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自我介绍的英文面试口语 Tell me about yourself 请做自我介绍 I currently work as a secretary to the General Manager in the sales office of a Japanese telecommunications company. 目前我在一家日本电信公司的营业厅担任总经理秘书一职。 Since he doesn't speak Japanese, my main function is to act as liaison between him and eight Japanese staff members. 因为总经理不会说日语,所以我的主要任务就是协助总经理与八位日本同事进行沟通。 In addition to general office duties, I also perform accounting, including payrolls. 除了办公室的日常事务之外,我也做一些与会计相关的业务,包括做工资表。 My boss frequently travels and I effectively manage the office during his absence. 我的上司经常出差,在他出差期间,我就负责打理办公室的事物。 I'm a self-starter and he fully trusts my ability to work without his supervision and he values my judgment in a variety of contexts. 我工作很主动,所以没有上司的监督,我也能做好一切,由此深得上司的信赖。此外,遇到各种情况,上司也很尊重我的判断。 这不是在问你的出生地、家庭成员、家人的职业等个人问题,而是要你介绍自己有什么经验、具备什么知识或能力等。这是一个可以自由



英语口语比赛的自我介绍该如何写呢?知道哦。让我们一起来看看下面的范文吧! 口语比赛英语自我介绍【1】Good afternoon, everyone! My name is wjh. I am 12 years old. Now I’m a student in Xitan School. The school is a little far from my home, so I uaually get up early and go to school by bike. My favorite subject in school is English, because it’s very interesting. I like Chinese too. My teachers are kind and fun. I like them. I have many friends at school and we usually study and play together. On weekends, I usually go shopping with my mother, sometimes I climb moutains with my father. I love my parents very much and they love me. I like eating fruits and vegetables, because I want to be healthy. Fish is my favorite food. It’s yummy. In four seasons, I like winter best. Because I like playing with snow. I made a beautiful snowman with my parents last year. I was very happy. I hope it will snow this year too. I have a dog. His name is Xixi. He is very smart and lovely. I like playing with him. I think I am a happy girl. I often smile and I’m very friendly. I hope you like me. Thank you! 口语比赛英语自我介绍【2】Goodafternoon,teachers!Today,I`m very happy to make a speech here。Now,let me introduce myself。My name is ZhuRuijie。My English name is Molly。I`m 12。I come from Class1 Grade 6 of TongPu No。2 Primary School。I`m an active girl。I like playing basketball。Because I think it`s very interesting。I`d like to eat potatoes。They`re tasty。My favourite colour is green。 And I like math best。It`s fun。On the weekend,I like reading books in my room。I have a happy family。My father is tall and strong。My mother is hard-working and tall,too。My brother is smart。And I`m a good student。My dream is to be a teacher,because I want to help the poor children in the future。 Thank you for listening!Please remember me!


完胜英语面试自我介绍10种不同口语表达方式 It’s the job interview of your life and you need to come up with something fast. Mental pictures of words are mixing in your head and your tongue tastes like alphabet soup. You mutter words like “deterministic” or “innovativity” and you realize you’re dr enched in sweat. You wish you had thought about this. You wish you had read this post before. 你现在在一场重要的面试上,要求你快速做出反应。各种单词在 脑中搅成一团,舌头就跟打了结一样,你只能咕哝地说些“有决断力”或者“创新水平”这样的词,并且你意识到自己已经汗流浃背。这时 你会想,要是之前准备过就好了。你想要是早一点读到这篇文章就好了。 Here are 10 sentences that you could use when you are asked to describe yourself. Choose the ones that describe you the best. 以下10个句子能够协助你更好地在面试中做自我介绍。选择最适 合你的那些。 “I am someone who…”: “我是一个......” 1. “can adapt to any situation. I thrive in a fluctuating environment and I transform unexpected obstacles into stepping stones for achievements.” 1. “能够适合任何环境的人。我能够在变化不定的环境中茁壮成长,并且把那些意外的障碍变为成功的基石。”


