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My dear friends,

Welcome to the Confucius Temple.Confucius had a famous remark: “What a delight to have friends from afar.”Today I am very glad to have an opportunity of making new friends and to be your tour guide. I wish to thank you for your cooperation and also ready to take your suggestions and advice regarding my service.

What we are going to visit now is the Confucius Temple. This temple is where sacrifices are offered to Confucius. Work on these structures began during the second year after Confucius’s death. The Confucius Temple imitates the imperial palace’s construction. It is divided into 3 courtyards. It is magnificent and resplendent and irrespective of the angle from which you enjoy viewing the temple. It is commensurate with influence and fame of Confucius. As such, it is very rare world historical treasure.


Harbin Confucius Temple was built from 1926 and finished in 1929. The sponsors were governors of the East Province. Although the history of the temple is only 70 years, it has experienced lots of turmoil. Harbin Confucius Temple is the largest one of its kind in Northeast China. It originally covered an area of 60,000 square meters. But till now, only a space of 23,000 square meters with a floor space of 5,674 square meters remains under its control.


The temple has 3 courtyards. All main buildings are located on the axis and other buildings on its sides. They are also symmetrical. The main buildings are covered with glazed yellow tiles(瓦片)which were exclusively used by the royal buildings. As Confucius was worshiped by all emperors, the Confucius Temple was given the privilege of using this color. Building on the sides use green tiles.


People in ancient times walked into the temple through this gate in the west, which says “DE with heaven and earth”, and walked out of it through that gate in the east, which says “The crown ancient and modern”。The two phrases show people’s respect to Confucious.


This is The Blessing Tree .It’s a traditional custom in many places in China to write your wishes on red ribbons, and put it on The Blessing Tree .And it’s said that your wishes will come true. You may write one, if you have red ribbons.


Now, we can see a pond, which is in the form of a semi-circle, and a bridge over it. They are called Pan-chi and Pan Bridge.Pan- chi, as a unique structure and name for

the pond in Confucius temple, signifies special cultural morals。Pan - chi and Pan Bridge represent the etiquettes and expectations for the students to overcome obstacle and pursue higher learning.The establishment of Pan - chi also adds vitality to Confucius temple and beautifies the overall environment.In ancient times, only the Number One Scholar can walk through it, others forbbiden to do that.


Now we can see the head of a huge legendary turtle.There is a famous idiom in chinese”du zhan ao tou”,which is to say to emerge first in the civil service examination in ancient times. At that time,the step in front of the palace was carved the picture of it and only the Number One Scholar can walk through it to see the emperor and receive the rewards.


The Screen Wall, usually located in the opposite of the mansion gate which serves as a division of the inner court and the outside and meanwhile, it makes people feel wide and clean when stepping outside. It was called Yingbi(影壁screen wall)in the civilian or royal buildings, and Wanrengongqiang(万仞宫墙,10,000 meters high Royal wall) in Confucius temples. Most of the screen walls are shaped like the Chinese character “一”, thus called Yizi Screen walls(一字影壁). The upper part of them is covered with semi-circle tiles, built as brick eaves(屋檐), the middle part is built with bricks and the lower part is the base. Meticulously(精心)constructed with finely-joined polished bricks, some of the large-sized screen walls are covered with floral patterns and matched with a base built of bluestone, looking impressive and tasteful.


The screen wall in the front of the Harbin Confucius Temple meager(粗略的)measures 44.85 meters long and 5.9 meters high, it was said that the longest screen wall in Beijing is 34 meters in length and 5.5 meter in height(指北京阜成门内历代帝王庙前影壁). So, this screen wall may be the longest one in China.


Now we come to the Ling Star Gate. The legend has it that there are 28 constellations in the galaxy. The star in charge of culture is called “Ling Star”or “Wenqu Star”. People believe Confucius is the Ling Star. So they show respect to Confucius is as important as to show respect to Heaven.


This a statue of confucius, who is teaching. It’s donated by Tang Sijia, the president of the Confucius Institute in Honkong.The height of the statue is about 3.5 meters, and the base is about 2.5 meters.


Confucius, the famous thinker and educator of ancient China, is known abroad of his title of respect "Kong Fuzi". He was born in Qufu, Shandong Province in 551 BC, and died in 479 BC. He lived at the end of a troubled age called Spring and Autumn Period, in which the principalities (诸侯国)were fighting for supremacy(霸权). Confucius's forefather was noble, but when he was a child, his father died, so the family began to decline. He developed a firm and persistent character owing to the early years' experience of frustrations. As a young man, Confucius had been famous to many principalities, advocating his political views and seeking to have his service accepted by the princes in administering their states. But his views and opinions seemed to have fallen on deaf ears and consequently Confucius made up his mind to devote all his energies to education.

Confucius was the first man in the history of Chinese education to start a private school to accept common people as pupils. He taught his students politics, music, archery(箭术), calligraphy(书法)and so on, with the aim of promoting all-round development. Legend has it that Confucius had 3,000 students throughout his lifetime, 72 of whom became well known for their excellence. Through educational work, Confucius succeeded in propagating(宣传)his political views. Eventually he and his students emerged as an independent school of thought, the Confucian school which exerted(使受影响)a tremendous impact on feudal(封建)China that lasted thousands of years.

