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我英语差,在五月份的时候我英语一次模考还考57分(发挥失误,正常当时已经70多分了的)。我们班有个女生那次作文得了58分。我以为我声音不大的给她说,你光作文都比我英语总分高了……几秒钟后,全班终于忍不住爆笑= =。








基础训练(9) 一.单词拼写。(Book one Unit 5) 1.The best we can hope for is a state of ____________ (和平的) coexistence between East and West. 2.It is ___________ (不公平的)that he gets very little in ____________ (酬劳) for his hard work. 3. It is well-known that all men are ____________ (平等的) in the eyes of the law. 4.Bill Gates is a ____________ (大方的)person,who has given away millions of dollars to help many poor children. 5.He was involved in a bank robbery and was ____________ (判刑)to three years in prison. 6. It is ____________ (不合法) to read people’s private letters without permission. 7.I remembered the beatings and the ____________ (残忍) of the guards and my friends who had died. 8. The girl wrapped herself with a ___________(毯子) to keep herself warm. 9. The famous actress first appeared on the _________(舞台) only in her teens. 10.The two boys who were _________(打架)in the playground were ordered to stop. 11. My uncle received a doctor’s ___________(学位) of medicine in America in 1998 and returned to China the following year. 12. He obtained 89% of the _________(选票)and was elected president of the Party. 13. Nelson Mandela was put in __________(监狱)a few times. 14. People often value the _________ (质量)of a product rather than its packaging. 15. The _________(罪犯)was charged with robbing a bank and _______________(判刑)to death. 16. He offered ____________ (指导) to poor black people on their legal problem. 17. My father was promoted to a higher ___________(职位)for his achievements. 18. I stayed in Japan for only a short ___________ (一段时间) of time. 19. Those boys are so helpful that they are always _________(乐意的) to help others. 20. George Bush was elected ___________ (总统) of the USA a second time in 2004. 21. All my family are well _________(受教育的), of whom my brother studied in Harvard University. 22 Some students are very ________(活跃的)in answering teachers’ questions while others just keep silent when asked any question. 23. I _________(真诚地)hope that you won’t let me down. 24. To his ________(恐惧), he found a figure coming towards him in the darkness. 25. What really worries those parents is that there is too much sex and ___________ (暴力)on TV. 26. The rain ___________(连续) falling all afternoon. But it came to a stop by dark. 27. PRC is short for the People’s _____________(共和国) of China.. 28 The _________(青年时期) play an important role in building our country. 29 I have been a ___________(同盟,联盟) member for 3 years. 30 Stick to your ____________(原则)and tell him that you won’t do it. 31.A tiger __________(逃跑)from its cage in the zoo last week.

工程硕士 研究生英语基础教程课后习题 Unit1-15 汉译英全部 精校版

工程硕士研究生英语基础教程(汉译英Unit1-15) Unit 1 B. 1. 她计划自己创业。 She plans to set up her own business 2. 态度也很重要。 Attitude also matters. 3. 她在客人们到达之前把所有家具都擦亮了. She had polished all the furniture before the gusts arrived. 4. 有些经理不知道如何与人打交道handle Some managers have no idea how to handle people. 5.我们完成那项工程的时间打破了记录(record) We finished the work in record time. 6. 她喜欢东西都摆好以后再开始工作。She likes everything to be in place before she starts working. 7. 她常常一天工作12小时。(put in) She often puts in 12 hours’ work a day. 8. 他是从报纸上得到这一信息的.(acquire) He acquired the information from the newspapers. 9. 我们部门有一个助理的职位空缺. ( Associate professor 副教授lecturer 讲师) There’s an opening for an assistant in our department. 10. 该组织旨在促进各国之间的友谊. The organization works to promote friendship between nations. Unit2 B. 1. 今晚她很可能给我打电话。(likely) She is very likely to ring me tonight. 2. 我看不懂这篇文章(beyond) Understanding this article is beyond my capacity. 3. 新刷的一层油漆可使房间焕然一新(transform) A fresh coat of paint can transform a room. 4. 做事不先考虑总会导致失败。(result in) Acting before thinking always results in failure. 5. 他估计那项工作需要三个月。(estimate) He estimated that the work would take three months. 6. 我们相信这个协议将会积极地促进两国之间的贸易。 We believe that this agreement will positively promote the trade between our two countries. 7. 新机场必将推动这个地区的旅行业。 The new airport will certainly push ahead the tourism in this region. 8. 网络经济将对人们的生活产生重要的影响。 Net economy will have significant influence on the people’s life. 9. 在昨天的会议上,他提出了一个新的经济发展计划。 At the yesterday’s meeting, he brought forward a new plan for the economic development.