面试时如何自我介绍附范文 面试时如何自我介绍附范文 有部分人学习口才的原因,是因为在面试的过程中遇到障碍,遭到打击。面对面试官的时候紧张、忘词,之前准备好的词都忘得一干二净。结果是,越忘越紧张,越紧张越不能很好的表达。 还有一些朋友,不惧讲话,但是之前的讲话习惯容易给人轻视感。以往习惯性的介绍自己在面试这个重要的场合往往就出问题。 自我介绍在面试中的重要性是不言而喻的,而如何在短短的面试几分钟内充分展示自我也是不容易的,下面的5条实战经验将指导你如何做好面试中的自我介绍。 1、首先介绍自己的姓名、年龄、爱好、工作经历、家庭概况理想与报负。 这些都是开场白必须介绍的。自己多选几个有代表性的或者你认为重要的介绍,就可以了,但这些内容一定要和面试及应考职位有关系,必须保证叙述的线索清晰,一个结构混乱。 2、自己优点特长的介绍。 首先了解自己的特长与优点,便可以开始预备自我介绍的内容∶包括工作模式、优点、技能,突出成就、专业知识、学术背景等。好处众多,但只有短短一分钟,所以要尽量突出自己的能力、强项,让面试人给你留下良好的印象,也是给自己加分的好方法哦。 3、身体的语言的表达。 在自我介绍中身体的语言也是必不可少的。在自我介绍的过程中,可以适当的加入一些身体语言的表达,首先要表现的自然、大

方、端庄。最好事前找些朋友作练习对象,尽量令声线听来流畅自然,充满自信。身体语言也是重要的一环,尤其是眼神接触。这不但令听众的专心,也要表现的非常自信,那样才能让别人对你的印象更加的深刻的。 4、适当的加入一些才艺展现。 在不同的场合进行自我介绍的话,如果有充分足够的时间的话,可以来一段才艺的表演的,这样可以更好的提升自己的价值、更好的展现自己的才能,可以让别人有眼前一亮的感觉,现在需要的就是这种才艺兼备的人才,那可以给自己加分的哦。 5、自我介绍的结束语。 自我介绍结束后,考官可能会对你的某一点提出不足的地方,那个时候我们应该虚心的接受,然后对你提出表扬时候,也要记得虚心的说声谢谢的问候语,同时也要表现的自然、大方。 6、最后: 自信的表现是非常重要的。 自信带给自己的不仅仅是能力上的表现,同时也能够让自己避免自我介绍中常见错误,在自我介绍的过程中出现的错误往往都是因为自己的不自信而导致出错的,自信不仅能够掩饰自己的小毛病,也能够给自我加分的哦。 自我介绍的目的,是让考官了解你个人的大致情况,重要要表现出自己适合这个岗位的优势,例如学历、工作经验等等。但笔者在面试的过程中,很多人都是流水账般的汇报自己的学习经过,不能突出自己的优势,甚至有些面试者过于诚恳,说了许多自己弱项。


面试英语口语自我介绍1 good morning/afternoon,my name isyanghaiyan ,you can call me yanzi.i like the feeling flying in the sky like aswallow.it is really a great honor to have this opportunity for a interview, iwould like to answer whatever you may raise, and i hope i can make a goodperformance today. now i will introduce myself briefly.i am 20 years old,born inshandong province.i grow up in a sweet family,composed of my dad,mom,brotherand myself.i am an optimistic and confident girl.i have full confidence in abright future,and i believe i can do well in caac.punctuality and diligence arecrucial to most future careers,i will try my best. altough i just graduatedfrom school, i have confidence to venture my funture.scoaring in the sky as anairhostess has been a dream for me since childhood.this is why i'm longing fora job on a plane, and this is why i'm standing here for this interview.i hopemy application will be granted ,so that i will delive my best serviesthroughout the world as a airhostess member of caac and my dream can cometure.that's all.nice talking to you .thanks. 面试英语口语自我介绍2 Morning,everyone! My name is Qinhaiyan,it is really a great honor to have this opportunity for an crew,and i hope i can make a good performance today. now i will introduce myself briefly,i am 24 years old,born in Guang-i province ,and i am curruently a senior student at Tianjin Agricultural College .my major is Marine Fishery Science and Technology,and i have received my bachelor degree .I have passed CET-4 with a ease. i am optimistic and confident. sometimes i prefer to stay alone,reading,listening to music,but i am not lonely,i like to chat with my friends,almost talk everything ,my favorite pastime is valleyball,playing cards or surf online. through college life,i learn how to balance between study and entertainment. 面试英语口语自我介绍3 Good morning ! It is really my honor to have this opportunity for a interview, I hope i can make a good performance today. I'm confident that I can succeed.