Confucius lived until he was seventy-three and his death was deeply mourned by his students. After his death, his disciples wrote down their memories of conversations with him, which were later brought together as the Analects(论语).


There are six rooms built symmetrically,东官厅、西官厅、宰牲亭、神厨、祭器库、乐器库.I’m sorry Ican’t translate them in English, and I can’t find the traslation in our greatest online dictionary, so I tried to translate them and sent them to the company.and I may become the originator of them ,thank you for giving me the chance!Well, let’s get to the point.They are preparation rooms for sacrifice, officers rest and prepare in 东官厅、西官厅,the sacrificial livestocks are killed in 宰牲亭and cooked in 神厨sacrificial utensils and musical instruments are put in 祭器库、乐器库respectively.乡贤祠is used to consecrate the celebraties in native places, and 名宦祠for the celebraties from other places,who devoted a lot to the development of the place .


We are now entering the Dacheng Gate (大成门). The Temple of Confucius is divided into three layouts from here. The middle gate is the Dacheng Gate; the two beside the Dacheng Gate are the GoldenSound Gate on the left and Jade Vibration Gate on the right. “Golden Sound ”and “Jade Vibration”symbolize the whole process of playing music in ancient times. The music starts with the beating of a drum

and ends with the striking of an inverted bell (磬). This means that Confucius’s thoughts are a comprehensive expressions of saints’ideas.


This is the main hall of the Temple of Confucius. The birthday of Confucius is on September 28th and grand commemoration activities are held here in which people pay homage to Confucius. During the festival, music and dancing are performed . Various cultural and tour activities are rich and colorful and you’re welcome to attend this festival and enjoy yourselves in this world-famous event.


Actually, the place we visit today is called museum of ethnography of Heilongjiang Province.It’s built on the base of Confucius Temple. So, it also shows some culture and custom of minorities in Heilongjiang Province,for example , fishing and hunting and fish skin products and birch skin products.This room shows the culture of Khalkhas.


哈尔滨英文导游词 篇一:哈尔滨英文导游词概况 Ladiesandgentlemen:welcometoHarbin.ThisistheseasonoftheHarbinicean dSnowFestival,isincerelyhopethatallofyouhaveagoodtimehereandenjoyvis ittoHarbin.Todaywearegoingtothemainsiteofthefestival-zhaolinPark,wher eyouwillbeabletolearnabouttheartoficeandsnowsculpturesanditsrelatedabo ut20minutestogettherebybus,andiamgoingtogiveyousomeinformationonth eway.HarbinisthecapitalofHeilongjiangProvince.itisapolitical,economican dculturalcenterinnortheastchinaaswellasarenowneddestinationforiceandsn owtours.whenthewintercomes,Harbin,cladinwhite,isverybeautiful.Thousa ndsuponthousandoftouristsfromhomeandabroadcomeheretoseetheiceands nowsculptures,andattendthefestivalactivities,exhibitionsandtradefairs,allm akeHarbininthedeepwinterfullofafestivalatmosphere.Harbinislocatedat45d egrees45minutes’northlatitudeanda126degrees38minutes’eastlongitudeinthesouthwesternpartofHerlongjiangProvince.Thecityprope rcoversanareaof154squarekilometerswithanaveragealtitudeof116meters.H arbinisinasub-frigidzonewithadryclimate.owingtothecoldcurrentsfromSib eriaandthesubtropicalmarineairmasses,Harbin’swinterislongandcold.TheaveragetemperatureinJanuaryis19.4degreescenti gradebelowzeroandthefreezingperiodisabout190daysayear.Gener()allyspe


关于江西井冈山导游词 5 篇 井冈山:地处湘东赣西边界,万洋山(为罗霄山脉中段)的北支,据传在东汉年间就已经有人在井冈山居住了。秦朝设郡县制时,井冈山为九江郡庐陵县属地。井冈山距井冈山市新城区(红星街道)35 公里,距吉安市吉州区约130 公里处。森林覆盖率为%,年平均气温度,至今仍保留众多人迹未至的大片原始森林,是世界上最有代表性的山地亚热带常绿阔叶林区,代表性的植物有红豆杉、银杏、半枫荷、白豆杉、伯株树等上千种。井冈山瓷土矿、稀土矿储量丰富,为两大优势矿种。下面是小编收集整理的关于江西井冈山导游词5 篇范文,欢迎借鉴参考。 各位旅客朋友们: 大家好! 井冈山风景名胜区是1982 年国务院公布的第一批国家级重点风景名胜区。1991 年又被评为中国旅游胜地四十佳之一,同时还是中 国百家爱国主义教育示范基地和中国十佳优秀社会教育基地。井冈山风景旅游区是首批国家5A 级景区,中国文明风景旅游区,首批国家 级重点风景名胜区,中国旅游胜地四十佳,中国优秀旅游城市。2011 年截至7月8日,井冈山今年门票收入突破亿元,接近去年全年水平。井冈山以建党90 周年为契机,充分依托“红色吸引人,绿色留住人,情景感染人”的旅游资源优势,积极推进旅游业发展壮大,全力打造

