当前位置:文档之家› 大学英语二期末考试试卷(A卷)





一, Blank fillings (1*10)

1.The foreigner ____ the moon cake and found it very delicious.

A sampled

B looked

C made

D threw

2. My uncle’s generous contribution(资助) helped my wish to Europe __

A come to

B come true

C come together

D come on

3. The overcoat is ready ___ the buttons.

A but

B except

C expect that

D except for

4. Smoking is not ___ in the classroom.

A allow

B allowed

C permit

D let

5.Her husband’ scandal (丑闻) came as such a shock that it __ her __ the power of speech.

A stolen…from

B cheated…of

C robbed…of

D robbed…from

6.If the size of following (追随者的多少) were proof of quality, then Glazunov would be the a candidate (候选人) for the title if the greatest __ artist.

A live

B alive

C living

D lively

7. Racism (种族主义) is a deeply ___ prejudice which has existed for thousands years.

A rooted

B placed

C put

D grew

8. Will you ___ me?

A marry with

B marry to

C marry

D get marry

9. The new book I bought yesterday __ me 11 dollars.

A spent

B used

C cost

D paid.

10. Jane __ less than twelve pounds for her shoes.

A paid

B spent

C cost

D took

二、Match the definitions in Coolum B with the italicized words and phrases in Column A. (1*10)


11.Cause to become less in size, number ect. A. fixed desire

12.Eventually B. test a part of

13.Building expert C.make dirty or unfit for use

14.Promote D.at once

15.Good intention E. danger

16.Sample the pudding F. Able to produce more

17.My mother had scraped together G. collected with difficulty

18.Pollute the water H. Person with special skill or knowledge

19.I recognized it instantly I Decrease

20.hazard J. in the end

三、Reading Comprehension(30 points, 2 points for each item)

Passage One:Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage.

By the Treaty of Paris of 1763,which ended the war with the French and the Indians,England gained possession of Canada and all the territory east of the Mississippi River. French influence on this continent thus came to an end;England now controlled most of North America. But the war had been long and expensive. England had many debts. George III,king of England,after consulting with his advisers,decided that the American colonists(殖民者)should help pay some of the expenses of this war. A standing English army of 10,000 men had been left in the colonies(殖民地)for

protection against the Indians. The English government also felt that the colonists should share in the expenses of maintaining this army. The result was a series of measures,the Grenville Program,passed by Parliament and designed to raise money in the colonies. Some of these measures were accepted by the colonists,but one in particular,the Stamp Act,was met with great protest. The Stamp Act required that stamps,ranging in price from a few cents to almost a dollar,be placed on all newspapers,advertisements,bills of sale,wills,legal papers,etc. The Stamp Act was one of the causes of the American Revolution. It affected everyone,rich and poor alike. Some businessmen felt that the act would surely ruin their businesses.

Of all the voices raised in protest to the Stamp Act,none had greater effect than that of a young lawyer from V irginia - Patrick Henry. Henry had only recently been elected to the Virginia Assembly. Y et when the Stamp Act came up for discussion,he opposed it almost single-handedly. He also expressed,for the first time,certain ideas that were held by many Americans of the time but that never before had been stated so openly. “Is life so dear or peace so sweet,as to be bought at the price of chains and slavery?Forbid it,Almighty(万能的)God!I know not what course others may take,but as for me,give me liberty,or give me death!”

21.From the text we learn that ___________________.

A、Britain took over Canada from the Indians in 1763

B、there had been a war between the French and the Indians which ended in 1763

C、France used to have control of Canada and some areas east of the Mississippi River

D、the French still kept some influence in North America through the Treaty of Paris

22.The Grenville Program refers to ___________________.

A、King George IIIs plan to gather money in North America

B、the British governments desire to raise money in North America

C、a plan to share the expenses of maintaining an army in the American colonies

D、a decision of the British Parliament to collect money in the American colonies

23.The Stamp Act ___________________.

A、was an act about selling stamps at prices from a few cents to almost a dollar

B、required that all commercial and legal documents in America have stamps on them

C、was the main cause of the American Revolution

D、chiefly affected business people who felt it would ruin their businesses

24.From the text we learn that Patrick Henry ___________________.

