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Acid Deposition Research in Netherlands

Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School

Lishui Road Nanshan District Shenzhen Guangdong Province, China


The EMEP model is applied to simulate the atmospheric transport and deposition of acid pollutants in Europe’s atmosphere with a 50×50 km2 horizontal resolution. The model evaluations for the past twenty years indicate that rather serious exceedances are found for the South and East of the Netherlands. Netherlands have exceeded the limits of acid deposition as regulated by the European Commission in the Goteborg Protocol. The European Commission requires that thsituation is remedied within 2 years. Large fractions of nitrogen oxide(s)(NO x) and sulfur dioxide(SO2) emitted in the Netherlands , are deposited in their neighbouring countries. So reduction of these compounds would not influence acid deposition in The Netherlands very much. As to ammonia, a large portion is deposited within the Netherlands. Hence it is concluded that only ammonia(NH3) reductions can be effective to reach the European air quality standards within the period. Compared to other sources, agriculture is the main source of ammonia. So some proposed measures are necessary to reduce the ammonia production of agriculture, specially of the stock-raising. The feasible way is to develop the eco-ariculture and reuse the waste of livestocks.

Keyword: EMEP model, Acid Deposition, Exceedance, Reductions

1. Introduction

Although the nitrogen deposition in the Netherlands(NL) has slightly been reduced the last few years, and the acidifying deposition of sulphur has decreased sharply the last few years, The Netherlands still has a relatively serious acidification problem compared to other European Countries. Both the reductions of the nitrogen oxides and sulphur dioxide do not reach the the standards of acid deposition as regulated by the European Commission. Ammonia which contributes considerably to the potential acid deposition in the Netherlands increased a bit in the last 20 years. Direct harmful effects on vegetation caused by high concentrations of nitrogen and sulphur compounds in air no longer occur at current levels. However, deposition of these compounds

in nature areas leads to acidification and eutrophication. Using EMEP model, it is estimated how many moles of nitrogen and sulphur compounds are emitted and deposited in most European countries. Nitrate oxides, sulphur dioxide and ammonia emissions are calculated with 50×50 grid while deposition with 10×10. The relation between emissions and deposition in Netherlands is used to show how to solve the acid deposition problems in coordination with the other countries. On the basis of the calculations of the emission/receptor relations it is shown how the acid deposition problems can be solved in an efficient way.

2. Method and analysis of the Regional air pollution situation

The main objective of EMEP is to provide the parties to the convention with information on emissions, transport, concentrations and depositions of air pollutants in Europe. It was set up in 1977 for monitoring and evaluation of the long-range transmission of air pollutants. The EMEP model is used to evaluate the emissions and receptions in Europe with per 50×50 km or 10×10 km a grid on the map. With the data from each monitor stations, all emission and receptions for each grid are summed up. The pollutants of all grids in Netherlands count up to the emissions of

Dutch.(??)(sentence can be omitted, I believe.

2.1. The Monitoring method

Three main processes for deposition can be distinguished for monitoring which are wet deposition , occult deposion and dry deposion. Wet deposion is transported to the surface by means of precipitation Dry deposition includes deposition of aerosol particles and gases directly on vegetation and soil without prior uptake in the water phase. And the dry deposition flux is product of vertical deposition velocity (Vd) and ambient concentration(Cx). By measuring the Vd and Cx, the dry deposition flux can be calculated.

On each monitoring station, both wet deposition and dry deposition are measured exactly not true, the basis is thye model, not monitoring by stations. That is used to validate = check truth, of model. The occult deposition is only important where much fog is. So it is not mentioned in the


SO22, NOx and


Table 1 Transport matrix SOx in Europe

Table 2 Transport matrix NOx in Europe

Table 3 Transport matrix NHx in Europe


pper column means

lower column

3. Result

The results of analysis of acid deposition in this chapter is given in Table 1, Table 2 and Table 3. The origins of acidifying depositions in the Netherlands are given in table 4 and 5.The total deposition amount is shown in Table 4, the forecasted emissions of the Netherlands for the year 2000 are shown in Table 5.

Table 4 Origins of acidifying depositions in the Netherlands.

Source: RIVM 2001

More than 40% of acid deposition originates in other countries, according to calculations made on the basis of EMAP data. Emissions for the year 2000 have been estimated. A large portion of the NOx, emitted in the NL is exported to other countries, and will not be deposited in the Netherlands. The same situation exists for SO2 . Comparing the data of SO2 , NOx and NHx , we can find that the ammonia emissions are the main problem in the Netherlands , 2/3 of emitted ammonia is deposited within the Dutch borders. Over 40% of the average acid deposition in the Netherlands comes from ammonia emissions from Dutch agriculture. The Traffic and transport target sector contributes over 8% to acid deposition, with the other sectors contributing less than 3% each.

4. Assessments, Measures, and Proposals

To reduce the emissions in Netherlands, a lot of measures must be taken. As most of the sulphur dioxides and nitrate oxides are emitted in other countries, controling the emissions only in the

Netherlands will not have the desired effect. It depends more on the coordination with the neighborhood. But the most of the ammonia deposited in The Netherlands are emitted by itself. And the largest part is emitted by agriculture. So to solve the problem, the Dutch must control the emission of agriculture .