红色摇篮、生态井冈、精神家园”旅游品牌。吉安市委领导要求各单位和部门要进一步做好接待服务工作,各景区要实行领导带队、责任到人,以优美、舒适、和谐的环境迎接来山游客,继续创造旅游佳绩。 大家都知道井冈山是革命的摇蓝,红色的根据地,是中国第一个农村革命根据地! 但现在更是发展成为一个国家5A 级旅游风景 区!1966 年陆定一老先生重上井冈山时写过一首诗,第一句话就说 了:井冈山二件宝:历史红,山林好!我们这次上井冈山除了学习井 冈山精神,重温当年毛主席在井冈山创建农村根据地的那段光辉岁月外,还可以领略井冈山秀丽的自然风光(讲山林好、这山林好的介绍,大家随便到哪里抄一点介绍井冈山风光的资料就行了,只是要注意如果要推销野味拿回扣的话,就多介绍那些可怜的野生动物吧)所以说井冈山是一座风景如画的旅游风景区,但大家在领略这美丽风光的时候,是不是也该想想我们今天的幸福生活是多么来之不易啊?毛主席在井冈山创建井冈山革命根据地是多么艰辛,是多少革命先烈士用血肉之躯铺就面成的啊?这些才是大家来井冈山的主要意义吧! 大井:位于茨坪西北面七公里处,革命历史参观点有旧居,红军 医务所旧址等。1927年10 月下旬,率领冲国工农革命军上井冈山 首先就到达这里。他领导红军深入群众,向群众宣传革命真理,组织、武装群众、帮助群众进行生产劳动,解决实际困难。在这里还设立了红军医务所,兔费给当地群众看病、治疗。产且在这里开始了对地方武装王佐部队的教育改造工作。1928 年2 月,王佐率领地方武装参加工农革命军,被改编为工农革命第二团第二营,从而壮大了革命队伍。大井的革命遗址已列为中国重点文物保护单位,并对外开放。


天津英文导游词 白云山优越的地理区位、古老的地质状况、深厚的历史积淀和适度的环境规模,在我国岭南地区是十分突出和具有代表性的。并以对城市生态环境的调节作用及其丰富的自然资源,被誉称为广州市的“市肺”,被评定为“国家重点风景名胜区”和“5A级旅游区”。 Today we will go and visit the Yuelu Academy! Yuelu Academy is one of the four famous academies in China, and it was established by Zhudong, magistrate of Tanzhou prefecture in 976A.D at the time of Northern Song Dynasty. The academy accepted disciples throughout the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties. It was only in 1903 that the academy was transformed from a school of traditional Confucian learning to an insitute of higher learning and in 1926 it was officially named Hunan University. Tianjin is a good choice as a travel destination. With its cool sea breeze and fresh sea air you will definitely feel refreshed. Historical relics, natural scenery, temples, churches, assembly halls and commemorative sites of the Chinese revolution will illuminate Tianjin’s past, present and future. Tianjin is honored as ‘Building Museum’ as it was occupied by nine imperial powers before the founding


井冈山革命景区 女士们、先生们, 大家上午好,欢迎大家来到井冈山革命景区。正如我们所知井冈山是中国革命的摇篮,1927年秋毛泽东、朱德等中国共产党人率领中国工农红军在这里创建了第一个农村革命根据第,为中国开辟了一条以农村包围城市最后夺取城市的正确道路。从此“星星之火,可以燎原”的革命火花便在这里点燃。 井冈山位于湘赣边界,罗霄山脉中段,主要山脉海拔多在千米以上,南风屏海拔2120米是井冈山的最高峰。因为井冈山是中国革命的摇篮,所以有很多革命人文景观,保存完好的革命旧居旧址有几十处,其中国家级重点文物保护单位10处。井冈山的自然景观同样令人叹为观止,在这春赏杜鹃、夏观云海、秋眺秀色、冻看雪景。鹅岭、茨坪、主峰等景区千姿百态,各有特色。 游客朋友们我们现在所在的地方是井冈山的茨坪景区,该景区是井冈山革命人文景观最集中的地方。这的主要旅游景点有:革命博物馆、烈士陵园、革命旧址群、红军谷等。 那么现在在我们面前的就是井冈山革命博物馆了。它是一个全面陈列和宣传井冈山革命根据地斗争历史的综合馆,大家看这匾额上题写的“井冈山革命博物馆”是朱德于1962年重上井冈山是题写的; 请游客跟随我的脚步继续向前走我们现在到达了红军谷,它位于茨坪南面4千米处,我们看到这里有造型奇特的五座山峰并峙,悬崖百丈,山势雄奇,形状酷似五马昂首屹立。山腰有一条崎岖的小道蜿蜒而过,是毛泽东、朱德率红军年挥师赣南闽西出山走出的小路,还是井冈山人民“十送红军”时必须经过的山道,故人们称它为”红军谷“。 革命红歌唱也唱不完,井冈山美景说也说不尽。跟随我的脚步让我们走进大自然的怀抱,聆听那红色的故事。 Jinggang Mountain scennic area Ladies and Gentlemen , Welcome come to Jinggang Mountain scenic area.As we know Jinggang Mountain is the"cradle of the revolation " at home and abroad.In the autumn of 1927 the Peasants' Red Army led by the communists including Mo Zedong and Zhu De established the first rural