基础训练(10) 一.单词拼写。(Book four Unit 5) 1.The plane crashed in the tropical _________(丛林)and a few passengers miraculously survived. 2. What ________ (品牌)of cellphone do you use? Moto. 3. The __________(主题)of his lecture is to encourage young people to set goals in their life and try to achieve them with all efforts. 4. As humans, we should show respect for all living ___________(生物). 5. This library is fitted with modern __________(设备); it offers us a pleasant place to read and study. 6. We were __________(逗乐) by his funny stories at the party. 7. Are there any ___________(志愿者)clean the classroom? 8. Father bought me a pair of world famous __________(运动鞋). 9. You can see __________(种类) of animals in the zoo. 10. As a __________(翻译), you should know both Chinese and English quite well. 11. China is a country with a total of 55 __________(少数民族). 12. We take the ________ to and from work every day. It is very convenient 13. She likes to make a dress herself with the ________ (布料)she chooses. 14. Stop daydreaming a nd don’t live in a world of __________(幻想). 15. How much do you _________(要价) me for a single room per night? 16. For kids under 6, no ____________(入场费)is needed to the park. 17. The scientist is _____________(实验) with mice to test how well the new medicine works. 18. The new athlete’s ___________(技术) has improved a lot in the past season(赛季). 19. The company doubled its __________(利润) in the year of 2006. 20. While visiting a scenic spot people often buy some ___________(纪念品). 21. ___________(先进的)ways of management must brought in to improve the efficiency(效率). 22. I work out at the gym to build up an ________ (体格健壮的) build(体格). 二.代词专项训练。 1. No progress was made in the trade talk as neither side would accept the conditions of_________. A. others B. the other C. either D. another 2. I'm moving to the countryside because the air there is much fresher than________ in the city. A. ones B. one C. that D. those 3. I made a call to my parents yesterday. To my disappointment, ______ of them answered it. A. either B. none C. neither D. nobody 4. First, it is important to recognize what kind of person you are and which special qualities make you different from _______. A. everyone else B. the other C. someone else D. the rest 5. You will find as you read this book that you just can't keep some of these stories to