个人求职简历范文(行政助理)字串8 本人概况 姓名:XXX 性别:女 民族:汉政治面目:团员 学历(学位):本科专业:工商管理 联系电话:12345678 手机:139000234 联系地址:北京市东城区XX大街10号邮编:100007 Email Address:12345678@https://www.doczj.com/doc/7861888.html, 呼机:66881122-1234 教育背景 毕业院校:北京联合大学1992.9--1996.7 工商管理专业本科 另:其他培训情况 *优秀的英语听说读写能力,并有一定法语基础 *熟练操作windows平台上的各类应用软件(如Word97、Excel97、Powerpoint Access等) 工作经历 *1999.9---至今法国XX公司动物营养部 市场助理 拟订市场调查方案,提供市场预测,完成调查报告/拟订广告计划,编辑广告文字与图片并实施/组织展览、促销会议/与政府部门沟通和联络,疏通关节/其他行政事务 *1997.10---1999.7 瑞士大昌洋行 行政助理 汇总销售数据,完成销售报表/协调公司与北方各区分销商关系/与政府主管部门疏通关节,解决问题/库房管理 *1996.7---1997.9 华威食品公司 行政助理字串9 协调进口食品的销售及其服务部门的协同运作/与政府部门沟通联络,疏通关节/负责进口食品的报关和检疫工作/开展新产品的市场调查/其他行政事务 个人简介

我先后在国内外企业从事多年行政助理工作,积累了丰富的工作经验,对于行政工作有深刻的理解。我本人工作踏实,认真,具备市场分析能力及销售经验,并且极富工作和团队精神,我性格开朗,乐于与人沟通,因此结交了许多朋友,具有良好的适应性和熟练的沟通技巧,能够协助主管人员出色地完成各项工作。 请给我一次机会,我必将还您以夺目的光彩。 本人性格 开朗、谦虚、自律、自信(根据本人情况)。 另:最重要的是能力,相信贵公司会觉得我是此职位的合适人选! 期盼与您的面谈!字串8


公司求职自我介绍范文4篇 在竞争日趋增大的今天,学历早已不是用人单位考核求职者的唯一标准,更重要的是个人能力的体现。然而,在面试过程中,一段优秀的自我介绍,往往能给面试官留下不错的印象。下面是我为大家整理的公司求职自我介绍范文4篇,仅供参考。 公司求职自我介绍范文篇一: 各位好,我叫***,今年**岁,***人。 我能来到这里学习非常高兴,一直以来我都很看好***这个行业。 随着**的展,它为21世纪***。后来,我开始对**产生兴趣,用心钻研,三年的大专就是在不断的培养兴趣,不断的学习进步中度过的。三年的大专生活有如过眼云烟,一去不返,唯一留下的就是我的知识和技能,现在的我将要走向我所热衷的岗位,面对当今激烈的人才竞争,我很清楚自己知识有限,但我更清楚我有着不甘落后的精神和不断学习、不断提高的愿望。我拥有自己年轻和执着的事业热情,我相信我会做的更好!我需要一个机会,一个展示自己、锻炼自己的机会。 再苦再累,我都愿意一试。所以在以后的工作中我会继续严格要求自己,也希望在工作上大家能监督我帮助我,让我更好地完成自己的工作,好吗? 公司求职自我介绍范文篇二: 基本信息:我叫xx。x是xx的x。来自华南理工大学,专业是信息工程。 性格和社团活动:我性格比较开朗随和,乐于与人沟通,做事也很踏实认真。我在学校的社团联合会待过一年,曾参与组织过鹰翔计划等活动,就是针对学生社团各个负责人进行户外培训的拓展营活动。大二暑假参加学院组织的暑期三下乡活动,担任义教老师,这次经历让我印象深刻。当时我们由一名老师带领,组成33个人的团队,一起讨论备课和课后总结,组织学生做游戏,一起做饭和生活等等,是特别团结和互相帮助的一个团队,三下乡也取得了特别好的效果,跟那些孩子相处很好,结下了很深的情谊。而且我很乐于为别人服务,做过广交会志愿者,而且担任班级素拓委期间,不厌其烦地通知和统计同学参加的活动情况,几乎没出过错,大家对我的评价是很细心很负责。


