当前位置:文档之家› 美联储主席伯克南普林斯顿大学2013年毕业演讲视频







It's nice to be back at Princeton. I find it difficult to believe that it's been almost 11 years since I departed these halls for Washington. I wrote recently to inquire about the status of my leave from the university, and the letter I got back began, "Regrettably, Princeton receives many more qualified applicants for faculty positions than we can accommodate."


I'll extend my best wishes to the seniors later, but first I want to congratulate the parents and families here. As a parent myself, I know that putting your kid through college these days is no walk in the park. Some years ago I had a colleague who sent three kids through Princeton even though neither he nor his wife attended this university. He and his spouse were very proud of that accomplishment, as they should have been. But my colleague also used to say that, from a financial perspective, the experience was like buying a new Cadillac every year and then driving it off a cliff. I should say that he always added that he would do it all over again in a minute. So, well done, moms, dads, and families.


This is indeed an impressive and appropriate setting for a commencement. I am sure that, from this lectern, any number of distinguished spiritual leaders have ruminated on the lessons of the Ten Commandments. I don't have that kind of confidence, and, anyway, coveting your neighbor's ox or donkey is not the problem it used to be, so I thought I would use my few minutes today to make Ten Suggestions, or maybe just Ten Observations, about the world and your lives after Princeton. Please note, these points have nothing whatsoever to do with interest rates. My qualification for making such suggestions, or observations, besides having kindly been invited to speak today by President Tilghman, is the same as the reason that your obnoxious brother or sister got to go to bed later--I am older than you. All of what follows has been road-tested in real-life situations, but past performance is no guarantee of future results.



1. The poet Robert Burns once said something about the best-laid plans of mice and men

ganging aft agley, whatever "agley" means. A more contemporary philosopher, Forrest Gump, said something similar about life and boxes of chocolates and not knowing what you are going to get. They were both right. Life is amazingly unpredictable; any 22-year-old who thinks he or she knows where they will be in 10 years, much less in 30, is simply lacking imagination. Look what happened to me: A dozen years ago I was minding my own business teaching Economics 101 in Alexander Hall and trying to think of good excuses for avoiding faculty meetings. Then I got a phone call... In case you are skeptical of Forrest Gump's insight, here's a concrete suggestion for each of the graduating seniors. Take a few minutes the first chance you get and talk to an alum participating in his or her 25th, or 30th, or 40th reunion--you know, somebody who was near the front of the P-rade. Ask them, back when they were graduating 25, 30, or 40 years ago, where they expected to be today. If you can get them to open up, they will tell you that today they are happy and satisfied in various measures, or not, and their personal stories will be filled with highs and lows and in-betweens. But, I am willing to bet, those life stories will in almost all cases be quite different, in large and small ways, from what they expected when they started out. This is a good thing, not a bad thing; who wants to know the end of a story that's only in its early chapters? Don't be afraid to let the drama play out.


2. Does the fact that our lives are so influenced by chance and seemingly small decisions

and actions mean that there is no point to planning, to striving? Not at all. Whatever life may have in store for you, each of you has a grand, lifelong project, and that is the development of yourself as a human being. Your family and friends and your time at Princeton have given you a good start. What will you do with it? Will you keep learning and thinking hard and critically about the most important questions? Will you become an emotionally stronger person, more generous, more loving, more ethical? Will you involve yourself actively and constructively in the world? Many things will happen in your lives, pleasant and not so pleasant, but, paraphrasing a Woodrow Wilson School adage from the time I was here, "Wherever you go, there you are." If you are not happy with yourself, even the loftiest achievements won't bring you much satisfaction.



3. The concept of success leads me to consider so-called meritocracies and their

implications. We have been taught that meritocratic institutions and societies are fair. Putting aside the reality that no system, including our own, is really entirely meritocratic, meritocracies may be fairer and more efficient than some alternatives. But fair in an absolute sense? Think about it. A meritocracy is a system in which the people who are the luckiest in their health and genetic endowment; luckiest in terms of family support, encouragement, and, probably, income; luckiest in their educational and career opportunities; and luckiest in so many other ways difficult to enumerate--these are the folks who reap the largest rewards. The only way for even a putative meritocracy to hope to pass ethical muster, to be considered fair, is if those who are the luckiest in all of those respects also have the greatest responsibility to work hard, to contribute to the betterment of the world, and to share their luck with others. As the Gospel of Luke says (and I am sure my rabbi will forgive me for quoting the New Testament in a good cause): "From everyone to whom much has been given, much will be required; and from the one to whom much has been entrusted, even more will be demanded" (Luke 12:48, New Revised Standard Version Bible). Kind of grading on the curve, you might say.


4. Who is worthy of admiration? The admonition from Luke--which is shared by most

ethical and philosophical traditions, by the way--helps with this question as well. Those most worthy of admiration are those who have made the best use of their advantages or, alternatively, coped most courageously with their adversities. I think most of us would agree that people who have, say, little formal schooling but labor honestly and diligently to help feed, clothe, and educate their families are deserving of greater respect--and help, if necessary--than many people who are superficially more successful. They're more fun to have a beer with, too. That's all that I know about sociology.


