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八年级英语上册 Module 2 My home town and my country Unit 3

八年级英语上册 Module 2 My home town and my country Unit 3
八年级英语上册 Module 2 My home town and my country Unit 3

Unit 3 Language in use教案


●Knowledge objective

Get the students to be able to use the key vocabulary and new words they learn in this unit

●Ability objective

To summarize and consolidate-comparing places, comparative adjectives and four compass points(east, south, wes t, north).

●Moral objective

1. To be glad to take part in the group activities and enjoy the happiness.

2. To compare the western country with our country, to make us know our country is great.【教学重点】

To be able to write a passage to introdu ce one’s hometown and our country.


A tape recorder, multimedia and some pictures


Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Revision and lead-in

Revise the comparison of adjectives by filling the blanks.

Step 2 Language practice

To master the comparison of adjectives by filling the blanks.

Step 3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box

1.Read the word in the box.

https://www.doczj.com/doc/7812003895.html,e the correct form o f the wo rds to fill in the blanks.

Step 4 Work in pairs.

Talk about the pictures. Use the words from the box to help you.

Step 5 Now make comparisons

Look a t the pictures and make sentences by using the words in the box.

Step 6 Write sentences

Look at the table and use the information in the table to make sentences.

For example: Shenzhen is newer than Beijing.

Step 7 Words prac tice

1. Complete the word map. Use the words from the box. You need to use one word more than once.

2. Now work in pairs. Talk about your home town. Use the words in the word map to help you.

Step 8 Complete the sentences

1.Re ad the expressions in the box.

https://www.doczj.com/doc/7812003895.html,plete the sentences with the expressions in the box.

Step 9 Complete the passage with the correct form of the words in blanke t

Draw answers group by group and tell the correct answers.

Step 10 Listening

1.Look at the pictures and know about the cities.

2.Listen and complete the sentenc es.

Step 11 Around the world

Talk about the important cities in America.

Step 12 Writing

1.Work in pairs. Compare two places in your home town.

2.Write the information in the table.

3.Make a report and read your report to the whole class.

Step 13 Exercises

Do some exercis es and draw the answers from the Ss.

Step 14 Summary



Myhometownzhangjiakou我的家乡 张家口英语作文

My hometown zhangjiakou Zhangjiakou named mountain beyond the Greet Wall is my hometown,located in Hebei province and Inner Mongolia at the junction. In the history of military zhangjiakou is a hotly contested spot.zhangjiakou is divided into four districts and thirteen counties,dam and downstrears population 4500000 person. Zhangjiakou scenic area Jade Mountain Ski Resort is located in chongli county on the outskirts of peace in Forest Park.Jade mountain is 2100 meters above sea level,lush forests,beautiful enviroment,winter temperatures ranging from -15℃to-30℃.Every winter,snow flying over mountains here,crystal,from November to March are skiing. Zhangjiakou grassland dam is located in zhangjiakou city zhangbei county to the North,was the Qing emperor autumn tour game place.Here the air is pure,little population,is a complete preservation of natural grassland.Grassland during the summer weather is cool,flowers everywhere,Baiyun durian,grassland scenery around this time,you can live in Mongolia unique flavor packet,can bring their own tents. The fifth Taishan,for the East,West,South,North,in five prominent peaks.As the difference between the Mount Wutai in Shanxi province,hence the name of the fifth Taishan.The fifth Taishan,mountain forest,Guaishi forest,abundant warter,cave which,for a variety of animal breed created the richly endowned by nature condition,less human interference,the animal is rich in resources,has become a National Natue Reserve.


