 高度

altitudinal zonality 垂直分布带

alum 茂

alum shale 茂页岩

alum slate 茂板岩

alumian 无水矾石

alumina 矾土

aluminate 铝酸盐

aluminite 矾石

aluminum 铝

alumochromite 铝铬铁矿

alunite 茂石

alunitization 茂石化

alunogen 毛矾石

alurgite 锰云母

alveolar 蜂窝状

alvite 铪锆石

amagmatic 非岩浆活动的

amalgam 汞齐

amalgamation 混汞酌

amarantite 红铁矾

amazonite 天河石

amazonitization 天河石化ambatoarinite 碳酸锶铈矿

amber 钙铝榴石

amberite 灰黄琥珀

ambient 外界的

ambiguity 多义性

amblygonite 磷铝石

ambrite 灰黄琥珀

ambulacral foot 管足

ambulacral system 步带系ambularcral zone 步带

ameba 变形虫

amendment 修正;校正

americium 镅

amesite 镁绿泥石

ametaboly 无变态

amethyst 紫水晶

amherstite 反条正长闪长岩amianthus 石棉

amino acid metabolism 氨基酸代谢aminobenzoic acid 氨基苯酸ammonioborite 水铵硼石ammonites 菊石类

amorphous 非晶质的

amorphous graphite 无定型石墨amorphous silica 无定形硅氧amosite 铁石棉

amount 总计

amount of evaporation 蒸发量

amount of precipitation 降水量

amount of throw 纵距

ampangabeit 铌链铁铀矿

ampelite 黄铁炭质页岩

amphibia 两栖类

amphibious plants 两栖植物

amphibole 闪石

amphibolite 闪岩

amphibolite facies 角闪岩相amphibolization 闪石化酌

amphigene 白榴石

amphigenite 白榴熔岩

amphiprotic 两性的

ampholyte 两性电解质

amphoteric 两性的

amphoteric electrolyte 两性电解质amphoteric element 两性元素amphoteric ion 两性离子

amphoteric oxide 两性氧化物amphoterite 无粒古橄陨石

amplexicaul 抱茎的

amplifier for photocurrents 光电僚大器amplitude 振幅

amplitude correction 振幅校正amplitude spectrum 振幅谱

amygdale 杏仁孔

amygdaloid 杏仁岩

amygdaloidal 杏仁状的

amygdaloidal structure 杏仁状构造amygdule 杏仁孔

anabatic wind 谷风

anabolism 合成代谢

anaboly 后加演化

anaclinal 逆向的

anadiagenesis 前进成岩酌

anaerobe 厌气微生物

anaerobic bacteria 嫌气细菌anaerobiosis 嫌气生活

anagenesis 前进演化

anal fin 臀

anal gland 肛腺

analbite 单斜钠长石

analcime 方沸石

analcimite 方沸岩

analcimolith 方沸岩

analcite 方沸石

analog 相似体

analogous organ 同功瀑

analogue 相似体

analogy 类似

analysis by sedimentation 沉积分析analytic standard 分析标准analytical balance 分析天平anamesite 中粒玄武岩anamigmatism 深溶混合岩化anamorphic zone 合成变质带anamorphism 合成变质