5. Since I have covered what I know about sociology, I might as well say something about

political science as well. In regard to politics, I have always liked Lily Tomlin's line, in paraphrase: "I try to be cynical, but I just can't keep up." We all feel that way sometime. Actually, having been

in Washington now for almost 11 years, as I mentioned, I feel that way quite a bit. Ultimately, though, cynicism is a poor substitute for critical thought and constructive action. Sure, interests and money and ideology all matter, as you learned in political science. But my experience is that most of our politicians and policymakers are trying to do the right thing, according to their own views and consciences, most of the time. If you think that the bad or indifferent results that too often come out of Washington are due to base motives and bad intentions, you are giving politicians and policymakers way too much credit for being effective. Honest error in the face of complex and possibly intractable problems is a far more important source of bad results than are bad motives. For these reasons, the greatest forces in Washington are ideas, and people prepared to act on those ideas. Public service isn't easy. But, in the end, if you are inclined in that direction, it is a worthy and challenging pursuit.


6. Having taken a stab at sociology and political science, let me wrap up economics while

I'm at it. Economics is a highly sophisticated field of thought that is superb at explaining to policymakers precisely why the choices they made in the past were wrong. About the future, not so much. However, careful economic analysis does have one important benefit, which is that it can help kill ideas that are completely logically inconsistent or wildly at variance with the data. This insight covers at least 90 percent of proposed economic policies.


7. I'm not going to tell you that money doesn't matter, because you wouldn't believe me

anyway. In fact, for too many people around the world, money is literally a life-or-death proposition. But if you are part of the lucky minority with the ability to choose, remember that money is a means, not an end. A career decision based only on money and not on love of the work or a desire to make a difference is a recipe for unhappiness.


8.Nobody likes to fail but failure is an essential part of life and of learning. If your

uniform isn't dirty, you haven't been in the game.



9. I spoke earlier about definitions of personal success in an unpredictable world. I hope

that as you develop your own definition of success, you will be able to do so, if you wish, with a close companion on your journey. In making that choice, remember that physical beauty is evolution's way of assuring us that the other person doesn't have too many intestinal parasites. Don't get me wrong, I am all for beauty, romance, and sexual attraction--where would Hollywood and Madison Avenue be without them? But while important, those are not the only things to look for in a partner. The two of you will have a long trip together, I hope, and you will need each other's support and sympathy more times than you can count. Speaking as somebody who has been happily married for 35 years, I can't imagine any choice more consequential for a lifelong journey than the choice of a traveling companion.


10. Call your mom and dad once in a while. A time will come when you will want your

own grown-up, busy, hyper-successful children to call you. Also, remember who paid your tuition to Princeton.


Those are my suggestions. They're probably worth exactly what you paid for them. But they come from someone who shares your affection for this great institution and who wishes you the best for the future.

Congratulations, graduates. Give 'em hell.




贝佐斯2010年在普林斯顿的演讲稿中英文,贝佐斯作为亚马逊的创始人,获得的成功令众人羡慕不已,他曾在普林斯顿大学求学,在学士毕业典礼上的演讲中也被称之为人生一定要听的十大演讲,不妨看一看吧,献给毕业季的你·~~本篇文章首先作者讲述自己的孩童经历,来证明自己的观点,选择比天赋更重要,全文都围绕着你对自己的选择,追随自己的内心去抉择。 贝佐斯2010年在普林斯顿的演讲稿中英文 we are what we choose as a kid, i spent my summers with my grandparents on their ranch in texas. i helped fix windmills, vaccinate cattle, and do other chores. we also watched soap operas everyafternoon, especially days of our lives. my grandparents belonged to a caravan club, a group of airstream trailer owners who travel together around the u.s. and canada. and every few summers, wed join the caravan. wed hitch up the airstream trailer to mygrandfathers car, and off wed go, in a line with 300 other airstream adventurers. i loved and worshipped my grandparents and i really looked forward to these trips. on one particular trip, i was about 10 years old. i was rolling around in the big bench seat in the back of the car. my grandfather was driving. and my grandmother had the passenger seat. she smoked throughout these trips, and i hated the smell. i have a vivid memory of what happened, and it was not what i expected. i expected to be applauded for my cleverness and arithmetic skills. jeff, youre so smart. you had to have made some tricky estimates, figure out the number of minutes in a year and do some division. thats not what happened. instead, my grandmother burst into tears. i sat in the backseat and did not know what to do. while my grandmother sat crying, my grandfather, who had been driving in silence, pulled over onto the shoulder of the highway. he got out of the car and came around and opened my door and waited for me to follow. was i in trouble? my grandfather was a highly intelligent, quiet man. he had never said a harsh word to me, and maybe this was to be the first time? or maybe he would ask that i get back in the car and apologize to my grandmother. i had no experience in this realm with my grandparents and no way to gauge what the consequences might be. we stopped beside the trailer. my grandfather looked at me, and after a bit of silence, he gently and calmly said, jeff, one day youll understand that its harder to be kind than clever.