The SuperKids are at Peter and Toni’s house. Toni is in bed. She’s sick. Her mother is angry. The dog ate the newspaper. The dog is sad. There’s Peter and his friend Beth. Peter is happy. Beth is hot. Donny and Chip are on the sofa. They see something strange in the yard. What is it? Look at Mojo the mouse. He’s sleepy. Joey AND Lisa are in the bedroom. Joey has a toy alligator. Lisa is looking at a bird. She’s cold. Peter, Beth, Donny and Chip are looking out of the door. What do they see? It’s a spaceship. Donny is scared. Look, Beth and Donny are in the yard. Beth is talking to Pluto. Donny is talking to Jupiter. Pluto and Jupiter are aliens. They have a blue spaceship. Point to the living room. Who’s in the living room? Mojo the mouse. Hello, Mojo. Lisa is in the hall. Lisa’s father is in the bedroom. Point to the closet. Joey’s in the dining room? Peter and his mother. Look at the kitchen. What color is the kitchen. It’s green. Jupiter is meeting Lisa. Where’s Chip? He’s by the window. It’s windy outside. Pluto is in the spaceship. She’s talking to her friends. One is in rainy and foggy place. One is in a sunny and warm place. One is in a cloudy and windy place. One is in a snowy and cool place. He’s not happy. He’s cold. Point to the cat. It’s in the chair. What color is the cat? It’s purple. Point to Donny and Mojo. Donny has a kite. Donny , Mojo and Pluto are going to the park. It’s a windy day. The SuperKids are having fun in the park. What’s the weather like? It’s windy and cloudy. There’s Pluto. She’s on the swing. She has a watch. Look at Donny. He has a kite. Chip and Toni are running. Toni is happy now. She’s not sick. Point to Beth and Mojo. They’re playing on the jungle gym. Look at the slide. It looks fun. Peter and Jupiter like the slide. What’s that under the slide? That’s Peter’s hat. Point to the clock. What color is it? It’s green. It’s 12 clock. Are you hungry? The SuperKids are in a toy store. It has great toys. Point to the rockets. Find Mojo. He’s flying on a balloon. How many balloons? Seven balloons. Look at Pluto. She wants a


人教版八年级上册英语期末试卷及答案 距离八年级英语期末考试还有不到一个月的时间了,学生们在这段时间内突击做一些试题是非常有帮助的。下面是为大家精心整理的人教版八年级上册英语期末试卷和答案,仅供参考。 人教版八年级上册英语期末试卷题目一. 听力部分(25分) I.听句子, 选择正确答语。(5分) ( )1. A. No, I don t. B. Sorry, I d love to. C. Sure, I d love to. ( )2. A. Twice a month. B. Three times. C. About two weeks. ( )3. A. I went to school. B. I go to the park. C. I m going to visit Australia. ( )4. A. Two spoons. B. Two. C. One cup. ( )5. A. Because they re exciting. B. Because I can t stand them. C. Because they are very boring. II.听简短对话和对话后的问题,选择正确答案。(5分) ( )6. A.Jack. B.Nick. C.Mike. ( )7. A. About twenty-five minutes. B. About twenty minutes. C.About fifteen minutes. ( ) 8. A. A basketball player. B. A famous runner. C. A


My hometown I was born and grew up in Chongqing and what impressed me most are food, economy and climate. Hot pot, rice noodles, and Mapo Tofu are the food I like best. The I want to introduce three types of the economy in Chongqing: auto industry, services and shopping street. Finally, I want to talk something about three kinds of weather here:spring, summer and winter. I love Chongqing very much and also can let you fall in love with here. When I thinking of the three food, just feel hungry. Hot pot is the most famous food of Chongqing and many people eat together is very lively, but eating too much easy to get angry. The rice noodles is very cheap and everywhere, but some places are not very clean. Through the hardest food to do maybe is Mapo tofu, it's really delicious and nutritious. Of all the seasons, My favorite is Mapo Tofu, because my mother do it very delicious. In this paragraph, I want to introduce the auto industry, services and shopping street in more detail. The auto industry belongs to industry, it is the economic pillar of Chongqing and brings high revenue but pollute air. The service industry in Chongqing is very developed and bring the local government high income but also affect Chongqing’s morality to some extent. In Chongqing, the luxurious shopping streets everywhere and brings convenience to our life, though these makes our purses empty. After all, I most like shopping street because I can buy everything I want if money enough. The weathers of Chongqing in spring, summer and winter are seasonal characteristics. In spring, the recovery of all things, everywhere full of vitality, of course it brings opportunities for bacteria. Chongqing is one of the three fire cities, it is very hot in summer and I can't go out, this is really a good excuse for a day off. Although the winter of Chongqing can’t enjoy the beautiful scene of s now and cannot ski, it’s not very cold like northern cities. I think of all these above I prefer the spring of Chongqing, because it brings new hope.


