当前位置:文档之家› 第三届全国小学英语优质课教案




Personal information




1)Words and phrases: pen pal, Sydney, hockey, especially, at least


a. My favourite … is …

b. My hobby is doing …

c. I like … best

d. I live in …

3)Function---- Introduce yourself to your new friends;

Share personal information with your new friends;

Enable the students to communicate with others and

write e-mails in English.



a. My favourite … is …

b. My hobby is doing …

c. I like … best

d. I live in …







An E-mail:


小学英语优秀教学设计(一) 时间:2010-12-22 09:49:02 来源:蓬莱南王中心小学作者:包晓晴 小学英语第五册(外研版) Module 8 School Unit 1 What time does school start? 蓬莱市南王中心小学包晓晴 一、教材分析 Module 8 Book 5 的主题是“School”,“ Unit 1 What time does school start?”的语言功能是描述学校生活;学习任务为“What time does school start? What time do you get up?” 二、学情分析 本课的教学对象是五年级学生,他们已经掌握了一定的英语词汇,具有一定的英语学习的积极性与主动性,具备了一定的英语语言运用能力,求知欲增强。因此,在新知识传授的同时,教师要尽可能多的为学生创造良好的语言环境,给学生充足的语言“习得”机会,让学生在学习中积极参与、大胆发言,从而形成积极的情感态度和自主学习的能力。 三、教学目标 (一)知识目标 1、能听懂、会说并认读下列单词:exercise, before, playground, skip, coffee, tea. 2、能听懂、会说并认读下列句子:What time does school start? My school starts at 9 o’clock. What time do you get up? I get up at half past seven. (二)能力目标 能口头运用“What time does school start?”这类语句询问发生的时间,并能口头运用“My school starts at 9 o’clock.”这类语句回答。 (三)情感目标 为学生创设轻松、愉悦、和谐的英语课堂学习氛围,使学生在学习中敢于开口说英语,并了解西方小学学校日常生活习惯,从而对英语学习产生更为浓厚的兴趣。 四、教学要点分析 (一)教学重点 1.单词:exercise, before, playground, skip, coffee, tea 的认读。 2.运用“What time … ?”来询问事情发生的时间。 (二)教学难点 能够在真实的语境中正确运用“What time … ?”询问事情发生的时间。 五、教学准备 多媒体课件、录音机、磁带、单词卡片、跳绳。 六、教学过程 Step 1 Warming-up 1. Chant:《I like coffee, I like tea.》(第二册中M3 U2 4) 教师一手拿coffee 一手拿tea的英语单词卡片示意学生一起拍手说Chant,并教授单词:coffee, tea。(教授单词时尽量提供一些学过的词汇,鼓励学生自己读出来,培养学生的拼读能力。) Step 2 Presentation 1. Leading-in. (1)课件出示学校的图片介绍说:This is our school. Do you read a book in your classroom? (2)课件出示学校学生跳绳和做操的照片


牛津小学英语3B Module 2 Unit1 Animals I like 一、教学目标: 1、能正确地听、说、读,写单词monkeys, tigers, pandas, snakes, giraffe s. 2、能正确地运用对话中的日常交际I like …. I don’t like…. 3、认识名词单、复数的基本形式。 4、能力目标:培养学生听、说、认读和对话交际的能力。 5、情感目标:培养学生爱护动物、保护动物的意识 二、教学重、难点: 1、理解并正确运用日常交际用语 I like ….I don’t like…. 2、认识名词单、复数的基本形式。 3、四会单词的拼读和三会单词的掌握。 三、课前准备: 1、教具准备PPT,单词图卡片,句子卡片。 四、教学过程: Step 1 Warming up/Revision 1.师生相互问候: T: Good morning, boys and girls! S: … T: How are you? S: … Chant :< everybody clap ……> 2. Sing a song: T: Today I’m very happy .Are you happy? So let’s sing together. 把学生分成两组 【设计意图】:通过儿歌给学生营造一个欢乐活泼的英语气氛,并为引入对上学期学过的动物单词的复习做铺垫。 3. Revision: T:(让学生看多媒体) What can you see? S:I can see two rabbits .