2019年回母校的演讲稿范文 1回母校演讲稿 尊敬的各位领导、老师、亲爱的校友们: 大家好。 本人XXXX,XXXX大学XXXX班毕业生。很荣幸被邀请回校参与 此次交流。 自05年7月份毕业至今,工作了近6年的时间。下面,就结合我的工作经历,谈一下自己毕业后的感受。 一、基础知识:大学学习的主要应该是基础知识,估计有些同 学会认为基础知识在实际工作中很少能用到。但有一点很明确的可以告诉大家,有些你认为用不到的东西,偏偏有时候就能用到。比如,空间解析几何?你是否曾经想到,有一天你会应用到你的程序开发中?我们现在负责的三维可视化系统,管线部分的生成等,全部都是运用了空间几何的知识。这一点告诉大家:学的东西,可能很少用,但不是白学的。总会有用到的地方。 二、实战经验:课余时间,不要都浪费在游戏上面。这是在中国,不是韩国,除非你游戏玩的出神入化,否则,不会有什么用处。实战经验不只是上班才能积累,我上学时,在网上看到比较好的程序,都会考虑他的实现思路,甚至会模仿着去做一遍。虽然能做好的几率比较小,但通过多次的实践,你会慢慢总结出一些经验。而这些经验都是书上学不到的,可以很快转化为生产力的东西。

三、谦虚的态度:做人要低调,要谦虚。不能因为自己某一方面很强势就沾沾自喜,认为自己高人一等。每个人都有自己优秀的一面,要懂的发现别人的优点,虚心的向别人学习。不要心比天高。很多学生,在校期间表现优秀,因此萌生了自大的念头。认为自己很强,没有什么解决不了的问题。但等你真正工作了就会发现。其实你所谓的难题,别人早就是熟练使用的东西了。 四、稳定的心态:工作不可能事事顺心,公司不是你家开的,想干什么干什么。即使是自家的公司,也不能有轻浮的表现。实际工作与理想,总会有些差距,首先,要学会去寻找差距产生的原因。真的是公司不好呢,还是确实自己能力有限?找到问题的根源,才能找到解决问题的办法。不能一味的怨天尤人,一遇到不顺心或不符自己理想的问题就想着跳槽。不是每个人都能很快找到适合自己的角色。要在工作中慢慢寻找,稳步提高,如此走出来的路,才是你自己的路。 五、合作精神:团队合作意识,是每个公司都很重视的一点。我们现在的公司就尤其重视这点。领导对团队的和谐气氛很重视,任何可能破坏这种氛围的现象都是不被允许存在的。举个例子:去年10月份的时候,公司聘请了一位博士生搞技术研究,但因为他与其他员工关系不融洽,甚至经常发生争吵。结果很快被辞退。由这件事情,我想到两点:第一就是团队合作。第二就是刚才提到的谦虚的态度。即使自己技术再高,如果不能很好的溶入团队,那也只能成为团队进步的绊脚石。


北大才女刘媛媛励志演讲稿大全集 有一天我很认真的问我哥,你说我为什么嫁不出去?我哥看着我的脸更认真的回答我说,你一直不知道自己长得丑吗?我说不知道啊。他说这个世界上很多事情都跟长相有关,比如说:灰姑娘被王子选中是因为她穷吗?那是因为她长得好看。可是长得丑难道就没有救 了吗? 第一种典型叽歪女,每天都在微博上转发精彩语录,例如我会无理取闹,会唠唠叨叨,会流泪,会跟你争吵,理直气壮的都跟梦露一样,但是一个男人如果他应付不了我最差的 一面,他就不值得拥有我最好的一面,我就一个目的,就是想看看你是不是还在乎我。我 每次看到这种话都觉得说的太好了就是这种感觉,必须评论转发,遇见这样的女生你就甩 了吧。 第二种类型就是伪女汉子,动不动来个女的只要很粗鲁,就觉得自己是女汉子,其实 大家真的误会了,女汉子这三个字女代表的是柔情,汉代表的是干练,每次你委婉的提醒 她们对方就会把霸气侧漏的模式调出来,噗噗噗的喷射你,然后说你虚伪,痛心疾首质问你,说你敢不敢做你自己,我倒是想问问她们我能不能不做我自己啊,我能不能做汤唯、 周迅、范冰冰啊我。 亲朋好友常常跟你说你找不到男朋友是因为你标准太高了,快别信他们,他们的意思 是说你根本就配不上你所喜欢的那个标准的男人。一个丑橘子,它都会因为自己长得丑而 努力的变甜一点,我们还好意思不努力吗?你所喜欢的那个标准的男人他都会因为自己长 得丑而努力的变甜一点,我们还好意思不努力吗? 最后呢,我送给大家四句话:命里有时终须有,命里无时要强求,想找对象,不怕丑,努力就有男朋友。 我是法学院的一名学生,我的每一门课的教授都在他的课堂上讲过这样一句话,他们 常常说:法律是这么规定的,但是现实生活中……。现实生活是一种很神奇的生活,在现 实生活中,那些尊重规则的老实人,往往一辈子都默默无闻,反倒是那些弄虚作假的人会 名利双收。于是乎像我这样的年轻人就经常有那些看着很有经验的前辈过来拍拍你的肩膀 跟你说,年轻人,你还不懂。我想问的是,我们年轻人能为这个世界做什么。 总有一天,银行行长会是90后,企业家会是90后,甚至国家主席都会是90后,但 全社会都被90后占领的时候,我想问你们90后们,大家想把这个社会变成什么样。我知 道不是每一个人都能成为站在风口浪尖上去把握国家命运的人物,你我不过是再普通不过 的升斗小民,是这个庞大的社会机器上一颗小小的螺丝钉。 读书的时候每天都被父母耳提命面,说你干啥你都不要给我耽误学习;毕业的时候呢,到处投简历,凄凄惶惶的等一家企业收留自己;逢年过节被逼婚,结婚买了房子,要花自 己年轻时最好的20年来偿还贷款,让每一个年轻人都忙着生存,没有梦想,没有时间关


