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1.一根筋儿one track-minded.


Stop reasoning with him. Don?t you know he is one track-minded?

2.出众的人a lulu


Talking about being pretty, our company?s new secretary is indeed a lulu.


我知道怎样对付两面派,而且一眼就能看出谁是一贯两面讨好的人。I know how to handle two-faced people and can even tell at the first glance who are in the habit of running with the hare and hunting with the hounds.(注:run with the hare and hunt with the hounds指人两面讨好,不得罪任何一方的做法。)

4.傻大个儿a lummox


It is said that the lummox has loused up their company?s whole business.

5.收破烂儿的人a rag man


Those rag men going from door to door sometimes may also earn quite a handsome sum of money.

6.乡巴佬a hayseed


She insisted that she would not marry herself off to a hayseed, no matter how rich he was.



There are always riff-raffs hanging around in LaoZhang?s home, which gives you the feeling that Lao Zhang is not a good guy.



She?s born doormat ,afraid of going against anything.

9.面无表情的人a deadpan


You feel choked to work with those deadpans.

10.扫帚星a jinx


She?s said to b e a jinx, who would bring bad luck to whoever she marries.


1.海量have a hollow leg


Want to drink him under the table? Well…you can never do. He got a hollow leg, you know.

2.略胜一筹be a notch above


In oil painting, Mr.Zhang paints better than Mr.Li.But when it comes to water colors,Mr.Liu appears to be a notch above Mr.Zhang.

3.有头脑be a brain


He?s a brain, who wouldn?t be fooled into believing your babbling.

4.很能干to have a lot on the ball


I know Li Ming has a lot on the ball. But I?m not sure if he likes to work here.

5.有名无实a poor apology


The man you?ve just mentioned is but a poor apology for a writer. H is writings are tedious.

6.绞尽脑汁to rack one?s brain


He had racked his brain, but hadn?t been able to work out the answer to the problem.

7.没骨气have no guts.


I?m surprised to learn that XiaoGao had married th e man who had once done her father in. She rally has no guts.

8.真了不起really something


He overwhelmed so many of his opponents alone. He?s really something.

9.昙花一现a flash in the pan


That singer was only a flash in the pan. He disappeared into the air after having made one or two records.

10.寡不敌众be outnumbered


The girl was brave enough, but as being outnumbered, she was finally knocked into the middle of next week by the gang.

11.单枪匹马play a lone hand


When investing in a business, he always likes to play a lone hand.

12.出师不利get off one the wrong foot


His idea was good, but he got off on the wrong foot when he started doing it.

13.口才the gift of gab


Seldom have I met a girl who?s had such a gift of gab like Lee Lee?s.

14.还嫩点儿still wet behind the ears


Attempt to do me in? You are still wet behind the ears.

(be wet behind the ears 的字面意思是“像刚生下来的婴儿一样,耳朵后的根毛还是湿的那)

15.糊涂虫 a nitwit


You?re a real nitwit. Why should you badmouth his girlfriend in his face?

16.饭量小eat like a bird


She eats like a bird. A small piece of bread will be enough for her.

17.痛失良机Let something slip through one?s fingers


Yo u can?t be more stupid! How could you let such a golden opportunity to make big money slip through your fingers? It was an opportunity that comes once in

a blue moon.

18.抓住机会jump at the chance


You should have jump at such a good chance.

19.嘴硬never say uncle


That boy never says uncle. He wouldn?t admit he?s wrong for the life of him. 20.有门道have the means of


Mr.Zhang has always had the means of making money.

21.找到窍门get the hang of


I?ve now got the hang of learning English verbs.

22.占上风gain the upper hand


At the beginning of the game our team gained the upper hand. But by and by, we lost our strength.

23.有资格be in a position.


You?re not in a position to talk to him like that; He?s the boss there.



Only a fool will believe your blarney.

25.上圈套rise to a bait


Mr.Zhao again rose to the bait set by the guys.

26.头脑有点不正常have a few buttons missing


Anyone who says that must have a few buttons missing.

27.见机行事play to the score


When you are there with them, play to the score. Never act on impulse.

28唆使put somebody up to


There must be someone who had put him up to that.

29.心有余而力不足The spirit is willing, but the flesh is week.


30.轰动全世界set the world on fire


He boasted that if he could find the solution to the problem, the result of it would set the world on fire.

31.盲从follow like sheep


They actually know nothing about what fashion is. They?re only following others like sheep.

32.听其自然let things slide


With things as such, we?ll have to le t things slide.




XiaoWang?s always goofing-off----either making phone calls or going to the clinic to see doctors during office hours.

2.大动肝火be up in arms


The boss is up in a rms about the company?s poor sales record in the past few months.

3.保持冷静keep cool


She can keep cool even under heavy pressure of anger.

4.说话兜圈子beat about the bush

5.心怀叵测have an ax to grind


She always has an ax to grind. You should take whatever she says with a pinch of salt.

6.心数不正not have one?s heart in the right place


He doesn?t have his heart in the right place. He would find every

opportunity to stab in the back of others.

7.背后捅刀子stab in the back


I was taken aback and didn?t think Zhang would stab me in the back. I placed too much trust in her.

8.说某人的坏话badmouth somebody


I?ve never badmouthed anyone.

9.傻笑grin like a Cheshire cat


She?s a real nitwit. She would now and then burst out grinning like a Cheshire car for no reason at all.(Cheshire是英国的郡名:柴郡。据说此地有一种猫,常常会无缘无故地咧开嘴对主人笑。后来人们便以此来形容傻笑地的人

10.厚着脸皮去干have the gall to do


How can you have the gall to complaint about other people?s being lazy?

