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必修III--Unit I知识点---1 Festivals around the world


1.Festivals are meant to celebrate important times of year. 节日是用来庆祝一年的重要时光的。I believe he is meant to be a soldier.我相信他天生是要当军人的。

2. Discuss when they take place and what people do at that time.take place 发生,举行take the place of 代替,替代

3. the beauty of the full moon 满月的美

4. watch the full moon with family and friends和家人、朋友一起看满月

5. Some festivals are held to honour the dead or to satisfy the ancestors, who might return either to help or to do harm. 有些节日,是为了纪念死者,或使祖先得到满足,因为祖先们有可能回到世上给人们提供帮助,也有可能带来危害。to return to London 回到伦敦Return the book to the library. 把书归还给图书馆。

On my return from work, I saw the door was open. 我下班回家时,看见门开着。6.…go to clean graves and light incense in memory of their ancestors…….去上坟、扫墓、烧香,以缅怀祖先。This musem was built in memory of the great writer -Lu Xun.


7.On this important feast day, people eat food in the shape of skulls and cakes with “bones” on them. 在这个重要的节日里,人们会吃颅骨形状的食品和装点有骨头的蛋糕。8. dress up 乔装打扮He is dressed very well.他穿得很漂亮。be dressed in white 穿着白衣服a well [finely] dressed lady 衣着漂亮[讲究]的妇女Dress yourself quickly.你快点穿衣服。care much about dress讲究衣着a summer dress夏装

9.play a trick on sb 作弄某人The children played a trick on their teacher.孩子们捉弄了他们的老师。He tricked me into giving him the money.他哄骗我给了他钱。

10. People are grateful because their food is gathered for the winter and the agriculture work is over. 人们心怀感激因为越冬的粮食收集起来了,农活结束了。I am grateful to you for helping me.感谢你的帮助。Our grateful thanks are due to you. 我们衷心感谢你。11. Some pe ople might win awards for their farm produce, …有些人还可能因为他们的农产品而获奖…… The school awarded Merry a prize (for her good work). 学校(因为她工作好而)奖励了梅丽。awarded prizes to the winners. 给优胜者授予奖品He was awarded the gold medal for being the fastest runner. 他跑得最快,因而获得了金牌。12. admire the moon and enjoy mooncakes 赏月、品尝月饼

We all admired her for the way she saved the children from the fire.她把孩子们从大火中救出来,我们都钦佩不已。We all admired at his sudden success. 他的突然成功使我们感到惊讶。13. The most energetic and important festivals are the ones that look forward to the end of winter and to the coming of spring. 最富有生气而又最重要的节日,就是告别冬天、迎来春天的日子。The more the young students worked, the more energetic they became. 这些年青学生们越干越有劲。14. give children lucky money in red paper 给红纸包着的压岁钱15. a little later 晚一点儿Later But some time later it began to rain. 但过了些时候开始下雨了。no later than 不迟于sooner or later 迟早later on 后来,以后I'll tell you all about it later on. 晚些时候我再把有关这一切告诉你。

Latter Of the two the latter is far better than the former. 两者中后者比前者好得多。Latest the latest news最近的消息the latest fashion最新式样

Least He was the one who did the least of the work and got the most of the money.


at least起码He's going away for atleast a week.他起码一星期出去一次。

at the least至少,最少not in the least 一点也不

16. People love to get together to eat, drink and have fun with each other. 人们喜欢聚在一起吃、喝、玩耍。17. Festivals let us enjoy life, be proud of our customs and forget our work for a little while. 节日让我们享受生活,让我们为自己的习俗而自豪,还可以暂时忘掉工作。18. Today, of course, many people celebrate Christmas as though it were just a holiday to have fun with family, rather than a holiday about a belief. 当然,人们今天庆祝圣诞节好像是一家人欢聚的节日,而不是一个信仰的节日。

These shoes are comfortable rather than pretty. 这双鞋不好看,但是舒服。

American young people would rather get advice from strangers. 美国的年轻人宁可从陌生人那里获取咨询。We would rather receive money than the usual gifts. 我们宁可接受钱而不希望受到通常的礼物。I'd rather go to the movies. 我宁愿去看电影

I would rather you come tomorrow. 我宁愿你明天来。He's my friend, or rather he was my friend. 他是我的朋友,不过更确切地说,他曾经是我的朋友

19. Could you show me the way to Beihai Park? 你能告诉我去北海公园的路么?

20. When you eat fish you must be careful with bones.吃鱼的时候要当心鱼刺。

Be careful not to fall off the ladder. 当心别从梯子上掉下来。

You must be careful crossing the road. 你过马路一定要当心。

21. You want to invite your friend to come to a party. 你想邀朋友去参加一个晚会。She invited us to her party. 她邀请我们参加她的聚会。Questions are invited. 欢迎提问。22. ask sb for permission to do sth. 要某人同意做某事

ask for permission 请求许可without permission未经许可, 擅自

You have my permission to leave. 你可以走了。

23. make a phone call 打电话24. Hold /Hang on, please. 请别挂断。

25. Don’t mention it. 不用客气,不用谢,没关系,不用介意

26. It is a pleasure. 很荣幸。27. turn up 到场,出现

28. She could be with her friends right now laughing at him.也许她这会跟朋友在一起,正在取笑他呢。29. …he thought she would keep her word. 他认为她会守信用的。Can I have a word with you? 我能和你说几句话吗?In a word, the situation is serious.总而言之,形势很严峻No word has come from the battle front. 前线还没有消息传来。

I give you my word that I will return. 我向你保证我会回来的。The boy kept his word. 那孩子信守诺言。eat one's words 承认说错了话have words 吵嘴;争论

in other words 换句话说word for word 逐词地;原原本本地

Tell me what she said, word for word. 把她说的一五一十地告诉我。

30.He had looked forward to meeting her all day…他一整天都期盼着见到她……

31. …he wasn’t going to hold his breath for her to apologize. He would drown his sadness in coffee. 他不想屏息等她来道歉,他要用咖啡来解愁。

catch one's breath 屏息;歇一口气hold one's breath 屏息

take one's breath away 目瞪口呆;大为惊讶be short of breath 上气不接下气

He drew in a breath of fresh country air. 他吸一口农村新鲜空气。

There is not a breath of wind. 一点风也没有。

I apologized to her for stepping on her foot. 我因踩了她的脚而向她道歉。

drown one's cares in wine 以酒解忧be [get] drowned淹死, 溺死

drown oneself投水(自杀) He drowned himself in work.他埋头工作。

32.It was obvious that …很明显…It is obvious that she is very clever.很明显,她挺聪明

33. fall in love 坠入爱河,爱上,喜欢34. get married 结婚be married to …嫁给…

35. Magpies make a bridge of their wings …喜鹊展翅搭桥

He made a model plane out of wood. 他用木头做了一架模型飞机。

36. set off for home 动身往家走37. I don’t want them remind me of her. 我不想因他们想起她来。Remind me to write to Mother. 提醒我给妈妈写信。

38.As he sadly passed the tea shop on the corner on his way home, he heard a voice calling him. 在回家路上,他神情失落地走过拐角处的一家茶馆,听到有人叫他的名字。39. There was Hujin waving at him and calling, “ …I’ve been waiting for you for a long time.”那是胡瑾在向他招手,她喊到“……我一直在这儿等你好久了。”

40. Think of an ending to the story that will solve the problem. 考虑一个解决这个问题的故事的结尾。

必修III--Unit 2知识点Healthy eating一、知识点

1. eat a healthy/balanced diet 健康/平衡膳食balanced用分词作定语,意思为“平衡的”。A balanced program of diet is necessary.对饮食项目的合理安排是必要的。


We all appreciate a balanced outlook on life.我们都欣赏平和的生活态度。

We should have a balanced mood in life.我们在生活中应该有一个平和的心态。

(1)这是对竞选活动公正的报道。因为我们必须对当地人负责。This is a ______ ______ of the election campaign.For we must be responsible for the local people.

(2)这儿的每个人应当吃平衡的膳食并且保持生态平衡。Everyone in the factory should eat ______ ______ ______and keep ______ ______ ______.

答案:(1)balanced report (2)a balanced diet;balance of nature

2. energy-giving food 提供热量的食物

3. body-building food 健身/营养食物

4. protective food (含矿物质的维生素等)保健食物

5. Wang peng sat in his empty restaurant feeling very frusted. 王鹏坐在他那空荡荡的餐馆里,感到十分沮丧。

6. By now his rstaurant ought to be full of people. 到这个钟点他的餐馆本来应该是宾客盈门的。

7. “Nothing could have been better,”he thought.他想“再没有比这些更好吃的了。”这是一种特殊句式,为比较级的否定形式,形式是比较级,意义是最高级。My father tells me nothing is more pleasant than helping others. 父亲告诉我没有什么比帮助别人更令人愉快。There is nothing cheaper.再便宜不过了。


I can’t thank you enough.再怎么谢你也不过分。You can’t scold me enough.你再怎么责备我也不过分。You can’t be too careful.你愈小心愈好。

8. Suddenly he saw his freiend hurrying by. 突然他看到他的朋友匆匆地走过。

本句中出现see sb.doing句式,doing作宾语补足语。像这样的动词还有hear,notice,watch,feel等。 I saw my best friend Kate walking outside.我看到我的好朋友凯特在外面散步。相关链接:动词后面的宾语补足语可以是不带to的不定式,也可以是v.ing形式,但两者的含义不完全相同,各有侧重。不带to的不定式着重叙述事实的经过,v.ing形式着重强调偶然觉察到的一个正在发生的动作。例如:

I saw my mother put everything in the room.我看到我的妈妈把东西都放在屋子里。

I saw my mother putting everything in the room.我看到我的妈妈正把东西都放在屋子里。改错(1)When the students entered the supermarket,they saw a boss beat a boy at the very time.(2)Father noticed her to step off the sidewalk,across the road,and disappear into the bus station.(3)Three planes were seen to flying to the north of the famous city now.


9. Something terrible must have happened if Li Chang was not coming to eat in his restaurant as he always did. 要是李昌不像往常那样到他店里吃饭,那问题一定严重了。10.be tired of sb./doing sth.对……感到厌倦; be tired with …因……而劳累

be tired from doing 因…而疲倦;be tired out筋疲力尽的。

I am tired of eating the same food for lunch.我厌倦了午饭都吃一样的东西。

I'm tired of your empty words. 我听厌了你的空话。You may be tired with reading,but you should not be tired of it.阅读可能会使你疲惫,但是你不应该厌倦阅读。

tired,tiring的用法区别tired意思为“疲惫的、累的”,用于描述人,通常用be tired,look tired等结构;tiring意思为“令人厌倦的、使人疲劳的”,指某事或者某人使人厌倦,情感上不再予以理睬而回避。tiring只修饰物。This is a tiring marriage.这是一个令人讨厌的婚姻。填空(1)Some of the students got ______ (tire) of living abroad and decided to return to the motherland by plane as soon as possible.(2)The manager’s lecture was very ______ (tire),even if he mentioned a new product of his company,no one was very curious.

(3)Although we are ____ (tire) out after a long journey,yet we go on to finish the extra work on time.答案:(1)tired(2)tiring(3)tired

11. lose weight 减肥12. Curiosity drove Wang Peng inside. 王鹏受到好奇心的驱使,走了进去curiosity好奇心、求知欲,后面常跟介词about作后置定语。

Children have a natural curiosity about the world around them.儿童对周围的世界有天然的好奇心。Just out of curiosity,how old are you? 出于好奇,请问你有多大?

satisfy one’s curiosity满足好奇心idle curiosity多余的好奇心

burning with curiosity非常好奇out of curiosity出于好奇

选择填空—_____do you think of the film?—Oh,very excellent.We never thought everyone in my village had a curiosity _____ this kind of book. A.What;about B.What;in C.How;about D.How;of 解析:后句是对前句的应答,说电影非常好,看见前句应是问对电影的评价,要用What do you think of来问。be curious about 意思是“对……好奇”,使用名词形式curiosity不改变介词about的使用,选A项。13. be amazed at …对……感到吃惊amazed adj.(人)惊讶的;感到惊讶的,多修饰人。My mother looked amazed at my news.母亲听到我的消息后,感到惊讶。

amazing adj.可惊讶的;令人大为惊异的,多修饰物。 His victory was really amazing.他的胜利真叫人吃惊。There is more amazing news.还有更惊人的消息。

翻译(1)As is known to all,he is a very lazy man.It is amazing that he should have done that work so early.(2)All the people present were amazed to learn he’d won the game. (3)She seemed amazed that I had never been to Paris.