朗文backpack少儿英语项目背景介绍 朗文backpack少儿英语项目所采用的教材均由全球最大的教育及出版集团——培生教育出版集团原版提供,由北京环球亚太教育咨询有限公司在大陆地区以项目授权、区域垄断的方式进行独家运营。 培生教育出版集团提供从学前教育到高等教育、从基础教育到高等职业认证,培生教育集团的教材、多媒体教学软件和测试系统覆盖全球用户上亿人。已出版的图书达40多万种,并以每年5万种新书的速度递增,涉及英语、计算机、工程、社科、政法等在内的几乎所有学科,目前,在北美、欧洲、日本、南亚、韩国、香港、台湾及中国内地的众多大学及中小学。 朗文(Longman)是培生所拥有的最著名的品牌之一。朗文(Longman)成立于1724年,1755年出版了世界上第一本英语辞典,迄今已经在全球55个国家(地区)以17种语言出版英语教育教学资源。朗文自上世纪70年代开始影响中国人的英语学习,在国内出版了《核心英语》、《Follow me》、《新概念英语》、《走遍美国》、《Side by Side》、《灵通少儿英语》等经典英语教材、读物和朗文系列英语辞典,畅销中国大江南北,影响了几代中国人的英语学习,尤其是《核心英语》、《Follow me》、《新概念英语》和《朗文当代英语辞典》在国内英语学习与教育领域具有里程碑意义。 本着品质为先,客户第一,服务至上的企业经营原则,为所有合作伙伴,制定出了一整套教学、经营、管理方案。 朗文backpack少儿英语项目是专门针对中国低幼龄儿童而设计的集少儿英语师资培训、少儿英语培训和少儿英语水平测评为一体的完整的世界级英语学习体系。其中,少儿英语培训为整个体系的核心,而师资培训和水平测试及市场支持是朗文backpack少儿英语项目强有力的保障。 席卷亚洲的世界级产品——朗文backpack少儿英语朗文backpack少儿英语项目是针对亚洲少儿而设计的集少儿英语师资培训、少儿英语培训的核心,而师资培训和水平测试及市场支持是朗文backpack少儿英语项目强有力的保障,为中国儿童不出国门就能学习到纯正英语提供了一个完美的空间。 《backpack》系列教材是朗文backpack少儿英语项目的核心,它是国际著名少儿英语教育专家专为英语为非母语国家的少儿精心的编写最新教材,包括十个级别。每个级别都专门设计了学生用书、学生练习册、教师指导用书、配套磁带和VCD、电脑课件、网上学习卡、教学挂图、教学卡片、亲子桥、书包、电脑课件、互动白板、导读机等丰富的产品。和幼儿英语水平测评为一体的完整的世界级英语学习体系。其中,少儿英语培训为整个体系 如何规避经营风险? ——朗文backpack少儿英语项目 朗文(Longman)是全球最大的教育及出版集团——培生教育出版集团所拥有的最著名的品牌之一。它成立于1724年,1755年出版世界上第一本英语辞典,迄今已经在全球55个国家(地区)以17种语言出版英语教育教学资源。朗文自上世纪70年代开始影响中国人的英语学习,在国内出版了《核心英语》、《Follow me》、《新概念英语》、《走遍美国》、《Side

小学四年级英语 Myhome教学设计与反思

My Home 一、教材依据 本课时教学是依据小学英语PEP教材四年级上册第四单元A部分Let’s learn和Let’s do设计而成。 二、设计思想 这个课时的教学目标本来主要是:1、让学生掌握单词study,bathroom,bedroom,living room,kitchen听说与认读。2、能说唱“Let’s do”部分的内容并能做出相应的动作。本人根据学生的实际程度和课程理念出发,又增加了两个教学目标:1、能听说词汇watch TV, read a book, have a snack, take a shower, have a sleep。2、完成一个交际任务:介绍自己的家。采用了新课标倡导的“任务型”教学途径。 在教学中,新单词的教学都应在一定的语言情境中呈现,并结合学生已经学过的语言结构、富有韵律和动感的“Let’s do”以及学生所喜好的歌曲和游戏活动进行大面积操练,巩固新语言,最后给出新语言框架:This is my home. You can see a living room, a bedroom, a …. I can watch TV in the living room, I can read a book in the study …. Welcome to my home!,通过老师示范、尖子生示范,让学生学会介绍自己的家,并在交际活动中活化新语言,完成学习任务。 三、教学目标 1.能听、说、认读单词study, bathroom, bedroom, living room和kitchen,并能在实际情景中加以运用。 2.能听懂并发出一些指令,如:Go to the living room/ …. Watch TV. Read a book. Have a snack. Take a shower. Have a sleep. 3.能用下列语言简单介绍自己的家:This is my home. You can see a living room, a bedroom, a …. I can watch TV in the living room, I can read a book in the study …. 4.培养学生对家的热爱。 四、教学重点 1.能听、说、认读单词study, bathroom, bedroom, living room和kitchen,并能在实际情景中加以运用。 2.能用简单的语言介绍自己的家,培养学生对家的热爱。 五、教学难点 能理解并会说Have a snack. Take a shower. Have a sleep.等语言,并能用下列语言简单介绍自己的家:This is my home. You can see a living room, a bedroom, a …. I can watch TV in the living room, I can read a book in the study ….