The agricultural area amounts to two million hectares and in 1999, there were 103,000 farms altogether. The enterprises of the farms in Netherlands concentrate on cattle (56 %), horticulture (21 %) and other types of farms(23%). Cattle production is the main source of ammonia .It is effective and helpful to look at some similar cases in other countries. Take Japan as an example A dairy farm in Hokkaido uses a biogas fuel cell co-generation system to deal with the waste. The organic waste of livestock and corn produces biogas by way high-speed fermentation. This Efficient fermentation system reduces not only energy demand, but also the production of ammonia which the waste generates.

Netherlands should follow the example of Hokkaido. There are thousands of farms in Netherlands, which produce more ammonia than the Hokkaido farm. The Dutch government may use the3R (Reduce,Recycle and Reuse) system to deal with the waste produced by the livestock. Although Netherlands have a long way to go in order to reach the standards of acid deposition as regulated by the European Commission in the Goteborg Protocol, these measures may help to reach the goal.

5. Conclusions

The European Commission has indicated that The Netherlands will be fined with up to of 2 billion Euro, if the limit is not reached in 2006. NOx, SO2, and ammonia contribute to acid deposition in The Netherlands, for respectively, 20, 20 and 60 %. Reduction is required of 500 to 1000 moles per hectare per year, on a level of 3000 moles.ha-1.yr-1. In view of the general practice in Europe, a reduction of 700 moles per ha per year seems very reasonable to meet the demands of the Commission.

At moment about 10% of the nature areas are sustainably protected against acidification and eutrophication. It is estimated that the deposition of nitrogen and acidifying substances will both still be on average 0-20% above the deposition targets. Because about 45% of the potential acid deposition and 35% of the nitrogen deposition originate outside the Netherlands, this will be highly dependent on emission reductions in the surrounding countries.

A large portion (2/3) of the NOx, emitted in the Netherlands is exported to other countries, and will not be deposited in The Netherlands. The same situation exists for SO2. But 2/3 of the emitted ammonia is deposited within the Dutch borders. Hence it is concluded that only ammonia reductions can be effective to reach the European air quality standards within the period of 2 years.

Foreign examples, such as closed cycle farming in Japan, can indicate how the necessary reduction can be obtained. Netherlands may take the same measures to reach the standards.


RIVM - Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency. 2003. The Netherlands contribution to the

EMEP air quality assessment report. Acidification and air quality in the past decades and policy targets for 2010. Adopted from the Netherlands Environmental Balance, 2002 & 2003 ediitions. Krzysztof Olendrzynski, Erik Berge, Jerzy Bartnicki. 2000. EMEP Eulerian acid deposition model and its application. European Journal of OperationaL Researth. 122: 429-439.

Richard V. Pouyat, Margaret A. McGlinch.1998. A legislative solution to acid deposition. Environmental Science & Policy. 1: 249-259.

HIROSHI HARA. 1998. ACID DEPOSITION CHEMISTRY IN ASIA, EUROPE, AND NORTH AMERICA. Progress in Nuclear Energy.Vol. 32, No, 3/4, pp. 331-338,1998. ?1998 Elsevier Science Ltd.

ELISABETH RENYMY, CATHERINE MOUGENOT. 2002. Inventories and Maps: Cognitive Ways of Framing the Nature Policies in Europe. Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning.4: 313-322. ?1998 Elsevier Science Ltd.


RIVM (2001). Luchtkwaliteit. Jaaroverzicht 2000. RIVM, Bilthoven. ·Landelijk Meetnet Luchtkwaliteit : http://www.lml.rivm.nl/

Francesco Melita, Organic Farming in the Netherlands. https://www.doczj.com/doc/7715428251.html,, 30.3.2000:202-214.? Stiftung ?kologie & Landbau (S?L), Bad Dürkheim, Germany, 2000. NEP. 2001. Invitation Program of Asian New Energy Specialists. New Energy Plaza. Vol. 17, No.2.


环境科学与工程专业词汇 包括环境学总论、环境地学、环境生物学、环境化学、环境物理学、环境工程学、环境医学、环境经济学、环境管理学、环境法学、环境教育等11大类。 环境学总论 原生环境primary environment 次生环境secondary environment 生态示范区ecological demonstrate area 环境地质学environmental geology 环境地球化学environmental geo-chemistry 环境土壤学environmental soil science 环境微生物学environmental microbiology 环境危机environmental crisis 环境保护environmental protection 环境预测environmental forecasting 环境自净environmental self-purification 环境效应environmental effect 环境容量environmental capacity 环境演化evolution of environment 环境舒适度environmental comfort 环境背景值(本底值)environmental background value 环境保护产业(环保产业)environmental production industry 环境壁垒(绿色壁垒)environmental barrier 绿色革命green revolution 可持续发展sustainable development 第三类环境问题(社会环境问题)the third environmental problem 悬浮物suspended solids 一次污染物primary pollutant 二次污染物secondary pollutant 全球性污染global pollution 排污收费pollution charge 可更新资源renewable resources 不可更新资源non-renewable resources 自然保护区natural reserve area 防护林protection forest 公害public nuisance 矿山公害mining nuisance 工业废水industrial waste water 矿山废水mining drainage 生活饮用水domestic potable water 草原退化grassland degeneration 沙漠化desertification 人口压力population pressure 人口净增率rate of population 全球环境监测系统global environment monitoring system GEMS 中国环境保护工作方针Chinese policy for environment protection “三同时”原则principle of “the three at the same time” 二噁英公害dioxine nuisance 马斯河谷烟雾事件disaster in Meuse Valley 多诺拉烟雾事件disaster in Donora 伦敦烟雾事件disaster in London 水俣病事件minamata disease incident 骨痛病事件itai-itai disaster incident 洛杉矶光化学烟雾事件Los Angeles photochemical smog episode 四日市哮喘事件Yokkaichi asthma episode 米糠油事件Yusho disease incident 环境地学 水圈hydrosphere 水循环water circulation 地面水(地表水)surface water 水位water level 下渗(入渗)sinking 蒸发evaporation 最高水位highest water level 最低水位lowest water level 平均水位average water level 警戒水位warning water level 流速flow velocity 流量discharge 洪水期flood season 枯水期low-water season 参考学习