全国首届小学英语优质课竞赛一等奖教案 《A Telephone Call》

全国首届小学英语优质课竞赛一等奖教案《A Telephone Call》 I.Teaching Material II. Teaching Aims 1) Enable the students to make telephone calls in English and get them to know how to behave themselves on the telephone. 2) Raise the students' interest to learn English. 3) Encourage the students to have good cooperation with one another. III.Teaching contents 1 ) Patterns: May I speak to ...? Would you please take a message? 2) Vocabulary: message, party, take a message IV.teaching Aids Four toy telephones, a CD-ROM, a toy Santa Claus. V. Teaching procedures Step 1. Warming-up Exercise Sing the song "Greetings". Step 2. Presentation and Practice 1) Ask the students to look at the screen and listen to the talk between the teacher and the person in the screen. 2) After the talk, the teacher tells the students how to make a telephone call in English. Write the pattern "May I speak to...?"on the blackboard and teach them how to use it on the phone.

最新人教pep版《小学英语四年级下册Unit 5 My clothes(全单元教学设计)》精品优秀打印版整单元每课教案

最新精品 最新人教pep版小学四年级英语下册Unit 5 My clothes单元 优 秀 教 学 设 计 (全单元完整版)

前言: 该教学设计(教案)由多位一线国家特级教师根据最新课程标准的要求和教学对象的特点结合教材实际精心编辑而成。实用性强。高质量的教学设计(教案)是高效课堂的前提和保障。 (最新精品教学设计) 第五单元教案 一、单元教学内容分析 1、单元教学内容:本单元重点学习服装名称及单、复数的使用习惯。服装与颜色、大小等话题相关性很强,因此建议教师将学过的有关颜色及长短大小的形容词融合在对服饰的谈论当中。 2、单元教学重点:认读Part A and Part B 中的单词;实际情景中灵活运用 Let’s talk 中的重要句型。 3、单元教学难点:字母组合le在单词中的发音。 二、单元教学目标: 1、掌握A、B部分的Let's learn、 Let's talk 部分的四会单词与句子。 2、认读A、B部分的 Let's learn、 Let's talk 部分的单词与句子。 3、理解Let's do, Let's chant 等部分的内容并能够听指令完成动作。 三、单元教学准备: 1、教师准备教学过程中所需要的图片、声音、课件,以及本单元的单词卡。 2、准备一些教师的照片或图片。 3、教师准备录音机及录音带。 四、单元教学措施: 1、在教学过程中,对于学习困难的学生,可通过请学生复述老师的话或是复述同学的回答,让学生对老师和同学的发言引起注意,让学生意识到要仔细听别人的说话。 2、对于学习还不错,但是不愿或害怕发言的学生,课堂中教师主动请他们表达其意见,培养他们良好的学习英语的习惯。 3、充分运用英语名、英文歌、儿歌、绕口令、顺口溜、谜语等,给予小学生语言感染的机会。还可开展各种活动,鼓励学生交际。 五、单元教学反思:


全国首届小学英语优质课竞赛一等奖教案-In a Fast-food Restaurant In a Fast-food Restaurant Waiter: Hello, can I help you? Mum: Yes. What would you like, Dick? Dick: I’d like a hamburger. Mum: Me, too. Waiter: Would you like something to drink? Mum: Oh, yes. Two glasses of orange juice, please. Dick: Mum, can I have an ice-cream? Mum: Sure. Two hamburgers, two glasses of orange juice and an ice-cream. Waiter: OK. Here you are. 38 yuan, please. Mum: Here the money. Waiter: Thanks. 生词:fast-food / resaurant / hamburger 句型:What would you like? Would you like something to eat/ drink? II、教学目标: 1. 能听、读、说fist-food/restaurant/hamburger,并了解其含义; 2.能灵活运用重点句型,并清楚其运用的场合和语气; (1) What would you like? (2)Would you like something to eat/drink? 3.能模仿本文对话,并能在一定的语境中运用所学语言进行交际; 4.培养学生的注意力和观察力,激发学生积极思维,挖掘学生运用语言的创造能力。 III、教学重难点:


宋老师执教的这一堂课是一堂清晰实在,扎实系统,动静结合的英语课。教师以新的课程理念为指导,充分考虑学生的年龄特点,在本课的教学设计和组织上注重了以下几个方面。 1,英文歌曲和游戏导入,充分调动起学生兴趣。良好的开端对一堂课的成功与否,起着关键的作用。本堂课一开始,教师就用TPR活动导入新课,使学生的注意力在最短的时间里,被激活。接着教师利用游戏引出新词教学,自然有效。 2,关注教学方法,体现了一个活字。教师的教学方法灵活,新单词呈现形式多样。应该说整堂课中,教师在引入新词时,都是比较新颖而又自然,而且具有生活化的。教师还注意利用生动的课件,图片,卡片,身体语言,表情动作等作为教学资源,创设讲解,操练和运用英语的情景。宋老师能贯彻以学生为中心的原则,关注教学过程,尽可能发挥学生的主体作用,让学生真实的去感受知识,体验知识,积极参与,努力实践,在活动中学会用语言表达交流,较好的体现了从不懂到懂,从不会到会,从不熟练到熟练的过程。 3,教学活动的设计丰富多彩,有效,训练方式多样,有全班活动,师生互动,小组活动,双人活动,个人

活动等,在活动中突破难点,在活动中发展能力。教师为了巩固本课的内容,精心设计了多个活动:有歌曲,歌谣,游戏,内容非常丰富不但使单词,句型的操练面广,练习次数多,而且还调动了每一个学生的参与热情。将热闹的形式与有效的语言实践有机结合。 在英语课中,活动的设计和开展还应该有利于学生学习英语知识,发展语言技能,从而提高学生的综合运用语言的能力。英语课堂的活动应该以语言运用为落脚点,本堂课上,宋老师很好的贯彻了:在用中学,学中用,学用结合,学以致用的原则。在这样的一个学习过程中,学习者处于相对自然的态势,不断地在习得和使用语言,学和用每分每秒都和谐的交织在一起。 以上只是我对宋老师这节课的点滴感受,望大家更多地提出自己的见解跟我一起分享! << Look at the monky>>评课 ———金丹 十一号早晨,市教育局徐局长,市教科院李院长,秦院长冒雨赶赴沔州小学观摩了小学英语优质科大赛。这次大赛在王芬老师的精心策划,老师们认真准备下,


优秀小学英语教案Prepared on 21 November 2021

牛津小学英语3B Module 2 Unit1 Animals I like 一、教学目标: 1、能正确地听、说、读,写单词monkeys, tigers, pandas, snakes, giraff es. 2、能正确地运用对话中的日常交际I like …. I don’t like…. 3、认识名词单、复数的基本形式。 4、能力目标:培养学生听、说、认读和对话交际的能力。 5、情感目标:培养学生爱护动物、保护动物的意识 二、教学重、难点: 1、理解并正确运用日常交际用语 I like ….I don’t like…. 2、认识名词单、复数的基本形式。 3、四会单词的拼读和三会单词的掌握。 三、课前准备: 1、教具准备PPT,单词图卡片,句子卡片。 四、教学过程: Step 1 Warming up/Revision 1.师生相互问候: T: Good morning, boys and girls! S: … T: How are you S: … Chant :< everybody clap ……> 2. Sing a song: T: Today I’m very happy .Are you happy So let’s sing together. 把学生分成两组 【设计意图】:通过儿歌给学生营造一个欢乐活泼的英语气氛,并为引入对上学期学过的动物单词的复习做铺垫。 3. Revision:

全国小学英语优质课评比School Life教学设计

全国小学英语优质课评比School Life教学设计 海口市第二十六小学王一芳 Teaching content: School Life Teaching aims: Knowledge aims: Grasp the new words: school life, club, Hainanese, bamboo, seashell, works Sentence structures: … can … / I think … Ability aims: Train the reading skills to get the main information and express fluently; Enable to use the new contents to communicate with each other. Emotion aims: Get used to fulfill some tasks in groups, improve their corporation ability. Arouse their emotion of loving their school life. Important and difficult points: Important points: Train the students some reading abilities, such as getting the main information of the context and express themselves freely. Difficult points: The pronunciation of the word “seashell”and use the sentence “I think…” to express their own ideas fluently. Teaching aids: CAI, word cards and pictures, assessment trees, etc. Teaching process: 1.Warm up. An English song: We are happy every day


