当前位置:文档之家› 级翻译必背分类词汇




人工智能 artificial intelligence



基因工程genetic engineering

三维电影three-dimensional movie

三峡工程the Three Gorges Project

希望工程 Hope Project

民族精神national spirit

求同存异seek common ground while shelving differences

物质文明和精神文明material and spiritual civilization

小康社会a well-off society

小康水平a well-off level

与时俱进keep pace with the times

综合国力the overall national strength 共同愿望common desire

无土栽培soilless cultivation

生态农业environment-friendly agriculture

农村剩余劳动力surplus rural labor

超级杂交水稻super-hybrid rice 终生职业job-for-life

铁饭碗a secure job

外出打工人员migrant workers

基层监督grass-root supervision

机器阅卷machine scoring

家政服务household management service 假账false accounting

加强舆论监督enhance the supervision by the public opinion

扩大中等收入者比重raise the proportion of the middle-income group 智力密集型企业intelligence-intensive enterprise

外资企业overseas-funded enterprise

下岗职工laid-off worker

素质教育education for all-round development; quality-oriented education

应试教育exam-oriented education

社会治安情况public security situation

改革开放the reform and opening-up policy

一国两制One Country, Two Systems

法制观念awareness of law

法制国家 a country with an adequate legal system

公务员civil servant

西部大开发Development of the West Regions

可持续性发展sustainable development 计算机辅助教学computer-assisted instruction

虚拟现实virtual reality


电脑犯罪computer crime


网上购物online shopping

学生减负reduce study load

综合治理comprehensive treatment

下海go into business

人才交流talent exchange

智力引进recruit talents

以人为本people oriented

舆论导向direction of public opinion 人口老龄化aging of population

人口出生率birth rate

全国人口普查nationwide census 人口激增population explosion

预期寿命life expectancy

社会公益活动public welfare activities

提供各种便民服务provide various convenient services

活动中心recreational center

道德标准ethical standards

尊老爱幼respect the old and cherish the young


社会保险social insurance

社会保障social security

大家庭extended family

独生子女the only child in a family

孝子孝女dutiful son/daughter



信息革命information revolution

信息高速公路information superhighway 办公自动化office automation

统筹兼顾make overall plans and take all factors into consideration

团队精神team spirit

青少年犯罪juvenile delinquency

教育投入input in education

九年义务教育nine-year compulsory education

高考college entrance examination

初等教育elementary education

高等教育higher education

综合性大学comprehensive university

文科院校colleges of liberal arts

理工科大学colleges of science and engineering

师范学院normal college

课外活动extracurricular activities

必修课required course

选修课elective course

基础课basic course

专业课specialized course

课程表school timetable

填鸭式教学cramming method of teaching 研究生postgraduate

应届毕业生graduating student

学前教育preschool education



商业化commercialization 处罚penalty

酒驾drunk driving

交通拥挤traffic congestion

水短缺water shortage

环境污染environmental pollution




财富分配wealth distribution

社会动荡social instability

城市建设urban construction

犯罪率上升a rising crime rate

能源和资源消耗drain of energy and resources

快节奏生活a rapid pace of life

职业道德work ethics

精神文明建设the construction of spiritual civilization

计划生育基本国策the basic state policy of family planning

科教兴国develop the country through science and education

社区服务community service

知识更新update one’s knowledge

适龄儿童入学率enrollment rate for children of school age

社会福利social welfare

城市生活压力pressure of modern life in the city

废物处理waste disposal

消费方式pattern of consumption

遭受重大损失suffer heavy losses

恶性循环vicious cycle

资源配置resource allocation

城市规划urban planning

房地产real estate

污染环境pollute the environment

温室效应greenhouse effect

加强污染控制strengthen pollution control

普及环保知识popularize environmental protection knowledge

全民健身运动nationwide fitness campaign


网络犯罪cyber crime

中等职业学校secondary vocational school 传染病infectious disease

试点项目pilot project


长城 the Great Wall

丝绸之路the Silk Road

泰山Mount Tai

苏州园林Suzhou Gardens

西湖West Lake



春秋时期the Spring and Autumn Period 战国时期the Warring States Period



少数民族minority nationality

西域the Western Regions




社会地位social status

远古时代ancient times

近代modern times

原始资料original data

古代文明ancient civilization

在位期间during the reign of...