面试英语口语自我介绍1 Good morning, ladies and gentlemen!It is really my honor to have this opportunity for an interview. I hope I canmake a good performance today. I'm confident that I can succeed. Now I willintroduce myself briefly. I am 26 years old, born in Shandong province. Igraduated from Qingdao University. My major is electronics. And I got mybachelor degree after my graduation in the year of 2003. I spent most of mytime on study, and I’ve passed CET-6 during my university. And I’ve acquiredbasic knowledge of my major. It is my long cherished dream to be an engineer andI am eager to get an opportunity to fully play my ability. 面试英语口语自我介绍2 I am . I was born in ----- . I graduate from senior high school and major in English. I started learning English since I was 12 years old. My parents have a lot of American friends. That’s why I have no problem communicating with Americans or others by speaking English. In my spare time, I like to do anything relating to English such as listening to English songs, watching English movies or TV programs, or even attending the activities held by some English clubs or institutes. I used to go abroad for a short- term English study. During that time, I learned a lot of daily life English and saw a lot of different things. I think language is very interesting. I could e-press one substanceby using different sounds. So I wish I could study and read more English literatures and enlarge my knowledge 面试英语口语自我介绍3 good morning/afternoon,my name isyanghaiyan ,you can call me yanzi.i like the feeling flying in the sky like aswallow.it is really a great honor to have this opportunity for a interview, iwould like to answer whatever you may raise, and i hope i can make a goodperformance today. now i will introduce myself briefly.i am 20 years old,born inshandong province.i grow up in a sweet family,composed of my dad,mom,brotherand myself.i am an optimistic and confident girl.i have full confidence in abright future,and i believe i


篇一:优秀的个人简历范文范例 优秀的个人简历范文范例姓名:杨小姐 性别:女 民族:汉族 政治面貌:党员 出生日期: 1986年05月 户口:湖州市 婚姻状况:未婚 学历:本科 毕业院校:湖州师范学院求真学院 毕业时间: 2008年06月 所学专业:广告学 外语水平:英语 (一般) 电脑水平:熟练 工作年限:实习/应届 联系电话: 13806680** 求职意向 工作类型:全职 单位性质:不限 期望行业:市场、广告、公关、艺术、文化传播、互联网、电子商务、建筑、房地产、服务业 期望职位:广告创意与策划/文案、文案创意、公关与媒介专员、市场专员/助理、部门助理/秘书/文员 工作地点:杭州市 期望月薪: 2000-4000 教育经历 2005/09--2009/06 湖州师范学院求真学院广告学 市场调查与分析、广告编辑、广告经典作品评析、广告心理学、广告媒体研究、行政管理学、广告策划与创意、广告文案写作、市场营销学、广告学概论、大众传播学、公共关系学等; 工作经验 2008/07--2008/08:侬侬魅力广告有限公司企划部实习生 实习期间,日常工作如下: 1.协助企划部经理撰写“主题秀”活动文案策划,参与主题秀活动前期准备工作; 2.协助设计“主题秀”系列相关广告宣传:dm单、贵宾卡、邀请函、kt板、喷绘等; 3.从公司企业文化中不断认识广告,了解广告,并有陪同经理接待公司客户经历; 实习结束,部门经理及设计总监给予书面评价如下:此学生为人开朗,应变能力较强,悟性较高, 思维创新,做事认真负责;缺点即经验不足,望今后继续努力,进一步增强广告意识。 2008/03--2008/05:大学生家教服务网站策划部兼职 1.2008年3月拟定“杭州大学生家教服务中心”合作策划书并试用于活动实践,取得成功; 2.2008年5月拟定“杭州大学生家教服务中心”家教活动策划 书,并协同成功举办三届“新起点”暑假文化培训中心;


求职自我介绍范文6篇 自我介绍是向别人展示你,自我介绍好不好,甚至直接关系到 你给别人的第一印象的好坏及以后交往的顺利与否。一起来看看个人自我介绍范文,欢迎读者参考! 面试自我介绍范文(一):我叫___,来自___年___月份以专业考试得分第___的好成绩毕业于___大学的___专业。毕业之前,我曾在XX公司实习过,XX公司和贵公司是同类行业。 本人性格开朗,善于微笑,长于交际,会简单日语及芭蕾舞。我相信,这一切将成为我工作最大的财富。我在很久就注意到贵公司,贵公司无疑是___行业中的姣姣者(将你所了解的公司荣誉或成果填上)。同时我又了解到,这又是一支年轻而又富有活力的队伍。本人 十分渴望能够在为其中的一员。 如果有幸获聘,本人将以为公司创造最大利益为自己最大的利益,不讲价钱。真诚做好每一件事,和同事们团结奋斗。勤奋工作,加强学习,不断进步! 谢谢! 面试自我介绍范文(二):大家好,我是___,所学的是国际政治专业,四年的大学生活是我人生的关键点。校园生涯和社会实践生活我不断的挑战自我、充实自己,为实现人生的价值打下坚实的基础。 学习中,我脚踏实地,求实创新。一直努力的学习专业课知识,掌握了社会科学和自然科学相结合的分析方法。了解我国对外方针政