14. He threw down the menu and hurried outside.他甩了菜谱就往外走。

hurry v.赶紧,匆忙。常用短语有hurry after sb.追赶某人;h urry to do sth.匆忙干某事;Hurry up!快点!The movie begins at 6,we will have to hurry.电影6点开始,我们得快点。Mr Zhang doesn’t want to hurry his meal. 张先生不想匆匆忙忙吃饭。

hurry也可以作名词,意思为“匆匆忙忙、仓促”。in a hurry匆忙;be in a hurry to do sth.匆忙干某事; (There is) no hurry不用着急,常用在口语中。

介词、副词填空(1)Hurry____! A woman ____ red is looking for you in the schoolyard.She looks very anxious.(2)My girlfriend was very angry about my shouting _____ her for her carelessness and ran out,so I went hurrying off ______ her.

(3)—It is said that you want to give me advice _____ it.—Yes,you will make mistakes if you do things ______ a hurry.答案:(1)up;in(2)to;after(3)on;in

15. He could not have Yong Hui getting away with telling people lies. 他可不能让雍慧哄骗人却不受到惩罚。get away逃脱,离开,出发get away with 侥幸做成,侥幸得手,(做了某事)而不受惩罚;携带……跑掉。have sb.doing sth. 容忍某人做某事,让某种事情发生。I hope to get away early in the morning.我希望一早就动身离开。How did he get away with cheating?他作弊是如何得逞的?

I won’t have y ou doing your housework in this way. 我可不允许你这样做家务活。

I won’t have the fire burning all the night.我不会让火一夜都燃烧着。

If you cheat in the exam,you’ll never get away with it. 考试作弊,必予追究。Noboday gets away with insulting me like that. 这样侮辱我的人,我是不会放过的。Thieves raided the bank and got away with a lot of money.盗贼抢劫银行,掠走了大批现款。相关链接:have sb.do sth.使、让、叫某人干某事;have sth.done 请某人把某事做好,蒙受某种损失。例如:He is strong and you have him carry the heavy box.他很强壮,你让他扛这个重箱子。We had the watch repaired.我们请人把手表修好了。

I had my bike stolen yesterday. 昨天我的自行车丢了。

选择填空(1)The achievement in the mid-term test has me _____ whether I can _____ in the final exam. A.wondering;win B.wonder;win C.wondered;beat D.wondering;beat 解析:本题考查have sb. do/doing sth.的使用,do 是做过了某事,doing一直在做某事,由题意知“我”一直在担心自己能否在期末考试中取胜,即wondering,没有beat the exam的用法,故选A项。(2)—Mr Smith,would you mind if I ask you to have the box ______ for me?—Of course not,I think I will have my two brothers ______ it right now. A.carried;carrying B.carried;carry C.carrying;carry D.carry;carrying

解析:本题第一个空的意思是“找人扛箱子”,have the box carried ;第二个空的意思是要请他人代为扛着,而不是正在扛着,要用have my brothers carry it,综合起来应选B项。16. He had better do some research. 他最好作一番调查。research 在此处为名词,意思为“研究,探讨”,后面接介词into,表示“对……方面研究”。I am doing research into the animal life.我正在研究动物生活。The research into the cause of the cancer is necessary.对癌症的起因的研究很有必要。research作动词时,意思是“研究,探索”,相当于explore。The subject has already been fully researched.这个课题已进行过充分的研究。翻译(1)All the scientists in the lab of the famous university are researching the effects of the drugs on the human body day and night.(2)I doubt what he says at the meeting.You had better do some research.(3)I have done some research into the speed—it looks as if the plane will be the fastest.



17. At the library Wang Peng was surprised to find that his restaurant sreved far too much fat …在图书馆,王鹏很惊讶地发现,他的餐馆食物脂肪含量太高,……

Don't tell him about the present -- it's a surprise.不要告诉他礼物的事,这是件意想不到的礼物。I looked at him in surprise - I didn't expect to see him again.我惊奇地看他,没想到又见到他了。His anger surprised me - I had thought he was a calm person. 他的愤怒使我很惊讶,我原来以为他是个冷静的人。lt's nothing to be surprised about[at]. 这事不值得大惊小怪。I was surprised at seeing [to see] him there. 我真想不到会在那里见到他。18. …they were not ea ting enough energy-giving food to keep them fit.他们摄取不到足够的热量来保持健康。This food is not fit for your visitors.这食物对你的客人来说不合适。He runs to keep fit. 他跑步为了保持健康。Her new shoes didn't fit so she took them back to the shop and changed them for another pair.她那双新鞋不合穿,所以她去商店换了一双。The trousers don't fit him, they are too small.这条裤子他穿不合身,太小了。This coat's a beautiful fit to you.这件外衣对你非常合身。

19. Perhaps with a discount and a new sign he could win his customers back. 也许写个新标牌、打点折,能够帮他赢回顾客。

20. lose heart 丧失勇气,失去信心lose interest 失去兴趣lose face丢面子,现眼Don't lose heart. You are almost there.不要失去信心。你就要成功了。

I lose interest in this silly conflict.我对这场愚蠢的战斗失去了兴趣。

If Tom can not keep his promise, he'll lose face. 如果汤姆不能信守诺言,他就会丢面子。21. However, as she was afraid of being laughed at by her friends, she did not consult a doctor … 但是她害怕朋友们嘲笑,所以她没去咨询大夫……

I must consult my principal on this matter. 这件事我必须与委托人商量一下。

without consulting sb.没征求某人的意见consult a doctor about one's illness找医生治病consult reference books翻阅参考书consult the interests of the masses考虑群众的利益consult one's own convenience只顾个人利益

22. be unwilling to do sth 不愿做某事23. …encouraged her to exercise 鼓励她锻炼You should exercise more so as to keep energetic.你应当多锻炼以保持精力充沛。

24. I can’t stand tomatoes, …我受不了西红柿,…… I cannot stand waiting any longer.再等下去我可受不了啦。25. Not exactly. 不完全,未必是,也不是

26. I wish I could see things clearly in the dark. 我希望我能在黑暗中看地清楚一些。

27. Perhaps he would be able to earn his living after all and not have to close his restaurant. 或许他仍然能够谋生,而不至于关张了。28. He did not look forward to being in debt because his restaurant was no longer popular. 他不希望由于餐馆不受欢迎而负债。

in debt 负债,积欠;如果表示欠某人的债,后面加介词to,即短语be in debt to sb.。In the old society,many peasants are in heavy debt.在旧社会,许多农民负债累累。

You know,I am in my parents’ debt. 你知道,我欠父母的太多了。

相关链接:pay off debt还清债务;get into debt陷入债务中。He has enough money to pay off his father’s outstanding debts.他现在有足够的钱来还清父亲尚未还清的债务。Mary was getting into debt.玛丽陷入债务中。

介、副词填空(1)In my opinion,the black woman carrying the precious box mustn’t have been ______ debt.(2)What a pity! My workmate has not enough money to pay ______ debt till now.(3)The farmer who got seriously ill last year was in debt ______ him and

decided to pay off soon.(4)The manager got ______ the heavy debt and killed himself yesterday evening. 答案:(1)in(2)off(3)to(4)into

29. the other day 几天前,前几天30. spy on 侦查,窥探

31. I don’t want to upset you, but I found your menu so limited that I stopped worrying and started advertising the beninfts of my food.我不想让你心烦,但是我发现你菜谱上的菜太少了,所以我也就不着急了,我也开始宣传我餐馆的食物的好处。

benefit n.有益,有好处;裨益(强调“益”),bebefits还可以作“救济金”用。be of benefit有好处。It is said Yogo is of great benefit to human health. 据说瑜咖功对人体健康有极大好处。I did it for his benefit. 我做这个是为了帮助他。

Many laid-off workers are in great need of unemployment benefits 许多下岗工人急需失业救济金。相关链接:v.i 常与from连用,得益于……, 受益于……

We benefited from what he said.我们从他的话中受益。

The plants benefited from the rain. 植物得益于这场雨。

vt. 有益于Exercise benefits our health. 运动有益于我们的健康。

必修III--Unit 3知识点III---III The Million Pound Bank Note

一、知识点1. be brought up被抚养长大bring up 提出,教育,培养,使成长

I'll bring up your children as mine.我一定会把你的孩子当自己的子女看待,把他们抚养成人.Anything else you want to bring up for discussion.你还有什么问题要提出来供双方讨论的吗? 2.He is best known for his novels set in his boyhood world on the river,…他因为他的小说最为出名,那是以河边少年时代为背景而写的set以…为背景确定一幕剧的情节展开的特定地点:a play that is set in Venice. 以威尼斯为背景的剧

be best known for…以……著称Qingdao is best known for its beer 青岛以它的啤酒而著称。3. Imagine that someone gives you a large sum of money to spend as you like.What would you do with it?假设有人给了你一大笔钱,让你随便花,你打算怎么办呢?(1) a large sum of money: a large amount of money 一大笔钱a large amount of + 不可数名词.大量的, a large amount of work/money/furniture 大量的工作/钱/家具

注意:A large amount of money was spent on the bridge.(谓语动词用单数)

Large amounts of money were spent on the bridge.(谓语动词用复数)

建这座大桥花了一大笔钱。“the amoun t of+不可数名词”表示“……的总数、总额、总值”。(2) as you like“按照你喜欢的方式”,as conj.是连词,引导方式状语从句。

e.g.Leave the room as it is.房间的东西不要动。Do as I told you to.按照我的要求去做。

(3)do sth. with sth. 主要用于疑问句中,与what配合使用,意思是“处理、对付,安排”。What have you done with my umbrella?你把我的伞放哪里去了?

What are we going to do with the food left over from the party? 我们宴会上剩下的食物怎么办呢?She doesn’t know what to do with herself.她不知道怎么办才好。

What will you do with this kind of letter? 你打算怎么处理这封信呢?

4…. what do you think of it? ……你觉得它怎么样?What do you think of sth.?=How do you like sth.? = How do you find sth.表达个人看法“你认为某事怎么样?”What do you think of my clothes? 你认为我的衣服怎么样?5. make a bet 打赌He made a bet with me on whether the famous actress would come. 他和我打赌,赌那位有名的演员是否会来。相似短语: win a bet 打赌而赢了lose a bet 打赌而输put/place a bet on a horse 在一匹马上下赌注How did you feel about the bet if you lose it? 如果这次赌博你输了,你觉得赌博如何?have a bet on sth. 赌博…… People in Hong Kong like having a bet on horse races. 香港人喜欢在马的比赛上下赌注。

6. At this moment, they see a penniless young man wandering on the pavement outside their house. 这时,他们看见一个身无分文的年轻人在房子外面的人行道上游荡。The children wandered in the woods. 孩子们在森林里漫步。

wander about [over]the world 漫游世界wander through the woods徘徊于林中

wander from proper conduct行为不正派wander from the subject [point]离题

His mind is wandering.他心不在焉。

7. …who is l ost in London. 他在伦敦迷路了。lose vt. 丢失,迷失be lost in...(1)(在城市、森林、人群中)迷路He is lost in the forest.他在森林里迷了路。

He is lost in the crowd and didn’t know where to go.他在人群中迷了路,不知该往哪里走。(2)专心致志于……Lost in thought,he almost ran into a tree. 沉思之中,他差一点撞到前面的树。8. Who?Me,sir? 谁?我吗,先生?英语里,在简略答语中要用宾格,而不用主格。—Who broke the window?谁打破了窗户?—Me.我。

9.Through the front door on you left. 通过你左侧的前门。through,表示动作是在某一物体的空间里进行的,翻译成“穿过……”。e.g.walk through the forest 走过森林flow through the city 流过城市come in through the window 从窗户进来

The river flows through the city from west to east. 这条河自西向东流过这座城市。10.Permit me to lead the way,sir. 请允许我带路,先生。permit sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事Permit me to explain,will you?请允许我解释,好吗?

The teacher won’t permit her students to wear jewels.老师不允许她的学生戴首饰。permit doing sth.... W e don’t permit smoking in the office.在我们的办公室里不准吸烟。

11.Not at all.It’s my first trip here.一点也不,这是我的第一次旅行。

at all用在肯定句、疑问句中,起强调作用,意为“竟然,到底,真的”。

It’s a miracle that you returned at all.你竟然还回来了,这真是个奇迹。Did you do the work at all?你真的做了这事?12.I wonder,Mr Adams,if you’d mind us asking a few questions. 亚当斯先生,不知您是否介意我们问几个问题。

(1)I wonder if/whether...“请问您是否……”,可以用以提出要求,为礼貌的表达方式。

I wonder if you can lend me your bike. 我能否用一下你的自行车。

wonder 后也可跟其他的疑问词,如who,where,when,how 等。

I wonder who he is.我不知道他是谁。I wonder where they come from.我不知道他们是哪里的人。(2)mind doing sth. 反对……,介意……主要用于否定句、疑问句和条件句等。Did she mind not getting the job? 她没得到那份工作是不是很介意?

Do you mind the noise? 这声音影响你吗?Do you mind if I smoke? 我吸烟你反对吗?13. Not at all. Go right ahead. 不介意,请问吧。Go ahead 开始,干吧,前进,进行14. As a matter of fact,I landed in Britain by accident.