. 一、名词解释 (1)生物多样性:生物多样性是指地球上所有生物(包括植物、动物、微生物、真菌、 病毒等)及其所构成的综合体。包括了三个层次:物种多样性,遗传多样性和生态系统多样性。(2)生态破坏:外界的压力和冲力超过生态系统的阀值(自我调节能力的极一次污染物 限值)导致生态系统的结构和功能失调,从而威胁到人类的生存和发展。 (3)人口容量:是在不损害生物圈或者不耗尽可合理利用的不可更新的资源条件下,世 界资源在长期稳定状态基础上能供应的人口数量的多少。 (4)自然保护区:是指对有代表性的自然系统、珍惜濒危野生动植物物种的天然集中分 布区、有特殊意义的自然遗迹保护对象所在的陆地、陆地水体或海域,依法划出一定面积予以特 殊保护和管理的区域。 (5)环境污染:是指有害物质或因子进入环境,使环境系统的结构和功能发生变化,以 及由此衍生的各种环境效应(如温室效应、酸雨和臭氧层破坏等),从而对人类和生物的生存与 发展产生不利影响的现象。 (6)大气污染:是指大气污染物达到了一定的浓度,并持续足够长的时间,以致对公众 健康、动植物、大气特性以及环境美学因素等产生可以测量的影响。 (7) PM10:是指粒径小于十微米的大气悬浮物的总称。 (8)光化学烟雾;大气中的碳氢化合物和NOX等一次污染物,在阳光作用下发生光化学 反应,生成臭氧、醛类、酮类、过氧乙酰硝酸酯(PAN)等二次污染物。这类光化学反应的反应 物(一次污染物)和生成物(二次污染物)形成的特殊混合物,即称为光化学烟雾。 (9)水体污染:污染物进入河流、海洋、湖泊或地下水等水体后,使其水质和沉积物的 物理、化学性质或生物群落组成发生变化,从而降低了水体的使用价值和使用功能,并达到了影 响人类的正常生产、生活以及影响生态系统平衡的现象。 (10)生物化学需氧量(BOD):在人工控制条件下,使水样中的有机物在微生物作用下进 行生物氧化,在一定时间内所消耗的溶解氧的数量,可以间接的反应出有机物的含量,以每升水 消耗氧的毫升数表示(mg/L) (11)化学需氧量(COD):指化学氧化剂氧化水中有机污染物时所需的氧量,以每升水消 耗的氧的毫克数表示(mg/L),常用的氧化剂有高锰酸钾(KMnO4)和重铬酸钾(K2Cr2O7). (12)生物富集/生物浓缩/生物放大:生物有机体从周围环境中吸收某种元素或稳定不易 分解的化合物,在体内积累,使生物体内该元素(或化合物)的浓度超过了环境中 . .


环境科学与工程专业就业前景分析 本文是关于环境科学与工程专业就业前景分析,仅供参考,希望对您有所帮助,感谢阅读。 环境科学与工程专业就业前景 当前有不少环保企业人才缺乏,而且求贤若渴。但它们所需要的专业人才与学校提供的毕业生之间还存在着一定差距,学校不能全面满足他们的需求。不久前,有一家环境工程公司因承担了环保工程项目的设计和建设任务,而企业的技术人员数量满足不了工程量的需要,于是该企业急需能独挡一面的技术人员去承担一定工程的设计和建设工作,包括选择处理方案、工艺设计、设备选型、总平面设计、施工监理及运行调试等一体化工程。由于在校的应届毕业生虽然理论基础较好,但实践经验缺乏,满足不了企业的这种要求,结果这家公司只有另寻他人。对环境工程专业人才要求能“独挡一面”、技术过硬、能迅速承担工程任务的环保企业非常普遍,甚至在这个行业内不乏“挖墙脚”的现象,一些企业通过出高价来“抢夺”人才。这说明社会并不是不需要环境工程专业人才,只是企业的用人要求与我们培养的毕业生状况有一定的差距。 环境工程专业毕业生的对口去向无外乎有三种:吃“财政饭”的国家各级环保部门和科研单位,“吃效益饭”的、需要解决污染问题的工矿企业以及真正吃“环保饭”的环保公司。从当前对环境工程专业学生的市场需求情况来看,真正能进入政府环保部门、规划部门、建设管理部门毕的竟是少数。受长期计划经济体制下人事制度的影响,这些单位在人事编制和指标控制等方面存在着重重障碍。所以,结合高职教育的特点和定位,高职环境工程专业的毕业生应主要面向:环境工程公司、环境监测部门、工矿企业、设计单位或部门从事环境工程设计、施工管理、环保项目运行管理、环境监测等基础性、技术性工作。 从形势上看,高职环境工程专业的学生到环保公司具有一定的优势。第一,这些单位普遍都需要能在环保工程的设计、施工及运行调试等方面能迅速派上用场的实用型专业技术人才;第二,环境工程专业的本科生和研究生往往都不愿意到环保公司,尤其不愿意到小型的、私营的环境工程公司,他们对自己的定位太高,


