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Since 用法完全总结

Since 用法完全总结
Since 用法完全总结




I haven’t written home since Christmas.


二、用作副词,意思是“从那时以后(一直到现在)”,“其后(到现在之间)”; ever since从那以后一直(更加强调since的用法)。

Things have not changed very much since.


His first book was a great success and he has been famous as a writer ever since.


He got a job with the firm in 1970 and has worked there ever since.



1. 引导原因状语从句,相当于now that,意思是“因为……,既然……,鉴于……”。

Since the rain has stopped,let’s go for a walk.


Since we are young,we shouldn’t be too afraid of making mistakes.



2. 引导时间状语从句,此用法较复杂。

(1) 若since引导的状语从句的谓语动词是终止性动词(如go,come,leave,start,begin等)的过去时,则从句表示的时间是“从该动作开始的那一时刻起”。这是最常见的一种用法。如:

He has studied very hard since he came to our school.


Great changes have taken place in our school since you left.


(2) 若since引导的状语从句的谓语动词是持续性动词或表示状态的静态动词(如live,stay,study,learn,smoke,be等)的过去时,则从句表示的时间是“从该动作或状态的完成或结束时算起”。如:

I haven’t heard from him since he lived here.


I haven’t eaten snakes since I was a student at school.

was表示状态,因此该句可理解为:I haven’t eaten snakes since I left school.



He has written to me frequently since I was ill.


He has written to me frequently since I fell ill.


(3) 若since引导的状语从句的谓语为持续性动词或静态动词的现在完成时,则表示动作和状态延续到现在(说话时刻),其表示的时间的起点应从动作发生之时算起。如:

He has written to me frequently since I have been ill.

这里have been ill表示状态的持续性,时间的起点应从:“开始生病”时算起。因此此句可理解为:“自从我生病以来,他经常给我写信。”


I’ve written her 20 letters since I have been here.


I’ve written her 20 letters since I was here.


(4) It is + 段时间+ since... / It has been + 段时间+ since...表示“从……起已有多长时间了”。两句型意思相同,前者是规范说法,后者是口语说法。


It is three years since he smoked.



It is three years since he began to smoke.

It is three years since he has smoked. 两句均意为:他吸烟已有3年了。



误:It is a long time since be didn’t study Chinese.

正:It’s a long time since he studied Chinese.


since的用法主要有两点:一是表示“自从……以来”,二是表示“既然”之意。但如果只了解词的含义,而不了解其用法,在使用时就会造成错误。例如:I have not heard from him since I lived in Shanghai.




He has studied very hard since he came to our school.自从他来到我们学校,他学习就非常努力。

We have been missing them since they left here自从他们离开这里,我们就一直很想念他们。



I haven’t heard any noise since I slept.

Sleep 为持续性动词,sleep的动作结束时,即“醒来”时,这句应译为“我醒后还未听到任何声音”。

John is now with his parents in New York, it is already three years since he was a teacher约翰现在和父母一起住在纽约,他不当教师已经三年了。


How long is it since you lived in Shanghai?你离开(没住在)上海多久了?

It is half a month since he was a League member.他退团(不当团员)半个月了。It’s been quite some time since I was last in London我离开伦敦已很长时间了。

比较:He has written to me frequently since I was ill.自从我病愈以来,他屡次给我写信。(从句谓语为状态动词)

He has written to me frequently since I fell ill.自从我生病以来,他就屡次给我写信。(从句谓语为终止性动词)

三、若since引导的状语从句的谓语为持续性动词的现在完成时,则表示动作和状态延续到现在(说话时刻),其表示的时间的起点应从动作发生之时算起。如:I haven’t hear d from him since he has lived there。

这里has lived表示动作的持续性,时间的起点应从:“开始居住”时算起。因此此句可理解为“自从他(开始)住在那儿起,我就一直没收到他的来信”。

Since we have owned a car, we have gone camping every year。自从我们自己有了汽车,我们每年都去野营。

试比较:1. Since I’ve been at this school, we have had three head masters.自从我到这所学校,我们已换了三个校长了。

Since I was at this school, they have had three headmasters.自从我离开这所学校,他们已换了三个校长了。

2.He has never been to see me since I have been ill. 自从我生病以来,他从未来看过我。

He has never been to see me since I was ill. 自从我病愈以来,他从未来看过我。


至于It is +一段时间+since…的句型与It has been +一段时间+since…意思相同。前者是规范说法,后者是口语说法。


It is a long time since he didn’t study Engli sh.