基础差,考研英语一5个月备考如何考到75? 大家都知道考验是一个十分艰难的过程,从刚开始上大学的时候我从来没有过考研的想法,我是一个喜欢享受生活的人,所以不愿意把自己逼的那么“惨”。某天看到了朋友在朋友圈分享知乎上的一篇“心灵鸡汤”式文章,这碗鸡汤灌得我心服口服瞬间让我有了考研的想法。原因很简单,就像那句歌词唱的:“生活不止眼前的苟且,还有诗和远方的田野。”现在我就跟大家分享一下我基础差,英语到底是如何在5个月内的时间里考到了75分的。 前三个月:我决定考研的时候很仓促时间也很紧迫,因为当时已经都到了暑假后期了,除了专业外我最差的科目就是英语。当时我在网上百度了很多关于如何复习英语的经验和帖子,搜集了好多资料,也问过好多考研的同学,最后经过多方面的综合建议,他们还是建议从我最基础的东西开始复习,不过已经没有太多的时间让我再背单词之类的了,而是一边做真题一边背单词。所以我就在网上买了同学推荐的一本专门针对基础差的人用的《考研真相》,当时也不知道这本书到底好不好,反正周围大部分人都在用,所以我也就买了。用了一段时间后发现这本书还是不错的,它里面把真题讲解的十分详细,每一篇文章都有逐词逐句地讲解分析,对一个英语比较差的我来说通过看这些分析不说完完全全地把文章读懂了理解了,但也有个七八分的程度。而且要是光看解析看不懂的话,这本书里面还有一个光盘里面有视频可以对照着看,我当时就是每天专门抽出一两个小时的时间来干这个事情的。单词的话,这本书里面在分析每一句话的语法成分的时候,把重点单词注解出来了,我感觉光背这些单词就行了。如果大家觉得不保险的话,还可以在真题里面再挑出一些自己不认识的单词摘录到本子背也行,也可以再买一本词汇书像《非常词汇》之类的也行。 后两个月:考研英语中的作文是我最大的障碍,作为一个英语学渣的我,每次看到作文题目头都大了,不是不会写没啥写的就是跑偏了写得跑题了,总之作文把我当时整个人都搞得不好了。但也没办法,英语作文分还是要拿的,毕竟占了三十分呢,而总分也才100分。我买了一本《写作160篇》作文书,从最基本的开始先把91年到16年的真题作文好好研究了一番,发现作文命题来来回回基本也就那么多话题,不过有的话题就是换了一种方式而已。所以只要把真题作文掌握了,其他也就不是啥大事情了。所以我很庆幸我买了这本《写作160篇》,里面不仅有真题作文写作详细地步骤和经典模板,而且还有最基础地教你如何写作文的方法之类的,我在复习考研的过程中一直在拿着这本书用,感觉我作文终于写的像个考研作文了,而不是之前那些写的乱七八糟的。还有就是翻译了和新题型了在这里给大家的建议:一是进行大量真题模仿练习,二是不断地强化训练。总之就是要拿着真题去多做多练,我一直在强调真题的重要性,因为真题确实真的很重要。 五个月的复习时间对于考研来说,确实很紧张了,尤其是考研英语本身又是一个不断积累的过程,但如果大家真的英语要想获得高分,还是要掌握考研英语的做题方法和出题规律,这是很重要的,大家一定要学会如何在有限的时间里获得复习的最大效益,而且还要有一个十分完善的计划表合理分配学习时间。同时,大家不要死学习,要讲究快乐学习,每天抽出一点时间去操场跑跑步,看个电影什么的,适时地放松一下学习效率会比之前更高的。还有大家就是记住,千万不要生病,有个小病一定要及时去医院看病,不要拖成大病了到时会更耽误学习,

2021高考英语基础知识精练(Unit 1-Book 6)

《2021高考英语一轮复习课本基础知识精练》 简介 《2021高考英语一轮复习课本基础知识精练》以英语课程标准为指南,以人教社高中英语课本为依据,精心设置了40套基础知识练习题,每个单元一套,涵盖了必修1-5和选修6-8中所有重要的知识点,并努力帮助大家复习巩固初中所学内容。《精练》全面呈现了各单元中的生词、短语、词组、句型和语法,内容详实,信息丰富,重点突出,题型多样,语言地道,例句全部出自英文原版资料及往届高考真题,既有助于夯实基础,又着眼于能力提高。《精练》分“检测”和“背诵”两个版别,“检测”版题量时长为25-30分钟,排版精美,下载即可打印,省时省力,方便使用,“背诵”版提供了全部练习及答案,便于学生理解和记忆,是高三英语一轮复习资料中当之无愧的精品。 选修六Unit 1 Art(检测版) (高考英语考点破解之虚拟语气请见Unit 2) I. 根据提示, 用适当单词的正确形式填空: 1. Children’s toy guns now look so ___________ that they can often pass for the ___________ thing. (real) 2. A very important exhibition of contemporary ___________ (sculpt) will be on view at the Portland Gallery. 3. I am keeping ___________ with her and supporting her professional development ___________. (faith) 4. Organic produce does not differ greatly in appearance from ___________ (conventional) grown crops. 5. Is there a special system set up to make sure that more children are getting ___________ (adopt)? 6. Stricter approaches will be ___________ (adopt) to forbid students from using mobile phones in school. 7. Many of them have lost all their material ___________ (possess) as a result of the civil war. 8. The nearest I came to shining on the silver screen was during that ___________ (ridicule) trip to Hollywood. 9. The government brought in a ___________ (controversy) law under which it could take any land it wanted. 10. The only time that we ___________ (attempt) to do something like that was in the city of Philadelphia. 11. New Government ___________ (figure) predict that one in two marriages will end in divorce. 12. He responded in champion’s style by treating the fans to an ___________ (exhibit) of power and speed. 13. There appears to be increasing support for the leadership to take a more ___________ (aggress) stand. 14. We’re trying to get a group of ___________ (scholar) or scientists interested in working with us. 15. Information about local consumer ___________ (prefer) can be used by a producer’s sales force. 16. The growing popularity of the subject is ___________ (evidence) in the numbers of students wanting to study it. II. 选择适当的单词,用其正确的形式