11.大献殷勤dance attendance


Xiao li is so good at dancing attendance on her boss.

12.血口喷人smite with the tongue


Take care not to offend her. She always smites with the tongue.

13.假惺惺的说speak with o ne?s tongue in one?s cheek


I feel sick of her. She always speaks with her tongue in her cheek.

14.这山望着那山高The grass is always greener on the other hill.


Almost all people see that the grass is greener on the other hill. They never feel satisfied with what they?ve already got.

15.上瘾get into one?s blood


It?s astoundingly funny that many harmful things usually get into our blood.

16.特别爱生气be quick to take offense



I?m really bored stiff with his sitting there doing nothing but beefing.

18.等不及了champ at the bit


Let?s shake the leg. The kids are champing at the bit.

19.点头哈腰bow and scrape


From the way she?s bowing and scraping in front of the boss, you?ll know what sort of person she is.

20.疯疯癫癫go gaga


Don?t take what he says so seriously. He?s always going gaga.

21.说话不算数go back on one?s words


We cannot account on him. He always goes back on his words.

22.废话连篇beat one?s gums


Who would enjoy sitting there listening to your beating your gums?

23.恩将仇报bite the hand that feeds one


Don?t you know she?s the one that would bite the hand that feeds her? 24.不忍心not have the heart to do


If I were you, I wouldn?t have the heart tot leave the kids at home uncared for.

25.勤快an eager beaver


He?s an eager beaver, never staying idle.

26.太不象话了The idea of somebody?s doing


The idea of your calling your mum damned!

27.懒透了be bone-idle


She?s bone-idle. She?s even tired of washing her own socks.

28.好客keep open house


Our neighbor keeps open house.

29.待客周到keep a good house.

She keeps a good house and always makes her guests feel content and satisfied.

30.正直be on the up and up


She?s always been on the up and up and I don?t think she would have done such a thing.

31.偷鸡摸狗be on the sly


Everyone around here knows that he?s a man on the sly.

32. 与……不合be at odds with


Don?t put them in the same group. The two of them are at odds with each other.

33.巴结buddy up


She?s so good at budding up to shoes in authorities

34.装傻play possum


I know you were only playing possum.

35.省吃俭用pinch and scrape


She?s always been pinching and scraping without ever wasting a single cent.

36. 花言巧语do a snow job


He did a snow job on the girl by saying that he is the son of a minister . 37. 哪壶不开提哪壶touch the tender spot


You were plain touching the tender spot. She was most sensitive to the topic of “ the third person”, who cut in between a couple.

38.脚踩两条船serve two masters


I don?t want to serve two masers at the same time nor do I like to run with the hare and hunt with the hounds.

39.吃醋be jealous

40.不当一回事as soon do …as look at …


He would just as soon offend other people as look at them.

41.说到做到be the equal of one?s words


He?s the equal of his words, never going back on them.

42.不依不饶take off the gloves to


You don?t need to take off your gloves to him like that.



I?ve never met a m an as gluttonous as him.

44.很乖as good as gold


His little daughter is as good as gold. She?s never been as rebellious as other children.

45.十分嫉妒be green with envy


Mr. Wang?s success has made many people around him gr een with envy.

46.满口脏话swear like a trooper


That guy has a foul mouth. He always swears like a trooper.



In my eyes they?re all sort of thin-skinned.

48.性子过急be too quick on the trigger


If you were not too quick on the trigger you wouldn?t have lost the deal.

49.撒娇play the woman


She …s so good at playing the woman before men.

50.占人便宜load the dice against


You?d better not to get involved with her. she always loads the dice against others.

51.为自己捞油水be on the take


In recent years many officials are readily on the take .Who would give much heed to the interest of the country?


1.犹豫不定be of two minds


I?m thinking of buying a car, but I?m still of two minds .I can hardly decide as

to which brand I should take.

2.心事重重some thing weighs heavily on one?s mind


The boss is quite down these days. He seems to have something weighing heavily on his mind.

3.埋头苦干keep one?s nose to the grindstone


These years those who?re keeping their nose to the grindstone can?t make bundles.

4.心凉了半截cool one?s ardor


Lily w as head over heels in love with their company?s boss and was thinking of marrying him, but the news that he had taken several girls for a ride cooled her ardor.

5.使人大为激动make one?s spine tingle


XiaoLi?s promise to marry him made his spine tin gle.

6.怀恨在心bear somebody a grudge


Take care not to offend him, or he?ll bear you a grudge.

7.感到四肢无力feel wobbly and rough.

8.受冷落feel left out


Who would like to feel left out at such a function?

9.不容易no cinch.


I know I?ve made some money, but it was no cinch to get it.

10.为难be in a pickle


I?m really in a pickle. I?m supposed to buy him a fur coat, but I don?t have enough money for such an item.(pickle作“困境”解)

11.苦苦哀求press one?s suit


She pressed her suit and asked her husband to give her another chance. (苦苦哀求:press one?s suit. suit 指“乞求或恳求”)

12. 闲得无聊twiddle one?s thumbs


These “old girls”network are twiddling their thumbs , sitting there either gossiping or forming into groups talking about other families? “skeletons”13.推卸责任pass the buck


When the boss was asking who had disclosed the news ,the two of them

began to pass the buck to each other.

14.承担后果face the music


It was done by the three of them. But none of them want to face the music now.

15.真烦人a pill


She?s really a pill, spending whole day harping and complaining.