A、had been a member of the Virginia Assembly for a long time

B、didnt know what courses to take to complete his studies as a lawyer

C、was almost the only one who openly protested against the Stamp Act

D、didnt value life or peace as much as other people did

25.This passage is mainly about ___________________.

A、one of the events leading to the American Revolution

B、the Treaty of Paris between Britain and France

C、the Grenville Program to raise money in the American colonies

D、Patrick Henry, a hero who opposed the Stamp Act

Passage Two:Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage.

A number of recent books have reworked subjects,forms and writing techniques. Todays children read stories about divorce,death,drugs,air pollution,political extremism and violence. Relying on the magic of the illustrator,all kinds of books are being published.

Before they know to read,babies can play with books made of cloth or books made to take in the bath. Later on,they are given picture books that may be cubical(立方形的)or triangular,outsized or very small. They also like work-books which come with watercolours and paintbrushes,and comic books(漫画册)filled with details where they have to spot a figure hidden among thousands of others.

Not that the traditional childrens books are being neglected. There are still storybooks where the pages pop up(跳起)when they are opened,to make a forest or a castle. Among the latest ideas are interactive stories where readers choose the plot(情节)or ending they want,and books on CD,which are very popular in rich industrialized countries.

The public has enthusiastically greeted the wealth of creativity displayed by publishers. “Previously,giving a child a book as often seen as improper,” says Canadian author Marie-France Hebért. Her books,published by a French-language publisher,sell like hot cakes in hundreds of thousands of copies. “Theres a real appetite for reading these days and I try to get across to children the passion for reading which is food for the mind and the heart,like a medicine or a vitamin.”

26.“Reworked” as used in Paragraph 1 means “___________________”。





27.In the second paragraph the author lists the kinds of books ___________________.

A、recently published

B、of various shapes

C、babies like

D、popular among children

28.Which of the following statements is true?

A、Books made of cloth came out earlier than picture books.

B、When you buy work-books you will be given free comic books.

C、Traditional childrens books are not being removed from market.

D、Babies cannot have books while taking a bath.

29.The expression “get across to children” in the last paragraph probably means “___________________”。

A、pass on to children

B、make children believe

C、teach children

D、get around to children

30.The main idea of the last paragraph is that people have ___________________.

A、warmly welcomed the abundance of wealth shown by publishers

B、warmly welcomed the enormous amount of creativity shown by publishers

C、showed great enthusiasm in publishers of treat wealty

D、reacted strongly to the unlimited creativity of publishers

Passage Three

Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage.

Every body gets sick. Disease and injury make us suffer throughout our lives until,finally,some attack on the body brings our existence to an end. Fortunately,most of us in modern

industrialized societies can take relatively good health for granted most of the time. In fact,we tend to fully realize the importance of good health only when we or those close to us become seriously ill. At such times we keenly appreciate the ancient truth that health is our most precious asset,one for which we might readily give up such rewards as power,wealth,or fame(荣誉)。

Because ill health is universal problem,affecting both the individual and society,the human response to sickness is always socially organized. No society leaves the responsibility for maintaining health and treating ill health entirely to the individual. Each society develops its own concepts of health and sickness and authorizes certain people to decide who is sick and how the sick should be treated. Around this focus there arises,over time, a number of standards,values,groups,statuses,and roles:in other words,an institution(体系;机构)。To the sociologist(社会学家),then,medicine is the institution concerned with the maintenance of health and treatment of disease.

In the simplest pre-industrial societies,medicine is usually an aspect of religion. The social arrangements for dealing with sickness are very elementary,often involving only two roles:the sick and the healer(治疗者)。The latter is typically also the priest(牧师),who relies primarily on religious ceremonies,both to identify and to treat disease:for example,bones may be thrown to establish a cause,songs may be used to bring about a cure. In modern industrialized societies,on the other hand,the institution has become highly complicated and specialized,including dozens of roles such as those of brain surgeon,druggist,hospital administrator,linked with various organizations such as nursing homes,insurance companies,and medical schools. Medicine,in fact,has become the subject of intense sociological interest precisely because it is now one of the most pervasive and costly institutions of modern society.