(1) as a matter of fact 实际上,事实上= in fact,actually

As a matter of fact,I like English very much.实际上,我很喜欢英语。

(2)by accident 偶然的,意外的= by chance I found it by accident.我很意外地发现了它。

I met her quite by chance.我偶然碰到了她。

15.His eyes stare at what’s left of the brother’s dinner on the table. 他目不转睛地盯着桌子上吃剩的饭菜。stare at凝视着……e.g.It’s rude to stare at strangers.盯着陌生人看是没有礼貌的。No one likes being stared at.没有人喜欢被别人盯着看。

16. Well, towards nightfall I found myself carried out to sea by a strong wind. 嗯,傍晚时分我发现我被一阵大风刮到海上去了。

17. I didn’t know whether I could survive until morning. 我不知道我能否活到早晨。survive “幸存,从……中逃脱”,既可为及物动词,又可为不及物动词。

The house survived the storm.这房子在暴风雨中脱险。

No ship could long survive in such a storm.在这样的暴风雨中,没有一只船能长期坚持下去。Chuck survives the crash and lands on a deserted island.查克在一个荒凉的小岛上幸存下来。18.The next morning I’d just about given myself up for lost when I was spotted by a ship.第二天早晨,我正感到绝望的时候,一艘海船发现了我。

give sb. up for lost认为某人没有生还的可能The air crash happened on the sea and the government gave the people on board up for lost.这次空难发生在海上,官方认为机上人员生还的可能性渺茫。spot a friend in the crowd 在人群中认出一个朋友

The night sky is spotted with stars. 夜晚的天空繁星点点。

a scenic spot风景胜地a historic spot古迹on the spot 马上,立刻;当场;在现场;当机立断The question put me on the spot. 这个问题使我得做出反应了。

19. And it was the ship that brought you to England. 正是那艘船把你带到了英国。

该句为强调句,其句型结构为“It was+被强调部分+that+句子剩余部分”。

John might have bought a new book for Mary yesterday.约翰昨天可能为玛丽买了一本新书。改为强调句:

It is John that/who might have bought a new book for Mary yesterday.(强调主语)

It is a new book that John might have bought for Mary yesterday.(强调宾语)

It is for Mary that John might have bought a new book yesterday.(强调目的状语)

It is yesterday that John might have bought a new book for Mary.(强调时间状语)




(1)As a matter of fact, ______is a hard job for the police to keep order in an important football match. A.this B.that C.there D.it

(2)It was how the young man had learned five foreign languages ______ attracted the audience’s interest. A.so that B.that C.what D.in which

(3)—Wasn’t it Dr Wang who spoke to you just now? —______.

A.I di dn’t know he was

B.Yes,it was

C.No,he wasn’t

D.Yes,he did

解析(1):本题考查句型It is+adj.+(for sb.)to do sth.,it 是形式主语,真正的主语是不定式部分,故选D项。解析(2):本题考查强调句It is+强调部分+that,所以选B 项。解析(3):本对话的第一句是强调句的否定式的一般疑问句,其答语也应该是强调句式的,要么Yes,it was要么No,it was not,故选B项。

20. The fact is that I earned my passage by working as an unpaid hand, which accounts for my apperance. I went to the American embassy to seek help, but … 事实上我靠做义工来顶替船费,这就是我为什么衣冠不整了。我上美国大使馆求助,但是……

account for对……做出解释;做某事的解释;解释某事物的原因。

Please account for your own behavior. 请你对自己的行为作出解释。

相关链接:by/from all accounts 根据大家的说法make much/little/no account of对……非常重视/轻视/忽视on account of为……的理由,为……的缘故on no account决不take...into account对……加以考虑

介词填空(1)Recent pressure at work may account ______ his strange behavior.

(2) ______ no account must you be able to give the police an accurate description of the young fellow working in my company.

(3)The late headmaster did not take our basic needs ______ account.

(4)—What a surprise!The train was late.

—You see,it is snowing.The train were delayed on account ______ the snow.


21.To be honest,I have none. 说实话,我什么也没有。

to be honest是不定式,但是有时不定式在句子中作为独立结构出现,用来说明说话人的态度。一般来讲,人们已经把这些不定式作为固定词组、固定搭配来运用。

To be honest,Miss Wang love you all the time even if you desert her. 坦白说,即使你抛弃王小姐,她仍然一直爱你。To be honest,he stole your book.老实告诉你,他偷走了你的书本。

相关链接: to tell you the truth说句老实话

To tell you the truth,I don’t think the film is good.说句老实话,我认为这部电影并不好。to be fair说句公道话To be fair,it is not all his fault.说句公道话,这不全是他的错。

to be frank坦率地说To be frank,you are lying.坦率地说,你在说谎。


(1)To tell the truth,if you trust him,you will certainly be taken in.

______________________________________________________________________ (2)To be honest,I’d rather you came tomorrow than today to do some shopping.

______________________________________________________________________ (3)To be fair,it is your bad temper that caused the terrible quarrel.

______________________________________________________________________ (4)To be frank,try to make use of every opportunity offered to you.


答案:(1)说句老实话,如果你相信他,你肯定受骗 。(2)坦白说,我宁愿你明天而不是今天来买东西。(3)说句公道话,是你的坏脾气惹的祸。(4)坦率地说,好好利用你遇到的一切机会 。

21. On the contrary, in fact.事实上,正好相反。

22.N ow,if you’ll excuse me,I think I’ll be on my way. 现在,如果你愿意原谅我的话,我想我要上路了。excuse v.原谅(人、行为),宽恕,后面跟名词作宾语。

excuse 常有如下用法:excuse+sb./sth.+for doing sth.或者excuse one’s doing sth.。excuse n.辩解,辩白,借口。后面跟介词for作后置定语。

He made a good excuse for breaking the regulations.他违反规定,却提出堂皇的理由辩解。A bad excuse is worse than no excuse.与其作差劲的辩解,不如不辩解。

I will excuse your hurrying to leave the classroom.这次我原谅你匆忙离开教室。

The Chinese teacher excused him for being late.=The Chinese teacher excused his being late.语文老师原谅他的迟到。

Excuse me for hurting your finger by accident. 原谅我碰巧弄伤了你的手指。

相关链接:表示“对不起”的几种形式:Excuse me用于要走开、插话、问候或表示异议的场合;I am sorry表示自己有过失、用于道歉时,比I beg your pardon更灵活,更具有诚意lease forgive me是书面语,很正式,一般用在对方情绪难以平息的时候。

on one’s way to a place 在去某地的路上

e.g.He found a wallet on his way home. 他在回家的路上发现了一个钱包。

23.You mustn’t think we don’t care about you. 你千万不要认为我们不关心你。

care about 担心;关心You must learn to care about others if you want to make friends with others.如果你想和别人交朋友,你就必须为别人担心。care for=like 喜欢e.g.I don’t much care for his parents.我不是很喜欢他的父母。

24.James,show Mr Adams out. 詹姆斯,把亚当斯先生送出去。show sb.out 带某人出去The secretary showed me out of the office.秘书把我送出办公室。

show sb. around 领某人参观show off 夸耀;卖弄

25.This way.走这边。way [C]路;道路;方向;距离Can you tell me the way to the hospital?请问去医院怎么走?Will you please come this way?请这边走。

He had a strange way of making his classes lively and interesting.他有一种奇妙的方法,使他的课上得生动有趣。He is on his way to school. 他正走在上学的路上。

26.Mr Adams,not until 2 o’clock.Promise? 亚当斯先生,两点钟以前不要拆信,答应吗?promise vt.允诺,承诺;预示

He has promised to behave better henceforth.他答应从今以后要表现得好些。

This year promises to be another good one for harvests .今年看来又是一个丰收年。

相关链接:promise n.诺言,预兆,预示注意:promise表“许诺、诺言”时,是可数名词;表“希望;预兆,预示”时,是不可数名词。promising有希望的。

完成句子(1)A:I made my promise that I help him no matter what happened.B:I ______ ______ help him ______ happened.(2)A:They are a group of writers of promise in this area and they will go to Beijing for the further study.B:They are a group of ______ writers in this area and they will go to Beijing for the further study.答案:(1)promised to;whatever (2)promising27. poor appearance 穷酸相

28.Take this gentleman’s order. 去看看这位先生要点什么菜。


1)order v. “点菜,叫菜;订购,订货”,既可作名词也可作动词。如:

He placed an order with the company for the mobile phones.他向这家公司订购了移动电话。2)order n. 可表示“次序,顺序,状况,工作状况”。

in order of size/importance按大小/重要性排列 keep order维持秩序

out of order不整齐,状况不佳;in order of...照(依)……排列

in good order井井有条;in order处于正常情况,情况良好,整齐

29. It is well-known that many Americans like to eat a lot.Well,we will have to take a chance. 许多美国人喜欢吃得多,这是大家都知道的。哦,我们得冒点风险。

take a chance冒险Everyone in the classroom likes to take a chance.在教室里的每个人都喜欢冒险。Taking chances give us too much pleasure. 冒险给我们很大的快乐。

要注意下列短语:by chance偶然地,无意地leave...to chance将……听天由命

stand a good chance大有希望take a chance=take chances碰运气,投机

have the chance of...有……的可能性

选择I _____ a chance to get permission from Mr Wang. For I think there is no chance of _____ in doing it.A.take;succeedB.win;succeedingC.take;succeedingD.win;succeed

解析:take a chance的意思是“侥幸,冒险去干某事”,a chance of...意思是“有……机会”后跟动名词succeeding,也满足succeeding in doing sth.这一句型,故选C项。 答案:C

完成句子A:How lucky my brother is!He have a chance to visit the most beautiful city in France.B:How lucky my brother is!He has a chance _____ _____ the most beautiful city in France.答案:of visiting

30.(in a rude manner)What is there to wait for? (很不耐烦地)还等什么?31. .All right,Horace.I’ll take care of this. 霍勒斯,行了,这儿由我来照应。

take care of固定短语,照看,照料,处理。

Who is taking care of the dog while you are away?你不在家时谁照看你的狗。

The secretary always took care of the details.细节问题总是由秘书处理。

相关链接:look after;attend to;see to照顾。

Don’t worry,I’ll look after the kids tomorrow.别担心,明天我照顾孩子。

They are ill,please attend to them for me.他们病了,请替我照顾他们。

You should get a nurse to see to me instead of you.你应当找一个护士来替你照看我。

翻译(1)Who will take care of your daughter while you are away?


(2)I may be late—I have got one or two things to attend to.


答案:(1)你不在的时候谁来照顾你的女儿?(2)我也许会迟到,我有一两件事情要处理 。32. in rags 衣衫褴褛

33. We are so very glad that you even entered our little eating place. Indeed,sir,I trust that you’ll come here whenever you like. 我们非常高兴你能走进我们这家小吃店,先生,真的,我相信,您想来的时候,您就会来的。indeed adv. 真正地,真实地,确实

I am indeed very sorry to know you are blamed.得知你被谴责,我真的很难过。

A friend in need is a friend indeed.患难朋友才是真正的朋友。


Indeed he is poor,but he is generous.他虽然一贫如洗,但是他仍然很慷慨。

I may indeed be lucky to catch him in.我可能真的很幸运在他家里碰上他。

完成句子(1)A:I do be happy to hear the news that our team won the first prize.

B:I am ______ happy to hear the news that our team won the first prize.

(2)A:Although he dislikes the student,he teaches him patiently.