16.饶不了某人not put anything past somebody


If he dare hit me below the belt, I won?t put anything past him.

17.一门心思have one?s heart set on


His daughter has had her heart set on marrying a Japanese man.

18.心烦意乱nerves on edge


I don?t know what has set my nerves on edge these days.

19.那可不行nothing doing


Want to use my car again? Nothing doing.

20.容易极了Nothing to it

你能说服我爸爸么?Can you convince my father?

说服你爸爸?那太容易了Convince your dad? Nothing to it!

21.到了极点one for the books


His performance was really one for the books.

22.觉得可疑了smell a rat

当他们同意把那批货以那样的价格卖给你的时候,你难道没有感到有些可疑么? Didn?t you smell a rat when they agreed to sell you the goods at such a price?

23.敬而远之give a wide berth to


You?d better give a wide be rth to a guy of his sort.

24.稍微……就行了give ……a once-over


The car?s not very dirty, a once-over will do.

25.无聊be for the birds


He? s plain for the birds. He would either crack a blue joke or talk about other people?s ma rriages.

26.合口味to one?s taste


This sort of music is quite to his taste.

27.心里特别难受be sick at heart


I felt sick at heart when I saw how much she was hurt.

28.别往心里去not take …to heart


Don?t take it too much to heart. She didn?t mean to hurt you.

29.死也不同意over one?s dead body


She said that she would marry you over her dead body.

30.头痛得快炸了a splitting headache


I have a splitting headache.

31.受到良心的谴责get one?s conscience smitten


You?ll get your conscience smitten sooner or later if you have the heart to abandon your wife and children.

32.忐忑不安have (a case of )the jitters


33.垂头丧气sing the blues


I don?t know why she?s singing the blu es these days.

34. 吓得直打哆嗦tremble like a leaf


He was trembling like a leaf at the news.

汉译英难点解析举例第一篇 形形色色的人

汉译英难点解析举例第一篇 形形色色的人&能力与智慧 1.一根筋儿one track-minded. 别跟他较劲了。他一根筋,你还不知道? Stop reasoning with him. Don’t you know he is one track-minded? 2.出众的人a lulu 要说漂亮,我们公司新来的秘书可算是个相貌出众的女孩子了。 Talking about being pretty, our company’s new secretary is indeed a lu lu. 3.两面派two-faced 我知道怎样对付两面派,而且一眼就能看出谁是一贯两面讨好的人。I know how to handle two-faced people and can even tell at the first glance who are in the habit of running with the hare and hunting with the hounds.(注:run with the hare and hunt with the hounds指人两面讨好,不得罪任何一方的做法。) 4.傻大个儿a lummox 听说那个傻大个儿把他们公司的买卖搞得一团糟。 It is said that the lummox has loused up their company’s whole business. 5.收破烂儿的人a rag man 那些收破烂儿的人走街串户,有时也能挣不少钱。 Those rag men going from door to door sometimes may also earn quite a handsome sum of money. 6.乡巴佬a hayseed 她说她决不会嫁给一个乡巴佬,不管他多有钱。 She insisted that she would not marry herself off to a hayseed, no matter how rich he was. 7.不三不四的人riff-raffs 老张的家里总来些不三不四的人,可想而知老张不是什么好东西。


汉译英三步骤: 1.理解原文 包括原文逐字逐句的理解、对原文整体思想、观点和态度的理解,也包括对原文句子之 间和各部分之间相互关系的理解。 2.英语表达 在正确理解原文的基础上进行的,不是一对一的死译,而是在理解原文的基础上用相应 的英语结构、词汇和表达习惯准确的表达原文的意思。 3.核对检查 认真阅读自己的译文,要用挑错的眼光来检查译文是否正确表达了原文的意思,是否有 漏译、错译,译文语法如时态、语态、单复数形式和拼写上是否有错误。 汉译英翻译技巧: 1.选择恰当的英语词汇 有些英语词汇不仅有字面意思,还有内含意思。 e.g.“国家”:country, nation, state, land 分别内涵:疆土、人民、政府、感情 有些英语词汇本身含有贬义或一些委婉的意思,运用时要特别注意。 e.g.“宣传”publicize, propaganda (带贬义) 汉译英选词原则: (1)选适合上下文的词汇 e.g.“观众”:audience,viewer, spectator 分别表示:听音乐会或看戏的观众、电视观众、看体育表演的观众 “条件”不同情况下应用不同的英语词表达: 工作条件:working condition 有利的条件:favorable situation 录取条件:admission requirement 付款条件:terms of payment 词汇选择首先要忠于原文的意思。 e.g.近年来由于就业问题日益严重,有些人建议让没有工作的未婚妇女来替换那些 家务繁重的女工。 “就业问题”:employment problem, unemployment problem(找不到工作就业已 成问题,即失业问题) “没有工作的妇女”: women without jobs, women hunting for jobs(没有工作又 需要找工作的妇女,不需找工作的并不包括在内) (2)要注意词的广义、狭义、具体的意思和抽象意思的不同 e.g. ①他讲的笑话逗得我们都笑了。 ②他讲的话使我们大家都笑了。 ①His joke made us laugh. ②What he said make us laugh. We all smile at what he said. (3)选词时不要望文生义,不要死译,要考虑与汉语对应的英语词汇真正的意思。 e.g.①他们的好奇心得到了满足。