朝廷the imperial court

土地私有制private ownership of land 扩大领土extend the domain

夺取政权seize the power


永久的佃户permanent tenant


行政区域an administrative district



宏观调控macroeconomic regulatory

社会主义新农村new socialist countryside

节能energy conservation

国有企业state-owned enterprise

公务员civil servant

远程教育distance education

最低生活保障basic cost of living allowances

残酷的竞争cut-throat competition

社会主义市场经济socialist market economy

和谐社会harmonious society 经济学家economist

资本主义经济capitalist economy 农村经济rural economy

自由经济liberal economy


私营成分private sector

公共成分public sector

经济波动economic fluctuation

经济衰退economic stability

经济稳定economic stability

经济复苏economic recovery

增长率rate of growth

经济趋势economic trend

生活标准standard of living

购买力buying power


资金分配the allocation of funds 收益benefit

预算 budget

资本 capital

需求变化 change in demand

供给变化 change in supply

商品 commodity

消费者 consumer

分配 distribution

经济成本 economic cost

交换 exchange

企业家 entrepreneur

企业家精神 entrepreneurship

过度供给 excess supply; oversupply 波动 fluctuation

家庭 household

人力资本 human capital

收入分配 income distribution

创新 innovation

利息 interest

投资 investment

劳动需求 labor demand

市场需求 market demand

市场结构 market structure

最低工资 minimum wage

必需品 necessities

社会收益 social benefits

总成本 total cost

总支出 total expenditure

总产量 total product

福利标准 welfare standard

奔小康 strive for a relatively comfortable life

不正之风 unhealthy tendency

产业结构升级 upgrading of an industrial structure

超前消费 overconsuming; excessive consumption

科技兴贸vitalize trade by science and technology

外经贸战略 the foreign trade and economic strategy

出口加工区 export processing zone

地区差异 regional disparity

扩大内需 expand domestic demand

对外招商 attract foreign investment 反对铺张浪费 oppose/combat extravagance and waste

个体户 self-employed


金融机构 financial institution

经济技术开发区an economic and technological development zone

经济特区 a special economic zone

经济起飞 an economic take-off

经济兴旺 an economic boom

招聘会 a labor fair; a job fair

售后服务 after-sale service 私人企业 private enterprise 外资 overseas investment

竞争性市场competitive market 经济利润economic profit

经济调节economic regulation 固定投入fixed input


瓷器 porcelain; china

刺绣 embroidery

国画 Chinese painting

剪纸 paper cutting

京剧 Peking Opera

拜年 paying a New Year call 鞭炮 firecracker

元宵 sweet dumplings made of glutinous rice flour

元宵节 Lantern Festival

中秋节 Mid-Autumn Festival

佛教 Buddhism

道观 Taoist Temple

儒教 Confucian

儒家文化 Confucian culture

文化事业 cultural undertaking 文化交流 cultural exchange

华夏祖先 the Chinese ancestor

同宗同源 be of the same origin

工艺 workmanship/craftsmanship

寓言 fable

神话 mythology

传说 legend

阴历 lunar calendar

中华文明 Chinese civilization

中药 TCM( traditional Chinese medicine)

文明的摇篮 cradle of civilization

水乡景色 riverside scenery

中国水墨画Chinese ink and wash painting


太极Tai Chi

杂技acrobatic performance

除夕New Year’s Eve

春节Spring Festival

春联Spring Festival couplets

辞旧迎新ring out the old year and ring in the New Year

年底大扫除the year-end household


庙会temple fair

清明节Tomb-sweeping Day

中餐Chinese cuisine

地方风味小吃local delicacy

民间艺术folk art


文化冲突cultural conflict

中国文学Chinese literature

中国书法Chinese calligraphy

四大发明the four great inventions of ancient China



造纸术paper-making technology



常用金融英语词汇的 翻译

常用金融英语词汇的翻译 acquiring company 收购公司 bad loan 呆帐 chart of cash flow 现金流量表 clearly-established ownership 产权清晰 debt to equity 债转股 diversity of equities 股权多元化 economy of scale 规模经济 emerging economies 新兴经济 exchange-rate regime 汇率机制 fund and financing 筹资融资 global financial architecture 全球金融体系 global integration, globality 全球一体化,全球化 go public 上市 growth spurt (经济的)急剧增长 have one's "two commas" 百万富翁 hedge against 套期保值 housing mortgage 住房按揭 holdings 控股,所持股份 holding company 控股公司 initial offerings 原始股 initial public offerings 首次公募 innovative business 创新企业 intellectual capital 智力资本 inter-bank lending 拆借 internet customer 网上客户 investment payoff period 投资回收期 joint-stock 参股 mall rat 爱逛商店的年轻人 means of production 生产要素 (the)medical cost social pool for major diseases 大病医疗费用社会统筹mergers and acquisitions 并购