B: ______ he dislikes the student,he teaches him patiently.答案:(1)indeed(2)Indeed 34.You must come whenever you want and have whatever you like. 无论您什么时候想来,您想吃点什么,您就一定要来呀。whatever pron.有“无论什么”的意思,引导让步状语从句。= No matter what …也可以引导名词性从句,= the thing that Whatever I suggest,he always disagrees.无论我提出什么建议,他总是不同意。

Don’t give up,whatever you do. 不论你怎么做都不要放弃。

完成句子(1) 杰克的爸爸告诉他圣诞节他要什么礼物都行。Jack’s dad to ld him he

could have ____________________ for Christmas.(2) 无论妻子说什么,我决定买一个与褐色西装相称的新领带。______ ______ ______/______ my wife said,I decided to buy a new tie to go with this brown suit.答案:(1)Whatever he wanted(2)No matter what/Whatever 35. Just having you sit here is a great honour. 您就是在这儿坐一下也是我们莫大的荣幸。He is an honour to his school.他是学校引以为荣的人。

It's my honour (honor) to serve you.为您服务是我的荣幸。May I have the honour to dance with you?我可以请您跳支舞吗?We should honour our ancestors.我们还要缅怀祖先。36. As for the bill, sir, please forget it.至于账单吗,先生,请把太忘了吧。

as for 至于,关于37. from the bottom of my heart 从我心底里

38.make an outline of …写……的概要You'd better make an outline of your speech.你最好为你的发言拟订出提纲。39. make a note of …记录40. think up想出,设计出,发明,编造41. Try writing a play so you can practise your oral English. 试着写一出短剧,也可以练习你的英语口语。

必修III--Unit 4知识点

III---IV Astronomy: the science of the stars一、知识点

1. I n our solar system eight planets circle around the sun.在我们的太阳系里八个行星绕太阳运转。The birds were circling around over the lake. 鸟儿在湖面上空绕圈子。

The teachers are used to circling the pupils' spelling mistakes in red ink. 教师习惯于用红笔圈出学生的拼写错误。They sat in a circle round the fire.他们围着火坐成一圈。

In political circles there is talk of war. 在政治圈里,有人谈论到(会发生)战争

2. The origin of life on earth is a question that interests astronomers. 地球上生命的起源是个使天文学家感兴趣的问题。the origins of civilization 文明的起源

He is a German by origin.他原籍德国。

This new theory will certainly interest you.这新理论肯定会引起你的兴趣。

I find no interest in such things. 我对这些不感兴趣。

His two great interests in life are music and painting. 他一生中的两大爱好是音乐和绘画。The interests of the individual must be subordinated to the interests of the collective. 个人利益必须服从集体利益。

3. However,according to a widely accepted theory, the universe began with a “Big Bang” that threw matter in all directions. 但是,一种普遍为人们所接受的理论是:宇宙起源于一次大爆炸,这次大爆炸将物质投射到四面八方。

widely accepted 被广泛地接受、认可begin with 始于to begin with 起初Knowledge begins with practice. 认识从实践开始。

To begin with, I couldn’t understand every word. 起初,我一句也没弄明白。

In which direction are you going, north or south? 你准备往哪个方向走?向北还是向南?What direction does this exhibition hall face? 展览馆朝什么方向?

in all directions 四面八方; 各方面in every direction向各方面, 向四面八方

in the direction of 朝... 方向 4. a cloud of dust 一团尘埃

a cloud of …一大群,一大片My mother drew my uncle's attention to a cloud of unusual size and shape .我的妈妈让我的叔叔注意一团形状大小很不规则的云彩。

5. what it was to become was uncertain, …它会变成什么没有人知道,……

What it was to become 是一个主语从句,在整个句子中作主语;be to do这一结构在本句中表示 “即将”。 be to do的其他用法:


I am uncertain what to do. 我确定不了做什么。

6. The earth became so violent that it was not clear whether the shape would last or not. 地球开始变得激烈动荡,不知道这个固体形状是否会继续存在下去。

a violent wind 暴风a violent death 横死; 暴死a violent dislike 极端的厌恶

The hot weather lasted until the end of September. 炎热的天气一直持续到九月底。This food will last them 5 days. 这些食物足够他们吃五天。

This cloth lasts well. 这种布很耐穿。

7. It exploded loudly with fire and rock. They were in time to produce the water vapor,carbon dioxide,oxygen,nitrogen and other gases,...它(地球)巨大的爆炸喷出了烈火与岩石,最终产生了水蒸气、二氧化碳、氧、氮和其他多种气体,…… explode with anger勃然大怒, 大发脾气explode with laugher哄堂大笑

The bomb exploded.炸弹爆炸了。I threw the vase on the floor and it exploded into tiny pieces.我把花瓶扔到了地板上,花瓶砰地一声摔个粉碎The children exploded three firecrackers. 孩子们燃放了三个爆竹in time来得及;总有一天,迟早

I was just in time for the flight. 我刚好来得及赶上那班飞机。

I will see him in time.总有一天我会遇见他。in no time立即,立刻at any time 在任何时候 at one time曾经,一度at times 有时,偶尔 on time按时,准时of the time 现在的,当时的 I jump into the river in no time.我立即跳入河中。

You may use my watch at any time. 你可以随时用我的手表。

At one time there were not so many cars on the streets. 从前街上没有这么多车子。 At times I go to the playground to play football. 我有时到操场踢足球。

The guest reached the hall on time.客人准时到达大厅。

I think he is the greatest musician of the time. 我想他是当代最伟大的音乐家。

(1)—Why are you in a hurry to leave here? —Get home ______ to bathe the children.

(2)These buses are never ______ and the passengers are always complaining.

(3)I am away,please call me ______ if someone come to see me.

(4)You can’t imagine this lake used to be a beautiful place in our province ______.

(5)He rushed out of the kitchen ______ when he heard the shout.

(6) ______ I sit silently and wonder if this kind of job is worth all the effort.

答案:(1)in time(2)on time(3)at any time (4)at one time(5)in no time(6)At times

8. cool down 冷却,平静下来A heated argument can be settled better if both sides cool down first. 如果双方都先冷静下来,激烈的争执可以处理得好一些。

9. It was not immediately obvious that water was to be fundamental to the development of life. 水会对于生命的发展起关键作用,这一点在当时并不明显。

It is obvious that she is very clever. 很明显,她挺聪明。

There are fundamental differences between your religious beliefs and mine. 你我的宗教信仰根本不同.The fundamental cause of his success is hard work他成功的重要原因是努力工作。Fresh air is fundamental to good health. 空气新鲜是身体健康之必需。

A fundamental of good behavior is consideration for others.


10. … the continued presence of water allowed the earth to dissolve harmful gases and acids into the oceans and seas.水的持续存在使得地球把有害气体和酸性物质溶解在海洋里。Your presence is a gift to the world.你的存在是献给世界的一份厚礼。

She was so quiet that her presence was hardly noticed.


Your presence at the meeting is requested. 敬请光临。

allow sb.sth.同意给某人某物;allow sb.to do sth.允许某人做某事;allow doing sth.允许做某事,与permit在很多情况下可以通用。其他动词advise,forbid 也有类似用法。The read ing room doesn’t allow smoking.阅览室不准吸烟。People are not allowed to spit in public. 不许当众吐痰。


(1)allow可以和副词连用,permit则不能。如:Mary wouldn’t allow me in.玛丽不让我进去。(2)表示客气的请求时,主语是you应当用permit,以表示下级对上级,幼辈对长辈,低层对高层人尊敬的请求。若主语用I,则应当用allow的被动形式。如:May I be allowed to use this knife?=Will you permit me to use this knife?我可以用你的刀子吗?翻译(1)The girl’s parents are very strict and they don’t allow the girl to stay out beyond midnight.

________________________________________________________________________ (2)We don’t allow making a noise in the meeting room of the school.

________________________________________________________________________ (3)I allow the little boy a bike for his birthday present.

________________________________________________________________________ 答案:(1)女孩的父母相当严厉,他们不允许她待在外面超过12点。(2)我们不准有人在学校的会议室里吵闹。(3)我答应给小男孩自行车作为生日礼物。

11. This produced a chain reaction, which made it possible for life to develop. 这就产生了一系列的反应,使得生命就有可能开始发展了。

12. They multiplied and filled the oceans and seas with oxygen, which encouraged the later development of early shellfish and all sorts of fish. 它们繁殖起来并使得海洋充满了氧气,这促进了早期贝壳类动物和各种鱼类以后生的长发育。

He filled the bucket with water. 他把水桶装满水。There have been many new developments in gene. 基因方面已经有几项新的发展。Father watched the development of his baby with interest.爸爸充满兴趣地看着孩子的成长。

with the development of society 随着社会的发展 political development政治动态 housing development住宅区

(1)As the new country ______ (develop),more and more people live a happy and easy life..(2)America is a ______ (develop) country,the average income is very large.

(3)In Africa,some countries are ___ (develop) countries.They are badly need other countries aid.(4)With the ______ (develop) of economy,our society still needs the rapid development of civilization答案:1)develops2)developed 3)developing4)development 13. …were able to live on land as well as in the water. …… 既能在陆地上生存也能在水里生存。He grows flowers as well as vegetables.他既种菜也种花.I'm learning French

as well as English.我学英语之外还学法语。Rose is as well as her brother.罗斯和她哥哥身体一样棒。14. They produced young generally by laying eggs. 它们一般是通过孵蛋而繁衍后代的。Animals protect their young. 动物保护它们的幼崽。

15.…existed on the earth for more than 140 million years. ……在地球上生存了一亿四千多万年。exist v.存在;there exist表示“存在/有”,此时exist不用进行时。 Several people believe the Devil exists in the world. 少数人认为世界上存在恶魔。 There exists warm-hearted person everywhere.好人到处都有。

Conference like the Earth Summit help people understand that there exist serious problems and that there is still time to take action. 像地球峰会一样的会议有助于人们明白现存在的严重问题,也明白还有时间来采取行动的。

there exist表示“存在/有”,是“there be”句型的延伸,类似的还有there stand,there lie,there live,there occur。改错(1)It is surprising that a kind of animal is existing in the dry desert.(2)There exist a good way to solve many difficult physics problems.

答案:(1)is existing→exists(2)exist→exists16. give birth to 引起,产生,造成,生His wife give birth to a son for him.他老婆给他生了一个儿子.

It is very important that you should l earn to release the stress.Otherwise ,it will give birth to a serious psychological question.最重要的是要学会释放压力.否则,就会产生严重的心理问题.17. …some small clever animals,now with hands and feet,appeared and spread all over the earth. 一些小巧聪明,长着手脚的动物出现了,它们散布在地球各个地方。spread(spread,spread) vt.使伸展,延伸vi.(消息等)传开,流行

Mum spread a new cloth bought in the supermarket on the table when we had dinner. 我们吃饭时妈妈在桌子上铺上一条从超市买来的新桌布。

He spread out his arms to welcome us warmly. 他张开双臂热情地欢迎我们。

The exciting news spread through the school quickly. 这激动人心的消息很快传遍了学校。spread out 传开 spread rumors 散布谣言 spread like w ildfire 像野火一般传开spread oneself 舒展身体 spread the table 铺桌子 spread the load 分摊(工作量)18. Thus they have, in their turn, became the most important animals on the planet. 于是,他们接着成为了这个行星上最重要的动物。There has been no rain —thus, the crops are drying. 天没下雨,因此庄稼要枯死了。She studied hard; thus she got high marks. 她用功读书, 因此获得高分。19.They are putting too much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere,which prevents heat from escaping from the earth into space. 他们把过多的二氧化碳释放到大气层中,这使得地球上的热不能释放到太空中去。The atmosphere here is very clear.这里的空气很纯净。

There is an atmosphere of peace and calm in the country, quite different from the atmosphere of a big city.在乡间有一种和平宁静的气氛,和大城市的气氛截然不同。prevent sb./sth.(from) doing sth.阻止某人或者某事做某事

His words can’t prevent us from buying books. 他的话不会阻止我们买书。

The heavy rain prevented us goi ng on,but we didn’t lose heart.大雨阻止我们前进,但是我们不灰心丧气。另外,与这种结构相似的有stop sb./sth.(from) doing sth.(from可以省略)和keep sb./sth.from doing sth.(from不可以省略)。

Lynn’s parents tried to stop her seeing him. 林恩的父母企图阻止她和他见面。

You won’t keep the things from happening. 你不能阻止事情发生。

(1)Nothing would prevent him from speaking out against injustice.


(2)Please have an apple to keep you going until dinner time.



(3)The heavy rain _____ us visiting the attractive lake,but we didn’t _____.

A.prevented;lose the heart

B.prevented;lose heart

C.kept;lose t he heart

D.kept;lose the heart解析:第一分句的意思是:大雨使得我们不能参观那湖水,可以用prevented /kept sb. from doing sth.,第二分句意思是:我们并没有灰心丧气,用lose heart表达。选B项。

20. As a result of this, many scientists believe the earth may become too hot to live on. 因此,很多科学家们相信地球可能会变得太热而不能在上面生存。

As a result of the rain,I was late.雨太大,所以我来晚了。

21. So whether life will continue on the earth for millions of years to come will depend on whether this problem can be solved. 所以在未来的数百万年中,生命能否在地球上延续取决于这个问题能否得到解决。depend on/upon意思为“依靠,依赖”,常用结构是depend on sb./ sth.,depend on sb. to do sth.。

The country depends heavily on its tourist trade. 这个国家主要依靠旅游业。

The poor man depends his son to earn money. 这个穷人依靠他的儿子去赚钱。

要特别注意depend on it常用于句首或句末,意思为“请放心,没问题”;It all depends 和That depends意思为“看情况而定”,二者都用于口语中。

例如:Depend on it,he’ll turn up. 请放心,他一定会来的。

It depends how you tackle the problem. 那取决于你如何解决这个问题。

(1)—Is your father coming tomorrow? — _______ _______ (那要看情况).He may not have the time. (2)—We don’t know if we can offer help. —_______ _______ _______ (一切看情况而定).(3)—What is your attitude? —_______ _______ _______ (请放心).We won’t give up.答案:(1)That depends(2)It all depends (3)Depend on it 22. There uesed to be nine planets in the solar system.在太阳系了原来有九颗行星。

注意there be的变形:there seems to be, there must be, there can be, there is going to be, there has/have been 等。23. At the beginning, the earth had no water. 起初,地球上没有水。A good beginning makes a good ending.[谚]欲善其终必先善其始。

at the beginning从一开始; 开始; 起初; 首先at the beginning of在...初

Everything must have a beginning.[谚]凡事都有个开头。from beginning to end从头到尾, 自始自终24. The evidence for this theory is that the atoms that make up the rocks on the moon seem to be different from those on the earth. 这个理论的根据是组成月球上岩石的分子似乎与地球的不同。Farm workers make up only a small section of the population.农民只占人口的一小部分.Every one can be different from another. Why must we all be the same?每个人都可以和别人不一样。为什么非要人人都一样?