第二单元环境工程 这本书主要关于什么? 这本书的目标是使工程和科学的学生了解学科间的研究环境问题:它们的起因,为什么它们被关注,我们怎么控制它们。这本书包括: ●描述环境和环境系统意味着什么 ●关于环境破坏基础原因的信息 ●理解环境问题本质和能够定量计算它们所必要的基本科学知识 ●目前运用在水,空气,污染问题的环境控制技术的状况 ●我们目前在很多关于理解和控制人类活动、自然之间复杂相互作用的科学知识上存在着相当大的空白 ●很多环境问题能运用目前的技术消除或减少,但因为社会缺少意愿这么做或在很多例子中因为缺乏资源去这样做,这些环境问题没有被处理 一些重要的定义: 在这本书中,它们第一次被使用,定义被以大写或印刷成黑体字的形式展示 环境是围绕在我们周围的物质生命的栖息地,在这儿我们能看到,听到,触摸,闻到,和品尝到 系统依据韦氏字典,被定义为“一组或一系列能形成一个整体或者有机整体的相互关联的事物”,例如,太阳系统,灌溉系统,供应系统,世界和宇宙。 污染被定义为“在大气,水或土地中的物质的,化学的或生物的特性的不合意的改变,这一改变有害地影响人类或其它生物的健康,生存,或活动”。 当改进环境质量的目标被用来改进人类福利,“环境”一词扩展成包括所有的社会,经济和文化方面的内容。这一扩展在许多真实情况下是不可行的以及在一本被设计为一学期课程的教科书中也是不实际的。我们对环境问题的考察因此限于我们对“环境”的定义。 系统的相互作用 许多不同的环境问题都与水,空气或土地系统有关联。许多这些问题都只适用于这些系统中的一个,这为这些种类中的细目分类提供了充分的理由。这样的分类也更有用于及易于理解一个系统内的相关问题。而且,这样做是明智的,这是因为由于管理上的和行政上的原因,这些有关空气污染,水供应,废水处理和固体废物处理的子域通常由政府机构分别处理。 很遗憾的是,很多重要的环境问题不仅仅限制于空气,水或土地系统,还包括系统间的相互作用。现在举个例子,酸雨问题起源于从发电站烟囱,冶炼厂和汽车尾气中向大气排放的含硫二氧化物和氮氧化物。接着这些气体由气流运输到广阔的区域,降雨“将它们洗去”,产生了有害于水生生命,森林和农作物的酸雨。两个有关于系统间相互作用引起的环境问题有:空气中的二氧化碳的增加的全球问题,及通常具有地域性质的酸雨问题。 环境问题 许多对我们生活标准的主要改进能被归因于科学和技术的运用。这里举一些例子,你能想出其它例子吗? ●生产更多及更好质量的食物 ●创造能避免极端环境的保护所和生存空间 ●快速和可靠的运输方法的建立 ●各种交流系统的发明 ●代替人类和动物体力的机器的发明 ●安全水的供应和废物处理 ●对很多传染疾病的消除


环境学院 环境科学与工程,土木工程(市政工程) 一、适用学科 ●环境科学与工程(Environmental Science and Engineering,一级学科,工学门类,学科代码:0830) ●土木工程(Civil Engineering,一级学科,工学门类,学科代码:0814) 本方案适用于市政工程二级学科 二、培养方式 1、实行导师负责制,必要时可设副导师,鼓励组成指导小组集体指导。跨学科或交叉学科 培养博士生时,应从相关学科中聘请副导师协助指导。 2、博士生应在导师指导下,学习有关课程,查阅文献资料,参加学术交流,确定具体课题, 独立从事科学研究,取得创造性成果。 三、知识结构及课程学习的基本要求 (一)知识结构的基本要求 1、环境科学与工程专业 进入本专业的博士研究生应在一级学科范围内和相关的学科领域中有着广泛的了解和系统的专业知识。 2、市政工程专业 本专业的博士研究生在市政工程学科和相关的环境科学与工程、土木工程等交叉学科领域中有广泛的了解和系统的专业知识。 (二)课程学习及学分组成 1、普博生 研究生攻读博士学位期间,要求学分不少于15学分,其中公共必修课程学分不少于4学分,学科专业课程不少于6学分(其中基础理论课不少于4学分、本学科或相关专业基础理论和专业课程不少于2学分),必修环节学分不少于5学分。自学课程学分另记。课程设置见附录。 2、直博生 研究生攻读博士学位期间,要求学分不少于29学分(其中考试学分不少于21学分,自学课程学分另记),其中公共必修课程学分不少于5学分,学科专业课程学分不少于19学分(其中基础理论课不少于4学分、本学科或相关专业基础理论和专业课程学分不少于14学分),必须环节5学分。课程设置见附录。 四、主要培养环节及有关要求 1、制定个人课程学习计划 博士生入学后三周内,在导师指导下作好个人课程学习计划,并报院(系、所)研究生