哈佛大学毕业典礼演讲稿——人生唯一目标是做自己奥普拉·温弗瑞:美国著名脱口秀主持人、媒体企业家。 奥普拉在哈佛大学2013届毕业典礼的演讲——人生唯一目标是做自己 我要分享的想法是:无论你有多么成功,也许你们会不断追求更高的目标,这就难免会遇到失意之时。我希望届时各位可以记住:世上并不存在失败,那不过是生活试图将我们推向另一个方向罢了。 当你身处困境时,看起来是一种失败。在过去的一年中,我时刻提醒自己牢记这一点。当深陷困境时,感到难过是正常的,给自己一点时间去思考即将失去的一切。关键在于:要从错误中汲取教训,因为所有经验,尤其是你犯下的错误,都将帮助你、推动你更好地做自己,确定下一步何去何从。生活的关键在于建立起一个内在的道德情感导航仪,为你指明方向。因为从今以后,当你用谷歌搜索自己的时候,搜索结果中会提到:“哈佛大学2013毕业生”。在这个充满竞争的世界,这的确是一张抢眼的名片。 我曾招聘过很多人,而每当我看到哈佛大学这个字眼时,我总是会坐直一些说:“他 们在哪?把他们统统带过来。”正是这张抢眼的名片可以成就你们的未来之路。你们可能成 为律师、议员、首席执行官、科学家、物理学家、诺贝尔奖及普利策奖得主,甚至深夜脱口秀节目主持人。但生活的挑战在于创建一份不仅陈述所期望的职位的履历,而且上面要明确成就怎样的自我。这份履历不仅需要表达你想成就一番怎样的事业,也要明确动机,除了头衔与职位,也要有达成目标的缘由。你的使命是什么?你的信仰是什么?你的目标是 什么?只有这样,当你不慎跌倒发现自深陷困境之时,才能帮助你重振旗鼓。 我是在1994年才认识到这一点的。那年我采访了一位凭一己之力积攒了1000美元 零花钱的小女孩,她将这钱捐出来帮助有需要的人。这个九岁大的小女孩促使我思考,仅凭一个存钱罐与雄心壮志就能做到这样,那我可以做些什么呢?于是我号召我的观众们捐 出他们的零钱,在一个月内,仅仅是一枚枚零钱硬币就募到了300万美金。我们用这笔 钱资助每个州的一位学子进入大学的殿堂。我所做的仅仅是号召我的观众,“尽己所能, 无论地域与地位,如果可能,请贡献出你们的时间、智慧与财力。无论你在哪里,请为他人送去自己的仁爱之心。”观众也用行动表明了一切。我们在12个不同的城镇建起了55 所学校,修缮了300栋被“丽塔”飓风和“卡特里娜”飓风摧毁的民宅。 创办“天使网络”的想法在我心中萦绕已久,也正是“天使网络”让我确定了心中的那个 导航仪。我决定不再单一地制作电视节目,还要关注节目的终极理念、采访对象、行业发展和慈善事业等等。无论我们追求什么,将我们团结在一起的信念胜过其他一切。作为一个19岁就出现在电视节目中的孩子,起初我并不明白这个道理,直到1994年才有所醒


伯南克在普林斯顿大学的演讲 It's nice to be back at Princeton. I find it difficult to believe that it's been almost 11 years since I departed these halls for Washington. I wrote recently to inquire about the status of my leave from the university, and the letter I got back began, "Regrettably, Princeton receives many more qualified applicants for faculty positions than we can accommodate." 重返普林斯顿感觉不错,很难相信,我离开校园赴华盛顿已经11年了。近期我向校方询问了我的教职问题,回信称:“很遗憾,普林斯顿收到很多更有才华的学者的求职信,而教职有限。” I'll extend my best wishes to the seniors later, but first I want to congratulate the parents and families here. As a parent myself, I know that putting your kid through college these days is no walk in the park. Some years ago I had a colleague who sent three kids through Princeton even though neither he nor his wife attended this university. He and his spouse were very proud of that accomplishment, as they should have been. But my colleague also used to say that, from a financial perspective, the experience was like buying a new Cadillac every year and then driving it off a cliff. I should say that he always added that he would do it all over again in a minute. So, well done, momsand dads. 我将在稍后献上对毕业生的最美好祝愿,首先我要恭喜在座的家长们。作为父母,我知道这年头供孩子读完大学不容易,数年前,我的一个同事有3个孩子毕业于普林斯顿,尽管他们夫妻都不毕业于此,但我的同事常说,从财政角度讲,这如同每年买辆卡迪拉克,然后让车坠崖。他总会补充说,他会毫不犹豫的选择重新来过。所以,感谢你们的工作,母亲们,父亲们,及家人们。 This is indeed an impressive and appropriate setting for a commencement. I am sure that, from this lectern, any number of distinguished spiritual leaders have ruminated on the lessons of the Ten Commandments. I don't have that