25. Althoug its origin may still be a puzzle, the moon can never be anything more than a satellite of the earth.虽然它的起源仍然是个谜,但是月球就是地球的一个卫星。

It's a puzzle where all my money goes each week. 我每星期的钱都到哪儿去了是一个难解的问题。This letter puzzles me.这封信使我迷惑不解。

I'm puzzled about what to do next.下一步该怎么办,我心里还没数哩。

26. find ways to solve the problem of global warming. 找到解决全球变暖这个难题的方法27. die out灭绝, 逐渐消失, 渐渐止息Some animals will die out if we don't protect them. 好多动物会灭绝假如我们再不去保护他们。

28. As a result of this event, a great dust cloud formed in the sky blocking out the sunlight. 由于这件事,在天空中形成一大团尘埃遮住了阳光。That wall blocks out all the light.那堵墙把光线都遮住了。29. However, whether the climate will change again is a concern for everybody on earth.但是,气候是否会再变是世上每个人关切的事。

She showed great concern about you. 她很为你担心。have a concern in和...有利害关系have no concern for毫不关心30. …a comet crashed into the earth long ago… ……很久以前,一颗彗星撞击了地球,……She noticed a car crash into a big tree nearby.

她注意到一辆小汽车撞到了附件的一棵大树上。31. …I was lucky enough to have a chance to make a trip into space………有幸得到一个机会去太空旅行……They know well enough what we mean. 他们当然懂得我们的意思。32.…explained to me that the force of gravity would change three times on our journey and that the first change would be the most powerful…….向我解释说,在我们的航行中会有三次引力的改变,而第一次的改变将是最强的。

Please explain to me where to begin and how to do it.请向我说明从哪里开始以及怎样做。He explained how the machine was used.他解释了怎样使用那台机器。

33. As the rocket rose into the air, we were pushed back into our seats because we were trying to escape the pull of the earth’s gravity. 随着火箭徐徐升空,因为我们要尽力逃离地球的吸引力,所以我们被向后推在座位上。escape danger脱险escape one's memory 被某人遗忘His name escapes me. (=His name escapes my memory.) 我记不得他的名字了。He narrowly escaped death. 他九死一生。The hotel guests tried their best to escape from the burning building. 旅客们尽力从燃烧的大楼中逃出来。

34. On the earth if I fall from the tree I will fall to the ground. 在地球上如果我们从树上掉下来,总会朝地上落下去的。

35. When we get closer to the moon, we shall feel its gravity pulling us, but it will not be as strong a pull as the earth’s. 当我们更接近月球时,就会感到月球的引力在拉我们,但是月球的引力不像地球的引力那么大。

36.I cheered up immediately and floated weightlessly around in our spaceship cabin watching the earth become smaller and the moon larger. 我离开高兴起来,由于失重我在太空舱里飘来飘去,望着地球越来越小,月亮越来越大。

37. But when I tried to step forward, I found I was carried twice as far as on the earth and fell over. 但是当我努力向前迈步的时候,我发觉我被送出去很远,步子的跨度竟是地球上的两倍。英语倍数表达法:1.用times表示倍数(一般限于包括基数在内三倍或三倍以上的数。表示两倍的数,一般用twice)其句型有:1)...times+形容词(副词)比较级+than...。如:This hall is five times bigger than our classroom. 这个大厅比我们的教室大五倍。(是我们教室的六倍大)2)...times +as+形容词(或much)或副词原级+as...。如:The big box is four times as heavy as the small one. 大箱子是小箱子的四倍重。3)...times +the+名词(size,height,weight,length,width)+of。如:

This big tree is four times the height of that small one. 这棵大树的高度是那棵小树的四倍。(比那棵小树高三倍)4)...times+more+名词(可数,不可数)+than...。如:There are four times more books in our library than in yours. 我们图书馆藏书(数量)

是你们图书馆的四倍。(多三倍)5)...times +as many(或much)+名词+其他。如:There are three times as many apples in this basket as in that one. 这个篮里的苹果是那个篮里的三倍。There are five times as many students as we expected. 这里的学生是我们预计的五倍。6)...times +over+被比对象,表示“增加……倍”。如:

The grain output in that village was twice over that of 1978. 那个村的粮食产量比1978年的增加了两倍。7)...times +that of+被比较的对象表示“是……倍”。如:

In this workshop,the output of July was 3.5 times that of January. 这个车间7月份的产量是1月份的3.5倍。

2.用double表示倍数。1)double作形容词,表示“两倍的”。如:The production is now double what it was ten years ago. 现在的产量是十年前的两倍。

2)double作动词,意为“是……的两倍”。如: The output has been doubled in the past five years. 过去五年中产量翻了一番。38. Walking does need a bit of practice now that gravity has changed. 既然重力改变了走路确实需要练一练了。

39. After a while I got the hang of it and we began to enjoy ourselves.过了一会儿,我才掌握了走路的诀窍,这才开始感到自入了。

40. We watched, amazed as fire broke out on the outside of the spaceship as the earth’s gravity increased. 我们惊奇地看着,随着地球引力的增加,宇宙飞船的外层燃烧起火。break out可指大火、战争等突然爆发。World War Ⅱbroke out in 1939.第二次世界大战是1939年爆发的。break out还可指突然发出某种声音。She broke out in curses in her dream.她在梦中大声咒骂起来。41. There is very little gravity so that things float around.引力很小以致于东西飘来飘去。42. watch out for… 戒备,提放,密切注意43. Astronomy is a scientific subject made up of mathematics an physics. 天文学是数学和物理构成的科学科目。44. You can use the scientific method when studying English too. 学习英语的时候你也可以运用科学方法。

Unit five一、知识点

1. It’s the second largest c ountry in the world. 她是世界上面积第二大国家。

Huanghe River is the second longest river in our country. 黄河是我国第二大河。

2. How many students in your class got 80% or better on this quiz? 你们班有多少学生在这次测验中考到了80分或者更好一些We will have a quiz tomorrow morning.我们明天早晨进行一个小测验。He asked us to prepare for a quiz.他要我们准备好测验。Then, the user will take the quiz.接着,用户将接受测试。

3. Rather than take the aeroplane all the way, they decedee to fly to Vancouver and then take the train west to east across Canada. 她们不想一路乘飞机,决定先飞到温哥华,再从西海岸乘火车横穿加拿大到达东海岸。rather than 意思为“与其,不愿,不要,不是”,常用在prefer to do rather than do句子中。

Rather than make money in this way,I prefer to starve to death.我宁愿饿死,也不愿用这种方式挣钱。I will have sweet water rather than pure water. 我想喝甜水,不想喝纯净水。He was busy writing a letter rather than reading a newspaper. 他正忙于写信而不是读报。would rather 宁愿,宁可;not...but rather 不是……而是……

I suppose I could lend them to him,but I’d rather not. 我想我是把它们借给他的,可是我不愿意借。We’d rather you didn’t do it.我宁愿你不做这事情。or rather 更确切地说You have to be 16 for cheap tickets,or rather under 16. 你必须16岁才买便宜票,更确切地说是不满16岁。The committee does not deal with individual correspondence,but rather discusses issues in its newsletter. 该委员会不是处理个人信件,而是在简报中讨论问题。(1)The brave people in the village preferred to die rather than _____,and ____ encouraged others to fight more bravely in the anti-Japanese battlefield.

A.to give in;it

B.to give in;which

C.give in;this

D.give in;which 答案:C

(2)I would rather ______ than ask him for his autograph.So I would rather he ______ here as soon as possible. A.die;leaving B.died;leaving C.die;leave D.die;left 答案:D (3)The man wearing glasses don’t teach the workers how to do it but learn from them.

= The man wearing glasses don’t teach the workers how to do it ______ ______ learn from them. 答案:but rather all the way一路上,从远道而来,从头至尾,作状语。

4. The thought that they could cross the whole continent was exciting. 要横贯整个大陆的想法很是令人兴奋。Some people have the idea that you can cross Canada in less than five days, but they forget the fact that Canada is 5500 kilometres from coast to coast. 有些人想在不到五天的时间里穿越加拿大,他们忘了加拿大从东海岸到西海岸共有5500公里The girls were surprised at the fact that ocean ships can sail up the Great Lakes. 巨大的海轮可以开到五大湖,这让表姐俩感到吃惊。

以上三句都是that 引导的同位语从句。同位语从句属于名词性从句的一种,其先行词多为名词possibility, fact, hope, thought, idea, belief, wish, news, message, reality等。要加强和定语从句的辨别。同位语从句里的t hat不做任何成分,没有任何意思。cross vt. 越过;穿过She crossed the street with the blind children.她领着那些盲童穿过街道。across prep.& adv. 横穿,穿过。上面的句子可以改为:

She walked across(=crossed)the street with the blind children.

5. He was going to take them and their b aggage to catch “The True North”. 他要带着她们和行李去乘坐“真北方”号列车。baggage(=luggage)[美]行李a piece of baggage 一件行李hand/ accompanied baggage随身携带的小件行李

“Do you always catch such an early train?” asked the inspector.“你总是赶这样的早班车吗?”检查官问道。You'll catch (a) cold if you don't put a sweater on. 你不穿上运动衫会感冒的。The ball caught him on the head. 球打在了他的头上。

to catch a person's eye 引起某人的注意I caught him doing it. 他做这事时被我撞见了。Sorry, I didn't catch what you said. Could you please say it again? 对不起,我没听清楚你说的话,请你再讲一遍好吗?6. On the way to the station, he chatted about their trip.在去火车站的路上他聊起了她们的旅程。

He collapsed in the street and died on the way to hospital.他在大街上晕倒, 在送往医院途中死去.On the way down , it got dark.下山的路上,天色渐黑。

She doesn't chat with her friends.她没有和朋友们聊天。

They dropped in for a chat last night.他们昨晚顺便来闲聊了一会儿。

7. You are going to see some great scenery. 你们将会看到美丽壮观的景色。

The scenery in the mountains is very beautiful. 山里的景色非常美。

I like mountain scenery very much. 我很喜欢山景。a scene of prosperity一派繁荣景象scenes in a mountain district 山区风光

8. People say it is Ca nada’s most beautiful city, surrounded by mountains and the Pacific Ocean. 人们说她是加拿大最美丽的城市,被大山和太平洋环抱。

The fence surrounds the school. 篱笆环绕着学校。Joy and happiness surround you. 快乐幸福围绕你.We are surrounded by dangers.我们的处境危机四伏。

The house was surrounded by high walls. 房子的四周有高墙.

9. It is so wet there that the trees are extremely tall, some measuring over 90 metres. 那儿的湿度很大,所以树都长得特别高,一些高达90多米。

10. That afternoon aboard the train, the cousins settled down in their seats.那天下午,表姐妹俩等上火车,在座位上坐了下来。After the war broke out they settled in Europe. 战争爆发后,他们在欧洲定居。There’s no way to settle the dispute. 要解决争端没有办法。The little bird settling in the branch is so beautiful that we take a picture of it. 栖息在树枝上的小鸟如此美丽以至于我们拍了照。

常用短语有:settle in a place 定居某处;settle the bill 结账;settle the dispute 解决争端完成句子(1)The famous scientist with his whole family ______ ______ ______ (定居在中国) and decided to make a contribution to the motherland after new China was founded.

