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a rose for Emily 分析

A Rose for Emily 的评析(2010-06-21 23:49:34)转载▼ 标签:文化 威廉.福克纳和他的《献给爱米丽的玫瑰》 摘要:福克纳把南方的历史和现实社会作为自己创作源泉而成为美国南方文学的代表。《献给爱米丽的玫瑰》通过爱米丽的爱情悲剧揭示了新旧秩序的斗争及没落贵族阶级的守旧心态,福克纳运用神秘、暗语、象征、时序颠倒等写作手法来揭示这一主题。 关键词:威廉·福克纳;献给爱米丽的玫瑰;南方小说 一、威廉·福克纳的南方情结 威廉·福克纳(William Faulkner,1897-1962)是美国文学史上久负盛名的作家之一,生于密西西比州一个在内战中失去财富和地位的没落的南方种植园家庭。福克纳的大多数作品都以美国南方为背景,强调南方主题和南方意识。在他19部长篇小说和75篇短篇小说中,绝大多数小说的故事都发生在他虚构的美国的约克纳帕塔法县(Yoknapatawpha county)和杰弗生镇。这些作品所展示的生活画卷 和人物形象构成了福克纳笔下的“约克纳帕塔法世系”。 “约克纳帕塔法世系”是以该县家族的兴衰、变迁为主题,故事所跨越的时间上起自印地安人与早期殖民者交往的岁月,止于第二次世界大战后,长约二百年。他的世系小说依南方家系人物的生活而展开,以南方浓郁的泥土气息伴随着因工业文明而带来的焦虑、惶惑、无奈,把一百多年来即从1800年到第二次世界大战之后社会发展过程中,南方人所独有的情感和心态通过独特的艺术方式展示出来,可谓一部“南方生活的史诗”。在这部史诗的字里行间,留下了作家的血与泪之痕:割不断爱恋南方古老精神的一片深情,可又抵御不了现代文明进程的必然性。正如福克纳所说:“我爱南方,也憎恨它。这里有些东西我本不喜欢。但是我生在这里,这是我的家。因此,我愿意继续维护它,即便是怀着憎恨。”这种矛盾恰好构成了福克纳情感意识及其小说世界的无穷魅力。结果,约克纳帕塔法县成了旧南方的象征,而福克纳也借此成功地表现了整个南方社会的历史和意识。 二、《献给爱米丽的玫瑰》暗示南方的腐朽没落 福克纳素以长篇小说著称于世,但其短篇小说,无论艺术构思、意境创造、人物塑造抑或语言风格、结构艺术等,均可与其长篇小说互论短长,而其最著名的短篇之一《献给爱米丽的玫瑰》 A rose for Emily则对理解、研究福克纳的主要作品,即“约克纳帕塔法世系”具有十分重要的意义。在这篇小说中,作者以凝练的笔触、独特的结构成功地塑造了爱米丽·格里尔森Emily Grieson这个艺术典型。 《献给爱米丽的玫瑰》是福克纳1930年4月发表的被誉为最负盛名的短篇小说。故事发生在约克纳帕塔法县的杰弗生镇,小说分为五小部分,在这五个写作空间里,运用回忆来描写爱米丽·格里尔森(Emily Grieson)神秘的一生,讲述了一位被剥夺了与他人建立正常人际关系的妇女如何逃避现实以至于精神失常的故事,表现了新旧南方价值观念之间的冲突。爱米丽的个性冲突、所做所为源于她南方古老而辉煌的家庭背景,福克纳用神秘、暗语、象征等写作方法来揭示爱米丽是南方腐朽传统的象征。故事的叙述采用了时序颠倒的手法,这一手法不仅使小说结构奇突,情节跳跃,更为重要的是其具有深化主题思想的艺术功效。作者用这种手法打破时空界限,把过去和现在直接放在一起,在它们之间形成鲜明的对照,从而使读者深深地感到时代的变迁和传统价值观念的沦丧。 小说一开始就告诉读者爱米丽死了,全镇的人都去送丧。她的死象征着南方古老传统、价值观念、生活方式的彻底灭亡和消失。为展示新旧双方的矛盾和以爱米丽为代表的贵族阶级虽大势已去却拒不接受社会变革的心态,作者选取了一个极为典型的事件——纳税事件。