毕业生回校演讲稿范文 2018-11-27毕业生回校演讲稿范文:尊敬的各位评委、来宾,亲爱的同学们:大家好!我演讲的题目是《我的未来我规划》。 开篇先和大家分享一个故事。 话说有两兄弟,住在一幢高层公寓的80楼。 一天,他们去郊外爬山,回来时发现停电了!电梯没指望了,他们只好背着大大的登山包往上爬。 到20楼时,他们累了,就把行李包放下了。 卸下包袱后,两人继续爬。 40楼——60楼——80楼,跌跌撞撞,好不容易到了家门口!哥哥长吁一口气,摆了一个很酷的姿势:弟弟,拿钥匙来!”弟弟说:有没有搞错?钥匙不是在你那里吗?”大家猜猜发生了什么事?嗬,钥匙还留在二十楼的登山包里呢!这个故事暗含着一个人的人生历程。 二十岁之前,不停地功课、考试、升学,就好像是背着一个沉重的登山包。 二十岁以后,踏上工作岗位,开始了自己的职业生涯,好像是卸下了沉重的包袱。 一路走下来,直到老之将至,突然想起:好像有什么忘记了。 是什么呢?是钥匙,是人生的关键!理想、抱负都留在了二十岁,成了渺不可及的前尘往事。 我们想一想,是不是也要等到白了少年头才来追悔?是不是可以

做些什么不让遗憾发生呢?那么,要做什么呢?要做好我们的职业生涯计划!初中阶段,我的学习成绩是很好的,读高中、考大学的梦想一直主宰着我的生活,可一场大病让我的梦想化为泡影。 当我顶着体温39度从考场出来的时候,我知道,我没戏了。 发中考成绩的那天,我没去,我怕自己接受不了这个成绩,更怕自己不知该如何面对今后的路。 当初中老师劝我回校复读时,我征求父亲的意见。 父亲说:几年后考上大学又怎样,看多少大学毕业生闲在家里,找不到工作。 还是到技校学技术有出路,看这几年技校办学多红火。 报纸电视上说,企业缺少的是技术人才,在南方一个高级钳工比硕士工资还高,深圳一个厂家年薪十多万还聘不到一个高级数控人才呢!”来到技校后,优雅的校园,和蔼可亲的老师,设备齐全的实习车间为我打开了一个全新的世界。 技校生活是丰富多彩的,同学们或是在车间苦练操作技能,为走向工作一线作准备,或是坐在教室内,为进一步升学深造而解题作文,都有自己的理想和追求。 在这样的环境和氛围中,中考失利造成的失落感很快就烟消云散,我又恢复了自己活泼开朗的天性。 学生会里,我忙忙碌碌,乐此不疲;班级里的大事小情,总能看见我的身影。


《就任北京大学校长之演说》 【积累·整合】 关于演说 演说在某种意义上,可以说是语言的艺术,它的历史与人类文明的历史一样,源远而流长。两千年前,古希腊哲学家、美学家亚里士多德写了具有划时代意义的经典著作《修辞学》一书,详细地阐述了修辞的艺术,告诉我们如何运用语言的魅力影响听众的思想,进而影响其行为。演说以其撼人的感召力,世代沿袭,风靡于世界,不仅成为文明的一种标志,也成为现代政治角逐、商业竞争甚至于日常生活中不可或缺少的一个组成部分。二战时期坐轮椅的美国总统罗斯福曾拖着残疾的身体巡回演说,让美国人民了解了他的思想。 演说是面对观众,这就使演说的内容即演说词受到些限制。首先,内容上要有针对性,要注意听众的身分,研究听众的愿望,讲大家最关心和迫切需要解决的问题,做到有地放矢。其次,中心要突出,因为听众是听,而不是看,演说词要便于听众理清演说的思路,抓住演说的中心,理解演说的思想。再次,演说词要富于感情,这是与听众直接交流的一种方式,感情应是真挚的,不能张口训人,也不能众

取宠,要打动听众的心灵,引起听众的共鸣。演说词还要在事例的选取、语言的加工上下一番功夫。 蔡元培先生一生著作等身,为海内外学人所敬仰;演说无数,演说词也成为极具阅读价值的文本。《蔡元培讲演集(new)》(马燕编)收集他的演讲词九十篇。作为一个革命家、思想家,他在演说中的教育思想正体现了中国近现代社会转型期的时代特色,他的演说可谓高屋建瓴。通过阅读,我们可以体会到他在教育、美学、文学、艺术、音乐等方面的广博知识。教育方面的演说词占很大比重,除了《就任北京大学校长之演说》外,还为北大写了《北大二十周年纪念会演说词》、《北大校役夜班开学式演说词》、《北大新闻学研究会成立演说词等》。在演说录集中我们看到,蔡元培先生对中国教育的贡献并不仅仅停留在思想的层面上,更在于他提出并实施了许多具有深远意义的主张和措施。从他的演说词中,我们感受到一名学者和思想家的包容性的襟怀及坦荡无私的崇高境界。 桥边红药18:56:59 感受·鉴赏】 《就任北京大学校长之演说》是一篇浅易的文言演说词。它具有优秀的演说词的特点,同时又能体现出蔡元培先生先进的教学思想。

中国学生哈佛大学毕业典礼演讲The Spider's Bite(中英对照)