工程硕士研究生英语基础教程课后练习题1-4课 第一课 一、词形填空 1.They made regular visits to the park on the suburbs during the weekends. 2.She was prooted to division manager last year. 3.We tried to walk to the park but ended up taking a taxi there. 4.His handing if these important issues was highly praised. 5.Thomas bought a new hat to repluce the one he had lost. 6.The movie received generally favorable reviews. 7.Thank you for all the time and effort you have put in. 8.Make sure you’re home bu midnight . 9.He was hit by a falling tree and killed on the spot 10.The earthquake survivors are in desperate need of help. 二、词形转换 1、Open(n)—opening 2、persist(n)—persistence 3.succeed(n)----success 4.succeed(adj)---successful 5.important(n)----importance 6.promote(n)----promotion 7.depress(n)----depression 8.vlaue(adj)----valuable 9.loyal(n)----loyalty 10.favor(adj)---favorable 三、词换词 1. Obtain----aquire 2. Constant---loyal 3. Famous---noted 4. Frightened---startled 5.blame---responsibility 6. Worth doing---rewarding 7. Sincere----genuine 8.encountered---bumped into 9. Bought----purchased 10. At the end ----eventually 第二课 一、选择正确的词或词组填空 1.Frequent cultural exchange will certainly help foster friendly relations between our two universities. 2.The competition among these companies at the printing market has become very intense in this city. 3.To date, We have not received any replies from them. 4.In this competitive world , it is better for any firm to gain technology superiority . 5.The organization works to promote friendship between nations. 6.It is reported that the Far East area is now on the verge of war again. 7.There is an obvious trend that young people like less formal clothing. 8.We should look at these events which happened two hundred years ago from their historical perspective. 9.The outstanding businessman agreed that the last decade was favorable for the emergence of new and promising enterprises in IT field. 10.The witness proved that the killer was a man of medium height. 二、词性转换 1.significance(adj.)-significant 2.connect(n.)-connection 3.transform(n.)-transformation


基础不好怎么学好英语 一、词汇积累的作用及方法 词汇是语言的核心。 我们都知道,任何语言的学习,起初都是词汇的积累和再应用的过程。这是铁定的事实。在进入这个话题之前,我们必须首先明确 英语学习的态度。积极的态度能取得事半功倍的效果。英语学习是 一项需要全身心投入的事业。它不是坚持数十天就能打赢的一场战斗,而是数十年不断追求,才可能有所小成的一场持久战。或者说,是没有尽头的马拉松比赛,只有对英语的热爱,才能支持你不断地 努力。所以学习英语要有积极正确的态度。不急不躁,稳扎稳打, 一步一个脚印,向前迈进。 理论研究证明,记忆单词的最好办法就是与一个单词“多见面”。在不同时空,与同一个单词约会七次,足以爱其声,知其形。 与同一个单词约会七次的方法:根据艾宾浩斯的记忆遗忘曲线,新学的知识在第一天之内的遗忘率最高,在第2、3天之后遗忘率逐 渐降低。所以当天记过的单词要及时复习。方法:第一次记完一个 新的单词,当天一定要复习1-2次;然后在第2、3、7、15、30天各 复习一次(共7次),再加上平时阅读时多留意这些新记单词的用法,就不会忘记了。 具体记单词的方法:除了我们常用的根据读音规则记忆法;同义、近义、反义词记忆法;联系记忆法;构词法记忆法等方法之外,今天 主要给大家介绍另外几种单词的记忆方法。 1.使用分类群记,形成单词链。 联想是记忆的最好伙伴。分类群记,主要在于对一定数量的单词,通过仔细的观察,寻找其相关切入点,如同找一条线,把珠子串起来。就单纯记忆单词,这的确是个好办法。分类的根本依据:

话题。与同一话题相关的单词,自然成为一个词簇。可以随着词汇量的增加,不断放射,伸展。 词缀。以同样的方法构成的一组单词,通过比较认识,不但有利于掌握构成方法,而且可以进一步形成更广泛的联系。 词性。对于一组单词中,少数的几个单词,可以用词性相联系。 拼写。字母组成上的特点,是最直观的外在表现。 词语接龙。 2.加强短文背诵,增强“词不离句”意识。 背诵是非常原始的英语学习方法,但也是非常积极、有效的学习方法。优选一些名家名篇,做为背诵的素材;或从课文中精选一些精 悍之作,作为研习的精典,不但能够迅速提高语感,而且容易激发 兴趣,形成活生生的词库,为单词的准确使用打下良好的基础。所 以“背”只是方式,“用”方为根本。如果在背诵的过程中,能够 用心体会语言的基本组成规律,琢磨“说”的方法与技巧,摸出 “洋味”十足的真谛,英语还愁学不地道吗?一个单词有数种意思, 但是在一个具体的语境中,它的意思又绝对是一定的。所以说,“背”单词,怎么能和“背”句子相比呢?“背”短文当是学英语一绝,这不难理解吧? 3.勤归纳和总结,吃透固定搭配。 勤归纳总结,能有效地帮助我们熟悉固定搭配,通过联想,类比,思辨,抗击遗忘,当然也提高了记忆的效率。但是,“记”只能是“记”,是记忆过程一个粗浅的层面。“吃透”是量变过程中的质变。 4.灵活使用词典,突破高频词。 英汉词典是英语学习者的必备工具。如果逢词必查,必然造成对词典的过分依赖,同时也形成阅读过程中一个明显的心理障碍,即 没有词典就难以成读。要知道,放弃积极思考的学习,知识的种子 既不会开花,更不会结果。但是对于极个别的高频词,如果不去查


英语基础知识学习 第1课: 1、be(是)动词的用法:am接I;is接第三人称单数,即除you、I外;are接表示多个人或事物,即复数。(我是am,你是are,is连接它、她、他,单数is,复数are)。 2、not是表示否定的词:不是的表达,am not,is not(isn’t),are not(aren’t)。 3、“一个”和“几个”的问题:“一个”是a+名词;“多个”是名词后面加s。 4、以元音开头(如O、E等),前面的冠词用an。 第2课: 1、及物动词与不及物动词的区别:及物动词后面接宾语;而不及物动词后面不接宾语。如I like ice cream ,It hurts。 2、主语是he、she、it和单数名词时,动词要发生第三人称的变化,即加s。 3、否定的用法:在动词之前加do not或does not。I、You和复数名词做主语时,否定就用do not;凡是单数名称和he、she、it做主语,否定就用does not。 第3课 1、my(我的)、your(你的)、his(他的)、her(她的)、their(他们的)、our(我们的)、its(它的)+名词,如my love,your love 。 2、名词所有格形式为:名词+’s,表示“……的”,如Sophie’s world,children’s Day,Japan’s tomorrow。 3、用名词+of+名词,一般用在无生命的名词上,表示“……的’’,如The sound of music (音乐之声)。 第4课 1、“have”和“there be”翻译成汉语都可以用一个“有”字来表示,但have是指主观的“所有、拥有”,而there be则是指客观的“存在,某处有某物”。 2、There be的单复数变化与be的变化规则相同,取决于后面所接的主语。主语为单数,就变成there is,主语是复数,就变成there are。 3、“have”在第三人称单数时变成“has”。 4、“there be”的否定形式在be后加not,对于have通常直接在它的宾语前加“no”,表示“没有”的意思。 第5课 1、一般疑问句概念:是可以用“yes”或“no”来回答的疑问句。