31.Which of the following statements is true according to Paragraph 1?

A、Nowadays most people believe they can have fairly good health.

B、Human life involves a great deal of pain and suffering.

C、Most of us are aware of the full value of health.

D、Ancient people believed that health was more expensive than anything else.

32.The word “authorize” in Paragraph 2 means “___________________”。

A、make way for

B、give power to

C、write an order for

D、make it possible for

33.In Paragraph 2,we learn that the sociologist regards medicine as ___________________.

A、a system whose purpose is to treat disease and keep people healthy

B、a universal problem that affects every society

C、a social responsibility to treat ill health

D、a science that focuses on the treatment of disease

34.According to Paragraph 3,which of the following is NOT true?

A、In the past,bones might be used to decide why people fell ill.

B、In pre-industrial societies priests sometimes treated patients by singing.

C、Modern medicine is so complicated that sociology no longer has a place in it.

D、There were only two roles in an elementary medical system,the patient and the one who tried to cure him.

35.The author of this passage is mainly concerned with ___________________.

A、sociological aspects in medicine

B、medical treatment of diseases

C、the development of medical science

D、the role of religion in medicine

四、Translate the following sentences into English。(20 points,4 for each)






五、Writing (30 points)

Nowadays,as we all know,pollution is very pervasive but hazard of course.Please write an article entitled “my view on environmental pollution .”in less than 120 words on your answer sheet.The following three outlines can lead you to finish this article,please follow them.

1.the phenomenon of pollution in our daily life.

2.the reasons for the pollution.

3.measure to solve this problem.

大学英语 期末试卷题型

《大学英语3》期末考试题型: 1、听力理解:25%(共25题,每题1分) 短对话7个、篇章理解2篇、复合式听写1篇,共25题,25分。 2、选词填空题:10% (共10题,每题1分) 3、阅读理解:20% (1)、完型填空1篇,10题,每题1分 (2)、传统仔细阅读1篇,5题,每题2分 4、翻译:25% (1)、句子翻译(中文翻译成英文):15% (5题,每题3分,15分) (2)、段落翻译(英文翻译成中文):10% (1题,10分) 5、作文:20% 注意:考试课文范围: 《大学英语3(新世纪)》:第三册第1、2、3、5单元 出题范围: 1、复习所学单元的生词、词组、搭配等,第二部分选词填空题在课后练习中出题: 《大学英语3(新世纪)》:课后练习 Words In Action 中Ex. 2 2、认真复习课文,段落翻译(英译中)从课文的Text A(新世纪)中抽取。 3、认真复习课后练习,句子翻译(中译英)从课后练习Translation1中抽取。 4、其余题目均从试题库中抽取。 另:请各位《大学英语3》任课老师提醒学生自带耳机,期末考试中有听力题型。

《大学英语1》期末考试题型: 1、听力理解:25%(共25题,每题1分) 短对话8个、长对话2篇、章理解3篇,共25题,25分。 2、选词填空题:10% (共10题,每题1分) 3、阅读理解:20% 传统仔细阅读2篇,10题,每题2分 4、翻译:25% (1)、句子翻译(中文翻译成英文):15% (5题,每题3分,15分) (2)、段落翻译(英文翻译成中文):10% (1题,10分) 5、作文:20% 注意:考试课文范围: 《大学英语1(新世纪)》:第一册第1、2、4、5单元 出题范围: 1、复习所学单元的生词、词组、搭配等,第二部分选词填空题在课后练习中出题: 《大学英语1(新世纪)》:课后练习 Words In Action 中Ex. 2 2、认真复习课文,段落翻译(英译中)从课文的Text A(新世纪)中抽取。 3、认真复习课后练习,句子翻译(中译英)从课后练习Translation中抽取。 4、其余题目均从试题库中抽取。 另:请各位《大学英语1》任课老师提醒大一新生购买耳机,期末考试中有听力题型。


精心整理 大学英语(一) 行政班级分级班级姓名学号 C. A measuring system. D. A control system. 2. A. Car prices. B. Car services.