哈尔滨防洪纪念塔英文导游词 Harbin Travel The Memorial Tower of Fighting Against the Flo ods of Songhua River In order to commemorate the glorious victory of fighting aga inst the floods and building the banks, and to award the great achievements of the people, the government built the Memorial tower of Fighting against Flood s. Being 22.5 meters high, it was built with stone blocks on the foundation, whi ch represents the imperishability of the riverbanks. The fountain in the front stands for the brave and intelligent people in Harbin who are taming the violent floods and eliminating the catastrophes and bringing happiness to the people. The l ower step is marked 119.72 meters above the sea level, which represents the hi ghest water level in 1932 when the floods devastated Harbin. The higher step


井冈山导游词讲解 井冈山地处湘东赣西边界,南岭北支,罗霄山脉中段,据传在东汉年间就已经有人在井冈山居住了。秦朝设郡县制时,井冈山为九江郡庐陵县属地。下面是由小编为大家带来的关于井冈山导游词讲解,希望能够帮到您! 各位团友大家好! 欢迎大家来到革命老区井冈山旅游参观,井冈山是中国革命摇篮,第一个农村革命根据地,为了弘扬井冈山精神,井冈山现在已成为我国青少年及党员干部的教育基地,井冈山不但在中国革命史上占有重要地位,而且自然风光也是非常秀美壮观,这就形成了井冈山是人文景观与自然景观相结合,是革命摇篮、旅游胜地、疗养佳境.陆定一曾题词“井冈山有两件宝,一是历史红、二是山林好”,朱德题词“天下第一山”。 井冈山位于江西省西南部,地处湘赣两省交界的罗霄山脉中段,与江西的宁岗、遂川、永新和湖南酃县四县之交,东起井冈山的拿山,西到酃县的水口,两地相距90公里,北起宁岗的茅坪,南至井冈山的黄坳,两地相距45公里,而四周从拿山起经过龙源口、新城、茅坪、大陇、十都、水口、下村、五斗江等等,再回到拿山,方圆共计550华里,这就是我们常说的“五百里,井冈山”,井冈山地势雄伟,齐峰峻岭,古木参天,全市呈西南高,东北低走势,地形复杂,境内

平均海拔500米,市中心茨坪海拔1848米,全市面积670平方公里,整个土地资源现状为:“九山半分田,半分水路和庄园”是一个典型的山区市。 关于“井冈山”这个名字的由来,据说在清朝末年的时候,有一个姓蓝名子希的人为了避战乱,背井离乡来到了井冈山的主峰——五指峰山下的一块平地安家立寨,房子门前有一条小溪流过,客家人称为江,于是就把这个地方称为“井江山村”在这里所说的“井”并不是指水井的意思,而是指家乡的意思,后来又因为客家人“江”与“岗”谐音,又把这个地方称为井岗山,过了不久又有一位姓黄的人也来到这里,他觉得村子不是建在山头上而是建在山脚下,于是就把井岗山的岗字的山字头去掉,成了冈字,这就是井冈山名字的由来。“井冈山”这个名字在很久以前曾有强盗的意思,辛亥革命到北伐战争期间,有不少散兵游勇,结成小股绿林,白天匿居山中,晚上窜到附近县城官家富户抢劫,声称自己为井冈山,随后又有世居山上的王佐、袁文才集聚武装,常以劫富济贫为名,下山吊羊(也就是打劫绑架)也称他们为井冈山,井冈山的名字就由此传开了。 1927年10月毛泽东带领秋收起义部队上山,联合团结改造袁文才、王佐的部队,创建了中国第一个农村革命根据地,井冈山成了革命的摇篮。于是,井冈山才有了自己的新含意。我想大家心中肯定有这样的一个想法“毛泽东真会找地方,把红军带到这里来,谁也不容易打进来”那是因为毛泽东已经调查过了。 首先这里离反动势力强大的大、中城市如长沙、南昌、武汉、广