1环境工程与科学 Environmental Engineering and Science 2环境监测与评价 Environmental monitoring and assessment 3温室气体 greenhouse gases 4地表水 the surface water 浅层水 the subsurface water 地下水 the ground water 5环境影响评(EIA )environmental impact assessment 6臭氧层减少 ozone depletion 7沙漠化 desertification 8点源 point sources 非点源 nonpoint sources 9初级污染物 primary pollutant 次级污染物 secondary pollutant 10光化学烟雾 photochemical smog 11室内污染 indoor air pollution 12固体及有害废弃物污染 solid and hazardous waste pollution 13生物多样性减少biodiversity loss 14传统决策 traditional decision making 15原生环境 primary environment 次生环境 secondary environment 16不可再生资源 nonrenewable resources 17生态示范区 ecological demonstrate area 18保护林 protection forest 19环境危机 environmental crisis 20环境预测environmental forecasting 21环境效应environmental effect 22环境承载力environmental capacity 23环境演化evolution of environment 24草地退化 grassland degeneration 25水中悬浮物 suspended solids 26孔隙水 void water 27岩溶水 karst water 28流域保护 water basin protection 29淡水 fresh water 海水 salt water 30降雨量 amount of precipitation 降雨强度 intensity of precipitation 31 海洋倾倒 ocean dumping 32水力工程 hydro-engineering 33水环境功能区 function district of water environment 34土壤肥力 soil fertility 33土壤酸碱度 soil acidity and alkalinity 36土壤盐渍化 soil salination 37土壤酸化 soil acidification 38缓冲能力 buffer capacity 39盐基饱和度 base saturation percentage 40污水灌溉 wastewater irrigation 41事后评价 afterwards assessment 42大气扩散 atmospheric diffusion 43而授限度 limits of tolerance 44生命周期评价 life cycle assessment 45慢性毒性实验 chronic toxicity test 46生物富集 bioaccumulation 47生物浓缩 bioconcentration 48生物放大 biomagnification 49边缘效应 edge effect 5总悬浮颗粒物 total suspended particulates(TSP) 51化学需氧量 chemical oxygen demand (COD) 52生物化学需氧量 biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) 53总有机碳 total organic carbon (TOC ) 54活性碳 active carbon 55萃取剂 extracting agent 56有机高分子絮凝剂 organic pdymer flocculant 57固定大气污染源 stationary sources of air pollution 移动大气污染源 mobile sources of air pollution 5环境优先污染物environmental priority pollutant 59回归分析 regression analysis 相关分析 correlation analysis 60相关系数 correlation coefficient 61系数误差 systematic error 62随机误差 random error 63土壤修复 soil-remediation 64绝对湿度 absolute humidity 相对湿度 relative humidity 65热辐射 thermal radiation 湍流扩散 turbulent diffusion 6煤的综合利用 comprehensive-utilization of coal 67清洁生产 cleaner production 68采矿排水 mining drainage 69分子筛吸附NOx 化物过程 control of NOx by adsorption process with molecular sieve 70公害 public nuisance 71涡流 eddy current 72富营养化废水 eutrophic wastewater 73富营养化 eutrophication 74中度营养湖泊 mesotrophic lake 75贫营养湖泊 oligotropic lake 76腐殖质化 humification 77土壤质地 soil texture 78海水淡化 desalination of seawater 79检出限 detection limit 80生态位 niche 81生态型 ecotype 82表面活性剂 surfactant 83光催化作用 photo catalysis 84催化作用 catalysis 85格栅 grill 86筛网 grid screen 87气浮池 floatation basin 88微电解法 micro-electroanalysis 89微生物合成代谢 micro-organism synthetic metabolism 90杀菌 sterilization 除味 taste removal 91紫外光消毒 disinfection with ultroviolet vays 93脱臭 odor removal 94脱色decoloration 95污泥浓缩sludge thickening 污泥硝化sludge digestion 污泥脱水sludge dewatering 污泥干燥sludge drying 96陆地填埋landfill 97焚烧incineration 98渗滤液处理leachate treatment 99最大允许浓度maximum permissible concentration 100理境伦理学environmental ethics 101环境适宜度environmental suitability 102排放总量控制total discharge control of pollutant 103谁污染谁治理pollutant-treats 104谁开发谁保护explorer-protects 105国家级生态示范区national ecological demonstration area 106环境管理信息系统information system for environmental management I07环境标记物environmental label 108外部经济性external economics 外部非经济性external diseconomics 109生态足迹the ecological footprint 110代际公平equality between generation 111公众参与public participantion 112回收水系统water reuse system 113绿化用水greenbelt sprinkling 114自然沉降plain sedimentation 115过程水process water 116未预见用水量unforeseen water demand 117絮凝沉淀coagulation sedimentation 118垃圾处理sewage disposal 119居民生活垃圾domestic sewage 居民生活污水 domestic water 120市政垃圾municipal sewage 121水体自净self-purification of waterbodies 122一级处理primary treatment 二级处理secondary treatment 生物处理biological treatment 123活性污泥处理activated sludge process 124污泥焚烧sludge incineration