C. The company’s business. D. The company’s culture. 3. A. It’s easy to do. B. It’s challenging. dialogue, there are some recorded questions. Both the conversations and questions will be spoken two times. Conversation 1

6. A. Breakfast. B. Dinner. C. A 5 dollar gift card. D. Bus service to the airport. 10. A. Make an appointment with her. B. Talk with her about a new order.

C. Send her an email about the shipment. D. Call her back when receiving the shipment. Directions: This part is to test your ability to construct grammatically correct sentences. It consists of 2 sections.


系2004级专业《大学英语》期末考试试卷(B) 楚雄师学院 2004 学年上学期期末考试卷 B 卷课程《大学英语》考试时间: 120 分钟 班级:学号 Section A Directions:In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken twice. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. Example:You will hear: M: Is it possible for you to work late, Miss Green? W: Work late? I suppose so, if you really think it's necessary. Q:Where do you think this conversation most probably took place? You will read: A) At the office. B) In the waiting room. C) At the airport. D) In a restaurant. From the conversation we know that the two were talking about some work they have to finish in the evening. This is most likely to have taken place at the office.Therefore, A) "At the office" is the best Answer. You should mark A) on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. 1. A) She's studying for a physics exam. B) She's planning her class schedule. C) She has a degree in astrophysics. D) She plans to graduate this year. 2. A) He already has a job. B) He wi11 probably work at the library. C) He needs to study full time. D) He plans to work at the library in the summer. 3. A) 35 miles per hour.


《大学英语 2 》复习资料 一、单词或短语英汉互译 1.将下列词语译成中文 (1)economist(2)goods(3 )profit (4)consumer(5)Interest 1. 经济学家; 2. 商品; 3. 利润; 4. 消费者 5.利息 (6)charge(7 )affect(8 )industrious (9)package(10 )machinery 6.收费 7.影响 8.勤劳的 9.包装10. 机械 (11)concern(12 )furniture (13)strong-willed(14 )snowstorm 11. 关心12. 家具 13. 意志坚强14. 暴风雪 (15)cosmetics 15. 化妆品 2.将下列词语译成英文 (16)投资(17)需求(18) 炊具 (19)市场(20)制造商 16.investment17. demand18. cooker

19. Market20.manufacturer (21) 破坏(22) 受益(23) 超过 (24)进口(25)资源 21.spoil22. Benefit23. Exceed 24. Import25.resource (26)条形码(27 )结账 (28)以防万一 26. universal product code27. check out 28. In case (29)气候(30 )免费 29.climate30. Free 二、单项选择题 1. Apparently, it wasn't an accident. Someone must have done it on(B). A. intention B. determination C. purpose D. reason 2. The young doctor could not sleep at night, the worsening condition of a patient(A)him. A. disturbing B. disturbed C. being disturbed D.to disturb 3. (D) Americans have different views on many issues,

云南师范大学商学院《大学英语2》期末考试 A卷及答案

云南师范大学商学院 2011---2012学年下学期《英语(2)》期末考试 试卷A 卷 座 号 学院(系) 专业 年级班级 学号 姓名 题号 I II III IV V VI 总分 累分人 复核人 得分 考试说明: 1、本试卷共 4 页,考试时间为 120 分钟; 2、考试方式:闭卷; 3、全部试题均答在试卷上。 I. Fill in the blanks with the words given below.Change the form where necessary. (本大题共20题,每小题1分, 共20分) sketch grateful assemble well-being symptom irritate defend challenge trial overall disorder slide illustrate decent mentality weep tap vital informed sensation 1、He quickly the view from the window. 2、I am extremely to all the teachers for their help. 3、This kind of bookcase can easily be using a screwdriver. 4、Let me give an example to the point. 5、The majority of residents here are _________ citizens. 6、I do not understand the ______________ of these teenagers. 7、He always has the_________________ of the masses at heart. 8、The affair is a ______________ of a global ecnomic crisis. 9、It really______________ me when he does not help around the house. 10、Several glasses________________ off the tray and crashed to the floor. 11、He ______________ bitterly when it was time for us to leave. 12、Listen ! Someone is_____________ on the window. 得分 评卷人 装 订线内不要答题