“A Rose for Emily” is divided into five sections. The first section opens with a description of the Grierson house in Jefferson. The narrator mentions that over the past 100 years, Miss Emily Grierson’s home has fall into disrepair and become “an eyesore among eyesores.” The first sentence of the story sets the tone of how the citizens of Jefferson felt about Emily: “When Miss Emily Grierson died, our whole town went to the funeral: the men through a sort of respectful affection for a fallen monument, the women mostly out of curiosity to see the inside of her house, which no one save an old manservant – a combined gardener and cook – had seen in at least ten years.” It is known around town that Emily Grierson has not had guests in her home for the past decade, except her black servant who runs errands for her to and from the market. When a new city council takes over, however, they begin to tax her once again. She refuses to pay the taxes and appear before the sheriff, so the city authorities invite themselves into her house. When confronted on her tax evasion, Emily reminds them that she doesn't have to pay taxes in Jefferson and to speak to Colonel Sartoris, although he had died 10 years before. In section two, the narrator explains that the Griersons had always been a very proud Southern family. Mr. Grierson, Emily’s father, believes no man is suitable for his daughter and doesn't allow her to date. Emily is largely dependent upon her father, and is left foundering when he dies. After Mr. Grierson's death, Emily does not allow the authorities to remove his body for three days, claiming he is still alive. She breaks down and allows authorities to take the body away for a quick burial. Section three introduces Emily’s beau, Homer Barron, a foreman from the north. Homer comes to Jefferson with a crew of men to build sidewalks outside the Grierson home. After Emily and Homer are seen driving through town several times, Emily visits a druggist. There, she asks to purchase arsenic. The druggist asks what the arsenic is for since it was required of him to ask by law. Emily does not respond and coldly stares him down until he looks away and gives her the arsenic. When Emily opens the package, underneath the skull and bones sign is written, "For Rats." Citizens of Jefferson believe that Miss Emily is going to commit suicide since Homer has not yet proposed in the beginning of section four. The townspeople contact and invite Emily's two cousins to comfort her. Shortly after their arrival, Homer leaves and then returns after the cousins leave Jefferson. After staying in Jefferson for one night, Homer is never seen again. After Homer’s disappearance, Emily begins to age, gain weight, and is rarely seen outside of her home. Soon, Miss Emily passes away.


is divided into five secti ons. A Rose for Emily The first sect ion ope ns with a descripti on of the Griers on house in Jeffers on. The n arrator men ti ons that over the past 100 years, Miss Emily Griers on ' s home has fall into disrepair and become “ an eyesore among eyesores. ” The first sentence of the story sets the tone of how the citize ns of Jeffers on felt about Emily: “ When Miss Emily Griers on died, our whole town went to the funeral: the men through a sort of respectful affection for a fallen monument, the wome n mostly out of curiosity to see the in side of her house, which no one save an old man serva nt -a comb ined garde ner and cook - had see n in at least ten years. It is known around tow n that Emily Griers on has not had guests in her home for the past decade, except her black serva nt who runs errands for her to and from the market. When a new city council takes over, however, they begi n to tax her once aga in. She refuses to pay the taxes and appear before the sheriff, so the city authorities invite themselves into her house. When confron ted on her tax evasi on, Emily reminds them that she does n't have to pay taxes in Jeffers on and to speak to Colonel Sartoris, although he had died 10 years before. In section two, the narrator explains that the Griersons had always been a very proud Souther n family. Mr. Griers on, Emily ' s father, believes no man is suitable for his daughter and does n't allow her to date. Emily is largely depe nden t upon her father, and is left foun deri ng whe n he dies. After Mr. Griers on's death, Emily does not allow the authorities to remove his body for three days, claiming he is still alive. She breaks down and allows authorities to take the body away for a quick burial. Section three introduces Emily ' s beau, Homer Barron, a foreman fronthe north. Homer comes to Jeffers on with a crew of men to build sidewalks outside the Griers on home. After Emily and Homer are seen driving through town several times, Emily visits a druggist. There, she asks to purchase arse nic. The druggist asks what the arse nic is for since it was required of him to ask by law. Emily does not respond and coldly stares him down un til he looks away and gives her the arse nic. When Emily ope ns the package, underneath the skull and bones sign is written, "For Rats." Citize ns of Jeffers on believe that Miss Emily is going to commit suicide si nce Homer has not yet proposed in the beg inning of sect ion four. The tow nspeople con tact and in vite Emily's two cousins to comfort her. Shortly after their arrival, Homer leaves and then retur ns after the cous ins leave Jeffers on. After stay ing in Jeffers on for one ni ght, Homer is never seen again. After Homer ' s disappearance, Emily begins to age, gain weight, and is rarely see n outside of her home. Soon, Miss Emily passes away.