It’s two months since you didn’t come to see me.


It’s a long time since he studied English 他好久没学英语了。

You haven’t come to see me for two months. 你有两个月没来看我了。

1) since +过去一个时间点(如具体的年、月、日期、钟点、1980, last month, half past six)。

I have been here since 1989.

2) since +一段时间+ ago

I have been here since five months ago.

3) since +从句

Great changes have taken place since you left.

Considerable time has elapsed since we have been here.

4) It is +一段时间+ since从句

It is two years since I became a postgraduate student.


说到since,我们最熟悉的用法或许就是“since前面要用现在完成时态”,其实,since还有其他不同的用法,这些用法容易被大家忽略。本期笔者就来系统梳理since的用法,定会让大家开阔眼界。 since用法的思路体系 下面笔者从两个角度来考察since的用法:一是since后面的结构特点;二是since前面的修饰对象特点(这是本期内容的重点)。笔者先给结论,然后再举例论述。请看下列表格。 从以上表格我们看到,一方面,从since后面所跟的结构特点来看,可以分为三种情况。 a. since后面接一个从句,此时since是连词(conjunction)。 b. since后面接一个名词短语,此时since是介词(preposition)。 c. since后面不接任何东西,而是单独使用,此时since是副词(adverb)。 另一方面,从since前面的修饰对象来看,也可以分为三种情况。 1. 修饰谓语动词:此时作时间状语(本文不讨论since作原因状语的情况),谓语动词的时态多用现在完成时态(have done),但根据语境和时间关系,谓语动词也可能用过去完成时态(had done)。 3. 修饰普通名词:此时作后置定语,普通名词是相对于“最高级名词”而言的。 现在,我们可以把上面两方面因素各三个变量进行排列组合,得出since各种用法的句子。下面一一举例来说明。 since修饰谓语动词 我们首先来看一个例句。 他有生以来遭遇过多次困境。 b. he has faced many difficult situations since last year. 自去年以来,他一直屡遭困境。 c. he began to get into trouble last year and has faced many difficult situations (ever) since. 他去年开始陷入困境,此后一直屡遭窘境。 解析:我们看到,b句中since后面接了名词短语last year,而c句中since后面没有接任何成分,此时也可以说ever since。 另外,值得注意的是,在特定的上下文语境中,since前面可以使用过去完成(进行)时态。请看下面一组例句。 2. a. mr. bin laden has been hiding since 2005. b. mr. bin laden had been hiding since 2005. 解析:a句用现在完成进行时态,这意味着本拉登到现在还没有死亡,仍在潜逃。而实际上,他已经于2011年被击毙,因此为了符合这一实际情形,b句用了过去完成时态来表达。 since修饰“最高级名词” 请比较下面例句。 他有生以来遭遇过多次困境。 他将会遇到有生以来最困难的境况。 他将会遇到从2000年以来最困难的境况。 另外,我们还可以采用“in +时间段”来替换“sin ce +时间点”,用于限定最高级的时间范围。比如,今年是2016年,于是例3的c句中的since 2000就相当于说in 16 years,我们可以把c句改成这样一句话。 他将会遇到16年以来最困难的境况。 英国正遭到60年以来的最严寒的冬天。 在正文中,作者继续详细讲述,又出现了两个“since+时间点”及“in +时间段”与最高级搭配的句子。