策、法规以及国际政治的理论前沿和政治学、世界经济的发展动态。为提高自己的社会交往和各方面知识的运用能力,我积极参加社会实践。这些经历,不仅增强了我吃苦耐劳、自理自立的能力,还提高了我与别人合作与交往的能力。 思想上,我积极要求上进,以党员为目标严格要求自己。我还利用课余时间深入了解各系团总支、学生分会和学生社团的日常职责及工作情况,协助各学生团体之间开展联谊活动,增进了各学生团体之间的交流。通过这些活动,不仅营造了良好的学习氛围,还丰富了校园文化,充实了新同学们的业余文化生活,还增强同学们的集体荣誉感、团队精神。在可贵的四年大学生活里,我经历了人生不曾有过的许多东西,我只能说四年助就了我成功的一半,我自信能凭自己的能力和学识在毕业以后的工作和生活中克服各种困难,不断实现自我的人生价值和追求的目标。 谢谢! 面试自我介绍范文(三):我于XX大学毕业,获得XX学位,毕业后从事过技术管理、教育。一次偶然的机会接触到平安,才真正认识到保险的真实内涵,认识到工作的价值。于是我毅然辞去之前的教育工作,全身心投入保险事业,以便为更多的人与家庭带来保障送去平安! 保险营销是一份传递爱心的事业,科技越发达风险事故发生的概率就越高,正所谓意外无处不在,但我们能够将这样的风险有效地转移给保险公司,让自己有个保障,同时对身边的亲人也是职责心的体

2021年面试英语口语 请做自我介绍

面试英语口语请做自我介绍 面试英语口语必备:请做自我介绍 【 - 英语口语】 以下是的《面试英语口语必备:请做》,希望大家喜欢! Can you ___ me a little about yourself? 能简要介绍一下你自己吗? Why don't you ___ me a little about yourself? 能简要介绍一下你自己吗? What can you ___ me about yourself? 能说说你自己是个怎样的人吗? How would you describe yourself? 你认为自己是个怎样的人?

Tell me about yourself 请做自我介绍 I currently work as a secretary to the General Manager in the sales office of a Japanese telemunications pany. 目前我在一家日本电信公司的营业厅担任总经理秘书一职。 Since he doesn't speak Japanese, my main function is to act as liaison between him and eight Japanese staff members. 因为总经理不会说日语,所以我的主要任务就是协助总经理与八位日本同事进行沟通。 In addition to general office duties, I also perform aounting, including payrolls. 除了办公室的日常事务之外,我也做一些与会计相关的业务,包括做工资表。


面试常用的英语口语自我介绍 【导语】英语口语的学习是一个日积月累的过程,每天进步一点点,虽然短时间内效果不显著,但长期坚持下来语言水平却能得到大幅度的提升。一起来看看吧! 面试常用的英语口语自我介绍(1) My name is ***, professional. Computerized accounting. I am cheerful self-confidence, is a non-throwing in the towel girl. I am approachable and the students get along well, and actively participated in various activities held at the school. As literary members, I have tried for students services, and actively work to help teachers carry out various forms of activities, coordinating the relationship between students and the collective, so that our class to become a vibrant dynamic class group. In college, I was always to improve their overall quality as the goal, the overall development of self-direction, establish a correct outlook on life, values and world view. In order to meet the needs of social development, I have to seriously study a variety of professional knowledge and basic grasp of the basics of computer hardware and software and theory, be able to master the basic operation. And successfully passed the office automation, computer, a district, the University English Test 3. To tap their potential to participate in the annual summer social practice, which gradually increase their learning ability and analytical problem solving skills, as well as the coordination of certain organizational and management capacity. “Learning makes me know enough” is my college study and work motivation. I am systematic and comprehensive way to learn the theoretical basis of this specialized knowledge, at the same time to apply theoretical knowledge learned in practice activities, the learned knowledge into hands-on capacity, application ability and creativity. Seek the unity of theory and practice. In the study and master the theoretical knowledge and application of professional skills, it also worked to broaden their knowledge, develop their own ability in other areas. Apart from studying, I also forget to insist on participating in various sports and social activities. In the thinking and behavior, I am fine style of work, treating others with sincerity, can better handle interpersonal off the occasion of doing things calm and steady, can reasonably co-ordinated arrangements for the affairs of life. As a positive and optimistic new era of youth, I will not because of his post-secondary diploma and lose confidence, but I will be more pressing demands on themselves and re-enrich