第一学期期末教学质量检测 八年级英语试卷 (总分:100 分时间:100 分钟) 题号第I 卷第II 卷总分 得分 评卷人 第?卷(共60 分 ) Ⅰ. 单项选择。(每小题 1 分,共15 分) ()1. Yesterday I only bought _________ for my cousin, but __________ for myself. A. something; something B. nothing; something C. nothing; nothing D. something; nothing ()2. We _________ our holidays in Hong Kong next year. A. visited B. spent C. are going to visit D. are going to spend ()3. My sister is as __________as her classmate Joe, so they are good friends. A. outgoing B. more outgoing C. the more outgoing D. the most outgoing ()4. Of all the boys, John does his homework ___________. A. more careful B. the most careful C. more carefully D. the most carefully ()5. There _________ a book sale in our school next month. A. will be B. will have C. was D. has ()6.Mr Smith plans _________ here much longer because he has lots of things to do. A.to keep B. keep C. to stay D. stay ()7. ——Does your brother __________ play soccer? ——Yes. He plays it every day. A. often B. never C. hardly ever D. sometimes ()8.Our son is going to study medicine when he __________ school. A. leave B. leaves C. is leaving D. left ()9.——Will you go boating this Saturday? ——___________. We will camp by lake. A. Yes, we will. B. No, we won ’t. C. Yes, we do D. No, we don ’t. ()10. ——Do you know Lin Shuhao? ——Yes, he is one of ____________ basketball player in NBA. A. popular B. more popular C. the most popular D. the more popular ()11. ——We’ll have a picnic _______ it doesn ’t rain tomorrow. ——Have a nice day. A. when B. because C. if D. since ()12.Susan, get some eggs and butter and _________. A. mix up them B. mix them up C. mix up it D. mix it up


灵通少儿第三册英语测试卷(U1-3) 姓名:得分: 听力部分 一.Listen and choose. ()1. A.hit B.sit C.big ()2. A. hot B.box C.up ()3.A.snake. B. sock C. hockey ()4. A.Monday B.Wednesday C. Tuesday ()5. A.cheese B. chicken C.shirt ()6 A. grapes B.crackers C. peanuts ()7.A.math class B .music class C. English class ()8.A.on Sunday. B. on Thursday C. on Friday 二.Listen and choose. ()1、A.今天星期二。B. 今天星期四。 ()2、A.我会杂耍。 B. 我会体操。 ()3、A.我喜欢打羽毛球。B。我喜欢打网球。 ()4、A.他有一些花生仁。 B. 她有一些薯片。 ()5、A.1:00 B. 3:00 ()6、A.当然。B。谢谢。 ()7、A.我最喜欢的运动时足球。B.他最喜欢的运动是跑步。 ()8、A.我们周二有课吗?B。我们周一有课吗? 笔试部分 A.filling the missing letters. 1. p_izz_ 2 . s_cc_ _ 3._ _eese 4.fi_ _

5._ _ one 6. ele_ _ant B.Choose the correct form to fill into the blanks. 1.My name ____( is ,am )Toni. 2.Do we have school on Monday?Y es,we ______(can,do). 3.She _______(like,likes)tennis. 4.He _______________(don’t like,doesn’t like)badminton. 5.Does Sandy like ping-pong?Y es,she _____(does,do). 6.I can juggle.Can you?No,I ____(can’t, can). 7.He ______(has,have)some pizza. 8 Does he ______(has,have) any potato chips?Y es,he does. C.Transformation. 1.She likes tennis.(改成否定句) 2、Does Peter like gymnastics?(给出否定回答) 3、He has some pizza. (改成否定句) 4、Does she have any watermelon?(给出肯定回答) 5、Do you want some pretzels?( 翻译成中文)