过去完成时态的用法小结 默认分类2009-12-27 12:54:52 阅读281 评论0 字号:大中小订阅 一、过去完成时适用场合 1. 过去完成时表示在过去某一时间或动作以前已经完成了的动作。这个过去的时间常用by,before等介词短语或一个时间状语从句表示,也可以暗含在上下文中。 I had finished my homework before supper.我在晚饭前就把作业做完了。 The play had already started when we got to the theatre. 我们到剧场时戏已经开始了。 By the end of June they had treated over 10,000 patients. 到六月底他们已经治疗了一万多病人。 2. 过去完成时还可表示过去某一时刻之前发生的动作或状态持续到过去某个时间或还要持续下去,常与for,since等词连用。如: He had served in the army for ten years before he retired last year. 他在部队干了十年,去年退役了。 He told me that he had known her since he was a child. 他告诉我他从小就认识她。 He had learned English for eight years before he went to England for further study. 他在去英国深造前,已学了八年英语。 3. 在一段情景连贯的文字中,先发生的事放在后面叙述时,要用过去完成时。如: Tom flew home, but his father had already died. 汤姆乘飞机回家,他的父亲却已经去世了。4. 过去完成时也用于hardly...when..., no sooner...than..., It was the first time + that分句等一些固定句型中。 He had no sooner left the room than they began to talk about him. 他刚离开房间,他们就议论起他来。 We had hardly begun when we were told to stop. 我们刚开始就被叫停。 It was the first time that he had ever spoken to me in such a tune.他用这样的语调跟我讲话,这是第一次。 二、过去完成时与一般过去时的比较 1. 当一个由before, after, as soon as 等连词引导的从句所表示的动作和主句的动作紧接着发生时,两个动作均可用一般过去时来表示。 We had breakfast after we did morning exercises. 做完早操后,我们吃早饭。 The train started to move just before he reached the platform. 他到月台时火车刚开走。 They started ploughing as soon as they got to the fields. 他们一到地里就开始耕地。 2. 按时间顺序叙述两个或两个以上接连发生的动作时,用一般过去时。 He entered the room, turned on the light and sat down at the table. 他走进屋子,打开灯,坐在桌子旁。 3. 在表示某人过去未曾完成的“心愿”、“打算”、“计划”、“想法”、“许诺”等时,hope, mean, plan, think, intend等谓语动词常用过去完成时。 I had hoped to be back last night, but I didn’t catch the train. 我本来希望昨晚回来的,但没搭上火车。 We had thought to return early but they wouldn’t let us go. 我们本想早回来的,但他们不让我们走。 4. 在表示过去的句子中出现常与完成时态连用的词,如:already,yet,since,for,ever,never及次数名词等时,常用过去完成时来表示。

人教版英语八年级下册试题since 和 for 的用法(用于现在完成时)

初中英语学习材料 madeofjingetieji since 和for 的用法(用于现在完成时) 表示过去已经开始持续到现在的动作或状态常用的时间状语有:for, since, how long, so far, these days等。 1. since : a).since +时间点①年代②时刻数③一段时间+ago b).现在完成时:主句(主语+have/has +延续性动词的过去分词)+ since +从句一般过去时 c) It’s +时间段+since +短暂性动词的过去式 d).时间段+has passed +since +短暂性动词的过去式 for +一段时间 练习: 用since和for填空 1) ______ two years 2) _______ two years ago 3) _______ last month 4) ______ 1999 5) _______ yesterday 6) _______ 4 o’clock 7) ______ 4 hours 8) _______ an hour ago 9) _______ we were children 10) _____ lunch time 11) ______ she left here 12). He has lived in Nanjing ________ the year before last. 13). I’ve known him __________ we were children. 14). Our teacher has studied Japanese _________ three years. 15). She has been away from the city ___________ about ten years. 16). It’s about ten years __________ she left the city. 2. for: for +一段时间= since +一段时间+ ago 3. 与时间段连用时,短暂性动词应改为相应的延续性动词。 1) come/go to ------ be at /in 2)leave ----be away from 3)buy ----have 4) borrow /lend -----keep 4)open ---be open 5)close---be closed 6) die---be dead 7) start/begin ----be on 8) join—--be in /be a member of /be a soldier 9) become –be 10) fall asleep ---be asleep 11)catch a cold – have a cold 12) have/has gone to → have been in 13) put on → wear14) finish/end → be over 15) marry → be married 练习:.短暂性转换延续性 1) His grandfather died two years ago . His grandfather has ____ ____ for two years. _____two years _____ his grandfather ____. Two years ____ ____ ____ his grandfather _____. 2) I became a teacher in 2000. I ________ __________ a teacher for _________ _________. 3) The shop closed two hours ago. The shop ________ _________ _________ for _________ _________. 4) The door opened at six in the morning. The door ________ ________ ________ for six hours. 5)He left Fuzhou just now. He _______ ________ ________ _________ Fuzhou for five minutes. 6)The film began two minutes ago. The film ____ ____ ____ for ____ ____.How time flies! 7)They borrowed it last week. They _________ _________ it since __________ __________. 8)I bought a pen two hours ago. I _________ _________ a pen for ________ __________. 9)They married in 1990. They ________ _________ __________since _________. 10)The meeting finished at six. The meeting ________ ______ ______ for six hours. 11)My brother joined the army two years ago.