小学英语优秀教案Revised on November 25, 2020

外研版小学英语第六册Unit 6 Lesson1教学设 计 姓名:方芳性别:女职称:小一学历:本科 单位:合肥市第61中通讯地址:金寨路1100号合肥市第61中 邮编:230022 一、教材分析: 本节课的教学内容是外研版小学英语第六册第六单元第一课,课型是交际型听说课,含八个食物名称单词和五个功能性对话。熟悉的食物和真实的情境为学生提供了良好的学习语言、理解语言和运用语言的语境;同时也充分激发了学生学习英语的兴趣。 二、设计理念: 根据《英语课程标准》的指导理念:以学生的发展为宗旨,以提高学生的综合语言运用能力为目标,着重培养学生学习英语的兴趣,良好的学习习惯,有效的学习方法,以及自主合作学习的能力。倡导“任务型”教学途径,力求创设真实的语言情境,让学生在体验、实践、参与、合作与交流的学习过程中完成学习目标,同时,增强学生的自信心,为今后的学习奠定基础。 三、教学目标: 1.语言知识目标 1)能听懂、会说、会读flour、meat、salt、sugar、corn、lettuce、六个单词。

2)能听懂、会说What do we need We need some meat How much is the ____ It’s ____ yuan a kilo. Can I have ____ kilo, please Sure. Here you are. ____ yuan, please. 2、语言能力目标: 1)培养学生语言实际运用能力。 2)培养学生交流与合作的能力。 3)培养学生用英语思维的能力。 3、情感态度目标: 1)通过学习,学生体会用英语购物的乐趣。 2)培养学生持续学习英语的动力和热情。 四、教学重点: 学生对flour、meat、salt、sugar、corn、lettuce六个单词有正确的语音认识,能对句型What do we need We need some ____. How much is the ____ It’s ____ yuan a kilo. Can I have ____ kilo, please Sure. Here you are. ____ yuan, please.真正理解,并灵活运用到真实情境中。 五、教学难点: 的正确读法。 2.学生能运用所学句型顺利完成任务。 六、学情分析: 本节课的教学对象是小学五年级的学生,经过两年半的英语学习,大部分学生对英语具有浓厚的兴趣,具备一定的听、说、读、写能力。而处在这一年龄段的学生,活泼好动,好奇心强,注意力不易集中,因此在课堂上要采取多