学号 姓名 系部 专业 班级 考试科目 考试时间 年 月 日 密 封 线 山东师范大学历山学院2013-2014学年第二学期 期末考试试题(B 卷) 试题卷 (时间120分钟,满分100分) 课程编号: 课程名称: 大学英语 适用年级: 2013级 适用专业: 非英语 学制: 三 注意:1、本试题试题卷共六页。 2、本试题所有答案应写在答案卷上,否则不予计成绩。 题号 Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ 总分 阅卷人 复核人 得分 Ⅰ ⅠListening Comprehension (15%) Section A Directions: In this section you will hear 10 short dialogues. At the end of each dialogue, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the dialogues and questions will be spoken twice. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the 4 choices marked A,B,C and D,and decide which is the best answer. Then write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. 1. Where did this conversation probably happen? A In a drug store. B In a shop. C In a supermarket. D In a restaurant. 2. When will the train leave? A 14:20 B 14:00 C 14:40 D 14:30 3. How many people are there in the man ’s family? A 5. B 4. C 3. D 6. 4. How is that school? A It's even worse than people say. B It's better than it used to be. C It's better than people say. D It's not as good as it was. 5. What is implied in the conversation? A The children were enjoying themselves. B The children didn't come to the party. C The children were giving a lot of fun in the party. D The children were not behaving themselves in the party. 6. What will the weather be like? A It will get better B Rainy C Sunny. D It is colder. 7. What does the woman mean? A She does not agree with the man. B She does not know what to do. C She agrees with the man. D She has a good idea.


大学英语阅读测试一(1) Part I??Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth) Directions: There are 4 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre. Passage One Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage. There are many famous museums throughout the world where people can enjoy art. Washington, D.C. has the National Gallery of Art (美术馆); Paris has the Louver; London, the British Museum. Florida International University (FIU) in Miami also shows art for people to see. And it does so without a building, or even a wall for its drawings and paintings. FIU has opened what it says is the first co mputer art museum in the United States. You don’t have to visit the University to see the art. You just need a computer linked to a telephone. You can call the telephone number of a university computer and connect your own computer to it. All of the art is stored in the school computer. It is computer art, produced electronically by artists on their own computers. In only a few minutes, your computer can receive and copy all the pictures and drawings. Robert Shostak is director of the new computer museum. He says he starts the museum because computer artists had no place to show their works. A computer artist can only record his pictures electronically and send the records, or floppy discs, to others to see on their computers. He can also put his pictures on paper. But to print good pictures on paper, the computer artist needs an expensive laser printer. Robert Shostak says the electronic museum is mostly for art or computer students at schools and universities. Many of the pictures in the museum are made by students. Mr Shostak said the FIU museum would make computer art funnier for computer artists because more people can see it. He says artists enjoy their work much more if they have an audience. And the great number of home computers in America could mean a huge audience for the electronic museum. 1. The main purpose of this passage is to give information about _______. A) museums throughout the world B) an electronic art museum in Miami, U.S. C) art exhibitions in Florida International University D) latest development of computer art 2. To see the art in FIU museum, you need _____. A) floppy discs B) a computer and a printer C) pictures and drawings on paper D) a computer connected to the museum by telephone line 3. _____ are stored in this museum. A) Paintings drawn by means of computer B) Different styles of paintings C) Old paintings D) Drawings done by art students of FIU 4. The museum was started when _____. A) Robert Shostak wanted to do something for computer scientists B) Robert Shostak wanted to help computer artists C) art students needed a place to show their works D) computer scientists wanted to do something about art 5. The phrase “an audience” in the last paragraph refers to _____ . A) art students B) computer owners C) exhibits D) electronic museum Passage Two