六级翻译词汇经济篇: 宏观经济macro economy 社会主义市场经济socialist market economy 知识经济knowledge economy 网络经济Internet-based economy 经济规律law of economy 大规模生产mass production 生产力productive forces 生产关系relations of production 公有制public ownership 私有制private ownership 国有企业state-owned enterprises (SOEs) 私营企业private business 民营企业privately-run business 中小企业small and medium enterprises (SMEs) 连锁企业franchise / chain business 国民生产总值Gross National Product (GNP) 国内生产总值Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

实际增长率growth rate in real terms 年均增长率average growth rate per annum 可持续增长sustainable growth 经济效益economic returns 投资回报率rate of return on investment 衰退recession 宏观调控macro control 提高经济效益enhance economic performance 扭亏为盈turn a loss-making business into a profitable one 优化经济结构optimize economic structure 扩大内需expand domestic demand 国计民生national interest and people’s livelihood 经济特区special economic zones “十二五规划“ the 12th Five-Year Plan for National and Economic and Social Development 风险投资venture investment 经济繁荣economic boom


翻译词汇分类 名胜古迹: 长城the Great Wall of China 烽火台beacon tower 秦士台皇陵the Mausoleum of Emperor Qinshihuang 兵马俑Terracotta Warriors and Horses 大雁塔Big Wild Goose Pagoda 丝绸之路the Silk Road 敦煌莫高窟Mogao Grottoes 华清池Huaqing Hot Springs 五台山"Wutai Mountain 九华山Jiuhua Mountain 蛾眉山Mount Emei 泰山Mount Tai 黄山Mount Huangshan; the Yellow Mountain 故宫the Imperial Palace 天坛the Temple of Heaven 午门Meridian Gate 大运河Grand Canal 护城河the Moat 回音壁Echo Wall 居庸关Juyongguan Pass 九龙壁the Nine Dragon Wall 黄帝陵the Mausoleum of Emperor Huangdi 十三陵the Ming Tombs 苏州园林Suzhou gardens 西湖West Lake 九寨沟Jiuzhaigou Valley 日月潭Sun Moon Lake 布达拉宫Potala Palace 鼓楼drum tower 四合院quadrangle; courtyard complex 孔庙Confucius Temple 乐山大佛Leshan Giant Buddha 十八罗汉the Eighteen Disciples of the Buddha 喇嘛Lama 食品菜系 山东菜Shandong cuisine 川菜Sichuan cuisine 粤菜Canton cuisine 扬州菜Yangzhou cuisine 月饼moon cake 年糕rice cake 油条deep-fried dough sticks


聚贤教育小学英语单词分类整理1.动物类(animals) 2. 颜色 (colours) 3. 身体部位 (body) 4. 数字 (numbers)

5.时间/日期 (time) 6. 天气和温度(weather) 7. 交通工具 car小汽车 bus公共汽车 bike自行车 plane飞 机 train火车 ship轮船 taxi出租车 jeep吉普 车 motor摩托车 boat 小船 on foot步行 walk 走路 8三餐(meals) breakfast早餐 lunch午饭 supper晚饭 dinner晚饭,正餐meals三餐 食物(food) rice 米饭 noodles面条 egg鸡蛋 cake蛋糕 bread面包 hot dog热狗 hamburger汉堡包chicken鸡肉 meat肉 pork猪 肉 beef牛肉 vegetable蔬菜 fish鱼 fried chicken 炸鸡 apple pie 苹果派 French fries薯条 dumping 饺子 salad沙拉 sweets 糖果