广东白云山导游词 5 篇 白云山,位于广东省广州市白云区,为南粤名山之一,自古就有“羊城第一秀”之称。山体相当宽阔,由30 多座山峰组成,为广东最高峰九连山的支脉。面积平方公里,主峰摩星岭高382 米。下面是小编收集整理的广东白云山导游词5 篇范文,欢迎借鉴参考。 各位游客: 大家好! 欢迎大家来到广州白云山游玩。白云山位于广州市白云区,自古以来就是有名的风景胜地,历史上羊城八景中的“白云晚望”、“菊湖云影”等都在白云山里。 来到白云山脚下,大家首先看到的是芬芳满园的云台花园,里面有许多奇花异草。最神奇的是花园的中央有一个巨大的花钟,这个花钟是由12 种不同时间开放的花组成的,每到一个时刻,就会有一种花开放,告诉你现在是几点钟。 沿着林荫大道,来到白云山腰,眼前看到的是散落在湖光山色和峰峦叠翠间的能仁寺、黄婆洞水库等景点。关于黄婆洞水库,还有一个美丽的传说。元代女纺织家黄道婆小时候家里贫穷,便到海南学习纺织技术。转眼间,几十年过去了,黄道婆由少女变成了白发苍苍的老太婆,特别思念家乡,就踏上回乡之路。路上经过广州白云山,看到人们生活贫困落后,就留下来向大家传授纺织技术。后来,为了纪念黄道婆,人们就将黄道婆住过的地方称为黄婆洞。 沿着蜿蜒盘旋的山道向上,我们来到了景色迷人的白云山顶。这里比

较著名的景点有鸣春谷、摩星岭、九龙泉等。鸣春谷在山顶中央,是我国目前最大的一座天然鸟笼。它座落在白云山风景区的天南第一峰与九龙泉之间的滴水岩谷地上,占地约五万平方米,分天然式大型鸟笼景区、鸣禽挂廊区、珍稀鸟区三部分。这里的鸟儿特别多,不仅数量多,而且品种丰富。它们鸣声清脆,那婉转的歌声在山谷间回荡,让人听了心旷神怡,连满身的疲倦和烦恼都烟消云散了。在鸣春谷大门入口处一侧还可看到极富情趣的“驯鸟表演”,有小鸟骑车、小鸟升旗、小鸟寻宝等等,特别有趣。摩星岭是白云山的最高峰,海拔382 米,登高远眺,可以看到广州市的全景。 白云山为南粤名山,自古就有“羊城第一秀”之称。它聚拢着三十多个山峰,山体相当宽阔,总面积平方公里。每当霏雨绵绵,云雾缭绕于黛山葱绿间,半壁皆素,故名白云山。 游览完了白云山的美景,我们的行程就此结束。欢迎大家对我们的工作多提宝贵意见,今后我们将以更以优质的服务为大家提供旅游帮助。谢谢! 欢迎大家来到这里,下面我来为大家介绍一下! 山坐落在广州市北部,有“羊城第一秀之称”总面积为28 万平方米,是著名风景名胜。有没有人知道为什么叫白云山?那是因为每当雨过天晴的时候,朵朵白云缭绕在青山绿水之间山上景色十分秀丽,所以取这样的名字。 广州有2200 多年的建城历史,白云山在建城之前就知名于世。 整个风景区有七个游览区组成,分别是:飞鹅岭,麓湖,鸣春谷,三 台岭,摩星岭,明珠楼,以及荷依岭 首先我们进入的是麓湖游览区,大家看我么眼前的这座建筑物就是赫赫有名的广州艺术博物馆,是著名的建筑设计师黄伯冶大使所设计的。这里面由广州最大的人工湖,广东省最大的古典式楼宇——鸿鹄楼,有1984 年建的——白云仙观,还有高尔夫球乡村俱乐部。 朋友们现在我们来到的这个地方是云台花园,独特之处在于是一处中


井冈山龙潭景区导游词范例 井冈山不仅仅有美丽的自然风光,它还是著名的革命根据地,具有历史性的纪念意义。下面是给大家分享的井冈山龙潭景区导游词,欢迎参考! 井冈山龙潭景区导游词篇1 井冈山龙潭坐落在井冈山北面,黄洋界南麓,距茨坪7公里。这是一个以群瀑集聚为显著特色的景区,素有"五潭十八瀑"之称。主要游览景点有:龙潭、金狮面、小井红军医院、小井红军伤病员殉难处等。这是一个以群瀑集聚为显著特色的景区,素有"五潭十八瀑"之称。 "五潭十八瀑"潭潭无俗水,瀑瀑似神女,随景畅想曲,千姿心中意。 揽云台,将云彩怀抱,似蓬莱天台。这里悬岩峭壁,常年云腾雾绕,称为揽云台。往峡谷中观看,可见"思远"而字,嶙峋石壁如抓,称为"龙爪",古树奇花缀满山谷,令人生出奇险之感。 井冈山龙潭景区导游词篇2 龙潭瀑布群位于茨坪北面七公里处,有五潭十八瀑之称。龙潭以瀑布数量多、落差大、形态美而著称。 龙潭瀑布群第一潭名碧玉潭,瀑布落差达67米,水声震耳,水雾如烟,它座落在大峡谷的始端,三面危崖如削,长满绿苔。一面地势稍缓,浏览便道就在这一边,巨大的水雾从这里腾空而起,这一带树林和箸竹在大雾、疾风作用下都向一边偃伏。 第二潭名锁龙潭,瀑布掩映在杜鹃林中,水声沉闷,好似被锁的蛟