The Spider’s Bite When I was in middle school, a poisonous spider bit my right hand. I ran to my mom for help—but instead of taking me to a doctor, my mom set my hand on fire.After wrapping my hand with several layers of cotton, then soaking it in wine, she put a chopstick into my mouth,and ignited the cotton. 在我上中学的时候,一只有毒蜘蛛咬伤了我的右手,我去找母亲帮忙,但是她没有找医生,却把我的手放在火上面。她用酒浸过的棉纱绕着我的手缠了好几层之后,在我的嘴里放了一根筷子,然后点燃了棉纱。 【语言点解析】 Poisonous表示有毒的;恶毒的;讨厌的。例句:A lot of poisonous waste water comes from that chemical factory. 那个化工厂排出大量有毒的废水。 Heat quickly penetrated the cotton and began to roast my hand. The searing pain made me want to scream, but the chopstick prevented it. All I could do was watch my hand burn - one minute, then two minutes –until mom put out the fire. 棉纱上的温度很快上来了,我的手也开始发烫。这股灼痛让我想要大叫,不过我嘴里含着的筷子让我叫不出来。我唯一能做的就是看着我的手骨,一分钟过去了,两分钟过去了,直到母亲熄灭火。 You see, the part of China I grew up in was a rural village, and at that time pre-industrial. When I was born, my village had no cars, no telephones, no electricity, not even running water. And we certainly didn’t have access to modern medical resources. 所以你看到,我是在中国的一个小山村里成长的,在那个时候,并不发达。在我出生的那个年代,我们村没车、没电话、也没电,甚至都没有自来水!且理所当然地,我没有接触现代医疗资源的办法。 There was no doctor my mother could bring me to see about my spider bite.For those who study biology, you may have grasped the science behind my mom’s cure: heat deactivates proteins, and a spider’s venom is simply a form of protein. It’s cool how that folk remedy actually incorporates basic biochemistry, isn’t it? 当我被蜘蛛咬伤时,并没有医生可以来治疗我。对于学生物学的人来说,你也许能找到我母亲治愈背后所包含的科学原理:热量能够让蛋白质失活,而蜘蛛的毒液都是蛋白质组成的。将这个土方子和生物化学基础联系起来很神奇,不是吗? 【语言点解析】 Folk remedy表示偏方。例句:The active component, willow bark, was used as a folk remedy as long ago as the 5th century BC. 它来自早在公元前五世纪就被用于民间配方的柳树皮,是这种树皮的一种有效成分。 But I am a PhD student in biochemistry at Harvard, I now know that better, less painful and less risky treatments existed. So I can’t help but ask myself, why I didn’t receive one at the time? 不过我现在是一个在哈佛学习生物化学的博士生,我现在知道了一个更好的、不那么痛、危险系数更小的治疗方法。所以,我忍不住问我自己,为什么那个时候我不能接受更好的治疗吗?

英语演讲稿-经典名人英语演讲稿47:选择塑造人生(Amazon杰夫·贝索斯普林斯顿大学演讲) mp3

英语演讲稿 经典名人英语演讲稿47:选择塑造人生(Amazon杰夫·贝索斯普林斯顿大学演讲) mp3 But that I want to talk to you about today is the difference between gifts and choices. Cleverness is a gift, kindness is a choice. Gifts are easy---they’re given after all. Choices can be hard. You can seduce yourself with your gifts if you’re not careful, and if you do, it’ll probably be to the detriment of your choices. 但是今天我想对你们说的是,天赋和选择不同。聪明是一种天赋,而善良是一种选择。天赋得来很容易——毕竟它们与生俱来。而选择却颇为艰难。如果一不小心你可能被天赋所诱惑,这可能会损害到你做出的选择。 This is a group with many gifts. I’m sure one of your gifts is the gift of a smart and capable brain. I’m confident that’s the case because admission is competitive and if there weren’t some signs that you’re clever, the dean of admission wouldn’t have let you in.


大学生返校宣讲演讲稿范文(精选3篇)大学生返校宣讲演讲稿范文(精选3篇) 演讲稿的写法比较灵活,可以根据会议的内容、一件事事后的感想、需要等情况而有所区别。在当今社会生活中,在很多情况下我们需要用到演讲稿,如何写一份恰当的演讲稿呢?以下是的大学生返校宣讲演讲稿范文,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友。 尊敬的各位领导,敬爱的各位老师,亲爱的同学们: 大家上午好! 我是xx班的。今天我非常荣幸能够作为毕业生代表在这个具有特殊意义的典礼上发言。首先,代表xx届全体毕业生向我们的母校道别,向母校的师长们道别,向朝夕相处的同窗们道别,也向这段不能忘怀的美好岁月道别! 对于我和在座的各位毕业生来说,今天是我们人生旅途中一个特殊的日子。今天,我们拿到了梦寐以求的大学毕业证书,为大学时代画上了一个圆满的句号。三年的大学生活在今天到了临行话别的时候。此刻,我想在座的各位毕业生同学应当和我一样,纵然喜悦,但也掩盖不住对即将过去的大学生活的回忆与留恋。

回首大学三年生活的点点滴滴,那些曾经一同走过的日子始终都是我们心中的一段绚丽的记忆。三年前,我们带着家人的叮咛,带着一颗勇往直前的拼搏之心,走进了邮院的美丽校园。季节流转的美心岗、花开花谢的木棉树、丰富的图书藏馆、先进的实验设备和浓厚的人文内涵都深深地打动着我们的心。当然,我们一定还记得刚入校时你我所立的雄心壮志,还记得在教室和图书馆里你我孜孜不倦的学习和钻研,还记得在我院运动会上你我生龙活虎的比赛场景,还记得母校六十周年校庆时隆重而紧张欢快的时刻……太多太多的情景值 得我们去回忆,去回味。 “乘风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海。”让时间作证,承载着我们邮院师长们的殷切期望和深情嘱托,我们一定会做拥有智慧并富有激情的人、做胸怀大志并脚踏实地的人,做德才兼备并勇于创新的人、做富有责任并敢挑重担的人! 大学毕业既是一个终点又是一个起点,我们即将走上社会,走进新的生活。我相信,无论我们是走上了工作岗位,还是继续深造,我们都将以最饱满的热情去勇敢地面各种挑战。无论走到哪里,我们永远都会记得我们是美心岗人,我们必将以“团结,进取,创新,求实”的校训作为动力,用最豪迈最稳重地步伐朝着美好的未来努力前进。