小学五年级优秀英语作文:My Home 下去是由语文迷网小编精心为大家整理的My Home英语作文范文,欢迎大家参考选择。 My Home【篇一】 I have a beautiful home .It is big and tidy. In my home, there are two bedrooms, a living room, a study, a bathroom and a kitchen. My father often stays in the living room. He watches Tv there. My mother often stays in the kitchen. She cooks there and she cooks well. And I often study in the study. There are many books in my study. I like reading very much. This is my home . What about your home? Can you tell me? My Home【篇二】 I have a warm home.I love my home. Into the gate, you will see a large living room.Turn left is the kitchen.If, go straight, then we can see three rooms.Central Which room is mine.It is not big, but very sweet.Room filled with my favorite doll.My parents are next to rooms. This is me at home.A lovely's home。 My Home【篇三】 My home is an old but comfortable house located in the suburbs of Wuhan.There are near it a few parks,a bus station and an elementary school.People in my neighborhood are friendly and cooperative.There is neither crime nor pollution there.Children are often found playing in the parks.A market,shops and a big department store are within walking distance.There are around us some more expensive,bigger and more beautiful houses,but none is as warm as mine.


Unit 4 My home 【单元学习内容】 本单元学习的主题是询问物品的位置。 【单元学习目标】 一、能力目标: 1、能够在真实或模拟的情境中运用句型Where is... Is she in the study Where are... Are they on the table 来询问物品位置。 2、能够在情境中运用句型Yes, she is./ No, she isn’t. Yes, they are./ No, they aren’t. 进行回答。 3、能够正确说出元音字母u在单词中的发音,并能够根据其发音规律拼读学过的语音例词。 二、知识目标: 1、能听、说、认读单词bedroom、study、kitchen、bathroom、living room、bed、table、sofa、fridge、phone。 2. 能熟练朗读并模仿本单元的对话。 3. 能理解Let’ s do内容,并按照指令做出相应的动作。 4. 知道元音字母u在单词中的发音. 5. 学唱歌曲。 三、情感目标: 通过学习本单元内容养成整齐摆放物品的好习惯。 【单元学习重点、难点】 本单元重点学习句型是:Where is... Is she in the study Where are... Are they on the table 及相应回答。本单元难点是复数的用法,It has...的用法。 【课时安排】 第一课时:A Let’s talk Let’s play 第二课时:A Let’s Learn Let’s do 第三课时:A Let’s spell 第四课时:B Let’s talk Ask, answer, and write 第五课时:B Let’s learn Let’s play 第六课时:B Read and write Let’s check Let’s sing Story time 第一课时 【学习目标】 一、能力目标: 1. 能用Is it/she … ?询问物品所在。 2. 能准确选择合适的语言表达自己的意愿,并能作出准确地回答。 二、知识目标: 1. 能熟练朗读并模仿本节课对话。 2、能表演本节课对话。 3、能在实际生活中运用本节课对话,能听懂会说Is she in the bed room?Yes, she is . No, she isn’t. Is it … ?Yes,it is/No,it isn't. I have … . Where's… 4、了解知识点:Is she in the study No, she isn’t. (一般疑问句am, is, are提前,肯定、否定回答等。)三、情感目标:热爱自己的家,积极参与劳动,做家务。 【学习重点、难点】 教学重点:句型Is she in/on/under/… Yes, she is./ No, she isn’t. 词汇:isn’t 教学难点:发音it is 连读,isn’t


八年级上英语测试 第I卷(选择题,满分50分) 一.单项填空(共20小题,总分20分). 从A,B,C,D四个选项中选出一个能填入句中空白处的最佳答案. 1.----Danny went to the gym yesterday.-----_____________. A.So Jenny did. B.So did Jenny. C.Jenny did so. D.So did Danny. 2.She is much______than last year. A.strong B.stronger C.strongest D.more stronger 3.I like the shoes,can I__________ A.try it on B.try on it C.try them on D.try on them 4.I'd like her_____________me at the gate. A.meet B.meeting C.meets D.to meet 5.He often watches people_____________by. A.go B.goes C.to go D.will go 6.Let's give her__________to eat. A.special something B.something special C.some pear D.a bread 7.Her cousin______swim when he_____six years old. A.can,is B.could,were C.could,was D.can,was 8.----Children enjoy________computer games.------I think so. A.play B.plays C.playing D.are playing 9.Mr.Green can________Chinese very________. A.speak...good B.speak...well C.talk...well D.say…well 10.Some people like________animals,others like________TV. A.watching;watching B.to watch;to see C.to see;to watch D.see,to watch 11.He knows nothing about Canada,________he A.doesn't B.does C.don't D.do 12.Thank you for________me. A.helps B.to help me C.helping D.help 13.His parents told him not________. A.be late B.to late C.to be late D.be to late 14.----Is that a new car----No,I_____it two years ago. A.have B.buy C.have had D.bought 15.Everyone except Tom and John_______there when the meeting began. A.is B.was C.are D.were 16.Let's_______a talk about learning Chinese. A.had B.having C.to have D.have 17.Remember to_______the lights after school. A.turn out B.turn down C.turn up D.turn on 18.-------------I have bought an English-Chinese dictionary. ---------------When and where_______you_______it A.do buy B.did buy C.have bought D.will buy