环境学院 环境科学与工程 一、适用学科、专业:环境科学与工程(一级学科,工学门类,学科代码:0830)(按一级学科培养并授学位) 二、学分要求 研究生攻读硕士学位期间,要求学分不少于23学分(其中考试课程不少于17学分,自学课程的学分不计算在内),其中公共必修课程不少于5学分,学科专业课程不少于18学分(其中必修环节不少于2学分、基础理论课不少于4学分、本学科或相关专业基础理论和专业课程不少于12学分)。 三、课程设置 1、公共必修课程(5学分) ●中国特色社会主义理论与实践 (60680012) 2学分(考试) 研究 ●自然辩证法概论(60680021) 1学分(考试) ●第一外国语(基础部分)(60640012) 2学分(考试) 2、学科专业课程(≥18学分) (1)必修环节(2学分) ●文献综述与选题报告(69990021) 1学分(考查) ●学术活动(69990031) 1学分(考查) 学术活动要求:要求至少参加10次学术活动,采用IC卡记录方式考核。 (2)基础理论课程(≥4学分) ●数值分析A (60420044) 4学分(考试) ●其它数学类研究生课程 (3)本专业课程或相关专业基础理论和专业课程(≥12学分) 注意:专业课程的选择应在导师指导下进行,还应满足:A组课程不少于6学分;外系所开课程不少于2学分。 A组 ●运筹学(70250124) 4学分(考试) ●环境系统建模理论与复杂模型(80050092) 2学分(考试) ●环境流体力学(70040123) 3学分(考试) ●气溶胶力学(70050012) 2学分(考试)

●水处理过程化学(70050062) 2学分(考试) ●大气污染化学和物理(70050032) 2学分(考试) ●多孔介质污染物迁移动力学(70050082) 2学分(考试) ●现代环境生物学(70050072) 2学分(考试) ●高等水处理工程(70050042) 2学分(考试) ●废水生物处理的数学模型与新 (70050262) 2学分(考试) 技术 ●大气污染防治原理(70050022) 2学分(考试) ●固体废物控制工程(70050102) 2学分(考试) ●环境规划(80050082) 2学分(考试) ●地下水污染控制理论与治理工 (70050172) 2学分(考试) 程 ●环境经济(70050162) 2学分(考试) ●高等环境化学(70050182) 2学分(考试) B组 ●固体废物资源化工程(70050092) 2学分(考试) ●能源与环境(80050012) 2学分(考试) ●环境核辐射及其示踪技术(70050252) 2学分(考试) ●环境风险分析(70050112) 2学分(考试) ●污染控制实验技术(80050022) 2学分(考试) ●环境保护投融资(80050152) 2学分(考试) ●环境系开设的其他研究生课程 ●化学系、生物系等相关专业硕士课程 ●人文、社科、经济、管理类课程 3、自学课程 与研究课题有关的专门知识,可由导师指定内容系统自学,并列入个人培养计划,但自学课程的学分不计算在内。 4、补修课程 凡在本门学科上欠缺本科层次业务基础的硕士研究生,一般应在导师指导下补修有关课程。补修课只记成绩,不计入研究生阶段的总学分。 四、学位论文工作 论文的准备工作应尽早开始。论文工作计划与选题报告一般应在第二学期结束前完成,


环境科学与工程专业英语 U3 What is waste reduction/waste minimization? 1.句子英译中 (1)Raw materials that lose their usefulness because they sit on shelf too long become wasted. 因搁置太久而失去使用价值的原料变成废品。 (2)Poor cleaning of parts or inadequate dragout time will reduce the usefulness of the process chemicals, increase the cost of waste disposal, and the cost of chemical replacement. 不洁部分或废酸洗液的时间不足会导致反应物利用率不高,增加废物处理费用和替代物质费用。 (3)Lockheed successfully switched from an alkaline cyanide cadmium bath to an acidic noncyanide cadminum bath.洛克希德成功地把碱性氰化物镉水浴转变成为了酸性非氰化物镉水浴。 (4)Don’t try to reinvent the wheel. Develop networking partners to share ideas. 不要走老路。结识合作伙伴,分享理念。 2.词组英译中 Waste reduction/waste minimization 垃圾减量化/垃圾最小化;in-process 在…过程中;housekeeping家务管理;equipment modification设备改进;landfills废物填埋场;biodegradable solvents能进行生物降解的溶剂; volatile chemicals稳定的化学物质;management commitment管理委员会。 U4 Test : Environmental Analysis 1.词组英译中 Precision and accuracy准确度和精确度;bulk collection批量收集;matrix material基体材料(基质); Analysis sequence分析序列;multivariate statistics多元统计;interactive effect相互影响;insofar在…范围下;Overall analytical scheme整体分析方案。 5.translate paragraph 1—4 into Chinese. Environment analysis involves the performance of chemical,physical,and biological measurements in an environmental system . This system may involve either the natural or the polluted environment,although the term “environmental analysis”is increasingly used to refer only to situations in which measurements are made of pollutants . Normally,four types of measurements are made:qualitative analysis to identify the species present;quantitative analysis to determine how much of the species is present;speciation or characterization to establish details of chemical form and the manner in which the pollutant is actually present (such as being adsorbed onto the surface of a particle);and impact analysis in which measurements are made for the specific purpose of determining the extent to which an environmental impact is produced by the pollutants in question . The overall objective of environmental analysis is to obtain information about both natural and pollutant species present in the environment so as to make a realistic assessment of their probable behavior . In the case of pollutants,this involves assessment of their actual or potential environmental impact,which may be manifest in several ways . Thus,a pollutant species may present a toxicological hazard to plants or animals .It may also cause contamination of resources (such as air,water,and soil) so that they cannot be utilized for other purposes . The effects of pollutants on materials,especially building materials,may be another area of concern and one which is often very visible and displeasing (for example,the defacing of ancient statues by dioxide in the atmosphere) . A further area of environmental impact involves esthetic depreciation such as reduced visibility,dirty skies,and unpleasant odors .Finally,it is important to recognize that an environmental impact may not always be discernible by normal human perception so that detection may require sophisticated chemical or physical analyses .