2019招聘会自我介绍4篇 范文大全建议你最多用二十秒钟介绍自己的姓名、学校、专业。然后话锋一转,引出自己的优势或强项。这一求职面试自我介绍有何技巧呢?试想,如果介绍得时间长的话,人家都会嫌弃你繁琐了。那么把握好时间,一定要在最短时间内激发起面试官对你的好感,或者至少是兴趣。在招聘会上自己介绍也是注意了,你后面还有很多人等着面试呢。 应聘者自我介绍成功的模式可以是:我叫 xxx ,英文名 xxx , xx 省 xx 市人,今年6月将从xx 学校xx 专业本科(专科)毕业。除了简历上您看到的介绍,我愿意特别说一下我在xxx 方面的特长/ 我最大的特点是……(给出事例)。正是基于对自己这方面的自信,使我有勇气来应聘贵公司的 xxx 这一职位。(看表)一分钟到了,希望我没有超时。(很阳光的微笑) tips: 自我介绍时,要牢记:让面试官知道自己是事先准备好的。可以采用“urban”法则:unique,relevance,bonding,arousing,neat unique独特:在众多应聘者中第一分钟就凸显出来。在自我介绍中务必要把自己一些很独特、很与众不同的经历或特长说出来。relevance 相关:记住面试官只是希望知道你的个人经历及特点是否能够为未来的工作铺路。bonding 联结:可根据面试前对公司的调查及了解,看看自己有没有什么特点和这个公司的一些文化特点相符合的。试想:面试官也是倾向于雇用那些和他们类似或他们喜欢的人。arousing富有激情:很富有激情的自我介绍很自然地能给面试官留下深刻印象,因此在准备时,除了熟练,语音语调上也要多加练习。neat简洁:自我介绍的内容以及用词、叙述方式等都要简洁干脆。内容不用涉及过多的细节;多用实义动词而少用be动词以及虚词;说话要干脆,不要拖拉。如果自我介绍没有什么信心的话,就千万别尝试个性的自我介绍了。


硕士研究生考试复试——英语面试之自我介绍 1.开场白 Good morning. I am very glad to be here for this interview. 2.姓名,英文名,毕业院校,毕业专业,毕业学院 First let me introduce myself. My name is Wangjiapei, and my English name is Simple Wong. I've finished my undergraduate education in Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics, Majoring in Tax in the college of finance. 3.为什么想读研,将来愿意从事的方向,读研时的打算 Although I have broad interests in many aspects and grasp the essential knowledge of the major, but I think at present, I can do many things in a superficial level, but not be competent to do things professionally owing to lack of ample knowledge and ability. So I think further study is still urgent for me to realize self-value. The major that I hope pursue for my further education is Tax. Because I find tax is playing a more and more important role in our modern society. And nowadays in China, with the recognition by the government, of the number of the erterprises closedly connected to tax grows rapidly and that may provide a lot of chances to us. I plan to concentrate on study and research in this field in my graduate time. And I hope I can form a systematic view of Tax and make a solid foundation for future profession after three years study here. 4.结束语 OK, that’s all. Thank you very much. 1.自我介绍(大学生活的评价,特长、爱好) Hello, my professors.It's a fine day today,and i'm very pleased to meet you here.First of all,i'd like to introduce myself to you.My name is Wang jiapei,my hometown is Shaoxing,which is a really beautiful city.My father was a businessman when I was a young girl.therefore,by the influence of my familily,I was very interested in the enterprise management,especially for the finance of the corporation.Every one may have a dream,and i still remember that my dream is to be a businesswoman.I liked to make wonders just like,where are we from?Where are we going in the universe?And then i would find the answers in book by myself.Still today i think that interest is the best teacher in one's whole life and knowledge comes from practice. Second, i will introduce my major in the university.My major is Tax in Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics.It has a great relationship with business.Their relationship can be shown with an example: Just like a river,Tax,which often set the rules, is at the head of the river.And my major,which lays more stress on practical use, seems to be at the end of it.When both of them interact well enough,the discovries and theories in tax can be soon turned put into practice. Four years' university education gives me a lot of things to learn,a lot of chances to try,and a lot of practices to improve myself.It teaches me not only what to study and how to think,but also to see the importance of practical ability. In the university life,i have made many good friends.They help me improve my study and research ability,and often give me good example to follow.(大学生活的评价)

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