2019年英语翻译中级笔译:汉译英难点解析8 The clear heaven overhead was emptied of all its gold. Dusk spread over it, abruptly darkening the Seven Hills. 译文:天宇澄清,余晖尽敛,夜幕降临,罗马七丘顿时昏暗。 (翁显良译) 赏析:读这样的译文,是否让你想到了盛行于汉魏六朝时期的赋?一般说来,过多的美化译文很容易歪曲原文的意义和精神,而此处译 文却同原文在意义和精神上丝丝相扣,这就是见译者功力的地方了。 These alternations of mood were the despair and joy of Ethan Frome.(Edith Wharton: Ethan Frome) 译文:她这样一会儿一种情绪,叫伊坦时而灰心,时而高兴。 (吕叔湘译) 赏析:将"alternations of mood" 掰开译为"一会儿一种情绪",后面跟上叫伊坦时而如何,时而如何,自然,流畅。对比原文和译文,自能体会译者翻译手段的高超。 Is it necessary to shout ? 译文:说话就说话,非得叫唤不可吗?(吕叔湘译) 赏析:简简单单,普普通通的英文句子,一到吕叔湘先生手里, 他总能译出特色。"Is it necessary to shout"句子本很简单,换作 另一个人来译,八九不离十是类似这样的一句:"有必要大喊大叫吗" 或者更通俗一点"干吗嘲嘲嚷嚷的"也能够说是"信,达,切"了,而吕 先生却并不甘心,为了译出说话人的含蓄,委婉的口气,他将原句译成"非得叫唤不可吗"并在前面加上"说话就说话"这么一句,将说话人 不愿或不敢张扬事态,想好言好语同听话人交流的心理曲曲折折地传达 了出来。


Passage 1 女士们、先生们:很高兴能有机会参加这次“中国日”年会。亚洲是世界上最大的洲,拥有世界60%的人口。它资源丰富,历史悠久。中国式亚洲的一员,同所有亚洲人民一样,中国人民勤劳智慧。中国人民愿与所有亚洲人民一起,共创亚洲的美好明天。 Passage 2 我们非常高兴能和你们在英格兰度过这样一段愉快的时光。在告别英格兰的时候,我觉得自己对它和它的历史有了更多的了解。我们希望在不久的将来能在中国接待诸位,请诸位看看中国的变化。现在,我提议为东道主的健康干杯!希望在不久能看见你们。 Passage 3我非常感谢您热情友好的欢迎辞。印度是最古老的文明摇篮之一,访问印度是我的强烈愿望。我为能成为贵公司的客人而深感荣幸。这次访问给予我一次很好的机会结交新朋友。我公司同印度有着有好的合作关系。我们在许多领域里的合作都取得了重大进展。我们的合作是富有成效的。我们将继续成为和睦共助的伙伴关系。 Passage 4今晚,我们很高兴在北京大学接待格林博士和夫人。我代表学校的全体师生员工向格林博士和夫人及其他新西兰贵宾表示热烈的欢迎。中新两国教育界人士的互访,增进了相互间的了解和学术交流。我相信格林博士这次对对我校的访问必将为进一步加强两校的友好合作关系做出重要贡献。明天,贵宾们将要赴南京和上海访问,我预祝大家一路旅途愉快。 Passage 5今天各位能出席这个招待会,我们深感荣幸。欢迎到中国来。在发展对外贸易中,我们坚持“互相尊重、平等互利”的原则,这一原则有助于发展我们各国独立的民族经济。我愿借此机会对各位朋友给予我们的合作和支持表示感谢。 Passage 6 在这个满天星斗、举国同庆的夜晚,我谨代表公司的全体同仁,感谢各位来宾从百忙之中拔冗光临我们的春节联欢晚会。春节是我国一年中的良辰佳时,我希望各位中外同事共度一个轻松、欢快的夜晚。我愿外国来宾能尽情品尝中国的传统佳肴和美酒。我希望这次晚会能使我们彼此有机会沟通、增进友谊。最后我再次感谢各位嘉宾的光临,并祝各位新年健康、事业有成。 Passage 7近年来,中国在交通方面的资金投入每年都有所增加,公路建设因此有了很大发展。到去年末,这方面的投资超过了人民币3,200亿元。自从我国实行西部大开发策略后,西部的公路建设也得到了迅速发展。在今后的几年里,西部地区将继续成为公路建设的重点地区。 Passage 8中国加快发展,将给中美关系发展提供新的机遇与动力。例如,中国的旅游业带动航空业的发展,已经给美国企业带来了可观的实惠。中国从美国进口大量的大豆、小麦等农产品,为美国农业提供了广阔的市场。我相信,中国完全有可能在未来的20年乃至更长的时间里,继续保持稳定快速的经济增长。 Passage 9中国是一个发展中国家,人口多,底子薄,农村地区经济不发达。穷


一、翻译下列句子,注意选词: 1.人民现在为什么拥护我们?就是这十几年有发展。 2.由于全球气候变暖,海平面在一点点地上升。 3.改革开放也使民族精神获得了解放。 4.我们的企业应着重提高国际竞争力。 5.中国的现代化建设离不开与世界各国的经济合作与贸易往来。 6.湖区水位提高可能要危及竹子的生长。这意味着以竹子为食物的大熊猫也将 受到威胁。 参考译文: 1.Why do people support us? Because our economy has been developing. 2.The sea level is rising little by little in the consequence of global warming. 3.Reforms and the open policy have also emancipated the minds of the people. 4.We need to be enhancing international competitiveness. 5.China’s modernization is inseparable from her economic cooperation and trade ties with other nations. 6.Higher water levels in the lake area may endanger the growing of bamboos, which means giant pandas that feed on these plants will suffer, too. 二、物称与人称(翻译下列句子,注意运用物称表达法) 我想到希望,忽然害怕起来了。 他气得话也说不出来。 我一时想不起他的名字。 我疏忽了这个问题。 我兴奋得什么话都说不出来。 走过草地几步,我们就到了一个华丽的大酒店。 你只消仔细比较一下,就会发现不同。 一看到那棵大树,我便想起了童年的情景。 恕我孤陋寡闻,对此关系一无所知。 凭良心讲,你待我礼貌有加,我却受之有愧。 参考译文: The access of hope made me suddenly afraid. Anger choked his words. His name escaped me for the moment. This point slipped my attention. Excitement deprived me of all power of utterance. A few steps across the lawn brought me to a large, splendid hotel.