A rose for Emily中译本赏析,以杨岂深的译本为例

“A Rose for Emily”中译本赏析 ——以杨岂深的译本为例 摘要:A Rose for Emily 《献给埃米莉的玫瑰》讲述了美国南北战争后南方小镇-----杰弗逊镇上没落的格尔森贵族家庭中埃米莉的悲剧故事。作者威廉·卡斯伯特·福克纳(William Cuthbert Faulkner)为美国文学史上最具影响力的作家之一,美国“南方文艺复兴”时期成就最显著的南方作家和现代主义作家。以杨岂深先生的译本为例,对小说分别从忠实的标准,形似与神似的矛盾,主人公对话语言的描写三个方面进行翻译研究,有益于提高读者的文学素养,提升文学翻译实践能力。 关键词:埃米莉;译本;忠实;形似与神似;对话 Abstract: A Rose for Emily tells the tragic story of Emily Grierson, the daughter of a noble declining family, which happened in a small southern American town-----Jefferson after American Civil War. The author, William Cuthbert Faulkner, is one of the most influential writers in the American literary history, the most significant Southern writer and modernism writer in the American "Northern Renaissance" period. This paper is based on the version of translator Yang Qishen. Mainly discusses the translation study from three aspects——faithful standard, the contradictions between appearance and soul , description of the heroine's conversation, which will be helpful for the improvement of readers '

a rose for Emily 分析报告

A Rose for Emily 的评析 (2010-06-21 23:49:34)转载▼ 标签:文化 威廉.福克纳和他的《献给爱米丽的玫瑰》 摘要:福克纳把南方的历史和现实社会作为自己创作源泉而成为美国南方文学的代表。《献给爱米丽的玫瑰》通过爱米丽的爱情悲剧揭示了新旧秩序的斗争及没落贵族阶级的守旧心态,福克纳运用神秘、暗语、象征、时序颠倒等写作手法来揭示这一主题。 关键词:威廉·福克纳;献给爱米丽的玫瑰;南方小说 一、威廉·福克纳的南方情结 威廉·福克纳(William Faulkner,1897-1962)是美国文学史上久负盛名的作家之一,生于密西西比州一个在内战中失去财富和地位的没落的南方种植园家庭。福克纳的大多数作品都以美国南方为背景,强调南方主题和南方意识。在他19部长篇小说和75篇短篇小说中,绝大多数小说的故事都发生在他虚构的美国的约克纳帕塔法县(Yoknapatawpha county)和杰弗生镇。这些作品所展示的生活画卷 和人物形象构成了福克纳笔下的“约克纳帕塔法世系”。 “约克纳帕塔法世系”是以该县家族的兴衰、变迁为主题,故事所跨越的时间上起自印地安人与早期殖民者交往的岁月,止于第二次世界大战后,长约二百年。他的世系小说依南方家系人物的生活而展开,以南方浓郁的泥土气息伴随着因工业文明而带来的焦虑、惶惑、无奈,把一百多年来即从1800年到第二次世界大战之后社会发展过程中,南方人所独有的情感和心态通过独特的艺术方式展示出来,可谓一部“南方生活的史诗”。在这部史诗的字里行间,留下了作家的血与泪之痕:割不断爱恋南方古老精神的一片深情,可又抵御不了现代文明进程的必然性。正如福克纳所说:“我爱南方,也憎恨它。这里有些东西我本不喜欢。但是我生在这里,这是我的家。因此,我愿意继续维护它,即便是怀着憎恨。”这种矛盾恰好构成了福克纳情感意识及其小说世界的无穷魅力。结果,约克纳帕塔法县成了旧南方的象征,而福克纳也借此成功地表现了整个南方社会的历史和意识。 二、《献给爱米丽的玫瑰》暗示南方的腐朽没落 福克纳素以长篇小说著称于世,但其短篇小说,无论艺术构思、意境创造、人物塑造抑或语言风格、结构艺术等,均可与其长篇小说互论短长,而其最著名的短篇之一《献给爱米丽的玫瑰》 A rose for Emily则对理解、研究福克纳的主要作品,即“约克纳帕塔法世系”具有十分重要的意义。在这篇小说中,作者以凝练的笔触、独特的结构成功地塑造了爱米丽·格里尔森Emily Grieson这个艺术典型。 《献给爱米丽的玫瑰》是福克纳1930年4月发表的被誉为最负盛名的短篇小说。故事发生在约克纳帕塔法县的杰弗生镇,小说分为五小部分,在这五个写作空间里,运用回忆来描写爱米丽·格里尔森(Emily Grieson)神秘的一生,讲述了一位被剥夺了与他人建立正常人际关系的妇女如何逃避现实以至于精神失常的故事,表现了新旧南方价值观念之间的冲突。爱米丽的个性冲突、所做所为源于她南方古老而辉煌的家庭背景,福克纳用神秘、暗语、象征等写作方法来揭示爱米丽是南方腐朽传统的象征。故事的叙述采用了时序颠倒的手法,这一手法不仅使小说结构奇突,情节跳跃,更为重要的是其具有深化主题思想的艺术功效。作者用这种手法打破时空界限,把过去和现在直接放在一起,在它们之间形成鲜明的对照,从而使读者深深地感到时代的变迁和传统价值观念的沦丧。 小说一开始就告诉读者爱米丽死了,全镇的人都去送丧。她的死象征着南方古老传统、价值观念、生活方式的彻底灭亡和消失。为展示新旧双方的矛盾和以爱米丽为代表的贵族阶级虽大势已去却拒不接受社会变革的心态,作者选取了一个极为典型的事件——纳税事件。