《大学英语 二》期末考试试题 I. Spell the following words according to the given meanings . (10%) 1. b___________ give birth to 2. e___________ leave unprotected; uncover 3. o___________ easily seen, recognized or understood 4. m__________ offer something for sale 5. s___________ fill something tightly with something else 6. b___________ consider or compare 7.f____________ provide money for 8. t___________ express intention of hurting, punishing, etc. 9. g_________ _______ act or be in opposition to 10.s________ _______ cause something to increase speed II. Choose the best answers: ( 20%) 1.April l st is day when strange things may happen and the best trick is that makes everyone laugh, including the “fool ”. A .the; one B .a; one C .the; the one D .a; the one 2.Dalian is well known for its mild climate, but it be very cold in winter. A .shall B .can C .should D .must 3.If we develop the world successfully, we must make sure that everyone is able to take part in the new world we create. A .are about to B .are going to C .are to D .will 4.—Did you really buy a new house in Beijing? — . A .How do you feel it? B .That ’s all right. C .Believe it or not D .It ’s up to you. 5.—Was it in 1969 the American astronauts succeeded landing on 姓名:______________ 班级:________________ 学号:_____________________ ……………………………………………………密……封……线……内……不……要……答……题…………………………………………………………


新编大学英语A2 期末考试试卷 Part I Listening Comprehension(20%) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Section A. A.An advertisement B.A newspaper C.Their work D.A dream A.On foot B.By car C.By bus D.By bike A.Three B.Four C.Five D.Six A.The restaurant provides good food B.She enjoys her part-time job C.The restaurant offers cheap food D.There are several cooks in the restaurant. A.The movie was disappointing B.The movie was expensive to see. C.He wants to see the movie again. D.He should have seen the movie at home. A.$ 64 A.$ 86 A.$96 B.$140 A.To stay at home B.To go to bed immediately C.To see a movie D.To go to a party. A.Tom is unable to hear well. B.Tom didn't say anything at the meeting. C.Tom doesn't listen to him. D.Tom went out before the meeting was over. for her aunt. somethingA. She bought


2011级快班大学英语(II)期末考试A卷答案 Part I. Writing (15%) 略 Part II. Translation (10%) 1.easily snap into pieces and then melt in the mouth 2.the latest economic proposal put forward by the President 3.there was no point in adjusting the plan 4.simply lose hope, or are becoming increasingly cynical 5.it was hard for him to become conditioned to rural life again Part III. Synomys (5%) 1-5. CCAAD 6-10. DABAD Part IV. Listening Comprehension (25%) 11-15. BDDBD 16-20. CAABB 21-25. BACAA 26-30. CCCD 31-35. DBBCB Part V. Vocabulary and Structure (5%) 36-40. CBBAA 41-45. BCBBC Part VI. R eading Comprehension (30%) 46-50. ADACD 51-55. DCBDB 56-60. ACAAB Part VII. Cloze (10%) 61-66. CADAB 66-70. CCDAA 71-75. CDCBA 76-80. DBAAD


Paper A Part I. Listening Comprehension (20 points) Section A 1. A. No, it does not. B. Thank you very much. C. Y es, it is. D. Really? 2. A. Y es, speaking. B. I am fine, thank you. C. I have bought something for you. D. I am a teacher of English. 3. A. Two hours. B. Two o’clock C. Two miles D. Two dollars 4. A. She’s from England B. She’s at home C. She’s my daughter D. She’s very well. 5. A. No, I don’t mind B. Do you mind if I turn down the TV Set? C. Y es, please D. Please don’t turn down the TV set. Section B 6. A. The fruit has not been washed yet. B. The seeds are not good to eat. C. Y ou should not eat the skin. D. It is not good to eat it raw. 7. A. He wants the woman to take a picture of him. B. He isn’t ready to show his pictures yet. C. The pictures are still being processed. D. He isn’t ready to take pictures yet. 8. A. Reading is more useful than watching TV. B. Watching TV is better than reading a newspaper. C. The newspaper is a good source for learning English. D. A combination of reading and listening is most effective. 9. A. Everybody was surprised by his attendance at the party. B. He had expected to come to the party for a long time. C. It was impossible for him to come to the party. D. He stayed home to study for his exam. 10. A. She will not make the decision for him.