anapaite 三斜磷钙铁矿

anaseism 背震中

anastomose 网结

anastrophen 倒装法

anatase 锐钛矿

anatectic magma 深熔岩浆

anatectite 深熔混合岩

anatexis 深熔酌

anauxite 富硅高岭石

anchieutectic 近底共融的anchimetamorphism 近变质酌anchimonomineralic 近单矿物的anchor ice 底冰

ancient channel 古河道

ancient elephant 古大象

ancient landform 古地形

ancylite 菱锶铬矿

andalusite 红柱石

andersonite 水碳钠钙铀矿

andesine 中长石

andesite 安山岩

andesite line 安山岩线

andorite 锑铅银矿

andradite 钙铁榴石

anemoclastics 风成碎屑岩

anemophilous plant 风媒植物

anemophily 风媒

anemousite 三斜霞石

angara flora 安加拉植物群

angara shield 安加拉古陆

angaraland 安加拉古陆

angarides 安加拉古陆

angiospermous 被子的

angiosperms 被子植物

angle of contact 接触角

angle of draw 陷落角

angle of incidence 入射角

angle of inclination 倾斜角

angle of internal friction 内摩擦角

angle of reflection 反射角

angle of refraction 折射角

angle of repose 休止角

angle of strike 走向角度

angle of subsidence 陷落角

anglesite 硫酸铅矿

angrite 钛辉无球粒陨石

angular 有角的

angular discordance 斜交不整合

angular unconformity 钭文不整合

angularity 有角

angustifoliate 狭叶的

anhedral 他形的

anhydration 脱水

anhydride 无水物

anhydrite 硬石膏

anhydrite formation 硬石膏层

anhysteretic remanent magnetiazation 非滞后剩余磁化


地理专业词汇英语翻译(A-B) a horizon 腐殖堆积层 aa lava 块熔岩 abandoned field 撩荒地abandoned lands 撩荒地abandoned mine 废弃矿山abandoned shoreline 旧岸线aberration 像差 abiogenesis 自然发生 abiotic factor 非生物因素 ablation 水蚀 ablation moraine 消融冰碛abnormality 反常 aboriginal 土着的 abrasion 海蚀 abrasion platform 浪蚀台地abrasion shore 浪蚀海岸abrasion surface 浪蚀面abrasion terrace 海蚀阶地abrasive 研磨剂 abrupt slope 陡坡 abrupt textural change 质地突变abscissa 横坐标 absolute age 绝对年龄 absolute age determination 绝对年代测定 absolute age of groundwater 地下水绝对年龄 absolute altitude 绝对高度absolute amplitude 绝对振幅absolute chronology 绝对年代absolute convergence 绝对收敛absolute dating 绝对年代测定absolute error 绝对误差 absolute extremes 绝对极值absolute geochronology 绝对地质年代学 absolute geopotential 绝对重力势absolute gravity 绝对重力absolute humidity 绝对湿度absolute instability 绝对不稳定性absolute maximum 绝对极大absolute measure 绝对尺度absolute minimum 绝对极小absolute orientation 绝对定向absolute parallax 绝对视差 absolute precision 绝对精度 absolute representation 绝对值表 示法 absolute temperature 绝对温度 absolute value 绝对值 absolute zero 绝对零度 absorbed radiant flux 吸收辐射 absorbed radiation 吸收辐射 absorbent 吸收剂 absorbing capacity 吸收能力 absorbing complex 吸收性复合体 absorptance 吸收系数 absorption 吸收 absorption band 吸收带 absorption coefficient 吸收系数 absorption curve 吸收曲线 absorption factor 吸收因素 absorption filter 吸收滤光片 absorption of energy 能量吸收 absorption of light 光吸收 absorption spectrum 吸收光谱 absorption surface 吸收面 absorptive capacity 吸收本领 absorptivity 吸收能力 absorptivity emissivity ratio 吸收发 射比 abstract symbol 抽象符号 abundance of isotopes 同位素的 丰度 abundance of the elements 元素丰 度 abundance ratio of isotopes 同位 素的相对丰度 abundant rainfall 过量降雨 abyss 深渊 abyssal 深海的 abyssal basins 深海盆地 abyssal benthos 深海底栖生物 abyssal deposits 深海沉积物 abyssal facies 深海相 abyssal hill 深海丘陵 abyssal plain 深海平原 abyssal region 深海区 abyssal sediment 深海沉积物 abyssal zone 深海带 acariasis 螨病 acarinosis 螨病 acaustobiolite 非可燃性生物岩 accelerated erosion 加速侵蚀 accelerated weathering 加速风化 acceleration 加速度 acceptance 接收 acceptor 收体 acceptor atom 受体原子 acceptor bond 接体合 accessory element 伴随元素 accessory mineral 副次要 accessory species 次要种 accidental ejecta 外源喷出物 accidental error 偶然误差 accidental species 偶见种 acclimatization 气候驯化 acclivity 上行坡 accompaniment element 伴生元素 accordance of summit levels 峰顶 面等高性 accordant junction 协和汇流平齐 汇流交合汇流 accordant junction of streams 协合 流 accretion gley 淤积潜育层 accumulated temperature 积温 accumulation 堆积 accumulation curve 累积曲线 accumulation horizon 聚积层 accumulation mountains 堆积山地 accumulation of assimilation products 同化物累积 accumulation of humus 腐殖质蓄 积 accumulation of organic matter 有 机质堆积 accumulative coast 堆积海岸 accumulative relief 堆积地形 accuracy 准确度 accuracy of measurement 测定准 确度