strawberry ice-cream草莓冰激凌 sugar 糖 salt 盐 ketchup 番茄酱sausage香肠 chocolate 巧克力 饮料(drink) soup汤 coffee咖啡 tea茶 water水 juice果汁 Coke可乐 ice-cream 冰激凌 ice冰 milk牛奶 spring 矿泉水 beer 啤酒 蔬菜(egetables) potato 土豆eggplant 茄子tomato 西红柿 greens青菜 celery芹菜 onion 洋葱 mushroom蘑菇 cucumbers 黄瓜 水果(fruits) orange桔子 apple苹果 pear梨strawberry草莓 banana香蕉grapes葡萄 lemon柠檬 peach桃子 watermelon西瓜 dates 红枣Pineapple 菠萝 cherry 樱桃 9.职业(jobs) doctor医生 driver司机 singer歌手 farmer农民 nurse护 士 teacher教师 student学生 writer作家 actor男演员 actress女演员cleaner清洁工 engineer工程师 TV reporter 电台记者artist 画 家 policeman 男警察 policewoman 女警察 salesman销售员player运动员Cook 厨师 barber 理发师 housewife 家庭主妇 pop star 明星 pupil小学生 10.反义词 big---small大的/小的 long ---short长的/短的 tall--- short高的/矮的thin--- fat瘦的/胖的heavy---light重的/轻的 happy---sad高兴的/悲伤 open---close打开/关上turn on---turn off 打开/关闭 good--- bad好的/坏的 new---old新的/旧的 old ---young年长的/年青 的 cold ---hot冷的/热的far---near 近的/远的 right---left 右边/左边 east---west东面/西面south---north南面/北面go---come 来/去 up---down 上/下 here---there这里/那里 before---after 之前/之后On---under 上面/下面 11.衣服类(clothes) T-shirt T恤衫 shirt衬衫 skirt短裙 shoes鞋子dress连衣裙


一、组装、冲压、喷漆等专业词汇 Assembly line组装线 Layout布置图 Conveyer流水线物料板 Rivet table拉钉机 Rivet gun拉钉枪 Screw driver起子 Electric screw driver电动起子Pneumatic screw driver气动起子worktable 工作桌 OOBA开箱检查 fit together组装在一起 fasten锁紧(螺丝) fixture 夹具(治具) pallet栈板 barcode条码 barcode scanner条码扫描器 fuse together熔合 fuse machine热熔机 repair修理 operator作业员 QC品管 supervisor 课长 ME制造工程师 MT制造生技 cosmetic inspect外观检查 inner parts inspect内部检查 thumb screw大头螺丝 lbs. inch镑、英寸 EMI gasket导电条 front plate前板 rear plate后板 chassis 基座 bezel panel面板 power button电源按键 reset button重置键 Hi-pot test of SPS高源高压测试 V oltage switch of SPS 电源电压接拉键 sheet metal parts 冲件 plastic parts塑胶件 SOP制造作业程序 material check list物料检查表 work cell工作间 trolley台车 carton纸箱 sub-line支线 left fork叉车QC Section品管科 stamping factory冲压厂 painting factory烤漆厂 molding factory成型厂 common equipment常用设备 uncoiler and straightener整平机 punching machine 冲床 robot机械手 hydraulic machine油压机 lathe车床 planer |'plein |刨床 miller铣床 grinder磨床 driller??床 linear cutting线切割 electrical sparkle电火花 welder电焊机 staker=reviting machine铆合机 position职务 president董事长 general manager总经理 special assistant manager特助 factory director厂长 department director部长 deputy manager | =vice manager副理 section supervisor课长 deputy section supervisor =vice section superisor副课长 group leader/supervisor组长 line supervisor线长 assistant manager助理 to move, to carry, to handle搬运 be put in storage入库 pack packing包装 to apply oil擦油 to file burr 锉毛刺 final inspection终检 to connect material接料 to reverse material 翻料 wet station沾湿台 Tiana天那水 cleaning cloth抹布 to load material上料 to unload material卸料 to return material/stock to退料 scraped |'skr?pid|报废 scrape ..v.刮;削 deficient purchase来料不良 manufacture procedure制程 deficient manufacturing procedure制程 不良 oxidation |' ksi'dei n|氧化 scratch刮伤 dents压痕 defective upsiding down抽芽不良 defective to staking铆合不良 embedded lump镶块 feeding is not in place送料不到位 stamping-missing漏冲 production capacity生产力 education and training教育与训练 proposal improvement提案改善 spare parts=buffer备件 forklift叉车 trailer=long vehicle拖板车 compound die合模 die locker锁模器 pressure plate=plate pinch压板 bolt螺栓 name of a department部门名称 administration/general affairs dept总务 部 automatic screwdriver电动启子 thickness gauge厚薄规 gauge(or jig)治具 power wire电源线 buzzle蜂鸣器 defective product label不良标签 identifying sheet list标示单 screwdriver holder起子插座 pedal踩踏板 stopper阻挡器 flow board流水板 hydraulic handjack油压板车 forklift叉车 pallet栈板 glove(s)手套 glove(s) with exposed fingers割手套 thumb大拇指 forefinger食指 midfinger中指 ring finger无名指 little finger小指 band-aid创可贴 iudustrial alcohol工业酒精 alcohol container沾湿台 head of screwdriver起子头 sweeper扫把 mop拖把 vaccum cleaner吸尘器 rag 抹布 garbage container灰箕