龙急欲出洞。 第三潭名珍珠潭,瀑布落差30多米,水声清脆,潭面湛蓝,瀑布在半空中碎成无数闪亮的水珠,直击潭面,恰似珍珠落玉盘,故名珍珠潭。 第四潭名击鼓潭,瀑布口有巨石阻遏,河水被切成数股夺路奔流落入深潭,声若击鼓,潭里娃娃鱼来回穿梭,螃蟹时隐时现。 龙潭瀑布群中的第五潭叫仙女潭,是五潭中形态最美的,在瀑布落水口有一块卷髻状苍石,水流分成两股迂迥,在苍石下又合成一股直冲而下,远看第五潭瀑布,好像一位身着大袍裙的仙女在翩翩起舞,线条轮廓极其分明。 井冈山龙潭景区导游词篇3 龙潭景区坐落在井冈山北面,黄洋界南麓,距茨坪7公里。这是一个以群瀑集聚为显著特色的景区,素有"五潭十八瀑"之称。主要游览景点有:龙潭、金狮面、小井红军医院、小井红军伤病员殉难处等。 彩虹瀑 龙潭 "五潭十八瀑"潭潭无俗水,瀑瀑似神女,随景畅想曲,千姿心中意。 揽云台 将云彩怀抱,似蓬莱天台。 这里悬岩峭壁,常年云腾雾绕,称为揽云台。往峡谷中观看,可见"思远"而字,嶙峋石壁如抓,称为"龙爪",古树奇花缀满山谷,令人生出奇险之感。 鹰嘴岩


江西井冈山导游词 游客朋友们: 大家好!在这春暖花开的时候和你在井冈山相遇,相知,相识,我感到很高兴!今天这井冈山之旅就由我为大家做向导。我是##旅游行的##,坐在我身边的这位是我们的司机#师傅。那么我就长话短说,首先为大家介绍一下井冈山...... 井冈山于湘赣边界、罗霄山脉中段,山势高大,地形复杂,主要山峰海拔多在千米以上,最南端的南风面海拔2120米,是井冈山地区的最高峰。 ____(省、市、区、县)面积665平方公里,人口5万余人,辖五乡一镇、一个省属综合殖场和一个自然保护区。市政府座落在崇山间的茨坪盆地里,井冈山山地面积为总面积89%,森林覆盖率高达64%,有"绿色宝库"之称,全境有原始森林四处,面积近七千公顷,植物种类有三千八百多种,其中高等植物二千多种,木本植物八百多种,中国特有或世界衡有树种有观光木、鹅掌揪、香果树、银杏、黄杉、冷杉、台湾松、福建柏、银钟花等上百种。井冈山又是天然动物园,八百四十多种动物栖息在这里,属于国家一、二、三级保护动物有黄腹角雉、短尾猴、华南虎、云豹、大灵猫、原麝马鹿、毛冠鹿等二十多种。由于动物资源丰富,_____年井冈山设立了面积达16.6平方公里的自然保护区。 井冈山自公元前221年秦代设群县制起,即为九江群庐____(省、市、区、县)属地,但茨坪的开发是在公元668年以后,大小五井则是在公元_____年以后才建村立寨,并分属____(省、市、区、县)、龙泉县(今逐川县)。直至井冈

成立____(省、市、区、县)井冈山管理局,_____年改为____(省、市、区、县)。 这片神奇的土地,曾经养育了毛泽东、朱德等一代伟人。30多外革命遗址仍保存良好,其中国家级保护遗址10外,省级保护遗址2处,市级保护遗址17外。馆藏文物近3000件的井冈山革命烈士博物馆和集纪念堂、碑林、雕塑群、革命烈士纪念碑于一体的井冈山烈士陵园详细记述了井冈山斗争的井冈山于湘赣边界、罗霄山脉中段,山势高大,地形复杂,主要山峰海拔多在千米以上,最南端的南风面海拔2120米,是井冈山地区的最高峰。 ____(省、市、区、县)面积665平方公里,人口5万余人,辖五乡一镇、一个省属综合殖场和一个自然保护区。市政府座落在崇山间的茨坪盆地里,井冈山山地面积为总面积89%,森林覆盖率高达64%,有"绿色宝库"之称,全境有原始森林四处,面积近七千公顷,植物种类有三千八百多种,其中高等植物二千多种,木本植物八百多种,中国特有或世界衡有树种有观光木、鹅掌揪、香果树、银杏、黄杉、冷杉、台湾松、福建柏、银钟花等上百种。井冈山又是天然动物园,八百四十多种动物栖息在这里,属于国家一、二、三级保护动物有黄腹角雉、短尾猴、华南虎、云豹、大灵猫、原麝马鹿、毛冠鹿等二十多种。由于动物资源丰富,_____年井冈山设立了面积达16.6平方公里的自然保护区。 井冈山自公元前221年秦代设群县制起,即为九江群庐____(省、市、区、县)属地,但茨坪的开发是在公元668年以后,大小五井则是在公元_____年以后才建村立寨,并分属____(省、市、区、县)、龙泉县(今逐川县)。直至井冈