工程硕士研究生英语基础教程 课文翻译

Unit 1 我的第一份工作 汽车清洁工 [1] 我从父母那儿获得了很强的工作道德观。他们俩都经历过大萧条时期,对不是按常规工作的人感到难以理解。我曾经告诉我妈妈,西尔堆斯特·史泰龙工作10周挣1200万美元,“那他在一年其余的日子里干什么呢?”她问。 [2] 我把父母的工作道德观带入了我在故乡马萨诸塞州安多佛镇附近的威尔明顿镇福特汽车专营店干的第一份工作。那时我16岁,学期当中我干活干到五、六点,暑假期间则每天干12个小时。我干的是汽车清洁小工的活儿,也就是清洗,抛光等事,并确保纸地板垫的位置合适。还有一项职责是在夜里将汽车轮毂盖取下来以免被偷,第二天再还回原处。这是一项很费劲的工作,因为我们有占大约7英亩地的汽车。 [3] 一天,我抱着一大捧毂盖转过一个角落,几乎与我们新任总经理撞了个满怀。我吓了一跳,结果把毂盖全掉在了地上。他当场就解雇了我。 [4] 我羞愧万分,不愿让父母知道这件事。大约有两周的时间,我每天都忙到晚上,然后我会回家说工作干得很愉快。

[5] 走投无路之下,我写了一封信给亨利·福特二世,告诉他所发生的事情。我说我们家是福特车的忠实用户,并说我长大成年后打算买一辆野马车。最后,汽车专卖店的店主给我打来了电话。“我不知道你在底特律认识谁,”他说,“但如果你还想要回你原来的工作的话,这工作就归你了。” [6] 后来在大学期间,我想在一家劳斯菜斯(罗尔斯—罗伊斯)的专营店干活,但店主说他们不缺人。即便如此,我还是开始在那儿清洗汽车。当店主注意到我时,我说我会一直干到他雇我。最后他真雇了我。 [7] 成功需要毅力。态度也很重要。我从不认为我那时比其他任何人强,但我一直相信我当时干的活别人都赶不上。 出纳员 [1] 第一次与我祖母坐在她位于曼哈顿的药店的现金出纳机后时,我l0岁。不久之后,她就让我一个人坐在那儿。很快我就知道了礼貌对待顾客以及说“谢谢”的重要性。 [2] 起初我的报酬是糖果,后来我每小时得到50美分。每天放学后我都工作,暑假、周末和假期则从上午8点干到下午7点。我父亲帮我在银行立了一个账户。看着存款数增加比我当时本可以买到的任何东西都更让我满足。 [3] 祖母是一位严厉的监工,从不给我任何特殊照顾。她像鹰一样注视着我的一举一动,不过却放手让我应付象在午餐高峰时干活这样压力很大的场面。她的信任教会了我如何对待责任。


英语基础差的孩子应该怎么教他学习 1.学会耐心的对待孩子。教孩子语言的第一件事情就是你应该学会把你自己放低到孩子的年龄去。简而言之,你的理解程度和心态应该在孩子的那个年龄上。儿童和成人的大脑是不一样的——这不仅仅体现在尺寸不同,运行方式也是不同的。所以当你教孩子的时候,应该把速度放慢。你尝试教孩子一大段话然后让他们再背给你听这其实是很容易的,但是这只是模仿。孩子们能够简单重复你的话,但是却不知道是什么意思。 2.从最基本的东西开始教起。你可以从字母、颜色、动物、物体以及称谓(爸爸、妈妈、姐姐、哥哥、姑姑、叔叔等等)等教起。最好的方法就是买一些动物玩具或者是动物的图片来教孩子这些动物的名称。 3.玩文字游戏是一个很好的帮助孩子记忆单词的方式。有一个很有趣的游戏就是你可以将动物玩具藏起来,或者是随机选择房间中你已经教过他们的东西,让他们把东西拿过来。 4.有时你可能会觉得很沮丧,因为当你问孩子一些东西的时候,他们可能已经不记得了。孩子越小,越容易忘记你昨天教过他们的东西。所以这一阶段孩子的学习重在重复。你不需要做很多,一旦孩子能够成功说出东西的名字或者是能带来你让他们拿来的东西,你就可以带孩子进行下一个阶段的学习。 5.一旦孩子掌握了一定的词汇量,你就可以教他们一些简单的短语。这时你就可以教他们如何读(这一点也可以在刚开始的时候做)也可以教他们如何说。最好从简单的短语开始教起,然后一步步的加深。这时你可以和孩子进行一个简单的对话。孩子学会用第二种语言和你交流比起只在用的时候才使用语言好多了。即使他们只与你用第二语言交流,也会使孩子很好的记住如何使用。