英译汉几个常见问题如下: 1)英译汉时语言组织不符合中文的讲话习惯。在不改变原文绝大部分意思的情况下,不需要字对字或者严格遵守英语语序,在获得原句含意后务必采用中文的思维将译文写出。要求是在读着看过译文后,不能让读着感觉到文章是翻译而得的,即不能留有丝毫翻译的痕迹。 2)英译汉时译文上下文的用词不一致。尤其是学术文献或论文的翻译,除了学术用语和专业用语需要准确,更重要的是全文上下文中同一个词或者短句翻译出的用词或短语必须一致。例如一开始将control panel翻译为“控制面板”,那么全文都不得改变这个译法。 3)英译汉时用词过于口语化。除了剧本,台词,字幕等需要口语化用词的翻译稿件以外。其余大部分翻译,例如文献,论文,合同,申请书,标书等,用词尽量书面化。例如“weight”在统计学和分析学中不可翻译为“给予数值”,必须翻译为“赋权”,两者意思相近,但是采用后者。 4)英译汉时词汇含意理解产生偏差。这是死记单词造成的后果。翻译中,在无上下文的情况下,除非是专有学术名词(例“diabetes”基本上永远都是糖尿病的意思),其余的单词很难说究竟是什么意思,我们只能说某个词大概是对照中文某个词的感觉,但是决不可死认一个意思,死认单词意思造成翻译不通、翻译错误等。当然也不能糊译,不能为了使句子翻译通顺而胡编一个意思。 5)英译汉时英语长句中的意群划分有误。原版的英语资料中长句较多,往往40-50个词之间没有一个标点,修饰成分和意群划分的错误会导致理解错误和翻译错误。原则上,英语中的各类从句,特别是状语从句在句子中的位置相对灵活,没搞明白其修饰对象就会错译。 汉译英几个常见问题如下: 1)汉译英时字对字翻译。这是翻译中最致命的错误,很多人以为认识对应的英语单词或者知道对应的英语单词,这句话才会翻译。其实不是,原则上四千词汇量就能解释大部分英语单词的含义,只不过大部分人不知道如何用简单词汇造句去描述或解释高难度单词。 2)汉译英时中式语序。何谓中式语序,即以“主+谓+宾”为主的句型。这种句子写多了,一旦遇上长句或者语法功能上缺少成分的句子就懵了。所以必须多读,多了解原版英语的句子是如何写的。 3)汉译英时短句太多。这里并不是指写英语短句不好,在考试中建议写短句,这是为了避免语法错误,当然也不要太短了。在较为正式的或专业性强的文本中,汉译英在必要时需要翻译成长句。例如不久前的某论文中的一句:筛选出对靶基因干扰效率最高的 HER2-shRNA慢病毒表达载体并成功包装成病毒去感染SKOV-3细胞而后在体外进行实验的结果显示Her2/neu的siRNA慢病毒载体可以显著抑制靶基因的表达并使卵巢癌SKOV3细胞的生物学行为明显受抑。因此,熟练掌握各类从句的写法和作用很重要。 4)汉译英时英语词汇词义辨析不清而导致误用,用词不准。大部分人的翻译习惯是,凡是中文有英文的对应单词,就二话不说直接用,其实这个是不对的。很多同义词意思相近,用法和所用的语境场合完全不同。例如“base”“basis”“foundation”,意思几乎相同,但是用法完全不同。尤其是学术文章,误用就导致歧义。 5)汉译英时逻辑混乱结构不清。汉译英中的逻辑和语句结构相当重要。逻辑混乱,即译文毫无章法,思绪混沌,不知所云。结构不清,即英语的从句或其他成分在句中的位置胡乱摆放,进行翻译的人员自然是清楚的指导这些英语句子的含义,因为是看着中文翻译过来的,想不知道中文含义都难,但是没看过中文的读着就会因此而看得云里雾里,从而导致读者难以理解译文。