最好的分析A rose for emily

twentieth century Southern literature In the 20th century,with the great development of technologies and economic,especially the WWI and WWII,western countries’old social problems and contradictions were aggravated continuously. New problems also appeared. The two World Wars made the spirit system of western countries’ hardly collapsed. The twentieth century is a flourishing period for the development of American literature, whose main characteristics is irrationalism presented in modernism and post-modernism accompanied with naturalism and post-realism. The flourishing of American literature owns a great deal to the social background both at home and abroad, and to the influence of European ideologies, which is the result of globalization. (1)Special setting: Yoknapatawpha county (a typical small southern town) (2)Characterization: vivid, ―flesh and blood people that will stand up and cast a shadow‖; enjoying the complicated state with little interference (3)Plot: most about history of American South (its rise and fall; glory and evil sides; family story) (4)Theme: in praise of eternal virtues in human history, love, pity, honor and self-sacrifice (Faulkner thought that the doom of the South was caused by ill-treatment of Indians and blacks and the way to change the meaningless modern life is recovering the traditional and eternal virtues.) (5)Point of view: a new and experimental technique –multiple points of view and unreliable narrator Style: variety from colloquial and dialect to formal and refined; sometimes difficult to understand because of the using of modern techniques, such as stream-of-consciousness the themes include Tradition versus Change, The Power of Death, Isolation and Other themes:tensions between North and South, complexities of a changing world order, disappearing realms of gentility and aristocracy, and rigid social constraints placed on women etc. 一Tradition versus Change:Through the mysterious figure of Emily Grierson, Faulkner conveys the struggle that comes from trying to maintain tradition in the face of widespread, radical change. Jefferson is at a crossroads, embracing a modern, more commercial future while still perched on the edge of the past, from the faded glory of the Grierson home to the town cemetery where anonymous Civil War soldiers have been laid to rest. Emily herself is a tradition, staying the same over the years despite many changes in her community. She is in many ways a mixed blessing. As a living monument to the past, she represents the traditions that people wish to respect and honor; however, she is also a burden and entirely cut off from the outside world, nursing eccentricities that others cannot understand. 二The Power of Death:Death hangs over “A Rose for Emily,”from the narrator’s mention of Emily’s death at the beginning of the story through the description of Emily’s death-haunted life to the foundering倒塌of tradition in the face of modern changes. In every case, death prevails over every attempt to master it. Emily attempts to exert power over death by denying the fact of death itself. Her refusal of giving