最受欢迎的一篇北大毕业典礼发言稿 本文是关于典礼的话题作文,仅供大家参考! 黄岩谊老师在北大化学院2013年毕业典礼上的发言 亲爱的师弟师妹们、尊敬的各位老师、各位来宾、家长朋友们:大家好! 能够参加你们的毕业典礼,我已经深感荣幸;而让我站在这里发言,则受宠若惊。心里激动却又紧张:我何德何能,可以在你们完成学业即将远行之际,代表学长送去我们的祝福与希冀? 我平时从来没有主动回忆过自己的毕业,倒不是因为毕业前两天丢了伴随我四年的一辆自行车心里很搓火;主要是一回忆就会不由自主的感到恐惧,惊叹时间流逝速度之快,而自己不知不觉已经太老。我从化学学院毕业过两次,一次已经是上个世纪的事情了:1997年,我本科毕业,获得学士学位;五年后,2002年,研究生毕业,获得博士学位。我在北大读书一共九年,其中大部分时间都是在化学楼里面度过的。每次回到化学楼,都有一种亲切的感觉,心里踏实。心里踏实的时候,想的东西就比较容易触动心灵的深处。但是,就算触动了心灵的深处,我的这个发言很未必能让人记住,起码我不记得我的毕业典礼上那些发言的人都说了些什么。更糟的是,我已经想不起来是谁发言了。 在这里,我想以一个师兄的角度,通过自己的经历,谈谈毕业后的生活与工作。我想谈三个方面。

第一,兴趣与工作 胡适先生在1932年北大毕业典礼上演讲时说过:“人生的道路上满是陷阱堕落的方式很多,总括起来,约有这两大类:第一是容易抛弃学生时代的求知识的欲望。第二是容易抛弃学生时代的理想的人生的追求。” 他还说:“要防御这两方面的堕落,有三种防身的药方是值得一试的。” 第一:总得时时寻一两个值得研究的问题! 第二:总得多发展一点非职业的兴趣。 第三:你总得有一点信心。 本科毕业十六年来,我对胡适先生当时的这三个药方佩服地五体投地。 第一个药方,由于我的职业,倒是很好地解决了。我总是有一些值得研究的问题。 第二个药方,非职业的兴趣。我的本科阶段,学习不算最用功的,花费了很多时间搞各种各样的事情。我有一个爱好,一直伴随我的生活,就是照相,所有的钱,都花到了和照相有关的地方。以至于我博士毕业前来回纠结了很长时间,我是当一个科学家呢,还是做一个摄影师呢,还是做一个摄影师呢,还是做一个摄影师呢……可以看得出来,我当时特别想把摄影当成我的职业。后来,我在加拿大碰到了一个退休的化学教授,我和他聊起了我这个纠结,他告诉我说,把摄影当成一个爱好,可以很快乐,时时体会这一兴趣的美妙;但是,如果


哈佛校长2016年毕业典礼演讲 Greetings, alumni, graduates, families, and friends. It is such a pleasure to see you all he re and offercongratulations on this day of celebration. I am in the unenviable role of war m-up act for one ofthe greatest storytellers of our - or any other - time. Nevertheless, m y assignment is to offer a fewreflections on this magnificent institution at this moment in its history. And what a moment it is! From comments of astonished pundits on television, in print, and online, to conversations withbewildered friends and colleagues, the question seems unavoidable and mesmerizin g: What is goingon? What is happening to the world? The tumultuous state of American politics, spotlighted in thiscontentious presidential contest; the political challenges around the globe from Brazil to Brexit; theMiddle East in flames; a refugee crisis in Europe; terr orists exploiting new media to perform chillingacts of brutality and murder; climate-relate d famine in Africa and fires in Canada. It is as if we arebeing visited by the horsemen of t he apocalypse with war, famine, natural disaster and, yes, evenpestilence - as Zika sprea ds, aided by political controversy and paralysis. As extraordinary as these times may seem to us, Harvard reminds us we have been here before. Itis in some ways reassuring at this 365th Commencement to recall all that Harv ard has enduredover centuries. A number of these festival rites took place under clouds of war; others in times offinancial crisis and despair; still others in face of epidemics - fro m smallpox in the 17th century tothe devastating flu of 1918 to the H1N1 virus just a fe w years ago. Harvard has not just survivedthese challenges, but has helped to confront t hem. We sing in our alma mater about "Calm risingthrough change and through storm." What does that mean for today's crises? Where douniversities fit in this threatening mix? What can we do? What should we do? What must we do? We are gathered today in Tercentenary Theatre, with Widener Library and Memorial Chu rchstanding before and behind us, enduring symbols of Harvard's larger identity and pur poses,testaments to what universities do and believe at a time when we have never nee ded them more.And much is at stake, for us and for the world. We look at Widener Library and see a great edifice, a backdrop of giant columns where p hotos aretaken and 27 steps are worn down ever so slightly by the feet of a century of st udents andscholars. We also see a repository of learning, with 57 miles of shelving at the heart of a librarysystem of some 17 million books, a monument to reason and knowledg e, to the collection andpreservation of the widest possible range of beliefs, and experienc es, and facts that fuel free inquiryand our constantly evolving understanding. A vehicle fo r Veritas - for exploring the path to truthwherever it may lead. A tribute to the belief that knowledge matters, that facts matter - in thepresent moment, as a basis for the informe