答案:settled in China

(2)Nowadays China is playing a more and more important role in ______ ______ ______ ______ (解决国际争端) successfully and was recognized by all the other countries in the world. 答案:settling the international disputes

11.… they managed to catch sight of some mountain goats … ……她们设法看到了山羊……12. Many of them have a gift for riding wild horses and can win thousands of dollars in prizes.他们中许多人都有骑野马的才能,他们能赢得几千美元的奖金。have a gift for sth.有……的天分,有……天赋

The man in black has a gift for drawing. 穿黑衣的人有画画天赋。

Many people want to have a gift for making money. 许多人想有赚钱的天赋。 gifted表示“有天赋的,有天资的”。如“多才多艺的人”用a gifted man 和a man of many gifts表示。改错(1)Miss Black studies in Beijing University and she has a gift of music.答案:of →for(2)At seven o’clock this afternoon,we are going to the bus stati on to see an gifting woman off.答案:gifting→gifted

(3) —Tom,can you tell me something about the teacher under the tree?—He is clever and

a man of many gift.答案:gift→gifts

13.After two days’ travel, the girls began to realize that Canada is quite empty. 两天以后,她们开始意识到加拿大人烟稀少。

14.…Canada’s population is only s lightly over thirty million, but now they were amazed to see such an empty country.……加拿大的人口也只有三千万多一点儿,但是现在看到这么空旷的国家,她们很惊讶。

15. They went through a wheat-growing province and saw farms that covered thousands of acres.她们穿过了一个种植小麦的省份,看到了数千平方公里的牧场。16.…Canada has more fresh water than any other country in the world. 加拿大的淡水比世界上任何其他国家都要多。

17. In fact, it has one-third of the world’s total fresh water, and much of it is in the Great Lakes.事实上,加拿大拥有全世界三分之一的淡水良,其中大部分都储蓄在五大湖泊里。18. Why are they not flying directly to the Atlantic coast? 他们为什么不坐飞机直接到大西洋海岸? directly opposite the church正好在教堂对面

You must go to bed directly after tea.你喝完茶后必须立刻就上床。

We came directly we got your telephone. 我们一接到你的电话就赶来了。

翻译:我们一干完就来。We'll come ___________.We'll come directly we have finished.

19. a government member who is in charge of a government department 负责某个政府部门的政府成员。in charge 主管, 负责, 掌管,在...管辖之下, 由...照顾,在拘留中

in charge of 负全责, 经管, 照顾,在...掌管之下, 由...经管

in the charge of sb. 由某人负责, 由某人照料[管理]

This ward is in [under]the charge of Dr Green. 这间病房是由格林大夫负责的。

Mary was in charge of the baby. 玛丽负责照料这个婴儿。

20. It has an area of 0.44square kilometres with a boarder measuring 3.2 kms long. 它的面积是0.44平方公里,边界线长是3.2公里。

In some areas, there are small schools serving a few farm families, and the children walk to school. 有些地区,设有小规模的学校为少数几个农民家庭服务,孩子们走着去上学。The room measures five metres across. 这房间有五米宽。

The boat measures twenty feet long. 这船计二十英尺。an area of 100 sq. meters 面积100平方米A meter is a measure of length. 米是长度单位。

What measures shall we take to find out the thief? 我们采取什么措施抓住那个贼?

be measured in feet 用英尺量Please measure me for a new coat. 请给我量尺寸, 做一件新上衣。She works hard and doesn't measure the cost to her health. 她工作勤恳并不考虑身体代价。21. mix up 使迷惑;弄错; 弄乱

It's common to mix him up with his brother; they're twin brothers.把他同他的兄弟混淆起来是常有的事,因为他俩是双胞胎。If you mix up those data we shan't find the one we need quickly. 要是你把这些资料弄乱,我们将无法迅速地找到需要的内容了。22.…and there was frost on the ground, confirming that fall had arrived in Canada Please confirm your telephone message by writing to me. 请给我来封信,好进一步证实你在电话中传达的消息。confirm one's belief 坚定信念

23. around noon 大约中午come around four 大约在4点钟来

There are around 80 pyramids in Egypt. 在埃及大约有80座金字塔。

24. wealthy 富有的,丰富的,If we want everyone to be healthy, wealthy and happy,, strict birth control is quite essential. 如果我们想使每个人都能过健康|富裕和幸福的生活,就必须实行严格的计划生育。wealthy in compassion. 感情丰富

25.In the distance, they could see the misty cloud that rose from …在远处,他们能看到从……升起的雾霭。in the distance 在远处,在很远的那边His house is within walking distance of the hospital. 他家离医院只有几步路。

The distances between workers and peasants are reducing. 工农之间的差别正在缩小。The sun rose at seven o'clock. 太阳七点钟升起。

Prices have risen steadily during the past decade. 过去十年间物价一直在上涨。

26.Over dinner at a restaurant …., the cousins chatted with Lin Fei, who …在一家……餐馆用餐时,表姐妹和林菲闲聊了起来,她……Over 一边...一边; 在(做)...的时候fall asleep over one's work工作时睡着了talk overa cup of tea一面喝茶, 一面谈话

a chat over coffee. 喝着咖啡聊天

27.It’s too bad you can’t go as far as Ottawa, Canada’s capital.很可惜你们不能一直走到加拿大的首都渥太华。as far as 远到, 直到, 至于, 尽;就;

As far as I know, he has gone to town. 就我所知,他到镇子上去了。

28. at dawn 拂晓时29.English words in small letters 小字体的英文

30. be close to 接近, 靠近close有动词、形容词和副词的用法。

My close friend Jack always helps me when I am in trouble.我的挚友杰克在我困难时总是帮助我。Please stand close to me and I want to have a word with you. 请站得离我近些,我有话对你说。Would you mind closing the door? 关上门你介意吗?

另外,close与closely在副词用法上有区别,close多用来修饰由介词引导的短语,closely表示抽象的概念。而close常表达具体的概念,多修饰动词和过去分词。 We keep in touch with each other closely. 我们保持密切联系。

31. on/to/in the north 在北部Russia lies on the north of China.俄罗斯坐落在中国的北部.China lies to the north of Vietnam.中国位于越南的北面。

Where is Dalian?It's in the north of China.大连在哪里?它在中国的北部。

32. across the continent/lake跨国大陆/湖泊33. through the forests 穿过森林

34. along the coast/river 沿着海岸/河流


【推荐】2020年北师版高中英语必修三(全册) 精品教学案汇总 Killer whales have the second-heaviest brains among marine mammals (after Sperm whales, which have the largest brain of any animal). They can be trained in captivity (囚禁;关 押) and are often described as intelligent, although defining and measuring “intelligence” is difficult in a species whose

environment and behavioral strategies are very different from those of humans. Killer whales imitate others, and seem to deliberately teach skills to their kin. Off the Crozet Islands, mothers push their calves onto the beach, waiting to pull the youngster back if needed. People who have interacted closely with killer whales offer numerous anecdotes demonstrating (证明) the whales' curiosity, playfulness, and ability to solve problems. Alaskan killer whales have not only learned how to steal fish from Iong lines, but also have overcome avariety of techniques designed to stop them, such as the use of unrated (未分级的;未征税的) lines as decoys. Once, fishermen placed their boats several miles apart, taking turns retrieving (恢复;取回) small amounts of their catch, in the hope that the whales would not have enough time to move between boats to steal the catch as it was being retrieved. A researcher described what happened next: The killer whale's use of dialects and the passing of other learned behaviours from generation to generation have been described as a form of animal culture.


1.1算法与程序框图(共3课时) 1.1.1算法的概念(第1课时) 一、序言 算法不仅是数学及其应用的重要组成部分,也是计算机科学的重要基础.在现代社会里,计算机已经成为人们日常生活和工作不可缺少的工具.听音乐、看电影、玩游戏、打字、画卡通画、处理数据,计算机几乎渗透到了人们生活的所有领域.那么,计算机是怎样工作的呢?要想弄清楚这个问题,算法的学习是一个开始.同时,算法有利于发展有条理的思考与表达的能力,提高逻辑思维能力. 在以前的学习中,虽然没有出现算法这个名词,但实际上在数学教学中已经渗透了大量的算法思想,如四则运算的过程、求解方程的步骤等等,完成这些工作都需要一系列程序化的步骤,这就是算法的思想. 二、实例分析 例1:写出你在家里烧开水过程的一个算法. 解:第一步:把水注入电锅; 第二步:打开电源把水烧开; 第三步:把烧开的水注入热水瓶. (以上算法是解决某一问题的程序或步骤) 例2:给出求1+2+3+4+5的一个算法. 解:算法1按照逐一相加的程序进行 第一步:计算1+2,得到3; 第二步:将第一步中的运算结果3与3相加,得到6; 第三步:将第二步中的运算结果6与4相加,得到10; 第四步:将第三步中的运算结果10与5相加,得到15. 算法2可以运用公式1+2+3+…+n=2)1 (+n n 直接计算第一步:取n=5; 第二步:计算 2)1 (+n n ; 第三步:输出运算结果. (说明算法不唯一) 例3:(课本第2页,解二元一次方程组的步骤) (可推广到解一般的二元一次方程组,说明算法的普遍性)例4:用“待定系数法”求圆的方程的大致步骤是: 慕尧书城出品,正品保障。


Unit 1 Festivals around the world I.单元教学目标 II.目标语言

III. 教材分析与教材重组 1. 教材分析 本单元以节日为话题,介绍古今中外节日的种类、由来、意义以及人们的活动和习俗,旨在通过本单元的学习使学生不但了解我国的节日,而且对外国的节日也有所了解,进而拓展社会文化背景、增加跨国文化知识;使学生复习和巩固

运用请求和感谢的表达法,掌握情态动词的用法;并尝试根据阅读的文章写一个不同的结局,能表达自己的观点和想法。 1.1 Warming Up 旨在通过表格引导学生讨论并列举出五个我国节日的日期、庆祝内容和民俗。可以刚刚过去的春节为话题导入对节日的讨论;使他们由自己的经历谈起,扩展到别的节日以及外国的重要节日,激发学生的兴趣,激活他们关于节日的背景知识,为本单元的学习做准备。 1.2 Pre-reading是Reading 的热身活动。主要通过两个问题引导学生思考并讨论自己最喜欢的节日及欢度方式,进而了解学生对节日的认识,以便为阅读作好铺垫。 1.3 Reading 的五篇小短文分别介绍古代节日、亡灵节、纪念名人的节日、丰收节、春天的节日等,使学生了解各种节日的由来及其存在的意义。此部分载有Festivals的重要信息,还呈现了大量的词汇和主要的语法---情态动词的用法。处理时应作为重点、整体处理,通过上下文来教词汇、语法,并引导学生分析长句、难句和复杂句。 1.4 Comprehending是考察对阅读内容的进一步理解。 练习一:六个问题让学生对文章内容有浅层理解并考察课文细节,但又不能仅仅拘泥于课文,要引导学生理解课文内容的基础上联系现实生活。 练习二:要求学生讨论哪些节日是最重要的,哪些是最有趣的,以表格的形式检查学生对所读节日的理解,并训练他们举一反三的归纳和推理能力。 练习三:要求学生找出各种节日共有的三件事,然后讨论为什么这些事对各地的人们都很重要。这就要求学生不仅要温习文章内容而且要结合实际,阐述自己的想法,挖掘学生的思维能力和语言表达能力。 1.5 Learning about Language 分词汇和语法两部分。其中Discovering useful words and expressions是本单元单词的英文释义练习和用文章中的词汇的适当形式填空;Discovering useful structures 是以文章内容为载体在语境中练习语法,掌握情态动词。由此可以看出本教材已明显地由结构为特征的传统语法训练转变到以交际功能为特征的功能语法训练,充分体现了新教材话题、功能、结构相结合的特点。 1.6 Using Language 是英语听说读写的全面运用的练习。


2019高二数学必修三课后答案 第一章算法初步 1.1算法与程序框图 练习(P5). 1、算法步骤:第一步,给定一个正实数r. 第二步,计算以r为半径的圆的面积Sr. 第三步,得到圆的面积S. 2、算法步骤:第一步,给定一个大于1的正整数n. 第二步,令i1. 第三步,用i除n,等到余数r. 第四步,判断“r0”是否成立. 若是,则i是n的因数;否则,i不是n的因数. 第五步,使i的值增加1,仍用i表示. 第六步,判断“in”是否成立. 若是,则结束算法;否则,返回第三步. 练习(P19) 算法步骤:第一步,给定精确度d,令i1. i位的不足近似值,赋给a 后第i位的过剩近似值,赋给b. 第三步,计算m55. 第四步,若m d,则得到5;否则,将i的值增加1,仍用i表示. 返回第二步.

第五步,输出5. 程序框图: aba2a习题1.1 A组(P20) 1、下面是关于城市居民生活用水收费的问题. 为了增强居民的节水意识,某市制订了以下生活用水收费标准:每户每月用水未超过7 m3时,每立方米收费1.0元,并加收0.2元的城市污水处理费;超过7m3的部分,每立方收费 1.5元,并加收0.4元的城市污水处理费. 设某户每月用水量为x m3,应交纳水费y元, 1.2x, 0x7那么y与x之间的函数关系为y 1.9x4.9, x7 我们设计一个算法来求上述分段函数的值. 算法步骤:第一步:输入用户每月用水量x. 第二步:判断输入的x是否不超过7. 若是,则计算y1.2x; 若不是,则计算y1.9x4.9. 第三步:输出用户应交纳的水费y. 程序框图: 2、算法步骤:第一步,令i=1,S=0. 第二步:若i≤100成立,则执行第三步;否则输出S. 第三步:计算S=S+i2. 第四步:i= i+1,返回第二步. 程序框图: 3、算法步骤:第一步,输入人数x,设收取的卫生费为m元.