上海基础口译汉译英难点解析 在这个问题上我们兜了这么长时间的圈子了,现在也该说点真格的了We have been beating about the bush on the matter for so long and it’s time to talk turkey. 孩子打嗝了,让他喝口水吧。 The kid is making a belch. Give him a drink. 每次去参加舞会,她都打扮得特别漂亮。 Every time she went to a dance, she would always be dressed up to the nines. 错过他人 bark up the wrong tree 也可能是我错怪了她,不过她确实经常和一个男人出去。 I may have been barking up the wrong tree, but she does go our a lot with a man. 汉译英难点解析:凑合fill the bill 凑合fill the bill 我没有新的,你先拿这个去凑合用吧。 I don’t have a new one, but you may take this to fill the bill. 从小看大,他现在不好好学习,将来也不会有什么出息。 The child is father of the man. From the way he loathes studied you know that he’s not the one among those that will make the mark. 1 ——文章来源网络,仅供参考


近代中国经历了一段积贫积弱、任人宰割的历史。落后就要挨打,这是中国人民从屡遭外来侵略的悲惨经历中得出的刻骨铭心的教训。一个国家只有首先自强,才能在世界上自立一百多年来,中国人民为实现中华民族伟大复兴的目标进行了不懈努力。 China experienced a period of enduring impoverishment and long-standing debility in its modern history and was for a time at the mercy of other countries. Lagging behind leaves one vulnerable to attacks, which is the never-forgotten lesson the Chinese people have learnt from their tragic experience of repeated foreign invasions. A country has to strengthen itself before it can be sure of its place in the world. For over a hundred years, the Chinese people have made unremitting efforts toward the goal of rejuvenating the nation. 中华人民共和国成立后,中国人民自力更生、改革开放、与时俱进,在社会主义建设中取得了举世瞩目的伟大成就。当前,中国人民坚定不移地抓住发展这个第一要务,正满怀信心地为全面建设小康社会、实现现代化而团结奋斗。 Since the founding of the People’ s Republic of China, the Chinese people, through self- reliance, have carried out the national program of reform and opening up and, by keeping pace with the times, have made great achievements in building socialism that have caught the attention of the world. At present, the Chinese people stay focused on the primary task of development, working together with full confidence to build a moderately prosperous society in all respects and striving to achieve modernization.


英语翻译中级笔译:汉译英难点解析1 导读:本文英语翻译中级笔译:汉译英难点解析1,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 评价,疑虑和问询 1. 崭新的brand new. 他买了一台崭新的轿车 He bought a brand new car. 2. 太便宜了be dirt cheap 这块手表才花了30美元,真是太便宜了。 You bought this watch only for 30 dollars? It’s dirt cheap. 3.费事儿take a lot of doing 做鱼特别费事儿,我可不愿意洗阿,淹阿,钝阿什么的。 It takes a lot of doing to cook a fish. I wouldn’t like to spend a lot of time washing, salting, stewing and whatnots for the cooking of it. 4.知道底细have someone’s number 别跟我瞎吹了,我又不是不了解你的底细。 No big talk with me, I have your number. 5.精品the choicest goods 这家商店卖的手表都是精品,而且种类还特别多。 This shop sells a wide range of watches, all of which are the choicest. 6. 了解一下情况get the lay of the land 经理说他想让我们先去海南了解一下那里的情况,然后再决定投资的事。

The manager said that he would like us to go to Hai Nan and get the lay of the land there before deciding on the investment. 7.掌上明珠the apple of someone’s eye 玲玲是她爷爷的掌上明珠 Ling Ling is the apple of her grandpa’s eye. 8.让人恶心turn one’s stomach / make one sick 听她讲话,看她和男人讲话的那股劲头儿真让我恶心。 Listening to her and seeing the way of her talking with men really turns my stomach. 9. 惹麻烦了be in a jam 小张这次可惹麻烦了,昨天他又让警察给逮着了。 Xiao Zhang’s in a jam now. He was copped out again by the police yesterday. 10.关系很好be on good terms with 据说老张和那个部长的关系特别好 It’s said that Lao Zhang is on very good terms with the minister. 11.甜头儿sugar plum 如果不尝到点甜头儿,她是不会干那种事的 She wouldn’t do that if she hadn’t got sort of sugar plum. 12.什么都敢赌can bet one’s bottom dollar 她绝对不会和他结婚的,这个我什么都敢赌。 I can bet my bottom dollar that she won’t marry him for anything. 13.美中不足a fly in the ointment 我喜欢那套房子,但美中不足的是离上班的地方太远。