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Failure Properties of Fractured Rock Masses as Anisotropic Homogenized Media Introduction It is com monly ack no wledged that rock masses always display disc on ti nu ous surfaces of various sizes and orie ntatio ns, usually referred to as fractures or joi nts. Si nee the latter have much poorer mecha ni cal characteristics tha n the rock material, they play a decisive role in the overall behavior of rock structures,whose deformati on as well as failure patter ns are mai nly gover ned by those of the join ts. It follows that, from a geomecha ni cal engin eeri ng sta ndpo int, desig n methods of structures inv olvi ng joi nted rock masses, must absolutely acco unt for such ‘‘ weakness' ' surfaeesahalysis. The most straightforward way of deali ng with this situati on is to treat the joi nted rock mass as an assemblageof pieces of in tact rock material in mutual in teracti on through the separat ing joint in terfaces. Many desig n-orie nted methods relat ing to this kind of approach have been developed in the past decades, among them,the wedlnown ‘‘ block theory, ' ' which attempts to ide ntify pote n- tially unstable lumps of rock from geometrical and kinematical considerations (Goodman and Shi 1985; Warburton 1987; Goodman 1995). One should also quote the widely used distinet element method, originating from the works of Cundall and coauthors (Cundall and Strack 1979; Cundall 1988), which makes use of an explicit ?nite-difference numerical scheme for computing the displacements of the blocks considered as rigid or deformable bodies. In this con text, atte nti on is primarily focused on the formulatio n of realistic models for describ ing the joint behavior. Since the previously men ti oned direct approach is beco ming highly complex, and the n numerically untractable, as soon as a very large number of blocks is involved, it seems advisable to look for alter native methods such as those derived from the con cept of homogenization. Actually, such a concept is already partially conveyed in an empirical fashion by the famous Hoek and Brown ' s criterion (Hoek and Brown 1980; Hoek 1983). It stems from the in tuitive idea that from a macroscopic point of view, a rock mass in tersected by a regular network of joint surfaces, may be perceived as a homogeneous continuum. Furthermore, owing to the existence of joint preferential orientations, one should expect such a homoge ni zed material to exhibit ani sotropic properties. The objective of the present paper is to derive a rigorous formulation for the failure criteri on of a joi nted rock mass as a homoge ni zed medium, from the kno wledge of the joi nts and rock material respective criteria. In the particular situation where twomutually orthogonal joint sets are con sidered, a closed-form expressi on is obta in ed, giving clear evide nce of the related stre ngth ani sotropy. A comparis on is performed on an illustrative example betwee n the results produced by the homogenization method,making use of the previously determined criterion, and those obtained by means of a computer code based on the distinct element method. It is show n that, while both methods lead to almost ide ntical results for a den sely fractured rock mass, a ‘‘ size ' ' or ‘‘ scale effect ' ' is observed in the case of a joints. The second part of the paper is then devoted to proposing a method which attempts to capture such a scale effect, while still tak ing adva ntage of a homoge ni zati on tech niq ue. This is achieved by resorting to a micropolar or Cosserat continuum description of the fractured rock mass,


Professional English for Industrial Engineering Chapter1 Unit3翻译 姓名: 专业:工业工程 班级: 学号: 完成日期:2015-10-31