新人教版高中英语课文译文 必修三 第一单元世界各地的节日 Reading 节日和庆典 自古以来,世界各地就有各种各样的节日和庆典。最古老的节日总是庆祝严寒的结束、春季的种植和秋天的收割。有时,在猎人捕获猎物后,也举行庆祝活动。在那个时代,如果食物难以找到,特别是在寒冷的冬月,人们就会挨饿。现在的节日有很多由来,一些是宗教上的,一些是季节性的,一些是纪念特殊的人和事件的。 亡灵节 有些节日,是为了纪念死者,或使祖先得到满足,因为祖先们有可能回到世上(给人们)提供帮助,也有可能带来危害。在日本的盂兰盆节,人们要扫墓、烧香,以缅怀祖先。他们还点起灯笼,奏响乐曲,因为他们认为这样做可以把祖先引回到世上。在墨西哥,亡灵节是在11月初。在这个重要的节庆日子里,人们会吃制成颅骨形状的食物和装点有“骨头”的蛋糕。他们向亡者祭献食物、鲜花和礼品。西方节日万圣节也源自人们古老的信念,认为亡者的灵魂会返回人间。万圣节如今成了孩子们的节日,这天他们可以乔装打扮上邻居家要糖吃。如果邻居什么糖也不给,那么孩子们就可以捉弄他们了。 纪念名人的节日 也有纪念名人的节日。中国的端午节(龙舟节)是纪念古代著名诗人屈

原的。美国的哥伦布日是纪念克里斯托弗.哥伦布发现“新大陆”的日子。印度 在10月2日有个全国性节日,纪念莫汉达斯.甘地,他是帮助印度脱离英国 而独立的领袖。 庆丰收的节日 收获与感恩节是十分喜庆的节日。越冬的粮食收集起来了,农活结束了,人们都心怀感激。在欧洲国家,人们通常用花果来装饰教堂和市政厅,在一 起聚餐。有些人还可能因为他们的农产品(参加各种评选)而获奖,比如最 大的西瓜或最帅的公鸡。中国和日本都有中秋节,这时人们会赏月。在中国,人们还品尝月饼。 春天的节日 最富生气而又最重要的节日,就是告别冬天、迎来春天的日子。中国人 过春节要吃饺子、鱼和肉,还要给孩子们送红纸包着的压岁钱。(他们)舞 龙灯、狂欢,全家人聚在一起欢庆阴历年。在一些西方国家有激动人心的狂 欢节,通常在二月,复活节前的四十天。狂欢节期间,人们穿着各种艳丽的 节日盛装,伴随着鼓噪的音乐,在街头游行,昼夜跳舞。复活节是全世界基 督徒的一个重要的宗教和公众节日。它庆祝耶稣复活,也欢庆春天和新生命 的到来。再晚些时候,日本就迎来了樱花节,(节日里)整个国度到处是盛 开的樱花。看上去就像覆盖了一层粉红色的雪。 人们喜欢聚在一起吃、喝、玩耍。节日让我们享受生活,让我们为自己的习俗而自豪,还可以暂时忘掉工作中的烦恼。 Using Language 一段伤心的爱情故事 李方的心都碎了。这天是情人节,胡瑾说她下班后会在咖啡馆和他见面


必修三Module 1 ⒈be located/ situated ( on/ in / to…) = lie/ stand (on/ in/ to) 位于…的;坐落于…的;处于…地位(状态的) ⑴我们学校坐落于一个美丽的地方,周围有青山绿水环绕。 Our school is situated in the beautiful place, with green mountains and clear rivers around. ◆ situation n. 立场;局势;形势 in a …situation 处于….状况中;在…形势下 1). In the present situation, I wouldn?t advise you to sell your house. 在目前的形势下,… 2). You?re putting me in a very embarrassing situation. 你使我处于非常尴尬的境地。 3). With no rain for three months and food supplies running out, the situation here is getting worse. 三个月无雨,食品供应也将消耗殆尽,这里情况越来越糟糕了。 ⒉face 1). face up to 勇敢面对(接受并处理) (be) faced with 面对;面临 face (to the) south/north/east/west 面朝南/北/东/西 2). face to face 面对面(地) in (the) face of 面对;在…面前 make a face at 向…做鬼脸 save/lose face 保全/丢面子to one?s f ace 当着某人的面 stare sb. in the face 盯着某人 turn red in the face 涨红了脸 be+过去分词+介词(这些词作状语或定语时用ed形式,be 去掉) be faced with;be compared with be seated;be hidden; be lost / absorbed/occupied in be abandoned/ addicted to(沉溺于); be born;be dressed ;be tired of (厌烦)等 ⒊表示“某物在哪个方向”可用south/north/east/west等,构成以下几种表达方式。 (1). …is in the south of 在…的南部(在内部) …is on the south of 在…的南边(接壤) …is to the south of 在…以南(在外部) …is south of 在…的南部(不指明在内部还是外部) (2). 把表示方位、地点的介词或副词短语放在句首,句子用完全倒装语序。 ①.Jiangsu is on the south of Shandong. South of Shandong is Jiangsu. ②.East of our school lies a railway. ⒋倍数表示法: as…as ◎A is …↓… (more than) times -er than B 倍数the N. of size, length, height, weight…


Unit 1 1.mean doing sth. 意味着; mean to do sth. 打算或企图做某事; mean sb. to do sth. 打算让某人做某事be meant for 打算作……用; 2.take place 发生;举行 3.of all kinds 各种各样的 4.starve to death饿死be starved of 缺乏, starve for sth, starve to do,渴望 5.plenty of 大量; 充足 6.be satisfied with感到满意to one’s satisfaction感到满意是 7.do harm to sb.=do sb. harm 伤害某人 8.in the shape of呈…的形状,以…的形式 9.in memory of/ to the memory of sb.纪念某人 10.dress up 穿上最好的衣服;打扮,化装 11.award sth.(to sb.)和award sb.sth.(for sth.) 给予、颁奖reward sb. for sth. 因…奖赏某人;reward sb. with sth. 用某物酬劳某人 12. admire sb. for sth在某方面钦佩某人 13.look forward to期望,期待,盼望 14,have fun with(与某人)玩得开心;过得快乐( have a good time, enjoy oneself.) 15. turn up.来;出现;把(收音机等)音量开大些turn down 拒绝; turn off 关掉; turn on 打开; turn out 结果是...... turn to sb. for help 向某人求助 16.keep one’s word 守信用;break one’s word, 失信 17.It be obvious that-clause 显而易见;一目了然18.set off 动身, 出发; 使(地雷、炸弹)爆炸; set in开始; set up建立,创立; set out to do = set about doing sth.着手做set down 写下,记下19.remind sb. of sth. 提醒,使想起 新人教版高一英语必修3词汇复习总结Unit 2 1.a healthy diet健康饮食; a balanced diet平衡的饮食 2.in different way用另外方式 3.most often最经常 4.feel frustrated感到沮丧 5.by lunchtime到午餐时间 6.must have happened一定发生过 7.at the end of the street在街道的尽头 8.be tired of 厌倦 9.be amazed at sth. 对...感到惊奇 10.throw away扔掉 11.get away with 逃脱 12.tell lies说谎 13.energy-giving food提供热量的食物 body-building foods提供营养的食物 14feel fit保持精力旺盛 15.the weakness of the diet饮食的弱点 the strength of the diet饮食的优点 16.do some research into做一些...方面的研究


教育精品资料 2020年人教版高中数学必修三全套教案(全册完整版) 按住Ctrl键单击鼠标打开名师教学视频全册播放 第一章算法初步 (1) 1.1算法与程序框图 (2) 1.1 算法与程序框图(共3课时) 1.1.1算法的概念(第1课时) 【课程标准】通过对解决具体问题过程与步骤的分析(如二元一次方程组求解等问题),体会算法的思想,了解算法的含义. 【教学目标】1.理解算法的概念与特点;

2.学会用自然语言描述算法,体会算法思想; 3.培养学生逻辑思维能力与表达能力. 【教学重点】算法概念以及用自然语言描述算法 【教学难点】用自然语言描述算法 【教学过程】 一、序言 算法不仅是数学及其应用的重要组成部分,也是计算机科学的重要基础. 在现代社会里,计算机已经成为人们日常生活和工作不可缺少的工具. 听音乐、看电影、玩游戏、打字、画卡通画、处理数据,计算机几乎渗透到了人们生活的所有领域. 那么,计算机是怎样工作的呢?要想弄清楚这个问题,算法的学习是一个开始. 同时,算法有利于发展有条理的思考与表达的能力,提高逻辑思维能力. 在以前的学习中,虽然没有出现算法这个名词,但实际上在数学教学中已经渗透了大量的算法思想,如四则运算的过程、求解方程的步骤等等,完成这些工作都需要一系列程序化的步骤,这就是算法的思想. 二、实例分析 例1:写出你在家里烧开水过程的一个算法. 解:第一步:把水注入电锅; 第二步:打开电源把水烧开; 第三步:把烧开的水注入热水瓶. (以上算法是解决某一问题的程序或步骤) 例2:给出求1+2+3+4+5的一个算法. 解:算法1 按照逐一相加的程序进行 第一步:计算1+2,得到3; 第二步:将第一步中的运算结果3与3相加,得到6;


必修三各单元知识点总结 第一单元 1)starve vi.“饿死,挨饿”。 starve for …,表示“渴望获得,迫切得到”。starve to death 饿死 2)plenty 3)satisfy 作及物动词,表示“满意,使满足”,直接跟宾语。 be satisfied with对……满足 be satisfied to do sth满足于做某事 4)harm 作名词,意为“损害”,常与do,come,mean等动词搭配。 do more harm than good弊大于利 There’s no harm in doing sth= It does no harm for sb to do sth做某事无害处 5)lead 作及物动词,表示“领导,引导”。 表示“影响,致使”时,后接介词to,也可以接不定式。 lead sb into使某人陷入某种不良的状态。 lead sb by the nose牵着某人的鼻子,完全操纵某人 lead a dog’s life过困难的生活 lead the way带路,带头 lead to 导致,致使 6)origin 是名词,表示“起源,起因,出身”。 be of origin起源于,出身于 7)event 是名词,表示“事变,事件”,既可以指历史上的,国际上的,国内的大事件,也可以指日常事件,复数形式还可以指事态的发展和结局。 也可以指体育比赛中的“项目”。 常见词组:at all events/in every event总之,无论如何,不管怎样 in the event结果,终于in the event of万一,如果,倘若in that event若果那样的话 8)dress 作及物动词,表示“给……穿衣”,后接人作宾语,也可以做不及物动词,表示“穿上衣服,穿着衣服”。 dress up穿上盛装,打扮 dress作不可数名词,表示“衣服”;作可数名词,表示“妇女及儿童的衣服”。 dress sth up修饰,掩饰 9)trick play a trick on sb=play sb a trick开某人的玩笑,诈骗某人 do/turn the trick达到(预期的)目的,获得成功。


新课标必修3概率部分知识点总结及典型例题解析 ◆ 事件:随机事件( random event ),确定性事件: 必然事件( certain event )和不 可能事件( impossible event ) ? 随机事件的概率(统计定义):一般的,如果随机事件 A 在n 次实验中发生了m 次,当实验的次数n 很大时,我们称事件A 发生的概率为()n m A P ≈ 说明:① 一个随机事件发生于具有随机性,但又存在统计的规律性,在进行大量的重复事件时某个事件是否发生,具有频率的稳定性 ,而频率的稳定性又是必然的,因此偶然性和必然性对立统一 ② 不可能事件和确定事件可以看成随机事件的极端情况 ③ 随机事件的频率是指事件发生的次数和总的试验次数的比值,它具有一定的稳定性,总在某个常数附近摆动,且随着试验次数的不断增多,这个摆动的幅度越来越小,而这个接近的某个常数,我们称之为概事件发生的概率 ④ 概率是有巨大的数据统计后得出的结果,讲的是一种大的整体的趋势,而频率是具体的统计的结果 ⑤ 概率是频率的稳定值,频率是概率的近似值 ? 概率必须满足三个基本要求:① 对任意的一个随机事件A ,有()10≤≤A P ② ()()0,1,=Φ=ΩΦΩP P 则有可能事件分别表示必然事件和不和用③如果事件 ()()()B P A P B A P B A +=+:,则有互斥和 ? 古典概率(Classical probability model ):① 所有基本事件有限个 ② 每个基本事件发生的可能性都相等 满足这两个条件的概率模型成为古典概型 如果一次试验的等可能的基本事件的个数为个n ,则每一个基本事件发生的概率都是n 1,如果某个事件A 包含了其中的m 个等可能的基本事件,则事件A 发生的概率为 ()n m A P = ? 几何概型(geomegtric probability model ):一般地,一个几何区域D 中随机地取一点, 记事件“改点落在其内部的一个区域d 内”为事件A ,则事件A 发生的概率为 ()的侧度 的侧度D d A P = ( 这里要求D 的侧度不为0,其中侧度的意义由D 确定,一般地,线段的侧度为该线段的长度;平面多变形的侧度为该图形的面积;立体图像的侧度为其体积 ) 几何概型的基本特点:① 基本事件等可性 ② 基本事件无限多 颜老师说明:为了便于研究互斥事件,我们所研究的区域都是指的开区域,即不含边界,在区域D 内随机地取点,指的是该点落在区域D 内任何一处都是等可能的,落在任何部分的可能性大小只与该部分的侧度成正比,而与其形状无关。 互斥事件(exclusive events):不能同时发生的两个事件称为互斥事件