1. 主语的确定 ?主语的三种处理方法: ?①以原句主语作译文主语 ?直接法 ?②重新确定主语 ?间接法 ?③增补主语 ?添加法 ?①直接法 ?例句1:我们的房子是一百多年前制造的。 ?Our house was built over a hundred years ago. ?例句2:我是地球人。 ?I come from the earth. ?例句3:如果不恰当地处理,锅炉及机动车辆排出的废气就会造成城市空气污染。 ?Exhaust from boilers and vehicles, unless properly treated, causes air pollution in cities. ?例句4:如果说,词汇是语言的“建筑材料”,那么,句子便是文章的“基本部件”。 ?If vocabulary is the “building materials” for language, sentences are the “fundamental parts” of writing. ?例句5:中国有两点是靠得住的,一是讲原则,二是说话算数。 ?China can be counted on. Among other things, first, it upholds principles and second, it honors its words. ?例句6:人有失错,马有漏蹄。 ?As a horse may tumble, a man may make mistakes. ?非常简单

?文化差异 ?应用有限 ?②间接法 ?中英文表达的习惯不同 ?语言地道,句式多样 ?例句7:世纪之交,中国外交空前活跃。 ?译法1(直接法):At the turn of the century, China is very active in its diplomatic activities. ?译法2(间接法):The turn of the century finds China most active on the diplomatic arena. ?例句8:1964年十月中国爆炸了第一颗原子弹,使世界大为震惊。 ?译法1:In October, 1964, China blasted its first atomic bomb, which shocked the rest of the world significantly. ?译法2:China’s first atomic blast in October, 1964 was a great shock to the rest of the world. ?例句9:胎又瘪了。 ?译法1:We’ve got another flat tire. ?译法2:Our tire is flat again. ?例句10:人不可貌相,海水不可斗量。 ?译法1:It is impossible to judge people from their appearance, and impossible to measure the ocean by pints. ?译法2:We cannot judge people from their appearance, just as we cannot measure the ocean by pints. ?回忆:海纳百川,有容乃大。 ?③增补法 ?推敲语境 ?考虑英语语法习惯和行文的需要。


1. 犹豫不定be of two minds 我打算买辆汽车,可心里一直犹豫不定,不知道买那个牌子的好。 I’m thinking of buying a car, but I’m still of two minds. I can hardly decide as to which brand I should take. 2. 心事重重some thing weighs heavily on one’s mind 老板这几天沉默寡言,看起来好像是心事重重的。 The boss is quite down these days. He seems to have something weighing heavily on his mind. 3. 埋头苦干keep one’s nose to the grindstone 这年头,只会埋头苦干的人是挣不了大钱的。 These years those who’re keeping thei r nose to the grindstone can’t make bundles. 4. 心凉了半截cool one’s ardor 莉莉深深爱上了公司的老板并打算嫁给他,但是当她听说他玩弄过几个女孩子之后,她的心都凉了半截。 Lily was head over heels in love with their company’s boss and was thinking of marrying him, but the news that he had taken several girls for a ride cooled her ardor. 5. 使人大为激动make one’s spine tingle 小李答应与他结婚使他大为激动。 XiaoLi’s promise to marry him made his spine tingle. 6. 怀恨在心bear somebody a grudge 千万别得罪他,他会对你怀恨在心的。 Take care not to offend him, or he’ll bear you a grudge. 7. 感到四肢无力feel wobbly and rough.


汉译英 现在我自己已是几个孩子的父亲了。我爱孩子,但我没有前一辈父亲的想法,帮孩子一直帮到老,帮到死还不足。我赞美前一辈父亲的美德,而自己却不能跟着他们的步伐走去。 我觉得我的孩子累我,使我受到极大的束缚。我没有对他们的永久的计划,甚至连最短促的也没有。 “倘使有人要,我愿意把他们送给人家!”我常常这样说,当我厌烦孩子的时候。 唉,和前一辈做父亲的一比,我觉得我们这一辈生命力薄弱得可怜,我们二三十岁的人比不上六七十岁的前辈,他们虽然老的老死的死了,但是他们才是真正活着到现在到将来。 而我们呢,虽然活着,却是早已死了。 参考译文: Now I myself am a father of several children. Though I love my kids, still I do not share the idea of father and people of his time that one can never do too much in his lifetime to help his children. Much as I admire father and people of his time for their moral excellence, I can never follow in their footsteps. I think of my children as an encumbrance to me. I haven't worked out a long-term plan for them, nay, not even a short-term one.


汉译英 句子的翻译专题 1. 主语的确定 ?主语的三种处理方法: ?①以原句主语作译文主语 ?直接法 ?②重新确定主语 ?间接法 ?③增补主语 ?添加法 ?①直接法 ?例句1:我们的房子是一百多年前制造的。 ?Our house was built over a hundred years ago. ?例句2:我是地球人。 ?I come from the earth. ?例句3:如果不恰当地处理,锅炉及机动车辆排出的废气就会造成城市空气污染。 ?Exhaust from boilers and vehicles, unless properly treated, causes air pollution in cities. ?例句4:如果说,词汇是语言的“建筑材料”,那么,句子便是文章的“基本部件”。 ?If vocabulary is the “building materials”for language, sentences are the “fundamental parts”of writing. ?例句5:中国有两点是靠得住的,一是讲原则,二是说话算数。 ?China can be counted on. Among other things, first, it upholds principles and second, it honors its words. ?例句6:人有失错,马有漏蹄。 ?As a horse may tumble, a man may make mistakes. ?非常简单