Chapter 1 Unit 3 Academic Disciplines of Industrial Engineering 五大主要工程学科和它们的发展 在美国,有五个主要工程学科(土木、化学、电工、工业、机械),它们是早在第一次世界大战时就出现的工程分支学科。这些进步是世界范围内发生的工业革命的一部分,并且在技术革命的开始阶段仍在发生。 随着第二次世界大战的发展导致了其他工程学科的发展,比如核工程,电子工程,航空工程,甚至是电脑工程。太空时代导致了航空工程的发展。最近对环境的关注使得环境工程和生态工程也得到了发展。这些更新的工程学科经常被认为是专长学科包含“五大”学科,即土木,化学,电工,工业,和机械工程里的一种或多种。 和美国的情况不同,工业工程在中国属于第一层级管理科学和工程学科下面的第二级别的学科。 IE学科的开端 学科后来演变成工业工程学科是最初在机械工程系被作为特殊课程教的。首个工业工程的分部在1908年的宾夕法尼亚州大学和雪城大学被建立。(在宾夕法尼亚州的项目是短期存在的,但是它在1925年又重建了)一个在普渡大学的机械工程的IE选科在1911年被建立。一个更完整的工业工程学院项目的历史可能在资料中被找到。 在机械工程部有一个IE选科的实践是主要的模式直到第二次世界大战的结束,并且分离出来的IE部在整个上个世纪里的文理学院和综合大学里被建立。 早在第二次世界大战的时候,在工业工程方面,只有很少的毕业生水平的研究。一旦分开的学部建立之后,学士和博士级别的项目开始出现。 现代IE的教育—分支学科 今天,与过去相比,工业工程对于不同的人来说意味着不同的东西。实际上,一个发展一个突出的现代工业工程的方法是通过获得在它的分支学科和它怎么联系到其他领域的理解。如果在分支学科和工业工程相关联的领域之间有清楚的


1.素质教育:Quality Education 2. EQ:分两种,一种为教育商数Educational quotient,另一种情感商数Emotional quotient 3. 保险业:the insurance industry 4. 保证重点指出:ensure funding for priority areas 5. 补发拖欠的养老金:clear up pension payments in arrears 6. 不良贷款:non-performing loan 7. 层层转包和违法分包:mutlti-level contracting and illegal subcontracting 8. 城乡信用社:credit cooperative in both urban and rural areas 9. 城镇居民最低生活保障:a minimum standard of living for city residents 10. 城镇职工医疗保障制度:the system of medical insurance for urban workers 11. 出口信贷:export credit 12. 贷款质量:loan quality 13. 贷款质量五级分类办法:the five-category assets classification for bank loans 14. 防范和化解金融风险:take precautions against and reduce financial risks 15. 防洪工程:flood-prevention project 16. 非法外汇交易:illegal foreign exchange transaction 17. 非贸易收汇:foreign exchange earnings through nontrade channels 18. 非银行金融机构:non-bank financial institutions 19. 费改税:transform administrative fees into taxes 20. 跟踪审计:foolow-up auditing 21. 工程监理制度:the monitoring system for projects 22. 国有资产安全:the safety of state-owned assets 23. 过度开垦:excess reclamation 24. 合同管理制度:the contract system for governing projects 25. 积极的财政政策:pro-active fiscal policy 26. 基本生活费:basic allowance 27. 解除劳动关系:sever labor relation 28. 金融监管责任制:the responsibility system for financial supervision 29. 经济安全:economic security 30. 靠扩大财政赤字搞建设:to increase the deficit to spend more on development 31. 扩大国内需求:the expansion of domestic demand 32. 拉动经济增长:fuel economic growth 33. 粮食仓库:grain depot 34. 粮食收购企业:grain collection and storage enterprise 35. 粮食收购资金实行封闭运行:closed operation of grain purchase funds 36. 粮食销售市场:grain sales market 37. 劣质工程:shoddy engineering