小学英语单词大全(人教版) 一、学习用品 pen钢笔pencil铅笔pencil-case(pencil-box)铅笔盒 ruler尺子eraser(rubber)橡皮crayon 蜡笔sharpener卷笔刀book书bag(schoolbag)书包 story-book故事书comic book连环漫画册notebook 笔记本 post card明信片newspaper 报纸magazine杂志 二、人体 head头face脸hair头发nose鼻子mouth嘴eye眼睛ear耳朵arm胳膊shoulder肩膀hand 手finger手指leg腿knee膝盖foot脚toe脚趾tail尾巴 三、动物 cat猫dog狗pig猪duck鸭子rabbit兔子horse马elephant大象ant 蚂蚁kangaroo袋鼠monkey猴子fish鱼bird鸟panda熊猫bear熊lion狮子tiger老虎sheep绵羊goat山羊cow奶牛donkey驴 四、人物 friend朋友boy男孩girl女孩sister姐妹brother兄弟mother(mom)妈妈father(dad)爸爸uncle叔叔man男人woman 女人Mr先生Miss小姐,老师lady女士parents父母grandparents 祖父母grandpa爷爷,外公grandma奶奶,外婆people人 aunt阿姨;姑妈;伯母;舅妈son儿子principal校长 cousin堂兄弟姊妹;表兄弟姊妹classmate同班同学

university student大学生pen pal 笔友pal朋友,伙伴 五、职业 teacher老师student学生doctor医生nurse护士driver司机farmer农夫singer歌手writer作家actor 男演员actress女演员artist艺术家,美术家TV reporter电视台记者engineer工程师accountant会计师policeman警察salesperson 售货员cleaner 清洁工baseball player 棒球运动员assistant助手六、颜色 red红色blue蓝色yellow黄色green绿色white白色black黑色pink粉色purple紫色orange橘色brown棕色 七、食品 rice米饭bread面包beef牛肉milk牛奶water水egg蛋fish 鱼肉tofu豆腐cake蛋糕hot dog热狗hamburger汉堡包noodles面条meat肉chicken鸡肉pork猪肉mutton羊肉vegetable蔬菜soup汤ice-cream冰激凌Coke可乐juice果汁tea 茶coffee咖啡(breakfast 早餐lunch午餐dinner晚餐,正餐) 八、水果和蔬菜 apple苹果banana香蕉pear梨orange橘子peach桃子grape葡萄watermelon西瓜strawberry草莓coconut椰子pineapple菠萝eggplant茄子green beans青豆,绿豆,四季豆cucumber 黄瓜tomato番茄potato土豆onion 洋葱carrot胡萝卜cabbage 卷心菜九、衣服


六级翻译必背分类词汇 Document serial number【KK89K-LLS98YT-SS8CB-SSUT-SST108】

社会生活类词汇 人工智能 artificial intelligence 生物技术biotechnology 克隆clon 基因工程genetic engineering 三维电影three-dimensional movie 三峡工程the Three Gorges Project 希望工程 Hope Project 民族精神national spirit 求同存异seek common ground while shelving differences 物质文明和精神文明material and spiritual civilization 小康社会a well-off society 小康水平a well-off level 与时俱进keep pace with the times 综合国力the overall national strength 共同愿望common desire 无土栽培soilless cultivation 生态农业environment-friendly agriculture 农村剩余劳动力surplus rural labor 超级杂交水稻super-hybrid rice 终生职业job-for-life 铁饭碗a secure job 外出打工人员migrant workers 基层监督grass-root supervision 机器阅卷machine scoring 家政服务household management service 假账false accounting 加强舆论监督enhance the supervision by the public opinion 扩大中等收入者比重raise the proportion of the middle-income group 智力密集型企业intelligence-intensive enterprise 外资企业overseas-funded enterprise 下岗职工laid-off worker 素质教育education for all-round development; quality-oriented education 应试教育exam-oriented education


六级翻译高频词汇 表示主要的:primary, major, main, chief, important, essential, significant 表示充足的enough, sufficient, plenty, abundant 表示适当的appropriate 表示提升,改善,加强enhance, improve, strengthen 表示合法valid, legal, lawful, rightful 表示卓越不凡extraordinary, excellent, uncommon, remarkable, outstanding. 表示很有名气well-known, noticeable, famous 表示义务,有责任去做compulsory, required, obligatory 表示积极,主动positive, proactive 表示合理sound, rational, correct, sensible, logical, reasonable 表示英勇brave, bold, valiant, heroic, courageous, fearless 表示巨大huge, large, giant, vast, enormous 表示牢固稳定sturdy, strong, firm, tough, stable, hardy 表示声誉reputation, fame, prestige 表示巅峰、顶点tip, top, peak, apex, climax 表示发现、探索discover, seek, search 表示增加increase, enlarge, multiply, expand, raise, accelerate, broaden, magnify 表示减少reduce, decrease, decelerate, lessen, diminish, decline, discount, subtract, deduct 表示转变convert, change, transform, switch 表示提供、提交offer, supply, provide, contribute, submit 表示构成、组成constitute, consist, organize, form, establish, compose, comprise,