过去完成时知识点总结和题型总结(word) 一、初中英语过去完成时 1.—We all went to the park except you last weekend. Why didn't you come? —Because I the park twice. A. have gone to B. had gone to C. had been to D. have been to 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】have gone to去了(尚未回).have been to去过(已回),根据句意在last weekend之前去过,所以用过去完成时,故选C。 【点评】本题考查过去完成时的用法,表示在过去某一时间前已经发生的动作。 2.Sue didn't go to see the film with us last week because she ________________ it with her mother. A. has seen B. had seen C. will see D. saw 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:苏上星期没和我们一起去看电影,因为她和她妈妈一起看过了。 A.已经看了,现在完成时; B.已经看了,过去完成时; C.将看,一般将来时; D.看了,一般过去时。Sue和妈妈看了电影的影响是上周Sue没有和我们看电影,所以用完成时,根据didn't可知是与过去有关,所以用过去完成时,结构是had+动词过去分词,see的过去分词是seen,故选B。 【点评】考查过去完成时,注意平时识记其结构,理解句意。 3.Jake _____his key in the office so he had to wait until his wife _______ home. A. has forgotten … comes B. forgot… come C. had left… came D. had left…would come 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:杰克把他的钥匙丢在办公室了,因此他不得不等到他的妻子回家。结合语境可知前文描述的是过去某时前已经完成的动作,故用过去完成时态。下文指的是过去某时的动作,故用一般过去时态。选C。 【点评】英语中的时态主要是借助于时间状语与上下文语境来进行判断。解答此类题型,首先要注意句子中的时间状语,如果没有则要通过分析上下文,结合语境来判断句子的时态。 4.When I ______ the cinema, the film _______for ten minutes A. got to; has begun B. arrived at; has been on C. reached; had begun D. hurried to; had been on

Since so as用法小结

Since 用法小结 一.Since作为介词,后接某一确定的时间点,主句谓语动词是持续性动词,常与现在完成时态、现在完成进行时态或过去完成时态连用.例如: 1、He left the village in 1982 and I haven’t seen him since then.1982年他离开这个村子,从那以后我再没见过他. 2、She’s been working in a bank since leaving school.她中学毕业后就一直在一家银行工作. 3.He had spoken to her only once since the party.自从那次聚会以来,他只跟她说过一次话. 二.Since作为副词,表示从过去以来、以后或到现在的情形或状态,常与现在完成时态连用.例如: 1.He left home two weeks ago and we haven’t heard from him since.他两周前离开了家,到现在我们一直没有他的消息. 2.He came to Zhenjiang 6 years ago and has lived here (ever) since.他6年前来到镇江,从此便住在这里. 三.since引导原因状语从句 作为连词,since可引导原因状语从句,表示因为;既然;鉴于:例如: 1.He didn’t come since he was busy.他因为忙,所以没有来. 2.Since this method doesn’t work,let’s try another.既然这种方法不行,我们就试用另一种吧. 四.Since引导时间状语从句 1.若since引导的状语从句的谓语是终止性动词的过去时,则从句表示的时间是“从动作开始的那一时刻起”.例如:


英语过去完成时的用法总结 它表示句子中描述的动作发生在“过去的过去”。 基本结构 主语+had+过去分词vpp、(done) ①肯定句:主语+had+过去分词、 ②否定句:主语+had+not+过去分词、 ③一般疑问句:Had+主语+过去分词? 肯定回答:Yes,主语+had、 否定回答:No,主语+had not 、 ④特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词或词组+一般疑问句(Had+主语+过去分词)? 基本用法表示在过去某一时刻或动作以前完成了的动作,也可以说过去的时间关于过去的动作。即“过去的过去”。可以用by, before等介词短语或一个时间状语从句来表示,也可以用一个表示过去的动作来表示,还可能通过上下文来表示。 例如: By nine o’clock last night, we had got200 pictures from the spaceship、到昨晚9点钟,我们已经收到200 张飞船发来的图片。 过去完成时-语法判定 1、由时间状语来判定

一般说来,各种时态都有特定的时间状语。与过去完成时连用的时间状语有: (1 ) by + 过去的时间点。如: I had finished reading the novel by nine oclock last night、 (2 ) by the end of + 过去的时间点。如: We had learned over two thousand English words by the end of last term、 (3 ) before + 过去的时间点。如: They had planted six hundred trees before last Wednesday、 2、由“过去的过去”来判定。 过去完成时表示“过去的过去”,是指过去某一动作之前已经发生或完成的动作,即动作有先后关系,动作在前的用过去完成时,在后的用一般过去时。这种用法常出现在: (1 )宾语从句中 当宾语从句的主句为一般过去时,且从句的动作先于主句的动作时,从句要用过去完成时。在told, said, knew, heard, thought等动词后的宾语从句。如: She said that she had seen the film before、 (2 )状语从句中


现在完成时态中的since 与for 1. 实例: We have studied English for more than 2 years. 我们学英语已有两年多时间了。 She has been ill since last Sunday. 她从上周星期天一直病到现在。 2. 用法说明: (1) 介词for 短语表示一个时间段,指某个动作或情况到现在为止已持续了多久,提问时用how long;since 作为介词,接一个时间名词,作为连词,引导一个时间状语从句(从句动词一般是短暂性动词),since 表示“自…以来”,指某个动作或情况从过去某一点时间一直持续到现在,因此,与for 或since 引出的时间状语连用的句子(或主语)谓语动词必须是持续性的(如上面两句中的动词study 和be) (2) 英语中有些动词的意义不能持续,表示的是一瞬间就结束的动作,这些动词被称为非持续性动词或短暂性动词,常见的如come, leave, go, lose, see, begin, start, arrive, bec ome, die, buy, borrow, close, join, reach, fall, get up 等。这类动词可以用于完成时态,但在肯定句中不能与表示动作延续的时间状语for 或since 短语连用。如:正:He has come back. 他已回来。 误:He has come back for three days. 若要表示“他回来已三天了”这样的意思,可以将动词改为延续性动词,或改变时间状语,或改用别的句型等,如译为: He has been back for three days. (改变谓语动词) He has been back since three days ago. (改变谓语动词) He came back three days ago. (改变时间状语及动词时态) It’s three days since he came back. (改变句型) (3) 非持续性动词用于完成时态,在肯定句中不能与for 或since引出的短语(或句子)连用,但在否定句中是可以的,因为一个非延续性动词一旦被否定即成为状态,而状态总是可以延续的。如:(https://www.doczj.com/doc/7911118751.html,) I haven’t seen him for a long time. 我很久没见到他了。 He hasn’t come here for some time. 他有段时间没来了。 I haven’t heard from her since she left. 自他离开以后,我一直没收到她的来信。