Catastrophic versus uniform views of change and the age of the earth // 地球的灾变论和均变论之争以及地球的年龄 1.Ancient people quite understandably were impressed only by rapid and violent geologic processes. This led to a catastrophic view of the earth (commonly called catastrophism), which dominated European thought until 1850, Changes were thought to occur suddenly, rapidly, and devastatingly by a series of catastrophes. The most famous example of such a supposed catastrophe was, of course, the great Deluge of the old Testament, Others included volcanic eruptions at Pompeii and Thera as well as the Lisbon earthquake. // 古人往往对于快速的和猛烈的地质演化现象印象深刻,这导致了地球灾变性观点(通常称之为灾变论)在欧洲地质学界一直占主导地位,直到十九世纪五十年代,地质学家普遍认为地球演化是在一些列突发性、快速并具有灾难性的地质事件之后产生。支持灾变论最著名的例子如旧约全书所记载的大洪水时代,其他的地质事件如意大利庞贝古城火山的爆发,锡拉岛火山爆发,里斯本大地震等也是其有效的证据。 2.A parallel idea consistent with catastrophism was a universally accepted belief that the earth was but a few thousand years old, This conception is revealed in Shakespeare’s As You Like It, written around 1600, where reference is made to the age of the earth being about 6000years, In 1654 one of several more definite pronouncement came from Anglican Archbishop Ussher, who announced that, based upon his analysis of genealogies in the Scriptures and of astronomical cycles, the word had been created in the year4004B.C. on the 23d of October! Some years later, anotherauthority fixed an equally precise date for the great Deluge, November 18,2349 B.C. At that time, Practically all leading European intellectuals believed implicitly in a literal interpretation of the Bible, and so it is not surprising to find that a 6000-year age for the erath was gospel for fully 200 years. //与灾变论相一致的观点,且被广泛接受相信的是地球的年龄只有几千年。这个观点是在英国大文豪莎士比亚著作于大约公元1600年的《皆大欢喜》中所揭示,文中涉及到地球的年两大约在6000年左右。其后,相继有更明确的论点对这一观点进行佐证,其中之一,1654年,英国国教有曷休大教主声称,根据其对《圣经》中宗谱和天文周期的分析,地球是在公元前4004年10月23日创立,数年之后,另外一个更加权威、固定并同样精确的日期被计算出:大洪水时代是在公元前2349年11月18日。在那个年代,实际上几乎欧洲所有的主要知识分子都默默的赞成《圣经》上面的解释,因此地球年龄为6000年这一观点被传播了200年就不足为奇了。 3.In the seventeenth century, the Scriptural account of Creation was a point of departure for European science. Humans were considered early comers who lived for a time in paradise. As punishment for their sins, the Deluge was sent to throw the earth’s surface into chaos. Countless creatures suddenly were buried in sediments ,violent waves and currents scoured out valleys and piled up rocks to form mountains, and the earth was wracked by earthquakes and volcanic eruption. After the Flood, the mountains began to be worn down and valleys to be filled. //在17世纪,《圣经》的创作是出于对欧洲科学的记载:人类被认为是地球早期的到来者,他们之前居住在伊甸园,为了惩罚人类的罪恶,大洪水爆发,将地表陷入混乱之中,无数的生物被瞬间埋藏在土中,汹涌的洪水将地表冲刷成山谷,将石头堆积成山脉,同时,地球也遭受着地震和火山喷发的破坏。大洪水时代过后,山脉开始被磨蚀,山谷被填平。 4.When geology emerged as a vigorous intellectual pursuit around 1800, an alternative concept of earth change began to develop. It was now argued that the same common processes observed operating today were largely responsible for all past changes imprinted in the rock