a rose for Emily主要人物分析

主要人物分析 艾米莉 艾米莉是经典的局外人的角色,基本不与镇上的人接触。居住在房子中的艾米莉给人们留下的大体印象就是:紧闭的大门,尘土,和黑暗。艾米丽是一个沉默的神秘人物。在一个层面上,她表现出的刻板南部“偏激”的特质:不平衡,惨烈,接受怪异行为。艾米莉没有自己的法律意识和行为。比如她拒绝支付她的税款或说出她的购买毒药的目的。她也拒绝邮政给她的家编号。当她放弃履行自己的义务时,她也最终尝到了苦果。叙述者把艾米莉列为一种参观遗迹。同时她可怜,经常受刺激,对生活条件有着极高的要求,没有结婚计划的事实,也成为了村民八卦的中心。之后,她购买了毒药,乡民断定她会自杀。艾米莉的不稳定性,导致故事汪另外一个方向发展。后来人们发现了荷的尸体。在一定的意义上,保存荷的尸体还描述了一个强大的愿望,控制另外一个人的愿望,也表示着对死去的人的依恋,这也是一种恋旧。格里尔逊先生控制着艾米丽,在他死后,艾米丽控制着他拒绝放弃他的尸体。她最终将这种控制转移到荷马身上---她心仪的对象。而她除了这种方式她找不到其他的方式来控制他了。 荷马巴伦 荷马,就像艾米莉是一个局外人,而这个陌生人也是乡民茶余饭后的讨论话题。不过与艾米莉不同的是,荷马充满个人魅力,这也使他成为人们关注的中心和艾米莉的心仪对象。刚开始,一些乡民不信任他,因为他既是一个北方工人。他在周日经常与艾米莉外出,这让他引起很多人的反感。艾米莉虽然古怪,但她处于一个更高的阶层中。人们猜测他与艾米莉结婚的可能性,但他更像一个游戏人间的单身汉,他自己也说过不考虑结婚的话。 作为镇上铺设人行道公司的领班,荷马是北方和南方变化的一个标志,通过他也展现了南方上流社会的孤立状态。荷马代表现代和产业化,进步就是颠覆传统的价值观,挑衅着传统主义并带去警告。荷马给南方小镇带来了“创新”的概念,新的领导人追求用更“现代”理念的来改变这个世界。荷马作为她的第一个真正的爱人,给她带来崭新的生活。同样深刻的是,也是艾米莉疯狂行为的受害者,她的命运将在这里被永远地尘封。 通过神秘人物艾米莉格里尔的经历,福克纳传达了面对斗争,传统也将被彻底地改变。杰斐逊处在在一个十字路口,将要伸开手拥抱现代,更加商业化的未来,但同时还栖息在过去的边缘。艾米莉自己是一个

A Rose For Emily鉴赏

A Rose For Emily * The short story “A Rose For Emily” draws a vivid picture of the southern town Jefferson of the United States. Though the plot is not complicated, yet it can be regarded as a panorama of Faulkner’s works. It attracts readers’ attention successfully and makes us immersed in the whole story. And the ingenious usage of symbolism is a distinctive feature, which makes the story filled with profound implications. There are several different symbolic subjects in it, such as the house, Miss Emily, Barron Homer and so on. In this thesis, the author tries to discuss them one by one from his point of view. 《献给爱米丽的一朵玫瑰花》写得精致、完美;有如大理石上的雕刻图案,含有值得永久纪念的神圣意味。 世界驰名的威廉·福克纳 (William Faulkner) 一向以长篇小说震撼世人。他的《喧哗与骚动》、《押沙龙,押沙龙!》已成为20世纪无可争议的杰作。意识流的手法娴熟运用,确立了他作品意象迭变、繁复多元的风格。而《献给爱米丽的一朵玫瑰花》短篇小说则让我们看到他的另一面:精确、凝练,清晰直接而又不失神秘,以及南方式的略带忧伤的品质。 小说写爱米丽与世隔绝的、不顾现实变迁一味坚持自己独有的生活方式;写她的爱与恨、她的倨傲式的高贵和对负心恋人的无情报复。小说由爱米丽的死亡开始。她的死就像拉了起舞台上的帷幕一角,引起小镇上人们一睹她原先讳莫如深的生活的激情。一桩秘密被揭露成了人们对她死亡的最有效的纪念方式。有意思的是,这篇小说题名为“献给爱米丽的一朵玫瑰花”,但在小说中,通篇没有提到玫瑰花,也没有人献花给爱米丽。这谜一样的篇名似乎暗藏着福克纳的深意。 也许,揭示这一篇名的象征内涵要比诠释小说内容本身来得更富有挑战性?也许,在这篇名的隐喻中福克纳故意深藏着他秘而不宣的隐衷? 确凿无疑的句式——我指的是篇名——泄露了作者对作品人物的一种肯定,仿佛他在暗示一个真实人物存在似的。这种肯定,也许并不包含对她行为方式的赞赏;而是说明她作为类型化人物在美国南方小镇上有着众多的原型。这使我想起了田纳西?威廉斯的戏剧《欲望号街车》中的布兰琪形象,她也像爱米丽一样家道中落却仍恪守着衰微的南方贵族传统。 正如众所周知,小说是虚构的艺术。但福克纳起着这样一个虚幻的篇名似乎想要抹去读者头脑中固有的小说概念。这种自我颠覆的方式,使小说产生了仿佛是对一位已故人物做传记的幻象;或者说,这也是一种自我首肯的方式,福克纳故意在这背谬中留出一丝让人错谔的空隙,从而引发人们去深思其背后的真正动机。透过这一悖论式的“破绽”,可以清晰地感受到福克纳对他小说人物的偏爱,泄露了他对爱米丽小姐这一形象所含有的深切的怜悯之情。这篇小说犹如是对爱米丽小姐所做的一次满怀敬意的缅怀和充满深情的回忆。 “献给爱米丽小姐的一朵玫瑰花”。默诵这一句式,宛如瞥见了福克纳在深秋的落叶时节,手持鲜花、摘下礼帽正站在爱米丽的墓碑前凭吊。我猜想,福克纳写下这一意味深长的篇名,并不是为了要增加小说的戏剧性,而是出于内心不由自主的需求,它道出了福克纳对爱米丽人物的迷恋与惋惜等复杂情愫,反映了他内心深层对业已湮灭的某些“东西”的追怀。