1学习用品 (school things) pen 钢笔pencil 铅笔pencil-case铅笔盒rule 尺子book 书 bag 包 comic-book 漫画书post-card 明信片newspaper 报纸schoolbag 书包eraser 橡皮crayon 蜡笔sharpener 卷笔刀story book 故事书notebook 笔记本Chinese book语文书English book英语书math book 数学书magazine 杂志dictionary 词典 2人体(body) foot 脚head 头 face 脸 hair 头发nose 鼻子mouth 嘴 eye 眼睛 ear 耳朵 arm 手臂hand 手 finger 手指 leg 腿3颜色(colours) red 红色 blue 蓝色 yellow 黄色 green 绿色 white 白色 black 黑色 pink 粉红色 purple 紫色 orange 橙色 brown 棕色 4动物(animals) cat 猫 dog 狗 pig 猪 duck 鸭 rabbit 兔 horse 马 elephant 大象 ant 蚂蚁 fish 鱼 bird 鸟 eagle 鹰 beaver 海狸 snake 蛇 mouse 老鼠 squirrel 松 鼠 kangaroo 袋鼠 monkey 猴 panda 熊猫 bear 熊 lion 狮子 tiger 老虎 fox 狐狸 zebra 斑马 deer 鹿 giraffe 长颈鹿 goosr 鹅 hen 母鸡 turkey 火鸡 lamb 小羊 sheep 绵羊 goat 山羊 cow 奶牛 donkey 驴 squid 鱿鱼 lobster 龙虾 shark 鲨鱼 seal 海豹 sperm whale抹香鲸 killer whale 虎鲸 5人物(people) friend 朋友 boy 男孩 girl 女孩 mother 母亲 father 父亲 sister 姐妹 brother 兄弟 uncle叔叔;舅舅 man 男人 woman 女人 Mr. 先生 Miss. 小姐 lady女士;小姐 mom 妈妈 dad 爸爸 parents 父母 grandma


英语四级段落翻译常用词汇及翻译实践 A.中国经济词汇: 总需求aggregate demand 总供给aggregate supply 企业文化corporate/entrepreneurial culture 企业形象corporate image (CI); enterprise image 跨国公司cross-national corporation 创业精神enterprising spirit; pioneering spirit 外资企业foreign-funded enterprise 猎头公司head-hunter 假日经济holiday economy 人力资本human capital 航空和航天工业aerospace industry 飞机制造工业aircraft industry 电子工业electronic industry 汽车制造工业car industry 娱乐业entertainment industry 信息产业information industry 知识密集型产业 knowledge-intensive industry 国有大中型企业l arge and medium-sized state-owned enterprises 轻工业light industry 博彩业lottery industry 制造业manufacturing industry 垄断行业monopoly industries 市场多元化market diversification 市场经济market economy 市场监管market supervision 购买力purchasing power 熊市bear market 牛市bull market 城镇化urbanization 房地产real estate 首付down-payment 业主home owner 个人购房贷款individual housing loan 经济全球化economic globalization 经济特区special economic zones (SEZ) 经济增长economic growth 泡沫经济bubble economy 关税tariff 纳税人tax payer 宏观经济macro economy 货币投放量the size of money supply 流动性过剩excess liquidity 经济过热overheated economy 通货膨胀inflation 抑制通货膨胀curb inflation 注入流动性to inject liquidity 贴现率discount rate 存款准备金率 reserve requirement ratio (RRR) 公开市场业务 open market operation (OMO) 逆回购 reverse repurchase agreement; reverse repo 引导降低市场借贷成本 to guide the market borrowing costs to a lower level