第二单元 What is this book about?这本书是关于什么的? The objective of this book is to introduce engineering and science students to the interdisciplinary study of environment problems;their cause,why they are of concern,and how we can control them. The book includes: 这本书的目的是使理工科的学生了解跨学科间的研究环境问题;它们的起因,为什么它们受到关注,以及我们怎样控制它们。这本书包括: Description of what is meant by environment and environmental systems 描述环境和环境系统意味着什么 Information on the basic causes of environmental disturbances 关于引起环境干扰基础原因的基本信息 Basic scientific knowledge necessary to understand the nature of environmental problems and to be able to quantify them 理解环境问题本质,并能够定量计算它们所必要的基本科学知识 Current state of the technology of environmental control in its application to water,air and pollution problems 目前适用于水,空气和环境污染问题的环境控制技术的现状 Considerable gaps in our current scientific knowledge of understanding and controlling many of the complex interactions between human activities and nature 我们目前的科学知识在理解和控制人类活动和自然之间复杂的相互作用的科学知识上存在 相当大的缺陷 Many environmental problems which could be eliminated or reduced by the application of current technology,but which are not dealt with because of society’s lack of will to do so,or in many instance because of a lack of resources to do so. 许多环境问题可以应用现有技术消除或减少,但没有得到处理是因为社会缺乏这样做的意愿,或者像许多例子那样因为缺乏资源。 Interaction of Systems互动系统 A number of different environmental problems are associated with water, air, or land systems. 许多不同的环境问题都涉及到水,空气,或土壤。 Many of these problems will apply only within one of these systems, justifying the breakdown into these categories.许多这些问题只适用于在其中一个系统,这为这些种类中的细目分类提供了充分的理由。 Such a classification is also useful for easier comprehension of related problems within one system.这种分类也有助于更容易理解一个系统里的相关问题。


北京师范大学学术学位研究生培养方案(2015版)一级学科:环境科学与工程(代码: 0830 )本专业具有硕士学位授予权和博士学位授予权 一、培养目标 1.硕士生: 培养具有良好的思想品德和学术道德,具有扎实的环境学科基础理论和系统知识,熟练掌握外语、现代环境学方法和计算机应用技术,熟悉学术规范,具有从事环境科学研究、环境工程技术研发与实际工作的学科基础和技能的高级专业人才。毕业后能胜任学校、科研机构、政府部门、环保企业单位的教学、研究及管理工作。 2.博士生:培养具有良好的思想品德和学术道德,掌握本学科坚实宽广的基础理论和系统深入的专业知识,熟练掌握环境科学研究、环境工程技术研发的最新技术与方法,熟悉学术规范,熟悉本学科在国内外发展的历史、现状及趋势,有一定的国际交流经历,具有独立从事科学研究工作或实际工作的能力,对环境科学与工程及相关领域研究深入并取得创新性研究成果,毕业后能够胜任本学科及相关专业的学术研究或教学工作的高级专业人才。 二、学科方向与主要研究内容 三、学习年限

1.硕士生 硕士生学习年限一般为3年。硕士生可以在2年或2年半申请提前毕业,申请答辩前须同时满足下列条件:(1)按规定修满学分、成绩合格;(2)须在英文SCI类期刊或环境类中文核心期刊以第一作者(或导师第一作者,本人第二作者)发表至少1篇论文,所在培养单位为第一单位,论文内容要与毕业论文内容紧密相关;(3)通过系所层面组织的提前毕业论文答辩,答辩委员会成员不少于7人,其中外单位成员至少3人。 2.博士生 博士生学习年限一般为3年,硕博连读生、本科直博生学习年限为5年,各类博士生学习年限不超过6年。 四、课程设置与学分要求 1.硕士生(最低学分:37分) 注:公共选修课由研究生院培养处组织开设,除一外为小语种的研究生必修二外英语以外,其他研究生可以不修公共选修课。 2.博士生(最低学分:23学分)