精品文档 全国小学英语课堂教学优秀案例一等奖(课堂实录)HOME-upWarr——、Havea great、1T: Hello! Boysand girls, I'm glad to meet you here. At first I'll introduce myself. My first nare is Wang, so you can call re Mr . Ss: Wang. T: Ok. Now please show re a hand and say hello to Mr Wang. Hello! Boys and girls. (手放在耳朵边上,做努力听清楚学生回答的样子,让学生明白应该响亮回答)Ss: Hello, Mr Wang. T: Hello! Boys and girls. (手放在耳朵边上,做努力听清楚学生回答的样子,让学生明白应该响亮回答)Ss: Hello, Mr Wang. )老师走向一小组,向一小组的同学打招呼T: Hello!((手放在耳朵边上,做努力听清楚学生回答的样子,让学生明白应该响亮回答)Ss: Hello, Mr Wang. (老师走向另一小组,向另一小组的同学打招呼)T: Hello! Boys and girls. (手放在耳朵边上,做努力听清楚学生回答的样子,让学生明白应该响亮回答)Ss: Hello, Mr Wang. T: Good! Do the actions. 2 、T: Ok, now, this tire, look at re. I will stand here and do the actions. Please say it after and let's see who is the first. Ok? Ss: Ok! T do the actions and Ss say it after. Ss: Get up. T: You are first. One point. Ok! Ss: Brush teeth. T: You're nurber 1. Ok. And this one. Ss: Washface. T: And this one. Ss: Have breakfast. T: And this one Ss: Rollerblade. T: Yes, right. rollerblade. I like sports. Ss: Play basketball. T: Play basketball. Ss: Sing a song. T: And this one. Oh. Ss: Play corputer gares. T: Yes, you did a good job. It's right. Now, I will play the corputer. Presentation 二、 Learn new phrase 1 、T: Ok! Wow! It's a wonderful picture. Is it nice? Ss: Yes. T; Is it clean? Ss: Yes.T: It's ry hore. It's really tidy and clean. Why? Because re. I'r very hard working. I'r 精品文档. 精品文档老师边系围裙边说) Every day, I rake the bed. Please wait for re. Ok. It's very hard working.(的意思) Let's go. I erpty the trash, ok.(so hard to —老师做出围裙很难系的样子,让学生理解hardchair. strong but I'r , I can rove the so Look, I look, I'r good. cook reals. the chair is heavy, , one ,look now, blackboard) I here. Now please look at (teacher write “ can” on the I can .Ok, this floor. I floor. sweep the (teacher write “ can sweep the sweep the cathe floor ” on blackboard)I n Ok, good, please read after re. I can sweep the floor. Ss: I can sweepthe floor. T: I can sweep the floor. Ss: I can sweep the floor. T: What's this? (T shows his hand and ask) Ss: Hand.T: It's not hand. It can change the voice. It's ragic. Look, if I put ry hand down , you say lowly, lowly, lowly; if I put ry hand up, up, up, up, up, up, you read louder, louder, louder. Understand? Ss: yes. )10 遍T: Ok. I can sweep the floor.(老师用手势表示,让学生由低到高,再由高到低读这个句子T: Good. Ok. Look here. Ok, I can sweep the floor. Who can sweep the floor? You please. S1: I can sweep the floor. T: You are helpful at hore. This is for you. But put it down. Don't look at it. Ok, look at this. Ok ? Now , who can wash the dishes? Ok, you. S2: I can wash the dishes. ) T: Do rererber. There is it?(示意学生用话筒回答S2:I can wash the dish. T: Good, dishes. Ok, now, dishes. S2: Dishes. T: ok, now, this is for you. And this one. Set the table, set the table, who can set the table?


篇一:小学英语优秀教学设计 浙江2节课的教学设计 primary longman express 3a module 2 unit 2 things we can do教学设计 open day教学设计 温州市实验小学夏恩力 篇二:小学英语优秀教案 teaching plan topic : my family teaching aids :photos,cards teaching aims: a,let the pupils master the new words. b,make the pupils can describe their family members with the new sentence pattern:this is my…,she/he is … teaching contents: words:grandma ,grandpa ,father ,mother,brother,sister,husband,wi fe,family sentence :this is my … ,she /he is very(young,old,lovely…) teaching important: new words: grandma ,grandpa, husband,wife,family sentence :this is my … ,she /he is very(young,old,lovely…) teaching difficult: pupils can describe their family with the sentence partten: this is my … ,she /he is very(young,old,lovely…) procedure: 1,greeting. 2,warming up:review the words :father,mother,sister ,brother 3,presantation:a,show and look the family photos,the learn the new words. grandma ,grandpa, husband,wife,family b,describe the photos and learn the sentence, this is my … ,she /he is very(young,old,lovely)… 4,practice: a,describe the photos b,do the matching 5,homework class record t:hello,boys and girls,how are you going today? s:fine,thanks,miss are you going? t:very you so is the first day of a week,so today we will have something new to learn.(write do wn the topic:my family)ok,do you bring the family photos with you?(a task have assigned last week.) ss:yes!(shoe the photos) t:great!look,here is my family photo.(show the photo to the students.)please tell me where i am? ss:that little girl in red. t:yeah,it’s me.(point to the little girl)and the young man is my….? ss:father. t:right,”father”,we have learned last the young woman beside my father is my …?s:mother. t:how about the little boy?(brother!),and the young girl?(sister!)