欢迎阅读 人教新课标模块3教材分析 ——西北工业大学附属中学 由国家教育部制定并颁布的《普通高中英语课程标准(实验)》明确规定高中英语课程应使学生在义务教育阶段学习的基础上进一步明确英语学习的目的,发展自主学习能力和合作精神;在加强对学生综合语言运用能力培养的同时,注重提高学生用英语获取信息、处理信息、分析问题和解决问题的能力,以及用英语进行思维和表达的能力;高中英语课程还应根据学生的个性特征和发展 每个单 ( ---采用发 以上是普通高中英语课程标准(实验稿)对课程目标的解读。下面,我们将从教材的使用者的角度,结合在教材使用过程中学生对教材的反应情况,主要针对模块教材整体,从模块和单元知识结构,模块和单元内容发生发展过程,模块和单元知识学习意义,模块和单元教学建议与学法指导说明四个方面浅略地谈一下自己的见解,以期与各位同行共同探讨更好地掌握、运用好英语课程标准。 Ⅰ、模块和单元知识结构分析

Unit 1单元涉及的要点是:(一)了解世界各国的节日、含义、由来与民俗;(二)学习有关节日和民俗的词汇,如:have fun with , custom , religious 等;(三)掌握本单元教学目的和要求中的词汇用法;(四)进一步复习、巩固运用请求及感谢的表达法;(五)掌握一些情态动词的用法。 本单元的中心话题是“节日”,单元各项活动的设计都围绕着一些中外节日的主题进行。“热身”(warming up)部分要求学生以小组形式完成表格填充。学生要在表格中的三个空行里填充中国的三个节日名称,日期(时间)、庆祝的内容。“读前”(Pre-reading)部分通过若干个问题考查学生对节日的认识。“阅读”(Reading)部分由五篇小短文组成,其中四篇带有小标题,它们分别介绍古代节日的起源、亡灵节、纪念名人的节日、丰收节、春天 要求 容组成。2选 完 尝 “趣味阅读” Unit 2本单元涉及的要点是:(一)合理饮食、饮食习惯、饮食结构与饮食文化;(二)如何给予劝告、提出建议;表达同意与不同意以及如何就医;(三)掌握情态动词ought to 的用法;(四)本单元所出现的词汇的用法;(五)如何正确处理矛盾、解决问题。 本单元的中心话题是“健康饮食”。教材通过讲述王鹏和雍慧开饭店的不同风格、经营的不同菜肴以及顾客对不同食品的不同反应,反映了现代人对饮食的关注和对时尚的追求。这样的编排有别于惯常所采用的分类说明的介绍方式,读起来引人入胜,学生在趣味盎然的故事情节中轻松学习健康饮食的知识,领悟膳食平衡对身体健


1.3算法案例 练习(P45) 1、(1)45; (2)98; (3)24; (4)17. 2、2881.75. 3、2200811111011000=() ,820083730=() 习题1.3 A 组(P48) 1、(1)57; (2)55. 2、21324. 3、(1)104; (2)7212() (3)1278; (4)6315(). 4、 习题1.3 B 组(P48) 1、算法步骤:第一步,令45n =,1i =,0a =,0b =,0c =.

第二步,输入()a i . 第三步,判断是否0()60a i ≤<. 若是,则1a a =+,并执行第六步. 第四步,判断是否60()80a i ≤<. 若是,则1b b =+,并执行第六步. 第五步,判断是否80()100a i ≤≤. 若是,则1c c =+,并执行第六步. 第六步,1i i =+. 判断是否45i ≤. 若是,则返回第二步. 第七步,输出成绩分别在区间[0,60),[60,80),[80,100]的人数,,a b c . 2、如“出入相补”——计算面积的方法,“垛积术”——高阶等差数列的求和方法,等等. 第二章 复习参考题A 组(P50) 1、 (1)程序框图: 程序: 1、 (2)程序框图: 程序: INPUT “x=”;x IF x<0 THEN y=0 ELSE IF x<1 THEN y=1 ELSE y=x END IF END IF PRINT “y=”;y END INPUT “x=”;x IF x<0 THEN y=(x +2)^2 ELSE IF x=0 THEN y=4 ELSE y=(x -2)^2 END IF END IF PRINT “y=”;y END


高一英语月考参考答案 2017-3-16 听力 1-20 CABAB CABCA BCBCA ABCCA 阅读理解 21-40 CBAB CDB DABB ACCD DGFCA 完形填空 41-60 DCBCA ABADC BBCDA ABDAB 语法填空 61.interesting 62. that 63.his 64. an 65. what 66. was spotted 67. rags 68. Obviously 69. for 70. more important 短文改错 71. thing → things 72. saw →seeing. 73. on → at 74. will → would 75. or → but 76. finish前加to 77. 去掉that 78. so → such 79. he → she 80. busily →busy 书面表达 How to keep a good mood A good mood makes us comfortable and happy. However, it’s not easy to keep a good mood especially when we’re faced with troubles. Then, how can we keep a good mood? To begin with, we should take exercise often and develop healthy eating habits, which can keep us fit. It’s known to us that a strong body always has a positive effect on our mood. Secondly, it’s essential to have a good rest. Sleeping plays a very important role in maintaining our mental health. Thirdly, it’s beneficial to recall those which make us happy. Memories of those things contribute to a good mood. Lastly, think the positive aspect of everything; don’t live life full of worries. By doing these, we can keep a good mood.


Understanding ideas It's all about ME! 一切都“关于”我! "Me". It's a small word with big meaning, and that meaning is as individual to each of us as the way we look. Through interviews, was able to discover what"me" means to other people, and how they have learnt to appreciate the beauty in themselves. “我”,这个小小的字有着十分丰富的含义。对于我们每个人来说,这个意义就像我们的外表一样是因人而异的。通过这次采访,我得以发现“我”这个字对于其他人的意义,以及他们如何学会欣赏他们自己的美。 Psychologist, Dr Hart 心理学家哈特博士 Jade, 24, accounting manager 杰德,24岁,会计经理 As a song in Ugly Betty puts it, "It's a pretty person's world". I understand this more than most, as I have always been plain-looking. I'm girl who'd love to look good. Well, who wouldn't? So, ever since I discovered selfie apps that could remove my freckles, enlarge my eyes and even slim my jawline,I have become addicted. I spend hours every day editing my selfies, posting them and eagerly checking my phone a hundred times for comments. Each "like" boosts my confidence. Dad thinks I am a narcissist, but what I say is that my pictures aren't hurting anyone, so who cares? 正如《丑女贝蒂》里的歌曲所唱的那样,“这是个看脸的世界。”我比大多数人都更能理解这句话的含义,因为我一直相貌平平。我是个爱美的女孩。好吧,谁不是呢?所以,自从我发现自拍软件能消除我的雀斑,拉大眼睛,甚至削尖下巴,我就用上瘾了。我每天会花数小时修我的自拍照,发照片,并频繁地打开手机,迫切地查看评论照片的每个“赞”都会增强我的自信。爸爸觉得我太自恋,但我的解释是,我的照片没伤害其他人,管它呢? Dr Hart says: Obsessive online photo editing indicates lack of self-confidence and a desire for attention. However, the image Jade presents to obtain the praise of others is false. People who pretend to be someone they are not tend to misjudge themselves. 哈特博士说:沉迷于修饰上传网络的照片,其实是缺乏自信和渴望关注的表现。不管怎样,杰德呈现给别人想要博取赞美的形象,都是虚假的。那些把自己包装成别人的人,只会对自己产生错误的判断。 Anthony, 21, college student 安东尼,21岁,大学生 I never really cared about my appearance. That's why I could never understand my sister, who has 17 lipsticks and can't decide which one to use every morning. I only used to have five identical pairs of trousers and five identical shirts. When I first moved into my dormitory at college, this made my roommates quite confused as they saw me in the same clothes day after day. Last month they registered me for TV,

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第一章算法初步 (1) 1.1算法与程序框图 (2)

1.1.1 算法的概念(第1课时) (3) 1.1 算法与程序框图(共3课时) 1.1.1算法的概念(第1课时) 【课程标准】通过对解决具体问题过程与步骤的分析(如二元一次方程组求解等问题),体会算法的思想,了解算法的含义. 【教学目标】1.理解算法的概念与特点; 2.学会用自然语言描述算法,体会算法思想; 3.培养学生逻辑思维能力与表达能力. 【教学重点】算法概念以及用自然语言描述算法 【教学难点】用自然语言描述算法 【教学过程】 一、序言

算法不仅是数学及其应用的重要组成部分,也是计算机科学的重要基础. 在现代社会里,计算机已经成为人们日常生活和工作不可缺少的工具. 听音乐、看电影、玩游戏、打字、画卡通画、处理数据,计算机几乎渗透到了人们生活的所有领域. 那么,计算机是怎样工作的呢?要想弄清楚这个问题,算法的学习是一个开始. 同时,算法有利于发展有条理的思考与表达的能力,提高逻辑思维能力. 在以前的学习中,虽然没有出现算法这个名词,但实际上在数学教学中已经渗透了大量的算法思想,如四则运算的过程、求解方程的步骤等等,完成这些工作都需要一系列程序化的步骤,这就是算法的思想. 二、实例分析 例1:写出你在家里烧开水过程的一个算法. 解:第一步:把水注入电锅; 第二步:打开电源把水烧开; 第三步:把烧开的水注入热水瓶. (以上算法是解决某一问题的程序或步骤) 例2:给出求1+2+3+4+5的一个算法. 解: 算法1 按照逐一相加的程序进行 第一步:计算1+2,得到3; 第二步:将第一步中的运算结果3与3相加,得到6; 第三步:将第二步中的运算结果6与4相加,得到10; 第四步:将第三步中的运算结果10与5相加,得到15. 算法2 可以运用公式1+2+3+…+n =2 ) 1(+n n 直接计算 第一步:取n =5; 第二步:计算 2 ) 1(+n n ; 第三步:输出运算结果. (说明算法不唯一) 例3:(课本第2页,解二元一次方程组的步骤) (可推广到解一般的二元一次方程组,说明算法的普遍性) 例4:用“待定系数法”求圆的方程的大致步骤是: 第一步:根据题意,选择标准方程或一般方程; 第二步:根据条件列出关于a ,b ,r 或D ,E ,F 的方程组; 第三步:解出a ,b ,r 或D ,E ,F ,代入标准方程或一般方程. 三、算法的概念 通过对以上几个问题的分析,我们对算法有了一个初步的了解.在解决某些问题时,需要设计出一系列可操作或可计算的步骤,通过实施这些步骤来解决问题,通常把这些 在数学中,现代意义上的“算法”通常是指可以用计算机来解决的某一类问题的程序 或步骤,这些程序或步骤必须是明确和有效的,而且能够在有限步之内完成 .


必修三unit1 1.take place / happen / break out 无被动 2.starve to death 饿死 starve to do渴望做.. starve for 渴望得到.. 3.in memory of 纪念 4.dress up 穿上盛装,打扮 5. play a trick / tricks on play a joke / jokes on 6.award sb. sth.=award sth. to sb.授予某人某物 reward sb. for sth. 因... 而报答,奖赏某人 reward sb. with sth. 用...报答,酬谢某人 7.look forward to doing *以介词to结尾的短语 pay attention to (doing) devote…to (doing) attach…to (doing) attach great importance to... 认为...很重要 8.without permission.未经许可 permit doing sth. permit sb.to do sb be permitted to do 9.turn up 出现,调高 turn down 拒绝,调低 turn out (to be ) 结果是 turn to sb (for help) 求助 10 keep one’s word守信用;履行诺言hold one’s breath屏息;屏气 11.apologize to sb for sth make an apology to sb for sth 11.set off (for...) = set out(for...) 动身,出发 12.remind sb. of sth. /sb.使某人想起…remind sb. to do sth. 提醒某人做某事14.mean to do打算做 mean doing 意味着 15 be satisfied with 对…感到满意 satisfying 令人满意的 16lead to 导致;通向,通往 17. It is/was obvious that。。。很明显…… 18.get/be married to U2 1. have / keep a healthy diet have / keep a balanced diet be / go on a diet 节食 2.show curiosity about sth

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