?文化差异 ?应用有限 ?②间接法 ?中英文表达的习惯不同 ?语言地道,句式多样 ?例句7:世纪之交,中国外交空前活跃。 ?译法1(直接法):At the turn of the century, China is very active in its diplomatic activities. ?译法2(间接法):The turn of the century finds China most active on the diplomatic arena. ?例句8:1964年十月中国爆炸了第一颗原子弹,使世界大为震惊。 ?译法1:In October, 1964, China blasted its first atomic bomb, which shocked the rest of the world significantly. ?译法2:China’s first atomic blast in October, 1964 was a great shock to the rest of the world. ?例句9:胎又瘪了。 ?译法1:We’ve got another flat tire. ?译法2:Our tire is flat again. ?例句10:人不可貌相,海水不可斗量。 ?译法1:It is impossible to judge people from their appearance, and impossible to measure the ocean by pints. ?译法2:We cannot judge people from their appearance, just as we cannot measure the ocean by pints. ?回忆:海纳百川,有容乃大。 ?③增补法


汉译英翻译技巧 一、分清主从(Subordination) 汉语句中各分句关系比较松散,所以在动笔前应认真分析句子要旨所在。句中重点往往在后。英译时,要突出重点或主句,其他部分可分别用介词短语,非谓语动词形式或各种从句表示。 1、没有农业,人们就不能生存,社会生产就不能继续下去。 Without agriculture, people cannot exist, neither can social production proceed. 2、他们一听到“反霸”就火冒三丈,这充分暴露了他们那霸权主义的蛮横嘴脸。 The fact that they fly into a rage at a mere mention of the expression“anti- hegemony”is enough to reveal their true colours as a domineering hegemonists. 3、有人以为社会主义就了不起,一点缺点也没有,哪有这个事? Some believe that socialism is just perfect, without a single flaw. How can that be true? 4、但是,象我们常说的那样,道路总是曲折的,前途总是光明的。 But as we have often said, while the road ahead is tortuous, the future is bright. 二、选词用字(Diction) 在汉译英时应特别注意选找与原文中在意义上和风味上尽可能都类似的词语。 1、每个民族都有它的长处,不然它为什么能存在?为什么能发展? Every nation has its own strong points. If not, how can it survive? How can it progress? 2、树雄心,立壮志,向科学技术现代化进军。 Foster lofty ideals, set high goals and march forward for the revolution of modernization of science and technology. 3、我国的社会主义建设,需要一个和平的国际环境,需要一个国内安定团结, 天下大治的局面。 For its socialist construction, China needs an international environment of peace and a domestic situation of stability, unity and great order. 4、论技术,她那时还不如我,但思想却比我高得多。 Professionally she was then not yet my equal, but ideologically she was head and shoulders above me. 三、增益(Ampification) 汉译英时的“增益”技巧的运用,有时是为了使英美人理解原文的精确含义,有时是为了遵循英语的行文习惯。 1、交出翻译之前,必须读几遍,看看有没有要修改的地方。这样才能把工作做好。 Before handing in your translation, you have to read it over and over again and see if there anything in it to be corrected or improved. Only then can you do your work well. (英语行文时人称代词,物主代词用得较多) 2、她挑水,生炉子,洗东西,忙个不停。 Fetching water, building the fire, washing --- she had her hands full every minute. (增益为了意译) 3、他们一听说有新任务,就坐不往了。


汉译英 中国人民自古以来的哲学思想就是“和为贵”、“和而不同”,我们历来主张中美两国文明虽有不同,却不相斥;虽有差异,却能交融。作为世界上有重要影响的大国,中美应该相互尊重、相互学习、求同存异、取长补短,为不同国家、不同文明之间和谐共存、进行建设性合作树立榜样,为实现人类的共同发展作出贡献。 Since ancient times, China's prevailing philosophy has been one that preaches "peace is most precious" and "harmony without uniformity." We always believe that though the Chinese and U. S. civilizations are different, they can easily get along with each other instead of repelling each other. As major countries of global influence, China and the United States should respect and learn from each other, seek common ground while shelving differences, and complement each other with respective strengths. In so doing, we can set a good example for different countries and civilizations to live side by side harmoniously and engage in constructive cooperation, making a contribution to the common development of humanity. 去年8月,美国波士顿斯诺敦公立高中的9名学生来到中国,到河北和北京与中国学生开展了为期半个月的“美中城市学生看中国”活动。活动中,两国学生克服语言和文化障碍,超越习俗和偏见,通过沟通和互动,结下了深厚的友谊。美国学生学会了唱中国歌曲《茉莉花》、画中国山水画。“我们喜欢中国!”是他们由衷的心声。中国学生练就了标准的美式发音,还学会了跳美国街舞。依依惜别之时,两国学生彼此承诺:努力学习,健康成长,未来再相会。 Last August, nine U.S. students from Snowden National School in Boston joined Chinese students in Hebei and Beijing in a 15-day program entitled “U. S. and Chinese