A Rose for Emily 心理解读与伤心

Miss Emily in “A Rose for Emily”:A Psychological Analysis Miss Emily Grierson, the main character in William Faulkner’s short story “A Rose for Emily,” is certainly strange by any average reader’s standards and a character analysis of Emily could go in any number of directions. It is nearly impossible not to examine her in a psychological as well as contextual light. Over the course of Faulkner’s “A Rose for Emily”, Miss Emily’s erratic and idiosyncratic behavior becomes outright bizarre, and the reader, like the townspeople in the story, is left wondering how to explain the fact that Miss Emily has spent years living and sleeping with the corpse of Homer Barron. According to the narrator in one of the important quotes from “A Rose for Emily” by William Faulkner the townspeople “did not say she was crazy” at first (Faulkner 2162), and of course, she was never evaluated, diagnosed, or tr eated by a mental health professional. Yet by the story’s conclusion, the reader can go back through the narrative and identify many episodes in which Miss Emily’s character and behavior hinted at the possibility of a mental illness, even if the town wanted to deny this fact and leave her intact as a social idol. In fact, this information could be used to support the claim that Miss Emily suffered from schizophrenia as defined by the American Psychiatric Association’s DSM-IV criteria (American Psychiatric Association 159). It is reasonable to propose that Miss Emily developed this mental illness as a response to the demanding conditions in which she was living as a Southern woman from an aristocratic family. Miss Emily decompensated because she was unable to develop healthy and adaptive coping and defense mechanisms. While most people can handle the kinds of stressors Miss Emily faced, those who cannot develop psychotic symptoms in response to their situation. Diagnosing a mental illness is often a challenging task, and one that implies a great deal of responsibility on the part of the mental health professional who assesses the patient and determines the diagnosis (American Psychiatric Association 5). Among the numerous variables that a clinician considers ar e the patient’s prior history. In the case of Miss Emily, an analysis of the setting and the other characters in the


08110 Sun Jie The Funeral of Love "A Rose for Emily", written by William Faulkner, is a short story about the life and death of Miss Emily Grierson. William Faulkner once said, “A Rose for Emily was an allegorical title; the meaning was, here was a woman who had had a tragedy, an irrevocable tragedy and nothing could be done about it, and I pitied her and this was a salute . . . to a woman you would hand a rose.” After I read the short but attractive story, the love tragedy impressed me very much. A Rose for Emily is Faulkner's the most widespread short story. With gothic horror and mysterious plots, it tells us a distorted love tragedy. It shows the influence of the past on people; and mold an image of a girl who never let love go. At the beginning of the story, the author described Miss Emily’s funeral: “When Miss Emily Grierson died, our whole town went to her funeral”. They went there not only for respectful affection, but also for curiosity. For a long period of time, Miss Emily is a mysterious and arrogant woman. At the end of the story, the author revealed the truth: Homer Barron was killed in Miss Emily’s room above stairs, a room decked and furnitured as for bridal. What happened between Miss Emily and Homer Barron that night? Was Homer Barron really a homosexual? Is this the real reason that he was killed in a bridal room that Miss Emily prepared? Perhaps the truth of the tragedy had gone with Miss Emily. Her 74-year life bore a lot about her class and status in society. For all these, she had to give up the right to love. However, she was not willingly to accept. She had no choice but to kill her lover. Then, the love might never go. The funeral took not only Emily’s life, but also the existence of her distorted love.

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