同济大学2009年硕士研究生入学考试试卷 试卷代码:419 试卷名称:环境科学与工程基础命题单位:050 A组:普通化学 一.选择题 1. 下列关于熵的叙述中,正确的是() A. 298K时,纯物质的Sm°=0 B.一切单质的Sm°=0 C.在一个反应过程中,随着生产物的增加,熵变增大。 D.对孤立体系而言,DrSm°>0的反应总是自发进行的。 2.有两个平行的反应A®B和A®C如果要提高B的产率,降低C的产率,最好的办法是() A.增加A的浓度 B.增加C的浓度 C.控制反应温度 D.选择某种催化剂 3.下列哪些效应是由于溶液的渗透压而引起的() ①用食盐腌制蔬菜,用于储藏蔬菜;②用淡水饲养海鱼,易使海鱼死亡; ③施肥时,兑水过少,会烧死农作物; ④用和人类血液渗透压相等的生理盐水对人体输液,可补充病人的血容量。 A.①② B.②③ C.①②③ D.①②③④ E.②③④ 4.EDTA(乙二胺四乙酸)同金属阳离子结合生成() A.螯合物 B.笼形(包合)物 C.非化学计量的化合物 D.聚合物 E.超分子化合物 5.水分子的键角最接近于() A.90º B.105º C.109º D.120º E.180º 6.下列元素中,其化合物经常呈现颜色的是() A.碱金属 B.过渡元素 C.卤素 D.碱土金属 E.惰性气体 7.常用氧化仲醇(通式R2CHOH)方法来制备() A.醛 B.酮 C.烃 D.酯 E.酰胺 8.下列溶剂中,最能溶解离子性溶质的是() A.四氯化碳 B.甲醇 C.戊烷 D.丁基醚 E.苯 9.已知Eº(I2/I-)=+0.535V;Eº(H2O2/H2O)=+1.776V;Eº(Cl2/Cl-)=+1.358V;Eº(Na+/Na)=-2.76V。则以下物质中氧化性最强的是() A.Na+ B.H2O2 C.Cl2 D.I2 E.H20 10.下列哪一组混合物可用作冰盐浴() A.CaSO4和冰 B.Ca3(P04)2和冰 C.CaCl2·6H2O和冰 D.CaF2和冰 11.从化学动力学看,一个零级反应,其反应速率应该() A.与反应物浓度成呈比 B.随反应物浓度的平方根呈正比 C.随反应物浓度的平方呈正比 D.与反应物浓度呈正比 E.不受反应物浓度的影响 12.在298K,反应H2(g)+½O2(g)=H20(l)的Qp与Qv之差是() A.-3.7KJ·mol-1 B.3.7 KJ·mol-1 C.1.2 KJ·mol-1 D.-1.2 KJ·mol-1 13.往As2S3胶体溶液中,加入等摩尔量的下列哪一种溶液,As2S3胶体凝结的最快() A.NaCl B.CaCl2 C.Na3PO4 D.Al2(SO4)3 E.MgCl2 14.100g水溶解20g非电解质的溶液,在-5.58ºC时凝固,该溶质的分子量为() A.33 B.50 C.67 D.200 E.20 15.如果NH3·H2O的电离常数为1.8×10-5,0.1mol·L-1NH3·H2O溶液中的OH-浓度是多少()


辽宁大学2020年全国硕士研究生招生考试初试自命题科目考试大纲科目代码:857 科目名称:环境科学与工程综合满分:150 分 一、考试性质 专业基础课考试是为高等院校和科研院所招收环境科学与环境工程专业硕士研究生而设置的具有选拔性质的全国联考科目,其目的是科学、公平、有效地测试考生是否具备继续攻读环境科学和环境工程专业硕士研究生需要的基础知识和基本技能,评价的标准是高等学校环境科学与工程专业本科毕业生能达到的及格或及格以上水平,以利于各高等院校和科研院所择优选拔,确保硕士学术及专业学位研究生的招生质量。 二、培养目标 (一) 熟悉环境科学与工程发展前沿,掌握环境科学与工程基础理论和实验技能。 (二) 具备较强的环境科学与工程基础研究、应用研究、科技开发和环境规划及管理能力,以便应对高层次科研和工程技术,成为专门性人才。 三、考试形式和考试内容 (一) 考试形式 考试形式为闭卷、笔试;试卷满分为150分;考试时间为180分钟。 (二) 考试内容 1.《环境综合》 《环境综合》涉及环境学领域的基本概念、基本原理、基本内容、特点和发展动向,环境化学及环境生物学基础,能源与环境保护问题,资源利用及保护,典型环境问题形成机制与对策。本考试大纲侧重于环境问题的本质,环境问题与社会发展的关系,解决环境问题的根本途径,当代世界及我国的环境问题,环境问题的变化趋势等内容;主要环境污染物的类别和它们在环境各圈层中的迁移转化过程,典型污染物在环境各圈层中的归趋和效应。要求考生掌握基本概念,基本原理和计算方法,并且对环境科学及相关学科的热点领域研究的最新发展有一定了解,具备综合运用所学知识分析和解决实际环境问题的能力。 具体包括以下内容:

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