my hometown 英语作文范文 【篇一】 My home town is a beautiful place. It stands beside a wide river and is rich in fish and rice. But in the old days it was a poor and backward little town. Many people had no work. They lived a hard life. In 1949 my hometown was liberated. Since then great changes have taken place there. The streets have been widened. Factories, schools, hospitals, cinemas and theatres have sprung up one after another. The life of the people is greatly improved. I love my hometown. All the more I love its people. They are working hard so as to make it still richer and more beautiful. 【篇二】 My home town is a beautiful place. It stands beside a wide river and is rich in fish and rice. 我的家乡是一个美丽的地方。它毗邻一条宽阔的河流这里盛产鱼和大米。 But in the old days it was a poor and backward little town. Many people had no work. They lived a hard life. 但古时代,这是一个贫穷落后的小城镇,很多人没有工作,他们 过着艰苦的生活 In 1949 my hometown was liberated. Since then great changes have taken place there. The streets have been widened. Factories, schools, hospitals, cinemas and theatres have sprung up one after another. The life of the people is greatly improved.


推荐一些适合少儿英语学习的教材以及其优缺点 在当今这个信息化、全球化的社会,世界一流的科技文化大多是以英语为载体的。所以现在怎样培养孩子学习英语就是我国家长需要考虑的问题了,这里我推荐一个还不错的少儿英语培训机构叫阿卡索外教网。他是在线外教一对一的模式,外教上课互动特别多,上课体验很好,还有他平均一节课才13.8元,如果买课的话,还会赠送一些课时,非常划算,性价比非常高,而且他还有北美小学课程,纯正美国外教带孩子体验真实的美式课堂。好了我在这也不多说了,如果需要了解的,可以去他的官网看看,里面有少儿英语免费试听课可以听听看的。 下面推荐一些少儿英语学习教材并说说其优缺点: Super Kids:这套教材是朗文出品,其优点是书本印刷出色,配图清爽,拿到手上就非常有质感。知识点的分布也比较好掌握,一般的新师基本能够上。(当然我只是说能上,上的好不好那得个别分析) 但是这套教材非常贵,光教材一套就280多。玉碗自然要配玉箸,好教材自然也得请好老师来才能打造精品班,那么加上课时费,这个班的收费可就扶摇直上了,1级城市还好,2级城市的大部分家长无法接受。 新概念英语:这套教材的文章非常经典,适合学生背诵。而且教材涵盖了小学到高中的所有必须掌握的语法知识点,能够让学生学习和享受到真正的英语。但是它本身不具备较为正规的测评系统,没有考试,以至于学生很难全面客观地检验学习效果,并且知识比较陈

旧,与当代发生的新事,当前热门的话题,当下关注度高的问题稍有脱离。 剑桥少儿英语:这套教材优点是知名度广,配套的3P教学体系比较完善,教材生动活泼,游戏练习较多,能吸引孩子.另外由于此教材要求听说读写,比较全面。但它有个大缺点,就是句型语法不系统,它是以主题归纳的,所以主要以单词为主,还有就是词汇量句型量跨度过大导致学生无法适应,三级学完,词汇量可以达到初中。 阶梯英语:这套教材优点是环境好,配套多,语音非常纯正,语法也系统,有个大优点是它的自然拼音法,学后孩子基本看到单词就能读出来,对背单词很有好处.适合懂英语的家长在家辅导,缺点是太贵。还有进度慢,词汇量少。初级学完,词汇量达到小学毕业水平。 3L看听学英语:这套教材优点是语音纯正,句型语法清晰,也有语音的学习,价格也便宜,他的作者是新概念的作者,它的句型归纳很好,坡度也小,它的缺点是单词要求起点高,一般要求词汇量至少300才能学,配套练习少,1册学完词汇小学毕业水平。 灵通少儿英语:这套教材和剑桥英语有点象,比较生动活泼,不同的是主要是美语,语音比剑桥好得多,练习少点,写的要求低点,缺点和剑桥一样,句型语法不系统,它也是以主

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