翻译常用词汇 高枕无忧resting without worries 史无前例unprecedented in the history 不可一世a conquering hero 毫不示弱equally firmly 量体裁衣to act according to actual circumstances 一刀两断to cut it clean 与虎谋皮to ask a tiger for its skin 六亲不认to disown all one’s relatives and fri ends 英雄本色the true quality of a hero 英雄所见略同Great minds think alike. 每逢佳节倍思亲On festive occasions more than ever we think of our dear ones faraway. 上有好,下必有其焉。What the superior loves, his inferiors will be found to love exceedingly.大江东去,浪淘尽,千古风流人物。The Great River flows to the east: Its waves have washed away all the men of untrammeled spirit of a thousand ages. 上兵伐谋,其次伐交。What is supremely important in war is to attack the enemy’s strategy. Next best is to disrupt his alliances. 问君能有几多愁,恰似一江春水向东流。I wonder how many sorrows you have. They are exactly like the Yangtze River unceasingly flowing eastward in spring. 千呼万唤始出来,犹抱琵琶半遮面。Only after a thousand entreaties does she appear. Her face half hidden behind the guitar (pipa) in her arms. 吃得苦中苦,方为人上人。Only if you can stand the hardest of hardships can you hope to rise in society. 是非经过不知难You never know how hard a task is almost until you have done it yourself. 满招损Pride goes before a fall. / Pride spells failure. 适可而止Bind the sack before it be full. 好汉做事好汉当A true man has the courage to accept the consequences of his own actions.知己知彼,百战不殆。To know one’s and the enemy’s situation ensures victory. 牵扯之覆,后车之鉴。The overturned car ahead is a warning to the ones behind. 山雨欲来风满楼The wind sweeping through the tower heralds a rising storm in the mountains. 是故学然后知不足,教然后之困。Therefore, to learn makes us realize our deficiency, and to teach makes us know the difficulties. 人尽其才、地尽其利、物尽其利、货畅其流。Our human, land and material resources should be used to the best advantage, and our goods should be in good circulation. 父母有抚养教育未成年子女的义务,成年子女有赡养扶助父母的义务。Parents have the duty to rear and education their children who are minors, and children who have come of age have the duty to support and assist their parents. 中华人民共和国公民有劳动的权利和义务。Citizens of the P eople’s Republic of China have the right as well as the duty of work. 各民族公民都有用本民族语言文字进行诉讼的权利。Citizens of all nationalities have the right to use the spoken and written languages of their own nationalities in court proceedings.


中英文对照外文翻译文献 (文档含英文原文和中文翻译) Theory of the treatment Abstract: the landslide is a kind of global natural disasters, huge harmfulness, often to people's life and property security caused great hidden trouble.Meizhou of guangdong province in China is located in the southern margin of the five ridges mountains, rocks are mainly quartz sandstone in the devonian strata in the area, Permian limestone has a wide distribution and the Jurassic and cretaceous red sandstone, geological environment fragile, landslide is prevalent.In this paper, through examples on landslide hazards and control measures were briefly reviewed in this paper, the and the development prospect of prevention and control and control technology is prospected.


2019英语四级翻译常用词汇:教育词汇 成人夜校 night school for adults 在职进修班 on-job training courses 政治思想教育 political and ideological education 毕业生分酉己 graduate placement; assignment of graduate 充电update one’s knowledge 初等教育 elementary education 大学城 college town 大学社区 college community 高等教育 higher education 高等教育“211 工程” the “211 Project” for higher education 高等学府 institution of higher education 综合性大学 comprehensive university 文科院校 colleges of (liberal) arts 理工科大学 college / university of science and engineering 师范学院teachers’ college; normal college 高分低能 high scores and low abilities 高考(university/college) entrance examination 高校扩招 the college expansion plan

教育界 education circle 教育投入 input in education 九年义务教育 nine-year compulsory education 考研 take the entrance exams for postgraduate schools 课外活动 extracurricular activities 必修课 required/compulsory course 选修课 elective/optional course 基础课 basic courses 专业课 specialized courses 课程表 school schedule 教学大纲 teaching program; syllabus 学习年限 period of schooling 学历 record of formal schooling 学分 credit 启发式教学 heuristic teaching 人才交流 talent exchange 人才战 competition for talented people 商务英语证书 Business English Certificate (BEC) 适龄儿重入学率 enrollment rate for children of school age 升学率 proportion of students entering schools of a higher grade; enrollment rate

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