一、英译汉翻译的基本程序 1.通读并透彻理解原文。翻译之前仔细研读原文,解决好“翻译什么”的问题。边读边琢磨,确切理解原文所述事物本身的含义与之相关的外延联想,如原句的中心意思是什么,有没有褒贬义或寓意,对其中的修饰语的把握等。 2. 组织语言。考生要根据上下文的语境选择适当的词汇和表达手段。 3. 表达。考生要从内容和语言两方面来考虑译文,尤其注意不能扭曲原意,不能错译或漏译。 4. 审校。这是英汉翻译过程中必不可少的环节。考生将自己的译文与原文进行对照,看看译文是否忠实于原文,是否通顺易懂,是否符合汉语规范。 二、英汉翻译的基本方法 直译与意译 直译指基本保留原有句子结构,照字面意思翻译;意译是在不损害原文内容和精神的前提下,为了表达的需要,对原文做相应的调整。如: Good marriage doesn’t just happen. They take a lot of love and a lot of work. 直译:好的婚姻不会仅仅发生—它们需要大量的爱和大量的工作。 意译:幸福的婚姻不是凭空发生的---它需要你为它付出大量的爱和做大量的工作。 或:美满的婚姻不会从天上掉下来---你必须为它付出大量的爱,做大量的工作。很显然,本句话的意译要比直译更符合汉语表达习惯。当然,一句话并不限于一种译法,要根据具体需要而定。一般来说,在英汉翻译考试中,如果直译能达意就用直译,如果直译效果不好,就应该考虑意译。只要译文内容忠实,意思明白就行了。 顺译法(又名句型对应法) 顾名思义,顺译法(句型对应法)就是按原文句子结构的排列顺序进行翻译,这种译法适合于原文叙述层次与汉语相近的长句翻译,如只含名词性从句的复合句、前置的状语从句或从句在后的长复合句等等。 As an obedient son, I had to accept my parents’ decision that I was to be a doctor ,though the prospect interested in me not at all. 作为一个孝顺的儿子,我不得不接收父母的决定,去当大夫,虽然我对这样的前途毫无兴趣。 3.倒译法 倒译法就是颠倒原文句子结构的排列顺序来进行翻译。 例1: The moon is completely empty of water because the gravity on the moon is much less than on the earth. 因为月球的引力比地球小的多,所以月球上根本没有水。 例2:The football students can be removed from the university if they fail to pass their examination. 作为足球运动员的学生如果考试不及格就要被开除。 4.分译法 分译法,又称拆译法,也是一种基本的句法变通手段。从被分译成份的结构而言,分译大致可以分为单词的分译、短语的分译和从句的分译三种。 单词的分译即拆词,将难译的词从句子主干中拆离出来,另作处理,这种方法常常引起句式上的调整,英译汉中要拆译的词常常是形容词和副词。如: 1


1)这种力,是一般人看不见的生命力,只要生命存在,这种力就要 显现。 2)凭窗站了一会,微微的觉得凉意侵入。转过身来,忽然眼花缭乱, 屋子里的别的东西,都隐在光云里;…… 3)这架收音机该有多大的重量啊!它载着解放区人民的心,载着全 中国人民的希望,载着我们国家的命运。 4)看着信,林震不禁独自笑起来了,他拿起笔把“中于”改成“终 于”,准备在回信时告诉他们下次要避免别字。 5)人无千日好,花无百日红。 6)除了我这间房,大院里还有二十多间房呢。一共住着多少家子, 谁说得清住两间房的就不多,又搭上今儿个搬来,明儿个又搬走。 我没那么好的记性。大家见面,招呼声“吃了吗”透着和气。 7)肝炎是全球关注的健康问题。亚洲是全世界肝炎患者最多的地区。 8)特别是比较偏僻落后的农村,还残存着少数包办买卖婚姻的陋习。 9)于是,暮色中匆匆的人群里,总有我赶路的身影,雨里、雾里、 风里、雪里,只盼着早些回家…… 10)判断我们各方面工作的是非是失,归根到底,要以是否有利于 发展社会主义社会的生产力,是否有利于增强我国的综合国力,是否有利于提高人民的生活水平为标准。 11)小路两边,是两行小柳树。树枝细细的,柳叶沙沙响。嫩叶上 刷着一层白色的绒毛。 12)密蜂是在酿密,又是在酿造生活;不是为自己,而是为人类酿 造最甜密的生活。 13)几件小摆设,每一件都代表着一个故事,珍藏着它们就象珍藏 着一份份美好的回忆。 14)我听了他的话,试着站直了身子,突然视野开阔了,天地变大 了,只见身前是水,身后是水,水连着天,天连着水。

15)在那里,古树摇曳春秋,山花自谢自开,植被茸茸生烟。 16)我厂生产的地毯图案新颖、色调雅致、美丽大方富丽堂皇。 17)天气这样闷,十之八九要下雨。 18)我们要培养出适应社会主义现代化建设需要的一代“四有新 人”。 19)花朵虽然看上去可爱,但风吹不得,日晒不得。 20)她虽是女流,但不受旧思想约束,担任了一家进步杂志的编辑。 21)语言这东西不是随便可以学好的,非下苦功不可。 22)为此我拼命干活,连春节也不例外。 23)他见到你连魂都丢了。 24)我突然发现童稚是一种最机智最完美的智慧,甚至这种智慧隐 寓着深刻的哲理。 25)素以能“吃苦耐劳”而著称的中国人,现在竟自觉不如“西洋 人”或“东洋人”能吃苦了。 26)搞环境保护的同志真马虎,昨晚下那场大雪,竟没有校园巡 视。…… 27)有一位歌手,有一次地唱完了歌,竟没有一个人鼓掌。 28)她双眼无一丝表情,人们简直以为她根本没有看见对方。 29)人们啊,往往如此,有时在一起工作几十年,却依然形同陌路, 有时,才碰头,就好象几辈子之前就相知了。 30)他个子足有二米,每进屋门必须低头,才能躲过门框子的拦击。 31)唉,和前一辈做父亲的一比,我觉得我们这一辈生命力薄弱得 可怜。 32)节日的高潮是除夕夜,在旧年与新年交替之时,家庭全体成员 要聚在一起吃年饭,菜中有道菜是鱼,而且有人讲究不能把它吃守,图个“年年有余”的吉利。 33)对于爱恋中的情人来说,这不是雾,是晶莹温暖的初雪,是撩

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