大学英语六级翻译高频词汇 小康社会a well-to-do society 人民生活people’s livelihood 生活水平living standards 生活质量quality of life 住房条件housing conditions 文化程度educational level 就业率employment rate 人均收入average income per capita 年平均工资average annual pay 奖金bonus 生活费用cost of living 消费价格指数consumer price index 环境污染指数environment pollution index 衣食住行food, clothing, sheltering and means of traveling 购买力purchasing power 贫困家庭the needy family 贫困地区poverty-stricken region 下岗be laid off 小康relative affluence 安居乐业live a good life 共同富裕shared prosperity 社会保险social insurance 助学金grant-in-aid 赈灾救济金disaster relief funds 人口population 人口分布population distribution 流动人口transient population 城市人口urban population 农业人口agriculture population 出生率birth rate 自然增长率natural growth rate 负增长率negative growth rate 普查census 户口册household register 计划生育family planning/planned parenthood 优生优育ensure good prenatal and postnatal care 自治区autonomous region 民族ethnic groups 少数民族ethnic minorities/ minority peoples 中国共产党Communist Party of China 京剧Peking opera 昆曲Kunqu opera 中国画traditional Chinese painting 人物portrait 山水landscape 花鸟flower and bird 草虫grass and insect 泼墨paint-splashing style 写意impressionistic style 工笔elaborate style 毛笔writing brush 书法calligraphic art 书法家calligraphic artist 楷体formal script/regular script 行书running script 宋体Song-dynasty script 工艺品handwork/handicrafts 手工艺品articles of handcraft art 文物cultural relics/antiques 国宝national treasure 人民大会堂Great Hall of the People 故宫博物馆Imperial Palace Museum 长城Great Wall 外滩the Bund 华山Huashan Mountain 黄山Yellow Mountain 滇池Dianchi Lake 洱海Erhai lake 孔庙Temple of Confucius 故居Former Residence 庐山Lushan Mountain 少林寺Shaolin Temple 长江三峡Three Gorges along the Changjiang 黄果树瀑布Huangguoshu Waterfalls 敦煌莫高窟Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes 大兴安岭Greater Xing’an Mountains 小兴安岭Lesser Xing’an Mountains 天池Heaven’s Pool 布达拉宫Potala Palace


金融分类翻译词汇对照1-8 金融分类翻译词汇对照1 ABS 资产担保证券(Asset Backed Securities的英文缩写) Accelerated depreciation 加速折旧 Acceptor承兑人;受票人; 接受人 Accommodation paper融通票据;担保借据 Accounts payable 应付帐款 Accounts receivable 应收帐款 Accrual basis应计制;权责发生制 Accruedinterest应计利息 Accredited Investors 合资格投资者;受信投资人 指符合美国证券交易委员(SEC)条例,可参与一般美国非公开(私募)发行的部份机构和高净值个人投资者 Accreditvalue自然增长值 Accrediting 本金增值 适用于多种工具,指名义本金在工具(如上限合约、上下限合约、掉期和互换期权)的期限内连续增长。 ACE 美国商品交易所 Acid Test Ratio 酸性测验比率;速动比率 Across the board 全面一致;全盘的

Acting in concert一致行动;合谋 Active assets 活动资产;有收益资产 Active capital活动资本 Actual market现货市场 Actuary精算师;保险统计专家 ADB亚洲开发银行 ADR 美国存股证;美国预托收据; 美国存托凭证 [股市] 指由负责保管所存托外国股票的存托银行所发行一种表明持有人拥有多少外国股票(即存托股份)的收据。ADR一般以美元计价和进行交易,及被视为美国证券。对很多美国投资者而言,买卖A DR比买卖ADR所代表的股票更加方便、更流动、成本较低和容易。大部份预托收据为ADR;但也可以指全球预托收(GDR) ,欧洲预托收据(EDR) 或国际预托收据(IDR) 。从法律和行政立场而言,所有预托收据具有同样的意义。 ADS美国存托股份 Ad valorem 从价;按值 Affiliatedcompany关联公司;联营公司 Afterdate发票后,出票后 After-market 后市 [股市] 指某只新发行股票在定价和配置后的交易市场。市场参与者关注的是紧随的后市情况,即头几个交易日。有人把后市定义为股价稳定期,即发行结束后的30天。也有人认为后市应指稳定期过后的交


小学英语主题分类词汇 表 HEN system office room 【HEN16H-HENS2AHENS8Q8-HENH1688】


1性别及家庭成员 boy 男孩 girl 女孩 mother 母亲 father 父亲grandpa 爷爷(口语)grandma 奶奶(口语)grandmother祖母grandfather祖父 dad 爸爸(口语)mum 妈妈(口语)uncle 叔叔 aunt 阿姨sister 姐妹brother 兄、弟Ms 女士Mr 先生Miss 小姐 一、看图填写单词 ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ 二、看图作文 My Family _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ ___________________________ 2动物 panda 熊猫monkey 猴子dog 狗cat 猫bird 鸟bee 蜜蜂bear 熊horse 马 pig 猪duck 鸭子rabbit 兔子tiger 老虎lion 狮子chick 小鸡 fox 狐狸hen 母鸡cow 奶牛cock 公鸡 一、看图填写单词 ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________