过去完成时用法小结 一、过去完成时适用场合 1. 过去完成时表示在过去某一时间或动作以前已经完成了的动作。这个过去的时间常用by,before等介词短语或一个时间状语从句表示,也可以暗含在上下文中。 I had finished my homework before supper.我在晚饭前就把作业做完了。 The play had already started when we got to the theatre. 我们到剧场时戏已经开始了。 By the end of June they had treated over 10,000 patients. 到六月底他们已经治疗了一万多病人。 2. 过去完成时还可表示过去某一时刻之前发生的动作或状态持续到过去某个时间或还要持续下去,常与for,since等词连用。如: He had served in the army for ten years before he retired last year. 他在部队干了十年,去年退役了。 He told me that he had known her since he was a child. 他告诉我他从小就认识她。 He had learned English for eight years before he went to England for further study. 他在去英国深造前,已学了八年英语。 3. 在一段情景连贯的文字中,先发生的事放在后面叙述时,要用过去完成时。如: Tom flew home, but his father had already died. 汤姆乘飞机回家,他的父亲却已经去世了。4. 过去完成时也用于hardly...when...(刚…就…), no sooner...than... (刚…就…), It was the first time + that分句等一些固定句型中。 He had no sooner left the room than they began to talk about him. 他刚离开房间,他们就议论起他来。 We had hardly begun when we were told to stop. 我们刚开始就被叫停。 It was the first time that he had ever spoken to me in such a tune.他用这样的语调跟我讲话,这是第一次。 二、过去完成时与一般过去时的比较 1. 当一个由before, after, as soon as 等连词引导的从句所表示的动作和主句的动作紧接着发生时,两个动作均可用一般过去时来表示。 We had breakfast after we did morning exercises. 做完早操后,我们吃早饭。 The train started to move just before he reached the platform. 他到月台时火车刚开走。 They started ploughing as soon as they got to the fields. 他们一到地里就开始耕地。 2. 按时间顺序叙述两个或两个以上接连发生的动作时,用一般过去时。 He entered the room, turned on the light and sat down at the table. 他走进屋子,打开灯,坐在桌子旁。 3. 在表示某人过去未曾完成的“心愿”、“打算”、“计划”、“想法”、“许诺”等时,hope, mean, plan, think, intend等谓语动词常用过去完成时。 I had hoped to be back last night, but I didn’t catch the train. 我本来希望昨晚回来的,但没搭上火车。 We had thought to return early but they wouldn’t let us go. 我们本想早回来的,但他们不让我们走。 4. 在表示过去的句子中出现常与完成时态连用的词,如:already,yet,since,for,ever,


中考考点_过去完成时知识点汇总(全) 一、初中英语过去完成时 1.—How long you TV by the time I called you? —For about two hours A. had; watched B. have; watched C. did; watch D. were; watching 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】由句中的by the time可判断.这里用过去完成时,故选A。句意是:—到我打电话给你为止,你已经看了多长时间的电视了?—大约两个小时。 【点评】本题考查过去完成时的用法。 2.We are too tired. Please stop __________ a rest. A. to have B. having C. have D. has 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:我们是在太累了,停下来休息一下吧。stop to have a rest.固定搭配故选A 【点评】注意时态一致, 3.Jake _____his key in the office so he had to wait until his wife _______ home. A. has forgotten … comes B. forgot… come C. had left… came D. had left…would come 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:杰克把他的钥匙丢在办公室了,因此他不得不等到他的妻子回家。结合语境可知前文描述的是过去某时前已经完成的动作,故用过去完成时态。下文指的是过去某时的动作,故用一般过去时态。选C。 【点评】英语中的时态主要是借助于时间状语与上下文语境来进行判断。解答此类题型,首先要注意句子中的时间状语,如果没有则要通过分析上下文,结合语境来判断句子的时态。 4.By the end of last month, Jane _____ enough money for the poor sick boy. A. raised B. would raise C. had raised D. has raised 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:在上个月末,珍已经为贫穷的生病的孩子筹集到了足够的钱。根


1. cleaned the blackboard 2. closed the window ——————∣—————∣—————→∣——→ had cleaned the closed the window now blackboard She had cleaned the blackboard before she closed the window. After she had cleaned the blackboard , she closed the window. 1. ran out of breath 2. drank water ——————∣—————∣—————→∣——→ had run out drank water now of breath He had run out of breath before he drank water. After he had run out of breath, he drank water. 1. ate an apple 2. slept ——————∣—————∣—————→∣——→ had eaten slept now an apple She had eaten an apple before she slept. After she had eaten an apple , she slept. 一、过去完成时定义: ②过去某动作一直持续到现在将来可能还要延续下去。句中的动作发生在过去之前(过去的过去),即过去完成时动作发生在过去的过去。 He said he had been to Beijing twice. 他说他已经去过北京两次。(因为“说”said就是过去式,而去北京的动作发生在说said 的过去,所以用过完而不用现完。