小学英语教案(一) Asking the Way I.Teaching Content Asking the Way A: Excuse me, sir. Can you tell me the way to Bihai Hotel, please? B: Sure. You can go there by bus. A: Is it a long way from here? B: No, it'll take you fifteen minutes. A: Which bus can I take? B: You can take a No. 2 bus. A: Where is the bus stop? B: Just go straight. Look, the bus is coming. A: Thank you very much. B: You're welcome. II. Teaching procedures Step 1. Warming-up T: Nice to meet you. My name is Bright. B-R-I-G-H-T. Shall we sing an English song named "Bingo", and try to change the' word "Bingo" with my name "Bright"? Step 2. Presentation T: I'm new here, when I arrived at the airport, I heard someone said "对不起"(注①),"早晨好"(注②).I really want to know their meanings in English. Could you help me? S: "对不起" is "Excuse me" and "早晨好" is "Good morning". T: Thanks a lot. And now could you tell me something about your city? I want to travel in this city, but I don't know where I should go. S1: Bai Lian Dong Park. S2: Fisher Girl. S3: Jiuzhou Town. T: Good. But I want to find a hotel now.Please do me a favour. Can you tell me the names of some hotels in this city? S1: 2000 Hotel. S2: Yindu Hotel. S3: Bihai Hotel. (The teacher takes notes while the students are speaking.) Step 3. New structures learning T: They all sound very nice. But how can I get there, by bus or by bike?



Primary Longman Express 3A Module 2 Unit 2 Things we can do教学设计 教 师 姓 名 单位上课年级课题名称 四年级Things we can do 设计思路 本课内容选取朗文《Primary Longman Express》教材作为教学材料,主要围绕“Things we can do”开展教学活动,要求学生使用情态动词can 来谈论自己某一方面具有的能力,同时能意识到自己的不足之处(ca n’t ),学会取长补短,结合自己的特点来体验参与学校竞赛和社会实践的经历。我将本课教学设计意图定位在学生较为熟悉并喜欢的话题的基础上来将新知和旧知结合起来并能在自己熟悉的体育、音乐等领域中来进一步讨论abilities,通过情景练习,注重学生语言知识及语言运用能力的培养。选取这一语言材料,期望能够通过该教材优美、生动的语言片段来达成本课的教学 设计意图。 教学目标 Language Skills: The kids will be able to understand & use the following Words & expressions: play football/ play basketball / play table tennis / do karate Patterns : 1. I can …and … 2. I can …but I can’t … 3. I can’t…or… Learning skills: 1.To talk about things people can or can’t in a logical way. https://www.doczj.com/doc/7b10323189.html,ing the sentence patterns to express their own idea. 3.Be able to use the new sentences to communicate with others. Affection: The kids will learn to appreciate others ;Raise their consciousness of cooperation 重点难点 Key Points: The sentence patterns Difficult points: * word: karate


外研版小学英语第六册Unit 6 Lesson1 教学设 计 姓名:方芳性别:女职称:小一学历:本科 单位:合肥市第61中通讯地址:金寨路1100号合肥市第61 中 邮编:230022 一、教材分析: 本节课的教学内容是外研版小学英语第六册第六单元第一课,课型是交际型听说课,含八个食物名称单词和五个功能性对话。熟悉的食物和真实的情境为学生提供了良好的学习语言、理解语言和运用语言的语境;同时也充分激发了学生学习英语的兴趣。 二、设计理念: 根据《英语课程标准》的指导理念:以学生的发展为宗旨,以提高学生的综合语言运用能力为目标,着重培养学生学习英语的兴趣,良好的学习习惯,有效的学习方法,以及自主合作学习的能力。倡导“任务型” 教学途径,力求创设真实的语言情境,让学生在体验、实践、参与、合作与交流的学习过程中完成学习目标,同时,增强学生的自信心,为今后的学习奠定基础。 三、教学目标: 1. 语言知识目标 1) 能听懂、会说、会读flour 、meat、salt 、sugar 、corn 、lettuce 、六个单词。 2) ____________________________________________________________ 能听懂、会说What do weneed? Weneed somemeat Howmuchis the __________ ? It 's _____ yuan a kilo. Can I have kilo, please? Sure. Here you are. ___ yuan, please. 2、语言能力目标:

1)培养学生语言实际运用能力。 2)培养学生交流与合作的能力。 3)培养学生用英语思维的能力。 3、情感态度目标: 1)通过学习,学生体会用英语购物的乐趣。 2)培养学生持续学习英语的动力和热情。 四、教学重点: 学生对flour 、meat、salt 、sugar、corn 、lettuce 六个单词有正确的语音认识,能对句型What do we need? Weneed some ____________ . Howmuchis the ? It ' s yuan a kilo. CanI have kilo, please? Sure. Here you are. yuan, please. 真正理解,并灵活运用到真实情境中。 五、教学难点:的正确读法。 2. 学生能运用所学句型顺利完成任务。 六、学情分析: 本节课的教学对象是小学五年级的学生,经过两年半的英语学习,大部分学生对英语具有浓厚的兴趣,具备一定的听、说、读、写能力。而处在这一年龄段的学生,活泼好动,好奇心强,注意力不易集中,因此在课堂上要采取多样化的教学手段,将听、说、玩、演、唱溶于一体,充分调动学生的积极性,帮助学生培养英语学习的自信心,以及用英语进行简单的情境交流 的能力 七、教学方法: 直观教学法、情境教学法、交际法、“任务型”教学法以及多媒体辅助 法 八、教学用具: 畅言教学机、多媒体、卡片、道具钱币


2002全国小学英语优质课教案 I'd Like An Apple 作者:广东省顺德市大良实验小学田湘军 一、授课内容 I'd like an apple. Jim:Would you like a pear, Mike? Mike:No, thanks. I'd like an apple. Jim:OK. Here you are. Mike:Thanks. Jim:What about you, Nancy? Nancy:I'd like an orange. Jim:Look! Here's a big orange for you. Nancy:Thank you very much. Jim:You are welcome! 二、教学目标 1、语言知识目标 1)Words----复习巩固与水果有关的单词; 2)Sentences----熟练掌握下列句子,并能熟练运用。 a.Would you like a pear? Yes, please./ No, thanks. b.I'd like an apple. c.What about you? d.Here's a big orange for you. 3)Function----掌握向他人提供物品时的具体表达方法。 2、情感、文化目标 1)在教学过程中培养学生学习兴趣,帮助他们树立信心。 2)使学生在学习过程中能够注意并理解他人情感。 3)体会婉拒他人的礼貌的表达方法,并在实际生活中运用。 三、重、难点 1、充分了解并掌握下列句子。 Would you like …? Yes, please. No, thanks. I'd like … What about … ? Here's a/an … for somebody. 2、了解英语语言文化习惯。 当对方向你提供某种物品或帮助时,如何进行委婉地拒绝。 No, thanks. 四、教学辅助手段 1、水果、饮料和食物等物品的实物和图片; 2、一个用于游戏的小布袋; 3、多媒体教学课件----Flash版 五、教学过程 Warming-up 1.Draw a picture of the teacher with fruits. ---- Apple in the mouth.


浙江2节课的教学设计 Primary Longman Express 3A Module 2 Unit 2 Things we can do教学设计 教 师 姓 名 单位上课年级课题名称 胡洁浙江湖州爱山小学教 育集团 四年级Things we can do 设计思路 本课内容选取朗文《Primary Longman Express》教材作为教学材料,主要围绕“Things we can do”开展教学活动,要求学生使用情态动词can 来谈论自己某一方面具有的能力,同时能意识到自己的不足之处(can’t ),学会取长补短,结合自己的特点来体验参与学校竞赛和社会实践的经历。我将本课教学设计意图定位在学生较为熟悉并喜欢的话题的基础上来将新知和旧知结合起来并能在自己熟悉的体育、音乐等领域中来进一步讨论abilities,通过情景练习,注重学生语言知识及语言运用能力的培养。选取这一语言材料,期望能够通过该教材优美、生动的语言片段来达成本课的教学设计意图。 教学目标 Language Skills: The kids will be able to understand & use the following Words & expressions: play football/ play basketball / play table tennis / do karate Patterns : 1. I can …and … 2. I can …but I can’t … 3. I can’t…or… Learning skills: 1.To talk about things people can or can’t in a logical way. https://www.doczj.com/doc/7b10323189.html,ing the sentence patterns to express their own idea. 3.Be able to use the new sentences to communicate with others. Affection: The kids will learn to appreciate others ;Raise their consciousness of cooperation

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