新编大学英语A2期末考试试卷 Part I Listening Comprehension(20%) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Section A. 1. A. An advertisement B. A newspaper C. Their work D. A dream 2. A. On foot B. By car C. By bus D. By bike 3. A. Three B. Four C. Five D. Six 4. A. The restaurant provides good food B. She enjoys her part-time job C. The restaurant offers cheap food D. There are several cooks in the restaurant. 5. A. The movie was disappointing B. The movie was expensive to see. C. He wants to see the movie again. D. He should have seen the movie at home. 6. A. $ 64 B.$ 86 C. $96 D. $140 7. A. To stay at home B. To go to bed immediately C. To see a movie D. To go to a party. 8. A. Tom is unable to hear well. B. Tom didn’t say anything at the meeting. C. Tom doesn’t listen to him. D. Tom went out before the meeting was over.


大学英语(一) 行政班级分级班级姓名学号 I II III IV V 总分 (请将答案写在答题卡上) PartⅠListening Comprehension (15%) 听力题(共15得分 题,每题1分,共15分) Directions: This part is to test your listening ability. It consists of 3 sections. Section A Directions:There are 5 recorded questions in it. After each question, there is a pause. The question will be spoken only once. 1. A. A testing system. B. A monitor system. C. A measuring system. D. A control system. 2. A. Car prices. B. Car services. C. The company’s business. D. The company’s culture. 3. A. It’s easy to do. B. It’s challenging. C. He can get a high pay. D. He did the same job before.

4. A. She’ll meet a friend. B. She’ll take a flight. C. She’ll attend an interview at 5:00. D. She’ll see a doctor before 5:00. 5. A. She will report the complaint to the manager. B. The manager refused to talk to the man. C. The manager was on a business trip. D. She will deal with the complaint. Section B Directions:There are 2 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there are some recorded questions. Both the conversations and questions will be spoken two times. Conversation 1 6. A. Breakfast. B. Dinner. C. A 5 dollar gift card. D. Bus service to the airport. 7. A. His member card. B. His driving license. C. His credit card. D. His passport. Conversation 2 8. A. The telephone is out of order. B. The line is busy. C. He is at a meeting. D. He won’t be back until next Monday.


▆■■■■■■■■■■■■ 福建师范大学网络与继续教育学院 《大学英语( 2)》期末考试A 卷 姓名: 学号: 专业: 学习中心: 一、阅读: 20%(每小题 2 分) 12345678910 A A D D C A A B B C 二、交际用语 20% (每小题 2 分) 12345678910 B C C C A B D D D A 三、语法与词汇: 30% (每小题 2 分) 12345678910 A B C D D B B C C C 1112131415 A B C D D 四.英译汉: 30% (答题请不要超出边框) There is no separation for you between work and home. Even when at home, your work is the top priority. You are totally committed and driven to work, and your happiness is found in your work. Work always seems to take precedence over family and leisure time. You have no social life other than work-related events. (翻译题请在此空白处答题,否则不得分) 你不分工作和家庭 即使在家,你的工作也是最重要的。 你一心扑在工作上,只有在工作中才能找到快乐。 工作似乎总是在家庭和娱乐之上。 除了与工作有关的事情,你就没有社交生活了。 一、阅读: 20% ( 所有答案必须填在答卷 ( 1 ) Cars are important in the United people feel that they are poor. And even feel really poor when he has a car. Henry started making cars in large numbers. He much the car was going to affect America United States a nation on wheels. And it what it is today. There are three main reasons the the United States. First of all, the co Americans like to move around in it. T comfortable and cheapest form of transp can go any place without spending a lot o The second reason cars are popula States never really developed an efficie public transportation. Long-distance tr common in the United States as they are Nowadays there is a good system of air- But it is too expensive to be used frequen The third reason is the most im American spirit of independence is wha Americans don ’t likewaitto for a bus They don’t like to have to follow an them the freedom to schedule their own that Americans want most to have. The gas shortage has caused a big But the answer will not be a bigger syste The real solution will have to be a new ki use so much gas.

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