It is +一段时间+since…的句型与It has been +一段时间+since…意思相同,since从句用现在完成时。前者是规范说法,后者是口语说法。 It was+一段时间since从句就用过去完成时。 一、若since引导的状语从句的谓语动词是终止性的过去时 He has studied very hard since he came to our school.自从他来到我们学校,他学习就非常努力。 We have been missing them since they left here自从他们离开这里,我们就一直很想念他们。It has rained a great deal since you left.你走之后下了好多雨。 We have resided in Shanghai since we parted.自从分手以后,我们一直住在上海。 这是最常见的一种用法,此处不再多述。 二、若since引导的状语从句的谓语动词是延续性动词或表示状态的动词的过去式时 I haven’t heard any noise since I slept.这句应译为“我醒后还未听到任何声音”。 John is now with his parents in New Y ork, it is already three years since he was a teacher约翰现在和父母一起住在纽约,他不当教师已经三年了。 It's two years since I smoked我戒烟已经两年了。 How long is it since you lived in Shanghai?你离开(没住在)上海多久了? It is half a month since he was a League member.他退团(不当团员)半个月了。 It’s been quite some time since I was last in London我离开伦敦已很长时间了。 It has been so long since we were all together. 好久我们没有在一起团聚了。 It is a week since he was in hospital.他出院已有一星期了。 比较: He has written to me frequently since I was ill.自从我病愈以来,他屡次给我写信。(从句谓语为状态动词) He has written to me frequently since I fell ill.自从我生病以来,他就屡次给我写信。(从句谓语为终止性动词) 三、若since引导的状语从句的谓语为持续性动词的现在完成时 I haven’t heard from him since he has lived there。这里has lived表示动作的持续性,时间的起点应从:“开始居住”时算起。因此此句可理解为“自从他(开始)住在那儿起,我就一直没收到他的来信”。 Since we have owned a car, we have gone camping every year。自从我们自己有了汽车,我们每年都去野营。 试比较: Since I’ve been at this school, we have had three headmasters.自从我到这所学校,我们已换了三个校长了。 Since I was at this school, they have had three headmasters.自从我离开这所学校,他们已换了三个校长了。 He has never been to see me since I have been ill. 自从我生病以来,他从未来看过我。 He has never been to see me since I was ill. 自从我病愈以来,他从未来看过我。 四.since与ever连用时,延续性动词的一般过去时充当从句的谓语


S i n c e-和-f o r-的用 法及区别 -CAL-FENGHAI-(2020YEAR-YICAI)_JINGBIAN

Since 和 for 的用法及区别: 一,since 的四种用法 1,since + 过去一个时间点(如具体的年、月、日期、钟点、ago. 1990 , last month , half past six I have been here since 1990. 1990起,我一直在这儿。 2,since+ 一段时间+ago I h a v e b e e n h e r e s i n c e f i v e m o n t h s a g o。自从五个月前,我已经在这儿了。 3,since+从句Great Changes have taken place since you left. 自从你走后,已经发生了很大的变化。 4,It is +一段时间+since从句 I t i s t w o y e a r s s i n c e I b e c a m e a n E n g l i s h t e a c h e r.我成为英语老师有两年了。 二,Since 和for区别 1,Since +时间点,具体时间 “自从、、、、以来,从、、、以后”用来说明动作起始时间 I have been in Beijing since 2010. 2,For + 时间段,用来说明动作延续时间长度,因此句中的谓语动词,也应该是延续性动词。 I have been in Beijing for one year。 We have learnt English for about three years. I have been here for 3 days. (对) I have arrived here for 3 days.(误) 三,延续性动词和终止性动词的概念 英语中,动词按其动作发生的方式、动作发生过程的长短,可分为延续性动词和终止性动词。 延续性动词 表示能够延续的动作,这种动作可以延续下去或产生持久影响。如:


v1.0可编辑可修改 Since 用法小结 一.Since 作为介词,后接某一确定的时间点,主句谓语动词是持 续性动词,常与现在完成时态、现在完成进行时态或过去完成时态连用。例如: 1 、He left the village in 198 2 and I haven’t seen him since年他离开这个村子,从那以后我再没见过他。 2 、She’s been working in a bank since leaving school. 她中学毕业后就一直在一家银行工作。 had spoken to her only once since the party.自从那次聚会以来,他只跟她说过一次话。 二. Since 作为副词,表示从过去以来、以后或到现在的情 形或状态,常与现在完成时态连用。例如: 1 .He left hometwo weeks ago and we haven’t heard from him since.他两周前离开了家,到现在我们一直没有他的消息。 2 .He came to Zhenjiang 6 years ago and has lived here (ever) since.他6年前来到镇江,从此便住在这里。 三. since 引导原因状语从句

作为连词, since 可引导原因状语从句,表示因为;既然; 鉴于:例如: 1 .He didn ’t come since he was busy.他因为忙,所以没有来。 2 .Since this method doesn’t work,let ’s try another. 既然这种方法不行,我们就试用另一种吧。 四. Since 引导时间状语从句 1 .若 since 引导的状语从句的谓语是终止性动词的过去时, 则从句表示的时间是“从动作开始的那一时刻起”。例如: He has studied very hard since he came to our school. 自从他来到我们学校,他学习就非常努力。 We have been missing them since they left here自从他们离开这里,我们就一直很想念他们。 2 .若 since 引导的状语从句的谓语动词是持续性动词或表示状态动词的过去时时,则从句表示的时间是“从动作或状态结束时算起”。例如:


过去完成时用法小结 过去完成时用法小结 1. 表示在过去某一时刻或某一动作之前已经完成了的动作(即所谓的“过去的过去”)或表示从过去某一时刻开始一直延续到另一过去时刻的动作或状态。如:When we arrived he had already left. 我们到达时他已经离开了。 By six o’clock he had worked twelve hours. 到6点钟时他就已工作了12小时。 2. 表示未曾实现的希望或打算,主要用于hope, want, expect, think, suppose, plan, mean, intend 等动词。如: I had meant to come, but something happened. 我本想来,但有事就没有来。 We had thought to return early but they wouldn't let us go. 我们本想早回来的,但他们不让我们走。 3. 用于某些特殊句型。如: This was the first time he had ever been late. 这是他第一次迟到。(类似it was the first time that…后的从句谓语要用过去完成时) It was three years since we had left the city. (那时)我们离开那座城市已有三年。(类似it was…since…后的从句谓语要用过去完成时)

We had no sooner set out than a thunderstorm broke. 我们刚出发就遇到了大雷雨。(no sooner…than 的主句谓语要用过去完成时) He had hardly arrived when it began to snow. 他一到,天就下起雪来了。(hardly…when 的主句谓语要用过去完成时)


现在完成时Since和for的用法 Since 和for 的用法 表示过去已经开始持续到现在的动作或状态常用的时间状语有:for, since, how long, so far, these days等。 Since+过去点的时间,for+一段时间(数词+量词),此划线部分用how long提问。 一、since短语或从句表示过去的动作延续至今,since之后的时间为一点。如: Mr. Smith has worked here since 1984. 1984年以来,史密斯先生一直在这工作。 He’s learned about 5,000 English words since he went to college. 他上大学以来大约学了五千个英语单词。 二、for短语表示动作延续多长时间,for的宾语为时间段。如: We have known each other for twenty years. 我们认识有二十年了。 I haven’t seen her for a long time. 我好久没有见到她了。 练习:用since和for填空 1) ______ two years 2) _______ two years ago 3) _______ last month 4) ______ 1999 5) _______ yesterday 6) _______ 4 o’clock 7) ______ 4 hours 8) _______ an hour ago 9) _______ we were children 10) _____ lunch time 11) ______ she left here 1. He has lived in Nanjing ________ the year before last. 2. I’ve known him __________ we were children. 3. Our teacher has studied Japanese _________ three years. 4. She has been away from the city ___________ about ten years. 5. It’s about ten years __________she left the city. 2.短暂性转换延续性

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