黑龙江哈尔滨中央大街景点 英文导游词 Ladies and gentlemen: Today we are going to visit zhongyang street. this is the downtown area. in order to better know the street, we are going to walk through it, which takes about40 minutes. those who do not like walking may keep seated, our coach will go along another street and stop at the flood control monument. those who cannot walk that far may take a taxi to the flood control monument. now let6s get off the coach, and take a walk on zhongyang street. Zhongyang street measures1450 meters from jingwei street in the south to the flood control monument on the riverbank in the north. this is chinas longest walkway. the street was built at the end of the last century. it was connected to a wharf at the songhua river. because of the constant transport of the goods needed for building the china eastern railway, a shopping center began to take shape along this street at the turn of the century. harbin at that time was a semi-colonial city with a foreign population of many


虽然是在网站上找的,但是还是费了不少的力,希望对你有帮助那我的辛苦也就没有白费了! 1.自由女神像介绍: Out of all of America's symbols, none has proved more enduring or evocative than the Statue of Liberty. This giant figure, torch in hand and clutching a stone tablet, has for a century acted as a figurehead for the American Dream; indeed there is probably no more immediately recognizable profile in existence. It's worth remembering that the statue is - for Americans at least - a potent reminder that the USA is a land of immigrants: it was New York Harbor where the first big waves of European immigrants arrived, their ships entering through the Verrazano Narrows to round the bend of the bay and catch a first glimpse of "Liberty Enlightening the World" - an end of their journey into the unknown, and the symbolic beginning of a new life. These days, although only the very wealthy can afford to arrive here by sea, and a would-be immigrant's first (and possibly last) view of the States is more likely to be the customs check at JFK Airport, Liberty remains a stirring sight, with Emma Lazarus's poem, The New Colossus, written originally to raise funds for the statue's base, no less quotable than when it was written……Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame. "Keep ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she With silent lips."Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse to your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door." The statue, which depicts Liberty throwing off her shackles and holding a beacon to light the world, was the creation of the French sculptor Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi, who crafted it a hundred years after the American Revolution in recognition of solidarity between the French and American people (though it's fair to add that Bartholdi originally intended the statue for Alexandria in Egypt). Bartholdi built Liberty in Paris between 1874 and 1884, starting with a terracotta model and enlarging it through four successive versions to its present size, a construction of thin copper sheets bolted together and supported by an iron framework designed by Gustave Eiffel. The arm carrying the torch was exhibited in Madison Square Park for seven years, but the whole statue wasn't officially accepted on behalf of the American people until 1884, after which it was taken apart, crated up and shipped to New York.


井冈山景点导游词 井冈山导游词1各位游客,上午好!今天我要带大家去参观的景点是号称井冈山五大哨口之一的黄洋界哨口。黄洋界哨口位于茨坪的西北面,距茨坪17公里左右。黄洋界海拔1343米,而茨坪的平均海拔为842米。海拔落差达到500米,所以这17公里基本上都是盘山公路,我们大约需要40分钟到达黄洋界哨口。井冈山斗争时期,红军和群众为了保护这块红色的土地,在井冈山四周高山上一共修建了五个哨口,分别是:桐木岭、朱砂冲、八面山、双马石和黄洋界。当年为什么要建五个哨口呢?那是因为井冈山与外界相连的只有五条羊肠小道。这五个哨口,就是分别扼守这五条小路的工事。从军事角度来讲,只要控制好这五个哨口工事,就基本上能确保井冈山根据地安然无恙。1928年夏天,井冈军民在黄洋界的高岭上修筑黄洋界哨口,从山脚下至山顶上层层设防,一共设了五道防线:第一道为竹钉阵。老百姓和红军战士把山上的毛竹砍下来,削成两头很尖很尖,中间一个卡子,约6寸长的竹钉,放到锅里炒干,再在中草药毒汁及尿里浸过,非常坚硬,然后再插到小路上,草丛中,面上再盖上一层薄薄的泥土,敌军踩上去,不死也得脱层皮。第二道是在半山腰挖一道深5尺、宽4尺的壕沟,延缓敌军进攻时间。第三道用竹篱笆、竹刺做成围栏,让敌人不好过来。第四道就是把山上的大石头和大木头堆放在工事前沿的悬崖处,组成了滚木檑石阵。第五道就是用木头、石头、泥土筑成射击掩体。修好后,井冈军民还编了一首歌谣来形容它:“山连山来岭连岭,