外企常用英语单词和词汇默认分类 2010-10-19 16:22 1、职位 GM(General Manager)总经理 VP(Vice President)副总裁 FVP(First Vice President)第一副总裁 A VP(Assistant Vice President)副总裁助理 CEO(Chief Executive Officer)首席执行官 COO(Chief Operations Officer)首席运营官 CFO(Chief Financial Officer)首席财务官 CIO(Chief Information Officer)首席信息官 HRD(Human Resource Director)人力资源总监 OD(Operations Director)运营总监 MD(Marketing Director)市场总监 OM(Operations Manager)运作经理 PM(Production Manager)生产经理 (Product Manager)产品经理 下面有总结了下CAO~CZO中间的字母从A到Z的各种简称:CAO: Art 艺术总监 CBO: Business 商务总监 CCO: Content 内容总监 CDO: Development 开发总监 CEO: Executive 首席执行官 CFO: Finance 财务总监 CGO: Gonverment 政府关系 CHO: Human resource 人事总监 CIO: Information 技术总监 CJO: Jet 把营运指标都加一个或多个零使公司市值像火箭般上升的人CKO: Knowledge 知识总监 CLO: Labour 工会主席 CMO: Marketing 市场总监 CNO: Negotiation 首席谈判代表 COO: Operation 首席营运官 CPO: Public relation 公关总监 CQO: Quality control 质控总监 CRO: Research 研究总监 CSO: Sales 销售总监 CTO: Technology 首席技术官 CUO: User 客户总监 CVO: Valuation 评估总监 CWO: Women 妇联主席 CXO: 什么都可以管的不管部部长 CYO: Yes 什么都点头的老好人


翻译常用词汇 高枕无忧resting without worries 史无前例unprecedented in the history 不可一世a conquering hero 毫不示弱equally firmly 量体裁衣to act according to actual circumstances 一刀两断to cut it clean 与虎谋皮to ask a tiger for its skin 六亲不认to disown all one’s relatives and fri ends 英雄本色the true quality of a hero 英雄所见略同Great minds think alike. 每逢佳节倍思亲On festive occasions more than ever we think of our dear ones faraway. 上有好,下必有其焉。What the superior loves, his inferiors will be found to love exceedingly.大江东去,浪淘尽,千古风流人物。The Great River flows to the east: Its waves have washed away all the men of untrammeled spirit of a thousand ages. 上兵伐谋,其次伐交。What is supremely important in war is to attack the enemy’s strategy. Next best is to disrupt his alliances. 问君能有几多愁,恰似一江春水向东流。I wonder how many sorrows you have. They are exactly like the Yangtze River unceasingly flowing eastward in spring. 千呼万唤始出来,犹抱琵琶半遮面。Only after a thousand entreaties does she appear. Her face half hidden behind the guitar (pipa) in her arms. 吃得苦中苦,方为人上人。Only if you can stand the hardest of hardships can you hope to rise in society. 是非经过不知难You never know how hard a task is almost until you have done it yourself. 满招损Pride goes before a fall. / Pride spells failure. 适可而止Bind the sack before it be full. 好汉做事好汉当A true man has the courage to accept the consequences of his own actions.知己知彼,百战不殆。To know one’s and the enemy’s situation ensures victory. 牵扯之覆,后车之鉴。The overturned car ahead is a warning to the ones behind. 山雨欲来风满楼The wind sweeping through the tower heralds a rising storm in the mountains. 是故学然后知不足,教然后之困。Therefore, to learn makes us realize our deficiency, and to teach makes us know the difficulties. 人尽其才、地尽其利、物尽其利、货畅其流。Our human, land and material resources should be used to the best advantage, and our goods should be in good circulation. 父母有抚养教育未成年子女的义务,成年子女有赡养扶助父母的义务。Parents have the duty to rear and education their children who are minors, and children who have come of age have the duty to support and assist their parents. 中华人民共和国公民有劳动的权利和义务。Citizens of the P eople’s Republic of China have the right as well as the duty of work. 各民族公民都有用本民族语言文字进行诉讼的权利。Citizens of all nationalities have the right to use the spoken and written languages of their own nationalities in court proceedings.

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