在我还是一个孩子的时候,我的夏天总是在德州祖父母的农场中度过。我帮忙修理风车,为牛接种疫苗,也做其它家务。每天下午,我们都会看肥皂剧,尤其是《我们的岁月》。我的祖父母参加了一个房车俱乐部,那是一群驾驶Airstream拖挂型房车的人们,他们结伴遍游美国和加拿大。每隔几个夏天,我也会加入他们。我们把房车挂在祖父的小汽车后面,然后加入300余名Airstream探险者们组成的浩荡队伍。 我爱我的祖父母,我崇敬他们,也真心期盼这些旅程。那是一次我大概十岁时的旅行,我照例坐在后座的长椅上,祖父开着车,祖母坐在他旁边,吸着烟。我讨厌烟味。 在那样的年纪,我会找任何借口做些估测或者小算术。我会计算油耗还有杂货花销等鸡毛蒜皮的小事。我听过一个有关吸烟的广告。我记不得细节了,但是广告大意是说,每吸一口香烟会减少几分钟的寿命,大概是两分钟。无论如何,我决定为祖母做个算术。我估测了祖母每天要吸几支香烟,每支香烟要吸几口等等,然后心满意足地得出了一个合理的数字。接着,我捅了捅坐在前面的祖母的头,又拍了拍她的肩膀,然后骄傲地宣称,“每天吸两分钟的烟,你就少活九年!” 我清晰地记得接下来发生了什么,而那是我意料之外的。我本期待着小聪明和算术技巧能赢得掌声,但那并没有发生。相反,我的祖

母哭泣起来。我的祖父之前一直在默默开车,把车停在了路边,走下车来,打开了我的车门,等着我跟他下车。我惹麻烦了吗?我的祖父是一个智慧而安静的人。他从来没有对我说过严厉的话,难道这会是第一次?还是他会让我回到车上跟祖母道歉?我以前从未遇到过这种状况,因而也无从知晓会有什么后果发生。我们在房车旁停下来。祖父注视着我,沉默片刻,然后轻轻地、平静地说:“杰夫,有一天你会明白,善良比聪明更难。” 选择比天赋更重要 今天我想对你们说的是,天赋和选择不同。聪明是一种天赋,而善良是一种选择。天赋得来很容易——毕竟它们与生俱来。而选择则颇为不易。如果一不小心,你可能被天赋所诱惑,这可能会损害到你做出的选择。 在座各位都拥有许多天赋。我确信你们的天赋之一就是拥有精明能干的头脑。之所以如此确信,是因为入学竞争十分激烈,如果你们不能表现出聪明智慧,便没有资格进入这所学校。 你们的聪明才智必定会派上用场,因为你们将在一片充满奇迹的土地上行进。我们人类,尽管跬步前行,却终将令自己大吃一惊。我


毕业生回母校演讲稿 毕业生回母校演讲稿 尊敬的各位领导、老师和亲爱的同学们: 大家好! 今天,我又一次回到了母校,非常地高兴、激动和感恩。 我想起了十几年前的秋天,第一次跨入这个学校的情景。我的奶奶用一辆锈迹斑驳的三轮车拉着我,来到这个教学楼的下面,当时所有的学生全部都坐在教室里上课了,唯独我还没有进去,因为我行动不便。奶奶扶着我,指着三楼的教室对我说:“那就是你的班级,如果想上学,我们就必须要爬上去。”我想上学,可是我又爬不上去,于是我的心里非常地着急。奶奶她又背不动我,只能扶着我一步一步地往前挪。于是我就在奶奶的搀扶下一步一步地往前迈,我的腿没有力气,又很不听使唤,我只能靠我的胳膊支撑着楼梯上面的扶手,一下一下地往前爬。 奶奶用尽全身的力气将我往前托,我们两个都筋疲力尽,好像不是在爬楼梯,而是在爬山,而那间教室就是我们的山顶。教室里传来阵阵的读书声,我多么希望,我能够飞快地进入教室啊。 爬到二楼的时候,我的腿直接跪在了楼梯上面,很痛,爬楼这件事情对我来说太难了。奶奶说:“要不,你就别上了。”我哭了,觉得很委屈,并不是因为爬楼梯很难,而是我不想放弃上学的机会。哭过之后我又赶紧擦干眼泪,因为我怕被别人看见我狼狈不堪的样子。我继续爬我的楼梯,我知道,我每爬一步,我进教室的希望就又近了一步。 终于,三楼教室到了,我站在教室的门前,全班的同学和老师都很奇怪地看着我,因为我的样子确实很不一样。老师安排我在教室后门的一个角落里坐下来,其实我也坐不住,于是我用手死死地抓着课桌的边缘,只为不让自己摔倒。 当一切平静下来,老师拿着课本开始讲课。我悄悄地笑了,因为我觉得自己这时候真的和同学们一样,都有机会在这里读书、上课。 只是当时的我,我也不知道我为什么就要来上学,我上学到底为了什么。可我就是要上学,我觉得,上学是一件特别幸福的事情。因为不容易,所以更会懂得珍惜。 我特别感谢我的奶奶,她每天都佝偻背,蹬着一辆三轮车,接我、送我、给我送饭、陪我去厕所,成绩不好时,我觉得特别对不起她。奶奶用她的三轮车,接送了我整整九

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