广州白云山导游词 导读:广州白云山导游词1 欢迎大家来到这!我是你们的导游,我姓x,大家可以叫我小x。为了便于大家参观游玩,下面我首先大家介绍一下。 白云山坐落在广州中心,是广州最漂亮的的山,那里风景优美、山清水秀,有“羊城第一秀”的美称。是人们休闲,健身的好去处。 为了迎接春节,在白云山门口耸立着一条威武的大龙。它俯视着白云山的大门。进了白云山,远远地就看见了一个叫龙宝和云宝的花灯站在路边,他们有的在打鼓,有的在敲锣。可爱极了!一个身体长的白白的,另一个身体火红火红的。山路边,有各种各样的树,有假柿树,有樟树;还有松树。两边最多的是一种不知名的树,它们有着挺直的身躯,全身光秃秃的,像一根电线杆似的,令我印象深刻。 不一会儿,我们便来到了美丽的蒲谷,蒲谷里有一个湖,湖水清澈见底,可以看见湖底的沙石,水中的鱼儿。湖里有很多漂亮的莲花,有紫的'、白的、粉红的,各种各样的。这里还有一条长长的小溪,我们顺着小溪逆流而上,来到了半山广场,那里有一片大草坪,草坪上有龙生九子的花灯,都是我以前没见过的怪兽。我对上面有一个叫饕餮的家伙我特别感兴趣,在灯的下方是这样介绍的:饕餮,羊身,眼睛在腋下,虎齿人爪。有一个大头和一个大嘴。十分贪吃,见到什么就吃什么,由于吃得太多,最后被撑死。看了这个介绍,真是笑死我了。离开了这里,我们就向我们的目的地山顶公园冲去,不过一会

儿就到了山顶公园,山顶公园上有个独占鳌头的大花灯,独占鳌头是指古时候考状元时博得第一。看了这个花灯,爸爸说:“也希望我在今后的学习上能独占鳌头、更进一步。”看完了花灯,我们来到了望台,从了望台往下望,只见一片云雾缭绕,白云山之名就由些得来。晚上了,许多花灯都亮起来了,到处灯光闪耀,独占鳌头的龙头也动起来了,更加生动,更加漂亮了。 山顶公园还有一条路上摩星岭的。摩星岭原名碧云峰,位于白云山苏家祠与龙虎岗之间,是白云山最顶峰,海拔382米,是白云山三十多座山峰之首。登临摩星岭之巅,天地变得格外辽远。广州城的全貌就在脚底平铺开来,东可望天河新城,南临珠江秀水,西眺五羊古都,北观白云机场银起落。阴沉天空下,举目环视白云山各峰,顶翠披绿,万木葱郁,天地变得分外辽远,羊城全貌一览无余,大有乾坤在手之感。摩星岭的许愿树上有千万条红布,布上写着许诺的盼望。还有祈福钟,祈福钟的钟声能祈福。还有连心锁,连心锁上刻着的名字是情人的名字。在连心锁的边上有一块石板,石板上写着“北京”。 白云山的风光真美丽啊!大家都需爱护环境,可不要破坏它哦! 广州白云山导游词2 各位游客: 大家好!欢迎大家来到广州白云山游玩。白云山位于广州市白云区,自古以来就是有名的风景胜地,历史上羊城八景中的“白云晚望”、“菊湖云影”等都在白云山里。


哈尔滨中央大街英文导游词_大学英语作文 Ladies and Gentlemen: Today we are going to visit Zhongyang Street. This is the downtown area. In order to better know the street, we are going to walk through it, which takes about 40 minutes. Those who do not like walking may keep seated, our coach will go along another street and stop at the Flood Control Monument. Those who cannot walk that far may take a taxi to the Flood Control Monument. Now let6‘s get off the coach, and take a walk on Zhongyang Street. Zhongyang Street measures 1450 meters from Jingwei Street in the south to the Flood Control Monument on the riverbank in the north. This is China‘s longest walkway. The street was built at the end of the last century. It was connected to a wharf at the Songhua River. Because of the constant transport of the goods needed for building the China Eastern Railway, a shopping center began to take shape along this street at the turn of the century. Harbin at that time was a semi-colonial city with a foreign population of many thousands. Politics and economy were actually controlled by foreign powers. Owing to the concentration of Chinese shops along this street, foreigners took it as a China town and called it China Street. Have you noticed the cobbled road surface? This is the only cobbled street left in Harbin. This cobbled street was paved in 1925. Thanks to the good quality, the street has kept in good shape with a few repairs in the past. This street began to take shape as an international street in the 1920s. There were over a hundred shops and many were owned by forergners, such as Russians, Greeks, Czechs, Swedes, Swiss, Frenchmen, Germans and Englishmen. They built their shops in their individual styles. Therefore, the street not only looked like a foreign street, but also was controlled by foreigners. Now this smooth cobbled street may remind us of the past when foreigners were sitting in chariots along the street, as if we could still hear the horse-hoofs clicking on cobbles. [1] [2] 下一页 Partime job is the trend of modern society. It provides incomes for some poor students living or entering school. Nevertheless, some people think partime job will distract student‘s study. I think partime job have more advantages than disadvantages. Young people can learn from partime job that money don‘t come easily. They have to work to it. Plus, they can learn something that school can‘t teach through working, such as doing dish wash or delivering food. Our society isn‘t perfect that many young people have to work for themselves. But, we heard some bad news and outlaws about partime youth. Therefore, our govenment has to watch them and protect them away from bad enviroment, for they need partime jobs to maintain their living. It was a sunny balmy afternoon at the end of a leisurely summer. I was driving on a winding country road with a lady friend. Little did I know that I was to have a close call that would have almost ruined the rest of my life. Earlier that day, a friend called me to tell me that our mutual friend Rosy was arriving back from Taiwan after the summer holidays. Since there was no airport in the immediate vicinity of the university, she would need a ride to come back on campus.

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