6.帮助孩子学会他们不知道的新单词,你也可以教孩子读一些诗或者是歇后语,让他们感受语言的魅力。 7.变得社会化。孩子学习语言的方法之一是多和也懂得这种语言的人相处,这能够促进良好的说话技能。 1.有一个说着和孩子一样的语言但是也掌握你想让孩子学的另一种语言的人(如果你自己不会双语,你可以请一个保姆、老师或者是愿意陪孩子教孩子的人); 2.在孩子小的时候教他们(最好是七岁左右); 3.书; 4.有创造性的思维; 5.图片; 6.基本家居用品; 7.耐心和时间。 1.不要教他们不好的词汇。孩子学不好的单词的速度会比学正常的单词的速度快。 2.不要大喊、尖叫、打孩子或者是严厉的对待孩子。 3.不要沮丧。在教孩子的时候对孩子表现出失望是不好的。当孩子做错了你可以微笑着告诉他们再试一次。如果孩子不想学或者更想出去玩,不要强迫他们。他们会在想学习的时候来学习。 4.不要在一开始就教孩子不正式的话语,要不孩子以后会很难纠正过来。 5.别把孩子逼的太紧去学习语言,孩子可能还没有准备好去学习一门新的语言。如果他们想学习新的语言,在不久的将来,他们会自己去学习。 猜你喜欢:


高中英语基础知识试题 一、单选题(10×1’) 1.It is known to all that _______ are _______ useful invention in our daily life. A. watchs ; a B. watches ; a C. watchs ; an D. watches ; an 2.We had ______ the two solutions and we ______ the first one. A. tryed ; prefered B. tried ; prefered C. tried ; preferred D. tryed ; preferred 3. A library with five thousand books ______ to the nation as a gift. A. have offered B. has offered C. are offered D. is offered 4.She got a lot of birthday presents, and one of _______ was from her grandpa. A. them B. whom C. which D. that 5.Your bike requires ________. A. repair B. repairing C. to repair D. being repaired 6.---Guess what, we’re leaving for the Europe this time next summer. ---How nice! You _______ a different culture then. A. will be experiencing B. have experienced C. have been experiencing D. will have experienced 7.It was his words _______ disappointed me. A. what B. which C. as D. that 8.He was listened ________ an English song just now. A. sing B. to sing C. to to sing D. singing 9.She was so angry at ______ he was doing ________ she walked out. A. that ; that B. what ; that C. what ; as D. that ; which 10.You didn’t let me drive. If we ______ in turn, you _____ so tired. A. drove;didn’t get B. drove;wouldn’t get C. were driving;wouldn’t get D. had driven;wouldn’t have got 二、阅读理解(10×2’) A Mr. Brown was going away for a week. Before he left, he said to his son, “If anyone asks for me, you can tell him that your father has been out for doing something, and will be back in a week, then be sure to ask him to sit down for a cup of tea.” “Ok, dad”, said his son. But he was afraid his son couldn’t remember this, so he wrote these words down on a piece of paper and gave it to him. His son put it into his small pocket, took it out and looked at it now and then. Four days passed, but no one came to see his father. The boy thought that there was no man to come and that the piece of paper was of no use for him, so he burnt it that evening. The next afternoon, someone knocked at the door. The boy opened it. A man was standing at the door and said, “Where is your father?” The boy put his hand into his pocket at once and looked for the piece of paper. He couldn’t find it. He suddenly remembered he had burnt it, so he shouted, “no more.” The man was very surprised. He asked, “No more? I met your father last week. When did it happen?” “Burnt yesterday evening.” 1.Mr. Brown told his son that ____________. A. he would be away from home for four days B. he would be back in seven days C. he would be back in a month D. he liked a cup of tea 2. A man came to visit the boy’s father on ___________. A. the second day B. the third day C. the fourth day D. the fifth day 3.What was burnt? _________. A. The piece of paper B. Mr. Brown C. The visitor D. The boy B A famous doctor once received a little child who was badly ill. Thanks to his skill and care, his young patient got well and was soon able to get up and run about again. The child’s mother was very grateful to the doctor, and she called on him to thank him for what he had done for her child. “Doctor,” she said, “You’ve saved my little son. I don’t know how to thank you enough. I feel that money alone cannot repay you, so I have made this little purse with my own hands, as a sign of my gratitude. I hope you

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